Contrary to the howling, disclaiming mobs of neo-cons slathering like wharf rats near the guy lines of their sinking ship, the memo about bush’s statement concerning the bombing of Al Jazzera is true. That much is indisputable. What might be disputable is how real his intentions were. Taken in the context of the general madness of the boy king we can pretty much guarantee he was sincere. Taken in the context of Britain’s Official Secrets Act we can further guarantee it to be true. We don’t just have the smoke from the fire. We have the flames and the noxious smell of the fuel.
Galileo is long dead but we have the assurance that those who want to burn him at the stake still remain. The Sun, unmoved by this, continues to maintain the Earth in its orbit.
The more terrifying realities are not what bush has said and done so far at the behest of his handlers. They are not the recent findings concerning the Diebold polling software. They are not the hot raids into Syria and the US-British-Israeli car-bombings in Iraq, nor are they some piece of the thousands of bits of glaring evidence- or even all of the evidence taken in toto. The more terrifying realities are that this administration has 3 years to go and… what we haven’t seen in consideration of what they intend.
From the crushing legislations that, in all respects, deprive the poorest among us for the benefit of the richest, to the world wide disorder everywhere in evidence it is clear that no good can come from this fascist movement save for the great and universal joy that will be experienced upon their passing. And pass they will.
I cannot fathom what it is in the human psyche that permits so many people to believe the obvious lies. I do not understand how those who are being crushed in the machinery can so willingly support those who operate it. The myth of Al Qaeda is a bankrupt fairy tale. There’s no Bin Laden and there’s no Al Zawqawi. There are only outraged populations that resist criminal occupation. There was no Arab bombing of the World Trade Center. The sheer weight of the evidence is so great that the missing pieces are no longer important. The walking, talking duck is a duck and that’s all there is to it.
Perhaps one of the hardest features of compassion is to feel pity for those whose stupidity is beyond measurement. The recent mob actions in Texas and Florida (no surprise about the states involved) at various retail outlets speak volumes about the maturity of the American public. The free fall rate of dumbing down implies that some may go from two to four legs in the space of a single generation. It really is hard to believe. I rather suspect it isn’t Jesus who is coming for these people although a shepherd of some sort is altogether likely.
The hot pressing body of materialism; that’s got to be it- somehow the fascination with the objects of the sensory realm has lowered world IQ to the point that Howdy Doody is the new Da Vinci. Daily, the quality of everything is watered down. How far is down? It’s way, way down.
It brings up an interesting question. How will people who have become too wide to pass each other in a shopping aisle factor against the retailers need to provide maximum product in minimum space? How will such people manage to press and riot after goods when they can’t get through the aisles? Who are these people? Gerry Springer’s children have inherited the Earth.
Surely some of you who studied physics and related sciences must still remember some of what you learned. Some memory of the various theorems must still be lodged in the fatty portions of the brain’s pressboard. Extrapolating out in my own eccentric manner I must ask you; what is the cultural result of ‘stupid’ imploding? What happens when you become increasingly less well equipped to deal with ever more sophisticated requirements for existence? What happens when all of the sophisticated devices are manufactured for the purpose of entertainment and convenience alone? What is the factor of ipod volume to vehicle speed as it relates to your crossing the street for a Big Mac family pack?
If these people are having children what are they teaching them? What’s dinner like at that house? Where did Attila come from? It seems that in every time there has always been a barbarian horde of lean-muscled and hungry fighters forming in some wasteland far away from the splendored streets of Rome and… somehow they found their way there.
Oh, I believe it must be necessary. It must be necessary because it keeps happening and new cultures and civilizations continue to rise from the bloody froth of sacked cities and blasted landscapes. All of these barbarians aren’t massing in Mongolia or beneath the crust of the Earth. A great many of them are inside the gates of everywhere. While Pollyanna is listening to The Spice Girls and dreaming about Prince Benetton, a carload of ‘ain’t got nothing to lose’ boys are cruising up her street.
Nobody seems to see this. Nobody seems much to care. Somehow it’s still in the theater. It’s on a screen as life apart from life happening to somebody else. Where do you wind up if you follow someone who doesn’t know where they are going? What does it mean when the most prosperous nation on Earth needs more police than free fire zones? There’s math that handles these sorts of computations but people don’t seem moved to pursue or apply it.
If you take 90% of the people and you slowly crush them together to make space for the hi-life routines of 10% you can expect that a spontaneous encroachment is on the way. Some day the nut-jobs at the Wal-Mart are going to be climbing all over each other in new locations.
You get sick and you get better, or you get sick and then you die. It’s the same for a June-bug as it is for a person as it is for a nation. Police aren’t very effective facing in two directions at the same time. Where is the threat coming from? Who? What? Where?
Satisfaction is a state of mind. It isn’t a self-stocking feedbag. It’s like all the work that goes into getting to an orgasm; the rituals and meetings, the conversations and lies, the space station docking procedures and costs of environments and amenities and enhancements and then… spurt and then… what? You can’t design a culture around the schematic of a monkey with buttons for food and drugs. If the monkey doesn’t understand what’s going on; if the monkey thinks it can pull the avocado out of the clay pot with its fist it’s a dead monkey. If a handful of smarter, but still stupid monkeys are leading a nation of monkeys in the pursuit of monkey business then the results should be painfully clear to everyone but the monkeys. But that’s how monkey are and that’s what monkeys do.
You must first enslave yourself to become a slave; even if it is with the assistance of others already enslaved by whatever it was that convinced them you were meat. Pollyanna is gonna wake up in the alley in a stew of blood and semen and she is probably going to cry and ask herself, “Why me?” Don’t ask.
'My Pickup Truck got Pregnant' is track no. 1 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

You have hit the nail on the head, with harsh yet eloquent language. It is so sad, but telling, that most Americans would not even understand what you are talking about. Or care for that matter.
What matters to them is getting the plasma tv and watching the game or demeaning sitcom, drinking a Diet Coke out of an aluminum can with bags of GMO Doritos and such to sate the hunger within. All without knowing that their very humanity and ability to think has been taken away from them.
Bravo! super good writing. You have got the DNA my man.
this is more left wing surrender monkeys
[ this is more left wing surrender monkeys]
Well put, douche-bag. That's just more right-wing, ditto-head regurgitation.
Why don't you and some of your fellow war-mongering blockhead buddies rub your dense skulls together and try and come up with some new material?
It's a national tragedy in a tragic nation. You hit the bullseye. Too bad the peanut heads don't actually read stuff like this. It's clear from the dittohead's reply that he completely missed your point. Ooops, yeah that's why they're like that.
Smooth writing. I come here regular.
You've been on fire lately in both places. I want to thank you for having made a deep and significant impression on the way I think. I don't have so many dark moments anymore. Even when you're dark I can see the light through it.
z a
I read it all
now I'm putting my headphones back
That is a fucking excellent song. Is that what he means about the headphones or is he being a smart ass?
Kelly Sweet
Bristol Pudding Way
They're just as fat over here.
People never learn, they just don't
I hear McDonalds is giving away trampolines to help change their image as the High LLama of all Lipidacious rapid viands! Unfortunately their best customers have been seen flying off these devices into tumbling free falls, rolling down hill and then over the edge into the great homunculus recycling center to be converted into 1/4 pound burger patties for the next wave of human pac-men.
In the mean time, Haliburton has devised a way to preserve the human flesh patties for the New and improved MRE's complete with
blood pudding for desert and a postage paid donation envelope addressed to Crawford Texas with a collectors stamp showing a picture of Asmon's ass instead of his eye.
He seems to be mooning the observer.
That is a sad and eloquent piece. As someone already said here, it's too bad most people don't even read this stuff, or would most likely miss the point.
Not trying to claim superiority here, just because television commercials feel insulting to me doesn't make me superior, but it is good to see someone else seems to be just as adrift in the sea of inhumanity.
I often wonder how a consumer society with an impatient need to satiate every desire immediately, that produces nothing more than entertainment and weapons will survive.
Ok that was the best piece of writing I've had the pleasure of enjoying for some time. Reminded me of the following exchage from another forum:
Originally posted by BaldieJr:
Imagine the face of europe toaday had all this information fallen into Stalins hands.
The only thing worse would be european nations getting it and exacting thier dreams for colonial oppresion and single european rule.
Not that I think europeans have some kind of history or whatever.
and the reply which everyone loved:
Nice theory. Can we discuss it later after I've been for lunch at McDonalds?
"blood and semen" "why me?" says it all.
I'll bet a fat tax would wake them up!
Tax fat at a rate of thirty cents a pound per week for all weight over the ideal weight for age and gender (Dr's exclusion for bonafide fat caused by illness).
The government is looking for new sources of tax income - they should love it!
If you didn't pay your fat tax you would be thrown in jail and put on a low calorie diet and made to walk the exercise area all day, this would include fat fxxxxxg cops!
Great article! Now let's get the fat tax going!
Jesus, that's strong and delightful stuff and the dickheads that point 'left' then 'right' in the Great Blame Game are most of the problem.
[In response to "Fat Tax" commenter]
Right, because being fat is definitely the root cause of what's wrong with this country. Kill the fat people! They're the ones dragging us further into inanity! Quickly! Let's put them into Stairmaster interment camps! There can't possibly be any intelligent, socially conscious fat people. All fat people are mindless right-wing armchair war-supporters.
Gah. Seriously, I think sometimes people just don't fucking get it.
"Right, because being fat is definitely the root cause of what's wrong with this country."
Wrong, fat is not a cause, it is an effect of the cause, which is overconsumption by greedy fat ass Americans, regardless of political party.
Greedy fucking America has to get its act together and learn to share!
Consider also the billions of tons of excess methane gas introduced into the atmosphere by all of this fat ass excess consumption. And many of these hypocrits blame cows! Gah!!!!!
I like the stairmaster internment camps idea but killing is wrong.
"It brings up an interesting question. How will people who have become too wide to pass each other in a shopping aisle factor against the retailers need to provide maximum product in minimum space? How will such people manage to press and riot after goods when they can’t get through the aisles? Who are these people? Gerry Springer’s children have inherited the Earth."
Watch "Soylent Green" ... coming to a shopping aisle near you soon!
You can't get this kind of thing in the mass media. There's nothing so informative or well written there. I've been going through your archives this morning and you are a gem!
The way the world is going I can't say whether you'll get the wide exposure you deserve but if you don't then it's just one more fucking crime is all I can say.
You're a better writer than Hunter Thompson ever was and a lot more inspirational. Cool music too. You landed a right hook with the ending on the pickup truck song.
Keep em coming!!!
Thank you for yet another very well written essay. A lot of you you talk about is dissected by the anarchist Rudolf Rocker in his work essay "Nationalism and Culture". Read that when you get a chance.
Les, excellent piece, as usual.
The "fat tax" man,
I think you confuse greed with selfish greed.
You are probably right, fat people are greedy (when it comes to food);
but they are also some of the most kind and generous people on earth.
And, almost everyone is greedy for one thing or another.
It is the fact that greed is an almost universal human attribute that allows for the selfishly greedy to easily conceal themselves among us.
Surely, you must remember that one selfish greedy bastard in grade school that everyone hated, even his (or her) best friends.
Selfishness is universally despised.
Combined with voracious greed and dishonesty it can consume the world.
So please, learn how to spot the enemy.
"I think you confuse greed with selfish greed."
When it comes to greed there is really not much difference between a politician gangster's overly fat bank account, and an average American's overly fat body, other than the fact that the politician's fat bank account is slowly gaining interest, and the fat American's body is slowly killing him. The greed is relative.
I agree with you that greed is almost universal. I would however drop the qualifier 'almost'. There is a little greed in all of us.
Further; just as the fat, and the fat bank account, is an effect of the cause greed in both situations, the greed is an effect of its root cause, (also in both situations), insecurity.
Which gets us to the crux of it all and the catch twenty two of it all.
Making the insecure politician, and the insecure citizen, both see that there is more than enough for all, and that their insecurity is not based in reality.
The greedy politician has to be made to understand that using fear mongering as a motivation to abate his insecurity and fill his bank account is ultimately counterproductive for him, similarly, the fat citizen has to be made to understand that buying into the fear, and filling his face to abate his insecurity, is also ultimately counterproductive for him (or her).
There is plenty to go around for all! Politicians need to motivate with desire and opportunity as opposed to fear and torture which makes us all anxious.
Zero interest money FOR ALL would be perfect! Well regulated of course.
Before any of this can happen we need an honest electoral process. Our crooked electoral process is truly a 'root cause' of our political problems and fixing it should be priority one!
You don't get many dittoheads here. It must be they can't understand what you're talking about.
i on the ball patriot:
you are a smart one!
the insecurity you describe is manufactured by a false zero-sum economy that is the result of our cannibalistic interest-based monetary system.
I only differ with you on one thing. The fat person is often kind, whereas the banker who manufactured this grotesque system KNOWS that the only way he can make himself filthy rich is off the backs of others.
Think about it; the banker has only 24 hours in his day, just like every other human being. But, somehow his hour is worth millions, while most everyone else's is worth on average $5.
Bankers insist that interest represents "the time value of money." But you and I know that money does not have time, only people do. Bury a dollar and come back a week later, it will still be a dollar! So, what gives?
By convincing people that money has a time value, bankers (through interest) effortlessly collect unto themselves the value of millions of hours of other people's time. Voila! Their hour is worth millions of hours OF OTHER PEOPLE'S TIME!!!
So, yes! "Zero interest money FOR ALL would be perfect! Well regulated of course."
Among men, some will be able to see clearly what others cannot.
You, my friend, are one of them.
May God light your path.
Your writing style is excellent... I wish I could write a piece just half as good as this.
awesome. truly awesome.
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