Thursday, March 16, 2006

Some Clarification of what this Blog Stands For

You will have noted the “Comments” section recently and some of the comments about Jewish control of the world banking system as well as a propensity for global troublemaking. It could happen that new and occasional readers of this blog might come to associate comments made with the mind set of the writer of the blog and I feel the time is at hand to clarify what I think and what I stand for.

Politically, if you read The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights you have my political position in a nutshell, probably a coconut shell given the size coordinates. Socio-politically I am mostly a Libertarian Socialist. It seems obvious to me that things like universal health care and a dispensation to assist the troubled and unfortunate should be the hallmark of any great nation or nation intending to be great. It also stands to reason that the individual bears a responsibility to the welfare of the whole. I’m just letting my words come as they come. With whatever ease a man may write his thoughts, to that degree he is probably telling the truth insofar as he knows it about himself.

Spiritually I know there is a divine order and that there is only one mind in which we all share. I know that everything is made out of mindstuff and that the universe is conscious; physics has already proven this. To the degree that any man or woman makes that one mind their own mind, to that degree they are in harmony with the whole. This is something I know, not something I take on faith. Along with that I am personally convinced of reincarnation. It isn’t something I have a degree of faith in or a hope for its reality as a process. I know it is so because I have experienced evidence of it on a number of occasions. I know there is one divine origin of substance and being. The confusions of religions are veils that trap the ignorant and fearful. There’s only one source, one regent. The ‘appearance’ to the contrary is the fundamental illusion that is the source of all conflicts.

Within the order and disorder of humanity our chief problem is our perception of differences between us. This is why I hold racism to be an indication of base ignorance and one of the chief dangers of civilization. Zionism is racism and it comes out of the Talmudic perception that Jews are superior to other human beings. The Talmud in many locations states that gentiles are not human and are inferior to Jews. This is my problem with Zionism. I have no problem with Jews. I brought up reincarnation and my conviction of its existence for a reason. We all get the opportunity to be man and woman, black and white, Muslim and Jewish and Christian and Buddhist, rich and poor and so on. So what you are doing by scoffing at and opposing one system of beliefs is that you are scoffing at and opposing yourself at another location in time. Sometimes that is necessary. Sometimes we are here to transform the ignorant acts of our past.

I single out Zionism on the occasions when I do because it is the biggest problem in its sphere in this world today. It is the primary cause of all other unrests. Terrorism, as it exists in the Middle East today, is a reaction against Zionism. Zionism is an insanity that is supported by a certain segment of the Jewish population. It is comparative to Wahabi Islam and Luddite Christian fundamentalism. I group them together as examples of human ignorance. They are example of the ancient karma of repression that takes one shape or another, just as the shadow in Mirkwood took the shape of Sauron in Mordor after it was driven out of there.

I want to be clear that I have no grievance with Jews per se. I’ve met some contemptible representatives in my travels this time around and I have met some truly good representatives too. The same goes for blacks and Asians and all the rest. There’s good and bad in all of our collections. Of course, good and bad are relative to the mind of the person interpreting it, so good and bad may quickly reverse according to perception and circumstance. Ethnic jokes come out of observations of individuals within certain groups and then become definitions of the group itself by those inclined to make those sorts of judgments. There is some amount of truth in nearly everything or you wouldn’t be able to perceive it at all. The irony is that the essence of truth cannot be seen.

I don’t know who controls the Federal Reserve and I haven’t given it much thought. I do know that Zionists have far too much influence in American politics and I know that they lied and connived America into the Iraq war with the assistance of ‘other’ fascists who wanted it that way. I know that they are behind the push against Iran and Syria. I know that they murder Palestinian children and, as one commentator said, use them for target practice. Zionism is another expression of materialism. Materialism is the key evil of existence. Zionism is fascism. Zionists also have a working control of a large portion of world media and they use it to legitimize their terrorism and to paint all else as an evil threat. The truth is that all of these other threats continue to exist because of Zionism. It is an absurdity to say that God has decided that you should have such and such a landscape when you are the ones reporting what God said. Did God say to the Muslims that the Israelis were chosen people and granted all this real estate by divine imprimatur? Did God go to any other religion and say this? No. God apparently told these other religions something different. Bullshit is bullshit and this is bullshit.

When Theodor Herzl created Zionism after the Dreyfuss affair some hundred odd years ago he made it clear that the Jews should use the tag anti-Semitic as a club. He said that it should be used whether it was true or not. It has become a powerful slur, far worse than comparative slurs. It has become a weapon for suppressing criticism of any kind. It has become a powerful tool for the blackmailing of nations. It is a bankrupt term that no longer has any meaning except to render the opposition mute. Criticize anything that goes against Zionist interests and you are an anti-Semitic. It is anti-Semitic to criticize the Israelis for shooting children hanging up their laundry or walking to school. It is anti-Semitic (according to Paul Wolfowitz) to use the term neo-con.

Today, armed gangs of Zionist mercenaries roam through Iraq blowing shit up. British soldiers are routinely caught in camouflage on their way to set off bombs. The Americans are busy at this as well. Two of the most evil men on the planet ( I will have a separate article on them in the near future) are not Jewish. They are David Rockefeller and Rupert Murdoch. David Rockefeller may be the individual most likely to be said to head the Federal Reserve. It would probably be best to say that a small group of fascist vampires, ‘some of whom’ are Zionist Jews, are actively working to enslave the human race.

Jews, like people from all walks of life, have made enormous contributions to the well being of us all. No group can be singled out as evil by nature. Zionism, like fascism, like racism, like Stalinism and other deranged schematics are always evil and never good and they are all fundamentally the same. That is what I believe. You err if you think I hold any other opinions here. I am for the greatest good for the greatest number of people and I oppose exclusivity; the possession of great wealth by a minority, artificial class systems, draconian laws, injuring people for gain, lying media organs and the suppression of dissent. I cannot, within the framework of one small essay, cover all of the available ground but I can give some idea of where I stand. I’ll take whatever licks there may be for what I have said here. I believe these things to be true and I believe the greatest threats to world peace and the biggest terrorists are based in Washington D.C. London, England and Tel Aviv, Israel.

I want what is noble in the American and British and Israeli hearts to overcome the darkness that presently runs their foreign and domestic policies. These three were behind the 9/11 attacks, no other. These are the enemies of humanity and their time will come. It is up to us to have the courage to stand and tell it like it is, to refuse to submit, to encourage what has been called the better angels of our nature so that sooner, rather than later, the dawn will break and the darkness will be sent away to gnaw on its own entrails until it surfaces again.


Anonymous said...

These three [American, British, and Israeli interests] were involved in the 9/11 attacks, no other.

This is the key truth of our time, no matter how many corrupt, deceived, or corporate-controlled voices may strive to suppress it.

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your saying this. I'm one of the people who has been a little offput by some of the comments here. The so called evil in the world is not of Jewish or any other origin specifically but resides and operates out of minds diposed to it and can be members of any group, as you have pointed out. I have been appreciating your work for some time now and just thought I'd chime in here.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Excellent in every respect. This is a worthy addition to the wealth of human understanding. Let me quote the writer above, "This is the key truth of our time, no matter how many corrupt, deceived, or corporate-controlled voices may strive to suppress it."

Anonymous said...

As I read your article, Visible, I found myself shaking. What you say is so true and so upsetting. What is going on in the world today is an affront to human kind. All of us!


Anonymous said...

My friend, these forces have an army of disinfo specialists going around the blogs and other websites posting all sorts of suggestive and blatantly anti-semitic comments. They are trolling the waters. Then they answer themselves to give impressions that slander the bloggers. Certainly you have noticed this happening at the Democratic websites during the elections when groups of Repubs were spamming their boards. My advice is just to delete anything that smells fishy. If it smells fishy it probably is. You're doing great, just keep on, we got your back.

Anonymous said...

Nicely said.

The axis of evil:

Tel Aviv

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, but as for this writer its clarifications didn't need to be made. I've made them myself, more times than I can say. Zionism and Judaism are not synonmous and never have been.

Just as an aside: the word "anti-semitism" is a blatant misnomer, since the Jewish Zionists are Ashkenazi (eastern European) and not semitic at all. But the Arabs are.

Anonymous said...

Brother, that was damned sweet. Sometimes, when I read you, I feel like I'm listening to the thoughts in my own head, somehow made concrete in the world outside of me.

I don't know how you do that but it's a mighty fine trick. Mighty fine...

Anonymous said...

Have you seen todays WRH 17th.March

It's as if the US Admin. is a little kid in a very powerful car with the accelerator full on doing doughnuts in the middle of the road. Stand back until he runs out of fuel and then pounce!

It won't be far off!


ps maybe this is what the other pollies are waiting for?

Anonymous said...

"Materialism is the key evil of existence."

Hear, hear! Another way of saying "the love of money [a.k.a. materialism] is the root of all evil"; something with which I wholeheartedly agree.

There are those who are inquisitive and those who are acquisitive. Imo, the former will not have any difficulty with your lucid words, meaning, and intent; the latter will. And therein lies the circular aspect of this problem.

As always, thank you Les for your brilliance (light and inspiration) as well as the brilliance and clarity of your expression.

Peace, comfort, and joy, annemarie :)

Visible said...

annemarie, I love hearing from you but I never get to tell you so so let me tell you so right here.

Anonymous said...

"I single out Zionism on the occasions when I do because it is the biggest problem in its sphere in this world today. It is the primary cause of all other unrests."

Les, I disagree with you here ...

The primary cause of all other unrests is deception, by others and self. Deception manifests itself in many forms of which Zionism is but a drop in the bucket.

Deception is genetic in nature and meant to insure survival of the fittest. It is a coping and survival mechanism used by ALL of us and countless examples of it exist in the animal world.

Unrest will not be necessary only when the human intellect develops sufficiently to realize that happiness and harmony with the universe are better achieved through intregrity rather than deception.

Those who consume the products of the exploited are themselves the exploiters.

Anonymous said...

I had great difficulty accessing this site this evening. Anyway, I had a further observation: that native semitic and northern African Jews are treated as the lower caste in Israel, that most class-conscious (or caste-conscious) of countries.

WHAT are we doing supporting a country that disenfranchises anyone who isn't a card-carrying member of their state "religion?" This is total prejudice without cause and must be questioned; this Israeli "schtik" needs desperately to be reexamined. And condemned.

People are losing their lives because of hubris.

Anonymous said...

I on the ball looks like you are getting called out looking. He said materialism is the key and I got the impression that he sees Zionism as an example of its logical outcome.

The other day it was front page news that an IDF soldier got killed. When was the last time an individual Palestinian death got reported?

Rickman tried to put on a play about Rachel Corrie and they wouldn't let it open in London or New York. A woman run over by a bulldozer while standing up for human rights; and then the bulldozer backed up over her again to finish the job. "My back is broken" she cried. The bulldozer operator said that he always hopes there are Palestinians in the buildings when he rubbles them.

Check out Rabbi Gellman at MSNBC in his latest article about hanging out with rich people when he goes off subject to talk about how good it was that someone got fired from their job for mentioning Zionism and how we can't tolerate such intolerance.

How come 2 percent of the population seems to be in charge of the rest?

When they chew your ear off about the holocaust it might not hurt to mention how many died in Russia with their last little experiment. These fuckers are evil. I don't guess I have to mention 9-11 or Larry Silverstein calling for his building to be brought down for reasons no one gets yet. I don't guess I have to mention how much money he got or the fact that he increased his coverage just before the event.

Anonymous said...

I think 'i on the ball patriot' may be an 'Applesette', or a fan of same.
Although there is some truth in what 'she' says re: 'Those who consume the products of the exploited are themselves (the) exploiters.'
Half-truths are still lies, worse.


Anonymous said...

"I don’t know who controls the Federal Reserve and I haven’t given it much thought."


Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

More here:

I'll go out on a limb and disagree with you about David Rockefeller and Rupert Murdoch being the two most evil persons on the planet. Why? Because the names of the real evil persons are unknown to the general public. Even the above mentioned personalities are representatives of the real evil powers that be. These are spiritual people, only their spiritual pursuits are centered around completely opposite goals from ours. Political disinformation is just a branch of their activities, spiritual disinformation is another big one.

A highly developed soul came to our planet recently and started spreading the teaching of Truth. Within two years of registering his religious organisation, he has attracted thousands of followers and billions of dollars in assets. He even started to be active in politics which got the attention of the government and its secret services. These secret services staged a black op and blamed his religious organisation, arresting and sentencing to hanging the leader and many of his top students. Much of the organisation's assets were seized and the followers disbanded.

The man I speak of is Shoko Asahara and his movement AUM Shinkiryo in Japan. Now those of you who are interested in geopolitics will know that Japan is not a sovereign nation and hasn't been so since 1945, with hundreds of American bases housing thousands of american troops stationed on its territory. So the same people that brought you 9/11 and 7/7 were also responsible for the 1995 gas attacks in Tokyo, only the scapegoat was different.

So not only is political truth being kept hidden from the masses, the more important truth about the very essense of our existance is also being hidden by the same people.

Sorry for this rant, I hope I made my point :/.

Visible said...

Chiron; you are correct. I should have been more definitive. I was talking about the faces- not the John Fowles end of The Magus.

In actuality all of the battle of seeming good and evil takes place outside the realm of the senses and is orchestrated by demons who use human bodies as stolen cars. The thing that is happening now is that the avatar is coming and they are being pushed out into manifestation where they can be judged and dealt with.

This isn't the blog where I treat with these matters. This is just me pissed off about appearances. I guess you know that. thanks for the headsup.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chiron. Except for Chase it appears from my co-relative research that these are all Jewish banks. Not a bad thing, it's what they do with it that counts; 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria.

Lew Scannon said...

Very well put, Les and all. It is very troubling indeed when the world puts the wants and desires of two percent of the population above the needs of the remaining ninety-eight percent.

Anonymous said...

sweet, just sweet.

Anonymous said...

As a non-christian brown person, I can say with certainty, that it doesn't take Luddite proclivities for Christianists to behave just as stupidly - as evilly - as Zionists.

My people are considered infidels by all three of the cancerous religions descended from Abraham.

The Christianists in the USA are just a little (not much) better at practicing Social PC.

Anonymous said...

Dear Les,

You said, "This isn't the blog where I treat with these matters." Do you mean there's another blog, where you do? If so will you please point me to it so I can check it out?

Thanks for your post, it's about the best I've ever heard these things said, and I have been having that reaction nearly every time I read one of your posts!

qrswave said...

Les, great post. Your words flow like a river. In no time it carries me places I've only been to in my mind.

I on the ball patriot, I agree that the principal source of evil in this world is deception. And it all emanates from the master of deception, otherwise known as the devil.

The One God, The Creator of the Universe, The Merciful and The Beneficient is our only refuge from the devil's relentless assaults.

It does not matter one bit whether we believe because The Truth is Irresistable. Everything returns to Him.

Visible said...

Right at the top of the masthead is a link for Visible Origami the metaphysical site. In the sidebar is a link for Reflections in a Petri Dish for cultural takes. Then there are the various sites where I link to my music. You might check out the 9/11 was an Inside Job site for a musical take on the 9/11 snow job. Glad you like what I do, that will keep me at it a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Great post but think couple of mistakes, Rupert Murdock's mother is Jewish (Green) and David Rockefeller's surname is Jewish to although his mother has some Mc... surname.
Great majority of "Jews", the East European Ashkenazim are not Semitic at all, they are Oghuz Turks from Khazar Khaganate (kingdom).They are TURKS so if one is labeled "anti-Semitic" that means anti-ARABS and THEY are those.

Greetings, Cactus



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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