Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We Hold These Truths and These LIES to be Self Evident

In the midst of the chaos and the greed; the mismanagement and the incompetence, the fascism and suppression of rights and the general loss of legal dissent and self-expression- which has been the hallmark of this illegal American administration- it is easy to be distracted and confused by the machinations of the press and the government in their efforts to convince us that all is good in this best of all possible worlds; cue Dr. Pangloss.

Day by day the engine of malicious dysfunction rolls on. Day by day the catamite Soviet-model press chugs out an altered reality that bears no resemblance to the actual events that it reports on. Day by day people are tortured in secret prisons in the name of freedom and a democracy long gone. Day by day neo-con think tanks draft new plans for the control and enslavement of the human race. Day by day, inch by inch under a Niagara of lies we are led into a new world of fear and confinement under the watchful eye of the formerly farcical Big Brother. Big Brother the Reality Show has become real. And the contestants who compose the collective humanity within the enclosed environment match their television counterparts in stupidity and complacency. What time is dinner? Guess who’s coming to dinner as the main course; you and everything you ever held dear.

Let me go on record as a former resident and citizen of the once free and seemingly democratic United States of America and say, “George W. Bush, you are a lying murdering sack of shit and I oppose you to my last breath. Dick Cheney, you are a murdering lying sack of shit and I oppose you to my last breath. Members of the American Congress and Senate, you are a pack of cowardly, murdering, lying shitbags and I oppose you to my last breath. Zionists of the world- casual, indifferent murderers of Palestinian children and oppressors by extension of the whole of the physical Earth, you are Nazi’s, you are hegemonic pigs, you are murdering lying sacks of shit embarked on an agenda of new world disorder and I oppose you to my last breath.

”Let me say to the disinfo mass media. “I see through your bullshit. I declare you liars and willing accomplices of murder worldwide.” To every soulless hack who writes what he is told, without regards for the results; who writes from ambition, for the sake of a paycheck, who have no conscience, who know that they are lying and do not care- who will blame others for their lies afterwards- I call you liars and cowards and accomplices to murder.

Tony Blair; “You are a lying murdering cowardly sack of shit.” Jack Straw; you are a lying, murdering cowardly sack of shit.” To every suck ass Iraqi politician and every bought off Arab mouthpiece who justifies with lies and excuses for lies and murders done for a proclaimed greater good; “You are all lying sacks of shit.

”May you be damned as you surely are; all ministers of bogus religions, all sold out entertainers, all writers and artists and statesmen; “may you be damned for your silence.” May history record your names with the names of the despicable collaborators and traitors and cowards of history.

May you be damned Hillary Clinton and all of the rest of the spineless, opportunistic Democrats who greased the wheels of fascism with your consent. May you have a special place in history among the ugly twisted specimens of treachery to the human race.

To all of the corporate slugs who turn the wheels of industry to their own profit and never mind the consequences of their actions and back door dealings, which doors swing open to the screams of your victims and are greased with the blood of their victims; “May you burn in Hell.” To the rock musicians who showed up to play for money at a ten million dollar Bat Mitzvah thrown by a man who made his profits from body armor for the Iraqi war, “May the world know and hold you in the contempt that you deserve.” Halliburton; “May it please the coming destiny of the world that all of your officers and representatives be hung from lampposts and stoned by the populace.

”My heart and my support are with the insurgents. I actively wish for American defeat in the Middle East. I celebrate each setback. I cry out against you as do the mothers who have lost their children, the husbands who have lost their wives, the wives who have lost their husbands and their families, the children with no parents, the common Iraqis with missing limbs... blinded and burned- the widespread fear and anguish that fills the air throughout that tormented country.... “May the fat assed, indifferent Americans who support this war of lies and murder have the same come upon them with a vengeance!”

Goddamn the British and American and Israeli mercenaries and black-op specialists who set car bombs in camouflage and blow up mosques in order to orchestrate civil war among the population. “May you reap the whirlwind. May your lives reflect some greater portion of the misery you bestow.

”Damn every selfish, indifferent man and woman who goes on about their business of pleasure and profit and does not question and speak out against the outrages of our time. May the whole of the rest of the world rise up against you and may your shame be recorded for generations to come.

I would rather die in a prison myself than live as a willing or silent supporter- or a supporter by default as a result of my silence- of this carnage, this ugly, ugly consistency of machine like murder and torment of others for the sake of a wasteful lifestyle.

No American or Israeli life is worth any more that the meanest or impoverished Palestinian and Iraqi life. Wealth and status do no confer a greater value to one life over another.

You are not like us, you stinking and depraved swine. You are not human. You have shit upon the espoused ideals of your own country. You have sold out your soul and your conscience for profit. You have swallowed convenient lies that justify anything and everything you desire to be proven true. You orchestrated an attack on your own country and blamed it on those you would subjugate and eliminate. There seems no limit to what you will do. There seems no limit to the blood you will spill. There seems no limit to the lies you will tell. There seems no limit to the selfish and evil ends to which you give your attentions and energy.

I know you intend another fraudulent terror attack against yourself to justify the coming assault on Iran. I know you intend to attack Syria. I know that you will do anything to convince the stupid and selfish and frightened among us that you are right in your actions and your course. I am not deceived. Others are not deceived. You are murdering, lying scum and you will go down. I know that you will go down and the spirit of what is free and good and noble in all of us will dance on your grave.

May we never forget what our ignorance; our fear, our selfishness, our greed, our ambition and our lack of conscience has cost the world. We must never again let men and women such as this any where near the corridors of power. I oppose them with every breath in my body and I do not count the cost.


Anonymous said...

This is your best work ever.

Let me print my name alongside yours, Erin Reynolds.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the heads-up! I could not agree more and I can't say any more. You have said everything I would have liked to say, and more.

God Bless You.

Dr. George Ryan

Anonymous said...

preciate the email. ssssssssssmokin!

they'd all be burning in Hell if it was up to me.

Warren Mason
Mass and North

Anonymous said...

preciate the email. ssssssssssmokin!

they'd all be burning in Hell if it was up to me.

Warren Mason
Mass and North

Anonymous said...

Check out Alterman's blog at Even he, a Jew truly committed to his group, realizes that it's gone too fucking far.


Anonymous said...

Les, "To every soulless hack who writes ...from ambition, for the sake of a paycheck, who have no conscience, who know that they are lying and do not care- who will blame others for their lies afterwards- I call you liars and cowards and accomplices to murder."

Dear Les,

Yes, all that and more. This post provoked a lot in me.

It was a somewhat difficult read. Not difficult like seeing that photo of young Ali (11-yr old Iraqi boy) alive in a hospital bed, but with his torso charred, and without his arms. His arms! He's 11 and now he has no arms! I don't ever want to contemplate life without arms, without hands. No arms or hands to hold someone, to touch someone, to create anything, to make do what I'm doing so naturally now, just typing words on my keyboard. Jesus, I really don't want to contemplate this. I love my arms, and my hands. I've done so much good with them. Holding, loving, helping, touching, healing...But Ali, as but one example, he has to live like this now without his, and all because of people like George W. Bush, Judith Miller, Condi Rice, Cheney, the soldiers who dropped the bombs on Ali's neighbourhood... well the fucking list is way too long!!!!agggggggggggggghhhhhh

I cannot and will not forget Ali. I don't want to. Nor will I ever forget who maimed him. I won't forget any of the guilty parties. There are countless "Alis". Aren't there. But, his is the image I have of this evil, insane invasion. Yeah, they sure shocked and awed me when I saw his photo. And I think that was the precise intent. Not to shock and awe the Alis per se (for they have been damaged, maimed or obliterated) but to shock and awe the rest of us, into Silence. Intimidation...

Every time I hear of an American soldier killed, wounded or maimed, I feel sorry for them. But only a little. For they did CHOOSE to go there. No matter what their reasons or reasoning. Ali, all the Alis had NO choice. They were not soldiers either. Iraq had/has no army of soldiers to speak of. Therefore the Iraqis had/have no choice, but to be there; to endure the horrors, the suffering. My sympathies, my support must go to Ali and all the Iraqis like him, no matter their age.

Many times I feel overwhelmed and ineffective. Then I realize/remember that if I can move even one person, that if I can help even one, then that will be good, worthwhile. Am thinking now of the 'power of one'; the film. Not just the power of the one who is doing, but also the power of one who's being helped.

Your words, your work help enormously; with its clarity, focus, vigilance...

This piece was difficult for me to read because of its fire, your anger/passion. Hard to swallow, but not to digest. Like the whole truth. It goes down with some difficulty, due to its bitterness, but it digests easily. Like medicine that helps you? I think so.

Now, how wussy does that sound, after recalling Ali? Still, this is all of me talking. I'm not made up of only one thing, like so many people seem to be. Are they actually soulless, or reptilian, or alien? Sometimes I actually wonder. But, I don't dwell on it. Because they are, for all intents, human. But not humane. Methinks that regarding them as other than human is merely providing excuses for them. I swear to Jesus they are human, albeit corrupted, emotionally retarded humans. Human, nonetheless. They're not getting off the hook that easily. Not in my books.

I agree with all of what you said. Even the "mad"ness in it. The anger. I would love to be all lightness and sweetness, but that would be a cop-out, it would be cowardly. It wouldn't be truthful, not wholly truthful. Seems to me that I need to "step out" of my comfort zones more often, much more often, and say/do more.

Get up, stand up? And fight? Yes. I will do my bit to chant down fuckin' babylon.

Was recently reading some reich-wing crap about how cons are "happy", while liberals are not! wtf??? Knew it was crap from the get-go. I'm far more liberal than I am conservative, still I'm a happy camper. I don't need anger or war/killing/murder to give my life meaning, like the bastards do. Deep down inside where it originates I'm happy, content, satisfied, appreciative, and have always been. Also have a pretty happy exterior, public & private face. Still, because I have a near-zero tolerance for deception, injustice, ugliness, I have a big store of unhappiness (dissatisfaction, frustration, anger) as well. Without that core depth of happiness, I imagine it would be difficult to sustain my anger, and even my hope, especially at the worst of times.

Also, as grim/bleak as things look, as they are, I still feel that it's always been this way, to varying degrees. Circles of life, swings of the pendulum and all that jazz. That all moments are moments of truth, for example.

And so, I thank you (again) for saying it as it is, as it needs to be said; for your forthrightness, your honesty, and courage which remind me to gather my courage, and to say/do what needs to be said/done, to take a stand.

Btw, I'm not convinced that the warmongering bloodlusters will need or use another false flag (like 9.11) prior to the announcement of their next official criminal act. Though I'm certain that they would do it again, just for the perverse fun of it; because they can. fuckers!

The words don't ever come as easily to me as the feelings do; they're just not as clear. That's likely why I found this site at this point in my life, and why I come now daily to this blog.

Peace, comfort and joy to you, (I'd wish you courage, but you don't seem to need it. Wish me some more, thanks.)

annemarie joseph

p.s. I'm sorry this is long. Edit it if you like. I would not mind. It's not about me. Never is. Never was. Never will be. It's always about US. Each and All of us. Separately and Together. Unique and the same. At the same time. The bounty and the beauty of our variety. It's so simple, so evident, and so clear. Why is it so hard for so many of US to understand? :(

Visible said...

Thank you Annmarie. It means a lot to me.

I'm a little surprised that whatreallyhappened didn't link it after so many people told me they had written it in. Must have been something I said.

Anonymous said...

My God, what a profound righteousness of a wrath. Jeremiah could not have said this better! You have made bells ring in my mind. This is the best thing I have read in many a year. You deserve some kind of an award for this. This is an outstanding and inspired act of writing.

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless, whatever follies the free people may commit, even to the putting of the powers of legislation in the hands of the little competent and less honest, despair not of the final result. The terrible teacher, EXPERIENCE, writing his lessons on hearts desolated with calamity and wrung by agony, will make them wiser in time.

Albert Pike AASR

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless, whatever follies the free people may commit, even to the putting of the powers of legislation in the hands of the little competent and less honest, despair not of the final result. The terrible teacher, EXPERIENCE, writing his lessons on hearts desolated with calamity and wrung by agony, will make them wiser in time.

Anonymous said...

Beautiflly said annemarie.
The words in my head don't translate to paper the way I would want - Les does it for me (I've told him this before)
If my words would come out, they would come as yours did - Thank you


Anonymous said...

I was particularly happy to see your reference to the Arab (and Muslim) 'mouthpieces'... the useless, decadent so called leaders of the Muslims form a thin scum over the vast and increasingly restless populations they rule. Their control is fraying at every turn.

As a Muslim I wish all that you so eloquently said and more on these swine. I can assure you that the rulers of the Muslims are despised by virtually every single person I have come across. There is a slow but sure awakening happening across the Muslim world and I fear for us all if the cult that currently rules the world succeeds in their desire for a civilizational war. They will get their war and more if they keep pushing it.

The Quran - Surah Al-Jumu`ah
"O ye who are Jews! If ye claim that ye are favoured of Allah apart from (all) mankind, then long for death if ye are truthful."

The Quran - Surah Al-Israa’
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Anonymous said...

I was particularly happy to see your reference to the Arab (and Muslim) 'mouthpieces'. The useless, decadent so called leaders of the Muslims form a thin scum over the vast and increasingly angry populations they rule. Their control is fraying.

As a Muslim I wish all that you so eloquently said and more on these swine and I can assure you that these rulers are despised by virtually every single person I have come across.

There is a slow but sure awakening happening across the Muslim world and I fear for us all if the cult that is trying to take over the world succeeds in their desire for a civilizational war. They will get their war and much more if they keep pushing it.

The Quran - Surah Al-Jumu`ah
"O ye who are Jews! If ye claim that ye are favoured of Allah apart from (all) mankind, then long for death if ye are truthful."

The Quran - Surah Al-Israa’
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Justoffal said...

WOW! It rings true! Every word of it rings true! I was just thinking about this the other day while watching the Presidential "Bull shit speeches" Given out to the various press audiences over the course of several days this week.

Rove has finally let Bushie off the leash and he is now free to stumble through his inverted grammar without the use of cue cards.

The real message here has always been hidden. Nobody in Washington ever gave two shits about WMD. It was then and still is now the Petro-dollar! It has no legitimate base here in the US so they had to give it some base somewhere and Middle east oil fields is the somewhere they picked!

Funny how every time a country thinks about dropping the dollar in favor of the Euro it becomes a potential military target don't you think? Iraq was in the process of doing it and they got attacked. Iran has been thinking of doing it and they are next. Syria has already done it! HA! Now watch what happens to them!

As the second comment says....this may be your best work ever!



Anonymous said...

Les Visible,

Iraq vets are going to present themselves on the Washington Capital lawn on April 25 to call the government liars for the reason's we and they went to war and demand that the medical needs of the returning Iraqi troops be met.

This could be a galvanizing event for all the different interest groups who want this government gone and criminally prosecuted for their lie's and treason against the American and Iraqi people.

For the government to see that peace advocates, workers, students, active military, American Arabs, Jews, Christians, Latino's, African Americans, Asians, middle class, gay and lesbian community, doctors, high ranking military officers, labor, police and government employees, Poets, writers, mothers and fathers who lost son's, Vietnam era vets, Korean vets, all together behind these lied too blameless young men and women, would certainly send a thundering message to this government "We are all united against you!"

More info at:

Anonymous said...

Right on the money as per usual. You need a flying saucer with a cloaking device and one hundred thousand watt speakers so you can fly over Washington and repeat this over and over.

I just know there's some force of balance that is going to step in sooner or later and there really will be hell to pay by those who least expect it. Let it happen now!

Catnapping said...

May all spirits bless you and keep you, Les. Bravo and thank you! THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

I've been coming here since I found this blog last year at What Really Happened. You have got to be on a lot of lists I suppose you know that. I don't know where you get that fire from. Everything just depresses me. I hate my country now for all of the reasons you have given and I can't think of what to do. The apathy and the selfish obsessions are sickening. It means a lot to me that you write these things. Reading these other comments I wanted to say something the same but I'm not very good at saying things so I hope you know what I mean even if I don't seem too sure of that myself. You have got a special power I hope it brings you out of the other side of this. Its scary, anything could happen the way things are now. Here in Florida the insanity is all around. It seems like just the other day things were normal. Now theres nothing normal about it. We just have to hang tight and watch out. Maybe it gets better and maybe it doesn't.


Mike in The Grove

Anonymous said...

The clock is tick, tick, ticking my friend, nearer and nearer we are to the shattering of all of it, the commitment to flame and death that these assholes will make in the shadows. These recent appearances by Bush said so much, didn't they? They told us that there is no plan for an end to war and that they've gotten to the point that they don't care how low their numbers go because.... they have their finger on that button and they *know* that they're about to push it. In doing so, they'll be making a promise, a promise that billions of lives will vanish in a fog of pain and fear, all to make *them* more comfortable, more give them more elbow room as the rest of us are swept off of the Earth like maggots off of a wedge of cheese. There's so little time now, take a breath, this sweet air is the last uncontaminated air we'll breathe in our lifetimes, as the radiation swirls 'round the planet for decades, nay, centuries to come. Take a moment to listen to the sounds of life around you...soon it will be all gunfire and screams and the rustle of scrambling feet.....followed by the endless buzzing of flies, feeding on the rotting bodies. Oh, it's coming all right, bearing hard down upon us. Take a moment and gather your wits before it all comes tumbling down... save your strength, you'll need it.

Anonymous said...

You're not going to get anywhere like that. To combine truth passion and ability is the kiss of death to any kind of material success. I am surprised they haven't shot you or run you out of the country.

Anonymous said...

It may interest those here to know that when CNN put up a poll on its website asking whether people agreed with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government is concealing the real facts about 9/11 -- eighty-two percent said yes.

Poll is at left.

So much for the Ministry of Truth's attempts to characterize us as a "tin-foil hat minority".

jomama said...

cue Dr. Pangloss


cue The Fat Lady.

She's in the wings warming up as we type but for reasons way beyond/outside of what the zombies think.

Anonymous said...

love the fire.

Anonymous said...

Screaming for eternity, yet noone hears, is frustrating.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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