And here we are, a few days closer than we were the last time we got together. Until November 7th I’m going to detail my observations along the way. I want to point out the things that I see and I want you to watch along with me and to add your observations in the comments section and we can ride the white water of these uncertain times together; ten eyes, or a hundred eyes are better than two. One of the things that make a society strong is in our ability to look out for each other. In real life, if I’m facing you, I can see what’s behind you and you can see what’s behind me.
In a sane society we are bound together by laws and understandings. Those laws are things that we commonly agreed upon. Our understandings are based on what we took from experience and it is a fool that doesn’t learn from the experiences of others so that he doesn’t have to experience them himself. This is not a sane society or time. This is a time of upheaval. This is a time of change. This is a time of sorting out. It is a time when the worst elements among us have gained the upper hand in the matter of appearances of strength and power. Hard as it is to believe, it is temporary.
Across the vast stretch of time there will be many a cabal of fools who gather together in an attempt to control the earth. No one has ever yet accomplished that. There seems to be some mystery here but this is not the place to explore it. I’ve got another blog for that. The sad part is that these fools do a lot of damage on their way to their own destruction. It would be great if there were some cosmic justice with an automatic pilot lightning bolt that would just carbonize these assholes every time they decided to go off on some escapade of world conquest. That feature doesn’t seem to be active in as timely a manner as we might wish. You can’t leave it in human hands, we’ve seen that. And that is why there are laws. Laws are good if they are good laws. Good laws benefit everyone. In principle America has good laws- or they used to have; they’ve gotten a bit draconian over recent times, especially when it comes to things like drug enforcement on the entrepreneurs who cut into the government’s action or the big dogs of the corporate realm. But I digress.
One of the saddest elements of those who want to take over the world and shape it to their will is that they are often cowards. This makes them especially mean. George W. Bush is such a coward. Personally, I‘d like to fiberglass him and water-board his ass on some big Hawaiian waves, but that’s just me. I despise cowards who hide behind armies of dutiful souls who fight meaningless wars for the personal profit of the few who will never even see combat. And that’s all war is ever about. There are few exceptions to these rules. War is big business.
Let’s go to my point and stop this philosophizing from my personal mountain top. Chicken-Hawk in Chief, Booga Booga Bush made an ominous statement the other day. He said, “They want to attack us again. Time is running out.” Every man jack of us ought to think about those sentences; sentences brief enough that this deranged moron actually managed to get them out in one piece. The clear facts are that ‘they’ didn’t attack us. ‘We’ attacked us. Unless you are some faux artiste or witless poseur in a coffee-katche forum in some backwater armpit of the internet, or one of the ranks of brain-washed lemmings that seem to reproduce without pause then you know this already. ‘They’ didn’t attack us in London and ‘they’ didn’t attack us in Madrid. The same people did all of these things and ‘they’ ‘are’ about to do it again. You’ve been warned by the ‘they’ in chief.
The real reason for this smoke and mirrors demand to enhance and legitimize American torture techniques to gain evidence is about what’s up ahead. It has nothing to do with the reasons given. What’s the point of torturing people who don’t have the answers? What makes this especially ugly is that the people doing the torturing are the people behind the attacks. Now there is a sad, sick irony for you.
It’s also about, “I told you so.” You see, when they launch their next false flag op they want to be able to say that they warned you it was coming but you wouldn’t let them pull out the right fingernails to stop it. Anyone who has studied the technology of fascism would be able to quickly see all the steps along the way. You’d recognize the Reichstag Fire-redux. You’d see the equation of problem-reaction-solution. You’d see the lack of public evidence, consistently gone missing along with the evidence lost in the midst of official claims of proof and personal assurances of guilt.
It makes me sad that base cowards like the American neo-con movement and their associates can just plunder at will in The Land of the Stupids. It makes me even sadder that the rest of us have to live in The Land of the Stupids. The Stupids may well deserve whatever happens to them. The rest of us might not.
Consonant with the certain evolution of the next big time terror attack is the mind-shaping that is now taking place in preparation for the election fraud also evolving in real time. Let me point out one thing here that should really clarify the reality of what I say. The company that makes the software for the computer voting machines is the same company that makes your ATM’s ...which...which...give you a receipt, a paper trail, any time you want it and which work like a charm just about all the time. Ponder this and do the math; those of you for whom 2+2=4 is not rocket science.
Perhaps the strongest weapon- and certainly Goebbels pointed this out- is the captive mass media. They are an arm of the government and the corporations. The media is the one who stands by the orgy bed holding a towel while these two have it off with each other. Presently the media is engaged in telling you that the congressional races are tightening, that there is a shift in momentum; that black is white and up is down. The truth is that a significant majority of the American people have zip faith in the Republican controlled congress and zip faith in that posturing nimrod swaggering around in the White House. It’s true that the majority of the Democrats are chicken-shit whores. That’s a given and I won’t dispute it. However, it is certainly to your advantage as a formerly free people to have the democrats win because there are some among them that will expose all manner of things once they have the opportunity. It will also shift the direction of the country out of the ditch and back on the highway. It’s checks and balances. Will they go off the road again further on? You can count on it... but it does buy us time.
52 Days people; 52 Days and counting. If it weren’t so ominous and if people weren’t dying and suffering from all that this present plague has visited upon so many it would make for exciting viewing. What will these pigs from Animal Farm come up with next? What will Boss Hogg Rove engineer? Have little doubt that it is going to be ugly and illegal. But laws are only as effective as the people who administer them. As you have seen with the Bolton nomination and so many things over recent years, laws are made to be broken and circumvented.
Right now, the best you can do is to ignore everything you hear from the media and this administration and turn out in droves to vote. If you turn out in record numbers they CANNOT pull off the fraud. This especially means the clueless, slacker, self-involved youth of this country. If you should all come together RIGHT NOW then you can put these gangsters out of power. It is very possible indeed. If you do not choose to do so then let it be on your heads.
'911 was an Inside Job' is track no. 1 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'
Lyrics (pops up)

you nailed it visible.
Let's see here... Bill Clinton was fooling around on his possibly lesbian wife, in the WhiteHouse, while wearing his christian ideals on his sleeve. He gets the boot, yet he still makes the front covers of mag rags.
Now former oil executives are running the WhiteHouse. America happens to invade and destroy countries that supply most of the world's oil and people are lead to believe it's all just a coincidence.
What Israel wants, Israel gets.
They are caught blackmailing, spying, dealing in sabotage and crimes against the American people. And when caught, they are granted immunity and are protected under "National Security" and you pay for their first class ticket ride back home.
They control your media and movie industries, telling you how to feel and think and behave. They buy your politicians with male/female prostitutes or with cash and so own your government and in essence, they own you.
If you think they care who you vote for, just look at what happened to the people in Mexico.
President's aren't picked, they're chosen.
Let's see here... Bill Clinton was fooling around on his possibly lesbian wife, in the WhiteHouse, while wearing his christian ideals on his sleeve. He gets the boot, yet he still makes the front covers of mag rags.
Now former oil executives are running the WhiteHouse. America happens to invade and destroy countries that supply most of the world's oil and people are lead to believe it's all just a coincidence.
What Israel wants, Israel gets.
They are caught blackmailing, spying, dealing in sabotage and crimes against the American people. And when caught, they are granted immunity and are protected under "National Security" and you pay for their first class ticket ride back home.
They control your media and movie industries, telling you how to feel and think and behave. They buy your politicians with male/female prostitutes or with cash and so own your government and in essence, they own you.
If you think they care who you vote for, just look at what happened to the people in Mexico.
President's aren't picked, they're chosen.
You shine Visible
To anonymous...
And they can do coup d'etats without anyone realizing they have done just a foreign nation [the US], that sleeps in bed with them.
it's too late for the US and americans; mark my words, the diebold express won't come in late, but it will come in early and run right over the crowds waiting for "the good news of the kingdom".
Who else could have planted a nuclear small fourth generation nuclear weapon in the three WTC buildings and get away with it?
Who would have the audacity to plant three small nuclear-type bombs in the three WTC buildings?
Obviously, somebody did, but it wasn't the US, and when it was determined it was the so-called PROXY, [knowing beforehand who was gonna do it], there was literally nothing the US [Congress, CIA, FBI and Sec'y Rice] could do about it.
Certainly, they could not have gone and "bombed the bejeezus" out of israel, for sure. In fact, it was a form of blackmail and resurrection for the OPS [Operations Special Plans] office within the DOD that made it all happen.
In fact, it was a perfect blueprint for a coup d'etat that today still has the US by the balls. They [the Us] simply go along with whatever.
"The enemy wants to attack us again," the POTUS said ominously.
"Time is running out," the POTUS said ominously.
Initiate an "attack" on the US? --check.
Blame Muslims"--check.
Blame Arabs?--check
War with IRAQ?--check
War with Afghanistan?--check
War with Lebanon?--check
War with the UN?--check
Who's "the enemy"?
Mom and Pop and their Bed&Breakfast business, ofcourse.
"Time is running out"? Sounds more like someone, somewhere, somebodies, elsewheres, knows something about something [like the old august 2001 attack threats] but nobody is telling where and when.
That's the punch-line. When it comes, all the media and spectabular news coverage will no doubt be there, ready and waiting to imediately accuse some "group" as "the enemy". but it sure won't be the real enemies who dunnit, who get fingered.
Nope...never ceases to amuse. Get your bags packed and ready to start camping out in them dar FEMA prison camps! they're ready for us!!
No wonder they can't find the dead OBLaden. They still need him to scape goat his Al Qaeda organization or whatever all the various insurgent cells are being called nowadays. Now, every enemy is an Al Qaeda "cell in the making".
Ok, eyeball to eyeball, I see behind you it isn't temporary. I see this already happened on many planets, in many galaxies and is a self-perpetuating cycle. I see gated communities sprawling from LA to Bejing, from Tierra del Fuego to Siberia, four of every species in zoos, mass transit as instant lockdowns. I see the banks shylocking every third world innocent and all of this under the thumbs of an extreme minority. When the sources of sustainance are depleted beyond any capacity to restore them is when it turns to dust. I see pain and suffering and warring among the affected until they can no longer protest. I hate what I am seeing, but you wanted to know.
I think he was talking about things you see in the news that look fishy or point to evidence of shit about to happen of votes about to be stolen.
I think you might want to get high too. It feels like you might drink too much or else you're depressed. Don't start crying before someone hits you.
The Republican party stole 2000 and 2004 and there is absolute proof of that.
So If we vote in a direction they don't like, yet again, who will stop them from doing it over and over.
There is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.
There all belong to and are controlled by the Rothschilds, who own our Federal Reserve.
The fix is already in.
Check out the latest findings on the Diebold System here:
There is no stopping this train wreck that is about to happen in this country. For a lot of reasons. You can't beat the system is one of them. They have too much power and money. But it is like grabbing a big handful of sand,most of the sand slips through your fingers. No matter how hard you clench your fist. You are better off just to grab as much sand as you can hold on to. These power hungry fools need to relearn this lession from time to time. Best way to stop them is to put sugar in their gas tanks when you have the chance. The enormous scope of what they are trying to achieve will eventually drag the whole endevor down. Unless of course they deminish the scope of the control problems they are having with a severe population reduction. That is a distict possibility.
I think the opposite is in order. A massive boycott of the elections. Why lend your good name to a fraud. Mexico IS a good example of the futility and deception of it all.
A massive boycott (and you would be able to count those who already do not vote because they know its a scam), would serve to delegitimize this crooked government.
If 50% or 60% of the eligable voters do not vote, with a national voting boycott in effect, the government would be hard pressed to claim authority.
Boycott and demand hand counted paper ballots.
Pissing away your time on a no receipt touch screen computer voting machine to allow your good name to legitimize the western corporate banking elite is totally fucking dumb.
No offense, but I'm not with you on this one Visible ...
48 days to realize that we are all one and organize the biggest voter boycott on the planet.
if millions of Americans would publicly dump their voter registration cards in glass fish bowls in every city of America, and at the same time announce their intention to boycott all elections until a system of hand counted paper ballots was implemented, we would get instant, and far more effective results!
A Blast From The Past:
We'll call you when your 6 years old
And drag you to the factory
To train your brain for 18 years
With promise of security
But then you're free
And forty years you waste to chase the dollar sign
So you may die in Florida
At the plesent age of 69
The water's getting hard to drink
We've mangled up the country side
The air will choke you when you breathe
We're all committing suicide
But it's alright
It's progress folks keep pushin' till your body rots
Will strip the earth of all it's green
And the divide her into parking lots
But there's nothimg you and I can do
You and I are only 2
What's right and wrong is hard to say
Forget about it for today
We'll stick our heads into the sand
Just pretend that all is grand
Then hope that everything turns out ok
You're free to speak your mind my friend
As long as you agree with me
Don't criticize the father land
Or those who shape your destiny
Cause if you do
You'll lose your job, your mind and all the friends you knew
We'll send out all our boys in blue
They'll find a way to silence you
But there's nothing you and I can do
You and I are only two
What's right and wrong is hard to say
Forget about it for today
We'll stick our heads into the sand
Just pretend that all is grand
Then hope that everything turns out ok
John Kay of Steppenwolf 1968
I agree with anything but your confidence in the voting process. The turnout doesn't matter as long as it's still Diebold & Co counting the votes.
Bush's recent clairvoyance should be of great concern to all of us. 9/11 Truth is ever growing and might reach critical mass soon, therefore the entire globalist scheme is now threatened, if only by proxy. The fiercest fights are borne out of desperation, so we'd better be expecting the worst!
Bless you all.
We all know now what this criminal government and their bosses are doing, so let’s top ranting and let’s do something about it. This is what James Aanasazi says: We have to raise the American sheeple level of awareness and discernment. "We the People" outnumber the establishment politicians, we outnumber the police state and their minions, we outnumber the wealthy corporate elite, we outnumber the corporate media and their propaganda mouthpieces, we outnumber the criminals in our shadow government, We the People have spoken and we are taking action. Get the word out and hit the streets. A revolution is brewing and I for one am going to ride the crest of the wave. See you on the streets!
You you can be expecting is America to go down the black hole.
Every year the F-word makes it's way closer to afternoon time slots on my television and everyday I wait for Bush to let at least one F'er slip out on live TV. Christian leaders are forcing their flocks to fight and kill Muslims. Instead of saving souls for God, America has decided IT IS GOD and will send anyone to hell, whenever it feels like it. Well scripted and broadcasted brain sludge, by the very people who make smut TV shows for ever younger viewers and remind them they are never to think for themselves or realize who the REAL enemy is. Even so, it's probably too late. Satan is ready to take as many souls with it as possible to hell and the one's chosen to help it along will include the next Jewish President Al Gore and his sidekick, Hitlery Clinton.
They're keeping Al out of the limelight for now, until Spring of next year (when the peoples proxy media mafia's will be helping you tah thinking everybody likes him) , The Hillary, will be gearing-up to liberate ALL women from their Muslim overlords and is wetting herself at the thought of slapping a few billion Muslim men's ego's around.
From June, 2005, Prison Planet:
New Bill Could Make Bush President for Life
I've said this before and say it again, they're not just going to go quietly into the night ...
Kookie says: I think you might want to get high too. It feels like you might drink too much or else you're depressed. Don't start crying before someone hits you.
The affectionate concerns of the jellokneed yanked out of bed at 4 am by jackboots ... Would you give it all up for a prettified memory of how good it was? Kookie, there is no drink or drug for what ails us now.
Dear Mister Les Visible
With reference to your wishing us to "add your (our) observations in the comments section".
This was your wonderful leader's "Weekly Radio Address", a Commander in Chief with true vision.
Mashiach George W Bush
from BuzzFlash 9/18
This divine individual will be the Saviour of the World.
What more can I say.
May the Lord bless your every waking moment.
Sollie Leberwitcz
ps. I think I will have to rethink my friendship with Rabbi Hashem.
Nothing short of an armed revolution will change things for America. But that's not going to happen because the American revolutionary spirit is long dead, buried under comfortable synthetic lifestyles.
The democrats and the republicans are just different heads of the same Hydra. The Hydra draws its power from the moneyprinting machine. If the American people can get their hands on the owners of the Federal Reserve, then things will change. But its not going to happen.
There will not be any moment of truth before or after the US elections, they will change nothing and you are naive if you think otherwise.
There is no need for another 9/11 to introduce any more draconian laws or to declare any other war. The American populace is already pretty well conditioned for that. The people that read WRH and this blog and others like it are by far a minority of the US populace. If they were really a threat, then the US internet network would have become closed a long time ago.
Most Americans rely on television for their news, and out of those who use the internet, a vast minority have open minds, and out of those a vast minority have any guts to do anything, and out of these a vast minority have any real power or knowledge. So I don't see any miracles happening for America. But I know why you hope, because deep inside you still love your country.
You make your predictions and I'll make mine:
Neither Iran nor Syria will be attacked within the next three years.
Both are now well armed with some of the latest Russian armaments. Both can theaten American military bases around the middle east. Both can destroy large parts of Israel by rocket strikes. And both can severely escalate the conditions in Iraq through the militias that they control there.
You think US and Israel will take a gamble although they can't even defeat Hezbollah and the guerillas under Baghdad? Not gonna happen anytime soon, definitely not before the elections.
Reflections on Our Inner Bush
"This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try and stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the world and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people who have been badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop. The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined."
Go To The Above Link And Sign The Call:
For Freedom - Sabotage a Diebold Voting Machine when you hit the polls in november. If they're not going to clean their act up, then make it impossible for anyone to use the machines. Bring syringes full of water and insulated knives. Use your creativity. Encourage the use of paper ballots to those around you.
Ah, Ghost, let me tell you something about how this has to work. Two wrongs never make a right. As a late friend once said to me "the revolution begins at home between a father and a mother."
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