Saturday, November 4, 2006

The Great Nigerian Terror Scam and Diebold Double Squeeze

Well what do you know? Here comes the handy dandy all purpose Nigerian terror threat complete with an announcement from an administration source that remains anonymous because he/she/it is not authorized to speak on these matters; neither is he/she/it empowered to think before speaking. And a special bonus... it’s set to happen in the first week of November. And what’s the date of the last day of the first week of November? It’s November 7th. Man... the script doctor is a pro.

Nigerian Terror Scam

and it’s right there on Fox News. It’s hard to find anywhere else but I’m sure it’s lurking... lurking.

All kinds of really cool things are happening. The Israeli’s rounded up the men of Beit Hanoun, loaded them into trucks and are taking them somewhere

Let's Do Lunch

No doubt for one of those extended Palestinian meet the IDF brunch get togethers.

Lieberman’s storm-troopers are whacking on Ned Lamont’s supporters

UberSturmfuhrer Lieberman

Now why would this Zionista need to employ such tactics if he is ‘actually’ as far ahead in the polls as the catamite press claims he is? Unpublished (in the catamite press) polls have recently been showing Lamont within 4 percentage points, that’s why. But whether these polls are any more accurate than those manufactured by mass media, one thing we do know, you don’t go into this kind of panic mode unless you are threatened. And-

The US wants to take over all of the UN peacekeeping forces

Stinking Bloody Bag of Shit

Now you probably know that this is being engineered so that the Iraq exit strategy will result in UN forces taking over for American troops and thereby laying this stinking mass of bloody shit right in the lap of the rest of the world who had nothing to do with this illegal invasion and, in fact, opposed it from the giddyup.

And, all over the country Diebold voting systems are showing Republican choices no matter who you vote for. Now, in all fairness, the head goat cheese at Diebold says these are just mere ghosts in the machine and regardless of the fact that he raises money for the Republican machine and also, outrageously, stated a few years ago that he would do everything in his power to help the Republicans win, we should not assume that he is the cynical, lying, manipulating vampire bat that he appears to be. I’m sure we all feel his pain at the HBO special that got aired on Thursday. But-

Wouldn’t you think if there was a ghost in the machine or some sort of a glitch that it would err for the Democrats equally as much as it would favor Republicans? Natch... it’s all Republican favoring. Okay boys and girls, what’s the biggest mystery here? The biggest mystery is that, after the wing nuts have stolen the last 3 elections and given all of what is surfacing at the moment- that no one is doing anything about it. Not only does this bogus system continue to be employed but it keeps expanding across the landscape. Are you people insane or just chicken shit? Both?

We’re down to 3 days left. Three days... 72 hours... 4320 minutes... 259,200 seconds. Meanwhile, across the land... millions are masturbating to computer porn... millions are spraying on Kabuki face lacquer and messing with their hair while chatting on their cell-phones... millions are sleeping under bridges and in doorways... millions are working on getting their bellies into the kind of shape where they need a shopping cart to ferry it through the potato-chip soft drink aisles... millions are waving their hands in the air to a Jaysus who is no more real than the Elvis hair on the heads of their preachers who, more often than not, are paying same sex internet escorts for buggery and amphetamines... millions are pouring across the border in search of the opportunity to get their bellies into the kind of shape that American citizens have raised to an art form... while the majority of the nation sits in a big mess of cottage cheese that some might call an ass and which given enough time will weld to the pleather beneath them, soldiers are dying in a made for TV war for the publics right to de-evolve into hogs rooting through edible murk in the Wal-Mart sub basement of their minds.

It’s a beautiful thing.

It appears that The Empire has something worse than a case of Herpes. This is the first nation to go fuck itself AND give itself an STD.

How do you get patriotic about a country like America? I’d really like to know the answer to this. What is it that you’re patriotic about? Is it the freedom? Sport... that’s long gone. Is it about the super markets and malls? Is it because Jaysus is break dancing across the landscape like a fat transvestite, farting out some perverted gospel of wealth and selective salvation that is inhaled like Rush (that would be amyl nitrate to the uninformed) in the moment of orgasm? Is it the purple mountain travesties... the looted plains... the amber waves of pain? Is it about network TV? Is it about navel jewelry and 13 year olds hooking for outfits at the strip mall? Is it about Hollywood? I can’t see it.

Maybe it’s about the crime and the school shootings and the wet making excitement of snipers on the freeway and disappearing children. Is that what it’s about? Is it about working two jobs and being able to buy a house with no money down and only interest payments up until the time the principal kicks in and you lose the house? Is it about the magic of oil prices dropping and low unemployment that comes around for a few weeks before an election and then shoots through the roof again?

Could it be about the ubiquitous opportunity to not only have your health ruined by the fast food industry and processed food manufacturers; not to mention ‘death by spinach’ but also to then be in the hands of the health industries massive premiums with minimal benefits AND their allopathic slice and dice pharmaceutical enhanced march to the grave?

Is it for the opportunity to fight in manufactured conflicts if you’re not rich so that you can play chess with death in hopes of an education on your return that will never give you parity with the sons and daughters of your elected representatives and their fat cat employers who cheer you on from the sidelines?

What’s your love of country and patriotism based on? I think it’s based on an imaginary dream about a non-existent country. I think you have no clue what your country is about and where it’s headed. I don’t think you have a clue who you are or even what you stand for beyond a handful of exaggerated principles that no one lives up to and a snatch bag of bombastic aphorisms.

You’d better get a clue. No hand is going to come out of the sky and snatch the ship of state back on course. Things don’t fix themselves unless you alter the conditions from which these dread pathologies emerge. They used to lock people up for talking to themselves but none of us have to worry about that now because too many people are doing it.


Anonymous said...

Like it... "the only country in the world to f*** itself and catch an STD".

Ancient One


Anonymous said...

sterling work maestro.


Anonymous said...

some of that is pretty articulate- I really like the "rooting through edible murk in the wal-mart sub-basement of their minds" bit..not a bad description of our myriad contemporary afflictions..

Anonymous said...

Oh Les, So Sad, So True.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you know what happens to people who tell the truth.

Its better to be a pariah than a whore. There's more whores now than there are customers.


Anonymous said...

The only plan that worked was to secure the oil, which took only less than a month. It also probably cost the lives of a million and a half Iraqi, but as George Bush would say, "Oil's well that ends well!" "Oil well, back to the celebration partY!!"

Anonymous said...

You precious monster kinfolk gagged on thier recently "re-approved" spinach on this one. That mountain, invisible fount of all Springs is becoming more "visible"..Thanks

The Riverman said...

It's times like this, when i realize i'm not the only person capable of only experience negative emotions, that i simply slouch back into my execufakeleather office chair, and grab my bottle of oxy's...

Anonymous said...

you're preaching to the choir, anyone who reads past the second paragraph only does it from self-frustrated boredom. you need to find a way to make your eloquence touch the people you are berating otherwise you should just be jerking off to internet porn or getting yourself fat. tell me something i don't know.

Visible said...

It is impossible to tell someone who doesn't know who they are, something they don't know. Until your comments reflect the wider view here I'll have to demure in respect of the very occasional margins. Techniques for masturbation may vary but the act itself doesn't change.

Anonymous said...

the usual consistency of excellence. i always like that you don't answer anyone and i think you should stick with that. of course you preach to the choir, no one else can hear any way and words don't change people, life does. anyways, my two cents. i always wonder at the nameless when they spout off without understanding. i always wonder what they've done to make happen what they talk about. i don't think i'm wrong when i figure that is probably nothing.


Anonymous said...

The only thing that I have to say at this time is: When the shit hits the fan: know who your friends and enemies are and take the proper actions. Down with this chicken-shit, jive-pig administration & All Power To The People!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mister Visible
Indeed, 'It is a beautiful thing.'
What a wonderful thing stupidity is Mister Visible.

'The biggest mystery is that, after the wing nuts have stolen the last 3 elections and given all of what is surfacing at the moment- that no one is doing anything about it.'

The reason for this is that Israel has a new technology that influences 'the nincompoop' mind. It's called Ariel Sharon.
Yes Mister Visible, Mister Ariel Sharon is alive and well. Well, maybe not alive, but anyhow, he conveys his wishes telepathically, using his brain dead mind.
Now, you didn't know that did you Mister Visible.
I myself have had a (coded) message from him in my mind.
Your Mister Bush talks to G-d, I talk to Ariel.
He tells me he is influencing the voters in your current elections so that Mister Bush will stay in power. It is a beautiful thing.
Isn't that a revelation Mister Visible? I think those silly Christians may be right, we are living in the ‘end times’ with such wondrous things happening.
May the Lord bless your every waking moment
Sollie Leberwitcz
ps. Has my good friend Rabbi Hashem sends his regards.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if my comment is worthy of being posted, but I just wanted to note that I hope your "Jaysus" is the bastardized product that is hawked, and not the Jesus I know who threw the moneychangers from the temple.

As for the rest, yes, a nation jerking off to computer porn, working on their huge guts...I also like what you said about Wal-Mart.

As for masturbation techniques, America has produced the ultimate, and delivered via UPS trucks with mag wheels and flames on the site (FASTER SHIPPING!):

No kidding...21st century, sculpted waveforms directly stimulating your meat, and for just a few hundred bucks, too. Dammit, that's why I'm proud to be an Uhmurican, and God bless our terruhist-killin' troops. Yeehaa! I just came!

Visible said...

The real Jesus Christ is never referred to in this blog (only anthropomorphic Jaysus). For commentary on the real Jesus you have to go to Visible Origami.


and blessings

Anonymous said...

November 7th. 2006
Mister Visible
It's all going as Ariel planned.
May the Lord bless your every waking moment.
Sollie Leberwitcz
ps. Rabbi Hashem is smiling knowingly as is all of Israel, I'd wager.

Anonymous said...

Not really for a post, just a note to yourself:

Kurt Nimmo is also calling for a revolution:

I'd like to write something myself, about cold bullets finding a warm home in a traitor's blood.

Switched on Leno last night, caught him joking about Iran: "What happens in Iran, stays in Iran...because now you're a hostage!"

Yeah, go for it, NBC/G.E./Military-industrial complex. All the jokes are about the Arabs, and not Gitmo, the loss of Habeus Corpus in our own country, and the hundreds of thousands we murdered for a lie, and for Israel.

I hung on for a little longer...Courtney Love was a guest. Introduced as a "rock legend," she mentioned that she blew 20 million dollars. The audience gasped, as if on cue. Too bad they're unaware of our national debt. At least Courtney can't put babies into tax slavery. She went on to talk about her drug a "God bless ya, kid," from Jay at the end.

How I savour your words when you malign the sheep herds.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us are watching this from afar...we hope and pray for your victory.

I cannot speak up in UMERKA, but at least I can stir the shit-storm in Australia where that filthy beast Howard takes his orders from Bush.

The dominos are falling, Rumsfels is gone...people are waking up

Anonymous said...

the URL has just been canned... My colleague just watched it and by the time he had forwarded it to me, I got this message instead ;)

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

ADULTGUY said...

Great and interesting blog! May i suggest you add your google adsense to it so monetizing it, as should anyone who has a blogger blog its extra $ -Google sends a check at $100 or more! Take Care!- j



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