Thursday, December 7, 2006

Trouble in the Ivory Tower

I am honored to be a member of 9/11 Scholars for Truth, although I didn’t know I was a member until I got a letter informing me of trouble in The Ivory Tower and asking me to vote on the future of the movement. Before I get into what details I am aware of let me set a little background and stage some scenery for the points I want to make. I consider these points critical and I want them understood; not defeated by a lack of presentation or my own limitations.

For a long time I considered this site the definitive 9/11 Truth site. I have great respect for a number of the members and I appreciated their approach which was based on science and reason. There are some things wrong with the 9/11 Truth movement. Some of these things are the result of faulty reasoning and wild speculation that are often the grounds on which rational thinkers reject what they might otherwise thoughtfully consider. It’s what gets some people and groups the sobriquet of ‘tinfoil hats’ and ‘wild eyed conspiracy nuts’. The other thing wrong is the disinfo specialists. These are organizations like The US Government, organized religion and their sycophants, Main Stream Media, e.g. Popular Mechanics magazine and their talking heads, alleged experts and catamite journalists. On the one side are those who don’t know what they’re talking about and on the other side are those who may or may not know what they are talking about but are more than comfortable with lying for a position or paycheck.

9/11 Scholars for Truth has a remarkable membership of serious and distinguished academics, artists, former government officials and international figures. You may argue with their findings but you would need powerful front credentials and a dump-truck load of obfuscating bullshit to do it. You cannot argue with their education, experience and credibility. Of course, you could but minds capable of objective reasoning would wonder about this.

There is a third problem that attacks the credibility of any movement and that is ‘personalities on the make’, individuals who are using a platform of public interest as a springboard to the increase of their own celebrity. This is the major feature that kept me from being involved in certain Pro-Peace and anti-War movements. This is what keeps me and others with a sense of personal dignity from joining organizations whose purpose we might sympathize with but whose figureheads we hold in contempt. The issue of concern should always triumph over the ambitions of the barnacles, lampreys and ticks who attach themselves to the body of our best interests. We see this phenomenon in many areas of endeavor and the reform movements whose purpose is to transform these arenas.

It is contemptible that ill made personalities would engage in such antics. They do terrible harm, witness Ralph Nader and the 2000 election. These men and women put their career ambitions ahead of the public good and they kill our faith and they stall our desire to join in the effort to make this world a better place. Whether this is possible I leave to your capacity to believe and imagine... but I submit we should never stop trying. Let me offer my respect and admiration for all of you who have put your principles before the advancement of your personality. There are fewer of you than there should be but the impact of what you do upon the culture and the lives of your fellows cannot be overestimated.

Lately 9/11 Scholars for Truth has been exhibiting some bizarre behavior. We see discussion of theories such as the use of ‘high tech energy weapons’ and the idea that no planes were used in the attacks. Perhaps the first occurred, I don’t know but the latter is absurd... and though anything is possible, promoting this angle is harmful to the 9/11 Truth movement. It’s the kind of thing that makes you wonder just as the absurdity of the government's explanation makes you wonder.

These are ideas that Professor James Fetzer is advancing and he is doing other things as well. I am printing the letter I received as a member at the end of this article. Nowhere in the letter am I told that this is a privileged communication. I feel therefore that I can make it public since it was placed in my hands without a disclaimer. Secondly, we are about truth, therefore let the truth be known. If I have offended 9/11 Scholars for Truth and if this means I can no longer be a member so be it. Whatever details I might have included here can be found in this letter at the end of the article so let me use the rest of the space for my perspective on the matter.

I happen to admire a lot of what Professor Fetzer has done and appreciate his hard work and courage. I equally admire the co-founder, Dr. Steven Jones and many of the membership with whose work I am familiar. I cannot judge whether Professor Fetzer has gone off the rails but something is wrong and it is hurting ‘our’ efforts and it’s got to be fixed. Before we police the world we had damn well better police ourselves. The possibility that so many prestigious scholars might be compromised by juvenile ambitions and wooly thinking is offensive to me. This is just the sort of weapon that the enemies of truth lust after. It is potentially as devastating as whatever brought down the WTC.

We need to come together as one voice and we need to pressure Congress to empanel members from this distinguished community of scholars to present their findings in a public forum. If the new leaders of Congress refuse to do this; stonewall, delay, dance out of range or utilize any of the tactics of procrastination and attenuation then we may rightly assume that they are bought off by the same forces that brought the towers down.

There is no reason why such a large collection of eminent scholars and researchers should not be allowed their place in the debate that so far has never taken place. Let’s set the facts of what was observed to happen on the table and then let ‘both sides’ argue their findings before the court of public opinion. Let the chips fall where they may. Let the public hear both arguments as to how and why the buildings came down. Surely the evidence of one side or the other will prevail. Let us see what that may be. Is this not how it should be in a democratic society? Are we not always hearing about the public’s right to know?

Citizens of America demand your right to know. Members of the 9/11 Scholars for Truth, let’s get ourselves together. Let’s sort this out. What 9/11 Scholars for Truth should be engaged in is getting sympathetic members of Congress to open hearings into this sad, stinking mess. It is less important to be pushing theories and arguments than it is to bring the argument to center stage. This is the important thing. Congress MUST act. Our sole purpose should be to get them to act. We can present all of our arguments then. Sooner or later it must come to this. Therefore, the sooner the better. Let’s make it happen or I will begin to suspect everyone and I would rather not.

Here is the body of the letter I received. The links are inactive but if you are of a mind you can trace them. I have removed the return email for voting, that seems appropriate.

“Dear members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth:

Thank you for your commitment to the truth, and your willingness to participate in this journey for truth and justice relating to the events of 9/11.

A scholars group was founded on the initiative of Prof. Marcus Ford, who sent out a call via asking if there were other academics who questioned the official 911 story. About 30 responded and became the nucleus. In emails amongst the group, Prof. Jim Fetzer suggested a formal organization with himself and Prof. Steven Jones as co-chairs. The society was organized with two co-chairs, with no president or by-laws or treasury, and it was understood that the group would be a member-owned organization. Steven Jones, Alex Floum and Carl Weis formed a steering committee along with Jim Fetzer. Carl created the logos. Alex pushed the creation of a website, purchased the domain names for the website, and has at all times hosted the website. It was understood that this was done for the group, not for an individual. The original goals of the group were to use the scientific method to investigate the evidence and "let the chips fall where they may".

Since the group was formed, we have launched a website (, created a peer-reviewed online journal ( and a private moderated discussion forum for the participation of all members. We have made inroads in the mainstream media and have helped to "move the ball down field" for 9/11 Truth.

Problems have now arisen with the management of the website, currently in the hands of Prof. Jim Fetzer. Many members have pointed out that some of the material displayed there is no longer in accord with our original aims, and personal attacks on members have appeared. Positions are being promoted which are disputed by the scientists specializing in physical sciences from Scholars For 9/11 Truth.

Attempts to correct this situation have failed. As of this date the web site continues to promote assertions which many of us consider to be both discrediting and unsupported by the evidence (ray-beams from space caused the demolitions, mini-nukes were used in the WTC towers, real commercial jets did not hit the WTC towers, etc.). We feel that the promotion of these ideas functions to distract from and discredit much of the other basic strong material challenging the official story of 9/11 which already exists - the stand down, the war games, the insider trading, the many strong points of evidence on the demolitions, etc.

While we would rather focus on 9/11 research and activism, and do not lightly bother the members with this matter, the "dirty laundry" and non-scientific theories raised by Jim Fetzer are now very public. For example, one of the largest papers in the Twin Cities has covered this -- -- and a well-read blog says "scholars for 9/11 Truth [are] tearing one another new impact holes over speculation on space-based beam weaponry", see In addition, the website now prominently displays a letter titled "Scholars: On Its First Anniversary" which contains inaccurate statements and ad hominen attacks. All of the momentum and progress made by the Scholars is rapidly being destroyed by the current situation. Many of the members strenuously dispute the accuracy of Jim's statements as quoted in these articles, and can provide detailed refutations. These statements are damaging the credibility of the group and, we are concerned, the entire 9/11 truth movement.

Moreover, Jim is using the website as his personal blog, posting non-9/11 related political commentary from a liberal perspective. While there is nothing wrong with a liberal or conservative perspective, we believe the site should be non-partisan.

The current scholars website & group will shortly become two websites & groups. The hope is that both efforts will contribute to the goals of achieving an end to 9/11 cover-ups and wars, that members of both groups will conduct themselves with civility and common sense and have fidelity to the scientific method and its results.

Group Structure 1: This group is proposed to have an elected steering committee in charge of the website and its contents. Administrative positions will be limited to one year. Important decisions affecting the whole group will be submitted via email to the membership.

This proposal emerged from discussions on the Scholars for 9/11 Truth Forum as a means to return the web site to the guiding principles of applying the scientific method, performing experiments and analyses, and publishing results and findings with civility. While novel theories would be welcome, and openly discussed, only theories well supported by evidence would be promoted.

A new website is being created which will be attached to the peer-reviewed Journal of 9/11 Studies. (Click to see the beginnings of this new site, and to see the Journal contents, and its advisory board.)

This proposal is backed by all of the members of the ad hoc committee as well as an overwhelming majority of members participating in a straw poll on the group's forum.

Group Structure 2: Jim Fetzer has proposed an alternative structure for the existing website ( In this proposal he would appoint a board which would have control of the website and could appoint members and webmaster by 2/3rds majority. The board would not be bound by the guiding principles set out above but would be free to establish its own. (Members Kevin Ryan, Steven Jones and others have declined to be part of Jim Fetzer?s proposed re-organization.)

We ask you to select which group structure you would prefer to be registered with. You may also opt for both group structures, or neither.

Whichever group structure receives the majority of member votes [by Dec 6 at 5 pm eastern] may become entitled, but will not be required, to use the name, domain, logo, and all the links which have been attached. Negotiation on this area is proceeding (and Jim Fetzer may be accorded use of the "" site address as a matter of courtesy even if the majority chooses Group 1.)

Membership is closed during the voting period.

To sum up, the two choices before you are:

1. Group Structure 1, with a new website associated with the Journal of 9/11 Studies, run by an elected committee, and stressing theories for which there is strong empirical evidence, OR

2. Group Structure 2, with the website run by Jim Fetzer, and a board that he appoints.

To vote simply "reply" to this email

You may elect to register with "1" or "2" by simply typing the number in the subject line of your reply.

If you wish, you may elect to remove your name from the membership listing entirely at this time by typing "Remove" in the subject line. You may also elect to remain on both websites by typing "Both" in the subject line. Any vote in which the meaning is clear will be accepted no matter how expressed.

Members who do not reply by 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time on December 7, 2006 will be placed in a pending category on both sites for further consultation.

If there are queries regarding this proposal contact the membership administrator at

Please expect to see an email from Prof. Fetzer shortly outlining the advantages of remaining with his website.”


Anonymous said...

This isn't rocket science. There were certainly planes at the WTC, but there was no 757 at the Pentagon, and there were no people on the planes that hit those buildings, at least not the people on the passenger lists.

There has never been one corpse of any of the 266 alleged people on those planes recovered and ID'd from any of the crash sites. A woman named Ellen Mariani has spent five years searching for relatives of any of the 64 people on Flight 175's passenger lists other than her husband, and she has come up empty.

The towers were belching thick, dark smoke well before their collapses. This is an indication of dying fires, NOT raging infernos. In fact, there is a famous photo of a woman standing against a column in the gash made in WTC 1, prior to the collapse. How did she get past the "raging inferno" that supposedly turned a 100-story skyscraper into rubble, and blasted over 100,000 cubic yards of concrete into powder, before it ever hit the ground?

The government has never been able to produce any video of Arabs boarding planes or a 757 at the Pentagon, credit card company records for the alleged purchases of plane tickets and rental cars, phone company records for the alleged calls from the plane(s), etc., etc., ad nauseam. And, of course, the "terrorists" used fake ID's to board the planes, according to the "official" fairy tale, but they would also take their real passports on board, which just happened to survive, along with suicide notes, while we're also supposed to swallow the bullshit that even though these things survived, a total of around 250 TONS of metal in the "jumbo jets" was VAPORIZED!!! Anybody that could still believe any of this crap after five years is balancing a full outhouse on their neck.

The largest terrorist organization in the world operates out of Washington, DC. The entire Bush administration needs to be chucked into torture camps for five years or so, and then drawn and quartered, shot, hung, burned, and then have their ashes pissed on.

Anonymous said...

That is a superior read. Keep up the good work!

Dr. Bruce Mendelsohn

Anonymous said...

Stick with the facts, the stand down, the war games, the insider trading, and the collapes of the towers. That is our strong hand. The truth will set us free. Peace

Anonymous said...

With the integrity you have earned at this site Visible, I wonder why you printed / reprinted this rot.
You have established your credentials here, why are you letting us know that you are rubbing shoulders with the likes of Prof. Fetzer who, by this read, is obviously a manipulating dick head.
If it’s to warn us to be careful with what we let into our minds, we know that already or we wouldn’t be reading your work continuously. We trust you, have confidence in us.
We're cool!

Anonymous said...

The claim that the towers were brought down
by means of a controlled demolition is easy to disprove. I located some photos which clearly show what transpired as the South Tower starts to structurally fail and then falls (I'm a Mechanical Engineer)
1. Here we clearly see that the structural supports failed on one side facing the viewer while holding up at first on the other, causing the breaking off upper part of the tower to lurch towards the viewer, something that would never happen in case of a controlled demolition grayw...c_collapse4.jpg

2. The facing us edge of the breaking off upper part
crumbles and so does the area under it of the still standing lower part of the Tower. The upper part while crumbling sinks into the lower part moving closer towards its crossection middle, the broken off upper part's remaining height is noticeably shortened sm.jpg
Clearly these gyrations of the building's top are anything but controlled
3. What the upward jetstreams tell us. The massive quantity of debris from the crumbling broken off upper part of the tower impacts the floors below which, unlike the walls and the central core, were not designed to hold anything much heavier than the normal content of offices on each floor. Floors attachments to the walls and central core are sheared under the impact and they begin pancaking on the floors below. Thus the mass of the falling debris rapidly and continually increases and so does its speed. As the floors pancake, the perimeter exterior walls at first continue standing channelling the air, which was inside the building and is now laden with dust and smoke, upwards fountain-like. That's what we see on these pictures 6590.JPG
and .JPG
The walls that continue to stand for a brief while longer as the floors pancake are the only reason we see these powerful upwardly channeled jets of dust and smoke. Deprived of the lateral support that the floors provided and subjected to sideways impacts from the falling debris the walls and the central core collapse too although their collapse trails that of the pancaking floors. They are however continually left standing long enough and high enough to channel these upward jets of dust and smoke up. If this was a controlled demolition scenario, cutter charges' explosions would have sheared the perimeter wall columns and the central core on multiple levels causing the structure's uniform collapse with no
walls left continually briefly standing as the floors
pancake and accordingly no significant upward jetstreams of dust and smoke. I suggest you watch videos of the real controlled demolitions - you won't see any upward fountains of dust and smoke.

I think that not only WTC 7 but also WTC 10(Hotel Marriott - which exploded and collapsed on 9/12), may well have been brought down by controlled demolition.
WTC 7 falls uniformly with no advancing front of collapse as in the Towers (from the point of impact)
and with no upward fountain of dust and smoke. Thus its fall looks exactly like a typical demolition job, even though I note WTC 7 did contain inside a large tank of diesel fuel for the back up generators for Mayor's Office of Emergency Management. I think that those 2 buildings were too heavily damaged and evidently the ad hoc decision was made right then "to pull it" quickly rigging them with wirelessly controlled charges. That decision was never admitted for fear of inviting the same conclusion about the towers.
You have to understand that the Government does not operate as crudely as you imagine; in the 1993 WTC bombing there was in fact a bunch of Moslem plotters, but they were led by an FBI informer. In case of Pearl Harbor the Gov't blockaded Japan's oil shipments and knew that they will have to respond and having deciphered japanese radio intercepts, knew when and how that response will come. No, they did not rig those battleships in Parl Harbor with explosives. The often mentioned operation "Northwoods" based on complete fakery was never approved. I have no doubt that the Gov't(and a few foreign Gov'ts) knew exactly what's going to happen and when, hijackers were carefully led to their targets, with a couple even renting an apartment from an FBI informant - but there was not anything as crude and potentially enormously counterproductive for them, as a controlled demolition of the Towers. I'd note that pushing these absurd theories (I forgot the one especially amusing where the Gov't evildoers were supposedly shooting missiles at the building already rigged with explosives) which are easily debunked, will unfortunately ruin the credibility of 911 Truth movement.

Here's a couple more links that further prove that towers fall was so to speak natural. Here we see that large pieces of the outer walls which were several stories tall are pretty much straight and not deformed dust.jpg
Lots of such photographs are findable.
What that means is that they were not pulled or bent, but rather their bolted connections to the floor trusses were sheared by the pancaking floors as I said in my first e-mail. Accordingly that means that they initially were left standing channelling the smoke/dust jetstreams upward. Since shearing took place Prof. Jones's calculations of the energy it would take to deform and destroy the entire structure are not applicable. The energy expended on shearing is negligible compared to the energy of the falling mass. Here's a video showing collapse first of the South Tower and then North Tower. Watch the gyrations of the South Tower top starting at 5 min 7 secs - I think it could not be more obvious how its collapse on the floors below which were never designed to hold anything but the office contents would send them crashing down and pancaking
The most interesting moments in the North Tower collapse are shown at 6:45, again at 7:35 and 7:50 watch the wall on the right which is dozens of stories high continue to stand vertically for maybe 20-30 seconds - the floors fell pancaking and effortlessly shearing their attachments to the wall, leave it standing perfectly vertically. It surely was not cut by cutter charges on multiple levels as would be the case in the controled demolition scenario. Likewise I think the smoke shrouded vertical shape in the middle is the core which according to NIST continued to stand for 40-50 seconds.
Naturally it would have fallen together with the floors and walls if it was cut by charges on multiple levels as it happens in case of controlled demolitions - buildings fall uniformly. There can be no doubt that the towers collapse was natural. In my opinion the towers probably would have collapsed even if there was no fire - reason being that several floors in the areas of impact partly collapsed thereby depriving the exterior columns and the core of lateral support. Resulting long vertical unsupported laterally spans were bound to buckle even if they did not initially, because of the fires heating them unevenly(heating on one side is a standard bending techique used by welders) and because the buildings were known to sway in the wind as I recall up to 25 feet in each direction from the vertical axis at the top. The weakened structure must have swayed more probably snapping remaing floor to wall attachment bolts. Explosions in the buildings were most likely short-circuited transformers, gas pipes or indeed the rockets fired by terrorists from the Woolworth building. It is beyong ridiculous to suggest that the Gov't agents fired them right next to hundreds of police and firefighters unless they wanted to be exposed without any need as they ostensibly already rigged the building with explosives. Traces of radiation in the rubble came from the depleted uranium counterweights on the planes, it's well known that depleted uranium is used for that, that may also explain symptoms among the rescue workers. That should now answer pretty much all the questions.
The 911 Truth movement if they persist with the demolition theory will be figuratively speaking slaughtered and soon and their credibility utterly destroyed regarding the whole 911 issue.

Anonymous said...

You're one of the few. It's always a pleasure and an education for me to come here.


Visible said...

Tony, I'm not with Professor Fetzer, quite the opposite- that was the point of the post. I wrote this to expose his shennanigans to my readers. I am leaving with everyone else for Dr. Steven Jones' new site.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, I'll try harder.

Thanks amj.

Love to all you great people. Here's something I wrote recently at another site. I think it sums up how I feel but I don't usually get into that here but rather at my other site,

May Angels Light the Way

The road to glory
the road to heaven's gate begins
here on the dusty streets of this temporary
How few they who
can set forth in this
darkness and never be distracted in
their certitude of light

this miracle of faith this
breaking dawn within that will not
be diminished or
extinguished by
the false light of this world
how grateful am I
for the magnitude of
you across the centuries of time
your story cuts into my central core and
reminds me of the way you walked and the
land into which you came and the steadfast watch
you give at the door where you in timeless wait
for my tardy footsteps to arrive

however inconsistent I
may be
however held for a lifetime in the
thrall of false adventure and
the silly passions of whatever
impersonating flower in momentary bloom one
I will come out of this realm and pass
through the wheel of fire
out of the burning worlds and
horned masters of my frail and wounded heart-
the bas relief of hard resisting mask the
overlay unpon overlay upon the eternal
blinding light that shall as an
orphan come home at last


For everyone
who has ever stood and said
at any time

that justice wil triumph
that Truth shall prevail
that a fair shake
an even break
is the birthright of every living thing

and got shot down
and burned at the stake
for revealing to the darkness
that the dawn would soon break

I say

for everyone
spontaneously ignited
by that overwhelming
love from within
(forget above)
and who shined it forth
when the chips were down
and remained strong
while the weapons tore their flesh

I say

for everyone
who has reached out to breathe
like some paranoid crustacean
crawling fearful from the sea

for everyone
who has seen the alleys
the knives
the clubs
the dreadful comprehension
of brutal intent

the horrible unrecognizing eye
of brotherhood blinded
and knew
that Love could not die

I say

Anonymous said...

I do not have much respect for a “scholar” who does not identify himself and who posts in blogs and forums anonymously. The writer of this piece says he is member of ST911 by his surprise receipt of the letter from ST911 asking him to vote on certain matters. Wouldn’t “gentleman and scholar” do the ethical thing and write back and state he had received the letter in error and that he is not a member of ST911? This letter from the ST911 was mistakenly placed in the writer’s hand. Why take advantage of a simple mistake. I consider that basically dishonest.

”result of faulty reasoning and wild speculation that are often the grounds on which rational thinkers reject what they might otherwise thoughtfully consider. “

The writer appears to me to be practicing ad hominem attacks throughout this piece. The writer gives us no evidence that they are a person qualified to identify and point out “faulty reasoning and wild speculation”, but rather appears to be using these phrases to call names. The writer uses the term “rational thinkers”, but I see no evidence that he is one.

Because of these so called serious problems identified in the 911 truth movement, it appears perfectly logical for “some people and groups the sobriquet of ‘tinfoil hats’ and ‘wild eyed conspiracy nuts’.

Then the writer tells us all about “disinfo specialists.”

“The US Government, organized religion and their sycophants, Main Stream Media, e.g. Popular Mechanics magazine and their talking heads, alleged experts and catamite journalists.” We are told these disinfo people may or may not know what they are talking about but all of them are fine with lying for a position and paycheck.

”…you would need powerful front credentials and a dump-truck load of obfuscating bullshit to do it.” This writer does not express himself like someone that should be listened to.

The “problem that attacks the credibility of any movement and that is ‘personalities on the make’, individuals who are using a platform of public interest as a springboard to the increase of their own celebrity.” How is calling people “barnacles, lampreys and ticks” not ad hominem attacks. I got the distinct impression that Dr. Fetzer is being included as one of these personalities and figureheads to be held in contempt. Shame on this writer. I do not see how they can be a person with a “sense of personal dignity.”

The public good and making this world a better place are not goals I want this writer to advise me about.
”bizarre behavior” – another extreme sounding term that again sounds ad hominem.

“We see discussion of theories such as… “ Seems the writer is not careful about using the term hypothesis. None of the 9-11 Scholars have formulated any theories. They can form tentative hypotheses in relation to the small percentage of evidence they have in their possession.

‘high tech energy weapons’ -- there is nothing bizarre about discussing directed energy weapons. Dr. Wood and Dr. Reynolds have fully documented the existence and capabilities of directed energy weapons.

“no planes” -- I have seen slow motion of the plane hitting the south Tower and it is highly abnormal. The plane seems to just go right through the wall of the tower like a ghost walking through a wall. There is no break-up of the “plane” or the exterior of the building. It is very unscientific to ignore such video. If the video is legitimate, why does this writer get to pronounce it “absurd.” I do not adhere to any “theory”. We will never know what actually happened because the holders of 99 percent of the evidence are the chief suspects. I believe we have proven the official story is false and that there are numerous legal charges we could take government people to court on right now and that we should do that now.

The people from the Scholars I have heard on radio do not “promoting this angle”. They discuss and give frequent caveats regarding their discussion. They do not promote any angles.

I personally appreciate ALL ideas that might better explain ALL of the available relevant evidence. It would only “make me wonder” if these scholars did not discuss controversial alternative views and ideas. Dr. Fetzer is not “pushing theories and arguments.”

Dr. Fetzer’s posting articles on these controversial full range of alternatives is not at all the “advancing” or promoting or pushing of anything. I appreciate articles on and ideas on directed energy weapons, thermate, mini-nukes and no-plane-related ideas. I do not want to be a close minded person who just spews out judgmental negative ad hominem attacks.

“If I have offended 9/11 Scholars for Truth and if this means I can no longer be a member so be it.” You were never a member of it to begin with. It was a human mistake that you sheepishly took advantage of.

No you cannot, Mr. Writer, assess whether anyone has “gone off the rails.” (what a trashy phrase)

“it’s got to be fixed.” No Scholar would make this or your many grammatical mistakes.

We need a truly independent new full investigation of 9-11 with full sopoena power. This won’t happen. We also could all benefit from debates of the scholars with government people who want to defend the official story. This apparently will not happen either.

I do not need the kind of event this writer proposes to take place to know that at least 75 percent of the U.S. Congress “are bought off by the same forces that brought the towers down.”

The Scholars are not primarily concerned with the “court of public opinion”. They are concerned with the opinion and results of good and true science. They have stated clearly they want science to rule and let the chips fall where they may. But we will never have the full evidence and resources to fully develop a true scientific theory regarding what did happen on 9-11. Science is not about “democracy.”

Visible said...

Of course I am a member and today I have recieved letters from Dr. Jones, Frank Legge and Alex Loum. You're a troll baby.

I never said I was a scholar. I am a member of the organization which also includes artists and former government employees and students and others.

My name is Les Visible and that is evident to anyone who reads here. You didn't bother to check my profile. Ironically, YOU are anonymous and that says ALL one needs to know about you. Otherwise, I will leave your reasoning- which shows that you either didn't read what I had to say or couldn't comprehend it- to the consideration and judgment of my readers.

Did you miss this?

"I happen to admire a lot of what Professor Fetzer has done and appreciate his hard work and courage. I equally admire the co-founder, Dr. Steven Jones and many of the membership with whose work I am familiar. I cannot judge whether Professor Fetzer has gone off the rails

By the way, look up ad hominem. Your ass is really hanging in the wind here. Thank you for so blatantly exposing yourself. You come over here from The Best of the Fray?

Anonymous said...

I second the below statement by "anonymous." What you call the "'no planes' theory," itself a mistatement of the questions, is not absurd. The video of flight 175 butterknifing into the South Tower depicts a phsyically impossible event. What does that mean? I don't know. It is worht investigating.

I also think your emphasis on "credentials" is excessive. Focus on the arguments.

“no planes” -- I have seen slow motion of the plane hitting the south Tower and it is highly abnormal. The plane seems to just go right through the wall of the tower like a ghost walking through a wall. There is no break-up of the “plane” or the exterior of the building. It is very unscientific to ignore such video. If the video is legitimate, why does this writer get to pronounce it “absurd.” I do not adhere to any “theory”. We will never know what actually happened because the holders of 99 percent of the evidence are the chief suspects. I believe we have proven the official story is false and that there are numerous legal charges we could take government people to court on right now and that we should do that now."

Visible said...

I'd appreciate it if you people who are siding with Fetzer in his arguments and, for all I know have been sent here for this purpose, would READ my article CAREFULLY before you jump into aguing about things that I was very careful about in the way I presented them.

"Lately 9/11 Scholars for Truth has been exhibiting some bizarre behavior. We see discussion of theories such as the use of ‘high tech energy weapons’ and the idea that no planes were used in the attacks. Perhaps the first occurred, I don’t know but the latter is absurd… and though anything is possible, promoting this angle is harmful to the 9/11 Truth movement. It’s the kind of thing that makes you wonder just as the absurdity of the government's explanation makes you wonder."

Please note this "and though anything is possible, promoting this angle is harmful to the 9/11 Truth movement."

It is more important to bring what we know for a fact to the public before we get into the more controversial possibilities. THAT is my point and I make it. Neither Congress nor any reasonable body is going to give us the time of day if we go around claiming planes did not hit the towers. Maybe they didn't but that is not what our focus should be. You people are either deliberately working to make those of us who are rational look irrational; disinfo specialists or you don't know how to get things done. Neither is helpful. I stand by everything I said and Professor Fetzer is an opportunist and needs to be surgically excised from our company.

Visible said...

Oh yeah. If you want to be credible use your real names. The writing in the anonymous post bears a lot of similarities to the writing in the No Grouper post. Change your language, don't use the same phrases, you'll get caught if you do.

Anonymous said...


Well said. I have admired the exponents of the 9-11 Truth movement mostly because in the few public forums they have had, they refused to get into speculation. Particularly Jones and Griffin have been asked what happened to the passengers of those planes if the real flights weren't what hit the buildings. The answer is, we don't know.
Wild theories don't cut it, only what can be proven with evidence. For example, Webster Tarpley has laid out his working hypothesis for the events of 9-11 atop the framework of the well-documented tactic of false flag terrorism. He gives numerous examples through history where this technique was used to railroad a populace into accepting a lie as truth. Guy Fawkes, Operation Northwoods (not actually carried out), Reichstag Fire, Gladio, Chechnia. He details how the networks of moles, professional killers and patsies are organized. The patsies are the ones who get blamed and who may have actual criminal intent, yet are either not trustworthy enough or capable enough to carry out the actions attributed to them. Hence the need for the professionals and the moles in key places to provide a smokescreen.
The offical story promoted by the government and the MSM has been demolished by the 9-11 Truth movement. That's a fact. Anyone who looks at the evidence will concede that much. What really happened won't get a full airing without a truly independent investigation.
Refuse to be afraid of the boogeymen the real enemies point to.

Mark Ihle

Anonymous said...

I love this section every bit as much as I love your essays and that is saying something. I want to thank you for this. I didn't know about what was happening at this web site but I have seen all this talk about Star Wars weaponry and no planes hitting the towers and lots of outrageous stuff and it pisses me off because that isn't the point. Like you say, we have to be credible. Even if there were no planes and even if there was this hi tec weaponry we defeat the argument of what we know by getting all Marvel Comics about it. It's people like you that keep it real. You probably don't know what an impact this has on the rest of us but it is major. I come here several times every day just to see if there is something new. I was getting worried when you didn't put anything up for two weeks and now this. You just blow me away sometimes. It is always new here. It is always full of insight and hope and right thinking. I know others have said this here before but you are without a doubt one of the best writers and most original thinkers on the internet. You have my great gratitude. And fuck these noisemakers and right on for publishing them too.

Anonymous said...

there are many video streams proving some thing hit the towers. Not so convinced a plane hit the Pentagon. Planes do not leave "solid fuel" vapor trails" as they fly.

We can all be in agreement, that wtc7 was felled. Command center, could be, or not.

The pentagon comment was common sense. I maean look aroun d, when do you see a plane, commercial plane, exhibit this exhaust behavior, ever.........solid fuel = projectile.

Do the research, I have worked for the Gov't in this kind of position. Solid rockets are apparent. If you do not believe, go to the airport and watch planes take off.

I hold a B.S. in physical sciences, and being a Veteran, and versed with weapons, the pentagon strike was a SOLID FUEL ROCKET propelled device. Reference the original Pentagon security cam video released the the public a few years back. Them cross this to missile launches. It is way clear.

The Uber high tech suggestion, is crossing the line into CYA for Bush Co.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily for publication

An interesting read Visible.

Jimmy Carter Responds to Criticism of His Recent Book on the Middle East 12/9

I don't know much about Jimmy Carter but he has always seemed OK to me.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to comment here that Dr Fetzer was also rather notoriously well known in the JFK assassination research circles.

Anonymous said...

"A woman named Ellen Mariani has spent five years searching for relatives of any of the 64 people on Flight 175's passenger lists other than her husband, and she has come up empty."

What? First I heard of this.

Oh, Lord, V...

...I recall from one of your previous pieces, you wrote, "At least we fucking tried."

That's how I often feel, even as I soldier on.

It seems now that our movement is getting stonger than ever, the moles within it are turning their dirty tricks. I've recommended that website myself, and now I have to cringe, thinking that some of the people might be visiting to read that no planes hit the towers, and this Fetzer guy is using our website for his blog.

Yeah, I say "our" website, as I don't care who owns it. If anybody says they're with the truth movement, they better damn well stick to the deals, stand down, war games, and the mountains of video of the towers falling. I'm not advocating censorship, but we've already got all we need. Now, I recommend the video available for purchase or free download here:

Getting caught up in arguments just slows us down. Just watch the video where you can see huge chunks of a tower flying away from it. That is not a collapse. Also, a collapse would have been slower. But we get two perfect obliterations in one day, and then WTC7 falls for the cherry on top.

Maybe one day you'll disappoint us, too, V, as you're a little wild yourself, but as long as you continue to blame Zionism and its belief of gain at the expense of others, I'll keep you in my good books, for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

I like your arguments the best. It does not make sense to add in so many possibilities when we have enough to go on already. Something that doesn't get mentioned a lot is that the WTC was about to be condemned and needed fourteen billion dollars worth of improvements. It's really convenient that it came down and very suspicious that so many critical agencies and massive investigations were housed in the various buildings, very suspicious.

Anonymous said...

Not for publication:

Hey! You didn't run my comments about Zionism. You goin' soft on me?

Visible said...

I publish just about everything; 99% so it must not have come thru. Send it again and I'll put it up.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily for publication

Another interesting read Visible.

They're coming out of the woodwork, mate.


Anonymous said...

Ran into the neatest idea to counter those stupid yellow "support our troops" ribbons!

Check it out!

Anonymous said...

Okay, V, I'll try again

I can't quite remember it all, but I said something like: Just when we're getting the message out there, crawling on glass and paying for it with chump change and subway tokens, the moles within our group come out to do damage.

We've already got more than enough. The insider trading, the purchase of a lease to that White Elephant, the stand down, the war games, and the fact that the mountain of video we have of the towers really looks like demos, and not collapses.

We've also got this GREAT video (buy or watch for free):

I hope we won't be disappointed by you anytime V, as you're a little wild, too, but I like it that you see the real enemy, which is Zionism, as you said in a past column, it's "personal gain at the expense of others."

And I say it's got nuthin' to do with a Jewish homeland. You might as well call the Mafia an Italian homeland, adn then you get thrown in jail for being an anit-Italian for pointing it out.

Anonymous said...

annemarie (and Visible, of course)
Is all of this designed to keep our minds busy on rot and away from real issues??

landsker said...

Is the how as important as the who?
Is the tactic one of divide and conquer?
Whilst the masses argue the how, the who remain undiscussed and unquestioned, but one might, given the known knowns, and the evident truths, assume that there were and are some americans who also could turn unknown knowns into known knowns...

Visible said...

You wanna elaborate on that? I'm assuming you mean passionate and that's part of my nature. In other words, I can't help it if I care... or do you mean something else. I've been doing this for a year and a half now and by a wide margin my readers seem to appreciate it. I always listen to them but I can't do cryptic.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a canary, too.

Something is being prepared, a long time in the making.

The fact that 9/11 happened on the same three digit code we use for "emergency," 911.

The towers get carted away and melted down before any real investigation begins. There's no Osama, no victims' corpses, no black boxes, and the MSM will not play the towers' collapses (demolitions) anymore. We can exchange movs, WMVs and mpegs with each other, but not a minute of it gets on TV.

SARS, then bird flu, the news utters "since September 11th," and "post-911," every day, but the events of those day are not discussed.

"War on Terror" uttered every day, and the only things we got from Iraq were:

1 The banksters and Zionists stole a nation

2 We have been plunged many hundreds of billions of dollars into debt, all plus interest to private bankers

That's all that happened. Meanwhile, all we ever get to hear about is who's on Amercian Idol. The poor people are getting raped every fucking day, with every day of a slave's labor and we can't breathe word one about it in the MSM. We've all got it as bad as the Blacks had, only now we have the freedom to drink and smoke weed.

Didn't the Blacks get raped by their masters? Try protesting out of line, and you'll get savaged by a tazer. Nobody in the MSM will do a story; they're too busy rehashing bullshit, like the thing about Kramer losing it in a comedy club.

People getting murdered all day long-murdered ugly-murdered mean and cruel, and the MSM goes on about Britney's marriage and Kramer.

I can't even suggest what needs to be done.

At least......not in public >:/

But we know. Damn straight fucking right we know.

Anonymous said...

Y2k taught us. Sales made a fortune from Y2k fears.
Bugs in the water - buy bottled water.
Science tells us the water is no better or worse than that from the faucet.
Blow up public transport - buy the alternative.
SUV's abound.
Fuel shortage.
Purchase an attack on the source.
Fuzzy logic? Think about it!
Fear is good for business.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Les, I deicate the message down below to you and the many good people who visit this site. May your holidays be bright!!!

A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl.

Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see."

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma The daughter then asked, "What does it mean, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

You might want to send this message to those people who mean something to you; to those who have touched your life in one way or another; to those who make you smile when you really need it; to those who make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down; to those whose friendship you appreciate; to those who are so meaningful in your life.

If you don't send it, you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this message!

It's easier to build a child than repair an adult. This is so true.

May we all be COFFEE

Anonymous said...

The guy who left the lengthy missive about why the towers were NOT brought down by explosives is a classic disinformation artist.

Just because the top of the towers leaned over toward the points of impact has nothing to do with controlled demolition as a whole. Of course, if you blow out the supports on one side of a building, and there are millions of pounds of materials in the floors above, common sense and the laws of physics would dictate that the upper floors would lean over toward the impact point. That does not prove anything one way or the other with respect to the rest of the building. It is virtually impossible for a building of that type to collapse in that manner, with the central core completely obliterated, without the use of explosives, just as it is impossible to fall at that rate of speed unless the entire support structure has been simultaneously reduced to disconnected rubble. This guy seems to want to chuck the laws of physics, gravity, conservation of motion, the structural properties of concrete and steel, the maximum burning temperature of kerosene and the melting point of construction steel, among a host of other things, right out the window.

He's probably one of those "experts" employed by Popular Mechanics in their "debunking" piece from March, 2005, which has been effectively debunked itself as a load of crap written after PM purged its editorial staff, and loaded it with Bush toadies. One of the co-authors of that piece of rubbish, Benjamin Chertoff, just happens to be related to Michael Chertoff, who at the time of that article's publication just happened to be the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. PM is run by Catherine Black, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Another classic sign of a controlled demolition that this person kicks to the curb is that in such an event, charges are placed on the structural supports so that the supports are sheared into uniformly-shaped pieces, so that they fit nice and neat on the trucks that cart them off. There has been testimony from numbers of rescue workers, firefighters and the like, that the vast majority of those steel beams were sheared into 30-foot sections. Yeah . . . a kerosene fire did that, all right. And does anybody think that the New York Port Authority would have issued a permit to anybody to erect a structure of that size, that would actually fall apart like a pile of matchsticks, killing everybody inside, in the event of one floor collapsing onto another? Sure they did -- and pigs fly.

If something isn't possible, then it didn't happen. And anybody who says that it did is either an idiot or a liar.

Anonymous said...

The guy who left the lengthy missive about why the towers were NOT brought down by explosives is a classic disinformation artist.
Just because the top of the towers leaned over toward the points of impact has nothing to do with controlled demolition as a whole. Of course, if you blow out the supports on one side of a building, and there are millions of pounds of materials in the floors above, common sense and the laws of physics would dictate that the upper floors would lean over toward the impact point. That does not prove anything one way or the other with respect to the rest of the building. It is virtually impossible for a building of that type to collapse in that manner, with the central core completely obliterated, without the use of explosives, just as it is impossible to fall at that rate of speed unless the entire support structure has been simultaneously reduced to disconnected rubble. This guy seems to want to chuck the laws of physics, gravity, conservation of motion, the structural properties of concrete and steel, the maximum burning temperature of kerosene and the melting point of construction steel, among a host of other things, right out the window.
He's probably one of those "experts" employed by Popular Mechanics in their "debunking" piece from March, 2005, which has been effectively debunked itself as a load of crap written after PM purged its editorial staff, and loaded it with Bush toadies. One of the co-authors of that piece of rubbish, Benjamin Chertoff, just happens to be related to Michael Chertoff, who at the time of that article's publication just happened to be the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. PM is run by Catherine Black, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Another classic sign of a controlled demolition that this person kicks to the curb is that in such an event, charges are placed on the structural supports so that the supports are sheared into uniformly-shaped pieces, so that they fit nice and neat on the trucks that cart them off. There has been testimony from numbers of rescue workers, firefighters and the like, that the vast majority of those steel beams were sheared into 30-foot sections. Yeah . . . a kerosene fire did that, all right. And does anybody think that the New York Port Authority would have issued a permit to anybody to erect a structure of that size, that would actually fall apart like a pile of matchsticks, killing everybody inside, in the event of one floor collapsing onto another? Sure they did -- and pigs fly.
If something isn't possible, then it didn't happen. And anybody who says that it did is either an idiot or a liar.

Anonymous said...

LOOK!!!!!!There's Elvis!!!!!



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