Thursday, November 15, 2007

We've Got To Drive These Steers to Kansas City.

I’ve been in a rural location in southern Europe for about a month now. Getting internet has been a problem but I have finally found an external location that should permit me to post on a regular basis again. I’ve even got someone coming to the house today so that, possibly, I might even soon have it in my house. All in all, the signs are good but I’ve dealt with disappointments here before. I do know that sooner or later it’s going to work out; technology, like fascism are relentlessly moving forward... even in a backwater like this. In any case, my internet difficulties are not the point of this posting. The point of this posting is what I have seen on TV in the month I have been away.

I don’t usually watch TV ... at all. I might just as well sit here and stab the back of my hand with a fork. Both of these activities give me about the same general sense of pleasure. So I watched World News on CNN once in the morning and once at night for as long as I could stand it and sometimes it was my misfortune to encounter Larry King sniffing the hind-end of one prancing chimpanzee or another as he sat upon his throne in Tabloid Hell dispensing the fairy dust of plastic celebrity. It had that fascination which you only get from lurid crime stories and bad machinery accidents; trains crashes, car crashes and natural disasters. If you’re not careful you wind up watching it as it sucks you down into the septic tank like an amusement park ride.

I can’t take more than a few minutes but I always do try to find out what the point of the interview is about; trouser trout and fly fishermen- with a constant changing of position in the kind of obscene kiss-fest that could only take place in this banal age; but I digress.

This isn’t about those things either. I’ve never fancied dumpster diving or reading oracles in shit. This is about the- between the lines, trickle down truth experience that you can get if you are watching carefully. Some things are self-explanatory and come as no surprise for those of us savvy enough to get our news from truth sites and, some of these things one intuits... though intuition is not always required; just common sense and an objective reasoning capacity.

The cause of the rising price of oil... though not mentioned at all, can only have to do with an impending attack on Iran. Indeed, there was the fear that an attack on Iran would drive the price of oil up to a hundred dollars a barrel and there you go. It’s already there, like it had eyes.... they haven’t done it yet but market forces know all about it already. They know it’s coming up fast. Or... you tell me... what else could be the reason for such a thing? Yes, there’s rising tensions in Kurdistan (where the Kurds are being referred to as ‘rebels’- though I have no idea why). Turkey is Israel’s big buddy in the Middle East, primarily because a great many of the present day Israelis are Turks, more or less; if you want to do the ashka-Nazi math.

And there’s the looming crisis in Pakistan; Musharraf is on the ropes and handling things in a way guaranteed to guarantee his fall in the same way that most tin horn dictators usually accomplish it. There’s the ongoing conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan which is now costing about 1.3 trillion dollars. There are all of these conditions but it’s about Iran. Israel is engineering their sneak attack on Iran’s nuclear energy program and the pigs at the trough want to bleed every bloody dime they can manage from the profits to come.

That’s all it is. But not a word is said about this as the newscasters segue into speculation on how truffles taste by comparison with something else.

I was struck by the huge difference between what is and what is being said. I haven’t been able to get to my ‘truth sites’ and I never tire of mentioning them;

Signs of the Times
What Really Happened
The Truthseeker

So this is what the genus ordinarius watches every day. These are the news vehicles that inform the public; the news vehicles that take the wretched and uneducated with camera crew and sleazy news personnel out for the first look at their burned to the ground homesteads and then milk the onsite tears and tragedy for tabloid effect. These are the news organs that ignore the Ron Paul phenomenon. These are the news organs that make shit up and form the shit into crude shapes as if they were in Pottery 101 and then display these twisted pots, ashtrays and candle-holders as if Leonardo Da Vinci were responsible for them.

I’m not going to flood this piece with examples of the lies and inferences that make up the daily efforts of these venal weasels. You see it or you don’t.

It explains a lot. It explains the busted elevator fall of intelligence. It explains the dumbing down. You have to make people stupid enough to believe it and be entertained by it. It explains that the long term goal of fascism is to make people docile and deluded enough that they will gladly eat offal if you bake it with a meringue topping.

Television is the lidless red-eye of Sauron. Contemporary music is the stupidity massage soundtrack to the daily life. Newspapers and magazines are the snack food. Sex is the carrot on the stick. The fatter and dumber the people get the more they imagine themselves rolling in the hay with Murdoch’s Baskin and Robbins flavors of the moment as presented in all their silicone glory through the mediums he created for the sole purpose of inflaming the minds and desires of those too stupid to think and for whom taste is just another bad product.

They don’t have to make all of us stupid. They don’t care that some of us know. We’re unimportant overall. They just need the herd to behave and react according to stimulus. We can say whatever we want to say and we can have all the rock hard evidence anyone might need to come to the obvious conclusions but it doesn’t matter at all.

This is why history repeats itself. This is why it first comes as tragedy and then as farce. This is how and why the world is Cain- rampant on a field of blood and bones. This is why there is no irony in the neo-con cabal’s murder of over a million Iraqis and Saddam’s pitiful comparative numbers. This is why no one gives a shit about four million displaced Iraqis or the genocide in Palestine. It isn’t real. It’s not really happening unless you happen to be one of them. This is why when they discovered that there were no large plastic shredding machines into which human bodies were being fed by Saddamites that nobody bothered to report it. Once you make up the news and you’ve got the hook in the fish’s mouth you can move on to the next lie and the next fish and the next lie and the next fish.

On and on it goes; pointless debates between candidates who are sworn to do the bidding of Israel. The greater world twists in an agony of indefinable hunger and unfulfilled desires. Massive shadows of imaginary fear loom up on the landscape and the herd of steers merges to the left or merges to the right or continues forward just as if the fantastic mirages of fabricated fear were sheepdogs barking at their heels. Their guts spread and their brains shrink and there is only the trail ahead. Quo vadis? Who the Hell knows? The Shadow knows.

“No time to understand them, just dope and rope and brand them, death’s waiting at the end of the ride... head ‘em up, move ‘em out... RAWHIDE.....”

It doesn’t matter what we say; how cogent our argument may be or how true and damning the facts may be. But we go on saying it. Every now and then some of the steers peel away from the herd. Every now and then some few get their shit together and move away from the fan. We’re not going to get on Clear Channel and Larry King but we may get somewhere they aren’t going and that is all the reward anyone could ask.


Visible said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous said...

Hello Les
No apology required mate, thanks for all you give us.
Another great post.
Take care and be well.

Anonymous said...

It is really good to see you back. Rural must be good for you, you are sizzling. Which is a good thing, because there is so much horror, its boring in its predictability. We only have to look back on too recent history to see constant reruns. We are bombarded from every direction with repeats, its only natural to make the parallels and see the same tired products. Just once in a while does an essay/report/piece of labor transcend the never-complete road construction- gridlock and you have done it.

Anonymous said...

Nice to read you again Les. Hope all is well. Peace, Love, Dan

Anonymous said...

Re This one and the new Origami, too.

I carried these two rants around with me for the last 24 and I ended up sayin' to m'self, "Poor les, he's so impatient." He's sitting in some nice li'l mirador, gobbling tapas and all feeling like the expat Hemingway yelling J'ACCUSE at the prole-lemmings below. And he's also crying to the sky like the forbears of them ashka-Nazis ('n' I like that metaphor) "How long, O Israel, how long?" He wants the catastrophe, and he wants it NOW! Tired of waiting. Like that buzzard who says "Screw this, I'm gonna kill something!"

Ya gotta take the Long View, les. Tryin' to maintain as an Aquarian truth-elitist saps one's energy for enduring the running-out-of-the-clock, for the RE-Swing o' the pendulum. Gotta put more faith in all that hubris the Busho-neocons are expending in prodding the herd. Sooner or later one slip of the electro-prod and the herd does what it does, and gallops the fuck back over the Darksiders, stampedes the pendulum back the correct way, and resets the clock.

See, there can't be but actually one outcome, and it's the same outcome as what ground up Czar Nicho, Louis the Umpteenth, Agamemnon and all them short-termers right back to the original Hubris-er, Ozymandias. They all get meat-jellied by counting on the herd to remain mindless. We're all in the herd, les, so don't peel off; you're not some separate elite truth-perceiving part of a 'nother herd. We just eventually all eventually lose our mortgages, send our kids to drug rehab, and then start shooting up the place. But you know this; you sense the turning of the herd already. The RESET button is real big, les, so it takes the whole herd to push it just right.

Patience, Grasshopper, Patience. This time we got Momma Nature pushing with us ....

Anonymous said...

Hey Les,

It's enough to drive you nuts I reckon. It drove me nuts anyway.

I had a patch that started with Wild Swans and ended with me living in China. It all pivoted on a rapt fascination with the intensity of the Mao years. It seemed as if the whole country had descended into a mass psychosis, a nationwide delusion. What mad aberrant gene did the Chinese possess to allow this?

Ha! Only an deluded white guy would ask such a stupid question. Truth is the Chinese were guilty of nothing special. Our mass delusion is only a cultural variant of their mass delusion. White people, right now, are in the grip of a particularly violent mass psychosis. And nobody wants to know. People who know nothing, apart from what Rupert wants them to (the 'why' of the delusion is a separate point), argue with me vehemently. I can explain patiently, win point after point and lead them to the inevitable conclusion and they'll point-blank refuse to make the leap. I've failed to convince a single one of my friends. I'm still friends with them - we still have a beer and a laugh. But they all think I'm mad. And I am. If you think something that nobody, but nobody, thinks, how does that differ from being mad?

So whether I'm mad in a sane world or sane in a mad world, it's all one. It doesn't make any difference. It is what it is. The only thing left to me is to refuse to succumb. I refuse to carry any ID. I refuse to participate with banks or credit. I refuse to register with the government for tax or the dole or any other goddamn thing. And eventually when we get to the point that even irrelevant nobodies like me get taught their lesson I will refuse to learn it. You know, part of me almost looks forward to it.

PS Some fellow on some other site suggested googling 'David Sassoon opium wars'. I second him. Astounding stuff. Don't miss it.

Anonymous said...

Um, sounds like you're really tearing along, there, but let's
get to the
As in, 'make your own'. Ah, independence, bane of corporate moguls everywhere, people that can do and think for themselves, and it starts with energy. If you don't have to pay anyone anymore to heat and light your home, well, hell, next thing you know the whole country quits buying gasoline and the stupidity index drops like a rock. Speaking OF Iraq, when are we finally going to see that impeachment? How about investing all that mental energy into supporting reforms starting with flushing the toilet, there?
They say the big turds rise to the
top, but how about a courtesy flush? We're flush with promissory scrip, but that's dropping in value by the week, so when's the Reform Party? If ya don't like what's on the menu, time to get in the kitchen and get busy, for office!



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