Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ron Paul and the Sign of the Devil.

Occasionally I have to get personal in my commentary here. Sometimes you have to clarify where you are coming from so that people understand. It’s natural for people to make assumptions. They can be inaccurate though and usually, the best thing is to ask me to clarify something. Unfortunately this doesn’t happen as often as it should. Usually it doesn’t happen at all. This may turn out to be longer than my normal postings which I keep within rigid dimensions. It’s necessary, so... bear with me if you will.

Recently a friend called to my attention a comment placed on The Truthseeker website - they occasionally reprint my articles at this site and I’m very gratified when that happens because I consider this site to be one of the best on the internet when it comes to telling the truth. I’m honored that they give me any space at all with so many fine writers to choose from.

They had reprinted my “Ron Paul and the Seven Dwarfs” piece and then added a caveat in an article above it which had to do with a photo of Ron Paul flashing ‘the devil sign’. They went on to say that this might indicate membership in ‘the illuminati’. This is an organization that may or may not exist under that name and which has been around for centuries and whose purpose is world domination along with all kinds of other evil shit. I’m certain that such an organization does exist. I don’t know if they call themselves that but it will serve for our purposes here. Truthseeker said the jury was out on Ron Paul and there could be many possible explanations for this gesture. They passed no judgment. They just made an observation and well... I don’t know what to say to that.

It is true that a number of questionable world leaders (and those who serve them) have been seen giving this sign. One of those leaders is George W. Bush who does it often and who deceitfully explained that it was in support of the football team, The Texas Longhorns. This is bullshit, no need to go on any further about that. Is George Bush a devil worshipper? If we take the meaning of that term in a general way and base our judgment on what he’s done then he certainly qualifies as a devil worshipper. Does he attend Black Sabbaths and participate in the sacrifice of human life on an altar dedicated to Satan in the classical sense? I don’t know ...he might. Does he sacrifice human life? Yes. Is he laughing in the face of the people who see him flashing this sign and does he intend it in a satanic fashion? I’d say that’s very likely. I remember his interaction with Ozzie Osbourne at a National Press Club Dinner and that speaks volumes. I also remember him laughing at and mocking Karla Faye Tucker. He’s a psychopath to be sure.

See, this is about semantics here and it’s also about appearances. If there’s one thing the ‘so-called’ devil is big on it is ‘appearances’. I have studied in the area of the occult and metaphysics all my life. If there’s anything I have a background in it is this. I’ve also had experiences, one in particular that relates directly to this sign of the devil thing. I’ll give a little background on that but first... let me say a couple of things.

There is only ONE animating force in the universe. This force specializes into every other force. For the most accurate and briefest description of this force please read “The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus”. There is no devil as is commonly understood; no power equal to the ONE that is in a position to threaten or challenge the position of the ONE. It can ‘appear’ otherwise and that is the thing... appearances. There are two relationships that one can have with the ONE and this is where ‘conscious’ and ‘unconscious’ good and evil comes into play. The devil is the way that evil people see the ineffable. This is where your devil is resident. This resistance to the progress of GOOD in the universe is the result of a decision or inclination on the part of any individual to engage in ‘self interest’ to the disregard of his fellows. It’s all about the false self. If there is a devil then that devil is a man, any man, who behaves like one and there are ancient forces willing to inhabit such a man or woman and who are always on the lookout for willing vehicles. This seeming contradiction is intentional.

I happen to know that there are two- what I will refer to as- ‘invisible lodges’ that are involved in a magical war and that everything that happens ‘on the ground’ is the result of it. Much of the evil that gets visited here comes from the dark lodge and operates through human agency. You can dispute this all you want. My personal experience is enough for my certitude. Many magical behaviors accompany the operation of powerful organizations; Masonic hand signals used in courtrooms and elsewhere, symbols on currency, twenty two stars in the Paramount logo etc. Governments and corporations co-opt symbology for their purposes. One can study the origin of the swastika and see proof of this. There are many, many examples. There are progressive initiations and levels. I could go on all night about this. I belong to an esoteric order and if there is one thing we are aware of it is what the ‘other side’ is up to. It appears ‘here’ that evil is always winning. Let us compare that to the exchange between John McCain and the Vietnamese general about how America never lost a battle but did lose the war. No one will EVER control the entire Earth.

To fully get into any of these areas in detail would require a book length exposition and that is not possible here. So you have to read between the lines and fill in the blanks yourselves. I am sorry to have to discuss some of the things I am talking about here in Smoking Mirrors. A lot of people visit this site every day and they don’t come here for things of this nature. I have another blog for that. Unfortunately... this is all relevant to the case in question and my personal experiences put me into direct contact with the subject matter. I promise to avoid these areas of discourse in the future as firmly as I have in the past.

In the process of writing here I have gained supporters and parted ways with others who objected to one thing or another. You can’t compromise if you’re going to do this sort of thing or you become another pandering hack. Certain sites won’t publish my work lately because of my talking about Ron Paul. I can’t be concerned with that. Another site that I highly admire may not link to this particular piece because of the arcane subject matter which isn’t a part of his view of the world and he’s a real force for good in what he does. I will try to keep Smoking Mirrors free of this in the future. I honestly don’t like talking about myself in the way I feel compelled to in this post. Most people don’t want to hear it and it gives ammunition to those whose axes are always sharpened in my direction. Let’s move on.

Major pedophile rings, ritual murder and major drug activity; all sorts of crime, cluster around the periphery of the governments of the world. Evil prospers and is infinitely attractive to those so disposed. I know there is a reason for everything and that karma is perfectly dispensed, but on the face of it, it seems that justice is seldom done. Be assured that justice is ALWAYS done in its own time and place... inexorably and inevitably.

I had an experience of initiation. I won’t get into the details of that but I will say that my hands went into very similar mudras to the one in question. There was an irresistible force at work which swept me away. Later on... days? ...Weeks? ...Months? I saw what I had not seen before- I was quite young- I saw some statues of Buddha’s and the Hindu deities and they all had their hands in this fashion. When I was in prison I noted that gangsters would walk around with the back of one hand resting above a buttock, they were bent forward and walked in a pimp roll with the same two fingers pointing down and the other two curled and I saw that this ONE force could be directed in two ways. One of the ways accounts for Good and the other is for channeling Evil. It’s one force and its intention is dependent on the person channeling it. In Indian Tantrism they speak of the right and left-hand path and it is a choice the practitioner makes at a certain point.

Later I found out that what happened to me was a kundalini awakening. It was so powerful that I went about for three years in a constant state with my hands in a particular fashion where it appeared that I was holding invisible reins to invisible horses. This was true. The reins are the reins of the mind and the horses are the senses. If you observe the classic painting of Krishna standing behind Arjuna you will see the hands held in this fashion. It symbolizes a yogic state. So powerful was what happened to me that many unbelievable things occurred in this period (and have continued to) and there are witnesses for it. I also attracted a number of followers who were either looking for me or following me. I was not comfortable with this and at a certain point made the conscious decision to behave in such a way as to discourage it and I have been successful since. I generally veil this process in which I am engaged. This is a very ancient thing whose origin lies far back of this present period of history. This serpent power is often depicted as a cobra with expanded hood. In China it is shown as a dragon. It permeates existence and is back of all activity in life. It can be consciously directed according to the disposition of the one channeling it. It can be both a deadly poison and a healing balm.

It is important here for me to say that I don’t make any claims about myself. I don’t know what it means in my case. All I know is that this force is still very much active in me- it’s permanent and doesn’t go away and I can go into this state at will and my hands and body will move of their own accord in something that resembles certain kinds of dancing seen in the east and also has martial arts applications. Since that time I have been able to see certain things and I write about them over at Visible Origami. I sometimes see energy serpents crawling though every aspect of nature. I see an alphabet of fiery characters written into everything, like my hand, or your hand. I see Hindu Gods riding across the sky in the shaping of the clouds. Transparent energy beings from the sun come and sit beside me on some occasions and talk to me but I can’t understand what they are saying except in a telepathic sense. It feels good though.

By this time some portion of people will assume I am crazy or deluded. I haven’t even mentioned the more intense occurrences and aspects of what this experience caused in me, nor the man I met who initiated it in me, one evening thousands of miles from the place where I had met him some months previously. He also held his hands this way. He was and is far beyond my state. I have not encountered him in the corporeal realm since.

I don’t really care what you think about all of this. My life has been a serious struggle with certain features of it... not the least being elements from the dark side but thankfully I know by experience that they have no power to affect me besides the occasional discomfort caused by these encounters. I know that experiences of this sort and the things I went though would drive most people mad. In fact, several people who were determined to follow me about had to be institutionalized for a period of time because of things they saw. During the experience that I had I went mad too, if going mad can be described as passing completely beyond the bounds of the normal parameters. For some reason, because of the way I am constructed it not only didn’t alarm or panic me but rather filled me with excitement and even today I am very comfortable with it happening and being in wild places even in the dark of the night. I made some kind of authentic connection and whatever it is, is a lot more powerful that any ‘appearances’ I run up against and I do run up against them.

Certain events of my life are well known by a number of people of good character who will attest to what I say here and who were able to see some of the things I discuss when they were with me. This gives me no greater importance than anyone else so put your egos aside. I’m just talking about something that happened and my whole life is the result of it. I live as a near recluse. I operate with minimum possessions. I seek nothing from the world and don’t care if I leave my mark or am heralded in any way. I’m just ‘trying’ to tell the truth and serve when I can. I’m not evil in the way we know the people in question to be but I am involved with ‘the same force’ in a different relationship. We can accurately judge whether someone is good or evil by the result of what they do; “by their works ye shall know them”. My hand occasionally rises of its own accord into the mudra of blessing which we see the pope and his priests engage in. The present pope has about as much connection with Jesus Christ as Bush does. That does not make the gesture evil, nor make me good.

I have made mistakes in the past and behaved outrageously. There were reasons but that is neither here nor there. What I say about this force and these hand gestures is all based on direct personal experience. Evil often appears to be good and what is good appears to be evil. We’ve got plenty of historical precedence for this. It’s said that even the very elect can be deceived.

Let me say that the basic nature of ‘the world’ is corruption and everyone who enters into the political and religious area comes into contact with some portion of it and ‘most’ come to ‘terms’ with it- make ‘deals’ and are, sooner or later, put into compromising positions. The areas of politics and religion as well as commerce are the dominion of a particular manifestation of the force. Those who have shaped our world for the better have all come into conflict with the authorities in the areas where they operated. Sometimes they are killed... imprisoned... framed and discredited... whatever.

Usually I can sense the nature of a man or woman just by looking at them and hearing them speak and I haven’t been far wrong yet about anyone. Now let me get to the essence of what this is about.

Some people assume that because I speak well about Ron Paul that I am a Ron Paul supporter and that I agree with every position he holds on every subject. This is not true. I have never said I was a Ron Paul supporter. Please look closely at the way I frame the things I say. If you have questions about my intent about anything I say in any posting I would suggest you read more closely. I am thinking about this very thing the whole time that I am writing. Quite often your question is answered already.

The Truthseeker made no claim in this regard about me but in other places I note that people have. This is not about the Truthseeker comment, which I agree with. This is in a general sense.

When I look at Ron Paul I do not see the satanic in evidence. He seems to me to be a man with sharply delineated and simple values. He appears to me to be just what he is, a country doctor who went into politics and whose record speaks for itself. If Ron Paul is an ‘illuminati’ or devil like the others... then that is bad news to be sure. I can see that Hillary is a tool of the Zionists. I can see that Obama is ambitious and callow (not enough experience for the job) but may be a good person- so far. He’s mostly traveling on show biz charisma. I can see that John Edwards is pretty decent but I’m not sure how strong he may prove to be were his integrity set against a hard challenge. I can see that Dennis Kucinich is telling the truth but I do not see completely into him which does not mean anything, I can’t see completely into any of these people but I can sense what I require to make a judgment that satisfies me and which experience continues to prove out.

I can see about the Republican candidates pretty much what I said in the last article so you can go back and read that if you haven’t yet.

Can I be deceived? I think any of us can. It can happen just from having a good heart. But I go with what Lao Tzu said... “I believe the liar if I am true enough.” I’ll leave you to figure out what that means.

I do not like Republican policies as they have been demonstrated for most of this century. They are the party of big business and they are elitist. They engage in class warfare, they separate, divide and conquer. They’ve learned to accuse the other side of exactly what they are doing. Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh tell you all you need to know about the contemporary Republican Party. Lately they represent the very worst things in America and they are presently base hypocrites when it comes to the real life application of their principles and platforms. I haven’t seen one like Ron Paul before. It astounds me that I would think this well of a Republican. He really seems to me to be speaking the truth and that is what America- and the world- needs right now. He has the right ideas about so many things. He comes across as a human being and a great many people see this. I would be shocked to find that he was a demon in disguise.

However, the world is the world is the world. To My eyes Ron Paul stands head and shoulders above the other candidates. I get arguments from people about his position on abortion and other issues. Most of their arguments are a form of hysteria and mis-informed. Most of the time the arguments I hear are surface judgments where the protestors haven’t even bothered to investigate and that’s business as usual on this plane. I don’t argue with people. I don’t care if I convince people. I put out what I think and you can take it or leave it.

I think Ron Paul is the best candidate by far. I think he’s the best thing for the country as far as I have looked into the matter. I’m not wearing a Ron Paul button and I’m not marching in any parades. I am just trying to give people my impressions on what I see and I am willing to change my position in a heartbeat the moment I find my position to be wrong.

I find that picture disturbing and I don’t know what to think. My immediate impression is that he’s seen that gesture around and doesn’t have a clue that it implies anything more than the “I love you” deaf signing or something... I can’t comment on it. I just know what I get viscerally.

I apologize to my readers for telling you more than you probably wanted to know about me and making myself vulnerable to the usual wacko labels. I manage my life pretty well in any case. Personally, I feel that most of the world is crazy and I see it all of the time. People do find me strange and I will admit to being so but you’ll just have to take the things I say the same way I take the things other people say. You’ll have to look inside yourself and see if it feels true.

I appreciate what was said at The Truthseeker...

BUT YOU HAVE TO TRUST SOMEBODY SOMETIME. And I find Ron Paul to be far and away more trustworthy than any of the others and I feel it is my job to say it. If in the future I prove to have been misled or misleading, you have my deepest apologies for that in advance. Once again, I will change my positions immediately the moment it is made clear to me that I am wrong. I have no ambition greater than to know and speak the truth. I realize this is impossible but I’d like to get as close as I can.

I did not want to have to believe that the Zionists were deeply involved in orchestrating and carrying out 9/11 but that is what the evidence shows... ...REPEATEDLY and conclusively. I’m not likely to get very far as a writer and a recording artist for publicly saying this but the truth is more important than my career as an artist or whatever reputation I may or may not have. Regardless of how damaging it may be for me to say the things I say in terms of my life’s work I would be just like every other sold-out, fear-based coward if I just played the game and went along with the program. I’m not going to play the fucking game and go along with the program and you shouldn’t either. That is a BIG part of the problem. It’s all of our little greed’s and fears that allow the big fears and greed’s to prosper. We turn our heads more often than we should.

I do not like having to say the things I say but someone has to say them and I’m not the only one. The amount of disgusting lies that are perpetrated daily must be addressed. People need to know that the Israeli soldiers WERE NOT captured in Israel but on Lebanese soil. People need to know that they were all set up to attack before it even happened. People need to be told they dropped around a million cluster bombs in Lebanon AFTER peace had been agreed on. Direct evidence proves this and it proves a great many things to be otherwise than what is spewed and spun every day.

People need to know about Myanmar’s cozy relationship with oil companies. People need to know what China is up to in The Sudan. People ‘have the right to know’ about what is going on. The media is real keen to use this ‘right to know’ excuse when it comes to the pathetic lives of the Lindsey Lohans and Paris Hiltons in this paparazzi age but they swerve right around the truth or just make it up when it comes to the important issues. Mainly they feed you swill because they consider you a lower life form.

People need to know that 911 was an inside job. People need to be told again and again about building #7. People need to know about Mohammed Atta on Jack Abramoff’s gambling boat and about PNAC and who is in PNAC. People need to be told the truth about Iraq and Iran and all the other places in the gun-sights of the psychopaths. People need to be told that the Zionistas control most every aspect of the media and that is easily proven at any time and every argument otherwise is bullshit and that has to be said.

People need to be reminded that Ariel Sharon told Shimon Peres that he didn’t have to worry about America because, “we control America.” The powers that be can’t disprove any of these things and thousands more I could mention. They can’t disprove them because they are true and the evidence is there. They can try to shout us down... They can tell more lies... They can try to marginalize and slander us but you cannot disprove what we say because it is the truth. End of story.

Somebody has to say these things so why not me? Why not you? Somebody has to say these things. Ron Paul is saying certain things and I agree with him. To me he appears to be telling the truth and he appears to be sincere. I will stand corrected the day I learn otherwise. Thank you for your patience in reading this post. I’ll be in the rubber room if you need me.

Footnote; I read this a few times before I posted it and my initial intention was just to toss it. Then I thought about the people who would read it. Some would find it entertaining. Some would get it and, due to certain features in the presentation, accept it as true. Others would take a ‘who knows?’ position and a certain portion would get pissed off and flames would dance on their head. I figured with all of that going for it I might as well put it up. Besides, that’s just how it is.


Marcos Freitas said...

man, thanks for this blog and your writings... (fortunately we can still find some sanity signs, at least in the internet!!! i've got here through the codshit link, ok?)
i'm not even a north american citizen, so i'll not vote in the next US elections etc, etc.. but i'm a citizen of this world and i'm pretty concerned and worried (specially as i'm a father as well) about the way things are going on, here on earth, right now, most of all, due to the American foreign policies and it's allies or the so called "coalition forces" in their "task" in the middle-east... not to mention, the unacceptable way that Estate of Israel and it's arrogance exists, or the next planned "war-step" through Iran, wow man, i don't even like to think about it,'s scary!!!
well, i first heard about Ron Paul in that interview he gave to Aaron Russo for his "America - freedom to fascism" and i must confess i couldn't even believe i was hearing that from a republican congressman's mouth... and since than i was paying attention to this very sensible, intelligent and interestingly aware politician... and i started to believe that it would be possible that someone although inside the politics could be actually outside "the system" ...however, i'm always afraid about the possibility of a hoax (much, in this case, due the use of the word "revolution" and much more with that that red word "love" reversed inside it) but... again as a father, i'd rather believe Ron Paul is not a hoax (as a plan B, C, F or Z from the illuminati, pushing us a "New World Saviour"), and, to keep some faith in anything, i truly believe he's the best possible option for the next elections, even if i think that, if it's true and he's not with them, they'll kill him as soon as he gets near to something like win the elections or at last if he starts to raise too much at the election polls... then, becoming an actual menace to their N.W.O. plans...
that's it, thank you again, and sorry about my poor english and this too long comment...
hugs, and good luck

Anonymous said...

we don't always get to see the entire arc of karmic justice, but, swing back the pendulum does :) tick tock, universes are born, grow old and die. eternal vibration and change, our only constants.

there is a whole lotta shakin goin on. hermes gives us the "word" and i love that you write of him, and i love that people all the over the world read you...writing of him. that's why i left you the link the other day, and why i leave it again today.
i am joyously obligated - by my initiation to do so, just as you are and do.... :)
i understand.. hermes' golden tablets are written in an arcane manner, and a very hard read for some seekers having no prior exposure to such.
the kybalion is in essence, hermes' "word" but, more fitted as a contemporary primer.

for any readership wishing to research hermes' golden tablets, i just want to grant them ease :)
in art and labor...

Anonymous said...

I read everything you post, Les. I knew there was much more depth to you than was evident, and you have great insight into so many issues. I hope (and think) you're right about Ron Paul. Maybe he is the ONLY one who uses the 'sign' that really is merely greeting the Longhorn fans (?). At any rate, I am voting for him in the primaries although I've never before registered or voted Republican. Of course, I don't expect him to be in the runoff, THEY control that and if he should get past the primaries--well, hopefully he'll stay away from small airplanes (and all that that implies--They have many ways of doing away with people they don't want in.) Keep posting, and I'll keep reading. Best to you...

Anonymous said...

this last post has made many things clear to me, not the least of which is that i should have been reading your other blogs before now. thank you.

Joy said...

Les, I appreciate everything you wrote, but let's back up. I went to the truthseeker site and looked at the picture of Ron Paul's hand gesture.

The THUMB IS COMPLETELY EXTENDED so he appears to be starting to make the ASL "I love you" sign.

Alternatively, he could have been in the process of making a "hang loose" or Shaka sign, which is also with extended thumb.

Of note, the "Satanic Sign" or more properly corna, with the thumb folded into the palm,
is visually identical to the hand gesture used to show support for the Texas Longhorns. Any candidate visiting UT Austin would be stupid not to flash the "hook 'em horns!" sign. So even if someone is photographed making a corna, the context must be considered.

Lance Armstrong confused europeans when he flashed a "hook 'em horns" salute to some Texas friends who came to watch him in the Tour de France. He had to explain in a press conference. After that he wore a cross around his neck while racing.

I agree that GW Bush has flashed the corna in circumstances where it clearly had nothing to do with Texan identity and was sinister.

In no way is there anything incriminating or sinister about this picture of Ron Paul except the background, which appears to have been photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

I admire Mike Gravel for his courageous filibuster which ended the Vietnam War draft. There are many things about Kucinich I like. But I have to admit, the more I listen to Ron Paul, the more the man's honesty and sincerity comes through.

Is he our "neo," the one to end the Federal Reserve/Imperial matrix, to bring down Phil Dick's "Black Iron Prison?" If so, the forces of "evil" will surely target him. Already they smear him, after ignoring him and laughing at him failed. We're at the "fight" stage of Ghandi's wisdom. "...and then you win."

Even if they Wellstone the man, the seeds of liberty have been planted in the next generation, and that gives me hope.

The pamphleteers of the pre-Revolutionary War times spoke of 'the Contagion of Liberty.' It is that time again. We have always known that "they" cannot stand against the masses; as Orwell wrote, the 'prole' need only shake himself like a dog ridding himself of fleas to end elite control. There need be no bloodshed: only a great awakening, that man is NOT born a slave, and that we need NOT labor for a soulless empire.

We have nothing to lose but our

Anonymous said...


I didn't understand a word you said. But it's alright because I understood every word you said.

I remain in deep admiration and wish you joy.

Anonymous said...


I didn't understand a word you said. But it's alright because I understood every word you said.

I remain in deep admiration and wish you joy.

Anonymous said...

Ever read any of Carlos Casteneda's writings?

"The reality of our day-to-day life, then, consists of an endless flow of perceptual interpretations which we, the individuals who share a specific membership, have learned to make in common.
The idea that the perceptual interpretations that make up the world have a flow is congruous with the fact that they run uninterruptedly and are rarely, if ever, open to question. In fact the reality of the world we know is so taken for granted that the basic premise of sorcery, that our reality is merely one of many descriptions, can hardly be taken as a serious proposition."

As for Karma, not sure it is an absolute.

What about all the shit that happened to the American Indians?

Or is their introducing tobacco to the white man payback?

Unknown said...

Fascinating article!
Being from Austin, Tx I can confirm
that the Longhorn sign is a pair of horns. This in no way should be
construed that there is any relationship between GWB and Ron
Paul! Totally different ends of the
spectrum of humanity. You are obviously aware of this. I write this as a recognition of a fellow
spiritual traveller. We follow a different path with the same goal.


Anonymous said...

I too had great hope for Ron Paul but have been getting more and more suspicious.

Not only does he do the devil sign, but he does Masonic handshakes.

Here is a link for a torrent for a small download of pictures showing it:

Elections are rigged and he could not possibly win anyway, but what a better way to control potential opposition than by infiltrating them with a false leader.

The moment we get behind him he starts to go soft about telling the truth out in public. Is that what we need?

Does anyone hear him say 911 was an inside job anytime? (I mean he knows it after all).

Chi0ne1 said...

I went to the mininova site, but was unable to find any pictures. I am skeptical of everyone. To me a politician is a politician. RP has been inside the beltway for 20 years. Maybe this media blackout is to make people follow him, since he seems to be "outside" the elites circle. To those that are RP followers, you need to watch your back and keep vigilant. If I am wrong about him then I am wrong about him, if you all are wrong about him then you are in for a rude awakening. I believe that the only way to get to where he is is by Rockefeller's blessing or he is useful to them without him knowing about it. Probably most people that support RP are sincere, but it is probably a few at the top that have infiltrated the organization that could spell disaster for the naive. The elite have always infiltrated what they were unable to own. So watch your back and be prepared for the worst, to keep from being blindsided.

Unknown said...

Feb,9 2009

Les I just started learning about all the mentioned above. I agree. What do you now about these numbers that I have been seeing more and more of. Ive seen triple digits all my life, now Ive been seeing 11:11 or 111 or 1111. I googled this and this it seems to be a awakening of the mind. Mark at P.S I was just up at Whitepass in Wa.St. and I took some pictures and some weird objects are on them, any help where I can send these so someone can look at them.



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