You knew it had to come... an unseen hand of circumstance has ripped the smiling Kabuki mask away and it’s clear that there is no Iraqi government. There is no Iraqi army, there is no Iraqi police. The surge didn’t work. There is never going to be any ‘mission accomplished’. It’s as empty of substance as the space between Bush’s ears and as much of a pumped up fantasy as the crotch-shot on the deck of the carrier.
Now they are offering money for weapons in Iraq. Let’s see, you got a job working for a powerful crime boss from across the water who took over your country and you thought you’d flex your muscles and go after one of the big guys in your back yard and then he not only kicks your ass but some of your guys take off their uniforms and go over to the other side. The big crime boss sends in some tactical help; some on site, out of town boys with heavy artillery and... the financial comptroller for the powerful crime boss who took over your country and who is across the water in another direction sends in some heavy hitters too and they wack some families that are ‘connected’ to the big guy in your back yard but that doesn’t mean anything because that happens every day anyway and... you, you decide that you’ll offer the guys who kicked your ass some money in exchange for the weapons they used to defend themselves against you. Have I got it right?
Yeah, that’ll work. How about some short term, no interest loans for houses? It worked in the United States. Of course, the United States doesn’t have an insurgency unless you count an entire nation of people with their heads turned, scuttling down the street like crabs looking for a hole in the ground.
America, “land of the free, home of the brave” should be called, “Land of... who me? Home of the slave.” It’s got a nice ring to it.
For a long time now I have been trying to trouble shoot my way around, under, through, any which way, to understand how three hundred million people turned into ambulatory lumps of Jello that tremble and shake like rats on Warfarin every time somebody coughs in the back of the subway tunnel.
America has had trouble before and risen to the challenge. Even if the Civil War was caused by European bankers there was a mad rush to save the country from itself. People were willing to give their lives. When the bankers went to work again to create the First World War, everybody pitched in again to help them out. When they engineered the Second World War, Johnny went and got his gun again. Now they’re working on the Third World War and this time Johnny Anonymous is shouting in all caps across the new frontier of the internet.
The way they do it is they mess with the money and create fear and turmoil just like you are reading about now. Did you think I was coming to some kind of a point? Actually I was but the point was to make a sharp right turn without signaling and pull into this empty parking lot here so that we could have a little chat. You see, this post is not about what it was supposed to be about, just like everything you are being told is not what it is about.
You’re being squeezed by these same money men so that life will become so intolerable that you’ll be glad to run through the bloody trenches and razor wire to free yourself from the conditions created by the people who sent you running in the first place.
There’s too many of you. You’re taking up too much space. Over here and over there people are breeding like rabbits because that is what people do when they are starving and short of resources, shelter, food, opportunity and the value of their labor has disappeared because they already dug up and sold everything they had to the people who bought off their leaders and created the unbearable debt they find themselves in. Maybe they’ll get lucky and these people will find something else they want and they can start all over again.
Yeah, yeah... I’ve got a point. It’s in here somewhere. Let’s just sit here for awhile. It’s quiet here in the back-lot of Best Buy; just you and me and the homeless, foraging in the dumpsters behind the Sack and Save. I’ve eaten in a lot of fine restaurants in my life but I’ll tell you, some of the happiest days of my life were spent barbecuing rats on an old refrigerator grill down by the river. Afterwards we’d share a gallon of wine and sing Woody Guthrie songs.
Well, I may be back down by that river one of these days singing my own songs. The Recording Industry Association of America thinks I’m getting too much money but I understand we’re all going to be okay if we just shake like Jello and let them tap our trembling for a new energy source. They’ve already put generators between the legs of all the obese people who now make electricity from the friction of their legs rubbing together and that’s all going to Las Vegas. They solved the water problem too. Did I tell you about that? They’re going to harvest all the human tears and can you imagine what that’s going to come to?
Well... it didn’t take that long. Everybody in the car with me has fallen asleep so I’m going to run a hose from the exhaust in through one of the windows. I’m glad I gassed up before I started this composition. I’ll just close the door softly and walk away. It will be a kindness I think.
I don’t know how much space I’ve got left to say something meaningful here or how long anybody reading this anywhere is going to be able to stay awake with that gigantic hose that’s pumping carbon monoxide through the vents of the nation.
Okay... let’s pretend it’s not like this. I know it’s a bummer when I talk this way. I want to end on a high note, let the right hand travel some distance over from middle C.
We could have had a better world and I suppose we still can but it’s so much harder to accomplish it when so many of us with the talent to lead and inform are working for the people who made things the way that they are. I don’t know what their payoff is. They’re going to wind up down by the river too. It may be a better section of the river with a better class of grilled rat. They might have paper cups for their wine but... they’re still down by the river.
What did they promise all of those congressmen and senators when they agreed not to impeach the president for high crimes and treason? Did they promise them blowjobs or just show them some of the photos of their own blowjobs in the past? What did they do to stop everyone who might have made a difference from pointing out that 9/11 was an inside job? What goes on in the minds of everyone who knows the truth as they go thought their days on their way to the river?
I hope you can hear me speaking right now. I’m telling you, you need to get out of the car because something doesn’t smell right. Is that true that you can’t smell carbon monoxide? Just take my word for it. You need to learn what Al Sadr knows. You can’t reason with these people and you can’t trust these people. You’ve got to learn what Al Sadr knows, you’re stronger than these people. I do believe a lot of you are getting out of the car. I don’t know where it’s coming from but there’s fresh air coming in from somewhere. We just need to get a little distance and clear our heads for a moment. Then I think we’ve got to see that the right people head down to the river and don’t come back.
'Spread Your Wings' is track no. 1 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

Hi, you mentioned having hassles setting up a paypal button. Found a tutorial here
Hope it's of use. Good writing.
Most of us nonamericans are virtually holding our breath and turning purple waiting for them to listen to you Les. I know you are too. C'mon, don't make us wait so long americans, time to shake the ignorance and unconcern off.
the crying blogs, the huge crying choir is weeping: how come we are turned into jello?
Here is why:
in the imperialistic quest for the profit, the country like ours, LIVE IS ANYHOW "BETTER" than in those places that we colonized ( or kill for the purpose of the colonization)
Here, if 0,1% of the population's elite taking it all, the REST ALSO BEFEFITS FROM WARS!
So the American "wage slaves" workers BENEFIT from wars; the " whites" suprime rulers BENEFIT over "blacks" from wars, due to the 225 years iof racism; a "man" BENEFITS over a "woman" from wars, due to the "Father In Heaven" religion.
Three Whales the system is dwelling ( so far) on: the bribery of the American workers' elite,
racism and sexism.
Hopefuly, we will "harden" ourselves adfter our economy collapse. But before that WE ARE
Don't cry for us.
Have had dreams of a monstrous Dragon, beyond what you can imagine, that will breathe fire that will encapsulate the entire Earth. Humanity is doomed. There will be no New World Order, there will be no return of the Messiah, there will no survivors. There will only be the smiling Earth and Sun free of the toxic Human race once and for all.
You're right of course. It's The Matrix. The Elite want nothing more than to have all of humanity in vats, wallowing in an artificial, drug induced bliss. Your imagination is your reality when you're dreaming. Soma for everyone and who will resist? They won't kill us all off..they want us for their entertainment. The ultimate invasion of privacy, spying and stealing our dreams. This is Hell, with cake and ice cream.
Again you paint a great picture. The feds are playing another wild card where they will now be able to wisk their wand and print more fiat to lend to the wall street giants - who may or may not survive the crash. Who owns the secondary banks and the brokerage houses????
Of course it isn't them who are the problem. It is the sheep who will (level by level) buy the debt and pay the elite and control the lesser evils of the greater evil collective.
The cause is simple to understand. The problem is not with the elite it is with the weaklings who play into the hand of the elite. People will always avoid pain where momentary pleasure is available. Call it the "Big Mac syndrome". Buy now, pay later it's quick, relatively cheap and painless (unless you eat two - pepto bismal).
As for the fellow and his dragons...That's premonition baby.
Check out some astronomy and compare it to 2012 and galactic alignment. The cosmos is about to position itself for some 3 to 5 thousand years, the age of aquarius as started, the devil collective mind is struggling in it's final attempt to rule. Ophiucus is guarding Serpens Cauda and Serpens Cabal and your dragon is about to change us all. Hells Angels are going all out for awhile.
One passage in the book of those who confuse eternity with a state of being that starts after life on earth states that a horn will blow and the wind will stop blowing on all corners of the earth.
Compare that to the 2012 hypothesis stating that Nibiru spins in the opposite direction of earth and earth will stop spinning momentarily due to the gravitational pull of that cosmic orb.
The final result is a multi millenium age of peace and love. A new collective which involves space travel, love and peace for all. A new consciousness.
Unfortunately, it's only a cycle and todays woes will be legends like those of Homer the poet until another guy like Plato comes around and starts cutting down the harmonic truths.
Sorry for the length.
The brain operates as a circuit board. The waves are perpetual and can link into other waves at will or secondary to existing pathways. If one wills it, the synapse is fired and a new path is made. Science and technology has mastered the brain ‘brain science’ to the degree of control of the masses. Just imagine computer science, basically a new concept, but physics and medicine ‘brain science’ have been around a much longer time. To answer your question Les, in regard to why have so many turned a blind eye to what is happening…people do perish ‘from this body’ for lack of knowledge. They do not understand the power they have access to by using their own brain. This energy when used may go anywhere that there is existence of anything ‘we understand this as eternity’ and being as there is no time in the super sub atomic realm our existence is too, what we can make it. This is way too much for the average person and average is what makes up the masses. The elite rule because they have the tools and they use them accordingly.
If a comet does not hit this earth in our time or around such, more folk will learn that they too have the tools and will use them. Everything that ever existed still does and may be utilized. Think “no time out there” lots of good still lurking waiting for its que or scientifically its path/wave…The way our brains operate gives us access to the abyss in ways the abyss does not have access to us, thus we are the controllers. Training is necessary or would be like flying a super jet with no instruction ‘very dangerous’ and probably not going to fly.
With all of that the solution for our problem in the here and now starts at the core ‘understanding’ who, what, when, where and how are the questions for starters. WHO ‘the elite’ we know for the most part. WHAT ‘tools’ would be signaling ‘name of this technology in Intel’, WHEN ‘a person is vulnerable’ where ‘it hurts the most’ WHERE ‘a subject/person’ and HOW is the biggy “silently” if the subject knows, this most likely will alter the outcome and scrap the project.
I wrote the book and recorded the reading ‘of myself’ of the same back in 2001 (The Silent Coup Abridged) is short; 30 pages of the applied science into the masses via the government. The elite in the world ‘with this technology and or the tools to implement it’ would first infiltrate the government of a free society ‘using signaling’ and then the government would infiltrate the masses using the same technology. I wrote the book to give the USA a heads up ‘we are about to lose our sovereignty if we do not act immediate’ and as we now see; it was too late, the book never was released to the public ‘masses’ never giving them/masses the antidote, thus here we are.
I am sorry if I failed this mission but I am not throwing in the towel! Dead or alive the work will be ongoing ‘the circuitry is endless’…Keep your backs to the wind, it is not even close to over…
Ha, as usual, I am way ahead of you. I got the hell outta the car back in Nov 2005 and I haven't looked back since. 22 years of "freedom and democracy" were more than enough, thank you very much.
I urge ALL clear header people to leave USA. Right NOW. Tomorrow it's gonna be too late.
GO to ANY so called "3rd world country", it's better than USA.
Leave it. You CANNOT do anything. It's ALL over. None of the %$#@ in suits on TV are on your side including Obama and that phony whore Clinton. McKain will be worse than Shrub Jr.
Got any brains left, leave. NOW.
No doubt there is a stench, I smell it every single day. Today is a day that will go down in history as one of the final shackles applied to the slaves aka the U.S. citizens. The Federal Reserve had its' powers expanded over the financial system. Yep, ex Goldman Sachs exec and current Treasury Secretary Paulson announced that he is putting the fox in charge of the the henhouse. Not even a whimper of dissent can be heard.
Yes, there was a time when we'd have a civil or revolutionary war and die to right the wrongs in this country. Unfortunately, that was before television, sports, reality shows and all sorts of crime dramas showing that the cops and feds always get their man.
Save a place for me down by the river.
Dear Les,
I have had a problem getting my post to you this morning. Probably the operator..anyhow, you may have received several on same subject. The last one was the right one/this one:
The brain operates as a circuit board. The waves are perpetual and can link into other waves at will or secondary to existing pathways. If one wills it, the synapse is fired and a new path is made. Science and technology has mastered the brain ‘brain science’ to the degree of control of the masses. Just imagine computer science, basically a new concept, but physics and medicine ‘brain science’ have been around a much longer time. To answer your question Les, in regard to why have so many turned a blind eye to what is happening…people do perish ‘from this body’ for lack of knowledge. They do not understand the power they have access to by using their own brain. This energy when used may go anywhere that there is existence of anything ‘we understand this as eternity’ and being as there is no time in the super sub atomic realm our existence is too, what we can make it. This is way too much for the average person and average is what makes up the masses. The elite rule because they have the tools and they use them accordingly.
If a comet does not hit this earth in our time or around such, more folk will learn that they too have the tools and will use them. Everything that ever existed still does and may be utilized. Think “no time out there” lots of good still lurking waiting for its que or scientifically its path/wave…The way our brains operate gives us access to the abyss in ways the abyss does not have access to us, thus we are the controllers. Training is necessary or would be like flying a super jet with no instruction ‘very dangerous’ and probably not going to fly.
With all of that the solution for our problem in the here and now starts at the core ‘understanding’ who, what, when, where and how are the questions for starters. WHO ‘the elite’ we know for the most part. WHAT ‘tools’ would be signaling ‘name of this technology in Intel’, WHEN ‘a person is vulnerable’ where ‘it hurts the most’ WHERE ‘a subject/person’ and HOW is the biggy “silently” if the subject knows, this most likely will alter the outcome and scrap the project.
I wrote the book and recorded the reading ‘of myself’ of the same back in 2001 (The Silent Coup Abridged) is short; 30 pages of the applied science into the masses via the government. The elite in the world ‘with this technology and or the tools to implement it’ would first infiltrate the government of a free society ‘using signaling’ and then the government would infiltrate the masses using the same technology. I wrote the book to give the USA a heads up ‘we are about to lose our sovereignty if we do not act immediate’ and as we now see; it was too late, the book never was released to the public ‘masses’ never giving them/masses the antidote, thus here we are.
I am sorry if I failed this mission but I am not throwing in the towel! Dead or alive the work will be ongoing ‘the circuitry is endless’…Keep your backs to the wind, it is not even close to over…
Thanks for all of your works...
Kind Regards,
Hey Joe;
Your link doesn't work. It got cut off. You have to use to put links in comments because they won't wrap.
thanks for helping me. I know how to put a Paypal button on my site. The problem is that I can't get the code from Paypal. They are supposed to have it in the Merchant'a portal but it isn't there any more on my site. I'm not sure why that is. But what I have works. All people have to do is go to their Paypal account and just put into the payee box. So it doesn't really matter. It just looks more streamlined the other way.
I'll figure it out or Paypal will fix it... or something.
I hear people are having problems posting. That seems to happen a lot of late. Hopefully it will straighten itself out. At least you get to read the post and that is the important thing (I think) (grin..)
Gosh, at first it seemed that al-Sadr oughtta get down with some cellphone cameras to document a few zone-borne slutzgirl vodka moments since the public reaction always goes in one direction which is equatorially the coreolis effect. But, on second thought, following the apocoplypse, if you owned the doomday seed vault and sat over South America's aquifer and there was nobody lusting over your spoils, what fun would it be? Imagine riding over the range and the range has no end? Imagine if there was no black to your white and no white to your black and not even a single shade of grey?
Somebody needs to remind them to pack their crossword puzzles.
I wrote this shit several years back. Save a rat for me brother. If it were not for mother's i would long ago have been down by the river.
I live in a free society
mastered by liars, cheats, and hypocrisy
Where what you know and what you do pales in comparison to who you who you know and who you blow The latter will more likely get food on your table.
They tell me to vote, cast a ballot you know, but it seems the runners are all caste from the same brotherhood (priesthood)and it matters very little which one you follow.
In the end, i believe my friend, when we stand side by side in that realm where the truth is known unspoken, the masses will finally be able to tell that this shit we smell emanates from your ass and not mine.
Check out this link to some 2012 thoughts of mine.
2012 Prediction Reviews
Hello Les,
Another excellent, well written article. I always look forward to reading your website.
I`ts too bad only a handful of americans are as intelligent as you are.
“Land of… who me? Home of the slave.”
I like the 2nd part, and i remember someone had said "Land of the fee.".
Martial Law - the final straw.
Feeding Halliburton Holding Haciendas.
People, please do something about this. It's meant for you not someone else. How can you let this happen to yourselves?
"It's only meant for people who break the law" is not true!
"I don't break the law so it doesn't affect me" will not be enough!
Laws will be made that do affect you - then what!
They do not need laws to hold you, indefinitely.
There are no laws that will protect you.
Please do something about this.
Will 6 billion let a few thousand warpigs do us all in? To be or not to be...
Save a rat kabob for me and I'll bring the Boone's Farm and a laptop so we can have a dirty buzz and jack some wifi signals but at least we won't have to kiss the ass of some overpaid underworked kapitalist stuffed shirt soulsucker.
well, in the 1860's we survived on cowpea potliquor/fried corn pone, acorn/chicory coffee, and small game. the lone cow they were able to hide in the swamp survived on the cowpeas (blackeyed peas) too.
during the depression of the late 20's & early 30's, my gramma would feed the men when they came to the back door begging for work or a handout cowpea potliquor/pone.
i've got no gold to run.. so its stand and endure time again.
guess i should plant some blackeyed peas, stock up on corn meal and check up on wild game recipes for possum, squirrel and snake.
Guthrie was a tad before my time.....
CCR's Green River comes to mind.... :)
Old Cody Jr. took me over
said... ya gonna find the world is smoulderin'....
an' if you get lost...
come on home
to Green River.
Hi Les...I just woke up to the sound of a nice vagabond couple popping bubble wrap for the sheer fun of it in the curbside trash pile. They then looked to the sun and declared it to be a beautiful day. Here we take advantage of the empty Best Buy parking lots or their commiserate,have some fellowship and go totally sideways from the current paradigm of acquisition,consumption and a rather routine death. The Earth and Life prevail.....This isn`t wishful thinking ; it's just the way it is. As the Shit falls away and reveals Reality for what it is,I do believe that folks will come together in the service of Life. Finally. As ever,thanks again for your most provacative thinking and badass humor...Love,Hunter
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