In the last offering, I was talking about religion and ‘some’ of its negative features as well as some of its negative figures. As could be expected, not everyone agreed with me. That’s fine. This will be along that vein and will deal with the potencies and personalities of two men; Pope Benedict and former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter.
I’m going to talk about them in the context of the horrible genocide being practiced by the reprehensible Israeli government upon the Palestinians, happening right now in real time. This odious mass murdering that goes on day after day is, along with 9/11, one of the infallible measurements of any leader’s honesty and courage. Whoever is not speaking out from the power of their position against either one of these conditions is either a cowed lackey of the perpetrators or a willing accomplice. There’s no middle ground here. There’s no wiggle room. There’s no excuse.
No one can tell me that The Pope or any other posturing figurehead in any religion or government the world over does not know that Israel was and is behind both of these situations. If they don’t know then they are stupider even than George W. Bush and even Bush knows who did and who is doing what and where in connection with these two events.
It’s all very well for The Pope to ‘deplore’ (don’t you love that word?) all the things that he deplores as expressed in all the vague generalities that his office is known for. When it comes to something like the Palestinian situation there are two ways that you can go. You can state the plain truth and let the chips fall where they may or you can talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Every single day we see things like this. Every single day we see more and more of the same thing. You can see it if you are there. You can see it through the eyes of those filming it and writing about it. You cannot see it in the mass media and that can only be because those controlling it do not want you to see it. Go and see who has controlling interest in the collective mass media and that will tell you specifically who does not want you to see and hear about it.
The Pope, this Vicar of Christ, knows what’s going on. He could do the job he got installed for according to the teachings of the one whose will he represents here on Earth but he does not do this. Is he busy shopping for shoes with Condoleezza Rice? Is the glare from his glitter suit so great that he can’t see at all? Is he just a bird in a gilded cage?
Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter is doing what should be done by The Pope. He’s doing, as an ordinary Christian, what so many supposedly extraordinary Christians can’t find the time to do. The uproar in the mass media is outraged that Jimmy Carter would meet with a member of the LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE. He’s catching it from shit weasels like Jackie Mason I don’t know if you can actually bear to watch this video but it is telling on more levels than my words will ever accomplish. He’s getting it from Alan Dershowitz and every Zionist mouthpiece that can slither up to the microphone.
He’s being pilloried by every talking head whose ass belongs to the Ashka-Nazi’s. He’s being inundated with a tidal wave of slander and lies and he goes on about his business of being a real Christian in a world of plaster saints.
People write me often and tell me that I’m too soft on The Jews; that I don’t address the Holocaust Hoax, that I don’t say this and do that. I’m not going over to the dark side just because a handful of psychopaths, both Christians and Jews are redefining the word ‘evil’ in these present times. I am not unaware of the lies and motivations behind them. I’m not unaware of the forces of revisionism and decades of devious manipulations that were every bit as responsible for everything that happened as those upon whom it has been blamed. The truth of the matter, or rather, the transparency of the lies in cold, hard statistics are there for everyone to see.
I know there’s more to the story always and there are a number of Jews who are doing everything possible inasmuch as they can I know that there are Jews who have been against the terror state of Israel since its inception. There are true Jews who have opposed Zionism all along. Anyone who thinks that all Jews are evil hasn’t listened to Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen or appreciated any number of the fine contributions that certain Jews have added to the treasure house of human endeavor. It can be a convoluted work indeed to try to separate fact from fantasy as seen in this brilliantly researched article on Einstein.
You’re not going to get me to declare all Jews evil. Jesus Christ was a Jew. If there is any one criticism that I could level at The Jews as a people at this time it is that far too few of them are speaking out against the ugly and pernicious behavior of Israel. That’s my complaint about The Pope as well. He knows what’s going on but he’s too busy having lunch with the people causing world hunger and over-seeing the milking of nickels and dimes from bloody Third World hells.
It is history’s job to judge these characters. It’s the jobs of the agents of powerful, material forces to fabricate history for the benefit of those raping the populations. It’s the job of the human conscience to remind us of our duty and it is the passion of any realized soul to answer the call of their conscience. But what of those who have no conscience? Aye, there’s the rub.
In my opinion, all of the things being done at this time are being done in plain sight, or when they aren’t, are being exposed to the witness of the world after the fact for a very good reason. This reason is unseen and unknown to those participating in the heinous crimes of the time. They are out manifest ‘here’- masquerading in human form- in the production of evil on the plane of judgment to come. The powerful never imagine that their day will arrive. “Who can touch me?” “I will destroy all who oppose me.” This is what they tell themselves. Just as Robert Mugabe will tell himself this morning as he has so many mornings in the past.
Jimmy Carter is doing what none of his fellows are doing. He is standing forth and speaking truth to power. He is unafraid. In his heart he knows that he is right and he most certainly is. Let him stand as an ongoing embarrassment to all of the rest who cannot find the courage and honor required of them. Let him stand as evidence of what The Pope is not. Let the wounded psychopaths howl and scream for blood... and more blood. Let everyone who is here in this moment understand that it is here in this moment that what is required of you should be said and done.
None of these things need to be but they are. What strange miasma clouds the Earth and human perception that denies the inhabitants the capacity to SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE? We do indeed “see through a glass darkly.” For all of you who are doing what you can in these uncertain times, be assured, it is not unknown or unseen and neither is anything else. Life is full of surprises and you may all of you, every one, be certain that there are surprises to come.
'Peace' is track no. 4 of 10 on Visible's eponymous 'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

the little meshuga shmuk mason seems to have quite the fixation on toilets.
carter exemplifies in word and deed, everything an x pres should be.
It seems that the Pope is connected with the forces that are dreaming of a future world government controlled by Sion. He occupies that position because he was chosen beforehand by those who consider the masses as stupid cattle. Sadly, the aristocrats' end-time hasn't arrived yet but I believe it is approaching fast. Long live Jimmy Carter and all other courageous men/women who are doing their best to put an and to the current shameful situation.
Yes, the jewish establishment is going for the jugular now and are in your face blatant about their agenda. God knows, they are going to take us all down including most of the mass of craven jews who don't want any trouble. Wasn't it Nostradamus who said in veiled language that the Chinese would come by stealth in a fish and level Israel for ever. With a bit of luck something like this will happen. Jews brought communism to China - as they did in Russia - but I don't think they control China - or Russia which had 60 million of its own eliminated by the 99% jewish Bolshevik establishment and jewish killers like Beria, Kaganovich and the rest of them under Stalin who was also part Jewish. God bless Russia and Putin who has thrown most of the bastards out.
By the way writer, for God's sake, JESUS WAS NOT A JEW. He was born into the Essene sect and racially had nothing in him of the tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin.
The genealogy of Jesus (hmmm...that has a nice ring to it.) is not something I'd know about since I wasn't there (I don't think.)but there is so much in the New Testament that is related to events involving rabbis and Jewish authorities; chasing money changers out of the temple and so forth and so on that if he wasn't a Jew it's a curiosity why he is always referred to as a member. I know there are Sadducee's and Pharisees, Samaritans and so on and this tribe and that tribe but I thought all the tribes were semitic.
the Bible's pretty confusing as well as filled with calculated lies so I don't quite know how to take it sometimes.
essene ... mmmhmmm:)
wouldn't it be great if it weren't connected?.. even if it is... it would seem to be the the most sane of any of them.
i dunno... i've always understood essene to be a sect of.. not an independent entity... ya may be right on the tribal/racial split thing though..
strangely enuff... first place i ever found uncle al's M&D online.. years ago.. was an essene site :)
Ahh, the mean machine! The mechanics of said machine drive our planet and is simply a perpetual wheel. Not even the machinists ‘Jews’ can stop it (would be like taking the wheel out of society…) the name of this conduit is banking. The concept of finance has wheeled itself about the globe thus taking all in its path into itself ‘nicely by default’ leaving no prisoners.
What would happen if corporations were to battle against this wheel? It would run roughshod right over them and destroy them. What if the Pope ‘church’ were to go up against the wheel? It would run right over and destroy “audit every aspect of entity…” Don’t make waves and the assets flow like honey and especially to those with power and cash flow! The Pope is protecting the church ‘right or wrong’ which is ultimately his job as Pope. The game is limbo “how low can you go to stay in the game”
Most of my adulthood (25+ years) has been geared toward finance ‘global…’ I know this stuff inside out ‘is a cakewalk compared to physics and physics is sort a no brainer to me too’ I have spent the past 15 years in analysis in order to come up with a viable solution to the problem, which this perpetual wheel is, leading to physics “is the greatest power in the Universe” thinking the solution is there. In believing everything in existence is pure logic at its core, certainly this too is a no brainer. HA!
With all that I have learned, I am still a bumbling idiot at this level. In never failing to understand what ever it is or was to know at the end of the day I am stumped, have failed everything and everyone in my own right. I ask what is it this ultimate being requires of me in order to bless me with the answer ‘solution to this problem’ after all it is a simple friggin wheel! And then the synapse is fired and I recall “there is no time at sub atomic levels” what is seen by the human senses is not at all what is ultimate. Where does that leave us one may ask and oh boy “lobotomy anyone” right back to brain science. I have found the most wicked folk in the world harbor this technology ‘mostly to save themselves from their own fear’ for when is the last time you have heard even one much less a handful of “formal” brain scientists come out of the closet ‘publicly’ with the truth of signaling? Until society on the whole understands this concept will we be able to combat against it! And then the circuit ‘electric universe’ will align itself accordingly.
Being “NO TIME” it is done, now we as humans must all ask (manifest)…may we please see it!
See the movie over and over..What the bleep do we know
Alas, I must agree with you. I too was disappointed in the Pope, and I have been proud of Jimmy Carter. Today there is a new statistic which makes me depressed about Catholics in Pennsylvania - 68% of Catholics voted for Hillary Clinton.
A race between McCain and Clinton is a contest between Satan and Lucifer.
America is doomed.
By Jeremy Bowen
BBC Middle East editor
A five-month-old baby lay on a blanket in the shade of a hut made of metal sheets.
Thin tree branches, with leaves and twigs intact, were laced around the ends of the hut to insulate it against the hot wind that blows into the sand dunes, rolling away to the border fence and on to Israel.
Aziza Abu Otayek and baby
Aziza lost one baby child when a wall of sewage hit her home
The baby's mother sat with her legs tucked under her, hiding most of her face behind her black head-scarf. It flapped slightly in the breeze, and she used it to wipe her tears and muffle her sobs. The woman's name is Aziza Abu Otayek. She wept because she was remembering the death of another baby son, one morning in March last year, just after the older children had gone to school.
Until that day their home was just downhill from a deep pond of sewage, pumped into a depression in the dunes and held there by earth walls because the water authorities in the Gaza Strip had nowhere else to put it.
'Wall of human waste'
On 27 March 2007, the walls gave way.
Aziza heard someone shouting, telling her to run away. She got out of the hut, then went back in because she had forgotten her head covering.
The wall of raw human waste slammed into them. It knocked her down and tore the baby from her arms.
He drowned. They found his body against the wall of the mosque a hundred metres away. He was nine months old.
Sewage reservoirs
The sewage ponds vary in size
His grandmother was also drowned. Aziza worried about her new baby until he was born at the end of last year, because when she was hit by the flood she swallowed some of the sewage and she thought it might have harmed him.
They named the new baby Mohammed, after his dead brother.
While she talked, he gurgled happily, untroubled by the flies that buzzed around his eyes and lips.
Aziza has an older son, a four-year-old called Ramadan. His father said he asks about his dead brother, and when he is cross he says he prefers the first Mohammed to the second one.
But Ramadan seems a cheery little soul, though he has nightmares about the flood.
He looks around the lakes of almost raw sewage that still lie near their home and asks his parents if another wave is going to come.
One might. The pond that killed Ramadan's brother and grandmother is not the only one near their home. The others are much bigger and full of sewage.
Growing population
A Palestinian water engineer called Sadi Ali gave me a tour. He explained that the sewage lakes have grown so big because Gaza's growing population - 1.4 million, half of whom are under 16 - has overwhelmed what were anyway inadequate facilities for dealing with waste water.
If the dykes burst a tsunami of sewage six or seven metres high would swamp an area inhabited by 10,000 people
Even though, to his great regret, they pump tens of thousands of litres of untreated sewage into the Mediterranean every day, they have to do something with the rest. Sadi said that the lakes are 11m (36ft) higher than the surrounding land, and only the earth walls around them hold the muck in.
In this single spot alone - and he said other parts of Gaza were as bad - the lakes were so big that if the dykes burst a tsunami of sewage 6m (20ft) or 7m (23ft) high would swamp an area inhabited by 10,000 people.
Conflict with Israel
Sadi Ali worries that a stray bomb or missile could break a dyke.
There is a £40m ($80m) plan, funded by international donors, for a proper sewage treatment system for north Gaza.
Sadi Ali is trying to build it. But it is well behind schedule.
The problem is the same one that dominates every part of life here - the conflict with Israel.
Gaza has been battered by years of fighting
Restrictions imposed by the Israelis - which they say are vital to protect their own people - have slowed down, and sometimes completely stopped the import of raw materials for construction like cement and piping. Contractors have not been able to move freely. The latest problem is the lack of fuel.
Try building a sewage system in a war.
Gaza has been battered by years of fighting.
When we set up the television camera near the sewage lakes a little barefoot boy, barely more than a toddler, came up and asked if we were going to attack the Israeli positions.
He might have been asking if it was going to rain.
For him, and several hundred thousand other Gazan children, explosions are part of the soundtrack of their lives. The boy must have assumed the camera and its tripod looked like a weapon.
After that we worked faster, in case the Israelis thought the same thing.
Just one more outstanding symphony of literary genius. I wonder how many people actually see how you craft these bonanzas. Sometimes when I am high I will watch the words in a sentence and then the sentences in a paragraph and then how it flows and bends back on itself. Kid you play a mean typewriter guitar. The meaning drips off of the words. Doorways open. I don't know how you do it but you nail the freaking thing to the barnyard door every fucking time. Brilliant and the soaring way you end sometimes is just too much. Please rock on.
Les, again I have to ask, what to do? As you say, they know. The polititions, the media, the Pope, the world wide corporate entities, they all know about the "agenda", and are all complicit by inaction. They sit quiet and moot, while corageous people like Jimmy Carter stand up and speak the truth, only to let them be torn apart by the owned and controlled media attack dogs. We the people sit in our gluttony sated stupor, with our big screen TVs and video games and fast food, and gadgets and stuff, paying no attention to the warnings, being lulled back to sleep by the media telling us that it is just another sheep that couldn't take it and went crazy, don't pay it any attention, it's all over here people, nothing to see, lets move along. They're all in on it. They own and run the machine, and anything outside the machine is either ignored or silenced. What I hear in your writings is that you think that they will overload, that their arrogance will be their undoing, that they cannot balance all the facets of their agenda, without the truth seeping out and exposing them. I wish I still shared your optimism for that. Unfortunatly, I believe it will take a million man second ammendment march to washington even begin to change things. A million armed american citizens at the steps of the capital, is the only thing I can think of that cannot be dismissed or ignored by the powers that be, or their media lackies. One angry american is a nut, a million angry americans is a wake up call. I just wish someone would dial the number.
Jackie Masons' clip is a plug as he puts it. I guess as such one should expect it to be subjective and it is just that. The man is one scary dude. " They're sick people and anyone who disagrees with me...". What exactly will the consequences be if i disagree with him!!!!
Again Les, i'm starting to see a pattern in your words. I'm starting to think that you are confusing religion with the words in the Bible. The Bible and the Qu'ran and other Holy books are Holy script (for me for now). It is the sects that have empowered themselves by manipulating mortals to follow their unique interpretation that are corrupt.
Christianity has sexual abuse and the inquisition and more as acts that allow average joe to judge for themselves the words "you will know them by their works"..Islam offers you seven vested virgins in heaven as a reward for selling your soul. ( any samples???) . The Jews think that the world is owed to them as a promise ("don't use the Holy words in promises"..found somewhere in the New Testament).Don't confuse the scriptures with the movements that rise from them.
I believe it was Paul who went around telling the seven churches about how they had strayed from the meaning of the words. How would Paul rate the Vatican today?
Just my opinion really (for now).
As an add on. My biggest dilemna with todays Christians is the interpretation of the Rapture. Most preachers will tell you that it is a moment when the true believers(including themselves) will be swept up into heaven to do battle with evil. That's great, but they sure are living high and mighty while they wait(kind of a no lose situation).
My interpretation of the Rapture is simpler.
There will be a battle between good and evil and there will be a sudden elevation of consciousness in some people where they will suddenly have Christ consciousness. You may already be there. Will you hold true to the end? Humanity is on a pivot point. Perhaps that is what all the 2012 crap is about.
Read Revelations again and again and you will see that this battle has already started. When will the hundredth monkey appear?
Einstein, Israel, and China - an interesting little episode lensed thru the London Telegraph:;$sessionid$PRQWEEIAAPBZBQFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2002/07/31/wein31.xml&sSheet=/news/2002/07/31/ixworld.html&_requestid=622196
You really don't need religious texts to explain/justify your thoughts and deeds. If you know yourself you know that peace and violences wells up in your being depending upon how you are confronted. One moment you admire the beauty, the next you feel the desire to change that which you find offensive. There must be the confrontation of self followed by the confrontation with that which confronts self. If you wish do do away with the evil which you confront, acquire the essentials to do so. Invite like-minded persons if you wish company. If you create change today, there will follow change the next day.
The globalist horde good ol boys clubs takes members from all tribes. The jews are useful to them for now but they will turn on them in the end. All religions and politics are subverted by ngo's and misanthropic philanthropists who use "feed the children" and various other front groups to hide the agenda, which is a world slavestate of soulless automaton robots who all parrot the same talking points from last nights warm fuzzy 6pm corporate propaganda report.
Peace be with the reader.
The moral of the story is that the state of being is an absolute. A person is enlightened and free, or, a person is deluded and in bondage. This is the message according to the gospel.
The Faithful Witness
I do remember reading one or twice somewhere in the bible , about hell opening up and letting nasty spirits invade the bodies of those taking part in the last days.
Now there have been wars and whole sale slaughter of peoples and nations long before our time.
So if all hell breaks loose, it means more people are going to die in the very near future , then all wars combined.
Something more to consider in your quest for truth.
"You’re not going to get me to declare all Jews evil. Jesus Christ was a Jew. If there is any one criticism that I could level at The Jews as a people at this time it is that far too few of them are speaking out against the ugly and pernicious behavior of Israel."
* * * * *
"Evil" Beside The Point For Cultural Conflict, Drama
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 08)
Visible, I respect u as I know I've delivered vicious, crushing, smashing blows against u, yet u nonetheless hold up for ur brave insistence upon TRUTH. And I absolutely believe u really are quite proficient in "martial arts," as u seem so defiantly fearless, indubitably.
So I'm not saying u're lying about Christ, but u need, for ur own sake and grasp of truth, to get this straight: Christ was NOT Jew, Jew defined necessarily as follower of Pharisees (who murdered Christ in conspiracy w. Sadduceans and scribes [lawyers], according to Christian New Testament (NT)) and the later Talmud--u can ck this w. any authority, Christian or Jew.
Christ was Galilean descendent of JUDEANS, not Jews. Note followers of Pharisees were mere 5% or so of population of Judea at time of Christ.
And Christ absolutely cursed and rejected Pharisees, most notably, unforgettably and poignantly in chapt. 23, Gosp. MATT, all 39 verses, this then confirmed by St. Paul in numerous places; there is no doubt.
Note further, Jew Talmud affirms Pharisaic execution of Christ for alleged crimes of blasphemy and heresy, this among other anti-Christ items. For good Talmudic expo, ck,, and
Personally, I never say Jews are "evil" as I agree w. Plato (or his character, Socrates) who avers no one does evil willingly. Reality is perfectly objective (Aristotle), hence DETERMINED according to absolute cause-effect.
Jews are simply absolute subjectivists (Talmudists), who pursue what the Greeks call "HUBRIS," making themselves God (and/or co-equal therewith, pretending God is obsessed w. his "chosen"). Thus we have the Hegelian anti-theses of Christian vs. Jew, with most gentiles caught in-between opposed forces (objective vs. subjective).
Note then it doesn't matter if Christ legend/myth is actually verifiable in fact and history: the CULTURAL/socio-biologic (see pt. is sufficiently confirmed and manifested by means of the philosophic anti-theses, objective vs. subjective which the literature (NT and Talmudic) confirms, commemorates, and symbolizes.
For observe most people can't follow strictest logic and metaphysics; they rather need it dramatized, as in literature (like NT) to be understood, and even then they have difficulty. Most people need leadership and Patriarchalist-styled "good shepherds"--such is purpose of present "Pope," who's actually paid mouth-piece for Jews (or their masterminds).
Thus in their infernal subjectivism, Talmudists purvey the conceit of perfectly free human will by which there is such thing as "good-evil," thus the notorious, ever-recurring and resurging Pelagian heresy founded upon "good works"--among yet other heresies.
Note then it is precisely the lie to effect "Christ was Jew" which is preached by "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.) like Hagee, Robertson, Graham, La Haye, and the present official Roman Catholics, among many others, these "Sadducean" (of modern-day) leaders of JCs all mere paid mouth-pieces of Judeo-conspiratorial (see for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy) masterminds of that literal counterfeit scam called the "Fed" (see for expo/ref. on Federal Reserve Bank counterfeit fraud/conspiracy).
Note then lying is founded upon such insistent, obsessionate subjectivism which rejects objectivity, hence truth.
And thus such sublime fraud of Fed counterfeiting--which commands so much of everything else in practice and concrete reality--is necessarily and so naturally controlled by these foremost subjectivists and liars, who worship lies, lying, and hubris, Talmudists.
And the problem then w. Jews (of race, descent, and genetics), even the ones who profess to not following Talmud, is they're so easily and brilliantly influenced, manipulated, and controlled by their more fully Talmudic co-racialists. Observe how even the secular, atheistical-type and -affected Jews profess the lie that Jews are soooooooooooo persecuted, sniff, sniff--hence then holohoax--see,, and for expo/ref.
So pt. isn't Jews are "all evil"--it's rather they all collude and co-operate so infernally and diabolically, willingly or not, for the strategic confusion, for foremost and thematic example, the disinfo to effect "Christ was Jew," by which Jew masterminds actually now have millions upon millions of goyim supporting modern-day MURDER INCORPORATED, Israel, as if it really is/was commandment of Christ, this incredible JC apostacy/heresy the result and direct consequence of that basic counterfeit conspiracy, again.
CONCLUSION: Such then is the cultural drama: objectivity, hence "truth," versus infernal, strategically-guided subjectivism--this manifested for more practical psychologic effect by means of perfectly free-will fallacy/delusion/heresy fueling masses of goyim, goons, and virtual sub-humans who think it's good thing to bring about Armageddon destruction for utterly insane "rapture." Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Once again you hit the nail on the head.
One can only imagine what a better country america would be, and how much safer the planet would be, if Jimmy Carter were still president. It`s refreshing to see that there are still a few good, decent, brave and moral americans left in that (excuse me for being so brutally honest) international terrorist #1 and pariah state cesspool called america. Of course your country is wholly owned and controlled by the equally evil and demonic cancer of humanity called israel. Go figure. You "righteous christians" in america have alot to be proud of. Give yourselves a big pat on the back! The world loves you!
I know not all jews are eternally evil, inbred sociopathic, mentally ill, born murdering, cowardly terrorist rodent scum (who think it`s macho to shoot unarmed women and children because god "told them they could"). More power to those 20 and perhaps they can join the rest of humanity in trying to better the world. The rest are-well, enough said.
I`m not religious or anything but if there is a heaven and a hell I know where the pope and the rest of those deranged fruitcakes are going. And if he`s lucky maybe that sicko can take a few young boys with him to play with.
More power to you, Les, for saying it like it is. I look forward to reading all you future articles.
(Note to moderator: An earlier version of this was sent this morning but I'm not sure if it was received. This version is slightly different and contains a more explicit reference to the main article. If this is still considered too far "off topic" -- mea culpa!)
Les, I know you enjoy parting the veil behind the veil. The surface reality of the political world has been a shameful bloodbath since human speech evolved (and before that time as well, but leaping to a much bigger scale once Caveman A was able to convince Caveman B to murder Caveman C.
The Pope's disregard of both the ongoing Palestinian oppression and the Iraq war crime are symptoms of man’s ability to ignore and compartmentalize unpleasant facts. As Upton Sinclair once said, “It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Moving to the level of individual psychology, once mass slaughter becomes ordinary, the average person shuts down, which just gives the slaughterers carte blanche to continue their miserable work.
Here’s my point. And although at first glance it may seem to some like a forced connection, I wholeheartedly believe that it is not.
Millions of living, loving animals are slaughtered in America and around this planet every single day. This is the ground floor of our depravity; a violence so stunningly vast and gruesome that 99% of the population are unable to read a book such as "Slaughterhouse" which rips the veil off our cheeseburgers and shows us exactly how the truly innocent cows, cattle, pigs, and chickens suffer and die for our pleasure. This savage destruction of innocent sentient beings goes on behind well-guarded and secluded killing factories around the world, never to be seen by patrons of McDonalds and McNuggets. But anyone with even a hint of conscience knows, in the back of their mind, the unbelievable horror animals are subjected to in order to become barbecue fare for the world's cancer and heart-disease riddled carnivores.
I have no studies on this, just a gut feeling. By allowing this daily holocaust against animals to continue unabated and undiscussed, the negative energy passes along to poison our political reality. How can a compassionate political culture possibly evolve from a culture that accepts animal slaughter on a mass scale? This could be the Deep Politics of our time; a fundamental ethical question so big and basic, most people are terrified to acknowledge it's existence!
Thanks for all you do Les; your blog is truly a breath of fresh air.
Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
You can take "Abaddon" as a literal demon, yada yada, like...
Same for the "bottomless pit".
Or you can take it as...
From the last http we find 'Anglo Persian Oil Company', otherwise know as British Petroleum. Now that we have this in hand we know who the 'king' is, ie the Black Guelph Oligarchs, see... - a nice little survey of real history.
The 'King', Anglo Persian Oil, and its bottomless pit, ie Abadan was the largest refinery in the world for 50 years, see...
Revelation of course is a distillation, if you will, of Daniel, a fella who lived right up the street from Abadan in Susa, see...
Giggle. The line from 6th Sense "I see dead people" comes to mind, thinking of ole Danny boy sitting at this river...seeing a) that first oil well and its king and b) a soon tomorrow's crossing of the West into southern Iran for that good ole last battle, ie the heaving of the sheaves, ie Armageddon.
The 'left turn at Albuquerque' comes in the form of Goro Adachi's 'Time River Theory' which as key takes the gaze of the Sphinx, ie the beholder who measures mans days with "what walks on four legs at daybreak, two legs at noon and three legs at evening", as bisecting the mouths of these three rivers 1)Nile as it flows upward out of Africa, 2)Tigris/Euphrates as it flow down out of Turkey and Iran to the very Abadan were phonetically playing with and 3) Mississippi at its mouth New Orleans.
Gulp is right.
A cursory visit to the https above has all you need to know about the coming fight....
The last http is a map of area and it even shows Abadan!
There is something very very very odd about this BB! Its not what it appears to be.
PS - "dont eat the fruit"
To see the real face of Israeli evil you have only to read this article from the Desert Peace blog. What sort of people would steal the food and property of orphanages that exist only because they also killed the parents of these children?
From Khalid Amayreh in Hebron
Palestinian leaders and Christian peace activists as well as representatives of human rights organizations operating in the occupied Palestinian territories on Thursday made an impassioned appeal to “all men and women of conscience all over the world” to help stop Israeli army plans to close down and take over several orphanages and boarding schools sheltering thousands of orphans and impoverished students. Many of the orphans’ parents had been killed by the Israeli army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists, also known as “settlers.”
The appeal was made during a press conference at the main Girl Orphanage in downtown Hebron. The Israeli army has repeatedly raided the orphanages, boarding schools and affiliated institutions, vandalizing property, seizing food, cloths and shoes and confiscating several buses and cars.
The Israeli army accuses the Islamic Charitable Society, the largest and oldest in occupied Palestine, of teaching school children “radical ideas.”
However, the Charity lawyer Muhammed Farrah dismisses the charges as “a big canard and a blatant lie.”
“We have challenged them to produce a shred of evidence proving their claims. And so far they have failed to prove any of their allegations.”
Art Arbor, a Christian Peace-maker Team (CPT) member spoke at the beginning of the press conference, saying he was pretty sure that Israeli charges against the Hebron Charity were “baseless.”
“As a former headmaster in Canada, I can say I have seen here some of the finest students and teachers anywhere, I have seen good teachers and good students fully engaged. Last week I attended an English class where teachers and students were having fun, I saw teachers who produce students who will act to make the world a better place.
“But all this is threatened now. And I want to tell you that what the Israeli army is doing is not an assault on terror but an assault on innocent people who take care of each other.
“ In fact, it is the IDF that is engaging in terror and we are here to try to stop it.”
Taking the floor after Arbor was Nisreen Shawar, a local English teacher. She accused the Israeli state of waging “an all-out vindictive onslaught of smear, hate and vengeance against innocent Palestinians whose sole crime is their insistence on living and surviving.”
“We have been wrongfully accused of being terrorists and promoting terror. We are not terrorists, and we don’t teach terror. We are actually doing what school teachers all over the world do, namely making children better people for a better future. We teach kids to be kind, to tell the truth, to be mentally alert, physical sound and morally straight. We teach kids the same subjects taught anywhere in the world.”
Shawar compared the “terror canard against the Palestinians with the blood libel against Jews in Europe during the Middle ages.”
“The only difference is that these canards are now made by Jews in order to justify Israel’s slow-motion genocide against our people.”
Nago Humbert, Head of the Swiss Medecins du Mond Agency, lashed out at the immense brutality and savagery being inflicted on the Palestinian people by the Israeli state and army.
“Closure of schools, storming orphanages in the dead of night, destroying bakeries, confiscating food and clothes, throwing orphan kids onto the street…What is happening here? What is the lasting image Israel is going to leave in the minds of these kids when they grow up?”
Humbert, who spoke in French, said he couldn’t really understand what the Israeli army’s ultimate goal by acting in this manner.”
“How can we teach Palestinian children non-violence when Israel is doing to them all this, when Israeli soldiers are throwing kids from their orphanages onto the streets. Israel is destroying all our efforts.”
Paul Rehm, an American Christian peace activist from New York described the callousness inherent in the Israeli army’s assault on Hebron’s orphanages and other charitable institutions.
“How can we really relate to these callous acts, confiscating school buses, raiding orphanages and terrorizing innocent children?,”
Rehm quoted Martin Niemoller, the famous Nazi-era German priest, who lamented the German people’s silence in the face of the enormous atrocities the Third Reich committed in the course of the Second World War.
“When the Nazis came for the Communists, I remained silent; after all I was not a Communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; after all I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; after all I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I didn’t speak out; after all I was not a trade unionist. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.”
Two representatives from President Jimmy “Carter’s Center” in Ramallah also showed up at the press conference and one of them delivered a statement from the former US President.
The statement urged the Israeli government to rescind military orders to shut down and expropriate school buildings, orphanages and supporting businesses.
Far from being fazed by nonviolent protests against its draconian measures in Hebron, the Israeli army last week stormed a bakery owned by the Islamic Charitable Society, seizing ovens and other equipments used to provide bread for thousands of orphans and needy students.
The occupation army also raided and weld-sealed a cloth-making facility employing grown-up orphan girls. Israeli soldiers reportedly warned the girls that they would be jailed for up to six years if they didn’t heed orders to leave the small cloth factory.
Palestinian leaders in Hebron have accused the Israeli state of “resorting to a dirty game whereby all they have to do to wreck a given Palestinian institution is to invoke the name of Hamas.”
“It is enough to claim that a given institution is associated with Hamas to destroy that institution. This is very much like Nazi Germany behaved toward political opponents prior to the Second World War,” said Muhammed Hirbawi, a Hebron civic leader.
Hirbawi said the Israeli occupation army was acting as a policeman, a plaintiff, a General Prosecutor and a judge combined.
“This shows that non-Jews can’t really obtain justice under the Israeli justice system. This is why the Palestinians need a third party to protect them from Israel’s wanton criminality.”
The Israeli army has not given really convincing reasons for its brutal onslaught against the Hebron charities. However, Israeli officials are saying privately at least that Israel is doing what the Western-backed Palestinian Authority wants.
Last month, an Israeli government official was quoted by the Israeli radio as saying that “what we are doing in Hebron is in the interest of (PA Chairman Mahmoud) Abbas.”
The PA denies any connivance with Israel against the Hebron charities.
After today I will be traveling for a couple of days and I will not be able to post any comments or articles here or anywhere else. You should see something new on Monday. The very best to all of you.
To you Apollonian and the others who maintain that Jesus was not a Jew (I know the Christ station is not Jewish, just as I know it is a state of consciousness rather than any one person).
Why I do not get into debates like this is because I don't read Aramaic and I am not a Biblical scholar. I'm not a scholar at all. If anything I am a mystic and an intuitive. Everything I know comes from my inner teacher whose presence and existence is beyond any doubt on my part.
But I will say that Jesus was taken into the synagogue as a child and the whole of the New Testament is filled with references to his relationship to Jewish authority that wouldn't seem likely if he weren't Jewish. I'm not going to add a catalogue of evidence here because you very well know the examples I am discussing as well as references to the line of David and comments by Jesus such as, "Before Abraham was I."
It doesn't matter to me if Jesus was Jewish or not. He was the highest expression of God to Man and God in Man that had come until that time. He was also maha-avatar which is more than just a teacher. He was/is the very light of God realized in man; the wayshower and the most perfect expression as personified in Tipereth expressing the influx from above within.
But you need to disallow all of what the scripture says and show me how it doesn't apply, even the words of Jesus in respect of this relationship before I even consider this possibility.
I'm more inclined to believe that the majority of residents in Israel and elsewhere are not real Jews but are more like what orcs are to elves. The Neturei Karta are real Jews. Just as certain sects of Chassidim are illuminated and other orthodox sects are as materialism focused as the human mind can get and not be a stone figure.
In respect of the cabala I have spent some decades in considering it and I am of the opinion that anyone can be deceived until the point that they have the self-realization to say consciously and believing, "I don't know."
What is it that makes people think myself and others are going to bother reading long winded comments? Just because you took the time to put your views down, doesn't mean others have the time to go over them all. Alot of you here should simply write a book. Make your point and move on.
Better yet, start up your own web page.
I often wonder how many government shills take up a dozen pages with circle jerk diatribe and pointless comments, just to push aside more important views and real ideas.
What is it that makes people think myself and others are going to learn anything reading a comment from someone unknown talking about persons and items unknown. I don't get why people publish vague generalities and don't bother to provide the example that they are talking about. It really bugs me. It bugs me just as much as when someone starts making rules for the whole world based on their incredibly small part of it.
"Most people need leadership and Patriarchalist-styled "good shepherds"--such is purpose of present "Pope," who's actually paid mouth-piece for Jews (or their masterminds).
Thus in their infernal subjectivism, Talmudists purvey the conceit of perfectly free human will by which there is such thing as "good-evil," thus the notorious, ever-recurring and resurging Pelagian heresy founded upon "good works"--among yet other heresies."
cripez! i'm tired of your twisted lies.
WTF are your sources inre the 'Pelegial Controversy" the freakin catholic encyclopedia??!
funny, you never list any source doc for this subject just, you just drool subjective opinion, while flaying others for the identical supposed infraction.....
you seem somewhat intelligent... but you have some virally twisted synapses inre the so called 'Pelegian Heresy'.
morgan & kelly's celtic xtianity IN NO WAY promoted perfect free-will disconnected from consequence. that in fact was their main contention, among others.. w/the debaucheries of the whorish vatican..
such idiocy however does belong to tenants of:
1) babylonian talmud; inre goyim
2) roman catholic dogma associated w/absolution granted by revolving door confession
3) OTGD - crowley's outfit whose creed/only law ;"do as thou will"
4) various practitioners of satanism.
get a grip on yourself appol.... you're sputtering, dude.
It's difficult to stay neutral in light of what is going on in the middle east. The way Les describes the actions of the Jews on the Palestinian orphans sorta brings visions to mind of the Spartans method of determining who should be human and who shouldn't ( leave them on the hillside to see if they are worthy !!!).
Is anyone else feeling sick to the stomach in regards to the increasing food supply crisis.
BTW..this is for Appolonian and others who like to ref. https.
cut and paste your link between the "" in the tag. [a href = "link here"]title[/a]. Substitute the[] with <>.
Like this: For anyone who doesn't understand how the bankers weave the web or what the Federal Reserve System is check out the full length book titled The Economic Rape of America . It's an online read and it's free. This oughta wake you up to subjective/objective reality.
As for anonymous who thinks the discussion is too long....learn to speed read. Some things just can't be said with Yes sir and No sir and please don't hit me sir. That attitude is what the sheople have adopted and look at where it has led us.
It's a learning process.
Also, since having looked at the works of Ken Wilber i am aware that Visibles blog is becoming a very attractive holon. Why should i start a blog and talk to myself.
WTG Visible. Have a nice trip.
Better yet, start up your own web page.
Just a quicky to you. Either you do not have a blog of your own and therefore no insight that comments are the life blood of blogging or you are a vain glosser without any interest in the material.
Eugene, Anonymous 4:17, there is an oddness about it, odd beyond doubt, hmmmm, you could almost understand how Bush would have come to the conclusion that "God told him to". More locally, we have this good and evil/black white election farce playing out bolstered by tax riches while the people lose their homes and remain food insecure. The states are saying saying recession, but the leaders don't. Now, suddenly, UG99 wheat fungus is blowing with the winds across Asia, soon no cereals, no breads ... anywhere. Geeze, this IS turning into Armegeddon.
However, this and more won't evolve into cooperation with the preaching ("propaganda reach") of dogma, it only makes for a prevalence of deep pain, and pain is what it always takes for growth. You know, that commanality everyone shares - out of deep misery and suffering comes awareness?
Yes, its very odd. We have then perfect cause to check it out.
Methinks this is (a large aspect of) the plan:
That photo was taken of the stage at the Live 8 (for Africa cough,cough) celebrity fuck-fest in London in July 2005.
"1 Billion people live on" hmmm...I realize that it's an incomplete sentence/phrase. Still, I think that is the plan.
Oh, although Live 8 did not raise any monies for Africa(ns), it did raise almost 6 million $$$, of which about 3 million went to the Prince's Trust, yes Prince Charles. As for Africa(ns), well they benefitted from the "awareness" raised. Isn't that grand!
See this info from wikipedia:
--Although the concerts were free, 66,500 pairs of tickets for the [London] Hyde Park concert were allocated from the 13 June 2005 to 15 June 2005, to winners of a mobile phone text message competition ...Over two million messages were sent during the competition, raising £3m. [That's roughly 6 Million S]... The first £1.6m raised is to be given to the Prince's Trust, who in turn will donate to the Help A London Child charity. The Prince's Trust usually host the Party in the Park concert in Hyde Park in July. This event was cancelled in 2005 to make way for Live 8. The £1.6m donation will act as a quid pro quo. Funds raised beyond the £1.6m "will go to pay for the costs of Live 8, as it is a free event", according to the Live 8 website. --
Soooo, no monies were raised nor went to Africa nor Africans. And the LiveAid concert had to pay the Prince's Trust 1.6 million Pounds for the privilege of using the park.
Yeah, they sure do plan to make poverty history. Fuckers!
Redux above comment with links active. Hope this helps. Have blog click on Eugene and visit Underground Stream.
Revelation 9:11 – “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”
You can take "Abaddon" as a literal demon, yada yada, like...
Same for the "bottomless pit".
Or you can take it as...
Abadan History
From the last http we find 'Anglo Persian Oil Company', otherwise known as British Petroleum. Now that we have this in hand we know who the 'king' is, ie the Black Guelph Oligarchs, see...
little History Lesson
The 'King', Anglo Persian Oil, and its bottomless pit, ie Abadan was the largest refinery in the world for 50 years, see...
Anglo Iranian Oil Co = BP
Revelation of course is a distillation, if you will, of Daniel, a fella who lived right up the street from Abadan in Susa, see...
Kirkuk and Susa
Daniel Prophets Tomb
Giggle. The line from 6th Sense "I see dead people" comes to mind, thinking of ole Danny boy sitting at this river...seeing a) that first oil well and its king and b) a soon tomorrow's crossing of the West into southern Iran for that good ole last battle, ie the heaving of the sheaves, ie Armageddon.
The 'left turn at Albuquerque' comes in the form of Goro Adachi's 'Time River Theory' which as key takes the gaze of the Sphinx, ie the beholder who measures mans days with "what walks on four legs at daybreak, two legs at noon and three legs at evening", as bisecting the mouths of these three rivers 1)Nile as it flows upward out of Africa, 2)Tigris/Euphrates as it flow down out of Turkey and Iran to the very Abadan were phonetically playing with and 3) Mississippi at its mouth New Orleans.
Goro Adachi’s Time River part 3 (great stuff!)
Gulp is right.
A cursory visit to the https above has all you need to know about the coming fight....
Khuzestan Invasion
Khuzestan Map
The last http is a map of area and it even shows Abadan!
There is something very very very odd about this BB! Its not what it appears to be.
PS - "dont eat the fruit"
Let that little troll, Jackie Mason chew on this:
"The Iraqi war is a war for Israeli territorial expansion. Americans [along with millions of Iraqis] are dying and bleeding to death financially for Israel. Bush's "war on terror" is a hoax that serves to cover U.S. intervention in the Middle East on behalf of "greater Israel."
from here:
People actually think that ugly troll is/was funny? And here I thought that the chosen ones were s'posed to be so intelligent. hah,aha
appolonian is a flimflam (person)
1. a trick or deception, esp. a swindle or confidence game involving skillful persuasion or clever manipulation of the victim.
Except apollonius has no skill, isn’t clever and we are not victims; so all you are left with is deception, swindle and manipulation. A nonevent really.
Greetings Mr Visible,
I watched a documentary on Jimmy Carter the other night which confirmed my suspicions that he may have been the greatest man ever to take that office.
His intellect and human alacrity were a pinnacle in the history of American Politics as well as his formidable diplomatic skills.
It is amazing to me that he did not get reelected by a nation of snobs and materialistic masturbaters who would have done well to pattern their own endeavors after a man of such depth and sincerity.
"To you Apollonian and the others who maintain that Jesus was not a Jew (I know the Christ station is not Jewish, just as I know it is a state of consciousness rather than any one person).
"Why I do not get into debates like this is because I don't read Aramaic and I am not a Biblical scholar. I'm not a scholar at all. If anything I am a mystic and an intuitive. Everything I know comes from my inner teacher whose presence and existence is beyond any doubt on my part."
* * * * *
Meaning For Truth Requires Objectivity
(Apollonian, 26 Apr 08)
Visible, thanks much for ur dialectic. Note beauty of Christianity is its simplicity: u don't have to read "Aramaic."
Observe in Gosp.s MATT ch. 22, and MARK ch. 12, Christ tells us all we need do: (a) Respect God (hence the God-created, objective reality), and (b) do justice--which all can be reduced even more simply to--Think and/or be reasonable.
Surely then most critical emphasis for New Testament (NT) and Christ is distinct and pointed anti-semitism (anti-Talmud as Gosp. MARK 7:1-8). And yes, I (and other scholars) agree Christ took Pharisees absolutely seriously for understanding of original Mosaic law. Christ gave definitive clarification.
And note great NT stylistic anti-thesis is contrast w. Talmudic complexity, don't doubt.
Finally, observe problem w. mysticism and subjectivism for "truth" is criterion. For in objective (Greek/Aristotelian) reality, u have a criterion (reality apprehended by sense perception) by which u can judge and tell if something is true or not.
With Talmudism/subjectivism ANYTHING GOES, and everything is both true and false, whatever u or anyone pleases. Thus in such subjectivism there either is no "truth"--or it's too cheap, again--whatever u pls. Truth thus loses any meaning in subjectivism.
Only in objectivity does "truth" have any meaning, as there's criterion by which it either is or isn't for any given proposition; such then is utility and value of science.
Regarding "Tony" and "Kikz05": note ur generalizations depend for truth upon specific instances. For if u say I'm "lying" or whatever (like "flimflam"), u need a specific instance to demonstrate.
CONCLUSION: Note again, great drama of NT is truth in its lonely battle against conspiratorial Judaic lies; Christ then shows how to do it. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Martin Blaine;
I try to discourage disinfo agents, trolls and provocateurs from using this site to play games. Furthermore, don't presume to tell me what to do. I Will do and say what I wish. Get your own blog. And futhermore, look up the official Red Cross body count and see if it matches with the one being bandied about. Also, maybe you'd like to explain how the numbers of dead at Auschwitz were lowered by 2.5 million over the passing years by THE SAME PEOPLE QUOTING THE UNCHANGING NUMBER.
You seem to think you have some kind of special privileges here; that you can demand that I talk about one thing to suit you. You're not in the cockpit here. I'm a reasonable person. If you have a problem with me you come to me one on one about it. Don't try to come sneering all over this blog when you don't even know what's going on. It makes you look bad and removes any credibility you might have from my mind.
I typically like this blog but concerning the Pope you are wrong. Now do I wish he would do more and say more publicly? Yes. Of course I say publicly because we don't know what he is saying behind closed doors and if you want a public event concerning Condy Rice and the Pope, it was not shoe shopping rather it was that the Pope refused to meet with her about two months ago. Now that was public, did you consider that or were you paying attention to that? Every Sunday he gives the Urbi et Orbi and he decries the state of the world and points out particular countries and areas. Have you read all of the Pope's Urbi et Orbi messages?
He has an audience every Wednesday open to all peoples from all over the world and he usually addresses them in at least 7 different languages. Some of these will be Maronite Catholics who speak Arabic or French. Have you read the texts from his audiences? They are public and addressed to the public. You see, the Roman Catholic Church has over 22 rites, not just the Latin rite, there is the Syriac rite, the Maronite Rite, the Armenian rite etc and all of the bishops from these rites are in constant communication to Rome.
You do know that within the past month a bishop from the Syriac Rite was kidnapped and killed in Baghdad right? Do you know what the Pope said about his death and the war? Do you know that the Patriarch of Jerusalem is retiring this year and there will be another one selected to fill his shoes? Do you know what type of considerations have to be made to find a candidate who can balance and advocate for the most precarious group of all in the middle east, the Palestinian Christians? Believe me, the Pope is saying and doing very much however much of the work done is behind the scenes and if it wasn't for the Vatican diplomatic corps, things may actually be worse than they now are. The problem children are Israel and America. Leave the Pope alone.
"Regarding "Tony" and "Kikz05": note ur generalizations depend for truth upon specific instances. For if u say I'm "lying" or whatever (like "flimflam"), u need a specific instance to demonstrate."
i have furnished my specific instance(s) refuting your subjective contentions pertaining to "Pelegian Xtianity" twice now. the first instance was ignored. the second, i asked for your reference documentation, you deflect, spouting "vague generalities" and demand specifics.
can you not follow along, and complete a coherent thought w/o the word jew in it? apparently not.
tsk. tsk. tsk.
wrong answer... end of discussion.
and to the anon cheerleader for the pope....who admonishes us as children, hoping to baffle us w/bullshit....
one does not have to pay overt undue attention to vatican minutia to understand its master agenda... which is, has always been, and always will be...
self protection of its powers and its stolen gold.
if you can't handle truth, you need to find other reading.
myopia is your last name
Pelagian Delusion/Hubris Follows Fm Subjectivism
(Apollonian, 28 Apr 08)
Sorry "kikz05": u demand documentation?--for what, specifically?--Pelagian heresy?--what a nit-picker.
I don't specify any particular source for such Pelagianism--it's not difficult which u seem to imagine is some complex thing; it isn't--it's general child's idea of "good-evil," that's all--which heresy/delusion significant portion of people, like children, fall victim to.
CONCLUSION: For note, after basic dichotomy of subjective-objective, next consequence is DETERMINISM of objectivity vs. hubristic, delusionary PERFECT free will of subjectivism/Talmudism, hence "evil" delusion/heresy. Take good care. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
to anon @ 3:14.
at least i ascribe some manner of identity to my myopia, as you call it.
at least it's on topic........
is this the only opine you are able to formulate here w/all these wonderful subjects up for debate/discussion?
for note...
delusion and subjectivism
how is it you objectively ascribe or attribute anything in the NT, such as:
"Observe in Gosp.s MATT ch. 22, and MARK ch. 12, Christ tells us all we need do: (a) Respect God (hence the God-created, objective reality), and (b) do justice--which all can be reduced even more simply to--Think and/or be reasonable."
to Christ himself?
"Kikz05," u have me baffled; perhaps u should restate ur query--otherwise citation seems clear enough, specifically MATT ch. 22:36-39, paralleled in MARK. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
no restate is necessary, all is clear. :)
"Visible, I respect u as I know I've delivered vicious, crushing, smashing blows against u, yet u nonetheless hold up for ur brave insistence upon TRUTH...So I'm not saying u're lying about Christ, but u need, for ur own sake and grasp of truth, to get this straight."
by your own definition of objective reality TRUTH....
you quote NT scripture; subjective in nature, subjective authors quoting a subjective Christ w/subjective commentary on a subjective subject
to offer as objective proof of TRUTH and expect peepz to swallow it?
now, that's talmudic hubris at it's finest. :) golfclap.
"Kikz05" Is Too Tricky
(Apollonian, 30 Apr 08)
"Kikz05," that was neat poem u put up on "nobody's" blog, okay--it's just I don't get ur logic. Did u catch me in some contradiction? Help me out w. some expo. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Arab Palestinian Christians and Arab Palestinian Muslims lived side by side for the past 1400 years, and for anybody to say that the Arab Palestinian Christians have been persecuted recently by Muslims is absolutely another big lie, like the big lie that spoke of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. — Riah Abu El-Assal, Christian Bishop of Jerusalem
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