Before I go wherever this essay takes me I’d like you to read this. Every now and again I read something that pulls at the fabric of my shirt, just above the elbow and seems to say, “See...?” It’s one of the reasons that I think the light is breaking; all the little evidences of people waking up and wondering how they came to fall asleep in the first place.
I see the same news that you see. I see where oil is expected to rise to $160.00 a barrel and I remember when they said it would go to a hundred if Iran were attacked. I guess that was some kind of serious under-estimation at the time, given what they are saying here. Then there is the disappearance of the bees which, since I mention it a lot, you can assume I think it’s a very big deal.
On the geo-political stage the neo-con American government is foaming at the mouth about Iran. Every day they’ve got some new piece of information being delivered to the press by, “a source who can’t be named because they are not authorized to speak on the subject”; about how Iran is behind everything from canceling Deadwood to the long brown hair in your hash browns. They fired Admiral Fallon and General Hayden got all choked up about the people the neo-cons murdered on 9/11. It’s not as cutting edge Theater as Bush and Cheney doing the Walrus and Carpenter but it’s good enough for TV.
Israel hasn’t missed a beat either. When they’re not building massive settlements anywhere they can find a Palestinian family to evict ("double your pleasure, double your fun..."), they’re doing things like this. I’d like it if you took the time to read that article carefully. These despicable Swedish aid workers have the nerve to walk Palestinian school children home, right in front of Israeli settlers who are already contending with Palestinian sub-human’s occupying land that God gave to the Israelis and which involved keeping it clean of pests and a player to be named later. It’s an established custom for Israeli settlers to have the opportunity to pelt Palestinian children with rocks as well as club them to the ground and why the Swedes thought they could just waltz in and interrupt what is basically a religious ritual... well, I think you get the picture.
There aren’t too many things that possess as much sheer poetry as watching a ten year old girl’s head explode into a red mist through a sniper scope. Little cameras on the rifles make it possible for all Israeli’s to share those special moments and it’s totally déclassé for foreign vermin to get the mistaken idea that they’ve got some sort of right to interfere in another country’s business. God didn’t just give the Israelis all the land from Antarctica to the Tigris and Euphrates. He also gave them the Palestinians to do with as they wished. I got so mad when I saw this that I nearly hopped a flight to wherever that was to see if I couldn’t bring some succor, healing and closure to the settlers who must be suffering terribly from the interference.
Along with the rising food prices and the subprime gold rush are a host of shadow dancers, hoofing it like deranged Rockettes in front of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Let’s face it, it don’t look good but...
I’ve seen this before. I’ve seen it in other lifetimes at Waterloo and Gettysburg. I’ve seen it along with the rest of you when we ran out of potatoes in Ireland and during the pet rat period earlier on in the rest of Europe. We saw it in the blood-soaked trenches of Second Ypres and on the Russian front in the next war after that. This isn’t anything new. Somehow all of those darknesses went away and things got stable for awhile until some new darkness formed, west of Mirkwood and east of Eden, by way of the Same old Same Old, Here is Comes Again.
I’ve got a funny feeling this time. I can’t give you hard evidence of why I feel the way I do. I don’t like to talk about it because people’s eyes glaze over when I get all mystical and stuff. I’d ask you to imagine that I commune with my invisible friends and they tell me it’s going to be alright on down the road.
This doesn’t mean that hundreds of millions of people won’t die. They well might. This doesn’t mean that plague and famine won’t be doing a tango across the landscape. It could get a whole lot worse before it gets better but it will get better. It’s just something I feel and I want to tell you that because a lot of you are getting a little too down in the mouth for my tastes.
People talk about Armageddon but Armageddon comes to someone every day. Doesn’t the whole world end inside someone’s mind every time they die? In a hundred years almost no one presently living will still be here. They’ll all have died and gone. Is that any less of an Armageddon just because it happened in stages instead of all at once?
Not everyone’s dream comes true either. Look at poor David Rockefeller. He’s been dreaming of eugenics all his life and he’s still waiting. What will the poor Israeli settlers do when they run out of Palestinians? Have you considered that? I can see a time in the future when sad eyed, neo-con settlers sit by the roadside with signs that say, ‘Brother can you spare a Palestinian?” or “Will work for Palestinians.” It is to weep.
We need to be more grateful for what we have, although it occurs to me that it might be better if we could identify what we actually possess.
I’m going to get a little esoteric on you now and I hope you’ll forgive me for this and I hope it won’t prevent some web sites from reprinting this just because it gets a little spiritual. Anyway, a lot of the evil against which humanity contends is invisible. You can’t see it. Often these invisible entities will possess a person in a moment of weakness and do terrible things and then abandon them like a stolen car by the side of life’s highway ...before they move on.
Every two thousand years, at the beginning of each new age, a teacher comes. As this teacher approaches, he drives all of the darkness of the inner planes before him. These invisible entities have nowhere to go but outward into human form. This is the actual meaning of Armageddon in occult terms.
All of the dark denizens are forced into vulnerable flesh where they can be dealt with. It appears to them that they are wielding great power and that they are untouchable; even as we see it now in Bush and Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and all the rest of what are, in fact, demons clothed in human form. The stage is being set for them to get a big wakeup call and that goes for the human race as well. You may think that things are out of control and that the big Roadmaster of life might go off into the ditch at any moment but... I assure you that EVERYTHING is very much under control.
The safest thing you can do for yourself is to keep an understanding heart and behave according to what your conscience tells you. These are the times we always heard about. We are living in them right now. Do yourself a favor and assume the mantle of a true human being and live and act in a reach to your higher self. This is achieved in all the little things we do every day. This is achieved by knowing what is right and not being afraid to say and do it.
In any case... turn off your TV set and turn on your heart. Everything is going to get sorted out. You don’t have to worry about that. Just do your best and don’t walk by those in need when the moment is upon you.
And now I'd like it very much if you would listen to this song.
'When Darkness Falls' is track no. 5 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

Reading this morning's essay,I am reminded of a William Butler Yeats poem,The Second Coming.
When I was in college,way back in the mid-seventies,I took a semester of PHD English taught by a Yeatsian.The fellow proclaimed,Yeats the Irishmen,was the greatest writer of the English language.He also changed the words of the last line in the poem to,Slouches toward Bethlehem to exact its revenge.
Yeats was an Occultist.His way of thinking was circular,the twenty-eight phases of the moon.Yeats spoke of gyres of all degrees.Like the a gyrescope bent sideways but still spinning.He felt all history,past,present,future is occuring at the same moment.All the gyres meeting at the perfect moment in time.
Finally one note.A famous man,Ezra Pound,was a Yeats apprentice.There's no doubt he figured out the story.
An interesting anecdote;
I was locked up on the same ward as Ezra Pound in the John Howard Pavillion for the Criminally Insane at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in D.C. for a little under two years. I guess I was dangerous and insane but I never understood why... or maybe I did.
I keep hoping I can raise the money to buy that ruined castle of Yeats on that island in the lake in Ireland. It's been for sale for awhile.
The occult is liken to that of a short in a super circuit. The intent is circumvented and things start a poppin and hysteria sets in...Personally, I prefer pure logic and you dont get that with a short in the circuit path.
People who identify (dabble in)with the occult don't identify with with pure physics at sub atomic realms (takes much study and most have not the access to the same)...oh and yes even a little of this is interesting 'is liken to being a child and watching things blow up (grabs the attention)...
Never heard of the Yeats...but it is true there is no time at sub atomic levels. Dealing with the occult you are dealing with sub just that the 'scientific' factors in the occult, short out the circuitry by default. A short circuit where energy 'and imagine high energy' is involed, is extreme danger!
excellent essay les... i don't know how you do it.... time after time. you are truly talented.
probably mentioned this before..
yeats.. pound... mullins.
skinny? ever heard of eustace mullins?
he was apprentice to pound.
apparently he was the one that got pound out of "hospital" ending his "unfortunate incarceration".
mullins has written much over his lifetime. now he's too old to care for himself, so say his family... who (i understand) consider him, quite crazy.....have taken all his papers, and his estate... and shuttered him in a home for the aged.
someone who comments over on ICH, (can't remb his name) is in contact w/mullins, even has his address and fone# at the institution. they tell me he's lonely, and still quite in possession of his mind. there is no one there, still in possession of theirs... for him to talk to. it would seem his family has done him, great injustice.
some of mullins work can be found online... graciously converted by one... yamaguchy, who is a champion of mullins' and takes great pains to accredit mullins' writings as seminal works, from which all others who have since written of the machinations of "the money lenders" such as griffin, etc.. are but thieves/plunderers of mullins' research and work. they have profited greatly, while mullins labored in obscurity and poverty, for his pains.
i don't agree w/mullins' supposition; that freemasonry is inherently evil... but i consider the rest his work spot on.
yamaguchy's site, which contains much good reading and other hard to find online authors/books....
more background on the robber barons
Gustavas Myers
http://yamaguchy 78...yers_index.html
"Occult" means hidden, nothing more. The idea that there is some generalized occult community hardly covers anything unless you were to say that most people believe secrets exist.
Understandable, Yeats isn't very widely known outside of high school and college curriculum's and most poetry anthologies or lists of poets in general.
For some reason your article conjured in me the widow's mite story from Mark and all it implies.
Another worthwhile lesson learnt early in life.
Wikipedia entry
Wow...interesting stuff, everyone. Les, this one is half Visible Origami and half Smoking Mirrors.
tmaastricht - I'm also quite interested in the quantum stuff. What are your sources of info in this area? I've mainly just read the work of Richard Feynmann.
I just meant by occult that Yeats poetry has many hidden meanings.I was unaware of them until said professor helped point them out.I'm sure he had feelings about Irish independence,if only because of Maud Gonne.
Yes I have read things from Mullins.One thing I found about crazy is,I am.See you can be crazy,"they"don't care about that.What"they"care about is whether
or not you do crazy things.Speak out about the misery America is heaping on the world and see how fast you get marginalized.
You nailed those Zionist swine oh did you ever nail them. Well done! Exceedingly well done!!! You are from another planet.
hi visible!
nice to meet you. I don't think I have ever commented on your (wonderful) blog before, but I have to this time.
Yes, your positive view is spot on. Me too. But we have to remember maybe, if we ever get depressed, that seven years is not so long and in the course of the time ahead we have to "get" them all (underline all). When the puzzle/jigsaw of knowledge has to be put together by people in sufficient "critical" numbers all over the planet, it's a pretty tall order .... But the truth will out because the common people's wisdom says it always does.
It's the +all+ that makes it so slow, you can almost hear the net or web being woven steadily around them (except the internet is soundless or imperceptible on the street). All those thousands of hours of research -- all those words you keep us sane with, all those people who have to do their own reading and find out for themselves...
We have to reveal to the cold light of day +all+ of them. You wouldn't want Monsanto to be able to continue playing god and designing who is able to eat and who not. Or the guys in wall street with their brazen theft. It's the entire shooting match. The whole boiling rats' nest of them. And I agree with Ralph totally: amnesty and forgiveness for all those who are not the decision-takers.
Be strong. Keep up your excellent work. You are important, evidently, for a lot of people..
love and peace.
"I’ve seen this before. I’ve seen it in other lifetimes at Waterloo and Gettysburg. I’ve seen it along with the rest of you when we ran out of potatoes in Ireland and during the pet rat period earlier on in the rest of Europe. We saw it in the blood-soaked trenches of Second Ypres and on the Russian front in the next war after that. This isn’t anything new. Somehow all of those darknesses went away and things got stable for awhile until some new darkness formed, west of Mirkwood and east of Eden, by way of the Same old Same Old, Here is Comes Again."
breathtaking. Wonderful prose. Pure free form jazz that would make Baudrillard turn in his typewriter. And this?
"Every two thousand years, at the beginning of each new age, a teacher comes. As this teacher approaches, he drives all of the darkness of the inner planes before him. These invisible entities have nowhere to go but outward into human form. This is the actual meaning of Armageddon in occult terms.
All of the dark denizens are forced into vulnerable flesh where they can be dealt with. It appears to them that they are wielding great power and that they are untouchable; even as we see it now in Bush and Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and all the rest of what are, in fact, demons clothed in human form. The stage is being set for them to get a big wakeup call and that goes for the human race as well. You may think that things are out of control and that the big Roadmaster of life might go off into the ditch at any moment but… I assure you that EVERYTHING is very much under control."
says it all. I don't know who you are but I know what you are and I'm glad you're here. Even my skin condition has cleared up since I have been reading your blogs. I'm not kidding but only maybe just a little.
If the bees die off we are fuxxored no more fruits, or any food that needs to be pollinated. As for the oil prices doesn't it seem strange no new refiniries built in 30 yrs? Armageddon doesn't bother me get a front row seat, some popcorn and enjoy the ctrl alt delete, non safe shutdown then reboot.
focking powerful words mate.
We'll kick their arses when the time comes.
beautiful song.
Hi Ben, nice name 'my Father is Ben...passed away when I was 7' anyhow to answer your question in regard to my sources...
The compilation of my electronics background and scholarly research of medicine 'brain and spine'eventual factoring in of every physics book in the Denver public library 'on the shelf' and within those books ordered all of everything I could get my hands on 'interlibrary'...take a word such as quantum teleportation google all on it and read, read, read for many years...
The link here to webshots (
) shows the basic scholarly research sources of some of the medical...I read everything on the net, physics today and books...,I can get my eyes on.
I have been speed-reading for approx 30 years now. I do not have the time to read much poetry or any fiction and it does not really interest me much, though there is some great work in the field.
The key to reading is understanding and this is where my fav all time book 'secular' comes in (the dictionary)breaking it down to the core (words) and the knowledge of one word goes on and on and on. It is all stored and eventually comes into play as needed. Lots of room in this lil skull I don.
"All of the dark denizens are forced into vulnerable flesh where they can be dealt with. It appears to them that they are wielding great power and that they are untouchable"
They are not forced but force themselves into human flesh. Often they can be welcomed by their hosts who receive a kind of gratification and power thanks to the presence of these evil spiritual entities.
I always look forward to reading your articles. You present the big picture in a way in which it is rarely (if ever) presented.
I must say that americans (and jews-same thing) will be the last on planet earth to wake up and get a conscience and start to change their despicable, murdering, evil ways. I know that there are a few good, moral, decent americans in the usa that know evil when they see it and are as opposed to their ziojew terrorist controlled puppet (scum of the earth-excuse me for being so blunt) government as the rest of us. Unfortunately the remaining 99.5% will always remain americans. And I guess you can`t blame them. After all, american culture is based on genocide and terrorism (i.e, american democracy) and warmongering (let`s be honest, every war america has ever been in it has engineered and started).
Before anyone in the usa replies to my comment by claiming that there are many moral etc. people in your country and that I may be way off the mark, I suggest this. Take a long hard look in the mirror and describe what you see. How decent, good and righteous are you really? How much of a change from your criminal ways of life do you really represent? How anti(american) terrorist are you really?
Like it or not, america-and all the other dirtbag 'coalition of the willing" rogue states-are to blame for most of the ills and suffering on this planet. Excuse me mr. and ms. america but you play a direct part in that and are therefore accountable for the crimes of your country.
America will never change from the inside out. One day (at the behest of its jewish terrorist controlled goverment) it will mess with the wrong country or set of countries (BRIC, SCO) and then you warmongering, cowardly criminals might get a real taste of war. Perhaps a bit too close to home or too many of your murdering terrorist soldiers going home in bags. Maybe then you`ll develop a collective conscious, expel your israel rodent government and join the rest of the planet in moving ahead and trying to eliminate the mistakes of the past. I get the impression that everyone else on the planet can`t wait for that day.
I look forward to you all your future articles and thank you for possesing the writing, and thinking, talent that you do.
"All of the dark denizens are forced into vulnerable flesh where they can be dealt with."
I wonder if vulnerable individuals invite and welcome them when they desire to be empowered to do what they will for nefarious purposes.
Some weeks ago on 3CR (community radio) i called in and talked about Israeli snipers watching thru the scope of the low recoil rifles Palestinian girls' heads turning into instant pink spray and mist, and then downloading from the vidcam for replay back at barracks.
About two days later i saw it noted with puzzlement on that the Jubah the Sniper vid clip, which was always a click away for about 3yrs, could no longer be downloaded.
I guess that the zionists promptly figured out that i had inferred from that clip and from the many, many pics of heavily bandaged dead Palestinian kids' heads that the sniper rifles with vidcam used in Iraq against American soldiers were also being used in Palestine, and that the mind revelling in squeezing the trigger on a kid's head would orgasmically exult at the prospect of replaying for like minds back at barracks his `achievement`.
I should add here that the reason for heavily bandaging the head is to prevent what's left of the brain from leaking and/or sliding out.
Given that their females also serve in the Israeli `purity of arms` profession, i have to wonder whether they themselves draw the line at shooting kids - rabbit style.
They can't not know what's going on. We do. Do they laugh stupidly with their male counterparts when watching the replay, having drawn as deep a draft as they of the judaic quintessential essence of hating for its own sake, or do they retain a vestigal female sentiment and express horror and revulsion, and put in a formal letter of complaint to the Ministry of Defense?
In any case, there must now be quite a collection of these vids - hundreds maybe ?
One day, when Israel becomes Palestine these vids may surface and say as much about Israel as the pics from Abhu Ghraib say about America.
tmaastricht -
Many thanks...There is no way I'll be able to explore the subject to the extent that you obviously have but I'll do what I can. Interesting stuff. Physics merging into metaphysics.
hey ben....
for a quick trip - physics into metaphysics....
the kybalion
geez i gotta get schooled in tinyurl :)
Ben...or this...
Thanks Kikz,
I've heard of the Kybalion but never that particular site...I'll definitely be doing some exploring there.
On a related note, you might check out something that Les introduced me to awhile back:
This is a fascinating time to be living in for so many reasons.
How can an "American" respond to anonymous?
America is not a group of people or a nation...its a state of mind. A state that has not yet been born. Its birth is the realization of freedom for all men or no men at all. Nemo's ominous Omen.
The Declaration of Independence still rings true today, here there and everywhere. It applies to King George of US or Queen Elizabeth of UK or Queen Beatrix of Netherlands or King Carlos of Spain, etc. etc. etc.
The Bill of Rights still tolls incessantly flesh me out, make me come alive, dont settle for me as words only.
The ideas inside these penned words die on the lips of Chinese dissidents, the lips of holocaust deniers, the lips of Liber 77 devotees, the lips of all who suffer under tyranny, despotism, etc.
Once again, America has not yet been born. The carrot of freedom is still being parroted and dangled by those who use revoltion to reinforce the reigning state. Its servants may think they serve freedom, they serve shepherded appetite. The shepherds still guard and perch from special bloodlines, ensconced well before America, even to this present day.
The tyrrany of the oppressive shell is still the mother of the nut waiting to become. Edipus Rex will always be the seasons of man.
The message inside "America" is for all. Just because persent Americans dont reflect the ideas doesnt mean the ideas in the message dont have value.
Take for instance the former Govenor of New York. Do his words in this piece have any less meaning because he was sleeping with prostitues?
Lets see, penned in February, dead and buried by March...and yet the knowledge of his activities was known since last November. The timing of his outing wasnt an accident. Timing was meant to kill his message.
Same with America. Shes a slave and always has been to Royals. Message still rings true. Shes been brainwashed with Zionist Christian stories till braindead set in. Message still rings true.
Shes captive and bound in Banker chains. And yes the message is needed more than ever. Here, there and everywhere.
The nut in its shell. Dont kill the nut because you dislike the shell. When man finally becomes it will be due to the shell he overcame to become. We should rejoice knowing the shell resists us all, an "America" waiting to be born. Spring, true spring is that freedom we all long for. One day, the shell alone, is the sign of its coming.
Since Tav/Thav is both freedom and slavery, a simple H being the difference, and is the mark itself. "ET" must have a most profound meaning AND it does. Spring is the ONE who steps out of winter's frigid water. Just as the freedom of Sheen blows on Mem's dead and bitter waters to birth Aleph. One becomes a Thousand by stepping through shells A to Z.
What rings true in the aforementioned documents of Freedom is no less than this same equation. Sheen blows where it wishes and calls all to rise, unfurl wings of destiny and fly on its bounty. This unfurling will result in Icarian folly, just as Fall follows every Spring. Is Spring any less beautiful? Is the the Adocentyn of Freedom any less a city because its tenants forget their high calling? Nay the lesson of pearlish gates and stealing from purses remains.
Edipus Rex kills his father and seeds his mother.
'And, from the days of John the Baptist till now, the reign of the heavens doth suffer violence, and violent men do take it by force,"
Such is the nut in the shell.
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