Softly... softly... stepping carefully among the possibilities of critical hours; I have been thinking about the bombing of the Madrid Train Station on 3/11. I have been thinking about the bombing of the London Tube on 7/7 and the Mac daddy wack on 9/11 and I ask myself; what about May? You have a 3 and a 7 and a 9 but you have no five. I guess it’s foolish to wonder about things like this but that’s how the mind works sometimes.
You might well have expected 7/11 more than anything else and it may be why you didn’t get it. 5/11? Who knows? It’s like the lines to that West Side Story song, Something’s Coming... “Something's coming, I don't know what it is, But it is, Gonna be great!” It probably won’t be great, not in the sense that the song implies but it wasn’t so great in the play either as it turned out.
We’ve got hanging Madam’s and back-shot CIA agents and you might want to read what that link has to say and maybe do a little deeper research into connecting the dots. It’s all there on the internet if you want to look for it. It’s getting to be like it was in Marathon Man after Zell’s brother got killed in that NYC car crash. “Is it safe? Is it safe?” No, it’s not safe. That’s life. Watch your step.
The Democratic primary continues to lurch along like a drunk trying to maintain his balance and find his car keys at the same time. Clinton rakes in most of the white voters and Obama rakes in most of the black voters, while the party whoops it up like the cash flushed whore that the drunk left back at the lap dance emporium. The whore didn’t do anything about the war. The whore didn’t do anything about impeachment. The whore didn’t do anything that Israel told it not to do and all the tapes and Polaroid snaps are breeding in a box at your local Mossad franchise. The whore has whore concerns and no time for anything else.
Strange things are going on in Lebanon and lots of people know it. Given that Israel has a birthday on the 14th, celebrating 60 years of Palestinian extermination; it goes without saying that they are going to want to be able to celebrate in a fashion that exemplifies the reason for their existence... blood in and blood out baby.
America needs water for Las Vegas and all kinds of other places and they’re not shy about getting their hands on it. They weren’t shy about Afghanistan and the opium shortage. They weren’t shy about Iraq; only the real reasons behind it and they aren’t going to be shy about Iran either, not with Israel telling them what to do. Now the opium is flowing again and the pipeline from Iraq to Haifa green-lighted because of all the support Israel gave America during the war; no one’s saying what that support was but apparently it was large. If you ask me the biggest support came from the neo-con dual nationals that lied everybody into the war in the first place.
If you want to know why everything is the way it is, why the world resembles a PCP infused mosh-pit at a Black Sabbath concert instead of the world according to Jacque Fresco, you have only to read this book, Political Ponerology. Most people have never even heard of this book. What it took for this book to find its way into publication is as torturous a tale as you will ever encounter. Do you want to know what is really going on and what really should be going on? Get your hands on the book “Political Ponerology” and see the film “Future by Design”. I would wager that most people have never come across the name Andrew M. Lobaczewski or Political Ponerology any more than they have come across the name of Jacque Fresco. The works of both of these men are indispensable to being in the state of knowing what is going on and what should be going on.
There is an alien race among us and they are scary powerful. They are not scary powerful because they are that much smarter than the rest of us. They are so because there are no moral constraints upon their behavior. They do not have the self-limiter of conscience. They are without conscience altogether. They are psychopaths. No doubt you have asked yourself how certain men and women could do the things they have done; how could they kill and torment millions of people with no regret whatsoever? Study a bit about Ponerology and you will not have to ask this question again.
These men and women account for six percent of the population. They move among us as one of us but they are in no wise human. They are veritable demons in human flesh. All the ancient tales about shape-shifting lizard men; werewolves, vampires and similar creatures from the dark side of being are based on these individuals. Until we can identify them and root them out we shall have no prosperity and no peace. They are the single most pressing problem that faces the human race. Your concerns about fascism and concentration camps, war and pestilence, lack of food and water and any and all of the myriad fears that assail the human mind and condition are most often the result of the efforts of these men and women.
For a long time, these sinister and shadowy figures have tormented the human estate. They are an ancient race. They are at work in the political and religious theaters. They are at work in the media. They are at work in the business and banking communities. They are in the entertainment and sports world. They are everywhere. They are white and black. They are Christian and Muslim. They are Arab and Jew and portions of everything else and they are bad news.
For far too long we have reacted to conditions instead of causes. We have been confused and befuddled by the whys and the wherefores. We have looked at the thing instead of into the thing. Our eyes have been upon the chessboard and not upon the players moving the pieces. These creatures are in the prisons and in presidencies. They are moving in the traffic in the streets. They are our single most pressing concern and until they are identified and called to account there is no point in wasting time on anything else. Nothing else will prosper or come to pass because they are there in the workings.
Courtesy of a link in the comments section I would advise EVERYONE to read this article and you will see what we are up against.
It is unfortunate that you need a mind and must possess the ability to concentrate in order to be able to read and comprehend Political Ponerology. With the passing of time, intelligent awareness is being bred out of the human condition. The majority of us were never that bright to begin with but de-evolution is making it worse than it has been in a long time.
It’s not all bad news. We are talking about it and we haven’t done that before. We are isolating it. We are seeing it; some of us are seeing it. Nothing these psychopaths do can halt what is coming. It is truly unfortunate that so much harm must come to pass before justice can be done.
They know that we know and they are not unaware of forces more powerful than they. This is why there is so much chaos and international criminal activity at this time. Fifteen hundred words are not enough to address the implications of this problem. Read the book, if you have the mind to accomplish it and see the film of what could be ours and remember that the problems are not what they appear to be. The problem is behind the appearances. The problem lies in those who are manifesting the appearances.
'911 was an Inside Job' is track no. 1 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'
Lyrics (pops up)

Peace be with the reader.
May day, May day, May day.....
Les, your six percent is a joke.
We are looking more at something
like ninety six percent.
"They Live"
The Faithful Witness
Psycho? Oh no!
They are perfectly sane. Totally normal.
Ancient tribes never let OTHER tribes on their grazing lands because, Les, they KNEW that.
The Shawnee and Celts, the Magyar horsemen and Zulu warriors all knew this. They wanted not the white man's god-in-a-book for precisely that reason.
There are no pathocrats. There are stupid sheep with traitors instead of leaders.
(Kucinich. Pelosi. THINK! With them on your side... you got no side!)
When we become them, it changes. When we say, what's mine is mine and not yours, it changes. That's it. No new science required.
The Druids knew enuf not to trust Caesar. Did they read about political pomegranites? Nope. They knew what was THEIRS.
This is how it works. Pity to discover what our ancestors knew we're going to have to put what's left of our civilization into a doggy bag.
But the Celts and Shawnee and Zulu were right. That's that.
For more on the oil try Operation Shekhinah, Joe Vialls.
Double double toil and trouble...
Yes Mr. Visible! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Here's a good one for you too!
Looks like Jeremiah Wright might just have more of a clue than his young, politcally ambitious ward
Barak the younger.
If an infant can be programmed to grow into an adult code-obedient slave by drugging it, surgically altering its brain or by subjecting it to terrible sexual and general abuse, then the task of neutralizing all psychopaths is urgent, It is urgent and necessary because such techniques are being further developed to make perfect soldiers and entertainers out of otherwise normal people.
Also, an infant may be bred to become a perpetrator of abuse because he/she is selected a priori to be a leader. Usually one can find such man/woman attending lodges, churches, societies, committees and meetings where he/she can get further inspiration coming from evil influences which they will then apply in dealing with their subordinates.
It would appear that such practices are wilfully implemented by those who believe that humanity must be led to a condition devoid of higher impulses, such as love, virtue and altruism. To say that those in charge and their vassals and servants are like demons is not far from being literally true.
Sounds like you have been reading David Icke. Nothing wrong with that. When you start to understand what is really going on the “system” he describes is what you are left with. It is alien, soulless, and has no conscience. It answers to the prince of evil, and won’t rest until everyone is subjugated. That is where the Christians have been deceived. They believe in a physical anti Christ when in truth the demon they fear isn’t an individual but a “system.” This “system” has been with the human race for thousands of years. With the advent of modern technology things have greatly speeded up, and they are about to spring the trap. Things are crazy, $4.00 gas, food shortages, false flag operations, wars based on lies, housing meltdown, credit markets frozen up, dollar meltdown, adverse weather, pending wars with Iran and Syria, fake economic statistics coming out of Washington, etc. You get the picture. Welcome to the new normal. Those who are awake know there are sinister forces behind all this. This kind of shit doesn’t just happen. The ignorant brainwashed masses will never get it figured out. Many of them aren’t even capable of figuring it out. Permanent deception has become the "truth".
Hold the presses, Israeli did give support to Amerika in the Iraq War Crime.
Their support was not for a military victory or to get the troops home sooner. Their support, to the contrary, did quite the opposite, it assured a prolonged war crime so that those contracting outfits, where all our neo-con officials' family member work and the bullet factories in Israel would keep the fires burning until our treasury was sucked dry as a Mohel's kiss on a circumcision wound during mezizah (I bet those Catholic Fondlers wish they had the same legal out a Mohel does!).
Why do you think Feinstein could not bring herself to censure Gonzales? Why do you think she voted for an Israeli Citizen to take over the DoJ - BECAUSE HER HUSBAND IS ONE OF THOSE PROFITING FROM ISRAELI SUPPORT!
Kurdistan has been Israeli Northern Iraq since the Clinton White house and it's 55% dual loyalist staff began managing broccoli barfing George Senior's war crime in 1992.
Think about it - remember all those masked interior ministry uniformed vendettas the SNN (sayan network news) was schilling early on. While southern Iraq quenched their children's need for fluids with water from the blood - puss - feces cesspools and fed them hors devours selected from the finest KBR land fills, Israelis and Kurds were having toga parties, snorting poppers and smearing K&Y like they ain't no tomorrow while watching cable TV - ALL under the protection of the no fly zone.
Israeli Northern Iraq never had them masked ministry bad guys running the vendetta gambit (who wears a mask for a vendetta - when one "vendettas" someone, you'd think they'd want to know who did them in - that's what a vendetta is all about - right?
The masked interior ministry uniformed vendetta's (and a whole bunch of other stuff) stopped when Turkey finally took matter's into it's own hand.
And, conveniently, for those "think positive - the surge is working" advocates, Turkey's incursion and retaliation for Israeli / Kurd terrorism (Sy Hersh reported Israel granted a 100,000 homesteads to Kurds) forced the Israeli gestapo and their Kurd kapo to reduce their so called "masked ministry vendetta" projects in southern Iraq , which of course, for us inbreds in Dog Patch, translated to the Betrayus pontification: "The surge is working".
If you measure by dollars and lives - it sure is!
But success is not measured in how quickly Iraq was stabilized. Success is measure by how many bullets them Israeli factories can sell (it takes about 400,000 bullets to murder on Iraqi). Success is a measure of KBR and Black Water profits.
SUCCESS is measured by the 237% markup in war inflated oil prices!
Go get em Exxon!
The War Crime of Iraq is a success - you guys are just looking at it all wrong! And without Israeli support, the war crime would never have happened or lasted so long - there's a few more bucks in our treasury. As soon as it's all gone, we'll hear that we've won the war crime!
The soles of our souls are worn thin. Holes clean through. The gangrened rag-covered feet desperately seeking warmth from the puny fires at Valley Forge serve only to remind us. "Snap out of it!" these existential images of solitude slap us on the face. And, slap us again, "Wake up! Wake up, the reptilians are coming..." Oops, I mean the "British are coming ..."
The psychopaths have worn us out. We're holding on by the skin of our souls. And you look around, and it's like the vast majority of our brethren are enjoying their psychopath-in-training milieu. We have an old testament loaded with symbology and imagery, an array to choose from -- Sodom and Gomorrah, the Noatic flood, or the snake-made-me-do-it garden of Eden.
For thousands (that we know about) of years these (what I call) Retardants have been distorting a reality, that if we all disappeared, it, would not miss us at all. This reality, this dimension, this evolutionary platform, could very well be what these psychopaths (and the consciousness behind them) believe it is. It's their hiding place. It's Count Dracula's coffin of repose, filled with the dirt of his homeland. This is their hide-out and, as far as they are concerned, they don't want to share it.
Because they are blind to Cause, they truly do not comprehend why we are here -- and over the millennia, most of us don't have a clue why we're here either. This was the Lie we have taken on as our own. They know the Laws of physics (resonance) work here, and they have used resonance ("Power over the Air" is the "biblical" descriptive phrase), the Nada Brahma, to create a den that It/He/The One will never penetrate. But, the Cause (as dim and faint in us as to be microscopic) still has a resonance in us. They feel and sense it. And, to put it mildly, they HATE It. That's why they hate us. And, that's why they are convinced they can resonate It out of us. And, hence, resonate this dimension, this Hades, of any and all patterns of Its existence.
The minute handful of worn-thin souls, light-bearers some call them, huddle by the fires where they can find them. Resolved, that this is a "fight to the death." And, what is this death? What happens when the lid to Dracula's coffin is opened in the light of day? He, and all he has bitten return to what they really are -- dust. The coffin, though, happens to encompass an entire dimension of existence. The wheat and the tares can no longer be easily separated. The wheat must learn to know itself as the energy that it truly is.
As the adherents of any true Teacher will tell you, we are not the body. We are energy beings encased in this dimensional body. As the old admonishment says, "Know thyself.” “Where your mind is, that's where you are." These words are no longer nice sayings or things to think about, they are the requisite, our tools, our ... only hope.
Should the usrael terrorists try to commit another jew vermin war crime on Iran or Syria (one can only speculate how the Russians and Chinese and other central asian countries-in light of the $7.6 billion Iran/Pakistan/India pipeline which is now a go-will react), I`ll keep my fingers crossed that the rumors about these two countries having Russian S300pmu2 and Tor m-1 anti-aircraft defense systems and Onyx anti-ship missiles and all the goodies they need to defend themselves turn out to be true.
Then, hopefully, they will be able to repel the invading, cowardly murderers and eliminate the american/jew (same trash) terrorists from the middle east once and for all. Or at least neuter those pariahs of the planet. The world holds its collective breath.
When that happens all the jew scum controlled traitorous slime in Iraq and Lebanon and Palestine and elsewhere will go the way of the Shah of Iran. Amen. Then you will have stability and peace in the middle east.
Unfortunately for the jew parasites their haifa pipeline fantasy will blow up in their rodent faces like everything else.
Thank you for another excellent article, Les.
This is remarkable even for this place. Well said my friend. We are of one mind you and I.
"The soles of our souls are worn thin. Holes clean through. The gangrened rag-covered feet desperately seeking warmth from the puny fires at Valley Forge serve only to remind us. "Snap out of it!" these existential images of solitude slap us on the face. And, slap us again, "Wake up! Wake up, the reptilians are coming..." Oops, I mean the "British are coming ..."
The psychopaths have worn us out. We're holding on by the skin of our souls. And you look around, and it's like the vast majority of our brethren are enjoying their psychopath-in-training milieu. We have an old testament loaded with symbology and imagery, an array to choose from -- Sodom and Gomorrah, the Noatic flood, or the snake-made-me-do-it garden of Eden.
For thousands (that we know about) of years these (what I call) Retardants have been distorting a reality, that if we all disappeared, it, would not miss us at all. This reality, this dimension, this evolutionary platform, could very well be what these psychopaths (and the consciousness behind them) believe it is. It's their hiding place. It's Count Dracula's coffin of repose, filled with the dirt of his homeland. This is their hide-out and, as far as they are concerned, they don't want to share it.
Because they are blind to Cause, they truly do not comprehend why we are here -- and over the millennia, most of us don't have a clue why we're here either. This was the Lie we have taken on as our own. They know the Laws of physics (resonance) work here, and they have used resonance ("Power over the Air" is the "biblical" descriptive phrase), the Nada Brahma, to create a den that It/He/The One will never penetrate. But, the Cause (as dim and faint in us as to be microscopic) still has a resonance in us. They feel and sense it. And, to put it mildly, they HATE It. That's why they hate us. And, that's why they are convinced they can resonate It out of us. And, hence, resonate this dimension, this Hades, of any and all patterns of Its existence.
The minute handful of worn-thin souls, light-bearers some call them, huddle by the fires where they can find them. Resolved, that this is a "fight to the death." And, what is this death? What happens when the lid to Dracula's coffin is opened in the light of day? He, and all he has bitten return to what they really are -- dust. The coffin, though, happens to encompass an entire dimension of existence. The wheat and the tares can no longer be easily separated. The wheat must learn to know itself as the energy that it truly is.
As the adherents of any true Teacher will tell you, we are not the body. We are energy beings encased in this dimensional body. As the old admonishment says, "Know thyself.” “Where your mind is, that's where you are." These words are no longer nice sayings or things to think about, they are the requisite, our tools, our ... only hope."
Les hasn't "been reading David Icke". Les has been paying attention to the Signs ;)
A lot of people chastise Icke for saying that the Predators in our midst are shape-shifting entities of the Reptilian variety. It's not hard to see why. Such a proposition egregiously assaults sense-ability, to be reviled and derided as a hopelessly insane notion. And yet it IS attractive to some (myself included in earlier times, I'm not ashamed to say) given the overwhelming sense that builds within telling us there is something truly Other in our midst.
But y'see, Icke falls flat in a really fundamental way. He has not yet grasped, or is unable to grasp, or has chosen not to grasp, that this Other is as much a part, in fact half, of the Whole, and that overcoming it, for want of a better term, involves acknowledging its place both in the inner recesses of our minds and the outer reaches of the Cosmos. He can rant till he's blue in the face, but he will never be able to reconcile 'All is One' with his interpretation (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) that the Other is of a "Luciferic Consciousness, residing in-between dimensions", preying on all that is good, all that is 'rightly God'. How can All be One... if there are Two?
And that's where Ponerology comes in. It has wonderful properties to simultaneously provide understanding of Evil and it's place in the order of things AND it illustrates that the Other has major blind spots that only conscience can see. I guess it's like both sword and shield.
After even a brief dabble in reading up on Ponerology and other research on psychopathology - Robert Hare, Martha Stout, Scott Peck, Harvey Cleckley - you already feel the Other's grip on your mind melting away. No longer is it the all-powerful Ill - oom - in - aht - ee that threatens you at every turn, but a bunch of baboons that somewhere along the way picked up a few tricks in voodoo and developed trauma into a mind-art in their spare time. I'm still wary. I'm still cautious. But I'm now a whole lot better equipped to stare this thing down and ride out the storm. is where it's at. Let Reason Reign,
6 per cent sounds really low to me. Psychopaths are everywhere (now). I'm sorry to have to say that but in my experience the soulless robots I encounter on a daily basis far outnumber the living, souled (plain decent or compassionate) people. Or so it seems...
Thanks Les, rml, and others.
evenin les...
been readin all day..since i got here early this am.
it was nice to add terminologies to my intuitions.
long day, tired eyes... much acomplished..
thanks so much...
and also.. hail and hale to yon gifted anon... the fire is nice here, isn't it:)
Please visit this prophecy website, I know what you're thinking already but please give it a read. I will post the predictions anyway but you can check for your self none the less...
May 2-4: If my timing methods are right, May is going to start with a bang. These dates, especially May 2nd-3rd are likely ones for a severe natural calamity. Expect a nasty severe weather event in the Central U.S. and/or, more sinisterly, a major Cyclone striking land along the Indian Ocean coast. May is one of the peak months for cyclones there and these dates show me that may be the case. This could be quite significant.
A major earthquake is possible on May 2nd or 3rd as well.
May 10-13: A large tornado outbreak will take place during these days in the United States, near Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. A cyclone in India is not out of the question. The 11th is a very dangerous date, there could be a great earthquake (Magnitude 8+) then in Asia minor or along the N. American Pacific coast down to S. America.
more at site
Oh my wonderful brother thank you for that. thank you for that. I hope we may meet and this I know, whatever place and whatever time we are the victors. truly once you have made that cur come to heel you are the master of circumstance. well read and well understood. I've been trolling these waters awhile and we gather what we can.
But we don't aways get seen; nor is that the point. We should talk about how it really looks at how close to the matter it is.. but that will have to wait... heh heh. I'm not really laughing.
get some rest.
there's no world without you.
I wasn't going to comment on this one until you mentioned Fresco. Funny how i was just reading about the Venus Project before i read your post. We either spend a lot of time concentrating on the same issues or we are guided by a familiar spirit.
The psychopaths that you talk about are all that you say they are and like others here say there may be many more than we care to believe there are although i believe most are simply misdirected otherwisely honest souls. It's ironic that in the war of Independence one of the British General's was a Clinton. Maybe the spirit of the time has transcended to bring back to the Brits an evil debt in the form of payback.
Also if you have a chance to check out Michael Tsarion's ideas on reptilian aliens from Atlantis, please do so with an open mind. He may not be so far off of the truth. There may be immortals amongst us :).?
As for the ill - and - me - na - zee, they have outmastered the best of the best but they serve the same devil and the devil eventually turns everyone into a victim.
Check out Adam Smith's original idea of open markets and democracy. It didn't include capitalism at all. " As long has no trader can move the market then it will be beneficial to all participants." That pretty much went to shits with Wilson and the Feds in 1913....
There's so much to this.....i could go on and on but there's that guy who doesn't like the long responses to consider....i have a conscience....;)
BTW i started a new blog...and i'm plugging it here.
Check it out
Paradigm - Spirit of the time
I have to ask.
Do you consider yourself (Les) to be an anarchist? No insult intended.
Clicking the link to a review of "Political Ponerology" is what first brought me to that amazing Signs of the Times website. Both the book and the author, and the story of how the author was able to bring the book into existence, are extraordinary.
And IMO, the invention and manipulation of AIDS is a very good example of what the 6% are up to.
However, they didn't invent AIDS in a lab, they invented it with press releases, as described in this quote from . . .
which is Christine Maggiore's website (the numbers in parens are footnotes).
"The concept that AIDS is caused by a virus is not a fact, but a belief that was introduced at a 1984 press conference by Dr. Robert Gallo, a researcher employed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). (14)
"In the 1980s when the CDC began to direct its attention to AIDS, [Robert] Gallo and other cancer researchers switched their focus from cancer to the newly identified dilemma called AIDS, and the same government scientists who led the quest for a cancer virus began to search for a virus that could cause AIDS.
"On April 23, 1984, Gallo called an international press conference in conjunction with the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He used this forum to announce his discovery of a new retrovirus described as 'the probable cause of AIDS.' Although Gallo presented no evidence to support his tentative assumption, the HHS immediately characterized it as 'another miracle of American medicine...the triumph of science over a dreaded disease.' (16)
"Later that same day, Gallo filed a patent for the antibody test now known as the 'AIDS test.' By the following day, The New York Times had turned Gallo's proposal into a certainty with front page news of 'the virus that causes AIDS,' and all funding for research into other possible causes of AIDS came to an abrupt halt. (17)"
Proving to Les and other people that HIV "science" is in fact just as bogus as the official 911 story is beyond my capability, at least without writing the longest comment EVER, but as a starting point for investigating this subject, please consider the following, and please don't zone out on the next two rather techie-sounding sentences . . .
The ongoing research-explosion in the field of genetic engineering was made possible by the discovery of a piece of lab tech called "PCR," for "polymerase chain reaction." (That's a procedure for taking a minute sample of DNA that's too small to measure, and making it replicate itself zillions of times to the point where there's enough of it to perform tests on.) The discoverer of the PCR procedure is Kary Mullis, who in 1993 won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for that discovery. In his book of autobiographical essays called "Surfing Naked in the Mind Field," Mullis describes the logical and investigative process that he went through in reaching the following conclusion:
"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document."
Mullis's opinion on this is especially relevant because the PCR process is the (supposed) basis for a key piece of AIDS diagnostics called "viral load testing."
It's "common knowledge" that there are millions of African people dying of AIDS because they're infected with the HIV virus. The truth is that now, just as before the "discovery of HIV," there are millions of African people dying because their immune systems are weak, for many different reasons all related to poverty . . . especially contaminated water and malnutrition. There is very little AIDS testing in African clinics, because the test kits are too expensive. Nevertheless those millions of deaths are reported as AIDS deaths because (1) someone wasting away from hunger and dysentery fits the discriptive profile of an AIDS disgnosis, and (2) poor clinics that would otherwise have to shut their doors can stay open by getting World Health Organization money . . . by reporting deaths as being due to AIDS.
Once you actually get that "AIDS is caused by HIV" is a deliberately made-up concept -- a PR fabrication -- then you see how insidious the African situation actually is. Before the "discovery of HIV," people suffering and dying of poverty in Africa were understood to be impacted by unjust conditions which were in turn understood to be the world's responsibility (even if only a few people actually did anything). But now, the very same suffering is categorized as being . . . a problem that by its very nature is insoluble . . . because "AIDS/HIV" is an "incurable disease condition," which will never BE cured till there's a vaccine -- and there will never be a vaccine because immune deficiency isn't caused by HIV in the first place! The bogus "fact" that Africans are dying of HIV tricks people into deciding (without even realizing that they changed their minds) that poverty in Africa is no one's responsibility.
Sorry this rather long comment is somewhat off topic, but i did want to say i appreciate that AIDS link, as an example of "what we are faced with" regarding the 6%. It does appear that the U.S. government has actively considered creating and spreading diseases for which immunity is impossible.
But IMO, the writer's "HIV causes AIDS" viewpoint is at least mistaken and possibly disinformative.
For further information for getting undeceived by AIDS/HIV propaganda, i recommend Christine Maggiore's site (above) and especially . . .
One other main point that can't be proved merely by saying it one time, the so-called "AIDS test," in truth, is entirely based not on actual science, but on circular reasoning!
BTW, though i am phasing out my use of the term "gay man," i am a male who falls in love with males . . . and very very few of the men i know want to hear one word about this.
ellis t
A; I am an immortal and can say it where most dare not. I know the enemy and they are my coat-tails... none shall enter here, lest I bid them and this is the most exclusive club in the world. For those to whom this applies you know what I say and that is why I get to say it without hindrance.
Ellis? Does this mean you find me attractive? I always play the girl in these dramas. It's a lot more fun.
Les by all means continue exposing the bad things in this world but dont believe that crack head whack job David Icke . He is plain nuts . Period.
I'd really like to know how any of you got the idea that I am an Icke associate, follower, cabin boy/catamite. I've looked at Icke's work. He's pretty good piecing certain things together but he's a serious wacko when it comes to those girls and their recovered memories and George Bush. I looked into this and I looked into myself and the first thing I thought was that I couldn't imagine reviolating old goods when I had all this fresh product and they do my friend, oh, yes, they do.
I was a little unsure of Icke to begin with but especially when I saw how much he charged to hear to hear him speak... then I knew he was bogus. Look, friend... I can make the birds fall from the trees (insert ego trip here) and I will do it for nothing. In fact... in about two weeks you will see it, extemporaneous and off the cuff and not a fucking dime to be seen. However, I might add that the contributions that I did get paid for the camera... so bask in that reflected aura.
Meanwhile, stop confusing me with Icke. You're starting to sound like teenage girls when they step on their own bubblegum
Lb said: we are guided by a familiar spirit.
Could not get that stupid Merry May tune out of my head yesterday. Then I got here today and saw the essay.
I would have seen it sooner if I wasn't wearing this amazing pair of shades.
I don't like how things look with them on. It gets in the way of the illusion of freedom. If we can have wave lengths for communication, what do they have? Headsets with GPS in the skull?
Geepers this is creepy.
Peace and Courage,
As a bird-lover I'd be prepared to pay you NOT to make all the birds drop from the trees. Or are they still alright afterwards?
Then again it would have been useful this morning when I idiotically chased a magpie whose crippled feet I wished to free of fishing line. I achieved nothing except to teach him to be fearful of blanket flinging men, ha ha.
Sorry, off topic, I know.
Thanks for the reply ... The word that rang alarm bells for me was "alien race" .... David Duke is just a con man who wants to sell weighty tomes full of ridiculous claims about aliens(from outer space) who rule the world so when you referred to an alien race I thought you might have become an Ickophile .
Ponerology ... its a dangerous idea .. Hey its not my fault i am evil .. blame my friggin genes .. I have no conscience so i can do whatever the f**** i want...
"Psychopaths have little to no real choice in how they act as they cannot empathize or sympathize; they cannot view other humans as anything other but objects to be used for their advantage – they “lack the hardware,” so to speak. We should offer token sympathy, because they literally have no choice in the matter. Their very genetic code predisposes them toward predatory behavior. They are, as Robert Hare terms them, an intraspecies predator.
A moralizing interpretation often leads to erroneous behavior, such as a desire for revenge, which itself opens the door for further ponerogenic factors. Often, exaggerated displays of such emotionally loaded interpretations (such as those of Bill O'Reilly or Glen Beck, for example) are themselves indications of pathological egotism. "Nothing poisons the soul and deprives us of our capacity to understand reality more objectively than this very obedience to that common human tendency to take a moralistic view of human behaviour." (Lobaczewski, 149)"
Political Ponerology
What fun. Can’t you just see it? A cable TV show -- participants in various states of levitation circled around a scrying pool arguing the merits of David Ikes. This is great.
If we think about the multi-layered extra-dimensional strata of motive pushing the AIDS Epidemic (sic), it’s quite expansive. It’s easy to see the Frankenstein lab aspect, the MLM prospects of a dis-ease that, like endless war, provides endless marketing potential for the pharmo’s.
It’s also a very nifty way to isolate racial genetic characteristics (regrettably, not social characteristics. . . we’ll leave that to India and their Untouchables.). I had read that the Israelis, of course, wanted to isolate (to provide the upper hand in extermination) the genetic schemata of the Arabs, only to discover that they, and all of their “enemies” were all Semites. Oops.
The isolation factor almost worked within the gay community, in terms of the independent variable in the Grand Experiment. The results drawn from the “life-style” gay syndrome, was like an emotional public relations gambit to bring the (soon-to-be-dreaded) concept of Immune Deficiency. I have no idea how Immune Deficiency is categorized in the labs these days (“They” continually change the names to protect their motives.), but I.D. is the Holy Grail of “dangerous illness or disease” (which is the original definition of SIN.).
Sure, the Chinese can invisibly spread genetic-specific, nano gook any where they want, and when they want. I would think Caucasians would be at the top of their list. All the various state-sponsored capabilities of immune disruptions are spread throughout the planet. Who knows what they are waiting for. Redundancy of self-protection, no doubt.
So, when you lay-out the battle-plan maps, you see how they have every flank covered. Big red arrows aimed at us from every angle. They’re scaring the bejesus out of us!! What are we do?! Well . . . Why don’t we ask our bodies? What works to boost our fragile (what’s left of it) immune system? Why don’t we rent the movie Secret of NIMH, and see how the other lab-rats solved their problem?
Understanding the motive and game-plan of those (regardless of their occupying dimension) who are “behind” the “I.D. Epidemic” (they love acronyms don’t they?) is obvious. They have an insurmountable Deficiency. It is they who are suffering multi-dimensionally. As Randy Neumann said, “Short people got nobody…” And these retardants are very short. They’re at their end. They sense it, they feel it, they want us to share in it. They want us to feel as miserable as they.
Bugger off says I. . . sorry, Mr. Ikes.
I know you were dead serious what you said to that guy but Vis people don't know when you're fooling. I think you could have hurt his feelings and that's not good when people respect you the way they do. I know you weren't making a date or anything but this isn't the time or the place to get reckless no matter how egalitarian you are. Erin shut me down for good reason so I thought I would show that I am as sober as anyone who isn't a judge at the moment and tell you that Ellis probably took that the wrong way. oops, my bad LOL
You'll thank me for this later.
Pulling it together...research these clowns (The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public relations; Anna Freud, Sigmund’s devoted daughter; and present-day PR guru and Sigmund’s great grandson, Matthew Freud.)
Okay, I see where that made me seem unnecessarily flippant but I have come to regard Ellis and a lot of the other posters here as accidental gurus. I'm probably the only person here who has been around you for any appreciable amount of time and I don't think the readers know how fucking wacked you are (in a good way). And so I was apologizing for you and I know that's not my job but do you really think anyone here understands the alchemical marriage and what you became?
For all the footloose verbiage and moonwalking I doubt that is evident. There is no place like this place to say what I think and I am glad you let me do it but sometimes you don't say everything you should say.
Two weeks man!!! two weeks. Break out the cubensis.
17 years ago David Icke could have been called a wacko, but he has been instrumental with waking up substantial numbers of former sheeple. For this, the World owes him some gratitude and respect.
Many of "his" ideas are pieced together from others, BUT FAIR ENOUGH. Most of his "crazy" warnings and predictions have come to fruition, although he may be off the mark with some things, BUT FAIR ENOUGH. Nobody who is trying to expose the Truth is 100% accurate and completely protected from infiltration or misdirection. He really has gone through much turmoil and suffering for his views, and has not become "wealthy" off the rest of our misery. If he charges money for his talks and books, FAIR ENOUGH. David's strengths are explaining the "Matrix" mixed with the Illuminati, Satanism, control of history, pedophilia, and the Jewish and Jesuit involvements. The reptilian thing kept coming up in his research and his talking with people, and whether it's BS is not really the point, as David understands ponerology better than most. I don't have access to the global elite, so I can't say what they are or what is really wrong with them; I go by intuition, inference, and other interesting people's first hand accounts. What more can a guy do? No one will mistake Icke for Les, but the two of them have much more in common than not; FAIR ENOUGH.
I started to post something here yesterday, and I changed my mind about it. I can suffer from logorrhea at times.
But I have a sense that you, Visible, and I might be kindred spirits. I've had a couple of soul-restructuring events including getting off booze/sugar and flour. Next up, debt hopefully. These different events have not yet stopped and I don't see them as likely to for the time being.
I sense that you are working at understanding the joyful work of "your" (in lak'ech) God and the flower above your head, and that you would know, love and take responsibility for all your parts. Entering into our own power is part of what "They" are afraid of. Part of what "They" would pound us down into the earth with an early grave. Yet entering our own power is also a humbling experience. Ah, paradox, thy other name is Grace. Indeed...
I'm reading the Lobaszewski book, along with some other interesting reads while I undergo a spiritual training with a Mystery School of sorts. One of the daily assignments is to read poetry out loud if possible. (I particularly love William Stafford--ever read him? I got turned onto him through Carolyn Baker's site.)
In any case, I just wanted to say hello and keep up the good work. And thanks for mentioning the David Icke wack stuff. I sense there's other wack stuff emerging here--particularly around sexuality, which is to be expected. FYI, I'm a gay shaman-in-training living in upstate New York. No judgments, but remember that healing our complexes takes some effort.
"If it's one thing I've learned from my therapist, it's that it's OK to sound pathological." From Beyond Therapy, Christopher Durang.
No they are Jews.
Les, please post or delete the earlier, at your discretion. When i said "Les and i go way back" it was a (lame as i now suspect) double-entendre going back to bradley's "taking it the wrong way" joke, but i'm realizing, if people don't read it as a joke they'll think i'm saying you and i know each other well which of course isn't true.
ellis t
Gee,Toto,I don't think we're at
Infowars anymore...
Or Conspiracy Planet
Or Concpiracy Archive
Or Jim Marrs
Or Rense
Or etc.
Or David Icke,Lord bless 'im
Wait;Dave doesn't believe there is...Ah,well,to each their own bone.Thing that concerns me about Dave,he's downright religious
about not being religious,maybe 'cause he's Sun in
Taurus(I think) and they tend to be
a tad literal-minded.Sure lays it
out there re: the malevolent shape-shifting alien reptile critters."Are we not Men? We are.."
Mothersbaugh said it like perhaps
only someone who grew yo in NE Ohio
could,"Ah,Dad,wer're ALL Devo now."
Unfortunately,not enough of us.
From the "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile"dept:
In the Newsweek obit for W.F.Buckley,it mentions at one point how "his heavy-lidded eyes would flash,and his slightly reptilian tongue would dart".Now,
that propaganda rag's about as far
from David Icke as I am from New Zealand, but there you have it.
I wonder if that cocksuckers'tongue
would dart when he was biting into
the terrified little children in
some dungeon out on Montauk.Jesus!
And people wonder why I drink!
In agreement with anonymous 9:30 PM regarding David Icke. He MAY be wrong to say that the queen of england is in literal fact a shape-shifting reptilian who feasts on child flesh. Call me gullible but i don't think that's something he made up for publicity, i think it's something he heard from certain informants whom he decided to rely on perhaps too much. (i'm saying "perhaps" because i think it could turn out to be true down the road!) The same with his mind controlled sex slaves thread . . . when i read about that in one of his books i recall thinking he had written it up based on what seemed to be a dangerously small number of contacts.
i suppose Icke could be this former BBC person who's now on a black-ops payroll, whose function is to make EVERYTHING that he writes about ridiculous to people by including and emphasizing the reptilians. Compare that strategy with Noam Chomsky, a disinfo "black hole" who works his magic by strategicially leaving things out. By comparison, Icke would be, not a black hole, but a disinfo supernova, tricking people by adding very gaudy things on.
Although this interpretation makes logical sense my gut reaction to Icke is that he's sincere, so either he's for real or i've been tricked. Whereas with Chomsky, even before i saw what his strategy is, i always felt there was somehthing about his presentation that was not just missing, but deliberately withheld.
One other point is that if i simply put the reptilians and the mind controlled sex slaves mentally "on hold" into a "don't know if this is true" category, and then look at everything else Icke says, what's left is a powerful and useful picture of how the ego-driven, false-flag world works ("problem-reaction-solution"). Whereas with Chomsky, if i mentally put "on hold" the fact that there are certain key things he won't talk about, and then look at the rest of what he does talk about, it's a mass of wordage that gives a calculated outward appearance of being a useful critique of the real world . . . without coming anywhere near to actually BEING that.
ellis t
Over 2,000 scientists, medical professionals, authors and academics are on record that the “Hiv-Aids” theories, routinely reported to the public as if they were facts, are dubious to say the least.
Les, I am sorry to see you falling for such a confused and incoherent piece of thinking as the Political Ponerology tract to which you linked in your post. The subject is important -no doubt - and increasingly and apocalyptically important today - also and alas no doubt. The chief flaw of it, as I see it, is that Lobaczewski (sp?) sets up a binary paradigm- "us" versus "them" (the 6% pathocracy or whatever)- as if the evil ones were an "alien species." Alas, they are not. Each of us carries such an "alien species" within ourselves, as religions have taught for thousands of years. The second flaw is his confused term "paramoralization," which seems to me only a synonym for "rationalization." The evil which we do or are capable of doing depends partly upon our circumstances but wholly upon our moral choices - and this paradox between "partly" and "wholly" attests to the irreducible mystery of human free will. Lose that sense of human free will and you lose everything - showing first of all as a decreasing ability to think clearly. And by losing this ability one becomes, inevitably, a part of the very problem one is attempting to describe.
Not that I think everything Lobaczeski says is without value. He has a lot of interesting discourse on human character types. But I don't believe he is equal to his subject, and what is he has given is a confused mass of pseudo-scientific diagnosis. How can you diagnose evil unless you have a clear idea of what constitutes "normal"? I am rather inclined to agree with Joseph de Maistre that man is good insofar as he is constituted of social impulses, evil insofar as he seeks power over others. This is a very simple guideline, but it has the virtue of being at least some sort of clear starting point. But even this sort of basic clarity seems lacking in the "political ponerology" approach.
Keep banging on the drum Les.I will read the book and order the movie. I am now and have always wondered what it is about humanity that cannot seek the good that is within us. For all the money that has been spent on war and treachery, we very easily could've already built a home for every citizen in our country. Could've already be colonizing the moon by now on our way to the stars. but no, too many among us, the 'aliens', bemuse and befuddle us into war and contrition. The time is coming to just say no. Soon Les, I believe that with all my heart. Soon, the time is coming. A time that when it comes everyone will instantly recognize that THIS is the point from which humanity can't return. I only hope that I won't be too old to participate.
Hello People;
A new post is going up in an hour or two but I thought I would address a couple of comments. Before I do that I have to ask that everyone understand that my posts are only about 1500 words. I don't have the opportunity to go into things at length.
As far as David Icke is concerned I've read most of his books and I find him to be a smart and comprehensive compiler of various informations. I've got no problem believing in reptilian life forms since I have encountered them in psychedelic realms. Whether they exist in the manner that Icke makes them out to is not something I know. I haven't meant to criticize David Icke here but I will say that I parted company with him after I read the recovered memory of Cathy O'Brien and whomever else there was. It stuck me as sensationalized BS. I can't say that it was, only that it didn't pass the smell test for a lot of reasons.
I've also got a problem with self-celebration and high ticket prices. For me, service is important, more important than profit. I've seen some things over the last several years and it has turned me off. I see it in the promotions and posing that attends a lot of the better known truth advocates who are riding the coat-tails in this age of concealment and discovery. I won't name them. I will say that I get very uneasy when I see flashing smileys and low brow advertising on sites that should have more dignity. I can't figure this out.
I would not allow myself to behave this way and I couldn't imagine some of the gimmicks I see at work. Let me just say it isn't my thing.
As for Political Ponerology, I didn't need to read that book but I think some people might and I tried to make it clear that it was only for the scholars among us. It is an important work if only in perception and it does address, albeit in weighty terms, a real situation.
I've looked at some of your arguments and I can't say that I agree with your reasoning; which I also found to be as weighty and ponderous as the tome you were criticizing.
I don't know the answers all the time, maybe not even most of the time. I write what I feel and try to be truthful and clear. It is my hope that I improve and that I can, along with many of you, make some small difference in the world around me and inside of myself.
I would like to close with suggesting that you familiarize yourself with Jacques Fresco and his Venus Project. Now THAT is something I do highly recommend and stand completely behind.
Sociopaths come out of places that you are not aware of. For an Israeli, it might be a trusted general. For an American, it might be a beer buddy president. Sociopaths like Nixon and Kissinger might act together, but they still hate one another as well. Most people are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient cheerful, etc. But, sociopaths only use those qualities for disguise. They often betray themselves by phoniness. Beware a person bearing gifts or offering help. Pandering is their most powerful weapon of all. They want you to feel that you own them something. "Someday they will give you an offer that you can't refuse" - probably because you work for one of them. 6% is about right, I think. The world is divided into crooks, suckers, and lazy cowards. The crooks are the 6%
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