(Note, Les Visible will be on the radio for two hours tonight at this location I believe my portion starts at 8:00 Central Time)
Now back to our blog entry already in progress.
It’s madness. It’s like the kind of incipient madness or creeping insanity that appears shortly after your father or your boy or girlfriend; or one of your children begins to drink too much, too often, or gets into the wrong drugs, or develops some chemical imbalance for whatever the reasons are.
I liken it to standing on the lip of a gigantic toilet bowl and watching it flush. There are stairs running down to where the water whirlpools and as you descend, at each level, you see things you never saw at the other levels. You also find that experiences that happened now and then begin to happen all the time and that new experiences that never happened before appear and they... they also become commonplace as you descend. You never see at what moment you were surrounded by a howling madness. Is it the rushing water inside the toilet? Is it the rushing noises inside your head?
It may be that occasionally you awaken for a moment or two and in a temporary clarity you stand, if you can still stand, stunned at the horror of what you see and smell. Within the stench of the dung and its marinade you sense deeper horrors; things dead and worse than dead. There is the palpable odor of sulfur; brimstone as they used to call it. Brimming... Creeping... down in the water- you’re that close now- you can see that it’s not water anymore. There’s a deepening mist and uncanny shapes are dancing there. It’s nothing you’ve ever seen before. Sooner or later this water that isn’t water takes you. Perhaps you will come to dance in this mist or maybe you have much further to go yet. I do not know if there is an end to such a passage. I don’t want to find out.
This is what I think of when I encounter something like this. This is what comes to mind when I look at the rift that has opened in the balance of power in the former United States of America. This is what I am reminded of when events like this are commonplace, unpunished and generally ignored.
What new world is this? Where did this world come from? Through the passage of time and by imperceptible degrees this world has replaced the world we knew. That world has gone. What waits further on down the remaining stairs?
How is it possible in a place like America that someone like Nancy Pelosi can be in a position to demonstrate to an obtuse and indifferent population that hypocrisy and sanctimonious preening are now the trademarks of fair and able dealing? Is this the new choreography of our times? What is the source of this crawling on one’s belly before the tribunal of a shitty little country far away? What commands this aging Barbie Doll to drag herself in some strange estrus backwards with her hindquarters in the air? Is this the new face of the nation? Is that my lunch on the carpet? Was it not in my stomach only a short while ago? Where am I? The howling maelstrom below me has drowned out my thoughts so that I can no longer comprehend them.
How have I come to such a pass that when I hear this news that I leap to my feet punching my fist in the air and crying, “Oh, that’s great! That’s fantastic!”? I did too. I felt a surge of exultation when I read this and my heart cried out for more. Here is evidence of that mysterious power that abides in the hidden chambers of the human soul. Here is a blow against the empire.
When I hear the demon spawn of one of the empire’s chief agents of darkness call out for the assassination of a 9/11 truthseeker, when I hear him offer to pay for the bullets and when I see no mention of it in the captive media of a shitty little country far away, I realize that nearly anything can happen now and that massive events are gathering for their moment on the stage while the pressing crowd of sleepwalkers mill about among each other like the dancers at The Overlook Hotel.
I look at the rains in Iowa; the tornadoes, the punishing heat in the East, the tremors in the Earth all round the benighted globe and I wonder if there is not some real truth to the prophecies and portents. The world has gone mad. The madness has been whipped into a Starbucks froth by psychopathic kitchen workers. The froth exudes a heated mist that is like the mist that rises from the raging toilet waters. It creeps into the streets and merges with the air. The people breathe it in and begin to tear at their bodies and the bodies of others. Something tells them there is something hidden inside of them. Something tells them there is something hidden in the bodies of the others and that once finding it there will be peace. There will be an end to appetite. Something tells them that the mist will dissolve once they have found the secret center of the world; once they have torn it from their ribcage or the ribcages of their fellows. They will hold up this bleeding, glistening thing and the darkness will depart. Cut... fade to black.
If you do not step away from the machine people then... you must go down into the water. If you will not cease to participate then you must share in the certain result. Your blood and the energy which it contains is the fuel that fires the beast. It is your ignorance that orders the course from the bridge. Your souls are the food that feeds the alien creatures who exhort you to continue. They are damned long ago. They want your company in the world beneath the waters that are not water.
The machine cannot continue unless you continue. You are the power that turns the wheel. Step away from the wheel. As one more slithering entity calls out for the murder of a truthseeker you must now call out for justice. We are in dire need of a new Nuremberg. Those who have killed without conscience must be called into the dock. Justice must be done for the dead and dishonored. The evidence is vast and convincing; the perpetrators known and identified.
Can you hear the rushing of the waters? Can you see the events near and far that tell you the water, which is not water, is uncomfortably close? Can you feel the wind that drives the specters in the mist? Will you go or will you step away from the wheel?
There were no Muslims involved in 9/11. 9/11 was executed by agents of a shitty little country far away. It was executed by agents of your own country. It was executed with the assistance of agents in London and other countries across the world. The entire concept of terror was created and manipulated by those who seized the reins of power by unlawful means. It was accomplished by those whose sworn duty is to protect you. It is they who created this danger out of nothing to rob you of both your humanity and your freedom. It is they who softly and sonorously implore you to gather beneath the umbrella of their outstretched arm so that you might be safe from a danger that has no substance but what they have manufactured. They are the danger. There is no other.
You stand at the crossroads of decision. You stand at the point of an opportunity that will not come again for a long, long time. You must decide if you will believe a lie that presents itself before you in the trappings of power or whether you will find the power within yourselves.
Break free from the prison of your ignorance. Awaken from your sleep. Do as those Afghans did. Even the temporary passage of death is far, far preferable to the chains of the merciless psychopaths whose intention is your enduring enslavement to a lie grown strong from the vital nutrition of your fear. I can think of nothing more to say.
'I Don't Love You Anymore' is track no. 3 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

Just a reminder that there is a new metaphysical post up at Visible Origami Here
You at your best Les, brilliant!
I take umbrage to your statement that Pelosi is an "aging Barbie Doll" when she is so clearly an aging Barbie doll wannabe!
Get this my dear Watson-We have failed in our job.
Reason the 911 truth movement is that they are barking up at the wrong tree--no kittie. Look over here Watson--Blackmail.
Georgie Bush is laughing/Smirking all the way to 8 years as pressnuts. He has the goods on the Demoos. Bush in 8 months leading to the 911 bombing cappers could not have been done.Clinton regime had in secret approved funding for develpoment of a miniture nuke bombs--Bunker busting--million$ funded to Israel to develope it in California and Israel sites. Clinton was behand the 911 bombing programme and Bush finished it off. Now you know-Watson my dear fellow--Pelosie,Reid, Rahm knows what will happen if Bush is Impeached--they'll all hang together :^)
What youthful patriot a shape upon his lap
Honey of the generations had betrayed,And now must sleep,shriek,struggle to escape
As recollection or the drug decide,Would he but think his republic did he but see that shape
With 200 or winters on its head,
A compensation for the pang of its birth,
Or the uncertainty of its setting forth.
Much praise and thanks to W B Yeats and his wonderful poem Among School Children.
The patriot would not have fought.I wouldn't have been.If something spectacular doesn't begin happen my children and grandchildren have no future.Neither will the rest of the world.I pray everyday.I got no clue what to do after that.
Well...yea, but we are a Zionist nation after all. Didn't you know congress enacted the talmudic Noahide laws in March 1992 (oh...they forgot to tell you) Just what this means is that Talmudic rabbincal law tops everything including the Constitution. For a better explanition see Israel Shamir's piece on Rense discussing just what the Noahide laws mean for us.
"You stand at the crossroads of decision. You stand at the point of an opportunity that will not come again for a long, long time. --Les Visible.
* * * * *
Induction/Epiphany Continues To Beckon With Evermore Effective Blogging
(Apollonian, 14 Jun 08)
One must agree w. Visible's first quoted statement, above, but not second. Note humanity battles ignorance, always has, and always will.
For what beckons, as Visible well invokes, is INDUCTIVE LOGIC AND CONCLUSION/hypothesis therefrom.
Thus, like Sherlock Holmes, we consider all possible suspects (for 9-11) and separate least likely fm most likely--they're same as for USS Liberty (see UssLiberty.org)
What about Nigerians?--is there lots of evidence against them? Okay, but what then about Israelis/MOSSAD and "neo-cons" (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref. on "neo-cons"--see also Mike Collins Piper's "The High Priests of War").
Thus Jews/neo-cons/MOSSAD have serious questions to answer, at which they fail miserably; furthermore we observe these fools and conspirators actually attempt to INTIMIDATE INVESTIGATORS, snarling and hissing we cannot be "anti-semitic."
Thus we have yet more INDUCTIVE LOGIC confirming original hypotheses which indicts and now convicts Jews. There's simple "solution" well-known fm history which people need for easiest, simplest understanding.
So Les Visible in fact merely demands people/volk observe such INDUCTIVE LOGIC and conclusions. Visible is wrong, however, when he thinks "opportunity" for induction and EPIPHANY won't persist.
So question is merely how to SELL Inductive Logic and persuade the people. Thus CYCLIC history culminates within present "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
Thus we simply remove obstructions to INDUCTION and epiphany, which essentially is counter-productive religious-style anti-antisemitism and Pharisaism-moralism beamed at the people incessantly by the "Jews-media" (see Natall.com, "Who Rules America?" for expo/ref. on Jew media monopoly)--which however steadily loses effectiveness upon and among the people due to heroes of blogging and MIGHTY INTERNET.
Easy, simple solution for masses of gentile people, white and non-white alike, is same old JEW-EXPULSION of previous instances in history.
All Les Visible needs is HONEST EXAMINATION of anti-Christ, anti-gentile Talmud--see RevisionistHistory.org, TruthTellers.org, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo/ref.
CONCLUSION: Presently then, MIGHTY INTERNET and good bloggers like Les Visible are doing most excellently over-coming Jews-media, helping the people evermore for that inductive conclusion and EPIPHANY for Jew-expulsion. Keep up ur good work, Les Visible. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
"You stand at the crossroads of decision. You stand at the point of an opportunity that will not come again for a long, long time. --Les Visible.
* * * * *
Induction/Epiphany Continues To Beckon With Evermore Effective Blogging
(Apollonian, 14 Jun 08)
One must agree w. Visible's first quoted statement, above, but not second. Note humanity battles ignorance, always has, and always will.
For what beckons, as Visible well invokes, is INDUCTIVE LOGIC AND CONCLUSION/hypothesis therefrom.
Thus, like Sherlock Holmes, we consider all possible suspects (for 9-11) and separate least likely fm most likely--they're same as for USS Liberty (see UssLiberty.org)
What about Nigerians?--is there lots of evidence against them? Okay, but what then about Israelis/MOSSAD and "neo-cons" (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref. on "neo-cons"--see also Mike Collins Piper's "The High Priests of War").
Thus Jews/neo-cons/MOSSAD have serious questions to answer, at which they fail miserably; furthermore we observe these fools and conspirators actually attempt to INTIMIDATE INVESTIGATORS, snarling and hissing we cannot be "anti-semitic."
Thus we have yet more INDUCTIVE LOGIC confirming original hypotheses which indicts and now convicts Jews. There's simple "solution" well-known fm history which people need for easiest, simplest understanding.
So Les Visible in fact merely demands people/volk observe such INDUCTIVE LOGIC and conclusions. Visible is wrong, however, when he thinks "opportunity" for induction and EPIPHANY won't persist.
So question is merely how to SELL Inductive Logic and persuade the people. Thus CYCLIC history culminates within present "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
Thus we simply remove obstructions to INDUCTION and epiphany, which essentially is counter-productive religious-style anti-antisemitism and Pharisaism-moralism beamed at the people incessantly by the "Jews-media" (see Natall.com, "Who Rules America?" for expo/ref. on Jew media monopoly)--which however steadily loses effectiveness upon and among the people due to heroes of blogging and MIGHTY INTERNET.
Easy, simple solution for masses of gentile people, white and non-white alike, is same old JEW-EXPULSION of previous instances in history.
All Les Visible needs is HONEST EXAMINATION of anti-Christ, anti-gentile Talmud--see RevisionistHistory.org, TruthTellers.org, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo/ref.
CONCLUSION: Presently then, MIGHTY INTERNET and good bloggers like Les Visible are doing most excellently over-coming Jews-media, helping the people evermore for that inductive conclusion and EPIPHANY for Jew-expulsion. Keep up ur good work, Les Visible. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
thanx man, for saying what many are thinkin... me thinx world having one giant Lenny Cohen "everybody knows" moment!
maybe we're on verge of getting our global telepath ability back - kinda like Tower of Babel - but in reverse!!!
I would like to make an optimistic reply on this essay. For all the readers of course and the writer.
All those Illuminate or whatever you call them... They are nothing compared to the Al-Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf. (God Crush his soul) if you compare him to any "evil" or "Antichrist" Character he makes them look pale and meaningless..
So, they all die at the end. Thats my point.
I still think we should try older unconventional methods to get rid of them though.
Good luck to you all.
I`ve said this before and I have to say it again-will you red, white and duh morons EVER snap out of it and get a clue and start to wake up even a little bit? You live in nationwide mental illness and delusion that you are "free" and "brave" and "christian" and a "democracy" etc. You are these things as much as water is iron.
You good folk really have so much to be proud of. You have allowed your previously liked nation to be hijacked by the born evil, murdering, cowardly jew terrorists that will treat you programmed goyim robots like that inbred virus of humanity treats the Palestinians and others in the middle east. If your jewish terrorist controlled government and media had told you that fred flintsone was behind 9/11 you all would be calling for the bombing of bedrock. You yanks have a collective IQ of 14.
Your jew terrorist owners have dragged you into two unwinnable wars. Do you even have the slighest clue how much you are hated and despised worlwide? How do you think people in the middle east see you jewish servant terrorists? Think about it. That is, if you can think.
You have allowed your traitorous government to give you to the scum, bloodsucking israeli terrorists without so much as a whimper. It need not be mentioned what percentage of your "officials" that set your foreign and domestic policy are dual american-israeli terrorist citizens serving israel-not america. But you don`t notice. Time for another soda and hamburger and when does the simpsons start?
The jewish terrorists will do to your land what they did to Russia in 1917 and Germany in the 1930`s and every other country those satan worshippers have infiltrated, diseased and destroyed. You will see. It is already noticeable all around you if you bother to take a look. But never mind. Time for another hot dog and dancing with the stars.
You are an awesome people! Give yourselves a big pat on the back! After all, being the biggest international terrorist and mass murdering paraih state should lead you all to blush with pride. But nothing goes on forever. And red white and blue terrorism won`t be any different.
If only more americans had your courage, decency and intelligence, Les. The world would be a much better place.
Anonymous 2:05,
Les doesn't live here anymore. You don't live here either. I've thought about leaving, I even scouted out a few towns in S. America. Fuck that. I'm thirteenth generation in the New World from Wales. Do you know what it's like to live in the belly of the beast where even bringing up stuff like what's discussed here gets you branded as a kook or a traitor? It sucks.
Why would you bother to post that shit here? Can't you figure out that those of us living in the US who read Smoking Mirrors are in a box? Go post on some right wing psycho blog where it will do some good. I do.
Sorry for the "anon" but.....Good Work! Psychopaths is precisely correct. I can't believe anybody is still playing politics with this gaggle of bottom-feeding swill. Nasty Nancy is living proof to those poor delusional ga-ga Democraps and Rethugs that they don't work for them. Gee, the polls say everybody hates them and they keep right on seriving their masters in Israel. Somehow, people vote for these mutts and actually expect something different. It boggles the mind!
Nice piece, keep up the good work.
Good work Les - you give me inspiration. Just finished up John Coleman's remarkable "Committee of 300" - if you have not read it it will clear up a lot of the purposely orchestrated confusion around us and clearly points out what we are up against.
Keep it rockin' - I will check back periodically but continue to plant seeds into the minds of the zombies on other lists/blogs. If we all stand up they won't be able to handle "the list" - just like with Barack's donor list. The minds are there, waiting......
@ Les --
For a hint of what's coming, here:
If link is not working, a search might bring it up. It is:
The Hidden Story of the Americans that Finished the Vietnam War
Excerpts and adaptation:
The Soldier's Revolt
by Joel Geier
Full disclosure: I was in the military during that period and remember some of this. Sucked because then feels like now. As in: You are totally responsible AND there is not much you can do about it, and NOTHING in daylight.
Pay close attention to the fragging part of the article. WHO decided to use smoke grenades as warnings? WHO determined the warning was enough? And WHO, if it WASN'T enough, decided to use a real grenade as a follow-up and blow a Second Lieutenant to hell?
Where this is leading:
"Stop the machine" will not happen. The weapon of the weak, as the GI mutiny in Vietnam clearly shows, is SABOTAGE. By definition you are leaderless and will STAY that way.
So how does it happen? The machine won't stop. So where do you apply the jams?
I can't think for ya,
You'll have to decide.
How about the drug cops? Let's say they boot my neighbor's door down. Only one way to apply the jams: I disappear a drug cop, at random, at a time and place of my choosing.
Should I do THAT?
Can you do THAT?
Must anyone do THAT?
My point: Psychos were stopped in Vietnam by resistance they couldn't see coming. There is no other way to do it. Americans are fragmented and in my opinion drugged and addled by chemtrails and GWEN towers. "Come together and stop the machine" is only possible to people not being drugged and whacked by etheric forces beyond their comprehension.
Think the NSA has been spending BILLIONs off-budget for subliminals dribbled into truck adverts? Me neither.
What's directed against us is heavy. The response, at minimum, must be... convincing. The guys in Nam were convincing. The Peace Movement, then and now, never convinced anyone. (Wall Street put out the word that the war was losing money... in about 1971. Did more in a day then protests had for years.)
Les, bottom line: Americans know that war is being waged against them and they are slowly discovering that the weapon of the weak and disorganized is sabotage. It is also difficult and frustrating. It will be messy and might take some time.
Clarion calls are fine. Realistically, they are also distractions. Wars are waged by those who are already in the thick of it.
Plenty of evidence it's already happening. Look close. It's there.
I like your post, but I fail to comprehend why you are so stymied and SHOCKED! at the obvious. I mean, what did you expect of a country whose foundation is built on genocide and slavery of human beings? Certainly not destined for sainthood, thats for certain. You ask "Where did this new world come from?".....duh. It came from the recesses of a cesspool dedicated to destruction, thats where. Why is it so complex to get from genocide and slavery to....Oh my goodness! You think bush had a hand in 9/11? Its logical to expect what we have become. What would truly be astonishing is if we metamorphsed from a slug into a butterfly......but see, that is as unhinged and unbalanced an expectation as wondering why and how we got from point A to point Z.It is a natural consequence, that if you come over in a boat "fleeing" genocide, visit that same genocide upon other, lesser beings who are not worthy of your God's providence, use people for slavery, pretend to free them,then we end up with 9/11, well gee one plus one ALWAYS equals two, no matter how you do the math, its just never gonna end up as eleven, regardless of how much you want that. If you start out with a worm for a thread, by the time you are thru with the quilt, you really can't complain if the worm hasn't turned into real thread, just because you expect it to. So, yeah, our country is pretty much down the drain....but after what we have done in the "name of democracy", you can't really complain if the waters have turned to mud. Because you don't use dirt and water to make lemonade. Duh.
THEY SAY THEY ARE JEWS, THEY ARE NOT, BUT ARE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, and they are the most briliant and convincing deceivers that have ever appeared upon the earth to lead mankind to edge of the cliff. They are the Master Magicians of the earth by skillfully convincing you "Good is the Evil" and the "Truth is a Lie".
They no longer have to deceive you because you have become conditioned to their lies and you close your eyes and your ears to the Truth because in order to stop the evil of their madness, you have to call upon your faith in Jeusu Christ and your faith in mankind, and find you have faith in neither.
As you get closer and closer to the edge of the cliff you become more and more frantic and your logic turns into chaos and your common sense can no longer reason the Truth.
As you stand before their World Government you accept their demands to wear their mark to buy or sell, once again denying it is "they" who have sold you into the bondage of the "Angel who rules the bottomless pit".
By your will and your pride you refuse to humble yourself before the Truth and your self- righteousness allows you to be led to the edge of the cliff.
The Truth has been left recorded in the history of the earth, the Truth has been brought to you by the truthseekers of the world, you have witnessed the Truth with your very own eyes, and the Truth has been left to you by the WORD of GOD.
Part of an essay I wrote some 4 years ago. I find Les's Creeping Madness remakably similar. I smell the same toilet bowl as Les does, being used to flush the toilet paper [the Masonic Fed Reserve Note] that is used to wipe the sewage called the economy.
Excellent analogy Les and one I have seen in trips beyond also, but you fail to mention the mirror of the toilet which is the whirlpool of assention. The winds of which can whip a soul upto the highest of highs from any level or let them fall into the rushing waters that are not waters below. You can try convincing the mindless ones to depart but in order for them to accept that task they need to know where they must go instead. They need a vision of a future in which good has triumphed over evil and that the conquered evil cannot return.
Self sufficient cooperative groups with a By All For All style of society which has no dictating leaders but guided by sustanable for use production and principles of caring and sharing seem to be the only way. We need a plan which defeats the evil that has become our society in so many ways. The only way to defeat evil is by abandoning evil and doing only good for all of humanity. Tell the world the good news and leave the bad news for those who have created it. Talk of a united populace that has had enough of the lieing evil, and how it can and will turn its back on those who would destroy and corrupt us.
Do indeed stop turning there downward spiral and reverse direction to an upward spiral of assention on the spirit of love and sharing.
Talking will get us nowhere fast. It's only a start.
Keep repeating the truth, keep telling friends, relatives, co-workers, "look at the evidence". Decide for yourself. Send links and more links. Keep reading and collecting info. Catalog it, memorize it, store it and pass it on. Knowledge is power. Information is freedom.
Culmination Of History/Socio-Biology Looms Ever-Closer
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 08)
"Duane" at 2:08 am, I suspect we're getting ever closer to historic CYCLIC culmination as people evermore make use of INDUCTIVE LOGIC--"it's Jews, stupid."
But such "awakening" will be called EPIPHANY--as of original Christian Apostles who lost their "fear of the Jews"--even though, again, the actual, practical process will be INDUCTION. Such is growing power of MIGHTY INTERNET and blog art feeding people that info.
For note, as long as "prosperity" endures, it's so easy for people to be so smug, stupid, and HEEDLESS of reality, thus contemptuous, and for not being honest with oneself and one another.
It's only when things get very frightening that people begin to feel need for being most honest--and with one another too.
Les Visible, who seems to try fairly hard, has difficulty himself facing REALITY OF TALMUD (see RevisionistHistory.org, TruthTellers.org, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo). Visible imagines there are "good Jews" (Talmudists)--like there are good psychopaths.
Otherwise, it's mere matter of socio-biology as Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity destroys host/victim gentiles, so it must destroy itself. And note we already see Judeo-conspirators falling-out w. one another, CFR-Bilderberg (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref.) attempting now to place blame on Israel in way of Walt-Mearsheimer's "The Israel Lobby."
Key then for gentiles is that COUNTERFEIT (see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)) fraud/mechanism which fuels things for Jews and ZOG-Mammon--and easiest way to get rid of such Fed is same old JEW-EXPULSION fm past historic examples.
Otherwise, objective-subjective dichotomy/analytic suffices perfectly to identifying close allies/co-conspirators w. Jews among gentiles.
CONCLUSION: Obvious and most gross traitors among gentiles are "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) heretics who willingly serve Jews and Israel, imagining Christ was "Jew." Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Apollonian ! Yes it is a Jewish conspiracy and yes the sollution would be to rid the world of "those Jews who say they are Jews,[and Jesus tells us they are not, meaning the seed of Abraham] instead Jesus tells us they are the synagogue of satan.
Who do you think they are in the Whitehouse and the Congress of the United States? Who do you think they are in the governments of the world?
It is my contention they are the direct [or indirect] decendents of
the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who were released from Babylon along with the rest of the tribes of Israel [ from Eygpt] and dispersed to all four quarters of the earth. They have gone hidden in the governments and from the world for over two thousand years, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Don't you think that very same thought has occured to them also?
[ Vell, vell, vell Samull, should the vorld ever get vind of who we are and where we are and vhat we have planned, Yess Abbie I know.
Bush and Clinton don't pronounce as Jewish at all do they? It takes a whole entire United States government to tell 185 million Americans a Lie, [Oswald did it] not just some, not just a few, but a whole entire United States government. The only people you can trust to cary on a secret conspiracy for over two thousand years, ....is family my friend.
There are more Jews on this earth than you suspect, my good fellow, and "they all" are in some way, shape or form in control of your "well being".
Once again...just because the names have been changed it doesn't change family. Hannukah is still celebrated at the Whitehouse and they are among the congregation of the synagogue of satan.
Have you ever given this a thought?
throughout the world, governments investigate theirselves. It's a family thing.
I hope this clarifies who the Jews are, and who the Jews aren't.
Tonight, I'm just sick of it all.
Duane - you are thoroughly confusing the "Jewish" question, which is just a smokescreen for Zion - the elite "call themselves Jews" and then sacrifice their 'own' by, for example funding Hitler and creating "The Holocaust" to prevent questioning of their motives. Look on Jordan Maxwell's site - he's got a downloadable book detailing the ancient connection between the British Crowne and Is-Ra-El. He has done brilliant research on uncovering the bloodline that, again, stretches right back to Babylonia. Just a diaspora of the 13 families as they struggle and strive to dominate the world's resources and steer the majority of us (the sheeple) to some murderous finale. They think they know the secret of God and are so clever with all their little meridian line masonic bs but I seriously doubt it at this point. They are fearful inbred cretins and have come about in this age as was predicted in the Vedics and other systems of ancient knowledge.
Gods this was beautiful, I was in tears reading this, it's been so long since I've read anything so resonant with my own thoughts and feelings, it was like poetry. *sigh*
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