“During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view ...”
It would take someone like Edgar Allen Poe to articulate the sorrow that I feel each time I see one more element fall into place as Israel and her psychopathic servants seek to seal the world up in a darkness not unlike that discovered in “The Cask of Amontillado” or the grey introductory lines of “The Fall of the House of Usher” given above.
Am I premature in assuming that, once again, Israel was deep in the fell doings of one more outrage against the human estate? It seems not and ‘seems’ is the problem. It doesn’t matter how clearly something seems to be, because it seems that few are going to hear about it.
All over the media today, you hear about how Christ-like (something is wrong with this sentence) the rabbi and his wife were. It ‘seems’ as if their deaths were more profound than all other deaths put together; the loss more significant. You don’t have to take my word for it, just take a look at the main stream news.
For a more comprehensive look at strange and unusual connections concerning Nariman House, you have only to head over to www.whatreallyhappened.com and there you will see all sorts of articles about activities taking place at Nariman House in the run up to the attacks. You can do this on your own. I don’t feel like linking anything today. I don’t even feel like writing this.
It doesn’t take a Magellan to map out the direction of aggression eastward, through Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to India. “All aboard the death train... Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Korea and Japan... all aboard!” Well... who knows, maybe the long term point is to hit California and sweep up the surfers and send them to Gitmo. It couldn’t be more absurd than it is. It couldn’t be more pointless. It couldn’t make less sense from a human perspective.
Somebody... and we have a good, a very good idea of who those somebody’s are... wants India’s help in a John Cage/Richard Wagner version of The Nutcracker Suite. The nuts in the cracker would be the Pakistani’s. The I.S.I., or Pakistani Intelligence, if you prefer are the long time ‘life partners’ of the C.I.A. in the same way Siegfried and Roy are, including the tigers in bed. They’re the same people who were neck deep in 9/11 so it stands to reason they’d get together for another reunion tour. Except, this is one of those things where one friend sets up the other because those are the kinds of friends you have in that business.
I don’t know the details. I just know that the same vicious lunatics are behind it. You’ll have to read what other people are saying at the link I gave you and you can extrapolate as you wish. As time goes on more and more is going to come to light and in this case, I would say that more is going to surface than ever before.
I run scenarios through my head about how someone as undesirable as Israel is can carry out the sort of things they carry out, day after day and year after year. Yes, I know they have a stranglehold on world banking and the media but it has to be more. I wonder if they have secreted nukes in countries around the world. I wonder if they have sent their agents to ‘have a little chat’ with the leaders of every country the way Hassan-I-Sabah used to have agents in place in every court in the world. I wonder if they have some kind of space weapon or if the reverse Kabala that they employ has given them monsters that make offers that you can’t refuse.
I look at the crushing reality of Gaza and all of Palestine as it shrinks like cellophane in a fire and I see the evidence of Israeli criminals operating porn and drug empires, not to mention human trafficking, money laundering and whatever there is to squeeze one more bloody nickel from. The truth of the matter is that Israel is the nastiest piece of work that this world has seen since Tamerlane used to make walls out of living human beings just to hear them scream or whenever it was that Vlad the Impaler was at work. It’s no surprise that most of the present residents of Israel are out of the same bloodline.
Yet the world lets them get away with it. So something is going on that we can’t see. Nobody anywhere talks about it but something is going on below the sight line and whatever it is, its bad news.
It doesn’t seem to matter where the trouble is; somehow you find an Israeli interest at work. Along with their enablers we see a vast criminal empire looting at will and crushing the human spirit in the bargain.
What’s this thing in Mumbai about? I think it’s two things. The first thing is obvious. Someone wants Pakistan and India at each others throats for the purpose of subduing Pakistan and India after that. Someone wants to energize the right wing in India and turn the mind of the Indian people to thoughts of a greater police presence in the hope of a more uniform security. It’s more complex than this and, of course, the money and power thing is always there. The other thing is...
A lot of time has gone by since 9/11 without any real terrorism to talk about and, except for 9/11, the terrorism has always been small potatoes or not terrorism at all but just people who aren’t inclined to bend over for the invaders, as is the case in Afghanistan and Iraq. So... what they needed was a systematic and very well organized event to show the world that, “Yes, there are some serious terrorists out there and if they can do this, then just imagine what they can do later if we don’t stop them. The point was to show that quite possibly this sort of organized mayhem could be brewing anywhere and we have all got to join together to stop it and then, after that, we are going to have to lock up just about everyone, except for the ones we kill, because you just never know who’s doing what. You might be a terrorist. You just don’t know it yet but... you’ll have to take our word for it.”
Now if... by some wild fluke, I am wrong about Israel having something to do with Mumbai well... gee... everybody makes mistakes but... once again... once again... there they are in one more confused circumstance with suspicious comings and goings of suspicious people; indications that actual ‘terrorists’ were staying there, large food orders, missing residents and police testimony that they were fighting white guys and assorted things that you can read about at that place I sent you in the beginning of whatever the hell this is.
Expect more. All the things we’ve talked about these last few years are in the process now. The timing with the new American president and the ‘possible’ sayonara, bloody handkerchief, waving from the dictator in chief on his way out the door are all triggers for what’s been on the drawing board for a long time.
I’m this close to walking through the trees in my yard at night and calling out to the space people to please, please come down now and kick these murdering scums in the ass. Maybe I’m already doing that. This doesn’t have to be happening but it is. It is happening and it shouldn’t be.
'Gone Baby Gone' is track no. 6 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Really, look no further than Mossad's "motto" to understand the majority of what goes on in the World: "by way of deception thou shalt wage war". Yes exactly, and at all times and relentlessly against any and all goys.
What I try and discuss is some of the tech they use, or most likely use, and I would hope Les is not worried by his "association" with my comments and opinions. Mind control, cloning, spying, monitoring, information control / destruction, and others are at the centre of the Grande Conspiracy, and anyone who claims it is irrelevant is, well...
Take it or leave it, but my experience is that very, very few even dream of some of the stuff I discuss, which to me, is proof positive we on the right track to some truth. "Truth is stranger than fiction", remember? I don't have time to speculate about little green men and such because I know of some real tech that is in the hands of "men", and there are physical patents that can confirm it and a long history that can expose it. One need not play the "ET" card, because most of our problems are quite terrestrial, if you get my point. Now, maybe in the distant past the Controllers came from somewhere else, or that 5-6% of "evil psychos" are a "sub-species" of sorts; perhaps. But, many of our true enemies are staring us in the face daily, and looking all too human (even Caucasion). Let's learn / discuss the tech, and be practical in our defence.
Just trying to spark any and all discussion that is meaningful, helpful, and can be used to expose aspects of the truth. Hopefully this approach is welcome on this forum.
You sound exhausted on this one Les--resigned-- not hopeless--but close.
You're the cop who keeps showing up at the mansion with the iron gates to see that the wife beater has been at it again--only to hear the wife say that she fell down-- again-- and knocked her teeth out and blackened her own eye--she won't be pressing charges unless it's from the grave.
You're the cop who sees the underbelly of what the world is really like. Others only see the house and fancy cars that give the illusion of respectability to the outside world--but you know better and so do most of your readers.
It's the same call coming in over the police radio--we all know the address--and we know the outcome--but you gotta' go there--you can't do anything else.
It's the fireman taking down the information after the whole house went up in flames---same name--again-- different fire--unproveable arson---the insurance always pays off.
It's the store owner--always the same name-- claiming to be the victim again--too bad his surveillance cameras weren't turned on that morning to see the robber--the insurance always pays off.
It's the child molestor--always the same name-- threatening his weaker and smaller victim if he ever talks
It's the rapist--always the same name-- who can afford the best attorneys to attack the victim and throw off suspicion and drag their innocent name through the mud
Always the perpetrators--Always the victims
Nothing more to say--I'm just tired
ISI was NOT involved in 9-11, the men with guns and red wristbands are HINDU TERRORISTS and extremists operating out of RAW indoctrination and assistance!!!
I was at Wal-Mart and the people looked worried, sad, depressed. Already the sadness is growing, there is a lot of offer of food but little demand, this will lead to a contradictory situation and under consumption
the system will grind to a halt, i saw lots of turkeys but people couldn't buy them even though they were at lower price because of post-thanxgiving sales. We are doomed, most people were not shopping a lot of food, people were under-consuming
but the question we all gotta ask ourselves is: Who destroyed the US economy? The republican party !! Who lowered the living standards of most americans? The republican party, and who destroyed the quality of life of the general american population? The Republican ISRAELITE Party
I agree with your observation that there is something out of sight which allows Israel to keep on keeping on. I suspect that there is a definite threat at work. Maybe that Israel will nuke anybody anywhere if you don't give them what they want. Maybe, like you suggested the individuals concerned are threatened. I have spent many hours trying to think through this puzzle and to find a solution. There will have to be a large, instantaeous action against these people.
Now they're going to need lots more security in Mumbai, and really, why stop there? There's New Delhi and Bhopal and Hyderabad and Calicut and Amritsar and Jaisalmer, and more, all of whom will be required to purchase millions and millions of dollars in long term contracts. Its the way of the world, burger flippers in the viewing booth watching porn between strip searches.
hopelessness...At root is a veritable obsession on the part of the rulers of the world with ensuring that social movements cannot be seen to grow, to flourish, to propose alternatives; that those who challenge existing power arrangements can never, under any circumstances, be perceived to win. To do so requires creating a vast apparatus of armies, prisons, police, various forms of private security firms and police and military intelligence apparatus, propaganda engines of every conceivable variety, most of which do not attack alternatives directly so much as they create a pervasive climate of fear, jingoistic conformity, and simple despair that renders any thought of changing the world seem an idle fantasy. Maintaining this apparatus seems even more important, to exponents of the “free market,” even than maintaining any sort of viable market economy ... Economically, this apparatus is pure dead weight; all the guns, surveillance cameras, and propaganda engines are extraordinarily expensive and really produce nothing, and as a result, it’s dragging the entire capitalist system down with it, and possibly, the earth itself.
The spirals of financialization and endless string of economic bubbles we’ve been experience are a direct result of this apparatus. It’s no coincidence that the United States has become both the world’s major military (”security”) power and the major promoter of bogus securities. This apparatus exists to shred and pulverize the human imagination, to destroy any possibility of envisioning alternative futures. As a result, the only thing left to imagine is more and more money, and debt spirals entirely out of control. What is debt, after all, but imaginary money whose value can only be realized in the future: future profits, the proceeds of the exploitation of workers not yet born...
Damn! I wish you wouldn't write this stuff. It really messes me up. Please don't bother me with this bullshit anymore. I can't watch football, or basketball, or drink beer, or anything. Don't you understand? I don't want to do anyfuckingthing that requires me to do anyfuckingthing about anyfuckingthing whatsoever. Jeez. Are the concentration camps in Mandan, North Dakota ready yet?
I always enjoy reading your posts. I have long since given up watching main steet media, and if I should, it is so easy to see the propaganda.You usually close with a note of optimism, like it will all turn out alright in the end. This post sounds like you are not so sure. Your right it is coming, but I am holding out hope and working as hard as I can to enlighten as many as possible. Maybe it can be turned back!!!
How much longer can they do this? I mean, we know who did it, the writing has been long on the wall and is now coursing down into the gutter, but then, that's where it's always been hasn't it?
Peace to you.
Shit I have been begging for the space people to come and kick ass.
to the extent of lighting a candle a day to herald the demise of this evil empire.
I do believe you are right and that they leave their bloodied footprints everywhere, and their blackmail is bizarre enough to insist on co-operation.
And for those who refuse such as Spain wanting to pull out of Madrid why they had the train attacks.
Now recently India wanted to deal with Iran.
Thou shalt not have allies.
We are the lords and masters.
I think we all have to pray to the spacemen, whichever gods tickle your fancy, or simply to your own inner power, and trust that this evil will have its day.
And whilst you have the attention of power could you also just add a prayer for the demise of Mugabe. Or just send me a rifle and I will be willing to do it myself.
Well People, here it is.
As you can see from the link... there it is. This is what Mumbai was all about.
It is such a pleasure for me to come here in the morning and see some of the great points that get made and enjoy the way the packages are wrapped; kind of like Christmas in a way.
There is something like 'space people' on some level somewhere and they are coming or, more likely, already here.
Nina... you've laid out one of the best lines in one of the best responses we've seen here.
"It’s no coincidence that the United States has become both the world’s major military (”security”) power and the major promoter of bogus securities." That's a classic.
For the person who wants me to know that they were 'hindu terrorists'... yes that may well be but as far as them not being involved in 9/11 I suggest you do some searching and you will find that Pakistani intelligence was deep into the mix. You read me wrong if you though I was blaming Muslims. I was NOT blaming Muslims- read more carefully.
jj... you should really take that ability into a more pervasive state.
For everyone who got the 'intended' perception of my being 'weary', or feeling hopeless let me say that that is not the case at all. These are paintings and that is the effect I wanted to give. It should always be remembered that these are productions. That is not to say that they are not sincere. There is always a degree of truth to the presentation but it's more like a lens filter.
I want to give you an image from the Lord of the Rings. Pippin had looked into the Palantir and Gandalf has whisked him away to Minis Tirth. Late in the night, or early in the morning, following their arrival, Pipin woke up and saw Gandalf at the window casement staring out upon whatever may have been there... Mordor I think and Pippin was musing to himself about how Gandalf looked tired and beaten and he dispaired. But as he looked longer and more closely, he saw, beneath the surface that there was a river of joy and hope flowing that nothing could arrest. I am not getting the words right and doing a poor job of that but I hope I have conveyed something here.
I'm not Gandalf by any stretch but it is similar. I am confident and brimming with positive energy. Regardless of what others believe I KNOW that what some call God, does exist and is more real than us and what surrounds us and I KNOW it has everything under control and is using all of these events and circumstances as a teaching device. Shakespeare wrote plays that illustrated what occurs in life. God... or whatever you want to call it created and directs life itself in just the same manner. Life is the play and the play is always for awareness and awakening via the observation of the endless rise and fall of light and darkness; in so far as it relates to the progression of the play.
Real light has degrees and is unchanging. Even the darkness is filled with it.
As some people have liked to point out. There is only the self and nothing else... or there is no reason to say or do anything because nothing is real and nothing matters. There is no creation and nothing is happening... yadda yadda... that may be true but it is useless to anyone who is not in that state and that is very, very few people who would then not be a people but the self.
I don't have time for all that happy horseshit of playing mind games with something I don't understand. I'm here now, just like you and I'm more concerned with playing my role and learning how to do it more effectively. Later for the rest of that.
For myself... I'm going somewhere after this and I'm going to stay there for a very long time and think about, or not think about, all of it until I'm a little more clear on it; The Western Pure Land sounds like a good shot as does some protracted visits with Ganesha. I'm going to do this because I can, just like anyone can who wants to go to a Christian or Muslim Heaven. They are ALL there. They are all a part of you and a part of the self which may or may not be this or that... so what. That's what I'm going to do because I can.
This is an Indian speaking ......
All of you look as either vultures or pathetic, self deluded individuals who cannot find out the difference between your front end and back end.
To you, terrorism started with 9/11. Get real and get educated. We, in India, have been suffering from terrorism for last 25 years. And worst part is that most of it was sponsored by you whiners only as it was your money in the form of taxes which your intelligence agencies poured behind ISI and funded those terrorists. How amazing? 1 9/11 and all of you suddenly discovered the terrorist? And how hypocritic it sounds to us, you cannot even imagine?
By the way, even while this war was going on, every Indian knew who are the perpetrators and their home country as one of them spoke to media and we heard them.
So make no mistakes, this is not about jews and all that bullshit. It is also neither about muslims, as I must remind you people, that India has the second largest population of muslims in world. That population is even bigger than total population of many of your countries.
It is all about a rogue nation, called pakistan, trying to destroy Indian Democracy. We are not pleading for help as we do not need any. Being the only democracy in world, we know how to handle it.
We just pity you people who in their ignorance keep on supporting terrorists and when their own asses get burst, then they start crying about terrorism.
Bloody bullshitters......
Wow, so you got censorship also. So I think the previous one and this one is not going to get published.
Listen up, you uninformed prig. I don't censor unless it is severely off the wall. I have comment monitoring to keep spambots away and to filter for disinfo trolls.
On a kinder note, learn to exercise some patience and objective reasoning 'before' you put your foot in your mouth. By the way, anyone can call themselves Sanjay.
Hi Les-Excellent article.
You mentioned the possibility of blackmail being done by hidden nukes. You're probably right. You think ownership of the fiat money printing machines worldwide, and control of the mainstream media in most of the powerful nations in the West would be enough,for Israel, but apparantly not.
If we are going to ask "who's responsible" ,I'd place a wager that Israel was behind the attacks.
Complacency and perception seem to exist in an inverse ratio. The unfortunate Palestinians have a far greater knowlege regarding Israel than Americans do. While a very large percentage of Americans think that Israel deserves special treatment, favoritism among all the nations in the Mideast. Seen that attitude even among friends and family, my efforts to disabuse them of this concept, notwithstanding.
It's disconcerting to me to see Israel and it's supporters get away with crimes again and again and again. As an American I wish the US would withdraw it's troops from overseas, especially the Mideast, and devote itself to solving the problems right here at home. Militaristic jingoism, especially the American modern variant, is most disgusting. And this "my country right or wrong" is one of the most recondidite examples of horseshit I've heard.
Sanjay-I don't think that those of us who have spoke out and acted against Zionism as well as a militaristic (and, hijacked) US foreign policy can be characterized as "whiners". I know that the US government is supporting evil, worldwide. How can those of us against these two things, resist?
Some folks do their best to not support war profiteer products or venues (war profiteer= General Electric = NBC). Some drop out as far as possible from the larger society.
Others write, or march in demonstrations, or even get arrested.
One thing living in America teaches those who live here, at least those who keep their eyes open, is to be aware of the tactics used by Zionism's supporters. So I would be loth to dismiss Les's and others conjectures out of hand.
My apologies for that second statement. It is just that, whenever I see any form of censorship, I fly off the handle.
Secondly, regarding your comment on "anybody can call themselves Sanjay", Please go through my profile. You will also find a couple of blogs in which I comment on my own country's incidents. I think that will satisfy your query.
Once again, my apologies for that hasty conclusion.
"jj... you should really take that ability into a more pervasive state."
Does that mean I have to leave Ohio? (lol)
HI LES VISIBLE: HOW ARE YOU? i hope you have a nice thanxgiving holidays and christmas with your families and friends. By the way this is the only blogspot, forum, and debate i visit. I am banned in most social-democrat status quo liberal sites like http://www.commondreams.org http://www.dissidentvoice.org/ and http://www.informationclearinghouse.info I don't know why i am banned in *progressive* sites when they are supposed to be anti-wiretapping, anti-zionism and anti-authoritarianism.
I am even banned in http://www.revleft.com which is supposed to be a revolutionary-socialist debate site, but i posted anti-Zionism articles in http://www.revleft.com and i was labeled as an "Anti semite".
One of the only US leftist intellectuals that are real leftist is Michael Parenti. Michael Parenti is not a dogmagic leftist and not controlled by the Hegelian dogmatic, sectarian dialectics of most US-leftists.
Take care.
What the fuck? Obama betrayed the american voters. FUCK THIS SHIT !!
Ron Paul (which is a libertarian-free market capitalist) would be a lot better for USA, than Obama-Clinton Dynasty. And note that i am socialist, not even a libertarian-free market proponent.
I mean intellectuals like Ralph Nader, Cynthia Mckinney, Bob Barr or Ron Paul would be a lot more socialist, and would socialize wealth a lot better to the american masses than the Clinton-Obama dynasty.
however as bad as Clinton, Obama and Biden is, a rejection of them would mean: Palin and Mccain, coz we the voters in USA are raped by having to pick between 2 poisons.
So let's work with real-reality (With what we got, and let's all log on to http://www.change.gov and suggest Obama socialist, humanist democratic reforms for USA (even though he (Obama) will ignore "We the opressed people")
Jj I can appreciate your last comment Anonymous 1:23 AM. Very poignant.
However I don't understand how the Home of the Brave, Land of the Free,
The country that gave you Audie Murphy and Neil Armstrong,
Has turned so quickly into the home of Charles Manson and the land of Al-Quadi.
I find that hard to understand but what really throws me is that in your last elections nearly half of your voting public voted to keep your country in this state (58m to 67m). Surely you must feel as I do that there are at least 58million people in your country whose heads can spin on their body; that is something surely be very worried about.
Les Visible: Don't worry about what Indians claim and state. According to Bob Avakian (The leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party of USA), India is a totalitarian-dictatorship of unspeakable terms. People in India get their eyes poked out if they rebel or protest. No wonder India is labeled as "The world's largest democracy" According to US-Israeli Zionist Imperialist leaders.
No matter what the ultra-nationalist Indians claim, the Mumbai India terrorism was a fake-terrorist inside-job used as a tool to harass and invade other nations such as Pakistan and to install an *internal dictatorship* at home to prevent any anti-India government revolution. Just like 9-11, the London Bombings and the Spain bombings used by the Aznar government.
sanjay, this may help
India's problems
On a flight back from Europe after 9/11 I was shocked at the behavior of an Indian family on the plane. The woman was acting rude 'very rude' to her husband and there was a infant/toddler that was inducing stress on the couple...anyhow, I knew the man was going to blow and he did. They were a row or so in front of me to the right and a perfect view of him punching her in the mouth. She was bleeding and many watched this go down. No one dared to report the incident or respond to it. I myself was culpable in that he seriously assaulted her on an International flight "I should have formally reported this"...and knew no one cared enough to take action 'many afraid...' my point here is, democracy is not what comes to mind in regard to India and for many reasons. They are spending money as if they can versus if they should and this is going to catch up to the world...clearly we all understand who has been running the $$ show "Zionist bankers" under the guise of democracy...Jezus, such a simple word with a simple definition and folks don't get it! 2+2 does equal 4 and yes Zionism is after India 'nice lil place to hang and rule in that neck of the woods' As for the poster claiming this is not controlled terrorism in India and just the same ol same ol 'your not the sharpest tool in the shed aye;no worries mate, anyone can learn if they try.
Dr F. too funny, same concept in the world of physics, technology...folks cant decipher democracy, why would they delve into simple tech 'physics'...this is precisely what the controllers want "ignorance" fabled reality...In time this will change and those who refuse to step up with the tech / science on the cutting edge... will be winnowed out. No matter how loud we shout the truth, even the truthers are mostly deaf on this note...
Les, I like the Vlad the impaler line LOL
Was a wild holiday, fun, dangerous, sad, informative and an old friend/enemy/controller showed 'same ol' I can say this, never a dull moment 'oh well, the science was awesome as usual'
hang in there all at least Vlad has not showed...
I share your sorrow. As I watch and read about more innocent people slaughtered like animals, I scream to the high sky for help, from anyone with one cent of integrity and humanity.
I am totally convinced that there is an unseen hand here pulling the strings and running the show. I am also convinced that this hand sees humanity as a Lab doctor sees lab rats and get pleasure out of seeing humanity in pain.
The human spirit, as much as these psychopaths, however they are, are trying to syfle to the point of posthuman, will not die.
The human spirit will perservere. The more they pull this S&^% on people to try to perpetrate their endgame, the more it makes me feel extreme sorrow, but then extreme hope in the ability of the human spirit to rise up.
I send you love and more love my human brother.
Sanjay should perhaps learn to ask the "cui bono" question. If ISI is involved, they do not represent or benefit the Pakistani people any more than the CIA does the American people. And both are fed by the same hand.
Nina, +1 insightful (and beautifully written).
Dr. F:
I'd be interested in a tech hypothesis for the rehash below:
How are the Zionists getting away with it? As noted this morning on WRH: world outrage over Mumbai, not a word about the Libyan cargo ship that the Israelis are preventing from bringing aid to Gaza.
I have theorized here before that one is not allowed into a position of power in any country in the world without being vetted and approved by the evil ones. I see only two possible 3D modes of coercion: threats and blackmail, or mind control. Note that not one single world leader (or semi-leader) dares openly list the crimes of the Jew state and its actions. Not Putin, nor any European leader, not Gaddhaffi, not the Saudis or any of the other Arab nations, not even the Holy One of South America Whose Name May Not Be Mentioned Without Reverence :P dares openly criticize, and not one to date has openly stated the obvious, that these evil ones are and have been behind all of the major terrorist actions of the past thirty or more years. Ahmadinejad has come closest, but without specifics and he's shut up since.
There has to be a handle there, an unbreakable one, an unavoidable one, and I don't know that threats and blackmail are strong enough. I doubt that the threat is nuclear annihilation. I don't know that even threatening disgrace and a painful death and to kill all of one's family would be enough, even for the non-psychopaths. So, I'm inclined to take a look at the technology explanation, and at time travel, which may be the key.
Just as a two-dimensional being would be stopped by a line that we, as three-dimensional, could easily step over, so could a fourth dimensional being, or those with that tech capability, step back and forth in time. Evidence that surfaced could be taken away before it was found, thus the story would never have been written. Those who made the speech could be silenced before they made the speech, and thus the words never printed or broadcast. Simply being made aware of this capability would, it seems to me, effectively silence those who otherwise might speak out. Even the best and bravest among them would choose to do what good they could where they could, rather than face the surety of annihilation while knowing that their words and actions would be erased before they had effect.
Why has no one involved told the truth about the JFK assassination, or the Lockerbie bombing, or the Bali bombing, or 9/11, Madrid, London? Perhaps they have, eh? But when the word got out, certain elements were sent back in time to preclude the words before they were spoken, to eliminate the trouble before it began.
Not a problem Sanjay; apologies for my own lapse as well. It felt like you were yelling at me and... I'm not those guys.
Will Wilson,
Ever seen this story? It went away REAL fast.
Sorry SA that was just a little too inflammatory. This would be giving them too much ammunition if I posted it. You'll have to strive for a little more subtlety.
I agree Z.
And Israel was supposed to have over 200 units.
And, where is the one they 'lost' from six? being transported somewhere in US not long ago- still no word.
The Burning Bush
Blistered souls float scattered about,
adrift on a sea of pain.
Crimson waves of death crest near,
as The Decider lies in vain.
Fear the horde, no, the other horde,
he plies throughout the land.
As our children’s children disintegrate,
perhaps an eye, or yet a hand.
He says he guards our very lives,
the existence of civilized man.
But in the alleys of ancient Baghdad,
America’s Best wish he’d share his plan.
Vacant cries of “who could have known?”,
amidst the pyres of World Trade.
Lay bare the myth of his compassion,
“My Pet Goat”, his cowardly shade.
Proxy war and proxy dead,
to The Shrub it matters not.
Provided Dick can exercise Options,
as long as Haliburton stays red-hot.
Treasure bled in flesh and gold,
across dunes of soulless oil.
Simmering cauldrons of historic hate,
churned to a gently rolling boil.
The Burning Bush admits no errors,
nor the ditch into which we’ve steered.
Back into the breach he madly proclaims,
after all, “you volunteered”
Just submitted a comment/poem I'd written,The Burning Bush, but chose anonymous as I was not sure of the selections and was not trying to promote my name, just the writing.....Hope that's okay, Robert FitzGibbon / robertfitzgibbon@yahoo.com
vis - nice one...like the tone. Good to see we need to be scared, still. I don't know what I would have done, had they not told me...
Dr. F - I've been giving a great deal of thought to the tech (more so - interference with brain waves from radio waves, etc). Just wanted you to know that you're getting through. A combination of everything, from most of you, seems to paint a more complete picture. That's why I love you, les.
You're a magnet, sir :)
It would appear that most of the contributors know what is happening in the world and pretty much why. And now there is a feeling for me of what happens next? What do we do? We keep getting the same old news stories (themes) same old names etc... and sort of say to each other 'see, its really happening it is' 'look what they're doing the evil fuckers' .....
Yet we seem not to move like we're all on a NWO skewer, still alive but incapable of doing anything constructive except gripe and complain to the human either side of us on the skewer - a cold lifeless shard of steel that cares for nothing least of all my life as it penetrates my body leaving me helpless like a morrisons chicken. I used to have a life but now Im just food and not even good food.
The more time I spend in the hills, in the woods, feeling moss, snow on my face, the wordless beauty of the blue sky and the miracle of the sun on my skin the more then I become angry that the very simplicity of life is being threatened by maniacs, demonic lunatics in suits, killers, my child could die because of them and they don't even know her much less care. Everything precious to me is threatened.
War is insanity. The quest for power is insatiable and blinding.
I am on this skewer a lot at the moment. It seems my only choice is to hope for help from somewhere else, to believe the divine aspect that is a part of me really is divine and is going to come and save me sometime soon. Is all I can do believe this? Or do I get charred hoping til the last second of my life that something good will happen. And will I wonder if then if there is anything else I couldve done?
Thanks for the space Les , Edible
Anon @ 8:27: Sir / Madame, you are thinking in wonderful ways. The tech I talk about and understand is now a little mundane to me, because I am aware of its history and numerous applications. However, time manipulation is certainly the "final frontier" and one that most likely is central to this Grande Conspiracy in some capacity, but few can speak about this with any sort of authority or clarity, and whatever might be said would be rejected as ridiculous by 99.99% of people anyway. I have thought a great deal about time manipulation, and have read all the Montauk stuff and some of the "evidence" regarding planetary time-jumps and other bizarre stuff along the way, and I hesitate to speculate on this forum, but if it is possible to the extent of practicality and for reasons of information manipulation within our continuing time-line (ie. without causing branching off time-lines), then without question the Mossad / NSA / MI5 trio would have it. But, without playing the "time travel card", I will quickly rehash the known tech.
Rehash: the evil trio (Mossad / NSA / MI5) taps and analyses all communication in the World, probably including thought-forms. Yes, I am talking about every phone call, e-mail, letters, conversations (regardless of location), and most likely thought forms. The info is analysed, sorted, prioritised and obviously red flagged. There are many more "satellites" up there, and types of "computers" none of us sheeple can even fathom, so don't get caught up in the "they can't possibly have the computing power to do all that...." bullshit. They do. Times 10.
The people that are then flagged are monitored more closely, including through your TV, computer, and from satellite imagery (well beyond the latest infrared) into your home, then possibly from remote viewers, then from invasive energy techniques operated from afar. Once they have you red flagged, located, and tracked (via your specific EM radiation frequency, such that you can never run and hide) then your memories / ideas / motivations can be manipulated directly. Fears can be tweeked; anger can be created; perceptions can be changed; perhaps one can even be "suicided". Essentially, they can hack into your brain from afar and make significant changes, but my understanding is that this works to varying degrees, based on factors I don't quite understand. Therefore, they can use the same tech and make you consciously aware of the invasion and even torture you endlessly. This has been called "psychotronic torture / manipulation" and can be researched quite well on the internet. This can make anyone cave-in to nearly anything if you read all the reports from the various victims. But, don't forget, most World leaders / famous people are groomed for their positions from an early age, and are therefore already abused and programmed in various ways and already have various "hooks" into them (areas of potential blackmail / shame such as sexual deviance, pedophilia, satanic practice, drug abuse). So for most public figures, standard trauma based mind control, close overseeing by handlers, and full access to their monstrous deviancies is more than enough to keep them in-line with various agendas. And the money is always there along with power over some, of course. Blackmail / shame / and fear can be used also, but not on the 5-6% of the population that are purely "psycho" (as discussed in prior posts), and as you recall, the Controllers like to use as many henchmen from this group as possible as they are most sympatico with them.
But, for those of us who are not from "connected" families, and not abused and mind controlled / chipped, and not into a variety of deviancies that can get us "hooked", and still manage to cause some problems for the Controllers "out of left field", then the psychotronic tech can be used, first subconsciously, then overtly if needed (and I mean actual voices projected into your head, and a variety of painful sensations, and actual tissue damage too).
Now, let's be realistic. If any of us caused enough ripples and were not protected by pretty POWERFUL FORCES of some sort (Les, any comment?), then 99.99% of us would cave in to any demands within 72 hours. And why wouldn't all the criminal politicians??? Of course they do because most actually enjoy the situation as it is, and the more "ethical / moral" of the bunch who aren't psychos / deviants / zionists don't stand a chance with the awesomely invasive tech that can be used on them. Thankfully, this tech has not been directed at me, and I do take various precautions, but I doubt I would be in that 0.01% of hold-outs anyhow.
This is the tech and this explains the incredibly tight grip the Controllers have on all their public puppets, and most would-be "ripple makers" like us. At first, this may seem so daunting and hopeless, but when one understands the tech, protection can be sought, and mainly with some understanding of the occult forces of nature, which is what their tech / hardware is based upon in the first place. We must fight fire with fire, but have to IDENTIFY THE FIRE FIRST. Heads up people and think out in left field while you still can.
Good stuff. There's an interesting fellow called Silverfish who, (over at Penny's blog) said 'let's not forget who doesn't benefit.' Dig it, the flipside of Cui Bono (Cui Non Bono, I guess) works almost as well as the original. Muslims don't benefit, ergo...
Otherwise, apropos the vibe running through the comments, it seems like the single greatest crime might be 'thought crime', which is to say 'telling the truth'. Well that's the crime for me. Call me an enthusiastic and flagrant criminal.
I shall go on rampant crime sprees. I shall aid and abet other fellow criminals. I'll afflict all and sundry, from grannies to little kids. I shall be unrepetant and show no remorse for my 'victims'. I shall frighten the women and the horses. Indeed should anyone try and stop me I shall do my level best to tempt them into a life of crime. "Taste the forbidden fruit." And all the while laughing with glee at the devastation and shattered illusions I leave behind. My every waking thought will be criminal. No one will be safe.
I swear on my own skull and bones to lead a life of unstinting thought crime. 'Why are pirates, pirates? Because they arrrrrrrrrr!' It's a thought criminal's life for me, me hearties!
While you were posting this genius daughter, grandson and I were sitting way up in a tree near the top of Mt Diablo. Far below in the fog millions drove around in a shopping frenzy. I just wanna let you know that helps on the way cuz. . .
Dr F
That was I with the comment on time travel. Forgot to sign in or sign it. Glad to see you don't reject the concept as impossible and have some background on it e.g. Montauk. Sherlock Holmes said something about eliminating the impossible, but that in itself can be a dead end if one doesn't know what's possible.
Yes the psychotronic mind manipulation appears to be very real; I've read a desperate post from a victim on a forum whom everyone else was making fun of or ignoring; it seemed quite real to me and she got my sympathy and advice, including how to turn a room into a cheapo Faraday cage, a couple of steps up from a tinfoil hat.
One problem with any sort of torture is that it creates unwilling and generally temporary complicity, rather than actually "turning" the threat into an ally or compliant dupe. That's not to say that the constant and ongoing threat of pain whenever and wherever one is wouldn't be effective. I would speculate that there are some positive and pleasurable rewards offered to the right candidates; if the tech can be used to inflict pain it can probably be used to excite the pleasure center and endocrine glands as well.
As for splitting off another time line, that may only be a problem from our 3D viewpoint and not from a 4D one; perhaps the trend of numerous timelines going in the general negative direction of control is the goal from another perspective. When John Titor (whoever he was) was asked if he didn't worry about creating new timelines and futures his reply was that each of us do it multiple times every day. It's hard to say what the big picture looks like from the bottom of this deep well with a blindfold on. If there's a timeline there may well be a time-plane and a time-sphere also, or perhaps the structure looks more like a branching tree.
I was hoping you had some new data on humans using technology for time travel but even if the evidence for that isn't there, the existence of someone(s) with that ability as naturally as we would open a door and walk through, does solve a lot of mysteries rather neatly.
As for fighting fire with fire, the tools of the evil ones use technology because they are cut off from the creative side of Source and can't access their own higher powers to do it naturally; seems to be a rule that one doesn't get access to those higher functions for purely evil purposes, thus they attempt to recruit talent and resort to torture and human sacrifice to gain power. As places such as Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and the US Prison system serve no pragmatic purpose, I'm thinking that their purpose is to harvest loosh to feed whatever egregore is in control, plus providing a pool of negative energy and suffering to be directed towards the present downward spiral.
We, however, do have the ability to access the creative power, and the collective dream, once it reaches critical mass, will be far more powerful than the negative desire for control. We don't have to wait for divine intervention, it's just a thought away every moment.
Salvia Dvinorum is the key to bind these creatures. Salvia is the weapon against these creatures, that is why they are trying to make this substance illegal. Salvia is an herb not ot this planet, as it can only be cultivated via cuttings.
I had a dream that a bunch of us did a mass salvia trip with the specific purpose of cleansing the planet of these parasistes, like a shaman exorcism. Salvia will aid us in finding the spiral wormholes to the other wordly places that we need to access. There is hope, Les. They want us to think that there is not. Please look into the Salvia divinorum and see what Terrance McKenna has to say about it as a tool for personal growth and social change, Les. Please. Salvia is the weapon of the shaman against these beings, human and not so human.
I tried to pick up the indymedia/cleveland story that an anonymous poster here referred to (thx for the thought and effort) and it wouldnt come up. Can any kind soul here mention what it was about?
Nice post Dr F! People must realize that when the circuitry of the brain is opened the complexity of the circuit is so immense that controlling it may become more complex than any computer could relate to. What the trick of it for the human is that they must have this understanding and tap into it for their own benefit and shooting for the long haul ‘so to speak’ is key. This takes the information/action into another arena ‘plasma physics’ radio waves are nice but plasma is more efficient; http://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/research/#A3
When you scatter RF you are essentially inducing a quantum teleportation state and yes the brain is capable of this process…this is the way in and the way out of good and evil ‘as many refer to’ and the fire you refer to in your identification issue.
I have to do some due diligence ‘astro/physics at CU at Boulder connection with NIST...’ and will get back ‘maybe’ on the time issue…
Is there hope ‘long haul’ of coarse, don’t be too scared chickens, take it slow…
"m_astera": We are very much on the same page. My feeling about time manipulation / travel is that it might be much simpler (but at the same time very profound) for us to do than we currently realise. The major problem is that thanks to all the misdirection about time flow from Hollywood movies and fictional books, our understanding of time is severely handicapped - quite intentionally of course. So we are often left with wild speculation (albeit still fascinating) that probably has little to no bearing on reality. Essentially just blither-blather. However, if one reads stuff on "occult" Masters of years past (stuff by Spalding, Blavatsky, even old Lobsang Rampa - who are all referred to as "frauds" now...), then time manipulation was considered child's play by them. But, it took deep understanding and lots of training and a certain good intent. Which brings me to your other excellent point:
The Controllers need the physical tech and hardware to compensate for what they are "naturally" incapable of. How true. And this is their Achilles heel, me thinks. And although Faraday cages and other protective hardware can be useful, our mind is ultimately where the complete protection (and counter defence) lays. This is the biggest challenge for modern sheeple.
Another great point is that all the psychotronic stuff can certainly create pleasure. Profound pleasure. So it becomes a powerful pain/pleasure response modification tool also. And don't forget, in general all the tech, whether it is for mind control, psychotronic torture, embedded audio/visual subliminals, radionic manipulation of our DNA, cloning, brain wave manipulation from certain EM frequency broadcast, weather manipulation via HAARP, etc. ALL COULD EASILY BE USED FOR GOOD AND BENEFIT HUMANITY GREATLY. It's just the flip side of the coin. We need insiders who know and work with the tech to start flipping the switches in our favour; this would be the big push / awakening that the sheeple need. This could also be another explaination of what might occur in 2012, who knows.
Salvia divinorum?? Interesting...
Some crazy people at NIST Boulder (Rochford, Wineland and Itano) threw me under the bus a month ago! Anyhow, spoke with Andrew J. S. Hamilton [home page]
Fellow of JILA
Professor, Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences CU Boulder...
few moments ago, he is majic...lol, cleaned up a very big mess in just moments LOL...anyhow, the switch is flipped 'serious kung fu at the Ritz LOL'
On a smaller scale; Nice synopsis!!
I think I can, I think I can...
There exists a natural order, which was set in motion, at the beginning of time. Natural laws govern the existence of all things. Things we cannot change. Everything has its season. Credit has altered that natural order, by allowing people to live in the future. To have the material things today, we sacrifice our natural future. We have given the power to those who create the credit, and false promise of happiness, simply by accepting their offer. If people would simply STOP borrowing, the beast would die. Learn to live today, and truly experience life. Which came first, the borrower or the lender?
Says the Northcom drone walking the street
Your go'ment don't need no stinkin' warrant
The screw tightens
Nina, to answer..pick one
11:19 anon...am going out on a limb here, don't want to find out your a secret lovey of mine (no offense to any secret lovey's..) Credit has nothing to do with natural order for if it is natural it is can not be obstructed at the level you are touching on here. Try again...
Wall Street Bailout--$8.7 Trillion
Auto maker Bailout-$30 Billion
Bone-In Party Ham--24.95
Ability to shove the ham up your ass and pull out the bone to get back where you were in 2007--
Jj - that was brief commentary was PRICELESS"!!!! HAHAHAHA
Hi Dr F
I have been thinking about your posts - which I find very interesting - and the subject of time manipulation (if that is the right word).
My obvious thought is that time travel of any kind is impossible.
That is until you consider worm holes.
Now lots of people seem to accept the theory behind wormholes - the bending of space, even those who are rather sceptical of many things.
But wormholes must also bend time.
If it takes 50 light years to travel from A to B and a worm hole allows you to do it in a minute, you have effectively jumped not only across space but also the time it would have taken to travel.
Now supposing you could open a worm hole not across space but between two points on earth, could you not then jump time? The further one needed to travel the longer the wormhole could be extended between these two points.
I am surely the thickest person on this board -so please excuse my question if it is too absurd but it seems to me that if wormholes exist - why only space?
Could they not be applicable to time and the passing along a timeline, certainly forwards but backwards as well.
For will wilson:
by x Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006 at 1:05 PM
Feds surveyed NYC for radiation, found tainted park, Embassy
WASHINGTON -- Anti-terrorism officials conducted a helicopter survey of
New York City's radiation sources in preparation for a so-called "dirty
bomb" attack - and discovered a Staten Island park with dangerously high
levels of radium, a new report found.
Federal authorities found 80 unexpected "hot spots" around New York
City, according to the Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of Congress.
The GAO report released Thursday details a previously undisclosed aerial
anti-terrorism program in New York City, one which may be extended to
other cities worried about the possible release of radioactive material
by terrorists.
The report does not identify which city park had the contaminated soil,
but NYPD officials said it was in Gateway National Park in Staten
Island. The site was closed, and New York has requested federal money to
do a citywide aerial survey every year to update the information.
By creating a map of the city's radiation sources, city officials hope
to be able to respond more quickly in the event of a dirty bomb attack,
know exactly which streets are contaminated and get civilians away.
New York is the first and only U.S. city to conduct a complete aerial
radiological survey, having paid the U.S. Department of Energy $800,000
for the 2005 study.
The helicopters picked up sources of low-level radiation from expected
places, like granite statues and medical isotopes at hospitals, but it
also found dozens of other sources of unexpected radioactivity, the GAO
report found.
"NYPD officials indicated that the survey was tremendously valuable
because it identified more than 80 locations with radiological sources
that required further investigation to determine their risk," the report
At the Staten Island park, sensors detected large quantities of radium
in the soil. Long-term exposure to radium increases the risk of
developing lymphoma, bone cancer and leukemia.
National Park Service spokesman Brian Feeney said the area is a one-acre
piece of the 570-acre Great Kills Park, which is part of the larger
Gateway park.
Feeney said experts assured them after the August 2005 study that the
area posed no public health risk, and said visitors do not go into that
area anyway because of dense vegetation. He did not know if any warnings
had been placed around the site.
The radiation apparently comes from "some piece of industrial equipment,
pieces of old rusty metal. Whatever this equipment used to do, it picked
up radioactivity," he said.
"We keep people out of that area. It's a non-accessible area of the
park, no one can get in there," said Feeney. "There's no health hazard
now, there was never a health hazard to the public."
He said the agency has applied to the Department of Energy for funding
to further survey the site.
Staten Island's congressman, Rep. Vito Fossella, said the contamination
was a surprise to him and residents near the park, and he demanded more
"It is essential for the government to act immediately to fully
understand the extent of the contamination," said Fossella, who was
trying to arrange a meeting Friday with federal and city officials to
discuss further testing and possible removal of the contaminated soil.
One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the
potential for becoming a political hot spot: A strong radiation spike
from the area of the Israeli Embassy. Officials would not comment on why
they thought that particular area allegedly showed such a stunning peak
in radiation.
The aerial survey is designed to help local officials react more quickly
in the event of terrorists detonating a "dirty bomb" that releases
radioactive material into the air. With the survey, police may be able
to pinpoint the exact source of radiation by comparing new readings to
their pre-existing "radiation map" of the area.
NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the department wanted a record of the
city's naturally occurring and other "radiological signatures" to
compare with periodic readings it does to detect for dirty bombs or
other nuclear devices.
"It gives us a baseline so we can pick up any anomalies," he said.
New York City is the only major city to conduct a full-scale Aerial
Background Radiation Survey to identify "hot spots," though such work
has been done in the nation's capitol, according to the report.
The GAO found neither the Department of Energy nor the Department of
Homeland Security believe they are required to conduct such radiation
mapping, though the investigators said there were "significant benefits"
to surveys in other urban areas.
Homeland Security officials agreed that they should study the cost and
effectiveness of expanded radiation mapping in additional cities.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called the report further proof the
federal government is not doing enough to help cities guard against
The hot spot mapping initiative "should also be shared with cities
across the country, not mothballed because the Homeland Security
Department doesn't want to put up the money," Schumer said.
The GAO report also found the Department of Energy may need to beef up
security at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Andrews Air Force Base
in Maryland because those sites hold key national assets for responding
to a radiological or nuclear attack.
Specialized quick-response teams and equipment are concentrated at those
two sites, and a successful attack against either could leave one
section of the country with limited capacity to respond to a subsequent
strike with radioactive weapons, the GAO said.
The agency's associate administrator, Michael C. Kane, was adamant the
sites are safe.
"We categorically reject the contention that physical security at two of
our facilities may not be sufficient for protecting against terrorist
attacks," Kane wrote.>>
For will wilson
Funny thing happened to me. Wouldn't accept the paste ... ?
Trying again ..
by x Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006 at 1:05 PM
Feds surveyed NYC for radiation, found tainted park, Embassy
WASHINGTON -- Anti-terrorism officials conducted a helicopter survey of
New York City's radiation sources in preparation for a so-called "dirty
bomb" attack - and discovered a Staten Island park with dangerously high
levels of radium, a new report found.
Federal authorities found 80 unexpected "hot spots" around New York
City, according to the Government Accountability Office, the
investigative arm of Congress.
The GAO report released Thursday details a previously undisclosed aerial
anti-terrorism program in New York City, one which may be extended to
other cities worried about the possible release of radioactive material
by terrorists.
The report does not identify which city park had the contaminated soil,
but NYPD officials said it was in Gateway National Park in Staten
Island. The site was closed, and New York has requested federal money to
do a citywide aerial survey every year to update the information.
By creating a map of the city's radiation sources, city officials hope
to be able to respond more quickly in the event of a dirty bomb attack,
know exactly which streets are contaminated and get civilians away.
New York is the first and only U.S. city to conduct a complete aerial
radiological survey, having paid the U.S. Department of Energy $800,000
for the 2005 study.
The helicopters picked up sources of low-level radiation from expected
places, like granite statues and medical isotopes at hospitals, but it
also found dozens of other sources of unexpected radioactivity, the GAO
report found.
"NYPD officials indicated that the survey was tremendously valuable
because it identified more than 80 locations with radiological sources
that required further investigation to determine their risk," the report
At the Staten Island park, sensors detected large quantities of radium
in the soil. Long-term exposure to radium increases the risk of
developing lymphoma, bone cancer and leukemia.
National Park Service spokesman Brian Feeney said the area is a one-acre
piece of the 570-acre Great Kills Park, which is part of the larger
Gateway park.
Feeney said experts assured them after the August 2005 study that the
area posed no public health risk, and said visitors do not go into that
area anyway because of dense vegetation. He did not know if any warnings
had been placed around the site.
The radiation apparently comes from "some piece of industrial equipment,
pieces of old rusty metal. Whatever this equipment used to do, it picked
up radioactivity," he said.
"We keep people out of that area. It's a non-accessible area of the
park, no one can get in there," said Feeney. "There's no health hazard
now, there was never a health hazard to the public."
He said the agency has applied to the Department of Energy for funding
to further survey the site.
Staten Island's congressman, Rep. Vito Fossella, said the contamination
was a surprise to him and residents near the park, and he demanded more
"It is essential for the government to act immediately to fully
understand the extent of the contamination," said Fossella, who was
trying to arrange a meeting Friday with federal and city officials to
discuss further testing and possible removal of the contaminated soil.
One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the
potential for becoming a political hot spot: A strong radiation spike
from the area of the Israeli Embassy. Officials would not comment on why
they thought that particular area allegedly showed such a stunning peak
in radiation.
The aerial survey is designed to help local officials react more quickly
in the event of terrorists detonating a "dirty bomb" that releases
radioactive material into the air. With the survey, police may be able
to pinpoint the exact source of radiation by comparing new readings to
their pre-existing "radiation map" of the area.
NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the department wanted a record of the
city's naturally occurring and other "radiological signatures" to
compare with periodic readings it does to detect for dirty bombs or
other nuclear devices.
"It gives us a baseline so we can pick up any anomalies," he said.
New York City is the only major city to conduct a full-scale Aerial
Background Radiation Survey to identify "hot spots," though such work
has been done in the nation's capitol, according to the report.
The GAO found neither the Department of Energy nor the Department of
Homeland Security believe they are required to conduct such radiation
mapping, though the investigators said there were "significant benefits"
to surveys in other urban areas.
Homeland Security officials agreed that they should study the cost and
effectiveness of expanded radiation mapping in additional cities.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called the report further proof the
federal government is not doing enough to help cities guard against
The hot spot mapping initiative "should also be shared with cities
across the country, not mothballed because the Homeland Security
Department doesn't want to put up the money," Schumer said.
The GAO report also found the Department of Energy may need to beef up
security at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Andrews Air Force Base
in Maryland because those sites hold key national assets for responding
to a radiological or nuclear attack.
Specialized quick-response teams and equipment are concentrated at those
two sites, and a successful attack against either could leave one
section of the country with limited capacity to respond to a subsequent
strike with radioactive weapons, the GAO said.
The agency's associate administrator, Michael C. Kane, was adamant the
sites are safe.
"We categorically reject the contention that physical security at two of
our facilities may not be sufficient for protecting against terrorist
attacks," Kane wrote.>>
Salialioli-THANKS -
Actually, I read this months ago-And, Forwarded It to as many as possible.
My thanks are for-posting it , so others who might not know can see-and, being discerning.
Ah, I see how it is and it's why I would fight people like the original writer to keep those like him from running any aspect of my life or the lives of my loved ones. Apparently, I was sensored by him though I said nothing wrong. I merely gave a subjective personal opinion based on what I know are certain and indispuable facts. And people like the writer would sensor anyone they could if they determined those opinions to be less worthy. China does that, Castro and now his brother do it, Stalin, Hitler, and many other pigs have sensored the poor sheep they controled. There is one inarguable fact about the US today. There are still men who are willing to be true men and fight and die if necessary for their right to live free of oppression and sensorship. I don't think fighting the cksht space alien who wrote this blog would be much of a challenge.
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