Yesterday, Barack Obama was installed as president of the decomposing empire of the United States. A few months ago I wrote an inaugural address for Obama. According to the strange serendipity of the internet, I wound up at the top of the Google search results for the keywords and over the last couple of days I have been receiving tens of thousands of hits. This has brought me visits from personality types who don’t usually find themselves in places like my blogs.
The readership at my blogs consists of highly literate and well-informed individuals. They find their way here because they go to real news sites. These are not the sort of people who get their news from the mainstream media. These new visits and the relative intelligence of these individuals are reflected in the responses they are leaving in my comments section. I’m hearing tired canards about ‘taking your meds’. I’m hearing from people who are going to hunt down and kill anyone who criticizes Obama. I’m receiving comments from people who haven’t a clue about 9/11 and who believe it’s just something in the past and doesn’t matter to the present and the future of their country. It’s all very revealing.
These people are so far away from the truth about their situation that seeking to inform them about anything is tantamount to speaking to them in a foreign language which they will never learn. You might as well be talking to your house cat about electricity.
The storm clouds are gathered on the horizon. In the midst of the cheering and celebrations, the sleeping classes are dancing in their dreams while their house is on fire. They are in the same situation as a driver going down the highway who is ignoring every sign and traffic light. It is hard to feel sorry for people like this. These are the sorts of people who will seek to do you bodily harm for telling them something intended to save and protect them.
Even though I and others like me move through your world we are not a part of it. Our world is as foreign to you as a lawnmower is to a headhunter. Your world seems to us like a suicidal madness where you believe what you are told by people who consider you suckers, fools and disposable as the plastic wrappers that cover the processed foods you consume in order to feed the medical industries who rely on your poor health for profit and survival.
I think back over the centuries and wonder at all the times that your shiny, believing faces have gazed in awe and hope upon the leaders whose intention was to destroy you. I think of all the pointless wars, designed for the profit of those who created them, into which you marched to brass bands and waving banners. I think of the witch hunts and the religious leaders who convinced you that your God was a bloodthirsty demon who would destroy everyone but yourselves.
I think of all the great art that you venerate and will never understand. I think about the books like “Candide” and the works of Kafka and Orwell. I think of the clear exposition of the destiny of our repeating personality types as expressed in the works of Shakespeare and I see you chewing your gum like the cows chew their cuds in the field. You will never understand the intentions of these authors and you will never understand yourself as you are. You dance across the surface of life and you mock those who have your best interests at heart while you present your necks for the headsman. There is nothing you can be told. You flutter by like butterflies that live for a day and cannot conceive of what is obvious to the purposes of the lives made different than your own.
Now you have a president whose knowledge of the tasks before him are the equal of a child in grammar school presented with a problem in theoretical physics. He’s a Hollywood president. He’s a man who might play the part in a television show and he only has to look the part. It’s not the same as real life. In real life there are no convenient scripts where one only has to repeat their lines. There is no need here to understand the problems because the problems are all solved by the waving of a magic wand between commercial breaks.
Hope and change are the slogans of a product that promises results than cannot be delivered. They are a call to arms against an enemy who is yourself. Hope is best defined in the phrase, “wish in one hand and shit in the other.” Change and the promise of improvement are best understood in the belief that you can achieve different results by doing the same thing over again. But you do not want to hear this. This is like fingernails drawn down a blackboard. This provokes the rage behind your denial and though it is never different, you believe that this time it will be different.
Here we have a lawyer with no practical grasp beyond his profession who intends to change your world without either the tools or the skills to accomplish it. Therefore these tasks will be handed over to the very elements that have brought you to where you are today. His chief adviser is an on site representative of a foreign nation which is the greatest enemy your country has beside epidemic ignorance and a childish enthusiasm for magic wands and miracle products. You have my sympathies.
How many times and in how many lands have you been seduced by grand promises and stirring rhetoric? How many times have you been fleeced and led into penury? How many times have you been whipped by the fear of manufactured enemies?
Obama falls to his knees before the nation of Israel and you dance about with stardust in your eyes and think how fine a thing it is that you live in the greatest nation on Earth. How great can your nation be when those elected or appointed to serve you have their first allegiance to a tiny little country whose main industry is practicing genocide on their neighbors? What do you think of their representatives spying on your nation, attacking your nation under the guise of others? What do you think of their destruction of your financial system? Even your own propaganda mills of the main stream media report on the actions of these representatives every day from Jack Abramoff to Bernie Madoff. What do you think? You do not think. You cannot think.
How can your Hollywood president have your best interests at heart when his first concern is the commands and directives of a foreign power? What kind of a president is unable to speak out against the publicly performed murder and torment of one of the weakest peoples on Earth? You see it there as day follows day. You see it on the electronic altar of your real God which is your television set.
It is only fitting that you should have a Hollywood president for you are a Hollywood people whose lives have no more substance than the characters in the programs that you watch. You are manipulated by and enthralled with those whose primary intention is to deceive and abuse you and you have your fingers in your ears while you scream to blot out the voice of truth that must, perforce, find another means to inform you; those who cannot hear must feel.
A president who does not have the interests of his own country before all others cannot be a welcome or competent leader. A president who can see the truth but will not speak the truth is a compromised tool in the hands of others. Hope and change; we shall see what hope shall come. Change will come regardless and it will reflect the will of those empowered to animate it. It will come according to the understanding of those affected by it. The popcorn, candy and soft drinks can be purchased in the lobby.
'Rocket Ship' is track no. 7 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

NOTE; With this posting this blog will pass one million visitors. Thank you for your support and all the ways in which you have helped me to become more capable with what I've had to work with (grin).
Trying to explain realities about life to people is a scary, if not dangerous task.
Try talking to people about 9/11 and some will get a clouded look in their eyes, mutter a Huh? and wander off in what appears to be a drug induced haze.
Others will get violent, threatening to beat the shit out of some "Muzzie Lover" like you.
Some will listen and even ask questions and with those, you know you've at least opened a window.
But it's the first two that are large and in charge of this nation, a nation that has been taken over by a foreign power, Israel and is using our military as if it was their own while other members of this same tribe go about looting and plundering Wall Street and robbing Americans blind.
Don't expect the Congress to come to our aid, most of them are in service to Israel and the banking industry and have no time for the little people.
Keep chewing your cud, America and soon, maybe real soon, we'll be treated like Gaza and Lebanon was by being attacked by our own military.
Sure, there will be some brave marines and soldiers who refuse to kill their own countrymen and they'll be executed on the spot for refusing an order.
To be replaced by ass kissers and back stabbers who will gladly take on that task, to get at that promotion.
How is it that these types always manage to float to the top of the toilet bowl is beyond me.
One line of Obama's speech gave me hope:
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
I was kind of hoping he was talking about the Zionist/Bolshevik/Babylon crowd, and I include all their Useful Idiots - oppressive Communist regimes - in my designation. Then again, it might just be me, smoking the Hopium.
Thank you once again for writing that goes straight to the heart. I am not by nature cynical, only by the number of years I have lived and seen promises turn out to have been lies. I believe it was the Roman poet, Cicero, who once said, "Politicians are not born, they are excreted."
That was over 2,000 years ago. Things haven't changed much, have they.
As to Obama...I think of him as Jello. Pleasant enough on a nice summer day, but not something you crave. Not filling enough to be substantial, but attractive in a crystal dish. It's all about show now. In fact, I think it has been for many, many years.
I grew up in a racist time in a racist state. "No Coloreds" and "Whites Only" are forever burned into my memory banks. The emotional part of the Inaugural Hollywood movie meme brought a few dénouement tears, but that was about it. We have moved on (or, at least, those who can move on have).
From a strictly energetic perspective (right brain), Obama is okay. Okay from the perspective that I'd rather see/hear him tell the nation that there will be rationing and food lines than bubblehead Bush. The de facto events that have been laid out in front of us are coming regardless of what "administrator" (Phillip Dru notwithstanding) is at the helm.
The course has been plotted, programmed into the system (matrix) and is auto-piloted regardless of whose hands are on the wheel.
Without eating up space with back-story and explanations, suffice to say that we have entered a vibrational period known as the "Pluto in Capricorn Transit" [~ 230 to 250 years in returning]. It has a long history with the people of the world. Known as the "turning point for Empires," it matters not that the "scientific" world has banned Pluto from its "planet" status. Its resonant energy is still there. It didn't disappear when astronomers shut the door on its planetary validity.
It's a cycle, a wave, a period of time with a very specific milieu: Consolidation; Start and End of Empires, Religions, Regimes; establishing rules & structures. Control.
Pluto in Capricorn coincides with the establishment of a new world order.
With each cycle, significant developments occurred: In the first century, Christianity started to become the established religion. In the 16th century, the Reformation took shape and arguably created a new religion with a work ethic suitable for the Industrial Revolution.
At the same time, in South America, Cortes brought about the dissolution of the Aztec Empire (1521) and Pizarro destroyed the Inca Empire (1532) to create the Spanish global Empire, bringing untold wealth to Spain and establishing Roman Catholicism in the New World.
Some examples:
[1515- 1532] 1517 Religious Practice: Martin Luther confronts Roman Catholic Church: 95 Theses. 1521 Luther faces Diet of Worms.
Start of New and End of old Empires: 1520 Under Suleiman the Magnificent, start of Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire. 1521 Cortes conquers Aztec Empire (Mexico). 1532 Pizarro conquers Inca Empire (Peru).
1768 Ottoman Empire starts to decline with series of wars with Russia. 1775 Start of American Revolutionary War. 1776 US Declaration of Independence. 1778 Valley Forge.
[2008- 2024]
The current crisis in the capitalist system reflects the adjustments that are needed for Pluto in Capricorn. Now, trust in the system is no longer about faith. It has to be based on a reality. Property value is closer to the bricks and mortar value. Commodities including gas and oil reflect the laws of supply and demand.
Borrowing (by banks, investors, property owners and businesses) without real assets has been exposed as a sham. Capricorn is about realism, skepticism, pragmatism and caution. Pluto brings the new underlying values into play.
World-wide Regime Change (as expected with Pluto in Capricorn) is starting to happen.
(History cyclically repeating itself, we can expect :)
- End of Empires: Kingdoms of the British Isles start to set up home rule, leading to the break up of the UK as a single country. - End of Empire: End of supremacy of the US as a super power and the Dollar as the world currency. - Re-emergence of China and India. - Government Control of Information & Internet.
Paper or plastic with that?
It seems to me here Les that you have somehow lost hope in americans to wake up in masses. I may be wrong but the truth looks to someone like those musicians playing on a Titanic when ships is going under - let us not be distracted for freezing water and death is STILL 5 decks below. Let us not think about poor drowning subhumans below for we are all safe and sound belov the starry sky with entertainment and why o why should "i bother my beautiful mind" - as somebody said once. there is a catch though - rescue boats for the chosen one are already in the water and mark my words YOU the brave and glorious TV americans are most shure not in them and most shure there will be no space for you when freezing and icy waters of depression, hunger,despair and war finally reaches your doorstep. until then there is still Hollywood and magic of ilussion. Our silence is our collaboration. Spread the word Les, you now WE hear you, and let freedom and peace one day finally shine on childrens of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and elswhere where dark hand of Israel now reigns...but not for much longer!
To those of you who found yourselves here, there is a reason--where you take it from here is up to you--
Look around the site and read the articles and the comments--see what resonates with you and follow it--
Participate, it's important to all of us.
wise words, great blog, keep it up sir!
I spent the evening watching the Obama-fest on the BBC among a group of wide-eyed believers who hold fast the idea that he represents the last great hope of humanity. As the evening progressed my heart sank further and further as the realisation set in that nothing could shake them from their belief, that their need for a saviour was an addiction, just like their need for the reassurance that the financial catastrophe was just a passing phase and that their lives would soon return to "normal".
Thanks again Les for this and all the rest, and congratulations on passing the one million mark.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves".
During the 60s and 70s many wise men were killed or rendered powerless-Kennedy, King, Wallace, Malcolm, Rockwell, and others too numberless to list. Their common denominator-they spoke out or acted against either the Zionists, the ultra-wealthy(like the foundations) or the bankers. Some of them even recognized that unity of the races was needed to move against such people.
Obviously,at some time in the past certain old American families who have been at the top (since the 1800s) made a cynical and self-serving alliance with the Jewish Zionists and have-sold out their own nation. For a mess of pottage-material gain. And they have set up the new security laws set up since the False Flag Attack of 9/11 as their way of attempting to deal pre-emptively with dissent.
Les, I definately get your distress. Trying to wake people up and getting berated and vilified for ones efforts can be quite aggravating.
You say change will come according to the understanding of those affected by it. Even if we understand, what can we do? What should we do?
I often encounter the same problems as Greg. The difference, though, is that I'm talking to the people about eating meat and the animal slaughter involved.
They call me animal lover, make caveman like remarks about a good steak and wander off complaining about human rights. Odd, I think.
I never tire of your writings and this latest is bang-on. Loved it. I am neither left nor right as I believe the left/right paradigm is a dead construct. One that is mainstream media generated. I am also one that does not enjoy the taste of Kool-Aid.
I'll watch as the sheep guide themselves to slaughter as they fawn over their 'Messiah' for the next few weeks. Once reality hits hard and Hr. Hopey Changey must raise taxes or make up whole new ones to pay for his planned debt-for-debt hand-outs (stimulus/bailouts), while finding that he must make other arrangements to 'fix' things, the sheep will simply queue and accept this as a matter of 'change'. The sheep will also attempt to drag everyone with them into this 'call to service' only to find that there is no 'hope' and that this is a continuum of more-of-the-same. The wake-up of these people may take weeks, I'm afraid. Some, not at all.
More-of-the-same has been evident from the appointments of the Treasury-Secretary-that-might-be (who doesn't pay taxes), Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, who got to keep his job (that worked under Bush and launched illegal wars and occupations predicated on lies), a top economic adviser from the Clinton era whose repeal in 1999 of Glass-Steagall has given us the clusterfuck we have today and is back in a position of power (Lawrence Summers) and various other scary appointees that, long ago, should have either been investigated and jailed. Oh yea. Some of them were. But the Obama-ites are far too busy gushing and never researched any of the cabinet appointments. I'm guessing that they weren't presented in big purple crayon graphics on CNN for them or they were simply distracted by other shiny things on their way to read about them.
Millions of more jobs will be lost. Foresclosures will continue to soar. Taxes will be raised. Bailouts will still be handed out in the trillions as more banks fail and entire states within the union will spiral further into bankruptcy (Calif., Arizona, Michigan, Ohio and Rhode Island are already caught in the deep-shit spin cycle), the derivatives beast will never be tamed and will only balloon. All this, and more, while the frontman and his newly formed cabal will "attempt" to fix a system that is irreparably broken and will, for a time, blame it on Bush. Uh sorry, Obama-ites, your man voted yes on Iraq and yes on bailouts and will give you more! He is Wall Street owned and backed. Speaking of Wall Street, it was quite interesting that the DOW fell some 300 points and closed under 8,000 yesterday. Wall Street isn't feeling the love for Messianic 'change' as much as Main Street is.
To the Obama-ites out there, believe what you will. But remember, this is still only a politician that we're talking about. One that is a puppet for very powerful people and you're not going to like him very much in the coming months. The blame game upon former administrations will not wash when you're jobless, homeless and can't get welfare from your bankrupt state in which you reside to buy very much food. Obama's biggest mistake, so far, was having a party for himself yesterday that cost tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions, while millions lose their jobs and starve daily.
He should have chose going before the Justice Of The Peace instead of the big church wedding. But, you Obama-ites needed pomp and circumstance while you're all being turned in paupers.
On 1 million + hits: congrats! I wonder how many went on their way, enlightened or confused?
On 44s (means dbl-death in Cantonese) Speech: the stirring speech of 'the president' (another actor) in Independence Day came strongly to mind. I then wondered if anyone else thought the same?...or maybe, it that it was penned by the same screenwriter?
On 44s Pals (Seen/Unseen): fruit does not fall far from the tree, they say...this tree from which the no. 44 fruit suddenly dropped (or was that 'appeared'?) is also surrounded (or infested) by a veritable orchard of the same rotting trees diseased and disributing the same rotten fruit; and by their fruits ye shall know them.
On 44 as POTUS: out with The Fool and in with The Joker. And, sadly, the joke is on US.
Nil desperandum!
Pax Verbum
i tried to leave this as a comment under the Hollywood Prez blogbut i'm retarded and wasn't doing something right
so i just find another way ...
i always like to take heart in the fact that maybe ol' barack isn't really stupid, that hopefully he can think - and perhaps because of fate or whatever he may find himself reading your blog ... and see some truth - ya never know what's gona happen ~ peace out viz ... peace on earth (one CAN hope)
amy rigg
I admit I allowed myself a small sliver of hope for Obama. I was less hopeful when he chose Biden (but at least it wasn't Clinton) as his VP. All hope ended the day he picked Rahm. I knew then that his sellout had been complete and total. And, as he began to fill his cabinet with mostly Jewish appointees, I knew that basically the coup was complete. Now, I have nothing against Jews practicing their religion. What I do have a problem with is Jews putting Israel first and sadly, I have met zero Jews who can put America first. That is not to say that they don't exist. It is just that I haven't met any ordinary Jewish person on the street who doesn't automatically get defensive, if not downright nasty, when you criticize Israel. But, maybe it is just the conservative area I live in that is the problem ...
In some ways, I think Obama is worse than W. Obama will shut up all the Democrats (they don't want to admit that Democrats are no better than Republicans). Black people will be very vocal in their support as they will perceive (and will be coached by the media in this) that any criticism of Obama is driven by racism. Conservatives will be happy to find out that Obama is maintaining the status quo -- so their criticism won't be nearly as harsh as it could be b/c they'll actually be pretty happy with him.
All this means that Obama just bought those really in power at least a year or two to finish what they started before they have to start dealing with the angry mobs. By that time, they hope that we will be so distressed over the economic collapse and our subsequent starvation and homelessness, that we'll be begging them to throw us a crumb in exchange for complete and total control of our lives. What is really depressing, is that I think the American people have not been underestimated.
The few who will fight will be eliminated. When the time comes, I hope I have the courage to be one of them.
Well Les, we will see what we will see. Although it does look like a continuation of a leg humping policy toward israel, until Obama gets his footing, so to speak, we don't really know what he is going to DO. You know as well as I do that anyone that aspires to the presidency in america has to suck up to AIPAC and israel in general just to get the job. However once the job is gotten, his actions could be quite different. Kennedys' were, and it gives me hope. Not much mind you, but this is one of those cases when some is better than none. As cynical as I am, and I am, I don't seem to be able to shed my penchant for hope. My idealism is like the highlander, it keeps taking these mortal blows and it just won't die. As I listened to his speech, I couldn't help but hope that it was for real. That he is for real. That he has played the powers that be for fools and will now turn them out with the truth. That he has and will establish a raport with the people, and threaten the money masters with us, unless they ease their strangle hold, and let us live.
I look at my own words and say, yea right, when pigs fly, but I can't help this inane hope. I don't really understand it. My idealism has been pummeled in ways I never thought possible, been slapped in the face with reality so hard my whole family passed out, yet here I am standing in the echo of the speech, and hoping. Astounding! Peace
"lies will seek you out, but the truth must be sought."
Most Americans are too damn lazy/stupid to seek the truth and they are about to get what they deserve. I certainly wish, unlike you, I didn't have a ring side seat. When I sold my home last year I considered leaving the country, but I lack the sense of adventure that I once had when I was younger. Anyhow I am informed and that should give me an edge. At least I hope so. I also like my guns etc. and that could be a problem in most Western countries. The coming chaos won't be limited to the USA.
Keep up the good work. Wish we had people like you in Congress. Well have to get back to the Senate confirmation hearings of Jew Geithner for treasury secretary. Obongo has really been assigned some winners!!!!!!!!
mornin les,
glad ta see ya back at the keyboard.
i'm shoulder to shoulder with your sentiments.
This entry is very much like a page out of Wilhelm Reich's 'Listen Little Man'. I've always been fascinated by the human imperative to 'conform and obey' especially when it bypasses the need to think. Reich lambastes the sheep with scorn. He also lambastes 'careerism'--the sheeps' willingness to do whatever it takes to 'get ahead' in their careers--their willingness and eagerness to sell out their fellow sheep to make a name for themselves. Sheep in wolves' clothing. You are equally contemptuous of the sheep as was Reich--maybe more so. I have friends who are sheep, and they never cease to amaze me with their ignorance.
Obama is the second coming, a true visionary...Ron Paul is nothing but a blathering idiot, ignore him....
The Bible states that "Good will be considered Evil, Evil will be considered Good" in the Final Days. The Final Days do NOT mean the end of the world, it means the end of an age.
More examples:
Israel is good, Palestine, Iran, Syria, Lebanon are evil... Government help for Big Business/Banking is good, any help for the shrinking middle class is evil...
Usury and a privately-owned central banking system(Fed) is good, Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution are out-dated and bad...
Monsanto, Cargill, ADM are good, organic co-op in Ohio is bad....
Hopefully the remnant who still have the faculties to use common sense, compassion and desire for harmony in this world can use your blogs (and other sites) to keep informed. As hard as it may seem to keep from getting depressed, I try to take solace with the idea that there are still some people who have a spirit within to try to make this world a good place for all of Yahweh's creations. Sooner or later there will be a purging. Perhaps those of us who can manage to "Get out of her" (the Babylonian system) will truly be that surviving remnant promised.
Yes, in the world but not of it. I too often have that feeling, that I am one of the few awake among the living brain dead.
The power elite can train human beings just like a dog trainer. Give them a treat, make them feel good with praise, and discipline and invoke fear when necessary. It's been this way for all recorded history, if we can believe those who record history.
Always right on the money Les !!
I feel bad for the African-Americans who are
putting all their hopes in this man. It is a huge milestone for them and they should be allowed to enjoy it while it lasts.
Unfortunately, I truly believe Obama was chosen
because the new focus in foreign policy is Africa, and the also believe that the bankers need a little division in American society.
It has been overshadowed by the unanimity and rejoicing, but as the economy sinks further large divisions will form within the USA.
Although Obama seems like a nice man.. a good father, great wife and family.... I think you're right Les... he's all Hollywood. Which means the shysters are still in control.
Imagine, Les’ Smoking Mirrors blogspot taking rank ONE on the Google search engine. With one of Les’ typical hard hitting essays, this time talking about an Obama inauguration of the “predictable” kind, the Google-spider bit its own masters.
Given, the awareness of this upcoming event, Obama’s inauguration, and the fact that these would be THE up- and coming 2 keywords (for all “hope-drunks and supposed patriots”) for some weeks to come, this was a brilliant move on Les’ part.
Will it reflect here on SM in a positive way? I hope…. Or should I not?
Just like a Zionist propaganda web site closed its comment section, because it was abundantly clear (courtesy of Mike Rivero) what people thought of the horrible crimes committed on a defenseless Palestinian People, by these Zionist murdering creatures, chances are that the Tel Aviv Google crew will remove such “anti-Semitic ranting”.
Hopefully not before the “damage” is done and SM could enlighten another few souls.
Hey, I got to go, the popping sound stopped in the microwave, read you’ll soon,
R. Zuercher
People are having trouble posting comments again so email them to me if you have that difficulty.
Oh Smoking Mirrors, the light in my soul, ayh, Christ, greets the light-Christ in your soul. As you describe the picture, it is so. Dark and ugly. When I have said like truths, truly 40 year-olds have babbled and closed their ears like 2-year-olds. Incredible. However.
I believe in miracles.
In my 63 three years, I have learned a couple of truths. One is: It Does Not Have to Be. Nothing has to be. When those that do not hear or see learn that, it will be a new world.
The picture you draw is of the present, your memory is of the past. The future needs to be redrawn. Nothing Has to Be.
dadnerd: thanks for the kudos re: my comment at the last mirrors post (slamarama)--and the shoe fits --so I'll wear it--or throw it---yeah, throw it--
How long before the panic sets in? that is the question. They will be bringing home the troops just in time to turn them on the people.
Les, your novel is making it difficult to get anything done. :) I will head to Amazon when finished.
Les, I have to share this one with you, as life doesnt get any more bizarro. Evidently this company One Child Per Laptop is going to donate 5,000 laptops to the devastated children of Palestine to ease their pain. If you are unaware of OCPLP in Cambridge Mass, it is run by NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE, brother of Iraq and Central American DEATH SQUAD fame JOHN NEGROPONTE, the intelligence czar under Georgie Bush. But just ot set the readers straight, the Negroponte's are not Italian, they are crypto-jews, who emigrated from Greece to London just before the Germans showed up. Negroponte was the Venetian name of a Jewish settlement in Turkey and there are ancient foundings of secret societies in this history. But as for the laptops, they are a desperate ploy to get PROPAGANDA into the hands of third world children... and then eventually porno. But recently Nicholas Negroponte has had to lay of staff because of lack of funding (Madoff losses). And that's a very good sign. But the ridiculous hypocrisy of having killer zionists of Iran Contra fame donating laptops to a people of have been slaughtered bythe very same people is beyond hutspah.
I wonder if the lines have already been drawn. Those who get it, get it, and those who don't, don't. QED.
"Either you're with me or you're against me."
No more trying to convince others, game over.
Grab your partner and hang on for your life.
See you on the other side, God willing.
European American
See Les, you've been complaining about the fixed trickle of comments from the "literati with an attitude" crowd and now by a google fluke you've almost gone mainstream.
The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 was also such a fluke. The world may be run by corporations as Arthur Jensen explains to Howard Beale, but their linear programming charts do not conform to reality. This is your chance, Les.
I watched the inaugural festivities on fox news with the sound off and some music playing. I didn't get to hear the puppet speak, but he looked to be freezing. George HW Bush and his wife Barbara were both wearing these huge purple scarves. Purple is supposed to denote either royalty or the pain associated with crucifixion. Who knows with those two.
Obama is just a bone tossed to the gullible with Sheppard Smith reading the menu. It was really a stroke of genius, and will be quite effective for riot control having a mulatto commander in chief when needed.
Wonderful job and congratulations on the million hits. I'm looking forward to your live performance--can u break down and maybe get to the Midwest some day? Either that or give me a reason to see you in the "'Dam (420 freedom yeah, baby!)
I'd strongly recommend this article by Columbia professor--and CampusWatch target--Joseph Massad:
Also I linked in my blog to another good article by Arthur Silber on Gaza and the intentional infliction of the misery in my most recent blog post.
That article is hosted on uruknet--they're being censored by google. Apparently Zionists have launched into a series of DoD attacks on servers hosting Gaza truth, and atrocity reports.
Obama couldn't even take the oath of office without bumbling it. Imagine if Bush did the same. After Obama's flub, we had to sit through a couple of absurd 'poets'. Were any white men even allowed on TV yesterday? Anyway, how much longer will Obama allow these needless wars led by Israel continue? Will it 'change' under our new President? Highly doubtful, after his fearless 'no comment' about the slaughter in Gaza. Israel already owns Obama after he picked Rahm Emanuel, the son of a terrorist, as Chief of Staff. Obama will probably let Mossad slide on their 9/11 involvement and Obama will continue Middle East wars. So who owns the new US President? Israel does, as always.
Racist is the same theme as anti-Semetic.
They give you a carrot with one hand and a noose with the other. Like the papal brocade crunching with golden threads, draping marbled halls of our storied past, while dwarf nobodies, disambulatory, pointer in mouth peck away online, "w-h-a-t-c-h-a-n-g-e-?" prisoners for life inside 1950 winnebagos behind strip malls, wondering how they'll eat an IOU?
The management responsible for this production is gambling for time. What will they say, what will they push when it turns out all the money is gone and nothing they decreed worked? You've seen the obvious which is obviously the real change we'd better believe. The devil is in the details, as the saying goes.
Les, as I take, thank you for your words, if only people may gain your feels too!
The Old Ones say we, at first, we run from the truth. How many have run from you. It will knock you(us) off your feet to understand and feel that strife and fear will always be, and to run from that is the modern world. But seeing light and love group together is your true form and do I see people trying with all their worldly powers to stop this.
No Obama-Nation will stop this pattern and shelter of the struggle. Les, he will only help us find each other, in the darkness signing a song of light.
My personal belief is that Obama is a complete puppet, controlled in a variety of conventional ways, including some nearly incomprehensible "tech" (See an essay titled "The Controllers" on-line elsewhere for a good summary of EM mind control and modern neuroscience). But, this was the same for "W" and Clinton, and to a lesser extent Reagan. There are / were some great videos on YouTube showing the past Presidents in various states of catatonia / hypnotic trance / confusion / stutter fits etc, all signs of external control. So, in my opinion, our global situation will get worse with the fraudulent Obama at the helm, despite some people thinking he is a "nice guy", "good father", "has a great wife", "wanted to get his kids a puppy", and all that propaganda bullshit that naive sheeple fall for (hey, nothing personal as I was once one too!).
But even if I'm wrong (and it would be great if I was), a single well meaning politician, even if he is a President or Premier or Prime Minister, would be nothing more than a mild short-lived inconvenience for the Dark Ones as they have the means, the money, the power, the tech, the connections, and the motivation to bring a single man (indeed, an entire Congress and Judiciary too) down to his knees begging for mercy, regardless of any so-called protection.
JFK is a good example. Now let's face it, JFK could not be called a "good man" overall for a variety of reasons (in fact, he was a scoundrel in many ways), but for whatever reason, he (and his brother) got a bee in their bonnet over certain factions in this World (CIA, elements of the mob, Jew bankers, etc) and tried to go about making a "CHANGE". And this was a man with power, money, connections, protection, and the support of the American population, but yet they gunned him and his brother down like dogs on TV. They even forced Jackie into the bed of the beast, Onassis, as a further insult. Then, of course, his son was downed. What's left of the family is the drunken puppet Ted. So, in view of this and 45 years later with even more control and power by the Dark Ones, a legitimate Obama doesn't have a fart's worth of hope, especially as he has surrounded himself with total jackels.
So, either way we're screwed, but this has to happen to get the average North American to awake from this ridiculous slumber. When the entire middle class is only 2 paychecks away from destitution, and their SUVs sit broken down and without gas in the driveway, and they have to cancel the satellite TV package, and no more tropical holidays, and no more eating out, and the kitchen reno is scrapped, and they can't run the AC in the summer, and there is tangible fear in their eyes when they go to bed at night, then they will be ready to awake to reality. Unfortunately though, there won't be the same internet access to sites such as this, so they will be awake but still in the dark. I guess that's the way it has to be, unless we literally plaster the Matrix with our stickers / signs / and commentary. Let's get to work then.
Les - Your brilliance inspires me every day to keep talking even when people around me don't want to listen. I live in a small town in Western Canada and would love to have you come here for a visit someday!
Not to sound positive, but is anyone out there in alt-newsland pointing out the good guys? Just seems like a more constructive use of our time, since everyone seems to be preaching to the choir anyways and we could probably find a way to make Mother Theresa look like one of the bad guys too, if we try hard enough. Sorry. Just sick of reading news that doesn't address a solution, that's all.
Les, great that your blog came up first so people would peruse the site and perhaps wake up. I agree w/ Hank and prefer to maintain some hope and not live in fear. Even today, Obama made great strides w/ "transparency and the rule of law" and I don't think he is all talk. He set wage freezes of govt workers making over $100K, banned aides from trying to influence the administration when they leave and those already hired will be banned from working on matters they have previously lobbied on (big one), or to approach agencies that they once targeted. He stressed "Public service is a privaledge". I hope you are wrong and with Obama now in office, that he follow his heart and minds eye .. that he will be his own man w/ strong sense of ethics and upholding the constitution.
Bad choice of an example Sis. I suggest you put some study into Mother Teresa. She was a shill and a no-goodnik. Though I have no 'present' use for Christopher Hitchen's he waxed fair eloquent on the real Mother Teresa and you can study it and other evidence at your leisure should you choose to.
Maybe you should point out the good guys? Who are they by the way. Why would you suggest others do what you desire to see done. Do it and we will look at your examples.
You'll note... by reading back into the archives that I have praised quite a few individuals. Do you consider it good judgment to take a single entry and use it as a presumption of the total? I have yet to understand how little people require to form their opinions. Should Obama serve to act contrary to all of the evidence accumulating in terms of defining his intentions I will change my position in a heartsbeat.
Finally... the good guys do not require our scrutiny. The bad guys most certainly do. Also... many many a solution has been offered here.
Hi les. The ziocons have given obama a bucket of dog shit and asked him to make honey from it,and we all know you cant make honey from dog shit.
Lets give the guy a chance he might surprise us all yet.I hope so.Keep up the good work.
eric. (cork)
CONGRATULATIONS RONNIE! YOU ARE THE ONE MILLIONTH PERSON TO COMMENT ON THIS BLOG AND A FREE COPY OF MY BOOK IS ON IT'S WAY TO YOU NOW. Hi Les, Ron from England here to congratulate you on what you've achieved here mate. One voice in the wildernet has reached maybe a million strangers, possibly some returnees but so what, we have all passed it on to at least one more so it is growing. Glad to hear some intelligent people are now chipping in, I really was beginning to feel like another nut-job along with boring old Rosie and Amicus etc. ( Just kidding mate, honest ). Seriously Bro., for one bloke starting off with a website and a burning anger, to piss in the dragon's face for so long and live is an achievement in itself. Your songs are also lyrically exquisite. Damn I wish I could write as prolifically without my MasterWriter program. I read your inaugural speech when you first did it and totally acquiesced, even more so when I saw his staff appointments. I feel sorry for the few sad souls in this post who are expressing hope in the bright-looking facade that is Obama. Last week in the U.K., a couple of mixed race named their baby son 'Barack', joining the torrent of gushers everywhere it seems. I could not even watch the pantomime ceremony out of embarrassment and shame at the gullibility of Americans black and white. I'm not anti-American, in fact I was raised with the American dream in D.C. comics. I always hoped that I would one day get to live there and use my 'perfected' yank accent from 'The Lone Ranger' to 'Whirlybirds' which I gluttonously fed on in my youth. Sadly due to ill-health and poverty, I won't even get to visit now, due also to the fact that I'm probably on the CIA radar after much detrimental reference to Bush, 911 and the CIA. Enjoy your night, I'll drink one for you. Ron U.K.
The litmus test for Obama will be what he does about Israel and how he handles the large outcry that is going to demand that 9/11 be investigated. Further... if he keeps pushing this AL Qaeda is real and Bin Laden is still alive BS well then... see what I mean?
I'm all for the acts of window dressing that will add up to a certain amount of fair play and I am more than willing to change my perspective and widen my horizons at the moment I am given the opportunity. But... until I see the specific things I am looking for as well and something being done about the Federal Reserve it will just be business as usual. Things were very much better under Clinton and I expect the same will apply to Obama however... as I said and so on and so forth.
I fully expect them to have him shot. I sincerely hope I am wrong. Biden being the sycophantic snake that he is it seems likely.
In reference to the good guys, who are they? As mentioned above, having power, connections, money does not save you. There is Dennis K. If his following ever grew i would send him a bullet proof vest.
Even if O is a god guy, the system is evil. He now will keep any revolution from occurring since the black population will not participate. (part of thee plan?) It was a most skillful move.
Life is not a book/movie. There isn't a happy ending. It will be what we make of it. With most of the population in some dumbed down hypnotic trance the chances are not good.
On the other side of the coin, I do believe in magic. (I used to teach college physics, so it is not just an illusion/dream) So were off to slay a dragon who is hidden in the mist. I'm in.
I read in Huffington Post 1/19 at 10:55, that Bush pardoned Bin Laden. Do you think it's a smoke screen since he has resurfaced recently or do you think Bush did it because Bin Laden was not the sole operator and it's just one more dig in the side? If so, I hope it raises speculation and opens up a new inquiry on 9/11! Yet what does that do should they capture him?
Perhaps they will not whack him-maybe just wound him--makes for good theater as he forgives his _________fill in the blank attacker on world-wide TV-he's the right color, has the right name, he walks on water and will be sitting on top of a heavily fortified U.N. some day as all nations sing Kumbaya on Oprah--something bigger than big about this--
Okay folks, REALTY CHECK:
1. Rahm Emanuel
2. 1st day on the job, Barak was wearing the obligatory Israeli blue tie with white background. (Bush wore it on his last day on the job). And Biden loves that combo as well.
3. Tim Geithner despite not paying taxes made several positive endorsements of the Federal Reserve.
4. Hellooooo Hillary is Secretary of Stat
Unless, Obama risks his own life in the process, I dont think he is going to cross his handlers.
Sorry Les, I just wrote about a pardon of Bin Laden by Bush. It was a satire, sorry to waste your time. My head was spinning so fast after I read it. You were the first one I wanted to share w/ and write to .. so please, take it as a compliment!
All your words are nicely said and I do believe that you have good intentions. However, I do think that you can expand your awareness, you are not going to lead people out of darkness by telling them how stupid they are. We must use some of the same tactics of our oppressors and manipulate people into making the right choices with there free will. This is the most important battle that we must engage in, as our actions of the past,present, and future echo in eternity. Live in Love. Peace
Senor Visible, you may have noticed that I am sparing in my praise, but this essay is classic.
From the decomposing empire to screaming with fingers in your ears to blot out the sound of truth, a true gem all the way. Good job, and thanks for the laughs.
I'm considering sending the link to a close family member. Last one of yours I sent, her comment was "This guy sounds like he's crazy!"
Love ya Bro-
lets give obama a chance hes just got his foot in the door,give him a month.
Keyth, this idea of free will, very good. But it is not your job or Les's to domanite others minds, infact its to show others how oneself "could" deal with the pain before their eyes . In time and by way of the circle will will become free, only to be case again into strife. People must learn to bleed and cry for themselfs not hope someone "out there" will show them the light.
To easy and fast do the power, that be, give us a nice safe place to cry. You see, they must say they will kill you or take your freedom, if not, what have they taken that you can't take form yourself. Their power is in believing that they are "out to get you." Free will can walk you down any path, what path will you take?
(I'm not 'anonymous'...I'm just a coward)
Les,your blogs are brilliant....and as time goes by,its been enjoyable to see your evolution in craft,(something I have noticed)... not just telling the truth, but the writing and creativity is often brilliant.
yours is one of the truly rich voices on the internet.
My belief about the new puppet Obama, is the same as Clinton in 1992,inspiring spin of hope ,saying and doing exactly what his handlers/controllers want him to. thats a good puppet.convincing the sheeple, is a great puppet. while those in control take down the world.
The internet has allowed curious people to learn the truth,which is better than being naiive,and we'll enjoy that perspective until the powers shut the internet down.
Over the course of history, has any collapsing empire ever enjoyed a soft landing? That would be something to really hope for.
My concern is that which underlies all others.
If you think that what you are attempting to say to others is most difficult, you have no clue as to what that ultimate concern is. This is not an arrogant rebuttal, this is not vain comparison, or posturing criticism that is merely the appearance of text and language's misleading parameters.
Thought is our greatest enemy, rather it is the ultimate enemy, the ultimate fascist, as one has put it. It is not going to allow us to live in a natural state in which all conflict is absent. It is never going to bridge the many gaps that it constantly provides so that we will not function as a whole body in a true global community. Thought will ever seek to maintain control at every turn, on every level and only the body has any chance, whatsoever, of freeing this species of that stranglehold. Our failure to have this fact in operation, in every life and action, will only insure that we cease to exist as the species we are, either into complete oblivion, or into a sub-species that would be completely unrecognizable to any of us that have lived over the past thousands of years since thought gained control over the body's natural and inherent intelligence.
This is our culprit and the reason I spend most of the time talking to others about this singular and ultimate concern.
Thank you for your words and the opportunity to add the above,
Keyth - 'and manipulate people into making the right choices with there free will' - Uh!
m_ Thank you for the explanation of Les' work. Without your insight I would have floundered on this essay. Thanks again, mate.
It's enough to make you wanna cry Visible.
Your ability to 'step up to the plate' at the most appropriate time Les, never ceases to impress. Perfect. Thank you.
"Child in Time" Deep Purple
Sweet child in time
you 'll see the light ... maybe, maybe not.
While you live in the hope manufactured by liers,
some of us live in the hope that soon you will see the light.
Those among us who live by the faith of truth and justice from the God of Love,
know in our hearts our mind and spirit that those who serve the lords of lies
do live a wasted life, a waste of space and a waste of existance.
Forsake the lords of lies and open your eyes to the truth that they are evil
and want you to serve the evils of hatred greed lust gluttony and sloth.
The lords of lies being possessed by the servitute of evil lie to themself
as well that they are gaining something worth while in there endevours.
They to are blind to the truth that their servitude brings only the torture
back on them that they have inflicted.
Your instructions from the mind bending liers tells you to ridicule and dismiss
all those who would expose you to the truth of just who and what it is you serve.
So you see among the exposers of truth a number of insulters who in their tortured
existance hate being exposed to the light of truth, sad it is but know that there
are many who still love and care for you enough to endure your poisonous messages.
Do you not know yet that the poison you spread is equal to the poison you eat.
Those who spread the truth and love know from experience what joy they recieve in return.
Millions more Les, shine on dude :)
Your mother must have some kind of sense of humor naming you that, but, come to think of it, my mom was a little crazy too. It's funny, but I've had too many accidents and surgeries that have affected the mechanics of my brain to state anything with certainty. But when I started reading this post by anonymous, I guessed it was you, and had to scroll down to verify it. I pretty much love all the comments here. All but M-S, I never read his stuff, only because it's cut and paste and too lengthy. I'm sure he's a good fellow though. And Les is a big sweet heart letting him do it. Just wish he would speak from his heart more often.
And this latest subject of Barack sums up how I feel about the whole thing. I'm very sentimental to black Americans and all the crap they've had to endure. I can see how thrilled they are right now. And how once again they are getting ripped off by the friendly folks in power, who apparently have no conscience.
I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, until he started selecting his cabinet. His appointments told me everything. This gang is as bad as the Bush gang. But some argue that he may do some good within a corrupt system, but I think not. The whole political system is so archaic and outdated, just like organized religion. Systems that control the masses, exploiting their fears and hopes. Same pattern, different picture. I keep visualizing a big ocean liner out at sea, sinking, and some of the porters are arguing over which polish is better to shine the brass on the railings.
Humans are actually advancing in technology, but these archaic systems are holding us back. We could have paradise on earth for everyone, and yet we are wasting time debating who should be the next puppet. Governments are organized rackets. The money system is extortion; are we totally trapped? Is there no way to break out of this mess?
Someone in the comments a while back, quoted Krishnamurti, and that was cool. He called for a radical transformation of the psyche. How is that going to happen? You have all these poor people cheering the new president, having no idea it's perpetuating the same old thing.
Well maybe it's happening in places like this. Because its the individual that must change, and there is no organization that will do it. We all have to be responsible. Quit being lazy and waiting for someone to show us the way. We are the teachers and the students. The minute you rely on someone else, you have governments and religions.
Somehow I thought this was one of les' best posts, glad he's on the planet.
Hey mate,
Well you noticed the hits, obviously. No need for me to write and say my count is way up too and all of it coming from that original Obama speech.
I already made an experiment with the google arrival concept with that hitman 5 thing I did. Sure enough, I'm just putting the last edits on my declaration of surrender. The hits kept coming in like a tsuname that never ended. There's a lot of rock hard skulls out there and no mistake.
When the world celebrates the New Era ,the Era of Peace Hope Love and Jesus Christ,There is only one Prison left, ``:Open air Prison GAZA``.....JEWS ONLY...(and friends}, Palestina for the Palestinians again.Paul van den Akker The Netherlands Dordrecht.
Les, I just took a few moments to observe your blog’s FEEDJIT Live – too funny!!!
Might I share an email I’d just received from a friend? It was in response to our phone conversation earlier this evening when I [once more] protested when that four-letter word “hope” was used ad nauseum to describe the inaugural festivities. Perhaps some of your incidental readers will find it of interest! :)
“I am thankful (and so should YOU be) that your home is paid off and you have NEVER had to carry any debt. I know, I know, DEBT is another of YOUR four letter words.
So, why don't you ENJOY the moment, and stop thinking about YOUR "reality" of starving to death. That is not my reality, and I told you that before. IF you are REALLY that afraid of your doom and gloom predictions then you need to seek guidance that I'm not able to give you. But, it's not FAIR (another 4 letter world) to try to ram this down my throat, time after time.
As you know, right now, I am in TOTAL BLISS, (as is MOST of the free world, with me .... ) ... and feel like I am floating on air. I am very happy, (for a CHANGE), and I don't want this rain of FEAR to fall on my parade!!!!!!!!
It is VERY TROUBLING that you keep this up ... when you have so much MORE than most people ... and a life that most people would give their LIFE to have. Want to know a REAL tragedy? You will die without EVER having experienced the total ecstasy of the aroma of NEW car!!!!!!!!
Please TRY and be happy in the moment, and stop this!
I love you, BUT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS ... as I've told you before, over and over. AND, over!!!!!!!
I don't know WHY you do it, other than (like I said before) to raise my b.p, and/or to make me ill.
Please, save it for doom's day ... Then, you can say "I told you so." OK? I just don't believe it, and .. call me stupid, or dumb, or whatever you want ... I JUST DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BE HAPPY FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!! BELIEVE and have HOPE!!!!!! TRY!!!!!!!!!!!”
My friend is considering filing for bankruptcy. It will be the second time.
~ born intuit
2012; The world celebrates a new Era of Peace love compassion, teamwork ,Jesus Christ.The world of Horor is over. There is only one prison left. Open air Prison:``GAZA`` JEWS and friends ONLY . self supporting,and serve yourself.Paul van den Akker Dordrecht The Netherlands.
Hi Les,
Congratulations on being a million readers old. I wonder if that 100th monkey was in there somewhere. I've been coming to your post for a long time now. Because - you're a great writer, and you, and your commentators write about and articulate things that chime with what I see and hear and think myself. I think your blog makes a difference and much of what is written here exemplifies the "change" I'd like to see. You bolster my spirit.
But I do want to say that I go along with Keyth when he says " you are not going to lead people out of darkness by telling them how stupid they are. " We were all sheeple once, weren't we? And we changed our point of view, didn't we?
I see two perspectives:
- Instead of echoing Bush's sentiment, of creating and then holding onto the psychological/emotional position of "If you ain't with us, you're against us" (broadcasting and strengthening that sentiment in our poor battered world)
- wouldn't it be better to create and hold onto the psychological/emotional position of "if you ain't against us, then you're with us" and broadcast that instead?
After all, why should we seek to make any more enemies than we already have? Don't we have enough enemies?
Of course, then comes the tricky task of how exactly are you going open people's eyes and let them know what fools they/we have been/are, and how urgent the situation is. But then that's why you've got a million people reading your words and I, and many others, haven't. :)
I think I'm staring to ramble here, so I'll be off.
I am writing this before dawn here in Somerset, and it is cold and bleak and very dark outside. But I'm still hoping for a bright, sunny, warm day. And if it doesn't come today, then maybe tomorrow ?...
Whatever Obama does I feel that he will not bring the kind of change Americans are wishing for.
Although, I get the feeling that he will change things, just not in the way people are expecting.
Greetings Dumballah. Excellent meter. (Allegro non Troppo)Tick Tock Tick Tock...Yeah, Keyths got a vague idea still clouded by Kool-Aid though. He's right about our target audience. We should be blogging at Joe the Plumber's audience - How this? - "G'day mate, from Downunder, we're all sorry to hear your government gave your jobs to the Chinese, so as to offset an interest rate hike because of all the money they've wasted on Iraq"!
"So, all the miners in the Town decided, to make a donation to your town... It was about the time we were gonna send the money donated to help your town, when the Sunrise Crew on channel 7 told us we were gonna lose our jobs because the Chinese were gonna get their Steel cheaper in one of those industrial communities established by the Chinese government in Africa. So, we had to redistribute the donations to help our townfolk through "these tough economic times". Feel for ya, sorry can't help ya"! Prime time television Ad between KFC and Ford RV..Now that's some fucking great propaganda; Fuck Baz Lurmann!
Got Scritti? Baz?//
Can you all feel it? We are living in very interesting times, and it's as scary as shit. I can't wait for the Event to make itself 'visible' to the blind. Because this Kabbalistic Devil shits gotta START coming to an end! Coz, there's a huge boulder headed this way, so let's get on with savin' our arses before we get pulverised by meteorites and Tsunamis!(grin)
The Combat Wombat.
NB: love light & peace!
I recently told a relative who works for the military industrial complex, and refers to Muslims as ragheads, that the children of Gaza matter just as much as his own. The sense of shock was palpable from this person. The ignorant do not like to hear the truth. Deep down they know these things, but convenience and the good life keeps their self delusion firmly in place.
The tragic thing is that all those who have lost loved ones in illegal wars have given their children away for nothing. They reared them carefully for many years, protecting them from harm, teaching them how to cross the road and stay away from strange men in cars, only to fail in the most important task, that of alerting their children to the biggest danger in their lives, a rogue government. I sometimes wonder if, when alone in the early quiet hours, mourning their loss, they realise they were deceived.
It's just the way it is Les; We're the few and the brave who discard illusion for truth while they bask in the cathode ray sunshine of engineered comfort. Unfortunately, and I believe you're in the process of discovering this, misanthropy is a common side-effect of knowledge. My blog
is riddled with it.
You are so right.
Here is another guy who tells it like it is:
Keep up the good work.
I was also on the fence about Obama until he selected his Cabinet. And then I thought 'same old, same old'. Since quotes seem to be fairly mandatory in these comments, here's Quote#1: 'By their fruits shall ye know them.' Biden? Emmanuel? Clinton? Gates? GATES!!! - didn't he work in the Bush reich cabinet? Jeez!
But another quote keeps trying to push Q#1 aside:
Quote#2; 'Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.'
Which quote is nearer the mark with Obama, I wonder? As one poster pointed out, it's the system that's evil, having been corrupted (beyond saving?) by a foreign power. This applies in the UK as well, btw. And Germany too, with its criminalisation of questioning the holocaust. Probably throughout all of the EU member states, in fact. So the US really isn't alone! (As an aside, one thing we can all do to help, even a little, is to always refer to the 'Gaza holocaust'. Let's take the Holocaust Franchise back from the ZioNazis.)
As for the laptop for every Palestinian child' offer, that's as cynical and as obscene as Zionist-owned Disney rushing into a devastated and destroyed Iraq with its Disneyworld, to be set up in the 'Green Zone'.!
And yup! It's hard to try to get the truth out to people; as another poster said, it can be downright dangerous in certain situations. So now I don't offer unless the other person says something which makes me think they are seriously interested.
Les, I love your 'Hollywood president for a Hollywood people, whose lives have no more substance than the characters in the programs they watch...' Ouch! How many heads would that go over, I can't help thinking? How many would get indignant, if it were said to their face? Also applies outside the US, needless to say, with Hollywood films being shown in every country in the world now.
No, the awake Americans who comment here are most definitely not the only ones grieving for their country.
Stay well, les (and all),
Dear Honorable Mr. Les
Yes! Oh YES! Honorable Mr. Keyth IS right when he says, "you are not going to lead people out of darkness by telling them how stupid they are." Because as the One speaking through Paul said,
Though we speak with the verbosity of philosophers, a few perhaps with the eloquence of angels, and possess no love, we've become like "f**k, sh*t, get-a-life man you moron, retard" sounding brass, putting off millions more than the ONE your stats now count, who do not care to drag their minds through verbal gutters, preaching to fashionable atheist choirs' tinkling cymbals. (When one million say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing! Are we now persuaded by popularity? Or truth? Even Jeanne d'Arc had to gird up the speech loins of her soldiers before they could even begin to gain blessings of the Almighty on their struggle for survival! A parallel?)
And though we have the gift of unfailing prognosis and understand all conspiracies & secret Kabbal knowledge; and though we have all literary or spiritual SELF-confidence, so we could move the New World Order, but have no charity, we are still nothing.
Though we bestow all our midnight oil to "feed" the un-educated deceived, un-informed, dumbed down "sheeples", and though we will have to give our body to be interned & beheaded by ADL's henchmen, yet have still no charity, it will profit us nothing. We will still die... unregenerated.
Yes! Charity suffers long, and is kind! It doesn't buy Leftist propaganda of unbeliever Christopher Hitchins' biased analysis of a simple--by no means perfect--Albanian girl who sacrificed her life & love to help lots of Indian & other nations' downtrodden. Her sisters STILL DO!--Help the diseased, homeless and disadvantaged until today! (By their fruits ye would know them, if ye would! And I am not even a Catholic!)
Charity envies not. Nor even the historical power of the "eternal" now global money changers, whom our Lord expelled with violence from His Father's House!--Then!--Who will and many already do suffer, their Hades at least, if not most likely worse! Yes! I do NOT believe ANYone will get away with murder, and that beyond Karma there IS eternal Justice, be it tempered with love & understanding of the individual case, as He proved with the "adulterous" woman! [As REAL adultery is a spiritual love for this--Satan's Matrix.]
Charity vaunts not it SELF in dialogue, nor is it puffed up in put downs that NEVER work! Which I'm sure, honorable Les sir, you've never indulged in.
Nor does it behave or express itself unseemly, while thus alienating the very ones we profess and presume to reach! (Sure! Mr. Mike Marrano, that goes for a lot of nominal--thinking themselves to be substantial--Christians too! But hey! Nobody is perfect! And why persecute (bash??!) Jesus & His "fanclub" so faithfully, while hardly mentioning Judeo Marxism and its fanclub that massacred at least 66 million Russians, 20M Germans, 40M Chinese, 3M Cambodians, plus several more in many other countries?
And do they EVER express AND behave themselves unseemly! Just read Marx impolite rantings against... you guessed it...Christians! But Socialist Collectivism will be the basis of the coming One World Government rising from Russia as the prophet Daniel & Ezechiel seem to indicate.
Besides, most Lefist gatekeepers like Monbiot, 'Chompsky', Hitchens, Galloway, Goodman, etc, speaking partial truth, deny the 911 hollow cause OUTside job! So why quote these truth wranglers AT ALL?! Bash them! if you need to bash someone!
Most wars, by the way, were not started by the Inquisition or Jesus' fanclub, but by international money changers & pagans!
I don't bash them, nor accuse 'em of child abuse or infanticide! I mean, if you really seek an issue! Mike?
Love seeks not her own fan club! Does not just preach to the choir, but has a universal love & concern for the unsaved un-informed masses.
Now this next one really takes the cake! Love is NOT easily provoked! That's probably one main reason why most Jeshua-ites seldom dwell in your comments, nor get raving mad at gross "de-bunking" & "denunciating" scathing Antichrist remarks & blasphemy. Many so generously directed at poor barely-matured believers who, God bless them, just stand up for their faith, perhaps in stilted terminology! Give 'em a break, as you do verbally challenged atheists! thinks no evil! Love rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth! Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails!
But whether there be blogger predictions, they shall fail; whether there be philosophical wanderings or poetry, they shall cease! Whether there be alternative news knowledge, it shall vanish away with this mystified floundering generation, who sadly lost its spiritual heritage and moral moorings because of a concerted financial & media attack on their forebears, that made them resent their only Hope.--Jeshua!
For we know in part...ONLY, the real intricacies of the Babylonian Mystery & 666 bio-chip prediction... from who by the way? Mike Marrano? No sir! He doesn't have a clue! It came through St. John, from Messiah Jeshua for this our generation! He was concerned enough about this our lost generation who are about to exchange their God-given freedom for a bio body chip to get mere bread of Satan!
And we surely DO prophesy in part! We predict shape-shifters and "2012" because the Aztec sculptor ran out of stone, "pre-trib" raptures, and prophets of a New Age of crystals and incense, ufology and pan-universal semen. And whatnot! In short, Babylon! Confusion!
BUT when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When Jeshua Messiach returns to His Creation to save the Earth from its destroyers, mankind from its persecutors, the meek from the proud, and the downtrodden from the treaders, many of the tribes of the earth shall mourn when they see His perfection coming in the clouds!
Honorable Mr. Les, let's remember this one..."When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when"--or should we say IF--"I became a man, I put away childish things."
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now we know in part; but then shall we know even as also we are known."--By Him!
And all that will forever remain is, faith, hope, charity, these three; But the greatest of these is LOVE. [paraphrased from 1 Corinthians 13.]
With the greatest respect for your brave honorable struggle against Evil. May you begin to fight it in the Spirit! You may even prevail!
Happy Chinese New Year! May humility make your Earthly sojourn auspicious!
Lu Xian Sheng
PS: I suggest you institute a politeness "filter!" :)
Dear Mr. Tie one on (and the rest of you jellyfish);
I could recommend that you print that little soliloquy out, roll it up and then stick it up your ass and set it on fire. Of course, since I'm all fucking sensitive and stuff I will forbear.
Let me clue a few of you high minded sorts in on a little secret; I'm not Jesus Christ. You want Jesus Christ? Go find Jesus Christ.
I'm not hear to pour out endless platitudinous shit so that I can be all things to all men and women. I'm not here to tell everyone they are beautiful and how each of you have some special gift. You're mistaking me for someone else and you are also mistaking this blog for Visible Origami where I actually do things like that now and again.
Let me further clue you to the fact that I know that none of you practice what you are suggesting I practice. A great many of you have far too much advice that you don't follow. Reaching people is not always about kissing people's ignorant asses and telling them how special they are. The fact is that a great many of you are not special at all and need to be told that and also need to be told that you are self-involved fuckwits who make so much of the nasty shit on this planet possible by being self-involved fuckwits.
If you feel the need to engage in mind numbing politically correct nurturing of all sorts then have at it. I'm here to get fiery and direct and that's how it is at the moment.
A large percentage of the population is composed of selfish, "love me love my butt acne" sprawled on pornographic beds and eating rum truffles non contributing constantly consuming one step short of Animal Farm mirror dancing livestock. I'm tired of living in a world full of cretinous hug bunnies with a bunch of new age advice for all occasions that would make a Hallmark greeting card writer puke.
Here's my politeness filter-
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Hopefully that will serve.
In conclusion... I do not call everyone stupid. I am referring to a specific collection of Nimrods who are as culpable for the present day situation as are the people directly involved in making it happen and I offer no apologies for calling them on it.
If I spent my time being careful not to injure the inner child of every retarded spoiled brat on this planet I would never get anything done. Mother Teresa was a creep and anyone who has read up on some of her policies regarding the women she allegedly helped and the ones she refused to help because they didn't meet Catholic doctrine will see what she was up to. You might also try to discover what happened to all of the money she collected and ask yourself why she got photographed with so many of the world's worst dictators... check shit out before you attempt to inform me.
Have a wonderful day.
Along the lines of 'what can we do if the Obama hope goes pear-shaped?' scenario, the answer will be 'very little', imo, other than full-blown revolution, which may or may not work.
In the last article, a couple of the posters tried to bring up the subject of psychopaths and their impact on the political scene. The psychopath angle is very important to understanding why we are where we are, imo, and explains a lot about the present state of various countries, and why their citizens are not only so unhappy with the status quo, but also why they are so powerless to change it.
If you do a search on these three words together; 'psychopath - psychopathy - ponerology', you will get enough interesting reading matter to keep you going for a few hours. Including the word 'ponerology' will give you the political side of psychopathy, rather than the more usual social/medical/legislative definitions, i.e. serial murderers, serial rapists, people who lock their kids in cupboards and so on.
If you want a real wake-up jolt (guaranteed!), search these words; 'Organic Portals: the Other Race'
Whether you agree or disagree with any or all of the articles is neither here nor there; your perception of politicians, and other people who seek power, will be changed forever.
Les, thanks for your honesty and perseverance.
Stay well,
"Stupid is, as stupid does"
Forrest Gump
"you can't fix stupid until you replace lies with truth"
Like an alcoholic, sometimes you have to hit bottom and and understand how stupid you've been in allowing your mind to be controlled by the controllers--once you understand how you are being lied to, all the lies in the world don't work and you take that first mouthful of dirt as you go down the rabbit hole--and the dirt tastes great--
Viva Le Vis!!
We keep complaining that Americans don't think, but there's a reason they don't. When could they think? They are kept distracted for every minute of their waking lives from the cradle to the grave. In order to think, they would have to turn off the radio, turn off the tv, turn off the ipod, turn off the movie, turn off the video game, turn off the youtube and the porn sites and the blackberry and the cell phone and the twitter and the txt msg'ing - in fact the best most aspire to would be to read the paper, or a magazine or even possibly a book and even then they are being fed someone else's thoughts.
Two suggestions:
Turn it all off and make silence and thought a part of your daily schedule.
When you ARE exposed to the media, make it an active, rather than a passive experience. Evaluate what you hear. Assume that the more frequently certain themes are repeated, the more certain you can be that they are not true and that SOMEONE is very anxious that you should believe them.
You're probably safest to just assume that everything on your radio, tv, ipod, computer game etc. etc. etc. is propaganda designed to keep you in a state of perpetual distracted anxiety until you can buy that next expensive product that will finally make you happy.
I spent 11 years as a teacher. When my students did good I praised the shit out of them, when they did something stupid, I let them know that as well.
I have caught a lot of crap from so many Obama nimrods that don't research anything past the front page. 90% of the people are sheeple who just want to be led, fed and entertained.
O is just a cereal box cover. It was slick as hell putting him there. As I have said in previous post, this was a divide and conquer move. the black population will not revolt with their man on top. Alas, no chance for a revolution.
the 'nimrods' wouldn't have a revolution anyway. It would take them away from the bube-tube.
It reminds me of the scene in 'Independence Day' where the 'nimrods' are on top of the building having a party and welcoming the alien ships. Just swap out the signs for Obama signs and there we are. (well, not us :)
Sometimes a slap in the face is the best medicine. Sometimes you have to tell the idiots that they are idiots. Then maybe some of them will wake up.
the scary part of all of this is that someday soon they are going to cull the herd.
FYI: The novel is fantastic! A+
Just ordered two copies of your novel. :) One for the top shelf of my library, the other to my girlfriend. :)
Check out this site:
It will keep you informed as Les is doing here!
I can only disagree with you on one point. You wrote: "You see it on the electronic altar of your real God which is your television set."
The "real God" here is money.
is it possible to come to the one thing that is actually preventing us from functioning as a species, as individuals and as a global society?
i see and hear people hiding behind anger and hope, thousands of theories, proposals of how to live, how to solve everything under the sun, but not one is putting their finger on what the crux of this all is, which is simply why we cannot live together for once.
i don't offer the idyllic hopes, the flaming despair and the couched criticisms that float around on the net. i don't have any form of dogma to comfort anyone with. i'm saying that we don't have the basis for living in a way that each one of us, functioning without the interference of thought, does not interfere with that function and it's actual needs, of any other being on this planet.
either we are interested in getting at that or not, or as a friend has put it, "we sink, or swim".
Holy Stats Vizman, a million visitors! And hot on the heels of the alternate inaugural yanking you into the bigtime! If you drank I'd suggest busting out the champagne. I'm sure you'll celebrate in your own way, though.
And congrats to you, Ronnie, on being number 1,000,000 and winning a free copy of The Dark Splendor. You're in for a sleepless night or two, I'm afraid; it's a hard one to put down, and you might just learn something.
I know I did.
Well, and on to the matter at hand. I didn't miss Obama's little flub, forgetting to add 'faithfully' to 'execute the office of president.' It's little Freudian slip-ups like that that really let us know where we stand, should we need any more signs that the only Change we'll be getting with this boy is for the worse. As for Hope, he's got plenty of that, too, just not for who everyone assumes.
Here's why I agree with Les on this matter of using kid gloves with ignorant people. I think the first flaw that many many people fall into, is this idea of changing another. Whether your intentions are good or bad, it is essentially an act of aggression. An this idea of helping another, same thing, it almost always comes with strings attached. And who are we, so superior that we think we can help someone else? Sounds like arrogance to me.
All we can do collectively is push and probe and try to understand reality. Find out if we are truly interested in the truth, or do we just want to pontificate, and hear ourselves spout.
And here's a personal observation I've made. I have never ever seen anyone fundamentally change. We are born with certain inclinations and we basically keep them to old age. Yes there are minor modifications on the surface.
So this idea of changing people seems to be flawed on the outset. And if we look inwardly we may discover why we want to change someone, and we may find out more about ourselves, that maybe our whole security is built on what we believe. Well I'm sure it's a complicated issue.
For me I like les vis comments Because he doesn't pull any punches. And I've noticed throughout my life I like it when people are straight and honest. If the truth hurts it's only because you have covered it up and can't face it. But it doesn't really hurt, it's liberating.
Sounds like I'm opinionating here, (is that a word) but I love to dig in to these things, and love to hear other people make their comments. I've heard so many awesome things here, in the last few weeks that I've been reading.
Hey Les,
WOW..Thats blunt man very..very..blunt..But it is sad reflection of what reality has become..
alright... alright... I don't know what gets into me sometimes. I was actually in a pretty good mood when I wrote that. I usually am.
The comment I responded to was actually pretty entertaining... flawed by a lack of brevity but nonetheless... However, I've gotten a handful of comments lately about how I should love everyone and reach out in some vast compassionate way to all life forms from the bedbugs to the bedbug to the archangels.
It seems to me that some people don't comprehend what love is and are confusing it with a certain sappy vulnerability that you tend to see active in people with little depth who think the presentation is the actual essence and its not. Love moves from deep into deeper and real love bears small resemblance to the definition of it placed in the common parlance.
As it so happens I work to make love be my motivation in everything I do. That does not mean I am always successful at it. I've been around some seriously liberated souls and awakened masters and I do not see them behaving the way some people seem to expect me to. This blog has specific parameters and a personality to it. Other blogs in which I am involved are differently aspected. That's just how it is.
I don't know anything about Ronnie being visitor 1,000,000 or about a book copy being a reward for that possibility but I do know that anyone who wants a copy of the book has only to ask.
I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings with my little broadside. I seldom know what I'm going to say and don't spend much time reflecting on it anymore. It's just the way it is with me. Maybe it's the difference in space and time that accounts for it. I certainly don't talk like that in real life although there were times in the past when I certainly spoke my mind with a degree of passion. These days my circumstances seldom put me in a situation where that is warranted and seeing conflict prior to its appearance allows for the toreador effect to manage whatever necessities may arise.
Onward and upward.
At some point in "time", this planet will have served it's purpose and will vanish in an instant when the last "slave to delusion" is finally freed from it's constraints and temptations.
That's quite ways off though.
Let me add though to the above your doing the right thing!
re: dadnerd's last post
i say, throw out every notion of change
of course this is figurative, for we can't throw out what we are
"change" is in there with every other notion it is one of the most appealing, with a tremendous grip on our lives
it is up there with heroism and doing good
"change" is a thought's mimicry of what goes on naturally in the body, in as much as thought is not interfering with it
"change" is of no use at all to the body, to the contrary, it is actually working to prevent the body from functioning
does a political prisoner needs to be told how much better they will be in their cell if they would only "change"?
they need one thing - release!
this so called "change" will drive you insane, at the very least completely out of whack and you may never notice it at all,
for it is impossible to conform to what is called "change", which is exactly how it serves thought
like most of you, if not all
i also grew up with this most fundamental key word along with truth, love, freedom and so on
we were going to change all of society
then we "realized" that we would have to "change" ourselves and that was still a struggle
then, "change" was going to come on it's own and there was to be a spontaneous transformation within the psyche
two years ago, maybe more, it all went out the window
the one thing we don't have - i don't give a damn what all the con artists say - is the body, which is everyone of you, functioning
existing in it's natural state in a way that it depends on nothing but food, sleep, shelter and clothing, if necessary
the rest is pure neurosis - not that i care for psychology, but that is the word - and it can come and go as it may
thought will not allow function
it tantalizes with progress - the arts, science, literature, philosophy, spirituality, the whole gamut - and yet everything it does is to hold the body in check, dominating it's every impulse and move as much as is possible
when and if the body is able to throw thought out of the pilot's seat, as the operating system that has been in virtual control for thousands of years, there will not be a damned thing it can do to prevent it,
even if this is the most unlikely thing that could possibly happen
should that happen we will have the beginning of a new species that has come about completely on it's own
when that happens everything that we struggle with, to reform, redress, fight back, elevate ... "change"
will all fall into place in a such a way that is harmonious in a way that thought cannot imagine, or conceive of
Obama W. Bush.
"Change-just kidding!"
I`m surprised that those morons who posted negative comments about the inagural speech you composed can read to begin with. Perhaps they has someone read it to them before they posted their moronic dribble.
Americans still would not realize that they`re a jew terrorist occupied country even if they were forced to wear that blue and white pentagram flag every day of the week. You could tell the red white and duh f*cktards that by doing so they will lose 30 pounds and look 20 years younger and it`s the latest trend in "patriotism" and they would gladly wear it like good little boys and girls who are afraid to ask the teacher a question.
Unless the idiots that are 99% of the American public finally wake up and join the 1% of the American public that are the true patriots and see what`s going on, America will only decompose that much quicker.
And deservedly so.
Well folks, I was going to write my opinion on the piece and a few retorts to some of the colorful newcomers...
My views and opinions are well known to the regulars, and can be that way to any of the new folks if they stick around. Besides, I could find nothing more apropos, more perfectly descriptive of the mouthbreathers than this amazing quote from above:
"... and a LIFE that most people would give their LIFE to have."
how utterly, incredibly, almost unbelievably - stupid!
Wow, I would be out of my element to say I could contribute to a dialogue with you. I'm simple and uneducated. But my hope is that you gather around you people like yourself. If there is to be a change it will come from honest inquiry, and uninvited spontaneous insight. Not coercion. My feeling is you have had some insight. It doesn't require a high IQ, although you obviously have one, just honesty. To be able to look in the mirror and see what is really there, that takes courage.
I'm gonna have to read your post over a few times.
Landers .. WHOA that OP stuff is heavy but I got it .. wild!
Dadnerd & Elshano .. I like the way you think.
I think awareness comes from searching for the truth and making small adjustments and influencing others to be the best approach. Change will not happen overnight.
Les .. while that was harsh, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing your point of view, as always.
Anonymous, whatdoesitmean is a great news site, thanks.
Thank you, Tony.
~ born intuit
Roses are red, violets are blue
especially some kids around Gaza's blue too.
I don't want to see this, it's bumming me out
There's none on the news that says this out loud.
I just want to relax after working and leave-
and sit in my Lazy and play games on my Wi.
I can't talk to my pastor he'll think I am nuts
Then I won't be invited to lunch or to golf.
I'm just glad I do have a house and a job
and a flag out front that says my country- I love
Besides this is something that was miles away-
What good will this come out of gas that I pay?
I go to church at least two times a week
and nothing like this comes up so you see!
This can't be true, I've not heard it on Fox-
They've got really smart people that know how to talk!
But the one thing that gets me and I can't explain it away
Is why their giving our money away.
Cash for the rich and the banks and the brats-
I've spent less on mortgage than they do for their pants.
And what's this I hear? They need more money or might fall?
What's good for GM is good for us all?
They say change is coming and things will be cool,
the we'll get a new car,and a new inground pool!
But right now it's tuff with bills long overdue
should I pay mortgage and the Visa bill too?
I just don't get it so just I'll stumble from here..
and go to the fridge and get me a beer.
At least lights are on and the wife is away..
I can get me some porn cause' today I got paid!
*If this is inappropriate, please forgive.
El Shano-
Please quit thinking. It's bad for you.
I think it's something in the water, or maybe in the air. I hit my limit on PC New Age hug bunnies today too. Fuckem if they can't take a joke.
Ok, this is totally off topic and I'm going to apologize for that up front, but I'm just kind of freaked out and was wondering if anyone has been noticing the same thing in their area.
Lately, there has been a dramatic increase in military helicopter flyovers in my neighborhood. It isn't unheard of as I live fairly close to a number of military installations (close in terms of flying, anyway). But I'm not used to seeing them as frequently, nor as many at one time. My son and I saw 5 flying together a few days ago. At his grandmother's house across town, he saw one landing in a field nearby (then grandma proceeds to take him by car to the field to watch and it doesn't actually land and flies off).
They fly lower at night, but tonight it was so loud it literally sounded like it was going to land on my house or in the backyard and the walls of my house were shaking.
Just wondering if there is anyone else there witnessing increased training activities involving helicopters. I don't think they are targeting me or anything (though with my anti-Israel stance -- and staunchly pro-Zionist Jewish neighbors next door -- I'm not ruling it out entirely. But I haven't had any disagreements with them ... I don't waste time trying to argue over Israel with people who will never change their minds).
It's just I'm starting to think now might be a good time to take a little road trip with the kids if things are going to get weird ...
Again, sorry for the OT post. If you don't want to post it, Les, I completely understand.
Oh, if everyone or anyone knew what you are saying here about love, Mr. Les Visible... A subject only the most serious of people will delve into, I don't know how far you have gone with this but I suspect, further than most. And what is this quality? Your are right, love is not platitudes or a predetermined behavior handed down by authority figures of every kind. I'm pretty sure its not sentimentality. A lovely quality to be sure, but not love. So what is it? And I make no pretense at suggesting that I know what it is.
But, what is it not?
Is it the opposite of self centeredness? How serious will the people of truth go to find out what is Love? Can you really be a self centered entity, and love another? Think about it.
These soldiers in Israel were killing children, and will go home to their loved ones,,, We've all seen the pictures at WRH. Burnt infants, black, and without limbs because the dogs are hungry too. Bullet holes through their young chests, don't turn away from this, look at it. And what about the Americans in Iraq, poor souls all of them, not the dead ones, the living ones, just doing "their job" just doing what they have been trained to do, how many times have I heard that, and many of them coming home and killing themselves.
And what about those pilots flying the A-bomb over Japan so many years ago, never thinking to drop them just off shore, no, they were doing their job. and they loved their children back home, is that possible, to murder thousands of innocents, and still be loving. I'm not being cruel. Just asking questions.
Mc Cain is a hero I've heard. He was downed, dropping bombs on innocent people and got caught. I have relatives in the air force that think he is a hero. But if the same thing happened in America that poor slob of a pilot would be hanging from the nearest oak tree, and trust me, no relative would recognize him when the local mobs were finished with him.
So what is this thing called love, protecting our own children at the expense of others? I don't think so.
This whole thing about Obama and politicians in general, is simple compared to this deeper question. War, organized religion, governments, Jewish domination, the corrupt monetary system, etc...simple right? Easy to see and toss out. If your demand is understanding Truth, then these simple things fall away in a heart beat. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go following the truth? In the end we all have to face one glaring fact; can we drop self centeredness?
Here's a statement to digest; where the self is not, there is love.
And somehow I think les knows this. He knows India is probably the greatest civilization on earth. And he knows what true "masters" have said.
I don't know, I say don't trust the "masters" either. But some great truths have come out of that country. And this one is completely unavoidable.
Say your walking down a mountain path and you desperately want to know the truth. You come to this giant boulder in the way. You must get around it, you must address this one question.
Where the self is, love is not. meditate on that and everything else falls in place.
And to pontificate, (sorry breaking my own rule), I'm stating loud and clear, it can not happen. Where the self is dominate, there is no love. Like night and day, they are opposites. But it's more complicated than than. If there is light there is no darkness, it's not the opposite. So lets quit fooling ourselves over that easy subject. There is no time for intellectual speculation. The reports are in, the tsunami is rolling in. Big companies are laying off workers everyday! The banksters are consolidating, the fake paper money is flowing to the few, there is a power grab going on. People will be rioting and killing the wrong individuals once again. The true criminals are basking in the sun watching the idiots kill each other over issues they created. In a few months you may find yourself beating someone over the head for a loaf of bread. All talk of love will be....
But I'm getting old and senile, so I'd better shut up.
The rules are, if you are going to insult me you have to leave your name or- at my discretion- you won't be heard.
The ground hasn't shifted under anyone's feet yet... so, that makes you a Pollyanna until we see what.
I didn't much mind the insult but when you signed off with 'peace' well... that was just too disingenuous for me. You remind me of the sort of person who might catch someone making a mistake or taking a human liberty which is now against the rules according to the people who made them but don't obey them themselves.
You'd say something like this... "I know, I know you've got a family and you will lose your job over this but it just wouldn't be honest of me to pretend I didn't see you. I know you understand how deeply I regret this." as your eyes go moist.
i don't know what my i.q. is and think it's odd that living in a world like this any of us put any stock in putting, at least what we refer to as intelligence into some quotient to compare to others. we are also so easily told how much of the brain is used by that which can't possibly know, for no experience in any amount, or depth can possibly reveal all that is going on in there.
there is an intelligence - if that's the word - that has nothing to do with the known, the past. that intelligence has been around long, long before thought ever came into play. thought is like the newest boy on the block, running around, puffing up it's chest and it will cease to be and the body - in every possible form, organic and otherwise - will go on, forever.
dadnerd: i don't for a second think of whether you are educated enough, or any of that. dialogue is, simply, where two or more people engage in conversation. there are no parameters, or qualifications other than genuine interest.
i would be happy to do that ...
anonymous: i say that there is nothing separate, or distinct to have this so called awareness - another of many words that for the most went out the window. the change we are looking for is not change that is going on all the time. we cannot encapsulate that change, exploit it for the purpose of perpetuating thought's hold on the brain, the body. not that we won't struggle to do so, but that it cannot be done.
V: you are obviously intent on shutting people up. is it because you think no one listens to you, which as with all of us, is too often the case? you don't even know that i'm thinking, or what is going on in here.
i have no interest in new age garbage, i tossed it all out long ago. you have no idea what you're getting into there.
i think you want someone to get after you and i'm not the one for the job.
scarlet: i can only say i appreciate your alarm, though i don't know enough of what you've described. the military has grown like a cancer for years now. it is an outgrowth of all our hidden and blatant aggression. i am trying to get to the root of that abnormal fear, violence and conflict here.
dadnerd, again: the word love is so fully stigmatized and i would say that affection comes when there is simply no impulse of thought, with it's vested interested in preserving it's domination of the body. should there be not one single thought of loving another, being compassionate and all the rest, then at that point the body has an opportunity to function in a most natural way, and affection - love, if you want to call it that, for really the words are nothing, once there said and gone - then it will all open up and there will be a complete absence of conflict. you can't buy this, you can't make this happen, for in that effort you merely have the thing we call "love" which is useless. at that point, it will come of it's own and there is no way you can prepare for, do, or say about it.
thought has invented the "self", or whatever you want to call it. it's that simple and we are too complex to understand this. really there is nothing to understand. we have been duped for a very long time.
if someone comes to you - be honest, probably you are like practically everyone in this world - running around with their heads off, some on the verge of either committing suicide, or hurting, killing others, most of the world insane and they say to you, "listen, i do see what has created all of this, i do get that everything we are doing about it is only perpetuating this, making things terribly worse than they already are. that person has no interest in your fame, your money, your failed politics and stupefying religious, or spiritual dogma - they don't want to sell you anything!
would you be able to listen to them?
thought is, the world is, such that it is practically impossible for us to actually listen, or read what one another has to say. thought will interpret, distort that at every turn.
i say that the chance of us actually coming into function as natural beings is astronomically high.
i don't say it can't take place.
only the body can answer that.
i am around to talk about this until there is no longer any possibility of doing so.
amidst the gobbledegook of your commentary which says nothing and answers nothing I notice something quite disturbing and which should be apparent to most of us.
People who say that thought is bad and the body has the answers are engaging in the worst form of materialism and you can track this sort of thinking to most totalitarian and fascist productions on the planet. There's no mistaking what this implies.
The idea that you can imply that I am engaged in shutting people up is rank demagoguery and known to be untrue by everyone who reads here. You know no more about what I am thinking than you do what you are talking about in this disjointed ramble but... you have truly exposed yourself.
There's a new post up.
The Gyroscope with the Broken Leg.
Hmmm. Now that you mention it, it did seem kinda out of character for you to attach a preamble to a visitor's comment IN ALL CAPS announcing that they were lucky 1,000,000.
-shakes head- no matter how old and jaded I get, there's still that wide-eyed gullible kid in there....
Hi Les, and to the intelligent folks here also. One issue I've seen here on this thread of comments is the intelligence or lack thereof, of the average American.
Americans are ill-informed by design. Sensitive topics, meaning those which might cause people to question, are not discussed in school, nor in the "mainstream" media. (May the day come soon when it is mainstream no more!) Out of 100 Americans, I'd bet only 40% or less pick up or read a book after getting out of school. And out of the fraction that reads, a smaller fraction is actually going to take an interest in those things, like history, that would give a clue on why things in America are so screwed up. And out of this number, an even smaller percentage will run across anything that might, if applied, seriously threaten the powers-that-be. And out of this fraction, it is an even smaller fraction that will be inclined to APPLY what they have learned.
Also, many folks, because of the deterioration in the US standard of living since the '70s, are working longer hours for less money so theyre less inclined to do anything but plop in front of the TV when theyre off work.
These are the two major reasons I see why Americans are so ill-informed and, thus, easily manipulated.
I have observed the resumption of regular, low, extremely loud 'copter flights in the past couple days. I live under a flight path, but it has been virtually silent for many months. It's hard to do my recording thing these days with the windows rattling with regularity again. Maybe with the "pulling out" on the horizon they are practicing up for the next (mis)adventure.
The removal of thought? Sounds nice but how about starting by policing the door and frisking the thoughts that present themselves before letting them in and allowing them to join the party (or eat all the food and stain the rug)? That at least seems attainable, whereas eliminating all thought entirely would make us........what exactly? What would remain to guide us other than pure animal instinct? Or are we then to become something "other" than human (maybe the pure balls of light/energy I saw on Star Trek once?). My thoughts mess with me all the time - in fact it is the main challenge I face these days, but without them I wouldn't know where I am being confronted. I guess I just don't get it and will retreat to the sidelines and spectate once more.
Hey Z, nice to see you.
Yes, you are correct. When one lies about what they are doing with the obvious evidence otherwise present then it can hardly be considered a contribution.
Furthermore, direct statements of behavior and circumstances that are patently untrue is more the province of Free Republic and Fox News. It's one thing to disagree with a person's position or presentation but... to deliberately distort it is similar to being invited into someone's home and then taking a shit in their living room carpet. You're not Jackson Pollock but neither was he. It wasn't okay for him to do it either.
I don't get on too well with extremists. For example, I think that too much thought is about as bad as no thought. Too much water will get you the same dead as no water.
So how about love? This is only opinion but I'm noticing people getting as messed up on the "all you need is love" end of the spectrum as are those who hate everyone.
Dadnerd writes above that "love is the absence of self interest". To me, that's an extremist view. I can't love someone and still look out for myself? I don't buy it. If the statement was something like "love is taking a real and caring interest in someone other than one's self" I could agree. But one had better keep some self interest going there too. Love isn't about being a doormat.
Someone had asked about increased helicopter activity in one of the comments--we have had increased here in Ohio--my friend the twin-rotor Chinook has been thumping night and day--they are rarely out after dark but have been putting in overtime lately especially at night--the occasional Blackhawk from time to time as well-probably from Wright-Pat AFB-also have noticed a lot more highway patrol than usual--like they are just before and during a big holiday--maybe something, maybe nothing--but you asked so.......Damn internet connection (DSL) keeps crashing too--thank you EMBARQ!!
sorry if this is a double post, had to refresh the page before it would let me post--
Are you seeing helicopters and airplanes leaving trails? Maybe aliens abducted you? Maybe you think 9/11 was an inside job? Do you wear tinfoil to keep out the radio interference? Maybe you think Barack Obama is just another puppet of the global elite who have intentionally destroyed the global economy?
Well, I think you're all delusional - and I will be calling my local DHS Fusion center to come and round you people up.
As always "Thought ammo" delivered.
Absolutely NotaMobster!
At least one person on this boring thread of wasted bandwith whom have not drunk the Kool-Aid knows what we are up against.. don't they understand that we are up against the largest most fearsome cave-dwelling islamic militants that hate what freedom(s) we have?
Geez. Sometimes I just don't get you guys.
I feel quite comforted in the fact that our mighty free military out here are doing fly-bys 24/7 in F-14's and AWAX most of the day and night and in inclement weather add to jj's post of our freedom fighters resolve to make America Strong!
What could possibly go wrong?
Les Re:..... Mother Teresa.... Mother Teresa was a creep and anyone who has read up on some of her policies regarding the women she allegedly helped and the ones she refused to help because they didn't meet Catholic doctrine will see what she was up to. You might also try to discover what happened to all of the money she collected and ask yourself why she got photographed with so many of the world's worst dictators....
I know she was seen with certian people. So what, How do you know what she might have said to them. As for the money, she would not have been in charge of that. Did she turn people away, and do you know why she did, if she did? Tell me where you got your info and I will go look it up. For all the good she done, there will always be some one she could not help, you can't please all of the people all of the time. She was human, not a God, give her a break. How would you fair if you give your whole life to helping others and for the thousands you helped there were still people who would cast you down for the one,s you could'nt help. In the truth of God/the great spirit, or what ever we call him, I do not think for one minute you or I could have given as much as she did. By the way, she would have been under, what is called "Holy obedance" and like evrey other nun would have answered to her bishop., right or wrong, this is part of her vow. If you want to cast stones then cast them at the right people,,,,If I had a choice, I would much rather have her than what the people of Gaza have had for the past few weeks, months and years. Com-on Les, was she that bad, that a lifes work and service to the down and out should be wiped away because she was not perfect? I would like to see you do what she did and see how bright you holo is at the end of the day. Mahatma Gandhi was a great man, but he still could not please all. Jesus was
nailed to a cross, maybe we should have done the same to Mother Teresa and Gandhi and all the rest who tried to make a differance. Maybe we should nail you to a cross, after all, I am sure there are a good few people would like to do it. I dont know what else to say. I follow your blog and have great respect for your words. I am sad that you feel the way you do about such a soul. hope i am not pissing you off, but i guess i am. I try to live in such a way that I try to love all that I meet. I don't give a shit what religion you are or are not. Are you saying that Mother Teresa only helped thoes who converted to the Catholic faith? What if she believed, as a nun, of the Catholic Church, it was her duty to pass that faith on. I don't claim to know the story of Mother Teresa, but I would say that she made a difference for the good. If you want to blame anyone then blame the one's in charge of her.
Anyway, I will be coming back here. For the most part, I believe you get thing right. God Bless.
M astara:
Thanks for the comments. I do want to clarify one thing. My definition of the word love is probably not appropriate for this discussion. We know mothers love their children, etc... And we all know about compassion and affection, you could call these degrees of love I suppose. My concern is that we have a tendency to fool ourselves. While we believe we are loving, in fact much of our behavior is quite self centered. So for me personally, I don't want to fool myself, I want to see exactly what I am.That word has been so misused, I prefer living in the real world. I'm not saying self centeredness is bad. It appears to be useful for survival. But I do observe all the trouble it causes. We all find ourselves stuck in this conundrum. Just one tiny little example. We think we love our wife, then one day we see her talking to another man, and we go into a jealous rage, wheres the love? We may simply be possessive. I can think of a hundred examples of how we fool ourselves. It's really very simple. Observe and face what you really are.
Apparently it is only the few that can actually do this.
Very complicated subject actually. I guess we all find a balance that suits our personality.
'I don't claim to know the story of Mother Teresa, but'
So why prattle on?? Find your facts first- Les does, you can rely on that!.
Tony makes a good point. Of course I have research this and you could have just gone to Google and put in the keywords, 'the truth about Mother Teresa'. I don't ask people to accept what I say reflexively but I do ask that they don't consider me their research assistant. No harm done... I'll help you out this time.
look here
and here
and here
There's a great deal more which all says the same thing.
Hi. I appreciate the following from your post; although to be fair, I'd apply some of the principles to a far larger group of jellyfish followers, than simply those it appears you are referring to; I'd add about 98% of the populations of for example Gaza, Sowetho South Central LA and Calcutta, etc.
“These new visits and the relative intelligence of these individuals are reflected in the responses they are leaving in my comments section. I’m hearing tired canards about ‘taking your meds’. I’m hearing from people who are going to hunt down and kill anyone who criticizes Obama. I’m receiving comments from people who haven’t a clue about 9/11 and who believe it’s just something in the past and doesn’t matter to the present and the future of their country. It’s all very revealing.
These people are so far away from the truth about their situation that seeking to inform them about anything is tantamount to speaking to them in a foreign language which they will never learn. You might as well be talking to your house cat about electricity.
The storm clouds are gathered on the horizon. In the midst of the cheering and celebrations, the sleeping classes are dancing in their dreams while their house is on fire. They are in the same situation as a driver going down the highway who is ignoring every sign and traffic light. It is hard to feel sorry for people like this. These are the sorts of people who will seek to do you bodily harm for telling them something intended to save and protect them.
Even though I and others like me move through your world we are not a part of it. Our world is as foreign to you as a lawnmower is to a headhunter. Your world seems to us like a suicidal madness where you believe what you are told by people who consider you suckers, fools and disposable as the plastic wrappers that cover the processed foods you consume in order to feed the medical industries who rely on your poor health for profit and survival.
I think back over the centuries and wonder at all the times that your shiny, believing faces have gazed in awe and hope upon the leaders whose intention was to destroy you. I think of all the pointless wars, designed for the profit of those who created them, into which you marched to brass bands and waving banners. I think of the witch hunts and the religious leaders who convinced you that your God was a bloodthirsty demon who would destroy everyone but yourselves.
Now you have a president whose knowledge of the tasks before him are the equal of a child in grammar school presented with a problem in theoretical physics. He’s a Hollywood president. He’s a man who might play the part in a television show and he only has to look the part. It’s not the same as real life. In real life there are no convenient scripts where one only has to repeat their lines. There is no need here to understand the problems because the problems are all solved by the waving of a magic wand between commercial breaks.
Hope and change are the slogans of a product that promises results than cannot be delivered. They are a call to arms against an enemy who is yourself. Hope is best defined in the phrase, “wish in one hand and shit in the other.” Change and the promise of improvement are best understood in the belief that you can achieve different results by doing the same thing over again. But you do not want to hear this. This is like fingernails drawn down a blackboard. This provokes the rage behind your denial and though it is never different, you believe that this time it will be different.
Here we have a lawyer with no practical grasp beyond his profession who intends to change your world without either the tools or the skills to accomplish it. Therefore these tasks will be handed over to the very elements that have brought you to where you are today. His chief adviser is an on site representative of a foreign nation which is the greatest enemy your country has beside epidemic ignorance and a childish enthusiasm for magic wands and miracle products. You have my sympathies.
It is only fitting that you should have a Hollywood president for you are a Hollywood people whose lives have no more substance than the characters in the programs that you watch. You are manipulated by and enthralled with those whose primary intention is to deceive and abuse you and you have your fingers in your ears while you scream to blot out the voice of truth that must, perforce, find another means to inform you; those who cannot hear must feel.”
My only thoughts were in the analogy of Descartes “I think, therefore I am” Swiss watch. Your most recent blog post, The Macroprosopus and the Spinal Meningitis, is a similar analogy, using the body as a diseased organism.
In my perspective the entire current paradigm of political power (whether ‘democratic’ or ‘autocratic’) can easily fall into Orwell’s descriptions of ‘Power’.
Alienation and the Projected Blame Game: As much as we want to blame those who reach the pinnacles of that power structure, if we look closely to our own family, or relationship, or corporate power structure, and we are honest with ourselves, what manifests on the world stage as power demockery and authoritarianism, is evident in our own power structures. When the little cogs of the watch decide to practice what they preach, decide to practice living in a republic, within their corporate and family relationships, then and only then will we provide for real change. How many of the little cog’s in the ‘demockery watch’ (cause it definitely is not a constitutional republic watch), practice ‘Freedom of Speech’ in their family, or on their blogs, or in their corporations? How many of ‘Truth Movement’ preach ‘Freedom of Speech’ and don’t practice it? When a significant amount of ‘Freedom of Speech’ with committed listeners and committed groups are committed to listen and honestly comit to resolving problems locally; then those groups provide the Freedom of Speech space, for leaders who are currently imprisoned by principles of Political Correctness Fascism, that deny honest discussion to enable honest healing and honest problem solving.
I appreciate you for what I interpret as your commitment to Freedom of Speech.
In particular, I appreciate you for this comment:
Visible said
Dear Mr. Tie one on (and the rest of you jellyfish);
I could recommend that you print that little soliloquy out, roll it up and then stick it up your ass and set it on fire. Of course, since I'm all fucking sensitive and stuff I will forbear.
Let me clue a few of you high minded sorts in on a little secret; I'm not Jesus Christ. You want Jesus Christ? Go find Jesus Christ.
I'm not hear to pour out endless platitudinous shit so that I can be all things to all men and women. I'm not here to tell everyone they are beautiful and how each of you have some special gift. You're mistaking me for someone else and you are also mistaking this blog for Visible Origami where I actually do things like that now and again.
Let me further clue you to the fact that I know that none of you practice what you are suggesting I practice. A great many of you have far too much advice that you don't follow. Reaching people is not always about kissing people's ignorant asses and telling them how special they are. The fact is that a great many of you are not special at all and need to be told that and also need to be told that you are self-involved fuckwits who make so much of the nasty shit on this planet possible by being self-involved fuckwits.
If you feel the need to engage in mind numbing politically correct nurturing of all sorts then have at it. I'm here to get fiery and direct and that's how it is at the moment.
A large percentage of the population is composed of selfish, "love me love my butt acne" sprawled on pornographic beds and eating rum truffles non contributing constantly consuming one step short of Animal Farm mirror dancing livestock. I'm tired of living in a world full of cretinous hug bunnies with a bunch of new age advice for all occasions that would make a Hallmark greeting card writer puke.
Here's my politeness filter-
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Hopefully that will serve.
In conclusion... I do not call everyone stupid. I am referring to a specific collection of Nimrods who are as culpable for the present day situation as are the people directly involved in making it happen and I offer no apologies for calling them on it.
If I spent my time being careful not to injure the inner child of every retarded spoiled brat on this planet I would never get anything done. Mother Teresa was a creep and anyone who has read up on some of her policies regarding the women she allegedly helped and the ones she refused to help because they didn't meet Catholic doctrine will see what she was up to. You might also try to discover what happened to all of the money she collected and ask yourself why she got photographed with so many of the world's worst dictators... check shit out before you attempt to inform me.
Have a wonderful day.
2:40 PM
It is counter-productive all this “hoping”.
It is an example of propaganda “working” ... again ....
It is messianic fervour ... revealing only the masses’ desperate desire for change, but does not in itself signify any change ... simply the desire for it. It repeats itself, as history does:
“During the many centuries of Talmudist” (substitute “Bush” here, if you like) “government the terror, and the dogma which it enclosed, produced two significant results. These were recurrent Messianic outbursts, which expressed the captives'
longing to escape the terror; and recurrent protests against the dogma, from the Jews themselves.
These words, written by Douglas Reed in 1952 or thereabouts in “The Controversy of Zion”, seem to capture some of the present, ridiculous, hope for a Messiah, bestowed in a “white” black man. It really matters little whether he is “genuine” or if he believes himself or not (maybe Bush believed he was spoken to by God and ordered to invade Iraq ...?). What Obama thinks, or I think for that matter, is irrelevant. The important thing is the degree to which the masses can be whipped into a frenzy of “believing”. Our task is to see through the film and glazing.
Les, you’re totally on the right tack. I sometimes get bogged down in sidetracks in my attempts to find the truth, but sooner or later I get somewhere, like all of us who are determined to find the light and refuse to be “told” by others without using our own judgement, albeit imperfect at any one moment in time.
I don’t want to reject “Hope” as an idea, but I do reject this belief in one man as a saviour. These are not times for One Man. These are the times of the Many. It is an opportunity to push, all of us, for something better. Each in his own way can do some small act toward shifting the Great Inertia. Again, the man speaks of other times that ring with truth today:
“Zionism in our time is recognisably a new form of Messianism, leading to the same inevitable disappointment.”!
Well done for the over million hits! Keep up your great work, we all appreciate it very much.
Peace and Light!
darwin was wrong. open-ness and adaptation against closed systems and evolution.... when the poop hits the wind maker, those who adapt to the new reality will survive.
If we don't work TOGETHER...We are all doomed to remain on planet HELL...You know 'Earth'. You can stay if you want. Thanks Les!
Barack Obama made a joint appearance with Bill Ayers in 1997 at a University of Chicago panel?
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