Dog Poet Transmitting.......
It was some ancient Greek who said, “The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small”. Just about anything anyone ever said, got said in some permutation by an ancient Greek. They had so many different kinds of philosophers that sometimes opposing views were being declaimed on opposite sides of the same river; one weeping and one laughing. In about 2500 years, we’ve gone from a glut of philosophers to a glut of psychopaths. We’ve gone from high art and noble thinking to trash art and ‘stinking thinking’; stealing a term from the most prominent recovery program of our time. People think it’s an economic recovery that we need but what we need to recover is something that has gone missing in ourselves.
It fascinates me to see Israel arm-twisting the world over the Goldstone Report. It is even more fascinating to watch them suborn the official representatives of the victims of Gaza. I watch in disbelief, the appearance of mysterious police forces in small, western towns and the deployment by The Department of Homeland Insecurity of cutting edge, crowd-control weapons to local police forces. There’s no problem at the moment but they’re working on that.
The Earth is rumbling and shaking beneath the floorboards. The bowels of the Earth are an echo chamber for human discontent. We’ve fed her enough nasty cuisine to qualify as the mother of all bad Mexican dinners. Montezuma is not amused and quite a few of you aren’t going to be either. Well, those among us who are literate enough have read the lines about ‘signs and wonders’ might have some idea what it all means. Meanwhile, the drunks in the buckboard of the great ship of state are whooping it up like the boys at the Malamute Saloon.
I have to laugh every time I hear about how the recession (which is not a recession) is turning around and everywhere you look you can’t help but see those green shoots on the Chia head of the economy. Then, every week jobs are going South- metaphorically speaking, if you catch my drift- and unemployment benefits are running out and the actual unemployment figures are inching up to 20%. What little manufacturing remains in the U.S. has had to cut back their production because of lowered demand and- that’s right kiddies- Christmas is coming and winter is coming too.
What startles and fascinates and intrigues me the most though is… that there has been little or no improvement in the human psyche. Surrounded by the trappings of a Shake & Bake, instant gratification culture and all the sophistications of the modern age we are still behaving like Neanderthals. Our religious superstitions, devoid of the previous back mystery of other times, are now empty shells riddled with all the excesses that the front men preach against, while performing them for their own amusement.
Certain things hold a people and a culture together. They may not be the best glue we can get but they serve to provide cohesion and continuity. These things are falling apart and cannot hold together because the chemistry has gone awry. What happens in times like this is that the state arms itself against the people as the wheels come off the cart. They arm themselves to protect themselves -and the few who have looted the system entire- from the coming outrage of the people which they intend to stoke into flames when the time comes. There were and are many better solutions to the situation but… we’re not dealing with enlightened minds. We’re dealing with Neanderthal paranoia and appetites.
All around the globe you can see the busy hands of the demented and deluded at work. The Weasel of Westminster, Tony Blair; that shining light of The Middle East, that prancing poodle for Mr. All Hat and no Cattle, that shimmering scion of nation building in plundered landscapes, which no longer possess nations but are now the summa qua non of dismantled and displaced populations, mourning the absence of their fellows… yes, that Tony Blair is about to bypass The Lupercal and accept the kingly crown of Europe where no doubt he will perform as he has so far; a disgrace to the world, his country and himself.
The president of the United States has exposed himself as a slick liar with zero shame. He’s perched on one of history’s surfboards and riding like a man on a mission known only to himself… coming down off the wave and right into a bottomless, lava tube where there is no light, no recovery and no possibility of return. I’m waving a linen handkerchief as I watch him from my sidecar of the precession of the Simulacra, as it joins the equinox somewhere in hyperspace. Bon voyage Mon Capitaine. It’s a parade he’s leading of blind Geithners and deaf Bernakes; ranks of suited clones descend like armies of zombies in a cemetery of night. “No Exit”, as a pernicious, commie of a Frenchman once said.
The mass of the peoples of the world are not to be outdone. Their heads bob up and down like pink flamingoes- of the John Waters variety- on a drinking glass. Nimrods and Nodwells all, they do their duty to entropy; on their way to replenish the dinosaur juice for some future world of roads to nowhere. It takes a lot of gas to drive to a destination that cannot be reached by any highway. Well, like they say, it’s the journey that’s important. I suppose that even if you never get anywhere you know where you’ve been. What you’ve been is had.
I wish I had a water buffalo that I could ride out past the Great Wall of China like Lao Tzu but I’m not even in China and I suspect it’s not the same world out there that it was in those times. Shambhala is hidden in mist and I’ve no idea where. I suspect Mongolia but I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Who could have imagined we would ever come to a time where an honest statesman was rarer than hummingbird’s teeth? Who could imagine the streams of corruption that run like the rivers in spring, through the marketplaces and houses of worship; through the neighborhoods and communities. It’s a hard call whether confusion or corruption is on top at any given moment. In tandem with the pandemic of ignorance, the specters of black-suited police squads tap with their batons on their Plexiglas shields. They have no idea how they came to be where they are. They know only attack and retreat and they’re not anticipating the latter. I suspect they enjoy their work. The only thing greater than anger in the heart of a bully, is the fear that generates it.
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. Of course you do what you can. It may seem futile but it’s not. Somehow all the little efforts add up to something further up the road. We cannot see the impact of our humanity against a backdrop of its absence. Sometimes you just have to soldier on. There are two types, so engaged, after two different ends. I suspect that if one can obtain ignominy then one can obtain redemption too. It stands to reason that if there is some great concentration of darkness there must be some great concentration of light as well. It does seem that you have to walk through a lot of darkness to find the light. The reverse would not be true. It’s always harder to go the right way because you can’t travel on the usual routes.
The greatest injury to me is not the daily evidence of dirty doings or the wide indifference to it. It’s the crushing weight of the moment as it soldiers on as well. It’s the ordinary as it passes beyond its own boundaries, as if there might be some succor there. It’s as if perversion would finally arrive at virtue by persistence.
It’s a dark day here. The sky is milk white in anticipation of the season changing. Perhaps that is the atmosphere of this piece.
the young suffer and long
the old regret
i imagine this must be so,
I have not got there yet
it may be this is the usual thing
but not cut in stone
or forced-
a matter of choice
it is the result of reflection
on courses not taken
and courses taken
anyone could go otherwise
than the common road...
the vast herd of the dying
with no way out,
or so they think
or even prefer...
i don't know
i have another way to go
over narrow paths
among high rocks and wind
rough water
through crashing darkness
before it turns serene...
but then,
on that further shore...
what is there that might concern me anymore?
you may have your ceremonies
and meet the Queen for tea
you may ride in the carriage of the chosen
over the bodies of the fallen
and over the crest of the roar
of acclaim
as they shout your name...
and where does the carriage go?
you don't want to know...
I hear them...
the canyon rocks with dreams
and you are unable to awaken-
and you cannot forget
this is why the young
suffer and long
and why the old regret.
End Transmission.......
'Iridescent Dreams' is track no. 10 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Wow Les. Wow wow wow!
Beautiful and to the point.
Thank you Les.
I am anonymous but no troll,nor have I any wish to get ad hominem or whine but just to say that whenever I think to visit your words I am gladdened that they exist.
Thank you.
I just read an article by D.Icke which stated the star of David on the Israeli flag is taken directly from the red shield that used to hang over the goldsmith Bauer's shop in Germany.
If this is true it would seem to confirm a commonly held belief that the country of Israel has been created primarily by the money and power of a singular private family through Balfour.
Hell's bells!
What if the whole point of Israel has been to bring the planet to a final world war in order that everyone will accept the original family taking total control of all of the countries' money and leaders permanently?
If this 'what if' is correct, then that originating family desires so much violence and hostility between nations, coupled with as much economic breakdown, and as much political (corruption) breakdown, and as much community and family breakdown as is humanly possible.
If that 'what if' is correct, then we are heading in exactly the RIGHT direction according to the goals of that family dynasty.
Word Up Dog!
Great Post....
But I should've eaten my breakfast before reading about Toady Tony B-Liar and Obama the Silver Tongued Surfer, I have zero appetite now..(o__O)
Sometimes your posts affect me in a way that's hard to describe, kind of like the feeling you get when you're standing on the edge of a really high cliff.
After reading this post I had a remembrance of the saying that dying is a part of living. We all have to die sometime, we as individuals, also as cultures and nations. The dying process is almost never fun to watch. A lot of what you write about has to do with that dying process.
This time we are living in was foretold in the Christian Bible, in several sections of scripture. It was foretold 2500 years ago in Daniel 8:24-25 that Antichrist (counterfeit Christ) will destroy the mighty and the holy people, then set up his kingdom, and then be destroyed himself by the true Christ.
The true Christ spoke of this day in Matthew 24:21, saying:
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
He also said in Daniel 12:7 that when
Antichrist shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
All of what we are seeing happen now is a precursor to the foretold events. Those of us who love the truth will make it through.
I find it a little more than interesting how people want the 'good times' to come back so bad that they are willing to sell their souls for it, along with the ability for rational thinking.
The people at the top of the pile, who have everything they need, are preparing hell on earth for those at the bottom so they can keep more than they need. Greed!
I guess you could say it was a great party while it lasted but here come the hangover.
Fear is spreading across the land. I feel it almost daily now even in myself at times. I thought that having had the 'sh*t scared out of me' so many times in prior life that I would not feet it, but I do. It is a sad statement that what people are really fearing is their own government. Doulblespeak at its best.
I just keep coming back to that concept of all these people wanting and thinking that the good times are coming back. We are on a lifeboat meant for two and there are ten people in it. Two of them are armed to the teeth, we know the rest of the story.
Thank you Les for you words, even though I sometimes need a dictionary. You are a lighthouse for all of us out there in our little boats in the middle of the sea with a storm tossing us about and only more to come.
blessings to all,
The Zionist elephant in the room.
...but see it and you're 'racist'
The political creed of Zionism has big ears and a long trunk and I think it's time that was pointed out. It also stampedes through our lives at every level and that needs to be said, too.
It has created a pincer-movement on the human mind by hijacking staggering amounts of political, corporate, banking and media power on one side and by using the fear of being called 'anti-Semitic' if you dare to state the...obvious.
They have been able to do this by equating in public perception that Zionism = Jewish people. It does not. Zionism is a political creed introduced by the House of Rothschild to advance the goals of the Illuminati families that are largely controlled by the Rothschilds.
When people think of Zionism they think of Jewish people. When they think of Israel they think of Jewish people. That's understandable given the propaganda, but it is seriously misleading and those instant connections need to be broken if we are going to understand what's going on here.
Zionism means Rothschild just as Israel means Rothschild. When we see the extraordinary number of Zionists in key positions around the world we are looking not at 'manipulating Jews', but manipulating Zionists representing the interests and demands of the Rothschilds.
Anti-zionism isnotequalto anti-semitism
Significant numbers of Jewish people are not Zionists and oppose that appalling creed while many Zionists are not Jewish. These include the Christian Zionists and Obama's vice-president, Joe Biden, who told Israeli television 'I'm a Zionist'... If, as Biden rightly says, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, how can it be a racial rather than a political movement? It can't. It's just made to appear like that to manipulate public perception because opposing Zionism then becomes opposing Jewish people as a whole and the 'you're a racist' card can be played over and over.
!Yet another preeminent hi-fi transmission!
Me and the lads in the lab just wanted to say: What a delectable and stewpendous source - we're lapping it up like it was the tapped straight from the Lapis Philosophorum
Of all the pen wielding critters I've had the pleasure of reading, from geek to great; on my blog-bulletin smorgasbord you're the Alpha Mail, Dog Poet
Far from protecting and advancing the interests of the mass of Jewish people it has often been devastating for them and caused millions to be labelled unfairly by the actions of the Zionist elite. On the Jews Against Zionism website one feature highlights how Rothschild Zionism targeted Jews who had lived for generations in Palestine side-by-side with Arabs in peace and harmony:
'The religious Jews who by virtue of their faith, clearly contradicted Zionist nationalism, and who had lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors for generations, became unwillingly identified with the Zionist cause and their struggle with the Arabs.
They requested the United Nations that Jerusalem be designated as a defacto international city. They appealed to the diplomatic corps assigned to Jerusalem -- but to no avail. They were hence confronted with the choice of either becoming a part of the Zionist State, which diametrically opposed the interests of Jews as a religion, or abandoning the land of which their forefathers were the first Jewish settlers.
Let's get this straight. Zionism doesn't give a 'damn' about Jewish people. To the Rothschilds and their Zionist gofers and thugs the Jewish people as a whole are merely cattle to be used and abused as necessary - just like the rest of the human population.
The networks of the House of Rothschild were behind Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party in the Rothschild heartland of Germany where they had changed their name from Bauer in 18th century Frankfurt and launched the dynasty that was to control global finance.
After the war the Rothschilds used public sympathy for Jewish people targeted by the Nazis to press for a homeland in Palestine. This was the alleged reason for the founding of Zionism, but that is only part of it.
...the campaign to impose a Rothschild fiefdom in Palestine goes back at least to the earlier part of the 19th century and probably long before. It was given a massive boost with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared in a letter his government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
This letter was sent by Balfour, an inner-circle member of an elite secret society called the Round Table, to Baron (Walter) Rothschild who funded the Round Table.
Today, Rothschild Illuminati fronts like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and others, still answer to the Round Table which string-pulls and coordinates from the shadows. This is why Zionists in government are invariably connected with these Rothschild-controlled organisations.
The Rothschilds funded the early settlers from Europe to relocate in post-war Palestine and they also funded and armed the terrorist groups, like Irgun, which BOMBED AND TERRORISED ISRAEL INTO EXISTENCE IN 1948, a campaign which forced 800,000 Palestinians to leave the land of their birth.
Israel is simply the State of Rothschild and how appropriate that they paid for the construction of the Israeli parliament building, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. The name Rothschild means Red-shield and it originates with the red shield 'Star of David' symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt ...
There are many reasons why the Rothschilds and their allies wanted to hijack Palestine and one was to keep the Middle East in a state of disruption and turmoil from which a global war can eventually be triggered to usher in the New World Order of world government dictatorship.
The creation of Israel is A MEANS NOT AN END and the Rothschilds will be quite happy to leave the Jewish population to their fate if it suits them. After all, they've done it before.
The world's second biggest Zionist population is in the United States and given that both America and Israel are controlled by the Rothschild networks it is not hard to fathom why that slither of land in the Middle East receives around a third of all US overseas aid.
An average $3 billion a year is handed to the State of Rothschild as a result of decisions made by American administrations that are always, 'Republican' or 'Democrat', controlled by the Rothschilds. One hand of the network hands over the cash to another.
This explains why the United States never talks about the arsenal of nuclear weapons stockpiled by one of the world's most 'trigger-happy' states. Israel refuses to discuss them and the American policy, recently reconfirmed by Obama, is never to ask or bring up the subject.
The last two US administrations are testament to the extent of Zionist (Rothschild) control of America and thus its foreign policy...
The 'Bush' government was the glove-puppet of the so-called neo-cons, or neoconservatives, whose only political philosophy in truth was the interests of Zionism. At the heart of the Rothschild-controlled neocon cabal were Richard Perle (Zionist), Paul Wolfowitz (Zionist), Dov Zakheim (Zionist), Douglas Feith (Zionist), John Bolton (Zionist), Lewis Libby (Zionist), the list goes on and on.
These were the people who orchestrated the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of the Rothschilds.Economic policy was dictated through the years of Reagan-Bush, Father Bush, Clinton and most of Boy Bush by Alan Greenspan (Zionist), chairman of the privately-owned US 'central bank', the Federal Reserve. Privately owned, that is, by the Rothschilds through a network of front people and organisations.
Greenspan introduced the policies of deregulation that culminated, as designed, in the free-for-all frenzy of greed by banks and financial markets in general that led to the crash in the last weeks of the Bush presidency. Greenspan resigned from the Fed before the consequences of his long-term game-plan exploded in lost homes, jobs and savings. He was replaced by Bernard Bernanke (Zionist).
Greenspan was enthusiastically supported in his deregulation through successive administrations by Treasury Secretaries in the Clinton years, Robert E. Rubin (Zionist) and Larry Summers (Zionist), and also by the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most powerful in the Fed cabal, Timothy Geithner (Zionist).
When Obama won the presidency amid the gathering financial crisis, caused by all of the above, and others, he appointed Geithner as his Treasury Secretary and Summers as head of the White House Economic Council. Both are protégés of Robert Rubin who resigned from Citigroup earlier this year for his role in 'advising' it to the brink of collapse.
Obama's Budget Director is Peter Orszag (Zionist) who headed the company that advised the Icelandic Central Bank in the prelude to the crash of Iceland's financial system. This has led to Iceland being fast-tracked into the Rothschild-created European Union to 'save' its economy. Orszag also advised the Russian Treasury when state-owned assets and resources were handed to Zionist oligarchs, including Roman Abramovich...
Add to all this the fact that the World Bank is headed by Robert Zoellick (Zionist), who replaced Paul Wolfowitz (Zionist), and that the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, is run by Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Zionist).
Anyone still doubt that the Rothschild network controls global finance and therefore the lives and choices of virtually every man, woman and child on the planet?
The Rothschilds are at the heart of the Obama White House in the form of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (Zionist) and Chief White House Advisor David Axelrod (Zionist). Emanuel has served in the Israeli army and his father was an operative with the Rothschild terrorist group, Irgun, as it bombed Israel into being. This included the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 that killed 91 people.
Rahm Emanuel also worked closely Robert E. Rubin (Zionist) during the Clinton years to impose NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was designed from the start to be a stepping-stone to a North American, and eventually an American Union, along the lines of the EU. The Zionist world is very small indeed.
David Axelrod ran Obama's election campaigns and now oversees his every word slavishly read from his teleprompter screens. There is little that Obama says that his Zionist handlers don't tell him or give him to say.
They have also ensured that US policy for Iran and the Persian Gulf is headed by Dennis Ross (Zionist) who has served Israeli interests in successive American administrations. There will not be a cigarette paper behind the scenes between him and...Netanyahu, Lieberman, Barak, the prime minister, foreign minister and defence minister of Israel. Rothschild 'stooges', in other words.
Zionist Mandelson works for the pyramid
The most influential figure by far in the current British government is Peter Mandelson (Zionist) who continues to amass more titles and powers from the beleaguered Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Mandelson is an insider operative for the Rothschilds and has frequently accepted hospitality from his close friend and associate, Nathaniel Rothschild. This week Mandelson called for the UK to join the (Rothschild) single European currency.
Meanwhile, the hapless and hopeless Gordon Brown did as he was told and appointed Ivan Lewis (Zionist) to be minister of state with responsibility for, wait for it ... British policy on the Middle East. Lewis, vice-chair of the Labour Friends of Israel, was an outspoken supporter of Israel's slaughter of the innocent in Gaza this year. Lewis said of his new job:
'My responsibility for the Middle East peace process is particularly poignant. I have never hidden my pride at being Jewish or my support for the State of Israel.'
What chance do the Palestinians have of fairness and justice? None.
In France, as I mentioned last week, President Sarkozy (Zionist) is a long-time asset of Mossad, the Rothschild enforcement agency masquerading as the intelligence agency of Israel. Mossad has been implicated in terror attacks and other horrors all over the world because it represents the Rothschild global agenda and not the people of Israel. French president Sarkozy (is a) Zionist Jew.
Look also at the Zionist (Rothschild) control of the entertainment and media industry in the form of people like Fox News President Peter Chernin (Zionist); Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Zionist); Walt Disney CEO Robert Igor (Zionist); Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (Zionist); Warner Brothers Chairman Barry Meyer (Zionist); CBS CEO Leslie Moonves (Zionist); MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Zionist); and NBC/Universal Studios CEO Jeff Zucker (Zionist).
The Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein (Zionist) wrote an article proclaiming that Americans who don't think Jews (Zionists) control Hollywood are just plain 'dumb'. Stein went on:
'The Jews are so dominant. I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. But lo and behold, even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew! ... As a proud Jew, I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.'
And not only Hollywood. Shahar Ilan, a daily features editor with the leading Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz, wrote: 'The Jews do control the American media. This is very clear, and claiming otherwise is an insult to common knowledge'. Zionists have truly massive influence over the news media with the likes of Rupert Murdoch (Zionist) with his vast television and newspaper empire, and the Sulzberger family (Zionists) who own the New York Times. The list is enormous across television, radio, newspapers and the Internet.
When you look at the number of Zionists in key positions of power and control in politics, banking, corporations, news media, Hollywood and so on, it is sobering to think that Jewish people are just
1.7% OF THE AMERICAN POPULATION and many of those won't be Zionists.
What if the same situation happened with Arab people or Chinese, Irish or even black Americans? There would be an outcry and questions asked about how one group can have so much influence over the lives of a whole nation, indeed many nations. And I stress again that, in the end, this control system leads to the Rothschilds and the spider they represent at the centre of the web.
B'nai Brith front man (is) Harry Abrams
The Rothschilds established B'nai B'rith in 1843 to prevent exposure of the global Zionist networks. The ' BB' is an offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and operates worldwide to brand as 'anti-Semitic' anyone who exposes the Rothschild operation.
In 1913, B'nai B'rith launched an organisation specifically to target and defame researchers, in fact anyone, who questions, criticises or exposes Israel and the ever-gathering Zionist influence across the world. With typical irony they called it the Anti-Defamation League, better known as the ADL, and claimed it was there to protect Jewish people. As Plato said: 'This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector'.
The ADL is, in fact, a sub-agency of the Israeli (Rothschild) centre for covert operations, the Mossad, which, according to a former agent, has the motto:
...The ADL is behind the introduction of 'hate laws' which are aimed at silencing dissent against Zionism or Israel. The Jewish academic, Noam Chomsky, said this of the ADL in his book, Necessary Illusions:
'The ADL has virtually abandoned its earlier role as a civil rights organization, becoming "one of the main pillars" of Israeli propaganda in the U.S., as the Israeli press casually describes it, engaged in surveillance, blacklisting, compilation of FBI-style files circulated to adherents for the purpose of defamation, angry public responses to criticism of Israeli actions, and so on.
These efforts, buttressed by insinuations of anti-Semitism or direct accusations, are intended to deflect or undermine opposition to Israeli policies, including Israel's refusal, with U.S. support, to move towards a general political settlement.'
The American rabbi, Michael Lerner, agrees:
'The ADL lost most of it credibility in my eyes as a civil rights organization when it began to identify criticisms of Israel with anti-Semitism, still more when it failed to defend me when I was receiving threats to my life from right-wing Jewish groups because of my critique of Israeli policy toward Palestinians (it said that these were not threats that came from my being Jewish, so therefore they were not within their area of concern).'
Firstly, the ADL has never been a civil rights organisation. Its very purpose has been to take them away. Secondly, it is not there to defend anyone, Jewish or otherwise. It's there to represent the sadistic interests of the House of Rothschild and the wider Illuminati.
It is so important that people are aware of this background to Zionism because at the moment it is basically speeding along unchallenged through lack of awareness and fear of being dubbed 'racist'.
...I want to uncover the truth...
Please, let's circulate this information as effectively as we can and bring it from the shadows to public attention. We must refuse to be intimidated into silence over this.
Martin Luther King said: '... we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.'
It is time to stand up, in every sense.
Greetings to you Les, I am new to your posts, have been many years attempting to connect the dots. Your posts have moved me closer to seeing the picture and where we are at this fragile time on earth.
Hi Les, best.
One thing which brought the idiocy of the Zionists into a clear summation this AM was the headline on MSNBC today: "NYT: Iran Could Build Nukes".
Yeah, so could Burkina Faso, or Fiji, or Burundi. So could my ass, for that matter. The moon COULD be made out of green cheese. And, if I lived to be one hundred, I could get a velocipede.
Grasping at straws, that's what they're doing. And they expect the same level of credulity from people nowadays that those in more enlightened times manifested towards the Donation of Constantine.
Hey what if? Israel has been created by the central bankers, primnarily by the Rothschilds. You said, you read from David Icke that the star of david is taken from the red shield that used to hang in front of the goldsmiths Bauers shop in Germany? Well get this Redshield translated to German is Rothschild.
Israel has been created by the elite bankers to set the stage for world war 3. I believe they're using the book of Revelations as their blue print.
As soon as Iran gets attacked, (which that seems like it will happen any month now but I could be wrong), Russia and China are going to fight on Irans side to ensure that their business with Iran doesn't get affected. It will be the US, Israel, Canada, and the EU against Iran, Russia, and China.
Shits going to hit the fan as soon as they attack Iran. That rhymes and you know that rhymes so why don't you just admit it! admit it!!!
uhh my bad... kinda got carried away there... good post les keep up the good work.
Hoka Hey! My Brother!
That's Lakota for it's a great day to die. Keep on dreaming the big dream for all the lifeless minds out there. Our spiritual mycellium will flourish in their desolate ignorance, but only by keeping the vision alive.
Much love,
abe - horse poet
I usually post anonymously but I'll leave my intials this time. I just posted a comment at the Web Bots forum where there's a 16 page discussion about The Dog Poet and a lot of the second half mentions Les Visible. Here's the link to the last page
You won't get in. You have to join even to read but it's no big deal. I thought some of the other readers might enjoy some of the things that are getting said there/
It is a simple provable fact that we are ruled by the basest of men,
in every area of life. Honesty, integrity, truth and any love of others
has been in general replaced by blatant barbarity, lies and murder.
All of this is in spite of being the most blessed people on the planet.
We are not on a road with a dead end,
but a road that leads to a bottomless abyss, of unimaginable horror.
We will reap what we have sown for hundreds of years.
It is a written law, which is as certain as tomorrow?s sunrise.
The destruction, violence and havoc, which we have wreaked worldwide,
is now coming home to haunt us.
In reality we have no friends, because we lied, cheated, stole,
and killed them for that which we coveted and lusted.
The religious leaders of all complexions, are mirroring the political leaders,
and they are all baying for the blood, of those who have not done them
any harm whatsoever.
These despicable liars are all acting in the name of ?god?, yes their ?god?, Satan.
The so called ?Christians?, and so called ?Jews?, are all doing the very same thing.
They mercilessly abuse and kill even infants.
Many scoff and refuse to accept that there is a Satan, and that there is a God.
We are going to learn the very hard way that both exist, and because of our overt
rebellion against the most High God, He is going to let us learn by our harsh experience,
that He is real and will be obeyed, and that we will always suffer the consequences
of our rebellion and disobedience.
The Truth is that there is no other way.
We are seeing the destruction of all that we hold dear.
This is not a matter of running to some perverted church or minister,
but rather following the basic laws of human existence.
Scoffers please do not even comment, you just have to wait and see what is going to happen next.
Having a plan B is not enough.
You will need a plan E and F etc.
Name me a political leader,
Name me a country,
Name me a church,
Name me a business organisation of any type,
which is truly respectable, honest, and not exploiting any, and everyone,
and where the leaders are truly respectable,
who do not lie, steal and kill for their controlling,
and manipulating despotic puppeteers.
We can go even further, they are prepared to sacrifice even their
own children on the altar of Satan, to enrich these despicable basest of men.
Alas now there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
The sky is going to fall on us, and we richly deserve it.
The only remaining choices are that,
We will truly love our neighbour and.
We will truly love the Eternal God or perish.
This is the only hope.
The only way out of this dilemma is Jesus Christ.
He is the only way of escape.
We have to be under His Care and Protection.
Salvation by any other name or means, Simply does not exist.
Complete Obedience is required
Praise the Lord.
Come soon Lord Jesus.
Peter James from
dog poet
off the charts with this one
It doesn't matter how high you nailed the last golden spike you are at it again
I liked that Baudrillard hit
And the song is incredible
Buddhas rising and cloudy mountains
Howl on
Belgium calling and I don't live by the river
I have commented on the web bot forums regarding Les and other issues. That place is full of Nervous Nellies. I guess I don't blame most of them. Many are just getting the first peek into the rabbit hole. They should take Clif's advice and have some pie.
One of the mods over there offered to bet money that Les is not 'the dog poet'. They don't get it. That's not the point.
Someone else over there started a poll asking pollees to state their likelihood of becoming cannibals in the near future when the shit hits the fan. (I see they locked it.)
It doesn't seem to be much of a place for information or enlightenment. Although there have been some good contributions, it is mainly a place of nervous speculation. "Tell me exactly what to do on what date?" "Nah, that's not right. Clif didn't say that." "Clif will tell us when the time is right."
As Clif High, the creator and master of the Web Bot Project says himself, his results are SLIGHTLY BETTER THAN CHANCE. The web bot system doesn't predict actual events. It predicts future language which may or may not reflect the events. However, it is interesting and has attracted a lot of attention. I follow it and notice the dots connecting and the pieces fitting together when they do.
Slug poet out.
A thoughtful reader at the official restricted Web Bots Forum just posted this today, his first post:
"Whew! I just read all 16 pages of comments. I wanted to come here because I've noted the views coming from Visible's Feedjit ticker tape that are sourced from here. I must say you're a civil lot. I've been lurking for a few days but I think I'll say something now because I see there are things that have not been said or pointed out as the case may be. I'd recommend that those who doubt this particular oracle should review the comments at his three main blogs. Nowhere on the internet have I seen similar raves and wreaths and flowers thrown. Nowhere on the internet have I seen such a collection of intelligent readers. It must mean something. Visible has been blowing the top of my head off for some time. I would not doubt any claim he made but he doesn't make them generally. He's pretty humble about that. His poetry is remarkable and he has a blog called visible-stream-of consciousness which you can find at any of his sites and which hosts his poetry. His songwriting ability is the equal of anyone ever. His metaphysical awareness is pretty immense but I suspect people can find that out for themselves. I asked him about the Dog Poet moniker and his response to me was pretty convincing. It's not my place to detail that. Ask him. He's not shy. You'll find if you take the trouble to get to know him that he serves a purpose for a great many people that no one else is serving, at least according to them. Like a great many of his readers he has changed my life and you will find any number of people who say he saved their life so, all this Dog Poet stuff aside, he's the genuine article. In my case he damn well demonstrated it.
I think skepticism is the healthy course so I would expect any intelligent person to exercise a degree of that. At some point skepticism proves the need for it or it turns into belief."
Zionism is a position supporting the State of Israel. The vast majority of jews support Israel. What the hell is so hard to understand about that?
I always thought that Origami stuff had the most lasting practical value.
this is the best source for ZioNazi operations and he is being forced off the net.
Judicial Inc.
I don't subscribe to everything but he nails it 99% of the time.
On the other hand, don't believe everything you read here because if I actually was responsible for a lot of those things I didn't notice it at the time and I wasn't thinking about it. I keep my siddhis in line, most of the time.
I disagree with Les all the time. It's not his reasoning or his presentation. Those are immaculate. I disagree with his conclusions and that "sunny side of the street" attitude. I think he is dead wrong about that. I think hellfire is going to rain down and there will be no survivors but I am cheered that he thinks so. I don't. If he is right, no one could be happier than me but I don't see it and I'm sorry about that.
Just to straighten some people out here: Zionism is not a "political movement", it is a Jewish supremacist movement, that happens to use "politics" as a tool in its domination and control tool-kit.
And it's plain to see that a majority of Jews in the U.S. support Zionism, as there otherwise wouldn't be so many thriving Zionist organizations all over the place; nor would there be so many Zionist agents holding elected offices in the U.S. Congress.
Sorry but it's clear that a majority of Jews in the U.S. are in favor of sacrificing what's left of "America" on the altar of Zionism.
94% of Jews in Israel approved the slaughter in Gaza and nearly 60% of American Jews do too. Like Les says, their day is coming and I agree with him that it is sooner than they think.
"because even when people aren't lying they usually don't know what they are talking about."
Does the writer realize how brilliant and yet simplistic that statement was? I have to remember this one.
John by webbots I assume you mean the lastalta. I have only read one of those someone posted somewhere and all I remember was October was shaping up to be pretty bad news. Of course I am not exactly dancing a jig over what I saw around me in August and September.
Smashing my friend. That was smashing, I'm lit but not hardly like you are. I'm not sure if I farted or belched but something happened.
Keep your periscope up while you are below and your powder dry above. We are not all idiots. Many of us are just waiting for the chance.
Les, that website you linked is scarier than Salvia.
Dublin Mick: You are correct. The term 'dog poet' comes from the web bot reports. Les's use of the term has been welcomed by some and caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth in others.
GR: Someone over there at that web bot forum posted right under your brilliant post, and he disagrees with you. It turns out according to him that Les is a shill for the The Powers That Be to distract us from the true identity of the One True Dog Poet(pbuh). And all of us making comments are just Les as himself, Les posing as commentors and of course his enormous collection of close personal friends just shilling it up for him.
also GR: I am really happy to hear about you and your son. I expected that you were the poster who went into the wilderness. :)
@ 9:10pm Peter James said:
"We can go even further, they are prepared to sacrifice even their own children on the altar of Satan"-
Do you really think that it's a coincidence that John D. Rockefeller Jr. was his father's only surviving child? Or that David Rockefeller was John Jr's only surviving child? David Jr has all his siblings, a luxury purchased with the blood of his many nonexistent relatives (aka competing heirs).
Hoka Hey!
Nice essay.... but tonite, I cant be bothered.
I'm going to take a shot, and enjoy the full moon.
Earthquake? Maybe so, maybe not.... that's the way the natural world works. Who knows?
Turn off the jewmedia which is either about 1)swineflu vaccinations or 2)the dead OBL and Afghanistan, or 3)Niggaball. and Live again!
Sorry, I couldnt help myself, the Dallas Cowboys are playing now.
Dog Poet -
Say hello to Poncho and the others...
Cat poet out.
I don’t know if this comment belongs here or not. Les you and your readers may decide. I just felt the need to share this thought.
Throughout the annals of history man has sought to discover the fountain of youth. Could it be the key to that discovery lies just over the next horizon. Imagine the power of the ruling elite, not only to shorten ones life, but also to extend it indefinitely. How the slaves might perform, for the promise of immortality. Money would indeed be obsolete. The illuminated ones could actually think they are Gods equal. Religion would be rendered moot. They might believe they control the earth, wind, water and fire, but could they control “The Fifth Element”, without which they are really powerless?
Today’s technology indeed seems to point in this direction, with cloning, organ harvesting, and plastic surgery. Tinkering with DNA, might not they just discover the biological human clock for aging? Then indeed the Georgia Guidestones, population control at 500 million seems real. It is in fact written in Granite. Could it be that Gods “Chosen People”, were chosen to usher in both the Messiah, and the anti Christ?
Satan may well declare victory, but he will never be loved, only feared, and perhaps that is the only difference between himself and God. Satan will never be the "Creator".
I found your latest very funny. Printed out a copy for my late 80s parents and Dad lathered, "He is another Ezra Pound! He is treasonous."
Informed him, well, LV is indeed invisible, and out of the USSA. "Well they should get him anyway!" Blah, blah, blah.
Great work, Les!
At the request of a reader I removed his comment. I agree with his reasoning and would like to make that an opportunity to ask the reader in the future to not post things that might have an unfortunate drama to them because there are people who are always looking for things like that to discredit us. Anything is possible of course and we know that but a lot of people don't. Some people have a very narrow view of what is possible and that's just where they are at the moment. The times being the way they are that isn't going to last (grin).
Today’s technology indeed seems to point in this direction, with cloning, organ harvesting, and plastic surgery.
Every single human who was alive in 1889 is very dead.
Nothing will change that, if anything Cancer will increase as the ingestion of unnatural chemicals in our bodies continues to get worse and worse.
”The creation of the state of Israel had nothing to do with creating a Biblically authorised homeland for Jews but rather for creating a nerve center for the control of world currency and assets.” Les Visible
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild
“…the privately-owned US 'central bank', the Federal Reserve. Privately owned, that is, by the Rothschilds through a network of front people and organisations.” David Icke
“Let's get this straight. Zionism doesn't give a 'damn' about Jewish people. To the Rothschilds and their Zionist gofers and thugs the Jewish people as a whole are merely cattle to be used and abused as necessary - just like the rest of the human population.” David Icke
“The networks of the House of Rothschild were behind Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party in the Rothschild heartland of Germany where they had changed their name from Bauer in 18th century Frankfurt and launched the dynasty that was to control global finance.” David Icke
“After the war the Rothschilds used public sympathy for Jewish people targeted by the Nazis to press for a homeland in Palestine. This was the alleged reason for the founding of Zionism, but that is only part of it.” David Icke
“...the campaign to impose a Rothschild fiefdom in Palestine goes back at least to the earlier part of the 19th century and probably long before. It was given a massive boost with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared in a letter his government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This letter was sent by Balfour, an inner-circle member of an elite secret society called the Round Table, to Baron (Walter) Rothschild who funded the Round Table.” David Icke
“Today, Rothschild Illuminati fronts like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and others, still answer to the Round Table which string-pulls and coordinates from the shadows. This is why Zionists in government are invariably connected with these Rothschild-controlled organisations.” David Icke
“The Rothschilds funded the early settlers from Europe to relocate in post-war Palestine and they also funded and armed the terrorist groups, like Irgun, which bombed and terrorised Israel into existence in 1948, a campaign which forced 800,000 Palestinians to leave the land of their birth.” David Icke
“Israel is simply the State of Rothschild and how appropriate that they paid for the construction of the Israeli parliament building, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. The name Rothschild means Red-shield and it originates with the red shield 'Star of David' symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt ... The very flag of Israel tells you who owns it.” David Icke
“There are many reasons why the Rothschilds and their allies wanted to hijack Palestine and one was to keep the Middle East in a state of disruption and turmoil from which a global war can eventually be triggered to usher in the New World Order of world government dictatorship. The creation of Israel is a means not an end.” David Icke
“The essence of the New World Order is communist. Current events are all designed to increase government power…‘central bankers seek totalitarian power’. Most people think communism is an ideology dedicated to public ownership and championing workers and the poor. This was a simple but incredibly powerful ruse which duped hundreds of millions.” Henry Makow
“The ideology appealed to people who want something for nothing – rather a large segment. In fact, communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by diguising it as state power. (The state is run by witting & unwitting agents of the Rothschilds. When the USSR dissolved, the national wealth was divided between mostly Jewish ‘oligarchs’ who were fronts for the Rothschilds).” Henry Makow
“Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the “state” is communism in another guise. These ideologies – socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, zionism and feminism (sic) – are fronts for ‘communism’, and are organised and funded by the central banking cartel.” Henry Makow
“The simple answer to most of what is going on everywhere is that humanity has an enemy whose intent is to enslave and torment it and all roads lead The Rothschild Castle.” Les Visible
“There are things you can do as a nation you can’t do as a criminal cabal. One of those things is to make criminal activity legal.” Les Visible
The final quote in the list I believe to be the quintessential truth about where the world is today.
Glenn Dormer
Hi Les. I just spotted a link to this blog on the web page. Hopefully this will spread your good words to a wide and hungry audience.
Thats fine Dublin Mick but I guess its best not to assume anything. That's how disinformation gets spread around. I thought you were claiming to be from Dublin, Ireland I had not realised you were from Florida.Anyway, apology accepted.
"It is in the fundamental nature of these organisations to try and create monopolies for themselves. The international bankers have monopolised money-creation throughout most of the world (Iran and North Korea being notable exceptions). They are seeking absolute power through creation of a one-world currency (controlled, of couse, by themselves). This mechanism is intended to make these bankers into a de facto world government.
...The scam is so outrageous it is comical...
We are heading towards a global Communist state. The public pretext for Communism is a fair deal and fair shares for all. This sales patter is a great and evil lie. The real reason the bankers want global communism is because here is a system within which power (and wealth) can most easily be monopolised."
"..the Dallas Cowboys are playing now.
Cowboys? Never heard ofthem.
Bears fan.
Written by Tom Trottier in the U.S.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Many US workers who voted for the Democrats because they hoped they would bring about reforms are already disappointed as the Democrats basically continue Bush’s policies, with a few cosmetic changes. Many workers would like there to be an alternative to the political parties of big business. That is why the unions to break with the Democrats and build a mass labor party.
There are many workers who voted for the Democrats because they hoped they would bring about reforms such as universal health care, job creation, stronger unions and an end to the wars in the Middle East. Many are already disappointed as the Democrats basically continue Bush’s policies, with a few cosmetic changes. Many workers would like there to be an alternative to the political parties of big business. The Workers International League (WIL) would like to address a few questions that often come up in discussions regarding our call for the unions to break with the Democrats and build a mass labor party.
Is the Democratic Party a workers’ party?
The Democratic Party was not created by the working class, nor is it under the democratic control of the working class. The Democratic Party has a long history that goes back to the days of slavery, when it represented the southern slave owners. Since the aftermath of the Civil War, the Democrats have been one of the two main parties of American big business. Whatever differences they might claim to have with the Republicans, their fundamental policy is based on maintaining capitalism and imperialism, which means the exploitation of American workers and the super-exploitation of workers in the “under-developed world.” Even the labor leaders do not speak of the Democrats as a workers’ party, but call them “friends of labor.” However, with friends like these, who needs enemies!
How does the capitalist class control the Republicans and Democrats?
Due to the populist movements of the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Capitalist class set up a system of state-controlled primary elections. This was supposedly done to take control of nominating party candidates away from party bosses and put it in the hands of the people. In primary elections, candidates must first win the nomination of the party and then proceed to the general election. In practice, it takes lots of money and media coverage to win the primary campaign and then even more money to win the general election. This is perfect for the capitalist class. They have the money and they own the newspapers, magazines, book publishers, and radio and television stations. Even many billboards on highways are owned by the same companies that own the television networks and cable channels. This is one example of how they control the candidates of both major parties long before they are even elected.
Hi Les! Willow here. Excellent post. I laughed out loud about the Mexican Food analogy. Hilarious!
Although dark times are upon us we must remember there always have been dark times in history. Nothing lasts forever; neither the good or the bad. Everything changes always. It is the nature of the Universe and life. To the person who was despairing in one of the comments and didn't think we'd survive...remember even the wise do not know all ends. Evil has a tendancy to sew the seeds of its own destruction.
You may not find truth, honesty, integrity, and other virtures in the external world of your perception. Therefore, it is paramount that you cultivate those qualities in yourself. Add to the above: patience, generosity, mindfulness, appreciation and gratitude, and effort. In the face of evil you be the light. One light begets another and pretty soon there are more lights than not. In other's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Dark times come as a way of sending you on your spiritual journey; to dig deep and seach inside. Comfort, pleasure, and contentment are hardly the stuff that makes one seek. So, when it is time to move forward in spiritual evolution, a dark and harrowing time comes; the challenge creates the desire to understand and thus you seek. Remember, too, what you seek is also seeking you.
Do not despair. In spite of outward circumstances, events, evil people and times, it is your call to cultivate all that is good within you. Rise above the world and their grasping hands; the hungry ghosts of the never-fulfilled. Be that change you'd like to see. Cultivate that which is good.
And if you just can't get your head around what I'm saying, do yourself a favor...go rent the extended version of Lord of the's a great journey and it'll tell you what you need to do in times like these.
You use Greek thought to start. A sound place to start a study of western mind. I say you understand well the writtings of old. I ask why we still think people of the past are less educated or minded than us? I say we are less of men than those before us? The more we use the toys and objects of others creation, the more we give away the power of the human mind. We never ask if we need something, a need is created for us? Why do we let this happen? Well I dont know, but thinking that the last few hunderds years of thought is better or more useful than the past is one of the biggest lies out there, I say. Its sooo bad many think they have to live in this world of comsumer shit or they aret living? How did they get that idea? Then you have the ass face that see it his job to support this buying and eating of shit. He knows all to well where hes going and what he'll get. He thinks he doesnt have a choice, would it be better to act like a caveman he asks?
If one puts their face on the ground, all they see is a small patch of grass or dirt. If they stand up and look around, everything takes on an entirely different aspect. If they are able to gain some great altitude, a different aspect, and so on and so on until that little patch of grass or dirt is no longer a decernable part of the aspect.
Entropy, and the study of it, supplies a similar scinerio in a different direction. The boundries of what is known is only limited by the mind, and ones willingness to know.
A little cryptic I know, but I'm dealing with a concept that is difficult for the human mind to even grasp, much less explain. The thing is, I have spent a great deal of time pushing my mind into places many fear to go. If one allows their mind to go beyond our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, we become nothing but infantessimal specks of energy, in a picture too big to see. Yet the masses of humanity are consumed with the need for their lives, that are but a flicker on the entropic journey, to have some great meaning. They cannot get their face off the ground.
The jews and zionism, religion and the concepts of good and evil, money and control of the world and the subjgation of the human race and who is or isn't the Dog Poet are nothing in the big picture. The universe doesn't even know that they exist.
Over the millenia of recorded human existance, what we have come to know as "modern man" has reached levels of civilization, culture and technology only to see them go through periods of societal degredation and then dissappear. Some may have been extinguished by cataclysm, but for the most part, humans have been the mechanism of their own demise. Over time they just seem to lose cognitive ability, and the obvious simply eludes them. They just get too stupid to affect their own destiny. I believe that is what we are seeing and experiencing now.
Such may be the natural outcome of the genetic experiment known as human beings. There are some, and I believe always have been, that for some unexplainable reason do not fall victim to the genetic degradation, and are left to wonder what is or has happened. What happened to Atlantis, what happened to the Aztecs and the Incas. What happened to the Roman empire. What is happening in and to the world now.
We have no control over the world, or the things happening in it. To be outraged about it is a testament to ones spiritual decency, but in the big picture is useless. It's trying to stop a car from going over a cliff with your bare hands.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I think the thing is, that those that "gave us life" gave us something unintended. They gave us the knowledge of our spirits. Our souls if you will, and it is something that our "creators" have no control over. You see, there is truly a greater power in the universe, and it is a part of us all. It connects us, not only to each other, but to the universe in a way we cannot completely understand. It is that thing that compels us to look into the vastness of the universe, and that allows our minds to reach beyond it into the realms of possibility.
There is no helping the masses. They will never get their faces off the ground, and concerning yourselvs with their inability is a waste of time. We should not lament what we are able to see, yet rather revel in our ability to see because not all have that ability, and it may help us in the time to come. Just remember that nothing human is eternal, and everything that man is and has done will one day dissappear. Enjoy what there is to enjoy in life, and focus on your spirit and the connections that it has. Our time here is too short to waste it on the mechanations of those that will never see. Peace to all.
Its a song about non-conformity and how the american neoliberal society tries to make people into a conforming drone. This is particularily bad in most cities suburbs where homes are built exactly the same by the same builder, and high school is all about being part of the crowd. The song is about the need for conformity and mass consumerism in the capitalist society we live in. Modern capitalism cannot function without it. When I listen to it, I hear an amazingly written eulogy for society by Neil. I also think it represents Neil falling away a bit from his earlier beliefs, as he's mentioned he had. There is nothing inherently wrong with suburbia or living in it, if that is what someone desires. A lot of people don't have the desire to go to "the bright lights." This song is clearly more about conformity, which can be found anywhere: the suburbs, in the city, or "the far unlit unknown." In my opinion, the only flaw in this song is the focus on suburbia as the only place where conformity can be found. Popular opinion has been manipulated to belive that The Suburbs are the worst place for conformity.
Conformity also occurs when many people seek the same thing, including excitement in The Bright Lights (Everyone else is doing "the cool thing", so why shouldn't I?). That being said, Subdivisions is my favorite Rush song, and the best synth song ever. So much to write about this song. Basically, it?s a song about the ? ticking traps? that so many people fall into. A nightmare world where a person's main desire is a never ending escape from the suburbs. The suburbs can take many forms: from the boring, quiet life of suburbia to the pleasure seeking thrill ride of the big city. Ultimately, the suburbs offer nothing meaningful, and there is no escape within or between them.
However, in the first verse an outlet is available: ?the far unlit unknown.? This unknown exist within each person-the unique thoughts and feelings that make an individual; tragically, few venture very far into this territory. I'm also inclined to think that it's more about teens trying to breakaway from suburbia (and thier upper-middle class parents telling them HOW to think/beleive/be), only for some to discover (as Peart writes) "
...Some will sell their dreams for small desires - Or lose the race to rats - Get caught in ticking traps "
Afterwards these suburb-raised, city-stressed folk "...start to dream of somewhere - To relax their restless flight - Somewhere out of a memory - Of lighted streets on quiet nights... " I think it's more of a commentary on the seduction of city life and the potential trappings it brings. It is also a social commentary on how cliques are hurtful, and how expectations of comformity often drive away our best and brightest. Very much like the suburbs of Chicago
israhell has no "right to exist", and neither does the ussa.....and also a bunch of other places too.
Good riddance, you won't be missed.
Its a good day to die.
Hey Les and All,
Great post as always.
Quick point -- There is NO such thing as the Star of David. NO SUCH THING.
The star on the Israeli flag is the Star of Moloch/Baal... The Hexagram which is very powerful in withcraft circles.
See in the King James Bible - Amos 5:25-26 and Acts 7:42-43... Steven was stoned in the book of Acts (chp. 7) because he spoke the truth to the jewish Sanehdrin about this...
Another point, the creation of Israel had to do with the Balfour Declaration.. Research this for more clarity on the issue...
Kudos Hank on a great piece.
bholanath -
I agree with you fully, with a commentary. Israel has never really existed because it was created without any consent from the people living within it's borders in 1948 (via Rothschild). The USA ceased to exist as a democratic country the year the federal reserve was created (via Rothschild) - it has never really existed since. England likewise ceased to exist upon the creation of the bank of England (owned by Rothschild).
are we on a journey through love
or is it on a journey through us...peace
if love was materialized,
what would it look like
if it could speak what would it say
if it is real where do we find it,
we need to find out about that place...peace
It doesn't matter what King James, Steven or the book of acts says. The Sat-Kona is still the ancient Vedic symbol of the abode of Krishna. It doesn't matter who attempts to steal the patent, call it the symbol of molech, belzabub or Homer Simpson, it is still Vedic. It has been that way since the beginning of time.
Borsch is still Russian, strudel and schnitzel still German, falafel Arab, Dead Sea Scrolls still Essene and bagels are still Lithuanian inventions. I can claim the rocky mountains are my birthstone but that doesn't make it so.
Just so you know anonymous King James was a forked tongued Illuminati.
Well, thanks...verbalization of what thousands are feeling and know (even if only intuited) lends some strength to our assaulted positions as wingnuts.
Israel? Does it matter if they are jewish? They could as easily have been Hindu or Islamic - they are strangers in a strange land, aliens as in District 9, sans the innocence. What they are is an irritant to the local body, and if they had become encysted and remained benign, the local body would have tolerated them quite nicely. History back tells us otherwise...
I am in awe that so few people can feel the Earth changes going on around us. There is a new feel to the aether, a new smell on the breeze. Science lets us see deeper into this, yet so few use the tools. Patella Pacifica is on the move again thanks to the 2012 alignment approaching. Magnetic fields are wigging out - solar activity is waning - winds are winding up and down in strange places and animals are moving to new places, abandoning the old. I FEEL this, and have seen the animals moving in multiple areas and even the wife is anxious for no 'logical' reason. And when the mothers of future generations are feeling something, ignore it at your peril.
Change is coming, but at its own pace. I expect it in fits and starts, as systems realign. Nature is Borgish - resistance will be futile. Species that survive adapt, riding the change-wave. Here's hoping the impurities can be purged, and essences distilled from the coming chaos. We may have a shot at something better, and I am for seizing opportunity when people of like minds coalesce.
Rant on, not so Les Visible...
As a matter of fact, Neanderthals were more intelligent than us and had a relatively advanced, space-faring civilization. Their technology wasn't as pervasive as ours, consequently they had a few areas on earth of civilization amongst a sea of stone-age barbarism. It's said that flourides contributed to the extinction of their race on earth, but only their extra-terrestrial descendants can say.
Perhaps you meant 'piltdown men' instead.
Dublin Mick: Have you seen Nassim Haramein, the renegade physicist/mystic, talking about the hexagram? It would seem to be a universal theme of reality. The rishis were pretty cool.
He starts talking about it here:
The whole video is 8 hour long, and I haven't watched most of it. I will watch it all soon I hope. Here is part 1, four hours:
I will bet a pot of fair trade coffee that florida mick is kosher.
The Sat-Kona, more commonly known as the Judaic Star of David, is one of, if not perhaps the most ancient of symbols.
The Sat-Kona from the ancient Vedic and Dravidian, symbolizes the unity of Purusha (upward pointing triangle) and Prakriti (downward pointing triangle).
The Vedic and Dravidian Sat-Kona far predates the use of this symbol in Judaism.
Info about the Sat-Kona:
-- long john
No John I haven't seen it but I am willing to take a look at your recommendations on it.
Lukiftian wrong on all counts again
I watched about 10 minutes of this so far. This might be worth watching you can tell the man is very intelligent and he knows something he is never going to be able to explain to you. He is very effervescent and has a smile like two dozen women are waiting for him back at the hotel. I would like to have a beer with him.
There is the section where he talks about the dots. One dot keeps expanding into more dots. You can mathematically explain the dot but it will eventually prove wrong and simply become another dot.
I get this already, whatever our conception of what the dot is the universe will eventually prove it wrong. This is fundamental because most of us do not understand the universe. I have always believed this because how can you understand the heavens when you can't understand the earth.
I get the impression already that he has gone through miles of equations and came to the conclusion that all life is a circle. The earth is a circle, the moon, the planets, the universe, the sun, our nostrils, our eyes, our mouth, etc are all circles. Infinity is a circle. It is a circle also that is ever expanding into more circles.
He is trying to prove mathematically what the philosopher is already keenly aware of. I will try and watch all of this sometime to see if I am right in what he concludes however.
On a lighter note, I concur. The work of Les Visible a.k.a. the Dog Poet is the alfa mail of our time (grin).
We are heading towards a global communist state. The coming world war, which may begin in the Middle East, is intended to lead us into world communism where the plan is to enslave the people of the world in serfdom.
Any political ideology or praxis which further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the state is communism.
Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the international banking cartel by disguising it as state power.
Current events are all designed to lead to an increase in government power, that is to say, where international bankers will achieve totalitarian power. The Rothschilds and their allies (the international banking cartel) seek to create a one world currency and a one world government because global communism is a system within which wealth and power can most easily be monopolised by them.
In other words, the Rothschilds and their allies are seeking absolute power through the creation of a one-world currency and a one-world government (controlled by themselves). This mechanism is intended to make these bankers into a de facto world government.
The creation and continued support of Israel is to maintain the Middle East in a state of disruption and turmoil from which a global war can eventually be triggered to usher in a new order of world government dictatorship.
An attack on Iran may be that trigger.
The creation of Israel is a means not an end.
”The creation of the state of Israel had nothing to do with creating a Biblically authorised homeland for Jews but rather for creating a nerve center for the control of world currency and assets.” Les Visible
The flag of Israel confirms who owns it. Israel is the State of Rothschild. The name Rothschild means Red-shield in German and it originates with the red shield 'Star of David' symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt in the 1800’s before the goldsmiths changed their name from Bauer.
The true answer to what is going on everywhere is that the world is being taken over by the Rothschilds and their allies using Zionist Israel as a tool.
Specifically, the Rothschilds and their allies (the international banking cartel) are using Israel and Zionism to carry out bribes, blackmail and murder in their attempt to gain total world domination over wealth and power.
“There are things you can do as a nation you can’t do as a criminal cabal. One of those things is to make criminal activity legal.” Les Visible
9/11 truth activist, conspiracy theorist
There is a new reflection in the Petri Dish-
The Power of Conscience in the Human Mind.
Les and All,
Vedic symbol or not, the hexagram is used in withcraft and demonic worship, hence the reason it's on the Israeli Flag... Ask any Satanist about the hexagram and he/she will point to the Israeli flag.. Same hexagram on the great seal on back of the dollar bill...
Same reason why Rupert Murdoch has a black stone table in his dining room with always an empty seat for Lucifer... Though it may seem distant, it's all connected....
Also, it doesn't matter what or who King James represented, the scriptures were written long before his time anyway...
I think many of you are missing a key element - The Bloodlines... If you can connect the bloodlines from the beginning, then you can see why Israel was created by Rothschild in the Middle East in the 1st place.. And why CI Scofield did his surgery on the biblical text (Scofield Bible Reference Manual) to fool everyone to thinking that it was God's prophecy for the Jews to return to their "so-called" homeland...
For it is written in Book of Revelations, that they are not TRUE Jews but of Satan... Hmmmm.. Now why is that?? And no, King James didn't put it there either...
True to form, it has been written by many scholars and researchers that Kings, Queens, Presidents, etc are chosen not b/c of votes but by Bloodlines... Now ask you say, why is that important and of whom Bloodline??..
And NO, I'm not talking about that Davinci Code bullshit of the fake Jesus & Mary Magdelene union... That ruse is used to attack and destroy the Christianity to make way for the Son of Perdition.. Albert Pike and many Freemasons already noted this many times before about the NWO Luciferic religion...
I'm not making offense to anyone, but just stating that the key is in the Bloodlines... Almost all of the American Presidents are related by blood.. Even dumb ass Sarah Palin is related to the crew..
In the final run-off for President of the US, all 4 members (Dem & Rep) are connected down the line by Blood.. Whose blood is the question????? And dig deeper than the Merovigian Kings.... May be shocked by what you find...
morning les,
beautiful poem, btw.
sorry, I still haven’t found a way round the posting ‘blockade’ on mirrors….
so I thought I’d email.
as far as icke making the statement ‘The ' BB' is an offshoot of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’…
‘off shoot’ implies that a charter is given to and received of an appendant body and is therefore lawfully recognized as related to the main organization, although with independent administration.
I can find no listing of ‘BB’ in any ‘appendant body’ or ‘additional order’ of the Scot Rite/York Rite, northern, southern or international jurisdiction or w/in recognized World Freemasonry. nada/zip/zilch.
this took a google of 2mins to investigate… I have no idea why icke would make such comment, if there is no proof to substantiate it.
Some light in the darkness thanks to El Baradei once again.
Israel the #1 threat to the middle east.
Mr. ElBaradei may find himself in a shed behind a trailer if he keeps this up.
Anonymous 5:05 PM said:
"Vedic symbol or not, the hexagram is used in withcraft and demonic worship"
-- so what? as if that matters?
"Ask any Satanist about the hexagram [...] Same hexagram on the great seal on back of the dollar bill"
-- again, so what? who cares? its just a symbol.
"Rupert Murdoch has a black stone table in his dining room with always an empty seat for Lucifer."
-- big deal. the dude is in fantasy-land. and why should some guy's stupid table matter anayway? it doesn't. its pretty inconsequential if you ask me. its the real bad stuff that these people DO, that is of great concern, not their stupid tables.
"it's all connected."
-- i'd say that's rather disconnnected, actually.
"I think many of you are missing a key element - The Bloodlines"
-- i've herad that one before.
"For it is written in Book of Revelations"
-- a lot of things have been "written"... but that doesn't make them real or valid.
"the NWO Luciferic religion."
-- more like a comedic tradgedy of errors.
"the key is in the Bloodlines"
-- well as a matter of fact, i'm actually related to the Duke of Northumberland & the Earl of Warwick,_1st_Duke_of_Northumberland ...
and also to Lady Jane Grey (queen of england for nine days) ... but having that bloodline doesn't automatically make me better or worse than anyone, nor does it make me evil.
so please do try and be a bit more rational.
"Almost all of the American Presidents are related by blood."
-- i hardly think so. that is just not correct. its easy for people to say this kind of crap, but its just not factual.
long john
There is a new Visible Origami up now-
The Sleepwalker Factor on the Road to 2012.
Hi Les and all
Interesting (and funny) youtube video about the English Conservatives:
Some of our favourite people get a mention...
Cat poet transmitting....... from near Rabat, Malta.
I just took a ~2mg LSD dose 12 hr ago to experience to CELEBRATE the fortieth anniversary of my LSD odd-isy.
I looked into it very closely, LV, and I could see no apocalypse... things will drone on as they always do/did, but nothing really bad is going to happen. That's how I saw it.
2mg would be unnoticeable. Thanks for the weather report though.
Obama has just been awarded the Brighton Show Ground Peace Price.
Can you believe, the prince of darkness standing in front of the Israeli flag garners this award.
Days after refusing to meet the Dalai Lama.
All those previous winners who were being of peace must feel a loss and disgust and yet one more thing of value becoming a sordid commodity belonging to the most vile.
You know I am really moved to becoming a suicide bomber.
Will Americans ever wake up and get a clue and start behaving like what they claim to be?
Aren`t you long tired of being red, white and duh flat earthers? Of being cowardly, submissive losers who always bend over, spread wide, and ask for another whenever your zionist jew israeli terrorist owners command you to commit unspeakable acts of evil and terrorism against defenseless and completely innocent civilians on their behalf?
Aren`t Americans tired of being the biggest terrorist in history and the most hated country on earth?
And you have the audacity to call yourselves "free" and "brave" and "christians"?
You are hopeless beyond belief.
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