Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mr. President, you are a Low-Down, Snake-eyed Liar.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Listen up Howdy Doody; you’re a waste of carbon, oxygen and water, not to mention space. You’re a low-down, snake-eyed liar and a paid political whore for the nastiest psychopaths on the planet. I understand you wouldn’t be president otherwise but that doesn’t justify it. I remember little things that clued me early on. I remember Warren Buffet being in your corner and then I remembered Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild meeting with Schwarzenegger. I remember little things and vague associations across time. I also remember the things people say because I actually listen to them.

As soon as I saw you, my first thought was, “there goes a cool cucumber of a long tall drink of water from the Lincoln Reflecting Pool, minus the Lincoln”. You reminded me of one of those Chicago Pimps without the leopard skin coat. Politics is a world of strange contradictions. That’s how you can be both a pimp and a whore at the same time and have it make perfect sense.

I know there are those who will say it’s a big job being president of, the soon to no longer be, the most powerful nation on Earth. Maybe that’s why people can imagine that a lot of what gets done there isn’t your decision. However, I know the impact the president can have on policy and I also know that even with powerful opposition, the president can stand for the right thing.

You were elected on the platform of ‘hope and change’. Hope’s a hard thing to kill because it will remain as long as fools can dream. The only change I’ve seen is that you’ve expanded the theater of the conflicts you swore to end. I’m especially intrigued about your hypocrisy over the Guantanamo detainees. Any one who wants to, knows that most of those people were kidnapped and sold by opportunistic warlords and, since 9/11 was done by the former administration, in tandem with Israel, there are no other 9/11 terrorists.

Hi-ranking members of the CIA have gone on record that there is no Al Qaeda. That’s what makes hiring Blackwater to kill Al Qaeda operatives so damned ironic. If there’s noAl Qaeda, and there is no Al Qaeda, then it must mean that someone other than Al Qaeda is being killed all along. Since Bin Laden’s been dead for years, the constant mention of his name every time you need to scare the public is also pretty low down. I realize that it is the Israeli controlled press that is responsible for this, just as I am certain that Israel controls everything you say and do. It’s got to be a hard thing for the black people to have come so far from slavery only to have one of their own become president and then sell his ass to the descendents of those who operated many of the slave ships AND the slum housing AND the pawn shops AND the liquor stores AND the film industry that portrayed them as Stepin Fetchits and google-eyed retards for such a long time. That’s pretty cold, Mr. President. That’s pretty cold.

Let’s be perfectly clear here, all the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job that was accomplished by elements in the American and Israeli governments. The beneficiaries of the attack have been fascist elements of the American government and Israel. All the conflicts that followed were orchestrated by dual national Zio-cons in key positions in government and the corporate and media realms. The looming assault on Iran is being drummed up by the same elements. Israel, who does possess nuclear weapons, is in violation of all the things they are demanding from Iran. Iran is not in violation of all the things that Israel and the Israeli-occupied American governments are demanding from them.

So, consider this Mr. President, if your Zionist occupied government in tandem with Israel, carried out the 9/11 attacks; then for what reason have millions been murdered and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan? For what reason are all these people dying? If they have no association with 9/11 and the only acts they are committing are in defense of their nation against a pernicious invader then they are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters.

If the Taliban successfully stopped the opium production in Afghanistan why is it now more abundant than at any time in history? Why is this now being blamed on the Taliban who stopped it in the first place?

Now your government is pulling out all the stops to sink the Goldstone Report. Who owns your ass Mr. President?

You’re pounding the pavement for a comprehensive American health plan. Behind the scenes you are cutting deals with the pharmaceutical industry and the rest of the vultures that have kept affordable health care out of America all these years while most every other country has one. I realize the title of this post is misleading by omission. You’re not just a liar as we can see.

Your country’s economy is crashing around your ears. Madness is already surfacing on your streets. As the winter of American discontent comes lurching through the mist of global cooling, accelerating heating costs and the impact on every other area of the American economy is going to ignite the public rage and... perhaps that will keep them warm, Mr. President?

You gave all their money to the bankers who caused the problems in the first place. One of the things that amaze me is the resilience of the hope so many of your people have placed in you. It appears they are a nation of confused children and I suppose that makes you Gary Glitter.

During the rule of your predecessor, FEMA concentration camps were built across the nation and constitutional rights were dismantled and done away with. Gratuitous wars based on transparent lies were initiated in foreign lands and then you were elected to put things right ...and you have allowed all of these things to continue ...and then some. So why are you here really? You’re here to take it to the next step. You’re here to set the forces in motion that make the next step necessary. You and your policies and sycophants, at the behest of the psychopaths who own you, are here to instigate the conditions which make that next step unavoidable.

It’s not going to fly Mr. President. All across the course of history, one demagogue and madman after another has attempted to rule the world and they never pulled it off. You won’t either. What we are witnessing is not the final stages of a long sought after fait accompli. What we are witnessing is a cosmic, morality play with you and your associates as the object lessons.

What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them? Is it materialism and convenience that weakened their spine? Are there hidden technical or magical forces being directed at them? Is it some combination of many things, or is it just human nature? I don’t know. I see what I see and one of the things I see is you. I see right through you because you aren’t even there. You are composed of colorful smoke that dances before the terrible image of the beast that squats behind you.

Listen up; you would be prison wardens of the planet entire. Your house of cards is set to tumble. The dominoes tremble as the Earth moves beneath them. I won’t ask you to see the light and change your ways. This is not something you are inclined or prepared to do. I will say only this to you, watch and see the fearsome destiny that awaits the perennial scoundrels who prey upon their fellows. Watch and see.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Walk Through The Fire Or Burn by Les Visible♫ Walk Through The Fire Or Burn ♫
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.


Anonymous said...

"It’s got to be a hard thing for the black people to have come so far from slavery only to have one of their own become president and then sell his ass to the descendents of those who operated many of the slave ships AND the slum housing AND the pawn shops AND the liquor stores AND the film industry that portrayed them as Stepin Fetchits and google-eyed retards for such a long time."

If they only knew.

"What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water?"

Long term exposure to poison food, water and air certainly contributes; bllind faith as well.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Visible. However, just so that you know, black people (not "the black people") are not a monolith. There are many of us who knew exactly what a dangerous, prevaricating puppet Obama was long before his (s)election.

If you take a look at, or older articles on, you'll find plenty of material on "Candidate Obama" and how he unfailingly and slavishly represented only the elite class who supported him every step of the way, not his "people".

Peter James said...

Video The False Jews Of Revelation, In The World Today, Real & Dangerous The Document

The Prison

Animadverto said...

“Let’s be perfectly clear here, all the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job that was accomplished by elements in the American and Israeli governments.”

One can not ignore Saudi Arabia in that mix. The outer circle veil is only cover for the inner circle Luciferian agenda.

“What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water?”

The root of willful ignorance and apathy is “narcissism”. The cause of narcissism is “idol worship”, i.e., to emulate the idol. The root of “idol worship” is “envy”. Idol worship is the transfer of spiritual energy at the expense of self. This is why American society is so fallen; look at how many idols it has to worship. Idol worship is “divide and conquer”, that is why there are so many different brands of idols; rock bands, sports figures, movies stars, politicians…and the list goes on. Identity politics gives the appearance of change but only on the surface of things.

Pickdog said...

Well stated!


Animadverto said...

One more comment: Idol worship is "confusion", for it narrows perception on both the physical and spiritual planes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Les,

Whether it's Obama, Bush, Mccain, Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Pelosi, or whomever, all their asses are owned by Zionist interest. Both houses of Congress are controlled and owned by the Global Elite (CFR & TC) and/or Wall Street Banksters.

Even Ron Paul, whom I like, plays their game too. He is pulling for the dismantle of the FED and a return to the Gold standard, but the ELITE owns all of the Gold.. So they remain in power. Even though he makes as a thorn in their side, he completely shy's away from admitting 9/11 was an inside job or speaks out against Israel.

so, unless Americans are really ready to take action, this stuff will remain. As the sheeple will continue to vote more clowns into the white house or into Congress.

Jessie Ventura and Cynthia McKinney would be great in the White House, but lone gunmen would start appearing all over the place..

Who knows, maybe that mysterious and silent higher power that you speak of often will even the playing field sooner than later.

And it's also funny that you mention the sorrow of Black People, who have been targeted for extermination for centuries. Real truth and Real Histoy will tell you why they hate and are scared of the dark-skinned people.. The 1st inhabitants of the earth...

Take Care...

Visible said...

anon 2:27
Yes, I get that. The problem I face in covering every base is the limitation of space. Just as I refer to the public in general terms I certainly don't include those who get it. I have to hope that certain assumptions will be made automatically. I do apologize for my shortcomings in this regard.

Unknown said...

Howdy Doody is a hired hit man whose job is to finish the killing of his own country. The united states of fools will be a third world country soon and then possibly broken up and sold to the highest bidder. This may have already happened. THE next step - GAZA USA!

BTW, what did you have for breakfast Les, I want some of that! Also, when we should print this letter out and send it. Where do I sign. Oh, wait, let me get out of prison USA first. Wardens have a way of being able to make life hard and I am already doing hard time. :)



abe said...

Yo les, his israeli control is obvious. He got campaign money from ari emmanuel, put his brother rahm in charge of the white house, then appointed his brother ezekiel as a medical czar. Every one who has seen him in person knows that all he ever says, at least in speeches, is what rahm or axelrod have literally spelled out for him on a teleprompter. The one time he does try an unscripted Q&A (with the int'l olympic committee), he fumbles it so badly that we get knocked out in the first round. He is literally an empty suit. I never thought it was even possible for a president to be an even bigger israeli puppet than W, but here we are, as always, facing the unbelievable yet ever expanding reality of jew tyranny. Nothing shames me more than my earlier support for this man. Hoka hey, brothers and sisters, keep on dreaming the good fight - it's about to get real.
abe - horse poet

neptune1 said...

"What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them?...."

Perhaps this will offer a possible explanation: The Trap

Great post as usual Les!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Les, for the most erudite and accurate appraisal of Obama I've every read - talk about grasping the nettle!

It was enough for me to read his line-up for his new administration to know it would be Bush (cont).

Has he been hypnotised past the point of no return, or just had a remote-controlled chip implanted in his head?

Wow! Mindblowing stuff...

S. Cat

Anonymous said...

Hey All,

This is an interesting read: "What Civil in America Would Look Like"

Interesting comments at the end as well...

Denise said...


Hi there. I really enjoy reading your posts and you are brave for what you do. Upon reading this post, it brought me back to last week. I was sitting in the park, and feeling frustrated and saddened by the truth. I admit its a heavy weight to burden. I took my feelings and expressed them in a letter that i wrote in my journal. Funny thing, is that your post today reminds me so much of what i wrote in my own journal. I hope that the masses are awakening to the lies surrounding our daily lives. God Bless. Stay strong and stay focused.
Humanity must prevail.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Les. And word to awake/aware black people. We are here too!

Anonymous said...

Animadverto said:

"One can not ignore Saudi Arabia in that mix. The outer circle veil is only cover for the inner circle Luciferian agenda".

On the contrary, yes, one can ignore "Saudi Arabia" in that mix. Unless of course you have some evidence to support your fantastic claim.

9/11 appears to have been planned and carried out by Zionist Jews, aided and abetted by a smattering of treasonous "U.S. government" officials, and also, no doubt, some clueless "patriotic" fools in lesser positions, who probably weren't fully aware of what they were doing. Any Arab role in 9/11 whatsoever, even as patsies, remains to be proven.


Rebel 4E said...

Howdy Doody appears to have a narcissistic personality disorder...

And Slimy Toady Tony Blair is a failed wannabe rock! (o__O)

Explains alot....


The Somnambulant Highwire Troupe said...

Superb! That nails it. Legible like explosive wiring on the walls of the current tower of blah-blah on

I wonder if it'll come to his attention... will it get the presidential seal of disapproval?

There's probably a good chance it will, it's bound to... a new kind of message-in-a-bottle picked up by Peekalong's bots and bosses - check all those keywords!

and then someone will (with or without a sense of humour) have to deliver that less than confidential document/letter on a silver platter along with the presidential coffee-mug...


...they're probably throwing all kinds of Dr. Strangelove fits in the bunker right now as all the wot-knobs watch it on big screens and debate on whether or not the prez shoot get it before he "gets it" - but if they are reading it - do they get it? does anyone? is it apple pie doing it's thing and acting out our unconscious contents or karma or whatever on personal and collective levels?

The Plot or whatever it is is seems seamless

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull essay. The consort said, "We got to meet him!" We leave Malta for Basilicata (sp) tomorrow..... have wifi, etc. I am not still the same after my huge LSD trip.... gettin old, Les! I got so zonked out I was not "normal" for two days. Getting up there.

Animadverto said...

"On the contrary, yes, one can ignore "Saudi Arabia" in that mix. Unless of course you have some evidence to support your fantastic claim."

Most of the alleged hijackers on 911 were Saudi. Bin Laden is Saudi and related to the royal family of Saudi Arabia. This is common knowledge.

Visible said...

I haven't been normal through my entire life.

I won't be in Italia for a few weeks and

if you're that guy from Texas it is just as well. (grin)

Seriously though

Anonymous said...

I really wish it wasnt true, I dont want to believe it really doesn't matter who is president, black or white, red or blue, the war machine is so, so freakin' big that is going to...most so many parables of past will eat many of us whom are still is not easy to have been beaten down and hidden under desks or avoided bullets and bombs and watched others beaten, imprisoned and murdered for so long, I supose there will be some relief when the engines of this terrible beast are silenced and we can rebuild this place, our home, in a more sane and peaceful manner.
Best Wishes, Doug

Visible said...

Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. He came right out and said so and one thing I think we can be quite clear about is that that man would not lie.

There's also the consideration of what connection existed between Saudi government and those alleged to be involved. There is none and seven of them turned out to never be on the planes. On the other hand it is past being convincing that Israel was involved deeply.

The amount of evidence for the one and the serious lack of evidence for the other makes any argument in favor of the Saudis mute. Finally, the Saudis gained nothing and Israel gained everything. Cui Bono.

Animadverto said...


Agreed with your expansion on the topic, but AlQaeda was a manufactured CIA asset during the Russian-Afghanistan conflict. It is true that Al Qaeda doesn't even really exist any longer, but it is true that Saudi Arabia is Sunni and Iran is Shia.

What really raised my brow was when Obama bowed to the Saudi King. What was that all about? I didn't realize that US Presidents bow to other heads of state.

Sire, should I summons the archers.

No, send in the Irish. Arrows are expensive; we can replace the Irish.

Anonymous said...

"You're on target as usual, and with your usual flair. Thanks.

The post by Henry Makow (Canadian Jewish) is an eye-opener.

I didn't quite believe what he said about photographs of his mother, so I googled it, and got this series, some of which are incredible.

And finally, Adrian Salbuchi (the Argentinian analyst who is denied espression in any media in the country because he filed a suit accusing their present and past presidents, the Kirschners, of looting the country) points out in the video below that Obama's role is to dismantle the US, in preparation for world governance.

"Things are not always what they seem" - the assigned role to preside over the dismantling of the country

I believe, thanks to your heartening posts, that these plans will not fly.

Anonymous "

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I forgot to add two things to my earlier post. Coul dyou please post this too?Thank you.

" I forgot to add this to my earlier post.
This article lists the riches that Afghanistan possesses. The reason why the plans for Afghanistan were sitting on Bush's desk on Sept 10, before anything happened.

This one below is a translation, by Prof Sahak again, of a paper from 1982 by a foreign policy analyst for his country. All events so far in west Asia are following the script laid out here. This was long before Zbig's book, "The Grand Chessboard" published in 1998.

Anonymous said...

Les,more succinct more right on than usual.But that force that makes people follow one another into the desert is something I am familiar with since I would gladly follow you on the same quest.Yesterday I met a Mexican who told me how much he loved America and actually put his fist over his heart as he said it. He said it would break his heart if he thought 911 was an inside job. Well America is all about breaking hearts and minds and bodies you name it so I told him the truth. The look on his face was amazing because I usually bump into a wall when I correct the misinformed on the issue but not this time. Poor man will never be the same but who is these days. Thanks Les. You are loved.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful snow filled day here in Wyoming. Hope Gore doesnt ask for his carbon taxes around here. As we put it, get some, Les!

To clear is the Jokers nature. I hope Im not being to mean here but the Jew/control of US thing isnt new. The Joker just isnt any good at hiding shit. The Bushes didnt do a very good job either. Its a sad state for the "Jews", our own leaders arent making the bar. I hope all of you look past the Jew thing, now, its time. Im not say its fair game to let it happen, its just not the real problem, its an effect of it? We are the problem. Letting others give us the world we live in is the root of this sick nation. Stop with the knee jerk bitichin! Change things with love and not fear. We cant change the current waves of hate and fear in this world but we can create new waves, small now, but they will grow in a sea of love and healing waters? Dont repeat the same old, make anew!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your sobering post Les.
A couple of subjective underlines.
1. Obama is wholly owned by the Zionists.
2. Obama's real job is to navigate America into total break up - by first imploding the American dollar - in preparation for the Rothschild and allies' NWO to be born and embraced by all Westerners.

Anonymous said...

Great post once again. I would just like to add that it is probably quite true and recognized that the Office of the President has little to no power in and of itself. The President is just a salesman for the policies of the Bilderbergers, the CFR, IMF etc., etc.
I would highly recommend that all of you take the time to listen to Richard Dolan's take on our reality. He spoke at a conference in L.A. a short while ago. His second volume on UFO's and the National Security State is now released. As he says, it should be called UFO's and the International Security State. Very interesting and to the point.

Big John Lipscomb said...

This is a fantastic blog. I will be back often.

Anonymous said...

LeMat said: "We are the problem. Letting others give us the world we live in is the root of this sick nation."

I agree.

How many times in the last 2000 years have there been Jewish 'expulsions' from various localities?

Now many writers on numerous different blogs (including WhatReallyHappened) have rightly pointed out that this long history of the Jews getting themselves kicked out, over and over, indicates something about THEM, which they individually and culturally need to look at.

So let us gentiles, individually and culturally, take that very same information to heart, in that very same way.

How many times in the last 2000 years have gentile communities gotten themselves into the position where at some point they realized they had given their power to a parasite? We already know or think we know what that says about the Jews. ("They're predators," etc.)

But I am wondering, what does that same fact pattern say about us gentiles?

Could it be something about . . . regarding all the details of money, commerce, and government as being dirty, boring, way too difficult for ordinary people like me, the-total-opposite-of-fun, and way too much like real work, and therefore believing that the smart thing to do would be to side-step responsibility for ALL of that, by leaving it all to the Jews, who either are already handling it, or will step in and start handling it if invited?

Brilliant strategy for avoiding personal responsibility for whole areas of life that for some reason I decided I'd rather have nothing to do with. Except for one small flaw. Oops! It turns out, the agency we're turning whole huge chunks of our cultural and personal lives over to, has an agenda of its own -- world domination, no kidding, for real, using whatever means are required.

It's juvenile of gentile people if we compare 'our bad' with 'their bad', thinking that we have "merely" been irresponsible, while the Jews have been downright "evil" (i.e. deliberately predatory) -- when it's our own non-acceptance of responsibility that has (time and time again, remember, for thousands of years!) enabled the very same predator, over and over again.

Would it be more mature to consider that what we have here, both personally and culturally, may be two "dark sides" that are symmetrical reflections of each other? If I'm a gentile with a fuck-you/fuck-myself attitude that I WON'T learn to create and handle my own money, and I WON'T learn to create and administer my own laws, and if I look in the mirror, will I see a predatory Jew staring back?

Franz said...

Alas, you are right Les.

I say "alas" because whatever steam Obama has left is from Americans who still have hope. Dumb as it seems, they want things to turn out OK.

Nothing will turn out OK. Hope is the reason that the United States will be the Most Detested Nation On Earth for the majority of the 21st Century and any time that might follow.

If we'd only been good old fashioned hopeless years ago, when the Global Economy hadn't yet destoyed the old Industrial Middle Class, we could have won this war against our Overlords. Now that it's too late for that, and the Overlords know it, there's really nothing left.

Obama remains a symptom. A real nation don't lose control over its brains and bowels then brag about it at Harvard. The US did. Time to fess up to that. Not too late for honesty, gang.

William Wilson said...

Hi Les, best
Taking the evil, stinking swine to task once again I see. Those of us still in the belly of the beast get a front row seat.

Anonymous said...

Thought for the Day:

"We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on." -- Richard Feynman

And what more can we do?

Posted by Deacon Blues

Anonymous said...

Great post Les. Haven't been commenting much, don't need to, you say it all. I do a lot of reading and you are the only blogger I would give an A+. You hit all the bases. You could be used as a standard. Anyone who has major problems with what you say either has an agenda or is a long way from getting it figured out. Like that guy who tried to bring Saudi Arabia into the 911 mix, or the "Jews aren't the real problem." RIGHT!! They aren't the only problem but a huge part of it.

There is so much disinfo and half truths out there it is a real battle for anyone seeking the truth/light. When I read a disinfo/bullshit article many times I email the author if I can find an address. About half respond and you might be supprised at thir comments, but I won't get into that.

Anyhow Obongo is just one more stooge in a long line of presidential stooges. The president has power if he would only exercise it, but if he does, well JFK comes to mind. I love your optimism but salvation won't come from the people. I'm sure that is what you are getting at. The government is a criminal enterprise with it's tentacles everywhere (soon to be literally up your ass thanks to the Saudi keister bomber). The unreality in which the US government operates is beyond belief.


Anonymous said...

Amerikagulag said.....

Observations on 911: Not only the involvement of foreign and domestic government but the method of controlled demolitions and the outright coverup of the pentagon and building 7 all point to something well orchestrated and not by a band of 19 bedouins with can openers. The thermite alone screams of high tech.

On Obama: I'm not surprised at all. I wasn't fooled. I voted for McKinney. I was poo-pooed by others because I refused to vote inside the box unlike most americans. No one can go from relative obscureness to the top of the heap ithout being severely connected or....chosen.

When Obama picked the self-proclaimed zionist Joe Biden, I saw the writing on the wall. Then, when he chose the dual-national Israeli Rahm Emmanuel, I knew where BO's allegiences lie.

Being a tool of the Rothchilds is hard work. But they're becoming more confident and bold in their actions. The confidence and boldness will be their undoing.

Relax, tomorrow we bomb the moon!

Unknown said...

Probably somewhat unrelated...but..all this and everything else combined that you have written here, i cant help but wonder if I am even in the right place doing something useful. Should I be in DC at Gallaudet U. Not only that, this is me being in a city as well, knowing that there is advice to avoid cities at any possible cost. Or no, I'm..supposed to focus my energy and concentration on my internal spiritual growth, however long it takes? This is a ramble, probably...I'm a college student who is feeling increasingly lost each day when thinking so much about what changes and revelations are on the way for us collectively


Anonymous said...

Animadverto said:

"Most of the alleged hijackers on 911 were Saudi. Bin Laden is Saudi and related to the royal family of Saudi Arabia. This is common knowledge."

LOL! Of course the key word there is "alleged"...and I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but you're talkin' pure nonsense.

Firstly, when you say "Saudi Arabia", you have to specify precisely what you mean. Do you mean the "government" of Saudi Arabia; "the people" who live there; or perhaps "some of the people" who live there, etc.? To just say that "Saudi Arabia" was involved, as you first did, is completely meaningless.

Second, as far as I'm concerned, there is no "proof" that any "Arabs" were actually involved. Just because the Zionist controlled U.S. government says so, well, I hope I don't need to explain to you what that's worth, do I?

Third, to the extent there actually were any "Arabs" on any of the planes, you'll have to prove they were active participants, e.g., at the controls, etc., acting under their own volition.

Fourth, if OBL was responsible, why would he deny it as he did? That makes no sense whatsoever. You pull off the most daring, most devastating terrorist attack of all time, and then fail to make any kind of statement or take responsibility? You instead go into hiding? That's laughably absurd.

9/11 was a purely Zionist crime; merely the latest installment of Zionist treachery against the world (in this case high-tech treachery for the 21st century).


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

"[T]he Office of the President has little to no power in and of itself. The President is just a salesman for the policies of the Bilderbergers, the CFR, IMF etc., etc."

Sorry but that's completely wrong.

Firstly, obviously, the "Office of the President" has far more power than the framers of the U.S. Constitution ever imagined in their wildest dreams.

If the President had no power, they wouldn't have had to assassinate JFK, for example, now would they?

On the contrary, the office has become so powerful, both directly and indirectly, that they have to very carefully vet the candidates...choosing from among only the most personally corrupt and controllable "people" available.

Secondly, the "President" doesn't "answer" to "the Illuminati, Free Masons, Bilderbergers, CFR, IMF, an International Banking Cabal, blah-blah-blah-blah; rather, he "answers" to the bloodthirsty, psychopathic cult of Zionist Jews who've subverted our whole political process and control our media. That's who he "answers" to.


Anonymous said...

"What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them?...."

Perhaps this will offer a possible explanation: The Trap

The Trap:


Masher1 said...

Good post Les. Sharp knife as always. Peace. Love. Hope. Just a walk into the park.

Anonymous said...

So, it's all over the net front pages that Obama has just been awarded the Nobel Peace prize!

Imagine...the Nobel Peace prize for the man who ordered increased drone bombings of Pakistan, and is considering extra troops for Iraq.

Maybe knowing about this award is what's been making him drag his heels over the extra troops. What's the betting that as soon as he's been presented with it, the extra troops go in. Or am I just being cynical?

Peace to anyone except the Iraqis, the Afghanis and the Pakistanis, it seems. Just goes to show that the Nobel Award Committee either live in Cloud Cuckoo Land or a Rothschild bank vault!

Still, he has good company in Menachim Begin and Henry Kissinger!

I'm gobsmacked - I really am!

S. Cat

Anonymous said...

Haha! (Sound of hollow laughter)

Verification word for my previous post about Obama's Peace Prize award was 'hydra' !

How very apt, considering what we're dealing with!

Anonymous said...

I just lost any respect for the 'Nobel Peace Prize'. They just gave howdy doody a nobel for expanding wars. Bleck is white; good is bad...

How can this world move forward? To lie is to succeed, to kill is how you win. He is doing one hell of a good job for his masters I must admit. By masters, I did not mean the people who elected him.

Your timing is uncanny as usual Les.

who needs acid? Just try and figure out this world, it is crazy!


Anonymous said...

Les, Obama wins nobel prize. I thought that was originally awarded to the guy who invented "door knockers"... FYI, nominations for the prize were submitted a few weeks after he was sworn in, go figure. Next it will be man of the year.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind now, we are truly living in an alternate universe...or maybe even the Matrix. My mind has just been jolted by the news that Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize. Here I was thinking it was a bad joke but it doesn't appear to be the case. I think we all know WTF is really going on here but this....this goes beyond comprehension. Looking forward to hearing your take on this. I'm truly baffled???


John said...

I thought this was a joke. I thought maybe I was still asleep or hallucinating.

OBAMA wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

Boulderdash said...

Stunning. Your timing is impeccable. If you had published this article today, it would have looked like sour grapes. Howdy Doody wins Nobel Peace Prize. If there was ever any question about our Orwellian state. Let it be fully confirmed now, that "War is (officially)Peace."

Jim G.

Anonymous said...

OMG People at Gally read this blog?!! That's a shocker for me. Kirsten, hang in there. Gally will be safe. After all, the iron fence around the campus, installed to protect government property during the '68 DC riots, will serve a good purpose once the doo doo hits the fan.

CyanSquirrel- Gally Class of 06

Anonymous said...

I wake up, turn on the computer, and the first thing I see on Yahoo is Obongo won the peace prize. Imagine that, giving the peace prize to a low down snake-eyed liar. See, war is peace.


Anonymous said...

The Nobel Prize:

Someone just won the Nobel Peace Prize. First I will cite that letters to qualified candidates were sent out by the Nobel Committee in Sept, 2008.

The deadline for submissions were to be recieved by the committee by Feb. 1, 2009.

The winner was sworn in Jan 20, 2009.

What did the winner do before he became president for such consideration?

The winner used to work for Henry Kissinger, who also won the prize some years ago.

Something is rotten in Norway!

If you don't not believe me, Here are the rules.

Anonymous said...

I think, if I still can, that this world is on drugs. What happened to reality? what happened to right and wrong?

BO,and I think that the abbreviation is correct, getting the Nobel Peace Prize has just made a mockery of all that humanity stands for. If this is the trend, then we are in big trouble.

Time to find some little plot of land out in the sticks and live out our lives. Humanity has lost it. This is a bad omen!


Eduardo Acosta said...

Wow!!! Great post. You have succinctly stated the state of the world, condensed volumes of data into an incredibly concise and understandable message.THANK YOU.

These scoundrels as you so well describe them will be in for the shock of their lives or shall I say Eternity. The powers of hell shall never prevail over the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, they can repent but they won't, they picked the loosing side, Satan fooled you all and for that you are all idiots.I am no one to judge but;

may we all Pray to our Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy Virgin Mother of God to have mercy on our souls and may your Beloved Son Jesus Christ Fullfil His Justice against the powers of satan and his accomplices. In the name Of The Father, The Son And the Holy Spirit, AMEN.

Anonymous said...

And now my country has given the man the Nobel Peace Price for nothing done yet. The Nobel Comittee admitted that it was perheps too early, but since Obama has such peace keeping projects going on (?), they agreed too give him the price to encourage him. What?

This is the number "n" price in a row of suspicious spit-licking Peace Prices Norway has been given out. What about Henry Kissinger and Al Gore?

I'm ashamed on behalf of my country, besides that we are the greatest exporter of weapons pr capita on this planet. This "pure" little country which is supposed to be the best land to live in according to the UN. Well as parasites on other peoples misery around we shold all be pretty proud, and continue to keep our head in the sand.


Jody Paulson said...

Les, you mentioned Warren Buffet -- I don't know if you know this, but he was obviously central to the events of 9-11. Did you know he held a breakfast for CEO's from the WTC that day? That was at Offut Airforce Base, where Bush flew later in the day. And I've heard rumors about one of his jets being involved that day, too. Do a Google search.

DumbGoyNot said...

Hey Les,

I suspect that if Obama were to read your post he'd laugh his ass off seeing as how he was propped up by the oligarchs to do the very things you mentioned. Your post would function as a reminder to him that he is doing his job well and may be a comfort to him.

I really like this astute observation by Gore Vidal that was posted online yesterday:

"But remember - the Republican Party is not a political party. It's a mindset, like Hitler Youth. It's full of hatred. You're not going to get them aboard. Don't even try. The only way to handle them is to terrify them."

After mulling it around in the back of my mind all morning I came up with what might be considered a step further in looking at it, and so I typed it down, which is this:

Just like the so-called "Christian" denominations, all political parties are cults that are founded on some negative. For example, the Democrat Party in America is basically a cult of credulity founded on hero-worship and a pollyanish stupidity, whereas the Republican Party is a cult of self-righteousness driven by such things as suspicion, pride, hatred and greed.

Personally, I'd rather be a stupid person than to be a self-righteous person who is seething with hatred, but of course it would be better to be neither. If you take a look around you'll notice that most of the people who belong to the so-called "Christian" denominations are Republicans. So much then for their so-called Christianity. DumbGoyNot

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kirsten, what you wrote could almost have been written by me. You said . . .

"all this and everything else combined that you have written here, i cant help but wonder if I am even in the right place doing something useful."

I'm asking that very question over and over. (I'm now a 59 year old guy, FYI.)

"Should I be in DC at Gallaudet U."

Should I be in SF doing my best "secretary" imitation for the owners of a tourist mall??

"Not only that, this is me being in a city as well, knowing that there is advice to avoid cities at any possible cost."

Same concern here.

"Or no, I'm..supposed to focus my energy and concentration on my internal spiritual growth, however long it takes?"

I'm realizing there is nothing real that can be owned "outside," and there is no protection anywhere "outside." The only only only thing I can do is, weirdly enough, something that's not actually doing anything, which is to be present in silence, as who I really am. So for the past few weeks, for the first time in my life, I am regularly doing that. (Of course our English-language culture confusingly refers to that as "meditating.") As for how to do it, it does appear to me that it is literally true, that the teacher is right there inside. As for how to get started -- though Eckhart Tolle has gotten some shrapnel in these blogs over his alleged golden vest and his Oprah appearances -- I have used and am very grateful for two of his books, "The Power of Now," and "Practicing the Power of Now." I've found these to be books that I can open to a random page and find just what I didn't know I needed. And my highest personal recommendation for: "Spiritual Enlightenment -- The Damnedest Thing," by Jed McKenna.

Thanks to Les for his post, brilliant as always, and thanks and best wishes to Kirsten.

dzinto said...

Les, now that the snake-eyed liar has been awarded with Nobel Piece Prize, do you see how deeply on the wrong side you are from the mankind? we all are, in fact.


Rebel 4E said...


'President Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize'


Hank said...

Hey Les, I noticed that on the neanderthal article there is a big black patch over part of my comment. Did you do that?

Anonymous said...

good piece of writing.

Anonymous said...

Regarding "Office of the President" statement earlier. I should have just referred to the President personally. I agree that the "Office" has a lot of power behind it. I just meant that Obama himself is only a tool in the hands of the real power brokers. And, yes, the Israeli faction is in control, at least, on this conventional level. As far fetched as it may seem, though, there is much more going on than can be easily observed, ie: the alien influence. How do we know, for example, that there really are any humans in charge? The behaviour that is being exhibited to us is becoming increasingly bizarre which leads me to think that there is something else here at work. Take the example of the French guy, Mitterand, writing about his experiences with boy sex toys, and five years later is appointed as cultural minister in the Sarkozy government? And, he is indignant that anyone should question his proclivities in that area. How bizarre is that? No, somehow methinks there is a presence here on planet earth which has taken over, they masquerade as humans but don't quite get it!

Anonymous said...

And now my country has given the man the Nobel Peace Price for nothing done yet. The Nobel Comittee admitted that it was perheps too early, but since Obama has such peace keeping projects going on (?), they agreed too give him the price to encourage him. What?

This is the number "n" price in a row of suspicious spit-licking Peace Prices Norway has been given out. What about Henry Kissinger and Al Gore?

I'm ashamed on behalf of my country, besides that we are the greatest exporter of weapons pr capita on this planet. This "pure" little country which is supposed to be the best land to live in according to the UN. Well as parasites on other peoples misery around we shold all be pretty proud, and continue to keep our head in the sand.


Kevenj said...

" You reminded me of one of those Chicago Pimps without the leopard skin coat."


They're coming for you Les.

chuckyman said...

Well Les, when you let rip you really like you give em both barrels.

If Satan’s lieutenant Kissinger can get a peace prize that should rate it for you. It’s kind of like a public BJ from the ruling elite. NB Alfred Nobel made his fortune developing and making explosives. Maybe I don’t see the link but………..

Anyway back to the teleprompter king. I vaguely remember an article on the truthseeker site. It was about a guy who talked to a soviet communist during the “cold war”. They were boasting about the grooming and arrival of a future communist leader for America. Unfortunately Mr Stewart’s email is still broken so I can’t find the link to it.

I think the Wizard of Oz is the best allegory for this puppet. W was a PR disaster for the hidden government. BO is to be the smiling face that distracts while the chain-mailed fist is busy. Don’t look behind the curtain!! The recent G20 “protests” were a mere taste of more to come.

Many of the comments so far have touched on an unlikely popular rebellious reaction to the looming evil empire. That will come as the overreaction of the repressive forces will build its own momentum. Les is right on the mark. Do not fear as it is all ordained.

I come from a land with lots of experience of both peaceful and forceful resistance. 1916 was an utter failure. It was the slow execution of the rebels that angered an unwilling nation to anger and full rebellion. Pearce’s blood sacrifice was ultimately successful

Peaceful civil disorder is FAR more powerful than these people understand. It requires true courage and dedication. Ghandi used it to break the British and they were not squeamish in the use of force.

Is mise le meas


Anonymous said...

And now my country has given the man the Nobel Peace Price for nothing done yet. The Nobel Committee admitted that it was perhaps too early, but since Obama has such peace keeping projects going on (?), they agreed too give him the price to encourage him. What?
This is the number "n" price in a row of suspicious spit-licking Peace Prices Norway has been given out. What about Henry Kissinger and Al Gore?

I'm ashamed on behalf of my country, besides that we are the greatest exporter of weapons pr capita on this planet. This "pure" little country which is supposed to be "the best land to live in" according to the UN. Well as parasites on other peoples misery around we should all be pretty proud, and continue to keep our head in the sand.


chuckyman said...

To Geir 2:14 AM

Hello Geir. Relax.. Don’t take it so personal. Welcome to the global club. My countrymen just opened the door to Satan’s Control by voting yes to the Europe superstate. Start sharpening your pitchforks


Anonymous said...

Curious about who Howdy Doody really is.

We have a president who has a fake past.
We are being set up for war, economic collapse, health care decline,and more.
We live in a world where there are notable people who think sex with children should be ok! WTF!

It is damn cold for global warming. Biggest scam in history.

The truth is in everyone's face and yet, 'who is wearing what' is the headline.

It doesn't even feel like the same world any more. What planet is this? Twilight Zone anyone?


Anonymous said...

Great post les, almost funny how Obama wins the Nobel peace prize the day after you put this blog up. I'm sure its nothing but more fuel for you to write something else about the infamous narcissist howdee doody.
In my opinion Cynthia McKinney should have won the Nobel peace prize for her efforts on bringing food and medical supplies to the Palestinian people who are trapped in a giant concentration camp ever since Israel has cut them off.
Barak Obama hasn't done anything but, move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, mobilize more troops to Afghanistan, bring down the economy further with his bullshit stimulus package, and make diplomatic talks about Iran acquiring nukes while overlooking the fact that Israel already has nukes.
You can also see where these diplomatic talks with Iran are going. This is Iraq happening all over again. As time passes their going to keep spewing rhetoric about Irans Nuclear reactor and about Iran's defiance. Slowly this propaganda will make the masses start believing that Iran may actually be a threat. Then solid "proof" of their nuclear weapons will be revealed from some bogus satellite image or another false flag attack which the dumbass masses will buy into and in turn support an Iranian invasion, being fooled once again with the same false flag tactic. I really think Obama was given the nobel peace prize because he may be the one who brings us into one world government but thats just me speculating. Oh well I guess if Kissinger can win it, anybody can.

Anonymous said...

"What is it that causes such large numbers of people to follow so many bad leaders into the desert in search of water? What power closes their eyes to the obvious lies and crimes visited upon them? What has made them so dependent and apathetic that they indulge every injury directed at them?...."

I say it with John Lennon:

Please don’t wake me, no
don’t shake me
Leave me where I am
I’m only sleeping...

BTW: Thinking about the Nobel Prize of Peace I came to the conclusion that I misunderstood the intention of the prize. It is nearly always given to people who intend everything else than peace. I.e. Kissinger, Peres, Rabin, UNO, Arafat, Al Gore, Obama... Bush/Cheney were proposed also. The difference now is that they don't hide it anymore by giving the prize from time to time to someone else...

escapefromobamastan said...

Great article. I just read the defense spending bill was approved. Was that the bill that has the unrelated, detested hate crime bill attached to it, which the American people have made clear (after it is introduced every year, year after year) they want no part of. If so, and the usurper signs it, free speech will be dead. No more articles about the chosen without a felony conviction.

Ute said...

Another stellar post!!! Thank you!

I cant help wonder if Stanley Kubrick, were he alive, could have created such a bizarre theatrical "odyssey" as we are experiencing before our very own eyes. War and Peace all in one day i.e. Bombing of the Moon and Howdy Doody Peace Prize.

Lets also not forget... China, the land of censorship, hosting the World media Conference. On the board? Why, its Mr Oli-murdoch himself. Not long now before we will be without freedom of speech on Google, You Tube etc., and our lives will be 1984'ish monitored by Facebook (another big daddy collection) and Google Wave et al.

In my world, many soldiers are aware and awake, and the puppet's strings will by cut by many grassroots Edward Scissorhands... viva le silent revolution!!

Knight Templar said...

Greetings Dumballah,... when you are tight you are very goooood! Keep it clean, like a knife blade - say what you mean and mean what you say; This is you at your best: #1. I appreciate the energy it takes to write well consistently, I was a journo' Political Media consultant for 17 years, and I don't write well anymore because I am too emotionally involved in this topic; as if no-one else is; HELLO? What I mean is ..that I am all emotion on this NWO/USrael thing - I have been a part of it, I have broken bread with it, I have slept with it. I want it dead reeeaaal Baaad. I know how good it is at evil. When you write; Don't be us, show us. Sorry,.. end of sermon.


" got to carry that weight, a long time"

P.S. congrats Mr. Coconut on your well deserved Nobel Peace Prize - fuck that whole shit bag of frauds fuck the NPP it's is a fuck'n snot-bubble!!

Anonymous said...


Keeeepppp cuttin' like a knife. If the bar is on the ground -- change the rules. My ring has been taken, my weight has been lifted

Thank God,


Visible said...

There is a new Visible Origami up now-

Everything is under Control beneath the Tamas Guna Cloud.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to STOP claiming this guy as a BLACK MAN. I'm so tired of people trying to declare a race for someone. His Mom was Caucasian! Do not forget that. This is not about race either way, it's about doing what's right and Nobama is NOT. Then he gets the Nobel peace prize for not do anything? What a joke. I guess that is how you win the Nobel now is over spend, lie, murder and be ineligible to be pres.

kiwi girl said...

Israel must be destroyed.

Professor Shlomo Sand has written a book "When and how the Jewish people was invented".

There is no such thing as a Jewish race, nor do they have any blood connection to any Jews who may have been living in the holy lands 2000yrs ago.
This book will blow open every argument used by the Jews and Israel to even exist. In a court of law they would lose the right to have this state called Israel and would have to leave the area they have renamed Israel and return it to the rightful owners. The Palestinians!

Israel is a fraud committed upon the world and the Palestinians. Jews cannot be trusted and unfortunately even the good ones will be thrown in as poor Americans finally realise that AIPAC has been ripping them off for decades and has stolen not only Palestinian lands, but the American government and its citizens tax money.

Let the shit hit the fan. I hate the fuckers.

zero said...




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