Dog Poet Transmitting.......
The beginning of the week and the predicted date of October 25th come round together and debut tomorrow. The beginning of the week is certain. We don’t know what may or may not happen on the 25th but it will come along as well, tailing a financial monsoon or not. They say things come in threes so it is only appropriate that the weekly radio show should come around as well and we find ourselves in the introductory text portion of the program. Visible will be in the air (as well as on the air) tomorrow flying off to meetings with the unknown and unimportant (relatively speaking) and so... in a manner of speaking will still be in the telepapod beneath the tracking mothership.
The winds of change are spinning like massive dust dervishes across a landscape burning with the desire to be washed of iniquities and the heavy energies that weigh down upon the backs of the populations like sacks of rocks. Surely there is an answer to our condition and surely the answer is not to simply go on as we always do, each of us planting a handful of rocks on the back of tomorrow.
Since I mentioned it last week I see where other are now mentioning the real fire in the Turkish and Israeli standoff is based on the Mossad plot to assassinate Prime Minister Erdogan. Well that was last week. What have I done for you lately?
Let’s talk a little about conspiracies for a bit. Rixon Stewart of The Truthseeker has an interesting article on whether McVeigh was even executed. Those of you listening only can put The Truthseeker and Timothy McVeigh into a search engine and get the article right at the top of the lineup. I already checked. Given that what he talks about is most certainly true ...and I have seen it corroborated elsewhere and... given the recent discovery of nano-thermite at ground zero and... the exposure of Mossad agents residing in the Twin Towers prior to the 9/11 attack, it’s become more and more clear who was involved in the attacks. It has long been accepted as gospel that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by anyone not taking candy from The Tooth Fairy. Apparently Oklahoma City was done by the same people. It’s hard to imagine they have an unknown competitor running around who was also at ElohimCity.
I haven’t been on the American mainland in over a decade and I haven’t even been in American territory since I visited Hawaii about seven years ago, so I don’t know what it’s like there any more. I know I’m not welcome- or they like me too much- because they almost didn’t let me leave last time. I did not feel the need to test the waters again. I do have the internet and I hear things. I hear it’s pretty tense in the denser population zones and pretty much the same as it always was further out, except for the foreclosures, the crumbling infrastructure, the missing jobs and the money going funny.
More and more people seem to know that something is wrong, even if they’re still blaming in on the absence of one party in power and the presence of another. That seems to be the angle of the media these days. You’ve got two seemingly different perspectives being argued from opposite sides of the same operation. Obama is still walking on water after having violated every campaign promise he ever made and McCain and Palin are making the rounds in exile. Palin is headed for touchy feely land on Oprah shortly. That will probably happen as soon as the ghostwriters get her book to the presses.
Ah... I don’t want to talk about this stuff but I did want you to see what it sounds like when someone talks about the usual things running out of the S&MSM and alternative news feeds.
Let’s talk about something else or at least in some other way. What’ll it be? Hmmm... Winter is coming and there has been no change in the ruling authorities bending over and genuflecting for the dark lord steaming in his tower. The Axis of terror which is housed variously in Tel Aviv, London and Washington D.C, are churning out the lies and giving the orders for murder abroad. Some great and intricate map of a game plan exists but you can’t pick that up at the gas station. Do they have a plan? They must have some kind of a plan. Part of the plan was to steal as much money and real estate as they could get their hands on while making Goldman Sachs and J.P, Morgan, both Rothschild fronts, the most powerful money launders and counterfeiters on Earth.
The second part was to put the middle class and the poor in survival mode and in constant fear of job loss, eviction and the notice of the police.
The logical solution for the people of the world is to march into Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan, the Federal Reserve and The Rothschild banks and arrest every single person they can find and throw them in jail. Not much is going to happen until the obvious perpetrators have been stopped in their tracks. This is where the governments and world police; the standing armies of soldiers and lawyers get their marching orders from.
Here’s a simple fact. There’s enough, for everyone on the planet and more, to have whatever food and shelter they require. There is enough work for all the hands and minds that wish employment. There’s free medical for everyone who needs it and money to pay for it without batting an eye. All you’ve got to do is stop the engines of war and the obscene money sucking machines of the vampire bat bankers. The rich could still be rich and the poor could still be poor. You’re always going to have poor people, even Jesus the Christ said as much. Didn’t he say that the “poor ye always have with you”, or something to that effect? I think the same applies to the rich. There’s just not as many of them.
As much as I think the people really should storm Rothschild castle with their pitchforks and though they might well do... I suspect other forces are going to come into play because a statement is going to be made by the invisible about this ugly, ugly behavior that we are all a witness to. From the food fascists at Monsanto to their lobby goblins in the FDA, from the media whores in S&MSM to the industry trolls in the FCC it’s all the same; top to bottom scoundrels with hands the size of truck tires perverting and stealing everything in reach.
The common herd of humanity just rolls back and forth like Sisyphus in search of breathing room and daylight. They’re not at wit’s end yet. Maybe something good will happen... dreaming of homes recovered, new cars and a trip to the glimmering mall. Christmas is coming after all. The credit card companies have gotten permission to charge their customers, who don’t overspend and who pay promptly, a penalty fee for doing the right thing... or maybe they didn’t get permission. I don’t know. None of them seem to need permission any more for anything. Like the song says, “something’s got to give” but we don’t know what and we don’t know when. We’re just treading water while we wait for the storm at sea. That’s right, just call me Mr. Positive; at least I dog-paddled to shore some time ago and hiked inland.
I know it’s all going to work out and it’s going to be bad for the bad and good for the good and we might even come to learn the difference too. Meanwhile the Prince of the Air is battening his wings and driving the force of his will into the ground with the command of “Say my name”. Because... you see... we’re in that period of one quarter light and three quarters dark and so the appearance of power is all on the side of the night shift. That’s about to change. The light is coming and a new golden age is waiting in the deep banks of the raw material, storage stations. It’s about to be placed on the conveyor belt of the time continuum, as it moves through the foundry, to the transport trucks, to the view outside your window one morning when you wake up; probably going to be some Sturm und Drang on the way.
We’ve come to the end of the text portion of the show which you can catch here on Sunday night. Those of you only listening can ignore what you can’t see. Please bear with me in the space between this reading and the rest of the transmission.
'Right Thru My Heart' is track no. 5 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Hi Les,
Great read as always. Glad you mentioned the Timothy McVie thing (or as I call it.. "the 911 pre-school test run".
Here's an oldie but goodie..but still interesting... do you remember the Chandry Levy affair? She was the intern who was boffing California CONgressman Gary Condit?
Well, it seems that while she was an intern, she worked for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. It was rumored that she pulled Tim McVie's file, and was going to go public with it.
The next day... she was murdered while out jogging in a Washington D.C. park.
What did she know? That McVie was never executed? Hmmmm... (scratching chin) There are even pictures of the rental truck he allegedly used, parked (the night before the OKC Bombing) in a guarded Army Depot. Hmmm... again....
Well, as you pointed out... we are told that we can't trust what we see with our eyes. Because we are "conspiracy Nuts".
Well, this consiracy nut has to go outdoors and clean up some more rocks...someone keeps dumping them at my doorstep... ;-)
Tom frum Guam says:
The problems are obvious. Solutions AnyJuan?
We're all dog paddling just now Les.
Thanks for the early Christmas wishes.
Mouser more comment Les.. I can't resist....after having read the truthseeker article..
Remeber TWA Flight 800? A civilian aircraft shot down with a missle off the coast of Long Island. (well, the official story was that the fuel tank exploded)
Just like a referee in a football game.. you HAVE to throw the yellow flag and call Bullshit, Bullshit...double Bullshit.
There was a Navy Captain on Long Island who reported seeing a misssle go up from the water to the airliner. A few days later he was paid a visit from a couple of nice men from the FBI and politely told to STFU.
Then, they found rocket residue on the seat backs near a large whole in the front of the aircraft. Duh? But of course.. the Offishul(sic) explanation still stands.
Anyway Les, thaks for letting me vent my frustration. In case anyone is interested.. here is a good photo of the hole in the right-front of TWA 800.. just scroll down the page a little. I know, it's old news.. but fun to connect the dots.
The storm is indeed brewing and not just in my teacup. Help is at hand as I was fortunate to witness last night where I shed some old skins.
Question, why would they let a fall-guy walk away?
You'd have to be more than naive to fall for....
and when you've done you're bit, we'll fake your execution because we know we can trust you, as you know you can truss us - now go kill all those innocents, please, thank you. Oh, and don't forget your reward will be a safe haven of paradisical bliss on earth, just think of all those virgins and good times we've got waiting for you.
Er-yup, shoor fink, Boss.
“The positive thinker sees the in-visible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”
My mind works in pieces, and I love puzzles. I love putting the pieces in place, and trying to figure out what the big picture looks like. So I have to admit a certain fascination in watching and hearing pieces of the big picture here on earth being revealed, and trying to figure out who THEY are and what they're up to.
The pieces seem to span the entire planet, and go so far back in time, that today, they only exist as myth and legend.
Evidently lies about almost everything have been told for so long, that they have reached the point where they are actually believed by many of the liars.
I get the feeling there are truths that are known by some, but as with any bit of knowledge, the span of time has altered it, much like that circle we have all sat in where someone starts a phrase, and by the time it makes it's way around, it is not the same phrase.
I don't have enough pieces yet to see the big picture, but I have enough to see that the picture is bigger than I originally thought. Many different scenes woven into a bigger picture, who's intent is not yet clear. The problem is if you focus on just one scene without knowing it is part of a bigger picture, you're going to get it all wrong. You know, like 10 people putting their noses up against an elephant in different places and trying to describe what it is. None will get it right until they back up and see the whole elephant.
It's not just a picture though, it's a show. It moves and changes and at times seems to have a life of it's own.
Some scenes are bigger than life, and are designed to grab your attention and hold it while others work behind the stage to set up for the next scene. This show has a purpose though, it's a sting, and as with any sting, it's mark is unclear.
Another thing about this show is that at some time or another we are all in it. In fact, most of the players don't know they are players and that they are part of a show. They spend their whole lives playing their part to the hilt, and never take the time to review their own performance.
OK...wait a minute...where was I...I'm I in the show now, or am I spectating. Prompt please...someone....anyone?
Well anyway, we've had some great scenes so far, at least while I've been in the show...or watching, but it seems to have taken on a feverish pace and pitch. I mean usually they save the really big scenes for either the end of an act, or the end of the show, but without a script I don't know which one is coming.
At this point I prefer popcorn to costume, so I will continue watch and put the pieces in the big picture as I am able to see them, and maybe, just maybe I'll figure out who the mark is, before I'm herded out of the theater to make room for the next audience/troupe. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of them. Peace to all.
Your inputs be just gettin' better and better all the time!
Thanks for the musings bro'.
Anaughty Mouser
@ Hank,
It is an interesting puzzle and trying to figure out who is behind it isn't that difficult to figure out.
My only question is,
Why did god give us the keys to a planet?
I suppose it is because he didn't want to give us the keys to the Universe!
The information about at the Mantiq al-Tayr blog about jewish- Americans facillitated return to Israel to asist in the killing of palestinian men, women and children seriously upsets me.
It makes me want to go and vomit up an IDF rat.
How much longer and farther is this going to go?
America is over run by <3% of their population!
Since the Zionist council defied Kennedy and then changed its name to AIPAC after his (convenient for them) death in 1963, Israel has gone nuclear-weaponry not energy at Dimona, and lobbied a complete take over of every member of US Congress including the president.
How the hell can <3% of a country, less than the % total bodyweight of a canine's tail, wag the whole bloody dog!?!?!?
It is both sad and frustrating to see how the entire American/Canadian Christian congregation refuses to face it's own demons lurking from within.
Only they can stop the illuminati, but it seems they have lost interest. Where is the heart and soul? As a whole, the Church fears the mighty Godzilla, who is seen protecting them from themselves lest they fall and not float.
The Christian mafia needs to go all the way. And I mean that. It's now or never time! Get cuckoo for Christ and stop being such wimps all the time.
For a collective and wealthy religious system that points out the vile and scheming minds of the world, it still manages to show itself only to be simply human with fears of death like most non-believers. Perhaps even more so.
Too many Sunday Christians claim to be wearing the full armor of God when they are not. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world-forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places."
Masses of Christians marching on Washington and the banking system and then being atacked by police and military would be the revelation for all to clue-in where the world is today. Even the beer drinking porn addict would perk up and take a look around and think, "Hey, if the Christians are getting beaten up and arrested, then something really must be wrong." Sorry to say, that probably won't happen.
Christians getting beaten up and arrested would say to us all that America is indeed a communist cult, but the mighty satanic beings now control the heads of the church.
Hope springs eternal, but this part of the time period the Christians are clearly supporting massive self-suicide and don't even know it. And when they finally face God's son and say right to his face how they killed-off the Muslims and cast out evil in the name of Christ.. well, we know how that will turn out. They actually allowed evil to grow in it's own house that caused more destruction then they could ever claim deeds of goodness before God.
They failed to test the spirits.
Not just America, but the entire Christian world must stop and think and see that when evil takes the wheel, millions of Christans die.
(Thanks for showing the mighty strength) The road may turn into a river, but that's what boats are for.
William G. Ellipser
Karl Denninger just posted a heads-up about some strange behavior among the banks that indicate pre-knowledge of an impending credit lock-up imminent within the time it takes to make a deal on a house and closing;
The FED is going to do a Houdini watch and see.
Just when then dollar has reached about 50% of the Euro the FED will fold and say to the US nation that it (the Fed) is dead.
The nation will then be forced to go over to SDRs.
But here's the rub.
The SDRs are run by the central world bank (IMF) that is again controlled by...wait for it...the private international banking cartel lead by the Rothchilds - the same family that was instrumental in the creation of the US Federal Reserve in 1913.
So that very soon a private world bank will run the US and all other in-suckered Western countries.
"I suspect other forces are going to come into play because a statement is going to be made by the invisible about this ugly, ugly behaviour that we are all a witness to."
It must be so. Thanks.
There was a query earlier as to why your posts don't appear any more on whatreallyhappened.
When The Truthseeker was down, there were a couple of comments from your readers which were very strongly critical of and; in the latter case, making personal remarks about MR. It's possible that he read those and got upset that they were allowed to be posted on your sites.
The documentary below, "The Fall of the Republic" is worth watching.
The swine flu has just been declared a national emergency, below
with related interesting details on this site.
This one has many articles on September eleventh, tracing certain connections. It's difficult to get all the pieces together, with different researchers focussing on different aspects of the case..
Anon 11:21
That's not it. Negative comments about Michael show up now and then over time and he's never said anything about it. He's not that thin skinned or prone to that or it would have happened long ago.
You have to understand, this is someone I've been in regular contact with for years. A trust (I thought) existed. There was camaraderie and general good will. The telling point is that communication ended, period. Whatever this is it's something else and whatever it is it's bullshit or some misapprehension accepted at the sacrifice of something far more valuable.
I've let it be and that's how it will be. I don't need or require anyone to publish or promote what I do. It stands or falls on its own merits and is presently the result of others telling people about it and not sites promoting it. In any case, I don't work for any of these people and I never will. I have an employer and he'll make the decision about who hears me or not.
This is the world. This is how things are here.
This is a Must See.
What I wish I was doing if I had the personnel and the tech savvy. Super well done.
Hank, I echo the lady's voice that you are getting better and better. Thank you.
And thanks again to you Les.Very good.
peeu! wupoopedinhear?
there be plenty of space .... problems in being, lot's of many don't feels it, thinks it full of sickly, feeding the those that darkly play, giving up the plenty fors the little.
Edric Treewick of flemish map.
It’s funny how it all plays out.
For the last few months I have felt like I was watching the orchestra play on the deck of the titanic. In many ways I felt like Frodo in the Lord of the Rings. Before leaving the shire he would visit his favourite places mumbling if he would see them again
Never mind. Come what may I will show no fear. Thanks to Les and all here I know that it is ordained and I have merely my part to play. If it kicks off Monday morning so be it. If bugger all happens so be it.
In the morning the birds will sing, the sun will shine and the great wheel of life will turn. I really don’t mean this as a downer. In many ways the times we live in are a chrysalis and it is up to us to decide if we are to become a butterfly or a moth.
Cheers Les. 12 months ago this would have been a far darker post. Also my wife and I laughed our ass of at the posted vid
Hi Les, There's a cool happening taking place tomorrow (Oct. 25,2009) in San Francisco at Golden Gate Park's Speedway Meadows: "West Fest", 40th Anniversary Of Woodstock.
Check out the line-up of speakers and musicians at:
Posted by: Deacon Blues
This is something interesting that you might not be aware of. When the Sep. gold futures contract expired some big players requested standard 400oz. gold bars instead of a cash settlement as is customary. J.P.Morgan and Deutsche Bank didn't have the gold and offered 25% OVER SPOT to settle in cash!! The buyers refused the offer forcing the banks to scramble for deliverable gold. What's going on for speculators to refuse better than a 25% profit in dollars? What does that say about the worth of the dollar?
There is also question about the purity of some standard 400oz. bars. I have read where some bars on deposit in London are only 90% pure and must be being melted down. Also there are deliverable bars out there which have been hallowed out and tungsten, which has a specific gravity similar to gold, inserted. There simply isn't enough physical gold around to meet demand.
Central banks and governments are desperate to cap the price of gold. If gold makes a run for the moon what would happen to fiat currency? How about the stock market which has been pumped up by the manipulating paper hangers. The shit is going to hit the fan and it won't be boring. Those invisibles need to make a show because there is no way in hell mere mortals can turn things around. When you wish upon a star.......
The problems are obvious. Solutions AnyJuan?
First would be not to ask others for a solution. We're all thinking along the same lines. Any organized effort would fail. The only types asking are (usually) Zogtistas fishing for another kill merit badge.
Second would be to tap in using a stranger's wi-fi - for some reason Tor clients are sniffed and blog blocked.
Hollywood is full of ideas to breathe fire into the law abider.
Imagine a script ...
Somewhere there's roster of who was where and who was stashing this or that, or maybe a friend knows, or maybe that friend doesn't and maybe you'll visit the crime scene and maybe you won't.
A nondescript van led lined with copper mesh would be useful. Knowledge of how cell phones work would be useful as well.
Then all that remains is finding the whereabouts of a name on the roster. The bottom toadies of the pole are gainfully employed because they like doing to others what they'd hate done to them. I mean it's like the torture never stops!
So now you've the face attached the name on the roster in the RF shielded van all trussed and mussed and butt naked with the video running, you feign or have a confederate round up some smear near and dear to the shivering slab of flab pissing itself in anticipation of pure righteousness, and ask questions and get names. Copy the cell phone chip - record IDs - remind it you know where it lives and where that very special tender it cheats on by slipping B-girls rape dope, lives as well.
You don't have to harm. Just let it go - it won't say a word - cause it knows - if it tells anyone what happened it'll be an accident just like all the stiffs from Minot and Barksdale. It knows what it did to silence others would be done to it. It's A-OK to be a Zogtista hatchet man as long as you don't become a liability!
Well that's my script - my Aurthur McKenzy goes to Hollywood moment in the myst of Smoking Mirrors.
From the dead of night the thunder drum rolls out over the horizon. Horse poet here, with a thought on survival. First, with over 106 bank failures this year alone, know that "the holiday" is coming. Get your money out of the banks NOW! (no joke) and into commodity backed currencies or long term growth notes - Chinese, Aussie, Russian, and Brazilian currencies. The US is about to go Wiemar. Or is it the Harare school of economic development? I only posit other paper notes because metals might get you killed if things get desperate enough. Hoka Hey chillins!
Kevin John -
You are not fully correct.
Mr. A. Mouser ;)
The Powers That Were are hanging on by their fingernails , scraping out the last dregs out of their magick trickery bag.
Not knowing exactly which planets are aligned, or which Bohemian effigy is presently number one on the hit parade...this is what I see.
Obama, Prince of Nobel Piss-take Prize, has announced swine flu state of emergency. To add impetus to this imagery, Peurto Rico capitol announced state of emergency after a fire outbreak at a fuel depot. Online banking sites down for maintenance and the nuclear watchdog barking up the wrong tree in Iran. (same old, same old)
My favourite connect the dots to complete the´s the 80th anniversary of the 1929 Great Depression.
Go figure!
Thanks for being here, for being you and reflecting. Much appreciated.
Do not let yourself or your loved ones or friends take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. The advantages do NOT outweigh the risks.
Swedish family practicioner M.D.
The 25th is my birthday-so I'm hoping for a relativley quiet day. On the 24th our fearless leader declared a "national emergency" reagrding the H1N1 "outbreak". I fear no good will come of it.
solutions without going vitrol may include using state owned banks or local currency.
the best solution in my opine though would be to take former leaders who okd torture and instigated war crimes and useless wars OF terror and after quick convictions for treason would be to hold hourly lotterys for the chance to enhanedly interrogate them on ppv tv. winners each hour could pick which weasel to interrogate on tv.
in around 20 or 25 years of this, the weasels would probably generated enough money to pay the national debt off and then some
Les, you're back on WRH for whatever reason. I see you on David Icke too. I didn't check Rense. :) I look forward to hearing you tonight.
Fud, I'm glad you took the trouble to post that. I've been following that closely but didn't post it here or anywhere for that matter.
See above. The situation is far worse than I had imagined. Nothing but Divine intervention can fix this mess.
Absolutely astounding today from all concerned. Fud is right on the money. I read that somewhere long ago can't remember where, they are putting something in gold that looks like gold. That is why I hate some forums they always ask for that all inclusive link.
My only link is in my brain which seems to remember what is important sometimes anyway.
Glad to see you opening up Chucky that is what it is all about. We all know we are going to die at some point anyway. That is the deal in the physical world you have to agree to die in order to live. Sometimes it is Chief Crazy horse announced to the Dakota before Custer attacked, "today is a good day to die."
I am thinking of emailing Sauron and try and convince him that redshield is the owner of the ring. I may throw in that redshield told me your momma is riding with a biker gang. LOL
The latest in New York State is an injunction was handed down to stop forced vaccination for health care workers due to 3 law suits. The officials there instituted damage control by claiming they did not have enough shots available and would only give it to pregnant women and children. What a bunch of big hearted guys. They are only going to attack women and children. (They are the breeders)
It is all pretty frustrating because you can't take each of the brain washed trusting masses and shake them by shirt and tell them hey don't you know what is in this shot?
That youtube was good. If you want another good laugh I ran into a site that had me in stitches. Many of you may have seen it, Auntie Ziona vs Auntie Simone.
word verification "lente"
Well I am off to explore some of the links here and see what's up. Over and out.
The real Christian Church is the "Israel of God" *not* Jews. St Paul wrote in his Epistle To The Romans: "They are not all Israel who are of Israel." The true Israel are the Christians who have embraced the coming of the Messiah Jesus.
1. The capitalist system has entered the most serious crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In response to this crisis, workers must advance a socialist solution. Moreover, the crisis is international, affecting working people in every country of the world. There is no national solution to the breakdown of globally integrated capitalism. The World Socialist Web Site, the Socialist Equality Party, and the International Students for Social Equality put forward the following program as the basis for a new social and political movement of the working class.
2. To workers who ask, “Why is it necessary to adopt a socialist program?” we answer: Because the capitalist system has failed! The existing economic system has nothing to offer the working class but exploitation, poverty, repression and war. The facts speak for themselves.
3. For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the global economy will decline in 2009. More than 50 million people will lose their jobs throughout the world this year as companies shut down or shed jobs. The number of the “chronically hungry” is expected to rise by 100 million in 2009, bringing it well over the 1 billion mark.
I am back sooner than I thought. Hats off to anon 7.26 on the TOR. I have already installed it. The computer began working faster, maybe a coincidence maybe not. I am all for anybody who is doing something.
As for computer security I have never had any other than a router. I have always tried to stay away from google but after watching what Les Visible was accomplishing with simply a blog, I couldn't resist starting one. It is nothing short of amazing.
My idea of security is having 4 different apple computers here I bought off ebay for in the area of a hundred bucks apiece. I have 4 different operation disks which cost more than the computers and I reprogram the whole show from time to time. It takes them about a week to totally take over again and set up the various console links to .....................fill in the blank to every total information awareness system on the planet.
At least I find it comforting I am making them work too. Somebody somewhere has got to sit down and do some work to get back in. That is my theory anyway. When the electronic harassment gets to bad from the hasbarat I simply slide another computer into place.
I am sending TOR around to everybody I know.
pARaNoIa Abounds...(O__o)
I really don't care if 'the man' is watching my activities online or off...must be a pretty dull job.
I'm only a little fishy...
Hope I'm on the red-list though!
Word-V = Soramoid
It is more being a competitor than paranoid!
I do a photoshop once in awhile if any of you feel like you need one leave a link to the pic and I will give it a shot and leave it in my photo shop on the blog. I am putting together a collection and probably about 15 of these I did myself.
If you like any of them grab them. The ones with writing are usually the ones I cooked up.
Well said R4E - no-one reads "your" stuff until the autobots flag a hot one.
There is no hiding anything.
My guess is LV's stuff gets delivered to the top, pronto.
They await with baited halitosis, well-knowing they are simply playing for time.
Even if "their" plans work out, it's just part of the plan.
Paranoia? Who said that!
hmmm, LV is very productive, is he one man, or just another department?
Just a mo, the doorbell rings.
No probs, just the pizza delivery guy. Have scanned for chips, nothing fishy there - but have you checked the latest generation of kilt the radio star idees? Teeny-weeny beepers, Bops sure uncle.
Pnoetic science - know it?
All the chickens are working for the farmer, the farmer is working for (old McD?).... and so on.
The legion is one and it's all one big bang, gang.
Note to self: Stop being such a smart-ass.
Reply to note to self: Well then stop kicking it so much.
word verifixation: paranoia!
Les you must see this.
This guy has taken 45 minutes to (very rapidly) cover all of modern history in the explanation of the military pursuit of oil under the guise of "bringing democracy to the middle east".
A collective of Brittish and American armies trying to take control of the remaining oil fields of the world.
Really, really good. Done as a comedy presentation but it is a humourless account of the truth surrounding how we got to the very point we are at today.
Touching even momentarily on the Federal Reserve bank need to have all oil pruchases to occur in US dollars.
This video dove-tails 100% into the coming switch from the Federal reserve fiat currency into the IMF fiat currency.
The new (world order) currency will further subjugate all of mankind under the complete power of a few few private families who own the international banking cartel.
Four spikes in the sheeple's coffin:
1) A privately owned world currency.
2) A world government completely controlled by those who own the currency.
3) A world army to enforce the rules according to those who own the currency.
Sheeple will become serfs and any individual of group opposition will be met with PC internment and/or execution world wide.
Welcome to reality.
"Any new provocative attempts by Israeli troops and Jewish extremists such as what happened today in the shrine's compound represents a flagrant violation of international law and conventions and sets the stage for more tension and acts of violence," (Jordan) Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communication Nabil Sharif said in a statement.
Les, like I once said before, new dogs old tricks. Think Somalian pirates and zionist support.
Additionally here is a map of privateer incidents in 2009.
And Dimona is not the only facility that needs inspection. It should also include Soreq
Word veri: fersfib
Three not four spikes.
The gap between what the government and their apologists say they’re doing and what they are actually doing grows wider by the day.
Israel finally has become the killing arm of the British-American-Israeli imperialism.
Exterminating the indiginous Palestinians is allowed especially now if it can be used to draw Iran into the fray in order to be justification for overturning Iran like was begun in 2003 with Iraq.
Israel WANTS near helpless Palestinians to resist so they can cry out “terrorists!” and then exterminate them.
I’m so saddened and tired of UK/US/Israel fascist behaviour and resulting in all these murders.
I pray God will stop them.
The WRH Oct'09 picture from Afghanistan of a soiled-dress, probably orphaned little girl really bothers me. Is this what US/NATO forces are doing in Afghanistan in order to make the country peaceful enough to build a pipeline for private multinational oil corporations?
This is why American, British and Canadian forces are fighting and dying there?
This is all wrong.
Stop this greedy, selfish, industrialist war in the middle East.
Did you say golden age?
Well I certainly hope so. Maybe it will sound something like this -
“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.“
— Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online
Take a really good look at that quote, and then imagine the mindset behind those words. The message is roughly:
'There can occur cases where Israel has the right to question another country, but there is never a case when another country has the right to question Israel.'
The only way this quote from prime minister Sharon can make any sense is if Israelis are in fact above the law. Are they?
The result of the Goldstone report proceeding, decision and action (or non-action) will now answer that question.
My extreme sympathies are with the Palestinians if the Israelis are found to be above the law in world court, for they will be genocided by the Israelis.
"Blood and Oil" by Michael Klare is an outstanding book showing the relationship between the military and oil.
In this economy jobs are hard to find. I came across this one and one of the critical requirements would be the ability to get along with others. Zionists need not apply.
"You know, like 10 people putting their noses up against an elephant in different places and trying to describe what it is. None will get it right until they back up and see the whole elephant."
You nailed this one down! Its very funny but helpful to watch and see people guess what it is we are are all looking at? What makes life so detailed that we cant take a step back? I say the senses and our love of and trust in using them?
You ask why we all got a set of master keys? I say oneless cant be without such tools. Moreover, the love of creation is in handing over gifts of this nature? People wonder what "God" does and dont wonder what "we" do instead. The very same love we have, the lord has, and he's trying to show it with a gift of keys? Nothing is hidden!
If a could speak in his tounge Id say "If I knew all the answers I wouldnt keep them from you, I love the things I think about, rest you head and sleep. Tomorrow will come and you'll be ready to ask again."
Dublin Mick said:
"Back then they sent down what they called a levy every month and if your name was on the list the next stop was Vietnam."
Damn, I wish you hadn't said that, brings back old nightmares. I was also drafted during Viet Nam. I remember when orders would come down, going up to the board and squinting my eyes and praying as I read the names. I was assigned to Service Company and sometimes they would clean out 90% of the company. My name never appeared on the list.
I'm with you, if that was now they could kiss my ass. I would be off to Canada. All my close friends were drafted with the exception of those with criminal records. Ironic huh, now criminals are prime recruits. We all made it back ok.
The NCOs "no chance outside" were all drunks. Not once in my two years did any officer or NCO talk to us about a reup. They didn't waste their breath. All we thought about was our ETS date.
The only reason why the US military can do what they do is virtually unlimited resources. Manpower wise it is just boots on the ground/numbers. No way our demoralized troops then or now could go toe to toe with the freedom fighters if it was a fair fight. We overwhelm them with technology, but I guess that is self evident. Thank god for the Chinese, Japanese, Saudis, Koreans etc. Without them bankrolling us how would we spread democracy.
Hey Dublin Mick, Enjoyed your last post. I'm also a big Country Joe McDonald fan and have been for many years, check out his web-site at:
And I was also stationed in Germany in the U.S. Army from March 64 to August 66. Even saw the Rolling Stones live in Munster back in 65 "Can't Get No Satisfaction" I was the first to bring Bob Dylans albums on to the base. You could actually buy his records at the PX in Kassel. Some of the troops didn't much care for his voice, but you can't please every one.
Posted By: Deacon Blues
Les, regarding my 3:04 comment (itch) made someone else scratch!
Good Lord Fud and Deacon Blues I guess we are stirring up some bad memories for ourselves here. Like I say I could write a book on it but I will spare all concerned. Janice Joplin and Steppinwolf came to Frankfurt in my time. Janet Joplin said I feel sorry for you poor bastards.
I guess we can indentify with Les talking about prison because we did some time also. They just let us out on the weekends. I was there in 1968 to 1970.
They did ask me to re-enlist. I told them you see that street outside, I had rather lay down in that and die first. About a week later I was no longer a supply clerk. That was my job because I had a college degree and could type. I became the guy who loaded hamburger and turkey on the trucks and drove it to outlying supply stations in the snow.
I would never go through something like that again. I knew a sargeant who re-upped for 6000 dollars and then went awol to Sweden a week later! LOL
A friend of mine in there came back from Vietnam to our unit. He was shot in the foot clearing jungle in a bulldozer. He told the doc I guess that is it for me and they said no will have you back out there in two weeks. He signed on for another year to stay out of combat and come to Germany.
One night he came in and his face was fire red from drinking probably two gallons of wine and he was beating his head against the wall locker. I said what is the matter guy and he said my fiance just married somebody else. He was screaming I have got to get out of this MF.... army!
There was one black fellow there the B girls down town slipped LSD in his beer and he went psycho on us. Ran at the captain and first sargeant screamiing he was going to kill them and he had to get out of They said don't worry son we are going to get you out!
He did 6 months in the mental ward and actually came back to our post. Those heartless fools actually were asking him if he had a good "trip."
One Puerto Rican guy showed up and when he got off the bus he had a suitcase and the first thing he asked me was you want buy some sh... I said no thanks guy I don't think I need any. He later drove a truck through the wall of the commanding offficer.
He went to the psych and told him I don't know what it is when I put on this green suit I just want to tear things up. The psych said you just re-enlisted a month ago. He said I didn't know what I was doing I was on LSD at the time can I get out of her. Once again the psych said don't worry son you are going home!
Enough of this like I said I could write a book on it.
En collaboration w/ the site WRH
Allemagne 1940 - Israel 2009
Perhaps one has to go through hell before one can recognise and appreciate the true danger of a situation which seems normal to the uninitiated.
Maybe there are such a large relative number of Vietnam wets here because these gentlemen have been through real war and recognise the real dangers of the situation we are presently in compared with those who not realise we are on the deck of the Titanic after it has met its iceberg.
The invention of the Jewish people
What shocked me today was to hear the start of a huge appeal for funds to support those returning that are badly injured. I find it unacceptable that such victims have to ask for charity money when they have served their country. All this in the name of economic greed and control of the worlds oil and gas supplies. The despicable actions by all those implicated in this false façade of lies and cover-ups are beyond imagination. Their arrogance and blasé approach to the risks associated with sending troops into a war zone that is totally contaminated by their own weapons is beyond words.
- within their own organizations we see instructions being handed out to staff advising them of the dangers associated with uranium based weapons. To name and shame those implicated in the DU(depleted uranium)/EU(expired uranium) cover-up and the true reason behind the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:
The United Nations(UN) - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP World Health Organisation (WHO) - The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - The Governments of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) - The respective Departments of Defence/ Military - The Nuclear Industry - The Pharmaceutical Industry and all those Medical Experts and Institutions who accepted that DU was safe. One must also add the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to this list, not because it is has any connection to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) but because of the suffering they have caused around the world by Weapons of Mass Deception and Weapons of Mass Dependency.
Shame on you all.
"The people of Islam have been afflicted with oppression, hostility and injustice by the Judio-Christian alliance and its supporter. This shows our enemies 'belief that Muslims' blood is the cheapest and that their property and wealth is merely loot. Your blood has been spilt in Palestine and Iraq and the horrific image of the massacre in Qana in Lebanon are still fresh in people's minds. The massacres that have taken place in Tajikistan, Burma, Kashmir, Assam, the Philippines, Fatani, Ogaden, Somalia, Eritrea, Chechnya and Bosnia-Herzegovina send shivers down our spines and stir up our passions. All this has happened before the eyes and ears of the world, but the blatant imperialism of America, under the cover of the immoral United Nations, has prevented the dispossessed from arming themselves."
Bin Laden (deceased December 2001)
Accordin to this all this is going on and the newspapers and other quacks don't bother talking about it.
"Would you believe that half a million people in Spain go hungry? That their situation is so bad they are actually receiving food aid from the EU? These and other shocking facts are to be found in a publication called “The economic crisis and its humanitarian impact on Europe—Testimonies from the Red Cross Red Crescent,” recently published by the Red Cross Red Crescent. It is the first publication that gives an idea of the effects of the current crisis. Since it is just a first step in an effort to determine the extent and scope of what is going on, most of the information is still unquantified. Nevertheless, the report is deeply disturbing, not to say alarming.
Many middle class Europeans literally become ill from worrying. Many are losing sleep at night, many are taking to drink or drugs and still others are in need of psychiatric treatment. There are already many in the middle class who cannot pay the electricity bills, the heating bills, the telephone bills. Many families are being cut off from utilities and no doubt more will follow. In some countries, such as Hungary, special aid programs have been started to help pay people's heating bills or their mortgages.
Meanwhile, both the EU and its member state governments are spending billions of Euros to spy on their citizens and to devise even craftier ways of finding out what each individual citizen is thinking. Remember, every single EU citizen is assumed to be a terrorist. Not since the days of Metternich and Guizot have so many European governments been so afraid of their citizens. It would seem government paranoia is justified. Most people in the EU are angry at their governments, angry at the Brussels eurocracy. Many are even boiling with rage. The British secret service now regards the middle class as potentially revolutionary and the most dangerous to the existing order."
The EU is going to fall. How do I know this? Because Nostradamus said it would.
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.
The Secret Covenant II - - A new unearthing for the assimilated Perfectibilist
Pelosi is on Prozac. Makes sense. I just wonder how many of the rest are, also....maybe all of them?
"metals might get you killed if things get desperate enough"
Metals might save you if things get desperate...I'm dumping my play money.
Great lead, Mouser. Robert Newman is THE man...except for Les, of course.
It was great bringing David Icke to Bellingham...turned on 800 truthers...FBI in the ally...I never knew so many truthers smoked cigarettes....whew, outside the front door at breaks. Tobacco must be what people are using to ground themselves these days.
Boy, it's a free for all in Afgan, Pak and Iraq. Who are these American kid-terrorists, anyway? They are one spooky bunch of demented, psychos who will be spreading the karma back to all Americans not only while they are playing their "video games" over there, but when they stagger disorientated off that cargo jet back in the states. Someday this country is going to be one very big Rehab facility, but nobody's going to get fixed.
I am embarrassed to be an American, at the moment. Want to somehow turn that around, reverse this doomed process. It's like coming on to LSD and it's a bad trip and I just took it 30 minutes ago, OH SHIT! Where's my tobacco? But I don't smoke. I'll eat it!
Reminds me of the old Zen saying: "Sometimes one's roots have to reach the darkest depths of Hell, before ones leaves can touch the lofty heights of Heaven."
European American
The days of our kind are numbered.
The one God comes to drive out the many gods.
The spirits of wood and stream grow silent.
It's the way of things.
Yes... it's a time for men, and their ways.
I'll pay you for goodwill but you are talking through your neck.
Blaming Zionism for the extreme dislike of jews of all colours is a jew trick. They have been kicked out of every country because of their behaviour. And that for 3000 years. Zionism has been around for about 250 years.
Have a look at this link: nurember...emberg_laws.htm
That was in a country which treated them with respect, where jews were in the highest positions, and even then they could not control their greed and behaviour. And when Herr Adolf put a stop to it they declared war on Germany out of spite. EVERY jew. NOT just Zionists.
It is OK to have compassion for people but don't make it valueless. You make your bed you lie in it.
Unless you are a jew, then you nuke it.
They (non-zionist jews) do protest and many have ended up in jail for it.
Some have founded some groups such as Break the Silence which yahoo has been trying to shut down.
For the Report on the adults who were charged and incarcerated is a done
Jewish group of women. They go out to check points every day and also go to court rooms every day and post it on their web site.
Yahoo wants them shut down as well.
They do try and like I said they have to be careful. Kids who refuse to join Israels army are also thrown in jail. Repeatedly I might add.
Jail is something that happens all the time in Israel. They oppress their own citizens as well.
The Red Cross stated on December 31, 1983, that there were 373,468 deaths in all the concentration camps.
Over half in Auschwitz were Christians 56657.php
Here is the Red cross statistics report comments=yes
When reading this 'Kol Nidre" prayer, doesn't it make you wonder how any elected government official in these United States of America, whether it be at the local, state or federal level, could ever take a meaningful vow to defend and protect the Constitution for the United States of America? No matter what vow they take, the prayer absolves them of adherence. In other words, their word means NOTHING!
How would you like to have a Talmudic (Jewish) president? Of course, it doesn't really matter, and hasn't for a long time, because the Talmudists have been in power as the Shadow Government for so long -- maybe since the inception of the U.S. Constitution, and it becomes more and more clear that Americans are governed by them and are oppressed under the Talmudic / Commercial / International laws.
Here is the prayer, and an explanation of it from the Jewish Encyclopedia, on line.
Jackie — April 11th, 2003
By : Joseph Jacobs Max Schloessinger Cyrus Adler Francis L. Cohen
Prayer recited in the synagogue at the beginning of the evening service on the Day of Atonement; the name is taken from the opening words. The "Kol Nidre" has had a very eventful history, both in itself and in its influence on the legal status of the Jews.
Introduced into the liturgy despite the opposition of rabbinic authorities, repeatedly attacked in the course of time by many halakists, and in the nineteenth century expunged from the prayer-book by many communities of western Europe, it has often been employed by Christians to support their assertion that the oath of a Jew can not be trusted.
Form of Prayer.
Before sunset on the eve of the Day of Atonement, when the congregation has gathered in the synagogue, the Ark is opened and two rabbis, or two leading men in the community, take from it two Torah-scrolls.
Then they take their places, one on each side of the ?azzan, and the three recite in concert a formula beginning with the words, which runs as follows:
"In the tribunal of heaven and the tribunal of earth, by the permission of God -- blessed be He -- and by the permission of this holy congregation, we hold it lawful to pray with the transgressors."
Thereupon the cantor chants the Aramaic prayer beginning with the words "Kol Nidre," with its marvelously plaintive and touching melody, and, gradually increasing in volume from pianissimo to fortissimo, repeats three times the following words:
"All vows , obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called '?onam,' '?onas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent.
May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."
The leader and the congregation then say together: (Num. xv. 26).
"And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them, seeing all the people were in ignorance"
This also is repeated three times. The ?azzan then closes with the benediction, :
"Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who hast preserved us and hast brought us to enjoy this season."
In many congregations Num. xiv. 19-20 is recited before this benediction. After it the Torah-scrolls are replaced, and the customary evening service begins.
What happened to that Web Bot thing on Oct. 25? Comme toujours, nothing happened. Just a meteor explosion over Sumatra... Maybe something on Halloween? Gold falls and the dollar strengthens, more Amurkans are slaughtered in Afghanistan, go figure. Who could even figure out this craziness on a thousand mikes of lsd? Well, at least Howdy Doody did get his kids vaccinated. So he say.
Les, I am sure you and others remember Iran Contra.... Ollie North now has a new job.
The suddenness of the coming Godly 'Fix' is going to spin head the world round. Some will be passed over Many will be burned in place where they stand. Bills are past due. The spinning wheel of satanism is about to come away from the cart, The horse will not stop. You will have no time to jump off. We all follow a path... Is your path upon a shaky decrepit wagon being wiped into the abyss by Satan? Soon all the "I don't believe in God" losers will have real and sudden reason to REGRET their stand.
Les, the worlds smartest guy (rocket scientist) over at wrh got this one wrong. He claims the picture in this link:
is one of them there lebanese model rockets. Looks like an artillery shell to me. Anyone else agree?
The World's Support Against Israel Is Not Just A Slogan
By: PoliticalTheatrics
World citizen John Smith said Wednesday that Iran will be allowed to make its own constitutionally correct decisions about producing nuclear power according to the outlines of the International Nuclear treaty they have signed in good faith. Iran has made it satisfactorily clear they intend on abiding by their previous written peace agreements with the International nuclear body. Smith emphasized that, therefore, no other international measures are required.
In regards to the Goldstone Report, Smith said that the US must impartially consider it. He said that the US should express their clear opinion on the issue that Israel is behaving as an active fascist state without the necessary internal institutions to take care of their genocide problem.
I can't get over how Rothschild has got such a death grip on the world - literally.
America and Israel are in fact just some of the fingers of that family.
99.9% of all that is happening in the middle east and in other "hostile" countries where: "democracy must be brought to" either have oil the NWO wants to steal and/or refuses to allow Rothschild to control of their national bank.
It is all futile, Les. I got a diagnosis of myeloid leukemia two weeks ago. I am 55. I sold all my gold and silver and gave it away to the poor, as Jesus advises. I don't care anymore about anything. That was thirty five thousand dollars. I bet you wish you had it. Well, it's gone.
Important Article:
Dr. Gary Null, one of the plaintiffs in the STOP THE SHOT lawsuit, and Richard Gale have written an important summary of why the Swine Flu vaccines are a scientific travesty, including the statement from Dr. Laver, who invented influenza vaccines, saying that they are worthless. It is a must read.
Posted By; Deacon Blues
That's what Katyushas look like. They're short stubby and cheap. More like rocket powered artillery shells with fins. The picture in your link only shows the upper half of the assembly. This picture offers a better understanding of the size and scale.
It occurred to me today that what we are missing more than anything in these times is a white night. There are plenty of black nights running around. There is so much truth just sitting out there. We know ho killed JFK, we know who killed Bobby, and we know who did 9/11. Yet, the world turns and not much happens. Why? There is nobody for the people to rally around. They either have been shot or their plane crashed.
As there world gets smaller will it be someone outside of the US who the people will have to rally around? We are living under the rule of an evil empire and there isn’t a good empire to rally behind. At least not of this realm…
Les was on a whirlwind of writing lately, and now a bit of a gap... anyone have details on his status?
Anon 218
I don't know how much fight you have but I would never give up on cancer. There are many people beating this but it is hard. You have to get the poisons out of your body.
There is Johanna Brandt's grape cure. It involves eating nothing but grapes, grape juice and water for as long as you can. She went 30 days and killed a stomach cancer when doctors had given her up for dead. I went 21 days on it myself. I felt like a million dollars afterwards. You can get weak at first however. You might have to take enemas.
If you fail eat a few days and start again. There is also the maple syrup and baking soda method. I have links to all this on my second blog star gazers and grave diggers. I should have named it the medicine cabinet or something. That is about all I use it for.
Johanna Brandt the grape cure.
Don't give up just because the burn and cut quacks have given up on you. That is the point where a lot of people get cured.
Anon 218
I meant to add if you start feeling weak on the grape died eat some almonds along with the grapes. The mixture of almond and grape is almost the equivalent of a blood transfusion and leukemia is a blood problem.
Jesus recommended enemas using guords. If it is good enough for Jesus it is good enough for me.
Cancer Tutor (leukemia)
Patrick, that is why we must communicate. Whether or not a white knight comes along is irrelevant. many people believed Obama could bring about change, but it was quickly demonstrated that he dances to the same Rothchild music Bush and Blair did.
The ability to grow ones own food and raise ones own animals must NOT be lost. That knowledge is precious and it only takes ONE generation to lose it. Anyone with knowledge of farming or animal husbandry will be in great demand in the future. The cities will be barren except for, well, who knows.
Meanwhile, keeping up on the latest shenanigans of the Kosher Nostra is of the utmost importance:
Israeli's at the center of the ecstacy drug trade.
Just HAD to share this one:
Christian Broadcasting Network Warns Against 'Demonic' Halloween Candy
Read more at:
They claim the candy has bee prayed over by witches. Perhaps it has, but you can CLEARLY see the "U" symbol on the Miuke & Ike's candy, which means, of course, that the stuff's been prayed over by demonic rabbi's.
I guess the people who believed Obama (or anyone selected to be President) would actually have the interests of the people in mind also believe that the U.S. has a two party political system, instead of a two-headed one-party system. The one party is the Elite party and it presents the illusion of two faces which apparently fools most of the fools. I've been around since Johnson, and I've seen no President yet who was not a stooge of the one party system even though it took me awhile to realize it.
And, you are so right about the growing of food. I am lucky to have learned from my grandparents who were farmers and ranchers who thrived, not just existed, during the depression. They were poor as was everyone else who wasn't already super rich, just as we see today. But, they lived gracefully in squalor and were even able to help less fortunate neighbors daily with surplus food.
I find it amazing, that ever since a poster by the name of >Sleepy Ed< left his comment at 7:50 AM, part of which reads;
"My guess is LV's stuff gets delivered to the top, pronto.
They await with baited halitosis, well-knowing they are simply playing for time.
Even if "their" plans work out, it's just part of the plan.
Paranoia? Who said that!
hmmm, LV is very productive, is he one man, or just another department?
Just a mo, the doorbell rings.",
Les has not written another word on any of his blogs, nor has he commented to any of the postings.
(since October 24th.)
Les, I hope you are ok, my Friend...
R. Zuercher
Ps. Tried to post this on SM, to no avail
Tnank you for your concern. No need to worry Les is fine. Except he is without internet. He'll be back online when he is back online, probably after a thorough test of his patience. Meanwhile he can begin harvesting the olives.
This is a test.
OOPS-forgot one:
Namaste~Blessings all~xojo
Greetings Dumballah.. Just checking, I have a tendency to err on the side of fatalism. Good to know you are still well, however, an extended period will require further review and analysis. Thank you Susanne for the communique.
"Free Free Palestine"!
love light & peace.
Yay Team Kundalini: "Go you Fire-Snakes"!
(Alan Sobarsky)
It will be Israel’s own fault.
(Alan Sobarsky)
Americans may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel's own fault.
(Alan Sobarsky)
If Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering -- and the suffering they has inflicted on others -- is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them.
@ Anon 5.13 R. Zuercher
Flaming A cool, man!
I was kinda hoping my paranoia couldn't really æffect reality but I was getting a bit noid apout it nonetheLes - esp. coz F2F woz a bit slow putinup the latest pod.
It's there now icey, so Ham cool and looking 4ward to sum sanity
Odd crust stepped drunkink and smokink and loaf without those shells is almost an overwhelming shroomtrip, lemme tellya yak yakyak
Nah, course 55 is just one chap, boot Aye Hopey takes it as a complimeant
If Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering -- and the suffering they has inflicted on others -- is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them.
Americans may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own fault.
(Alan Sobarsky)
The human cost to America to date is some 60,000 people, military and civilian, killed or wounded on 9/11 and in Iraq and Afghanistan together, with more to come if we go to war with Iran following an Israeli attack on Iran.
AIPAC and company are riding a tiger in America, and if they ever slip, the resulting convulsion will be catastrophic for them and for Israel. The open unfolding of the 9/11 tragedy and its ensuing wars that is now occurring can be that slip.
Today we are getting the same line on Iran, from the same type of people -- Obama himself tries to be more independent, but most of the key staff and national security people in his Administration do not differ greatly on Israel and the Middle East from those of his predecessor. The Congress has shown itself to be even more of AIPAC's lap-dog than the preceding Congress, an exercise in self-serving cowardice that admittedly has taken some doing.
The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America.
A significant development in the 1990s was the formation of the neo-conservative think tank known as PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose members prepared position papers for the Israeli government and for a future US Administration sharing their views.
The "outsiders" from PNAC were now powerful "insiders," placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on US policy…PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation.
PNAC opined in 2000, was that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."
On September 11, 2001, the PNAC people in and out of government -- and by extension AIPAC and Israel got the event they needed, barely eight months after coming into office.
Most people are familiar with the basic details of that day -- two commercial aircraft crashing into the two tallest buildings in New York City's World Trade Center (WTC), a third striking the Pentagon, and a fourth ending up in a Pennsylvania field.
The official 9/11 Commission's work and report were incomplete exercise. Many people utterly distrust the 9/11 Commission report, dismiss the US Government’s explanation of it, and point to both an official cover-up and an inside job including air defense experts, demolition experts, architects and civil engineers.
First, the striking aircraft alone simply could not have brought down either of the two buildings in the manner in which they fell, much less a third building which was not hit by a plane. The plane intended to cover the third building ended up in that Pennsylvania field.
This means the attackers had assistance on the ground, and it had to have been active before the attacks occurred: preparing buildings for controlled demolition is not something done haphazardly in the midst of chaos.
Second, only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground were the US CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the cui bono principle, that was Mossad.
That incentive dovetailed perfectly with the neo-con’s agenda and explicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their wars, using American military power to destroy Israel’s enemies. Only the unexpected strength of the Iraqi resistance kept Syria and Iran from being attacked in the second Bush Administration.
The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms such as treason, betrayal and deceit are a fact.
Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid no attention to the truth. The reason is that on this issue, all are on the same side, and the official line is the one they all prefer. All meaning the PNAC alumni who took over the Bush Administration’s national security apparatus and their counterparts in the Obama administration, AIPAC and the rest of the numerous Jewish PACs, the MSM owners and Israel.
CEOs and Directors of companies change as often as Boards of Directors vote. But if we could “freeze frame” the CEOs of the largest US Media companies in mid 2002, we would find that ten Jewish American men ran the vast majority of US television networks and other media companies including movies, radio, and publishing at that time.
CEOs and Directors of companies change as often as Boards of Directors vote. But if we could “freeze frame” the CEOs of the largest US Media companies in mid 2002, we would find that ten Jewish American men ran the vast majority of US television networks and other media companies including movies, radio, and publishing at that time.
Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid no attention to the truth. The reason is that on this issue, all are on the same side, and the official line is the one they all prefer. All meaning the PNAC alumni who took over the Bush Administration’s national security apparatus and their counterparts in the Obama administration, AIPAC and the rest of the numerous Jewish PACs, the MSM owners and Israel.
That incentive dovetailed perfectly with the neo-con’s agenda and explicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their wars, using American military power to destroy Israel’s enemies. Only the unexpected strength of the Iraqi resistance kept Syria and Iran from being attacked in the second Bush Administration.
The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms such as treason, betrayal and deceit are a fact.
Second, only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground were the US CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the cui bono principle, that was Mossad.
First, the striking aircraft alone simply could not have brought down either of the two buildings in the manner in which they fell, much less a third building which was not hit by a plane. The plane intended to cover the third building ended up in that Pennsylvania field.
This means the attackers had assistance on the ground, and it had to have been active before the attacks occurred: preparing buildings for controlled demolition is not something done haphazardly in the midst of chaos.
On September 11, 2001, the PNAC people in and out of government -- and by extension AIPAC and Israel got the event they needed, barely eight months after coming into office.
Most people are familiar with the basic details of that day -- two commercial aircraft crashing into the two tallest buildings in New York City's World Trade Center (WTC), a third striking the Pentagon, and a fourth ending up in a Pennsylvania field.
The official 9/11 Commission's work and report were incomplete exercise. Many people utterly distrust the 9/11 Commission report, dismiss the US Government’s explanation of it, and point to both an official cover-up and an inside job including air defense experts, demolition experts, architects and civil engineers.
PNAC opined in 2000, was that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."
The "outsiders" from PNAC were now powerful "insiders," placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on US policy…PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation.
A significant development in the 1990s was the formation of the neo-conservative think tank known as PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose members prepared position papers for the Israeli government and for a future US Administration sharing their views.
The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America.
(Alan Sobarsky)
The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America.
A significant development in the 1990s was the formation of the neo-conservative think tank known as PNAC (Project for a New American Century), whose members prepared position papers for the Israeli government and for a future US Administration sharing their views.
The "outsiders" from PNAC were now powerful "insiders," placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on US policy…PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation.
PNAC opined in 2000, was that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."
9/11 Reconcidered
On September 11, 2001, the PNAC people in and out of government -- and by extension AIPAC and Israel got the event they needed, barely eight months after coming into office.
Most people are familiar with the basic details of that day -- two commercial aircraft crashing into the two tallest buildings in New York City's World Trade Center (WTC), a third striking the Pentagon, and a fourth ending up in a Pennsylvania field.
The official 9/11 Commission's work and report were incomplete exercise. Many people utterly distrust the 9/11 Commission report, dismiss the US Government’s explanation of it, and point to both an official cover-up and an inside job including air defense experts, demolition experts, architects and civil engineers.
First, the striking aircraft alone simply could not have brought down either of the two buildings in the manner in which they fell, much less a third building which was not hit by a plane. The plane intended to cover the third building ended up in that Pennsylvania field.
This means the attackers had assistance on the ground, and it had to have been active before the attacks occurred: preparing buildings for controlled demolition is not something done haphazardly in the midst of chaos.
Second, only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground were the US CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only one had the incentive, using the cui bono principle, that was Mossad.
That incentive dovetailed perfectly with the neo-con’s agenda and explicitly expressed need for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their wars, using American military power to destroy Israel’s enemies. Only the unexpected strength of the Iraqi resistance kept Syria and Iran from being attacked in the second Bush Administration.
The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq run from PNAC, AIPAC and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality. Terms such as treason, betrayal and deceit are a fact.
Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid no attention to the truth. The reason is that on this issue, all are on the same side, and the official line is the one they all prefer. All meaning the PNAC alumni who took over the Bush Administration’s national security apparatus and their counterparts in the Obama administration, AIPAC and the rest of the numerous Jewish PACs, the MSM owners and Israel.
CEOs and Directors of companies change as often as Boards of Directors vote. But if we could “freeze frame” the CEOs of the largest US Media companies in mid 2002, we would find that ten Jewish American men ran the vast majority of US television networks and other media companies including movies, radio, and publishing at that time.
Today we are getting the same line on Iran, from the same type of people -- Obama himself tries to be more independent, but most of the key staff and national security people in his Administration do not differ greatly on Israel and the Middle East from those of his predecessor. The Congress has shown itself to be even more of AIPAC's lap-dog than the preceding Congress, an exercise in self-serving cowardice that admittedly has taken some doing.
AIPAC and company are riding a tiger in America, and if they ever slip, the resulting convulsion will be catastrophic for them and for Israel. The open unfolding of the 9/11 tragedy and its ensuing wars that is now occurring can be that slip.
The human cost to America to date is some 60,000 people, military and civilian, killed or wounded on 9/11 and in Iraq and Afghanistan together, with more to come if we go to war with Iran following an Israeli attack on Iran.
If Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering -- and the suffering they has inflicted on others -- is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them.
Americans may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own fault.
(Alan Sobarsky)
I can't get over how Rothschild has got such a death grip on the world - literally.
America and Israel are in fact just some of the fingers of that family.
99.9% of all that is happening in the middle east and in other "hostile" countries where: "democracy must be brought to" either have oil the NWO wants to steal and/or refuses to allow Rothschild to control of their national bank.
"There is no evidence whatsoever that seasonal influenza vaccines have any effect, especially in the elderly and young children. No evidence of reduced [number of] cases, deaths, complications," the Cochrane Collaboration
Let’s look at this picture.
Big Pharma and the NWO are having their scare/shortage tactics to get citizens to take their mysterious swine-flu vaccine.
Economic and culling the herd opportunities being missed.
So what do they do? They leak a little of the ‘other’ viruses they’ve been working at in their Ukrainian stealth lab ON THE LOCAL PEOPLE!
Result the local Ukrainians are getting a form of hemorrhagic pneumonia (bleeding from the lungs).
NWO Big pharma…would you trust them enough to put their swine-flu vaccine in your body? Or in your children’s bodies? Or your loved ones? Or your friends? I do not.
Please read below:
“Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.”
“Mysterious virus hits Ukraine. Tests are being carried out to establish what kind of virus is causing the sickness. The H1N1 virus which causes Mexican flu has been ruled out.”
“Ministry of Health has not established the exact diagnosis of the epidemic disease in the western regions of Ukraine. Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevich has given information about spread of diseases in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions today at the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers.”
“According to the Minister, the World Health Organization is ready to render assistance to Ukrainian experts and the Ministry of Health in order to establish the cause of death and development of disease flu in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions (Ukraine)”
Unflipping believable.
They try to get the world to take their very suspect vaccine for swine-flu.
When that plan is scuttled they release live pathogens on an innocent population out of anger at the world for not doing what they say!
Fuck the NWO!
mornin all, and happy samhain!
for anyone interested in their celtic heritage, you may wish to read up on the 'working celtic cross' and its origins. crichton miller has a wonderful website, much good reading.
a celestial/terrestrial navigation tool, and timepiece. just ignore gardiner's thoth video. it reeks.
3rd page in, searchable index @ bottom.
"May our songs shine like light then and awaken the child of light within the
mind of Man.
And with coming of the dawn that they might see where the path
they stumble along in the darkness is leading them.
Let those who awaken first begin to sing as One so that the
Intelligence might hear their illumination and stay the hand
of destruction
For a Mother does not want to smother her children nor a Father to strike them,
but wishes them only happiness"
Crichton E M Miller
Isn`t November First All Saint`s Day?
Wasn`t that the purpose of Hallowe`en?
It is a day that serves as a gargoyle on a cathedral, a shisa dog on an Okinawan house, a Nio-sama in front of a Japanese Buddhist Temple- something to scare off the evil motherfuckers so you can have your real party, the big feast, in peace but not quiet?
I believe so.
The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Because God is the scariest thing there is.
But all the boys and girls who use his power for him will never see him that way.
Now here is a theory about why God has allowed the muslim religion to flourish and increase in the world.
Remember I am writing from a christian point of view.
In Psalms 94 the Bible asks the question; how long shall the evil ones in the world rule the righteous. i.e. how long shall the Rothschilds and the Zionists of the world rule through corruption and murder.
Abraham, Israel, Jacob, Jesus are all profets in the muslim religion. They are also revered in the jewish religion. They are also paramount to the christian religion.
When Jesus came to earth as both God and man, God gave us the answer as to how we should try to live. The non-acceptance of Jesus as the true messiah by the jews is balanced by the muslim religion.
Both muslim and jewish religions theologise away the authenticity of Jesus as the true and only son of God.
Muslims exist in the world to balance the jewish denial of Jesus Christ as the true saviour of all mankind.
Jesus said "No one shall come to the Father except through me."
That does not means alternatives such as pious jews or muslims have a get-out-of-jail-free card.
NO ONE can come to God except through Jesus Christ.
That the muslim religion exists and grows parallels the rise of zionist power in the world.
I believe God is allowing the muslim religion to gain in numbers in order to balance the increase in zionism.
I also believe both muslims and jews know deep down in their hearts that Jesus Christ is not only the messiah for the christian religions but that he is the saviour of the whole world including, christians, jews, muslims, hindus, bhuddists and everyone else.
Passing thru the kingdom of the prince of the air. . .
"Never Say Die"
People going nowhere, taken for a ride
Looking for the answers that they know inside
Searching for a reason, looking for a rhyme
Snow White's mirror said "partners in crime!"
Don't they ever have to worry?
Don't you ever wonder why?
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
Sunday's satisfaction, Monday's home and dry
Truth is on the doorstep, welcome in the lie
All dressed up in sorrow, got no place to go
Hold back, `till it's ready, taking it slow
Don't they ever have to worry?
Don't you ever wonder why?
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
Don't you ever say die
Don't you ever say die
Never say die
Panic, silver lining, writing's on the wall
Children get together, you can save us all
Future's on the corner, throwing us a die
Slow down, turn around, everything's fine
There's no need to have a reason
There's no need to wonder why
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
Black Sabbath
Some things just fit
Dublin Mick
Sorry to post here but I cannot find an e-mail at your sites.
I would like to ask you if you have had the displeasure of having had a brush with the cancer fairy yourself?
And if so, which one of the many alternative cures you advocate here, and on your site, you employed to cure yourself with?
Thank you.
Less than 6 months later on November 22nd , president Kennedy is assassinated by the Rothschilds for the same reason as they assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, he wanted to print American money for the American people, as oppose to for the benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite.
1980: The global phenomenon of privatisation starts. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all publicly owned assets worldwide.
No matter, even with Israel's puppet the United States helping them terrorise others, the 65 Resolutions passed against Israel are more than all the Resolutions passed against all other countries combined.
2001: On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security.
They also will use the attacks to gain control of the few nations in the world who don't allow Rothschild central banks and so less than one month after these attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank.
It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Airlines and United Airlines, were traded. The FBI have promised to followed the purchasers up, but have never revealed their findings. That is because this would lead directly to Israel, the state behind the 911 attacks.
With two suspected Israeli spies (at least) inside the office from which the lies that launched the war in Iraq originated, it appears that the people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens for the purposes of Israeli oppression.
The ADL ruthlessly leans on governments throughout the world to pass hate crimes legislation, as they are scared that the criminal cabal that is Israel and the Rothschilds is being exposed more and more on a daily basis, predominantly on the internet. Their job is to protect this criminal network and what better way to do it than by passing laws in which anyone who exposes a Jewish criminal becomes a criminal.
Dear Les and Suzanne:
I really miss you, signed...
What is certain is that there will be no return to past glories. The USA is like an Olympic athlete who 60 years after his victory (WWII) has been found guilty of having taken metabolic steroids and is stripped of his medals. The athlete realises the error of his ways and vows a comeback. The problem is the body of the athlete is no longer what it was as the ravages of time and loose living have turned muscle into fat and sinews into cellulite. The USA today is faced with an unpayable and one day unserviceable government and private debt, a disembowelled manufacturing sector, a less than prime demographic trajectory and above all government structures that place power and vested interests above people and democracy. If the balance sheet of the USA is the US dollar then it too is clearly sub-prime.
The CDC, in response to Obama’s request in mid August 2009, finalized quarantine regulations that provides for quarantining those “suspected” of having swine flu or other illnesses listed in an executive order. This means that Barak Hussein Obama can quarantine ANYONE he determines to be a (political enemy) infected.
These new regulations even permit “provisional” quarantine of persons not actually carrying any virus. In one section, the regulations empower the president to quarantine ANYONR WHO DOES NOT AGREE TO BE VACCINATED.
As Les Visible has clearly stated on numerous occaisions - all roads lead to the Rothschild castle.
The following article is one of the best (although very long) histories of the worlds past two hundred plus years. I strongly recommend taking the time to read it.
The Rolling Stone Magazine recently wrote the following:
'The American economy is so fucked (sic) that there is nothing left for the rich to steal.'
peace to the great spirit and his mighty truth that lives in all beings,the power of love guides all,weather we understand this or not,some are bound to material love unaware of the higher nature of spiritual love and our duty to encompass this throughout our lives,everything is a lesson in life it depends if we are in school or out on the playground of life, but for sure if you have been in class it will effect your behavior on the play ground,the play ground has been taken over by the school bully and cos he paid no attention to his life lessons we are left in our current predicament a demoralized divided society that is a victim of its own circumstances overun by a psychopathic elitist suppremacist mindset that refuses to focus through compassion.I am sorry I havent been in contact of late due to unforseen cicumstances,but I am now back,sending love to all to arouse their true nature and realign the characteristics of their true selves...peace and harmony to all may love enter all of you by the end of this day
What's disturbing is that even at present taxation models, fewer and fewer people are working... outside Texas. Unless they find diamond covered platinum balls in Area 51, I do not think the government could possibly pay off its debt. There's no plan to... just a plan to push this problem off onto the next generation, which was the same plan as last generation and the one before that. We've been rushed at the breaking point alarmingly quickly since 2008... and the benefit of some of the spending today is so slight compared to the damage it's causing that it's tempting to be paranoid and say the people spending this money actually want America to collapse. Of course, they really are just incredibly selfish and want their short termed power and graft, regardless of the damage.
I really fucking miss you visible. Where are you? You are my lifeline. I wouldn't be alive now except for you. I know you can go online if you want to so please, I am begging you. You didn't have your radio show on Sunday. Are you even still around?
I'm still around J. But I am very messed up because I can't get my anti-depressant. I have been very drunk for days. Each day I think I can come back but I can't manage it right now. It's very difficult. Being me is not all it cracks up to be and it hurts. It really... really hurts. I will be back when I can manage it. I wrote several posts and the radio show but I wasn't able to do them because I just got back on line today.
Hang in there. I will get it together. I always do somehow. Prometheus ain't got nothing on me baby.
right les I just read that,my humble self and the other posters and readers have got a lot to thank you for I am going to suggest all of us to focus on the feeling of love les has written down for us over the years internalize it then send it to him in your own way,we at least owe him that,peace les from a faithful pupil
You will be ok today or tomorrow. We'll see you when you feel better.
I believe but if you go down the whole ship goes down and everyone who believes in you goes down too. You made me strong when I had no faith left. Please take my prayers for your speedy recovery. You are not the only one hurting.
Listen and hear me like you never heard anyone in your life. I need your brilliant and magnificent words. I need to hear you. That should count for something.
Les, bro -
You take all the fkn time you need.
I also think what hurts ain't all personal, though it may feel so.
The fire's soooo fkn hot, the shit's soooo fkn close to the blades, the trumpet's are soooo warmed up, the planets are soooo tightly lined up.....I could just go on, but you know.....
"They've" pushed ALL the faders up on ALL the 'tracks' on the mixer/scrambler to WAAAAY into the red zone.
Plenty people havin' real struggle, holdin' on, waitin'.....
It does.
I don't even know who you are. You're new. I have to correct every word that I type. That is how messed up I am. I will pull myself together but it won't be easy. I've been here before. It is going to hurt like a motherfucker to pull this off but I will. Don't talk to me about ships and passengers. I've been dragging this tailwind for some time. I am definitely equal to it. The enemy is very powerful right now. You are not in the crosshairs and I am.
Just understand that. I will be okay but there is no one here but me and the voices in my head and I am seriously alone. It's a Gethsemane moment. No one can do this for me. I either make it or I don't. The good news is that I always have but it has never been this heavy. It is a fucking monster and I kid you not.
I don't know why I'm saying this. I will probably lose half my fan base but that's okay. This is probably the low point. It has to get better from here.
Email me, I like your style.
Cut in chemoed
I have never had cancer that I know of, I read Johanna's book years ago. I have gone on the grape cure from time to time just in case as it will detoxify the body there is no doubt of this.
The reason I have never had cancer I attribute to not being tested for it by doctors. I am sure they could found some somewhere.
Many years ago I had a prostate infection and the doctor gave me some antibiotic that did absolutely nothing. He said you may have cancer and we will have to cut it out. I told him don't call me I will call you and left. I picked up an herbal formula called prostate relief and some glycerine, something I read in Jethro Kloss back to Eden. It cured it right up. From that point on physician heal thyself has been my calling card. The cancer tutor over on the gazer has a run down on about every type cancer. If I do get it I won't be a cash cow for pharma I will gracefully cash in my chips and checkout if the grape cure doesn't do the trick.
Les SAM-E, don't knock it until you have tried it. People don't have to take lithium carbonate either you can order naturally occurring orotate from lucky vitamins. It is contained in a Spring in Lithia, Georgia where they say everybody is happy! LOL
Thank you my friends. that means more than you can imagine. really... thank you. I am really crying right now but it is probably a good thing. I think I need to.
Hang in there Les! Hey, being in itself is tough. I know, I have to be me.
We are with you even if the little letters on the screen don't show it. If you need me to come over and help pick olives let me know. :)
The darkest night always seems to be followed by the brightest days.
Hey, it could be far worse, you could be in the good old USA waiting for whatever crap red shield has in mind. I know the shield goes all over but it does seem that darkest days are meant for here. Italy knows how to survive, we will find out soon if america has that same spirit.
As with all others who gather here, we wish you well and if there is a way to help, and we can, we will.
I have the feeling that your enlightenment level will be going up out of this, it always does.
I am not new. I have been coming here and to every blog for 3 years.
I never said anything before because you said it a lot better than I could.
I live in Houston Texas and it sucks here. There are robot police everywhere. I got tazered for wearing a tshirt last week. It is Fear City.
You carried me when I had no strength. Let me carry you now. I'm a really big guy (grin) isn't that what you always do? You say 'grin"? Look, I've been through some terrible shit. You say solder on. I have been soldiering. Let me carry you.
I don't know about anyone else but you are my fucking lifeline. Maybe it would help to tell you that I did 3 tours in Iraq and part of that was in the 'ganistan. Delta Force. We have a saying we took from a Springsteen song. You are a big Springsteen fan. I am sure you know what that is.
You know what to do. Get frosty my brother. It's no time to wimp out
I am praying for your complete recovery Les.
We really need you to help us find our way.
This post was for you Les. We have talked about this but SAM-e can't possibly do anything for you if you don't take it.
I have seen SAM-e in health food stores and the Seventh Day Adventist store for about 30 tablets for $25.00.
i'm sendin vibes of strength, les.
i know you are not alone in spirit.
good luck w/the olive harvest, i'm sure gettin' outside in the grove will help.
Glenn, or mouser whatever you want to call yourself. You have been my true friend. You flew in to see me and we looked at that property which would not work, I think you would agree. We met the movie producer together who did the film Igor. We rocked the Casbah brother but the scene is what the scene is. If I make it out of this it will be a fucking miracle. Miracles do happen though. I am reminded of many things right now. They go back to my early childhood. You know Glenn you are a great dancer and you reminded me of Antonio Banderas the whole time you were with me but I have to walk through the fire now and I really love you. I apologize that is has taken me 20 minutes to write this because of the spelling corrections. I am truly fucked my brother. It really will take an act of God.
God bless you good doctor sir.
I will personally hunt you down and kill you if you don't make it through 'grin'
C'mon visible like the terminator said in the second film of Conan the Barbarian, "Do you want to live forever?"
Do you?
Semper Fi
I'm not Delta but was LERPS in Nam and I am fading as all good soldiers do I think MacArthur said that.
I salute you Les. I am an Oathkeeper.
Lt. Col Adams
Du7blin Mich;
let me point out a glaring error in your computations. I am in a third world country. We don't have health food stores down here. I don't think you get it. I would love to try something that worked. But you can't get it here.
I don't know what they have come up with Mick but it hasn't reached me. K hit's all my buttons and allows me to telepathically be in touch with the people who come here. I suspect that SAME can't do that. It's not just the depression man. It's more than that.
Thank you though. I do appreciate it and given my situation I long ago knew about that. I have tried everything. Only one thing works. That's just how it is... sometimes being the smartest guy in the world which, arguably you are, is not help
Visible, think of me as your younger brother and your sisters at the family farm in Kansas. Think of what happens to us if you don't make it. You like to quote and mention the Grapes of Wrath a lot. Yes, I have religiously read your work pilgrim. I notice you like to call us pilgrims. Pilgrim I am demanding that you stand tall. I will echo what the colonel said. We are warriors. We kick ass and take names. I am sure that the colonel agrees with me. I was just a seven stripe enlisted man. Do you know how many veterans read here? Every man in my company knows about you and they have told everyone they know also. You're a fucking legend pilgrim. Don't sell yourself short.
I didn't sign that.
It's J
you are talking about Rudy... Rudrannada... the Big Indian as we called him. Maybe I'm wrong but I think that was him. I was with him and Mr Aikidos disciple for a few weeks. You know, I spent my first six years in Kyoto Japan and I met Mr. Aikido as a young boy.
Here is what I saw him do. My father was the head of the military police... so he provided the men who were there for the demonstration. I saw this man who was certainly eighty years old and less than five feet tall and who weighed less than a hundred pounds; I saw him put his little finger out while the three biggest MP's in my father's command pressed on it and he flicked his finger and set them flying. That was the beginning of my love affair with the martial arts.
Then Morihei stood in front of a target and an archer shot arrows at him and nothing touched him. Then an MP with a loaded 45 was told to pull the trigger and the master had it out of his hand more than once. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw. Just shows to go you. I'll be okay. It will hurt like hell but I will make it. I just hope it doesn't get worse than this
you have never let any of us down les I was a wandering soul with no outlet for my spirituality other than to write poetry which I wouldnt show anybody due to the unacceptance of my fellow beings where I live,until I found your site,I found like minded souls and an advanced truth teacher,since I found you my self confidence has returned and I am happier,you describe things I have gone through myself over the years I wish I had found you years ago probably the same as most other people who visit this site...peace neil
Greetings Dumballah,... I was flabbergasted to say the least when I read your recent comments. My wife and I were discussing my latest bout with the Black Dog just the other evening: I have been crossing swords with the law on almost every occasion I leave my door, up until Tuesday last week, I boozing like there is no tomorrow and I have been down like a brute more than once. I would not consider for one minute that were are on any par on any plain or with regards to the work that is being done by our like-minded free-men and fellow travellers et al: however, the big bad energy that the dark ones are beaming at the world must be hitting it's mark - nearly all the spiritual warriors I know or trust or would fight alongside - are experiencing massive fuck-ups RIGHT NOW! I can normally help my Brothers from a position of strength, however, I am walking with the wounded, sick, lame and the lazy. I believe you are under immense attack - with all the energetic soul breath I can muster, I will focus my prayerful energy on your enlightened soul - you have inspired a spiritual army, if it comes to it I will wade into the sea and assist alongside your brothers when at last your long-ship is dispatched, flaming, to the deeps of the river styx.
You are a prophet a poet and a teacher; many thanks Dumballah...
'I have no gifts to bring', however these words once inspired brave men like you, when they faced the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, perhaps these words, along with my prayerful energy, will help...
The miners in Peter Lalor's patrol were all sworn in by him before the ‘Battle of the Eureka Stockade’.
'It is my duty now to swear you in and to take with you the oath to be faithful to the Southern Cross (Crux Australis). Hear me with attention: The man who, after this solemn oath, does not stand by our Standard is a coward in heart. I order all persons who do not intend to take the oath to leave at once.'
'We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties.'
Fight well and die Hard +Brother Visible!
Free Free Palestine!
Aussie Oathkeepers reach out to their +brothers throughout the world...Deus Vult!
N.B. love light & peace!
Do you have a tulasi mala, Les?
Why do I believe this?
Please believe this..
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.14
āpannaḥ saḿsṛtiḿ ghorāḿ
yan-nāma vivaśo gṛṇan
tataḥ sadyo vimucyeta
yad bibheti svayaḿ bhayam
Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Kṛṣṇa, which is feared by fear personified.
There is no one in creation who is not afraid of the rage of the Almighty.
And the almighty Vāsudeva has empowered His name with the powers of His personal Self.
Everything is related to Him, and everything has its identity in Him.
It is stated herein that the name of Kṛṣṇa is feared even by fear personified.
This indicates that the name of Kṛṣṇa is nondifferent from Kṛṣṇa.
Therefore, the name of Kṛṣṇa is as powerful as Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself.
There is no difference at all.
Anyone, therefore, can take advantage of the holy names of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa even in the midst of greatest dangers.
The transcendental name of Kṛṣṇa, even though uttered unconsciously or by force of circumstances, can help one obtain freedom from the hurdle of birth and death.
I didn't know you were in a third world country Les, I am also. The economy is collapsing, the election was rigged, food prices are skyrocketing, real estate has collapsed, nobody has health care, nobody bothers with auto insurance, everywhere you go the locals don't speak the language. After hurricanes they just dump the bodies in mass graves, it is heavily polluted. I am in Florida!
Just thought you could use a laugh!
Wow. You saw the Founder of Aikido when you were a kid. He threw 3 large MPs on the ground with his pinky. He dodged arrows, and played keep-away with a loaded .45. That`s nothin.
He shoulda been like: "And now! For my greatest trick- I`m going to get these stiff-necked and cantankerous men to all do the same thing with their lives, pretty much..."
He was like a cross between Gimli the dwarf and Legolas the elf and Aragorn the king.
I guess.
I`m sorry you`re having a rough time, Les.
It has been enlightening for me to read you, lately, as I have been reading the Bible again, from start to finish.
And those prophets always used to lose me.
Until this time.
We could just print out your blog and stick it right between Zephaniah and Haggai, and there it would sit, right at home.
What has changed? Nothing, you might think.
Which reminds me of Terence McKenna`s prophecy about how as the gyre turns inward toward the Eschaton, all the themes of history will repeat. "Rome falls nine times an hour," as he put it.
Well, it sounds as if Jezebel has got you on the run, sir.
And there you sit in the cave.
Which brings me back to our Founder, Morihei.
I think the real miracle is when people`s eyes and ears are opened.
That`s prophet work, that is.
That`s real prophet work.
Keep at it, sir.
You`re fucking them up big time.
As they say, The devil doesn`t give you any trouble unless you`re giving him trouble.
There's a new culture in the Petri Dish. My apologies in advance.
A Little Gotter and a Little Dammerung
Urgent message for Dutch readers.
I have been trying to get Les his, very much needed, fresh supply of vitamin K.
I would appreciate some assistance from any Dutch reader of this blog on how best to obtain this, for him, precious substance.
Please e-mail Les if you have any pointers, Les knows how to relay this information to me.
Please hang in there Les, we need you alive and kickin'
I deliberately put Lerps into my comment and not Lurps and no one called me on it. I expect better here but I'm not complaining.
Lt. Col. Adams
I think I am going to tell some stories soon.
Les, I don't think most here really understand depression. They don't understand that there is no, just hanging in there and toughing it out. It steals your perception of life and forces it into a very uncomfortable mold filled with foreboding. There is no getting out on your own. Right now everyone here needs to focus all their energy on the universe sending you what you need. All you good folks that come here don't have to understand, you just need to do it. Just take a few moments several times a day and focus on combining your thoughts with the thoughts of everyone else that comes here, and simply ask the universe to send Les what he needs. It has a power. Love and peace to all, and right now, especially to you Les.
You are right Hank. No one knows what this is like. If you don't have it you can't know. It hurts like fire. Thank you for noticing.
My entire 2009 walk is crowded with all manner of sadness. Almost a whole year of feeling like shit over my predicament. How could i have been so blind. I would just say this to yo Les.. Strength is yours even if you have no concept of it's volume or source. You will have your victory over the events bringing you down... You told me all i needed to hear. Something along the lines of 'Without strife we cannot grow.' I hope for your eventual return to better light and hope you see it soon.
Hi Les. Give ur self a slap and snap out of it you lazy bastard. coming here for days now and nothing, not a word from you. Not that you ever had much to say anyway. Still i hope you don't die or anything like that. What a shit head. HOPE THIS MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER.
champion of the realm you are, how many times did you tell us to soldier on? Pilgrim, I am telling you to do that now. I have been in worse battles that this. I think I have. I don't know what you are going through. But you are the shining star. You will find your way.
To Lt. Col. Adams. Looking forward to hearing your stories but spell checkers are temporarily suspended.
I (somewhat) understand your frustrations Les.
I'm really sorry you are going through a tough time right now. I mean that with all my heart.
I can't pretend to understand the full scope of emotions you have.
I've felt some of it myself. As a peaceful person, I find myself getting more frustrated with the process of light vs. dark.
I'm an empath.
And it's a very difficult space to be in right now.
A few days ago I saw a great article on our local news about a 3rd grade kid raising money for the homeless. You could tell the kid was highly empathic by his quotes:
"how would you feel if you had nothing, and lived on the streets"
"what if everyone else had stuff - and you were all alone."
I logged on to leave a positive comment for the kid, and all I saw were judgmental, negative comments on the homeless situation.
It made me extremely sad about the state of our world, and the lack of compassion in general.
We have families getting kicked out of their homes, for various reasons.
Job losses, bad economy, etc.
I really don't care at this point why the reason people are suffering. They just are.
I keep hearing about enlightenment - and how there are so many waking up.
I'm losing patience for this slow process.
There's still so much greed and a total lack of empathy among the masses.
I have no answers. Just lots of frustration.
I get the balance of darkness and light concept - it's time for the light to come forth quickly - as we've been swirling the drain for some time now.
Hey Dublin Mick, The GI's and Vets who visit here and everyone else who gives a dam. Here's something that you might find of interest?
If we don't get the hell out of Afghanistan, then we'll all be singing Country Joe's song, but with modified lyrics (which I (Dave Lindorff) just premiered at a solo performance at a fund-raising dinner last week in Philadelphia for the local chapter of Veterans for Peace):
Come on all you young women and men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself into a terrible jam,
Way off yonder in Afghanistan.
You ain't got a job, so pick up a gun!
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun!
All you folks in the National Guard,
You won't be protecting your back yard.
We may have floods and hurricanes here,
But you'll be dodging bullets in the desert there.
But if that's not what you signed up for,
We'll send you there a few times more!
General McCrystal, jump right in!
Your big chance has come again.
The VC whupped us back in '74,
But now you can show some Muslims what-for,
And maybe even earn you a medal or three,
Sittin' at your desk in DC.
Oh it's one, two, three what are we fightin' for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn.
Next stop's Afghanistan.
And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates.
Ain't no time to wonder why.
Whoopee! We're all bound to die!
Come on mothers, here's the plan,
Send your son off to Afghanistan.
Come on fathers, it's all cool,
Send a daughter off to Ka-Bool.
And if they die, they come home free,
And nobody has to see.
Okay Wall Street, here's the deal:
Middle East oil is yours to steal.
Afghani blood, American too, is being shed now
Just for you!
And you can charge whatever you dare,
Cuz Washington don't care.
Bush and Obama, you've done your best,
You've made the Middle East into one sweet mess!
But that's okay, there's still a plan:
To divert attention just bomb Iran!
And if that seems a bit unwise,
Well hell, you've got the Nobel Prize!
And it's one, two, three, what are we fightin' for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop's...
Posted By: Deacon Blues
just tried saying 'krishna'
what a lovely feeling,beautiful
Greetings Dumballah... Although not everyone here can empathise with your condition as I can; they are trying to show their support, it is the spirit of their intent that should be recognised, not the naivety of their statements, much like the hugs I receive from my 5 year old, she knows I’m hurting and that’s all that matters!
Which moves me on to the other reason for my comment: Hhmmm, just clear my throat here... Lt. Col Adams! Atten-charn! (Aussie accent here not Hollywood Marine Corp accent), now then, we do not point out the anomalies of gramma here because the poetry of this prophet is inspiring; many are so emotively driven by their energy levels subsequent and during the reading of Visibles’ work, that their haste to comment overcomes their natural desire to be literate. Further, if you wish to engage in anal retentive banter HERE GOES! If you were testing us you have FUCK’D UP Maggot! The correct acronym is L.R.R.P, and I won’t explain the letters, if a reader does not know, GOOGLE IT! The phonetic expression is “LERP”, because you cannot describe “LRRP” as a sound unless the person listening understands the intention. So, FUCK YOU - ‘never quite made 'full Bird' Adams!
T3E was my call-sign, I was Cavalry Recon’, and ended up being trained as an ‘Assault Trooper’, or what we refer to as a “Super Grunt”, “find ‘em and fuck’em”. Wings and Goggles, a bad attitude and a compass! Raa Raa the Regiment! Motto: “through the mud and the blood to the green fields beyond”. Wounded twice in combat, 63 times IN COMBAT – individual engagements including 15 minutes of madness skirmishes, ambushes, and Battles involving more than 500 combatants, so STFU!
– Stand at ease Lt. Col Adams!
I beg your indulgence Dumballah – Echinacea helps me, I think, whiskey does not!
All the love in the world to you Sir.
Free Free Palestine!
Just jokin’ Adams – relax.
I am sorry you are hurting Mr. Visible. It seems a lot of people are, in many different ways. You seem to have an amazing group of followers who are praying for your health, so hopefully you will heal soon. Good luck, and I will also send thoughts of healing your way.
-- Alexina
There is a new Visible Origami up.
It Would have been the Radio Show..
Deacon blues I have to check the posts more often I almost missed that one. That was great fellow! I actually look over your site sometimes. I didn't know that was you.
I may put that song over on veterans today. I actually argue with some of them from time to time. It is getting better though, beginning to be somewhat rense.comesque! Check it out over there. I post under Mick.
I don't know if it does any good probably only results in more planes and helicopters flying over my house here.
Deacon I pasted that song on the home page of my blog. You have to scroll down to the bottom though.
You have an email coming so be on the lookout
Who stated the foLlowing?
C)None of the above
"That's not the way the world really works anymore. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Hello Dublin Mick, I am not Dave Lindorff, he is the one who rewrote the "The Fixin' To Die Rag": The same old song, only the characters and places change.
Posted By: Deacon Blues
Palestinian state may have to be abandoned
Palestinians may have to abandon the goal of an independent state if Israel continues to expand Jewish settlements and the United States does not stop it, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said on Wednesday.
WRH Webmaster's Commentary:
... which is what Israel wanted all along.
G&*damn f*&%ing BINGO Sherlock!!!
Really important!
N1H1 Flu Vaccine DOUBLES Risk of Getting H1N1
It is also important to view this in the face of the new unpublished Canadian study of 12 million people that found getting the seasonal flu vaccine, as recommended by the CDC and NIH, doubles one’s risk of developing the H1N1 infection. It would also make the infection much more serious. So much for expert advice from the government.
The classic conspiracy theory is all the rich guys get together to plot worl dominance. What really happens is this: rich guys spend their time and energy trying to get more riches. They have lawyers to figure out how to keep their riches. Some time ago the lawyers of all the rich guys figured out how to make money by banding together to find ways to help the rich guys keep their money. The lawyers found they could get richer by banding together to do favors for the rich guys and then waiting for the quid pro quo to come back to them. So, without being specifically asked to do anything, the lawyers founded groups to advance the collective interests of the wealthy class. And they solicited donations from the wealthy. And they collected on favors via the favor trading, good ol boy system that prevails just about everywhere, whether you're talking about government or private sector jobs, investment opportunities, or whatever. Funny how it worked out. The conspiracy was initiated and maintained not by the rich guys themselves but by the their brown nosing wannabes.
90% of Israeli jews are not semitic, they are Khazars (from roughly aplace now called Georgia).
More than 98% of Palestinians are semitic.
Since I am for the human right of Palestinians, being pro-Palestinian is pro-Semitic.
I am against Zionist Jews, I am NOT against Semites (the Palestinians).
Think about it (and get back to me if you need further Basic understanding).
Which is worse, saying something malicious against the members of some group or killing and maiming the members of some group.
Guess what. The American Congress thinks words are worse than bullets. The AIPAC and ADL lobbied Congress are all backing the Hate Crimes bill, but they are rejecting the Goldstone report.
According to democratically elected Americans it it worse to say a bad thing about a Zionist than it is to kill a Palestinian.
Words are worse than bullets?!
UN And ADL Want Global Hate Crimes Laws
Madoff Style FL Ponzi Scheme Nets $500,000,000
Liberal US Jews Seek Alternative To AIPAC
From:IndictBushNow.Org 10/04/2009
"23 Agents Convicted
In Kidnapping, Torture Trial In Italy"
CIA station chief defense: 'I am not guilty. I am only responsible
for following an order I received from my superiors'
They acted under orders from Bush and Cheney. Today, however, an Italian court convicted 23 American involved in the CIA's kidnap and rendition/torture program.
Around the world, and right here in the United States, outraged people are demanding that the architects of the criminal enterprise – Bush and Cheney – be brought to justice.
Twenty-two of the convicted Americans were immediately sentenced to five years in jail.
The other convicted American, Milan CIA station chief Robert Seldon Lady, was given the harshest sentence: eight years in prison. "I am not guilty. I am only responsible for following an order I received from my superiors," Lady was quoted as saying by the newspaper Il Giornale.
As the Associated Press writes, "The trial is the first by any government to scrutinize the CIA's extraordinary rendition program, which human rights advocates charge was the CIA's way to outsource the torture of prisoners to countries where it is practiced." The defendants were tried in abstentia and are considered fugitives.
This is a crucial step on the road to justice. But it must go to those at the top, to the architects of these criminal acts.
It is noteworthy that the defense offered by the attorneys of the convicted was that they were following the orders of the Bush/Cheney White House.
From Italy to Spain and Germany, court proceedings have taken place or are underway against Bush-era crimes.
'We The People' must let the world know that the American people too will not tolerate torture, secret prisons, kidnappings, assassinations and wars of aggression. Unless Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are held accountable before the law it will send a message to the world that future U.S. officials can repeat these dastardly acts with impunity.
This movement has truth on its side. It also has public opinion on its side. As the convictions in Italy show it is gaining strength globally. We are organizing at full speed now and in the months ahead.
Posted By: Deacon Blues
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
There were almost NO holocaust victim stories in the 50's or 60's except Ann Frank's written with a ballpoint pen before it came into existence ;)
Churchill, Eisenhower and the president of France in their combined 1800 pages of memoirs about the II world war made NO mention of any gaschambers except for delousing (fumigating clothing against bugs).
Holocaustianity is a business - economic and political.
It is a fraud.
I don't know really how to begin this comment.
Something mundane but incredibly revealing happened these past days.
Everyone knows but nobody any longer reacts because this type of thing has been happening as long as people can remember.
An unbiased report was written but an african jew in order to help stop the slaughter of the indigenous people of Gaza at the hands of a far stronger jewish group.
The report was a real chance for the UN to begin through dialogue to stop the slaughter.
But America, the land of freedom and democracy, voted approximately 340 to 35 against the report.
It happens so often it isn't even news anymore. But look at what American congressmen and women did.
They took lobby money from AIPAC and ADL and then voted to bury a report that could really have helped the suffering people of Palestine.
Shame on corrupt American politicians for taking bribes from Israel to not take up the contents of the Goldstone report seriosly.
Shame on you America!
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