Monday, December 28, 2009

The Curious Cancer from the Country of Rothschildlandia.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Wow... where do you start? ICTS is once again waving the terrorists through so that they can continue on with the humanitarian work of Zionist Nation, also known as Rothschildlandia. It’s a country! It’s a sovereign, banking entity! It’s a hunting preserve for the endangered Palestinian, open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year! It’s an organ transplant, clearing house! It’s a child sex trafficking nexus! It’s the blackmailing center for the politicians across the entire world known as ‘Honey trap Hell” AND it’s also a floor wax and a desert topping!

So this Nigerian without a passport gets waved through ICTS security after some negotiation from a Sharply Dressed Man and then he sets his balls on fire and blows up his laptop and what did you get besides a lousy t-shirt? You now get full body searches because, apparently, ICTS is the most incompetent security firm on the planet. Yet ICTS is still doing security all over the world.

I traveled around to some of the S&MSM comments sections and you will be happy to know that people are as stupid and clueless as ever. A number of them (no doubt Israelis) are chattering on about how fantastic EL Al security is and how Israel is the only one who understands the problem of terror that the world is facing. It’s a no brainer by now that Israel is actually behind 90% of the terror and the rest of it is a reaction against that terror.

The Zionist controlled US is now killing people in Yemen, while financing terror in Iran and the Zionist controlled S&MSM is trumpeting the Iranian dead, as if it were something on the level of Katrina. Meanwhile, the war to control the opium in Afghanistan, the war to loot oil and antiquities in Iraq and the war for control of material transport (in anticipation of the next war in Iran) in Pakistan just keep rolling along like Old Man River. It’s a river of blood is what it is.

One can only hope that Iran does have nuclear weapons and gets those S-300 missiles real soon because the Central Banking Nation of the Middle East is clearly at the root of just about all of the world’s problems and something has to be done sooner or later. You have to think of Rothschildlandia as Cujo in full bloom, with the rest of the world locked in the car with the foam and slobber running down the windows. There’s no cure for hydrophobia except for the obvious.

Order me another Tequila Sunrise; I gotta go take a leak.

It just goes on and on and no one in power says anything about the glaringly evident, so whatever stranglehold the Ashke-NAZI’s have on the world’s leaders must be pretty impressive. Israel now wants another billion dollars from Germany for the same 30,000 holocaust graduates that they have been collecting for, for decades and never given any money to yet. That would defeat the purpose wouldn’t it? How annoying is this? The constant whining, grasping, money grubbing professional victim, dental drill... sounds like a cougar’s claws across a blackboard played through a Marshall amp with the volume at 11.

Isn’t it possible for them to just take the money from what they loot every day though their central banking complex? Can’t they just print the money and ship the inflation to the US?

It’s pretty clear that the reverse Kabala, black magic they practice is pretty powerful because no one is saying anything about... oh right, they control the world’s media. Duh. They also control who gets published and whose music gets played and distributed; which accounts for the general quality. They control who gets elected. They control who appears in movies and which movies get made; which accounts for the general quality. Now they control who gets on an airplane and if you’re not a Nigerian, pretending to be a Sudanese refugee, without a passport, you are shit out of luck.

As this is all going on, we’ve got this huge collection of orthodox rabbis who are into a bewildering array of crimes that range from the demonic to the amusing; organ trafficking, sex slavery, religious conversion of shiksas by the people ostensibly controlling the conversions, who are having sex with them and then farming them out among their associates and ...they keep getting caught! If I were to list the crimes they’ve been engaged in recently I wouldn’t be able to write anything else here because it would put me over my word limit.

They’ve got these very well funded organizations that are devoted to destroying Christianity while they are being fully backed by the fundamentalist, evangelical Christians. They want you to stop saying Merry Christmas and they want all nativity scenes and Christmas trees removed, while erecting gigantic Menorahs with impunity. Thank god a priest with balls pulled one of them down in Moldova. We sure hope that catches on.

All over the world, people are fuming and raging about the obscene behavior of a large percentage of one of the world’s smallest minorities. Instead of showing a little restraint and maybe stealing only half of everything in the world they want it all. Instead of cutting back on behaving with a blatant disregard for the laws of every land they are trying to bend to their will, they are so intoxicated with their power that all reason and good sense went out the window a long time ago. There’s no limit to their arrogant disregard for every life form but their own. Now we have Blankenfeld and Goldman Sachs doing God’s work. If God is the devil I would have to agree.

It just gets clearer and clearer and closer to the cosmic spanking that is coming up the road to greet them. It’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when. Every stereotype that has been applied to them over the centuries and which they have used the anti-Semitic club to beat down into the ground has been proven in blazing neon over these recent years. Within the law of universal balance there lies a terrible fate brewing for these self-chosen ones. If they read this would they sagely nod their head and say, “Yes, this is so. We must mend our ways”? I am afraid not.

Well... the time will come. It always does. It comes to empires and nations. It comes to rich and poor alike. It comes to races and religions. They all expire beneath the wheels of time and justice and every particle of their being and presence and all of their works are brought to judgment at some point. The alternative media is filled with the evidence of Zionist crimes every single day. The mass media reports very few of them and when it does it spins the circumstances and details in a favorable light.

Now it looks like I won’t be able to see my mother before she passes because there is no way I am going to an airport to let Israeli golems rape me at a security checkpoint. It’s pretty obvious that this latest affair and the ones in the on deck circle are all about stopping the free movement of people from place to place, unless they are a Nigerian pretending to be a Sudanese refugee, without a passport, or if they are loaded down with boxcutters and sundry.

This whole scene is out of control and I’m going to call bullshit on it. It’s a staged production and an extremely poor one at that. We have to collect by the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands around the world, wherever we may be at a given hour every day and collectively focus our attention on Rothschildlandia and chant, “Out demons out!” You can also say, “Om Raksha, Raksha, Phat!” That will work too. We have to focus our collective wills upon Rothschildlandia all at once and see the Earth opening beneath it so that it may migrate to its eternal home.

There are enough of us to be a force to reckon with and we need to turn it on Rothschildlandia and on Mubarak; Gordon Brown, Netanyahoo and his man in the shadows. ‘seven come 9/11’ Barak. We have to become a collectively fused and focused force and we can accomplish miracles. The time is certainly at hand and there is no more critical work to which we can turn our hearts and our minds and our hands if we want to make a difference in the life on this planet. Well... there is a greater work, how could I forget? Still... this one may certainly be a necessary part of the other. Let’s pick an hour of the day that works for all of us wherever we may be and get to work. If we build it they will come.

Visible sings: Songwriter by Les Visible♫ Rocket Ship ♫
'Rocket Ship' is track no. 7 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Songwriter by Les Visible

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.


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John said...

Add a Chat Room to Your Blog in 3 Easy Steps:

I haven't reviewed this, just looking around.

wv: fulness

moon said...

Fud, i know you are adressing Les but icouldnt help over hearing what your are telling him,


Zoner said...

I pray that the energy presenting itself to me in these past months is for just such purposes - acting as a repeater station of sorts and hopefully amplifying that which enters and passes through by intent, prayer, and getting out of my own way so Spirit can work through me on this level. I have been saving it up and somehow have managed not to spontaneously combust, so the batteries are well-charged and ready to make a link-up. Series or parallel? No matter.

Now I can be like my insane fundamentalist Christian neighbor who goes into the yard often, singing her songs with arms raised to the sky. She is of the dispensationalist variety, and is calling for her savior to come down and do that rapture deal on her. She has made her trips to Israel to see the doorway that Jesus is supposed to stroll through, and loves her some "Chosen Ones". Those that support Israel because they need the story to go a certain way for their own reward are a special kind of twisted, and are blinded by their own selfish motivation to the reality of what they feed.

The big difference is that she seems to be calling for energies and favor to come to her for her good deeds and faith, while we are sending that which is in our hearts outward in an act of love to help free the world of a demonic presence that needs to be challenged, not fed with the intention of currying favor for ourselves. Intention is the biggie here, as is the direction of the flow. This is not a violent act, it is an act of love. That's how it reads here, anyway.

Counting the minutes.


Anonymous said...

Where are yo bro? you been away so long? compared to other postings, perhaps it's the holidays? lol, I doubt!, anywho I hope you're ok? we need you, this whole fucking stupid planet needs you! anyway take care, I'm finiished with facebook, too many jew lovers on there, but hey! wtf do I know?

Come back soon bro.....


Zoner said...

Oh, and Dammerung, you'll find Les a very gracious host that tolerates differing views and often fools to an extent that many would not. They are valuable tools here, too, but tools none the less. Tools that are being employed in a manner that they may not be best suited for ultimately.

Take note, however, that if you choose to make the attack personal or base it on trivial things like spelling or differing belief systems creating a storm in your own head, be sure your sword is sharp and you know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Draw that sword and you will get what you asked for, and will not prevail. Speaking from personal experience here.

You may feel that nothing will change, but that is simply not true. I'm sorry you feel powerless and cynical, but your apathy and resignation does not diminish the work of others, it just makes you look sad and bitter. This, too, will pass. With the right help, it can be turned over and believe me, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

Give it up. There is nothing for you here right now, it seems, and no one is coming to your aid in this particular fight.


Visible said...

There is a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up now-

Once in a Blue Moon over Gaza.

moon said...

Damm I say you braught some friends to help you out in your attempts, to proove that evil rules malgrès all your good attempts to make the world just all over again!
I have news for you casted souls and empty heads, you have no goods that can settle your detes, you can't be strong enough to cheat your way out of death. It is on you sooner or later it catches on you...then you better run because I will be laughing on you.
Hey damm, your nothing so are your demons, fool if you think you can win. You know you can't so you want others to loose just like you lost, you can't win...ever.


SoldierofYah said...

It just gets clearer and clearer and closer to the cosmic spanking that is coming up the road to greet them. It’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when.

Yes, indeed...these Edomite Jews have it coming. Hasten the day!

"And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it." -Obadiah 1:18 (KJV)

Dammerung said...

Blogger Kheireddine said...

You know the Christian wackos also used to always say I'm demon possessed. All you fucking wackos are the fucking same. Anybody who doesn't explicitly conform to your idea of what a "good person" is, is automatically filled with demons or Illuminati or space aliens or HAARP. Give me a break.

Don't really matter what a man believes, damn near they all stick to the Script anyways.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday afternoon (midnight Israel time) I hiked up into a quiet clearing in the nearby woods, pointed myself in what I hoped was the direction of Tel Aviv, and repeated 3 times the words Les gave us. During this time I was trying to hurl mental icicles into the ether towards the target (not with hate nor with love, only pure simple resolve). I imagined those icicles hitting some sizzling hot demons and transforming them into nothing more than wispy, harmless puffs of steam rising into the night sky, never to return, never to haunt and hurt again. (Guess I jumped the gun like you, chuckeyman, so you weren’t alone.) The hike to my spot will be harder today (more snow overnight) but I’ll get there and I’ll be joining all of you in the Blue Moon Gaza prayer. Since I like the symbolism of threes I plan to go tomorrow, on the first day of the new year, to voice the words and fling my mental icicles one more time.

Mauiguy said...

The hour draws nigh brave souls.

Consider the middle of the Pacific covered.

One question though. Would west facing or east facing be best as I am exactly on the other side of the world (12 hrs behind/before)?

I can feel the power building. Kind of tingly! ;)

Anonymous said...

Les, not been thinking too clearly lately.
I am however most certainly going to add my two cents at the appointed time.
Fuck it to -ell we could only hope for a little peace for the people of Palestine, and the world.
Not to try to take from the proceeding here, but I think we should give a little thought to Josey Wales and the power of prayer.
We will hope for the coming year for there to be a little light in the dark places of our troubled world.

Visible said...

When properly performed, theurgy has no real limits except what is in the mind of the one so engaged. When not properly performed it's useless.

chuckyman said...


the blue moon Gaza prayer said...

It is done.


john said...

We've done it too.

Dammerung said...

I did one, as a show of good faith. I used my own words though. I said, "Nuts to you Israel, let my people go!"

"Jerusalem is the dwelling-place of many Archons."
First Apocalypse of James

Visible said...

It's highly recommended that you use your own words. The invocation was intended as a guideline, just as the New Shangri-La (in my mind) was more about a virtual community and people getting to know each other... then leading to something material somewhere one day.

Still, there's a lot of power in a lot of people saying the same thing because it has a cumulative effect.

You know, I've no bad feelings toward you at all. I only wish you were easier on yourself and others because that kind of thing hurts. I know this well because I victimized myself for years carrying in in the tradition of my father. Finally I woke up.

Dammerung said...

Why just Israel though? Egypt is just as much to blame, as demonstrated by the recent saga of the protesters trying to take supplies into Gaza this week. Plus Egypt also treats Coptic Christians like shit, won't let them build or repair churches without obstructive permits, allows them to be harassed by their neighbors - nonwithstanding Gaza.

Visible said...

You say the weirdest stuff. It reminds me of someone playing darts with a blindfold. Egypt is NOT equally as much to blame for more reasons than I care to give. Egypt is doing what it is doing because of threats from Israel. Egypt is also letting the convoy through now.

Most of the time I don't know how to answer you. I'm still not sure whether you do this deliberately or you really are like this.

Your tolerance toward Israel makes me wonder too.

Well... I don't have to understand you, that's your job. The buzzer in my head goes off every time I read one of your posts. These are just observations, there's no emotion in play.

chuckyman said...

It’s strangely similar that you mention your victimisation by your father. I too have been through a similar time in my life with the mother of my first child. When we are told repeatedly that we are worthless we come to believe it. In many ways the modern media phenomenon has the same message. I overcame that when I left and also with the love of my current partner – my wife.

On a stranger note, I witnessed some odd sights tonight. I live near a busy airport and am well aware of the usual flight paths. Having said that, tonight I witnessed in the space of 5 minutes some odd lights. 7 lights came into view from the same point of the horizon. They spread out and passed overhead at random intervals. They made no noise and the lights were not flickering as aircraft do. Odd. This happened at 00:30 when the local airport was closed.

Anyway, may the light of inner wisdom guide us thought the troubled year ahead. Love, happiness and health to all our community in the new year – even the dammer.


vw = inconati

moon said...

Les & All,
I thaught I would repost a comment that I posted on the 26/12 smoking mirror, it is addressed to the bogguer Dammerung, it explains the reasoning of the Zionist mind, something inhuman and twisted:
Damm correct me if i am wrong but this is how i understood what you are saying: despotism is a problem because people follow orders, and what you suggest being the answer to that problem is for people not to follow any rule what so ever. and like the human body is in a constant state of fight and war so is the human society when comprised of people that dont follow any ones order but their own self giving orders!
You reasoning damm shows really how twisted you are and how twisted is the world you would like for all of us to live in.
You are preaching chaos, the total disintegration of human relation, you want every human to be by himself, alone, "independent" as he doesnt take orders from no one, free to execute any of his self giving order with no second thought about the consequences of carrying away these orders, or about the harm that it can cause to others!
you are preaching anarchy, the opposite of harmony.
you see why i dont like you, at all damm. you are not my friend nor body no ma'man. you are doomed. so are those who follow you. to hell demons..out...out...


Anonymous said...

Operation Cast Lead never happened--Wag the Dog. Were you there?

Anonymous said...

to dammerung
you keep hanging around here,even though you are refused by some people.
I think you are interested in this stuff,but your having trouble feeling it,maybe your intellect is getting in the way,thats where meditation prayer or whatever is there for to turn the intellect off or focus it on the feeling and the exploration of the feeling.
maybe you want to do this but some one is holding you back a family member or a friend or something,
I dont dislike you dammerung,
I think there are millions of people like you out there who also
desire some form of peace not the peace that the ptb are providing precisely who we need unfortunately due to our schooling we are taught to intellectualise everything and forget about the feelings,and you are here because you want to learn that and who wouldnt its natural to want to be who you truely be or aspire to that.
so calm yourself dammerung


Scarlett said...

It may be naive or idealistic, but I do believe that the power of love is the only thing that can overpower evil.

But, I don't think that love necessarily means that you allow yourself to be a doormat.

For me, what that really means is that we -- as we are fighting evil -- must strive to not allow ourselves to fall to the level of the evil we fight. It doesn't mean we can't fight -- it just means that we can't allow ourselves to lose our humanity while we fight and, in the process, end up becoming the very thing which we profess to hate.

We can't seek revenge -- for revenge is born out of anger and often doesn't care whether the guilty or innocent are the targets. Revenge is the type of blood thirst that makes it okay to wipe out all Palestinians -- women and children included -- to "punish" them for the crime of the Holocaust. It is irrational at best and pure evil at worst. I'm inclined to believe it to be the latter.

Love doesn't seek revenge, but it absolutely does seek justice. You can forgive those who harm you -- but that does not mean that you have to spare them the consequences of their actions. Just as with a child, you must temper your love with boundaries. If you don't, you will raise a child that ONLY you can love and you will have sent a tyrant into the world who will seek to be served -- by force or manipulation, if necessary -- rather than contribute. The world has done this with Israel and it has now grown into the childish tyrant that threatens the Samson option if it doesn't get its way.

It is very hard not to hate -- but I try not to because I do not want to surrender my soul and my humanity to their evil. All I want is justice. And justice will not be kind. The Israelis and Zionists will think that it is hate -- but if they could open themselves to love they would see it as nothing more than tough love giving them the opportunity to change their hearts and join the ranks of humanity.

Anonymouser said...

Hear, hear Scarlett!

Perfectly stated on this the first day of a new decade.

In God, truth, love and justice we trust.


Anonymous said...

Les and all, happy new year! here is something I consider a must read.

Rebel 4E said...

"Whoever battles monsters should take care not to become a monster too, for if you stare long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss stares also into you."

Knight Templar said...

Hey Papa,..

Amarythn/calico, kheireddine, april danaan and any other Lurv Festers - take a look at this picture

This little angel is 4-year-old her name is Kaukab Al Dayah.
How do I know her name - I made a point of finding out, why? Because I wanted to cry over a PERSON, a beautiful little girl with a mum and dad and brothers and sisters and a teddy bear: I wanted to know why I hate her murderers, JEWS! HATE - yes hate you fucking frauds, you can piss in someone else's ears about not being comfortable with the term 'demons', or suggest that LURV will be the powerful energy that wins the war. These fucking evil devils don't give a shit what you flower waving snot-bubble blowing cowards think or want. You 'feely touchy' new-age shallow sentimental bullshitters, don't get it - my saviour went into that temple to kick some evil arses. Not wave flowers and talk about fairies at the end of his garden - he hated these fucking paedophiles as much as I do; thank fuck Les shut your snot-fest down before you turned our energy session into into a femocrat clitoris festival of gayness and silent fart-songs.

War is their domain and if we are to survive we have to fight, whether we fight the way we utilised our collective energy the other night or whether we go over there and step up to the barricade and point a machine-gun back at them. Now hear this, it is not a hippy love-in with free fucking hugs - LOOK AT THAT PICTURE AGAIN!

Her name is Kaukab Al Dayah. This little angel was 4-years-old.

You whom I have named - say her name; SAY HER NAME!

N.B.Love and Light and Peace is where you MAKE IT!

Sir Paulie Grice KST CM.HKtT.B
Knights Templar

Visable,I beg your indulgence.This is Smoking Mirrors, is it not?

TrollsShillsAndOtherRiffraff said...

Alright "Moon" or "Kheireddine" or what ever other names you are using: You are a fraud.

Below is a direct quote from you from 7 days ago where you make only some very small grammatical and spelling mistakes. During the last week you have deliberately decreased your vocabulary/literary skills in an inconsequential fashion.

My take is that you are many (3-4 persons) writing as these two names in shifts.
What do you want?
Why are you here?
If you are lying - even under a pseudonym - you are (albeit unwilling) agents of the dark side.
'Out demons out.'

"Kheireddine said...
Fool you...shouldn't be hard to do when you are by yourself. FYI "Les" is like it sounds exactly: it is "many" and all of the "Les" of the world are not hiding and they are very "visibles".
You should know by now that what ruins our lives are the like of some who looks at the world and people living in it as if they are a prize, a loot for the conquerorNGO take. Veritas you should know by now that the "measuring dicks" game is not in play in this blogg (if you havent noticed yet.


chuckyman said...

Update on my previous post from yesterday – ET is not landing. I spotted another light yesterday and asked my 20 year old son about it. Seemingly it’s a new craze to tie a small candle to an upended plastic bag – it makes a mini hot air balloon. Bugger!

Note to self – don’t’ be so credulous.


v word = ourstress (no shit!)

Anonymous said...

@ chuckeyman,

Remember those lights over Norway... some has claimed responsibility...ROFLMAO

Burnie said...

test, using seamonkey to see if I can comment,

chuckyman said...

Anonymous – mine were nowhere near as exciting :+)


v word = routra

Visible said...

There's a new Visible Origami up-

Flying in a Cloudbank.

Marianne said...

"An understanding of the forces which have shaped the events of the 20th century is predicated not on facts to be learned, but upon secrets to be discovered." - Dr. Stanley Monteith

Keep up the good fight.


Anonymous said...

Garden variety punk! LOL
It is probably good you leave these types around for while anyway Les it is good entertainment.

It is good mental exercise to simply try and figure exactly what some of the motives could really be. In some cases it may simply be to forward the impression that we are mostly shallow blowhards around here. What else could it be. Some of them can't possibly believe some of this gibberish.

Excerpts dealing with praying the rosary are my clue to keep on scrolling.

I notice rung likes to refer to readers as "little" minions demonstrating a certain superiority he feels. I am afraid it is no longer eastern mysticism brought to us by western technology as most computers are now made in the east and they are writing most of the programing. It would be more factual to say eastern mysticism brought to the west by eastern technology. But then again it is fashionable by certain types to be heavy proponents of the west. After all we are supposed to go and die in the middle east to save the only "democracy" there.

I have never had any problems with spiritual demons. The ones who are troublesome seem to wear skin and Brooks Brothers suits.

The Cosmic Joke said...

you know the zionists report to the vatican? the black pope is our real enemy.
the mossad sodomites and zionists are happy with their role as fall guys.
don't be FOOLED!

Jesus Christ: Let no one deceive you.
It is a challenge for us.

Adolfo nicolas...

Vatican assassins, jesuit satanists.
The zionists cut deals with the nazis for israel... but they were both just working for the hidden hand all along.

Down the rabbit hole!

asianlion7 said...

I'm a kike out of the cupboard

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