Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I wonder if it has always been this way and it ‘seems’ that some professions are just naturally inclined toward evil ways. These would include politics, religion, the media and occupations directly connected to the pursuit of profit, to the exclusion of all else. Certainly that last group would include bankers. Weaving through all of these activities would be those who are engaged in the manipulation and interpretation of whatever laws there may be. This last group is an indispensable item for all of the other groups.
It might seem that these groups include and employ a very large number of people but, compared to all of the occupations going on, they are not that large. They are just the most visibly evident because they tend to affect our lives in so many ways. They influence what we do and how we do it. They influence how we live and whether our lives are more or less under a shadow. These days the shadow is wide and reaching into every corner of human life.
The more powerful the shadow is then the greater the proliferation of self interest and the will to individual power. Here is a classic example of the sort of men who are connected to the decisions that affect so many lives. In his own words he reveals the kind of man that he is. Shortly after The Mossad and The CIA pulled off the 9/11 attacks, Bush the Lesser immediately put forward Henry Kissinger to head the commission to investigate what happened. The public uproar took care of that idea PDQ. Now we have Climate Diddling and the forces in power have nominated this man. The article says it all. It requires no editorial on my part.
9/11 changed life on Earth in a dramatic fashion. You can see the effect of it everywhere. You see it when you want to travel. You see it in a thousand different ways and it has coiled up inside the minds of those who believe what they are told and that is a very large number of people. The people who have made all the legal adjustments, which have added to the weight that presses down upon us all, are the very same people who were engaged in orchestrating the event they used as an excuse for all of these oppressions.
These entities have an extended game plan in mind. It infiltrates into every area of life and is especially focused on shaping the mind of the youth. I might have picked another source for this story which originally comes from somewhere else but I am short of time at the moment. The story is expanded at the same site here and with many related links below. The medium for this information isn’t the important thing. The important thing is; is this information true? Is it mostly true? Is some of it true? That will be up to you to chase down and you can let me know what you find.
Here’s one of the major sources for a large part of the unpleasantness on Earth. There’s a weird comment in the video where the announcer attributes the control of 500 trillion dollars and yet refers to Evelyn as the second richest man on the planet. Did I hear it wrong? Well, no matter. This is the group that arranged for what you are told occurred in Nazi Germany. They set it up in order to get their hands on Palestine- not for some group of people called Jews who turn out to not even be Semitic but- so that their world banking operation would have the benefit of operating under the protections of a sovereign nation. This is about having a location from which to loot and control the world.
You might well ask how it is that members of a particular group of people got control of the world’s press and the entertainment industry. The general impression is that it happened because of hard work and keen business sense. It happened because the money was given to them to make it possible and it was not given to someone else. Just about everything that we have been told about history is a lie. Henry Ford said it with the most brevity; “History is bunk.” Henry Ford was a very interesting man.
I used to read widely in many curious areas. I had an insatiable hunger to know what actually happened and to know what was real and what was not. I don’t do much of that anymore because all of my inquiry led me to the same conclusions. I still try to differentiate between what is real and what is not and I find that most everything, like the official record of History, is not real. I’ve come to this understanding according to the Hindu perspective on how the mind operates in relation to appearances through the agency of the senses. This is an ancient science and I find it rings most true with me in comparison to other systems. Patanjali has been a great help to me in this area.
Each of us has to find our own way through the maze and since it is a rare individual who can accomplish this on their own; one might even say there is no such person, your success depends on who is guiding you.
I realize the danger in saying the things I do. I’m not the only one who does this. The numbers of people saying similar things increases every day. Those prone to awakening are finding themselves more and more able to see with a greater clarity. The rest of us are falling deeper and deeper into sleep. The sleepwalkers are troubled and so they are thrashing about in a state of nightmare. They hit each other as they toss and turn. They want to wake up from the nightmare and they repeatedly believe they have woken up, only to find that they are still dreaming. I don’t think that’s a pleasant place to be. Actually seeing what is going on is not all that pleasant either. These things have to run their course. For the moment it seems to be an unfortunate birth that put us in such times as these but we have not seen the end yet so we do not know.
The pressure of the times is intense. People are drinking too much and seeking out whatever substances might cocoon them from the night terrors. They immerse themselves in fantasies as they become increasingly alienated from their fellows. Suspicion is rampant and superstition is on the rise. We are coming to the grand summing up and I can’t say that too often. Sometimes all you can do is endure.
I would have liked a more charming life. I would have liked to have seen more of my friends and had the continued company of my artistic collaborators. I miss the days when you could travel with ease from one place to another. I miss some of the illusions that I had about world leaders and various things I once believed that made the journey easier. That’s not entirely true. I miss them but not as much as I would miss being aware of what I am aware of now. Everything has a price and that is one of the biggest reasons that people avoid seeking the truth. It changes you and you can never be who and what you were again.
We should all take some comfort at the peculiar anomalies going on these days. Some would say that the exposure of the climate fraud and the expanding awareness of who actually did 9/11 and so many other things is simply one more trend being manipulated by the people who caused the problems in the first place. I don’t think so. Whether your glass is half empty, half full or entirely empty is your choice. If you think the whole world is in the unshakeable grip of these miscreants then you will have to live with that state of mind until you find it disproved.
We let them win when they get into our heads. This is where the real battle is taking place; not outside you but inside your minds and your hearts. This is also where you can be victorious, regardless of the size of their armies or their power in the marketplace.
I understand how hard it can be to believe in something beyond the appearances but this capacity is actually based on something very real and there are ancient traditions which explain it very well. You have to know where to look and there is no better way than to look within. Once you have seen the extent of yourself, it is much easier to understand how the world got the way it is. You don’t have to be like these other people. That option is always open to you. You can change at any time and it is the purpose of life to give you that opportunity.
Visible is on the radio tonight with an Origami textured broadcast.
End Transmission.......
'I Don't Love You Anymore' is track no. 3 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Thank you Les for your very timely truth.
The circus begins tomorrow in Denmark.
Here is a summary about the Copenhagen bogus carbon tax treaty - very bad for individual freedoms.
Nwo that's what I call a god post!
I'll say no more
and instead quote
what Søren Kierkegaard wrote
in Either/or: a fragment of life.
Der var en gang der gik der ild i kulisserne på teatret. Klovnen Bajads kom straks på scenen for at fortælle, at den var helt gal. Publikum troede at det var en vittighed – og jublede over det flotte syn. Bajads gentog advarslen. Det er rigtig ild – jeg må bede jer straks gå til udgangene! Og publikum jublede endnu mere. Herlig figur – flotte teatereffekter!
Joe Bloggs-
Du är en javla dumb javla idiot.
Du är bomb-säkert en zionist här för att ödelägga allt bra som Les och andra äkta människor bidrar här i god förtroende.
Varför inte stick tillbaka under stenen där du kom ifrån eller växa upp och bidra någonting som inte är barnslig eller ko-bäjs som påminner oss alla som schizofrenisk struntpratt.
Glenn Dormer
Hi Les, best
It's possible to control certain people when you control the government and sources of information. People like the Rothschilds get their way because they control money and can print as much of it as they like as well as spread it around. And when people get wise to the fact that fiat money is valueless, the Rothschilds and their co-conspirators still do better than anyone else and still are able to manipulate others because they own most of the gold.
To smash the power of the bankers there are, I think, a few ways it could be accomplished.
One way would be to surround Switzerland and say-no one enters or leaves until you cough up the bankster's (in reality, the people's) gold. And put the assets seized back into the treasuries of the world as backing for REAL currency.
The second, would be inventing/discovering/using a system of exchange which the greedy could not manipulate.
Of course, there are undoubledly several alternatives for the future in which banksters and greedheads will be rendered powerless, we just haven't seen them yet
Talk about synchronicity I woke up this morning thinking much about the Rothschilds and their choke hold on the world's finances along with their many cohorts.
Yes you did hear correctly Evelyn is the second richest man in the world which makes one think who is the first?Could it be?...
Please let me know who you think that might be.
One of the very finest Americans, ever..
Meandering in northeastern
Massachusetts, his reverent outer gaze fell upon Walden Pond. He
alluded often to water---the metaphor is clear---the Gita's wisdom
teachings are the purifier of the mind: "By a conscious effort of the
mind we can stand aloof from actions and their consequences; and all
things, good and bad, go by us like a torrent."
I don't have the faintest idea but I do know that when someone says that the second richest man has half the world's wealth that they are using a different math than I am familiar with.
Unless the richest man has holdings outside of this world.
Everything that 99% of the people think as real is an illusion.
medicine maker
who works deep within
who fixed the tree's
with a gust of wind
who opens a heart
makes it shine
higher nature
give sight to blind
I ask you
humbly for some peace
some essence of truth
to take to the beast
he just will not go away
the middle east next
is the game he play
if all together
we all rise
higher nature
open many eyes
medicine maker
built within
living life pour
fill everything
raise your sight
through the shadows
with living light
Power is not about money. Money is there as the cheeze to get the mice to turn the wheel. If you values are based on the illusion then future events will be quite painful.
The only way to escape the illusion is to go within.
word ver: thenaphi
The so-called "Anti-Christ" is about the enter the world stage. Its mark, known as 666, (hint=Key of David,) will invoke both fear and worship within the elite Christian community, as they too will blindly follow and worship the image, the self described "children of God", and not live by the teachings of Christ, the son of God.
America is the war whore seen in past visions. The slut of Babylon who is about to fall from grace. And all who partook in her wealth and beautiful image, having endless fun with the ornate seductress, will cry all around the world at the loss because it means the goodtimes are over.
Burn in hell, you low life child killing, serpentine bitch. And take your off-shoot "Don't tread on me" 666 facsimile 13 with you.
well if the definition includes land holdings..
by sheer volume.. QE2 wins...
Les said, "I understand how hard it can be to believe in something beyond the appearances but this capacity is actually based on something very real and there are ancient traditions which explain it very well. You have to know where to look and there is no better way than to look within."
Amen. The ZioTapeWorm constantly tries to ridicule and undermine religious faith ergo we should look in that direction. As a Christian in spirit rather than upbringing, the condemnation of the Worm as "The Synagogue of Satan" in Revelations and their pitiful and demented counterattacks in the Talmud are testimony enough for me.
Patanjali et al are wonderful sources for the work of opening the energy centers and awakening to our full selves.
I have come to believe that there are only two basic facets to this life. When one gets to the foundation they find that there is what is without, and what is within. If this is accepted as a given, then there are two basic directions life can travel. One can live at effect, or one can live at cause. Which direction one is traveling depends on many things, given that we are all subject to the human condition.
Belief is the greatest of these things that determine direction. It is the most powerful thing in this life, and it is what all the forces of good and evil try and control.
If you live your life at effect, then what is without controls your life. It is what controls what you believe, and we create what we believe. If you believe in religion, or government, or money you acquired those beliefs from without and you spend your time creating them or trying to change them, or trying to get rid of them depending on what you have come to believe about them. If you have come to believe that there will always be hunger and poverty then by your belief, you help to create and perpetuate them. We create what we believe. If you believe fear is real, it will chase you all your life, because you will run from it.
For those few that have arrived at the place where they are at cause in their life, they have found a place where fear, and santa clause can no longer live. When one owns their experience of life, nothing from without can sell them a lie. When one finds their connection to the divine, they know what is good, and what is not. They know what is true and what is not by the way it rings in their soul.
The search for the truth begins and ends within, and when you find it, and believe in it, deliberate effort to change things in your life and the lives of others is no longer needed. It will simply happen. Our current host is a prime example. He is who he is, he does what he does, and even though he is aware of what is going on without, it does rule his actions. As a result he touches hearts, changes minds, and changes lives.
Search within, find the truth and believe it. Be powerful. Peace to all.
Sorry to sully your pristine comment section, Les - but this gay is looking for it
Mouser/Glem Dormouse
Here's yourshit right back atya.
btw Easy to tell you wrote it in English and got Gurgle to translate it into Sweetish.
Musen sagde...
You are a fucking dumb fucking idiot.
You are certainly a bomb-Zionist here to destroy everything good that Les and other real people helping here in good confidence.
Why not stick back under the rock where you came from, or grow up and contribute something that is not childish or cow poop, which reminds us all that nonsense schizofrenisk pratt
Takes one to no one!
ps Even Swedes aren't as stoopid as you ;)
You should know that Glenn speaks fluent Swedish. he's been living there for a long time.
729 is the new 666.
Ah! Alas! I see your even defending the mouse now
Been living there a long time, fluent Swedish... that explains a lot
oh well, here's what I was getting to
You may want to censor this one, Les - it's so chilldish but I do so like to follow my hunches through to luncheon
Hæhæ, Muselort osv
Jæ klæmt helt at si: bs. I know it's you... det'jo synligt for enhver
The climate bollocks is here in Copsincopenhagen tomorrow. Check my blog for the summary of this very dear to our hates summit which I concluded today.
ps Mouser is forbidden entry.
pps No adult content (they're so fuckin' dis. all the time)
I love ya' Les!! Thank you brother!!
Joe Bloggs-
"Du är en javla dumb javla idiot.
Du är bomb-säkert en zionist här för att ödelägga allt bra som Les och andra äkta människor bidrar här i god förtroende.
Varför inte stick tillbaka under stenen där du kom ifrån eller växa upp och bidra någonting som inte är barnslig eller ko-bäjs som påminner oss alla som schizofrenisk struntpratt."
"You are a bloody dumb bloody idiot. You are most certainly a zionist here to destroy all the good that Les and other real people are contributing in good faith.
Why don't you crawl back under the stone you came from or grow up and contribute something that is not childish or bull-shit which reminds all of us of schizophrenic babble."
flower meadow
and summer sky
tree's and mountains
round a patch of
true nature road
planting seed
scatter rows
rows and rows
raw awake
like a river
turn and shake
till it travel
to the sea
new dawn rise
I'm with Joe Bloggs and Mouser and all of you. Call me what you will, you can't see me, that's how close I am
wordhex:immono - know sirprize!
Hi All,
For those of you - including me - that are not climate scientists, here's an excellent article explaining things in (near) layman's terms:
American Thinker: Understanding Climategate’s Hidden Decline
Could be important on the 'Eve of Copenhagen' to spread far and wide?
Evelyn the second richest man makes Elizabeth the richest man. ;)
Les, I saw the Rothschild video you linked yesterday at wrh. It's unfortunate this trashy video is making the rounds. It reminds me of videos I get sent by a christian fundie relation - the history lessons are priceless.
There are so many unproven assurtions, rumours aren't facts. If one wants to know something of the house of Rothschild I'd suggest using a library card. I'd suggest a book called "The Rise Of The House Of Rothschild" by a Count Egon Caesar Corti. The truth is we'll probably never know the half of this families machinations but what can be known is damning enough, stereotypical caricatures need not be included.
As the Rothschild's businesses are privately held it's impossible to say how much money they have.
I really appreciate your blog but adding confusion to confusion does not create clarity.
inside out
I found this the other day on google video: The Fabulous Life Of Billion Dollar Wall Street Ballers
Have a bucket handy.
inside out
I'm licking my chops for the day LV shares his thoughts on the Q of E. Is it any wonder that the collective of Great Britain is so demented? How could so many people fall for the hoax? Your Royal Highness! Yes, Mum. What ever you say, Mum. Stick it right here Mum. Raise our taxes? Oh yes, Mum, what ever you want, Mum. We love you, Mum. You are so, British, Mum. Tally "Ho" bitch!
Total Travesty. For so many, many years.
Bloodlines? Icke is right.
The day Her venomous cult comes down is the day things start to turn around, globally.
You English are unbelievable.
Don't mind us Yanks, we have a white, excuse me, a black, no, a mulatto, no, make that a "mud colored" jigastoolie, dancing the war jig, holding up the nobell (ding a ling) peace sign. Kinda' makes one feel proud to be an American, huh? War is our business and business is good. Hooya!
The eloquent upside to it all is "We're getting exactly what we deserve."
European American
"History is such a good story it is too bad it isn't true" Tolstoy
I recommend Tolstoy's War and Peace. Leo was a 'conspiracy theorist'. He was suspicious of Napoleon's fast rise from nowhere and his mysterious success (Tolstoy, a military man, also said that there is no such thing as a military genius. Leo had no admiration for Bonaparte. The book also touches on freemasonry and illuminism. A lot of interesting ideas about political power and history. From reading War and Peace I got the impression that saying a man can lead a nation is like saying a surfer can lead the wave.
About Henry Ford...Ford didn't invent mass production but he perfected it. Ford admired Hitler and according to an article I read in the Detroit Free Press 20% of German battlefield trucks in ww2 had Ford logos on them.
Les, do you have any ideas why the Germans didn't invade Switzerland during ww2? There was much gold there. What kind of barbarians where they? Isn't there a lot of secret banking out of Switzerland? I heard a rumor that Switzerland was an invention of the Knights Templar. The Pope's personal bodyguards are all Swiss, or so I have read. Switzerland is weird. I think control over the large banks in the world is centered in Switzerland. And most people see Switzerland as innocuous. (And the Swiss people for the most part probably are ok.)
Doesn't Evelyn have a brother, Jacob? Maybe Jacob has a few more bucks than his bro.
Climate Science---1000 yrs ago the Vikings were able to have settlements on Greenland because they could farm there. I suppose the New York City area was underwater at that time due to the fact that there wasn't a huge sheet of ice over Greenland. (trying to be facetious)
rothschild a slave maker
casting evil money spells
shackle's minds with delusion
with the demons that he dwell
for the love and want of all
he never can aquire
never satisfied
definately a compulsive liar
the day soon comes
when he will pay the fee's
of his own internal deceit
all the good that could
be done when sitting
the position that he be
he served humanity
practicing evil
devil caught his tongue
reflected the lower self
deprived his truth or inner sun
serving falsity
to aquire great wealth
what do you think rothschild
you tried to sell us all to hell
but peace was always there
it never went away
no matter how hard you try
peace will always come your way
and when peace knocks
upon your door
their is no getting out
the four winds blow
wise men know
higher nature is about
Laidease Anne Jentillmen
Roll up, roll up
We have Visibility all tight up
here and although he tried to get away he forgot the knot will stay tiggered to his tow. After Hive spooken buzznice wit migh partnerds about how much e sold we shall know if we even own his old blue-ice suede poohs
Eeyore, eeaw, e/or
Odd that you mention the demon drink in your piece. I was talking to a driver to-day and it appears he has no end of customers who will buy boot leg spirits, and drinks of any sort. He has an ever growing number of requests for drink and baccy, (no not that stuff). I get the odd bit of this or that from him, and a friend recently gave me some venison so I have to get him cigars. It is a trade I am used to as I have always been handy at the barter system, be it goods or info. I agree , we live in strange times, but to any of those among us who have been reared hard, it appears times change little. So we have to keep a sense of where we are at all times.
The hard times we are about to encounter are not new to a lot of my generation. It is the new breed of people who are needing something to dull the senses in the absence of common sense. There are people of my times who did have more sense than I, it would appear they have much more paper money than I. They even have lands to spare, but then as I have said previously, there are no pockets in a shroud, and your burial plot will eventually have you evicted. We as a society are not prepared for what is upon us. We appear to be in disarray. Those in our midst who should know seem to care not, but most of our society just do not give a shit, as all that glitters in the opinion of most to-day, is most surely gold.
I have no great way of knowing the future, but I do have the sense to fear it. I have tried to instill in those close to me some moral decency in my latter years particularly, but I do sometimes regret the hatred I may have had. I often think of a use for hatred. If hatred be in the use of sensible hands, a good shot could play a deciding factor in our world. This is where our world has been on a course of destruction since the death of any of the Kennedy's, and Martin Luther King. Our morals will not allow us to do unto them as they have did to us. This is why they have been on the winning side for so long. I would appear this is the way it is meant to be. The Creator gave us rules by which to live, and freedom to choose. The other side have no rules.
9/11 was no doubt a real life changing event from which our world could not readily recover without great difficulty. I do think though this was just the last part of the plan which was instigated with the murders of the Kennedy's, and Martin Luther King. The change then may have not been so dramatic on those deaths, but people were seduced with pot, free love, and flower power, and the distraction of Vietnam. Now perhaps we are to be distracted with the climate, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran in the pipeline. Smoke and mirrors with some magick thrown in for to keep the populace occupied. Shit! How could I forget, swine flu (non event), Ukraine black lung, and no doubt more any could mention.
By the way Les, I came across the meaning of the word Al-Qaeda as it is used in the real world. It would appear what it really means in truth is, Toilet.( Poetic justice or what, zio-joo humour I suppose?). Anyway I am off now as I got another drop o' the hard tack to wrestle with. So keep up the good work, or as any good driver will tell you,, keep giving it the full o' the pipe.
"Everything has a price and that is one of the biggest reasons that people avoid seeking the truth. It changes you and you can never be who and what you were again."
Once Pandora's Box is open and the genie let out of the bottle there is no going back. I often lament and long for my former life, of how things used to be as well as wondering how most people have the talent for being able to remain willfully ignorant. At times I both admire and hate them for it.
On the other hand I would not change a thing about my present condition other than I wish I could stop having the feeling of smugness towards these "others".
Along similar lines check out this link and comment if you care to about it:
Joe Bloggs:
"ps Even Swedes aren't as stoopid as you ;)"
I lived in Sweden for many years and encountered all types of them. But to be sure even the most ignorant of them was smarter than you, as verified by your comment. Fuck you!
European American:
"War is our business and business is good. Hooya!"
Yep Wars R US - maybe some creative person out there could come up with that incorporated using the Toys R Us logo emphasis capital U capital S = United States
word verification: draeppl - disavow & refute all evil people???
Watercannons, holding-pens in the old Carlsberg warehouse, 6,500 police officers - 1/2 the entire force in Denmark, right to detain 12 hours without charge or bail.
Police spokesman:
Mr. Larsen said that each of the 10-person holding pens, while not luxurious, was in keeping with all international conventions.
He emphasized that the police would allow all people to express themselves peacefully on the issue of climate change — or whatever else is on their minds — during what is likely to be a political circus.
"You have the right to freedom of speech as long as what you say is what we want to hear, i.e. we must implement a global carbon tax to kick off the NWO - otherwise your ass is grass and we're busting your head as we legally throw you into holding pens." Climategate souse
Goldman Sachs made $27,000 million ($27 billion) during the first three quarters of 2009 and is paying out massive bonuses, leaving the busted taxpayers with the debt and interest charges.
Little wonder the US can't afford health care for the uninsured and unemployed. It is far more important to finance multi-million dollar bonuses for investment bankers. I mean, what would we do without capitalism?
Of course, it is not really capitalism. It is an oligarchy or a financial plutocracy.
In a failed state, the government's priorities are totally separate from those of the people. The US can't afford health care or a bailout for jobless homeowners, but it can afford a pointless war and multi-million dollar bonuses for banksters who wrecked the economy.
Both her and her son's unemployment benefits have run out. Lawrie Covey has fallen back on her experience growing up on a firm. She is raising chickens and picking wild mushrooms and has a garden. If she makes it through the winter, she hopes to get a couple of baby pigs to raise to see them through the next year.
Lawrie Covey, to whom President Obama made a promise, could just as well be an Afghan peasant. She doesn't count any more than the thousands of Afghans who have been murdered in their sleep by US air strikes on "terrorists."
She voted for a president who spent all the money on wars based in lies and deceptions and on Gold Sacks, the richest institution in the world.
"The president believes that continued US leadership can be most productive through his participation at the end of the Copenhagen conference on December 18th," the statement said. "There are still outstanding issues that must be negotiated for an agreement to be reached, but this decision reflects the president's commitment to doing all he can to pursue a positive outcome."
The decision avoids a potentially awkward situation which would have seen Obama arrive in Copenhagen a ahead of even senior negotiators or ministers, let alone prime ministers and heads of state. The timing would have created an embarrassing American absence on the last day of negotiations which nearly 100 other world leaders are expected to attend."
Let's step back and look at the timing of the heads-of-states presence on the last day of the Copenhagen carbon tax treaty.
Hmmm. Could it be that after back and forth discussion from 7 - 17 December 2009 in order to bury Climategate in the public mind, that the signing of the international carbon tax treaty is STILL planned to go ahead even though it is based on an exposed scientific lie?
Death to the lies of the NWO agents - the sooner the better!
old stories
from the ancients
lead us ancient ways
but can be applied
equally to any time
there was a secret
a magic flute
it made a sound
they say it was hidden
in the garden of the crown
rarely seen
rarely found
when a man play
to truth he is bound
loaded with essence's
mother earth flow
doused with the power
of the sky rainbow
colors spin
four winds wake
healer cry
inner sun
living light shake
shake the ground
of mans heart to rise
living medicine
of peace maker
higher nature wise.
You are spot on LV, every time....
What else can one say?
My son got a job in Germany, suffice it to be said I told him to keep his trap shut. He knows about the lies. He had applied for 150+ teaching jobs in the ussa and no luck.
No, son, don't go visiting Mr. Zuendel.
I don't watch tv but I record what was on.... Meet the Press this a.m., three jews discuss the Afghanistan escalation (Friedman, Woodward, Gregory et al.).
Football all afternoon. Don't expect the sheeple to go torch and pitchfork to D.C. They are brain dead... the Middle Class will be destroyed and we will all be slaves in the Global Plantation... talk about chutzpah.... Howdy Doody declines the Copenhagen opening to go get his Nobel Dynamite Peace Prize! What an Orwellian World it is.
This is my favourite so far.
Well, don't give up hope or stereotype. WRH linked to you again. To this one.
They did IIRC last week too. And rense did. So, it is sporadic, but you cannot call it a complete shut-out.
WV: pesticiet
Very often you can learn more about the subject matter by looking at the blogs and comments that follow the articles than you can from the articles themselves, for one thing because occasionally there is some insider or former insider who is feeling a guilty conscience who will spill the beans about what's really going on, which in turn inspires more truth coming out, and so on.
At present the alternative news sites are awash with articles and blogs by people coming forth with info that in the past would've never made it to the light of day. Thank the Lord for the internet, which is probably the only thing that is standing in the way between the system control we have now and absolute totalitarianism.
to anonymous 11:50---I mostly agreed with your post but I have to take acception with your comment about being seduced by 60's flower power. I think your comment is a gross over simplification and not really true.
I would also like to add that it isn't the lay-abouts nor the stoners nor hippies that cause most of the problems of the world. Rather, it is well dressed, hard-working, accomplished men with nice haircuts and fancy college degrees.
If everybody was a hippy then the world (at least the human society part of the world) would be a better place (which aint saying much)
Saturday Night Live Segment Last Night - Spraying of People with Viruses from Helicopters
Notice they say Spraying Twice - Once very fast - they say "Spraying" then they say "people will get sick as Hell - Helicopters will Spray your asses with Viruses" and then they show a helicopter spraying. (It is about 3/4's into the segment - where they show the helicopter spraying)
They say - "your ears will bleed" in the beginning - at the very end, they say "you will literally be Underground".
I find these things of interest, considering, part of the PTB "moral codes" are to tell the people in advance what will be happening to them, in one way or another. If you look back in history - we have always been forewarned about what is going to happen. It is from my understanding part of the PTB rules "The people have to be told and that way, they are Okay with it happening". (someone asked me what PTB means - sorry - I did not specify the meaning before. PTB = Powers That Be)
Just another thought - How long before this segment is taken off the net and the NBC SNL site? (Once we have been forewarned and a T.V. show tells us what is going to happen - after a certain amount of time - that T.V. show segment is not to be found nor shown on T.V. again). Research history - you will see this fact is true.
As far as What Really Happened goes those are paying members (one in particular, I think) that is doing that, not M.R.
I was surprised at first when I saw an article of mine go up there again after some time gone and I then noticed it was a member and it has always been so each following time.
Yes, Rense and Icke (more and more frequently with Icke) occasionally link. I don't know what IRC is.
I have not complained about this and have no feelings of ill will at all. That is important for me to note and I would not have even mentioned it but people brought it up several times and one thing leads to another.
Have you heard of the Center for Spiritual Awareness in Georgia? They advocate what you were talking about. The way to spiritual realisation can only be found through your own efforts. It follows the Kriya yoga tradition and has some very good publications.
You are talking about Roy Eugene Davis whom I would like to consider a friend. We occasionally exchange emails. I really should write him. Thanks for reminding me. He was/is a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. I believe the center is in Lakemont GA. I've wanted to go there and my mother lives not that far away but I can't see coming into the United States given what has happened to me there and what i do these days and also considering the state of the world at this time.
I wanted to visit the CSA too but I will not enter the US now. Most tourists who visit the 'land of hope and glory' fail to realise that they have no rights whatsoever should the system decide to hold them. If you are on one of their lists they can disappear you forever if they want to, and you or your relatives can do little about it. They are not much different from the Bolsheviks; hardly surprising since they are the same crowd.
Al Gores Zinc Mine....
Not to change the subject, but here's a little more reporting on that sportsman, athlete: Tiger Woods.
"Tiger's Mistresses March On Washington"
By Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - In one of the largest mass demonstrations in recent history, over one million women claiming to have had sexual liaisons with Tiger Woods marched on Washington today.
Determined to show that they are a political force to be reckoned with, the coalition of nightclub hostesses, cocktail waitresses and lingerie models stopped traffic for hours as they marched to the Capitol.
Shandy Shanoyne, a 22-year-old thong publicist who had an on-again, off-again relationship with Mr. Woods, said that she organized the march to demand benefits, such as health care and workmen's compensation, for the golfer's many girlfriends.
"We are sick and tired of being told to take our names off our voicemail greetings," she said. "We have demands and they must be met. Quickly. Huge."
According to Ms. Shanoyne, the million or so mistresses of Mr. Woods who showed up at the march are just the tip of the iceberg: "A new girlfriend of Tiger's holds a press conference every eleven seconds."
In a related story, David Letterman today cleared all the golf clubs out of his house.
Posted By: Deacon Blues
There really is no such thing as "climate fraud" by the way. It won't be long now before everyone will "see" it for what it really is. The impacts of our changing climbing have already affected millions. Emails and dissent do not have anything to do with this and never will.
Reality has a way of convincing even the most skeptical.
A lie is a lie regardless. I personally have never said there isn't something happening with the weather. I can see that there is.
The weather is only one feature, only one issue of concern. Humanity has weathered all kinds of things.
My position is that everything is under control and everything is for a reason. People hold many opinions at variance to that and they are welcome to.
Look who is getting the blame now.
WV- rebown
I tried that once but got slapped in the the face!
I am in awe with the wisdom you show and it aspires me to feel that things will go as god feels they should. I wanted to know if you have watched and could comment on the video series the arrivals. I was left feeling dirty and inspired at the same time, and that i think is what the truth does to someone that breaks out of the matrix in anyway. Just saying thank you for the time you take to give us your thoughts.
I don't know anything about The Arrivals. Sorry.
My apologies Les. I am the person that asked about the arrivals. I do not want to be rude to you or the community you have here. I have been reading your site for about 3 yrs now and am astounded at the intelligent insight you have. The responses you get from people are very informative and make me feel that i am not the only person mad about everything.
I highly recomment The Arrivals to anyone and the can make of it what they want, personally i was floored by how encompassing the series was. I look forward to anything you put up Les.
The leaks are out of control
By Tom Dennen, (author of 'Grand Theft, Planet or Heidi's Free Bar & Grill)
It's becoming clear to a lot of peple how the 'matrix' - the system - works, and how the Internet is the leaky bucket out of which the truth is spraying.
Since the early goldsmiths discovered fractional lending and made money out of thin air, they have been thrown out of every courntry they set up in, after which those countries returned to resource-based economies and went through several decades of economic recovery.
Until the sixteenth century, in Holland.
Then and there, when the goldsmiths were discovered, the already wealthy government and merchant classes joined them in their 'usurious vampirism'.
Holland was the site of the first experiment in money market manipulation, today called 'Tulip Mania', also a generic phrase given to an 'out-of-control' Bull Market.
'Tulip Mania' is however, just the opposite - it's a controlled boom situation; controlled by those who run the Great Wealth Shift every generation, starting with the South Sea Bubble crash in 1720.
Every fifty years or so since then, the markets have peaked - and exactly nine years later, crashed - followed by a depression during which vast amounts of properties were foreclosed and the 'masters' transfered huge amounts of the wealth accumulated by the working class - all wealth is created by work - who were left to starve.
Just like today.
The most significant leak in Ellen Brown's 'Web of Debt' is coming from the Global Warming lies now out in the open.
The Bilderbergs / governments / banks / merchants / landowners / fake scientists / Big Pharma and the rest are now too big to fail at keeping their secrets.
Solution? This will set us free.
Return to resource-based economies. Do not borrow unless it's from a state bank that does not charge interest. Gather together and itemize all the resources of your community and barter.
Keep your wealth to yourselves.
Above all, don't listen to snake oil salesment like Obama and Al Bore who are just stealing while callously killing your children for money.
(Required reading:,)
"There really is no such thing as "climate fraud" by the way."
Now that's damn insightful. I guess there is no money/banking fraud either....just the way things go, nothing to see here. No fraud or corruption on the part of governments or institutions either, just the way things are...that's how it is.
When someone says he's not going to piss on me then does I consider it a fraud.
Les, I just listened to the radio show. I was lucky enough to have met two little dogs yesterday who both need homes. They are staying with me and the other nine dogs now.
Climate change is real. We have always had climate change. It's no big deal. Ice ages, warmer periods and other weird events where the world doesn't stay the same happen all the time. Duh. The 'Climate Change Fraud' is the 'manmade C02 global warming' fraud. They even caught on that people were catching on and changed from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change'. The revelations of the hackers were no surprise to me. That the revelation even happened...was.
word ver: igraMSM
"Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives, Which Would Be at the Very CENTER of Cap and Trade"
"'As I have previously shown, speculative derivatives (especially credit default swaps or "CDS") are a primary cause of the economic crisis. They were largely responsible for bringing down Bear Stearns, AIG (and see this), WaMu and other mammoth corporations.
According to top experts, risky derivatives were not only largely responsible for bringing down the American (and world) economy, but they still pose a substantial systemic risk:'"
Well here ya go.
And even more...
"The Stone article is the story about Goldman Sachs and how they have been smack in the middle of every billion and trillion dollar bubble burst in recent memory.... And how Goldman Sachs is about to engineer the next great bubble --- the potential trillion dollar carbon cap and credit market (which doesn’t even exist, yet.)"
Les, If I may repost here: A lot of people read the newspapers, but how many of you look at the (tiny) legal notices. In most countries the Government is requires to publish rule making proposals/legal ads in several of the major/local newspapers. Take the time to get beyond the cartoons/funny pages and read them. If you take the time to review the legal ads, and get the word out, a lot of issues would get the attention they deserve before it is too late. The reason a lot of bad laws are passed is because they begin by publishing this under our noses and we did not pay attention. Borrow fresh newspapers if need be.
Copenhagen Cover Story BLOWN
Leaked text reveals the anglo freemasonic nations, ie queen beatrix and the danes, queen bitch and brits, and the beehive us.
Their king is the world bank, aka evelyn Rothschild.
The center of the web has come to light.
It is all so soon, so soon.
As you say can they hid anywhere? The gods are getting ready to be flayed alive. Come on down to gehnnas table, the great payback is almost here.
Hierosalyma Est Perdita!!!
What's the skinny on Lord Monckton? Is he for real? Geez, with a Lord in front of the name, makes me kinda' wonder. Did you see the video?
Evelyn Rothschild
Been reading at SM for a few years now and there is no better place on the whole planet for this rant.
The document now in front of the 145+ countries at the climate summit - if signed - will give control of the carbon tax to the World Bank. The World Bank is owned and operated by the Evelyn Rothschild led international banking cartel.
Signing the Copenhagen carbon tax treaty will provide the administratiion costs to implement the NWO. An order where over 95% of the world's population will live as working/serf class - without property or wealth. Our elected representitives (presidents and primeministers) are being cajoled, lobied and bribed in Denmark to commit the the middle class around the world to dig its own grave.
Make no mistake. This is real. This may happen if the informed world does not shout NO!!!
Follow the Money...
Les, I hope that wasn't you doing this!
This is incredible!
You caught the viser bilde thing huh?
Yep, It sort of looks like a rotating fresnel zone emitted from a microwave transmitter.
Lets see if I got this right... Someone wrote the program that changed the results of the climate data. Anyone remember this?
Les, Ta add to that,the source code issue regarding climategate reminds me of this: or this
I wonder who benefits serving such masters?
So the ugly Earthlings want to breathe? Then they will have to pay for MY air! But,Sir Rotshit;will they not want to be paid for breathing as that makes trees grow and flora possible? Only if they can think-and I am seeing to it that that never happens, if,anyway some internet-gangsters should succeed in waking them I will pull my "fake UFO-attack"- courtesy H.Kissinger.That will scare them into their proper place.
this time to congratulate you Les on your coming 2,000,000 hit count! Your A pleasure to follow. Been hitting here since 20k now and i have seen nothing but an increase in the flows to this particular circle of light surrounded by gloom. Peace be upon you.
Goldman Sachs to underwrite 2.5 million shares in Greenhill.,+Inc.+Announces+Common+Stock+Offering/5121325.html
Did you see the new episode of 'Conspiracy Theory' tonight?
Just weeks before the end of 'the decade from hell'
Santa delivers some 9/11 Truth to the masses
from who else but the incomparable Jesse Ventura!
Les & anon 5:59,
Goldman Sachs has been rumored to run the Plunge Protection Team. The bailout money proves it. The next big crash is in commercial real estate. This also includes "struggling" casinos. Thus the 2.5 Million share deal with Goldman.
Now follow this:
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