Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Tezcatlipoca= Smoking Mirrors. You’ll have to do your own myths and legends research. You get better retention that way and you also don’t have to learn anything you don’t want to. It’s a win-win situation.
We’ve got a lot of smoking mirrors in operation at the moment. Where there’s smoke there’s fire and we’ve got lots of fire too; the fire of impure desire, as one or more tenants of various spiritual traditions might label it. Is Haiti the plural of ‘hater’? Is there a logical and compassionate reason for not providing food but only water because someone didn’t get the memo?
This might be the time to get into Organ Harvesting Futures because the Carlyle of organ harvesters is on location, getting more press than Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction. While this non-stop photo op goes on, incoming planes filled with medical supplies and all the other necessaries for treatment and recovery in Gaza’s sister city, are still being waved off and sent to The Dominican Republic. There’s a lot of angry chatter in the background about the ham handed control of ingress to Haiti. In the meantime, US ships are blocking the sea lanes so that none of those starving Haitians can make it to the forbidden mainland.
Calls are going out for money all over the place and the likelihood of even a small portion of that money reaching any particular Haitians is slim and none. Hunger Porn is alive and well in Haiti. This fellow has a clearer idea of what you should be doing.
I like to see things through a cosmic window. For me, Haiti is a demonstration of many things for those with eyes to see. Corporate interests have been plundering Haiti for a long time and sitting on resources they plan to exploit. In the meantime they’ve engineered enormous sweatshops, which they present as their idea of an economic revival for Haiti. You can find out the details on your own and without a great deal of trouble if you know how to look.
For some reason, I read a great deal about Haiti as a child, primarily that period which dealt with the revolution and the reign of King Christophe, after the Haitian Revolution resulted in independence from France. It was fascinating reading and an early glimpse into the intricacies of political skullduggery, as well as the madness that comes upon everyone so engaged. I read a lot of books about world events and the movers and shakers as a child. I read a lot of biographies. The world doesn’t change anything but the clothes of the players. It’s comi-tragic theater, recycling the same eternal plots the way sitcoms do.
I admit to a curiosity about why Aid is being routed away from the place where it is needed and why food isn’t being given out and I note that this is a key to the outbursts of violence and looting that follow. A=B=C. So it would seem that those controlling what comes and goes, fully intend for chaos to descend and... I ponder their motives. I observe the large influx of military and I see it must be about ‘control’. Then it would seem that Haiti has been kept poor for a reason. It is clear to be seen that Haiti has been kept poor for a reason. I don’t know if that is the entire reason but it is surely a major reason because we are collectively enduring different degrees of persecution of all sorts, at all levels, for the profit and enjoyment of bankers and corporate thugs, presently in control of most of the world’s governments.
These black magicians of finance are practicing their versions of Obeah upon the residents of Haiti and it’s got more clout than the local Obeah. I keep coming back to those re-routed aid planes and how the food is being with-held and how that is generating anger, frustration and rage. Now all they need is for Franklin Graham to roll into town with his Jesus Nazis and we can have ourselves a Mardi Gras.
Let’s move away from the obvious and partially unobvious to what is hidden behind the scenes. I prefer to look at everything as the playing out of cosmic dramas. In this sense, Haiti becomes symbolic, as well as a road marker on the way to some point that is being made by the divine ineffable. Everything that happens is a kind of evidence. It doesn’t help to have evidence if you lack an awareness of a cosmic inter-penetrating mind. If you accept that everything is being orchestrated and if you accept that it is not being orchestrated by those who think they are in possession of the conductor’s baton... then you can sort and sift and see what your intuition tells you.
Like the tsunami and like Katrina, Haiti is only a precursor of things to come and some of those are going to be visiting more upscale locations as time goes by. Those who have more than they need are being given opportunity after opportunity to do the right thing; to change their evil ways... to change their hearts but, as we know, this is unlikely. Still, the opportunity has to be given. It wouldn’t do for them to have their day in court and be in any position to say that they didn’t know, or to plead exigent circumstances. The things we face in life, which we call trials or challenges, are all opportunities. They are opportunities to demonstrate our humanity, our faith, our courage and our principles. None of these belong to us, of course, they are the qualities of the divine seeking to manifest within us; trials and challenges bring them out or... we don’t rise to the occasion. More often we do not and so the intensity has to be ratcheted up.
One thing we have seen plenty of evidence of in recent times is unbridled greed. We have also seen the illegal and immoral raised to an art form. The behavior of Goldman Sachs and Blankenfeld’s pronouncement of ‘doing God’s work’ are powerful examples. The destruction of native industry for the sake of increased profits and the repossession of homes leading to increased homelessness, for the sake of windfall acquisition, are all a part of this. This is also a demonstration being played out before the eyes of the world with the participants duly noted.
If you view what it taking place in the world, without the inclusion of an all controlling divine ineffable, then it can surely cause you to despair. It can crush you and leave you in that helpless state, which is the intention of those performing it upon you. If you do realize that everything is under control then it takes on a whole new appearance and you can watch with interest and excitement, wondering where it is being directed to go.
Because of the desire for profit and control, with a liberal addition of incompetence and cluelessness, those in charge have botched every recent disaster as if they were cartoon characters. This is what comes of not doing the right thing. The right thing is not just a moral imperative, it is also what works. That’s why it’s called ‘the right thing’. The wrong thing does not work but, given control of the flow of information, it can be justified and... the beat goes on.
Given that they could not manage the tragedies already mentioned, what do you think they are going to be able to do about even larger events that are in the hopper? Mismanagement of challenges due to malfeasance and vile self interest always lead to greater challenges of the same order for the purpose of further demonstration. There’s a point to this, cosmically speaking. As you are led further and further into the tortured environment that has been created by your own lack of discrimination and humanity, your sense of control over the process becomes increasingly weakened, until fear and terror can take the upper hand... this is the prelude to trial and judgment.
I hope I haven’t been too convoluted or arcane with this missive. I don’t know what I’m going to write until I write it. This is just the way it looked to me today or maybe the way it looked to whoever gave me the words, while I was getting out of the way. I suppose you could say that they have their hands full with this... the usual business in which they engage AND their plans for the Winter Olympics but when you are as wrong as wrong can be to begin with... no amount of excuses are valid. May light break upon the minds of those who wander in darkness. May the darkness break ...and the light prevail.
End Transmission.......
'Smoke and Mirrors' is track no. 9 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Given the system of infinite fiat currency, all disasters in the USA have been treated as economic opportunities. Where those underclassed suffer, FEMA hands out big contracts to their pals, and there other pals get to move in first for construction projects, and more of their pals, get to buy all that the poor lost at a discount.
So wars in Afhanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, and maintaining 700+ bases around the world – moving an air craft carrier and 10,000 troops to Haiti to pass out bottled water and MREs, is like a nuclear sub that never needs refueling. BUT, indeed, eventually the nuclear fuel runs out.
Primarily because of an exaggerated obscene amount of military might, along with a propaganda circus to which has lost credibility to all but its fat-ass citizens, the USA has been able to perpetuate its almost infinite printing of imaginary currency and wealth. But truly thinking people know that this is not possible to continue this for ever. Even the Dalton gang and Ghengis Khan finally get beaten. What the USA has been doing goes against the laws of physics.
I too Les, sense that in the near future, many in the USA, elites included, will feel what is it to be Haitian.
Thank you for bringing out this article on Haiti for those who still have eyes to see and ears to hear.
We are well into the unveiling as you advised some time ago what more need be said and done what more for God's sake.
So it was with Sodom and Gommorrah so it was with Noah's flood...
and the beat goes on...
Thank you man for all you do.
Much appreciated piece, not very clear tho. This quotation from wikipedia can make it cleare maybe (and i am not telling you something you dont know about already).
[Tezcatlipoca was often described as a rival of another important god of the Aztecs, the culture hero, Quetzalcoatl. In one version of the Aztec creation account[7] the myth of the Five Suns, the first creation, "The Sun of the Earth" was ruled by Tezcatlipoca but destroyed by Quetzalcoatl when he struck down Tezcatlipoca who then transformed into a jaguar. Quetzalcoatl became the ruler of the subsequent creation "Sun of Water", and Tezcatlipoca destroyed the third creation "The Sun of Wind" by striking down Quetzalcoatl].
Tezcatlipoca whose cult practiced human sacrifice... Just read about him yesterday. Stranger and stranger.
Well,it will get worse. they will also bring Iraq style choas, murder and mahyem to our neck of the world. Soon it will be hard not to see that we are in a world war that is being precipated with the intent of creating misery and sadly, a form of human sacrifice.
As Ron Paul just said," the CIA has taken over the military". He is a brave man. The demons are running the show and the US is the evil empire.
I think God is going to take back a lot of eyes and ears because there seems to a lack of use of them going on. Maybe it is the brain, I forgot about the them being used for games, porn and surfing video wastelands.
I think we have gone from the land of sheeple to the land of zombies. Remember Escape from LA? Well,soon it will be Escape from USA.
It is obvious that the 'evil ones' are working in a frenzy. Yeah, I think they know something is coming as well.
Haiti has oil:
Anarchy anyone? It goes nicely with your morning bagel and coffee:
'God of Darkness'
Tezcatlipoca is the ruler of the Tenth day of the Trecena, and the Fifht Night and Tenth Heaven of the Galactic Underworld.
The complement of Quetzacoatl, Tezcatlipoca is also the Aztec god of darkness. The energy he embodies is that of challenge.
Hi Les, best.
Going through my own trials lately, with whats going on in Haiti they pale by comparison.
Wanted to say this.
One day the bad people will go away. They will lose the power to torment the rest of us. That is something we may all get to see within our lifespans on this earth. Acting, thinking, knowing, feeling new conditions without them are here or at least capable are probably one of the best ways to bring good conditions about.
Make sense?
Thanks, great stuff!!!
You do look at the cosmic side of issues and help many.
The right thing is the one that works? Super simple and correct. The right thing in a cosmic sense might be harder to view? After all, things are under control?
Hunger porn? Nice it ranks up there with drone porn. Fear is the mind killer and forcing the world to watch the death and ruin of Haiti has many rewards for the media.
It seems to me the comsic movie maker doesnt just walk up and slap you in the face. He uses others for this? Thanks for helping us see the Haiti's role. I fear the whole thing is a win-win for the media man, but your post today is a win-win too.
The Fool
There is also the fascination with zombie culture in America that holds interest as a form of foreshadowing.
I felt like torturing myself last night and watched Larry King. The msm truly makes me ill. The people in Mass. also make me ill. Vote third party or don't vote at all...
"They are opportunities to demonstrate our humanity, our faith, our courage and our principles. None of these belong to us, of course, they are the qualities of the divine seeking to manifest within us; trials and challenges bring them out or… we don’t rise to the occasion." - Again, thanks for a well-expressed set of ideas.
The wrenching horror is the suffering which is being experienced by all, for whatever cosmic reasons. As you say, we, who have been spared that suffering, must demonstrate "our humanity, our faith, our courage and our principles."
On the political level, here are some links. The first, for those who've not seen it, is the article on the tsunami of 04.
These two are on recent anomalies seen in Norway and Australia.
"thus allowing into the troposphere an "unimpeded thermal inversion" of the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere." = very cold weather
The second is from 18 Jan, and I've not seen an explanation of it yet.
I suppose his science here is accurate; I don't know the author. Some of the other stuff on the site is wrong. I don't know what to make of this one.
EV's links above are worth reading too.
I wrote a post on this horror theatre a few days ago. Our ruling elite never let a good disaster go to waste. Naomi Klein wrote an excellent book called “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”. It exposes this vile practise of imperialism using the guise of humanitarian aid. She has also been trying to raise awareness of the true nature of the US military’s “assistance” program
Natural disasters like the Pacific Tsunami, Katrina and now Haiti are excellent ways to clear poor indigenous (usually black) populations off of prime real estate and natural resources.
I have been rereading the recent Alta report - now renamed to “The shape of things to come”. If even a fraction of it is accurate we don’t have long to wait before the time of reckoning begins. I will try to keep anger and hate from my heart but I can make no promises.
v word = pricas
I'm writing this cognizant that my question(s)may be too stupid to warrant an answer, or too clumsily articulated for same.
Still, here goes:
What's greed got to do with the 'elite/zionist/satanists etc."?
Didn't they invent the monetary system to keep populations enslaved?
Futhermore, 'they' can go down to cellar and print as much as 'they' want, right?
So, why would they need to strip citizens of their last lira when they know full well paper money has no intrinsic value.
Could they be vacuuming up the dollars in order to introduce another form of "money"? I've read they are planning to introduce the Amero or a mandatory subcutaneous chip?
Again, my problem with that is that since they failed to get everyone vaccinated even with incessant hype about a deadly flu, and although many got in line for their shot still too stupid to question the "authorities," overall, the campaign sank like a stone.
Chips and coins will do likewise.
Another question is when one buys gold, it's in exchange for dollars, but since dollars (US in particular) are swiftly dropping in value, what do the gold/silver sellers hope to do with them?
Are they part of the vacuuming team knowing gold/silver/platinum etc. won't buy a cup of coffee in the long run?
In sum, we know the uber-rich don't need more money, they don't need money at all, and it's puzzling why they are wilfully impoverishing the world.
Once we're all equally poor where will their wealth come from?
They own the planet's resources already so what's the point?
I just don't get it.
I don't have the time to answer you right now so i will leave that to others. I do notice a few misconceptions in what you said though and I'll point out that I didn't mention the elite. I was referring to the greed of corporations in relation to Haiti and the bankers who finance them. Not all or even nearly all corporations or bankers are owned and operated by the elite. It's a big world. Mostly I was trying to illustrate human nature in respect of profiting from disaster as well as... well, out of time.
Corporations, then. Ok. Don't corporations know that paper money is going the way of the dodo?
So why would they want more? When there is no more money, when the well is bone dry, then what? Will corporations shut down?
Wars are the result of the rich bickering amongst themselves for the biggest piece of the global pie, not for money.
I appreciate your answer. I do hope someone else will try to shed light on things for me.
And, yes, I'm certain I have misconceptions. The world is a complicated place.
Muchas Gracias, LV, you are a gent!
Can't for the life of me figure out why you would promote the little racist shit with the "clearer idea" and his simplistic advice to basically save one's own ass first and last.
I'm poorer than shit and have my garden, tools, basic resources, proximity to forest, home-canned storage - but so fucking what!?? My family can throw down a few bucks, as the PALESTINIANS IN GAZA are doing, to non-bureaucratic grass-roots groups like Haiti Emergency Relief Fund (, with no sweat off my ass. Around here poor people help others, the same way its always gone down for centuries. It's ONE fucking world. Anyone who says otherwise is lost in some "otherness" program. [not talking about soulless psychopaths] Racism, and hate for those whose brand of religion leans a little on the polytheistic side, is sick shit in it's death throes.
I don't watch S&MSM, and I'm sure it's "pornographic" - it always is. But people should listen/watch Amy Goodman for the last 3 days. Maybe she is fucked up sometimes in the 'gatekeeping' way, but at least she has the guts to get herself down in the middle of the reality of Haiti, lets many intelligent people speak who lay out the FULL historical context up to the present. Corporations with Henry the K. on the boards bought up the grain mills and concrete factories and immediately closed them down. Anyway, everybody knows about "mud cakes" etc etc. But what's being made clear is that there IS NO SECURITY PROBLEM. Doctors and journalists and aid-workers are working throughout the areas all night long with zero fear and people are co-operating together to intelligent normal human beings have always responded to tragedy by DEALING. All the media creeps' ranting about "gangs" is 99% crap, just as Hellary's "security" talk is just more of the usual (Katrina-type) bullshit.
Les, to tell the truth, I don't know what goin on here lately. There's a lot of racist Xtian shit flying around on your blogs, and that link just adds to the deep confusion. The racists and religious fanatics seem to think they've found their new hang-out.
Sure, it's probably me that's confused, right?
Need to get my spiritual perspective in order? Get the cosmic overview? Chill out, 'cause it's all karma? Sure, we may all evaporate in a red mist if they turn their scalar weapons our direction, but I'm gonna keep doin what feels "right". Whatever.
I don't really know what you're talking about so I can't accurately respond. I don't know what link you're talking about or who put it up. can see that you are extremely angry and I can't see where some link would be the actual cause but until know what you're talking about I'll just hold off on having an opinion.
Your comment of Xtians and the implication that the blogs been taken over by strange forces when most everyone here is courteous and informative is also something don't understand. types come and go. I don't censor people except for specific reasons. that might be a flaw of mine but that's how it is at the moment. You've been very frequently angry lately. I don't know what to say or what to dc about it.
I think Bholanath's comment was quite clear
As for all the bullshit political discussions by the experts and pundits. Its all kabookee theatre.
Martha Coakley was dumped by the Democrat elite ( Spielberg, Geffin and the MSM cabal in Los Angeles) when she came out against the Afghanistan surge (Israel's war). Pure and simple. Clinton and Obama made their obligatory appearance, but they knew she was done for when the socalled "liberal" media made her look bad, and promoted Brown as the savior.
As for Brown... noone gets that much campaign money without being blackmailable...stay tuned.
Well that's fantastic news Simon. You want to explain it to me or is it enough just to state what you did and maybe I'll pick it up on the wireless?
Ah... now I got it.
Well... I think my reasons were exceedingly clear and I wasn't promoting him I was talking about sending money to Haiti when it could best be spent on those in serious trouble right here in the US. I do not believe that money donated to Haiti gets to the Haitians I think I was clear about that in the post.
I did not detect racism in that speech but I am also not a serious multi-culturalist and I miss a lot of the offensive buzzwords, they go right by me. I am even more mystified that you are because all saw was someone saying help people directly which is what believe... not give your money to large corporations as if they were going to be honest which so far I have never seen them do.
Something is apparently wrong with my 'I' key.
One final point... most of the people he is talking about helping in those tent cities are African American and Spanish.
I'm was referring to the link YOU gave in the blog to the YouTube guy telling people to "not send anything to the Haitians", but rather give money to homeless "americans".
What isn't clear?
I'm not "extremely angry". Comments are just getting boring with all the subtle racism, scapegoating, and religious arrogance...seems to have increased. The link you put up merely adds to that mindset, IMO.
(However, you have recently misconstrued my comments and accused me of talking a "feminist lesbian agenda" and other off-the-wall stuff, even while saying you didn't actually read what I had written.)
But, as I said, its probably my "misperception". It's your ship in any case.
I would encourage those conscionable christians [and all of good will irrespective of confession or lack thereof] espousing the true NT good news and who are not zio or any other base persuasion fundamentally-challenged -----that they make addendum at end of holy or any inspired personal book the universal and holy divine truth of what Les, as per usual, raises our spirits with eg., reference to 'opportunities'
More than a fond and sapient touch here of sadly missed Joe Vialls [oil strategic reserves ---again] former erudite, professionally experiential essays.
What are you talking about? I have never used the phrase 'lesbian feminist agenda' in my life.
Your feelings about subtle racism and the rest are your projections upon other people's intentions and a wish to suppress their right to express themselves... that is spiritual fascism and conforms to no traditions with which I am familiar. Why would you call someone a little racist shit when race never entered into his comment? As I said, the majority of the people he was talking about helping instead are not white. That can be very quickly discovered. That's why I didn't understand what you were talking about.
You are going to have to point out to me how this person comes across as racist and you are going to have to explain to me how these huge charities collecting the monies in the name of Clinton, Bush and Obama are really going to use that money to help the people of Haiti. I have pretty extensive awareness of the workings of large charities. I know the conditions they set. I know how much of what is collected reaches people and so on and so forth.
This is all too strange for me to comprehend and throwing out terms like lesbian feminist agenda just leaves me without a clue. The anger is real, that I do know and I've seen more and more of it recently.
As is always the case, whatever it is has nothing to do with what is under discussion now but something else.
Crazy shit is happening but for once it doesn't involve me. I feel great and I feel clear so I'm going to go right on with that.
If the comments are boring don't read them. I don't understand what you want me to do... censor everyone you don't like? No one else has made this complaint. No one... only you.
I did get some complaints for letting Kheeredine or however you spell it to continue posting but I have to take things on a post by post basis. I find it so hard to believe you want me to edit this section so that it's more entertaining for you. I don't solicit these people and am not responsible for what they say. This is one of the most irrational exchanges I have ever had here.
There are upwards of 200 comments in this section and most of them are from intelligent and thoughtful people. Some of the finest minds and biggest hearts I have encountered come here.
I will continue as I have been. Everyone else is free to come and go as they like. I will keep looking but so far I can find no fault in myself with any of this.
I'm with you. He's crazy talking about lesbians and using very strong language without reason. I agree with that video and I agree with you.
Name withheld in case they come after me next :)
hey Les
Did a LOT of study on Haiti - a very rich place: gold, diamonds, oil and many other minerals. I also studied "christian" ministries associated and found most of them are scams - NOT all but most are mere shills for the nwo. Nothing like a horrible tragedy to get kind people to donate money huh. 911 raised at least half a billion to the red cross which hid it in an "anti-terrorism" fund.
Re: Tesla and Haarp ... good article here > on Tesla (also on hell too) ..... John 14:6 is still true :)
Great post Les.
For what it's worth, You were commenting here when I first arrived about a year and a half ago - and many of your comments over the past 18 months have been the very best of the best. In my humble opinion you are one of the strongest five commenters here. Your information and opinions are very valued.
Having said that I hope Mr. Viz didn't draw too long at your collar - I do not believe that was his intent. I hope things are good with you fine Bholanath. Good wishes.
Excellent article. Don't be distracted by the agents of status quo. We know what you mean and what you say. Trust us and have faith.
Hasbarats, you have no place here. Depart and be gone with you.
Peace to all the peaceful, strength to the doubtful and mercy to the ingorant among us.
A word from you is worth a thousand bullets right now, write soon and write often.
I agree that the big guys have some agenda. I have been in contact with a business colleague who has connections with people in the southern provinces of Haiti. The word is that there is no Red Cross on the scene in those areas that were the hardest hit by the earthquake and the aftershocks. The Red Cross has taken in millions of dollars but where is that money going.
This source has become involved with a small group that is facilitating the shipment of aid from Miami directly to those most in need in Southern Haiti. Their website is at:
If you know of any organization that is looking to get their aid transported to Haiti, send them the link above.
WV - acsion-I guess it is a time for acsion.
Haiti is and has been an elete asset. they were not happy when the slaves threw off their collors and took control of thier own country. they have punished ever since. this is so much Iraq II. Taken over country for its resources and not letting the people there share in the spoils.
With 20,000 troops down there this fast tells you that this planned for a long time. The fact that there are so many combat troops confirms this. The energy wars are on! they took this becuase soon the middle east is going to be non-functioning. They were used and abused and now will be put through a shredder.
When you see the exec's of these charites with multiple six figure incomes you have to question thier motives. Probibly less than 10% of donations get to the intended people.
They intentionaly kept Haiti poor so that it would be an easy take-over when the time came. it as an ancient game, getting rich by conquest and plunder with a little rape thrown in.
With a militry budget around twice the rest of the world combined you know the gae plan. We don't need mfg, will just steal it.
Chavez says US 'weapon' caused Haiti quake§ionid=351020704
Anyone with a soul will want to help alleviate the suffering of the Haitian people. The knee-jerk reaction is to make a donation to one of the “caring” organizations we see advertised on the boob tube. What percentage of that donation will arrive as aid? 90%? 75%? 50%? Guess again. In a good campaign it can get as high as 10% Professionally organised charities are very lucrative for the employees. The NGO’s are somewhat better.
No matter what we do the agenda will be played out. The US is in occupation and the media script is already playing out.
Payback is a bitch and the bill is near due. To the earlier poster who wondered as to the motives of the elite. Money – any form – is merely their tool. Usury – or fractional reserve banking if you prefer – allows them to buy the world. Their desire is total control and the imposition of feudal slavery.
The collapse of the current financial system is past due. Talk of recovery is merely the strings of the band playing on the Titanic’s sloping deck. These vampires believe that physical possession of the worlds resources will allow them to be top dog when the dust settles and they can impose another ponzi scheme on the frightened survivors. That will NOT happen.
Les deals with the spiritual side of the coming battle in a most eloquent manner. I struggle and follow as best I can. I have dealt with the realities and it’s going to get ugly. To quote WB Yeats, “All is changed, changed utterly, a terrible beauty is born”.
To Bholanath - I don’t remember that quote from Les but he was dealing with a lot of trolls during his recent difficulty. He may be well connected spiritually but now and again the connections get scrambled – and he’s not even Irish – I hope that quip doesn’t put me in you bad books LV :+)
V word= oviattio
Very sorry if this is a repost, in which case please delete.
OK, Les, I misquoted you, and I apologize. However, the inference was of me promoting a lesbian [feminist] agenda. And being "angry" about "perceived injustices" [your words].
Your words: "I've heard those fantastic lesbian tales about tens of millions of witches..."
- which fanstastic things I WASN'T repeating nor expressing and actually had nothing to do with the point of the comment, and was an absolute dismissal of something of more depth. It was about corporatocracy, historical resistance, but also scapegoating as a tool. I let it go...maybe you were extremely busy.
The comment today was because the YouTube guy 1) repeats the same old "Haiti has never gotten their shit together"-type of RW propaganda, 2) I was pointing out that there ARE real organizations that actually get resources to the people, without big bureaucracies (unlike the Clinton-Bush variety); and I WAS GIVING a link to one which is well vetted, and 3) there have always been 'tent cities' of blacks and hispanics (and many others, including vets) in US, but the "new" crisis is clearly the newly-homeless white working class. They too deserve our help and compassion, but it (video) just has that subtle overall racist ring to my ear, taking the message of the video in its entirety. Racists don't have to use the word "race" to reveal where they're coming from. Surely you know what I mean?
I'm am in no way asking for censorship. Merely expressing what I see - to you its "projection". OK, no one else senses a rise in racism and other types of intolerance here. Only me. I'm not saying the majority of comments are not intelligent and heartful. They are. And it has nothing to do with "entertaining" me or anyone else. Irrational? I don't know what to say. I just was questioning the wisdom and relevance of directing folks to the video. If you are fine with it, so be it.
I "feel great and I feel clear", too. (Funny, no one around the homefront feels irrationality or misdirected anger.
I'm inundated with grace and auspiciousness in the personal realm, actually. Gifts from dead gurus, health and warmth, a bit of security from a year's survival I am happy and grateful to be able to help Haitians in whatever small way.)
This has not been about all the great things written in the post, I hope you realize.
Hope I'm making sense. If not, then I'll book out.
I guess where that leaves me is trying to figure out an out of context comment from a couple of months ago and what that has to do with now and, as i said, I have never used that phrase in my life (I don't think). Although I find the concept of across the board equality of all colors, sexes, sexual preferences, opinions and respect for every sensitive issue of every sensitive soul ludicrous and impossible because many of them are in direct conflict with each other... I don't really get into that end of things. I figure they will figure it out as they go through whatever it takes to show them that being either a cactus or a pin cushion is nothing more than self indulgence.
That's my internal position on all of those things but not something I get into debating because you can't debate with people who are absolutely sure they are right. At the time I made that comment about the witches, if I remember correctly, it was meant in an "Oh yeah" sort of a way. Why you would think I meant it as some sort of a personal statement, given our history, mystifies me as much as it's appearance here where it's got nothing to do with anything.
Forget that for the moment and forget the attribution to me as well. That kid made a good point in my mind and I what I heard was not what you heard. It was simply his opinion and doesn't make him an expletive etc racist. It seemed an over reaction to me as did the coloration put on my judgment as if we were both tagged with the same can of spray paint.
What I am noticing and noticing in a very big way is that some strikingly new forces are working in the atmosphere. I can feel them intensely and am going in and out of near acid tripping spaces through the day, which is not a good thing when I am handling a chain saw or other machinery but I manage because I've got a confidence I have NEVER felt before and it gets me through but at any other time it would be very freaky. So I'm thinking this is operating all over the place. It could make me unaware of things I was usually much more aware of because it's got my attention in a major way. Maybe that's responsible for whatever I did that didn't see and still don't.
I sincerely feel for the people of Haiti as I do for everyone going through this very difficult time. At the same time, I can see things and I can see and have, as I said, a pretty good idea of how these charities operate. It's impossible in a short essay to dot every i and cross every t. Ergo I am not completely comprehensive.
I hardly know what to say. I can't say anymore. I know what I feel and I am left with a great curiosity about what I have already mentioned but I'm just going to leave it be. I was doing something else and I'm going to go back to that.
May be of interest to the readers:
A Haiti Disaster Relief Scenario Was Envisaged by the US Military One Day Before the Earthquake
I was reading this morning that Wyclef Jean is being lambasted for his yele charity organization. I found that to be interesting that he is being lambasted yet not some of the other charities. Which brings me to "who stands to benefit?". Clearly the Haitian people are in great need and the US sends in 20,000 troops in full combat gear!! If the job is to help and participate with relief efforts, why the need for heavy weaponry?? It seems to me to be more and more of an occupation and less and less of a relief effort. So....I found, as I always do, you blog to be right on track with my thinking as well!! Humankind has demonstrated the capacity to build grand killing machines, and the incapacity to build compassion, kindness, the law of live and let live, be and let be. It is with a heavy heart that I believe we are not going to evolve as a species in the way of which we are capable of. And Haiti, is a sad reminder of what is to come to us all if we don't figure it out. So many have texted their ten dollars to red cross and then run to their local walmart, averting eyes from the homeless being on the corner asking for a dollar! It takes more than a simple little text, it takes a lifetime of being kind, and reading and becoming as informed as humanly possible and living by example. Also, not believing all that you are told, asking why, searching for answers and thinking of the greater good for all, not the greater good for one, or for one country. Because we are all inhabitants of the same planet. I realize this probably sounds very utopian and naive. And I do read as much as I can, in fact, there are not, as I have discovered, enough hours in the day to read all that there is to read. But, being a relatively informed, sensitive soul....what else can be done??
Hey Les,
Thanks for every-ting.
Did it ever cross your mind... while you're encanting against those demons... that you may be f**king "raptured" because... just maybe... the inmates are firmily in control of the asylum?
Say it ain't so?
Well I just heard it from the Xtian horse's mouth on Guadalupe Radio Network (catholic radio) - an exasperated Catholic Relief Fund worker called in to say that all five flights by Medicins sans Frontieres and some Catholic Relief Fund flights carrying food and first aid had been diverted to the Dominican Republic and weren't allowed in.
It is Katrina all over again.
Hey Les. Interesting observations and conclusions on the Haiti situation.
I wonder, though...what if it were to be learned that the Tsunami and the Katrina levy failures, like 911, were not acts of nature, but intentional and manufactured events?
I remember reading several articles on Katrina claimng that the levies were blown. Tesla technology give us a good indication of what the 'tptb' long for and are experimenting with a we speak. He was indeed a genius and all his papers were confiscated by the fed upon his death.
But getting back to the possibility that it was a manufactured event, (as Hugo Chavez is currently claiming, poor guy)then what?
How do we accept this as part of a divine plan? AND, if this is part of a divine plan, then I left with the assumption that this 'divine' is so detached from its creation and callous given that it deliberately sets the powerful ones against the defenseless others, that it couldn't possibly be concerned with 'testing the mettle' of its creation at all for any purposes, let alone spiritual.
At that point it becomes the Biblical "Yahweh" of the chosen ones, to me - a deity of man's corrupted imagination, containing all of the vices and evil of human capability. In short no deity at all.
This is a very difficult conundrum, at least for me.
sockmonkey sez
"chop off its head so it will stay on its knees" (cockburn)
armies eat while people weep
the whine of misery taste oh so sweet
count the winnings lieing in the street
never been a disaster they couldn't defeat
Hi Les:
I see that someone already posted about Chavez saying that HAARP caused the Haiti earthquake. Again, like always, the big giveaway is the Zionist-controlled mainstream media slobbering and drooling all over the story, sh*ting and wetting their pants in excitment at the calamity and the blood and the opportunity for greed and control.
but, but, but....what do you mean about the Winter Olympics? Living in Vancouver I do wonder at the ability of the evil-doers to trash our city and our country.
If they don't it will be a unique episode of restraint on their part.
Vile holds it's nose when passing among these things.Spits on them as beneath it.
Hey Papa,... re bholanath. I agree/d with mouser to some extent. However, I do not support the vitriol or the vilification of Mssr. Viz; we all have bad days, some times we have so many bad days we think we are having a bad life.
Further to 'B's quote: "Racists don't have to use the word "race" to reveal where they're coming from. Surely you know what I mean?"
HORSESHIT...unsopported by evidence accusations of racism against white people are akin to accustations of 'anti-semitism' against those of us that are against zionism. I do not know of a single zionist that is of the tribe of Shem. Am I anti-shem-itic for saying this?
As for 'B' growing his own vegies and having very little money - self-martydom is not attractive. As for "The racists and religious fanatics seem to think they've found their new hang-out."
Who are you to criticise anyone for their beliefs or their opinions - you are one of the most opinionated commenters here and your beliefs are obvious.
Get a grip.
Love light & peace.
I saw that video a couple of days ago. The man is expressing his opinion which everyone has a right to do. If anyone wants to send money to Haiti go for it, but rest assured when the dust settles Haiti isn't going to change. Money can never solve social problems which are rooted in human deficiency. We have third world countries and fourth world countries, and they aren't third and fourth world only because they are being exploited. They are deficient in the most valuable "commodity" a country can posses, the aggregate intellect of its people.
Like Les I'm not into multiculturalism and I have no desire to be politically correct. If you can't handle the truth then you are in the wrong place.
I certainly don't condone exploiting these disadvantaged countries but with the diabolical maniacs in charge of western governments it is bound to happen. Obongo and his ilk have given literally trillions to the big banks. They could easily cut out a few hundred million for Haiti, but instead they send ten thousand troops. WTF Giving your pennies to some corrupt relief organization isn't going to do shit. You might need that money in the not too distant future. Wake up.
PS. It's commendable the way you work with people Les. Damn few would bother.
War is proof mankind has evil in it.
It is only by brotherly, peaceful compromise that the horrors of DU (depleted uranium) and war can be avoided.
Caution graphic pictures.
"The Sisters of Sorcha Faal have, for longer than any of you have been alive, devoted themselves to ensuring that where there were those willing to survive, they would be there to help them. And no greater help could they give those awakening to the truth than the most honest information and intelligence available. ..... Sisters asking..... Just a small amount of what you have that if they weren’t here you would have spent on something totally meaningless." (like their drivel)
This CIA front organization needs your financial help. Please give generously if you enjoy reading unadulterated bullshit.
Curious. I have been reading the posts for a long time, usually find bholonath's posts enlightening, respectful and vibrant with a compassionate detachment. However and the posts by "bholonath" today, seem uncharacteristic, whether or not he agreed with the video. Well anyone is subject to "off days" (myself included)but I'm left wondering if all is what it seems to be?
Found this on WhatRealyHappened. It is a map of Haiti’s natural resources
V word = slascia
Would the real bholanath please stand up.
Can't say that I'm all that "into" multiculturalism either (failed Political Correctness 101; shame about that).
I find it all too confusing - Let's Celebrate Diversity!! - no, Let's Embrace Integration!!! - Diversity? Integration? / Integration? Diversity? hmmmm ... How about diversity AND integration? LOL. Wake me up when the chickens finally come home to roost.
Anyway, as for hasbarats - came across this article recently that refers to the plague of Parasite Defence Force trolls infesting the Internet these days.
As this blog has not been sitting up like a good trained seal and applauding the decades-long Palestinian Holocaust in apartheid Gulag Itsahell (in fact, quite the reverse, tut tut), it is obvious that they would be targeting you, Les.
Which particular nicks conceal hasbarat parasites I have no idea, but I'm sure they are among us.
As long as you have the balls to continue speaking Truth here they will continue their diversion, confusion, history twisting and lies. It's in their genes.
Hey Papa,.. have you noticed how much Yakitty yak is going on now about Haiti's resources etc. Even here on your Blog we have new-found resource analysts specialising on Haiti. Maybe they can give you some incite into the children that have been reported as being abducted over the past five days in Haiti - perfectly healthy children - not 'haarpquake' victims - healthy kids!
I put it to the readers of this Blog that the 'resource connection' was published at Smoking Mirrors first! A worldwide SCOOP!
Les,bholanath,all- Years now of following this blog on a pretty much daily basis. It is fresh, wild meat and clean, cold water freely given. I treasure it. There are indeed strange forces ramping up as the deceivers "formalize" their game plan. What`s playing out in Haiti is yet another indication of this. Agents of this and that,mostly that, run amok. Sowing discord among the strongest and most clear of us. And if we do it to ourselves? Well, we know how that works. I believe that Les has done a remarkable job of moderating his blog given the amount of high octane fuzz blown his way. "By their fruits ye shall know them". I recall the day with pleasure bholanath, when you chimed in to this blog. Chime is pretty lite. It was(is) more of a reverberating clarion. I for one hope you don`t "book out" and Know that you are creating a place of peace and vital strength for you and with those you love. Salutations and love to all. Us here that watch and feel the psychic shitstorm knew you`d come out of this latest imbroglio Les,keeping your eye on the ball as always....I`m headed out into a sea of schmaltz and my canoe is tippy I better watch it....H
Not trying to change the topic but… I seem to be having a problem with Internet explore and Mozilla Firefox. When I open my browser and or a page or a site, I seemed to have lost my ability to copy or paste. I still have this function with Opera browser. I know I could just use that, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problems. I just got an Internet explore update but it did not help.
Google not working for you Veritas? Seems like abductions are very common out there
v word = moosti
The Latest Jim Kirwan Article on Haiti.
"Seven Days Of Indifference"
By Jim Kirwan:
If you want to understand why the US response has been non-existent except for the fifteen thousand heavily armed and uniformed American vultures that we sent in to strip the corpse of Haiti, once that strife-torn country finally succumbs to the enforced indifference we have dictated for the survivors of the still questionable earthquakes: Earthquakes of any size that happen on islands always produce a Tsunami – yet this one did not.
In every other respect this event was no different than Hurricane Andrew or Hurricane Katrina, or any of the other disasters that the US government was called on to respond to, including 911. Priorities, for the last three decades, have always been given to ‘security’ and the military and to the secretive-mercenary contractors, to disarm and detain those that need help but then kill those that can be neglected-to-death, rather than to help them in any way. Why for instance are those 'troops' not being used to help dig out the victims or to assist in distributing the tons of aid that is stored on the new American military base which the airport has now become?
To understand just how completely calculated this planned execution has been handled you only need look at who’s in charge of directing the rescue and reconstruction efforts: The same three lying traitors, president’s all, that created this mess in the first place; (Clinton, Bush Junior & Obama) plus the invisible one that already has one foot in the grave; the son of convicted Nazi-collaborator Prescott Bush. That hand-behind-this-scene would be George HW Bush, Junior’s daddy.
“Poppy” was the man that first seized the popularly elected Haitian president and deported him to France back in 1991. Bill Clinton then sent in the Marines to re-capture the Haitian president again, after he had been allowed to return to try and resurrect his own country in 1994. That time he was sent to Africa, where he still is being held without papers today.
Read The Complete Article At:
And a related article ""Haiti & The Four Stooges" at:
Posted By: Deacon Blues
Haitians dying by the thousands as US escalates military intervention
Hi Les,
Thank you for your post. Excellent, and really hits home.
About the YouTube video...I watched it yesterday. I did not find anything racist in it. However, as I read the first page of comments, I began to feel sick. The comments were, in some cases, truly, sickeningly racist. If anyone goes now to the video and clicks on the (at this time) 'show all 334 comments' and looks at what were the first comments, then I think the 'racist' claim would, to some extent, be understood.
However, the creator of the video can no more be held responsible for those comments than you can be held for comments that people make here (well, except that I think you would just not allow them).
Thanks again.
angry bholanath says:
I was wrong to judge the videographer. I have no "evidence". True. I was wrong to flame Les. It was/is his call to send [now 6000] people to the link.
What would people think of a call to "Don't send money/aid to the people of Gaza"?
Is there a double standard? Some of the "charities" might be bogus and/or "Hamas jihadists" or sold-out Fatah. But then, the perps of the Haiti catastrophe weren't JOOZ. The corruptness of big charities is widely known, even to the mainstream. It's old news. Perhaps that is the way TPTB wants it? Continue the culture of blame-the-victim, exclusive self-interest, I-got-mine. We've come a long way, baby, from the potlatch/giveaway/commons/brother's-keeper cultures of our ancestors. Or was that "martyrdom"?
"Diversity" and "multiculturalism" happen to be facts of life on planet earth, even [OMG!] necessary, in various known and unknown ways, for survival. Yes, I know they are now code-words, as my fundie 'friends' reveal.
Fud wrote:
"We have third world countries and fourth world countries, and they aren't third and fourth world only because they are being exploited. They are deficient in the most valuable "commodity" a country can posses, the aggregate intellect of its people."
Is that code for "Bell Curve"?
Thanks for that, Fud.
Enough said! Get it?
Great link Chucky, I will check Chucky's links out everytime. I new about the gold and oil but I noticed there is copper there also. It will soon be the new gold with China buying up mines all over the place. It seems China has always known the value of this for use in tea pots and mugs.
It is redundant but good to remind people of this one.
Careful with those pots you buy on the web though. Lately I have come across the second one with melted lead in it.
Indeed it appears there may be some nasty plans in store for the Vancouver Olympics, aside from the police state they have been implementing. This may be the last piece of the puzzle for the North American Union. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his handlers may be setting the stage here for a False Flag assault. Only time will tell. But if it is in the plans, and enough people are aware and get active, we could very well prevent such an event from happening. So spread the word, keep your third eye Jedi minds squeegeed and burrowing through the mist like the rays of the sun and we will torch these psychopaths and their agenda like ants under a magnifying glass.
I have been following this on my blog I just added more information today. Please, take a look here...
Peace and love to you all
I have seen these type of discussions over the years to realize they always lead to nowhere. There is virtually no single ethnic group worldwide who does not feel to some extent they have been put upon because they have to one extent or another. Some more than others.
Most ethnic groups feel an affinity for their particular group. These tendencies are well played upon by a group that has no affinity for anyone. They wish to reduce the world population and they don't care which group you belong to.
Some realize this more than others but it is common sense to try and convey to all what is happening around them. Quibbling over this detracts from a great site. Whether you are Haitian, Palestinian, Native American or Irish you are targeted for extermination. Fierce confrontations over who is the largest target must be great fun for the puppet master to observe.
poor haiti
another country down
overtaken by suppremacists
overun by clowns
now it may not of been paradise
few places are
is paradise a material place
or does it settle in the heart
I think I know it could be both
but I would'nt like to say
you see the damage
all them ellitists do
soon they'll kill the world away
if they dont even know
if they are not aware
of the death cult
that they are in
and all the despair
well one day they will find out
lets hope its soon
so we can begin
to get it right
start again retune
Hi Mick;
Would you email me? Someone wants to contact you about the mercury question and like many consider me to be a human Rolodex.
Les --
Les --
Appropo of completely nothing other than to redirect some of the lousy vibes around here lately -- in my ongoing quest for nirvana (remember Project Shangra-La?) I have recently discovered one of the most magical locales I've ever seen -- a gorgeous mountain highland lake surrounded by Volcanoes and appropriately called Lake Atitlan --
This area was sacred to the Mayans and still inhabited by them -- In addition, recent jungle discoveries in the area have revealed the largest extant Mayan ruins and a pyramid said to be larger than Giza...
I know about Atitlan.
I haven't been able to send the CD's because of computer malfunction regarding the process for the whole time I've been down here. Shortly I will be in a position to remedy that when I am in civilization again.
I think the vibes are fine now. It's just weather and I always remind myself that no matter how the weather may look the sun is shining brightly behind it.
I expect this sort of thing.It comes with the territory and I am constantly surprised that there isn't much more of it. These sites are remarkably free of what hits most other similar places.
I've learned that no matter how things can appear in the moment they are nothing more than a test of my faith in what lies beyond- or more precisely- deeper within it.
its funny how they think
them elites
where does it all come from
Ive got a pretty good idea
but I wont mention in this song
constantly consuming resources
and slaving the poor
that is what they call rich
all I see is lots of whore
to me riches
are something in the heart
once opened and explored
a never ending garden
wise men know where is the door
this place is in all of us
or something like it exists
paradise within
projects outward
it allways try's persists
what else would it do
why else would it be this way
that paradise inside our hearts
wants to create itself
for our display
so I for one will let it
help it to come out
let that paradise from within
burst out with a shout.
Les --
I love you, man. Glad you're fine... Your work has been cleansing lately. Good tonic for the clear light. Been posting you on my Facebook Page and haven't been posting as much. Hope to correct this failing immediately!
word v -- tophad
"Diversity" and "multiculturalism" happen to be facts of life on planet earth...
Multiculturalism is nothing more than another of the jews Western Civilization-destroying "isms", along with feminism, Bolshevism, racism, capitalism, communism, fascism (yes, the jews financed the fascists too), liberalism, secularism, materialism, etc etc etc. All of which have resulted in some of us developing a severe case of another "ism" - cynicism (once we've researched the suppressed True history on the net).
Researching who was actually behind the mid-60's foisting of the wonders of multiculturalism on the West reveals the hidden jew behind their "elected" lickspittle traitors in government, as always, of course.
I'm sure all us coffee-colored people are just going to sit around together holding hands and singing songs in the great big melting pot they have created for the rest of us (as the jew music industry propaganda song of the 70's suggested).
Not the jew though.
Do some research into the jews-only immigration policy they strictly enforce in Gulag Itsahell. There you shall see the jew-as-hypocrite quite clearly.
Who'd a thunk it.
Do some research into how multicultural/diverse China and Japan, for example, are . . . LOL. Damn! What's wrong with those people?? Can't they see how wonderfully well it's working in the West?
Anyway, dream on, gentle and trusting souls.
Hey Papa,..
'C-man'; I should have been specific, I keep forgetting that there are some 'special children' here and I must always mouth the
w-o-r-d-s. Specifically: There have been reports of children being taken from hospitals and 'Aid' Stations in Haiti.
That these children are already traumatised makes the abductions all the more sinister. Child abduction is not a new thing, anywhere, thanks 'C-men' - Madeleine Mcann is a case to point. Per capita and based on percentage of population density - is everyone keeping up? There are more child abductions in 'Isis Ra El' than any other country in the world. However, given the talmudic ritual murder and fire crucible thing...oh, my bad, there is a term for these common practices H-O-L-O-C-A-U-S-T.
Exploiting gentile children for sexual gratification/kabballistic ritual and financial gain is what yids do. They have no respect for our children:
Nor do they have any moral facility regards their evil goal; of 'Worldly' domination:
This is the shit we are up against!
"Two eggs in a saucepan, one egg says to the other..."
We can keep arguing semantics here or we can recognise the common meme we all (my assumption) manifest or we can just self-flagellate at our own Blogs, or in the water-closet, your choice. We are all aware what an Oasis viz has grown here in the intellectual deserts and zio Theme Parks of the Net. I promise to try and keep it real if y'all do.
P.S. Oh 'C-man' got the jew-rat link through your Blog, you write well, maybe a little sprinkling of pepper would be nice. Cheers.
Well said ..peace.. our most prolific poster. It is a beautiful thought – let our inner light shine and illuminate the way. You are like the sound track of these posts – always there and rarely thanked.
To HistorysBunk –Bingo! Well said. To follow, I would recommend a show that was aired in the UK recently called Defamation. The cult of the Pharisees (Rabbis) to give Judaism its accurate title is a snare for all including its will captives. Some escape its trappings but most do not.
They gladly embrace their mental captivity to vile teachings – knowing with absolute conviction that they are special. Their path is a self fulfilling dance of death. Everyone hates us > screw them , we’re better, > fleece them for all they’ve got > why do they hate us > Everyone hates us >…………………………..
They are a tiny portion of the human fold. The Byzantine Empire had perfectly adequate safeguards against them. The greater herd has much greater potential to reach the inner and outer realities. Their time is coming to an end. Lets all move on without them.
V word = lormonc
a perpetual line
of cheap labour
is what multiculturalisms about
keeps the people
on their toes
and the wages down and out
people living 8 to a room
because they cant afford the rent
this is what its really about
they pick and choose
who they're nice to next
trying to cause divisions
segregate all communitys
breaking childrens minds
to become slave's to the elite
to waste precious life
on the destruction of mankind
they have no idea
what they do
the people are all blind
but in all communities
if we bought all the
good people out
joined together as one
the elite would run and shout
then as one species of people
we could get it back together
respect our earth
and all within it
a multi cultural pleasure
my masters voice led me to the Gita today...
"Always strive for wisdom: opened hand
And governed appetites; and piety
And love of lonley study; humbleness,
Uprightness, heed to injure nought which lives,
Truthfulness, slowness unto wrath, a mind
That lightly letteth go what others prize:
And equanimity, and charity
Which spieth no man's faults; and tenderness
Towards all that suffer; a contented heart,
Fluttered by no desires; a bearing mild,
Modest, and grave, with manhod nobly mixed
With patience, fortitude, and purity;
An unrevengeful spirit, never given
To rate itself too high; - such be the signs
O Indian Prince! of him whose feet are set
On that fair path which leads to heavenly birth!"
Hi Bro-
I have been to Haiti, back in the late 1980s. Don't think it's changed much since then until this quake. Stayed at the very nice hotel Kitam in Petionville, in the hills above Port au Prince. Gorgeous Victorian architecture, the finest and most intricate I've ever seen, above the craftsmanship I know of from San Francisco. Who would imagine that one would find that In Haiti? But I saw a lot of that in Port au Prince. I know you're not that into buildings, but I am and I was seriously impressed. Hard to imagine all of that gorgeousness slid down the hill and gone. Irreplaceable. I have a few crude sketches left, and memories,about all.
The people were wonderful and the coffee was the best I had ever had.
I tend to check out places I'm at more than most do so I got around. I don't hesitate to walk a dark street at night, WTF are they going to do with me? Only people who have ever messed me over are government and cops, same thing. Criminals? Hey, man, wanna smoke? I don't have much some thief might want anyway and if they need it more than me, well they can have it. There's always more where that came from.
But here's what I really loved about the place, the people left me alone. No in-your-face hustlers trying to sell me condo shares. Polite, friendly, a bit shy of my whiteness. The food was good and plain, the people too.
I wanted to do some snorkeling and rented a car and went down to the club Med beach, where I ran into an old fisherman who told me he had a boat; a cobbled together wooden thing and he had to borrow oars, two different lengths yet, but we rowed out to some coral heads and I had fun swimming and diving around. Had a chopped conch cocktail at the restaurant. Nice people.
Saddens me to see them so devastated. It hit me hard when I heard the news and saw the pictures. Imagine the smell of 200k corpses rotting in the ruins of where once was this beautiful city.
Love to the people of Haiti, good juju to all.
Michael A
PS: I knew who smoking mirrors was from the get go, but anyone still wondering, web search Aztec Smoking Mirror. Tezcatlipoca. Shiva. Is that too many clues?
PPS: Kheiridine is good people, that's my call.
Ahh... my old friend Tezcatlipoca.
A really nasty character when invoked, a combination of Ra and Set with a few indescribable characteristics all his own. It helps if you're a 'cat person'. Actually worse than Ravana or Loki. Good for getting difficult jobs done using charisma and force of personality.
As for something bad happening to Vancouver during the Olympics, I say anything that might lower rents and property values can't be all bad. Unfortunately the Canadians losing the gold medal round in hockey won't be one of them.
My verification word is 'fonard' close enough to 'fnord' to be hilarious.
I got up this morning and one remarkable thing after another happened. Something is going on and it is very good.
Then I saw your letter here and you said something that I had discovered myself only shortly before about a particular person.
Someone mentioned Lake Atitlan as a possible location for the community. I like that idea except for what I remember of the Guatemalan military in the 80's.
The impact on my senses of their beaded masks and other goods can not be overstated and the people are truly wonderful as they generally are throughout Central and South America.
Mexico is to these states what England is to Europe if you catch my drift.
People... let's try to be amicable if possible. Also, let's watch out language. Certain phrases are not going to be allowed in the future and I only posted some of them to give you examples. I am sure I don't have to point out what I'm talking about.
One more thing... some of us are not undercover chameleons or double agents though- there might be one or two about- it would be better to think of those of us who are... shall we say, 'coloful' and syntactically challenged as 'eccentric'
Wonderful things are happening for those who want them. Something is DEFINITELY up on the positive end.
Les, All, hope it is a new beguining and a good one I may ad.
PS thanks m astra, I appreciat it :)
I think Hugo was on to something when he blamed the earthquake on the US Govt/Military, but I don't think it was caused by the publicly known HAARP itself.
RussiaToday recently did a report on Hugo Chavez also available on youtube. Hugo Chavez blames U.S govt/military for earthquake with HAARP device:
Recent studies have shown that electromagnetic anomalies seem to be a precursor to such earthquakes.
"Ultra low frequency (ULF) amplitude anomalies observed at Agra (India) and their association with regional earthquakes"
I highly doubt that a ground based HAARP project could acquire enough energy to cause such an earth quake, seeing that it takes billions of watts to function. I do suspect there are other top secret HAARP style projects in Alaska, and northern Canada which make the HAARP project seem like a baby licking a 9 volt battery.
But I personally bet that a satellite based electrodynamic tether could potentially soak up enough energy from the earths ionosphere to relay such devastation.
Do a search for the STS-75 satellite on youtube, you will come up with some interesting results. Watch this experimental tether from 1996 gathering electricity from the earths ionosphere... it is absolutely amazing
Electrodynamic Tether:
There is a new Visible Origami up-
Practicing the Presence of the Ineffable Divine.
Hi Les. Point taken and I have withdrawn my earlier post. I have never posted anything negative about another poster here but I am aware of the tone of the comments section of late has been confrontational. Maybe I’m not seeing the bigger picture
v word = lasescr
I got into it with him too. He is what you might call, 'irascible' and... heh heh... there are other words one might use as well. He can be abrasive. He's one of those larger than life types whose swagger is nothing more than an expression of his exuberance for life.
Having gotten into it with him I was able to see a little more deeply.
We're going to have conflicts here. But we are greater than they are.
It wasn't your language terminology I was talking about, by the way, it was his (grin).
I meant to say that he is a good fellow at heart; beyond that dragon curmudgeon exterior and does some remarkable things with his life.
Hey Papa,. Chuckyman...with respect; enough has been said.
You probably didn't notice that I had removed my previous post also.
When I was a soldier I didn't always get on with everyone I fought alongside.
The engraving of Bible verse references onto the side of the sniper rifle scopes is yet another Illuminati propaganda ploy designed to evoke feelings of loyalty and 'righteousness' in the minds and emotions of soldiers on the so-called 'Christian' side of the current modern warfare in accordance with Albert Pike's foretold and prescribed "Clash of Civilizations" in which the Christians and the Muslims will supposedly destroy one another and be once and for all and forever out of the hair of the so-called 'master race.' In other words, unbeknownst to the soldiers, the Bible verse references are engraved on the rifle scopes in order to fan the flames of mutual destruction.
I agree. I have pulled mine also.
V Word = ommombel (something to meditate on?)
One of my favorite John Prine tunes:
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore"
By John Prine:
While digesting Reader's Digest
In the back of a dirty book store,
A plastic flag, with gum on the back,
Fell out on the floor.
Well, I picked it up and I ran outside
Slapped it on my window shield,
And if I could see old Betsy Ross
I'd tell her how good I feel.
But your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
They're already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don't like killin'
No matter what the reason's for,
And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
Well, I went to the bank this morning
And the cashier he said to me,
"If you join the Christmas club
We'll give you ten of them flags for free."
Well, I didn't mess around a bit
I took him up on what he said.
And I stuck them stickers all over my car
And one on my wife's forehead.
Repeat Chorus:
Well, I got my window shield so filled
With flags I couldn't see.
So, I ran the car upside a curb
And right into a tree.
By the time they got a doctor down
I was already dead.
And I'll never understand why the man
Standing in the Pearly Gates said...
"But your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more.
We're already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don't like killin'
No matter what the reason's for,
And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more."
Posted By: Deacon Blues
the new pm of nz is jewish
DB, in my book whom ever dies defending his flag, his country, his home, his property is going strait to heaven.
many are unfortunately miss lead in believing that they are actually fighting to defend the "flag" (any flag of any country dear to them).
i think the duty of defending what you hold as sacred is the highest form of nobility. i have hi respect for worriers, mothers, working people, they are all defending their flag.
the problem is in defining what the flag stands for these days.
it is another debate that is now raging in the brain of many people, they are waking up and grouping.
it is the duty in my humble opinion for any "awakened" person to help in putting the miss leading evils at bey, keeping them away from the flag would b doing humanity a big favor. and they are few thank god.
Hey Papa,.. Something I thought was an appropriate link here, I was rummaging around researching Tara, TARA whoa - Green Tara(21 emanations!) White Tara, Red Tara etc. Well, I came across this through a link to Healing that is associated with Tara...
If one is a researcher and isn't already aware of this story, it is a doozy for the archive:
Funny how one thing leads to another.
There's a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up-
You're Looking Good, Peckerwood.
Call for immediate arrest of 5 supreme court justices for treason:
Posted by: Deacon Blues
"A Supreme Act Of Judicial Treason Against The People Of The United States And What We Can and Must Do About It"
Because of the gravity of the crime against the Constitution
committed by a gang of 5 right wing judicial outlaws on our Supreme
Court yesterday, we are launching two critical action pages at once
Action Page: Corporations Are NOT The People
Action Page: Impeach The Supreme Court 5
By any fair legal definition, the decision yesterday by The Supreme
Court 5 constitutes nothing less than an act of TREASON against the
people of the United States. Having read and analyzed the entire 183
page decision and all of its concurring and dissenting opinions
ourselves, we are fully prepared to support this accusatory
conclusion. The Pen.
Posted By: Deacon Blues
Anyone else being harassed by a Hasbarat operative named Kathleen Nathan?
She keeps writing me and I just delete her mail and now she's trying to use other email addresses to get through to me but apparently doesn't realize that Google features a portion of the first line of the email so you can see who it is past the misleading subject line.
These people aren't very smart but they are determined. It definitely beats having to hang up the phone a bunch of times.
Bro, I think we are both scrappers, had to be that way to survive on military bases and elsewhere. NYC and Detroit would be good examples. Or Omaha.
Funny thing all of us would choose to incarnate right here right now, no?
My Momma always said if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I have to disagree with her on that, but sometimes I do say some things nice.
OK, an old joke, and from my momma too (boy will this get me into trouble:)
Teenagers, at a chaperoned dance. The mother of one boy tells him to go and ask that fat girl to dance, she's sitting there alone. "And tell her something nice after you dance with her" So the dutiful son has a dance with her, compliments her and goes back to sit with his mother.
"So what did you say to her?", Momma asks. "I told her for a fat girl you don't sweat too much".
Anyway, guess that we can hope that all us fat girls don't sweat too much to be asked to dance again.
This is to Bholanath the drummer:
The Chinese said anger came from the liver, you know this.
I send this from the Lord God of my Being:
"As the light of my heart brightens, so too does my capacity to forgive. As forgiveness flows into my heart it moves upwards, filling my entire head with the most refined and delicate light imaginable. And from this light a compassion for my past settles in."
Vision this happening by observing from outside yourself.
It is fast. It takes 30 days or so to do the job. When ego comes up and tells you forgiveness is not enough, allow it to accumulate in your heart and then breathe it out into the great mystery, which will sort things out.
If someone knows Bholanath's email and maybe he's not reading this thread anymore, please send it on to him. Michael loves him.
Lake Atitlan? Sounds pretty good, they got a warm beach there?
Love you
Michael A
"Call For Immediate Arrest Of 5 Supreme Court Justices For Treason"
This is the correct link (I hope), it was cut short in the above post:
Posted By: Deacon Blues
After so many, many centuries of inbreeding Les, the end product is specimens such as "Kathleen Nathan" . . . dumb as dog shit but serious as a heart attack.
Stands to reason the Truth sites would be lousy with these lying parasites. The more popular you get the more intensive the infestation.
The only solution I can come up with is that you begin singing the praises of their blood-drenched Real Holocaust against the helpless and defenseless Palestinian people. Show them you are as much an evil, black-hearted cretin of Russia's sewers as they are and they'll move on.
But, I don't think you'll be taking that option, Les. In all seriousness, they are a fact of life on the net.
Maybe some contributors here are tech savvy enough to tell you a way of blocking "her"?
Hasbarats rhymes with rugrats.
I'll give you odds Kathleen Nathan is just another alias of the hasbarat group using the pseudonyms "Edna", "Kheirreddine", "Dammarung" plus a bunch of other anonymouses.
Think if these agaents of deception and kaos could step back and see their own part of the hell on earth they are helping to create by coming here as ziotrolls.
They are so easy to recognise because they always both extoll and denigrate one after another.
I would like to apologise to veritas6464. I made an uncalled for attack on him this past weekend. I completely mistook the overall situation and wish to say that I was out of order.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
Les...vive la révolution.
Get a new keyboard that has a Frensh tang.
Les let me tell you why it is important that you be more Army and uniform friendly: they listen. They are the only ones realy listening to our posts and tubs and bloggs and phones...
So we can negociat a truth with them. We say what we want they say what they want so the revolution is succesful.
The uniform can be split into uniforms off course, factions and subfactions... Negociat with the real people running the show in the pentagon. They are the real fathers and mothers of all American people. Get to know them better.
Why sm I telling you this!?!? Your are after all just an entertaner right!
But signing the "dog poet" gives some how your words a deeper meaning that .. resonate. With self proclamed titles comes great resposability said the old man to the spiderWeb man.
We just had a real embarrassing happenstance in Canadian news. The news anchor said "coming up after the break... one reason why you may want to move to Saskatchewan."
When they came back, all they said was "David Ahenakew, a former Saskatchewan aboriginal leader who was stripped of the Order of Canada for calling Jews a "disease", has died in hospital from a long battle with cancer."
Canada is being lubed up with KY jelly by the hands of Zionist Israel. Just last week we outlawed Israel Apartheid week in Academia. Mr. Harper gives lifts his skirt for the Pope, and bends over for injection with Israels demon seed. We had a poll on the MSM three weeks ago asking if Harper was the most pro Israel prime minister of Canada. 50% said yes. Can anyone say calloused asshole? I envy Europeans...
Speaking of European... my kidneys have been feeling a bit fudged lately. Can you email me your Ayurvedic recipe you mention? The request will be in your gmail.
Peace and love DP
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