Dog Poet Transmitting.......
In times of darkness, The Prince of Darkness is in full sway. Some don’t believe in such forces but I would then ask if they believed in the force of materialism, which they can see in front of their eyes or if they have difficulty seeing that the majority of world leaders are whores for position and money at the expense of their duties or whether they can see that a certain shitty little country is committing murder and evils beyond those of their alleged oppressor years ago and that these obvious vile crimes are justified and celebrated by the most powerful leaders in the west in a way that confounds the mind in consideration of right and wrong as we think we know it. Well? Does this not all suggest the same behavior we might expect if a real Prince of Darkness were rampant and risen above the world in which we live? So what difference does it make? It’s the same, either way… in some fashion or manner …this force does exist.
The Apocalypse moves inexorably forward. Hayward before the senate reveals what the reality controls deny but cannot conceal. It will get more and more powerful as it comes more and more direct and impacting.
One thing the people of America must do at this November election, despite what is certain to happen beforehand. That is to not vote for any Jewish/Israeli lawmaker no matter what. All of them must be thrown out of office. Also, any and every lawmaker who is in support of Israel in any way must be refused office on that basis period. They are traitors in the most indefensible sense. Every single individual who supports the Crime Syndicate known as Israel should be exposed for it as if it were a heinous crime, which it is. Support of Israel must be seen and understood as a capital felony against humanity.
I send this out in print and upon the ethers. I send this in a joining with all souls who now know the nature of that evil known as Israel and its loathsome attendant, Zionism. These states and conditions should be known as murderous psychopathy and accepted without argument as offenses equal to murder and child rape. It must be globally understood that Israel and all who serve and support her are more dangerous and evil than the worst offenders presently incarcerated anywhere.
Around the world, people everywhere should fully acknowledge and accept as irrefutable truth that the continued existence of Israel is a cancer in the life of the peoples of the world and that it has no right to exist at all and should be either disintegrated by the full and collective concentrated will of the world or sealed up like a terrible, plague virus away from the peoples of the world.
From being the force behind most Nigerian email scams, to body and organ trafficking, financial crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing and nearly any crime you can think of, Israel is the leader in them all. It should be seen as a hydrophobic beast that cannot be contained or cured. 94 % of Israelis and probably a higher percent of Zionists fully support all that Israel does. Israel directly murdered those seeking to assist a large group of people who are daily tormented by these fiends. They stole their property and money. They laugh about what they did. They make fun of it on the internet and are defended by powerful individuals who have sold their soul to the God of these demonic swine.
They are the direct offspring of that ancient evil that has plagued humanity for millennium. They have stolen elements of culture, language and science from others and claimed them as their own. They control the media and this must be seized, destroyed or replaced by spiritual means.
They grow in the mind of unconscious, sleeping humanity like a Triffid or a body snatcher which they are in all definable ways. They are gathered together in a very significant number in one place that is a message of what is to come to, for once, fulfill that special number they hold with such despicable reverence. There is no coincidence here. If you cannot find the courage to echo what you read here and KNOW to be true then you deserve your servitude and what accompanies it. I speak for a power far greater than they and which every human being possessing a soul is conscious of and knows to be real beyond their temporary doubts and uncertainties.
No life is in their hands that does not deliver itself to them or is not martyred for the inescapable destiny they face and which will come upon them with a consuming wrath. I say all of this without fear, for their power is broken and would state such in any case because their power is a shadow which only appears potent due to the darkness of the times.
I command with all agreeable souls their utter destruction and relocation to that plane where they are most certainly headed and will go no matter what.
They are exposed at every turn. Most cannot understand how knowledge of their crimes finds its way to every heart and mind despite their control of most of the world’s economy and press.
No agent of theirs and no representative of their culture and alleged race should be allowed to continue in any place of power for that reason alone. There is no such thing as a good representative in any place of present, seeming power whatsoever, no matter what the argument or justification. The board must be swept clean entirely. There is no alternative. Greet everything they say, no matter how giving or condescending with contempt. Accept no excuse or rationale. They must go entirely and without the hope of any excuse whatsoever.
I state this, knowing it is ordained and in progress as I speak. I state this, knowing that it is inevitable and inflexible. Nothing that happens from this moment on will appear as anything but exactly what it is, regardless of the overpowering effect of manufactured lies to the contrary. Every single effort made by them will turn against them and the speed of this being made known around the world will be convincing in the extreme.
Nothing they have said and done is anything more, in totality, than a lie and an offense against every ensouled being on the planet. They do not possess souls and are foul creations of a darkness that, even now, is being broken up in every place and on every plane where they and their supporters reside.
Take this for what it is worth and know that regardless of any appearance to the contrary that it is outworking now.
As the ships move to Gaza from many directions, so is their fate sealed and already sealed beforehand.
Celebrate your liberation from this abysmal and stench ridden engine of departing evil which has encircled the world for centuries and is now experiencing the death rattle of a just and necessary destruction which announces the special poetry and vitality of the advancing new age. Make your every word and action a statement of conviction in the truth of what animates and makes you aware. So is it and so be it. Let the light arise from its secret chambers and illuminate the world as it cleanses our world and ourselves.
Be the transformation as it appears before you and within you. Experience the joy in the absolute certainty of what comes with the full force of the universe and its un-opposable will.
End Transmission.......
A radio show will (I hope) happen this Sunday night. See the sidebar for live listening or later download.
Ask Jeff Rense why he removed my dialogue box- “Dog Poet Transmitting”- from his site when there was no posting at all in the period when it occurred.
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Whore of Babylon Parties in the Bathhouse of Hell.
Beamed from the Saucer Pod By Visible at 13:03
Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax
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to stream all of Visible's music for free
(purchase is always appreciated but entirely optional)
A classic Visible post:
With gratitude to Patrick Willis.
Make it so.
You paint certain folks with a rather large brush... deserved and earned by many of their foul fellows but there is good even among them. And as you point out 94%...
Here is a link to a really, really, really good video done by an Israeli dude (I use dude in the fullest sense of the word) The dude's name is Yoav Shamir and he's made this video called Defamation:
Since I'm an American, I'm, in many ways, in the same boat as the good Israelis who don't agree with their government. How does one fight the fighters? How does one stop a rampaging herd?
America is maybe Israel's whore, or maybe Israel is used by certain American assholes in power to keep the world unstable so they can better manipulate things in their financial favor. Maybe it's both.
I'm a nervous Nelly when it comes to painting whole swaths of humanity as evil just by association. On the other hand there are some seriously fucked-up assholes holding Israeli passports. But there are some seriously fucked-up assholes holding passports to any country you can name; evil doesn't have a border.
Keep at it les... I just scored the bottoms of several baggies of fungus my buddy had stashed deep in one of his raft's dryboxes. After reading your latest few post I thought I'm probably over-due a visit to the other side myself. It's been awhile and I'm curious to see what's changed in the past few years :)
Peace (and lots and lots of love)
I lived 15 years in Tel Aviv. I'm not Jewish but I learned Hebrew pretty well. I'm afraid you're right about them. They are literally laughing at the rest of the World, which they consider as an enemy.
Dear Les
why would you - with at least 300 incarnations "behind" you - call for the physical destruction of a historical chimaera on this material plane when its fate has already been sealed in a spiritual sense. I mean the apocalypse is in full concordance, why be so vengeful and hate-ridden if the darkness is forced to show its true face with every coming day.
Personally, I don´t want to be could only pity me,
because I am only a child.
All the best
Martin (long time no see)
That 6% doesn't tell us anything except that they weren't on board for the support. It doesn't say they were against it.
How many Iraqis and so many others have died innocently, at least in this life, from direct murder at the hands of Israel? It might make some people uncomfortable but I'm okay with reverse collateral damage. I'm okay with it. My conscience says, "Check". It's just this sort of hand wringing and caring far more than those cared about that leads to these impasses. I stand, not 94% but 100% behind everything I said and I can live with the possibility of possible innocent bystanders. They certainly can.
Unless any individual is directly and publicly fighting the evil of those they share a country and a faith with... IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE then they are toast from where I stand.
This needs to be said because, it is true and because it is not being said.
Anti-Semitism besides being a misnomer is, in it's general intent, an indication of intelligence and humanity and a badge to be proudly worn and displayed as a long needed sentiment similar to agreeing that the grass appears to be green and the sky blue. Anyone who isn't anti-Semitic is a fool.
Gee, I guess I am pretty direct. I wonder if I'm wrong. I'm not of course but wonder is a beautiful thing; speaking of the only wonder I give any attention to.
Martin; Did you miss the parts in the post that state over and over again that it is sealed in the spiritual sense? If so, what effect do my words have? I said that more than anything else in the post
Are you conferring power on me somehow?
300 incarnations? I was told that was only for a particular purpose and also told it was allegorical but nonetheless true.
All that aside, I hope you're well and am glad to see you around.
When I do or say something there is a reason for it that may not be apparent in the post itself. In this case I would look to events pending but not yet occurred.
I am looking toward the light. As it should be.
Love Reenie
Zero tolerance Les.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
Thank you.
The power is yours and mine is music ;-)
I recently dedicated a tune to the Marmara victims and the whole damn course.
All bros & sis are invited for a listen and if someone feels so inclined as to make a picture reel with it for YouTube or anything else...just feel free to do so, let´s make it happen.
Here´s my link:
Take care
Martin aka C.H.Pike
I did not know that it was an "Achievement", to create sorrow through deception and lies amongst the People to be given another People's Land, out of sympathy for free.
I did not know that it was an "Achievement" to collect Billions upon Billions of so called (foreign) "Aid" Dollars from the world's Community, to built up one of the worlds largest arsenal of Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION, to torture and kill an entire Arab People and threaten an entire region with it.
I did not know, that it was an "Achievement" to take some of these "donated" funds and finance institutions that infiltrate and lobby Governments around the world for the cause of world Supremacy.
I did not know, that it was an "Achievement" to form peoples political opinions, by taking ownership of all the mainstream media, keeping them in the dark of the real happenings, while working toward total destruction of Goyim culture as promised in the Protocols.
I did not know that it was an "Achievement" to strip entire people of their wealth, by misleading Governments and taking all vital positions in law and treasury, to control and finally bring down the economy.
But now I know, and so many people around the world with me.
Beware you are found out, today by us and tomorrow by the rest of the world. I wonder where you go after, we ALL are aware!
R. Zuercher
difficult birth, hell on earth, no sense of value, no concept of worth.
Thanks for these words of Truth, Les.
When a sufficient number of people understand the truthful (suppressed) history behind your words, the terrorist government and rogue state of Israelamerica will be finished.
At that time, the traitors employed in all their alphabet agencies betraying the people of America will stand before real courts of law and plead, "We was just following orders to commit treason...that's all."
That “defense” will not save them.
They will be tried by a real court of law, found guilty of high treason I have no doubt, and be sent where they belong.
This article may wake up a few more.
babylon hoar
warmonger enslaver
theif murderer
cultural raper
harvester of organs
seller of souls
with wickedness the vehicle
to collect all the gold
well selling true selves
not a wise thing to do
every action cause a reaction
thats the way of the truth
the proof israhell
well your going to see
theirs a fee to be paid
for not acting honestly
everything you do now
will just fail
the little people had enough
of the lies you detail
so one last chance
what are you going to do
would be better to give in
or be annihilated by the truth.
I have not posted her for a while. I have however looked in from time to time as you could never be overlooked for your inimitable style. I really have only one word in comment as this should be sent viral.
That word is......Amen. So be it.
Fuck that was four words.
The Gulf EVENT will overshadow EVERYTHING. When the air borne toxins take their toll on a massive scale, and the Great Exodus away from that region produces unprecedented panic and upheaval, Martial Law will be side note.
Voting in November?
Les I can't help but agree that that little horn called Israel is in for some big shit. I already knew this from certain Catholic prophecy and scripture, but they won’t go down without a fight and one way or the other the whole globe will be wrapped in war and destruction before it’s over. I read your 4 part post and to be honest I don’t know what to make of it. As a Christian I claim Christ Jesus as Lord and God of all that is and ever will be. As for the others, mini gods, I have never experience them in any way that I am aware of. I expect that comes from never looking in the first place. I believe there are many forces acting in or on our lives that we are unaware of. My Christian background and up-bringing does not allow for them. I believe I am in tune, to a degree, with nature and that nature holds many powers and secrets and clues and so on. I believe I have a spirit/ soul and I know beyond a doubt that I am different in some way from most people I know. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I can’t see the inner working of people around me but I see how they think by the things that interest them and how they perceive things or react to things in general.
I don’t want to die but can’t wait to get this life over with. Does that make sense? I just hope my next life or my spiritual life is not in some dark place. I want to go back to my Father in heaven but I am not sure if I am fit for such a gift yet. Will I ever be? Jesus is my only link with my Father and I mess-up that relationship enough. Looking to other gods might not be in my best interests. All I can think of as far as your 4 part post goes is this……
C. S. Lewis once said when speaking of Jesus “He is what he says he is or he is completely mad, one or the other”. or words to that effect. I leave others to think what they want. As for me, I am reminded of the words of a friend who when he couldn’t find a suitable answer to a spiritual question responded with the words “I just want to get closer to Jesus”. I guess that what I want, I just want to get closer to Jesus.
May God bless you and keep you.
Ps, very interesting reading.
gurnygob,you're a good fellow without a doubt a true christian.
The time is very near to hand.
Let those who can see the light go toward it, and may the judgment of those who will not be swift.
gurnygob, just remember that the lord will not show you a form you cannot relate to, and realize that Les, sees the divine in a far different form than you or I.
Visions are always symbolic, and if I do not relate too well to some of the forms and symbols that Les relates in (a different blog's) postings, that is my lack.
Howling at the darkness from the alley,
Awesome "new normal", sir (grin).
Maybe there is one of them willing to speak some of the Truth.
This guy, Gilad Atzmon...
- quote -
According to the famous Israeli-born Jazz musician, Gilad Atzmon, “The ideology that carried out execution-style killings on the Gaza aid flotilla the ‘Mavi Marmara’ is the same ideology that carried out the massacres at Deir Yassin, Qibya, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, Gaza, Jenin and the murder of Rachel Corrie — more than that it is the same ideology that killed Christ.”
He continues: “there is no biological, racial or ethnic continuum between the ancient Israelites and the contemporary Israelis. The attack on the aid convoy is a continuum of the same ideology that killed Christ. Christ’s killing is a symbol of a brutal assault against goodness, in the same way the attack on the aid convoy was against humanity and compassion.”
Because of this stance, he has been branded a “Jew self-hater.” Atzmon smiles: “in fact I correct them ‘I am not only a self-hater but a proud self-hater.’”
- end quote -
Entire article:
So Les, maybe there is one, but one is never going to be enough.
Well done Les,
I agree with you about the upcoming election-type-thing. Everyone must be on the lookout for any israel-influenced public official and certainly NOT vote for them.
I was recently concerned that your posts were advocating a 'sitting back' and letting the divine work things out, but I'm always an advocate for active participation.
Jews have been kicked out of dozens of countries throughout history - they don't mention any of that. They only mention Egypt; a country they were NEVER kicked out of. Their ONLY admitted claim to expulsion is a lie. There's obviously a reason for all that. It's because their belief, by its very nature is supremacist-based.
No belief can be allowed to exist that advocates self-superiority over others. Indeed it is the mark of all barbaric tyrants throughout history. We must remember Stalin, Lenin and Marx were all Jewish. That in itself speaks volumes as to what this scourge upon humanity is all about.
Humanity must stand together against this insidious leech. Dont buy anything kosher, don't buy anything with the mark of the beast on it (729) and disseminate at every turn the FACT that "Jew means semite like Catholic means Swedish." They are NOT a race, they are a breed; a club. And humanity must also remember that their self-chosen-ness is entirely the product of their own overinflated egos. Their book of lies must be exposed as just that, hogwash. Their only history is as a rag tag group of wandering sand bedouins who never accomplished anything they claim.
Their self-supreme religion must viewed as a pariah and take its rightful place alongside all other contemptible persuasions history has foisted upon us.
I'm glad you're advocating active participation in the ousting of this cancer upon humanity.
"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." These wise words are a double-edged sword. Do we become the change in the world? Or do we sit back and allow 'them' to enslave humanity? The choice is ours.
Proud Goyim
No need to ask rense anything, he has revealed himself as a gatekeeper. In his own words- "what a horse's ass!". Not that he does not serve a purpose, we all do.., but this IS the unveiling, and it is time to present a litmus test. Why, it's 911 of course, and we can separate the wheat from the chaff by going where the evidence leads. Where does the evidence lead? I suggest you check for your self! Remember, the BEST disinfo is 90-99% true, and what is not being said can be more important than what is. PEACE
I thought this post was rather uninspired. Were you really feeling this one, or was it just red meat for your adoring masses?
Anybody who knows me personally knows I never sit back. I've got some years in America's roughest institutions to prove it and a lifetime of ostracism in tandem with that. What it is is that all good and positive things come from the divine and that's my wellspring. If it looks like I'm sitting back it's because I'm trying to learn how to do it better. Lots of room for improvement there.
Truth is though, there is no movement and no action without the divine just as there is no life here without the sun.
Atzmon is impressive in his work and statements. My only curiosity is his seeming full acceptance of the party line of that event in world war two. And, Maybe I missed it but, did he come out and say that Israel did 9/11? without these two things expressed in their truth from his mouth I won't be paying much attention to anything else he says or does. I'm sorry about that but these two things are litmus tests most especially for members of the tribe.
For anyone else 9/11 suffices. For members of the tribe I require both.
That may be true about Rense but I don't understand being given my own section there and having 3 of my articles on the top of the front page in a row and then to find the area rebuilt and I the only one missing. Somebody said something; same as what happened at whatreallyhappened and other places like SOTT and so on and so forth; suddenly, visible disappears. I do note that I'm on WRH today and this time not because Boulderdash put me there. That has happened at odd times. The thing is that I don't know and that's how it is. I admit to some curiosity which is why I hoped someone would ask Jeff. Certainly there are people from The Shape of Things to Come time bots which, also have put me in a lockbox. It's probably that Dog Poet thing but that can't be enough and it's good entertainment. (grin)
Ordinarily I ignore your petulance Dammerung but coming so close on my not responding to your need to be noticed and held to the manly breast I just have to tell you, you get more attention than you should. There are limits.
I apologize to those who feel I should let these things go and let you handle them. In this one case I know the reason so it's best it comes from me.
How soon before this newspaper folds for reporting this story on the “alleged” Made in America - Israeli nukes? Darkness IS being exposed to LIGHT!!!
~ Born Intuit
Let me get my biblical history straight:
When Moses (Moshe) came down from the mountain, after a mere forty days, he found that the Jews had melted their trinkets and molded a Golden Bull to worship.
The Great Jewish Rabbi Jesus Christ was crucified for expelling the money changers from the Temple.
Nothing changes. Oy vey, venn vill it stopp?
Warmest regards to all,
Tom in/frum Estonia
Spare me ye ol' moral outrage. Disagree with me at the top of your lungs but your opinion isn't morally superior to mine. If you want to know the truth, I never thought Baldr was that fucking great anyway.
Wham, bam, thank you Man!
Superb post Les.
israel (defn):
"Those who call themselves jews but who are not - who are in fact the synagog of satin".
Good manifesto, Les. Agreed
One owner.
Our Canadian media will be adding an American-style flavour to the broth by the end of the year (SUN TV) Pierre Karl Peladeau and Kory Teneycke will be the ones to zero-in on for they're scheeming to bring ghetto American style entertainment right-smack into Canada's own backyard.
The Flotilla massacre will not be silenced. Not even if they add the happy-nice-guys into the mix.
Yes, a couple of other dumb Canadians will be there to watch Israel play with the laws of right and wrong, and nothing more. We all know that. Let's see how much Harper is anxious to protect his Israeli masters and see just how much sway they hold over him, as they too are more than willing to put Canada on the dark list with them.
As for "Virtual Prime Minister" (invented by Bill Clinton) Stephen Harper, it was just his little tantrum in Canada's Parliament a few day's ago during his defense over Israel's actions, this is now all the proof we need in knowing where he plans to take this country.
Harper is the type of leader who breaks out in song on his piano on stage and sings, "I get high with a little help from my friends". Meanwhile our soldiers are coming home all messed-up mentally and physically, or are coming home dead. And nothing but lot's of heroin crops there and a wealthier military industrial complexe to show for it all, this is what they (Government) wanted out of it.
Did Harper, or the other weak-kneed politicians in Canada show any real rage for the endless flow of lies and deceite from the American side?
The blacked-out torture memo's are put on hold till our politicans have fun taking the summmer off. Another gift for the masters.
I've never seen Harper get so mad for his entire career in Parliament as he did that day.
Death to the Illuminati
israel (definition):
"Those who call themselves jews but who are not - who are in fact the synagogue of satan".
Anaughty Mouser
The world was fucked up before Israel and it looks like it will be after as well.
I used to think the jews are in control, but that's changed. Don't get me wrong, they certainly seem to have a knack for infiltration and covert organisation, but I think they're probably the most propaganda befuddled group on this planet. Someone keeps telling them they're special and they're oppressed (much like they tell everyone else) and they eat it up with spoon and all, then ask for seconds.
We shouldn't hate the jews, we should hate ourselves for being complacent with all the things that we know are wrong. The jews have their own problems and they'll get theirs. Probably from Iran and then the rest from another propaganda befuddled group, by the looks of things. But don't be surprised if Israel gets wiped off the map and we all still have to go to work the next day, albeit possibly in the nuke factory. Sounds to me we're being fed another fake revolution.
It's not the guy who says "get to work" that's the problem, it's the one that replies "yes, master."
And voting? Are you serious?
"your opinion isn't morally superior to mine."
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one? Not really. Some people do know whereof they speak, and some are wise enough to not venture opinions about things of which they know nothing.
Here's what you are demonstrating for those with eyes to see: You are an ignorant twit. You have done zero work in spirit or will or focus or even knowledge. Yet you think you will be considered special for some smartass remarks.
I have been a craftsman for most of my life. I was not born knowing any of these arts, but earned my skills and knowledge through long hard study and practice. In all the trades I have always done my best to move them forward and bring them respect. Reading your comments is like having some ignorant fool walk into my workshop and tell me how I should be doing a job that they couldn't do and know nothing about.
There is a big difference between opinion and knowledge, and an equally broad gap between knowledge and wisdom. Your opinion is worthless because you have no knowledge, experience, or wisdom. You are an ignorant punk hoping to impress and get attention, just like the fools that show up in every workshop and proudly display their lack of education.
If you think the path of spirit is essentially different than the learning and practice of any other skill or art, you are wrong. It is the most difficult and demanding of them all. You have no more basis to offer Les your opinion on the path of spirit than you have basis to tell Mozart how to play the piano.
I suppose that I’m gonna be the nagging nitz in this thread.
Maybe it’s just me, but I read a lot of lust for revenge in many post. I understand the sentiment – believe me. I’m the first to get all pissy-faced when I see self-serving assholes taking advantage of others. I’d love nothing more than to suddenly grow size thirteen feet so I could stick’em in a pair of steel toed Doc Martins and give every deserving asshole a good stout kick to the groin. Both men and women.
And in the interest of full discloser I should add that I’m a kook; I naturally want to walk perpendicular and in zig-zags rather than stay with the herd (and end-up over the cliff or in the slaughter house). Well, maybe that doesn’t make me all that kooky, but compared to the humans I know… I’m KooK.
Let me also add that I think this is one of the finest places to lurk and read Mr Visible’s words. I believe I may have occasionally even stumbled down a few of the rabbit holes he has and I think this is why his words often resonate with me.
Now on with the news.
In many of the comments I sense a viciousness equal to or possibly even greater than that of those you’d seek to make disappear.
Check-out the Defamation video if you haven’t, and try and understand that most of these poor folks have been goddamned brainwashed, probably from the moment of conception, to believe a bunch of ignorant bullshit.
It’s the information they’re feeding upon that’s the enemy, not the human. Come on now, those of us reading this, we’re lucky that we’ve been able to vomit up many of the crappy beliefs we were fed… as a wise man once said, “there but for the grace of god go I.”
Isn’t it then our charge, as people who want to live in peace, to try and find a way to peacefully defeat the monster which, in all truth, lurks in everyone?
Reading between the lines and I see the beginning of a mob mentality who’s getting drunk on hate and looking for something to throw or hit someone with.
And when, in the history of the world, has a violent act done more than satisfy the mob’s desire for revenge? I’d say never.
The mob rids the hated group of the weak and soulful, and gives the evilest beasters another brick to place in the wall they’re building between all the world’s peoples.
I’ve recently seen a timeline showing the dates and the expulsion of Jews from lands throughout their history. Some might read such a document and use this to justify another expulsion. I get that.
On the other hand, don’t people realize when they mass against the group as a whole, it brings the group together into an even tighter circle? Isn’t it better to find the Norman Finkelsteins, the Gilad Atzmons, and embrace them. Let them pull a few more out of the group, and those will pull a few more… soon the assholes who’ve been using the average people as a shield will be exposed and naked.
Unfortunately, humans are pre-wired for fighting, and this fighting/aggression/defense action triggers a very crass and primitive part of our humanness. This has survived because it’s been a damn fine survival mechanism for an animal physically weaker and less able than its animal competitors. We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have a bit of a violent herd mentality. That said, isn’t the reason many of us hang out at this place is because we want to achieve a lasting peace among all people who are willing to live in peace? Isn’t that the nirvana spot for humans? Peace?
I’m not advocating turning the other cheek as much as I’m advocating for those fighting the oppression to find some sort of mental aikido we can use to defend ourselves, and at the same time cripple our attackers.
I don’t know. As I said I’m a kook.
Its well known you have an easy time pointing out the many wrong with Israel. You cant be anymore correct, but you could look outward for answers more?
Dont vote for puppets of Israel for sure, but better yet, walk away for the whole thing.
Look the nature and terms used in todays poitical envornment only serve the goals of Zionist, wether you support them or fight them. Its been setup this way. Just stop fighting and turn your energy to other things?
All is in order and we need not fight this one out? Yes, it healthy to speak up for Gaza, but dont get in anyones face over it. Fear and hate can be masked by love and support to. Its all about your intentions. If you seek an end to this battle, you are only moving with fear and haste. Have faith and love in the divine and let this rage come to an end. It will anyway?
Love Your Life
We have all changed and can now be more effective.
I confirm that I, for one, am an 'agreeable soul'.
Tomorrow, my prayer at sunrise will be altered to reflect the severity of the events of the past few weeks.
Rothschild Khazarian Zionism is the worst thing to ever happen to the jews and to the world.
Its time to stop the apartheid, the genocide, the ethnic clensing, the ponzie schemes, the economic frauds, the pre 9/11 put-options, the Made-off frauds, the murder of peace activists - its time to dissolve israel, admit as a state it is a failed project.
Return ALL of Rothschildlandia to the rightful citizens - the Palestinians.
Les Im super thankful you have listened to me push and cry to you about your golem called Israel. Im in no way judging or belittling your take on this.
As you suggested, that nation is more a tool for the US than the other way around. As the media man gave you reason to hate(or call out) jews, it gives jews a reason to hate you and your not helping that loop out any. You could move with grace and love for them(jews,) as they are misguided and herded like sheep. Calling them out for that isnt going to help, its going to increace the rage.
Ask the mother to show you the beast you created with all your finger pointing, and you might find laughter and understanding?
Love Your Life
Tom in Estonia,
I always got the impression that the Golden Bull got Moses' paties in a twist because it was from the previous age (Taurus) while he was pushing the Ram (Aries).
Oh yeah, Moshe doesn't sound very Egyptian to me.
Pushing Fishes may go out of style real soon now....
As Les said regarding Gilad Atzmon, the members of the self-chosen tribe need to be held to a bit stricter standard, not just 9/11 but the fake holocaust as well. I would add that if they are to be believed they should also be willing to admit to a few more things, such as how they betrayed the Spanish to allow the Moorish invasion, the fact that Khazars are not ethnic Jews, the fact that Jews controlled the slave trade, and the fact that every major war for the past 200+ years was started to benefit the Rothschild bankers. From there we can ask them about the Jewish takeover of all media, medicine, government, intelligence agencies, military, finance and education in the West and most of the world.
That list could be a lot longer.
I'm going to name three names here, names of Jews who are respected and believed by many who read these blogs, and who are almost universally admired by those who consider themselves informed. They are much more dangerous than the open apologists like Krauthammer, Kristol, Friedman etc. All three are liars and tools. If you see their writing posted without a warning and disclaimer, you can safely assume that whoever is posting it is either sadly naive or a tool as well:
James Petras
Steven Lendman
Noam Chomsky.
Chomsky has been somewhat outed; Lendman and Petras are still alternative darlings.
While I'm at it, I'll name a news site that is censored and their content clearly controlled by the same tribe:
Note that SOTT is also the site that purports to be the expert source on the subject of psychopaths. See how that works?
SOTT, WRH, and Rense all support Lendman and Petras (and Atzmon) as legit.
I'm reminded of something an acquaintance used to quote, attributed to Harry Truman (another Zionist tool):
"When a fella comes around telling you what a good Christian he is, better make sure the smokehouse door is locked."
Just a couple of things that don't jibe or maybe I need to say something. Not having the will to see something through guarantees that your mercy and compassion will be shoved up your ass.
Voting or not voting is not the point. Saying it is the point.
Moments chosen for me to say whatever I say always have more to do with things approaching than as reflections on things past.
As for value judgments and mob mentality; thousands of years and expelled from every country in the world with possibly a lone exception and in some cases more than once. Mob vengeance and merciless warfare engineered many times over millennium by those we must show mercy to now. What I'm talking about has nothing to do with me and everything to do with what is absolutely going to happen and lets review this after a few weeks.
Finally... the ever grandstanding language challenged clueless about just near everything ]talk to the mother] American Idol. non-top ten, poor song choice, rehash of advice given so superficially, badly and Readers Digest empowered... moves me like the wind relocates the rockies en masse.
"Moments chosen for me to say whatever I say always have more to do with things approaching than as reflections on things past."
If thats true, my bad. You can take my childish rehash any old way you want my friend or not at all.
Dude the "mother" is but a term or word. Please dont berate me for me use of it as neither of us can truly share that idea. Im just going with the flow and the ideas you put out. I have my own and they need not take a life of their own here, sorry. Im just acting out the path I was asked to. Its a never ending front of peace and love for all before us.
You want to talk pop terms but I dont. You can take your image and hold it dear Les, but dont be pissed if I do too. Its a mistake to hold on to it, but Im still in a state of learning, you have more than enough room here to put me down.
You show a lack of respect for natures grace and love within all people Les. Its not yours to guard like this? Its yours to showcase?
Les you wish to see change in people and systems beyond your bodies ablity to affect. Your mind and "darker half" will go farther to help than you words? It would seem your last few weeks of learning would suggest that.
Saying it is the point yes, but not saying it is too. Wee Woo Wee man!
We create and feed the beast by playing along too. You are here to save yourself Les not the world, as you are the world, stop and work within your temple more and world will change too.
Superficially, Im using words, but I move with something more. Its not my job the enlighten you on that, but it would be nice for you not bite back man. Im a fool and youre just running in circles if you feel calling me out for superficially speaking helps me or you.
The mob wins most times. You are no mob and you have won this battle long before.
Just my view but compassion only works if you take out the time factor. Its matters not what has happened nor what will.
"Not having the will to see something through guarantees that your mercy and compassion will be shoved up your ass.
Lesson one in mercy, it will be shoved up your ass! Its a test. It will used to kill you too, will you die and be reborn or just sit in the here and now and cry for your own mercy?
Les you need not have mercy for your golem, but understanding. You need compassion for yourself and to show it, you could lessen you load and not need to see change before your eyes.
I know, whos this dude to sooo freely and without ground to give you any suggestions. I know, I know.
I little song for the way. What if 6 were 9?
Love Your Life
So rense censors you but keeps the anti-israel but 9/11/israel denier David Duke. I hate it for the loss of potential readers but I'm impressed. You've pushed a hot button or two that someone did not want touched.
And yes, 9/11 is THE litmus test and even among the so called 'truthers' if Israel is not included as a key player, they are suspect.
What's also bothersome is that there are a number of late blooming 'israel did 9/11' advocates, ex-military/ex-intelligence/reporters who I also suspect of infiltrating the dialog. For what ultimate purpose I'm not sure. Maybe you have some ideas on this Les.
Sorry but when someone repeatedly says they are still learning and various things to that effect and does nothing but give advice and offer criticisms to the extent that it doesn't matter which side of anything I am addressing I get a little curious.
I've got to get this radio show done and I've a few other things to do so I can take off for the solstice bonfire but let me say a few things that might make the way I've been presenting myself today a little easier to understand.
I could list so many things about that nasty country filled with psychopaths that I would be here until sometime tomorrow night. Just got to WRH any day (including today) and notice how not a day goes by that you don't learn about some new offense by these clowns.
Also there is the matter of 2 million murdered Germans by the Zionist owned Soviet army and god knows what else.
I look at it like having scorpions in your kitchen on fertility drugs. It's just a matter of time.
Some may think me angry, tired or worn down by what I just went through. That doesn't apply. I don't even know what I'm going to write or what I've written until I'm done.
You may think anything you like about my recent adventure but here is something I learned that was so impressed on me I have accepted it as truth; evil aliens of more than one group are in an alliance with Israel and the whores poncing it up in various leaderships. You could say that the aliens are actually in charge and it is from them that the reality controls and a few other items are acquired.
I would also like to point out that there are parasite aliens that are like the body snatchers and Triffids that I mentioned and they are all around.
This has some effect on the nature and tone of this essay but let me say without equivocation that I never will believe that I have a single iota of influence over anything that is not granted by the source of life.
I don't care if I do this. I don't care if I get anything for it but that I don't speaks volumes and it's a good thing I do it for free. I'm under no illusion that people can change their minds about me and take no steps to prevent it. I do not go around assuming I have a lot of friends and supporters. I assume that some part of what we have in common leaks out through me and that's it.
I don't rely on or depend on anyone who comes here and that's a damn good thing. I know just how far people's support and loyalty goes in real time and I do what I do anyway. I don't work for anyone here and never will but I do work for something that does work for everyone here and which does not rely on anyone's gratitude to exist or it would be dead.
I will say it appreciates gratitude so if you can spare a minute please say the right thing and try to remember to bless and be grateful for your food.
I wrote this post just to say it- I think. There's no thought that it or anything else will have a particular effect and that doesn't matter. Their fate is sealed and they are pretty much ALL of THEM going to share a common fate no matter where they are. Any exception is rare and you can tell how rare by the amount of them that are- with so much ability to be heard- discussing and revealing what so many of us already know to be true. In fact, I don't know a single one who is exposing what took place in WW2 or 9/11 or several other things; not a one.
continued from uh... uh... uh
This does not mean there are not some number of extraordinary members of a certain group. I personally know quite a few but... judgment and justice are not in my hands and I don't expect them to be. I do expect a couple of things and I will walk through them when the time arrives without any emotion at all except for whatever I feel already for what animates me. That's about all I think or care about.
I gotta go, apologies to anyone I might have unintentionally offended and for the strength of my responses and language. I am treating with some things that haven't happened yet. My time sense is so altered that part of me is in the future now (grin).
Anyway, happy solstice. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow night as I am dancing until dawn around that massive bonfire.
Love your life;
You're a proliferative, pretentious, pathetically empty, self professed expert in your own mind?
One who thinks by using question marks at the end of statements makes one clever?
You are?
Fuck off?
m_astera said...
I, too, go around telling people they haven't done any spiritual work. Well, I don't, because saying things like that is dangerous and has a tendency to backfire. If you'd ever met my father maybe you'd reconsider how much effort I've made in overcoming bigotry, racism, and rabid neo-con zionism in my own life. But to you your own.
I simply say that in my opinion this isn't Les' best work.
As for whether it's fair to compare him to a Mozart well that's going to be undetermined for a long time; a Mozart isn't made by what they accomplish while they are alive but in the legend that ossifies around them long after they're dead. Perhaps a sense of perspective is in order.
Com'on, do we need a burn the witch moment every time somebody expresses a contrary opinion? Anywhere I see such a cacophony of agreement, I am inclined to criticize because too much agreement is dangerous. An accuser is necessary for a fair trial.
Loki had the right idea. Nobody, not even the gods, belong on a pedestal.
Para - On Gilad Atzmon
He’s genuine, and ethical. Devastatingly critical of the group.
He describes himself as a Hebrew-speaking Palestinian, and as an Ex-Jew . He is now a British citizen. He has said often that the label “Jew” is a self-identifying label, not based on race or ethnicity, but based on historical religious identification (of an ancestor), since most of the current crop in the rogue state are secular.
I don’t know if he’s written anything about 911 or US politics. He does write about British politics.
He said in one of his posts that he does not know enough (has not studied the question) to say anything about the claims of the numbers who died or were killed in ww2.
As early as 2002 he wrote: “After so many years of independence, the United States of America is becoming a remote colony of an apparently far greater state, the Jewish state.”
The watershed article by Mearsheimer and Walt came out in 2006. This broke the taboo and led to a lot of discussion, giving others courage to discuss the lobby.
Jeffrey Blankfort ( US citizen, Union activist, who sued the ADL and won) wrote about inordinate Israeli influence in 2003.
Others, including Senator Fulbright, had said this before, but were dismissed and forgotten.
Among world leaders, Gandhi and Nehru distrusted the state and did not recognise it.
I sent this link below earlier about the gulf disaster and carbon cap and trade, but want to re-send it,
connecting it with the one below because of the ccx –the Chicago carbon exchange, the vehicle for cap and trade, and the meetings in 2000, and possible connection to 2001 and the specific companies which were destroyed first.
And for thick smoke and many mirrors, here's Gordon Duff:
“We live in a world where our wars, our news, the stories and myths we accept as gospel are little more than part of a play. ”
My problem with that is that I have this gong that goes off in my head and when I hear someone say they haven't studied something that much and yet they are versed on everything else it rings that gong. When the evidence of Israeli culpability in 9/11 is so profound and irrefutable, the fact that someone who has so much criticism about everything else and who- like Chomsky- presents themselves as fairly expert in so many fields it rings the gong.
Now, I don't have an opinion really and I've never gone after most of those who I might ordinarily mention because I don't know enough and it's not my place to hunt people down when they might have good reasons for what they DON'T say which rings my gong. There could be really good reasons. It is just that it hangs there in my head every time i do read what they say. it's there and I am aware of it every time. There are some others one can read on The Truthseeker who are also in a position to mention these things and are of the same generic type who also don't ever treat with these two issues.
In fact, I know of none of them who do and that is curious to me. Only that... curious.
Rixon Stewart is the only one who grants me straight on linking without hesitation and what I've seen of him he is the genuine article. So none of this has anything to do with him. But I should say... that I never read anything where my mind does not analyze all the reasons for what is said and what is not said. It's a peculiar thing about my mind and not always something I enjoy.
I probably shouldn't address this but, it matters not whether someone is put on a pedestal but whether that person accepts it and operates as if it were a deserving state for them. The reader is free to consider whether this is the case with me.
It matters not what claims others make about someone but what claims the person makes about themselves. A person's motives can best be viewed by the degree to which they materially profit from their work and the degree to which they labor and seek such. A person's true being is eventually revealed over time regardless of any effort to conceal it.
Finally, no matter who anyone is and including everyone who ever lived, someone hasn't liked them and in some cases sought to kill them for it. As for anyone's opinion, the value of that can be established by the same yardstick.
This has been a tiring day (grin)
Les -
Dublin Mick had provided the links to him before, and he's beating this same drum, very, very loudly:
I so hear you on this front, too. The Zionists must be defeated. Israhell must not stand.
Oh, and just as aside to the "Christians" and Islamists who visit - you might all do well to think very long and hard about who's books your own book is based on. And if you haven't ever done any research on the Council of Nicea, you might want to look into before you continue to spout nonsense about the infallible word of "God."
I love the spiritual superiority that people who follow the bible exhibit - yep, you alone have it all figured out because you read the most widely manipulated book in the history of mankind. Please correct all of us "sinners."
I was raised in the bowels of your beast, infected by the devils of your belief before I hit puberty. I allowed the distorted guilt and messianic complex to get the better of me, until this year. This year has been hugely transformative. I'm "seeing" so many of the lies and untruths, "seeing" them for what they truly are and always were, an abomination.
This 'good book' has engendered massive genocide, ecocide and spiritual transgressions that only the Divine can heal.
Let's remember that those little devils in Israel wouldn't be enjoying their riches if it weren't for the moronic bible-thumping SUV-driving crowd here in the states. They provide material support.
chop if its head so it will stay on its knees
this is a test, only a test
checking the input to fine tune the output
life in the backfeed is a life of need
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't mean YOU were sitting back. Your work her ealone demonstrates you're more than fulfilling your call and duty. Only that it 'seemed' you were recommending an acceptance of things the way they are. That everything will be ok. Obviously I was wrong.
I only advocate that we be 'tools' in the hand of the Divine as well as indeed we are extensions of it - to assist in the elimination of this darkness upon this earth called israel.
All is clear now.
"Support of Israel must be seen and understood as a capital felony against humanity."
Just as public display of NSDAP paraphernalia is illegal in most of Europe, so should the display of Israeli flag.
mystical pathways
journeys through the light
adventures in the heart
inspirations of insight
the living of us all
how and when and why
floating abstractions
across the night sky
flying like an eagle
charging like a bull
roaring like a lion
through the push and pull
pulling every way
till we find were their
the clarifying moment
of all the lessons of aware
the swirling streams
of energys
the same but different ways
eternal stream of love
transmit from centres inner blaze
lighting up the darkness
through the maze a lantern light
lighting up the passageways
of guidance through our life.
sos people that was supposed to be for origami that last poem.
Two things,
1. The U.S. does not control that crappy little country, it is in fact the other way around. Anyone who insists otherwise, is either a shill, or a fool.
2. Compassion is not being a doormat. Remember what JC did at the temple. I seem to recall whips being involved.
The truly enlightened will:
Eat when hungry,
drink when thirsty,
sleep when tired,
I don’t dwell much on Israel as I have already placed them in the synagogue of satan and left them to rot without a care and will share that belief with anyone that makes the mistake of broaching the subject. Their deeds have been present for all to see for eons. My concern is much closer to home. What about the good ole USA and the individuals that belong to that same club whether they consciously know it or are willingly deceived or just flat out don’t give a damn about any of it? Are they exempt? Are they not just as culpable and for that matter all the other countries with their brain dead followers valiantly becoming cannon fodder for their ignorant causes. What is the Universal Soldier’s responsibility in all this? I know the answer to that one but obviously I am part of the unpatriotic delusional minority. Man is like a locust on this planet and without a change, something like morphing into a butterfly, he will continue to destroy anyone that doesn’t operate within the same belief system or agenda and he will destroy this planet’s ability to support any life all in the name of patriotism, religion, or any other cause put in his dumbed down brain without knowing the true driving force behind it all. Wipe out Israel, that will most likely happen, and some other nation will take its place. Most likely not the USA as we are just an extension of it as is Great Britain. The money is gone, there is no way out, the world will be forced to choose sides (already being done) and the little (small?) guy will for the most part be forced to participate in the final battle. When they come to my door, I guess I will be forced to join in the fray as well. Guess that makes me no better than the rest of mankind. Who then is worthy?
Thank you for clarifying that. I must admit that I feel something coming and I can't tell whether it's good or bad, just a strange idea that the world might make a 90 degree turn before the end of June.
Maybe we've reached a point of critical mass in our perception, completed the circle of a new reality, so to speak.
A bit off topic - So here I sit on the Gulf of Mexico - with poisoned air. Our seabirds and animals are dying and dropping to the sea floor, unnoticed for the most part - the toxic chemicals now burn my eyes and throat. It smells acrid.
3 weeks ago the smell of it alone sent massive waves of horror through my solar plexus.
The MSM continues to talk about the World cup and Tiger woods, etc.
Meanwhile - the ecosystem dies - and the people of the Gulf are being poisoned on many levels. I'm leaving here, ASAP.
This continues to be horrifying. I still feel like everyone around me is in serious denial. I still feel like no one cares. Sometimes, I think I'm in hell.
I know better though. I know it's all for a reason. It's still extremely painful.
hey dublins you ok,I have been over at your site having a look around over the past few months
whoa I think I would need at least 6 months of reading there,that native american stuff is lovely
your a good fellow dublins you know that.I dont seem to be able to leave a comment on your site though it wont allow me too.
@ DaveS 8:16, LoveYourLife 8:32
Some comments, and not all directed at you, but those to whom it applies, in response to what you said:
I would like to state that I personally do not want anyone to be harmed, most especially--and this is key--unarmed civilians, including, shockingly, women and children.
"Collateral Damage" being acceptable--matter of course, even--is Satanic and bloodthirsty. Saying "the enemy" hides among such and therefore its "morally acceptable" to kill the whole lot--using drones, etc.--to get a few alquaeda/taliban/insurgents/terrorists/???, is wrong, unquestionably so.
But we're not even talking about that, are we?
I'm talking about shooting civilians defending themselves on their own ships, or in their own homes or orchards, or on their way to school...protesting violence even. Threatening, brutalizing, killing women and children...and doing far worse, hidden from the world--though not hidden from the Lord and Judge of all. (that's why I shake my head at the constant subterfuge and sneakiness of the carnal and think they hide from the eyes of heaven)
Innocents defending themselves from thug murderers and sadists, masked, in uniforms, with weapons silenced for maximum mayhem...or even unmasked, hateful neighbors with a grudge and a gun (ref. Israeli settler casually spraying a group of schoolchildren while the IDF looked on, bored.)
I don't hate the perpetrators. I deplore the actions. Earthly justice and tradition states such should be punished and prevented. Whither such justice now? Obviated by friends--in the highest places, in all the lands--of maddened, murderous, gleeful thieves.
Those caught in vile, spinning webs/sinkholes/vortexes of sin and deceit, are actually better served by being removed. In the depths of depravity, it is not just inconvenience they visit upon themselves and others, it is outright madness, misery and death. Do any of the worst ever free themselves?
The descending blade is halted. Earthly justice, tempered with mercy, as inspired of God, has been temporarily thwarted.
These are cosmic, eternal principles. Who dares to think they can bypass or unmake them?
Again, I don't wish harm upon anyone. I desire mercy and changes of hearts. But the perpetrators must choose to stop and make reparations...and face the consequences of what they've already done (even to death). Is that happening? In the absence of that, I desire wise and true justice...divinely visited/inspired if necessary.
(continued below)
(continued from above)
I sense that the blood now spilling to the ground, shed of a particular, mad ideology, has filled a divine cup of wrath to overflowing. Far too much, for far too long.
This is not about trying to be more polite today. This is about: STOP STARVING, BRUTALIZING, MOCKING, HATING, KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN TODAY!
The casual time-line giving individuals and nations time to change for the better...has altered. That time has passed. It is ended. The millions upon millions of lives past and present visited with deprivation, depredation, misery, darkness, manipulation, unholy reaving of their sense of spiritual self...the imposition of dark, low subsistence, purposefully, by wave after wave of (those who prey upon humans)...
This time is fraught with peril. Divine justice demands what earthly justice has forgotten, in a mad, drunken stupor.
All creation rebels at the volume of iniquity spewing up from hell to cover the earth. So long, in so many places.
God will send forth the righteous if available, but also shall put into the minds of the wicked to destroy bastions of great evil, which wreak such destruction upon the peoples of the earth.
This will happen in consequence of what the murderers and extortionists do, and not the feelings of this or that "aware" group.
Be not fooled that you (evil ones) can silence cries for justice, just like the Zionists (so effectively) silence news and truth, of the world, and of heaven.
Ye vicious fools of the earth, thinking to hide in shapeless, bloody cloaks, under dark, misted skies.
All shall be revealed. And justice will reign in the heavens and upon the earth.
[If some normalcy and balance returns, we just might not have to worry about bloody horrors visited upon mankind and nature on a weekly basis!]
"Com'on, do we need a burn the witch moment every time somebody expresses a contrary opinion? Anywhere I see such a cacophony of agreement, I am inclined to criticize because too much agreement is dangerous. An accuser is necessary for a fair trial.
Loki had the right idea. Nobody, not even the gods, belong on a pedestal."
I would think that if Les read your comment and wasn't so tired and busy he might have peed his pants laughing at the idea of me putting him on a pedestal.
Yes, I'm aware there are some obsequious brown-nosers here, as well as those who are looking for a savior to follow. That would not be me.
There are also some reading and posting here who know that this will be a group effort, in which we all have important parts to play. If Les has the guts to be the organizer or the point man, the Visible one, more power to him because I surely don't want that job.
My point in the previous post to you was that it is apparent that you have not done enough of the work to have a valid opinion. How do I know that? Because it is obvious in your words, to those who have paid the price in whatever coin was required.
Does that seem like an egotistical or judgmental opinion? It's not, it's simply a fact. I don't know what your skills and knowledge are in the world, but surely there is a thing or two that you have put long years of work and study into, that you know and are adept at. If someone who knew essentially nothing about those subjects came up and offered their opinion, how long would it take you to figure out that they didn't know what they were talking about?
Using Mozart as an example was perhaps a bit of hyperbole, and perhaps not. Mozart had the talent from a young age, and onto that he added a lifetime of study and practice, as well as producing a huge amount of original work. It appears to me that Les had the talent from a young age, has honed that with a lifetime of study and practice, and is doing original work. And that there is the most praise he's ever gotten from me.
What would your opinion be on the best angles to use when laying out hand-cut dovetails in eastern red cedar vs sugar pine or teak? If a garden soil had 1500 ppm exchangeable calcium, what is your opinion on what the boron level should be?
When two people are discussing something that neither of them knows anything about, their opinions are worthless. When both know the subject well, both opinions are valuable. When one knows the subject and the other doesn't, it's probably best for the one who doesn't know to keep their opinions to themselves and devote their energy to learning and asking thoughtful questions.
It's good that you have overcome some of the stumbling blocks that your upbringing put before you. That's a start, but the way is long and hard and it doesn't have a foreseeable end. It's a journey and there are damn few who have the guts to keep going. When you climb a mountain, does it get easier as you near the top? :-)
And guess what? What you thought was the top, isn't. It's only the beginning of the next mountain.
It's good that you are here, good that something has drawn you here. It wouldn't be the intellect that did that. The next step is to begin doing some real work. You might try sitting down cross-legged on the floor or the ground and not moving any part of your body for half an hour other than blink and breathe. Let me know how that one works out.
Hey Les, you should check out Julian Lee.
Shadowfest Destiny
Years of toxic rain for thousands of miles. It is also new oil from deep pocket and is radioactive.
Methane explosion in gulf could kill millions
New meteor storm coming. What if one hits the methane in the gulf?
BP admits capping the well may cause the whole thing to blast open.
Engineer says if they don't stop using corexit everything will die.
No more elton john?
I usually lurk, but I can't hold my tongue this time. Strong words here... Let's hope you're right about the future. You're certainly right about the present: it's time for everybody who knows the score about these rotten little gremlin-pricks to speak out to everybody he knows about it. And put your foot down. "Squish!"
We can't worry about "good" Jews, either, because there's no foolproof way to sort them out. Face it. Everyone's going to vanish from this earth sooner or later; so for Jews, why not now? I've known, worked, and studied with more than a thousand of the hateful parasites. Most were decent enough to me, but most also liked to laugh into their sleeves with a smarmy snicker over the evils worked by their fellows. Literally every one of them believes in the holocaust -- even a pleasant old woman who spent her teenage years in Auschwitz. She suffered a broken hip at her work there and the Germans sent her to the hospital. Yet she too believes in the holy holo. (!)
No product of the Jew lacks enough virulent poison to assure your demise if you make it a part of your life. Look at the Libertarian Party, for example. Steer clear!
So yes, people, speak out about the Jew to your family, friends, and neighbors, because you, too, are not going to be here forever. How will you live with yourself if you cower and cringe before the likes of... just take a good, CLOSE look at the defective ones and see what I mean! Dismantle "israel!"
By the zionutters actions against a fleet of humans helping humans it now says that every port in the world should assult and murder the passengers of incoming ships because they might have weapons. :(
So to do zionutter justice every ship that comes from israelhell should immediatly be assumed to be carrying weapons of mass destruction since that is their tools of trade that and never having said a word in truth, honesty being such a weak trait.
So every export from that hell should be destroyed as it contains the plague of an inhuman beast seeking to infest mankind with hatred lust and barbarity. Place the seige against those that would seige the entire world.
Until those all inside that boil of puss treat their fellow beings with respect they should be squeased like they are doing to the palestinian people of peace and perserverence.
The entire world should send supplies to those noble resisters of the plaque that has surrounded them and us with such revile.
Yes indeed feel sorry for the zionnutter inflicted AFTER they stop being worshippers of satan.
Rothchild illumanutty banksters united in cause to follow the zionutters into a hell they are creating on earth.
That insane cult called zionism with its protocols of deception is the enemy that forms the greatest threat to the love and peace so many of us seek.
Yes Les, that is why “. . . some of the Truth.”
I was unaware of Atzmon’s position (or non-position) on the religion of holocau$tianity rooted in the officially un-investigated [by force of law, bankruptcy, jail time, murder, slander, etc] holocau$t allegation, and his position on Israelamerica’s 9/11 false flag for endless war in the Middle East along with imposition of the JudeoBolshevik police state in America.
My error in not researching Atzmon on the holey holocau$t and 9/11 before deciding to reference him.
The only tribalist I’ve seen stand up and expose some of the holes in their holey holocau$t was David Cole when he was assisting Ernst Zundel, and they promptly put out a contract on Cole's life. That was sufficient to coerce him to recant, shut up and disappear.
"From being the force behind most Nigerian email scams, to body and organ trafficking, financial crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing and nearly any crime you can think of, Israel is the leader in them all." Visible
Yes, they have been responsible for so much mass death and destruction, but the one that breaks my heart was the discovery (on Wednesday) of the severely-decomposed body of former Polish history professor, Dariusz Ratajczak, in a shopping centre parking lot. After his conviction in 2002 (for claiming that mass gassings of human beings in Auschwitz-Birkenau was impossible), he was fired from his teaching position, and was reduced to working at odd jobs for food. It is believed he had been living in the car where his body was discovered (stuffed between the front and back seats).
It is these brave souls who have risked everything (and lost everything) that I truly admire. We have sacrificed nothing. This man was utterly destroyed (physically, socially, psychologically) for speaking the truth.
I have commented here possibly once in four years. Early on I was a regular until I traveled from my home country to meet Visible.
It is the matter of Mozart that brings me around this way. Mozart only made music. That should cover what I mean to say.
When a person is even more real and valid in person than in their work it is then when I know I have encountered the 'real deal'.
Having done this I have no trouble believing in something like what is at Visible Origami now. My own experiences are an assurance of that. I hope I have said enough without saying anything.
No one likes to see film footage of a pack of hyenas devouring an
antelope while it's trying to run away. It's in the nature of most
predators to kill their prey before eating it. Not so with the hyena,
and not so with the Synagogue of Satan false Jews (per Revelation 2:9
and 3:9). The false Jews (Khazars) have always had it in their nature to
prey on God's children, to slowly devour them while they're still alive.
The reason it's in their nature is because of their twelve centuries of
exposure to the spirit that empowers their Talmudist/Zionist religion
which is the Principality Antichrist (principal fallen angel, old
Testament Baal, the Babylonians and Assyrians referred to him as Bel)
who the book of Revelation refers to as 'the Beast.'
Predators perform a vital function in nature, i.e. to force the animals
they prey on to strengthen themselves, also to eliminate those which
neglect to strengthen themselves or which are unable to do so. According
to scripture however, the end time scenario will end with a twist... the
predator class will kill off the spiritually strong and allow the
spiritually weak to live (per Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 6:11 and 13:4).
I believe what the Lord desires for us to be doing is to strengthen
ourselves now so that we'll be able to take whatever comes down the pike
just as he was able to do. I believe the best way to strengthen
ourselves is to try to take our primary focus off of what the predator
class is doing and place our focus on the Lord and what he's doing. And
by that I don't mean joining some church or religious group. I've found
that it has to be a private thing with just me and him. Reading the
Bible certainly won't hurt, especially the four gospels and the book of
Revelation. If anyone has a better suggestion I'd sure like to hear it.
By all this I'm not saying that I think we should totally ignore what
the predator class is doing or that we should stop trying to warn our
friends and loved ones about what's really going on (which so many are
so clueless about). Sometimes it's hard to find the right balance as far
as how much energy we should put into it.
The predator class pride themselves on their prowess and on their
ability to be the 'supreme survivors of the fittest.' If they're as
smart as they'd like to believe they are they would've already figured
out that the highest aim of humanity involves making sure we exhibit
behavior that is superior to that of the hyena. The concepts of mercy,
forgiveness, pity, generosity, compassion, etc. simply don't compute in
the predator mind, which proves that instead of being the supreme race,
they are actually the antithesis of it. They are the ones to be pitied,
or so it would seem. However, if you look at the numerous scenarios in
the four gospels in which Jesus had confrontations with the predator
class of his day it appears that he had no pity for them whatsoever.
Think of what a slap in the face it must seem like to him now to see millions
of his professed followers in America dutifully idolizing their successors..
Hey Les,
I had to send this in two parts because it's too long to post in one part (sorry about that). And in the process I sent the second part first.
I mentioned recently that several years ago a friend of mine made the
statement that there's a spirit behind everything. I got to thinking
about it in regard to the events of the last couple of weeks and here
are some thoughts I came up with. This may not be totally correct but I
believe it's pretty close.
Jesus understood that the Judaism of his day was a bastardized blend of
the old Hebrew religious practices (outward) and the Babylonian
Talmud/Kaballah (inward/mystical) which had evolved over five centuries
as a religious prescription of control to be mediated by a priestclass.
The Judiac priestclass referred to Judaism as 'The tradition of the
elders' which was in fact a mixture of Satanism (per the Babylonian
Talmud/Kabbalah) and the Rabbi's version of organized religion (dressed
up in Hebrew-looking garb). Jesus also referred to their religion as
'The tradition of the elders' and condemned it as being a demonically
inspired counterfeit for the real thing, the real thing being a living
relationship with him.
Jesus made several statements regarding Judiac power, one being (my
paraphrase): "If they treat me this way how do you think they're going
treat you?" I believe he was inferring that his followers would one day
face the same entity that he was up against only on a much more grand
scale, and that they would be murdered by it the same as he was. So this
should come as no shock to Christians. But because most Christians in
Western Culture get their 'information' from TV, movies, and from the
televangelists (and from the system church priestclass who emulate
them) instead from the Bible and from the Holy Spirit speaking to them,
they don't know these things. So they're totally unprepared for what's
looming just over the horizon and/or are frantically going about trying
to convince themselves that they'll be 'raptured' out of here before any
of those kinds of things start to take place. The televangelists are
hired to recite the 'pre-tribulation rapture' doctrine (among other things)
over and over in order to keep the Christians distracted, contented, and
defenseless (dumbed-down, brainwashed, and controlled in other words).
There are a number of scriptural references that address the end time
scenario we see developing now. Prophecy of scripture always comes to
pass so there's no turning it around. Basically what it describes is a
predator entity that succeeds in taking over the whole world and killing
God's children. As death by murder happened to Jesus so will it happen
to his followers and at the hand of the same entity, and I don't think
our dreading it and complaining about it will help matters.
Hey Les,
Here's another post I had to divide into two parts because it's too long to post in one part.
Regarding Jewish power, Arthur Koestler in his book titled "The Thirteenth Tribe" uncovered the true racial origin of today's so-called 'Jews' which is that they are of Turkish stock which descended from Ashkenaz (hence the name 'Ashkenazi Jew) who was a grandson of Noah's son Japheth. According to Koestler Ashkenaz fathered a large tribe that migrated N.W. from what is now Iraq to what is now Northern Turkey.
Allow me to digress just a bit: Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. It was Shem who was the patriarch of the Hebrews, from whence comes the name 'Semite' (which presumably was originally 'Shemite'). Ham was the patriarch of the dark-skinned tribes and Japheth was the patriarch of the brown-skinned tribes. Contrary to the twistory we have all been taught in the Zionist indoctrination facilities (a.k.a. as public schools) the Semites were (and are) the white-skinned tribes.
The doctrine of Judaism from its beginning had practically nothing to do with the Hebrew religion of the Old Testament but was based on Babylonian mysticism. It was given a Hebrew looking veneer to add legitimacy to it but basically it in no way resembled the actual ancient Hebrew religion. (For those who are interested, Michael Hoffman's "Judaism Discovered" is the world's all-time definitive work on the subject of the apostate religion of Judaism. You can find out about it on is website).
During the Babylonian Captivity of the Hebrew tribes of Judah and Benjamin a group of apostate Judiac rabbis authored the doctrines of Judaism which was a blend of Babylonian witchcraft and old Hebrew rituals. The doctrine was inspired by powerful demons, undoubtedly overseen by the spirit of Antichrist (Old Testament Baal) to be designed for the purpose of control of the masses and for eventual world conquest.
After 70 years of captivity the Babylonians allowed the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to return to Palestine. That was around 530 B.C. So during the 530 year period leading up to the time of Jesus' birth the rabbis who had returned to Palestine perfected the religion of Judaism. They were given inspiration and instruction by the spirit of Antichrist as to how to develop the doctrine and the religion as a tool of control and of eventual world conquest. After the Judiac priestclass had served their purpose they were discarded and the doctrine and religion was passed on to a tribe which was better suited for that kind of power, namely the tribe of Ashkenaz. After the tribe of Ashkenaz migrated into what is now Northern Turkey they became known by the local tribes as the Khazars (probably the local dialect name for 'Ashkenazis').
In around 650 A.D. the king of Khazaria under the inspiration of the spirit of Antichrist converted to Judaism and declared Judaism as their national religion. It is estimated that at the height of their kingdom there were 10 million people under the king's rule. After several hundred years their kingdom slowly disintegrated and most of them migrated North and West into what is now the region of Poland and the Slavic countries. From there they migrated throughout the rest of Europe.
Satan (and his earth-bound counterpart the spirit of Antichrist) could have groomed the true Jews to carry the torch of Judaism, but they had that troublesome Hebrew blood flowing through their veins which meant they would always have some measure of an affinity for the truth, which meant that they weren't totally reliable as far as kingdom of darkness purposes were concerned. And that is why the Dragon and the Beast (i.e. Satan and Antichrist) chose the Ashkenazis to carry the torch of Judaism and to be used as a tool of world conquest, because they were closer to being inherently evil than any people in the world.
During Satan's temptation of Christ which is recorded in chapter four of the book of Luke it says that he took Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time (probably something akin to an astral projection experience), and he said to Jesus:
"All this power will I give to you, and the glory of them, for that is delivered to me, and to whomsoever I will I give it. If you therefore will worship me, all of this shall be yours."
The point I'm trying to make has to do with Satan's statement that he gives his power to whoever he wants to give it to. Which is obvious in the counterfeit Jews, i.e. to anyone with an ounce of discernment. And that is why Jesus twice referred to them as the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9). So their power and just about everything they do collectively can be summed up in these two verses as they mirror the personality and volition of their father the devil.
Les, Thank you expressing outrage and fury and wrath. Wrath must be expressed by someone sane who has a heart, a still functioning Heart.
Take no notice of those who tell you you must not "hate."
Hate is destructive to our selves,but what you express is righteous wrath and fury and that is not the corosive hate which is not good for the heart, not good for the soul, or for one's liberation, one's freedom.
I can be as furious as you are in this article, at least as furious and wrathful, and I can also PRAY for the release of the World from this evil thing you talk about, this horrible, vile, cruel, vicious, vindictive and filthy creature which has wrapped itself around the face of the World and has it by the throat, throttling the life out if, killing everything good and true and beautiful.
They are so sick and so stupid it is difficult for most human beings to comprehend, and that is partly why they manage to fool people, over and over again.
What I would be embarrassed and ashamed about if I was Jewish is that they deliberately traumatize their own children in order to make them frightened and full of actual hate, sick paranoid hatred without any basis in anything factual or in the truth of what is actual and real out there. But they HAVE no shame! They are not even embarrassed by their disgusting behavior, or the disgusting behavior of their "leaders" - and those ghastly looking men in black hats and black clothes and ringlets. all so black and so sinsiter.
And, they do not even understand, the do not understand, that Human Beings mostlly want to be happy, do not carry hatred around with them for very long, or not usually, and for anyone who is so afflicrted, there are usually other Human Beings around to help them out and out of that state because we mostly want to be happy and we mostlywant to like each other and be friends with each other and we mostly want to care for each other. We also do not believe that anyone should trample on other People or steal from other People let alone drive other People from their houses and from their beloved farms and gardens.
In fact, HUMAN BEINGS prefer to be good, honest, truthful and kind simply because they know that is the way to be HAPPY.
You have to be stupid beyond redemption to be a liar, and you must be so stupid as to be worthless and horrible beyond description to be a parent who is so cruel to his or her very own child as to lie to that child and create fear and hatred so that that child is psychologically hurt and crippled for life.
WHAT KIN of Creatures are these???
They are NOT Human Beings as I think of Human Beings. At any rate, they are extremely stupid human beings if they are actually human.
Off to my solstice celebration and not back until Sunday night or Monday morning so leave your comments because maybe someone has a laptop but in any case they will go up on my return. I'll be dancing all night around an enormous bonfire, probably in the rain but who cares?
I've got my ski anzug otherwise which combats all cold and as I have learned, in the high mountains, even in summer can be necessary.
I'll be thinking of you during the event and hope that all of you have found a way to celebrate this event which demarcates the approaching from the actively engaged. This is one of those cosmic tabs that indicate the opening of a door of transformation.
para continued
My remarks below ask for you to give more details.
When one observes any phenomenon, which cannot be explained as being caused by known features, then one posits a new feature or variable which could be the cause for that phenomenon.
If I follow you properly, to account for the extreme psychopathic behaviour of many humans (lack of empathy and compassion, violent and barbaric behaviour), you are positing the lack of a feature “soul”, which causes such behaviour.
Is such a postulate necessary? Can the behaviour be caused by the presence or absence, or the strength or weakness of features already known?
If one chooses to use a +/ - (plus or minus) ie Polar model, then one has to say the presence or absence of a feature is at play.
If the innate absence of a good feature is involved, there can be no introduction of the good feature into the organism. And there can be no change from within. If the innate presence of a bad feature is involved, the bad feature cannot be removed either.
Innateness is the key.
If one uses a Scalar model, then one would say an innate feature is either strong or attenuated.
If weakening of a good feature is involved, then the feature can be strengthened, it can change. Conversely, if an undesirable feature is strong, it can be weakened, and there can be change from within the organism.
In this context, self-awareness, a desire to change, and the ability to change are all necessary for change.
Perhaps the violence, barbarism, lack of compassion, and cruelty many humans show is due to the dimming – to the point of almost extinguishing – of the Divine spark (The Divine = Love unlimited) in such people. And perhaps also in the Dark Forces or Dark Entities.
This seems to be the point of the story of the Prodigal Son. However depraved a life he led (I think cruelty and violence are not mentioned, only a dissolute life), there were embers left in the ashes for him to kindle a fire from. He remembered what his origins were, wanted to change, had the innate capacity to change, and returned to his father’s house.
Several questions arise.
In your model, is everyone born without a “soul” and some develop one and others don’t?
That is “soul” as Acquired feature.
Or are some born with and some born without a “soul”? “Soul” as Innate feature.
In the latter case, the scheme seems somewhat similar to Predestination.
Animals lack this feature in your model, so my guess is that you see it as innate. And animals cannot be, or partake of the nature of, Entities.
Is there a reason for this set-up in your model, or is it just the way things are? An Imponderable.
Most of the world’s religions, which are really speculative cosmologies + rules for behaviour peculiar to each society at the time the religions got set, have to invoke the Imponderable at some point.
In this respect, I recommend the following site, which I’ll also send to VO. It’s a recently started Danish Physical Mediumship Circle, which has links to other currently running and past Circles. The Felix Group (German) and Yellow Cloud (in France) are very active Circles today.
Listen to Silver Birch, the (past) Amerind Control of the British medium Barbanell. Silver Birch took control of the larynx of Barbanell who went into a complete trance, and was not aware of what he was saying.
Best wishes for the Solstice and prayers for all.
Para - LV, thanks.
To some who wonder at the harshness of tone:
This is SM, after all, one facet. And the “savage indignation” which Jonathan Swift wrote about, has room here, to excoriate behaviour which harms and damages all living organisms, and the planet, even if this is all only a shadow-play.
We are all here to learn and to modify out behaviour. Discernment is the required first step. One has to recognise what is destructive and bad, who is doing it, and shame the perps through exposure – impersonally and clinically. The perps may or may not change their behaviour when the spotlight of disapprobation is on them.
At VO then, invoke change of heart and healing for all.
To Erin:
A difficulty with not saying, but implying much, is that one can remain opaque or is misunderstood. I’m not sure I follow what you said.
m_astera, your hypothesis about “soul” (an interface or conduit between Entity and Incarnation) is interesting. I hope I've got your basic points. If not, correct me. - continued
Hey Les 4 riders were approching the hour is getting late every word you say is true may love be with you
"If there were no Christians, there would be no Jews today. Catcha-Twenty-Two! You can't keep Christianity and get rid of the Jew!"
What good can be built upon a foundation of lies? What knowledge can arise from stupidity and willful ignorance?
An old friend doesn't want to believe in conspiracies. He "knows" all about the political situation here and in the world because he's been listening to his dentist for the last twenty years?
Question: Oh-ohhh... dentist? Is your dentist, by any chance, a dual citizen?
Answer: He's never mentioned being a dual citizen. Dr. Goodman comes from Russian. He told me he's Orthodox. I think he's Russian Orthodox.
Don't be fooled. Willful ignorance is the worst kind, and at lowest terms, is the only sin there is, eh?
How many people do you meet day to day, who are similar to my old friend, or even worse?
Thanks for speaking the truth.
From truth comes freedom
from freedom comes liberty
from liberty comes justice..
My name is Ryan Foster.
Your blog contains information and commentary deserving of wider circulation and we'd like very much to garner you and this information more attention by placing some of this content in the upcoming issue of our publication.
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Les Visible;
Few will listen,
Of the few who listen, fewer still will understand,
Understanding does not mean believe,
Of the handful who believe, most may not know what to do,
Those who even know, how many will actually do ?
And the rare ones who have done it.......
Need not listen to you anymore.
Dublin Mick, I was going to write a long post about how what I got out of the Nag Hammadi gospels is that we are all on a long pilgrimage back to God. And that sometimes a soul reaches its lowest point before great strides are made.
Then I decide to respond to you with all the grace and good-will you deserve. So...
Sniff my taint.
“Where are we? What is this all about? How will it end? ”
I’d like to take the opportunity to discuss issues...brought up or which can be inferred, and please note that my comments are not specifically directed at [any particular person].
Regardless of fanciful or real interpretations of any and all global events and influences…and predictions of the same…by any individuals past or present…
The fact remains that all must choose, individually, and also as peoples and nations, to follow good or evil.
Blessed be the Lord and all thanks to Him that there are not always immediate results from our actions — whether physical or spiritual. This gives us time to learn and grow…and repent…and be forgiven, bringing renewal and a new walk. And a winding path that may be!
Our lives may span decades. Our gestation, usually 9 months. Our creation, sudden. Our death, at the very end, the same. So, too, revelations–immediate, or unfolding. To each, its “season.”
If I add my voice to that of ancient and modern cries for individual and collective goodness, and rejection of evil and all the harms that derive therefrom…whither shame?
The most important questions — whether genuine or else contrived, as a distraction — are not about who is doing what, why, where and when, on a global scale (though those are interesting, yes.)
Rather, the most important questions involve one’s own thoughts and actions and their harmony with God’s laws, according the spiritual truths (Holy Spirit) bestowed upon us all, at a fundamental level, regarding the most sacred and important matters in our moral lives…unless seared from prompting (conscience) by our willful choice.
As others say here in different ways, and as the Savior Himself said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Fight true evil whenever or wherever it slinks towards or openly attacks you. Fight as if your lives depended upon it — spiritually, physically. In love, not fear, you will all make the right choices, and take the appropriate actions, and they are not always necessarily violent (even against the greatest evil).
Life is struggle. “By the sweat of thy brow…” Be sure you struggle for the right causes. We shall reap what we sow. For a very long time. Even eternally.
Beware the confusion and lies against righteousness. You surely must not overreact, nor harbor hate. (In the normal course of life, tolerance for self and others is wise and merciful.) Neither should you be timid in the face of life and soul-threatening evil. Justice is not to be shuttered, casually cast aside, denigrated or besmirched.
God shall surely show each and every one of us, and our leaders, the way, in all things great and small. It remains for us to obey — and to try again when stumbling, never accepting defeat — in all humility, for therein lies victory, and salvation.
In conclusion, destruction may indeed rain down upon a benighted place or nation. It may be prophetic and realized in the fullness of time. And it will be according to God’s will, after divine patience and mercy is exceeded, so that justice may reign in the heavens and upon the earth. We pray no entire nation would be so destroyed–that it would be spared for the sake of a single righteous soul found within.
May we never so try the patience of God, and willfully persist in wickedness, thereby demanding, at some ultimate, awful point, divine retribution.
This is a brilliant post. You say exactly what needed to be said. These words are the words that humanity has been waiting for, now we can begin. I salute you sir.
Napolitano: US must balance liberties, security
"Napolitano said it is wrong to believe that if security is embraced, liberty is sacrificed."
"She added, "We can significantly advance security without having a deleterious impact on individual rights in most instances. At the same time, there are situations where trade-offs are inevitable."
["violent" will mean anything they want it to (e.g. trying to bring aid to the starving besieged). "inspiration" will be like "emboldening" that is, akin to "material support".
Watch out. Saying anything against the party line in personal communications will be tantamount to terrorism, and punished severely.]
Splish splash, we're takin' a bath.
On one level you're absolutely right, on a deeper one it's a hissy-fit in a hall of mirrors.
We're all on board for this ride - better luck next time. No one here gets out alive.
When the truth is before you and what you suffer and feel can no longer be cognitively disassociated away, you are left with the unerring conclusion that Israel lies at the heart of wanton and calculated evil. Their words, their actions, and their machinations of world domination through strategically covert means all belie their intent. The world has had enough of the spoiled, racist bully with the secret banker parents. When Israel is finished off with a Mussolini arrivederci, they will be coming straight for the Rothschilds, who conjured up this hell-spawned nation, and I hope there's nothing but a shit-stained memory left of that lot.
What Les has articulated is simply channelling what the collective, progressive consciousness of the world now feels. The fact that only Turkey is willing to stand up to these scum, look them in the eye and say "Let's have at it" is telling. For it reveals the legion of compromised whores who lay at the beck and call of the Zionist Hellbitch. Les is correct for us to remember every single traitor sold to their interest, every paid enabler and everyone who aids and abets this vicious enemy of humanity. Examine the words laid as blueprint in their unholy Talmud, for they have long declared war through covert means against all they have perceived to be goyim. Their cover is finally blown and Magen David has morphed into Swastika of David. No amount of PSYOPS can repair the self-inflicted damage to their hideous facade. The world should be on high alert for a black op false flag orchestrated by them very soon.
Les, once again you've proved your words to be as sharp and deadly as the finest crafted Tamahagane blade of a Musashi-era Wakizashi.
Today's Pig is Tomorrow's Bacon
Obviously, since I’m here at this site, I agree that Zionism is a great and true evil whose influence impacts the entire world, bringing misery, and death, of both body and soul.
We must actively decry the perpetrators and attendant influences — always recognizing from whence it came.
Love the sinner, and hate the sin.
We must endeavor with all earnestness, from the depths of our souls, to lift off the wool which covers the eyes of an entire world. (rhetorical, of course, people!)
Every time I voice anger over this or that incident, it is about the perpetrators, the policies, the actions, and the resulting misery and death. Such enacted/manifested evil is never to be tolerated. Not by or from our “leaders” or others. Not by or from ourselves.
Evil thrives because not enough “good men” act decisively.
Woe be to the earth if the vast seas of people upon it accept some unholy messiah. See that ye do not do the same!
Zionist Jews reveal their plans for humanity.
Should be pretty clear by now.
"Anti-Semitism besides being a misnomer is, in it's general intent, an indication of intelligence and humanity and a badge to be proudly worn and displayed as a long needed sentiment similar to agreeing that the grass appears to be green and the sky blue. Anyone who isn't anti-Semitic is a fool."
Hey Papa,..Sometimes the waffles need a little syrup to make them palatable:
"It is also true that the world is the Avatar. It is humanity as a whole that is the Avatar in human form, not some specific human individual. Only the whole is the Divine Manifestation without exclusion. Therefore, the Guru is not the Avatar in that exclusive sense. Mankind is the Avatar."
Da Avabhasa...
(and the Net is the new conduit, man; d'ya see it Les, can'ya feel it?!)
The end of the Kali Yuga is history's darkest moment. In her dark age, the population explosion has dumped more unconscious human burdens on the Earth than ever before. According to the Indian mystic, Osho, these darker times exert a higher pressure of unconsciousness, which could produce a greater buddhatomic detonation of joy and awareness. Osho estimates that at least 5 percent of the human seed base has the potential intelligence to germinate an awakening. Out of an expected manure pile of 5.5 to six billion people fertilizing earth during the nightmarish nineties, there are more potential buddha buds than there were people alive on the Earth at any time for most of man's four million year history - between 275 to 300 million spiritual rebels!
"The search for truth is neither new nor old... Nobody is a founder in it, nobody is a leader in it. It is such a vast phenomenon that many enlightened people have appeared, helped and disappeared." Osho.
Whooohooo; who wants to be the guy that shuns the next Van Gogh?!
How's ya dancin' goin' mate? 'Trip' that light fantastic brother!(grin).
Nameste y'all,
Travel Well Les, and Have a great sol party up there.
Buon divertimento e prendere cura!
Teenager-repellent ‘mosquito’ must be banned, says Europe
“A device that uses high-frequency sound to disperse teenage gangs is illegal under human rights law and is “degrading and discriminatory” to youngsters, a report this week claims.”
“An investigation by the Council of Europe found that the controversial “mosquito” device should be banned from Britain immediately because it violates legislation prohibiting torture.”
“It found that “inflicting acoustic pain on young people and treating them as if they were unwanted birds or pests, is harmful [and] highly offensive.”
“The report also expressed concern that its use could constitute a “health hazard” and lacked adequate medical research.”
“The UK has more mosquitos in use than any other European state. The device has been installed at more than 3,500 sites across the country – compared to 5,000 across Europe as a whole – since it first went on sale in January 2006.”
“The mosquito works by emitting a pulse at 16-18.5 kilohertz that switches on and off four times a second for up to 20 minutes. It emits an irritating, high-pitched sound that can be heard only by children and people into their early 20s, and is used to prevent teenagers congregating outside shops, schools and railway stations.”
“Critics, however, say the device targets all children and young people, including babies, regardless of whether they are misbehaving.”
[More “collateral damage” idiocy by sadists in power. Complete disregard for harm to innocent children. This is Satanic. The Zionist mindset infects all places where it lairs.]
The oil spewing out of the BP gulf cockup is radioactive.
Mass evacuation to Fema camps anticipated.
The perfect storm the global planners have salivated over has arrived.
Kiss your ass goodbye.
"Any objective research leads to the inescapable conclusion that Israel has never wanted peace; what Israel has always wanted is more territory. Israel’s greed has necessitated the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in order to grab their territory."
"Israel has always lied about its actions. Its history of lies is astonishing."
"...Israel conspired with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in 1987 to create Hamas. Israel also armed Hamas."
"Why have Palestinian groups launched these rockets? Has Israel incited them? Is the launching of these primitive rockets the only way they know to let the world know that their parents, grandparents and children are being oppressed from birth to death?"
"What about Palestinian children, whose lives are at the mercy of the Israeli military? Many of these kids have seen their father’s beaten by Israeli soldiers, their mothers humiliated and called “whores,” have seen violence committed by Israeli soldiers or settlers on a regular basis, yearn for a glass of uncontaminated drinking water, are malnourished, maimed, deaf, blind, paraplegic, amputees, have endured Israeli sonic booms that cause all kinds of trauma including bedwetting, nausea, miscarriages, nosebleeds, anxiety, muscle spasms, temporary loss of hearing, heart and breathing problems."
"These Palestinian children are the lucky ones because they are not dead, the victims of rockets, bullets, white phosphorus and Israel’s common refusal to allow medical supplies into Gaza."
How long, oh ye fallen of men, shall ye crawl in the filth of hell?
In the name of the Lord God Almighty, thou shalt comfort thy neighbors without pause, or reserve, or thou shalt be destroyed from off the face of the earth.
The blood of the endless innocent fallen cries to the heavens, and to the Lord God above,
"O Lord, comfort us in our sorrow, for pain and misery is our only meat and drink. We wander in fierce deserts, bereft of joy. We are thine, O Lord. Do with us as you will."
The Lord hath heard the cries of His faithful. No longer can one brother shout to the world that all the land is his. I, the Lord, rebuke ye. Covenants broken. Blessings lost.
Ye shall make a new covenant with me, with a crying, repentant heart, or ye shall wander in the desert forever. The darkness of thy people met. So saith the Lord.
you sure know how to take a point to the far edge. Israel is probably involved in a lot of shit as most countries are (US, UK, Mexico, Venezuela, Iraq, North Korea, Palestine) just to name a few. And it´s true that most world leaders are a bunch of greedy cocksuckers who don´t give a shit; but most of the people out there, anywhere, are as real, confused and ignorant as you as me pal; so just maybe a little respect, and love instead of fear and spiritual propaganda (which don´t really go together), you would get your point through. Because now you are coming off like a racist pig, just saying...
Sorry Les, my glad to have you back post was meant for this thread, but it's all good!
Thanks Abe.
One thing, try to avoid the use of "just saying" because, as you know, this is an identifying tag from Slate and other individuals and locations known to me and... since you've been a little active of late well, just saying...
Abe sent this in to me as an email and I thought I'd post it. Let me know if you want it (Abe) gone.
Hey Les! I wanted to personally tell you how glad I am to have you back. I really do think that the mass ritual you called for earlier this year was the kicked up dust that finally draws the rain from the clouds. I also have here the four closing poems from some Toltec Psalms I've been writing. They're based on the Meso American calendar and each makes reference to the glyphs under it's cardinal direction. Just felt the need to get this out, maybe one for the Visible stream? please forgive any arrogance in such a request.
Much love and many thanks regardless the answer,
Sura Cipactli
1.Say: We give thanks for the East
2. Whose Sun rises with the One Will
3. Like hatched young Gatorlings
4. Our only nest is in your jaws
5. Cause us, like snakes, to shed ourselves
6. Give us the duality of Water
7. And the strength of One Reed
8. To withstand the quaking of the ages
Sura Ehecatl
1. Say: We give thanks for the North
2. Whose night sky reflects Wisdom
3. By Your breath do we live
4. And your Divine Wind is Truth
5. You have given us Death to ponder
6. And guiding dogs loyal beyond that
7. As the jaguar stalks by night
8. So does your blade shine by day
Sura Cuauhtli
1. Say: We offer thanks for the West
2. Whose Sun falls in to Your hands
3. We have been called from our houses
4. To follow the deer that are outside
5. And to tame the monkey within
6. Guide us as You do the Eagle
7. In the ways of talon and egg
8. And make us worthy of Your rain
Sura Xochitl
1. Say: We give thanks for the South
2. Whose nights are warm like our love
3. We are as lizards and You the Sun
4. In your Love does the rabbit abide
5. By Your Love does the twisted grass grow
6. As vultures eat the dead
7. So let Your Love free us of the past
8. That we might be like the Flower
9. Lovingly fixed in Her Season
Hey Papa,...That fleet of shit and yids reaches the gulf, it gonna be partay tarm brutha!Gitsum...broohaaa!
Vanguard, typically; of the ‘read a little, profess to know a lot’ un-schooled of thought; you shit-can israhell and the yids, then you quote from the old testament as though it was written for goys! “Ye shall make a new covenant with me, yada yada. So saith the Lord.” – Why quote a ‘quote’ in the new testament from the old testament? Because you just don’t know, so you put up anything that sounds, Cooool dude. Get a life knucklehead!
Oh, Les, that mate of yours... ‘Abe’, writing HIS toltec psalms, “based on the Meso calendar”... (whatever). Try plagiarised from the Aztec creation stories – and so it goes.... “..these four gods began to create. They created water, and other gods, and the sea monster Cipactli. Cipactli was part fish and part crocodile, a massive creature as big as all things that now are. This was a consuming monster, a jaw at every joint. Cipactli was to become the source of the cosmos in a strange way.” Etc etc etc...
Here’s ME, writing MY psalms of a ‘new world order’... “In the beginning there was... fuck all...and I fucking loved it that way! Heh Heh Heh...
Sorry folks, I’m just kidd’n. Go back to sleep.
Nameste yawwwl.
PeeG E (grin)
happy solstice :)
Hey Les.
I have no questions for Rense.
They were all answered by Duplicity.
Good tidings to you, good man.
@Dub the man with no ends?
When are you going to get it, Im talking with myself and not Les or you? Open the third eye fool.
Dub you have death on the brain. You seek and wish for death and destruction, why? This is a sickness man?
Never mind Ill answer that, as Im a "master at attributing things to people they have not said or advocate!"
Dub you dont have the will or balls to stay or live within the world you see, or yourself so you wish to destroy it all, like a child? Thats where these "usless" stories of the end of life are coming from?
Sorry to be soo shitty here, but you asked for it. Im trying to help but you just want drama, cool. You live off it because you cant create your own world, you just take apart others! Thats cool too, much luck with that.
Stop moving with fear man, its bring you down and making others only resent you?
You let other fame your ideas too much. Think for yourself and stop repeating the party line.
In the last tens year, the US has given Israel around 12 billion dollars that congress voted on.(you have the power to affect that, not just Israels lobbist) Best part, Israel has loaned back a third of it to US. You might think that means Israel is "in control" here, but you fail big time at understanding the loaning system and whos money is being played with here?
Sorry dude, but you dont have a clue about compassion. It is being a doormat for the the world and rage. You dont come first, love does, and you dont need to fight for it, its alway there silly.
You seem to think you welbeing has something to do with compassion, and it doesnt at all?
Love Your Life
Love your life;
You're a proliferative, pretentious, pathetically empty, self professed expert in your own mind?
One who thinks by using question marks at the end of statements makes one clever?
You are?
Fuck off?
peoples peoples its like some sort of cage fight over here,cant you practice making weird sounds or something that doesnt involve mentaly assualting each other.
It's just frustration brother. The ever name changing love your life, Godsend and everyone else, they all mean well and come up against people who have just had it with anyone who professes to have the answers and doesn't present that in an acceptable way to them. This is all like breaking through a crust of darkness and encountering the light. It's painful and unfamiliar. We've been in the darkness for so long that what is right and true looks like some fantastic fear producing creature when it is actually a benevolent entity that only wishes us well.
Truth and light place heavy pressures on us which are compounded by our sense of impotence in the face of events. We don't seem to understand that all we have to do is surrender to the force that is really in control. Our separated self is at war with it because it's survival depends on the darkness that fed it. The capacity to surrender is not a sign of personal weakness. It is an indication of great strength. We have everything upside down and turned around. Surrender right sides us and reorients us. Anyone having this trouble has to go to the inner light and ask for guidance. All the problems and troubles, confusions and fear come out of not taking this simple and profound action. I can only speak for myself but I have found this to be true and so convincingly true that nothing else has a voice and nothing else is an option.
mr visibles
you know what,I love this place
this place has done a lot for a lot of people,
ron paul said some stuff in congress earlier sort of bringing it home to tptb
we have had quite a few eye opening weeks I would say everything has definately gone up a notch or two,
I have got to go to bed,
will be back tommorrow
soul cont:
The scalar difference is obvious. A human with three centers can choose to live in survival, sex, power, or all three. An ensouled human can (and most do, because of our society) make the choice to live in these lower centers, or he/she can choose to live in and from the fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh or any combination.
An ensouled human that has chosen to or fallen into living only in the sex center can wake up like the prodigal son and move the focus to the heart center, feel remorse, and change. A soulless human can change as well for their own reasons, but doesn't have the capacity to do so out of remorse or a guilty conscience; their choice to change would be limited to "this isn't working, I need to do something different".
It's also possible for other types of consciousness to operate the human body, for instance animal or demonic consciousness. The consciousness of a friendly dog or playful monkey might do just fine in society. The consciousness of a shrike, a scorpion, or a weasel would not be so good. And the consciousness of a demon would not be good at all.
The biggest difference between these different operators is that the soul is coming from the "entity" level, which has all of the potential of First Source, the Creator, unlimited. The other operators have limited potential.
I'm postulating that we have a mixture of all of these types of operators at present, and probably some (or a lot) with no operators at all. The problems the collective of humanity have been having are due to predatory and demonic operators who, because of a lack of the higher centers, have no ability for love, compassion, or remorse. They only know power, sex, and survival, and that's all they can know.
Do we want them running our world? If not, what can be done about it?
Thanks for the good questions, Para. I'll see what I can do with them.
First a disclaimer: I'm not trying to write from a position of authority, but rather from personal experience and acquired knowledge. I believe the Universe makes sense. Maybe not logical sense from a human standpoint, but internal sense, internal consistency. Sometimes things can only make sense from a point of view outside "normal" human consciousness.
This is how I've put things together so far:
The holographic chip off the old block which is the source of our individuality, what I call the entity, is not physical. It has the ability to create in all planes of vibration, but it doesn't have the ability to immerse itself in them in its native form. The human instrument was specifically designed to allow the entity to fully immerse itself in the physical form. Like the difference between watching sex through a one-way mirror and being in bed getting it on. And I don't think that analogy is too far off the mark.
Here's another: Imagine painting a fantastic landscape, and then wishing to be able to step into and live in that world you dreamed up.
Picture a merry-go-round, mechanical horses with saddles so they can be ridden upon. Snakes wouldn't work, fish wouldn't work, but horses are just right for riding. Not all of the horses need to have a rider to function; in fact none of them need a rider. They can go around and up and down just fine without a rider. They can also be ridden by different types of beings. A monkey could ride, an opossum could ride, an angel could ride, a demon, or a god.
The same would go for real horses, but now we are not confined to the up and down circle. Any of the above could ride, or the horses could just be horses doing horse things. If they had a rider, they would instead do what the rider desired, if the rider were conscious and had his own desires, that is.
The human instrument is an animal body with opposable thumbs and a complex three-part brain. It can do a lot of things without a rider at all. With an angel or a god holding the "reins" it can do marvelous things. With a demon holding the reins it can do terrible things.
I'm saying that the human "machine" does not need a rider. Without a rider it has three active centers or chakras. First, second, and third seals: survival, sex, power. It also may have a rudimentary fourth chakra capable of attachment to other beings. Pretty much the same as the other higher mammals, but with the addition of a cerebellum capable of complex mentation and memory.
When the human body is carrying a soul, four higher centers are potentially available:
The heart, feeling love.
The throat, speaking love.
The pineal, knowing love for all things,
And the seventh, being love, unconditionally
Because of the presence of these higher centers, activated or not, there is more potential and more feedback coming into the body. Remorse, conscience, selflessness, true caring for others, the desire to experience the divine. These higher potentials do not exist for the human body without a soul.
That's the innate difference, the different potential.
Okay, well here is the final addition into the post-
Part Five of Visible Origami- What Happened in Several Segments is up now.>
Les- Israel as we know it is not the true Israel. It's the Devil's last ditch effort to call his own people. There is a true Israel God's inheritance, this so called promised land is not it, nor has it ever been... Be honest with yourselves people, why is anyone supporting this except the fact that we are brainwashed... It is not being a hater to say this. it is now 2012 and the world is even more messed up. Leave vengeance to the Lord for His wrath is coming.
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