Dog Poet Transmitting.......
When you talk about British Petroleum you have to talk about the Bride of Dracula, the original noxious, bat cave, the Queen of England, also the head of the Black Nobility; or close enough. My favorite picture of this slithering reptile is when she goes around on Christmas Day or New Years and dispenses season’s greetings to the junkies and homeless on the street. After a heartfelt, “Merry Christmas!” and a brisk handshake, it’s on to the next affair of state, which usually involves a senior cabinet member porking his chauffeur.
When you talk about British Petroleum, you also have to talk about the true vampire elite, The Rothschilds. They employ the Chinese Boxes style of accounting and operations fronting. I remember that photo of Warren Buffet, the mere piker of an investment entrepreneur from America, standing with Schwarzenegger and Jacob Rothschild prior to his investiture as Governor of California.
Not a day goes by when I don’t hear about British Petroleum doing something they are not supposed to do, denying it, being caught at it and… not a damn thing being done. They continue to pour Corexit into The Gulf at night, to keep the oil from the surface, or whatever the intricacies are, in order to avoid having to pay for their evil actions, which will inevitably lead to the deaths of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands; who knows?
All during the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, private security and public police forces, were employed by British Petroleum, to keep American citizens off of their own property on behalf of a foreign multi-national. They were threatened with jail and fines based on no existing laws that I know of besides the, “I have a gun and you don’t” law, which is a little like the Texas, “sumbitch needed killing law” but not really.
That jumped up pimp in the White House has been crying out behind the rodgering extended by BP to give it to him, “harder, faster and deeper”, in simulation of BP’s actual intentions and activities in The Gulf of Mexico, which seems to have resulted in at least one piece of good news. It might have affected a planned attack on Iran; delayed it more likely.
The control of the corporations is now official; it became official when the Supreme Court declared that it was perfectly legal for them to purchase the presidency or any other political office they desired. It became even more official when BP demanded that the American Government, sworn into office to represent the best interests of the citizens, immediately represent the interests of a pack of nationless scoundrels and get out there and lie like a Southern Baptist preacher about swimming safety; tasty and nutritious fish, cool healing rains and a chick at your door with a bag of pot. I think I got that last homily wrong. It might not even be a homily.
They said you should be catching and eating that fish because the government guarantees that its Long John Silver approved, except if anything goes wrong it’s your fault. People are finding chemicals in their swimming pools that are doing things to their skin. How did it get into their swimming pools? The same way it’s getting everywhere else. There’s no mention in the Zionist owned media about the terrible conditions that are manifesting down on the bayou because they are in the same club with The Rothschilds and the Queen and all the rest of the vicious, bloodthirsty pirates who run most of the show or... for the moment, as far as they know.
I want British Petroleum destroyed. I want it broken up into pieces and parceled out and sold and every dime sent in the direction of their victims. I want a tornado to pick up a house in Kansas or Kensington and drop it on the head of the Queen of England, while she’s wearing one of her stupid hats. I want a wooden stake driven through the heart of every Rothschild on the planet and I want to see the smoke curl, while the body bursts into flames and the jaw cracks open and the darkness screams from the mouth, as it rises above the stinking corpse and carries whatever residue is masquerading as a soul right down to the lowest bowels of Hell. I want all those blood stained clowns that assisted in this affair turned over to a howling mob of enraged fisher folk so that they can be used for bait or to chum the waters of the Gulf in case there are any fish left that want a piece of the action.
On behalf of this I am offering a visualization which should be directed at British Petroleum. You start with a BP logo and you imagine that it is the vibrational matrix of the physical integrity that holds the company together. You imagine the entire logo to be composed of something like ping pong balls held together by the magnetic glue of unbridled greed and you imagine the power of the collective Love of decent people, melting that glue with a sound like bacon frying on a griddle. The ping pong balls separate, burst into flames and the logo breaks apart as you directly see that all the physical assets of the company are breaking apart as well, except for those critical features that, by some serendipitous accident, actually protect well heads and so on and so forth. You see huge mountains of cash burning like an enormous garbage dump outside of Manila. You see this as the assets of BP and you keep saying all through it all, “BP is finished. BP is destroyed. Make it happen. Make it real. Make it happen right now, right here.”
Next you move on to the Queen of England and The Rothschilds, lined up like sardines in a can and you imagine the main demons of Hell reaching up from the ground, with hands of fire and pulling them down into the pit. You see them reaching out in all directions and grabbing their accomplices as they go. These accomplices grab other accomplices and you see the whole connected train of them being sucked down into the darkness of their own being, which is the original basis of Hell, as a self created destiny forged from individual acts. You affirm in your certain knowledge that this is an inescapable reality and you applaud and confirm it as the will of the universe, acting on the behalf of all life contained within it.
If this doesn’t work for you because you are some kind of a weak sister who thinks that Love has thin arms and might have the vapors at any moment, after which it falls into Fabio’s arms on the cover of a romance novel, then I want you to think of those sea creatures covered in that black death; turtles, dolphins, pelicans, manatees, all manner of birds and fishes and common working people, who are dying as you read this and being told it’s not because of BP and that it is certainly their own damn fault for coincidentally catching something that is, no doubt due to their being stupid enough to believe anything they are told. I want you to think of the compounds created by benzene, Corexit, methane and all the rest and understand that this was all brought about for the single purpose of hiding the extent of the crime, while having no concern at all for the collateral damage made a thousand times worse, because these evil beings were trying to shave dollars off of what they might be compelled to pay.
If a few hundred or several thousand of us try to remember to do this every day, when it is noon and six PM in New York City, I am pretty sure they are going to be feeling it. This is why the police attacked the people who were attempting to hold hands and encircle the Pentagon in order to levitate it. The one mind is all powerful. Physicists have already proven that the universe is thought born. Don’t think they don’t know about this kind of thing. They have people practicing it on you at all times. Remember to visualize a mirror alongside your head that reflects back everything the governments and black ops from any location or dimension are radiating out on any given day. That mirror sends their focused vibrations back at them. You make that automatic and autonomously operative.
Let each of us affirm that BP has the corporate form of bone cancer and that it is 100% terminal. Let’s accept it as a reality that is seeking its own end, even faster than we are. Let us accept it, as if it were one of our own hands in front of our face that everyone involved in this unspeakable crime against humanity and Nature, are inexorably and with all possible speed, being confronted with and punished for their crimes. Close your imaging with a sense of clean sea air and calm optimism; frolicking laughing dolphins and sea birds aloft in a cloudless azure sky, which you just realized you haven’t seen in a long time and shake your head and say, “Something dark and evil isn’t here any more. I can feel it”. Believe it. Know it. Let it go and do its work, secure in knowing it’s done.
End Transmission.......
'Rocket Ship' is track no. 7 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
i'm in for the visualisation of the destruction.
and perhaps after the visualisations that you really were very inspired over, there could be one with a feeling of how we would want our world to be.
one thing to say what you don't want and another to invite or invoke what one does.
you are so right the whole universe is thought born and for too long our thoughts have been those beamed at us through school and media. and for those who were blessed by grace to be thrown free from the outer edge of the wheel towards the inner - thoughts could weave some magic.
Let it be so.
Love ya Les!
"Next you move on to the Queen of England and The Rothschilds, lined up like sardines in a can and you imagine the main demons of Hell reaching up from the ground, with hands of fire and pulling them down into the pit. You see them reaching out in all directions and grabbing their accomplices as they go. These accomplices grab other accomplices and you see the whole connected train of them being sucked down into the darkness of their own being, which is the original basis of Hell, as a self created destiny forged from individual acts."
Nice, I guess Im just repeating you, sorry, but this is really happening to BP and the rest anyway, dont need the visualization?
Love Your Life
Sorry, I got carried away for a moment...
What's really weird (Mike's future website, when the evil has been banished) As I was saying, what I find odd is I had the same idea to organize a group effort and visualize the demise of those guys. And, as it was forming in my head, I found you were forming the very same ideas upon the page. I love finding my reality and my imagination converging.
Lots of that sort of thing lately. I've felt I've been able to create my reality more than ever before... and I've been practicing for many years now. Ever since I read Illutions by Richard Bach, and that's a long time ago now. Wow! It's cool seeing that magic work effortlessly. The past month I noticed this sort of thing building up and now I'm beginning to just expect it. Magic must be leaking thru cracks in the Evil One's facade.
Or maybe I'm just weird.
Remember the first Shriek movie? The short evil prince banished all the fantasies to the forest... or the Adventures of Baron Munchausen, and how that movie skewered the Age of Reason. Good feces.
Dream the magic; reality is belief.
Peace and fairy dust
wv: fringlo... fringlo, sweet harlot, coming to carry my cash home... Or as Dylan (bob) might have said, "my frin, glo you do, do, doo."
P.S. Yes, I must have eaten two mouths full of weird today. Mmmmm Good!
So, the Monk asked me these questions after my 7-years of intense suffering: "Where's Shiva?, Where's Shiva, You know Shiva?, You meet Shiva today. Shiva now bless you for 40 more years..."
I got it! These Shiva questions that has kept me sleepless for many a night...finally I understand...
The all-powerful God of Destruction/Creation was not the physical manifestation of some drug addled transient, wading through Houston traffic that I gave a my last buck to, nor the statues at the temple where I burned up the day in meditation, nor the well endowed/interesting female crack-fiend on the mission to nowhere--no these were not it. These did not bless me...
But this is it: I have awoken Shiva within me...that's it! "Where's Shiva?" "Where's Shiva?" Shiva is within ME! Shiva is that white-hot flame that now burns within my chest for eternity! I have awoken my own personal factory-original equipment God-power and now it is time for me to destroy/create! I blessed myself through the acquisition and application of esoteric wisdom/knowledge. "You know Shiva?" "You meet Shiva today." Yes, I now know Shiva!
My own personal spark of the divine is aware/awake--yes! Yes, I am the now a physical manifestation, a minor minion of the all-powerful God of Destruction/Creation to wreak my minor will/creation/magic upon just my world during this brief blink of an existence. But the monk left me with one caveat--the governor, the balance, the key, the moderator....
When you go throughout your day, invite God to help you with all your actions/magic/creations. When you eat, eat with God, and choose foods that God would like you to eat--same with all other actions (his example was actually sexual, which was so strange for such a past pious holy-man, something about when you have sex from now on; it will be a threesome with God--I didn't quite get-it/understand his pedantic model). But by using God/Love, we raise our vibrations and become closer to the divine...maybe I will get to escape this prison this time...
I got it!
Take care and fuck BP,
word verification kowsi
Hi Les and all,
Why stop at B.P.,lets dismantle all the global oil companies who spew their filth and commit murderous atrocities throughout the world,in their search for 'black gold'.They are one and the same.
Count me in!
Dave, you are in the zone.
Been there, am that.
Words and states right out of my life as it is and is.
Covkid shows up who I haven't heard from in some time and love your life is making the definite point that we don't need certain things because they are going on right in front of us. I think that's where the term, "Join the party" comes from
We have the capacity to be snowmobiles when the competition is in bedroom slippers, given that the proper amounts of integrity, faith and.... well it's kind of like cooking a meal. You need the ingredients. Some people spent their life getting them and some didn't, or maybe those were other ingredients for other reasons.
The general feeling of malaise is over as of yesterday.
Anger is an energy...use it!
God didn't create the Universe(s),
Prof.Stephen Hawking said so...
He's really good at maths and stuff so it must be true.
Consider it done. Love this idea.
Les --
I'm with you and I am you.
Regarding the universe being a thought formed by the Divine Mind, I don't think many people understand the literal truth of this statement.
God is the invisible and indestructible "aether" that underlinies everything in existence. Through thought and will he expresses his desire to create.
I often get in arguments with Christians saying that I believe in a different God than they do and then I ask them a simple question.
Who is the Holy Ghost?
While Christ is the son who came to show us the proper way to live -- and The Father is the Divine thought -- The Holy Ghost is the permeating, invisible and indestructible presence of God in evrything that we see and do and touch and feel.
So use your thoughts to bring about your desired outcomes in accdordance with the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost and you've got it made in the shade.
What do you think of this Adam guy from that is giving Mike Rivero such shit?
RJ; that is more beautifully put than I have ever seen it before. Congratulations and someone nail a golden spike next to where that cat wailed.
That same moron has been mucking about with me too. I filtered him in such a way that he never appears in my emails again but his location and proximity to the people he is talking about which he in fact may well be are getting a lot of directionals. This isn't for amusement purposes but they are doing it to themselves anyway. If someone wants to wear a trench-coat and watch their own cupidity through a school bus window they are welcome. I'm not a man of force or accommodation, I just want things to be where they are supposed to be and want to behave accordingly.
Reb my friend, people bend themselves out of shape. I think it is called a personal perspective
limes from a song I am working on;
"how do I know that this is the truth?
Cause I am living proof."
Thank you for the post.
I agree fully:
BP, Rothschild, the Queen are all part of the new world order that Obama is gladly spreading his cheeks for.
You're either newworldorder/zionist or you're not.
97%(+++)of the world are not and would not want to be. Those that are have way too much innocent blood on their hands.
Greetings and best wishes,
setting the thing against itself is how they operate and hope they get out before it starts to burn ... who knows? that's not my cup of tea. I'm a human being, that's not as common as it once was. I wish for more humanity... that's easily endured. I guess that means it bothers me when it happens to someone else. That right there is proof of God to me or maybe it's sympathy, compassion and each new day will tell.
I'm going to start working on this early....see you all at 6pm
Another great one LV. Now BP says
if the drill baby drill moratorium
isn't lifted then well, they just wont have that $20billion to hand out as compensation! Howdy Doody goes off in hiding to Camp David for his fifth vacation with whimpering Timmy Geithner.
Well Godsend, Jesus is coming and he seems to be pissed, but with a sense of humor! 7.4 earthquake at Christchurch NZ. I'll join in the visualization to send Sauron's minions to one of Dante's lower rings of Hell.
wv: medish
Nice idea. How about something similar for Israel and it's sabbath goys? Perhaps, visualise the star of david made out of white hot barbed wire which contracts around the throat of a representative figure until he bursts and burns, releasing the minds and bodies, freedom and wealth of the peoples of the world.
As we speak, the Netherlanders are heeling starboard a hair's breath off the wind determined to overtake the Union Jack. Its a mighty race, the world is watching, the great cup quivering, its enough for some to get their lives back, the high seas turning into rainbows of petroleum jello from the creeping, dawning, unspeakable suggestion of the terrifying possibility they never possessed life to begin with.
Hey I'm the British-basher and vatican basher that sometimes you don't like (don't blame ya) - anyway after suffering thru the last week thinking I had corexit in my kidney it ended up today being just (two) kidney stones. Good lord I dont know what caused them but the worst is yet to come.
However, this is by far the best thing you ever wrote. Sorry if I am heaping praise too much , heck you mighta even wrote it just to shut my hole. (And hey, lizard child-eating beatly queen punish me instead of him). Anyway I don't think I could have ever said it better than that! GREAT stuff, of course I know I am 2 negative and depressed but you expressed it well without that, and perhaps maybe I can learn from that as well. Peace
What a pleasure to come over and see the last three comments with Nina like the jewel in the crown, breathtaking poetry, moon-walking apologias and a riveting visualization that has to be manifested; readers take note, try this at home.
ps. start/end of their/your frolickink maybe why? am hear.
Yes, off with Her Head.
Public execution.
Then the whole "royal" family.
Every last one of them.
But the English, like the Americans, are way too weak to pull it off.
On a lighter and more refreshing note
Kick back...
Momo Wandel Soumah - Felenko Yefe
He plays a mean Sax. Guitar is right there, also.
....powerful stuff!
One thought was that when reality is not what was wanted... you can always just walk away... combined reaction
... ready to vibe...
I liked that exercise, particularly the feeling that the rhytmns of earth, which produce a logo or image representing an evil institution, can be changed to eliminate them and produce something better instead.Let the rough music of the spheres play out the old and play in the new.
There is nothing wrong with BP a huge tax bailout cannot solve!
Also higher taxation on fuel.
Come yon common folk, cycle to work, keep fit and susidise the Giants so they can afford to run their Limos and Roll Royce.
"If a few hundred or several thousand of us try to remember to do this every day, when it is noon and six PM in New York City, I am pretty sure they are going to be feeling it."
Apparently, even conventional academics have studied the effect of meditation. Change can be effected by relatively few meditators. The general rule is that it requires only the focused effort of "the square root of one percent" of the population you want to effect. So if you want to lower the crime rate in a city of 1,000,000 people, it would only require the concerted meditative effort of 100 people. To effect a company of, say 100,000 employees, like the oil company in question, only 32 meditators would be required.
It looks like that can be done by the crowd that visits SM. Sorry I missed the focus times today but will join you during the days to come.
By the way, it would only take about 8400 people to effect the consciousness of the entire globe.
Les, I'm on the fence about you. You seem like the type that would be cool to have a drink with and shoot the shit about politix and what not as you are very well informed. But do you realize it doesn't matter anymore? We are genuinely in the days of Apocalypse and nothing can be done about it. All these people you have hatred for, don't worry about them. Turn to the true message of Christ and the true gospels, sell your soul to the one true GOD who loves all who turn to him, regardless of race, creed, origins, etc. And let him deal with the rest, because he has his plans while humanity has theirs. And you know who always wins right? Betting against GOD is like betting against the house when it comes to gambling. You will lose. I sure as hell I wouldn't bet against GOD and I'm sure neither would you. But it seems like everyone else already has. Forget about the kundalini-akashic nonsense as that is another form of Satanism in disguise. Turn to Christ and the the one true master of all, our creator and our GOD. The solar system is traversing the galaxy right now and when it reaches where it's supposed to go, we are all going to see shit hit the fan really quick. Nothing from all of mans unholiness will be able to stop GODS will and plan for us either. Good, bad, right and wrong, black or white, Muslim, Jew, Christian, etc. it will all be irrelevant as they say. Stick with GOD, know that the problems of the world were not your doing, eat, drink and be merry, and embrace the Apocalypes because it's been several thousands of years in the making and has not been my doing, your doing, or any of the other 5,590,000,000 people of this worlds doing. Just chill Les, don't get involved in the fray as will end up selling your soul to Satan if you do. Take it easy Les. Later bro.
Buzzsaw says:
Once again, great post w/visual from the great Visible!
To Mi Cha El
The thing about you is your blatant satanic tone. It's genuinely creepy. Makes me wonder what kinda perversities are bubbling up inside your shell. Like, who are you going to sexually brutalize tonight, the slave that you keep in your basement, in "the cage," or yourself?
AND, how much did YOU get in the "deal"... selling your soul? I've always wondered what the exchange rate was, on the average, and, how low some people might actually go to satisfy their yearning.
Strange times we live in.
Vizzy! You are too kind.
Namaste. Wonderful piece.
Mi Cha El
How much easier do you want LV to take it? And that includes most of the rest of us that follow the posts on this site. He said it’s all under control and I am in agreement. Might be time for you to lighten up and follow your own beliefs and leave us to our own devices that have nothing to do with satan…In fact, you bring to mind the words, “Get behind me, satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."
On your tombstone it will read "I wrote and I wrote until I died...had I only picked up a rifle and killed a few goats...
Do something productive Mr. Writer Man. Pick up a rifle and kill a few goats. If we all do likewise...if good men do what needs to be done...perhaps America can be reborn.
You know that feeling you get when you walk into the wrong bar? Probably not. I don't have a tombstone and if I did it would say, "don't bother, I'm not here". Once again, probably not.
I don't want to give the impression that I only scratch mosquito bites. I think this is more along the lines that I have no interest in killing goats but it does bring up an interesting association, several actually; goats, entities with horns, duality and passion coupled with climbing ambition as well as the fact that goat and wrote rhyme.
All of us may well do much more than what may first appear and that includes very simple folk on occasion. One never knows.
back to the petri dish
For all of the people that post here from Britain and its environs,G.M.T. is 5 hours ahead of New york time.
So 5PM and 11PM will be our respective times to join our brothers and sisters from around the world,so we can combine our psychic energies and be a force to reckon with.
synchronise your watches(grin)
Hi Les!
You have a very cool and hip virtual community. Do people merely sit around their computers alone or do they actually meet each other in real reality?
I suppose the next thing the wise ones will do is define "internet addiction" and offer treatment and support groups. It could be big medical/psychiatic business in the future. Will the insurance companies cover it? Will there be a ten step program?
It seems like everyone is feeling more and more isolated.
Just a thought.
Warmly yours,
Anon 10:54,
"pick up a rifle" eh? LMAO.
Anyone who advocates violence on a web comment board is almost certainly a government agent...... or an idiot.... (or both). Either way they are people to ignored and avoided.
I know other readers have met each other. I'm sorry I never met Dadnerd but he'll be back. Some visit me, usually with good results. The ceiling hasn't quite come loose yet so most people are still inside the thing they used to call their house.
Did post this earlier but it has not come up yet.So i'ii do it again with my new wizard cursor.
For those of us who live in Britain and its environs, 5 hours ahead of New york time.
So it will be 5pm and 11pm respectively when we join our brothers and sisters from around the world in psychically cleansing the menace of the B.P. oil company.
Synchronise your watches(grin)
Hi Les,
A question I have been wanting to ask for a long time: was/is Dadnerd also known as Jj?
thanks Covkid you dashing Lochinvar,
and it's 6 at my time but you don't have to triple it unless you really want to. So Nero and Ronald Reagan walk into a room and...
I was visiting family recently. The stress level was high, so I went to have a Reiki session. During the session, I was told to continue to do the spiritual prayers I was doing for my brother and mother. The woman said that he is being blocked spiritually from causing any harm towards her. I never told this woman I was saying the ho'oponopono prayer to difuse the anger my brother has towards my mother, who is living with him. Confirmation for me that ho'oponopono, heart felt prayers and visualizations do indeed impact a situation.
I believe the future is not "determined" yet, that we are creating it as we go along. We can indeed impact the new world we're moving into with our focused intentions. May we focus our intentions on BP and all involved in the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico, and the world, and visualize them dissolving into the fires of purification.
And so it is.
Do you mean our ceremomies to commence or to culminate at the specified times?
thank you Les. right on. Bless you.
I thought it was noon and six pm NYC. It is for me.
I think it takes some time to work up to full effect, say half an hour to get into the right mood. Do you mean us to discharge the emotion laden intent at noon and 6pm New York time, or to start building the energy then; or just to make a quick visualisation in passing at that time?
If this report about weakening of the Gulf Stream as a result of what happened in the Gulf of Mexico is accurate, maybe we should include an effort to fix it - soon.
I'm not even going to touch that and it would take too long to write a satirical reply worthy of it. But one thing you should not forget, don't be facing backwards when you do it. (grin)
The Beatle’s John Lennon was born on Oct 9 1940 and murdered forty years later on Dec 8 1980...
The (jewish) brothers – Bernard Delfont, Lew Grade, and Leslie Grade (Winogradsky) – had a stranglehold over stage and screen appearances in Britain and gave preference to Jewish stars and promoters. Such were the amounts involved that fellow Jews the Kray twins were asked to launder much of the money in clubs...while the Krays themselves had high-level protection from inside the police, which bought them immunity for a while with bribery and funny handshakes.
...Brian Epstein
Mail surveillance of music promoters Brian Epstein and Joe Meeks revealed that the company Epstein had set up with Nat Weiss to promote the Beatles in the States – marketing everything from Beatles chewing gum and comics to bathroom mats, towels and wallpaper – was taking a phenomenal 90% of the profits while the Beatles took just 10%.
This sparked the start of arguments in the band over what they called Jewish control. Insiders say the replacement of the talented drummer Pete Best with Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) was to get a Jew inside the group. Certainly Epstein knew everything discussed by the group, and their growing disgruntlement over the small percentage they earned.
In 1967 Joe (Meeks) the musical genius allegedly shot his landlady before turning the gun on himself. ...claimed to police he knew nothing but that the Beatles were surrounded by some very shady characters.
Brian Epstein died in 1967 of a supposed accidental drugs overdose although many doubt it...
The Beatles were furious when rights to their music in Northern Songs were sold without their knowledge to Lew Grade, who was known in the trade as ‘Low Grade’
All of which throws new light on John Lennon’s famous comment that "only queers and Jews can get on in show biz."
In response to those remarks Israel allegedly banned a Beatles visit, while continuing arguments over the missing money threatened to split the group itself.
When John went to the USA with Yoko Ono, the FBI took a flat above the two to listen them in bed.
John’s huge FBI file claims he was a threat to the continuance of the Vietnam War, his pleas for peace were being heard and apart from his music John’s message was also being listened to. Henry Kissenger was just one among many in the establishment known to want Lennon out of the way.
Researcher L.C Vincent clamed that John's message was to love one another, the opposite to the illuminati message of fear, hatred and wars. It’s also been said that some big players wanted John to head a new political/peace movement, which would have made him doubly dangerous to the powers that be.
That was another reason they wanted Lennon removed from the limelight...
There are some who even say that Mark Chapman did not fire the shots but that he was simply there to take the blame.
In any case as in any crime we should always ask: ‘who gained from this’?
Remember that evidence was recently discovered that indicated Rolling Stone Brian Jones might have been murdered. While it has been suggested that Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix and Michael Jackson are now worth more dead than alive.
What may have sealed John’s fate however was that he was beginning to make noises about Jewish control.
Just as some now say that Princess Diana’s decision to go to Palestine to continue her campaign against landmines ensured her death.
So John Lennon’s assassination was assured with his demands for peace and for vocally acknowledging Jewish exploitation.
Israel controls the United States and controls the media. Ronald Regan signed an executive order giving the CIA the right to present propaganda as news so as to give Americans the right "mindset". Indoctrination. Wake up, fools. Israel has Americans fighting its wars and paying for them. There is a plan to make the Jews that reside in Europe, Canada, and the United States move to Israel by creating race/religious war. That is why the Feds refuse to enforce immigration laws.That is what we are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon to be Iran. To make more room for the Jews that will be forced to flee the US, Europe and Canada in the upcoming race/religious wars. Israel needs more territory, more room.Blacks and Hispanics are tools being used by the Zionists to create a race/religious war and force American Jews, which are as many as those that reside in Israel, to flee to Israel. Few Jews fight in the American military although most of our wars are for furthering Jewish interests.Americans are a dumb, uninformed populace. They are too lazy to read newspapers from around the world and get the big picture. Americans get their news from the American media which is an arm of our Zionist occupied government. Washington DC is Israeli occupied territory. Americans are incapable of self-thought. Americans have no thoughts or opinions of their own, these things are given to them.The White governments were removed from power in Rhodesia and South Africa to reduce the Black population through starvation, disease, and war. The White farmers in Rhodesia and South Africa had caused a massive Black population explosion because of the excess food the White farmers were producing. The Black population had to be reduced. Now, Blacks face starvation on a massive scale because they have no food, especially in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.In the United States and Europe, the population of Blacks and Muslims has been increased because the Zionists want race/religious war here to force the Jews to flee to Israel. This will occur when food shortages hit in Europe and in the United States and when the Zionists murder Obama and blame it on Whites. Our borders are open for this reason, as much bloodshed as possible! We are being used like a common whore. "By deception, we shall make war." Most of those that inhabit Washington DC are guilty of war crimes and treason.
Les, Gordon Duff from "Veterans Today" sounds like he has a handle on what's going on:
I got that in my mailbox an hour ago... heh heh.
Yeah, I like Gordon and those people from Veterans Today.
I didn't read through all the comments, sorry if my view has already been discussed.
First can we please refrain from biblical BS? Yes, the world is made from thought- OUR COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS. If we want a world WITHOUT THE LIKES OF BP/NWO we need to change our collective thoughts.
The sooner we accomplish that, the sooner we will see a world free from scum bags. Where they go (or how they get there) really isn't our concern.
If we can't accomplish this by changing our COLLECTIVE thoughts, we will need a revolution. BUT the problem with that is the amount of hate it generates will have lasting effects here on earth.
Love is said to be the answer. Maybe we can LOVE them to death.
Erik, Jj and Dadnerd are not the same individual as far as I know.
Well, in the more mundane sense anyhow......
Thanks, Les, and fond greetings to All.
John Kozy (global research) writes . . .
Primitive societies developed a whole range of benign ways of confronting evil, some of which are still in use today in isolated places. Ostracism, shunning, anathema, and social rejection have been used successfully. Then there are the more modern practices of boycotting and picketing.
But modern technological advances have made even other practices available. Imaginative uses of these tried and proven methods can be very effective.
For instance, most computer literate people are familiar with denial of service attacks used by hackers. A denial of service attack is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. These attacks are a great nuisance, but often cause no real damage. No good person would recommend using such attacks, but consider the following situation:
People are routinely asked to write their congressmen to influence their voting on specific issues. These letters are usually delivered to Capitol Hill, perhaps causing congressmen some annoyance, but rarely enough to induce much real change. But what if the letters, written in civil language without threats, were sent to the residences of a congressman's parents, siblings, spouse, and children? What if the letters merely asked the recipient's to urge their relatives to consider changing his/her mind? What if thousands of letters were sent to these people? The annoyance would be enormous. If this were done to enough congressmen often enough, perhaps they would consider acting in more responsible ways or perhaps leaving office altogether. Denying miscreants of the convenient use of the proceeds of their actions could be a powerful tool.
This technique can be used against corporate officers and their governing boards, judges who routinely reduce the amounts jurors award plaintiffs, the police who are shown to have acted brutally, Justices of the Supreme Court who issue rulings that cannot be justified by normal readings of the Constitution, in short, anyone acting in an official capacity who has done a great wrong. Furthermore, the U.S. Postal Service needs the money. The establishment does not expect people to act in such ways; it expects them to use the normal established channels to express their disapproval. But those established channels have long ago been shown to be ineffective.
All that is required to win the battle against evil is to find ways to make the lives of the miscreants miserable. No laws, not violence, not even punishment is needed. Annoy them, shame them, shun them, ostracize them, turn them into social outcasts, personae non gratae. Even if the good in society constitute only a minority, if the minority is large enough, it can succeed using such benign but annoying techniques.
The situation described above is only one of many possibilities. Imaginative people can conceive of others which can be equally effective. Think of ways of using the telephone, twitter, posters, and anything else in similar ways. The governing maxim needed is just make the miscreant's life miserable.
Unless such techniques are put to use, evil will prevail. Then, paraphrasing J. Robert Oppenheimer's comment after the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, We will have become evil, the destroyer of goodness.
Fantastic article by John Kozy at global research:
John Kozy (global research)
Primitive societies developed a whole range of benign ways of confronting evil, some of which are still in use today in isolated places. Ostracism, shunning, anathema, and social rejection have been used successfully. Then there are the more modern practices of boycotting and picketing.
But modern technological advances have made even other practices available. Imaginative uses of these tried and proven methods can be very effective.
For instance, most computer literate people are familiar with denial of service attacks used by hackers. (...) No good person would recommend using such attacks, but consider the following situation:
People are routinely asked to write their congressmen to influence their voting on specific issues. These letters are usually delivered to Capitol Hill, perhaps causing congressmen some annoyance, but rarely enough to induce much real change. But what if the letters, written in civil language without threats, were sent to the residences of a congressman's parents, siblings, spouse, and children? What if the letters merely asked the recipient's to urge their relatives to consider changing his/her mind? What if thousands of letters were sent to these people? The annoyance would be enormous. If this were done to enough congressmen often enough, perhaps they would consider acting in more responsible ways or perhaps leaving office altogether. Denying miscreants of the convenient use of the proceeds of their actions could be a powerful tool.
This technique can be used against corporate officers . . . judges .. . , (brutal) police . . . , Justices of the Supreme Court, . . . anyone acting in an official capacity who has done a great wrong. . . . The establishment does not expect people to act in such ways; it expects them to use the normal established channels to express their disapproval. But those established channels have long ago been shown to be ineffective.
All that is required to win the battle against evil is to find ways to make the lives of the miscreants miserable. No laws, not violence, not even punishment is needed. Annoy them, shame them, shun them, ostracize them, turn them into social outcasts, personae non gratae. Even if the good in society constitute only a minority, if the minority is large enough, it can succeed using such benign but annoying techniques.
The situation described above is only one of many possibilities.
It's only necessary to post once. Regardless of if it says it's too large or something else. Just save it somewhere if you want but I get a lot of seriously multiple posts that take a bit of work to process for various reasons,
read this:
Time for ingenious thinking.
sorry, lv! thought i had to cut it down - kept trying and finally gave up.
Hopefully it is all up now. Usually the whole thing comes through and the parts as well. The only time the whole thing doesn't come through is when it mentions that you are only allowed so many characters.
It's six o'clock ny time.
The 11 killed in the explosion were killed to prop up a lie. The energy of their souls and the souls of the creatures killed will be used to hurt BP.
BP is going down. I'm picturing the executives being drilled/crushed by their own drilling equipment.
here is the complete and correct quote
cheers est
Oppenheimer famously recalled the Bhagavad Gita: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one." and "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
from ziki-weak
I guess I'd prefer it if the evil ones were afflicted with only ignorance and hubris, and that they all suddenly had a conversion, a terrifying mea culpa experience, and an everlasting pang for contrition and the making of amends.
something like Robert De Niro in "the Mission", or Jack Thompson in "Flesh and Blood".
but that seems to be more a leap than an act of faith on my part, and I still wouldnt trust them to use their powers for the good, or to be aware of anything other than their (now) goody goody cliques. and sense of self importance, and how that got that money in the first place.
think Bill Gates and how much humanity or humility there is there.
when you wish upon a Star.....
My pen is Ghana Serapis.
I found this site a few months back and it has become a salve for my soul.
I live near the Texas Gulf Coast and have been an avid user, supporter, conservationist, citizen, and human; inspired and in awe of this "body" of water. The universe and it's Source commune and envelope me there in everything and nothingness. My children are the human extension of that same communal course with Source.
Thank you for putting into words and building the potion that we can pour out together and bring about the destruction of these vile mother fuckers! I believe every incantation will bring it's full power to bear. I join with you on this journey to destroy these parasites and their minions.
I've never been one to comment much (it proves how foolish I am) and you may never hear from me again, but I am here brother... chanting and singing my skinny ass off as I envision there torment in a tar and feathering.
Peace be with you,
There is a new Visible Origami up now and I think it is one of the better ones ever. Make sure you read the book I linked for you.
The Costumed Self in the Temporary World of Time.
there's a new mini-post at Siamese Mirrors which is the public blog for those of you who wanted to be contributing members.
Dropping in.
Firstly, BP are not called British petrolium. They are BP PLC. Secondly they merged with Amoco in 1998. So they are in fact, an Anglo-American Company; Apart from that...Great article.
Christianna Garrett-Martin
It's completely off topic but I am delighted that Tony Blair has decided to cancel his book signing in London after his appearance in Dublin.Protesters threw eggs and shoes at him and had to be held back by the Gardai( Irish Police) Nice one I wish I had been there to see it...
It's actually an international corporation. As for the name well, that's what everyone calls it and I've not seen a single exception yet, although I have noted the change in what the intials refer to.
At the same time, it's like that question of whether England is an ally of the U.S. or actually controls the country. There are various arguments in that respect. I don't care if they call themselves Ray or Jay. I want them ruined and destroyed... broken in pieces and sold off and everyone who owned any larger portion of it to lose all of that and be sued and bankrupted as well; not to mention dipped in pigshit and whipped through the streets of every city in that part of the southland so affected.
That unpleasant dinner guest, Van Morrison said (no, it wasn't at my house). "Well here it comes. Here comes the night." Sorry Van, old news like that book Monkey on a Stick. We're talking dark underbellies here and I'll put this comment and link at all the sites because there it is for those who have the eyes to see it,
Holy Shit!.
Certainly this will be the next Smoking Mirrors (in progress).
Try to avail yourselves of the perspectives presented in today's Visible Origami in the same way you would use 3-D glasses to watch Avatar.
Okay... quiet on the set (explains the constipation). The actors are coming out of their trailers. Places! hovering etc.
Maybe some related events?
Last week the local paper was talking about a bomb blowing up in a petrolium executive's house here in Montreal. I wasn't BP though.
wow, i didn't know. as i said... it's happening in real time now.
This is an excellent idea, particularly when you consider a corporation as a form of anti-life--- an egregore or a demon, if you will. It might be even more interesting to divert it or gaining control over it (it's possible with coordination and effort, an much easier than levitating the lloigor's lair) turning it on its masters (now that would be ugly) but simply destroying it would suffice.
[I can endorse a movement to rid the planet of the Rothschilds and accomplices. And to freeze and redistribute ALL of their ill gotten gains. What shall we name it
"Next you move on to the Queen of England and The Rothschilds, lined up like sardines in a can and you imagine the main demons of Hell reaching up from the ground, with hands of fire and pulling them down into the pit. You see them reaching out in all directions and grabbing their accomplices as they go. These accomplices grab other accomplices and you see the whole connected train of them being sucked down into the darkness of their own being, which is the original basis of Hell, as a self created destiny forged from individual acts."
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