Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Get ready people because they are at it again. Yes, those wild and crazy, zany Marx Brother’s typos posing as art students, without palettes, brushes or berets are back on the scene. We’re hearing from people in B.C. and maybe we’ll even hear from people in A.D. that... Israelis with vans and pickups are modifying their rides for the mini-monster truck, explosive competitions. They’re hot and heavy. They’re in a hurry. They got to get it online, on time and never mind, it’s coming to an urban area somewhere in the great gentile, murder land of the not so United States, Canada or wherever there are a lot of you useless breeders and eaters.
Why are they revving up now? Well, folks, the bottom has dropped out on the 9/11 concealment industry. The Apocalypse is going nova with getting the truth some new walking around shoes. Everywhere you look now there’s a new group that’s hammering on that old 9/11 side walking, side winding blues. They know that ‘some of us’ know that they know that we know that they know that we know and they got to get the focus off the truth. Truth is a hot, scalding discomfort for the Zionist world conquest tour. Who knew that Zionism actually meant the entire planet? Go figure. It doesn’t matter what you figure because they got a Chinese abacus that says, “You lose”.
So, what will the U.S. and international intelligence services do about this; zilch and less than zilch? They know which side their bread is buttered on because they helped these psychopaths steal their bread and butter and sell it back to them at twice the price which is still what they can get for you wholesale, somehow and... cheaper than stolen.
Well, let’s pause a moment and list a few things; Zionista, Nazi propagandists own the world media and all the entertainment businesses. Zionista bankers and Wall Street traders made huge mistakes, betting on your future and then stole your future to pay for it. Zionista, rat fucked reptiles, plunged your countries into unwinable wars, based on a fly paper strategy of getting, yet to be created terrorists killed and or placed into rendition programs, so that they could confess to acts which were carried out by the Zionistas. Zionistas compose a certain percentage of a .2% demographic of some sort of killer human virus that condemns you for inquiry into fabricated history, which makes up fantastic stories about non events AND destroys you for saying they have the power to destroy you, which is Anti-Semitic. They aren’t Semitic but the people they are genociding out of existence are and you can’t say that. I don’t care what it is, you can’t say it.
Let’s go on with that theme. These genetically engineered vultures have been performing total mayhem upon a so called gentile world; that’s you pilgrim. They come out of a mix of people who are more silent than the silent they accused everyone else of being when they were wiped out with no population change. The single most informed entity on Earth stated their figures and no one paid attention. Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower and a whole lot of other war time, memoir making famous people wrote thousands and thousands of words and never mentioned death camps and gas chambers. Oh, don’t bother to look it up; stupid will defend itself until its last, gasping ignorant breath.
Let’s keep going; a country got formed out of a myth, for a people who don’t exist, for a land without people, once they had driven the people off of their land, so that a crime family could have its own nation in order to have certain sovereign protections against prosecution. Then they took control of the money supply of major nations in order to compel a selected group of crack whore politicians to support their right to bugger them- and you- into insensibility; probably because they liked it and you do too. These whores represented your interests but you weren’t all that interested, because they were right about something; you are so incredibly stupid that you read, absorb and accept things that didn’t happen because you were too lazy to check.
They controlled the pornographic empire because that is one of the forces that militate against your having the energy to check anything. They own everything they want to own and they own you too and you don’t have the balls or the intellect to protest because it couldn’t be exactly the way it looks, because these vultures who are raping and killing with impunity couldn’t be doing the same thing to you now, could they?
Meanwhile there’s a larger group of the same group that doesn’t say a word and is therefore, somehow, kind of innocent and now you have a few, self styled representatives of hope and change from this same group, who are courageously speaking out but none of whom will admit that their own genetic misanthrope cousins did 9/11. Clarify this for me because I might be missing something, which members of the tribe have come out and said that Israel did 9/11? Which writers or spokesperson, who is a member of the tribe and who you see being published at these alternative news sites is coming out and declaring this; no, don’t tell me, not a single one? So am I to believe that they are just the advance guard of the table turning, “we’re the good guys now”; representatives of your next select group of incoming slavers?
Aren’t these the people who are most pushing the idea that there is some kind of shadowy cabal of mostly Wasp, Catholic, Masonic-illuminati puppet-masters who are just using history’s biggest, self-proclaimed victims as scapegoats once again? Ah… those victims. You just want to slit your wrists in protest against the injustice. It doesn’t matter what you hear about who controls Las Vegas; the banks, the media, the entertainment business, the arms trade, the slavery trade, organ trafficking and it doesn’t matter how many times you see it because it can’t be real because you, you are too stupid to live and the good news is you probably won’t be living for much longer.
I’m not like you. I can’t live with a fucking, self denying lie. I don’t care what prisons they put me in or what kind of crap they get away with for a little while. I have to live with myself. You do too, but apparently that’s no big deal, for you.
Now they are back again and there is no arrogance like theirs. They are even running the same ‘shuck and jive’ artist students thing again. They got black people trying to live in harmonious accord with them, when they are the ones who put them on the ships and killed far more of them than even what they claim happened to them and don’t get me started on the Bolshevik Revolution. I hope I go down in history as an example of anti-Semitism to the max. I’ll feel like I did the right thing. I feel like maybe it’s the truth.
I know how this whole thing sorts out for the Synagogue of Satan. I could delineate it for you and lay it out; as you will see it happening when it gets shown to you. Yeah, I’m that deluded guy who talks to angels he can’t see and has all kinds of invisible friends because normal people won’t hang out with him; thank god for that. I’m a chemical taking, moonwalking on the ceiling, trying to get away from you, kind of a guy, who knows my chemicals beat the hell out of what you are taking to keep yourself even more stupid than you actually are and that is a reach, since you are already at zero on the yardstick.
You’re the real problem, you teabagging, liberal calling, no neck troglodytes from the Planet Nothing. Here’s your real problem. You see the truth. You know what I’m talking about but you got no faith in the truth and you purport to live by it. You’re the worst kind of hypocrites. You are the ones who murdered your savior because somebody with money looked more powerful to you than the force that makes existence possible. You piss on the sunlight of your own survival. You sell your children into slavery because you believe what you can see is more powerful than what is holding you in place so that you can see it in the first place. That makes you stupid and it makes me free. I can see where the power lies, because I do not presume to know, nor do I hide what is evident to a child from my willfully blinded eyes.
These tools of the darkness are only what they are; limited and allowed access, dependent on your fear of them. One who does not fear them has nothing to fear as will be demonstrated shortly. Yes, they are going to Hell but Hell for them is nothing more than the impossibility of escaping from the eternal cycle of shooting fish in a barrel …but you, you could have had a soul and you spent your time felating your abusers in order to live insignificantly and in fear of a death that is guaranteed by your worship of what despises you the most. Well, they’re back again and you’re still sure you can pick the queen in that Three Card Monte game you call your life. You disappoint me but that is nothing like the disappointment you are going to experience when it all gets revealed to you.
End Transmission.......
'When Darkness Falls' is track no. 5 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
well said. Folks need to know the Israeli commandos are training in the basements of Malls of America and everywhere....they plan a sudden and murderous takeover...they will hold the Gulf as a strategic points and the Mississipi...they are literally well organized, ruthless and everywhere. Worst of all, they are egomaniacal tyrants who believe everyone else is but a grasshopper to them...they are bred to believe everyone wants them dead and if they don't learn to kill everyone first they will die...I have a newsflash for you people...we aren't organizing against you...we are watching 100 channels of the crap your Hollywood brethren hypnotize us one is going to lift a finger...Take a day off and do something nice for yourselves...nice for a grasshopper...
When darkness falls indeed...
Funny that Im reading James Kunstler's new apocalyptic novel,
"The Witch of Hebron" & he brings up the two "terrorist attacks" on American cities & the "War of the Holy Land" that brought an end to America as we knew it.... of course JHK is a zionist but he groks what's coming...
probably before the "election".
Kunstler also had the theme of "the world turned upside down" in the novel. Everyone seems to know something's up...
wv: precisse
Why I have always said, Up the IRA.
Hi Les!
PATRICK GRIMM has written some of the finest essays that I've ever read that are germaine to your topic. I'm sure you know who he is. I'm unable to create a link but it might be worthwhile for your readers to Google him and find his essays at
Warmest regards,
No one mentions the Noahide laws passed by congress in 1991 which are Talmudic-Kabbalistic laws which call for the execution of all idolaters...that's you and me. Funny you never hear that we have been placed under Jewish law...but I suspect we will and soon.
I have with only an eye for art managed to accumalate a rep as a wordsmith of sorts, but some time back I came across the writings of this bloke who seemed to have grasped my present feelings of enlightenment also and managed to commit it to papertext in such a way that I could have wished to have crafted it, and had until then if the truth be known.
Feeling a little bit redundant, I fell in line and joined the chorus. Dammit Les but once again you have nailed the subject, with the correct balance of contemptuous wit and piercing honesty that convinces me, thankfully that my role is yet that of the bearer rather than the standard.
I have a very definate feeling of finale myself, its rising so as to be almost a vibrating hum of soul. I feel surreal, like when starving or sleep deprived, as if reality is fluid and could dissolve into chaos any moment.
The longer it takes, the more I am frwaked, because I'm used to being pretty sensitive yet as a rule conservative in my predictions. I am worried that the repeated feelings of impending- ness without "release" amount to the mother of all big bad things. ie: so fucking nasty that the usual ïnfluences"which I rely on for precognition, are affected at correspondingly long range.
The words are sharp but the poetry is beautiful. Boy you can tell the truth like the truth is painful but liberating. 10Q Les
What can one say but, "Simply Brilliant"
Walking Hawk
This is something that should be of great concern.
"Yeah, I’m that deluded guy who talks to angels he can’t see and has all kinds of invisible friends because normal people won’t hang out with him; thank god for that"
Me too. Oh and thank god for you too Les!
Love Your Life
Heee's Baaaack!
Now THAT'S the fire and brimstone I remember.
Right on target. I haven't seen any articles on the 'artists' lately tho. Believe it or not we had a group of them com in the office shortly after they took down the towers in NY, but we didn't buy any of their slave labor artwork.
Keep cookin' dude. If the truth hurts, then I'm as sadistic as they come.
Just brilliant Les, simply bloody brilliant, I think this is one of your best pieces yet, telling it like it is in a simple, hard hitting, yet funny and poetic rant, the work of true genius.
gonna go and read it again.
Keep em coming.
Well said Les... ALL OF IT !!!!
I have personally met the art students in my office in Asia on several occassions over a one week period. I talked to four of them trying on different occasions, trying to sell me cheap artwork like little gilded maps in frames, and other novelties. One told me he was a Jewish Canadian. They were on there way to military bases, the year they closed the bases in the Philippines. One of them had told me he already toured the bases in Japan. Very personable and friendly, the supervisor was sharp with a suspicious look. Asked me very personal questions, also about my work and prior military experience. All had israeli accents. All looked too professional and intelligent to be schlepping artwork. One of them told me that he was studying art and it was a great job and the selection process was tough to get hired. I also remember at the time, running the numbers and figuring that the cost of transporting these groups of at least 6 people around the pacific, along with their art inventory didnt make economic sense. This was a couple years before 9-11.
WV: 'outorsco'
'I don't want to go to live on the inside of this lie they call life - I'm much more interested to learn where the outorsco.'
A little more on these art students.
"Globalism is the curse of the modern era, a means of taking the same Federal Reserve scam that ruined the United States and shoving it down the throats of the rest of the world."
People have to realize they need to do a Hell of a lot more than sear the kosher jew pork on the Barbie.
For those of mislead and gutless masses you need to smash your t.v., cancel your daily paper, and start paying the-fuck-attention to people writing via the Internet who are offering you something your sorry existence hasn't had - the truth.
What you witless fools need to realize is that bending over and kissing your ass goodbye when the nukes go off would be less painful than living under Zionist rule.
If you don't yet get it, smash all the mirrors in your house and put up portraits of yourself. Because when you really look in the mirror darkly and deeply you should the goat-person the Jew sees as a sacrificial animal. That's all you are to them.
The Jew doesn't have a forgiving God, nor are they. If you don't know what you are up against, you're the same as dead already.
Perfect summary-this will be forwarded to many like minded people for sure!
Keep up the great work always.
Obama IS a nasty fucking "prick"!
He a CIA psy-op in the flesh with a dominatrix wife to fool most everyone.
Good on Luke Angel, 17 from the UK, for calling a spade a spade.
According to alot of Chicago underlife Barry used to pack chocolate all the time at one particular bath house in the windy city.
Clarify this for me because I might be missing something, which members of the tribe have come out and said that Israel did 9/11?
Roy Tov does, check
Brilliant. Bloody brilliant.
Couple of fellas, John 'Birdman' Bryant (recently deceased) and Edgar J. Steele (recently framed) could lay it out online as you do - shining the light of Truth on the kosher cockroaches - but they are lost to us.
John Kaminski, Patrick Grimm and a few others are still around, but it seems people of your caliber are getting thin on the ground, Les.
Mores the pity (for those of us willing to listen).
Yes, well I don't know Roy Tov but that is why I put Brother Nathaniel in there, after reflection and to piss people off enough to tell me. I don't mean you. I just mean I've had it with these demon scum, especially the ones who won't speak out when they should. I know what's coming and I know how bad it's going to be. Call it compassion if you wish but it doesn't smell like victory.
Which of them comment on the phony holocaust?
You can't comment as anonymous and get away with certain kinds of shit; at least one of which composes you. You have to be a real person to get away with that. I don't let anonymous cowards access a free ride here.
interesting, no?
Good OLD: "P.T. BARNUM" had it RIGHT long ago, when he observed:
"You can FOOL SOME of the People Some of the TIME, BUT YOU can't FOOL ALL of the People All Of the TIME."
And for the "IGNORANT masses":
"A SUCKER is BORN every Minute!"
Les, Mike Rivero nailed it with the term "Swindlers List".... Check this out.
Let's go then. Get this fucker over and done with. I'm tired of it all.
This game has become silly.
Swindler's list was coined by a black man, either Muslim or liberationist. I can't remember now but I remember when he said it almost 15 years ago.
Visible I love your blog,and your writings I like the way your words,when I read them always hit me right at the back of my head and between my eyes.
I have a question for you, sometimes I am asked to speak on a internet radio station, would I be allowed to read your Articles to read them on Air,The Radio Station is called
Thank you in adv
Everything I do is public property, unless someone is making money off of it and even then I don't care, depending on who it is.
Thank you so much .I will not profit of your writings, but would like to bring someone thought on to the show.Since I am good talking, but writing stuff down like you do I was not blessed with.
Also If you ever have the time I would like you to come on the show, talk about your life,in Italy your experience.
I always remember your writings about the old dog at the neighbors house.
"but that is why I put Brother Nathaniel in there"
I used to follow his posts and the comments sections, in case there was something interesting or useful.
However, at one point in the comments section people were making extremely offensive jokes about "Jewish looks" (like laughing at the misfortune of someone falling down which I never got). It was just mean.
And "Bro. Nathaniel" commented freely how much it made him laugh.
Well that didn't sit well with me--it was quite surprising and somewhat shocking actually--and I tried to comment about that fact that it is people's actions (and thoughts) which may be worthy of true condemnation or even vehement ridicule. But their looks? Come on. (Supreme court justices, etc.)
I was banned for trying a few different increasingly tactful ways to point out that people should not ridicule people for their looks.
Also, that they could genuinely renounce Zionism tomorrow, and yet their looks wouldn't change. And the mockery would remain.
So much for being a Christian (Eastern Orthodox) site, let alone some positive place of info (truth) regarding Zionism.
I've never returned there since I consider it to based on suspect motives/agendas which couldn't remain concealed.
Well, when you get right down to it, it's ALL a false-flag, isn't it?
Every single piece of it. All false. Delusion/illusion. A dream/nightmare.
We are deceived at every turn. there is no truth here. Some hints are given, some form words that suggest it, but......
100% BS. All of it. The only place it is likely found, all I encounter is this smug fucker giving this silly, knowing grin. He won't stop.
"What the fuck are you smiling at?"
Seems pretty entertained by it all.
I don't particularly like him either because of the showbiz angle and that foundation thing, as if the money is going somewhere important. Pound for pound Michael Rivero is the best of the lot but he's not a blogger so I don't mention him.
Hi Les and all,
'Zionista bankers and wall street traders made huge mistakes,betting on your future and then stole your future to payfor it'.
An absolute gem.When i read this the hands on my truth meter exploded at the 100% mark and now lie in a heap on the floor.
Heh Heh!thanks Les
W,V. Follyp, i kid you not.
For those of you still participating with the IRS, you can buy back products you probably paid for in preparation for what might be coming to a neighborhood near you.
And to think they decorate their own for murdering Palestinians. Imagine what they'll receive for the "Redux?"
While your at it, don't forget to be the first in that same neighborhood to poster your wall with the IDF's secret weapon.
Oy Vey! What a racquet!
Many of us were raised by people that experienced WW2 as refugees and/or soldiers... have known about the "jew" issue for over 50 years. We've been called "Nazi's" ten thousand times and sometimes it was just for being a kindergarten age child speaking with a thick German accent.'
Brings me back to my weekly rant. Put on your Ninja suits, pick up your weapons and find the creeps in their offices and homes, or even on the street.
When I've asked for information, they always ask me "for what do you want this information?" err, I'm writing a book, no...I'm trying to get an interview. Yeah, that's interview. So the person then looks at my size and square jaw and typically smiles nervously then saying. "ah huh...I can't give out that information, Sir..."
I need intel people. Post some intel PLEASE! Why in God's Holy Name should we allow these bastards to plot against us without them being in constant fear of sucking in their last breath? Come on, LES! Gosh Damn it! Where will Rupert and Warren, Jacob and Lloyd be tomorrow?
To any FBI reading this, or military, other leo...what is your malfunction? You have means, opportunity and motive and do NOTHING! Selling your soul...OUT for $150k/yr. Wooah??
I know. Christians do nothing because we figure it's God's Will and we are bound by the Commandments. (Some would say the kikes wrote that bullshit just to keep us impotent, eh.)
Joe & Jane American do nothing because everything really seems fine. They're still working. Still traveling. Still banging the secretary. (smile)
How about people that follow you, Les? Are we all in wheel chairs...staying blasted on Adderral and Opium?
Somebody, ANYBODY...if you have access to a shitbirds' schedule...please post such. Thx.
When I first started blogging round about 2004 or so I frequently called out what are known now as Trolls to use real names. To have the courage to stand behind their words.
For some weird reason, I have had strange people approach me in bars and restaurants and tell me things that I later researched. In 1986 in Hollywood a former Houston Oiler football player told me 10 anomolies associated with the Challenger that blew up earlier that day. The melting pot crew on board, that the ships were already in the water, they put it up from a launch pad they hadn't used before...that it was carrying so much hydrogen that it was in actuality a hydrogen bomb explosion in our atmosphere....he said what we learned put us 30 years ahead of everyone else on the planet. He said he knew people at NASA and kept saying the astronauts had just joined "the stupid people's club"
Then in December of 2002 I was working as a production assistant on a Sean Penn movie when a homeless guy sat down next to me at 6am in a diner. He said, referring to the people in the diner, "These people don't know anything..." The Gore/Bush recount was on two TV's and everyone had their opinion. The man then went on to tell me the story of the Franklin coverup and an airplane that fell from the sky on its way into Chicago. A father and his son were two be deposed on a little matter of pedophilia. I won't mention the name but for those who want to know see Sherman Skolnicks work,
After 911 I entered that name into google with the words plane crash and I found and Jeff Rense.
Practically overnight my life went nuts, I was gangstalked, harrassed, shot at, drugged in a bar which lead to 3 days in a hospital.
Being that I don't have a support network I had to decide whether to lay low or fight harder. I decided on a slightly different tactic...Something I call surreal journalism.
On one hand people may shrug me off as a kook but I blended my work as a comedian, cartoonist, musician, absurdist, humorist, researcher and filmmaker to try and lead horses to drink.
My internet TV series Method in the Madness calls attention to that idea that everything is a mirage, an illusion...that all my own personal hopes and dreams were dashed by powers that for the longest time somehow identify people like myself who see naked emperors...
That's why I like Dog Poets work so much and those who sound off on his blog. When we die, we won't have confused expressions on our faces.
On a much more painful note these demons decided to punish me by leading my son astray, the cute curly haired charming little boy in my series...He's 22 now and all the values I tried to teach him somehow got twisted into something ugly a reflection of the people we hold in contempt. So, basically I'm in mourning...and the gloves are off.
My name is James T Gahan, and I believe you, Visible, are a speaker for the people. I wish to God, and you may pick any God you follow, that this article was not talking about me in that I am part of the enablers that allow this shit to flourish. Unfortunately, as a working class poor person who cannot hit the streets and join any feeble outcry there may be, I can only hope for some kind of mass awareness. But we all know how hope works out eh? Anyhow, I must thank you Visible, you speak what the dignified and cognitive thinking people with no voice are thinking and better than most are able to articulate.. Cheers!
Good article but why do you believe in the "Synagogue of Satan" if you don't believe in the God of the Bible? Ya can't have it both ways.
When did I ever say I don't believe in the bible you book worshiping, real thing avoiding, material proof needing piece of shit? Not ever. and I can quote it chapter and verse from memory better than you. Old Testament is a worthless piece of fabricated historical record; new testament, the jury is out. Believe me, when Jesus returns in a guise you don't recognize him in I will be mentioned as one of his best friends.
Spot on, Les, except for one thing: I don't think the banksters made any "mistakes" - I'm pretty sure it was all carefully planned to work out just exactly the way it did.
While I'm at it: this piece has the feel of a fire and brimstone sermon to it, and is probably as useless at converting anybody. The choir will amen your every word - but the unanointed will simply turn over in their sleep in disgust. Telling people they're stupid and useless is not going to win any converts, now is it? If it is not your intention to awaken, rouse or inspire anybody not already so aligned then clearly you're just venting spleen...
We're so deeply lost in this Kali Yuga that we most urgently need are voices of visionaries who can lead the way back to the Light. Stop telling us how fucked up the world is and how asinine we all are for not realising and not doing anything about it ... those hanging out here already know that, and the ones who don't, well they can learn that in hundreds of different ways through your past writings. Now rather tell us how the world could be without the scourge of vampire banking and misanthropic business practices and would we work and play and live?
I've come to see that those who harp on endlessly about the sorry state of affairs are as much part of the problem as those who work tirelessly to implement it in the first place. Yes, describe the problem you're proposing to solve but for goodness sake then get on with the solution! Otherwise you only serve to hypnotise your readers into accepting the hopelessness and inevitability of the status quo.
All the very best to you,
Sorry, Les, for puking on and disrepecting your blog. Not the space for it and apologies to all readers here.
The posting was a dagger and the energy swept me up. Sign 'o the times I suppose.
wv; prosesac
words fail
false flags and murder
porn and terrorists
degenerated submission
to crimes of zionists
the crown and the counting house
collecting the gold
the slaves dont care
that they live in the cold
the clutches of the death cult
fracture the mind
the signs all around us
but slaves remain blind
resigned to the outcome
what ever it will be
wether phospherous bombs
or poisoning of the sea.
skilpad, you are a shill because otherwise your methods would have reflected your point and they did not. Stop hamming it up on my dime. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. You are the poster child for that nonsense. Learn to be more subtle; take a cue from Luftikian who always turns into a humble chela when his poison gets muted. I'm the real deal. I don't have to do any more than what I already do and red flags are my speciality.
mr visibles,top quality as usual,your like a one man army,and commenters lovely stuff ..peace neil
Thanks dog. Just a little update... the girl I thought was Israeli was supposedly from Quebec as well. So to reiterate, there were two Israeli males... one with dreads, one bald, both had tattoos. A little info I just got from a friend, they went to the archery range with a friend of mine and were interested in buying bows and hunting here with them because they couldn't get them in Israel.
They claimed that their next stop was Victoria Island, off the coast of Vancouver, and from there the gulf islands.
Thanks again, and I will keep you posted.
Biting. Appropriate. Well done. Thanks.
Please do read all the topics listed at the right in the link below; the author addresses most major aspects of the issue.
His conclusion is that all the TV broadcasts were created animations; that the real demolition took place behind thick smoke after locals were moved off, with the added distractions of DC and Shanksville.
He analyses the TV footage in detail; convinces me.
“The power of TV-imagery was the driving force behind the 9/11 deception.
“In hindsight, we can only wonder why so few questioned the absurd TV coverage proposed by all the major networks. The picture at left shows a moment (at 8:59AM) of the four synchronized TV broadcasts of ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX: yet another indication that the 9/11 TV "LIVE" broadcasts were managed by one single, centralized studio. (see my audio analysis in September Clues E)….
The sum total of “Action Shots” (“Planecrash” and “Tower collapses”) amounted to little over 30secs of the entire morning's TV broadcasts !
The unprecedented WTC demolition job was far too risky an affair to be shown on LIVE TV - (or to let any amateur cameraman capture it on film). The 9/11 conspirators had no intention whatsoever to offer such a "pyrotechnical" spectacle to world scrutiny - just imagine how unspeakably foolish this would have been. Thus, in all probability, the oldest trick in the manuals of covert military ops was used: smokescreens. More recent technology deactivated temporarily all cameras within sight of the area.
Thankfully - for all normal people of this world - the 9/11 planners hired a poorly skilled animation crew : in their efforts to simulate reality, their crass 'artistry' and countless mistakes provide ample and repeatable proof of the trickery - forever engraved in the TV archives.
“The ‘ground operations’ in Lower Manhattan called for a coordinated demolition of the entire WTC complex (9 buildings in all). Just what type of explosive forces caused this destruction is hotly debated among scientists galore..
“The 9/11 victim memorials simply do not stand up to scrutiny and comparison. The sheer bulk of inconsistencies and absurdities pervasive in those unseemly listings unveils their true nature …As absurd as this may seem, it is a fact that more than 8 years after 9/11, there is still no consensus whatsoever on the total death toll..
“Of those people who provided details of the object they saw, the majority reported anything but a large airliner. I submit below a cross-section of such testimonies:
“The 4 purported hijacked flights have grave problems as far as their authenticity is concerned: A long list of documentation (or plain lack of it) reveals inconsistent NTSB, BTS and FAA data.
The 2 American Airlines flights lacked records of required airport log data such as taxi-off and wheels-off times.
The 2 United Airlines flights were not deregistered until October 2005, as of official FAA records. Both should have been listed, by law, as 'destroyed'. Shortly thereafter, the FAA rectified this 'oversight' in a peculiar manner : in place of 'destroyed', the wording used was 'cancelled'.”
Second half
detailed analysis of photography of broadcasts on all main channels
The truth about this event which is the reason for thousands dying even today, has to be brought out for any change in the masses.
Second send, since first was too long.
Biting. Appropriate. Well done.
Please read all the articles listed at the right; the author addresses most major aspects of the issue.
His conclusion is that all the TV broadcasts were created animations; that the real demolition took place behind thick smoke after locals were moved off, with the added distraction of DC and Shanksville. He analyses the TV footage in detail; convinces me.
“Television is - and has always been - a Weapon of Mass Distraction.
The power of TV-imagery was the driving force behind the 9/11 deception.
“In hindsight, we can only wonder why so few questioned the absurd TV coverage proposed by all the major networks. The picture at left shows a moment (at 8:59AM) of the four synchronized TV broadcasts of ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX: yet another indication that the 9/11 TV "LIVE" broadcasts were managed by one single, centralized studio. (see my audio analysis in September Clues E)….
The sum total of “Action Shots” (“Planecrash” and “Tower collapses”) amounted to little over 30secs of the entire morning's TV broadcasts !
Continued from above
The unprecedented WTC demolition job was far too risky an affair to be shown on LIVE TV - (or to let any amateur cameraman capture it on film). The 9/11 conspirators had no intention whatsoever to offer such a "pyrotechnical" spectacle to world scrutiny - just imagine how unspeakably foolish this would have been. Thus, in all probability, the oldest trick in the manuals of covert military ops was used: smokescreens. More recent technology deactivated temporarily all cameras within sight of the area.
Thankfully - for all normal people of this world - the 9/11 planners hired a poorly skilled animation crew : in their efforts to simulate reality, their crass 'artistry' and countless mistakes provide ample and repeatable proof of the trickery - forever engraved in the TV archives.
“The ‘ground operations’ in Lower Manhattan called for a coordinated demolition of the entire WTC complex (9 buildings in all). Just what type of explosive forces caused this destruction is hotly debated among scientists galore..
“The 9/11 victim memorials simply do not stand up to scrutiny and comparison. The sheer bulk of inconsistencies and absurdities pervasive in those unseemly listings unveils their true nature …As absurd as this may seem, it is a fact that more than 8 years after 9/11, there is still no consensus whatsoever on the total death toll..
“Of those people who provided details of the object they saw, the majority reported anything but a large airliner. I submit below a cross-section of such testimonies:
“The 4 purported hijacked flights have grave problems as far as their authenticity is concerned: A long list of documentation (or plain lack of it) reveals inconsistent NTSB, BTS and FAA data.
The 2 American Airlines flights lacked records of required airport log data such as taxi-off and wheels-off times.
The 2 United Airlines flights were not deregistered until October 2005, as of official FAA records. Both should have been listed, by law, as 'destroyed'. Shortly thereafter, the FAA rectified this 'oversight' in a peculiar manner : in place of 'destroyed', the wording used was 'cancelled'.”
Second half
detailed analysis of photography of broadcasts on all main channels
The truth about this event, which is the reason for thousands still dying today, and for the devastation of parts of the planet, has to be brought out for the masses to awaken.
Continued 2
Thankfully - for all normal people of this world - the 9/11 planners hired a poorly skilled animation crew : in their efforts to simulate reality, their crass 'artistry' and countless mistakes provide ample and repeatable proof of the trickery - forever engraved in the TV archives.
“The ‘ground operations’ in Lower Manhattan called for a coordinated demolition of the entire WTC complex (9 buildings in all). Just what type of explosive forces caused this destruction is hotly debated among scientists galore..
“The 9/11 victim memorials simply do not stand up to scrutiny and comparison. The sheer bulk of inconsistencies and absurdities pervasive in those unseemly listings unveils their true nature …As absurd as this may seem, it is a fact that more than 8 years after 9/11, there is still no consensus whatsoever on the total death toll..
“Of those people who provided details of the object they saw, the majority reported anything but a large airliner. I submit below a cross-section of such testimonies:
Prose which tells the truth on several different levels is art.
Impressive writing, indeed.
How many of you look over your shoulder either actually or figuratively (mentally) as you read this? Furtiveness is not the same thing as freedom.
You are made in the image of God. You are free. Think like it. Act like it. Les is lighting the way and there is nothing to fear.
Continued 3
“The 4 purported hijacked flights have grave problems as far as their authenticity is concerned: A long list of documentation (or plain lack of it) reveals inconsistent NTSB, BTS and FAA data.
The 2 American Airlines flights lacked records of required airport log data such as taxi-off and wheels-off times.
The 2 United Airlines flights were not deregistered until October 2005, as of official FAA records. Both should have been listed, by law, as 'destroyed'. Shortly thereafter, the FAA rectified this 'oversight' in a peculiar manner : in place of 'destroyed', the wording used was 'cancelled'.”
Second half
detailed analysis of photography of broadcasts on all main channels
The truth about this event, which is the reason for thousands dying even today, and for the devastation of parts of the planet, has to come out, for the masses to awaken.
Very well said. If it wasn't so painfully true it would be quite funny. Many have tried to warn of this impending situation and few have listened. Their "messiah" the beast is about to take the reins, empowered in 2012, the year of the dragon. Fast from this world to strengthen thyself. As one of their shills stated so well, "The only thing to fear, is fear itself." We must remember this in our hour of temptation. Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Dammit Dog Poet. I love ya. I wish I had your writing skills, but the words get stuck, and never go further than my mind. With all that's wrong in the world today, not to mention the transparency with all that's occurring, where does one start? Especially when you multiply it with the anger that exists. (Sigh)
I guess that's why we have you. May the Universal Entity bless you and keep up the great work.
Scott Chendo
Thanks Les.
Yaaaaay... I can hardly wait.
More Hinduquente fundamentalist fire and Brahmstone from the keypad of Les Visible.
Just two questions:
If you're a deluded guy who talks to angels how can you justify denying validity to other deluded guys who think there is some hidden hand behind the Zionist agenda? Now I don't disagree with your perspective, you might even corner the market on the truth, I don't know, just asking...?
And if you have to surrender parts of the self to progress spiritually (even temporarily), what harm is there really to deny one's self once in a while? It's almost as if it's a 'boot camp' or a 'proving ground' for the main event, isn't it?
Just asking.
Les man, you're really rolling now. I'm totally maxed out over here. I'd be ROTFL if it wasn't so true.
Yes, well, so much for diplomacy I would say. Sheer up-yours genius. That chemical of yours, that be thermite by any chance?
Wasn't there a dogpoet linguistical prediction at HPH? Fulfilling?
You rock where it hurts if I may say so. Thanks, I needed that ;-)
Anyway, ohm sweet ohm eh? Keep it coming. 'spect.
We may not always know what they are doing but We know they are doing it.
Les I know Roy Tov, and his book is interesting, very insightful regarding the sovietised Israeli society.
He isn't a Jew though, he is a Christian. I think he is potentially one of the most effective forces against Israeli morale, as his military background and analysis of Israel's weaknesses are fascinating, logical and damning.
Les, you asked the question whether any 'Jew' (identified indirectly) had actually fingered the Zionistas as responsible for 9-11. You concluded there were none. In fact, there was one, sort of. Brother Nathaniel Kapner, a Christian convert from Judaism, has stated the following, on his website...
'Methinks that a Zionist plot was behind it all.
And Zionist “Suicide” Pilots Were The True “Ringleaders” Of The 9/11 Travesty.'
So, the truth comes from one born a Jew, but now a Christian by choice.
Take care.
A little artsy as always Les, but still true. I think most people wouldn't be able to read between the lines, but then I wonder if they should.
In any event, it is obvious that you are anti-Zionist. Most people that read this blog would realize that you are not anti-Jewish. I hope. There is a fundamental distinction between militant Jews, militant Muslims, etc.
In any event, I guess you have to keep reminding people of that fact. It seems to be a concept that is simple as explained, but not easy to do in real life.
See the latest vids from Plaquemines Parish bayoux? Now "that's" a Holocaust, and a lot more than 6 million dead fish critters!!
MSM can't bother with it, we get Sarah Palin's latest hair-dont,
which NFL player raped Paris Hilton,
Howdy's latest children's book. Howdy has the time to write a book b/c Timmy Geithner talks far more to Blankfein than to him, & then gives Step n fetchit his daily marching orders. You could give American goyim (sheeple) the Ludivico treatment & show them vids of atrocities the chosen have committed on them to eternity & they'd still be too stewpid to comprehend anything - back to NFL, NASCAR, dancing w/ the stars, GMO burgers, Blatz beer, pills, the 'impotent' things. They're finished.
The american male is so gelded and dumbed down he wouldnt know he's already fattened for ritual slaughter. But they'll rally round the flag and enlist when Iran is fingered in the nuking of Omaha. The birthright of their progeny will resemble the billions of the dead in Plaquemines Parish.
wv: ficess
The Real IRA threat to the Bankers + reasons why... makes it to MSM?....WTF; Apocalypse anyone?
Les, you are once again 'right on the money'; does not surprise me anymore though (grin)
Les, Excellent post as usual.I certainly feel the anger and frustration that you are portraying in this post. Sometimes I think that there is no hope as there are too many brain dead zombies in the world, On bad days I even think they deserve it they are so feckin stupid. I hear myself sounding like the assholes who think they run the show..On good days I see how many people are starting to open their eyes and ears and find it comforting. The people who comment here have great insight and really add to your posts. I think that some of your nemesis that make comments are just looking for your attention by prodding and poking at you just like naughty children who annoy you just to get you to notice them...
The Khazaria Empire existed from 500-1000 AD. They were parasites, like Israel today.They adapted the Jewish religion to protect themself against the Byzantine Empire and the Muslims. They were destroyed and the Khazarians ended up in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Khazaria was reborn may 14, 1948, at the river Jordan not the Volga, their Zionist goal since 1000 AD.
Anti-semitism is void of meaning, it,s a misapprehension shared by the killers and their victims.
These Zionist-Jews are from the Caucasus and are related to Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes.
When necessary, you must kill demons, Arjuna did.
Les, I found this gem in a Giraldi article.
I knew about 911 make believe years ago ,but the disaster has not slowed down yet especially in USA Gulf South area where Mds are telling people they are mentally confused and the fumes from corexit and methane are not toxic but just a type of perfume newly discovered.Their symptoms pf blood and constant pain ,headaches,etc are only for their own good.Not to worry anyway it is good idea to do so to avoid the hoods with guns who want to keep it quiet.Home of free and brave?
Here is the Giraldi article.
There is a new Petri Dish up-
This is the Teabagging that John Waters considers Pornographic.
Not the no planes hit the buildings nonsense again. I thought that was well dead and buried.
It doesn't matter anyway cos the 2 important things about 9/11 are clear and well known now
1 - CONTROLLED DEMOLITION and the official story is a fiction
2 - Israel did it
all else is detail.
this anonymouse that has posted this 9/11 stuff is a disinfo agent of just plain stupid, either way don't waste your time with this nonsense or the sites he links to.
stick with the clear evidence of controlled demolition by Israeli agents and don't let stooge disinfo agents distract you.
And to mister anonymouse, Putting a name to your post lends it a credibility anonymous doesn't have. So man up. If you really believe in what you say why hide away?
thanks for your superb writing! USA has been taken over by stealth, AshekiNAZI have turned it into a private, gated jewtopia . must be taken back by Americans
Anonymous said...
thanks for your superb writing! USA has been taken over by stealth, AshekiNAZI have turned it into a private, gated jewtopia . must be taken back by Americans
How do you define American? American can be anyone from North/South America. US Americans arent the only Americans...
Since its inception, the so called USA has fought others and stolen land from natives, and staged "terror attacks" to advance its empire through is a partial list of interventions since 1890:
America (whole continent) was taken over by the white a grand project which would lead to world empire. It must be taken back by the natives (South America serves as a good example!). The same goes for Palestine!
Viva Palestina libre!
Well, I, too, am one of those people that no real live person wants to hang out with. Sadly, I have no invisible friends with which to converse ... but I consider myself blessed to have Les and the other posters here as a surrogate family of sorts. Otherwise, the loneliness and weight of the truth would be an impossible burden.
I've tried to reach out to others with the truth of the way things really are in this world. I have, fortunately, been able to open the eyes of a few (even one I never thought would ever be open to the truth), but I think the time has come to say "fuck it" and let the chips fall where they may. If, after nearly ten years past 9/11, someone can't or won't see the truth standing there screaming to be heard -- they are hopeless.
I just had a blow out with a family member who now claims I am trying to stifle their "free speech" when I dared to point out their idiocy (and I was polite enough to not even come right out and call it idiocy) when they said that the "ground zero mosque" (which is neither at ground zero nor a mosque) could be built when Iran let us build a church. Merely mentioning the fact that Iran does indeed have churches (and synagogues) has set them off. I'm married to a Muslim (even though I'm Christian -- but not a church going kind of Christian) and find it offensive that a family member uses the term Muslim they way family members used to throw the term "nigger" around. They mean it the same. It is the same mentality back in the day when people couldn't understand why Rosa Parks couldn't just sit in the back of the damn bus and stop causing problems.
So -- fuck it. Fuck them. I'm cutting out anyone in my life who doesn't get it. And I'm not trying to convince any more idiots to listen. If people get mad when you bring FACTS into the equation, then they deserve what is coming to them.
I'm hoping this apocalypse is an unveiling and that God (or whatever he/she/? prefers to be called) is using this as a test to separate the wheat from the chaff. Smart enough to see the wizard behind the curtain? You'll get your ruby slippers to take you home -- which is really about realizing the power that was within you all along, right? I'm hoping, anyway. Either way -- I'm just ready for this shit to be done and over. There is no amount of chemicals -- legal or otherwise -- which could make me see the world as the average American does. Maybe a traumatic brain injury would do it, though. That is about the only way I'll ever fit in anywhere here in the US ...
It's all been said before. We know what the Jews have done. They own the politicians, but it's the politicians that make the laws. So we can degrade the Jews and tell them we know what they have done. But sooner or later we are going to have to cut the throats of the politicians. Those batsards did this. They had McCarthy, Findley and Traficant they could have stood behind. Somebody has to say the buck stops here. If killing tge politicians isn't the answer I don't know, because killing the Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Asian and Jews won't solve the problem. The politicians are at the top and 535 is all it takes. Then it will be total warfare. But with those bastards in control they are going to call in what they can and go to their mountain resorts. Get those bastards before they go. When SHTF they are going to head to the mountains. Find where they are and 20 or 30 men with guns could spoil their party. If you hate to think about ventilating a worthless politician or lawman, then you better be heading to another country.
I'll guarantee you the Isralei Mossad are in this country as thick as flies. I would tell anyone you can join the police to do so. Because you'll be on the inside and couple pass along valuable info to your comrades.
The worst crimes ever committed harldy anyone knows about it and that's the 65 million lying in mass graves all over Eastern Europe. This is genocide and it wouldn't have been near as bad, but they took the most intelligent. They executed 25% of the most intelligent people in Eastern Europe. The damage done to the White race is unbelieveable. I mean if a fair IQ test were given to Whites and Jews we would probably beat them on average by 10 points and if they hadn't killed the most intelligent it might be 15 points. Now around every city and town in Eastern Europe lie millions and millions in millions of mass graves. But they are so sorry when they find a mass grave they let the Jews take control and fence off the area and then blame it on Germans. Now they don't allow the Red Cross to test for when this was done. The problem for the Jews would be the number of people and the time. Because out of 70 years of Jewish control of Eastern Europe the Germans were only in part of it from 1939 to 1945. So if mass grave was found and carbon testing or just the metals and artifacts in the grave would prove when they were killed. So in their own country the Slavs are letting the Jews control this. If the Ukraines took control of a mass grave discovered in Odessa, Ukraine 3 or 4 years ago they would discover it couldn't be blamed on the Germans. They discovered a mass grave in Vladivostock a few months ago, but they would have hard time blaming that on the Germans.
So the Jews knows sooner or later they can't keep putting people in prison for questionign the holocaust. That lie is falling apart. They know people are learning the truth about vaccines and big pharma and the wars and they know that the list of people wanting the truth about 9/11 is growing. But you people have waited too long. The hammer is going to drop and Communismis going to rear it's ugly head, because the Jew knows the time is short.
Cancer has been cured for fifty eyars, but the Jew media has kept this hidden, so the Jews who own big pharma wouldn't lose profits.
The only hope is Americans decide they will not give up their guns. The bloodbath is going to be horrendous. WWI and WWII and the Communist holocaust will not compare to what's going to happen, because when America is in a Civil War the rest of the world will explode in certain pockets. I would say all the Jews and brown people will be in trouble.
Best Retort EVER!!
"When did I ever say I don't believe in the bible you book worshiping, real thing avoiding, material proof needing piece of shit?"
Thanks for the great laugh Les.
Too Cool!
Les, here is some material for a new song. It should be entitled.
I'm so glad I'm not a chicken.
I'm so glad I'm not a chicken,
I bet you are glad too,
It's not the feed that pollutes me,
It's the sins of the jews that do..... (you can add to this).
here is a little video to go with it.
You could add this to the chicken song.
Being plucked of all our feathers and money too.
the eggs being used for vaccines and they are contaminated too.
being raised on a kosher factory farm.
Why did the chicken cross the road? because Bill Clinton was still stuck to the chicken.
Hope you do it....
What really strikes me here is that after the wake up about 10 yrs ago,I have progressed to the point where I am able now to take in every word you wrote, without a hiccup I glide through each paragraph wanting more and more. It is so sad that 99%+ of the population would go WTF?
The lie doesn't work anymore, so the quickening has begun, you can see it everywhere and in everything, to the point that you feel so absolutely seperated from the herd, that you dont care anymore,not even a I told you so!. You are all alone for the show that is about to start, and no one to watch it with, only the select few you know are out there in the world, that I see in words on my screen in front of me, in little essay's of reality and comments, that helps get thru the day, thanks for the fresh air.
Greetings & Salutations...
An amazing transformation is taking place...pick for random lottery tickets and 75% (ie. 3 out of 4) are in-the-money...
I now pay attention to the tiny sparks of interests that are part of my new-found self-awareness...
Unfortunately, the frenetic pace, overwhelming energy, shear knowledge: yes, there is something very much larger than myself and it has now taken up residency within my chest...I speculate, will make for a very hard-ride.
Certainly interesting times...
The pot is boiling hot and now is seen. All will panic and burn. keeping our third eye turned.
surly will be mourned. Listen.
can we hear it we are just humans played for fools by clowns of the night. just another day for the human race.
For you smoking mirrors you rock
So maybe we'll play cowboy and commando...different verse, same as the first--yeah ha!
It's at home field...f*ck this will be great...
hypothetically yours,
As I understand since we all are creatures of the same Being, Zionists are our brothers.
They are not reptilians- they are human beings because there is simply no other being able to prostrate most perfect creation of God.
The problem is not in Jews. The problem is in the main ideas of their belief- satanistic religion of Judaism by means of which Jews became so completely lost.
Meanwhile since Judaists have successfully fooled Christians to busily undertake in burning Koran, and Muslims in burning of Bible, why nobody of them considers publicly burning the main culprit of almost all humanity sufferings- Torah?
Good essay Visible. I don't claim to be a prophet. But a source that I trust told me to watch SF and Salt Lake City. That was right after 9/11. I couldn't see why Salt Lake would be a target. But then they had the winter Olympics there. Fortunately nothing happened. Maybe their security was too good.
Now let's look at SF. I can see why SF might be chosen for the next false flag. Probably one with a mushroom cloud. It seems to me that such an action would cause the liberals and gays to join with the Neocons for pay back if such an event occurred.
This is just me talking. I have no inside knowledge. But I was right when I said that it's easier to start a war than to end one. That was when Junior George was all hot to trot into Iraq.
Geez what a great bunch of people you all are. If you can, come see me in Italy this season. A number of people are coming to start the community. We might as well start it there and then migrate when the money comes for the Bondensee location which will include Hobie cats on the lake.
There's no rent and utilities will be nothing if there are a few people there. You can grow anything there, it's Italy's food basket and it's a dynamite location for privacy and walkabouts.
If you build something you can stay as long as you like whether I am there or not. I've even got DSL wireless.
For all you Gold Warriors out there-
Is the Bank of America about to Fall?
Where might it fall to?
"It will be absorbed by the titans on Wall Street, the corrupt monoliths. Eventually only two will stand, by the time the USTreasury default approaches"
Gold has entered a new paradigm. It has metamorphosed into a whole other realm.
It's going to get real dicey dodging those that want to get gold either directly (confiscate) or indirectly (taxing it). We may see a massive "black market" forming.
The system is crumbling from within.
There's a new Visible Origami up-
When You're Cool the Sun is Always Shining.
Dead on, Thank You Les!
Here is a major tribe lackey's attempt at muzzling this explosion of Truth.
If this moves forward it will be the sign for many to get out their little Lists and start sending "thank you" notes.
May Justice prevail.
Scarlett and some others, I just found your comments in the spam folder, sorry about that, they are now up.
An addendum to my earlier post to those Goldwarriors...
In case you need to sell that Gold to get to Shangri La next year and you want to Prevent Your Sleazy Scummy u. s. Government from Stealing Your Gold then theoretical help is on the way.
Way back when I was searching for a compatible "religion", I considered converting to Judaism. Having been raised by the dreaded Southern Baptists, I was attracted to a system that included no devil and no hell.
Now I understand why these elements are excluded. It's because the god of the Jews is a demon. Their "covenant" with him is a deal with the devil to manifest Hell right here, in our world...
Vw: recksus.....We gonna sit here an' watch Oprah while they recksus. :).
I read this post yesterday Les and then immediately went over to Veterans Today and read the latest by Gordon Duff titled something like 'Is America ready for a nuclear attack?' That is not the correct title but close. I couldn't help but feel your post was influenced by his. Whether or not that is true, the hairs on my neck stood up. Just have to say I love all the genuine beings who come to this site and mostly you Les. Thank you!
Actually I read Gordon's piece after I had written this and added it into the text as an after thought because it affected me so much. That is why I asked Mark Glenn to confer my greetings to him at the end of the radio show.
Love your work!!
I have been reading your essays for a couple and love the colorful way that you sum up current events.
It is obvious that you read WRH every day (as do I) and get a lot, if not most, of your information from Mike's site.
I just listened to the Danko and Les interview as I was curious to hear your voice.
I find it ironic that one of the themes of the pod cast was how some of the "commentators" like Alex Jones et. al. are ruining the credibility of the "movement" by their crazy ranting and then you tell us that you talk to god! Bush (the lesser) also talked to god------a guaranteed way to lose credibility.
I also find it ironic that as you, quite correctly, rail against the jews you back up your words from a jewish book of mythology and nonsense ie. the bible and the jesus myth.
Like Mark Twain said " want to understand anti-semitism? the old testament”.
When your Kundalini was awakened did you see Krishna (BTW born of a virgin, 12 disciples etc etc).
I really love you Les and think you are doing very important work.....don't blow it.
The Eye
It's probably best not to make assumptions about people until you've met them and certainly you can't know what goes on inside them. Most people don't even know what goes on inside themselves. It's tough to know to much without actually knowing anything. I try to stay away from that.
I do talk to God. I talk to whomever I want. Maybe it's delusion and maybe it's not, we'll have to see. As got George Bush. He's a notorious liar. I am not, so far.
Pennsylvania Homeland Security Director goes into hiding.
Get this to Mike Rivero!
“It's probably best not to make assumptions about people until you've met them and certainly you can't know what goes on inside them.” -LV
I just found these below. If what they say is accurate, I’m disillusioned.
“It's probably best not to make assumptions about people until you've met them and certainly you can't know what goes on inside them.” -LV
I just found these below. If what they say is accurate, I’m disillusioned.
You just "found them?"
Regardless if they are true or not, I suspect you were always disillusioned to begin with.
Go meet the man in person and find out for yourself, mano y mano, report back with your findings.
Synagogue of Satan... Nice one! Also liked the earlier crime capitalists etc. Perfect for soundbites and symbolic word clues for the well informed, or trigger words for those who are not.
Thanks for the rant. Reminds me of the ole Dennis Miller before he 'woke up' and realized he needed to join the 'dark side'. Thank God for the 'bad guys', as the Oracle in Matrix sort of put it: 'Without him(them), where would we be?'
Crazy comes the catalyst of chaos!
E.A. I see what you mean. I never accepted most of those things from him but I didn't really need to. I did not know he was a Jew, probably explains the wide exposure if it is so. I could have sworn I heard he was something else. You would think that fact would have been brought out and widely known by now. We'll see.
LV I'm not sure if "I" see what I mean. I was posting to whomever "Anonymous" is/was at 4:49PM. Knowing D.I. personally I'd have to say I don't think he is of Jewish blood. (David has his issues but he's not a closet jew) ALthough, truly "knowing" anyone "personally" IMHO can only be understood on the level of ones own clarity of consciousness, So maybe I don't have a clue of who he is or what I'm talking about in that regard.
With that being said, when you read a post and that subtle voice, that impulse of perception, the one seemingly tuned into the flow of creation, when that inner signal is allowed to naturally come through without the "mind" or Ego or small self getting in the way, then it's seems always to work to the advantage of all involved if the message is heeded. That's all.
It's my understanding that if "anonymous" is disillusioned with who he or she thought David Icke is or was, then anonymous is disappointed because D.I. is not as "good" as he or she had expected or thought.
If this anonymous person held D.I. in somewhat "high" regard before reading these two articles and then become disillusioned from the experience, then it is of my opinion that anonymous was disillusioned all along. And that's what my intuition initially responded to. Anonymous, not the articles. With that being said, the articles say what? Anything new?
Thanks for the freedom and the opportunity to post at your site!
Now on that note, I'm going to go out and split some wood rather than splitting hairs.
Wow...just wow...
Bought a $300k house for $31k...
Just amazing...hold on...
Direct Energy...
Les would you delete my redundant posting? Thanks...just seems so damn...well...uh....redundant...sticky submit button....ya know...
any advice on finding something inside yourself when you're pretty sure nothings left?
I can't remove posts that I don't know the location and description of. We are dealing with hundreds of posts at different locations. As for the nothing left, it's the nothing that is the important item because that is what gets filled with the something which is the consciousness of the divine. Finding that we have nothing left is a good thing because that means the personal is becoming exhausted. Ask for the emptiness to be filled with the quick and brimming power of the one.
Great work! I hope that turns into a fortunate event.
I meant my same post posted 3 times beginning at 9:41pm.....the long one in the middle about the space shuttle etc. When I submitted it it went to an offline page so I thought I was pushed offline and then tried and tried again...
Regarding your advice, "let go and let God" you are right. Prayed for help this morning. And I actually do feel better.
Sometimes a person fights so hard for what they believe in they end up looking life Ed Norton in fight club when he's viewed on a monitor fighting an invisible foe.
One realizes how silly one looks when 99% can't see who the hell you are fighting or why and how important it is someone swipes at the invisible demons.
Then there are days when you just feel silly...futile...hopeless...
We are silly futile and hopeless but we are not without hope. We are these things when we depend on ourselves and not so when we depend on what everything depends on and which nothing moves without.
I'll look around briefly for those posts. You should have the ability to remove your own posts; everyone else does.
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