Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I’ve been watching Alan Grayson for awhile. He’s a congressman from Central Florida. He’s been a truthful and relentless gadfly against the vampire establishment of Zionist Jewish bankers and general, corporate malfeasance. Though he hasn’t named these miscreants as to their claimed and fraudulent native origins, he has certainly gone after the machinery of human oppression on a regular basis. He’s pretty much alone out there when it comes to honesty in a politician and stands out as a glaring anomaly in terms of right and wrong and those who don’t know the difference, except as it applies to personal profit and expediency in relation to self interest at all levels. What he talks about in this video exposes just how venal and evil the operations of the international banking community are.
It should be clear to anyone with a little more intelligence than a turnip that the bailouts were nothing more than calculated theft from ‘the people’ in order to cover the inconvenient results of Wall Streets greed and mistakes and to allow for wholesale robbery in name of protecting the system.
Here you can see another perspective on what is happening and the spin that is applied to justify certain activities and to hide the truth concerning them. Day by day the crime and disinformation accelerate as the disciples of evil seek to destroy the very system that they have fed off of for so long. Like the male black widow, engaged in the performance of a biological imperative, they hope to tie up the legs of the female, who is ten times their size, screw her and then get away with their lives, while the famished female sets about attempting to consume her lover. They think they’ll get away with it. They have in the past. They think it’s a simple game to hamstring the few remaining protections in the system for long enough that they can flee to another location, beyond the havoc they have caused.
I’ve been hearing from people more and more lately about the internet being shut down. In some cases, the same people have brought it to my attention multiple times in the same day. I respond by telling them that the internet cannot be shut down. Every time What Really Happened or The Truthseeker goes off the air for a few hours or longer, I am inundated by inquiries concerning them and all the apprehension and paranoia that attend these events. In nearly every case, the problem was something internal that got repaired by the webmaster. This is not to say there is no concerted effort to shut down the real truth sites. These are certainly in motion or on the drafting table but, as Michael Rivero has shown, there’s more than one way to skin a vampire.
We live in a world where the power of appearances molds our relationship to what ‘seems’ to possess the greater power to control and influence our lives. This is understandable in terms of those who lack the capacity to see beyond appearances and who possess very little in terms of objective reasoning skills. It is less understandable in terms of those who have the ability to see behind the curtain but who still think the wizard is a force of immense power instead of a sideshow charlatan.
Pardon me if I wax metaphysical for a moment. It might help to say that metaphysics occurs in a world outside the registry of the senses, while ordinary physics exists within those parameters. In fact, ordinary physics also exists outside of these parameters but is able with mathematics to prove certain verities in the way that algebra and other higher math systems can postulate the existence of something that cannot be directly viewed. The proof of this can be seen in any number of the wonders of technology as it exists around us.
We have an understanding of certain laws of Nature. One might think that we therefore have an understanding of most of the laws of Nature. This is not the case. In various situations we do not understand certain laws of Nature that we use in countless ways. We might not understand what’s going on but observation has made it possible for us to exploit them. Electricity is a good example of this.
Rather than get into explaining how I understand certain things to be true, I’m just going to state them and you can use the hints presented so far in this article to theorize about, prove or intuit the truth of what I say. It shouldn’t be hard for you to do this. You don’t have to understand the nature and composition of a certain mysterious, over-riding force. You never will anyway. You don’t have to apprehend all of the fundamentals and possibilities of the dynamics of the universe, as they apply in our observable world. All you need is a grasp of certain principles and you can prove the consistency and predictable operations of anything by simply watching and performing tests on what they do and allowing your observations and tests to sort themselves out in your mind to the degree that you are able to do so.
We make ourselves stupid by embracing a bias about the things we study. We shouldn’t make value judgments and place limits on things we don’t know enough about in the first place. Our ability to exploit the virtues of anything is confined by our own willing ignorance, concerning the possibilities of their potential. You can apply this to almost anything.
Evil destroys itself. Here’s how it does it. Evil is a negative exploitation of a system that uses the creative intelligence of the criminal to bypass the rules of the system or to turn seeming loopholes in the system against its inbuilt policing system. However, the system is a comprehensive thing and eventually it will react against violations to the degree of the violations. If you throw a ball against a wall it will bounce back at you. If you bounce the ball like you might in a racket ball court in order to outwit your opponent or to compromise his ability to respond, the ball will eventually respond in the same complicated manner for you. Eventually, no matter how intricate or clever your perversion of the system, the system will come back on you with the same degree of cleverness and intricacy in an automatic way. This is a basic explanation of Karma as well.
We are presently seeing this in operation, courtesy of The Apocalypse, which is a feature of a much more cosmic system that also contains the other system already mentioned. Evil knows only as much as it needs to know to perform its acts of self interest and to protect itself- more or less- against retribution. But... only the wise and the virtuous can understand the deeper meaning of this system, because the essential meaning and operation of this system cannot be fully known by those who willfully pervert it because that implies that they don’t understand its operations, which are essentially wise and virtuous beyond human comprehension.
Stop worrying about what you think the bad guys can and will do. Be more concerned with your own operations within the schematic of existence. The system protects those who are harmonized with its greater intentions. The system is conscious. Ordinary physics has already proven that the universe is thought born. Ponder that. There is only one force, period. This force is applied for both good and evil and is on temporary loan to both. It can be withdrawn at any time. It doesn’t matter if you see this system as an inflexible operation of mathematical principles or as a conscious and omniscient entity. It could well be both. A study of Greek and Roman mythology will repay big dividends to those who are honest with themselves in their manner of inquiry.
At certain points in human history, this mathematical or conscious force makes necessary adjustments, because of great imbalances that always appear like clockwork at predictable places. We are in one of those places. A new age is coming about and the previous age is being recycled. This one force is turning itself to new instruments, while also summing up the integrity, or lack of integrity, in the instruments that preceded them. You can call this ‘judgment’ or you can call it the outworking of natural law. It doesn’t matter what you call it.
Get your own house in order and enjoy the brilliant ironies and teaching moments of what is going to be presented for your attention, should you be paying attention. Paying attention is the difference between life and death. Really paying attention is called ‘concentration’.
I may be required to step away from all of this shortly and that includes my former hopes for a community and practically everything I’ve been engaged in until now. It’s not in my hands and I have to go in the direction that opens before me. I don’t mean to be mysterious but no small portion of it is a private affair. I say this in advance of any absence on my part that might occur and I’ll probably say not much more than this about it. Everything will be as it should be, even when it’s not what we might have had planned for ourselves. Things change and sometimes not the best of intentions can influence them back to what they formerly seemed to be. Those of you who have made plans concerning me should rethink them as they may no longer be possible.
End Transmission.......
'No Tracks' is track no. 7 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

There will, most likely, be a radio show Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time.
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
travel well friend
travel well....
Dear Les,
May the force be with you!
Very truly yours,
The apocalypse isn't just about pulling the masks off the bad guys. This hiatus in the industry of babylon is a golden opportunity for another renaissance. The one before came on the heels of the liberation of the serfs, by the liberation of the bible. Isaac Newton would have been working those fields and almost was. From Edward to Cromwell, jews weren't needed to make beasts of burden of men. Those are more despicable than jews. They put their own brothers in chains.
The shabbat goy are chosen and groomed for 'higher learning' for their obedience. If they can nod their heads up and down to the most ridiculous things, they go to the head of the class. Any candidates for higher thinking flunk or voluntarily leave that ship of fools.
There's something awfully bogus about the science they present and forcefeed their zombies. The tight compartmentalization smacks of chicanery.
There are supernatural numbers too. The prime numbers have common constituents. Zero is one of those numbers.
The 2 edged sword is wisdom.
Long have I sought thee, O Jerusalem,but only now have my pilgrim feet touched the soil of heaven.The waste places are no more.Fertile lands are before me,the like of which I have never dreamed.Oh, truly"There shall be no night there."The glory of it shines as the noonday sun,and there is no need of light for God is the light thereof.
I sit down to rest.In the shade of the trees,I rest and find peace in Thee.Within Thy grace is peace, O Lord.In the world I was weary-in Thee I have found rest.
-Joel S. Goldsmith-The Infinite Way.
Thanks Les Visible.Your spirit has helped me find shade water and rest.
What you 'preach', dear brother, is very 'catholic' in its presentation.
Take from that what ever your level or depth of understanding may present.
Take care, buddy, and God bless.
pax verbum
Big on Faith, small on religion
when u live in the back feed
ya go wit da flow
Do what you gotta do for you, you deserve that for all you give away! Thank you Les!
I've been trying to pick up the pieces ever since I was 14 and went to see Jimi Hendrix on acid. Umm.
Reconfiguration took place in spurts even though I was high the whole time I was an undergraduate at a notable college. I finally graduated with honors-- in Meth.....
Well that was thirty years ago and I am still trying to make sense of the world. I haven't yet. With the psychopaths who are in charge, why would you think it would make sense?
It looks like a farewell comment.
All issues are coming to the fore.
It is upon us, finally.
We meet on the field of battle as a unified presence.
The intelligent Blogger entertains AND informs in equal measure.
Thanks, Les.
Dreams exist to inform the machinations of physicality.
Thank you Les! In the plane of the unseen the golden cord of brotherhood and friendship will always be. Like birds leavin ghte nest, we will have the eternal connection as we soar out into the great vastness, each having our own journey of learning and healing. Together again as the one reforms into the whole.
There really are things bigger than us and thank the Lord for that.
anonymous 5:43,
I was at the same Hendrix concert.
The best part was when he said: "Just ask the Axis, He knows everything..."
This could only mean a handful of things have happened, and in that handful as in all situations, they are repeats clothed in new costume. Two thing to do before doing anything else: Bathe yourself in bolanath's grandmothers' Net of Light and do this while rebooting a regular sleep schedule.
No matter where you travel and what happens, I support your freedom however you wish to express it. Cool runnings and Jah Guide.
Love, nina
and they ask him, where are you going.
well where are you going? some was going to so it might as well be me
God is dead.
Take good care.
I will think of you.
Is he gone yet?
Excellent metaphysical piece Les, I could not have said it better myself. I have been waiting for you to realize the very last portion of it. May God bless you in the directions you take.
it seems sort of sticky at the mo,a lot of angry people about,obstacles and mess,I suppose all being a learning process,maybe through this stickyness we learn to use different technique's to unstick ourselves,I dont know.
...peace neil
Out beyond ideas
of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down
in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language
- even the phrase "each other" -
do not make any sense.
Your light and genius have been an inspiration to many who have ventured here.
You bared your soul and quenched the thirst of those seeking truth.
Whatever you do and wherever you go, know that there is a community of spirit who will always be with you.
Making my sixth post requesting one of your with access to personal information to please post itinerary, address, gym membership, favorite restaurant of folks like Warren Buffet, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, Lloyd Blankfein would be good. Please post a link so that some of us can get to work on paying these guys back for stealing wealth, ordering the murder of millions and the latest atrocity...polluting our once pristine Gulf. Tony Hayward should be hanging by a rope, no.
PLease do not waste your time writing that I'm a fed or Hal Turnerish stooge. Just a dude.
(fyi, 4 US Marshalls have already visited me, my parents, my friends and siblings...first thing they said was "when we saw how big you are...we discussed whether or not to bring more guys". lol Those kidders, eh? I told them their granny could kick my ass.)
FBI should really get their fingers out of their ass and arrest the zionist bastards. Hey Larry Silverstein and Mike f'd up jewboys. Does Mike still ride the train 1x/month to rub elbows with the worker bees?
magnetised in zombie land
with fear and death and love
momentary learning streams
vibrate inside above
forces push and pull and swing
round and round again
who knows why or what will come
back round to the end
or forward to beginning
to live the moment now
shangri la awaiting
with essences of flower
it seems it always was
and will always be so
riding on the moment
maybe its up to us to go
...Your thoughts and my words are waves from a sealed memory that keeps records of our yesterdays,
And of the ancient days when the earth knew not us nor herself,
And of nights when earth was upwrought with confusion,
Wise men have come to you to give you of their wisdom. I came to take of your wisdom:
And behold I have found that which is greater than wisdom.
It is a flame spirit in you ever gathering more of itself,
While you, heedless of its expansion, bewail the withering of your days.
It is life in quest of life in bodies that fear the grave.
There are no graves here.
-- Gibran The Prophet
We are all fascinated with our image in the mirror. We have an inate desire to perceive ourselves and understand ourselves. We also have a desire to know how we are perceived.
Les, your cryptic comments compel me to show you a little reflection. I stumbled across your blog some time ago, but I cannot bring myself to believe it was mere happenstance. The universe does not make mistakes and there are no accidents. Where ever you go and what ever you or the universe choose for you to do, know that your mark and influence on me are indelible. A joyful scar I shall wear with pride and affection the rest of my life, and show to all who will look. My thanks to you for illuminating dark places, and my friendship is always yours. We have met before, and I know we will again. Peace to you my brother.
With great affection
Les, if you like "In the Dark Places of Wisdom" by Peter Kingsley (and if you're still looking at books at all, as perhaps you may not be) -- then here's some news: PK's next and latest, called "A Story Waiting to Pierce You: Mongolia, Tibet and the Destiny of the Western World," is to be released in November, and advance copies can be purchased by communicating through the author's website. "Dark Places" is one of the very-very-very best-quality books I have ever encountered, and this new one (which I just read) is even better! Not to be missed . . . no kidding! It's the e-mail from 'beyond' that western culture has had her laptop open, waiting to receive -- for over 2,500 years.
In case you haven't guessed, this comment is from a person you severely criticized during our incontro pugliese, for not liking Pancho enough! (Or Poncho, I'm not sure how he spells his name.) Well, just FYI, P(o/a)ncho and I are totally OK with each other, and I do feel way better than just OK with you, Mr. LV. For one thing you cured me of something pretty deleterious, namely hero worship. Thank you for that, and thank you for the huge contribution you have been making to my life for the last few years, just be being as you are and expressing who you are, as you do. Whether or not we did or could 'get along' at close quarters in 3-D, you have my love. And I wish you total enjoyment and success on your new mission.
Not using the old name any longer.
I've seen so many people using the expression "Smoking Mirrors" online, and it shows just how uneducated people have become. I'm not faulting you, as you are probably a recent product of the American public education system. The correct expression is "Smoke and Mirrors", indicating the old carnival/circus/magic acts that used such to hide what they were really doing behind the scenes. Oh well. Guess it really doesn't matter. We all know what you mean anyway.
"...the bailouts were nothing more than calculated theft from ‘the people'..." is a great line for all of us to ponder.
It's our hard earned tax dollars just given to corporations that really rule America.
Had enough? I recommend a book for everyone to read about a small town in America where the people finally stand up to tyranny. It's that powerful cause it's so real & could be us soon fighting for our town & families & freedoms. It's a must read for all of us.
anon 12:25
I suggest you look at Aztec mythology for the deity who is known as Smoking Mirrors and it might shed some light on my use of it. Quite often there is more to things than the less than comprehensive boundaries of our information.
I'll even save you the trouble of searching.
Your perception of events must include the nature of my state of consciousness at the time. It has a great bearing on my state of being. Those are periods of intense change for me and do not reflect my ordinary state.
"We are presently seeing this in operation, courtesy of The Apocalypse, which is a feature of a much more cosmic system that also contains the other system already mentioned. Evil knows only as much as it needs to know to perform its acts of self interest and to protect itself- more or less- against retribution. But… only the wise and the virtuous can understand the deeper meaning of this system, because the essential meaning and operation of this system cannot be fully known by those who willfully pervert it because that implies that they don’t understand its operations, which are essentially wise and virtuous beyond human comprehension."
Ah-yes, this idea rings so beautifully. Such a beautiful note struck in the "G"reat work.
I hear ya' and you're in perfect tune. Not visible, of course, but a very high thought to be sure.
However, while i'm way up here with you, i would like to raise this other related concern i have. It's just this little matter of gold and the rules that emanate from it.
At any given time, it's this question that matters most to the mass of those coiled up hereabouts--is it not?
So--from that point of view: i regret to have to say it, but there's a reason for all the fighting we're engaged in.
On the concrete plane of reality, one can finds gaps between what is, and what ought to be. This immanence allows the most immediate ways to cause change in the world. Using these corporeal capacities, one can create consequences-some great, some less so. And those choices, when they are put into action, do affect the unfolding of our future. They define the karmic lines that we move within this body.
May your God or Gods speed along well.
anon 12:25
You can also find reference to 'smoking mirrors' in James Michener's book, "Mexico", but don't take everything that jew has to say as a fact. And, by all means, don't buy that book, except from a used book store. Don't give that propagandist jew a dime. He's a liar of the tribe, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Anya Seton makes him look like a lazy pig, which he is.
Here's an article which claims Tibetan monks predict an immediate future broadly compatible with the intimations of our host.
Les, I remember an episode of kidney stones and maybe a much needed break. Someone kept chugging along even though a "bit" of suffering went with it.
That said, I think that the title of a really good book would be...
The Dog House... A perspective from the outside looking in.
Looking forward to it and in the meantime take good care.
NOOOOOO....don't go!!
Les can I have your blog when you go?
And I was thinking also about reflections. I am not really into Visible Origami.
Anyway I was thinking maybe I could change Smoking mirrors to “Condor moments” or something like that. But to tell you the truth I feel like saying fuck you. I think it’s a bit unfair to come of with a statement like that after all the “come on.” I don’t know your reasons for making such a statement, but still, I expect they are genuine. Yet Im somewhat confused. I wish you could be more open about it. Everyone is saying farewell already as if this is it, Fuck sake Les how can you just check out like that with no explanation. I hope you don’t go. Over the past 2 to 3 years I have invested a lot in your words. I have put my faith on the line because of the things you said. I went looking for the truth and found things out I would never have even contemplated. I thank you for that but shit I just don’t understand. I am a simple dick-head from a place called nowhere and you reached me, think of the ones who are still struggling. Fuck me, I am still struggling. I struggle half the time to even understand the message you put out and I don’t always agree but you have rattled my cage enough to make me think. And now you’re saying you might be rapping things up and just going without even explaining yourself. Well fuck you, this is just not good enough.
You know my email by now, or you should, as I have sought your advice on more than one occasion and you where on the mark. So I would ask you to please get in touch.
I don’t regret one minute of the time I have spent here or on you’re other blogs and I hope and pray you will not have to end it all. It is selfish of me I know but fuck you. Anyway, hoping you will still be around for some time to come. Bastard!
grayson? ha! a politician playing his part. any and all politicians are playing their part... get it? every single one. even the ones saying just what you wanted to hear. what exactly are they NOT saying.
rivero? ha! a hollywood, $award winning$, special effects, DNA certified jew... taking YOUR precious money, time and attention with his little one man show. saying things you want to hear. what is he not saying? this so clear. why do you go on even mentioning his name. it certainly gives you no more reputability.
watch who lean on there LV... for that matter - who you are propping up. inadvertently or otherwise. once upon a time, however brief you may wish to remember it it was AJ and we all know how that turned out. these two bozos are on the same list. clear as crystal.
i have only posted a few times here at LV Inc. writing comes very difficult for me. expressing my thoughts to you through black stick shapes on a lighted screen me not so good... so i truly appreciate (there's millions of us) the resonating talent of the dog poet and the many epiphanies i've had while trippin through the black stick shapes of les visible... but hey unless this silly boosting of obvious players in the big brother band stops... this will certainly be my last post. hangouts turn into cul de sacs or u-turns.
AAARGH! i feel like shouting. i just can't believe LV is serious when he places ANY hope in these transparent world stage players. these servants of power. GRAYSON or RIVERO to go the distance? i think not. they'll never give us real truths. they can't. theyll never lead to anything that is actually good for humanity. we ALL know that is a death sentence for them... an assassination of one kind or another. so, where's the blood? i see men in suits... and one man in a made up 'laid-back' hawaiian island costume.
i'm rambling but attempted to make my point:
Mr. Les Visable, your veracity dims a shade when you speak of men such as these. you should be calling them what they clearly are or cease to acknowledge them whatsoever.
on a related note -
want to prop someone up? el campo SANCHEZ could be in need of a little right about now. an organic, genuine, spontaneous seed of revolution? wow. wouldn't that be a fresh wind. and to think... with a TV proven face. though he's probably meeting with some billionaire or two settling this little flame up over drinks right now. a steering committee. here's a guy who spoke honestly and from his human heart and we all see what immediatly became of him... or at least his employment status. which leads right back the the economic servitude monoply game they have us playing with our sim selves. it ain't real folks. that apple is really an onion and it's just that simple. you must get off the stage. get away from the stage. the entertainers will make you go mad with unreal visions.
rambling again. thank you for publishing my post.
brian morrison
also posted as
frank zenn
anonymity douses the flame of revolution everybody. let's stand up and show ourselves. so they can see us - and more importantly so we can see each other. start by selling your TV (preferably to a politician or stock broker) and giving your real name. you do have one, you know.
I found your words by accident and I have been drawn to them since. I understand the inner battles because I live in a enduring battle. I found some comfort in your words by no accident. Now you just give a vague farewell? What kind of shit is that Les Visible? Once again we are abandoned you fucker. Fuck that.
Sincerely, James T Gahan aka "buzzsawbkilla"
Hi Les
Is your ear to the ground? distant early warning signals coming in? If only these times were indeed apocalyptic. I can't accept that these current times are the "apocaypse". That would be far too merciful in this "purgatorial world", as Paul Foster Case once called it.
We interrupt this post and take you over to Pat and Vanna and the WHEEL OF FORTUNE 2020!!! (applause!)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"okay, we're looking for a person and Suzy from Peoria will give the wheel a spin!
, WOW, $1000...Suzy?
Is there a "B"?
indeed, we have one B
_ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _
i'd like to buy a vowel Pat, is there an "O"?
there sure is Suzy, we've got one O!
O _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Give that wheel a spin Suzy!!
$800!! go ahead Suz'!
Is there an "L"?
you're on a roll Suzy, we've got one L!!
O _ _ _ _ B _ _ L _ _ _ _
I think you can guess who we're looking for. and they'll keep looking and looking and killing and looking and killing and looking and of course MORE KILLING!! Killing to keep the flouridated, over-fed, over-sexed, over-entertained North American, "free from terrorism". Late September 2001 was a great time! The sheer transparent audacity of 9/11 compelled to believe that this time they're really going to "go for it". you know, third world war, massive culling of the population, police state, the works.....AND BOY, WAS I EVER FUCKING WROOOOOOOOONG!!!!!!!!!!!! The masses swallowed their cathode ray brainwashing without flinching. they came together for about a week...shared in some contrived communal grieving....and then basically forgot aout the whole affair.
I rarely smile anymore....and I've come to regard the North American smile as some sort of disgusting veil whose magnitude is measured in terms of purchasing power. Strip that purchasing power away and we'll see just how radiant and sincere the smiles are. Television sitcoms have destroyed the power of the human laugh by turning it into some knee-jerk reaction layered over mountains of trivial, predictable, bull shit. this shit ain't funny...then again, neither are my recurrring thoughts of suicide. ARE there spiritual injunctions against taking one's life?
first there is the thought
or first there is the wind
second is the sound of words
on which these hopes are pinned
third there is reflection
like the moon upon the sea
fourth there's realization
that all this speaks to me
a whisper in my ear
a little light ahead
there is nothing
i can't endure
i'm sure that's
what's been said
As you said, "Quite often there is more to things than the less than comprehensive boundaries of our information." Such as the Stones of Ica and the Acambaro Gallery:
Dinosaurs in Literature, Art & History--Revisiting The Stones of Ica
May The Great Spirit fly with you in your journeys, in all ways.
Thank you to ALL on this mind opening, life altering and spirit lifting experience.
Walking Hawk
I've gone through moments where you were not posting for long stretches of time. I always wonder if you'll be back. And then, one day, out of the blue, I'll come through and there will be a new post. Love those moments.
Regardless of how long you may go silent, here - this time, thanks for sticking around for so long. I always leave, from reading your words, with more questions. And that's valuable.
Be safe, Les.
all things are temporary. dynamics is seen only at the micro level in the temporal, yet you exist at many levels. I'm climbing up the wall of that box to peer out and see a world of worlds. Good god it is everlasting. Never changing as a whole.
Been here for only a while but the thought process is thought provoking. Thanks.
Hello Vis...hey it's getting a little sappy around here...does anyone know why Buddhist's have trouble vacuuming in corner's?........... Because they don't have any attachments, We are all just passing love....Terrance
Dearest Les....
With a MILLION hits a year i would like to say THANKS and please know We all have you and your work enmeshed into our being.
Even if we are an ANON nitpicker... ;)
You know, I said I 'may be required' and that's all I know. It pisses people off if you don't go when you say you will but I didn't actually say anything. I've got one of those 'no way around it' situations but I can't really know the resolution to the thing yet. It's just that I don't like setting people up for something and not being able to follow through. Maybe I should have just kept quiet but that didn't seem right either.
As soon as I had made mention of it I found that it had changed into something else again but it keeps doing that. I put myself in a situation where I wouldn't make any more compromises but it also seems as it what I am looking right at is not happening even though it seems impossible that that could be. It's a bit of a mystery.
hi les, your michael rivero link triggers a warning of viruses on his site, (probably, Trojan worms,on a links list),(my opinion as it's common)
Keep up the good work Les, take care ian.
To the condesending twit who can't see the woods for their pedanticalness. You sure seem fooking stupid now ;(
Your posts never made me feel sad Les. But this one does. Strange this cyberworld thingy!
I will sure miss your presence here. There certainly isn't anyone to compare.
Take care and God bless
PS if it isn't obvious 'condesending twit' refers to the person who likes to have everything fit. Smoke and . . . not Smoking. He certainly isn't 'smoking'.
To be honest, living in a tree house with 5 dogs was looking a bit impractical to me anyway. .I'm sure they could learn to go up the ladder, but climbing down is another issue.And teaching them to speak Italian...I took years to learn 'em proper English ( grin).
Vaya con dios, Les, and thanks for all the (free) fish.
Did i miss something? This was NOT a farewell post!! It's like that childhood game to teach kids where rumors come from. You sit in a circle, someone begins and whispers something in the kids ear in front of him. It goes all the way around the circle and at the end you usually have something a bit different than what you started with. I didn't hear a farewell. I heard that things are up in the air, don't make plans to come and live in Italy, and that there will probably be a radio show on Sunday. If there was a farewell from the Dog Poet, I wouldn't expect it to be cryptic.
Les, thanks for keeping on.
No need for fear. They never can reach into the spiritual realm. They are into the occult, they are chained to the material realm.
E-bee The Netherlands.
If you disappear from this place, I will miss you.
I do understand, since I have been experiencing similar for some time.
I will look forward to your next transmission regardless of the amount of time that passes.
'till next in the ifalong,
Your presumptions are both offensive and comical at the same time. I was very clear about what I said. It is not me that made the immediate assumption that I was gone. My words are precise.
I have no responsibility to explain anything until I actually say I won't be around any more.
What I said, I said for the benefit of the Shangri-La members, some of whom might have been making plans. I am doing all I can to get there and it looks like I can again but I have no intention of saying anything until I am getting ready to get into the car and drive away.
I don't play games and very few people here pay me or contribute in any financial way to what I do. It appears that not only am I a property of anyone who wants to assume that but I am also a non supported property that has to do everything myself along with providing a place rent free for anyone who wants to come down.
I'm probably one of the least reader supported sites on the internet who also does everything for free. I'm thinking that my approach, although altruistic, is also pretty fucking stupid as well.
You have no idea what I'm up against but you feel free to make all sorts of uninformed judgments about it and then let me know I owe you. I owe no one here anything except maybe a wake up call for being a pack of cheap, unconsciousness and indifferent siphoning machines. Maybe I should start making house calls?
And then you want me to give you my blog so you can change the name and what? Contribute your world shaking religiously themed rhetoric, which will reduce the readership to what?
If I wanted to sell this blog, simply for the name value it would be worth a lot but that sort of thing is not how I operate. I can only think you are joking with me. It's hard to imagine you are sincere.
Because my finances are shit, due to my having to carry this whole load myself and put so much time into all these public service projects, I am in this position on not knowing if I can pull off what I have wanted to.
I had hoped to begin selling my music and my books at a very reasonable fee which, once again has me pulling the whole horse... but my desire to finish the leg work on these projects has also been compromised by the time I put into these efforts and has also sparked resentment in my home court at being such a blindly trusting fool in the things I believe in. That's not going to change, I don't think, but it does wear against a great many things that are determinants in what I can do.
I lost my last comment I do not think you got it.
May I make a suggestion?
Peolpe let us walk the talk and organise ourselves so we can give back to ourselves and Les Visible.
Let us raise some money PEOPLE there is gotta be a way we can do that in a combined effort.There is gotta be people here who are good at that kind of thing why don't we do a group effort thing.Somebody please pick up the thread and lead the way.
We can do it folks our own COMMUNITY BANK no rules no regulations.Let us get the money in.We will figure out how to proceed from there.
Thanks Les,
Les, I'm no one to suggest this, but if you want to charge for subscription to read or post on any of your sites, I would more than love to help by paying for a subscription. I know this isn't how you would prefer to do things but maybe it might help a little and you can continue to serve your passion.
for whatever it's worth, even if I'm broke, i would pay $10 a month to read or listen to what you have to say.
how about charging to listen to your radio archive?
I'll buy your singles if you charge for uploads?
You're SO important!
In any case, you're in my thoughts and my heart no matter where you are, no matter what you choose.
Love, Debs.
Debs, that is wonderful for you to say (and thank you CJ as well) but I don't want to have come this far only to resort to this sort of thing at the near end of what is on the horizon. If I can just stay motivated to finish the book (though it might piss some people off because it has a Jew as a main character- though it clarifies itself later in the book) and these other projects that I leave up in the air for reasons I haven't entirely caught on to yet, I would be just fine with selling copies of those and I am sure, with my limited needs that that would do the trick. I just have to get a little stalwart. I didn't want to talk about this anyway but I felt forced to clarify.
All will be well. I think I have things back on track now.
well I will be sending 20$ on tuesday,keep some food on the table.and how much would the timber cost in italy to build a fair sized tree house that would keep several people this would be handy to know...peace neil
Hi Les
Terrorist alert are increasing in the MSM. They seem to be hinted at Europe. Is this a foreplay for a new false flag attack? What can it be? I would prefer an old fashion bomb attack from some radioactive or biochemical stunt. Perhaps a decimation trick on some chosen people by some chosen people.
Read the first chapter of Richard Moors new writings.
He is very good at visualising his understandings. Sharp fellow, that's why I ordered his "Escaping the Matrix". He gives the broad perspective and pinpoints its strategy and meaning. His prediction, that what we see right now, is that of a very fast major paradigm transition. Away from capitalism, democracy and libertarian philosophy based on science and in with a none growth energy taxed system, where transponders along the roadsides keep track of you and your CO2 quota. We are looking forward to something like a feudal system or a totalitarian dictatorship, anyway, a system that runs on real fear for real violence for any arbitrary reason. Among the puppets running this show, the green environmentalists are most tragic. They are idealists who want to change the world to a better place and make living more sustainable for all. Instead they accomplish to build up a sect, with priests and holy scriptures that are based on nothing but BS, that CO2 is a poison. God Help Us, CO2 is not the gas of death, its the gas of life, its the gas that the photosynthesis, with sun rays for energy, convert into carbon hydrates. A higher pressure of CO2 results in an increased photosynthesis, any greenhouse entrepreneur knows that. And that's what we want, to come to turns with needed increase of food production. So the banksters has hijacked the environmentalist, mongrolized them and made them into a legion of warrior and agents for the introduction of the coming mayhem. The funny thing is that, at the moment, not all seems to work according to the blueprint plan. IPCC may be a lame or soon dead duck, because recently there have been to many disclosures around the greenhouse scam and a lot of outcry from the opposition. This could be a serious backlash for the NWO because it might have been the fundamental cornerstone of the transition. Consider that everybody consumes energy, primarily as fuel and food and then understand the consequences of the CO2 tax.
WV: droca - Dracula on drugs maybe
If you could put a fund-raising" goal out there, as a challenge and invitation to your regular readers to financially support your work, it might produce great results. What do YOU need right now for things to go more smoothly? The thought of you selling your guitars or other personal items to raise funds makes no sense. Your writing is worthy of our support! If every single person who visits here daily just contributed $25 each, would that help? [How about it, all of you who would be sad to see him go???] I'm heading over to PayPal right now to "prime the pump". Love & blessings-Karyn
Taking up on Debs and CJ.
I don't want to open an account with Paypal, but if your site could accept credit cards directly, I'd gladly contribute.
Many, many thanks, LV, for what you've done and are doing to help others like me.
Whatever you do, may all your days and paths be blessed always.
Hi Les
Terrorist alert are increasing in the MSM. They seem to be hinted at Europe. Is this foreplay for a new false flag attack? What can it be? I would prefer an old fashion bomb attack from some radioactive or biochemical stunt. Perhaps it’s a decimation trick by some chosen people.
Read the first chapter of Richard Moors new writings.
He is very good at visualising his understandings. Sharp fellow, that's why I ordered his "Escaping the Matrix". He gives the broad perspective and pinpoints its strategy and meaning. His prediction, that what we see right now, is that of a very fast major paradigm transition. Away from capitalism, democracy and libertarian philosophy based on science and into a none growth energy taxed system, where transponders along the roadsides keep track of you and your CO2 quota.
Part 2
We are looking forward to something like a feudal system or a totalitarian dictatorship, anyway, a system that runs on real fear for real violence for any arbitrary reason. Among the puppets running this show, the green environmentalists are most tragic. They are idealists who want to change the world to a better place and make living more sustainable for all. Instead they accomplish to build up a sect, with priests and Holy Scriptures that are based on nothing but BS, that CO2 is a poison. God Help Us, CO2 is not the gas of death, it’s the gas of life, its the gas that the photosynthesis, with sun rays for energy, convert into carbon hydrates. A higher pressure of CO2 results in an increased photosynthesis, any greenhouse entrepreneur knows that. And that's what we want, to come to turns with needed increase of food production.
So the banksters has hijacked the environmentalist, mongrelized them and made them into a legion of warrior and agents for the introduction of the coming mayhem. The funny thing is that, at the moment, not all seems to work according to the blueprint plan. IPCC may be a lame or soon dead duck, because recently there have been too many disclosures around the greenhouse scam and a lot of outcry from the opposition. This could be a serious backlash for the NWO because it might have been the fundamental cornerstone of the transition. Consider that everybody consumes energy, primarily as fuel and food and then understand the consequences of the CO2 tax.
Are you for real? Of course I was joking. Smoking mirrors and the other blogs are just fine with you at the helm. You are right, i would run them into the ground in less than a week.
Sorry to have come on so strong, its my big Irish mouth. I think what I was trying to say was, I would miss you big time.
And I won’t even reproach you for saying, "Contribute your world shaking religiously themed rhetoric" and so on.(grin)
I love you, you big fruit.
It is time to flush the whole rottent toilet, and establish National Socialism for all countries, worldwide.
You already HAVE a book. Make a collection out of these blogs. I nominate "The hydra headed bitch media and the shitstorm machine" to be in it. I've seen what's out there in 2008 and it's all politically correct blather.
Christmas is coming up!
Is it 2008?
Al Symers
Are you suggesting that all existence may be rooted in the Wisdom of love?
If so; we second that emotion!
Fear and anger go hand in hand, so I suppose I'm not so surprised to read some of the comments posted above.
I see it this way. There's something Les wants to do, but has hit a roadblock. It's like planning a great road trip, then just before you plan to hit the road, the car breaks down. Not only that but you then discover that the engine has seized up.
So what do you do? Well I guess you need to take stock of the situation and look for another option or a different path. Or keep faith that it will all turn out okay, albeit slightly different in it's makeup.
Often I read comments that suggest that Les owes us something? Bollocks. For me, I come in search of understanding, good humour and also to be among a community of people who see things as I do.
I am paying attention, Les... and look forward to future bloggings, whenever they appear.
Les --
There is an Eastern European saying about the Tribe that prints the money --
They poke you in the eye and then cry that you broke their finger --
As an artist and a sentient soul it is increasingly difficult to keep harping on the same subject matter -- especially when it becomes obvious that all the levers of material manipulation are under the same ham-fisted control -- without sounding anti-semitic and obsessed by the occult and other unsavory subjects like human sacrifice and pedophilia. After awhile you feel dirty for filling your mind with these negative images.
Therefore taking a break, detaching from the carnival, becomes a necessity or you risk a "soul sacrifice" that works in their favor.
Therefore -- Blow your mind, have some fun, make some bucks... Come back, go away, change your mind, blow THEIR minds... You'll always be here in the ether where you live in glorious splendor.
Brothers and sisters, start remembering that we are. Take walks in the park. Sit and watch the birds or the sea. Go for a walk someplace new. I really dont know why but for some reason these things just seem to recalibrate mental awareness so well. Peace out.
PS Whether anonymous or not rights dont come into it. Puh leease.
I remember moving to Boston, back in 2003. Working downtown, in the financial district (as a security guard), I would see planes flying in and out of Logan Airport. due to proximity, these planes always looked Too Close for comfort (in light of September 11th). I would be the only one looking up at them, and then at everyone else, hustling through the streets without a care. Lol! That use to bug me out.
I spend a lot of time looking up at the sky. And I notice a lot of people appear not to.
Why the story...? I don't know, Les. I read your site so much, that I thought it would be rude of me not to open up a little.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories out here... a lot of bullshit. A lot of misinformation, it seems. And meditation doesn't come as easy as I'd like it to.
It's confusing out here. I voted for a president whom I was afraid would turn out to be the Manchurian Candidate... and it looks like that's what he is. And that pisses me off. From his stance regarding Israel, to bowing before the Wall St. cartel, I have no faith in my government at all.
When the Dow Jones Industrial Average does good, I get depressed. When it looks like the market is going to crash, I get happy. I want all the fake shit to just melt away, and for the truth to come barreling forward.
I've been unemployed for almost 5 years, and I'm discouraged to pursue a career...I mean, all the saving and planning in this crack-headed capitalist system only tells me that whatever I work for, in this world, is bound to fail.
Venting, Les. That's all. Just in case you do have to go off line for a while.
Sometimes it helps to listen to some music and just get it all out, man.
whew! know I feel better now
Les, you said, "Your perception of events must include the nature of my state of consciousness at the time."
Don't worry, it does.
Very best wishes (sincerely).
"There certainly isn't anyone to compare.
Take care and God bless
Couldn't have said it better.
You and your wife have graciously accepted me into your home as your guest for the second time in two years.
The first time it was because I wanted to know if there really was a flesh-and-blood person behind the phenomenal words and thoughts you have been posting for more than four years.
The second time it was because I wanted to learn more about what to do with the knowledge I already have.
I greatly appreciate both visits. I would probably follow you into the forest and eat only honey and locusts for forty days if you said that is what it is going to take to make a real positive change in this world.
Be well my friend and thank you for everything so far.
Nodding in affirmation and bowing in respect.
Thanks, Visible.
Les about the link for Aztec mythology. Tezcatlipoca. Are you sure that’s the right link, the picture looks a lot like Bart Simpson to me?
Hope you are in good cheer.
I'm not familiar with Bart Simpson but a simple googling of the name will handle any curiosity but not do much for the snarky side of things.
right so you are pissed off with me, i get the message
Dear Les,
I was really saddened by this email thinking you just found out you were ill or something major. I hope this is not the case. You are dearly loved in my house.
No where else can we read such unvarnished truth, spoken with such eloquent depth and beauty.
If it is help that you need, my apologies for just reading here, I will head to paypal.
Wishing you all the best and thanking you profusely for the many infusions of heart lifting truth.
May the great Creator keep you safe and well.
I am not pissed off at you. I was being teasing which is what suppose you would say about your own part in this action. I haven't had a negative thought about you. I was a little shocked at the original offering but that didn't last. Mostly I was upset at myself for saying what I said which compelled some people to make donations to me which is not what I was after.
I was planning on doing some things on my own in order to sort out my situation. It's a little more complex than it appears but it seems to have come around all by itself. I'll know more in a couple of days but it looks like everything is okay now.
I am not angry. Angry manifests in a much different way and almost never in this location.
No hard feeling my friend (big smile)
"Everything will be as it should be, even when it’s not what we might have had planned for ourselves."
Been thinkin this too, for a few weeks over now. Had a hard go with a lovely woman and Im saying as above.
Les I thank you for all the ‘concentration’ you create and share with us.
Sad will I be to not hear your words, but much of your teaching has open these words up within me and they will never burn out now, much grace and wonder I have for you. In time I will gain the force and will to repeat your efforts and speak with the clear voice of love.
Its was not what I planned out, but Im finding fun and joy in bending and changing more!
We all have a home under our great mother's tree. I will see you there Les!
Love Your Life
Sorry to hear that Les. Hope all is well.
it took me awhile to
figure out what the hell
that thing on my shoulders was
i could feel it but i couldn't see it
i heard it though
all the sorrow
all the joy
it was this world
i shook it off
gave it a good kick
as far as i know
it's half way between
venus and mars by now
Hi Les happy to pay for your next book and really you are so prolific maybe stepping away from all this would be a good thing concentrate on all the other stuff you do but its your life and what you do is your business nobody elses anyway happy to put in what i can we all have to eat after all hoping the best for you i would even pay a subscription to your blogs thats what i think they're worth anyway all the best and may the road rise with you
Three wonderful days spent on the river and I come back, fire up the computer and find this post.
Sadness for me, and for all the readers who've grown together during the years you've been at this.
Peace to you and yours. I'll be sending warm river thoughts in your direction.
wv: slycesse... Hmmm
Hey Les & All,
Off topic..
*** Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN ***
He stated the JEWS controlled the media...
Thanks and God Bless,
Red Pill
Remember the intention in regards to Monsanto?
got to love how things work.
wv: soadduda
The cryptic nature of the Book of Revelations sets it out there as a synopsis of the end of everything. Yet because no one can tie any part of it to anything tangible in the past present or future without speculation and loose interpretation, how can it truly be applied as prophecy?
I am realizing now the there are an infinite number and scope of revelations throughout our lives and the history of mankind. Some are small, and when added up with other revelations become a larger perspective. Others are monumental an cannot be viewed or realized completely any sooner than one could realize the scope of a mountain or the ocean. And so the small revelations fit into the big revelations that fit into the universal ones.
Each time I read your post I manifest more revelations that fit into the greater one my creator (my mind) has formed. I thank you for that blessing.
I don't often quote rock bands, but to quote Rush in Natural Science: "Wheels within wheels in a spiral array, a pattern so grand and complex. Time after time we lose sight of the way, our causes can't see their effects."
Finally, this is rough but I had a knock on my gray matter and had to put it together...
Bless yourself brother, as you are truly the only man with the authority to do it.
Yes, Dear Friends, some good news at last. Are your kids really demons in human form? Are you out of a job? About to lose your home? Living on the street? (If so, you're probably not reading this.) Weep and worry no more, Dear Friends, help is at hand. On 11/9/2010, Ice-9 (a la Kurt Vonnegut) will be created and released into the environment, turning the earth into a small ball of slag and at one stroke solving all of your problems and mankind's as well.
Rev. John
Government fraud, economic meltdown,
obscene wars...
But it doesn't mean we can't laugh..enjoy, best wishes vis, Jean
There is a new Reflection in a Petri Dish up now-
The Trembling House of Cards is Beginning to Tumble.
Rev. John,
I know you posted the Ice-9 link in tongue-in-cheek mode, but I would like to voice what (IMO) should be the commonly shared perspective here regarding such scenarios of unmitigated planetary destruction. There's no fathomable reason why such a thing would be spiritually necessary. Preservation of free will and the law of karma trump blind causality when it comes to such things. Assuming the information linked is accurate, I would expect another mysterious "intervention" to stop the operation from going forward, as has already happened multiple times with the LHC. ;)
I can't thank you enough for your work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (big hug) I'm visualizing everything turning out better than anyone expected in the long term. Hang in there. <3
Well, of course it's a load of horse-hockey, but I have no doubt that a number of idiots will wait in fear and trembling for Jan. 1st to roll around. Even so, I think Velikovsky was at least partially right, not to mention the hard evidence that nuclear war has occurred at least once before on this planet, removing the so-called industrial 'civilization'. And it would certainly seem that the old homestead could use a good spring cleaning about now. Man's societies are going to continue to self destruct until the psychopaths are eliminated. Wheels within wheels, cycle after cycle. Ain't nothin' new under the sun. And last but not least, it's no big deal. We're all going to die anyway, what matter if it's wholesale? I'm having a great time watching God's little melodrama, for which I give daily thanks.
Rev. John
LHC, pah. I say bring it. Kinda surprised to see a lot of people in the new Petri Dish thread apparently sharing this emotion. We may be finally ready for what's ahead, and maybe that's why it's ready to happen.
Liked that flash, especially the way it looped around. :) Been thinking about pyramids as well lately, and I took the star of david to mean "those who work least get most/those who work most get least". In other words, the israeli mission statement.
Good bye, "dog poet", and bon voyage!!!
Thanks Les for providing a space where fairly like-minded folk can share their thoughts and feelings.
You are a very gifted man.
I watched this and loved it. I feel others here will also:
Neil Kramer - Guerrilla Psychonautics
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