Dog Poet Transmitting.......
When you look up into the night sky there is a predictable symmetry. The moon has its reliable phases. The planets can be seen in their courses by those informed enough, or technically empowered enough, to view them. Astronomers see one section of bandwidth and astrologers see another and what is stated to be so and what is intuited to be possible, are both extreme limitations placed upon the unknown and life goes on independent of the findings of either. The sun appears every morning, as the Earth rotates into it. You would have to say that balance is the key to the whole apparatus, independent of understanding it. Balance expresses itself in the cyclic repetition of seasons and events. It all has the appearance of being arranged. Someone like me would say it’s all under control.
We’ve heard that evil destroys itself. That implies that components within the schematic are in opposition to other components in terms of intention and agenda. You can think of evil as something like cancer, where the host body is attacked by elements which compose it. Ergo, you get people like Glenn Beck attacking George Soros. A representative of Little Georgie Sorrows told Glenn Beck that he was hurting Georgie’s business. The implication of a dead fish coming in a UPS truck is not to be missed.
The main feature that you notice about Wall Street and the multinationals; the bankers and other major players on the world stage is that there is no limit to their need to acquire at the expense of others and each other. Some of them have tens of millions of dollars. Some of them have hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of them have billions of dollars and some of them have tens of billions of dollars and all of them want hundreds of billions of dollars and more and more and more.
They will do anything to get more. They will steal and kill. They will engineer wars in which millions die and millions more are enslaved in crushing debt, just to increase their holdings of something they already possess far more of than they will ever need. They turn to philanthropy, in which none of what is given away reaches the target audience, except when they are building hideous monuments to themselves, in buildings and institutions, under the guise of education, the arts and medicine, which not only do not serve the needs of the public but maliciously attack the essence of what they presume to edify and disseminate. They are a breed apart, a monstrous amplification of Fred C. Dobbs, on a lunatic rampage amidst the winds of Heaven.
The public information channels have been routed through the municipal sewage systems so that it’s shit in and shit out every day. These mincing martinets prance upon the stage, in the gravitas of dung golems, whose reek is barely masked by the distance provided through the mediums of transmission. They bedeck themselves in bling that would make a gangsta rapper blush, as they applaud one another on their vast accomplishments on the public’s behalf. It’s no time at all before large numbers die, as the result of fountain pens following the pronouncements at some narcissistic conclave of self congratulation.
They present themselves as spokes-personages for the equality of all, which is nothing more than a push for the preeminence of minorities, whose agendas stand in direct conflict with the lives and traditions of the majority. They seek to destroy everything that does not represent their personal vision of how it should be, in order to grant them an unopposable, imperial hand over the destiny of everyone beneath them. It’s no time at all before they then present these minorities as the enemy of the masses, in order to manifest a blood bath of guilt among the populace, who are mystified at their own capacity for violence and who then cry out for a more pervasive hand of leadership from the very fiends who orchestrated it in the first place.
A reasonable mind would quickly understand that all bankers, lawyers, politicians and priests should be quarantined for the good of humanity and that there can be no extremes in the definition of such quarantine because, quite frankly, they are the enemy of life, of balance and symmetry and of every good thing imaginable.
In the middle of the chaos of the moment, with the full evidence of mass murder, felony fraud and unbridled greed, these desperate creatures lobby for immunity from their deeds, while seeking unlimited license to commit more of the same. In the middle of plunging the world into chaos, they demand further freedom to accelerate the process, so that no one remains, except a manageable servant class to administer to their needs. They define evil simply through their efforts to kill whatever good they encounter. Even in their dreams they plunder and murder, as if there were no portion of their mind that did not meditate upon these things.
Mass opposition and expedient death are the least of what they deserve and gaining this, they have one final victory in which they have turned their destroyers into monsters, just like themselves. Do they know all of this? They do not. It is the atavistic, reptile mind behind the façade of their human masquerade that manipulates them in a simulacrum of Fred C. Dobbs, screaming into the maelstrom. They are fiends unknown to themselves. They go through the motions of terrible acts, in a loop of cognitive dissonance, where they cannot hear or see themselves as they are, nor the effect of their behavior. This means nothing in terms of the necessity for them to be gone, anymore than does the unawareness of a mad dog, concerning its hydrophobia.
The most grievous thing is the mass of the ordinary, who wish for nothing more than to be like them; who would leap at the opportunity to replace them, independent of the skills or capacities needed to do so. Sarah Palin and the legions that support her are a clear evidence of this. They are all bound together for a common land where revelation will at last descend upon all of them.
I am already supposed to be somewhere else for several weeks now. I can’t seem to manage it. I’m completely ready and my car is packed, with all manner of items that I have needed for the last several weeks (grin) and don’t want to go after because, any day, I may know that that is the day when I am meant to leave. I’ve never been in this position before. Whenever I am intending to go somewhere, I do. It may sometimes be a day later but never more. Why is that? I keep expecting something to happen. I don’t actually expect something to happen. Something is keeping me in a place where I don’t actually need to be and keeping me from somewhere else that it seems I really ought to be, for all sorts of good reasons from property maintenance to potentially inspired actions.
I think something would have happened by now but there are too many eyes. What might have been easily accomplished in the past, now carries trepidation of discovery that has hamstrung the vile and irredeemable among us. The governments of many countries are alerted to the dark possibilities. There are none who will remain unaffected by what hangs in suspension, seeking the dark of the moon or a moment of fell opportunity.
Evil does destroy itself and it knows that something is up, with all of the long awaited and intricately researched realization of their plans. Something doesn’t feel right and they are waiting like I am waiting. They can’t possibly restrain themselves. They are compelled to carry out the destiny of their destruction. They are as eager as goats in rut, pissing all over themselves, as goats do, in anticipation. There’s no consideration that perhaps they might be wrong and that discretion might actually prove the better part of valor. No, they are committed but nervous. They reason that even if they are caught; what difference would it make? Such is not the case of course and some part of them knows this.
So we sit here. The world and its tormenting fiends and sleeping heroes, wait like incipient cold sores, hot and pregnant with pulsing discomfort. Cold sores aren’t romantic but neither are the times in which we find ourselves, surrounded by cowards and cretins and hedonistic louts who don’t even know how to enjoy what they take so many liberties with. These people with everything do not even have the capacity to enjoy it. They have no idea who the enjoyer is.
Well... so it goes. One more posting about the unpredictable, the inevitable and the inexplicable, in search of motive and meaning. Sooner or later we pass the point of no return, just as these demons in human form, lash themselves toward the righteous entrance to their own version of the Ring Pass Not. We won’t be breaking for commercial. We are the commercial.
End Transmission.......
'Rocket Ship' is track no. 7 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

There will be a radio show Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time.
The New Shangri-La
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Thank you for your eloquent and truthful writing.
It is always a breath of fresh air and sanity to read your printed wisdoms.
Go to Italy Les. The olives are wanting for you.
Respectfully, Mouser
You are a wonder to behold you are at that place where the planets have aligned themselves you are a part of the balance you are needed the universe has a way of expressing itself you are that way-MY KINGDOM IS NOT OS THIS WORLD-you are in the world but not of the world you are a light to those nations you spoke about.
Go in peace my blessed friend.
I had to look up Fred C Dobbs to see who he is (was). Until I did, I got him mixed up with J R "Bob" Dobbs of Subgenius fame.
Thanks for writing. I enjoyed reading it. I am posting as anon because I can't remember who I am when it comes to the gateway.
I, too, sense that they want to act out, but are holding off. The finger will be pointed in their direction immediately, so they are scared. I love them being scared.
Something is stopping them -- perhaps it's the collective consciousness of those of us who are awake willing the divine to intervene on behalf of humanity. I feel a protective light around myself and my family and I want that light around all the victims of the treasonous criminals who think they own this earth and all that is in it.
I would say trust your instincts. "Something" is holding you back, and whatever it is, is trying to tell you something. Looking back, my gut feelings never lie. Whatever the barrier is, it will move aside when the time is right.
Your post is astounding, and I share your outrage.
From a cold, deep and hidden gorge in the Rocky Mountains I send you a massive, RIGHT ON!
Nice post. Better 'n nice... a sermon from the mount? You've summed it all up real simple... going to happen soon. Just like the 1/2 past human predicted it would. Interesting times, but I don't think the Chinese feel cursed at the moment. But then I'm not Chinese, and if I were, I might feel a wee bit cursed. Who knows?
Anyway, I just wanted to add my support to you and our fellow travelers. By the way, nice Petri. You're hitting them out of the park. Good shit to read in these depressing times.
Speaking of, it never hurts to keep up with what Karl has to say... the bastard has got a lot of the wall street shit nailed:
Peace to you all... our time is nigh.
wv: achanti... achanti as we march on empire. Or maybe a nice glass of achanti with dinner? Or ?
There is a time to go and a time to stay. There is also a time to wait. Hell, we are all waiting, aren't we? If you are anything like me, waiting is not my strong suit, and patience is one of the important lessons we need to learn in this life.
I would not be on the road right now, certainly not on a plane or even a bus. Because something's gonna happen soon, I just don't know what. While in transit, you are vulnerable and dependent on others whom you don't even know. You know what I mean.
Without them, one would of become, a worthless lazy servant, a jester in court, and, iyh/we would not be, whom would want such a thing, why would creation even be, there would not be a need for it, so the balance of good and evil is absolute, and the need for it shows for itself, you know that though dont you les.
Tis one of the harder points to grasp, and, in truth this statement would cause greater evil, thus increasing good, hence the opening of wings to anu plain.
Using the firebird no less.
Its the game we play.
Whats a worser crime, to share or not to share.
More still...
What is happening (or getting ready to happen) now reminds me very much of the Mejis story-within-a-story in Strephen King's Wizards and Glass.
Roland and his katet are playing castles with the "big coffin hunters," and no one wants to be the first to emerge from behind the hillock.
Yesterday, there was a big sell-off in the markets, all across the boards, nothing but red. Because a whole lot of investors decided they did not want to be in any market over this weekend. So they exited stage left in a big hurry. Why? I don't know.
"We won’t be breaking for commercial. We are the commercial."
Loved that!
Les, just be!
No need to do.
When the time is ready, you will make the move. Or not. ;)
Does it really matter?
As you said:-"...balance is the key to the whole apparatus, independent of understanding it. "
I think many of us are sitting, waiting. There is an air of anticipation, you can almost grasp it.
These are interesting times we live in.
These megalomaniacs are sad people. Empty shells, having sold their souls to get/keep what they think they have. I know some of them. They hate me. They openly loathe me and the way I live and think. How can I be happy, barely getting by? I have no status, and I don't live to accumulate. I live an honest, simple life. I am accountable and responsible. Worst of all, I don't watch TV. I pray, I meditate, I watch movies and read books. I am out of the game and have been for a long time. It holds no allure for me. And that pisses them off, consciously and unconsciously. We are dangerous to them. They want us removed. Too bad for them.
William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, Hunter S. Thompson and all the other "true roses" of the original Brotherhood (before the Tribe-inspired lodge of 1717) applaud and salute you.
A Masterpiece!
Hi Les,
You know I also feel something is about to happen, and I am not sure it will be bad. Although I too listen to Clif High and have been impressed with some of the Web Bot hits, he just seems too knowledgeable. His whole treatise about our "sick sun"-I just do not think there is anything un-natural happening with our Sun. Applying rationality to something we really do not know much about-it does not work. Cliff is intelligent and believes what he says-but there is an echo of Ed Dames on Art Bell with Clif on Noory. What does Clif and Ure have against saying "the Universe" as opposed to their "Universe"? I find it sickening. I wanted to share a good article by Lloyd Pye about Science and why so much of it is wrong;
Gudrun: These are interesting times we live in.
These are the exact words I recall floating around back in the USSR during the collapse of the Soviet empire. Everyone was exited about the prospect of imminent collapse of hated regime. Boy, did we know what was coming our way! Finally, after the table was turned over, we discovered the Jew sitting there firmer than ever before.
I found fascinating the show Glenn Beck did the other day. Everything Beck said in that show is true. The interesting question is: Why the buffoon was tasked with this mission? The Jews, as always, are two steps ahead in the game.
"The Puppet Master" show reminded me of "The Gamblers" - Gogol's play about professional card-sharps. Glenn Beck himself is part of the puppet show. He is quite happy with his puppet role in the show and plays it with great pleasure. The only challenge Beck boy was facing during the entire show was maintaining solemn air and resisting the overwhelming urge to burst out laughing. Not bad for a 32 million dollar pay, uh?
hare hare hare ... you are a great devotee ... sri les
Beautifully written.
I'm writing in response to the cold sores,,my beloved sweetie Susan passed away ten years ago, our last date marred by the fact her cold sores were so bad we could not even kiss, but I shared my love with her nonetheless, and we laughed. I still laugh to think about it. When able to get past vanity souls can soar.
vampire cannibals
demons greed feast
beast never satisfied
more victims bleed
death cult genasidal
with desire of debasement
degenerated thought traps
more disengagement
and acts of disconnecting
to around us and the stars
the great living everything
near and from afar
express the inner essences
through the mind revolve
cross across the wind
on a cold heart blow
glow a warming fire
calming warming light
bringing forth truth
lift and rise life
old farmer palmer
warm weather calm
magnetise the atmosphere
in beam of a palm
spinning light electrifying
conscious root vibrate
shudder living essence trails
like mighty rivers chase
waken in the dreamer
tap the deep deep blue
cross the evers essences
raise the mighty truth.
My, My how excellent!
Clif has a new post up today.
Most people I know and evidently most of the readers of this blog share the same feeling that we are indeed nearing a breaking point in human history, yet no-one can even begin to imagine which form it will take or how will the coming events unfold.
I wonder if there is any wisdom in hoping for any good outcome at all. If the problem was just a small cadre of "blood-sucking vampires" it wouldn't be that bad. But as you've correctly pointed out: "...the mass of the ordinary, who wish for nothing more than to be like them; who would leap at the opportunity to replace them, independent of the skills or capacities needed to do so."
Now, that's a terrifying legion of mindless drones and to complicate things even more some of them are actually likeable (relatives, friends, co-workers...)
This is the first time I post a comment on your blog, but I've been reading your for a couple of years now.
I think I understand why you see the apocalypse as a positive and neccesary force but I'm not sure how you manage to keep your apparent optimism.
The way things are going... I doubt there will be any of us standing when this transitional moment ends.
SC (Montevideo, Uruguay)
cause of optimism=
the divine is reality, all comprehensive, all permeating, all powerful and manifesting everything and everyone out of itself and the source of all force. Ergo, all force is borrowed and can be shut off at any time. Everything is under control and the divine is benevolent beyond comprehension for those who love the divine.
This is unchanging, everything else is changing and supported by the one.
like a chasing buffalo
a speeding bolt of wind
charge revolts of liberation
rising up within
swift and indescribable
ride the central plains
circle on the moment
spark the living flame
in and all around us
magnetise the poles
reaching everywhere
paradise revolve
revolve a revolution
transcending inner peace
creative inspiration
rise inside release.
nicely said mr visibles,as usual...neil
I always know which title is yours on that long list at The Demons Among us at the Cannibal Feast. Ah, yes, it's dog poet transmitting, and I open it knowing I will be transported to a place where the English language, once again, speaks the truth from the core of the earth and expanse of the heavens. I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your writing.
As for the move, five months ago one or more spirit guides kicked my butt out of Houston and back home to Cleveland, OH, sans job, but at least next to a large body of water that isn't poisoning every bit of life in and around it. You will get a kick that gets you moving when the time is right.
Meanwhile, as I was reading your post, I thought of the solution I came up with nearly 30 years ago, which is in my unpublished book, A Brief Herstory of Everything.
Scene from DARK FATHER
I'm sorry Sergeant, but there's not going to be any more fighting.
That's right. Grandma Strickland's orders. If you really can't control that killing streak, I'd be happy to sign you up with our Star Wars mission.
Well, that's the thing. You won't be back.
The mission is search and destroy and that could take forever.
The accommodations are great if you like early James Bond. Wine, sex machines, eons-worth of figs.
We couldn't find any women volunteers, but the Army has done the male member justice with its female replicas. I tried one out myself.
To tell you the truth, it's better than the real thing.
Anyhow, that's the choice. Take it or leave it.
Sure you can stay and take a chance, but you know the consequences should you take a life or any part of it.
Exactly. No punishment like your own.
And when our indifference and your stinking albatross drive you crazy, we put you in a cage and ship you with the mission for experiments among the outer limits.
You won't enjoy the environment, but then you won't miss it either.
I know it's a big jolt Vater, but Grandma's right. It's better this way.
We'll miss your antics at the Officer's Club.
Excelllllennnt.......well always.....[REMEMBER]......... man will reap a harvest of eternal sorrow.....[or not]............word for word..............A fortiori.........322
You wrote:
"...there is no limit to their need to acquire at the expense of others and each other..."
And then you wrote:
"...something they already possess far more of than they will ever need..."
Do you catch the contradiction there? The first excerpt makes sense; the second one doesn't.
Need is subjective. No one is qualified to determine what another needs.
It is a measure of their psychopathology that they need more than they have, more than they will ever have. Their greed is boundless.
It is the misuse of the word "need" that confounds decent people. They don't comprehend that psychopaths are different.
Decent people apply their own subjective concept of "need," and this is a mistake.
Here's an interesting blog with recent posts about the widespread institutional corruption, especially in finance.
"When a system becomes dependent on fraud and misrepresentation of risk for "business as usual," then all that is required of the complicit is to "dot the i's" and fill out the report, court order, balance sheet, act of Congress, etc., just like everyone else does.
Thus does the banality of (financial) evil come to full flower."
That is also subjective and presumes an omniscience concerning psychopathy and decent people as if a personal opinion were the rule of the land. It might be but I'm not able to make that call. I can find contradictions in everything I write and everything I read. It's the gleaning of whatever has value that is the responsibility of the reader, so are the importance of seeming contradictions.
nice piece on half past human,
learning how to fly ...neil
Lots of people sharing my thoughts here today. Wow!
Although I thought of Edward Abbey, I always know a transmission from Ahrooo. Yes, indeed.
So we play the waiting game. I don't much care for it either. I tastes like fearsweatsaltandbile.
My head hurts these days a little. Been many lunars since I've suffered so many headaches.
This was fantastic, Les, thank you.
VW hydroi. haha, exactly!
Defying gravity...
The dark forces seem to give uneven sway to those that take at this time.
one can see the rage in them when they think they are being taken advantage of...yet they have no qualms expecting more than is agreed......
The greed and money void oportunities for compassion, empathy, sympathy or love.
They defy gravity.
There seems to be no.....I was going to say justice, but this is a hollow word used in these times where there is no meaning to it.
I am hearing too often from the ones who actually do the work that:
:the young people do not want to work any more
:we must wait months to be paid because THEY want money in thier bank or whatever
I am whining.
But they defy gravity..
Bless you Les, for keeping us on the ground, that way hopefully we will not have as far to fall.
Les ,
It seems that a distinct separation is occurring between those who seek a close connection to nature and those whom want limitless power. You can see it in someones' eyes filled with light and life while others are dark as a shut door or broken bottle.. On one hand I feel completely out of place on this planet, it’s so crystal clear how our minds are manipulated by lower astral beings, while the media is just another delivery system build to corral humanities consciousness into an alien agenda .Its like TIMES UP! , the game has finished. Decide if you want to play again or choose another challenge. I’m out of here, personally.
I have received some insights into what is occurring through nighttime adventures into various dream realms. Two recent lucid visions displayed a scene in which I was depicted as a baby of two or three years old dressed in ragged clothes being pulled by my Father in a small red wagon. Another time the same image of a small baby appeared all alone.The impression from both experiences was the human race is just at an infant level of consciousness. We are all just like babies waking up from a 25,000 year sleep. Not aware of how we got to this point or where our growth will take us. And rest assured there is someone watching us as a Father does.
Maybe three years ago a vivid vision in the early morning hours displayed a beautiful image of the luminous earth sitting in black space. A white door with a lintel and frame floated above the earth in line with the center of the universe. The door opened slightly about six inches then a fantastic white light rushed in , streaming with an all encompassing intelligence .Then a voice spoke silently “ Don’t worry about anything , everybody’s DNA is going to be upgraded after 2012. “
What all this means can be only be felt with open mind and heart. Dreams are visual poetry that layer consciousness into physical reality Connecting the dots on the screen results in a new vision never scene before. It’s not what man was in the past that counts as much as what he makes possible for the future. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are entering a phase in human evolution where cosmic consciousness will be universally acknowledged and set as the natural destiny and goal for human life. It may not look like it now with all the dregs rising to the top, or sinking to the bottom, depending upon your viewer, but this is how consciousness develops, the darkness has to be brought to the light of awareness in order to overcome its tight grip on the mind. These lower astral beings only exist to live off humanities fear and hatred, without this they’ll simply die or move on. Isn’t about Time... to realize our destiny lies in every action and thought we believe and practice.
I try to remember that everything changes but the silence within.
Peace brother.
Les I have received some insights into what is occurring through nighttime adventures into various dream realms. Two recent lucid visions displayed a scene in which I was depicted as a baby of two or three years old dressed in ragged clothes being pulled by my Father in a small red wagon. Another time the same image of a small baby appeared all alone.The impression from both experiences was that the human race is just at an infant level of consciousness. We are all just like babies waking up from a 25,000 year sleep. Not aware of how we got to this point or where our growth will take us. And rest assured there is someone watching us as a Father does.
Maybe three years ago a vivid vision in the early morning hours displayed a beautiful image of the luminous earth sitting in black space. A white door with a lintel and frame floated above the earth in line with the center of the universe. The door opened slightly about six inches then a fantastic white light rushed in , streaming with an all encompassing intelligence .Then a voice spoke silently “ Don’t worry about anything , everybody’s DNA is going to be upgraded after 2012. “
What all this means can be only be felt with open mind and heart. Dreams are visual poetry that layer consciousness into physical reality .Connecting the dots on the screen results in a new vision never scene before. It’s not what man was in the past that counts as much as what he makes possible for the future. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are entering a phase in human evolution where cosmic consciousness will be universally acknowledged and set as the natural destiny and goal for human life. It may not look like it now with all the dregs rising to the top, or sinking to the bottom, depending upon your viewer, but this is how consciousness develops, the darkness has to be brought to the light of awareness in order to overcome its tight grip on the mind. These lower astral beings only exist to live off humanities fear and hatred, without this they’ll simply die or move on. Isn’t about Time... to realize our destiny lies in every action and thought we believe and practice.
I try to remember that everything changes but the silence within.
Peace brother.
What all this means can be only be felt with open mind and heart. Dreams are visual poetry that layer consciousness into physical reality .Connecting the dots on the screen results in a new vision never scene before. It’s not what man was in the past that counts as much as what he makes possible for the future. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are entering a phase in human evolution where cosmic consciousness will be universally acknowledged and set as the natural destiny and goal for human life. It may not look like it now with all the dregs rising to the top, or sinking to the bottom, depending upon your viewer, but this is how consciousness develops, the darkness has to be brought to the light of awareness in order to overcome its tight grip on the mind.
These lower astral beings only exist to live off humanities fear and hatred, without this they’ll simply die or move on. Isn’t about Time... to realize our destiny lies in every action and thought we believe and practice.
I try to remember that everything changes but the silence within.
Peace brother.
Excellent article, but in the long run we gotta remember! Life is temporary, but existence is forever. I wouldn't want to trade places with the 'so called' elite for anything, for we must all face ourselves one day out of time, and it's a lot easier to sleep with yourself when you're trying to glue the Universe together, than when you're trying to rip it apart.
Hey Les,
It's 6:30 A.M. here in BFE Alabama and I've got quite a wine buzz going on (a continuation of last night's wine buzz from some homemade slightly hallucinogenic elderberry wine I made) and so you may not want to post this rant. I set you free to post it or not and I love you anyway.
Just now I was listening to a song by a psytrance group called 'Ozric Tentacles' (the title of the song is 'Fractal Eternal Wheel') and I spoke out loud to the Lord and told him that this music is what I've always been looking for, but then I felt a twinge of guilt behind thinking that the music might originate from the dark side, and so I apologized to the Lord for it and asked him to take away the desire for that kind of music if it was offensive to him for me to listen to it. The next thought I had was that behind my lifelong history of taking drugs and drinking wine that I might have permanenntly messed up my brain, and the Lord spoke to me (in my spirit, not in actual words) and said something to the effect of:
"You can listen to any music you want to listen to, and you can drink as much wine as you want to drink. After all is said and done I'll preserve enough of your brain that I can make use of it for the glory of my kingdom."
I realize that sounds like the rantings of a madman trying to justify his shenanigans, but to tell you the truth, I don't listen to music every day, and I don't get doglicking drunk very often either, maybe five or six times a year. But I really do like the Ozric Tentacles music, and I also really like music by Ott, Shpongle, Tripswitch, Bluetech, Ulrich Schnauss, William Orbit, Phuthreprimitive, Liquid Stranger, Entheogenic, Hallucinogen (Simon Posford), Younger Brother (especially them), Camel (the 'Pressure Points' album), Abakus, Bliss, and Sundial Aneon.
I dont think TPTB (the powers that be) want people to be listening to music like that because that kind of music makes your brain go haywire with energy and that's the last thing those peckerheads want people to be experiencing. They would much prefer that we all sit obediently in front of our TV sets watching the Jooz media programs, things like football, sitcoms, and 'The News,' etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. In other words, stupid shit for stupid people.
Apples got rid of the gall stone?
Yes indeed, weve been waiting for the next mayor false flag event, and what comes up?
Toner cartridges, and other small fry?
IsraHell storing up, but as yet no attack on Iran?
Whats going on?
Are they scared of setting of a false flag nuke, since we are waiting for and expecting such a move?
Id like to point towards some interpretations of the 2012, actually 2011 prophecies see:
This interpretation states that the ninth, and final, Underworld will be completed in 230 days, ending october 2011, where we will arrive at "Cosmic Consciousness", viz, realization of US being "The Creators Cocreators".
It will be as a flood, go along or perish, resistance will be futile.
This model points out, that we are not just entering another cycle, but evolving towards a higher level.
I think this could very well be True, since certain very awful precognitive dreams and intuitions have NOT become True, and since we do live in a growing and evolving Cosmos.
Go to youtube and check out "Growing Earth", "Neal Adams", to see the proof of a growing evolving planet and solar system, a growth that is exponential, as the last doubling of Earth size took 60 million years, and the previous at least 600 million years.
My own feelings of despair have somewhat given way to new Hope.
The shit might still hit the fan big time, but the game is over.
Rule by Lizard Kings will end.
The Emperors wear no clothes, their hanging out to dry.
The coming year will show.
Greetz from Rotten State
Hey Les,
I realize this is totally off the subject, please forgive me for being such a pain in the ass.
In case some of your readers don't know, you can access any and all of that music on YouTube.
I dearly love Younger Brother's songs titled 'Weird on a Monday Night', and 'Happy Pills'. And I love Shpongle's 'Dorcet Perception' and Ott's Blumencraft 'Smoked Glass and Mirrors.' Enjoy, I love y'all.
Useless secrets, beat your wings.
There's a little good in everything.
You are a conductor.
It's a giant step going out,
reeling in jungles of doubt.
You are a conductor.
Shamble on, anarchy, battles to come.
It's for us, ghosts of reason, vows of confusion.
Thunder and lightning. Sheets of rain.
Rivers of wealth in your wake,
and running under.
Lightning and thunder.
Useless secrets, beat your wings.
There's a little evil in everything.
You are a conductor.
the constantines
I may be tilting at windmills here in anticipation of another HPH date, but what's happening in the Gulf of Aden this fine day?
Latest Earthquakes in the World
Lots of activity in this place that the military apparently considers very important.
Les, The Carlyle broup has just closed a deal buying up a natural products/vitamin manufacturer.
I note that Sarkozys' brother also works for Carlyle. Why is Carlyle getting into natural products when legislation regarding people who grow things organically are being put out of business?
holy shit, shreddin' the ethers there, bro!
the 'traveling' thing is definitely a conundrum. who the fuck knows the answer regarding 'timing'? same unanswerable question here for me.
"A reasonable mind would quickly understand that all bankers, lawyers, politicians and priests should be quarantined for the good of humanity and that there can be no extremes in the definition of such quarantine because, quite frankly, they are the enemy of life, of balance and symmetry and of every good thing imaginable."
may it be so.
>total respects<
Gordon Duff seems to have his finger on the pulse:
The truth is so refreshing even in a world that can't handle it.
A Spiritual And Physical Guide To Overcoming Organized Evil – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)
I am agnostic, but, the following rings true.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil took him (Jesus) to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you (Jesus),” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
Dear friends, we are at war with forces unseen deploying terrestrial legions serving its final purpose. The few, who know this, are being held in place to hold spiritual ground strengthening others to weaken the advancing onslaught destroying the human race.
Our duty is to link our faith in our own power to command the occult nemesis and its legions, desist, from further intrusion upon the terrestrial plane of the human being. We are a free people of peace and will remain so in the face of the obscure void of legion destroyers serving the dark force.
I am fully aware of it, and it knows I know. It must be contained and shut down. We can stop it with our minds joining by chanting as I have been doing now for about a year. Celestial Power is in the order of man joining man to restrain and over come dark forces.
I call upon the great power to cleanse this world.
Flush the evil
Flush the power corrupt
Flush those compromised by greed
Flush the purveyors of wars, the number and hate
Flush those who corrupt and destroy success benefiting man
Flush those who deceive, lie and beguile wisdom
Cleanse this world
As the spartan Leonidas commanded, " prepare for glory "
I'm always looking for any advantage, any extra clarity to the situation I find myself in. A portion of my friends Vedic Astrology newsletter coming out in a few days:
"Okay, I have some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. (I’m not supposed to say “bad news” it’s politically incorrect you know. Astrologers are supposed to use the word “challenging”.) What the heck! The bad news is that the astrological influences in December look kind of difficult. There will be a Mars/Rahu conjunction on December 11th, a lunar eclipse on the December 21st, and Mercury will be retrograding between December 10 - 29. The good news is that January looks a lot better.
Mars and Rahu conjunct on December 11th in Mula nakshatra in the first part of Sagittarius. This is a volatile conjunction. It is accident-prone, explosive, and unpredictable. It can give unexpected flare-ups of anger. Mula Nakshatra is ruled by Niritti, a goddess of destruction. The shakti (power) of this nakshatra is the power of destruction. So you might want to steer clear of the week before and after December 11th when it comes to risk-taking activities. For example, you might want to rethink that appointment to do your first bungee jump at that time.
The lunar eclipse on December 21st will take place in Mrigashira, a nakshatra symbolized by the head of a deer or a stag. The story behind this symbol is that Brahma, the creator, had a daughter who was very beautiful. He became attracted to her and began to chase her. She tried to get away, taking the form of a doe, and running across the sky. He took the form of a stag and he ran after her. When Siva saw what was happening he cut off the head of the stag and it took its place in the heavens as the constellation of Mrigashira, the stags head.
Mrigashira’s shakti (power) is the power to bring fulfillment. On the other hand the story suggests a shadow side, a tendency to chase after desires that are not always healthy or life supporting. In other words, this nakshatra is absolutely great at giving you what you want, but be careful. If what you desire isn’t good for you, you might get your head snipped off!
On the political level, this eclipse may suggest challenging events, military actions, and general disharmony in various parts of the world. Since the eclipse is taking place in direct opposition to a big conjunction of challenging influences on the USA ascendant, the USA may be involved in some of these events.
December will be a month to watch for more challenging events for the USA and for the world.
On the individual level, this is a time to pay close attention to your relationships. The conjunction of Mars, Rahu, and retrograde Mercury in the 7th house from the eclipse produces a generally difficult influence , for the communications process and for relationships in general, for about a week on either side of the eclipse."
The beasts and their minions will go their way most deserved.
Let us go forward into a new day without them.
Moody Blues Dawn Dawn is a Feeling Lyrics:
Dawn is a feeling
A beautiful ceiling
The smell of grass
Just makes you pass
Into a dream
You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to
You look around you
Things they astound you
So breathe in deep
You're not asleep
Open your mind
You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to
Do you understand
That all over this land
There's a feeling
In minds far and near
Things are becoming clear
With a meaning
Now that you're knowing
Pleasure starts flowing
It's true life flies
Faster than eyes
Could ever see
You're here today
No future fears
This day will last
A thousand years
If you want it to
Greetings Les and all faithful readers and comment leaving individuals out there. It's Monday morning here, just read the post, have not had a chance to read the comments yet, so I apologize if this is redundant. NASA press release scheduled for 12:30 Eastern Time today
and I'll quote a bit for you: "NASA will hold a news conference at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 15, to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery of an exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood.
The news conference will originate from NASA Headquarters' television studio, 300 E St. SW in Washington and carried live on NASA TV."
This may be interesting. Anything you have encountered while tooling about the galactic area in the mother ship, Dog Poet?
James aka jackruby64
And...its gone!
The whole f***ing American middle class dream has been SOLD abroad by the bankers, the banksters and the Fed.
See the Southpark clip - still LMAA.
Uillean (sp?) pipes - never heard of them before.
A requiem for the end of the world (as we know it) - and the beginning of the next (better) one.
Ok, I don't like Glenn Beck, but this clip is kind of interesting. Go to the 7:25 mark on this clip and listen to him pronounce New World Order. What the fuck is that all about!?
James aka jackruby64
"The world and its tormenting fiends and sleeping heroes ... "
sooo beautiful Les. May the God of Love awaken us in time for battle. Amen.
Brian in Berlin
Follow up on the NASA announcement:
Nothing earth shattering.
When given an army of sheep,then stampede them.Tell them where to sign in and if they don't have a pen.Then let them stare blankly when the hammer falls.Its cool how misquitoes and rats have the natural right to avoid restriction of liberty but you don't.They intend to rob rape and murder you and you know it. Sign in please.
a friend
said to me once
'i had the car all loaded
i got to the end of the driveway, and couldn't figure which way to go'
i sagely advised
'either way will do'
the high road
the low road
the little way
the big way
will take you - from
what bothers you most
and we know
what that is
all the suffering we cause each other
and ourselves
through ignorance
my advice is
don't ignore
if we only knew
what we really are
i used to be able
to carry everything
'i owned' in my hands
now i'm carting around
the whole damn circus
it 'is' and always 'is' ...hapening.
a very fine read.
Thankyou .
I too have felt for some time that something is holding the darkness back. I wonder, no I know, it is those that are shining their light in the direction of darkness.
When I sense dark forces in my home, be it a nightmare in my children, or fears creeping into my heart, I know it is time to raise the level of my own illumination (not to be confused with the aluminaughty cult trying to pose as such) and I speak with calm but firm voice in my mind that any and all presence that is not here for the greatest of good and love and life shall remove themselves out of my home. And then I brighten myself farther, and claim my neighborhood. And then my city. And then the edge of my geographic awareness.
The darkness cannot escape the light. When shined upon it, it flees and escapes into whatever corner or hovel it can hide in shadow. It lies in defeat and the fear it needs to survive. Light drains that fear. Acceptance of fear drains our light and life force.
I believe we can all not only shine our light infinitely out from our self, as we can also shine it remotely at any object in the universe. For instance, I am quite confident that I placed my unshielded light into the chambers of the Vatican and then encompassed the Vatican in its entirety a few days back. It wasn’t planned; it was upon waking and lying in bed I would guess transcendentally. It just was. True or not is up to my reality.
There is no limit to our light, to our infinite purpose on this planet. We have all been told again and again that we are bound by sin and must look to posers and middlemen to regain our salvation. The prophet has told us otherwise. You name the prophet, and then dive in, because it is echoed throughout the spectrum of words that are and will ever be wisdom.
Guess what Les, you are there. Keep shining your light on all of us…
Since I keep seeing poetry in here, I'll share my latest:
The Discograph Dream:
The Dream is played on a discograph
That spins around from head to tale
We ride its groove as a pointed diamond
To vibrate the song, and play out its scale
Bound in octave, meter, time, and key.
The track of the dream goes forward and on
It’s meaning a meantime in the mean of the groove
Straight ahead towards a curving horizon
Towards and away from the present we move
Looking ahead to the vibrations to come
Tracking a future from the spiral that’s passed
Gazing back at the echoes of memory
Skipping ahead for the die to be cast
Between the beyond of what was and to be
The vibration of Now emanates with Song
Tracking the groove of finite destiny
Never quite knowing to what we belong
The tracking of Now varies a bit
Find a vibration outside of it, and
Aware that the groove was not vibrating you
You were the vibration unbonded to
In the channel, the rut, the valley, the view.
Vibrating free is to rise away and above
Out of the prison, and away from the spin
No arms to impress you into the fictions
Those were the de facto movements of sin
Now off and away,
Dissolve the physical chains,
Into the Æther to vibrate unlimited arrays,
New spectrum, new frequency, a brand new refrain,
Finding more spirits and images abound in perfect displays,
Of the song that is Life and is Light and Holy Love,
Reach, touch, and know our Infinite Truth again,
Ending the divide of night and day,
There Shines the Songs of the Infinite Spirits
United as one perfect rhythm of all that is and ever was and will ever be
A single verse
A UniVerse
wow. i love it. sort of a "cho": u know, where one invites the demons in to strip away attachment and suffering. all that remains is clear awareness and "purpose" revealed.
sleeping heroes. yeah. exactly. what did de Toqueville write about waking sleeping giants?
i wanted to leave this link to my blog, as an honoring, and i added you to my blogroll. feel free or no to respond in kind. namaste Les.
Visible said: "Everything is under control and the divine is benevolent beyond comprehension for those who love the divine."
That made my day when I saw it a couple days ago. Simple, true, and beautiful.
DumbGoyNot, Your 2 comments were awesome and I've searched for all the artists you mentioned. I believe you when you say that the Lord spoke to your spirit. Your comments fit right in and in this case a commentator has influenced me as much as Les' post and comments.
I have experienced the same doubt/guilt about my own possible brain damage, but my brain always seems to work good enough to express what needs to be expressed, in whatever form is the most efficient.
If you're ever coming to Texas, please bring me some of that mildly hallucinogenic wine.
peoples,beautiful poems lovely comments from everyone,pleasure to read on a cold evening..
thankyou people..neil
Good job by Noor
Hey Les, that new Truth Seeker site is messed up. Does not open up your blog directly.
And BTW did you check out that article on Israeli War Criminals.
The photos look like guys and girls from GQ and Playboy. I grew up with lots of jewish people, and I can tell you that just with a few exceptions, none of them were that good looking.
That is a bogus article, from very dubious sources, with the intent to display their chosen status. They want to let everyone know they are smarter, richer and prettier than the goyim.
Something is up with Truth Seeker.
Dumb Goy Not : I hope you read this.
Please check out Gong and Steve Hillage. ( Hillage played in Gong )
Ozrichs (sic? ) are good, they're like a Steve Hillage tribute band on Red Bull and that elderflower wine!
There's a great Gong album called "You".
Go to Grooveshark, it's free and trouble-free, and enjoy.
GTRman. It's my pleasure.
Les, if I could chip in on the ' visible poetry slam ', hey, you might not want to publish this, that's fine.
But I hope you get a chuckle.
“I did survive”
By Inglorious GayNerd
" First I was a Shade,
I was deified,
Kept thinking I could never live
With all this cyanide,
But I spent so many nights, just
Plotting how to do you wrong ,
And I grew strong
Got a taste for carrion
And so we’re back
The master race
I must admit we put that stupid
Guilty look upon your face
I always change my yiddish name
And disguise my hebrew look
Should’ve known you’d swallow line,
Sinker and hook for holy crooks!
Go on now. go!
Siberian winters
In my black heart will never thaw
We are the ones who tried to blind you with our lies,
(But we’d crumble,
if fishy tales fell from your eyes! )
Oh, Noachide
I did survive!
As long as I know how to lie
I know I’ll please the Tribe
I’ve just one quick life to live, and
you’ve got all those tithes to give
I will survive..
It took all the guile I had
T’was my ‘coup d’isgrace
When I see you goy cough up the coin
I’m keeping a straight face
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry,
“De’s here Goyim dey must die!”
Now you see me
Vanderink jew?
I’m just a twisted little monster
Thats got the power over you
And so you fools all vote me in
And still expect now to be free?
I’m consigning to the ovens
All Soviet history!
I did survive, woah, woah, woe,….
woe, woe,……oy……..
GTRman 2010.
It's not big and it's not clever.
"Collectivism" - Very good 28 minute film.
A few months ago when Rixon Stewart's website,, was down for a few minutes, people here were pointing it out over and over. Well, it's been totally down for several days and before that it was static for many days.
What's up, anyone?
“Although the United States declared its independence unilaterally Palestinians must not because if they exercise their “inalienable rights” it will piss off Zionist Jews who are stealing their land. This is what we mean when we say we are bringing you democracy.”
It's back up. It's been back up for several days. He redesigned his site and he had a notification of that at the top of the page while it was happening.
Hey Les,
It's obvious that the oligarchs have bitten off more than they can chew, kinda like having a tiger by the tail, literally. What it amounts to is that they've gotten themselves into a situation they can't quit even if they wanted to because they know that the moment they quit what they're doing the demons driving everything may very likely turn on them and devour them early (vs waiting until they're in hell to devour them). Most of my Christian friends don't even know the oligarchs exist, and/or don't want to know about them because the devil has tricked them into believing that it's 'unspiritual' to pay attention to anything negative. They've been duped into wanting everything to be sweetsie-sweet and nicie-nice and so any mention to them of what the oligarchs are doing triggers an automatic intellectual shutdown and total rejection of what you're telling them (even if what you're telling them might save their life one day). A few of my Christian friends have a fair clue as to what's going on; in their view the reason the Lord hasn't put a stop to what the oligarchs are doing is because he wants to give them enough rope to hang themselves and for everyone to see what kind of messes can be made when man strikes out on his own without any counsel from above. Several other of my Christian friends hold the view that the reason the Lord hasn't stepped in and stopped everything is in order to give the oligarchs time to repent. One or two other of my Christian friends believe the reason is because there are prophecies in scripture that haven't been fulfilled yet and that the Lord won't interrupt the prophetic timetable no matter what. Personally I tend to go with the latter view, although I have to admit I don't know the mind of the Lord on the issue. One thing I do know is that judging the oligarchs is risky business because it could be that some of them would really like to back away from all the foolishness but are afraid to do it and by judging them wrongly we may end up giving their demons rights to rebound onto us to produce in us some similar whacked-out behavior (per Romans 2:1).
There's a new posting at Reflections in a Petri Dish-
A Slumber Party in Hell.
In a society of cheaters and the cheated, people often cheat themselves.
you need to meet some new people , no offense mate mate but there is a lot of fucking xtians there
Hi Les. Great article as usual. Just out of curiosity, is that you in the picture, or is that Lou Diamond Phillips?
Is that you or are you Edward James Olmos?
Actually, when I see a film has Lou diamond Phillips in it I won't watch it. There's a list of people (a short one- I think) where I know if they are in a movie it will suck. the other Baldwin brothers come to mind. Then there are those I can't stand to see.
Peace be upon you.
reading your stuff for a minute now or over a year to be slightly more exact.can relate majority of the time.
It has been good to have a voice drawing us all together for the right reasons.
You should watch "the arrivals"
I would highly recommend it.
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