Max Keiser says, boycott Coca Cola and you can bring down the system. He also says that if people start demanding physical silver, instead of buying the paper that says they own the silver, then J.P. Morgan- a front for Rothschild enterprises- will fall. This is because they are selling many times more silver on paper than they actually possess. This is typical of the swine (apologies to the people who love swine and appreciate their many virtues and would possibly go to bed with one to prove their point) in all areas of global and regional commerce who are playing variations of the oldest scams on the newest suckers. Max is probably right and it would be a wonderful thing if more of you started to ‘get right’ in the same way.
Max explains all of this and apparently all you have to do is purchase two silver coins. I guess that means everybody though and I can imagine how that will work out. Still, the public is getting incensed about the frottage rape by Pistole’s TSA thugs.
Don’t buy any Coca Cola products and if you have paper that says you own silver then get the silver. What good is the silver going to do you when the banks close their doors and you can’t get to the silver? You don’t even know where your silver is right now. Do you want to know where your silver is? Your silver has been sold to a line of punters who are waiting outside the same door for the same woman to come out of it while the bankers ride away with her to new grounds of plunder... with the silver. Lloyd Blankfein is public enemy number one. He’s the real Osama Bin Laden and he comes from the real nation that was behind all the terror attacks and that is Israel. Like Eric Cantor, he has no allegiance to American. You are sheep to be sheared and then hung up on hooks.
Here’s what I heard in prison years ago from a wise con, “Gypsy, there is three kinds of people in the joint. There are the bulls and they run the place. There are the foxes and they know how to get around the bulls and there’s the sheep. They wind up on the hooks.”
You really can see all of it coming round the mountain and it’s not riding six white horses either. It’s riding a hydra and though it’s been unleashed by those who intend to use it as a weapon against humanity, the ones releasing it are its natural food. They’re going to be air-kissing the screams in the vestibule on their way to doing lunch. It gets a little tiresome for me to repeat the same scenario in so many different ways as if the universe really does operate according to an unalterable cosmic plan but it does. What else am I supposed to say? As you can imagine, there’s a reason why the blog entries are slowing down… or maybe just migrating to Visible Origami and other efforts for awhile.
Now I see that South Korea, at the behest of the world ruling Zionist parasite monsters has stirred up trouble with North Korea. I know that the wholly owned Zionist press will say the opposite so I know that that’s the lie and whatever the opposite of that is, is the truth. The dictator of North Korea is like St. Francis next to the Zio-Ogre, H.P. Lovecraft inspired beast from unmentionable deeps.
Is something going wrong in your life? The cause is Israel. Are you having a bad day? The cause is Israel. Has someone lied or done something ugly anywhere in the world today? The cause is Israel. Any country interested in its own survival must immediately seize all Zionist owned banks and businesses and seize all their assets and evict every single one of them. Through history nearly every nation on Earth has done this at least once. There must be a reason. This is a parasite lifeform that attacks the host countries body and then sucks the life force out of it. It’s got a canny little defense mechanism that is based on a questionable historical event that can’t be questioned and a slander tag/badge of honor that has a dual use, which is to preempt the actual Semites that they are presently genociding out of existence after having stolen their land, while super-imposing themselves over the originals and then treating all criticism as if it were the darkest act possible at this or any time.
If you’re being forced through scanners and frottage rape pat downs it is because of Israel. If your economy is in the toilet it is because of Israel. Israel is a satanic crime syndicate, masquerading as a nation and it is the enemy of all life on Earth except their own. It was created in a backroom smoker where pedophile Gila monsters with names like Rothschild, Warburg and Schiff decided they needed a country to bypass the usual, legal enforcements again multiplicities of malfeasance. The nations of the world should decide now to wipe Israel off of the face of the Earth and hunt down every Zionist wherever they may be. They are already doing this to you. Ahmanedijad didn’t say this, I am saying it. Otherwise I recommend suicide; it’s quicker and has more dignity.
Going through airport security? Defend yourself in any way you can. Having your country stolen out from under you by paid lackeys for Israel? Defend yourself. Facing death by cancer in the Gulf States, along with penury and loss of all properties? Defend yourself. Israel is behind it all.
Israel is a fiction based on a fiction based on a people who do not exist except as the victims of these monsters. Does the name Jack Abramoff ring a bell? What were Mohammed Atta and his associates doing on his gambling boat just before 9/11? Does the name Lloyd Blankfein ring a bell? Why are all of the heads of the Federal Reserve Jewish? Because they own the banks which allowed them to buy the media and the politicians and to guarantee that no one gets elected that doesn’t agree to serve them. Does the name Michael Chertoff ring a bell? This is the man who let the real 9/11 players leave town and who covered up the evidence and who is now selling the airports the cancer scanner modules.
There are only two reasons that you do not share this outrage and only two reasons why you do not join together with your countrymen to do something about the Synagogue of Satan and their fellow travelers who murdered 10’s of millions in Russia and have the same thing planned for you. Those reasons are fear and stupidity. You are either a coward or an ignorant fool and deserving of whatever you get. Let me give you a little clue, fear is not a defense. Fear has never and will never protect you or allow you to prosper.
Why are you afraid? You are afraid because you are not based in a state of strength. You don’t believe in anything and everything you do believe in is not real. This means you are also stupid as well as frightened. Do you remember the playgrounds of childhood? Do you remember the bullies? Did the bullies go away because you said you were afraid and they were hurting you and you didn’t like it and would they please stop? No they did not. They went away when you showed them what happens when they mess with the wrong person. Some of us know what it took to stand up against many things much more frightening and dangerous than schoolyard bullies. The biggest schoolyard bully and collection of conscienceless cowards on the face of the Earth is Israel and any and every Zionist anywhere else.
There’s no joy in having to stand up and engage in things that you would rather never engage in if there were any way around it but there isn’t any way around it. You can either do something about it or you can just suffer through as entertainment for the psychopaths, until they have extracted every last measure of enjoyment from your misery and pain and then they kill you but… not before they kill everyone you love in front of your eyes and laugh while they do it. Is this an exaggeration? No, it is not.
Zionism is a capital crime. Israel is a pre-meditating mass murderer. Bankers are viral entities that attack societies in order to degrade them and then profit from the corruptions. Corporations are organized crime syndicates.
Governments are brothels filled with ugly chicks that can’t even pleasure themselves, much less you. Religions are transvestite sex clubs where sex is not permitted except among the clergy or for the purpose of propagating slaves for the empire. You’re not hearing me and that’s okay. Sooner or later you will come to these same conclusions when it is far, far too late.
'Herpes of the Mind' is track no. 4 of 9 on Visible and The Critical List's 1993 album
'Jews from Outer Space'

The New Shangri-La
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Yeah. Infinite yeah.
Thanks Les Visible. I heard a lone wolf in the dark and I felt warmed in my recognition.
You've nailed it ... again.
Our countries are peopled by herds of televidiots who will, as you say, wake from the shyster parasites' trance when it is all too late.
Just as the tens and tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians were murdered by the psychopathic motherless kosher bastards from 1917 onwards, so will we be.
Said it before, say it again - YOU Want To See What's Coming to YOUR Door??? Take a GOOD LONG LOOK at Palestine.
There is a huge problem getting to your blog now that Rixon Stewart has revamped his home page. A few weeks ago Rixon kept all your readers abreast of your posts and to read them against intended backgrounds and/or to comment was easy by just clicking on the bottom bar at the end of your post which would lead directly to your respective blogs. Now one can only get to the easy-to-read original posts at your blogs by first going to google and then here.
Most people won't understand or do this.
Zio-blogger just put you on a diet. Your readership is going to plummet.
Can Rixon restore your click-access to your blogs at the botton of your article at truthseeeker?
"Tensions are mounting after a North Korean artillery attack left at least 14 South Koreans injured and 2 dead. The South was apparently conducting a routine drill near the near the area that was attacked.
Talk of nuclear redeployment and swift retaliation has lead some to believe that war is imminent. On Monday, before the artillery attack, South Korea officials denied that they were considering redeploying U.S. tactical nuclear weapon in respond to the Norths nuclear aggression.
Debkafile is now reporting that Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan called Obama and demanded that the United States, Japan, and South Korea attack North Korea!"(sic)
This has got to be 100% propaganda to start a war against N.Korea - whose only real crime is not to allow Rothschild backed central banking into their country.
Remember the gulf of Tonkin. McNamara later said the ENTIRE story was fabricated to get Americans positive about going to war against Vietnam.
This whole story sounds just like confabulatory propaganda.
Nice one again, Les.
Personally, I'm a great fan of the name and shame game. I liked that list of zionazi war criminals which surfaced last week.
Like you say: Defend yourself.
Well, for this reason I like to pick up old telephone directories on CD from bargain bins. Very cheap but useful for finding the adresses and family of ex-directory perpetrators, as years ago they didn't know they would be working for the TSA, for instance. We've been doing this for some time now in Germany with abusive scum from the employment office. We find out where they live and then we send their neighbors and family a few bits of info. We've had some sound success resulting in a number of nervous breakdowns, resignations, relocations etc. (and no, we don't feel sorry for them..grin)
Facebook, Googlestreetview etc are also goldmines on the scumfront.
If a tsa twerp touched my kid, his neighbors would soon know that there is a perv living in the hood.
Just to let you know, you are not powerless.
William Freeman
Les, I found this and thought I would share.
Rixon has informed me that he has a problem that he is working to correct but it's going to take awhile apparently. However, you can solve that problem just by stopping by or listing yourself as a follower of any of the various blogs I have and you will be informed as soon as they are published and direct you right to the site. The Truthseeker is just one way to get this information. You can also just check at Rense where I have my own section as "Dog Poet Transmitting" and get there that way or by way of WRH or go to my Facebook page where I post each new entry or... heh heh... or something.
Yeah, the posts have been slowing down, haven't they? Not just you, either. It's like as things advance, it becomes increasingly less about "What can we say about this?" and more and more, "What can we do?" Of course for the past while there was little of any consequence any of us could do, except to say what we really thought but ... that time is coming to an end.
Ireland is following in Greece's footsteps and France is just fucked. The two Koreas have started lobbing artillery shells at one another. China is increasingly militarily provocative. Outrage is boiling over in the States over the TSAs porno scanners and institutionalized sexual molestation but ... as usual down there, too little, too late, and over all the wrong things. We'll see how national opt-out day goes but I'm not holding my breath.
Meanwhile the Sun is starting to go haywire and the Jet Stream is doing things no meteorologist has ever seen it do. It's getting colder than it's ever been in the UK. Ice Age on the way? Could be. And just how perfect would it be, how deeply ironic, if a revolution finally came and ... just as the bankers are being strung up by their balls, the glaciers swallow it all up anyways?
So what is one to do? What CAN one do? How the hell do you prepare for an Ice Age? Sure in the first days we can make a bonfire out of the gated communities but that only keeps us warm for so long....
Mostly though, and I don't think I just speak for myself here, I'm reaching a state of emotional exhaustion, due to frustration, impatience, you name it. The way out is so obvious ... in some ways, so easy ... yet the sheeple continue to wander towards the abyss, for all their belated bleeting, they continue. And what can I say? Because in the end I don't know, none of us do, honesty compels us to make that clear but at the same time ... I don't know. It's becoming increasingly hard to care.
I love you, man. Keep it up.
I just wanted to say something, before anyone attacks my post because our type of defense is aimed at lowkey personel who are only following orders and the real perps are at the top and in occupied Palestine.
We do this to discourage the lower levels of overstepping the line. If we were only to be successful on one of them, then it would mean that there are a number of innocent people who won't need to deal with these scumbags anymore. It's making the scum think twice about fucking with people.'s working.
It's small, but it works and that's all that matters.
William Freeman
That's a great idea. I'm planning on coming out with a lot of suggestions for guerrilla warfare against the TSA and it's employees. They are terrifically vulnerable in a lot of ways and if they want to meddle with people's personal body parts then it's perfectly okay to mess with their personal details in public.
That's good stuff.
a bonfire out of the gated communities. Well said.
Thank you Les
Is part of the larger order fighting and turning ones heart into a weapon, sure. But doing this in reaction to zio bullies might be a bit of a knee jerk reaction to something welling up from within?
The best way to win a battle is to have your enemy fight himself and the zio bullies use TV, sex, and money to keep us fighting our own karmaic path.
One should give thanks that larger forces are helping you gain control over your actions and mind(if you so choose), the weapon used to fight here is our own hearts inner flame, not a firefight in Gaza or protesting for world peace, one piece of silver at a time.
Say thank you and give over blue and white light. Find a place near and dear to you and your guides, sit and smile, soon you will see the end to zio bullieing? It might just feel like stopping drinking cola?
Im just saying as I know nothing but myself(maybe)but one shouldnt look to remove or replace, but add to the world. I didnt create Israel nor do I give it life, but fighting it service only to give over fear to it. Just moving without its grip on my mind ending its power.
What do you do when a bully takes your lunch money? Pretty sure crying and trying to get it back are the goals mr bully wants you to do right? How about skip lunch?
As much as I agree with Keisers take, it falls short of its goal. If you play a board game you have to use the pieces created for that one game right? If you use zio pieces to fight, whos game are you playing?
Les thanks man, I have many problem in my life right now, but non need be shared with or blamed on the harlot of zio bankers. Its by seeing their pain and suffering to her, that I might move on and stop being stupid and in fear.
I do take great joy in doing this and sharing it to!
Thank you our great mother, big and bright you are as I look on this full moon!
Love Your Life
Love your life, I'm sure there are lots of people who want to give me advice on how to live my life from their little quadrant of the thinkosphere. I'm only replying to let you know that I know who you are by the end of the first sentence usually and I just post it right then and move on without reading because I've heard all that torturous pontificating before. Go get a blog and find yourself an audience. Otherwise you're welcome to what you get here but I'm not one of them.
Wow.. Awesome post... This is one of the truest things you ever spoke --
Fear has never and will never protect you or allow you to prosper.
Thanks brother!!
God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving to you all...
Fuck man, YES. Now we're talking!
"This is NO Drill"
"Boots and Saddles"
Les, I do not for one second believe that TSA agents have been properly trained in communicable diseases. I have a background in Fire Rescue and know a few doctors too.
Do they really change their gloves after each "molestation" er, I mean pat down?
Les, now you meant to be a liitle rude there, why?
Not that youll read this next sentence but "torturous pontificating" dont take two parties to create.
If by reacting to my words creates torture for you, dont blame me, blame your our ears for hearing fear. Im not given you advice man, Im running at the mouth for my own being, but thanks for your open format and blog.
Love Your Life
Love your life;
You contradict yourself to a greater degree than I've seen here by anyone else. You evade responsibility for being a wack-job and you put off responsibility for it by thrusting deficiency and limitation upon others by comparison with yourself.
You are sanctimonious, cloying and unctuous, filled with false piety and grandiose proclamations of an ill-defined cosmic love which does not fit the application nor the components of the actual thing itself.
You don't know what you are talking about and you've got no shame about amplifying it. You can't hear and shutting up long enough to do so is as unlikely as the possibility that you will understand what I'm telling you here.
I tolerate you and I bear you no ill will but I will be honest with you about the impression you make on me and I've had a long enough period of years in which to make my judgment.
As I said, you're welcome to go on and on here but you can't expect my attention because I've got better things to do and that includes watching mold grow should I be so inclined.
Comsic love? Thats not a thing nor has parts, its just yourself?
Im not you, so yes to your ill willed statment. Lie to yourself but dont belittle me for anything within your own mind that conflicts with my silly words, please. I hear you, and Im done pushing, its not been affective in realtime anyway. Thanks for your efforts and time man.
I dont "know" anyhting that Im saying yes so that creates contradiction. Life has at least two sides, but many more Im sure.
Les I do listen well, I dont speak well.
"You don't know what you are talking about and you've got no shame about amplifying it."
Thank you as this is true, its another way to say compassion, for self and for the unknown. Have some faith brother, and think well of your own misgiving as gifts of change and wonder. Hold in your light if you wish, but I know better(ooops I mean you know better,) even as a nut-job. Ok, wack-job is much funnier!
Love Your Life
I've been trying to e-mail Rixon Stewart (mainly just want to send a belated thank you for all he does). Unfortunately the e-mails just ping back at me. Now that I realize he is still working hard to get his new site running smoothly I'll try again at a later date. I don't rely on any one entry site to reach LV's writing since it's pretty easy just to go directly to the source. BTW, thank you Les for allowing us to sip from the font of truth at all 3 of your blogspots.
M. Rocknest (Em)
This should work-
I agree with the entire article. I also believe in John 16:33
these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
My friend Jim Coor would like everyone to watch this and I told him I'd pass it around. He's one of the good guys.
James Coor talks about the elite war on humanity.
Your latest post show up twice on your site... I can only comment on the second one.. I have also given this some thought lately that there are those with no regard for their own safety, and then there are the "cowards", and all in between. Beins a snow/skateboarder it is very easy to see the difference. Most people are to scared to ever try the big jumps, most don't even jump at all. That is okay not judging, but I think they all want to, because there is something very special about flying! I just love it! Can't get enough of it, and I'll do it as long as my body can take it. But you will fall, and it will hurt, but as long as you don't start with the biggest jump you will be fine! I also have experienced that if I get scared and tries to "chicken out" in the takeoff, I fall more often than when I just "step on it".
We are all learning to fly in several ways so I wish you all good luck and a safe flight(not to safe, or else no thrill...)!!
From what I can see it is only there once. Maybe that explains it showing up twice on What Really Happened. Is there some strange dimensional shift happening here? When I scroll down there is only this one post and when I go into "edit posts" there is only one post. Odd times.
For any trying to understand the Saber Rattling targeting North Korea as the "moment's" evil by the US War Usury Industrial Complex and No-Bid Contract War Logistic Vendors Chain currently flooding the Boob Tube Propaganda Signal, a little recent history on their methodology is in order.
Back when we were all pretending Dubya was the glorious god-send of the moment to some, or, the manifestation of evil to others, or, just another sock puppet stroking the love muscle of the War Usury to realists, North and South Korea had opened a dialog to normalize relations. That would seem a good thing to humans, right? But in world of monkeys wearing human costumes it was never meant to be. When the first tangible signs of "normalization" raised it's common sense head and the borders were opened so that relatives could cross the borders to visit their families, the US orchestrated the ouster of the South Korean PM.
More recently, the US War Usury was made to suffer the indignation of a Japanese PM who was both a 911 "truther" and advocate of dismantling the US occupation of Japan. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, Toyota, a maker of well engineered cars was enduring a recall that many other manufacturers were also enduring: a flaw in an accelerator cable manufactured by some second rate provider in Canada. While every other manufacturers recall was 86'd on the main stream, Toyota's was exaggerated. As soon a vote of no confidence was "orchestrated" against the Japanese "truther" and "no mas occupation" PM, the Toyota accelerator issue was "poofed" away as if it never happened, and Nissan, and Dodge and others involved in their own "dodgey" accelerator cable recall started getting air play on the MSM.
Ever since SONY AMERICA and TOYOTA AMERICA hired two of god's chosen as US CEO's the products ain't been the same. When you buy from Toyota or SONY, try to get product that was manufactured in Japan.
Now we get N Korea again. Right from the Mossad play book, and out of nowhere, it is alleged that a few rounds N Korean artillery slammed into South Korea (as expected - no need to verify the facts or source of the story - if Mainstream Hums it - we gums its!). But why - especially given there ain't enough juice in the national nutsack for even the the most devoted and skilled TSA "milk maid" to milk funds for more US War Whore Street Walking. Well, if one reads tween the lines, one can easily see value of the USD is drained to he point that the the next round (about 600 Billion) of counterfeiting by the FED would strain the economy so much that federally employed busboys at the base PX making 180 grand a year would need to have their annual income doubled because the dollars they're getting now are cheaper than toilet paper and everyone, even a Civil Service Busboy, can't both eat, and wipe the their a*s with the same USD.
The saber rattling hopes to put just enough value under the USD to "quantitatively" ease the new counterfeited 600 Billion USD exchange tokens into circulation.
The game is getting so shoddy the even the most ignorant CUFI trailer park trash is beginning to see the only reason they're putting their shorts on backwards is a "pig in a poke" that's being run on them.
When the hillbillies turn - so turns the worm.
You're already dead.
In 2007, I knew I was dead anyway, so I threw 100 lb barbell on my shoulders and squatted it as many times as I could and challenged death. I don't know if it was endorphins from the exercise or the victory, but I got high as a kite and stayed that way. That marked a new path. Everybody wanted to be my friend. I got a great high paying job. Every girl between the age of 10 and 75 was making passes at me. I was getting carded regularly, and I was 46. It went sour a while ago. I don't know when it happened, but I gave up life for a living, and when I did that, they were all done with me. Every time I looked up, I had more money than I ever had before. That 'great job' only milked that transformation until there was nothing left, and then laid me off. Now, I'm dead again. But I'll be back. I always am. A hiatus, now and then, only makes it stronger the next time. They can ALL just stand the fuck by.
For any trying to understand the Saber Rattling targeting North Korea as the "moment's" evil by the US War Usury Industrial Complex and No-Bid Contract War Logistic Vendors Chain currently flooding the Boob Tube Propaganda Signal, a little recent history on their methodology is in order.
Back when we were all pretending Dubya was the glorious god-send of the moment to some, or, the manifestation of evil to others, or, just another sock puppet stroking the love muscle of the War Usury to realists, North and South Korea had opened a dialog to normalize relations. That would seem a good thing to humans, right? But in world of monkeys wearing human costumes it was never meant to be. When the first tangible signs of "normalization" raised it's common sense head and the borders were opened so that relatives could cross the borders to visit their families, the US orchestrated the ouster of the South Korean PM.
More recently, the US War Usury was made to suffer the indignation of a Japanese PM who was both a 911 "truther" and advocate of dismantling the US occupation of Japan. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, Toyota, a maker of well engineered cars was enduring a recall that many other manufacturers were also enduring: a flaw in an accelerator cable manufactured by some second rate provider in Canada. While every other manufacturers recall was 86'd on the main stream, Toyota's was exaggerated. As soon a vote of no confidence was "orchestrated" against the Japanese "truther" and "no mas occupation" PM, the Toyota accelerator issue was "poofed" away as if it never happened, and Nissan, and Dodge and others involved in their own "dodgey" accelerator cable recall started getting air play on the MSM.
Now we get N Korea again. Right from the Mossad play book, and out of nowhere, it is alleged that a few rounds N Korean artillery slammed into South Korea (as expected - no need to verify the facts or source of the story - if Mainstream Hums it - we gums its!). But why - especially given there ain't enough juice in the national nutsack for even the the most devoted and skilled TSA "milk maid" to milk funds for more US War Whore Street Walking. Well, if one reads tween the lines, one can easily see value of the USD is drained to he point that the the next round (about 600 Billion) of counterfeiting by the FED would strain the economy so much that federally employed busboys at the base PX making 180 grand a year would need to have their annual income doubled because the dollars they're getting now are cheaper than toilet paper and everyone, even a Civil Service Busboy, can't both eat, and wipe the their a*s with the same USD.
The saber rattling hopes to put just enough value under the USD to "quantitatively" ease the new counterfeited 600 Billion USD exchange tokens into circulation.
The game is getting so shoddy the even the most ignorant CUFI trailer park trash is beginning to see the only reason they're putting their shorts on backwards is a "pig in a poke" that's being run on them.
When the hillbillies turn - so turns the worm.
diminishing encapsulated
derogatory dishonorable
anti humanitarian
deviating obstacle
genasidal psychopathic
cultural manipulater
psychologicly engaged
societal invader
instigator of war
hate monger,proud
engineering chaos
corrupter of ground
seller of life
of all things for gold
need to pay the debt
for all that you sold.
With such oral fluidity, you have slipped across the Rubicon this time, and sailed right into a new profession. But, you know that calling a Spade a Spade is not permitted when it involves 'g-ds chosen'tribal name-changers. And to ascribe the origins of everything evil to them... well, it sounds too much like ANTI-ANTISEMITISM. Hell man, a few more paragraphs and you might have well started quoting Jesus Christ, himself. (Synagogue of Satan, and all)
In fact, one of the reasons I have not abandoned so much of the New Testament, is that it says exactly what you have just written. Don't want to start a Bible study here, but Rabinical Talmudism (we call it today - Judaism) is what Jesus pointed to as the traditions of men - the blind leading the blind into the ditch - making twice the servant of hell as they were. All the blood of the prophets and saints is upon their heads. In fact, the petitioned that Christs blood be on them and their children.
Oh, yeah... your new profession.
You are preaching more spiritual truth than anyone in a modern pulpit, So, I duly deem you an itinerant preacher - or better yet - a prophet.
Be careful, man. You know what they did to everyone else who took this mantle.
I'm all for you, brother.
Funny how the words of Jesus are so suddenly coming alive today. He told us who to watch - those that call themselves Jews.
(Demon ridden swine)
I'll try to tread lightly here.
A couple prophets mentioned Israel and it's wicked rulers who say they made a covenant with death.
Today's modern day phallus worshippers running the show take seclusion in the twisted dreams of world empire, but they also live very much in fear. Even more so. Those lines and baggy eye's keep getting bigger.
(During the cleanup, Israel will use the discarded military equipment's fuel to heat their homes.)
They know what's coming. And her pact with Sheol will not stand. "For we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception." , And "Then you become its trampling place."
Messing with the 'tree of life" (DNA, spirals out of control) is another clear sign they ol' eye is about to get poked.
The past is the key to the future.
(12,000 - 8,000 YEARS AGO: Between these pages, the surviving Giants eventually bred with humans. Then the Noahic flood occured -(6,000 BC) erasing most traces of the Giants and corrupted human DNA.
Note; Lucifer/Satan had taken the fallen state in the form of a Reptilian. His fall was proir to the temptation of Eve and Adam, somewhere between 17,000 and 8,000 yers ago when man made his appearance there -(Atlantis/Eden), and had corrupted the Adamic stock through regenerative cell manipulation, (long life) .
I know its not at all related Les, and the list is long, but Tartarus }pole shift{ is about to open up.
Billy Geier.
I checked out Jim Corr's video, and while I didn't stay for all of it, caught the gist. He's correct of course, more or less.
But I still can't decide as to whether all of this is consciously engineered or whether it's a gestalt, or whether it's a combination of the two, an 'opportunististic managed gestalt' for lack of a better term, like beating the jungles for game and bagging what comes out. The danger for the beaters and the hunters is that you never know whether or not a tiger is in the mix, and whether it'll jump the fence and take a lot of them (and us) out.
As for the lloigor, it's possible that one is at the centre of some of this, I haven't detected one, but by their nature they aren't always detectable.
Les you have more patience than me regarding the anonymous Love Your Life character. I presume its the same one who was doing the airy fairy posts on Shangri La? I'd just block such a persistent fool. No ill will here either, but my tolerance for fools is pretty ragged these days.
I agree with Psychgram's post for the most part. I'm feeling tired of the stupidity, the vacuousness, the denial. The hypocrisy and the lies are so thick its hard to breathe. I see no light at the end of the tunnel, except thje knowledge it should go so badly that they scum at least should lose control and the wheel gets a spin. It's not a sure bet, but there's a better chance of improvement afterwards I think. Admittedly I'd consider a simple agrarian subsistence level of village life to be an improvment so long as we weren't being bombarded with radiation all the while.
"(apologies to the people who love swine and appreciate their many virtues and would possibly go to bed with one to prove their point)"
Well, it's not as if five-oh have a lot of fans, either now or in the past...
Oh wait, you were talking about the noble omnivore that feeds on our refuse and provides delicious meat!
Carry on then ;-)
I would like to get a little bit clinical for a moment.
I submit that anyone who has the truth before him or her and still claims 9/11 was done by arabs is delusional. DELUSIONAL as in one of the signs of psychosis - right along with hearing voices and severe paranoia.
Anyone who sees 9/11 as something other than an inside job by USrael is delusional even by DSM IV standards. I would not hesitate to confirm as delusional any and all individuals who exhibit this bizare and false set of beliefs.
The emperor actually wore no clothes, but not until a little boy cried out the truth did the town folk realize they had been delusional in seeing his clothes on him.
Delusional. People who reject the truth about 9/11, and thereby about many, many other more important directly and indirectly related things about the true nature of our world, are suffering from a specific psychiatric disorder.
We, like the little boy in the tale, are living in a global village filled with psychiatrically compromised individuals.
I'm done.
The blogg is back to "normal", atleast as normal as this blogg can be...
I admire your patience! You take your time to give everyone a chance, and another one, and another one... You also take your time to explain to souls of lesser understanding of the subject, whatever the subject might be. IOW you are what every human should be, a guide and an idol to try to live up to. Not that I will hang the tool of your execution on my walls and around my neck for 2000 years, but I will always try to show respect for those that show others respect. So thank you for being and doing what you are and do, and I know I speak on behalf of alot of people not commenting for whatever reason.
We love you!!
About the fox and the bulls... I live in the middle of the norwegian wilderness and I can draw similarities between animals and man.
The bulls are the police, they bully each other and the sheeps. The cows are the banksters, they make the bulls fight among themselves, and they are also the reason the bulls exist in the first place. The cows made the bulls from interacting with other bulls. The bulls live to protect and serve the cows...
The foxes are the street entrepreneurs, the revolutionaries, those living outside the system, those the bulls can see only when they wish to be seen. The bull will never catch the fox in the wild, but would crush the fox inside a small room... The foxes know excactly were the bulls are, but not what they are up to... The bulls don't know where the foxes are or what they are up to...
The sheeps keep eating, not paying attention. Hell you can walk up to a sheep and kill it with a baseballbat, and the others sheep would run for about 3 meters, take a confused look around, and keep eating...
The bulls can keep on bullying, but we will eventually outfox them!!!
Speaking of Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad: They're finished, the Zionist regime is finished
What a consummate and genuine leader! Compare him to the whores like Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Tony Blair, or George Stephanopoulos who interviewed him.
@anon 2:32, Speaking of Clinton, check this out.
I hope WRH features this. What is happening to all that Haiti and Clinton Global Initiative money?
wow, Les you say it like it is, this right in you're face rape of the world by the Israeli scum, all of them bankers, wall street scam'ers, oil company's blood suckers, media lie'rs, Federal Reserve counterfeiters and Government whores pimps motherfuckers, all bloody zionist war crime lords of this world.
they outright in you're face with no shame call for the enslavement of all of humanity, calling us all animals who must serve their every dirty wish, they truly feel that they are the MASTER RACE.
this zionist sub-human, that's right SUB-HUMAN, this zionist ANIMAL is not of this human race, it is a savage beast that feels nothing and feeds on the blood of humanity, as they keep on pushing for endless death and war.
we all know by now, that this zionist beast must bring about another world war, they fell that with the death of millions or even billions of goyim, that their dream of a great Israel will rule this world.
call me what you want, but looking at all the evil they do, I know that I'm right, you look at all that they do and done, all the death and scam's from day one, and you'll see a jew in all of them.
Georgy boy tried to pull on Ahmadinejad the trick he did with Ron Paul three years ago. Poor Ron almost freezed when Stephanopoulos hit him with back stabbing "That's not gonna happen" with glee all over his face.
Ron Paul on with George Stephanopoulos
It didn't work out that well with the president of Iran - Ahmadinejad tore Stephanopoulos' ass into pieces. He made the bastard look like a fool at every turn in the conversation.
Any of you with children, nephews, nieces, nearing the age when they can be murdered by your government should read this article.
Boy you hit the nail on the head with this blog! It explains just exactly how I feel. I say it often too. Good for you. And you are right, Americans better wake up soon before their is no way to resist and no choices to make; before they all are degraded to sheep led to the slaughter. The history about the Zionist is everywhere. The Christian Calvinist Evangelists are the ones that are supporting Israel and their illegal regime. They support the genocide and say that their OT Bible tells them they should; forgetting what the NT says (words in RED) that they are liars, hypocrites, a fraud; and in fact the synagogue of satan. A million kudos to you for laying it on the line without any sugar coating!
I believe Jesus said something about taking the log out of your own eye..
Not meaning anyone in particular, and most especially not les, who pretty much bares it all right up front, come what may.
Honest men and women are like hen's teeth.
How would it feel to witness Jesus forgive the demons for their sins?
And bless them if they repented?
Would this evoke anger, curses and rage at such an injustice?
Would it cause thoughtful meditation?
Would it evoke joy and fulfillment?
Just thinking out loud.
Lesy, Now you are quite correct in exposing Israel,and as you know,we totally agree,but then you elaborate about the zionists, who should be removed etc.. But zionists are jews,and when these people were correctly expelled from over 100 nations,zionism did not exist. Let us call a spade a spade-jews are the problem,whether they be die-hard zionist fanatics or not.To your face most jews will claim not to be zionist,but they are tarred with the same brush.
God! This red wine is strong-hope I am making sense :)
@ Anonymous 5:23 PM
“Honest men and women are like hen's teeth.”
By your own admission and proclamation, that which you state, in full, is less than honest. Why should anyone pay further attention to your idle or purposeful musings?
But, to confirm the dishonesty:
“How would it feel to witness Jesus forgive the demons for their sins?
And bless them if they repented?”
You are terribly mistaken on multiple counts.
“Demons” change not their thoughts or actions.
If you meant it metaphorically, about wicked men and women, then:
Forgiveness is not just granted in a vacuum, by fiat. It is contingent upon true, soul-deep repentance. (Sins also cannot be transferred to a chicken or a scapegoat)
And blessings come in response to true desire, calling/prayer, and actions, by oneself and others.
The lies written here are that forgiveness comes regardless, and if they manage to eke out a little heartfelt change, great blessings—rather than merely the beginnings of true forgiveness—result thereby.
You also are terribly mistaken about forgiveness of sin, especially for the most wicked under heaven, as being “injustice”. If it is worthy it is meted. Perhaps you misunderstand because you are far from worthy and have never experienced it?
The underlying hiss to your “thinking out loud” is that people should be concerned that maybe their righteous condemnation of blatant evil is somehow against God.
Take care what you speak, and whose name you invoke in vain, for you are held accountable if you succeed in leading souls astray, into realms of sordid complacency and complicity.
There is more about your crafty post, and you specifically, which I will not write.
Greetings Les!
I'll quote from a couple of kosher texts on the holocaust and history.
"Hilerg has recently reminded audiences of the lonely task that research on the Holocaust was when he first began in 1948. Professional writers and academic historians were virtually ignoring the subject...For about a decade and a half after the end of the Second World War there was scant popular interest in the matter."
-The Holocaust In History, Marrus
...not to mention Churchill, Eisenhower, Degaulle...etc
Okay, so allegedly 2/3 of European Jews and 1/3 world Jewry have been exterminated and nobody seems to care. perhaps it's because of the Jews lack of influence and a latent to overt anti-semitism that everybody harbors which prevents Jews from having any meaningful contributions or influence.
"It's 1948, 'the Palestinian issue' as it was known in the State Dept. had been long festering. Survivors of the Holocaust were pouring into their biblical homeland and demanding the creation of an independent Zionist State. For reasons both political and humanitarian, Truman wanted to help create a new state of Israel.
The Wise Men, Six Friends and The World They Made,
who? Jews For Jesus were circumscribing the Harry Truman Truman show?
oy, I should have never bought gribnitz from a moyel!!
Vanguard, thank you for helping to express my point(s) so convincingly.
Anon 5:23
"I believe Jesus said something about taking the log out of your own eye..
Not meaning anyone in particular, and most especially not les, who pretty much bares it all right up front, come what may.
Honest men and women are like hen's teeth.
How would it feel to witness Jesus forgive the demons for their sins?
And bless them if they repented?
Would this evoke anger, curses and rage at such an injustice?
Would it cause thoughtful meditation?
Would it evoke joy and fulfillment?
Just thinking out loud."
Speaking of the Holocaust.
Would you pay $100 at e-Bay for a most urgently needed item the delivery of which, if ever delivered, would take two weeks if you could easily buy that same item for $1 at your local shop store?
Why would Germans, or anybody else for that matter, build expensive, awkward, inefficient gas chambers while waging a war on two fronts, hoard stinky jews in concentration camps, feed them for weeks or even months, shower them before they shove them into these ovens, while all it takes to get rid of a human parasite is one minute and one bullet in the back of the head. And, by the way, that is exactly what Germans were doing to the Jewish commissars in the occupied territories. Taking into account what Jews did to Germany, could you blame the Germans for doing so?
Do you know how many human bodies per day you would have to burn to account for 6 million people? Over 4000 every day for 4 years! That's about the population of a small town. Could that be done without leaving heavy footprints all over the place? This Holocaust narrative makes absolutely no sense, no matter how you look at it.
You don't need a degree in chemistry and endless academic debates to see the absurdity of the Holocaust myth - all one needs is elementary common sense.
Debating 9/11 and the Holocaust ad nauseam has become a chewing gum. One can write academic papers proving that Holocaust narrative is nothing but garbage. That's what the so-called revisionists do. How effective can that be in exposing the myth to the mass-people? Not much.
Ahmadinejad is ahead of the curve even here. Do you know what he did? He hosted Exhibit of Holocaust cartoons in Tehran in 2006. The Expo was a great success with 1193 works received from 61 countries.
Making fun of the Jews to a boiling point where they hit what I call 'Hebrew hysterics button' is a very rewarding experience in itself. Here is a couple of juicy examples:
1. Woman Yells Heil Hitler To Jewish Man at Las Vegas Town Hall
Shame of you ... Heil Hitler ... I am a Jew... Shame of Jew ... What an obnoxious creature is that hairless Jew!
2. Jewish Girl Prank Calls Her Parents
I'll bring some spaghetti and meatball for dinner, how about that?. Freaking hilarious, I was laughing my ass off!
There are many ways to expose the Jews and put them into the shit house where they rightfully belong. And humor and sarcasm is one of the best and most effective ways of doing it.
I'm sure Jesus will hear your shouting and do YOUR will.
After all, that's what His job is, isn't it?
To do YOUR will.
To fulfill YOUR expectations and requirements of Him.
As for His Father?
You know, the Guy He goes on and on about..
I'm sure you have a list of what He can and will do or not do also.
Good luck with that..
Oh, f- off anon 3:49. Just Google...ever heard of it? Visible's readersip will not "plummet".
WV: buzzra off.
I am too lazy to register.
Hey All & Les,
Really & I mean really...what can anyone do to change the TSA regulations? What can anyone do to change the Banking System? And every other system out there. Yes, we can talk about it & "raise consciousness" what avail? None that I can see. The only answer that I have come up with is to devote one's life to "God" (in whatever form) & know that this effin shit that is going on is not real. Once tuned into the "God-Self", you no not play in the 'other' ucky world. So, why bother? Call me crazy...I am used to it.
I hear you loud and clear unfortunately the ones that really need this message will never read it. Too busy with video games, American Idol, stuffing their fat face at McDees, or such things. I know a video gamer who loves China Mart. He goes down every isle. The particle board furniture and plastic China junk fascinates him. He never reads your stuff. No time.
Max and a couple of thousand others are recommending physical silver. Silver has done real well since August. Paper silver is just a short term trading vehicle. Don't want to be caught in paper when the music stops. Same with paper gold. GLD and SLV ETFs are growing by leaps and bounds. I would like someone to tell me where the hell these ETFs are getting the physical product to back up their shares. I'll bet they aren't. They use the new money to short the market. Everyone that knows anything about precious metals knows the price is manipulated. As I said in my previous post all markets are 100% manipulation. Unfortunately for JPM etc. the manipulation isn't working quite so well. I noticed they couldn't push the SLV ETF below 25 for Fri close. What a bitch, they can't just give up because in order to cover their shorts it would push silver to the moon.
You mentioned death by cancer in the Gulf. One thing that puzzles me is how the hell anyone could be stupid enough to buy real estate anywhere along the Gulf Coast. I would think that the market has completely froze up, but probably not. You would think getting the hell out would be everyone's objective. I pity anyone who ones a home there. The new American dream should be renting and staying liquid with NO DEBT. At least when they pull some shit you can high tail it out.
Think I will forward your message to the Jew York Times. Think there is any chance they will publish it? Bet it would burn their lying presses up.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Thanks Les for the other e-mail address for Rixon Stewart (it did work). I got a nice reply today from Rixon but strangely (insert "Twilight Zone" music here) one minute after I sent my e-mail I received a blank page from "HM Revenue and Customs". Can't imagine what that was all about.
M. Rocknest (Em)
That HM Revenue Customs thing has been going on for a long time. i get it every time I send in notification of a new posting. It doesn't mean anything apparently, some kind of an odd anomaly. I asked him about it once and can't remember what he said except that he wasn't responsible.
Hi Les and all,
I wasn't going to comment here again, but just couldn't resist this word verification:
wv: outwinem - Let's hope!
Still love ya, Les!
'scusi moi,
That was me, 'S.Cat'
wv: evesmara - Coincidence?
'United we stand, divided we fall.'
That's what cliches are for, y'all!
I just checked in to have a look around. Good God. Who would have guessed that the tipping point would happen on Smoking Mirrors? All I can say is wow. Outta here...but I will be back.
Awesome, awesome post Visible.
I just wanted to note this insidious little piece of hate speech, word for word from one of the heads of the beast, vampire banker, James Rothschild.
I came across various statements where James cries how Rothschild banks are poor little scapegoats and that that he knows the names of the people who REALLY owns the money. Well, we know who really owns the money... it is 99% of the rest of humanity. This thieving psychopath is so cynical and contemptuous towards humanity it is unbelievable:
“James Rothschild: More taxes for the poor and middle class squeeze the global economy like a tube of tooth pate until 00000.1% of the people have all the wealth of the planet! Then finally you peasants will need to worship us as we deserve, as the chosen people that we are.
We choose presidents before you even vote and you do not even know who is your secretary of foreign affairs and no it is not, Tara Krapp Beer! You people do not even plan your week. While we have a 500 year political agenda.
We are actual reading and educating our minds on how to get what we want out of the world. What did you do today? Stop the whining!"
Someone suggested recently that he run for president, and his response:
"James Rothschild:
Why run for an office that I can help appoint? I would rather be the puppet master thanks. I have mistresses through the roof and I am not shy about I am not going to profess some puritanical perspective to please voters!
I am not getting some phony family photos taken all plastic smiles and showing up at synagogue to please everyones confused view of what makes a holy man.
If you wanted reality I would be your man but what is the likely hood that a rich Jewish elitist arrogant bastard like me is going to get into political office here are the odds. Zero percent! That is how much I care as well!”
Well there you have it... If you can stomach such drivel you can read this and more on facebook. This was from his fan page, which you can check out here or do a simple search for “Rothschild” on facebook
James Rothschild fan page
Oh, for cripes sake...get with it peeps...all kinds of shit goes on "out there"...fuck it. Live in the 'non-world' in the the world that Christ spoke of..."This is not my world". Grow up, peeps & live. Do not even play in 'their world'. Get it?
The Canadian government is trying to pass legislation that would make it illegal to criticize the illegal mass murdering state of Israel. There is a petition going around against such BS, I ask that you take a moment to please help us duke it out with these cowards.
I wrote:
"This insidious attempt at quelling freedom of speech and gutting our God given rights as stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a nostalgic reminder of what happened in Germany, Russia, South Africa, Canada, Rwanda, Iraq, and Afghanistan, amongst countless other genocides. This is the 21'st century, and humanity stands at unprecedented crossroads. We will not stand by complicit as the cadaver like indifference of the Canadian government promotes Israeli brutality, and the out right slaughter of Palestinian women and children. The Canadian governments defense of such criminal behavior is an unprecedented testament to the utter cowardice and sociopathic nature that has become the poster-child of Canada's true colors on the world stage."
Holy shit! The dirty duo finally gave the finger to the big bad west and their Zio-Banker butt buddies. China and Russia are quitting the dollar! This is historical! Am I fucking dreaming or what?
China, Russia quit dollar
Fucking party time baby! AAAHAHAH
Wow, I don't know what to think of this. Anyone? If this website has any validity to it, this is some deep insider insider information. I doubt you will find anything else like this on the web... my apologies for so many posts in a row here Visible, however this is just too incredible...
Obama last week asked a senior Chinese power-broker for protection from the Khazarians who have vowed to have him killed. He has also asked senior Muslim leaders for protection. It is not clear what answer he got.
What do you think of the source?
When this is all over, these fuckers are going to get branded with the masonic symbols they adore so much. Those that survive the mob, anyway.
Buy silver? The mining conglomerates are creaming in their pants about awakenings like these. Having slaves tear it from the earth is no better than running the printing presses white hot.
Dear Les,
As you know, the US is cheap destination for European vacationers. They're staying away due to TSA. I read a story this morning about an incident in Charlotte NC. A seven year old boy was patted-down by a female TSA employee using the "palm and finger" method. What's that? Nevermind, I don't want to know.
Les, I think the information revealed and referred to beyond the below link is the weak knee cap of the NWO:
If those mind-control technologies can be brought to public discussion, can you imagine what the consequences will be for the planned prison planet? People would get mad; mass applications of shielding technologies would be designed and produced for low-price solutions; ultimately the planet's orbit would be decreed a weapons systems free zone; technology would be used for good instead of evil.
These technologies are the best kept secret of the past forty years (mind-reading was developed in the 1970s, its anticipation among the top power elite may have been what motivated the anticipatory & concomitant selling of impulsivity to the masses in the form of "free love", atheism and such: impulsive = easy to control thro suggestion).
There's a new Visible Origami up-
This is Our Greatest Crime against Ourselves.
Here's someone with ideas about how to be recalcitrant towards the power of the state, without violence.
Here's an article on how to influence the mainstream news and financial markets using the internet.
Hmmm...I never made the connection. You mean them there banksters are in cahoots with them there crime cartels known as governments! Shit fire and save matches that won't be on the teevee.
Holy moly, Les. Once again you've said what we're all thinking but didn't have the correct turn of phrase to describe it.
This parasitic entity will reap its just reward sooner or later (I don't really care when as I believe in Karma).
I actually feel sorry for the Jews who have been suckered into this filthy belief called Zionism. They are as blinkered as others who have supported evil regimes without looking at the consequences.
Keep it up mate
How do we survive an ice age? The same way we mammals always have. I watched the coolest special about how wolves "evolved" into dogs. Wolves followed human tribes around, scavaging from the bone piles and sometimes the mother wolf would die, leaving cubs. Human women, who were not pregnant, would adopt the cubs and nurse them out of pure compassion and love. Anyone doubt this? Give a modern woman a kitten or puppy and watch the result. You can see the circuit in their brain turn on and fill their breasts with milk. Pure love expressed as compassion through their bodies. Reptiles cannot do this....
...Get 'em!
We must examine the two ends of a bell curve. On one side are people dedicated to Love and virtue. On the other are those dedicated to Evol and hatred. In between are us. I'd like to call myself a one percenter of Love, but who am I to say except to me?
What power do any of us have except when reaching out as far as we can to either side of that bell curve? Most of the populace worldwide lies quite in the middle, whether a thief or a Manager. That is the true power of the system. It keeps a majority of the people riding the bell curve with a surfboard of belief in Horse Pucky.
Each of all men, with deliberate intention, must choose where they live, with flesh and blood, on that curve. It must be by choice. God doesn't determine you to be a vermin, or to follow the wares of vermin. You do. Or, and I truly prescribe and wish for this, you do not but instead wish to live a life in truth!
I've seen at least 2 posts speaking of prophets and their eminent deaths. If that is the case, here I am, with the truth on my side and preaching it thus. The reason I bring this to light is that all of us should be focusing on the light, not the dark, even in the least. Always provide remedy to Evol, not power.
This whole story sounds just like confabulatory propaganda.
There's a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up-
The Psychopathy of International Banker Scum.
This is what I'm talking about!!
William Freeman
wv: shing
Keeerrrrr shing!
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