Dog Poet Transmitting........
Last night, in the beginning I dreamed of a powerful vampire clan. For some reason, although they were dangerous in the extreme, there was an understanding that existed in which I was in no danger from them. I had done, or was doing something, that affected all of this. For the rest of the night, I dreamed about 9/11 and the people behind it and was engaged in something that was bringing the knowledge of the participants out before the world. They were toast and it was an indisputable reality that they were doomed and could not repair the incipient, emerging reality of their downfall. All night I was up and then back to bed and each time I was, once again, into the proactive, engaged scenario of 9/11 exposure.
Larry Silverstein made the most appearances, as his involvement was being detailed, prior to some sort of specific judgment that was in reserve for him. He bought the WTC just shortly before the attacks. He was in charge when the building security was shut down and no one was allowed to monitor whatever was taking place, just before the attacks, with the assistance of Marvin Bush’s security company. He took out massive anti-terror insurance and afterwards sued for double what was initially expected. He called for Building 7 to be pulled and spoke with his good friend Bennie ‘the rat’ Netanyahu every Sunday.
Barak, the mastermind of 9/11 (along with Dov Zakheim) was in New York City on 9/11 with Olmert. Where was Zakheim on 9/11? I never seem to be able to find that out. It’s probably a simple answer that evades me, like the more intricate components of a dream. I get the overview and my intent but often the details escape me.
It stands to reason that the concept of the Synagogue of Satan is a real thing. Even Jesus Christ referred to the members of specific tribes as the children of the devil. So this explains the source of the power, which seems so inexplicable to us; how do they do it? They have supernatural help of the demonic kind. I’m not a Christian and I’ve little use for religion of any type. They are all obfuscators but... I am presenting this in the context of the manifest realm in manifest words, regardless of more invisible implications. It explains the obsession with money and further explains the control of outer circumstance and temporal powers.
In times of The Apocalypse, all of this is revealed to us in stages and by means dependent on one’s unwillingness to awaken. It also implies the end of their run of core deceptions for the purpose of ruling the world. They are in deep shit and all of those who are silent will be seen as guilty by association. This is one wakeup call that ought to be heeded more than any other.
A few days ago I was thinking about the bat plague, which interrupts the feeding duties of the bats that control the insects that eat the agriculture, which feeds the world. This requires a massive increase in the use of pesticides and it dawned on me that Monsanto was behind whatever was happening to the bats. Then it occurred to me that Monsanto was behind whatever was happening to the honeybees. The two are connected and it became a near indisputable plausibility in my mind that Monsanto (My Satan) was behind these and other conditions as well. Part of the motivation is profit and control and part of the motive is eugenics. Monsanto is also a creation of the tribe. Here you can see just how widespread the proliferation is and why the world is the way it is.
Is it a crime or a moral offense to point these things out? The question that should be asked is, “are these things true”? The ownership and control of all of these companies is right there to be seen. Either it is so or it is not. If this is not true, then point out to me how I have erred and what is true so that I will not be further deceived. Here a member of the tribe boasts about the control. Here names are named about the 96% control of the media. When one looks at the Federal Reserve, the same phenomenon appears. Are these things not true? I’m waiting for the clear and informed mind that is going to set me straight, if I am being misled on any of these counts. I have people telling me tall tales about things that don’t happen and things they are doing for me that play havoc with my schedule when they don’t happen, as if their intent was to confuse and disrupt me. Maybe it’s all not what it seems but... there it is in black and white.
As clear as it all appears to be, it doesn’t register with those oppressed by the actions of their slave masters. They even defend their slave masters and die in their wars. Their lives are ruined by financial manipulations and yet they become advocate mouthpieces for the ones who do this, using inapplicable terms of slander, created as a defense mechanism by their oppressors, against those who question the obvious. Theodor Herzl said that the slander of anti-Semitism should be applied, whether it is true or not, as an effective weapon against criticism. You can scan the expanded intent of this in many places and agendas.
Now comes this most curious of events, the Obama trip to India where we have been told that 65 planes; 34 warships, thousands of personnel, 200 CEO’s and family friends and retainers are accompanying a zombie president whose name rhymes with another dead man who keeps rising from the grave. The Pentagon denies that he is shadowed by such a massive collection of war material.
Cliff High of Half Past Human has predicted tension builds and tipping points to occur between November 5th and November 14th of this year and that is the exact span of Obama’s trip to The East. It’s in January where it is supposed to get really severe but that’s for later consideration (grin). There’s a lot to think about and as far as Obama’s trip goes, Obama is a liar and The Pentagon is a collective of liars so no matter what the truth is, it’s not coming from either of these plumbing outlets. What’s coming out of these outlets is the sort of stuff that normally moves through plumbing outlets, on their way to flammable septic tanks of the sort that spontaneously ignites. It’s flaming shit, with the inferno generated by the outrage of the offended water that has to ferry it.
Those who expose the reality of what is, are pushed to the sidelines by the endless drone of lies on behalf of selective empire. The mass that follows or is herded toward the thresher teeth of the judgment that awaits ignorant destinies, do not hear the voices of those who call out to them on their behalf. Once again, it is like the voices from strange rooms, in a dream of the acknowledged parameters, of the deadly confinements of a lie that circumscribes all that the dreamer sees and hears... and accepts as real. It is not real. It is a dream that inexorably cycles into nightmare and frightful awakening.
If the things said in this posting are true; if the names and places are accurate, in respect of the claims, then... what does that mean? If they are not true then surely there is some other explanation and it will be seen today in the comments section and I can adjust myself accordingly. If these things are true but are denied as being true, what is one to make of this state of being? What does one make of the wide agreement of so many who demand the continuance of lies, as if they were the very bread of Heaven? What kind of terrible cowardice and denial motivates the greater herd of deceived and doomed sheep?
Given the result of centuries of lies, which define history as it never was, it seems a fool’s errand to declaim against them. They just go on and on, giving life to new lies that consistently mean more to those being hoodwinked than the truth has ever done. The religions that advertise liberty from the playing fields of manifest torment and suffering, have also been hijacked in support of the lies from which they claim we shall be freed, by avatars and masters, which they are at singular pains to misinterpret and obscure. It’s all done for power over the living in the temporary plane of existence, whose purpose is to redirect them through recurrent death into yet one more lifetime of servitude to the beast, on an endless, rotating wheel of fire.
I can’t remember if it was Kierkegaard who said “we must work out our salvation through fear and trembling” but whoever said it, it sounds about right. It’s in the meaning of what is to be feared and what the trembling is where we go astray. The fear should be the concern that we do not give in to the deceptions, at the risk of a separation from that which liberates us and the trembling is the presence of the very same. Why is it trembling? Because of the uncertainty in the heart and mind of the supplicant... and so it goes.
End Transmission........
'Everlasting Love' is track no. 2 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

There will be a radio show this Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time.
The New Shangri-La (near 2500 members)
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
"Only after the last tree has been cut down, the last river poisoned and the last fish caught, will you find that money cannot be eaten."
Heh. So true. I see so many people putting money in front of their own brothers and sisters of the Divine and that totally kicks the humanity out of them. Even when I've come close to living on the streets, or with the land with my tent, I'd get scared then just want more money... then I'd realize "fuck I don't really need that much... there isn't much to buy", yet my frightened mind would be thinking about the stupid pieces of paper or some spare change. At some stores I can find non-fluoridated water for $1 - $2 for 4L. Then there is a new saying since the arrival of "health food stores" which is "its expensive to eat healthy". And yeah, to start juicing it can be pricy, yet, broccoli costs like $1 and garlic is pretty non expensive.
"Those who expose the reality of what is, are pushed to the sidelines by the endless drone of lies on behalf of selective empire. The mass that follows or is herded toward the thresher teeth of the judgment that awaits ignorant destinies, do not hear the voices of those who call out to them on their behalf."
I was actually walking downtown earlier this week, and I passed some people and heard then talk about sex and drugs, so I just randomly started talking to the group of guys about sex and it's relationship to semen and what happens when one shifts their focus... and OMG! noone said anything! I was like "anyone?" "hello?". Weird. I've been noticing lots of weirdness lately being in a big city.
I never knew the circumstances of my life could change so drastically in one year.
Anyways, I should start cleaning my room before I go out today.
Great read Les, I can feel the restraint.
wv: reiliz
It's almost comical the way things are exposed in the apocalypse right in front of us in your face hidden in plain sight.I would guess that is the beauty of the Divine it's all around us but we choose to ignore it all and as you my friend point out we do it over and over again in a cycle of endless death.Take agood look at Larry Silverman he looks like a...a toad I apologise to Toads everywhere.Look at any of them pathetic creatures...Obama Michelle Biden Emmanuel I would not ever be them.
Les Visible we would have had to invent you if you did not already exist my friend.
Thank you so much.
This Smoking Mirrors reads more like Origami too me.
Or perhaps I'm just seeing everything as a kind of semi-transparant mirror these days.
It's all going to begin is such a short time.
I love coming here to meet with all the little flickers of light scattered throughout this dark world.
Dust to deal with, later dog.
wv: mytimat - It's mytimat the wheel today...
You're not saying anything the scriptures don't say, again.
When you read where Yahshua called 'those who call themselves jews, but do lie...', in Rev 2.9 and 3.9, did you notice those are the only 2 churches he approves of, out of 7? The others are your obfuscators and that's no big new revelation. They're exposed all throughout the OT. Baal priests in the temple too. The yehudi (jew) is rewarded for corrupting it. That makes the tail the head. Deut 28 42. Do you think they don't know that?
Peter Stuyvesant built a wall in New Amsterdam to keep the Marranos (pigs), refugees from Brazil, away from the more decent society. The dutch East India Company made him tear it down (Gee, I wonder why). Anyhoo, that wall is now Wall Street. Has the tail become the head? Spooky.
It blooms 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold, so I'll shut up now.
But, it sure looks like you hate YHVH's enemies with a perfect hatred.
Things haven't be normal for almost 20 yrs now, TPTB have been fucking with human nature, wars, GM crops diseases etc. basically trying to hurry up the dates of allthe broken seals...It is comical in a way to know what the bloodline bastards are thinking and try as we may to warn the sheeple well...sheeple are sheeple baa baa baa to their naiive painful slaughter. at least we know the how and why and in the end those of us on the outer rim will be able to make ourlast true and free final choice. Your writings always keep my brain sane knowing that I'm not crazy for thinking the way I do. About the vampire dreams...Thank you
I believe we humans have come to a fork in the road. One road leads to a continuance of participation in the lie, and the other leads to knowing in your heart that your entire life has been based on a lie. Taking the second road simply means you are not gonna do it anymore, and taking the first means you’re gonna keep on doing it no matter what. The two motive forces behind the choice we make are fear and love (aka integrity, courage, compassion, truth).
I understand why most people choose to continue living the lie. It’s all they’ve ever known, for one thing, and to take the other road is just too damn scary. Change is scary because you are stepping into the unknown, and so we resist it. It takes courage to change, to take that first step. More courage than most people have. This is why they are doomed.
As for those of us who have the courage to change, the universe is prodding us into the truth zone, scary or not. This is the road to the only future worth living in, and as for the other road, it leads nowhere but down.
This is ugly
What more is there to say?
The flashes of your phrases sometimes light my day. The question constantly percolates at what point were the entire scope of humanity infected with the potential to betray the Tenth Hierarchy. Of course, WE are the Tenth Hierarchy and that is a very solid system. But as to patient zero, say Nietzsche, and as to the source, starting point of having fully infected active forces arise out of human nature. The origin and full account of what terrorism is, arises in the study of these 14 lectures.
Rothschild Bankers funded WW II Germans and Allied Bankers via B.I.S. in Basel Switzerland transferring funds the entire war between Nazi Deutch Bank and UK Bank of England.
War could have ended 1-2 years but Germans Printed Debt Free Currency and Tossed Rothschild Bankers out of Germany so they firebombed all Germans and never bombed factories to extend war 5 years to kill all Germans so no more "Banking Problem Children" left living.
Read Old book With The New Finacial Way to rid parasite Interest Banking here:
Oh and they invented Interest banking 800 years ago in Italy and Arab Sharia Law forbids Interest Banking so we been shooting Arabs last 800 years too.
Oh and don't count on the Police or Homeland Security to help with this Mafia, as they are paid to protect the government from you after you see this next video showing CIA and Police bring Coke into the USA Cities:
full article here:
The Dyer situation is getting to the stage of no hope. The beast has taken Dyer's Girlfriend's child hostage in an attempt to coerce a guilty plea out of July4Patriot. Anyone "found" guilty of child molestation... even after being railroaded, complying with a corrupt evil judge and then having that judge take your kid away... even after subjecting that poor kid to being abused and raped in the CPS system... even after all that, out on the net-a child molestation conviction is a child molestation conviction. It is the mark of Cain in America and Sgt. Dyer will be done for. Everything he spoke up for, our cause, will be discredited and drug through the media mud. They will make an example out of him and tar baby us all-Patriots, Militia, Three Percenters, NRA Gun Owners, Tea Party(yes you too).
The Oath Keepers will be done for as well-letting the man whose YouTube videos sparked that movement go to prison without so much as a dollar's support. That's to be expected from the Rhodes Org. I suppose.
And if you've been paying attention they will send Sgt. Dyer to the same prison where he testified against several of his co-workers for their abuses. Hell they tried starving him when they had him incarcerated on those bogus weapons charges!
If there isn't more support-evidence,testimonials, protests, or something a bit more (legally) substantial, July4Patriot-Sgt. Charles Dyer-is done for.
You can at least put in to the damn chip-in...
J. Croft
The Dyer situation is getting to the stage of no hope. The beast has taken Dyer's Girlfriend's child hostage in an attempt to coerce a guilty plea out of July4Patriot. Anyone "found" guilty of child molestation... even after being railroaded, complying with a corrupt evil judge and then having that judge take your kid away... even after subjecting that poor kid to being abused and raped in the CPS system... even after all that, out on the net-a child molestation conviction is a child molestation conviction. It is the mark of Cain in America and Sgt. Dyer will be done for. Everything he spoke up for, our cause, will be discredited and drug through the media mud. They will make an example out of him and tar baby us all-Patriots, Militia, Three Percenters, NRA Gun Owners, Tea Party(yes you too).
The Oath Keepers will be done for as well-letting the man whose YouTube videos sparked that movement go to prison without so much as a dollar's support. That's to be expected from the Rhodes Org. I suppose.
And if you've been paying attention they will send Sgt. Dyer to the same prison where he testified against several of his co-workers for their abuses. Hell they tried starving him when they had him incarcerated on those bogus weapons charges!
If there isn't more support-evidence,testimonials, protests, or something a bit more (legally) substantial, July4Patriot-Sgt. Charles Dyer-is done for.
You can at least put in to the damn chip-in...
J. Croft
Les I used this very scripture just yesterday.
John 8:44 (King James Version)
I also had a dream last night of people been hunted down. It looked like a time of war and good people everywhere were on the run from the TPTB. The bastards had every angle covered and it was near on impossible to move or communicate without giving away your position. As far as I remember there were few prisoners taken and the bodies just kept mounting up in the streets. It was a struggle just to stay alive. I woke up just before they got me. (grin)
Monsanto is one evil entity among many, but even their name sticks out in the hall of fame of the worse types of demon parasites known in hell. Just the mention of that name gives me the shivers. They are the type that suck the life force from everything, like a big fat slug, you always know they have been around because they leave a slime trail behind them and every plant and life form they come in contact with bares the scares.
Good post Les
Wierd dream too. Blowsey spectacled social workers from my past with questions. I cringe at questions so spent my entire dream evading them. Ugly reptilian zombie vampires.
Hadron being powered up, peak current Nov 11th
Rudderless we glide into unmapped territory.
from their own crowing...
Jews in the Bush Administration:
obama admin:
and the 111th congress & senate/house
The Israeli and Arab Lobbies
U.S. Aid To Israel:
Les --
What does it mean to worship Satan? Simple. You must worship death. What is it you give Satan? Your soul. Whay happens when you give him your soul? Your soul dies. What do you get in exchange? Power in this world. Why do you get power in this world? Because by willingly killing off your soul you exit the karmic wheel of mankind, condeming yourself to one last round. Why does this gain wordly power for you? Because your god tells you to lie, cheat, steal and kill anything that stands in your way.
The eternal struggle then is between the "soul dead" and the "soul alive." Gog vs. Magog -- Set vs. Osiris. The blood cult of death, darkness, lightning and homosexuality versus the light cult of love, death, joy and pro-creation.
Here is great article written Nov 2001 about 9-11...Amazing how clearly some saw this act even then.
This article can be found at Carol Valentine's blog Public Action,Inc.
There is a secret relationship between lying and power. It is not the obvious one, that lying is where power comes from. Their marriage has more perversion than that. Absolute power would have no need to lie. At the point the vampires had just openly conquered the whole world and used the humans as food, there would be no need to lie to you about it. There would be no need to waste energy with deceptions because the game was over.
That is not the kind of conquest we see in this world. So much of the lying is terribly expensive, the phony elections, the bogus democracy, the faux news, and the warped education system, the hijacked religions, and the slovenly cinema, plus so much more. At what point does our special brand of evil win sufficiently that the mask comes off and they tell the peasants how things are really going to be?
I tell you, the time is never. Is it because they fear the people rising up in revolution? No, not at all. The truth is, the lying and deception is bigger and more powerful than the power it supposedly created. My government sells drugs then fills prisons with street-level drug dealers. My government uses terrorism then hunts terrorists. My government is supremely racist Talmud Jews who battle racism.
The disconnection between how we are ruled and what is really happening, is nearly total. If they name a new bill, the bill will be to perform that opposite of its name. A war on drugs means to sell them and launder the money. A war on terror means to dress up like terrorists and plant bombs. A war on poverty is to make the rich wealthier. A war on illiteracy is to prevent the next generation from being able to read.
Just as no one ant is intelligent, yet as a colony, they are quite intelligent, we see the emergent principle of artificial intelligence. It does not exist in a physical form or in any individual. Humans are this only on a larger and more complex scale.
There is no MASTER PLAN of evil. The evil has grown so large and pervasive like a fungus that it is taking on an insane life of its own. No individual can turn it off. Anyone who tried would soon end up dead. The Earth has become Rapa Nui the Easter Island where those born against their will into the ruling class continued to enslave the slaves as their father’s had done before them, building monuments not because they want them, but because that is how things were done yesterday. There is a word for it, and that word is MADNESS. It is lunacy based on no one and coming from history itself.
The evil people are not cunning; they are insane. They see themselves as heroes! The sheriff is a hero arresting poor people for drugs while the masters of drugs have the money laundered in Wall Street banks as the lifeblood of economy. Jews BELIEVE they are victims as they victimize. It is not an act. People are so twisted and perverted that the shit up around their necks does sparkle like Champagne to them.
Evil is SOFTWARE in a thoughtful species gone way off track.
What is the only hope of fixing humanity? New software for the emergent collective.
The old cliché seems true to me: make love not war. Invest your energy in something sane and beautiful. A revolution of thought COULD rise up from the chaos, a rogue wave of sanity that shines a light on this ridiculous retardation of the human society. The alternative is what happened before, that we learn the hideous truth that is so vastly worse than them being cunning and evil; they are ignorant and wandering in delusions, and they will reduce everything to utter cannibalistic barbarism where not even they survive. In many ways calling them evil is flattery; it suggests that they somehow know what they are doing and SOMETHING will survive when they are done. Wishful thinking. They don’t know what they are doing.
- Fastillion
Yo dude, in case it wasn't tongue-in-cheek when you attributed Philippians 2:12, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" to Kierkegaard, there you go.
You write okay sometimes. Drop by for a beer.
Les --
Here's a fun lesson from history. Currently we are suffering from a tribe who loves pornography, who are insanely greedy, immoral and can't be trusted.
In the Bible they were called the worshippers of Baal. These worshippers were a constant presence in the temple and these were the people the "prophets" kept screaming about. Christ called them Pharicees/Pharaoh-sis What were some of their practices?
Human sacrifice, especially hideous child sacrifice. True? In Carthage 20,000 dead infants in jars have been found all dedicated for the "good" of Baal... They loved slavery. Their major slave port was called Tyre. From it we have the word tyrant. They worshipped the goat of Mendes. From that we have the word mendacious. They performed sex and death orgies dedicated to their dark Goddess called Sin. From that we get the word sin. They forced every maiden to work as a temple prostitute before marriage. They were called temple pornes. From it we get the word pornography. When they ruled Egypt (see Hyksos) they moved the capital to Avaris and made Set (the Egyptian devil) the state God. From their capital Avaris we get the word avarice, insane greed...
'Nuff said?
Excuse me but all I want is for there to be a world-wide, secular epiphany not a bloody, biblical apocalypse. All I want is for the crimes of TPTB to "be exposed to all the people of the world". All I want is justice. Until the gift of the internet is pried from all of our cold, dead fingers there's still an element of hope ... I think.
M. Rocknest (Em)
William Freeman:
I'm in Germany and we have an english ex-pat meet up once or sometimes twice a week. These guys are in their 40's, 50's and 60's, well travelled and seemingly well informed. And when I say seemingly, I mean they seem to know what is going on in the world...according to the MSM. Jeez, they know it all. But to get this crowd to even question anything is a rare feat. After one of my recent rants about the true state of things I saw them age in front of me, literally by years. They looked drained of life. Of course, the subject changed to foorball and all was well again. Colour returned to cheeks.
If turnover is to be expected soon in the upper ranks of the minions acting for the evil ones, there may be some interest in this speculation that Obama may be overthrown by his Vice President on grounds of unfitness for office. See
I realised at that moment, that the will to seek the truth isn't just about knowing what shit the tribe has been up to again, who did 911 or 7/7 or which evil fucks control the world. It's also about facing up to your own truths or untruths. That is the pre-requisite of the truth. To face the shortcomings of your own life. It's a universal thing. Unless your willing to go down that road, "the truth" won't help.
That's why you hear statements like "Even if it were true I wouldn't believe it".
Even if my drinking pals have hearts of gold, they are not interested in waking up. I even felt guilty about fucking with their heads, but what is the alternative?
William Freeman
Monsanto - MySatan
Interresting clips from The Simpsons and Cliff High. There is definitly something peculiar with the 9th, right in the middle of the 5-14 window. The clock in the Simpsons episode should have been read upside down, as 9/11 now becomes 11/9, and 01 becomes 10. The 6 then should have been read a 9. It is the 9th year post 9/11, symbol of completion of the human expérience. The upside down numbers could represent the dualistic nature of the 3D dream world. Plus, both happens on tuesday, wich in french is Mardi, a day dedicated to Mars, the god of war. Plus, isn't CERN planning a kick off frankensteineske experiment for this day also?
Just a thought..
3D could just wrap up in a flash of light. Maybe 2012 is just a decoy?
See you soon!
Love you all
And as the Lord said, "my spirit will not be with man forever."
I need to say something to you.
You do have a lot of humility...maybe too much, given the time and place of where we are right now. In a very real sense, we, your not-so-invisible friends, are feeding off you in a cool hand luke kind of way. But as you remember, the feeders all loved him.
You have to accept who you are, and why you were put in the position you are currently in, because the universe really is perfect and there are no mistakes.
I am certain that you are surprised and maybe blown away by the impact you have had on the free spirits who remain. We are naturally drawn to you because you speak our language, and we have been waiting for someone to say the fuckin' words that needed to be said, and you are the only one I know of who has had the courage to say them.
So deal with it and quit doubting yourself. Sometimes greatness is thrust upon the right person whether they want it or not. Just keep blowing that horn. I would blow it myself If I were the right person, but I am not. You are all alone, Les. And yet, when it is all over, we will be there for you. I promise.
Fastilion, you've just spelled out what I've been observing for years. Well done.
skinnylegsandall said...
Here is great article written Nov 2001 about 9-11...Amazing how clearly some saw this act even then.
First time response, but long time follower of Les V. The site listed by... skinnylegsandall... just got me educated about common sense... or Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!
Nice to have sexy people show their COLORS
There's a new Visible Origami up-
Separation and the Worlds of Differences and Unity.
One of the things I used to do with my children when they were younger and approaching a birthday or other "present-associated" holiday was to hide things from them. I would hide them in the open and for the longest time they would walk past them never noticing what was "hidden". .Amazingly I could do the same thing today, they "trust" me, so why would I openly "hide" something from them. Reminds me much of what's going on now. Hidden in plain sight is what's being done to us. Thank you for pointing us in the proper direction
hellraisers of the damned
monsanto and the vampires
israhell the ethnic cleanser
warmongers trading in lies
vultures prey on death
coordinating hells
hidden is the waste
humanitys creative well
the stir with in the paradise
charge across the plain
the trails of free indians
in contemplation of the way
vibrate on the mystery
the essence of divine
peace and love in stir
liberating mind.
More on the usual activities of The Tribe.
Here's another account of an outstanding member of The Tribe, who manipulated the British government into the Opium Wars for his benefit.
I read somewhere on the internet that the Catholic church owns Monsanto. Think on that!
Thank you for a fine post Les.
Isn't Mosanto a zionist owned organization?
What then does the Catholic church have to do with it?
"Obama wishes he had a magic porti that he could simply disappear through when the zio-promter go off-line."
If you put 'Catholic church own Monsanto' you will get a link to the comment here (funny) that says, "I read somewhere on the internet that yadda yadda". Somewhere on the internet is real precise.
Monsanto Brothers (members of the tribe) founded Monsanto
Pakalert press has had their account suspended. I suspect zids.
Rev. John
Monsanto Bros., Barnum & Baily Combined Shows, Inc. ?
They've evolved.
Here's a couple of videos by people with a broad understanding of what has been done wrong, and good ideas of how they could be done better.They recognise the responsibility of the banksters, but don't mention the role of The Tribe.
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