Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind?

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

You ask yourself, just how twisted, indifferent and malevolent can some people get before the universe begins to construct an international gallows franchise everywhere there needs to be one. Each day we see unknown wannabees and the usual suspects, vying and competing to see which of them can be registered and remembered as one of the greatest assholes of our time. They’re looking for immortality in all the wrong places, while imagining its location is a suite at The Plaza, followed by a cameo appearance as an ornate urn in the remake of “The Loved One”.

You’ve got Olympics scale competitors, like Janet Nazipolitano and Skull Chertoff. Even their own criminal associates have passed an inflexible law that these two are not allowed to breed. Of course, if you know more about them, you would realize that restriction is unnecessary. There are all kinds of rich people like Jane Harman, Jay Rockefeller, John Kerry, John McCain and others who weren’t satisfied to just spend their spouses or parent’s money and live high on the cannibal hog. They needed, through some terrible compulsion, to also be able to fuck with the lives of others for personal amusement. Why else would you go into public service if you already possessed the payoff for which people go into public service?

Of course there is the vanity of public exposure and personal importance and when you look and act like the serial killer version of Lyle Lovett or a poor man’s Hannibal Lector in Depends, then I guess Nature is telling you, you gotta do what you were designed to do, badly, or worse. There are a few who go into it just for the celebration of pure evil, like Joe Lieberman or Chuckie Schumer but they got those Satan does vaudeville genes.

Sometimes, I sit back and ask myself; where are and who are the good guys? Maybe Ron Paul is a good guy, maybe. We are damn well going to see whether he is now or not because he is in the catbird seat for where his caterwauling has led him. I guess I’d like him better if he didn’t sound like a perpetual member of the Vienna Boy’s Choir, which leads me to Dennis Kucinich, as a logical progression, I think. I begin to think the testosterone shortage is ubiquitous until I get a load of Jessie Ventura. He could be the real deal if he doesn’t turn into a TV personality to the extent he forgets what he came here for.

Alex Jones is not a good guy and neither is Noam Chomsky. I used to think that Chicago prosecutor might be good guy but apparently not. Back in the day, I thought Bill Clinton was a good guy, just to show you what a Holden Caulfield sort of callow youth I was. When he got chummy with George, (Hail Satan!), Bush Senior, I got the message. I mostly think Jimmy Carter is a good guy but everyone stops short of telling it like it is and most of you who read here and at the other fine emporiums of what’s actually going on, know what it’s all short of. I’m not obliquely referring to Kucinich here so, don’t think that. Get it? Never mind, cue Randy Newman.

There’s a recurrent peculiarity that goes off in my head like an atom bomb, just about every day and that is, how come Eisenhower, De Gaulle, Churchill and everyone else who wrote about their time, never mentioned death camps, gas chambers or crematoriums? How come there was an increase in the population of a certain group from before the war to after the war? How come the Red Cross, which was the most in the know organization of anyone connected with the facts of the war and the camps, has one figure as to the deaths and now we got another figure? Should I go figure? How come the death count at Auschwitz was lowed by 3 million from 4.5 million to 1.5 million by the very people claiming six million and you still get six million? How come all these forensic tests come up with no evidence of mass graves? How come just over one hundred thousand survivors have translated into a present count of from two hundred and fifty thousand to over one million survivors? That’s an impossibility but there it is. I could add all kinds of supportive facts to an argument that I couldn’t be making because it’s against the law but this is not the big ticket item.

What is the big ticket item? No one is saying anything. No one except fringe pariahs like myself and a few others has anything to say about this and even uses the serendipitously, out of the blue, several years on, post war figures (from where?) as a defense for all the vile, genocidal behavior of Israel. That’s the big ticket item. Absolute, easily refuted hogwash is accepted as fact by seemingly intelligent, well educated and powerful political figures.

It’s no wonder they don’t want anyone questioning this because there are too many questions. It’s a strange thing how laws have been passed to prevent discussion of this righteously, questionable event in various countries where no good can be seen to come of it. What is the force behind the scenes here? What force compelled ordinarily rational people to go against their own interests and the interests of their fellows by allowing for evil laws to be passed against the truth? I mean, what force besides that of Satan, who rules the temporal sphere acting on behalf of his progeny? It would have to be money.

Yes folks, its money. Those who print it determine the nature and color of reality. But can there not be even a handful of slightly honest, slightly courageous, people around with some small flicker of integrity left who might say something? Isn’t there some famous and influential person dying of terminal illness somewhere who might speak out from their death bed? What gives? I mean, what gives? I’m missing some hocus pocus somewhere. I know that their near complete control of the press accounts for a blackout on anything approaching wider exposure but there are ways.

This group of latter day Pharisees has got their hand out for every dime they can get their hands on and it’s all based on the same hard wired argument for perpetual victimhood. I understand the victimhood, as an inflexible block against criticism, especially in the light of all those much larger holocausts like the gulags of Soviet Russia, the Ukraine and the Armenian holocausts that they were directly responsible for. I understand that the best way to go around victimizing is to be seen as the victim but... come on, this is beyond absurd that so many people in a position to speak can be so utterly silent.

It must be that when you sell out, a certain switch gets thrown inside your head and you are made incapable of alternative behavior. Is it some pervasive force, of ancient and atavistic evil, that simply clouds the minds of nearly everyone, everywhere? It missed me and it missed a few others. Maybe those tinfoil hats are more effective than we give them credit for.

I really need some answers but, on the other hand, I suspect those answers are coming soon. I scarcely see any of the other bloggers and writers mentioning this. They seem to want to focus on other aspects or other things, without dealing with the real nitty gritty, which is behind all the other shit to begin with. Unless you deal with the cause and not the symptoms, all you are going to get is a questionable state of false well being but you’re still sick, you just don’t notice it as much. Maybe that’s why I never take any of that cold or flu medicine, or ever catch much of anything either. I think there’s a connection between all of it. I think most people get sick because their integrity and courage are too low to protect them from pathological invasion.

There are all kinds of immune systems and some people go to great lengths to prove it. Don’t watch that video it you are squeamish. WARNING! Do not watch that video if you have issues (grin).

I’m putting something together and this is probably the right place to link it, here at the end of whatever this is. Let me hear from you.

In conclusion, all I can say is that a whole lot of you had better grow a pair and to also say that I’m glad I’m not you. I’m a little more like Olaf. There is some shit I just will not eat. Well it didn’t work out so well for Braveheart but the times are certainly changing so we’ll see how it all sorts out because... well, because we are all a part of it and it’s going to become very apparent soon enough.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis narrates:
How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind?

Visible sings: Walk Across the Bridge by Les Visible♫ Walk Across the Bridge ♫
Lyrics (pops up)


Anonymous said...

Les, here one answer for starters if you think in the abstract.

Anonymous said...

Hi Les, thanks. Great as usual.

While watching the Ben Stein documentary "Expelled" I got very excited about that piece being used against them. He passionately pleads for ALL ideas and philosophies to be heard without negative repercussion. He is talking about creationism versus intelligent design and exposes the politically incorrect stance of the intelligent design groups' ostracism by the proponents of the excepted Darwinism mythology.

This is a perfectly logical and proper stance. ALL ideas and facts should be allowed and discussed freely in the open without fear of the repercussion by the power structure which has differing prevailing "accepted" ideas. WOW!

I thought of recreating this documentary again and inserting the word "holocaust" for "intelligent design". Perfect!

By his own logic and argument the holocaust religion would have to be discussed and examined in the open with all evidence and facts on the table!

I need to think about how to make this documentary.

Also, PLEASE read this piece by J. Bruce Campbell. You are not alone!

Anonymous said...

The victor writes the history books. Germany has been condemned for the deaths of Jews during WW2 - the Brits did a lot of killing too - their murders have been well hidden.
Take a look here.
As Napoleon said, history is a lie agreed upon.
It seems that no country is immune from evil people who think they have the right to screw with people's lives.

brian boru said...

I think that fear and conditioning are the main reasons that the holohoax has lasted so long. Taboos are powerful deterrents and there is no more powerful one than this. Even a cursory examination would show what a vile fraud it is and despicable defamation of a great people. Who else but the masters of the LIE could pull it off.

Kelli said...

Les, did you know that Prince Charles has a new book out titled, 'Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World' . It almost makes me pity him for being born to such a disgusting couple and think he might have some humanity in him.

Anonymous said...

There two things that I rarely hear mentioned when discussing the holohoax. One is why would the Germans bother to tattoo a number on the jooz if they were going to murder them. Seems like a simple head count would be sufficient. Does a feed lot tattoo a number on the cattle before slaughter? Numbers would be a good way to keep track of the jooz if they were being used on work details.

The other weird situation concerns transporting them sometimes hundreds of miles in cattle cars only to gas them at their final destination. Wouldn't a bullet in the back of the head be a lot cheaper. Germany was desperate for fuel during WWII. A two cent bullet would be the way to go unless a labor camp was the intended objective.

Yep, the holohoax and 911 have a lot in common. Both defies logic. Well I guess in this the brave new world, there is no place for logic.


Anonymous said...

"Where are the good guys." I've often pondered that same question. I believe there are many good guys standing in the wings waiting for the right set of circumstances to make themselves known. A complete crash of the economy/system would present such an opportunity. Things being what they are why/how could a decent individual with integrity be effective in the snake pit. The system is corrupt beyond redemption. There is no way to tame a rattlesnake.

The individuals you mentioned might be good guys. I can think of a few others. They just aren't going to make enough difference. The best doctors in the world can't cure a terminally ill cancer patient.


Visible said...

But God can, he does it everyday. However in this regard, he has come to administer a spanking and a whole lot of exposure right in the middle of them doing it. I've got it on good authority that that is starting right now.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear we have just been saved from another vicious patsy errr terrorist. This guy was going to bomb Washington's subways and then wage war against coalition forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan blaw blaw blaw. It wasn't explained how he would get out of the USA after he set off the bombs.

When are they going to give this shit up. The FBI is probably aware of thousands of individuals who say all kinds of things and do nothing.

Well I've used my share of bandwidth.


Anonymous said...

The reason good people keep silent or comment anonymously is because of risk to life and livelihood.

But a sea change in economic circumstances will provide the spark that ignites the popular enlightenment and bloodthirst for revenge.

Also, people must grow a thicker skin. When accused of racism simply respond: "If telling the truth makes me a racist, I can live with it."

Anonymous said...

I really do appreciate your articles, they sometimes make me get a headache from using what I think is my brain, (imagine that, using my brain) I used to just tune into the 6 o'clock news to get my opinion. but then I got lazy and started watching the 10 o'clock version. Things settled down , then came the bank bailouts,,, 2008, I know I am 28 years too late, and maybe it is too late to make a difference now....By the way, where was this site at 28 years ago? Never mind, I would have had to watch it on the 6 o'clock news to get it.
But thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me think ,,,,,and hurt during the process.
Alan Goette

Anonymous said...

Hey Les,

How d'you square this?

Oppression and injustice take place in the real world, but the most truthful struggle against it takes place in cyberspace. Is the boot (or Raytheon's microwave painstick, come to that) mightier than the combined virtual might of millions of truthseekers?

In the short term at least, it might be possible to say: unfortunately, yes.




Anonymous said...

If we were to get to the bottom, to the absolute bottom of everything that is going on today in the world, we would arrive at inevitable and incontrovertible evidence of tremendous importance:

There is one war and only one war: A war waged by the international Jew against the Gentile world.

That’s the absolute bottom line. If you have a good, solid grasp of this fact, you’ll be amazed at how easily everything else falls into place as pieces of jigsaw puzzle.

The dichotomy ‘whites against non-whites’ is the latest and the most devious of schemes hatched by the Jew ever. A paradigm shift is absolutely necessary if the world is to avert a disaster of momentous proportions. The solution to almost all major problems in the world today is in the formula that very few people can wrap their heads around. The formula is: International fight of all gentile peoples against the international Jew.

That’s all. As simple as that. That’s the final solution. Make people understand what this formula implies and make them act accordingly and you’ll enact a revolution of magnitude never seen before in the History of mankind - a revolution that would make Jesus Christ and Adolph Hitler look like boys playing with pebbles on a sea shore.

Anonymous said...

It's not so much being blind as not wishing to see.

As for the greatest lie of the 20th Century, it can still lead to lunacy, a mild example being:-

Maybe it's better to leave them to their path as it seems they are now imploding under the weight of their own lies.

For the rest of us - maybe best to help as many 'searchers' as we can to at least identify what to avoid, in the time left for cyber-coms?

Good one, Les ... ;)


Anonymous said...

Les, I wonder if Julian Assange is the "Dead Mans Switch"..... referring to the Sampson Option.

WV: Brier

de-feet went over de-fence before de-tail did...... Brer Rabbit

Peter of Lone Tree said...

To accompany your post:
by Joe Bageant

Anonymous said...

"I mostly think Jimmy Carter is a good guy"

Just shows how wrong any of us could be. Carter gave millions in military aid to Indonesia in order to wipe out the indigenous Tamils. In fact Carter and Kissinger went over for a kick-off party for the festivities and as soon as they got on their return flight home the Indonesian army went into action machine-gunning down women and children in Tamil villages and towns. Just shows too that true evil can have a nice smile on its face.

kikz said...

@ lone tree..

nice catch on the bageant piece, parts of which were in one duff's latest on catbirdseat..


Anonymous said...

Well said writers and commenteers, keep digging and you will find books like Other Losses by James Bacque which reveal even greater truths.
Illusion, obfuscation, half truths and outright lies stir the cauldron of accepted history and yet as is the case with all aspects of declared truth the stench of agenda and manipulation prevail upon the uneducated and unsuspecting, the silver lining in this dark cloud must be seen as opportunity! JCK

Anonymous said...

I would just llike to say thank you to Les and all for getting me to think about things in different ways. Have never thought I fit in in this world or was meant to live in this prison called earth.

I do get really angry at what is going on but decent people won't do anything because they are decent. Sometimes when I go to Wally World I catch myself thinking that depopulation might not be such a bad idea. When it happens I hope we can just stay out of the way and go on with our lives. It is enough of a challenge to just keep out of the way of some huge SUV driven by a HUGE ego with an obese body stuffing their face with some dead, chemically enhanced "food". Hey it is not too late to wake up but most people will willfully stay in the matrix until their death because it may be too painful to face the truth. I have been guilty of all these things too. Conditioning and mind control, yes. I want to reach out to people with compassion and show them what has happened to them and let them know that it is not their fault and that they can choose a different path if they want. And there is probably nobody more mind controlled than the Jews because indeed their mind conditioning comes straight from the one who posesses no truth. Poor people are only fulfilling their destiny. I have much pity for them. And much gratitude for having the gift of a mind that will not so easily accept the mind conditioning that keeps so many in a deep slumber. Thank you Les for using your gift to the betterment of us all.
Peace and Love to all.

amarynth said...

Yes, something has shifted and we've moved into a kind of newness. We are the people, the gnosine frequency masters becoming. I'm happy to see this community initiative getting traction. It is time for us to simplify .. love creator and love one another, in a real practical and a visible manner. This sounds so lame, but this is what is required, and I'm not a writer or a poet and cannot express the brilliant layers and interweaving of this act of love. Be ready. We are going to be required to really love, not stupidly but in a state of divine, reckless sheer joy.; said...

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen...At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as International Bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."
- John F. Hylan, New York City Mayor, 1922

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
- Woodrow Wilson, 1913

"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans. It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe - the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries - is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads."
- Benjamin Disraeli (Jew), Prime Minister of Britain, 1876

"The one who cannot see that on Earth a big endeavor is taking place, an important plan, on which realization we are allowed to collaborate as faithful servants, certainly has to be blind."
- Winston Churchill (Jew; son of a Brooklyn jewess)

"Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here and it controls all of our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."
- Congressman Louis T. McFadden, 1934

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Whomsoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
- James Garfield, assassinated within weeks of release of this statement during the first year of his presidency in 1881

The International Bankers can murder Presidents and get away with it. What hope for ordinary Joes?

Speak up and you will get whacked.

Neko Kinoshita said...

I was so busy loving that piece, that it was really jarring when Joe went right over the cliff with that "Climate Change" crap.

He could have taken that a dozen different ways and I would have stayed right there, but that one is one of my litmus tests.

Too bad, he had going for awhile.

Meow all,

wv: evast - "evast there maytey! Thar she blows!"

ChewyBees said...

It all comes down to the ego. The ego can be controlled and controlling in a great many ways. For the controllers (or takers), at all levels it is a disconnect, acute to complete, from manifesting the higher emotions, most notably Love. Their egos become super-egos, not because they have x-ray vision and a cape, but because they efficiently and perpetually control and take from the other egos. This disconnect from the higher emotions allows for a strong connection of the lower emotions of hate and fear and harm. This also gives them a unique ability to act like a caring and loving being and get away with it. To put it simply, they just don’t care about people except as a means to get them more things. Things are the driving force behind their existence, and sub egos are the tools of labor and energy to get it.
The other egos are the sub-egos. These egos are susceptible to the powers of fear induction the super-egos will gladly set upon them. Because the sub-egos know the higher emotions, at many levels, they also have trouble comprehending that others could be absent of them entirely. Because of this, and the giving attitude that accompanies the sub-ego, they are easy prey for the super-egos. They will believe that things will change for the better because fraud artists tell them it will. It is grandma with a checkbook listening to the televangelist preaching before the gates of a virtual heaven.
One drives fear. One reacts with fear. One takes all they can regardless of who gets hurt. One gives what they can and then some until they are on the street and destitute. One sees the children of God as disposable assets and liabilities. One sees the world through rosary colored glasses.
The good guys are in fact everywhere. It is only that the good guys haven’t figured out there are just as many psychopathic bad guys, and those bad guys hold every political office in the world, religion and science not to be excluded. The power of these super-egos is not super at all. It is only their innate ability to deceive, manipulate and control that allows them to have any power at all. In a mono-a-mono situation they would fold and lie crying, begging for mercy. But get an army of sub-egos to do their bidding, and they are a force to be reckoned with.
All organizations, with no exception, break down into these subdivisions of control and enslavement. If you can find one that doesn’t have a few controlling many and profiting from that control, then you just haven’t waited long enough. The governments and religions of the world are prime examples of this.
I often wonder why people cannot see deception and evil intent coming from a mile away. I mean really, if a lower life form like a dog or a horse can sense it, what has happened that we with our advanced, high frequency brains are blind to any of it? This is the change I would have manifested more than any other. Without the ability to deceive, they lose the ability to manipulate, and can no longer create and implement fear in the masses. That’s the day a bunch of rats start sneaking down into their underground hovels and shelters where we can seal them in until they are ready to learn repentance.

Anonymous said...

We have lost the 'truth' within us.
Let me unfold the image....or not.
A spell was cast over this domain so all who entered, forgot the reason for their coming.
That was the trap which laid in wait for us, as we willingly entered 'His' realm, to place in-chains 'He' who has rebelled and was cast down.
The battle never ended...this is what has been forgotten.
Yesterday we were the Bravest of Warriors.
Today, we are forgetful philosophers locked in an illusion, trying to re-discover.
Its urgent, we know it...........and time is running short.
We don't belong here....this is not 'Our' realm.
The more we look around and try to make sense of this illusion, the deeper we are drawn-in.
Cryptic messages from the outside say that others will come to our aid, to break the spell we are under...and the sky's will roll up like a sheet of teased paper.
Is it another ploy...only time will tell.
Til then, we must continue to reject this realm and all that is found within.
Remember All that there you, regardless of this illusion.
Beauty, Strength and Wisdom.
Your sword is Love, your shield, Truth.
Never lay down your weapons.


Anonymous said...

Great article and well written. I'll be coming back.

I think I have part of the answer Then again, so does every man and his canine:

The problem in my view is that people (myself included) discuss their real views in blogs like this. They discuss things with one or two of their open-minded and well informed friends. But they dare not talk openly about their views generally. Why? Because it's not PC, it's dangerous, it's 'conspiracy'.

The corollary to this point is that changing this situation is difficult because real effort is required to find the material to get informed. It's hard to find the real truth when 95% material available is rubbish and simply lies (winners write history etc). And critical thinking is hard too.

That's my rant...

Red Porch said...

Two ways to go here:
It's either...


Some choice, eh?

Anonymous said...

Creationism and intelligent design HAVE been discussed...and thoroughly destroyed! Now get over it and use your brain.

Anonymous said...

Test. (Forgive me, to make this worth posting, i'll let you know my idea for a t-shirt message: "Moths are people too!")

Greg Bacon said...

Each day we see unknown wannabees and the usual suspects, vying and competing to see which of them can be registered and remembered as one of the greatest assholes of our time

You're being too kind.

I used to think Jimmy Carter was a good guy too, until his grandson wanted to run for some political office, so Carter got on his knees, begging the Zionist power structure to please let my boy run and win.

Here in the former USA, being blind and STUPID is desirable, as it lets one chew their cuds in a more relaxed manner.

Anonymous said...

What difference does telling the truth make? If you tell it it gets spun and the vast majority of the hearers don't want to hear it to begin with. The LIES that support materialism which now completely rule the world are what people want to hear because they are materialists. Truth which calls for courage and integrity is not markatable...nothing in it that satisfies the body or lazy mind which has abandoned the unseen God because attaining Him has always been a real effort...I am a jealous God...there are two shall love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself. Too much for modern man who tries to love himself and fill his barns with good things.

Anonymous said...

Yes Dear Les,

I think Ru Paul would make a fine President. There could be fine drag races in DC resulting in dips in the Tidal Basin. Wilbur Mills would be proud of "The Republic for which it stands."

At wits end,


Anonymous said...

If they had gas chambers, they wouldn't need any gas. They would only have to suck the air out of the chamber to the equivalent of 60,000 feet of altitude, like they do to dogs and cats at the humane society.

I suppose the jews expect us to believe that the people who gave us rockets and jets, and who knows what else, would do it the difficult, dangerous, expensive, and idiotic way.

If you're not agreeing to a perfectly stupid thing, you're not being obedient.

If it weren't tragic, it would be funny.

The swiss cheese holocaust; full of holes.

Anonymous said...

hate to rain on your parade anonymous 1129 but if you are posting they know who you are and where you are you think because it says anonymous you are?as les said grow a pair we all gotta die sometime or if you prefer the more esoteric view we all gotta leave these bodies sometime and anyway this is not a game stand up and be counted

Anonymous said...

Thank you Les.

The mendacious parasites are getting more panicky by the day. PLEASE read this link and sign the petition if you are like minded. We stand to lose the freedom to read GREAT blogs like this one and others. The FCC vote is scheduled for 12/21.

Thanks and may God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:41 AM
Last Xmas I was discussing some injustice with my brother in law at the dinner table.
After I'd finished my two cents (everyone listened attentively) the conversation was ended with him saying 'But that's the way things are' with all at the table agreeing.
Where do you go with that!!

I love the following, written more than 50 years ago, never more meaningful today

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Friedrich Gustav Martin Niemöller


Anonymous said...

Creationism and intelligent design HAVE been discussed...and thoroughly destroyed! Now get over it and use your brain.

7:16 AM
In response to this person, try following your own advice, use your brain, learn how to read.

The point of my post had NOTHING to do with Darwinism versus creationism. The point was, a big Hollywood Jew made a documentary pleading for ALL points of philosophy and science to be brought to the table without fear of retribution, no matter how unpleasant or politically incorrect.

This is the perfect argument for examining the HOLOHOAX. The fact that he uses this rational argument to look at Darwin/creationism is immaterial, he is using a logical argument that will be bulletproof in exposing the holohoax.

Allowing ALL positions and scientific proof on the table for open examination and discussion, rather than shutting down all talk of honestly looking at the history of WWII as "holocaust denial" and hate speech.

DaveS said...

A plethora of positively prognostic post this morning. Good stuff... I really liked all those quotes about secret societies. Funny how the truth is right there for anyone with half a brain to see – yet people are willingly eating-up all the lies.

Is it just me, or do most Americans seem like folks that have been thrown feet-first into a meat grinder and are happily eating sausage freshly made from themselves?

Seriously, can it be more obvious? The riot cops, and often the regular beat cops, are dressed like the bad guys, and yet the folks cower and act like these men are their friends? HeeHee. To see anything more stupid you need to travel to a slaughter house where thousands of pounds of animal are killed by hundreds of pounds of men.

The next line the human masses will stand in won't be to fleece them, but to make them meat. For many, it will be a step up...

Good to read everyone's comments today...

People who fell for the global warming scam (for a while I was one too) probably did so because we've been being prepared to believe in some catastrophic end to the world... growing up in the '70's they prepped us well with the nuclear weapons the soviets and u.s. were pointing at each other. Actually, it goes back 2000 or so year, to the freaks who penned the bible. Damn that old testament is a scary world, no wonder they wrote of angry, vengeful gods. Screw those gods, I want hope, not vengeance.

And a last word regarding Jimmy Carter... I like the man. I've met him a few times, once when he stood in a line of 600 people to order food from me (I was the drink dude) at the Ullrhoff cafeteria at the Snowmass Ski Area... something like that speaks volumes to me about the make-up of a person.

That said, he also commanded a nuclear submarine full of the instruments of death, and must have been willing to launch those sleek killer penises on someone's orders... Such a thing also speaks volumes about a person. I don't know. Anyone who comes into power usually has stepped on a few other heads to get there, that's why these days I avoid those types.

Peace all!

henry beck said...

Douglas Reed:The controversy of Zionism
Describes over 3000 year of Levites/Pharizees/Zionists against the rest of the world, the 'goyims.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother, amen!!!! I just don't think people want to "THINK" that deeply about anything. I just might scare the hell out of them!!

Anonymous said...

Tony said: "..........When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew."

I heard that one but it was worded a little bit different.
"When they came for the Jews I said there they are over there,
Can I be of any help."


Anonymous said...

I think the majority of sheeple are aware that things are not quite right. They just choose to ignore it. As long as the threat over there does not effect them it is not a problem. So what if 10% of the workforce is wondering where their next meal is coming form. As long as there is food on their table. Ignorance is the act of ignoring.

Another thing that the sheeple choose to ignore is that we have all these set-ups by the FBI and other agencies trying to to keep the fear going. On a greater scale they are trying the same thing with groups and even countries. Looking for some enitity to take the toys that they provide and blow up something so that they can start another war for profit.

When it comes time to ship millins of sheeple off to the camps it will be just like before. Thousands of sheeple guided by a few soldiers as they shuffle up onto the train cars and off they go with blank stares and since the lights ahve been out so long behind those eyes.

In the end this is going to be a desolate planet inhabited by a remnent of what once was a most beautiful planet. In the distant future some advanced civilzation's antrhopologist will be wondering about how such a stupid species made it as far as it did. What perentage of the population (men) are shooting blanks now?


William Freeman said...

Check this guy out, he's not bad at all.
Passes the Litmus test, even if the chosen name of his blog is slightly heavy for the weak at heart (grin).


William Freeman

kikz said...

speakin of goodguys..(that actually might be)

seymour hersh has been quiet of late.. not even a peep on the wikileaks saga...
or i've just missed it.

Anonymous said...

In the interest of passing on knowledge:
For understanding the real history of the Jews, their influence and power in the world, and, their agenda.
Many of these books were written by honorable whistleblower Jews that could not remain silent with this knowledge. Most are suppressed in the jewish controlled publishing and printing business.

Many are still available free of charge online as pdf files.

(in no particular order)

"The Controversy of Zion" - Douglas Reed
"The Religion of Judaism" - Michael A. Hofmann
"The Synagogue of Satan" - Andrew Hitchcock
"The Jews, The Whole Truth" - Kostas Plevis * (not yet available in English)
"Final Judgement" - Michael Collins Piper
"The Victory of Judaism Over Germanism" - Wilhelm Marrs
"Dissecting the Holocaust" - Germar Rudolf
"The Myth of the Six Million" - David Hoggan
"Not Guilty at Nuremberg" - Carlos W. Porter
"Made in Russia - The Holocaust" - Carlos W. Porter
"The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" - Arthur R. Butz
"The Holocaust Industry" - Norman Finkelstein
"The International Jew" - Henry Ford
"Terror Timeline - History of the Jewish Assault on the World" - Victor Wolzek
"Holocaust, Jewish or German?" - S.E.Castan
"Jewish History - Jewish Religion" - Israel Shahak
"Hoax or Holocaust - The Arguments" - Jurgen Graf
"Truth For Germany" - Udo Walendy
"When Victims Rule" - 2000 page compendium of multiple authors, mostly Jewish
"The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes" - Samuel Crowell
"The Rudolf Report" - Germar Rudolf
"Auschwitz - Open Air Incineration" - Carlo Mattogno
"Auschwitz Lies" - Rudolf, Mattogno
"Auschwitz: Plain Facts - A Response to Jean Claude Pressac" - Faurisson, Mattogno, Rudolf, Thion.
"Did Six Million Really Die?" - Barbara Kulaska (Report of the evidence in the Zundel trial 1988)
"The First Holocaust" - Don Heddesheimer
"Anne Frank's Diary, A Hoax" - Ditlieb Felderer
"Did Six Million Really Die?" - Richard E. Harwood
"The Invention of the Jewish People" - Shlomo Sand
"Masters of Discourse" - Israel Shamir
"Israels Sacred Terrorism" - Livia Rokach
"The Nameless War" - Archibald Maule Ramsay
"Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" - Nesta H. Webster
"The Forced War" - David Hoggan
"Communism in Germany - Adolf Ehrt (1933)
"The Dispossed Majority" - Wilmot Robertson
"Twilight Over England" - William Joyce (1940)

Search, download, Read, Read, Read and pass on!

Anonymous said...

It’s now official – there’s been no actual shortage of Holocaust Survivors :

Quote from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso in the year 2000:

'The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million.' (page 83)

Anonymous said...

I've checked out the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War - not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchill's Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.

In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

Anonymous said...

Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica

Wiesel has been one of the most prominent spokesmen for the very sizable group of people known as Holocaust survivors. Wiesel has chaired the US Holocaust Memorial Council and has been the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and Nobel Peace Prize..

Time Magazine, March 18 1985:

‘How had he survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? "I will never know" Wiesel says. "I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?"

Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under ‘Buchenwald’:

"In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions."

Anonymous said...

In the interest of passing on knowledge:
For understanding the real history of the Jews, their influence and power in the world, and, their agenda.
Many of these books were written by honorable whistleblower Jews that could not remain silent with this knowledge. Most are suppressed in the jewish controlled publishing and printing business.

Many are still available free of charge online as pdf files.

(in no particular order)

"The Controversy of Zion" - Douglas Reed
"The Religion of Judaism" - Michael A. Hofmann
"The Synagogue of Satan" - Andrew Hitchcock
"The Jews, The Whole Truth" - Kostas Plevis * (not yet available in English)
"Final Judgement" - Michael Collins Piper
"The Victory of Judaism Over Germanism" - Wilhelm Marrs
"Dissecting the Holocaust" - Germar Rudolf
"The Myth of the Six Million" - David Hoggan
"Not Guilty at Nuremberg" - Carlos W. Porter
"Made in Russia - The Holocaust" - Carlos W. Porter
"The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" - Arthur R. Butz
"The Holocaust Industry" - Norman Finkelstein
"The International Jew" - Henry Ford
"Terror Timeline - History of the Jewish Assault on the World" - Victor Wolzek
"Holocaust, Jewish or German?" - S.E.Castan
"Jewish History - Jewish Religion" - Israel Shahak
"Hoax or Holocaust - The Arguments" - Jurgen Graf
"Truth For Germany" - Udo Walendy

Anonymous said...

"Auschwitz Lies" - Rudolf, Mattogno
"Auschwitz: Plain Facts - A Response to Jean Claude Pressac" - Faurisson, Mattogno, Rudolf, Thion.
"Did Six Million Really Die?" - Barbara Kulaska (Report of the evidence in the Zundel trial 1988)
"The First Holocaust" - Don Heddesheimer
"Anne Frank's Diary, A Hoax" - Ditlieb Felderer
"Did Six Million Really Die?" - Richard E. Harwood
"The Invention of the Jewish People" - Shlomo Sand
"Masters of Discourse" - Israel Shamir
"Israels Sacred Terrorism" - Livia Rokach
"The Nameless War" - Archibald Maule Ramsay
"Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" - Nesta H. Webster
"The Forced War" - David Hoggan
"Communism in Germany - Adolf Ehrt (1933)
"The Dispossed Majority" - Wilmot Robertson
"Twilight Over England" - William Joyce (1940)

Search, download, Read, Read, Read and pass on!

12:35 AM

Anonymous said...

Les, I heard that Tim Geithner just got back from having kidney stones. Anyway I just found out what really causes them (wink)and I thought I would share this with everyone.

WV: yawei (I am not kidding)

Anonymous said...

As I've posted before, the high-priest of holocaustianism Raul Hilberg openly admits of "the lonely task of holocaust research in 1948." Oh yeah, a GOLDEN opportunity for Amer/Israel and those filthy, fucking communists to...(oh wait, Germany was now the ally and Communism was the enemy, gotcha!) point their collective fingers at Germany and really open up a can of whoop-ass! (well, that's what Dresden and Hamburg et al as well as Eisenhower's death camps were) Pictures and films should have been flowing confirming that daddy did indeed fight the "good war". The USA "beat the nazis" !?!?! give me a fucking break!! Given the standard narrative you failed SIX-MILLION-TIMES and COUNTING!!!
But-ah, some of ya' all are in a such-uh bad-uh luck-uh right now-uh, Amen-uh, that you couldn't hit-ah the broadside of a barn-uh with a BASE-uh-BALL-uh-BAT-uh, Amen-uh! That's-ah all how much-ah bad-ah luck-ah y'all in right now, Amen-ah.

I tell ya, I must be some kind of masochist as I still subject myself to periodic views of various game shows and THIS SICK FUCKING SOCIETY conjures up thoughts of suicide, in a "death-before-dishonor" state of mind. It is getting increasingly intolerable and dishonorable to live in north america. I know, I KNOW...switch that Miserable piece of shit OFF!! I can't tolerate looking at Americans getting all giddy as Pat and Vanna hand them tickets to Oahu or Montana or, or, or...They truly don't give a damn of the horrors that they are collectively dumping on others.

anyway, "the hitler speech they don't want you to hear"

Visible said...

There's a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up-

A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.

DumbGoyNot said...

Hey Les,

This turned out to be really long. I tried to shorten it but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it. So I don't blame you if you decide it's too long to post.

While reading your essay I had the thought that most of us automatically tend to blame the human perpetrators of the crimes being committed against us, but the apostle Paul made the statement that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). What I get from that statement is that even though there are people involved, the power source behind what they do is the demons. The consensus among most Bible scholars is that the principalities are the most powerful of the demons, being fallen angels like Lucifer.

One thing most people don't know is that the demons operate under a lot of pressure to perform, kind of a 'perform or else' situation in which they are forced by threat of terror to stay continually energized in whatever agenda they're assigned to, which in the case of the principalities is to entrap the human race, enslave it, confuse it, pervert it, and finally kill it. The first recorded instance of the principalities making contact with humans was with the Canaanites of the Old Testament. The first thing the principalities did was to have the Canaanites establish a yearly ritual cycle and to have them prop up a priestclass to mediate it. Of all the things in history this ritual cycle/priestclass is pretty much the only thing that has remained unchanged (same outward ritual practices, same ritual dates, same top-down-control religious format, etc.) from generation to generation for the last 4000 years.

DumbGoyNot said...

There are three principalities named in scripture, Antichrist, Jezebel, and Death and Hell. The spirit of Antichrist is the one and the same spirit as the Old Testament Baal/Bel, the spirit of Jezebel is the same spirit as the Old Testament Ashtaroth/Astarte, and the spirit of Death and Hell is the same spirit as the Old Testament Moloch. These spirits instructed the Canaanites to set up rituals in honor of each of the three which are the winter solstice ritual (Yule) in honor of the spirit of Antichrist, the mid-spring fertility ritual (Ostara) in honor of the spirit of Jezebel, and the mid-fall harvest/death ritual (Samhain) in honor of the spirit of Death and Hell. The principalities managed to work those rituals into every culture in history by manipulating people and circumstances. The winter solstice ritual (Yule) was (and still is) their most important, which was later morphed into the spiritual abortion we call Christmas. The spring fertility ritual (Ostara) was morphed to become what we call Easter, and the fall harvest/death ritual (Samhain) was morphed to become what we call Halloween.

The reason it was so important to the spirits to establish the rituals was because they understood that by getting people to participate in the rituals they would obtain rights of control over them. And of course the control varies by degree of dedication and enthusiasm of the participant. But when you have an entire culture enthusiastically genuflecting to the principality Antichrist via the winter solstice ritual (i.e. Christmas) the end result is that he gets to call the shots in that culture.

DumbGoyNot said...

The principality Antichrist is a multifaceted spirit (i.e. multi personality); he is also the spirit of idolatry, the spirit of top-down-control, the spirit of looking back (nostalgia), and he works to alter time. The Greeks called him Cronos... our word 'clock' came from the word 'Cronograph'. They recognized that he had power that was somehow associated with time, they also believed that he had power over agriculture (whether their harvests would be successful or not). They gave the principality Jezebel the name 'Aphrodite' and recognized her as a consort to Cronos. The Romans adopted the spirit of Antichrist from the Greeks but changed his name to Saturn. They also adopted Aphrodite but changed her name to Rhea. Antichrist is also the spirit of false comfort and seeks to offer the cures for all the ills of mankind. He is the false Christ in other words seeking to replace Christ and thus killing the human spirit. He destroys also by propping up children of Satan into power positions in the top-down-control systems that he and Jezebel set up everywhere and in every time period.

Anyway, so now we should be able to peruse this information and put together some idea of how the people in power get their power. The principality Jezebel basically functions as the spirit of seduction working to energize such things as misinformation/brainwash, immorality, hedonism, unfaithfulness in relationships, etc., the aim being to weaken the human soul (with the intent that the weakened soul will eventually no longer be able to resist being lured into Antichrist). The principality Death and Hell functions as the spirit of rejection who seeks to kill human relationships, human warmth, and eventually the human body (disease, accidents, fights, wars, drugs, stupid human tricks, etc.). I hope this is helpful information and which hopefully may encourage some of your readers to forgo participating in the demonic ritual cycle, especially this week as the main ritual is being crammed down our throats.

Anonymous said...

they're is no they
theirs only we
drifting on a blissfull see
are sails full of complicity
ass wiki leaks
test his pee
not a trace
of is real E

Anonymous said...

I understand your confusion. It started in the Garden of Eden. The below book will shed light on the "mystery of iniquity." It will not answer all questions but will give you some background as to what is going on. It is not a simple explaination. If it were, it would not be a "mystery." The Truth is hidden from the goats and revealed only to the sheep. I do not offer this to sell books. God knows I do not. I offer it for enlightenment. God Bless.

Visible said...

If you could find it in a book we'd all be okay already. The same suit of clothes doesn't fit everyone; that's just how it is... tower of babel and all that.

Anonymous said...

Your blogs and readers deserve better than my vitriol Mr Wise. Plenty of thought provoking comments here. My previous comment came after about 2 hrs of sleep, 1/2 of the 4 hrs sleep that I've had in the past 48. I'm caring for my senior citizen parents, both of whom lived through WWII in Germany. My father STILL says "what's that?" if he hears a siren in the distance as it reminds him of the air-raid sirens of the past. He once said to me when I was 13, "when I was your age, I was helping to pull dead bodies out of houses...get a job!" When the Americans began "rehabilitating" Germany (I feel that vitriol coming on again!!) an American soldier took my fathers inherited stamp collection during a house-to-house search. My father pleaded for them to take his one and only toy gun, but the soldier knew what had actual worth. Both my parents passed on to me an almost insatiable desire for justice and truth, NOT revenge. My mother is the embodiment of forgiveness and patience. Most of you probably have no idea of the incessant derision poured upon the German soul, but I do. From innocous nazi posturing ala Hogan's Heroes that even I still indulge in when I feel exzploiting hyper-efficient German stereotypes (is that comedy still in syndication or has it been deemed anti-semitic for trivializing the Third Reich? made the camps look like a walk in the park and then some)to outright hatred and discrimination. Anyway,you, your blogs and the majority of your readers are meaningful to me! Thank you!

Steve Bayley said...

Everything becomes more clear with every passing day, your take on things are a wonder to behold, the time is near. See you on the other side my friend. I just hope I have learned enough to get there!!!!

Peace and contentment

Steve B

Genie said...

"What is the force behind the scenes here? What force compelled ordinarily rational people to go against their own interests and the interests of their fellows by allowing for evil laws to be passed against the truth?"

My husband is Palestinian and has been here for 35 years. He is a successful entrepreneur. All those years he does not identify himself as a Palestinian here in the US but a Jordanian. Why? Because the Palestinians know that in order to be successful (anywhere) they have to play Israel's game to obliterate everything Palestinian. They have to pretend they are NOT Palestinian. They can't SAY they are Palestinian. Palestinians are not suppose to exist, that's Israel's game. For 63 years they have been erasing Palestine and the Palestinian identity. That's why the notion of a "2 state" is a joke and always has been. Israel doesn't move backward, it does not compromise because it is the anti Christ (or lets just say THAT evil with a purpose). It's perverse beyond the pale. In the USA and elsewhere. The punishment for truth is utter ruination. Not everyone can afford that. Not everyone can be a Gazan! Israel from way back has vowed to obliterate the Palestinians in Palestine should they unilaterally claim statehood on one INCH of Palestine...I fear for them this trend from Latin America to recognize Palestine on the 1967 borders...the Palestinians I fear will be punished for this.

Anonymous said...

Fud 709 i laughed when i read your comment thanks for that haven't laughed in awhile

Anonymous said...

Notice a pattern here? This time the money went to banks in the Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

You are nailing it on the head time and time again Les.
Great post.


Anonymous said...


You're on a rock-n-roll tonight!

Respects, Mouser

faithful forever said...

This is to the poster that goes by DumbGoyNot. I always enjoy your posts. Your words are Biblically sound and that is the ultimate litmus test for anything else is just more lies and falsehoods. I know saying such may unleash a hellatious attack, but so be it. Thus the way of the world, but not for very much longer.

Would it be ok with you if I copy your post. I know I could just do it, but I'd rather ask first.

Anonymous said...

Fud: I heard that one but it was worded a little bit different.
"When they came for the Jews I said there they are over there,
Can I be of any help."

Here is another variation on the theme:

When the Jews first came for the holocaust deniers,
I remained silent; For I did not ask questions and accepted the myth.

When they imprisoned the revisionists,
I remained silent; the media told me they were hate-mongers.

When they extradited the critics of Israel, I remained silent I feared being called anti-Semitic and losing my job.

When they murdered the nationalists,
I remained silent, I was taught to despise my own race.

When they arrested the patriots,
I remained silent; I trusted in Big Government and the European Union.

When they came for the Christians,
I remained silent; I rejected the divinity of Christ.

When they came for the opponents of the New World Order,
I remained silent; I was afraid of Satan.

When they came for me, I cried out in anguish and despair,
But there was no one left to help me.

DumbGoyNot said...

Hey Les,

I had the thought that I should add a few ideas to my previous comment:

There have been several articles posted on some of the alternative news sites within the last week suggesting that we're winning the information war and that because we're winning it the NWO power structure is crumbling apart at the seams. So, I thought I'd post another rant reminding your readers (i.e. the ones who are interested) that the principalities are extremely intelligent, resilient, and resourceful, and very experienced (i.e. thousands of years of experience in dealing with humans) as to how to circumvent obstacles and setbacks. This is not to mention the fact that occasionally they purposely throw wrenches into their own agendas simply for the confusion factor so that nobody, not even their handpicked pawns (people like Jacob Rothschild, Prince Charles, Netanyahoo, Dick Cheney, etc.) can figure out what they're really doing because they want their pawns to be totally dependent on their lead at every moment.

All this being the case, I'd say we would be unwise to think we're winning anything, especially seeing as how the whole of Western Culture is swamped in idolatry (mostly through our addiction to TV and movies) thus giving continual rights to Antichrist to reassert his control over our nation and culture. Also, the immorality magnitude is high enough in Western Culture to give the principality Jezebel literal open door access to the minds (and groins) of most of the adult population. Jezebel's job is to weaken the soul of man through seduction and immorality and hand it on a sliver platter to Antichrist (See 1 Kings chapters 17-22). The point I want to try to make is that I don't think we should expect that we're going to be able to retake our nations from the plutocrats and to restore them to their former glory. I think the thing for us to be concentrating on doing is to clean up our own back yard and wait on the Lord to see what he does (and like Les said, not be doing anything stupid). I think that for us to be imagining that we're going to somehow undermine the NWO will only end in a lot of failed expectation, huge disappointment, and with a lot of people being mad at the Lord (for things he had nothing to do with seeing as how he absolutely refuses to override human free will (unlike Antichrist, Jesus will never attempt to arm-twist people into pledging allegiance to him)).

The reason I think all the above is because of certain verses of scripture in which the apostle John was taken ahead in time to see the end of the world events unfold, and what he saw was that the principality Antichrist (who the Lord referred to in the visions as 'The Beast') would end up taking over the whole world for a short time and through his human counterpart assuming world rule. All this being said, it seems to me that it would be a great big exercise in futility to try to wish it all away. We all have to die sometime, the main thing in this life is to know where you're headed after the show is over. The system priestclass (i.e. televanvelists, theologians, and so-called 'Pastors') got it right about how to insure your eternal destiny, the thing most of them didn't get right was to make sure they have a relationship with the Lord themselves (which most of them don't). The Lord always wanted (and still wants) a church overseen by apostles and prophets as opposed to priests and rabbis (i.e. so-called 'pastors') per 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and Ephesians chapter 4 of the Christian Bible.

Visible said...

with one of my posts

JohnC(UK) said...

That reading was excellent

Anonymous said...

Please Sir, may I have some global warming?


Tom FRUM Estonia

PS: or pehaps some EZ credit even though I've been turned down in the past?

Anonymous said...


Is that you reading the text of "The Royal Lizard Emporium of the Feckless Doom. .flv" on YouTube?

I am puzzled: You don't sound at all as an American would, you sound British.

Anonymous said...


How can you produce so many words without saying anything? Please share - in few words if possible.

Visible said...

anon 1:52

You gave me one of my best laughs of the day. heh heh. I'm not going to say anymore. Be well.

Anonymous said...

Well, you don't have to say anything else, Les. What you have said is more than enough for me to draw a plausible inference: Without reasonable doubt, that was really your voice on YouTube. Very puzzling indeed.

Anyway, I'm happy to know that I gave a good man one of his best laughs of the day. You made my day.

Keep up the good work, man.

DumbGoyNot said...

Dear Anonymous,

I somewhat agree with what you said, I'm aware that I talk too much when it comes to writing. I'm trying to learn how to make my compositions more concise, which is easier said than done for me seeing as how I only finished the 9th grade in junior highschool. The reason I only finished the 9th grade is because I got kicked out of highschool in the 10th grade because I punched out the principal. That was in 1964. I took the G.E.D. in 1966 and went to college off and on for a few years but I never took any English courses, so whatever English writing skills I have acquired since the 9th grade have been self taught. So you can see where I'm at on that score and why my writing isn't so good. As for my last post, to try to speak a word in defense of it, my experience has been that anytime I try to write something explaining what I know about the principalities I get hammered by some stupid demon the whole time while I'm trying to write it, no doubt some underling foot soldier trying his best to run interference for the top dogs. It would be hard for me to explain what it's like trying to write about the spirit realm other than to say that it's kind of like a nonstop hockey game going on inside my head the whole time. If there's anything the ruling spirits don't want it's exposure of how their system works. You can get some idea of it by looking at the oligarchs and how secretive they are about everything, particularly in regard to things having to do with their personal lives and the scams they pull. They no doubt learned it as a principle (and as a cult mindset) over the years and through the generations of having been taught by the ruling spirits.

Anyway, I will try to keep in mind to use as few words as possible when I write these posts.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:00 said:.........When they came for me, I cried out in anguish and despair,
But there was no one left to help me".

You need to read some real history. A good place to start would be the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. If it wasn't for the subversive Jooz those individuals you mentioned wouldn't have anyone coming after them. They would be living in relative peace.

Don't worry, you have come to the right place. Pay attention and Les will get you up to speed. Hey even Jooz are welcome here.


Anonymous said...

DumbGoyNot: The reason I only finished the 9th grade is because I got kicked out of high school in the 10th grade because I punched out the principal.

If you don't mind me asking, why did you punched out the principal ? I hope you had a good reason for doing so.

DumbGoyNot: They no doubt learned it as a principle (and as a cult mindset) over the years and through the generations of having been taught by the ruling spirits.

May I squeeze your very interesting thought into the following short conjecture: It's in their genes ?

Let me explain what I mean. No, I can't explain it without using as much words as you do. A little Circassian boy Tamerlan can explain it much better than I could. It's called genetic memory:

Genetic Memory

Anonymous said...

Fud: You need to read some real history. A good place to start would be the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

I sure appreciate your good advice, Fud. I am a Circassian who emigrated from Russia in 1992 when de-Stalinisation process, launched by moron Khrushchev shortly after Stalin's death, was completed successfully by another stupid little man Gorbachev with the collapse of the Soviet Empire that was created almost single handedly by Joseph Stalin.

Have you ever heard of uncle Joe, Fud. If you have, I would like to know what exactly you have heard of him.

Don't worry, you are talking to the right person. Pay attention to my comments and I will get you up to speed on the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and much more.

Red Porch said...

Hey DumbGoyNo:

Don't apologize for what you know, just tell it.


DumbGoyNot said...

Dear Faithful Forever,

I don't mind if you copy and forward my posts. I hope the comments I make are helpful in some way to anyone who reads them, and if they are I guess the more people that read them the merrier.

Dear Anonymous,

As to why I punched out the principal, he hit me first (this happened in Alabama if that tells you anything). Then about fifteen years later I held a door open for him as we were both entering a public building and we stood there looking at each other and I apologized to him for having hit him all those years before and he apologized to me for the same and we ended up as friends.

But that's really neither here nor there is it? I realize that in the eyes of some people that I can do no right (I've known it all my life). Thinking about it just now reminded me of a statement my old mentor used to make from time to time which was this:

"Whenever you're talking to the sheeple about the New World Order if you don't piss some of them off then you haven't done your job."

So maybe my English skills handicap isn't such a big deal after all.

Visible said...

circassian... ass= elbow? which is it? uh oh, look out, there's a hole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would enjoy hearing your kosher version of the Bolshevik Revolution but if you must keep it short. Stick to the major ethnicities in uncle Joe's circle and such. I believe Alexander Solzhenitsyn (remember him) said twenty million white Christians died in the Russian gulags. That's over three times the six million Jooz that didn't die in the holohoax.

" process, launched by moron Khrushchev shortly after Stalin's death, was completed successfully by another stupid little man Gorbachev"

Wow, you don't say, didn't both individuals send a lot of Jooz packing to Palestine. You remember Edgar Cayce, "from Russia comes the hope of the world". Maybe they read one of the Cayce books.


Anonymous said...

Fud: I don't think I would enjoy hearing your kosher version of the Bolshevik Revolution but if you must keep it short. Stick to the major ethnicities in uncle Joe's circle and such.

Fud, I'm pretty sure that it's going to be very challenging for you to understand what Stalin was all about the way the modern day Russians do today. But I'll try anyway. We have to start reeducating you from somewhere after all, right.

The most important thing to keep in mind while I am trying to reeducate you is this: The image of Stalin that exists in your head, just like the image of Hitler in the heads of absolute majority of people around the world, is created one way or the other by the jews. If you can wrap your head around that simple truth, we have a fairly good chance at succeeding at your reeducation.

Keep your mind open, if you can. You ask me to keep it short. I'm a big fan of keeping things simple, concise, and short. The simplest possible way to put it:

Stalinism = Leninism - Jews.

Can't be shorter than that. Can't you digest that earth shattering statement, Fud? I doubt it very much. So, you see Fud, short statements are good for those who have enough truthful information plus the ability to process that information. I'm afraid you have neither.

Please don't get indignant, don't get offended. I said that not with the purpose of putting you down - it was just a simple statement of how I perceive it, and I have compelling reasons to perceive it that way. You are not the only one who can't. Very, very few people can - so don't get upset and keep your mind open.

I am afraid your interpretation of Khrushchev and Gorbachev as "didn't both individuals send a lot of Jooz packing to Palestine" is too simplistic.

Vladimir Putin called the demise of the Soviet Union, especially the way it happened, the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. In simplest terms what happened was that the international Jewry completed successfully dismantling of jew-free empire created almost single handedly by Joseph Stalin.

Stalin preserved the Russian statehood as best as it was possible to do so under the circumstances the Russian Empire found itself after the mess of the Bolshevik revolution.

That's why the Russians regard Stalin today as the second greatest man in the entire history of Russia. Not Ivan The Terrible, not Peter The Great, not Katherine The Great, not Generalissimos Suvorov, not Field Marshal Kutuzov who defeated Napoleon's Grande Armée, not Feodor Dostoevsky, not Leo Tolstoy, not Vladimir Lenin - but Joseph Stalin. Only Alexander Nevsky - the key figure of medieval Rus, proclaimed "Saint" of the Russian Orthodox Church by Metropolite Macariy in 1547 - came ahead of Stalin in the TV polls conducted just two years ago:

Stalin still a hero in Russia

The poll results you see in this video are preliminary. Pay attention to that ugly Jewish bitch from the Moscow branch of Carnegie Endowment, Masha Lipman, talking about 'Stalin The Butcher' in an attempt to put a spin on the poll results. The presenter of the show, Alexander Lyubimov, is most probably Jewish also. He is clearly trying to diminish the importance of TV poll.

Compare the Jewish spin masters' take on the outcome of the poll with that of that pretty Russian girl on the streets.

faithful forever said...

Great and thank you DumbGoyNot. Agree with Red Porch...well said Red Porch.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones is definitely a good guy. How do I know? Cause I'm a good guy, and AJ is pretty much a reflection of me.

I realize they could've profiled a certain personality/temperament type and scientifically programmed a human Manchurian Candidate to sound like us. But, he has too much of the ring of truth.

think outside the cage

He also has enough obvious flaws as to suggest he's not some kind of disinfobot. They'd've created something more perfect and attractive.

He's the real deal. If Alex listeners/viewers find themselves becoming part of a cult, they have themselves to blame. Alex, despite fighting a Texas-size ego, is all the time telling people to become their own leaders.

Anonymous said...

DumbGoyNot said:

The point I want to try to make is that I don't think we should expect that we're going to be able to retake our nations from the plutocrats and to restore them to their former glory. I think the thing for us to be concentrating on doing is to clean up our own back yard and wait on the Lord to see what he does (and like Les said, not be doing anything stupid)

I think we'd better be realizing that the evil "above," at the top of the pyramid, is a refraction of the evil "below," in all of us.

I think we'd better be purifying ourselves (according to whatever understanding of purity God has given each of us) and we'd also best be standing for, and pushing for, and using, the freedom we're given.

See that to me is the point of politics. I hate politics. I am passionate, however, about fighting for my freedom. That is first and foremost a spiritual and "idea-ological" battle. But it may also go into the realm of actual politics as well. It is a tool we have been given. As in the parable of the talents, I know I'd better not waste any of the resources I've been given, lest I have them all taken away.

think outside the cage



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