Friday, February 4, 2011

Holocaust Porn, I Know it When I see It

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Like the judge said, “Pornography may be hard to define but I know it when I see it.” Ordinary pornography is just ordinary and doesn’t concern me. I don’t pay any attention to it anyway. I might admit to an appreciation of certain skills, say, when a woman can shoot ping pong balls into a shot glass from ten feet... but the horizontal hula, trampoline act of people bouncing up and down on each other, as if there were some reason for them to be so excited, escapes me. I’m also something of a critic as far as the art of the procedure goes. There’s an old joke about 3 young French boys watching a couple make love through a window. One boy is 12. One boy is 10 and one boy is 6 years old. The youngest asks, “What are they doing?” The ten year old responds, “They are making love”. “Yes, and badly” adds the 12 year old. So I guess I’m a critic at the way people perform sex. Well, they don’t know who they’re having sex with in the first place and they don’t know who they are, so it boils down to groping in the dark (grin) and caring and focus are at war with the urgency of passion; goats pissing all over themselves prior to coitus.

You see this everywhere all the time. You see it on the highway, in the fashion that people drive. You see it in supermarket lines. More than half the people perpetually look like they have to take a leak. They are in a state of urgency to get somewhere but when they get there, what happens? What happens when they get there? Where is there? They never get ‘there. There is a place that retreats before desire. The heat of desire drives it away so, ‘there; dangles forever out of reach, until urgency has been replaced by control and control comes through Love, which places all of its emphasis on the loss of self in the beloved. Everything is under control of the eternal master of life and that is Love. Before the highest expression of Love everyone automatically bows their head, knowingly or unknowingly because it is the source of life and the ultimate destination.

There’s a tarot card called The Hermit. Each Major Arcana card, of which there are 22, represents a planetary influence, or a sense, or a quality, along with a great many other things. The sense associated with The Hermit is the sense of touch and that is why mystics often talk of their interaction with the divine in erotic terms. Everything is sex, which at its higher arc transforms into Love and at its highest arc is engaged with all life at all times.

Each card is a book and as Eliphas Levi puts it in his book, “The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic”, a prisoner, devoid of books, had he only a Tarot of which he knew how to make use, could in a few years, acquire a universal science and converse with an unequalled doctrine and inexhaustible eloquence. Meanwhile, people attempt to read these cards to tell the future, when the means of changing it is in their hands. Priorities? There are so many examples of similar confusions, where the glitter of a semi-precious stone, of dubious value, masks the presence of something priceless. Some things you can’t see for so long as your values are terrestrialized.

I’ve got another Litmus Test and this is the first time I’ve talked about it. It’s the holocaust Litmus Test. I’m bringing it up because all sorts of nasty nonsense is rearing its anti-Gentile head. New heights of ridiculous are being scaled daily. My secret litmus test is called The Holocaust Litmus Test. The truth doesn’t do mercy fucks and when you think that’s what you’re getting, it hurts. Why it hurts I will leave to the imagination of the one experiencing it.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle could write tens of thousands of post war memoirs and never mention death camps and crematoriums. I’m waiting for someone to explain how taking over three million from the death count at Auschwitz does not affect the number of six million as the official tally. There are a lot of statistics I would love to have explained to me but no one seems able to. I’m especially interested in how the world population for a certain demographic actually went up during the war years. The census reports a trend that can’t possibly be true has to be. It’s the law.

From the moment I first heard this man speak, I said to myself, he’s off. Something’s not right with this fellow. There are other writers that have been around for awhile who are bigged up about Palestinian rights but who set my teeth on edge. It’s not because their writing lacks any kind of passion or fire, although that is the case. It’s something behind the front agenda that creates a disconnect between what I’m being told and what I’m feeling.

I am mystified as to why there are so few voices- and almost none among those who could actually make a difference- that will stand up and call this masquerade for what it really is. It’s one of the most cynical and manipulative efforts in the whole of history and millions of people are freeloading on it and adding their own fantastic and impossible tales to the mix. They are striving to out do each other in the theater of the ridiculous and they’ve got no shame or hesitation concerning it. Is it some kind of genetic insanity that travels along particular bloodlines or is it the close proximity to so much money, that only requires the use of a slanderous title or the threat of public injury to one’s persona, to have wheelbarrows of cash pull up to the door. Yeah, it’s a money machine and it just keeps expanding like McDonald’s franchises, so that there’s a McHolocaust outlet somewhere near you, in case you’re looking for ideas about how to support your family in these trying times, in large part brought to you courtesy of the same people.

Far be it from me to deny the holocaust because, there very definitely was one and it was performed on the German people as much as anyone of the time. It was performed on them by the Zionist run Soviet army on the one hand and the Zionist controlled U.S. on the other and it was from there that the war was first declared on Germany by the neo-Pharisees. They were all hot and bothered because Hitler was none too pleased about what was happening to the German economy or in the Cabaret Society of Berlin.

This is how the holocaust should be remembered, as something that happened to the German people, as much as to anyone and that the Zionists who refused to let aid packages through to those in the camps, were the same Zionists who wouldn’t let the Red Cross even into the gulags in Russia and that, given the tens of millions they killed in Russia, it makes perfect sense that whatever happened in WW2 was a minor payback for much larger crimes. Of course they threw other members of The Tribe under the bus in order to orchestrate an imprimatur for the Rothschild banking syndicate called Israel. In the words of Ben Gurion and so many others, it didn’t matter how many Jews had to die in the camps as long as they could get their hands on Palestine, which at the time was somebody else’s country. This was a land with people on it, for people who wanted to steal the land and that’s what Zionism and neo- Pharissezium is all about.

The whole story is more pornographic than “The Devil in Mrs. Jones” and could probably be called “The Devil does Palestine.” I know holocaust pornography when I see it. It’s dressed up as a religion and is as firmly based in reality as that thing in Masada. It is meant to make us talk in whispers from Sub Rosa Land, because telling the truth can get you into trouble and ruin your life, which is why people are more comfortable selling themselves into slavery in order to avoid the problems that telling the truth might cause. Try holding people up to this litmus test and see what it gets you.

If denying the holocaust is a crime, don’t deny it. There was a holocaust and the truth was burned alive, along with integrity, honor and a whole lot of their friends, who were staying over at the time. There was a holocaust. Millions of Germans got exterminated and also some Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and political malcontents. The holocaust happened and it was no more or less of a holocaust than any of the rest of the holocausts caused by those claiming exclusive rights to this one.

I can feel my eyes moisten at the mountains of hair that was shaved from heads to make (cushions? Pillows) something or other. Actually, the hair, this holy relic, was shaved to control the spread of lice. Is it against the law to say that?

The holocaust is a religion whose intent is to blackmail the world for as long as it can be maintained. It’s a racket where Paul Bunyan would feel right at home. It’s a French braid of stories, woven from single hairs, that have no problem contradicting each other as long as it’s not you doing the contradicting and the empire of deception that is built on top of it is going to be one of the main casualties of The Apocalypse, along with all the rest of the carrot and stick realities that rule this world. Success in this world may very well be measured to the degree that one trumpets the tales of those who used the money garnered to buy up every vehicle for wider expression and then...and then along came the internet.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis narrates:



amarynth said...

Geez Les, I've been in tears off and on the last number of days .. and here you come with McHolocaust .. which set me off again.

I am crying for humans. It has been said that if we saw the truth we would act to change the situation. But besides my own being, I have nothing to offer to the change process and now, it looks like that will not be enough. And some dictator somewhere, some McHolocaust maker says that he 'fears chaos if he steps down'. My world has been shaken!

Visible said...

The light is coming, Amarynth. It's on the doorstep.

Okay folks, I'm going to bed now so don't be disturbed if your comments don't appear for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

sockmonkeysez, thanks HPH
4 those of you just waking up the movie is about 2 end. watch 4 your name in the credits, procede 2 nearest exit, take your trash with u.

Anonymous said...

courageous .. on point ...
the works of knut hamsun and Vilfredo Pareto and savitri devi are making a comeback as we piece together 1940-5 with greater objectivity.
the truth will be known and germany will be exonerated and seen as the victim of the banking/bolshiviki dualists it was.
god bless this era of revelation, god bless les and truthseekers everywhere ...
peace and love to all creation

Scarlett said...

Even if the Holocaust happened EXACTLY as claimed, so fucking what? How many decades have to go by before you move on and get on with your life? Lots of people suffer tragedies every day. They have to get over it. No one is paying them billions and making a movie of the week every fucking week for the last 50 years about their suffering. Where are the museums detailing the massacres of Native Americans or African Slaves? Why don't the Native Americans get their own country to make up for what we did? Why aren't we letting every African American in jail out just because of the horrible suffering that happened to their people? If Israel gets a free pass to commit murder, couldn't we at least do the same for the descendants of our own victims? We can even ignore that some African Americans aren't even descended from slaves ... since we don't care that some Israelis are not actually the descendants of Abraham!

I don't have to even deny the Holocaust because it doesn't fucking matter anyway! No matter how horrible it may have been (or they claim it to have been) it does not absolve anyone for the crimes they commit today. A pedophile doesn't get away with it because he was molested as a kid. A serial killer doesn't get to walk because he was beaten by his dad. None of it matters. Shit happens to everyone and it is up to you to take responsibility for your own choices and actions. The Jews need to grow up and do the same.

Anonymous said...

Good article... Thanks for having the courage to speak your convictions.

The other factor in the promotion of the pornographically exaggerated holocaust is that neo-liberals and neo-conservatives everywhere need a mythology to justify their expansion of war and their global interventionism.

Thus it is not merely a question of Jews trying to blackmail and earn a fast buck. I don't think you are saying this but you haven't acknowledged the other aspect of the holocaust mythology, which is that it basically originated out of war propaganda and has served the chickenhawks since its inception.

In order to retain the moral high ground in this debate, one must emphasize that war did not stop the holocasut but rather that war was the original cause of the holocaust; if the allies had been willing to have peace, the holocaust would never have happened. The holocaust is not evidence for how awful ordinary humanity is but evidince for how awful war is. Never again means no more war, means no more interventionism, means no more social engineering of foriegn nations.


Of course the facts surrounding the Holocaust® are true, why else would half of Europe want to imprison anyone who examines it?

That is all.

the BCth said...

"... mystics often talk of their interaction with the divine in erotic terms. Everything is sex, which at its higher arc transforms into Love and at its highest arc is engaged with all life at all times."

This is most certainly true in my limited experiences of the divine as the ultimate lover. Spiritual and erotic ecstasy, to me, are just slightly different flavours of the same thing and there are more ways to get to the former than the latter. ;)

hubani said...

Hello! I'm a huge fan of Michael Rivero's 'WHR' where I got this post of yours. Have you (or anyone else?) heard more on the recent opening of:

History of the Holocaust
Auschwitz Oven Factory Reopens as a Memorial,1518,742013,00.html

Any more info on the legitimacy of this museum would be much appreciated! Yours Sincerely~ Leland Roth

Anonymous said...

Another excellent writing. Thank you Les.

P.S. Love what you done with the place;)


Anonymous said...

It's called Hollowcaust !

siamsam said...

fuck snakes.........

I was 30 mins into a (what seemed like) good movie 'Life is Beautiful', (7 academy award noninations, 3 oscars) when wooosh it turned into a holocost epic - gasing, children being brutaly murdered - you name it.

Not a singal metion of this on the cover (synopsis).

Peace and truth

Anonymous said...

Just absolutely beautiful, Les. Understanding the natural laws and understanding the way to submit them for review for all of us is so, so, so necessary. You are amazing. I know you knew this all a long time ago. Your presentation is perfect and your forum is so humble and appealing and honest... you are an angel.

Hans Peter said...

That is a groovy page layout. Walked in on my parents making the beast with two backs when I was seven, wondered wtf they were doing some new game I thought. The Austrian corporal kicked the bankers out and the joos declared war on him back in 1933. You can look up front page headlines stating this. That is why the Muzzies are hated they slam the door in the banksters faces at every turn.

Anonymous said...


Marry me? You are absolutely, positively, without a freaking doubt correct. And so, so, so late in pointing it out. Where have you been?


History re-runs said...

I think it is safe to express skepticism about the Jews first attempt at floating the holoco$t scam during their First World War and for a few years afterward. Easily researched online - at the moment.

The holoco$t #1 had the six million persecuted/dying jews, blah blah blah, but it never got the legs holoco$t #2 grew.

Their Hollywood Jewish bullshit factory was nowhere near as powerful back then and their television had not yet been invented, therefore there were no gentile nations full of telezombies to sell it to.

Their Second World War also created lots and lots of displaced non-semitic Russian pseudo Jews eager to leave Europe and help in the theft of Palestine from its ancient Semitic inhabitants (and provide the opportunity to murder the rightful residents for the past 60+ years) . . . not that's REAL anti-Semitism for you.


the_last_name_left said...

Mr Lies Visible,

the answer to one of your questions is very simple, and is widely available. The fact you claim to be unaware of it suggests your ignorance to comment on the other issues. If you don't know anything about it, why feel able to comment?

How would you ever know the answers if you never bother to look?

LS: "I’m waiting for someone to explain how taking over three million from the death count at Auschwitz does not affect the number of six million as the official tally. "


Are you ready for the answer?

Here it is - so you don't ever need to ask again, ok?

Do you know what happened in 1989? The Berlin Wall fell, and "Communism" was overthrown across the former Eastern Bloc. Including Poland, which is where Auschwitz is.

Following the collapse of communism, Poland -now free to do so without the yoke of "cuommunism"- reinvestigated the issue of how many were exterminated at the camp.

This led to a downward revision on their part, and hence the change in numbers -- but note this: a change only in the former eastern bloc.


The new Polich investigation confirmed what Western historians had always said. So there was no need to change the figure in the West. Indeed, the Western estimate was re-confirmed by new Polish investigations.

The only change was in Russian/Soviet estimates.....

Presumably you have heard of Stalin and falsification of history?

So now maybe you can stop falsifying history too?

the_last_name_left said...

This is how the holocaust should be remembered, as something that happened to the German people......

You are crazy. Clearly you know nothing. You poor, sad man.

Anaughty Mouser said...

Yes Sir.

The Red Cross in 1948 gave the TOTAL number of jews who died in all concentration camps combined during WWII as 325,000 to 375,000. All deaths were due to disease and starvation - NONE to gas chambers. The Red Cross found absolutely no evidence of any human gas chambers - only delousing chambers for prisoners clothes with bugs.

Your McHolohoax litmus test is fair and just in my opinion.

Respects, Mouser

Anonymous said...

I like so much about the new template (colour, graphics, layout) but I'm just wondering if the column could be widened a bit to reduce the amount of scrolling? If it's not possible then no matter ... it's the words that count anyway. I'm glad Mike had the nerve to link to this particular essay. Why in the world should it even take nerve anyway? All the tippy-toeing around the Holocaust is ridiculous.
M. Rocknest (Em)

Anonymous said...

Scarlett, the reason you can't have the movie of the week on the holocaust is seen if you look at who was behind them as well. Who was behind the slave trade? Who was behind the exterminatino of the Indians? Who killed millions in the camps after the war? Who's MO is this anyway? The world has a serial holocauster on the loose adn they also happen to control the media as well.

Then along came an awakening...


Noor al Haqiqa said...

As always a piece that leaves you with a slightly different take on the mundane or that which we live with constantly. I feel that a constant glut of overindulgence in anything that provokes the same emotions is a form of porn.

I pray, btw, that the light is close. I have always hung on to the light, how else does one survive in the world with all its challenges?

Scarlett has said pretty well many of my thoughts on the matter. No one has a claim on all the pain ever... no matter how much they scream about it.

Amarynth, everything is going as planned. Shed your tears, we all do. Allow them to wash your spirit clean but not put out your light.... I think we have all been there and those are the times when one digs deep.... if it were not hard to deal with, you would not grow in so many ways ...

Les I love the new look!

Anonymous said...

I have a good friend. Someone I could talk to for hours about the craziness of the world, the conspiracy "theories", etc. We could talk for hours. Recently, she's been reading the kabalah or cabala, however it's spelled. We were talking the other day and I didn't like what I was hearing. She is now reading a book about the holacaust, and feels so sorry for the jews and how they've been so mistreated all these years, constantly being kicked out of all these countries, blah, blah, blah. I have cherished our friendship over the years, but I know we are headed into going our separate ways now. She didn't like what I had to say about the story of Israel, and what they are doing to the Palestinians and having compassion for them instead. I never thought she could be so easily swayed by a long time jewish friend of hers. It seems this friend is steering her down a certain path. Wonder why??

I read on Wayne Madsen's site about the investigation of John Boehner's sexcapades. If he has to step down from speaker of the house, next in line is Eric Cantor, dual citizen of Isreal and USA, and 2nd in line to the Presidency... "making Israel's colonization of America a fait accompli." Yikes.

wv: suphi .... I think I'll become one, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Today the Germans announced another INCREASE in their payments of reaparations to the zionist pigs. This cash cow just keeps on giving. Turks are being sued for telling the truth on TV about Cast Lead.

Thank you for being so blunt and eloquent at the same time.

Steve Johnson said...

The Holocaust like every other zionist cration is bare in facts and thin on credibility.
When injustice becomes law and lies becomes history... The resisting and telling the truth becomes a patriotic and brave act for ANY MAN WOMAN or person to come to terms with.

We have to understand we live in a ZOG.

A Zog that sees a greater israel drom the Colorado river to the Nile and everywhere in between. THIS is the true greater israel they seek with their history perversion.

the BCth said...

If denying the holocaust is a crime, don’t deny it. There was a holocaust and the truth was burned alive, along with integrity, honor and a whole lot of their friends, who were staying over at the time. There was a holocaust. Millions of Germans got exterminated and also some Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and political malcontents. The holocaust happened and it was no more or less of a holocaust than any of the rest of the holocausts caused by those claiming exclusive rights to this one."

Well said!

It is interesting how this all came about, how one tribe (the Khazars) adopted the religious trappings of another whose leadership (the Pharisees) were colinear with their anti-human, anti-life, anti-truth Wetiko aspirations. And proceeded to slowly and methodically insinuate itself into the power centers of the world via the root of all evil aka the Western banking model based on money created as debt incurring interest. No amount of intimidation, lies, oppression and murder is too much for these bastards. They just wanna be on top.

the BCth said...


"A devastatingly different take on Hitler & WW II, exhaustively documented - - Two popular myths are smashed beyond repair: Hitler as the man out to kill every Jew in the world & Hitler as the pure, straightforward German/Aryan Patriot"

"The information on this DVD makes clear that, while numerous everyday Jews were rounded up, abandoned, and sacrificed by the top Zionist organizations and rulers who were working in cooperation with the Nazis, the series of events known today as the "Holocaust" was the product in large part of Zionist-Jewish Elite financing and Zionist-Jewish Elite scheming. (This is, of course, not to minimize the death of even one innocent person who was caught in the hellish crossfire known as World War II.)"

Anonymous said...

Spot on Visible . You are a very, very courageous person . I remember in the past ,in Australia , meeting a few " prisoners of German camps during the war " . They all had a number tattooed on forearm and some of them were attending horse race meetings ! ( That was less than 10 years ago ).
But the number of those people that survived is so great that it make me think that if there was a policy to get rid of the prisoners it must have been very inefficient .

Anonymous said...

...goats pissing all over themselves prior to coitus.

That's so true. I used to have a keen interest in pornography when I was younger (26 now). At some point, I felt something shift in me, my spiritual outlook evolved, my identity became clearer. It got to where I had no desire to look at it for any reason. Most of it is just absolutely nauseating to look at. Been celibate for the last five years. Sex to me is something very special that should be confined between two people who love unselfishly, and in my mind, any voyeuristic element violates that sacred-specialness.

I don't know. I think of all the different ways we have to express our love for someone, and even at its best, physical love seems woefully inadequate. Having experienced total spiritual love, anything less than, or outside of that, seems a poor facsimile. Is it possible to experience/express pure spiritual love through our physical sexual nature? Is total giving and unselfishness all there is to it? Maybe it's just a matter of getting out of the way and letting the spirit express itself?? Maybe I think too much about these things.

I feel sorry for people addicted to pornography, or who even watch any at all. They see this prevaricate display, and it -without their being aware- programs their minds into thinking that THAT'S what sex is supposed to be like, e.g., "goats pissing". What a sad state of affairs. *hears the trill of Nero's fiddle*

*makes masterful segue*

I've always been fuzzy on the finer details of the Holocaust-I'm sorry for fuzzy and Holocaust in the same sentence. I only know that it is one of many, MANY tragic events in human history. Though there may be more movies dedicated to this period than to any other; The Pianist, Life is Beautiful, Au revoir les enfants, really inspired my heart.

While I've read many an polemic on this subject, I've yet to read anyone who has summed it up as succinctly and with the same scope (without being a dick about it) as you have. You've made me look at it in a whole new light. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

siamsam said...

fuck snakes.........

I was 30 mins into a (what seemed like) good movie 'Life is Beautiful', (7 academy award noninations, 3 oscars) when wooosh it turned into a holocost epic - gasing, children being brutaly murdered - you name it.

Not a singal metion of this on the cover (synopsis).

HAHA! Oh wait, I mean, I'm so sorry dude. I love me some Roberto Benigni though. I watched this with my brother once. We had to stop half way through because we had to get up early the next day and my bro's all, "We'll just stop here, and pretend the Nazi's never came..."

And Les, the new layout is fucking sweet!

Anonymous said...

When the_last_name_left isn’t writing rebuttals to All Of History, he can be found drawing hearts and pictures of polar bears where his Maths homework should be. And his English homework. Especially his English homework.

Visible said...

the last name left-

Did you actually say anything. I didn't spot an explanation of any kind. Maybe you can provide a key to unlocking whatever it is you didn't say?

Pstonie said...

Yes, Mr. Left (may I call you Last Name?), attack the messenger, not the message. That'll make your argument seem more factual.

You may be correct about the information you provided (carefully extracted from among the insults and attempted breakdown of credibility), but the problem with the generally accepted view is that there is a lot of money behind it, and that it comes from the same media that consistently lies about everything with a lot of money behind it, including that ill-advised false flag called 9/11.

There is a concerted effort to silence any and all criticism of any action perpetrated by jews, even classes on how to edit wikipedia to reflect more favourably on the empire. They have an army of citizen propagandists and special victim status, and no one is allowed to question what they do or say. That is not a mark of the free society we're advertised to have.

Excuse us if we think all that seems just a little bit fishy, especially when the owners of the main stream media, as well as the largest arms, oil and pharmaceutical companies also happen to be jewish. I probably left a few industries out, but that list would be longer than the list of jewish american politicians. That would be the country currently engaged in clearing the countries around israel of people the jews hate.

There may be no way to breach the gulf between a truther and a zionist, when one's view is that they are special and the other is that no one is special.

WV: scradly
Sadly all the witnesses were scragged.

amarynth said...

Perhaps in the next few hours the psychological slavery chains of the McHolocaust masters will decisively fall. This will be such a burning light signal for all and energetically infections in a marvellous way. Then we simply have to continue to build our communities and be those that we are supposed to be.

Chinese Sneakers said...

The things is, though, if you topple this great pole in the jewish identity, the orientation might just go all to hell.

Luckily, the u.f.o. has just arrived over Jerusalem and the show can go on for another run.

May they break a lot of legs on that worldly stage at the Globe theatre.

tim said...

I asked an old friend from Adidam who is jewish about what he thought about 911, jewish supremecy, etc. His response for 911 was "our governent doesn't do that sort of thing". Concerning anything jewish, every answer sounded like it came from an ADL spreadsheet. I asked him to explain why Russian Kahazars should rule Palestine and he said it was a long story and I have yet to recieve an answer. Nobody cares about the truth anymore.

Anonymous said...

living death parasite
manipulating laws
starving populations
implementing wars
demonic pig of rothchild
with holocaustal lies
calculating hatred
the crown of always lies
lies dont hold compassion
just corrupt the atmosphere
kill the circulation
destabilise sincere
sincerity extracted
fall into deceit
the world that once was paradise
hell tries to keep.


Anonymous said...

"Here it is - so you don't ever need to ask again, ok?

A monkey hitting keys at random, on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time, will almost surely be unable to produce a sentence, the likes of which you have constructed.

Your content follows a similar nonexistent structure and speaks volumes of your cognitive abilities.

I can only wager a guess that you came across this site while googleing the word porn, again, and became bitterly upset about wasting precious wanking time.

Next time you stumble upon things you do not understand, and maybe, just as a general rule, don't comment.Ever.On anything.Never.

DaveS said...

Les, Scarlette and the rest... some powerful comments today.

This whole thing is a big WOW moment. There's a tension in the air I can feel all the way up in the hills where I hide... I think I could almost cut it in half – if I had some batteries for my trusty light saber. The big Ginsu ain't gonna work on that thick shit... maybe a cutting torch?

An Egyptian revolution hits the U.S. as soon as the weather turns warm. Too much crazy shit going on, too many poor people with little to lose. Gonna be a great year to live in the sticks. Then, it's always a great year to live in the sticks...

Great links Les – it's becoming easier and easier to point to the exceptionalism being showered upon our Hebrew friends – um, mostly by themselves.

Got to admit they've been smart, committed, and ruthless in their dedication to their crazy project. Too many freaks like me would rather slink-off for a toke, fish a cold creek, and forget the rest of you all are even here. But those times are past. If more folks could take a look back in history they would see what happens when the 'landed gentry' take over; us peasants lose our rights to hunt, fish, fornicate or do whatever it is we want on what were formerly 'public' lands. Happening big time right now. In many places you need a 'hiking permit' to be in the backwoods. Let some fucker try and issue me a ticket for lacking one of those. First they'd need to catch me ;)

Since 1960 the asinine rule makers and their brutish enforcers have managed to ruin every activity normal humans engaged-in since the beginning of time; rules regulating what, when and how we recreate. Like I said, fuck'um. We're all criminals now, at least in the eyes of the 'law' might as well act like it.

Drown them in petty lawlessness against the system. Use your imagination, that is if you still posses one ;)


paolocaruso said...

Egyptians as well were victims of the Jewish vice grip, of the Zionist controlled USSR and the Zionist controlled USA.

The dominant Jewish cadre within the Soviet Kremlin were the agent provocateurs that fed Gamal Abdel Nasser intentionally misleading information as to a false attack by Israel on Egypt and Syria’s borders in 1967.

The same trick was tried by the French and British under Antony Eden in 1956 in their failed attempt to regain the Suez Canal from Nasser.

Israel handily won the 6 Day war, because the Zionists in the USSR fed their Arabs allies false information, knowing quite well that the Americans would provide the Israelis excellent information. In an amazing betrayal the Soviets were stopped from providing air support at the critical moment, as the Israelis with state of the art US military technology, and US logistical support rapidly took out the Egyptian air force.

The well planned Zionist expansion into the Golan Heights, West Bank and Jerusalem, long in the making, was of course to accommodate the great wave of emigration of Soviet Jewry, which began in abundance as Jewish settlements commenced in the occupied Palestinian territories. Egypt ultimately was a victim of Zionist collusion of influential forces in both the USSR and the USA.

Visible said...

Yeah, it won't be long before we see the return of droit de seigneur

Stewart said...

Sure, it's a calculated mythical narrative (by the masters of myth, e.g. their religious tales). The horror today is that they are lying to your children in every county of the US. See the video linked at top of, "The Last Days of the Big Lie". Then take it to your school boards and raise hell. Let's stop this crap for good.

Django said...

You write that the new Polish estimate was rejected by the West, and that it confirmed what Western historians had always said.
Never underestimate your audience so much that you become lazy.
That's in Troll 101.

wv: dodingst: the city in Poland where all this took place0

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear an explanation for Treblinka's vanishing 800,000.
There's another almost one million off the top.
So now we have 6-3-1=6

Ground penetrating anti-Semitic radar could not find any disturbances or buried treasure.

And what's up with the Europeans allowing the muzzle to be put on them so easily?
Do they actually believe this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Les, this news is huge.....

In switch, Gaza feeds Egyptian troops.

GAZA Feb 4 (Reuters) - Egyptian soldiers isolated on the Gaza border by 10 days of internal upheaval are getting bread, canned goods and other food supplies from the enclave, which is usually on the receiving end of food aid.

Note: Israel claimed that they bombed the border a couple of days ago to "keep arms from being smuggled into Gaza".

This is an act of war by Israel against Egypt.

Anonymous said...

It is not only memoires of famous politicians. None of the so called post war 'camp literature' never mentions the word 'Holocaust'.
I have been trying to collect those books written by camp survivors right after the war.
Less and less of them seem to be available at auctions. Impossible to get them re-published.
It would be good to try to start up a library and the book exchange.
No harm, so far, to read that kind of literature.

Anonymous said...


Emotional blackmail is always effective in maintaining control over those you rule.

The modus operandi of ThePowersThatWere is very much like Betty Davis' portrayal of Baby Jane Hudson in "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane".

For those of you've never seen the movie "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane", it is a blueprint of how psychopaths imprison truth and kill anyone who get in their way. The end of the flick is classic in its' portrayal of how the psychopaths delude themselves up till the bitter end, even as the harsh sunlight of truth and many eyewitnesses close in on their garish visage of distortion.

On a side note: Check out this commercial for on youtube. I am no cheerleader for homophobes or bigots of any kind, but this commercial is very, very disturbing. It portrays two male EMTs attending to a female patient on a stretcher, with two female passerby looking on. Suddenly, the two EMTs start making out passionately, leaving the "victim" neglected and ostensibly dying on the stretcher. Seems TPTB are sending a not so subtle message of glorifying misogyny, in addition to leaving the viewer with a bad taste in the mouth. If you object to the flavor, on a very subliminal level, you censor yourself for fear of being 'homophobic'.

In my estimation, this can't be good for "teh gays", no matter how you feel about sexual minorities.....

Peace, love and hairgrease, everybody.

Annie the mouse

Anonymous said...

Many people were e.g. Polish citizens and other nationals of jewish origin. Many were taken straight from camps to Palestine by Jewish Agency. Many left for USA and The Soviet Union. Many of those survivors for some reasons were members of post-war governments (Joseph Cyrankiewicz aka Stolzman was a Polish premier for 20 years- half of the Polish government was a jewish.).
It is beyond me who and how could proof any estimates.
But the Jewish Congress keeps the records of pre- andafter war jewish population around the world.

Anonymous said...

My son went to the local Milwaukee Jewish holocaust museum with his class last week, and two young Israeli men were their hosts (performing their service requirement). These two young men were from smaller villages.

My son can’t understand how our books and people can say that so many perished in this holocaust, because according to their two Israeli hosts and the museum, nowhere near that many perished.
Now that he heard these things from someone other than mom, they mean something. We’ve talked about the American Indian and others many times.

The hard part now is for him to learn the truth about the Zionist…he really likes the sound of the way of life in the small villages of Israel. (Most of us here feel that way). I wonder if this is common for Israel to send their young people from small villages to present to young people in other countries. It seems so innocent.


Visible said...

On the other hand they are roundly despised all over the world for their awful behavior. Some form of cosmic spanking is looming.

Thomas said...

beatiful Les,

like a razorblade to a nerve...

I just had my first real conversation with Source (or, in the direction of, more likely... ;)) yesterday, so especially the first part of your post resonated. Jeez... I doubt the experience now, but the sensations were so real. Even with these eyes, and this mind, and from this vantage point, the radiant Love, Beauty and Order of Source awed me like I don't remember. I catched a glimpse/understanding of 4D (perhaps! With these eyes, what can one see?) - the next dimension, how I saw it, is like putting ONE axis through consciousness, from top to bottom, a million faces, a million hands turned in all directions... Harmony and balance are absolute, that was so, so obvious. Words can never do it justice, of course, it is internal, and symbols (words et al.) are merely distorted, though potent, distortions.

Anyways, anything is this reality are all faces of the Divine. Maybe this means something?:

mid-13c., "SACRIFICE by fire, burnt OFFERING," from Gk. holokauston ... (AND more) from

and this (twisted... ?!)

Q: (L) What was the origin of the Hebrew People?
A: Genetic construct.

(according to the "Cassiopaeans", taken from

rock on, mister!

to All, all the best :)

Ghana said...

Here's what I've learned so far; when a man, woman, child, or group hurt and create for GAIN (Grant All I Need), you've lost and it doesn't make a fuck what avatar you follow or club you frequent; in view or behind wooden slat fences containing parking lots with nondescript buildings for circle jerk get togetherness. There is a LINE between weird and EVIL and the fuck-sticks drew it in the sand with blood! It is shown in everyday behavior by these actors and actresses and how they react to internal dialog with outside influence (humanity, nature, ethereal, electrical, etc.). Grade by works, not by words. The hardest grader should be yourself and not the outside influence. The outside is the mirror. Can you keep/find your true reflection without being seduced by the HOLLOW/COST distortion? The cabal of kid fuckers & mutilators, whore-mongers and war-mongers, organ thieves and donkey dick worshipers are holding your wrists and bitch slapping your face with your fist if you still haven't figured out who's behind the curtain of, "IZ this shit Rael?". (spelling intended)

When you find out the company you work for builds any part of a (insert name) missile that is shot sideways up grandma's funeral procession's ass, then bukaking the survivors with a barrage of 50 millimeter load from a subsidiary, you should fucking quit yesterday and I don't give a fuck about college, mortgage, retirement, vacation, nursing home bill... grow pot; GOD BLESS IT! Pot is legal in ISNOTRAEL!

If your job has anything to do with polluting air, water, land or food; regardless of your personal or immediate needs, fucking quit, post haste! Grow pot; GOD BLESS IT. There are free courses on YOU tube. I understand natural psychedelic cultivation can be simple and lucrative! Also available on YOU tube. Move to Taos, New Mexico and learn to build Earth Ships and carry the technology abroad to your NSL! Start building water based fuel technology systems in your garage; yeah, YOU tube!

There are choices to be made and passions to bridle to carry you to the next "way" station. My way has been to turn my back as an individual on any position of employment by the PHARM, MILITARY, BIG AG, MSM, WalMart, Target, etc. Make our own way now with the ones you love and cherish near and abroad or forever hold your piece/peace.

My two cents,


GTRman said...


" (7 academy award noninations, 3 oscars)"

That ALONE should have been warning enough!

Last night there was a doc on BBC2 , ” Louis Theroux meets the Ultra Zionists “. He didnt seem as smug as usual , and seemed genuinely
uncomfortable most of the time -but how could he not?

The worst part of the Louis Theroux doc were the brainless American Christian Zionist volunteers , over there to pick grapes and kiss arse. They seemed to be under quite a powerful brainwashing / spell. They may have even paid their own way there , to work for free. And , of course , they’re not allowed to drink the wine , or even touch the vats it was fermenting in. Overall , the jews came over pretty bad , and the place looks like a shithole – although I remember someone saying that the big cities like
Tel Aviv are almost NEVER shown , as the obvious ultra-modern multi -billion dollar metropolis’s dont fit the narrative.

GTRman said...

Iwas listening to this :
Front Row
With Kirsty Lang.

Writer and director Peter Kosminsky discusses his new TV drama series The Promise, which moves between present-day Israel and the years just after the second world war, when 100 000 British troops were based in what was then Palestine.

Unintentional humour – he was talking about the difficulties he faced making his film in Israel, and he just said , ” They ( the israelis) never did one major thing to impede us , it was more like death by a thousand pricks..”

I know the more common usage is “a thousand cuts” , but , well done I say!

Anonymous said...

the last name left said: "Presumably you have heard of Stalin and falsification of history?"

Stalin wasn't the only one who falsified history as a matter of fact as far as falsifications go he can't hold a candle to a certain shitty little country in the Middle East. Nobody can.

It is obvious you don't know anything about history but maybe we can make use of you. This Egypt thing is really getting interesting. How about giving us a blow by blow from the streets of Tel Aviv. What's the average Joo think of all this? Bet Nitwityahoo is shitting his pants. You could end up with an hostile Iranian style government on your doorstep. And that Islamic Brotherhood.......WOW. Bet they weren't too thrilled with Cast Lead. And those other dominoes just waiting to fall. And.......well enough, no need making you crap your skivvies.


Pstonie said...

5FM in hot water over anti-Israel advert

"5FM has issued a statement addressing complaints the radio station received after airing an advert by Faithless band member Dave Randall which calls on listeners to boycott Israel.

The controversial advert draws parallels between apartheid South Africa and the state of Israel.

In the 30-second recording, Randall says that 20 years ago he would not have performed in apartheid South Africa, and refuses to play in Israel. He then pleads with listeners to join the international boycott against Israel and pledges his support for South African Artists Against Apartheid.

Timster said...

probably the best post I have ever read here. Kudos, Les~

Terrance said...

Whoa! Ghana!

Anonymous said...

hell infected formulas
melt into the floor
poor people rising
lifted by the core
recipes of shifting
essences vibrate
vibrations of the dutys
paradise awake
a shake of living free
shine a beam of sun
a whistle of a song bird
rythm pound the drum
a hum of natured living
reaching from the stars
quickly rush through hell
lifting all true hearts


GTRman said...

May be too raw for some :

" Here is where the deception lies. These jewish “truthers”, related directly to the other jews causing all the problems, always magically show up on the scene as the purveyors of truth related to everything to do with the jew. Yet, somehow, these jews want us to believe the problem is only those dirty old “zionists”, and not the nature of the jew it’s self. They are all too happy to join our side and lash out at those evil old “zionists”, yet they turn neurotic and psychotic when one of us points out that JEWS AS A WHOLE have been causing the SAME problems LONG BEFORE “zionism” ever showed up. (in 1898 for the record)
Magically, these jews are unable to account for over 175o+ years of jews being exiled and expelled, at the very least 109 times by 84 different countries. Where were all the jews warning us about their brethren then? Where were the jews to cry out against jewish ritual murder of people’s children, or jews drinking the blood then? In fact, where are those jews now? Right, they’re telling us to worry about those “zionists” while child services turns into a blood bank for vampire jews, and foster care magically makes children disappear faster than so-called dangerous, unfit parents!
The deception lies in the fact that anyone could be a “zionist”, and in fact, many non-jews are indeed unwitting “zionists”, but they are not the root of our problem. Behind zionism is the same old jews. The same old jewish bankers. The same old jewish molesters. The same old ritually murdering jews. The same old genocidal war mongering jews. The same old subversive communist jews in the media, hollywood, and government, and now, the same old jews pretending to be our friends whilst stabbing our backs at the same time."

GTRman said...


est said...

some cat
back from i-rack
wrote this
'Sirens seduce my head muscles resistant to change. Recoiled in 50 cal.
explosions of doubt. Erase me. Fade into the dark to see a lighthouse beacon
made of memories and death melting through with life. Blossom lotus engine
torqued without ideas of other men. Rehashed realities who fit only one
fragment of the prism in God. god this noise is so blunt until it's edge
splinters on the stone of eons growing over eons, over eons, over their
brothers. Rip the regulars from his palm. Catechismal collisions in a tongue
I've never learned but know when beating calm entrails divide the one
without reason, rhythm, or understanding that you made it that way by
buckling the current. I won't resist with all my effort. Doing nothing
violently breaking up walls. Ellipses entry into you for warmth to brave the
cold. Again we stare out.'

-i won't resist
with all my effort-

great line

Visible said...

There is a new Visible Origami up-

The Revolutions of the Outer and Inner Worlds.

Joe said...

You can claim our common enemies are jews and you would be right as long as you include the word faithful before jews as in faithful talmudic-torah jews. BUT jews need and have in place a method of control that is omnipresent, usable to siphon to them only the energy of others and controlled only by them, and they do have this, it is money. Without money their control dies, immediately. Money works because WE give it our full faith and credit. Our full faith and credit belongs among US not handed over to pieces of paper and rounds of metal. The meme that money IS value is the greatest con in jewish history as it is the motive force in All our problems. Liberty, prosperity, peace and justice CANNOT exist widely while money does. Money IS the fount of evil and God being that which each of us spends the majority of our time pursuing regardless of what we CLAIM to be our God is the reason we suffer. Most spend the majority of their time gathering to themselves that which IS evil incarnate brought into existence not to allow easy intercourse between people but to DRAIN part of the very energy of those interactions into evil purposes. The myth of the innocent civilian is alive in most and is the dodge used to separate one from the consequences of their actions. This is a myth as we are ALL responsible for our actions both directly AND indirectly. This is the simple, direct reality all dodge and run from. The goal should be to show people that it is THEM via their use of money that IS the wars, famines, strife and of course poverty that we all (except some jews and others) want eradicated. This will only happen when we take FULL responsibility for ALL our actions. Limited liability is the road to tyranny. I fear total responsibility is to most less repugnant than murder, sloth and avarice because of inculcated lies that responsibility is best left to "experts" and "leaders". Look into contributionism, unbuntu and the zeitgeist project. These are a start and have at their core the road to Liberty. Fear and inculcated lies about our very nature is the main stumbling block to Liberty and the reason we see money as intrinsically necessary as we are trained to see each other as opponents in competition rather than simply others seeking to do as we are which is no more than fulfilling our needs which can be done FAR more efficiently with cooperation. It is the jewish fantasy taught to us in their (government) schools that we must be in competition to survive that sets the stage for the horrors governments cause, governments run directly by jews or indirectly by them by manipulation of money. The way i introduce to people how adults WILL behave when the opportunity arises is by asking them to do a thought experiment. You go to bed one night and as the town sleeps me and a bunch of other hooligans tear out ALL traffic lights, signs except street names, grind out all lines in the roads and make all police disappear. What would be the result the next morning as the townsfolk begin to make their way around? It would be chaos of course. Everyone KNOWS this, right?
We suffer for lack of knowledge OF OUR VERY SELVES because we have allowed jews in positions of authority! Remember the Byzantines!

DaveR said...

I'll throw it out here as well as a coupled other places. Wouldn't it be dandy if the new gov't of Egypt annexed Gaza? It would definitely cut down on Israeli incursions.

Visible said...

I'm doing the final edit on my next book "The Curious Tale of Ash and the Whine". I'm editing the final seven chapters and have the first 28 done except for the final read through and a proofing by someone other than me. I'd like a few people to read the first 28 chapters and tell me what they like and don't like. If I get a couple of similar negatives I be informed (grin). I think you will see that I have put some things in this book that have never appeared in this form before, maybe you can comment on that too.

Ghana said...


We must all find a path out of this illusion and it starts with everyday habits and choices. Your choice of employment either help's us, hurt's us or has little effect on us, same goes with your decisions in consumerism and excuse making for both. Maybe, just maybe if someone in the last 70 years told these whore-mongering, warmongering sick-fucks to whoa, just one fucking time; shit might be different? I appreciate everyone who takes the time to come here and read, absorb and change into something more fully in tune with Source. I appreciate even those who come to troll and muddy the waters because they give me pause/laughter/critical thinking/research and an opportunity for Les to enlighten me whether they get it or not.

Les and anyone else feeling like I feel, forgive me if I put words into your mouth, but we are tired of whoa! It's time to get busy and it starts in you; not Israel. Israel's illusion is everywhere, it is the illusion of reality being perpetrated on us all as a species/planet and we EACH must choose the point and time we don't just acknowledge the fact, but we proceed to the exits and remove our self induced slavery. How? Change your choices and habits. Buy new/used tires for your vehicle from Martinez or Smith Tire Shop; not WalMart/Firestone/NTB/Goodyear, etc. If you can't be self-employed be employed by a strictly local company that provides a real solution for a real need. Shop at local farmer's markets, not the produce isle at whatever big grocer. Go out of your way to get out of their way and give instead of gain and at the end of each day you will see that it is you who gained what we/you are seeking; Source . Nothing I posted above in my earlier comment was untrue; Les would have corrected me I believe. I was harsh maybe, but over a million dead Iraqis, Afghan's, Pak's and any other culture on behalf of me by my elected/appointed losers is unacceptable and SO MUCH more diabolical then anything I could say.

I love you Terrance as a brother and I will not slow down, we need everyone else to catch up and stop showing up to the Jewish/Zionist/Holocaust/USA/UN/Russian/Chinese/IMF/ bull shit consumer/debt/money illusion. It's time for people and groups to recognize you by the clanging of your/our porngraphically illustrated BRASS BALLS! Besides, Les was the one who determined the porn plot, I just let my thoughts and feelings roll with the theme and facts.

My two cents,

Anonymous said...

Wow Ghana, that was wonderful. God bless you.

I think hard every day about the choices I'm making and whether or not they're the right ones. I know the ends don't always justify the means...

I forget who said, "It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a diseased society." I've never been "well adjusted" to this America place. There was a time when felt bad about that but I don't anymore. I need to think more about what you said. That and I really need to start growing pot. X)

Incidentally, have you ever read a book called, "The Franklin Cover-Up" by John Decamp? If you haven't, you should. I've yet to get my hands on its continuum:

franklin scandal

Normally I shrink from lurid scenes, but I will GLADLY stand by and watch unflinchingly when those filthy pedophile pigs get their retribution!

Karyn Weese said...

Dear Les Visible, in response to your request for reader feedback on "The Whine", I've read the first 9 chapters and will finish today. So far, I think it is great. The characters are very interesting, the story is compelling and it's a real page-turner -- I can't wait to find out what happens next. Way to go! Your friend, Karyn

Ghana said...

Anon @ 2:44

I have read and watched more than my fair share on the Franklin Scandal. I cried and wanted to check on my kidos every 5 minutes when I dug into that part of their cult. MASS murdering pedophiles are the sickest demons roaming the planet and they do it in $15,000.00 suits and Jew hide loafers from WWII. I hear they're in again!;}

Anonymous said...

is that you with the 911 inside job T shirt? Just looking into hand signs and was wondering if that was the satanic horns sign, with both hands?

Certainly a satanic/luciferian job, so appropriate I guess!


Steve Short said...

Hey Les - you're so right on!

Cheesus H. Reist! It amazes me how stupid Americans have become. Is it the water? Is it the air? Or is it just the friggin' fast food?

While both the Republican and the Democrats have been fully complicit in the (too tragic) destruction of the American Dream, they are not the main agents of it's modern destruction. Their longtime naivety and innocence outweighs their own crass and even rather child-like perfidy.

Like Martin Luther King I still believe it is/was a beautiful Dream. The Founding Fathers were a surprisingly decent lot, for all their late 18th century foibles. They sure make the current crop of politicians, economists, bankers, hedge fund managers etc., etc., look like troglodytes. They would be horrified at where the US is at now.

As much as I hate to say it, with a Jewish maternal grandmother already and many fine Jewish friends, IMO the post-WWII destruction of the American Dream can be sheeted home to Just One Group.

I refer of course to the wealthy cabal of East Coast Jews who have long controlled Wall Street, the US financial industry, the US legislature and, in large measure, the world economy.

Since WWII, this Tribe has not really maintained any loyalty to the US (or to the American Dream) but rather only raised their own genetic and millenial Greed to unspeakable levels and, if at all, transferred any political allegiances to a certain nasty little, heavily armed rogue state at the eastern end of the Mediterranean.

So this is the real 100% manufactured plastic legacy of the Holocaust. We're livibng it! But why should Hitler's great crime be re-visited on all of us?

Until, and if ever, Someone comes along who is Smart Enough to dismantle this ethnic Godzilla, this Heaving Cancer in our midst, then the US is doomed.

Maybe our economic future will be saved by the Chinese or the Indians? It's truly as bizarre as that! I sure hope Hugh Everett was right and in diverse multiverses our myriad doppelgangers are spared this Total Crap.

Unknown said...

The Realist Report said...

Absolutely phenomenal Visible. Could not agree more my friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, history changes all the time as we think that we have discovered new facts about what happened when and to whom. In truth, how can we possibly know anything unless we have experienced exactly what we are talking about?
Further, even the experience is open to interpretation by the experiencer and any written documentation or spoken dialogue will only reflect that interpretation.
To seek a truth is an illusion that can never be satisfied when the seeker is looking in the wrong direction.

joegause said...

Les Visible:

So live that when thy summons comes to join the caravan which travels to that mysterious realm where each shall take his place in the silent halls of death thou go not like the quarry slave at night scourged to his dundgeon but sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust approach thy grave like one who wraps the draperies of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams.
Final stanza of Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant-some errors due to recitation from memory-Joseph

Lee said...

Dear Mister Lester Visible.

It's been some time since I have read your articles. I was without means and shelter at the time and sorely missed the internet.

It was a rough time out there living in one of my two cars. I think more people should try it. Perhaps many more if hard times are fast approaching, and it surely looks like it will.

I had a good laugh at the "McHolocaust". Man, that was a good one. Your humour, prose and poetry are quite distinct.

My time away from Here, was good for me because I somewhat offended by something you wrote. Or rather, something that challenged me and I felt convicted about.

So, I'm good now.

It was good of you to mention that you allow the reader to weigh your comments by their hearts.

I have to admit you do touch on untouchable subjects like the Holocaust. Bravo!!

That word seems to have a patent pending on it or a copyright although it is in the public domain.

I do mention the "H" word from time to time and have even mentioned it in McDonalds within earshot of others.

Mcdonalds was a place of refuge for me while I was down and out.

I went there to use their wifi, restrooms, to shave and wash.

Right now I am with relatives, whom I have mentioned the Unmentionables to and getting that Look.

Lester, if anything, I am starting to open my mind. Which is something you were trying to impart here to your readers, or anybody with ear (heart) to hear.

Signing off.

To MeDeadsville Land.

Anonymous said...

The following statistics were taken from the American Jewish Committee website a few years ago.

Jews in Europe before the war 8,039,608
Jews In Europe after the war 9,372,668

After the Jews (Zionists masquerading as Jews) declared war on Germany in 1933 Hitler offered Jews $4,000 each, the equivalent of over $100,000 in today's money per person to move to the USA but the Zionist USA said no way, you can only move to Palestine to which Hitler said no, you must go to USA to get the dough.

Bifurcatio said...

For the longest time I've been trying to get the concept of the 'Abrahamic Trilemma' (Christians, Muslims, Jews) into some sort of group consciousness (however small). Any takers?

Anonymous said...

OK, I get everything you are saying, and it may be perfectly true in the microcosmic sense. But if you look at the bigger picture, where everything is one (because it all comes from the same source), isn't targeting the jooz just going to interfere with your dealing with YOUR issues?

I mean, yeah, there is an ethnic group that thinks they're special. This is a reflection of the consciousness in you, in me, in everyone. Because the physical world is a fractal mirror reflecting OUR self back to us. The jooz may simply be the Ego principle as incarnate reflection, so we (I) can see how damaging Egoism can be. So how can you deal with that inner problem as long as you are externalizing it as purely being someone else's issue? Am I being clear?

Anyway, I've looked at this issue for many years and the only "solution" I've been ably to find is dealing with my inner demons. When I am free, the jooz don't bug me. When I let the jooz bug me, I cease being free.

Visible said...

Listen up 'the' james, why not apply this to yourself and spare us the pontificating about someone you've never met and don't know. Whatever your personal construct of reality is it doesn't apply to me or I would be following you and I'm not. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

I went through the "gas chambers" of Parris Island SC in 1983 where they shaved my head and doused me with a foam insecticide which kills lice, which transmits typhus, which is what killed most of those in the camps in Germany.

I have been to Germany 5 times, they are a very efficient bunch of people, had they wanted to "kill all the Jews", they would have succeeded in 3 days flat and there wouldn't have been a hundred thousand "holocaust survivors" with tattoos on their arms living in the US.

Which brings up another question, if the Germans "just wanted them dead", why did they bother tattooing them?
Why did they bother shaving their heads?

In fact, we've heard the term "holocaust survivor" so many times that it has now become an oxymoron.
Just what kind of holocaust could it have been with so many survivors?

Elie Weezel "survived" 3 different "death camps"

I guess you know where I stand on this hoax.

James Delaney said...

The Hollowcast is, well, totally incredible..

Anyway, it’s now official – there’s been no actual shortage of Holocaust Survivors :

Quote from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso in the year 2000:
'The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million.' (page 83)

King Crimson said...

Hello here. Tried to put some comments on the video "The Big Ticket Item" on youtube but all the time the error ocurred thing appeared. Sure we know why that is. This is the comment that I tried to post:
"In 2004 while checking the site came upon a link, that took me to authentic copies of documents from the 40's regarding the numbers of Ashkenazim people of both Polish and German extraction. Kind of recall it was around 3.2 million. Saw other link there too, that the numbers of the actual deaths was a total of 875,000. Unfortunately those sites are not anymore. You may guess who was responsible for that convenient disappearance." It is evident that YT is still controlled by hooknose Ashkenaz elements. These psycho scumbags have their days numbered.

Anonymous said...

If "Love" were a particular person, Love would be so confused by our definitions by now; she'd be quaking heavily with epileptic seizures 24/7. Let's face it: For most Homo sapiens, love (at best) is simply a pleasant neurological response to some applied stimulus. Hooray!! Whatever works I guess.
To simplify further: It would seem there are those on this planet, who's neurology is twisted in such a way, as they equate nearly ANY stimulus to this same pleasant neurological buzzing sensation. So bloodying and slaughtering human bodies within a video game, yields them the same quality of experience, as fucking their neighbors wife while he's out golfing some particular Saturday afternoon.
Others need the real thing: So let's crank up the propaganda machines, until people are so fucking confused, they’ll start shooting, burning, pillaging, destroying; nearly everything in sight. It'll be a huge collective rush for everyone, and after the hula - cost has been dutifully paid, we can all drive around in new BMW's!!! Whatever works… We need our rush. We need it now. Get off your dead ass, and kill and poison something, PLEASE!
Perhaps we could cruise down to the local golf course in our new light “Beamer” whilst our neighbor fucks with our former lives. Or was that wife's? Those who are imaginative enough to think they actually won something, always write down the history of their feet… Or was that feat?
Sorry, but I'm afraid Arm-a-Gideon will be the same lame and fraudulent exercise in futility, as the Hula-cost. I also suspect the "new spirituality" which 'evolves' out of our collective Armageddon, will be just as stupid and vacuous as the previous 10,000 years of human love making.
As for cosmic “intelligence”: There are no such measurable phenomena. I rest my case.

Paul Von

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just need to listen to Dieudonne for a return to sanity and some good laughs .

Mr. Mcgranor said...

The third link is broke and this is the only one that i could find:



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