Dog Poet Transmitting.......
‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.
Where’s my Profiles in Evil, some of you might be asking that? I got to be in the mood. Sooner or later, probably after what I expect to happen shortly, I can get to that (grin).
Ahroooooooooooo! Most of the heavy breathing is going on in the banking community. After all, they run the world. They would be Cisco and the religious leaders and the politicians would be kind of a dual, Siamese Poncho. All of these units, in their pecking order, have gotten so used to screwing the pooch (that would be you; apologies to my dog Poncho) that they figure, “why not go mainstream with it and just take who we want, when we want them”?
This is why they want to give the Executive- administrative branch- full war powers and that is why they are covering legal access to themselves by manipulating those nine vultures, sitting on the dead branches of The Constitution, to grant them not only immunity but the right to do whatever they please, wherever they please; like in Indiana with Judge David. How did he go from the person he couldn’t possibly be in that blow-job, fluffer-op, to the heinous villain of personal rights that he just morphed into? Do I have the wrong Judge David? Please let me know. It won’t affect the rest of what I have to say (no idea what that will be) so I’ll just go on as if he is the one I’m talking about.
Well, I did a quick check and he is the very world class, slime ball I am referring to, so, never mind, or, maybe I’m wrong...
As I said, the really heavy breathing is coming from the top down through the Rothschild Vampire clan to all the nits and lice in three piece suits that do the marionette work with the Ponchos, on down through the dead branches of the ugly tree, that was once beautiful because The Constitution and Bill of Rights flowered on it, to the men and women in black, who bugger the laws in open court and then say, “sorry, no returns and no refunds and no lubricant, it’s the law”. What they are saying is that it is not enough to grope you in public, based on terror acts they committed, for that purpose; now they want to come into your house and hose you up against the washing machine (yes, as a matter of fact, you should have it running in the spin cycle) for their less than discreet needs.
Well, when you are all about plunder and milking and control and you have built empires of bullshit currency, game rigging, whatever... you know, shit happens and I can only hope that world leaders would do the right thing for those whom they serve... would that be the people? Would it be a higher or lower hierarchy of intent? Look closely folks... a whole lot of people have combined in a contributory way, with certain agendas and they are coming up against each other in some frightening ways and there is the tragic-comic factor too.
Listen up bankers; politicians, lawyers, entertainers, religious funda-dundas and sundry. It’s coming up through the ranks, down through the power lines and there is nothing you can do about it. Be wise and make the necessary changes, so that your country and people might prosper and survive.
Keep on doing what you are doing and, understand, you are walking to the gibbet, or Madame Guillotine, under your own power. Who is making you climb those stairs; walk that corridor and so on and so forth? You are. It would be best to come clean now and do yourself and the world a great, great favor. Do the right thing. Check yourself, because... well... here we are, aren’t we?
Some might say there is a conscious ruling force and some have another opinion. However, if you think about it, it still comes out the same. Something is moving now. Is it dominoes, the ineffable, numbers and letters, random-just sort of happened like this, where’s my dinner? Well, to each that is left for your own discrimination, analysis, conscience or lack thereof. It’s up to you on that account. What are you doing right now? I know some of the people who actually need to be reading this are hearing about it. May I suggest you cut your losses as much as you think you can, short of just letting go altogether?
Was there ever a time and a precipice like there is now? Surely there has been but... you are there. If you come clean, as much as you can and do the right thing, it will go well for you. Otherwise, well, surely you have some clue. You are not stupid. You got this far manipulating to your limit. Cut your losses and turn on your fellows, or wind up like that fellow from the IMF and worse than that is coming. See, it doesn’t matter what you believe is real. What matters is, what IS real (is that a pun?). Let me put it this way. You are standing in a niche in a subway tunnel. You think the train will just pass by you. What you do not comprehend is that that niche is mysteriously pressing outward now and there will soon be nothing but wall; no niche. Imagine in the piazza at Fiorenze (Florence), where the statues of Machiavelli and the other are recessed, if they were to be moved forward into the open. Yes, that is what you face. I have given you the only alternative. Throw yourself upon the mercy of the real court, since you have compromised the other.
Some of you are already doing what you can. Perhaps Iceland is an example of this. Some of you are wrestling with it and some of you are determined otherwise. Mark my words; the hour is late for you. Take the mercy that is there and be a hero to your people. Much can be forgiven if you act now. You are walking up those steps. Consider well.
Besides the one who moves among you now and throws your plans into confusion; who turns your dancing zombie, Bin Laden’s into jack in the box misfortunes, there is Nature to consider. You have aroused that which cannot be placated by any other means. Is it under control? Is it random? We shall see, won’t we?
Of course, some of you will not listen and the great herd is numbed by your sonorous and mesmerizing voice of fear. You are responsible for that. Note that your former protections and assurances are being removed. It is right in front of you. Will you continue, believing that you have the will and the might to force your template upon this sacred Earth? We shall see. I expect to hear; “Hey Poncho”! “Hey Cisco”! from a few of you as you do a Thelma and Louise off the cliff but... for many there is hope and never a better moment to cut your losses. You don’t want to be the lice in Donald Trump’s hair when it catches on fire.
This will not go away. We will not go away. It will not go away. It approaches. It is announcing itself. You can hear this. What are you doing? You are churning faster. You are pushing the fellow below you out into the traffic and you do not realize that someone is standing behind you. You no longer have the currency. Your protections are failing. Is it just a momentary waning of the moon? No, it is not.
This is a Sirius Song and it is coming down from Central Command. The old days are over and the ring of power and the reins are in transfer. Make your peace and do the right thing, while you still can. The time will come when that window will close and not open again for a long, long time.
For every soul who can hear, it is time to adjust your rhythm to the change in the score, to the arriving tempo; being out of step, increasingly so, leads directly into harm’s way. You are not the conductor. You have only been going through the motions and now your temporary place of power is losing its charge. Read the writing on the wall before you are put up against it and asked for your final words.
End Transmission.......
'And We Could All Be Free' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

". . . before you are put up against it and asked for your final words."
A YouTube video of a cartoon cat playing with Dubya's swinging feet would be a grand thing to see.
Powerful Les, thanks.
Maybe it is like an average guy who invests successfully, he doesn't think his investments will ever lose value. These creatures only see the up side for themselves and don't worry about the downside for the rest of us. I live in Schumer territory and the arrogance, hubris, old fashioned gall is palpable. Is he evil or a selfish prick? Or is it the same thing. Wish I could bug-out but five kids and 4 steps keeps me glued to the evil Schumer Bloomberg Ackerman triangle.
I should stick to origami b/c it isn't so scary.
best to all
Good stuff as always Visible.
I'm just sitting here in awe of the tremendous effect of illusion, as it is once again ripped away, showing how empty are plans and pretext. Seeing the same patterns from lower down the food chain and watching how the play moves on even as the score indicates the coming change of direction.
Looking at the mess in the cul-de-sac, and wondering what the next heavy metal rain will bring. Perhaps it will wash away some of the mess, but I’m gonna need a shovel to clean it up. And here I sit without even a teaspoon in my paws.
"...those nine vultures, sitting on the dead branches of The Constitution..."
It has never ceased to amaze me how some beings just wanna think happy thoughts and shut out reality cuz they see reality as bleak. How distorted is that, I ask? The "reality" they think they see is all an illusion, aptly designed with mind bending lies. Thus they are led to another enslaving illusion of their own creation, which results in a sort of double lock-down. The truth is so simple and pure and beneficial. When you have truth, you have it all.
I like being happy and having a good time, but my equation of this, I began to realize, is not the same as the “happy thoughts” people. My joy revolves around people, peace, harmony and love. I see a bright future on the path up ahead. It’s a bit steep and there are some obstacles, but nothing that cannot be overcome with some help from the Divine. And the company/companions on the same path inspires greatly.
Thank you, LV
Thank you for your post Visible.
I am in full agreement that a train is coming down the track shortly, and whether it be the pressure push from the zionist puke behind or that the 'indent' itself pushes out to become flush with the wall, in either case resulting in the instantaneous obliteration of said person presetly hiding in the 'safe' shadowed crevice.
There is no longer hope for those who work in darkness - they would have mened their ways long before now if they intended to.
The apocalypse has shifted into second gear now where the zionists are beginning to eat each other. Case in point Rothschild/Geithner taking down Khan.
The sound of the whistle and the light from the engine of the approaching train are almost deafening and blinding.
Get right with God and keep your loved ones close.
There are some fine commentary coming thru, thank you.
The other night I was watching a show about Oprah and what all goes on to put together her shows. There was a commercial for Target stores. At the end of the commercial, there was a picture of Chicago, the Hancock tower and Sears tower (some other name now) and then a plane flying by. I thought how strange, it looked too familiar, like 9/11. Then the Target sign slides in sideways and stops and Oprah singing praises about Chicago and Target. And then a cold chill went down my spine. They're showing each other that Chicago is the next target of their false flag. They're already telling us that "they" are planning on taking out commuter trains. Chicago has plenty of those as well. With Rahm Emmanuel, inserting himself as the new mayor, well, what more needs to be said.
I pray to the Divine that all is in its divine order, and please, please let it be that "they" will be stopped and exposed and that is what all it will take to wake up the rest of the masses to come together and sing "out demons out" and so it will be.
wv: comalla ... com alla ye faithful, sing out demons out ...
good morning, Les and friends!
I just watched a RTV video interview that said that this alleged rapist, rutting chimp was trying to institute rules on the banksters.
I also read that sarkozy is a mossad agent. so, this monkey-man was going to try to be president of france, and kick out the other one, who is very unpopular. are the french that stupid? all they have is a monkey-man to enforce rules on the banks? this monkey-man is as biased for Israel, as is the mossad dude. so, how come france is so taken w these types? aren't the french the ones who took out the king? and napoleon? or are they just weak?
I know, rhetorical, considering our weakness here, and the fact that we always get two candidates that work for the same banksters....just like france.
Looking around on the corrupt news network (CNN) this morning I read the story of the homeless woman in Conneticut who enrolled her six year old son in a school district where they actually didn't live. Her trial begins today and she is facing the possibility of twenty years in jail, if convicted. If this example of inhumanity to man does not set up alarm bells for the people of Amerika, then I don't know what will. Creeping fascism? Maybe more like a jet stream kind of movement.
Total train wreck and what we can all expect if we don't wake up.
Thanks again to all of you.
Looks like Arnold has joined Club Apocalypse:
By the way, Mr. Visible, you are sounding a heck of a lot like John the Baptist:
"A voice of one crying out in the desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.'"
He said to the crowds who came out to be baptized by him, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
Even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."
And the crowds asked him, "What then should we do?" He said to them in reply, "Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise."
Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, "Teacher, what should we do?" He answered them, "Stop collecting more than what is prescribed."
Soldiers also asked him, "And what is it that we should do?" He told them, "Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages."
Can the "Second Coming" be far behind?
Particularly good song this time, and thanks for the hat tip toward Buffy Sainte-Marie... Courageous woman with a great message.
Snake Sage
@MR—regarding your "Chicago" post:
And it gets worse; there is a Larry Silverstein (remember him?) connection to the Willis—formerly Sears—Tower.
by the scent of heavens grace
the beauty of the moon
sailing streams of sunlight
the flowers living bloom
the potency of everywhere
a crown of all the stars
a lift of living now
union of the heart
a spark upon a moment
the warmth of summer wind
weaving of our nature
draw and push within
a wing tip lifting high
across the ocean waves
a bird of living paradise
stirs and shifts and sways
hmm, it's like the trumpets sounding the charge; "it" almost time, but just a little more evidence and a little longer before time will be right for the big move
no disrespect intended here, just suggestions
"... so that your country and people might prosper and survive."
yes - but we people must forever end the means we have been using to prosper and survive up to now; it should be accomplished no longer by mass theft accompanied by global scale violence i.e. all wars for last 3 centuries; not by money systems of usury; not at expense of environment and the more noble animals, etc.
"If you come clean, as much as you can and do the right thing, it will go well for you."
This will work for some, but there is a "special group" that it will not work for - no matter what they may do as atonement. "They" will be stripped of all their ill gotten gains - to be distributed back to rightful, deserving, owners and as reparations (for 2 centuries plus of their global terror reign and mass murder); their fate won't be as bad as the one they have created and subjected hundreds of millions of human being, animals, environment to; e.g. every "war" and "revolution" -all contrived by and for profits of wealth and power, going to those very few (wealth, power still held by them and traceable to their current descendants); their genocides of hundreds of millions; starting with Africans enslaved, followed by Chinese addicted to their opium; the French "revolution" in which mostly the poor and powerless were murdered; the American "Civil War"; the genocide of Native Americans in north and south America; the Armenian Genocide; the Russian "revolutions" and 60 years of genocide of all eastern, southern, Europe, Baltics, Trans Caucasus and central Asian regions; followed by similar done to western Europeans and camouflaged as "world wars"; millions of Chinese -who survived genocide by opium addiction, but were slaughtered for that "special utopia on earth"; the Koreans; the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Cubans, Serbians, Africans, and now those next up, in the USA; their ongoing murder and mayhem for "entertainment" and profit - in the Moslems' lands ... For this - the "elite" (hidden until now) will not get off lightly.
Thanks for your works Les Visible
sorry people that poem maybe should of gone on origami,....
anyway nice post mr visible's...neil
Saw all of that... You're an amusing fellow Boulderdash. I'm definitely waiting upon it and talking about it so John and I have that in common. I hope I get to keep my head, with the exception that my heart consumes it somewhat.
The Queen is planning on extending her influence in Ireland with a 'friendly' visit. This is not going over well with Sinn Fein;
A Russian House speaker is feeling his oats and threatening the world with destruction;
There are plans for the destruction of the population within the Obama WH by John Holdren;
David Icke recognized the Rothschild vs Rothschild play happening in the latest sex soap opera;
These things we watch sometimes with distress, sometimes with amusement because we know and experience that they are wind bags who are going to be blowing in the wind in more ways than one.
All these infringements and even tragic disasters will not continue for much longer before the slate is wiped clean of these rotting corpses being kept alive by chemical injections.
Will they hear that Horn, do they have time...up to them, as enough warning has been given, even to the 11th hour.
I hear about these groups who have huge funds gonna break it out and heal the world.
But I am uneasy because of the names that pop up as who the 'good guys' are. They have not been friends of ours. Have they really had a turn of heart and chosen the righteous path? Or is this just another coup d'etat; another prison with curtains rather than bars.
And will this even matter if we are moving on... I don't know but~
"...I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
wv: syndoer~ too easy
... Yes - but we people must forever end the means we have been using to prosper... Anonymous 7:08pm.
I agree. I look at the trees, the animals and the birds, etc. I don’t see them using any money. Money?? Money?? We don’t need no stinkin’ money.
I’m thinking “as above, so below” and “if we build it they will come.”
Anon 7:08;
Your last paragraph was incredibly accurate. I wonder what percent of the world know what you wrote is the truth? My guess is a very, very, very small prercent.
For if a majority of the world knew what you know it would be enough to begin to end their murderous charade tomorrow.
Jewish zionists are being unveiled for all they have done and are doing. Up to now the unveiling has occured much too slowly for my likes. Nevertheless it is occuring. I believe the facts you have listed, which I judge to be entirely true, are getting a turbo boost so that they will indeed come out to everyman sooner than later - although it won't be by the jewish zionist controlled MSM. It will occur via blogs and sites like Visible's.
The accelerator are the so called truthseekers blogging and commenting everywhere on the internet. This explosion of the awareness about the activities of jewish zionists was catalysed by 9/11, specifically WTC7.
No other portal has ever opened more questioning and awareness of reality about jewish zionist activities, ever. The rabbit hole many of us started down ended every single time with the dark actions of Rothschild and the jewish zionists. Time after time, fact after fact after fact.
Your last paragraph is remarkable in it's straightforward listing of everything they have orchestrated over the past two and a half centuries. It all began with a crooked goldsmith in Frankfurt named Bauer who began tricking his customers by issuing with more chits for gold than he had gold on hand.
Perhaps the apex of crookedness of these blatant criminals is their present attempt to establish a private global fractional-reserve-usury currency.
The termination of Khan by Rothschild may be a reflection of the latter's frustration in his realisation that he will be unable to bring a private global currency into existence. The reason it is not going to happen is because there are too many individuals around the world who have sought and found out the truth about what Rothschild and his oligarch cronies are attempting to do.
Their jig is up. Hopefully with the general knowledge of the truth in your final paragraph: private central banking and global debt slavery will end. And thereby most wars and poverty will also end.
Knowledge is power. Your last paragraph is pure dynamite.
Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.
We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labour, and my leisure too,
For his civility.
We passed the school where children played,
Their lessons scarcely done;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.
We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.
Since then 'tis centuries; but each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.
Emily Dickinson
"Creeping fascism?" Hardly.
America is in the same jew Bolshevik death grip that was applied so murderously to Christian Russia from 1917. Exactly the same.
Tens of millions of Christians murdered. Thousands of churches destroyed by those godless Commies. How many synagogues did those godless Commies destroy? Zero . . . Guess why.
They like nothing more than to have their mass murdering jew Bolshevism hidden behind the misuse of "fascism."
Bolshevism is Communism is Judaism.
Research the suppressed real story of the genocidal Bolshevik jew coup in Russia and you will see the parallels happening now almost a century later, in America.
I sure hope you keep your head. All who visit here are with you also.
Just stay away from dancing royalty...
I certainly will but royalty can't dance. They're too stiff and too loose in the wrong places.
neil~ your poem brightened my day, thank you!
I love this universe, it's designed to look after its self: with every action there is an equal and opposite re action.
And I'm so pleased that you are an integral part of all things Les.
Again, as always, thanks for all you do.
I copied this off from another blog post. This person mentions Chicago, and crop failure, like in Monsanto's self destroying seeds ..... one can hope.
"In the planets (Full Moon tonight) I do believe it says the plan (to instigate repression perhaps by doing a Nine-Eleven Op on Chicago), broke down, went off-the-rails, hit an unexpected unplanned-for bump in the road to despotville. Now 'they' have a Plan B 'fallback' position which amounts to about a 5 month delay, (missing the June deadline, so now aiming for November 'product rollout') ... except, but, events overtake the delay and the whole entire 40-year (literally since 1971) Grand Plan of Global Domination comes a cropper. Humpty Dumpty egg on 'their' faces. Maybe the Event which ends their empire is something mundane like global warming or crop failures or, simply, the Grand Poopy Planner keels over and descends to Davy Jones ... and the underworld below. Definitely their undoing is of their own hand in making the 'end event' happen -- if they hadn't played with fire it wouldn't have burned them."
White people are making war against humanity!!!
Think it would be good if everyone, at every possibility, savages Jonathan Kay, a virulent shill making the MSM book tour. His "book" is ridiculous; anyone who reads this site, and this comment, can deconstruct his flawed (and/or programmed, "logic?"). Another fool, making a fool of itself , via the Apocolypse? Hope so. Best of all to y'all.
dog the browns ferry nuclear plant, virtually on top of me had the cooling system go down. They say it is back up................ say it is but don't know what the problem was.
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see?
Coming for to carry me home,
A band of angels coming after me,
Coming for to carry me home.
If you get there before I do,
Coming for to carry me home,
Tell all my friends I’m coming, too.
Coming for to carry me home.
You know this internet it can't be denied has let us all know there are some real spirits out there that well, make you proud to be a spirit! They can't be beat down, they refuse to except lies.
Dog needs some clarification from me on some minor points I can work with him on, but hey you know I will work with on the other side to iron out the small stuff.
Dog you have made my final days on planet earth a real trip and I love you for that.
Al Qaeda Has New Undetectable Weapon!
The panelling in my wooden fence has more nous than anyone who would swallow this rubbish.
But then again this is Fox and its viewers isn't it?
The Quean wore green descending on dublin town today. Envious, me? No way, Jose. Today for me was a day immersed in the green of the Northern spring with the pink blossoms of the Nankin bush cherry; cascading crescendos of yellow as a million dandelions greeted the sun; yellow set with imperial purple in the free ranging violas springing up in my gardens and being transposed to join the columbines soon to blossom in the flower beds.
Whose world is more real? Is it the glitz, the glitter, the game of fame with all its pomp and circumstance as the House of Battenburg renamed as Windsor collects its rents and its tributes from people long enserfed and put down by those who firmly believe that theirs' doesn't stink? Or is the real reality a state of being where the concept of Anno Domini ~ Anus Dominated~ Dome in Nation ~ Damn Nation ~ Damnation, gives way to a life invested, rather than spent...a life infused with the natural world in the understanding that the circle of life is more real than Israel.
good post and interesting comments!
I've been thinking about Strauss-Kahn today...I suspect this is a set up.
Added to this I will be thinking about the comment by Anonymous about Chicago. I have had Rahm Emanuel in my thoughts since I read he was sworn in as Mayor. Nothing sure good to come out of that!
The world is in a pickle but that never bothered just gave him something to do!
I've been thinking about the Universe and the somewhat odd combination of Omnipotent God (all under control...) and Free Will that I believe in. Here's the perspective:
It starts making sense when you come to a realization that yes, I have Free Will but so do all my Brothers and Sisters. In this way, you understand that the Apocalypse is a necessity because the Creator sees that some are using their Free Will to hamper the Life of others and seeking to corrupt Truth, sort of 'Houston, we have a problem' then (cue Johnny Cash 'God's gonna cut you down').
Universe is sort of wishing well in an 'Ask, and you shall receive' way - and the purity in the askers Heart, and sins/karmic load will determine whether the result is something that is what is asked for or even better or whether it becomes a disappointment or an exercise in poetic justice...
I don't know whether TPTW can be forgiven at this point but I think it would better for them if they genuinely tried to set things right and beg for forgiveness... Even though that would mean suffering in this Material world.
Snake Sage
You have been hinting within several posts that something is coming. This current post is chock full of hints. Could you be so kind as to reveal the nature of "something coming"? or is it part of your perceived mystic and mostly bullshit. Other than that I mostly enjoy your posts.
I believe that just a short time ago, your site was approaching 1 million visitors.
Noting the current number, I am even more grateful for—and astonished by—your insight, intelligence and gift of communication.
Evidently, word is out. [Big Fucking Grin]
And "The Apocalypse"—the true meaning of which I learned from you—quickens its pace.
Thank you.
3 brilliant blasts of light will hit the earth. 7 days of darkness will follow. 3 doors will become apparent - through something like a huge class pyramid.
In simple terms: heaven/hell/earth. Each of us will enter our destined door. Stay calm.
This from a reliable source - trusted by me!
Just sharing what has been told
Thank you all and...
don't be 'cross'. I am not a soothsayer and I am not nostrildamus, even if I do play him on TV. If you can't see what is on the horizon to some degree, get better reading glasses. The future is unpredictable because of our aspect in the mix; much harm can remain undone and much good can be accomplished. We have these days in our hands and these moments to endeavor. More than that I can't say but I think I was pretty clear as far as she goes.
Genie and others - concerning DSK, the zionist maid man in Manhattan:
"This looks like a set up honey-trap."
Agreed, these people do this and far worse every day of the week. When one gets caught, it's a set up.
If a maid had really complained in this way about a man like this, she'd take a dive from the roof.
can't say you didn't warn them. you and Johnny the B.
wv: ingeneg - pass- can't think as I was silly enough to try prescription pain killers. must be how the 'sheeple' feel all the time.
siamsam, Wednesday, May 18, 2011 12:17:00 PM
Believe me, I am a reliable source and should be trusted by you, honestly.
I have for sale (only three left) huge glass pyramid like doors.
Now, I can let you have these beautiful big crystal clear glass doors for a mere $1569.99 each.
They would fit readily into a pyramid type structure and funnily enough they each have a brass plate attached; one has 'Heaven' etched on it, the other has 'Hell' and the third one has 'Earth' on it.
If you place the amount for each pyramid door you require in the following bank account I promise (cross my heart and hope to die) I will send you these items ASAP.
Bank: Swiss Bank of Usury
BSB: 239-683
Account: 256382
Please make the deposit in the name: Belvedere Brown
I look forward to doing with you.
Signed extremely sincerely
Belvedere Brown
ps. My God has asked me to do this and as such I will pay the freight anywhere in the world after May 21st.
A new Reflections in a Petri Dish is up-
Lit5tle Georgie Sorrows and the Cowabunga Cowpie.
Good day and good post.
Those who are aware and awake can see the times are a changin' and we'd better be better or else.
Peace to ya all and may a happy peace prevail.
Interesting interview with CEO of Pimpco on DSK:
World Bank Sees Dollar Reserve Status Ending Over Next Decade
Could be a lot sooner....
This was my take on the pearl-clutching going on at another site, over the cancellation of "America's Most Wanted," after 23 years:
"On the other hand, given that several people who most assuredly had foreknowledge of 9-11—Dov Zakheim, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Larry Silverstein, just to name a few—given that their evident complicity means, in essence, that they would each qualify for serial killer status…
and given that none of them has ever made the list of “America’s Most Wanted,”
perhaps, just maybe,
the powers that be in TV land finally realized the freaking obvious—that the concept of “law and order” in the US has gotten a little fuzzy—and decided that the AMW time-slot could be put to better use?
(That broad who played Natalie on “Facts of Life" is just itchin’ for her own reality show.)
But that’s just an educated guess.
Don’t tase me, or anything like that, Bro!"
Sorry dog. No etheric slight intended. The label of my invisibilty cloak is 'gnostic ingnoramus'. and, whatever all that may be about, thanks for the totally vivid full frontals.
what the...? I've got no idea of what you are talking about so, moving right along.
anon @ 3:29,
It was only a dream. Sometimes I forget to consider left brain types may be reading my comments.
Think best to add a disclaimer next time I post a poem.
Fan-tastic. My heart went up a good many beats of elation. I love it. I feel like I have so many pieces of information coming at me at once, all of them confirming that I am the one (note: all of you are the one too) that is of this planet, this solar system, this galaxy, this universe, and back down again to this God Particle.
There is no spoon. And if you can see that, then there is no anything that you yourself did not create, agree to or imagine. It is you, it is your neighbor, it is us. All of these things we all have looked to as our moment to moment sense of gratification are in a state of degradation, while we the aware are in a state of graduation. You must know yourself, know who you are, why you are, and what you are. It cannot be defined by science, or government, or religion. It is designed, and defined by you. Yes, you! You make the creation of you, of your life, your surroundings, your planet, your universe. I know that's hard for may to see but it is pure poetry of the spirit, and everyone (including you) is waiting for you to pronounce it. Sing to us, and let us give our verse in harmony with you. Thanks, Les.
These creatures can no more decide to stop their monstrous behaviour than a tick can decide to stop drinking blood. There needs to be some fundamental justice to right the vast wrongs committed by the vampires. That justice becomes more likely the longer their blatant and arrogant behaviour continues.
'sam, Thursday, May 19, 2011 1:51:00 AM
and there I was thinking I had a sale!! Bugger.
BB .... sorry to build up your hopes. Shouldn't really count your chickens before they hatch - as my old mother was fond of saying :)
PS don't go buying any green bananas, just incase.
IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Set Up For
Breaking Free From Party Line? .
If this is true and proven it may help to turn DS-K against his masters.
And if this happens he may or may not get through (due to his demise?) but there will be others to follow and if the plebs see what is perceived as tptb turning on each other it may sway their torpidity??
Lots of ifs and maybes but we can live in hope.
Excellent post, and good comments, except for those that are ignorant, misinformed, hate-filled, anti-semitic and manifestly in the conspiracy theory hall of fame.
masterymistery at
cosmic rapture
You might also add, 'and those that are shamelessly self promoting' too.
Les, isn't this what people like mistymystry do: use and abuse?
Masterymysteyr .....
Curious, so visited your site. What can i say, it is like a bad acid trip. Enough to turn fragile souls to become antisemolina.
There's a new Visible Origami up now-
When the Walking Half Dead become The Walking Undead.
A new Profiles in Evil is up-
Binnie the Rat Nitwityahoo.
siamsam, there's a place for bad acid trips, just as there is for anything. If there were no bad acid trips, nor never had been, Reality would be impoverished. Fragile souls should work out more.
Les, I shamelessly admit to being shamelessly self promoting, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Which I think in this case, it doesn't. After all, adding a link to cosmic rapture (see, I'm doing it again!) doesn't reduce the volume of traffic to Smoking Mirrors. And BTW, cosmic rapture carries a link to Smoking Mirrors, how about a reciprocal?
Anonymous, who am I abusing? And what exactly is the abuse? You shouldn't sling off at people you don't know anything about. I'd be happy to abuse you if you weren't hiding behind anonymity...
Thanks to everyone who stopped by cosmic rapture, hope you will come and visit again soon
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