Dog Poet Transmitting.......
‘May your noses always be absent from the anti-pasta platter’.
If you’re planning to leave the US you had better think about doing it soon. If you’ve got one already you’re supposed to be able to renew it by mail but you have to send in the one you have, which means you won’t have one if they don’t send you one back. Nine years ago (or so) we went to Maui for the winter. We’d gone the year before as well. Susanne had washed my pants with my passport in it and they told me at US customs that I had to get another. I paid an extra hundred dollars to get my passport expedited, even though we were there for two months, I wanted to make sure all went well, since my passport was set to expire in a year or so. My passport never came. Finally it was a week before we left. I was on the phone a great deal to Honolulu, back and forth; back and forth it went. My passport showed up the day before we left. Plans had already been made for me to remain behind and deal with this. There was no question in my mind that they were messing with me. The capacity to mess with you is now greatly increased and shortly it will be much worse.
Homeland Security and the TSA (a division of Israeli Global Control) are hot to toss you into a blender and render you into cannibal chowder or Gentile Jambalaya. They were working on the recipe in the aftermath of Katrina. Few people are aware that Michael Brown, head of FEMA (another division of Israeli Global Control), worked in the food industry, prior to being made the figurehead of American disaster preparedness. What Bush had actually said to Brown was, “You’re cooking a heck of a stew, Brownie”. He used the flood waters in the city of New Orleans as the broth base for his award winning concoction (First Prize from Tel Aviv Culinary Institute) called Niggaz Hava Nagila. They had previously tenderized the flesh at the New Orleans Super Dome, through the application of intense heat and gang rape. It was the rage of the Israeli cabaret scene for a short time or until supplies ran out. Generally it was preceded with a soup; Consommé of Palestinian Child and a starter plate of Lebanese Mousse composed of the smaller victims of cluster bomb accidents. The Israeli’s are well of aware of the coming food and fuel shortages and have been preparing for a subsidized diet of human flesh, as well as locally refined gasoline made from the body parts of their neighbors. You’ll note the sudden emergence of Israeli Kebab stands appearing at your local malls.
It’s a little known fact that the Dead Sea Beauty Products being sold at the ‘fly by night’ mall kiosks are really flesh testing agents that are being applied to passing shoppers. Those who get the proper ph reading, receive samples with a tracking device implanted in the label. It’s a bar code kind of a thing. Harvesting takes place later on, once ‘the food’ has been further investigated for compliance with kosher law. Military gifted SWAT trucks from the Department of Defense (a division of Israeli Global Control) are being retrofitted as ambulatory kitchens and food processing units, all of which operate under the aegis of Operation Movable Feast, in conjunction with Heinz and The Smithfield Pork processing corporations (both are divisions of Israeli Global Control). I’ve got a recipe book but won’t be publishing any of the contents due to copyright issues.
People have been concerned for some time about all those coffins stacked up outside of Atlanta and all those Fema Camps that are being built around the country. They somehow think that these are for bodies from natural or manmade disasters, on the one hand, or concentration camps on the other. Actually they are for food transport, on the one hand (watch your fingers!) and livestock holding pens on the other. There are quite a few hungry Zionists on the American mainland and given the coming difficulties in the logistics of transport, it’s been decided to prepare the foodstuffs locally for local consumption.
The day is coming when you might find yourself at some pricey new Zionist eatery and have your food displayed for you in a crib or a glass cage, with the pedigree listed on the attending menu and you’ll be able to give directions to the chef for preparation, just like they do with lobsters presently. There’s even talk of teppanyaki style eateries and you can imagine what might happen there. A number of additional possibilities are under discussion, such as ‘eat the entertainer ‘nights. This consists of talent shows that take place before dining, while drinks are served. You can bid for the body of the entertainer performing if you don’t like their act, or maybe even if you do. There will be an endless stream of performers, extracted from FEMA food storage units, and... depending on the venue and their being told about what’s likely to happen, beforehand, it should all add something to the whole performance.
Many Zionists have been regaled since birth about the glory days of Berlin cabaret society and how they never realized their potential, due to unfortunate political events that transpired during that time. In kibbutzes, Chabad houses and social gatherings around the world, tales are told about what might have been and soon will be; nothing stirs the appetite like time and expectation. There have been any number of disappointments on the long road to legalized cannibalism and ‘anything goes’ legalized sexual imperatives, all in the name of freedom of being and expression. It’s been too damn bad that the rest of the world’s populations just haven’t gotten with the program or recognized what a significant part they play in it. People still think that the world wide organ harvesting that has been going on is all about replacing worn out parts in the forms of alien reptiles that burn through them at a high rate. Actually, it’s really just part of a global sweetbreads industry that caters to eateries at Red Sea resorts and other emporiums of fine dining; “what am I, chopped liver”? Hmmmmm, or is that Ummmmm? You have my apologies for the coffee sprayed on the keyboard.
Word has it that the reason Cindy Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her son, despite overwhelming evidence of her guilt, was that she was engaged in a covert culinary effort for new Mossad inductees. She was actually using the trunk of her car as a humidor to prepare a dish similar to rotted pheasant; the sort of thing you see hanging outside the hunting lodges of British Royals. Chloroform is apparently a seasoning which becomes highly active in confined quarters. How the authorities got involved in what was obviously nothing more than a kitchen experience gone wrong is unknown at this time. Cue Bill Withers; “Ain’t no bloodstains when he’s gone”.
Yes, you’re all on the menu, well, some of you are. The rest of you are probably mulch for genetic gardening experiments from the My Satan Corporation and... some version or another of all of this might well be true if it were not for the interference of the cosmos in the ‘best laid plans of mice and men” going, “gang aft agley”. You see, where we are is in the midst of cosmic housecleaning and you have to look at the laundry, the fixtures and infrastructure to see what actually needs cleaning or not and this requires airing the dirty laundry, which is what is taking place at the moment; witness Rupert the dung slug’s dénouement, which is going to go a lot deeper and get a lot nastier than you might anticipate. Many wonders, comic, tragic and actually wonderful are on the slate for appearance, now and shortly.
Where we are is in a state of time confusion and this accounts for nothing happening when you expect it, while at the same time, appearing to be trundling along as it ever did, while defying the laws of gravity and attendant physics, in keeping itself propped up by nothing, in a state of suspension like the Jell-O that the Likudniks and neo-cons are having sex in. Sooner or later dissolution comes to all Jell-O in all flavors. This time confusion is created by the condition in which ordinary time has sped up while cosmic time remains unaffected, leaving you with that ‘twinkling of an eye’ and ‘thief in the night’ condition of impending something or other that just keeps impending until it looks like a waving appendage of a dead sea turtle floating in the new Sargasso Sea of The Gulf of Mexico. Outrage follows upon outrage and the Gobblegloom hovers with massive bat-wings of darkness in the corners and crevasses of the human mind, in a sort of ‘seeking whom he may devour” kind of way and you’ve got to be firm and stalwart and endure because sometimes endurance is all you have.
Endurance is one of the most underrated of qualities which is why, boys and girls, we went through all the crap we went through to cultivate it. A great many people have no endurance and that is why they are going to be “chaff in the wind” so to speak. The easy road is never the easy road and those who took it are finding out why, now that the easy road has turned into the hard road. Those of us who have walked the hard road don’t notice so much. It just looks like some highway we already walked under a midnight moon or alternatively pounded by sun and rain for a stretch that looked a lot smaller on the map when we started out. Don’t despair and don’t give up, help is on the way, even if the only place you are going to see it is inside.
End Transmission......
'Dui Do I, Oh Baby D.W.I.' is track no. 5 of 12 on
Visible and The Critical List's 1992 album 'Not Politically Correct'
About this song (pops up)

no soup for you !
A rant.
It's all about the jews stupid!
It's all about the money.
Woke up this morning and felt a sense of clarity about what is really happening.
The USA and israel are siblings. Their common creator is the original city of London financiers.
The ruling class on earth until around 1400 were the kings and queens and their families. They all intermarried in order to keep the money and power contained and controlled by the fraction of one percent of the population.
As non-royal (normal) people began to be educated, first as priests and then in all manner of professions, the "royal blood line" justification for the rulers and serfs began to wear thin.
The common man, as he became more educated and aware, was less and less inclined to accept a system where he toiled and the royal rulers kicked back and lived luxeriously 24/7 without doing anything resembling work.
What to do? The ruling royal class didn't want to work, they wanted to party and pursue the arts at their own leisure.
The fateful beheading of all the French royals naturally gave the royal family members living in the other countries serious reason to pause.
What to do? How to keep control of the money and power and still keep your head? A conundrum.
Necessity is said to be the mother of invention. The solution presented itself by its own volition. A goldsmith family in Germany had set up a very lucrative scam where they handed out more IOU's for gold than they had in their safe. This family had been so successful with this scam they had acquired many properties and companies and were trying to "buy" into nobility status in the countries where they successfully operated.
A deal was struck. The goldsmith scammers would be allowed to integrate and marry into the ranks of nobility if they would use their scam to preserve the money and power in those same royal families.
From the common working man's point of view this was the deal from hell because it entrenched he and his fellow (non-royal and non-scamming) man to a kind of peasant status forever. One where now both the royals and the scammers could kick back and party 24/7 with out doing any real work.
When the new world was being settled this same royal scam was operating all over europe and in many other parts of the world. That is why the wise founding fathers put into writing that the issuing of money 1) shall be gold and coins only [not fractional fiat], 2) that no one except the government shall issue money.
Patriotism is said to be tyrany wrapped in a flag, and religion is the justification of atrocities disguised as serving the "right" god.
It is through fractional fiat and usury that the whole world is kept subjugated to the royal scammers.
God created all men and women equal.
Royal scammers are not more equal than others anymore than brown people are less equal than others.
The fractional fiat and usury control of the people and their governments, and the acceptance of a priviledged nobility really needs to end.
Bailouts, restructuring, etc. will never solve the problem. A one world government and a one world currency would entrench the problem even more (if that is even possible).
Nope. The whole way the world is structured by man has to change. That means TPTB may all have to lose their heads in order to end the royal scam.
Thank you for your post. No one constructs a good soup the way you do (grin).
A rant.
It's all about the jews stupid!
It's all about the money.
Woke up this morning and felt a sense of clarity about what is really happening.
The USA and israel are siblings. Their common creator is the original city of London financiers.
The ruling class on earth until around 1400 were the kings and queens and their families. They all intermarried in order to keep the money and power contained and controlled by the fraction of one percent of the population.
As non-royal (normal) people began to be educated, first as priests and then in all manner of professions, the "royal blood line" justification for the rulers and serfs began to wear thin.
The common man, as he became more educated and aware, was less and less inclined to accept a system where he toiled and the royal rulers kicked back and lived luxeriously 24/7 without doing anything resembling work.
What to do? The ruling royal class didn't want to work, they wanted to party and pursue the arts at their own leisure.
The fateful beheading of all the French royals naturally gave the royal family members living in the other countries serious reason to pause.
What to do? How to keep control of the money and power and still keep your head? A conundrum.
Necessity is said to be the mother of invention. The solution presented itself by its own volition. A goldsmith family in Germany had set up a very lucrative scam where they handed out more IOU's for gold than they had in their safe. This family had been so successful with this scam they had acquired many properties and companies and were trying to "buy" into nobility status in the countries where they successfully operated.
A deal was struck. The goldsmith scammers would be allowed to integrate and marry into the ranks of nobility if they would use their scam to preserve the money and power in those same royal families.
From the common working man's point of view this was the deal from hell because it entrenched he and his fellow (non-royal and non-scamming) man to a kind of peasant status forever. One where now both the royals and the scammers could kick back and party 24/7 with out doing any real work.
When the new world was being settled this same royal scam was operating all over europe and in many other parts of the world. That is why the wise founding fathers put into writing that the issuing of money 1) shall be gold and coins only [not fractional fiat], 2) that no one except the government shall issue money.
Patriotism is said to be tyrany wrapped in a flag, and religion is the justification of atrocities disguised as serving the "right" god.
It is through fractional fiat and usury that the whole world is kept subjugated to the royal scammers.
God created all men and women equal.
Royal scammers are not more equal than others anymore than brown people are less equal than others.
The fractional fiat and usury control of the people and their governments, and the acceptance of a priviledged nobility really needs to end.
Bailouts, restructuring, etc. will never solve the problem. A one world government and a one world currency would entrench the problem even more (if that is even possible).
Nope. The whole way the world is structured by man has to change. That means TPTB may all have to lose their heads in order to end the royal scam.
Well, bein' a member of The Church of Euthanasia, and one of their slogans bein', 'EAT PEOPLE NOT ANIMALS', I suppose this is OK by me. Then again, I have a friend who thinks one could call themselves vegetarian even if they did eat 'long pig'.
Judgin' from the state of the world, I wonder if I'd be wrong to disagree.
Yo! Some baby-back ribs, please. The 3 year old is fine. Side order of chips fried in olive oil and garlic, and some breaded mushrooms, please.
So, Soylent Green was a prophetic movie?
But with the diets people eat these days in the industrialised world, I don't know if they qualify as food any more. They be just as toxic as the garbage at the fast food outlets like KFC and McDonald's.
I'll stick to my tofu, thanks. Great stuff if it's cooked right, and we only get organic.
Now, where is that Jonathan Swift collection I was readin' a couple of weeks ago?!
Whatever. We have no clue how the screw is gonna turn, but I don't think it's gonna be in the way the powers that think they are thinks it's gonna be. The consequences of their alleged plans and what they think is gonna happen can't be. They are destroyin' themselves in the process, and they can't see it for the life of 'em.
But it's all an illusion, isn't it? After all, what is Physical Existence? A blip in ETERNITY that is but a self-imposed prison sentence for the sake of learnin', or perhaps detoxin' from the 'need' for what this realm has to offer.
Bein' I'm in the world, and not of it, I'm not stressin' too bad. Not stressin' at all, really. Repeatin' myself, but with life bein' temporary, and existence bein' eternal, how can I?
You are here, and your fate lies with the will of the wind. You are there, self-contained, with only one law. Do ye no harm, do as ye will.
I do prefer there to here, with access to truth, existence without fetters, and complete freedom to do what I wish as long as I do not inconvenience or impose upon another, which is fine by me. If they wish to make a doner kebab ('Donn'er kebabs in my case?) out o' me after I've shuffled off the mortal coil, so be it. (Ignore that, after all. I don't exist.) Why should I care? It's like if I sold a house to someone that I live in, it is not my concern what the new owners do with it, not that you can actually own a house in the U.S.. (It's government property. You are a TENANT. Look at your deed. Then there's eminent domain, and see how long you can stay on the land if you don't pay property taxes.)
Oh well. Just look at the bright side. The system as it is, IS comin' to an end.
pretty much in agreement with you until I got to the part about our fate being in the hands of the will of the wind but I'll just chalk it up to unintentional poetic license, or impairment on your part, or heightened awareness on my part due to impairment on my part or press 2 for more choices.
les......i will control my paranoia....i will control my paranoia.......i will -- oh, f-k it. i so much hope that "mike in michigan" is NOT the same stalker-male-relative who has hounded me ever since my two older daughters were 6 years old.... and who is lately, ever since he discovered through his obsessive stalking that i now also have a profoundly autistic and beautiful little girl who is, you guessed it, finally 6 years old - much to the murderous chagrin of my older two now-grown-daughters. since that man is himself a flipping psychopath who married into the family and proceeded to enact his criminally insane fantasies on all within his grasping reach, he has managed to destroy more women in my family, including me (i was the only female child in even my extended family until my older daughters were born, thus giving him something "safe" to pursue other than his son's friends' little sisters......and my daughters have documented as have i all manner of behaviors from him that have been, well, criminal, and all we do is move from state to state, city to city, i hide. now, they are older, starting college, we still hide. he has made some desperate and insane attempts at the last minute, trying to get my youngest out from under not only my care but the now-legal care of her older sisters who are of age to take custody of her should anything happen to me. and that man wants custody of this child. she is a pedophiles dream child. she is autistic. she does not speak. so, he has gone all out (he has the time and the money, i never said i CAME from poverty, just that i LIVE in poverty--its the price you pay when you escape a dodgy relative.) i had to deal with the results of his actions as a child, my daughters were cornered once, and now he wants the last dance. with my littlest one. if perchance 'mike in michigan" who also lists himself as "jerseycynic" is this same man, beware. you will be the g-dm soup, mr. i promise. we are fully aware of everything. it only takes a couple years or so to nail you. and you shall be nailed. i cannot wait. i prefer plant matter on my plate any day, but on the day of your own well-deserved entrance into the wood-chipper, i and my daughters will be there cheering every moment while you scream your way into eternity. if you are NOT james m cook, jr, the criminally insane retired government agent employee of grand haven michigan and who also keeps a residence in kalamazoo michigan and who hired a man named david guidarini and another named anthony cinotti here in vineland nj to try to succeed where you found me and mine too strong to bring down yourself, (we are smart little ladies -- we learn to watch our backs after the first attack. you are not smart -- you are just a basterd. there is a difference.) if you are NOT the man who abuses all of your knowledge of the system for which you worked as a federal employee of g30 or whatever the hell your claim to rank was, in order to torment a woman and her daughters to whom you are related through marriage to my aunt all those sad years ago, because you just need the rape of frightened little girls to satisfy your manhood, well, then, you have nothing to worry about. but if you are.......
Will of the wind. We are not in full control of our physical existences is what I meant. Yes, we can make things happen, but then try reasonin' with the tornado that's comin' at ya. Shoite happens. Ever get caught holdin' a cat when a fire cracker goes off? I think I'll take the tornado next time. And what can I do about that Yellowstone caldera? I also can't seem to be able to grow or manifest a nice six foot long prehensile tail to help me to carry more stuff at the same time, Okaaaay?
That's what I was talkin' about.
I'm pretty sure I'm too spicy, and not only will I burn your mouth, wait 'til I get to the other end ;)
But I'm not worried about the likes of you or any of the rest of the folks lurking here finding out how spicy I am, I'm just sayin'...
Time keeps tickin' onwards and the earth keeps movin' in strange ways. Soon, the tech in demand will be makin' fire with two sticks and other things previously thought of as 'stone aged' Hee hee.
Stay happy... I liked the idea suggested by another poster on the Origami site: send yourself love to help right those previous times you were down. Damn fine idea!
The girlfriend is readying for our Big Wed float, and I"m getting the idea typing on the computer isn't helping her ;) I better go...
then again, i might have mis-interred the names of jerseycynic.....but i cannot apologise more than that. the man james cook has masqueraded even as old school mates from years back, he has a pattern, and in a short matter of time, no matter WHO he is masquerading as, it becomes almost sentence for sentence the same as the persons he pretended to be before that. it never ends. if you actually contact these people, they are as floored as me. he uses internet, mail, faxes, and hires people to carry out certain actions. its always remarkably similar, always includes certain key elements so that i can be uncomfortably aware its him behind the latest attack. he thrills to cause fear, confusion, and more fear in women and young girls. its insane. and he tries his best to make the female target look insane. it isnt just me, not just my daughters. i packed overnight and left somany places to escape him, even as a child, i was running away. it was always my family who insisted that i just needed a bit of a break maybe up at my aunts house to settle down a bit.....because my uncle the almighty authoritay would soothingly convince them that that was in my best interest. no one ever believed the child. and later years later, after i heard from several single mothers that he seemed somehow to always be in the picture at the time their husbands mysteriously needed to leave, and then it was always "uncle sweetie" (yes good people, he had a NAME like that -- sick isnt it), who helped them out. then they would discover the uncle had had his way with their little children. and by then, he had made them look like "emotional, and off-balance women in distress" so that they would be too broke and too confused to go after him legally and would not even be able to get community support. see, uncle sweetie is high enough up, he incurs the respect of men similar to him. he is big, fat, smelly,and homelier than thou, and has his schtic down pat. his latest hires who are assigned to ruin me legally, and who decimated mine and my daughters reps with the police department and all lawyers here....this is how james cook did it every time before, it is no different. except that this time, i tried ot fight back through the legal system. he has been seen here in vineland though he has NO other reason to be here, its a long way away from michigan, and he was seen at my lawyers office, and at the police department, and visiting the men i named above, the david and the anthony men. how do i know? i had hired a private detective a year ago who found what he could with the $500 i was able to pay him. it was enough. not enough to override the james cook influence as a high level retired government f--ker, but enough to allow me SOME proof that i am not losing my head. at least for now, the police leave me alone.
i have homeschooled my children and have zero friends, and do not involve in anything community-wise, except the making of luvvies and blankets and clothing and such for children or adults in all manner of dire need from traumatic situations, so how in the world the police could keep coming to my door with all of these many many "complaints" and charges from the other end of the state of nj, and names of people i could not possibly know, and on and on, except for the activities of a bored, rich, obsessed pedophile retired government agent? i was able with that bit of proof from the detective to do that much. i tried to hire a lawyer, and he ran a bill up of over 5000 dolars on me, then turned on me and declared that he had it on "good authority" from "someone close to me who KNOWS", that i "promote and prostitute my daughters" for income. his proof? the claim of an unknown male who says he saw my then-15 yr old girl inside the house in my kitchen in the daytime on a 98 degree day and she was wearing a sport-bra top. wtf? no les, i am not irrational, but yes, i am paranoid. this is what i have been up against for years, and the older than man gets, the more desperate he is to enjoy the poisonous fruits of his chosen lifestyle before he dies. he has killed so much of me inside, he stole my childrens right to have a happy home with their father, he ruined my marriage, my own childhood, my family life, my family birthright, my jobs, my hopes, my dreams, and he will never stop until he is dead. money does buy happiness. only problem is, people like him are the ones who have the money, and their happiness is a terrible thing. we have lived on the run, even to having my cars one after another blatantly sabotaged and vandalized. he always plans ahead to prevent me from having a viable claim with the police. after all, i am "nobody" and he is "james cook jr, the trusted government fed employee who does many good works and loves children and is a wealthy pillar, blah blah......" never ends does it? not here. not in this life.
Hey, they're way ahead by now... they even have a cookbook with pics!
Keep your noses wet.
You are on a roll, keep on rolling please and ' Soylent Green' with Charlie in the 'Ten Commandments'
role was a harbinger of things to come. But then he was the head of the Actors Guild for years.
Yes, as a Sheikh once commented ' It is not what you eat, but what is eating you that is the real question'.
Thanks also to anonymous for the rant, informative piece, and some inductive reasoning will go a long way, but then inductive logic is no longer taught in the education system.
Another sort of invitation from 'a teacher of dancing' may be to ' Cook with Love', but then he used to say what he was teaching was for six hundred years in the future, and that was in the late 1930's, insh'allah time is speeding up.
May the Rose Garden of your Heart always be in bloom.
Woof woof from the Dog Nation.
Hey ranting Anonymouse,
You are repeating yourself, and you also have the players and sides more than a little mixed up.
Most interesting this morning Vis, I think I’ll stick with the rice and beans and pass on the kosher Cajun for now. Perhaps switch to forage of whatever the divine places in my path later, or is that sooner?
In any case, I’ll “endeavor to persevere.”
wv: refers - Well, if you insist...
thanks man, you just spoiled my appetite for days ;-) - - - - you may enjoy this:
I like the tongue-in-cheek stuff. "A rant" is shilling for learned helplessness. A modicum of truth aimed at painting a subtle lie that ignores realpolitik. Explain please "A rant" how we can overthrow human rule without an alternate form of human rule. My "guess" is we have to let the divine nature run its' course. A reasonable human supply assures no need for enforcing agencies such as church and state. Alpholive
Holy fishsticks!
reactive mind...assumption...presumption, please avoid meltdown...
I know you were just wailing in the wind.
Congratulations DaveS. My personal song for that whole thing is "She's got a Ticket to Ride."
Hello Les:
I stick with the Swedish meatballs for now and yes, help is always availabele---just a heartbeat away.
Might wish to check out my latest pep talk:
Take carfe & keep the faith,
You may be on to something here Vis. I grew up on a small farm where we would fatten up the hogs for slaughter. Here in the USI, it appears that this process has been applied to the human population. I have been a vegetarian for about ten years, underweight by most standards, tough and stringy as leather. Maybe I found a way to avoid the crock pot. (grin) Enjoy all your post.
There is going to be
some grand dining. I'd like a window seat. Thank you.
Yeah, about those coffins stacked up around Atlanta. Makes you wonder just what are they anticipating? And about all those underground living spaces, seemingly all over the place. For one, I can’t imagine being bolted up and sealed deep underground with a bunch of frightened and panicked-out psychopaths. And two, what if Mama Earth starts a’movin and a’shaken? Somehow, I just don’t think that’s gonna work out too well for them. But, hey, what do I know? Then again, stuck up in Mama’s bowels sounds rather appropriate. That labels them pretty well.
Cows eat Grass. Lions eat meat.
Cows are Fat. Lions are Lean.
Cows get eaten. Lions not so much.
This is earth. Cows aren't bad and neither are Lions.
The passport I'm waiting for isn't available from any earthling.
Thanks for your blog LV
Patrick V1.0
Bruder bought a baby, he bought it for a dime,
His sister had anudder one she paid it for de lime.
She put de lime in de baby, she eat 'em bot' up
She put de lime in de baby, she eat 'em bot' up.
She put de lime in de baby, she eat 'em bot' up
She put de lime in de baby, she call de rabbi, woke 'im up,
Said "rabbi, ain't there nothin' I can take?"
I said "rabbi, to relieve this belly ache,"
I said "rabbi, ain't there nothin' I can take?"
I said "rabbi, to relieve this belly ache."
Now lemme get this straight,
You put de lime in de baby, you eat 'em bot' up,
You certainly are back, Les.
Thank you
William Freeman
Yeah, well, I'd already finished my coffee, and it was the green drink from the garden that has now stained the keyboard. Thanks.
It's about time you started tellin' it like it is...(grins)
Maybe this has something to do with the announcement that the 2 million obese kids here are slated for "foster care".
Hope the weird and strange is subsiding somewhat.
Thanks for continuing to kick-ass and takin' names.
Les -
Here's a modern Jonathon Swift's interpretation:!/14641/0/38/38/Y/M.html
I was thinking it'd be fun to get a cheerleader outfit and go stand outside the Social Security office and cheer on a "No" extenuation of the debt ceiling, so we can make sure and hurt those who deserve it most - old people and the disabled! Who're they to expect fair and just treatment! Don't they know the bankers are the ones we have to protect?! If we don't save them, they won't get their bonuses (and they did a LOT of God's work to earn it), and then they won't be able to afford to eat at all of the expensive restaurants and start the trickle-down effect.
With such selfish pensioners and lazy disabled people, is it any wonder we live in the world we live in?
Thanks -
maybe TSA is a part of the process. they poke you, prod you, smell you, and parboil you in the microwave. to keep you market-fresh while you travel.
Not tryin' to nitpick LV but it was Casey Anthony and she allegedly killed her daughter. I didn't follow that crap either but a family member followed it day after day. I turned the music up real loud to drown it out but some of the shit got through. She'll be a porno star in Puerto Rico by the end of the year, bwahaha! Man has never been free and never will be until he takes his freedom by force in other words never.
One is the child and one is the mother and they have different names
Casey Anthony was the one on trial for killing her daughter, Caylee. Cindy Anthony is Casey's mother. Cindy Anthony has never been charged with killing a son. Her son Lee is still alive.
I realize you don't take part in the media, which I totally understand and agree with, but still, if you're going to make mention of this stuff using flippant sardonic humor then you have to make sure you're at least citing your info correctly.
You are correct, I assume. I'm not going back to look. I approach things in my own way... a kind of swwooph! and then it digests and comes to me. I did not follow this thing closely and so I am not really familiar with the players. What I am familiar with is the evidence and that is pretty much dead on. I apologize for not grasping the entire drama. I make mistakes and this is one of them.
@anonymous 10:06 pm
well, since i am in a really bad mood today anyway....WHY does les "have" to "cite" information from the news media accurately? first, he is not a journalist. second, the media lies so much i doubt we get a lot of truth, third, you are trolling just to start something, fourth, who flipping cares? i mean really. its obvious you already have all the facts you need. what do you care if he retells it your way or any way or even at all? what, is this some kind of licensed blog, wherein he shalt be condemned if'n he dares to not "cite" according to your preference? truth? you want truth? you already KNOW the answer, so why in hell are you provoking via "tests" of news accuracy?? go crawl back into your hole, i am NOT in the mood for this crap this week. seems the internet, even my own personal email and blog and fb pages are just stuffed with the air-spun likes of you. knock it off already. agents provocateurs are not as welcome as people who have a genuine agenda. cripes. sorry les. i have not yet overcome my nature. worse, i LIKE my nature.
wow, Vis. Just wow.
Cindy, Casey, Caylee.
...who'd a thought?
As a former vegetarian, I have accepted that everything living feeds on other things. (I got sick from being a vegetarian and had to go back to eating meat). That being said, the push toward soy-foods (tofu, soy "milk" etc.) has an interesting population control context. Soy has a depressive effect on the endocrine system and on human fertility in general. And that's not even touching the genetically modified soy they're pushing on us. Heaven only knows what that shit does to us.
In general, veganism and vegetarianism are not the answer to the question of the ethics of eating meat. You can avoid actual flesh-eating, but your grains and veggies are not free of animal blood. Plenty of small furry mammals, birds, insects and bugs, butterflies (and assorted larvae), amphibians and reptiles (the real ones, not the Zio-reptiles) get pulverized by the combine during the harvest. Sorry, that's hardly cruelty-free. You'd have to get all your grains and veggies from small farms that hand-harvest and that's not practical for everyone. If you can pull it off, though, more power to you! :)
haha word verif is gulet. Down the gullet!
It's spooky how you get mirrored
smoke and all.
May your noses be wet, and smell the odour of rotting and decaying falsehood from a long distance, even if it is 'upwind'
An invitation to read works of Michael Hoffman, at Rense under general94/blind, perhaps a change from gentle, sorry it sounds too much like gentile, ooops ( grin). But then what is phoneticas when in the beginning was the word????
Goyim Jambalaya on the menu??????
Shiva/Shakti dance time has come.
May the Rose Garden of your Heart always be in bloom, and your nose detect the fragrance from a looong way off.
Woof woof from the Dog Nation
laurel@ 3:27 pm
no one should
live in fear
kill the bastard
and it's over
i personally
have forsworn
I saw the Cindy mistake as well. But it's my nature to not point out little honest mistakes people make.I knew who he meant.
Why can't people just shut their mouths ? Then again why do people make fun of retarded people ? I could go on. bah.
Patrick V1.0
Est are you drunk giving advice to poison - even if it is only in jest?
Whoa!? I read your fine work here earlier today Les, thinkin' to self: "no way this deviant kinda thing can happen".
Now, about 8 hours later, same day, this story hits the news (in usa):
"An 8-year-old Brooklyn boy who got lost while walking home ... in his Orthodox Jewish neighborhood was killed and dismembered by a ...
man under arrest ... himself an Orthodox Jew."
"...his remains were found stuffed in a trash bin and the man's refrigerator ... ."
Hey Dublin Mick,
Have you deleted your blog or is there an error somewhere?
Keep well,
pierre said..
often Ill read on of your posts like this, and undertake to restrain any comments, so reflecting Miriams, wow, just wow.
but then reading the comments, I get all stirred up and in on the act, in for a
why don't the psycopaths go vegetarian?, then they wouldnt need so many people (lol). thrill of the kill I suppose, and sex, you can't get off on a carrot screaming.
@Laurel, wow just wow too on your personal story. my empathy and best wishes to you, I hope you get your just deserts (sweet one's) and the perps. get theirs (not so sweet - an understatement in extremis). the movie Sling Blade came to my mind, in terms of the good old Testament style justice.
more movies and opportunities to use my 4D They Live viewing glasses, Transformers Dark Of The Moon had a lot of the content (warning, usual Mr President's all over the place). Maybe they think that it's cathartic for us to just watch what we can increasingly see on the streets (outside of The Box that is the tv screen).
me, Im still in cynical mode (getting round to sorting out the personal situation's lifetime effect on the flavor of my style, from the collective and out there reality - could be one and the same), but any good news that comes from out there, I see as THEM ordering opposition and doing the usual both sides now, puppet, Punch'n'nJudy show, or mere one step backwards to thwart opposition. when will I know that the over-arching cosmic help is really helping out and the inflection point arrived? I don't know. but happen is must, should, had better, or else (and I don't know what else is either, maybe I eat my shoes, I already bite my tongue).
merry revelations everyone, and a happy new fearlessness.
wv womesti : in the movie Dr StangeLove, the plan was for them to do WWIII, get into bunkers with a ratio of 10 (perfectly selected) women to 1 man .
Imagine that scenario, when the apparently dumb but attractive women suddenly appear to have brains and awareness of the evil men. they are locked in the bunker, cannot come out, and hell hath no fury like.......(not scorned but scorched). Oh Mother! Now Eat This! WOMen UnderESIimated , now come about. Preview Tickets are now available for the priviledged.
Yep, interesting times, but I've been too long in the wasteland I believe I'll have to stay......
Once upon a time you asked , "do you need a gun,? I don't know", well now we know. If they're going to eat me then I might as well deliver a few of thier minions as the first course.
WV epych times are coming
mo viible
I'm a little disappointed. Thought there would be many more "spicy" comments. Glad the Heeb comic about cooking goys was referenced. Guess the cannibal subject ain't ready for prime time. Was expecting 100 fun comments. O'well, it must be the right of the chosen, to consume children, or the "authorities" would be more interested.
Papers please! Keep mine closer than linus's blanket. (One of life's small comforts.)
For those of you good people seriously contemplating a better seat for 'the show', try to identify (soon) just exactly where that might be. Pare down to quality of life essentials.
Remote jungle backed beach isn't for everyone but ...
Be as bold as your comments.
And remember, you may not want to jump too soon, but you can't jump too late.
Are those Girl-Scout cookies made of "Real" Girl-Scouts?
anon@ 2:50 am
i was not joking
in the least
there is only
one solution
for those that
mess with kids
on another note
at least i put my name
beside my thoughts
who the fuck are you ?
I like your nature too, Laurel, I like your nature too.
You and your daughters are strong women. Remember the one to whom all power belongs. Be unafraid, you haven't made it this far for naught.
I recall the story of Elisha:
2 Kings 6: 15-18
Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was greatly troubled by this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, “Will you not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?”
And one of his servants said, “None, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.”
So he said, “Go and see where he is, that I may send and get him.”
And it was told him, saying, “Surely he is in Dothan.”
Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city.
And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, and said, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
Kings is old testament.
I wonder just how much of the old testament (and the new testement) was redacted by the "chosen".
@Anon July 14,4:11:00 PM
to get an idea, read Douglas Reed's (a brilliant journalist, author, who realized the enormity of the problem while covering WWII, and was censored out of existence for attempt to explain/expose the problem),
"The Controversy of Zion";
(the entire book is well worth reading/study)
Had Gordon Duff's new article on Murdoch been published on Profiles in Evil I would have hardly noticed the different author. Also look at his response to a guy questioning Murdochs tribe membership and tell me you haven't seen this style here before.
Interesting dreams last night:
I was facing a dark Caves(the Unconscious, Womb, Nurturing, self discovery, spiritual growth) with many branches and offshoots. I was terrified and told my kids~ don't go down there, there are too many ways to get lost and I will never be able to find you!
My dog went in and got lost; I was too fearful to go in after her, and then
somehow it was understood that this was way too big, because next The Cave had less branches and was manageable.
My dog, who is a little thing, came back out(representing my ability to deal with my fears and NOT get lost~didn't take much effort) and then there were 4 puppies who came out, a mix of Doberman's and something else...fierce but loving and loyal dogs even as puppies. These were my children symbolically, who still live at home, all strong Warriors even as they are 'puppies' (they are on the edge of adulthood). I picked them up as a bunch and then handed them to someone else who would take care of them(I am letting them go).
Next I look in the cave and it is more like a room. There is a new kitchen in there, with cabinets, sink, very nice, but not over done.
This is a nurturing place for me to be and for me to learn, grow and transform. No fears, just nourishment.
So if I don't get 'transformed' into a stew I guess I am telling myself things are ok.
Getting ready for the Apocylpse.
kieron 12:58:00 AM
You're right about the soya beans and soya products. We've got rockefeller to thank for getting that shit out onto the world market. It's the same with rapeseed, which is also toxic.
Most vegetarians I've spoken with aren't even aware of what the gelatine is in their "vegetarian yogurts".
Still, I suppose it all helps to keep the Medical Industrial Complex in business.
Les, thanks for the latest. I can hardly keep up...
I think Henry and Murdoch have benefitted greatly from their organ transplants from innocent victims but Satan only allows his schmuks to go on for so long.........then he humiliates the csmf's.
New Petri Dish-
Rumblemania Steel Cage Match; Evil vs Evil.
Hey Visible; You are listed as the number one most influential alternative media news source at 5:44 am.
Congratulations and keep up your great work!
You can reason with a tornado, if your head is already spinning.
Then you might negotiate a trade of localized reason for flowing instinct, and everyone wins. It won't pay material bills, but your neighbors will thank you.
You can send love back, but everything else is along for the ride. Maybe that's why it's mostly the best and the worst stuck together, as far as anyone can remember.
Lot's of spice, no room for desert, those coffins stacked up are for the living, not the dead. They move around freely now, and can rest in most any place, now. That's a dark sigil, and that's the way they used to roll, in plain sight.
Breaking chains to get back to the air always brings the War home.
When I read about sending myself love, acceptance and support (or something like that), and sending it to yesterday, at first I was amused. But, as the poster said and I've heard before, all time is concurrent, like a movie in the can on the shelf. It's all there at once, we just watch it one frame at a time.
Then I got to thinking about ESP and communication like how a mother can know a child is in danger, or someone will know a parent died. It's because we are best in sync with those we know the best and have spent the longest time with. Nobody ever talks about having telepathy with themselves, but it makes the most sense to me. Who do I know the best of all? Me. Who have I spent the most time with? Me.
Then I thought of the times when I waited for the universe to send me a message about what decision I should make about something. Maybe something as trivial as whether to turn left or right up ahead. And I listen and sometimes I get a vision of the outcome. I've gotten a vision of something bad happening (not too bad) and shrugged it off only to have that exact thing happen.
So I says to myself that maybe those moments are actually me having telepathic communication with myself outside of time! So today I sent some loving support to myself yesterday... I think it worked. Yesterday afternoon I was applying for yet another job and ran into trouble with someone else's software (programming problem) and I got kinda down 'cause it was a good job and it felt right for me and I wasn't going to be able to apply because their computer didn't like mine or something. About that time I suddenly felt better and that it was going to be OK and that I deserve this kind of job and, no, the universe is not conspiring to send me a message that I won't get that nice job. I felt better, took a little break and came back and felt still better, and I got it to work.
So today, I sent myself some loving support yesterday and since I could choose any "time" yesterday, I chose that time. I think it worked. So today I'm feeling pretty good, maybe because tomorrow I'm gong to send myself some loving support today. And just for fun, I'm sending myself some loving support tomorrow, today. Today I'm feeling pretty good about tomorrow. I think tomorrow I'm going to be feeling pretty good about yesterday.
If this makes no sense think about it making sense tomorrow.
w.v. hackip - Anonyous' internet(s) provider
ruthless inhumanity
devastating disrespect
clouded misdirection
falsified in consequence
blind to higher virtue
undone in warmth of truth
governments fall victim
sold of self abuse
beauty is a garden
whole and full in life
flowers bloom the scented
colors formed of light
brightened glow of union
all that glitters is not gold
the vibrance of in truth
warms a heart from cold
Little boy sinew stew is par for the course at the Zombie food court. Les, haven't you heard about the breast milk ice cream being served at a gourmet London ice creamery? I wish that I were just being snarky. I hear that it's all the rage lately.....
v-word: rapigo. Because the pigs just keep raping, and then they go.
p.s-here is the link about the breast milk ice cream, called "Baby gaga"
bon appetit
Anonymous 4:11 :
"I wonder just how much of the old testament (and the new testement) was redacted by the 'chosen'."
There is an author named Ralph Ellis who has done an excellent job of unraveling this.
Concerning the Old Testament, he went back to the original Egyptian language and proved that the 'poor' shepherd leaders of the OT were actually Hyksos pharaohs. (Ellis was not sure at time of publication whether the Hyksos were true invaders or a conflicting sect within Egypt.) The Biblical Exodus was actually two exoduses, conflated into one. The major one was early, when the Hyksos lost a religious war and were pushed out to the northeast. A later, smaller exodus involved Akhenaten, his brother ThutMoses, and followers.
In a nutshell, Ellis proved the Egyptian heritage of much of the OT, and showed that later OT scribes 'coded' these references when a relationship to Egypt became politically unpopular.
If you read all of Ellis' books (which I have), you will come out with a much different 'take' on the OT. For instance, 'Solomon's Temple' was actually in Tanis in the northeastern Nile delta - not in Jerusalem, which was a small town in that era.
As far as the New Testament, he proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that Paul/Saul (of NT fame) and Josephus Flavius (first century Jewish historian) were the same person. Then, he used Josephus' writings to 'fill in' various gaps in Saul's historical character. This then led to a much different historical Jesus. Absolutely fascinating work.
One slight caveat: Ellis stated up-front that he is a Mason. Although I read his works with my 'spidey-sense' at full alert, I did not discern an obvious agenda. I would say, though, that the fact that he is still alive (in an 'X-Files' sense) indicates that Someone is watching over him.
new Origami-
Sunglasses of Serendipity.
A revolting yet strangely appealing
I may convert! ;-)
LOL, DaveR!
It took me many years to figure out the movie 'Lake House'.
Don't mess with my head(grin).
wv: clens~ when your eyeball lenses get maid service and the world looks very different.
Just bought your book and I really like it!Not finished it thought!
Balfire description...You are taking us down to their level, and my It is frightening!
See u,
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