Dog Poet Transmitting.......
'May your noses always be cold and wet'.
I’ve been told that tomorrow is an important anniversary for a significant event. People have asked me if I didn’t want to do something special tomorrow in memory of it. I know that in America, The Big Lie Machine is being trotted out to celebrate the events of 9/11. The Big Smoke and Lie Machine has been running at full power for some days. It’s operating in tandem with the world’s biggest rotating disco ball that spins and generates the flashing, multicolored, illusions that are synchronized with the pounding bass and drumbeat, which is the official soundtrack that accompanies the flow of the First Matter, as it passes through the aqueducts of The Cloaca Maximus and then into the factories and foundries, where all the ideas, information, infrastructure and objects of this perverted world, are stamped out or constructed for the comprehensive confinement of our consciousness, in a world of denatured, lemon fresh shit.
The Big Smoke and Lie Machine may seem like just the catchall name for various, industrial kitchen units that are in existence the world over but those are just satellite extensions of one massive, central apparatus which, like The Cloaca Maximus and the disco ball, are connected by pipes, cables and transmitting dishes that make sure the shit gets distributed evenly across the globe, as if it were a seed spreader larger than the biggest harvester or cotton gin the world has ever seen.
An army of politicians; technicians, policemen, big hair preachers, pedophiles, cretins and criminals of all capacities and persuasions are employed 24/7 to keep this tripod, lie machine, cloaca and disco ball, pumping, flowing and spinning to the soundtrack that keeps the bitches and ho’s dancing and humping to the international anthem of Hell’s unfinished symphony, performed in English Major or Asia Minor, with a sympathetic vibrating G string that hides the promise of paradise beneath the billboard light. You can think about it in public and touch yourself in private but you can’t do both at the same time.
Domesticated dogs, wild wolves and hungry red-eyed rats are howling and chittering to the higher octaves that nothing formerly human can hear. They’re waiting for the carnage in the aftermath when there are too many bodies to bury or burn.
Yes, I’ve been told this is a solemn and signature day, demanding moments of silence and forced hypocritical gravitas, as we honor not only the fallen but every former freedom that followed them down. I can’t imagine where the moment of silence is going to come from with the steaming, screaming tripod, red lining the tachometer, as the wheezing, asthmatic car of our collective futures hums on the concrete blocks, going nowhere.
I’ve considered walking outside my front door and pissing into the foliage as some kind of personal statement. I’ve given the occasional moment of thought to some token act of engagement in the world wider, robot reflex of automatons, doing the John Philip Souza down the dangerous length of Anytown, Main Street or Commercial Street, while the relentless pressure of the times, sends hundreds of those with nothing left to lose into a postal frenzy upon everyone and everything in reach. A symbolic pissing on this particular magnesium flare is going to accomplish nothing good and I’m not in the mood to commemorate ignorance, stupidity and denial in any case.
I’ll take this moment to say that Israel did 9/11, with the assistance of well placed and important puppets who dance on the strings of international bankers. I’ll take this moment to point out that while marching through Libya, while caught in the currents between Scylla and Charybdis, or Turkey and Israel, if you prefer and while far more important dates approach, it is essential to remember that you usually get where you are headed unless you die on the way.
I take this moment and a few moments tomorrow to mourn the loss of human courage and integrity on the altars of materialism, appetite and fear. I’ll say a prayer for the bitches and ho’s and one for the pimps as well because the latter will become the former in what will seem like no time at all. It’s a cycling endlessness of role switching abuse that punctuates the centuries with suffering and futility. It’s a Sisyphean redundancy of adamantine fools, lashing legions of oxen, pulling the heavy and pointless up an impossibly slippery hill. My sympathies lie with the oxen.
I recommend to every witness and observer of the pompous and bloviating spectacle of weeping crocodiles and ostrich ass bandits that they cry bullshit after every sentence and significant, meaningful pause. I recommend a world wide flash mob of mooners, attended by cellphone camera operatives, with a Youtube hookup. I recommend scorn and ridicule. I recommend revolutionary action of comic performance and ingenious satire. I recommend contempt and indifference from the bullhorn of conscience, in every public and private venue. I recommend a moment of silence absent, as the entire world cries “bullshit” at high noon tomorrow. I recommend a hundred million, middle fingers raised in a salute to our leaders and prison wardens the world over. I recommend monkey wrench business of the most sarcastic and sardonic kind.
We hold this truth to be self evident that Israel attacked the United States on 9/11 and blamed it on the Muslim world. We hold it to be self evident that Israel is not a nation but a collection of banker gangsters who stole a land with people, for a people with no central criminal base, for the purpose of ritualized religious genocide, while seeking to economically enslave the entire world and then plunge it into a holocaust of war based on the recovered false memory of brain washed populations, who saw the movie and bought the t-shirt. If it is not self evident then your self is in hiding from the fear of oppression, slander and loss, which are an inevitable certainty as a result. We hold it self evident that when it is not self evident it will, sooner or later, become evident in the most unpleasant possible way.
Yes, beat the drums, strike up the band and weep on command. Open your ears and close your minds, nod your heads like a fluffer, felating the ones who must be made hard enough to rape and kill your friends and families on camera, while you watch. It wouldn’t surprise me if you got hard and wet in the performance of it. You are nothing more than a controlled reflex but you might wake up. You might wake up today and you might wake up tomorrow, in wonder at the confinements of your pen and the salubrious atmosphere of the sty. You may find yourself speaking in a foreign language, no longer grunting and squealing and running around on all fours. You may not understand the meaning of what is being said in your own voice. It has been such a long time since it has been in use. You may not comprehend the emotions of your heart and the thoughts moving in your mind may seem like an alien landscape but you have the promise of adjustment and accommodation to, soon enough, make it seem like you have been this way forever and that should be enough to make your forget your awakening once more, as appetite and deception begin to act upon you once again.
Those whose purpose is to deceive and abuse us are losing their grip. You can thank the cosmos for that. You had no part in it but you can have a part in it now. The devil that torments and confuses you cannot stand to be ridiculed and laughed at. It robs him of his power. For as long as you take him seriously, he is a serious player. When you no longer take him seriously, he is an impotent clown, someone to be pelted with rotting fruits and vegetables, tarred and feathered and ridden out of town... on a rail.
Maybe you will awaken and maybe you will be brought to awakening but awaken you shall. The wand has been raised and the command has been made and now there is nothing more remaining but that the power must precipitate down, into the place where soon enough either surprise, wonder or lasting shame will make an appearance upon your face.
'Have I Got This Right?' is track no. 2 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'
Lyrics (pops up)

There will be a radio show Sunday night.
We are all suffering from a kind of 9/11 PTSD.
Stress has been described as the feeling one gets when one does not give in to the legitimate desire to choke the living shit out of someone who really deserves it.
The doers of 9/11 deserve to get the living shit choked out of them - instead we get 9/11 PTSD.
Perfect post Visible, thank you.
As we approach the 10th anniversary of one of the biggest lies of modern times, you continue to take a proverbial point position.
I applaud your candor and tenacity in all things related to truth.
I will join you Sir at noon tomomrow September 11, 2011 by lifting a finger in the air while simultaneously proclaiming "Bullshit!".
May Rothschild and his zionists reap what they have sown upon their own heads: corruption and death.
Your brother in arms,
Conspiracy nonsense I say:
The Kabala was given to man via psychic union with the fallen angel Razeil........
From Kabala we derive Cabal..........
( A cabal is a group of people united in some close design together, usually to promote their private views and/or interests.. in other words form conspiracys)
Izrael / Razeil
Nothing to see here folks
I'm more interested on what happens on 9/19/11. The date before Palestine allegedly becomes a nation? Aye, the U.S. is gonna put in a veto for the UN, but we shall see.
PS. Razeil together with other fallen angels and demons served Lucifer....
Vis, All,
I could understand 9/11 a little better had it been done for ideology, ie. khazarlandia engineered things so that its beast, the United States, would eliminate its most adamant enemies.
I could understand this reasoning though this does not mean I would condone it in any way, shape or form.
What bothers me the most about 9/11 is that it was done primarily so that the khazars could make lots and lots of money off it. Invading Iraq was merely one of the means by which the khazars would make lots and lots of money while at the same time ridding itself of an implacable enemy.
9/11 has brought about the means by which the khazars would enslave and take spoils from the entire globe. All in the name of "security".
In setting a snare to capture the world's riches and place themselves in control, they have dug a snare for themselves.
I read in the news this morning a couple of articles of how Egyptians stormed and ransacked the khazar embassy in Cairo.
In Biblical prophesy Egypt is a metaphor for the world and the world system; it is also a metaphor of those enslaved to the system. So I ponder whether this is yet one more sign from Father Creator that the khazar entity calling itself "Israel" is about to be assaulted and ransacked by its (former) slaves.
Poetry par excellance. Gratitude arises once again More Visible. Thank You.
Yes we shall mourn the loss of human courage and integrity on the altars of materialism, appetite and fear. As my Dida used to say, everything that you can do with two hands, don't use just one. So as in Tai Chi, activating both hemispheres, I will raise the middle finger of both hands, the index and the ring fingers doubled at third knuckle, tomorrow at noon to join all brothers and sisters who laugh at the Devil.
And as those who piss on the magnesium fires, or with other intentions at the base of a tree, consider that urine may be Earth's favourite liquid. After all it is water that passed through a human body full of Love and Gentleness.
I have spent well-nigh 12 years in practically constant effort not to squeeze the living sub-human shit out of people who Really legitimately deserve it in my daily life , suffering the PTSD, if Anon's definition is accepted.
Game over.... time for the Tango.
Yesterday. stress release started, and tomorrow 'the two middle finger salute', hopefully with a hundred million, will be savoured as prelude to mourning the loss, and as its dessert as well.
May the Rose Garden of Your Heart always be in Bloom. Shiva /Shakti tango with Kali is upon us.
Woof woof from the Dog Nation
Here is one example of inspired ridicule towards a certain kind of vehicle and their owners including a song, haiku and thousands of salutes. Enjoy, adapt, apply!
You never fail to amaze me with the clarity of your insights, your ability to cut through the crap cloud and get to the essence of a matter.
Woof woof finger salutes and I encourage all to post their commemoration photos online, creating a legacy mirror for the sheeple.
Les, All
As I watch all this insane, evil hullabaloo going on celebrating death and destruction, I can only shake my head. Maybe those of us who don’t believe the lies should all meditate in a conscious unity. Attempt to raise the consciousness in order to reach the “100th monkey”.
I take it you won't be flying in for the 911 ceremonies in NY.
I'm honored to have read your well written response to the bullshit we've witnessed over the past 100 years... Yeah, 1913 was about a century ago, and man, the feces have flowed ever more freely as the assholes spewing them find more and more enablers every day.
Dearest Most Visible, I would love to cut and paste my favorites... but the whole damn piece is a favorite.
You whacked it out of the ballpark today possibly even achieving low orbit (at the very least). Hopefully everyone who stops by forewords this most righteous rant on and on and on...
wv: gainglin. The wall street assholes were from that day on known as the Gainglin... because of how many were 'a danglin' after the people, tired of being stepped on, came together and became an animal. Each human became a cell in a single raging animal made crazy from all the fleas sucking at the beast's blood until it could stand it no more and it scratched.
"I take this moment and a few moments tomorrow to mourn the loss of human courage and integrity on the altars of materialism, appetite and fear."
That is "our history", in one sentence.
Nothings needs to be added, other than...
brilliant piece of writing Les!
Thank you.
looks more like the 4th of july in our hood.. giant flags in the yards... some enterprising yahoo runs a biz that deploys them on 'holidays' and collects them aftr.
in addition to the flags, one street has red/white/blue bows on ALL the mailbox posts..?
it boggles the mind...
the kids had to watch a 9/11 presentation in school on fri, but there was no q/a as the presentation took the entire hr. of course, mine were bored w/the propaganda. i wonder if the q/a will be dealt w/on mon?
yeaaa, i'll be joing richard in his twin triple finger salute to any reference i might be exposed to, same as i've done for the past 10yrs.
The coverage is truly suffocating. I try to keep an awareness of the reality of what I think happened without letting it absorb disconnect me from the very real suffering it caused and causes, even among those who are most asleep and may even be unaware of their own suffering. The tension is a killer. I've never been so angry and resignation keeps tempting me, promising relief.Thanks for the iv bag that is your blog.
I can only hope the denouement is close at hand.
I watched a program last night about 9/11, first time this week, even though it's been going on all week.
They interviewed so many people who had lost loved ones. One lady, who lost her husband, said at some point she didn't think she were going to survive the grief and pain.
As it carried on, I was eventually in tears.
I still can't comprehend that level of evil. I....just......cannot....comprehend......
No one escapes one.
"You will know, and you will be known" (1 Corinthians 13)...each and every one us us. Even if you get away with it your entire short little life, duping everyone, when you blow out your last breath, "you will know, and you will be known."
I celebrated today Les. We had a local didgeridoo festival at our show ground – went and listened to some great didg. As I watched these brown people with their traditional ochre body markings play, I thought of the 80,000 years they had lived so simply and wondered at what's going on in NY at the moment. How far away from simple living can you get?
Thank you, Les.
The whole 9/11 thing is such a twisted tragedy.
The senseless waste of the unsuspecting victims is overlooked completely in this newest of US national holidays.
It’s not the 3000 or so that were slaughtered that day that matters to TPTB,
hell, we Americans regularly murder 4 times that amount, over 12,000 every year, just by driving drunk.
No, it’s the celebration of their self-perceived power that drives these ghouls.
The made for TV event which unleashed the great money skimming machine that hurtles ever more unsteadily to it’s ultimate collapse was a success in their eyes.
The endless pile of bodies from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, and beyond are like litter on a fairground to them, symbolic I guess of the contents long since devoured.
This whole week brings me a great feeling of disgust and bile.
And, a deep sadness.
Thanks for your writings, Les.
Kudos, props and total congratulations, Les. As a fellow wordsmith i can only wonder at the level of passionate truth combined with the richly embroidered telling of that truth which you have achieved in this cri de coeur. Being anything but a sycophant or a member of the amen chorus; i feel impelled and even compelled to announce to the world that this piece of writing is at a level of attainment of penetrative excellence rarely achieved by any commentator on our current reality.
When you are at your pinnacle, Les, i feel the need to contribute some reverbs of my own to the symphonic celebration. Perhaps i shall after adjourning to the other room for awhile in order to indulge in a bit of a gift from the Great Green Goddess Gaia along the lines of attitude adjustment agency.
You tell it, dude.
Pissing out on that stuff can be marking lines, and territory, to all my little friends- they aren't really political. Using the hands is OK as long as they don't point to the sky and such- that could be misinterpreted.
They are really changing the resonance of the real calendar with these blood-soaked orgies of celebration. At least in the world of Man.
It's nice that everything else is yawning, sort of Nature saying "fuck you, the Equinox is approaching, and you are choosing this instead?"
The Sun is really agitated, interesting things are happening- but every brand of Crazy is being spent to make all of this predictable, and controllable.
To make many see one thing as something else, that is the highest art of a black magician.
You can fight that, but your bones will jump- that's just rocks crying out. You will get nervous- that's just lightning flashing in the distance. And you will shed tears, and laughter- that's just that water running the course.
That is well worth it, it gives the younger and more innocent breathing room. That's only fair, and to be expected, by those that demand attention to proper behavior. And that's just enlightened self-interest, because the next offer of a home will be small, and crowded with the things no one else perceives as worthy.
We don't get many visitors that stay around here.
To believe the gelded lies of 9/11
deathcult religion is... unmanly.
$11 billion zionist omphaloskepsis
is 1 Twin Towers and the 911 Memorial
reminiscent of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin..... Lots of Yitzak Perlman violins tomorrow and maybe a false flag or two? They could at least have spent all that munny on our homeless and jobless vets who were brainwashed into going to fight the wars for Israel.
WV: unman
Ironic how Mossad anagrams into "ass dom". The dildos and talking heads are really strapping it on in preparation for tomorrow's memorial of the grand, collapsing, cocks of New York. Notice how the two tall towers receive the bulk of attention? Poor little Tower 7 was "pulled". A jerk-off named Silverstein said so, but nobody gives a damn. The obvious and apparent gives way to the emotive and irrational. If one tower was "pulled" your honor, it's not that geat a stretch of imagination or improvisation to surmise that others were pulled as well.
I'm busy tonight; big festival in town, guests in and a party in the woods that starts at 2:00 am and lasts all night and, if you've been around here for awhile you know I look forward to these things but just wanted to step in and thank all of you, not only for your comments and solidarity to say, "Fuck you" at your time tomorrow noon but also for bearing with me as I go in and out of knowing what is going on. A special nod of my head to stickman who definitely does have the muse because we tend to recognize each other. Thanks for stopping by, thanks for wailing, thanks for not leaving and thank you especially for not feeling it's a competition cause you know you have that channel and any personal claims or attempts at manipulation will take away the gift and I am speaking of all gifts that come from the same place. We have the makings and means of a new world here and I'm just part of the kitchen help.
Much love.
It is as though we are all expected to participate in this ongoing scripted real-time 'reality' program called 'September 11'. Now in it's tenth season.
We inhabit a 'Jersey Shore' or 'Real Housewives' writ large. It has become the texture of everyday life, phoney and trivial and corrupted and cheapening though it is.
Thanks for your works (today's - a masterpiece of truth) Les Visible!
Hopefully your dogs will join your party tonight!
Wonderful post! Thanks for your ongoing wisdom in this nest of propaganda.
Woof to the Dog Nation!
Double middle salute at high noon!
Woof for the Dog Nation!
911 is like 7/7 the perfect shorthand for the prison that's been built right out in the open for what's left of the formerly free democratic world.
To your great words I'll add nothing.
But I must wonder: what will the rest of the moves look like?
Clearly there are nations not yet totally locked and special things are in store for them. Canada, Australia and others have not yet been false-flagged to the extent the US and UK and Spain and... hell, you know. Norway most recently.
But even people who know it's almost their turn got to wonder... how do you protect yourself?
This part is odd. The US had "dry runs" for 911 years before. Oklahoma and even an earlier attack in NY. It was on the way, it could be seen, nobody could do squat about it.
So I guess my message to Those Who Have Yet To Be Drafted To Kiss The Khazar's Butt is... sorry, it won't matter how much you know when it comes. It NEVER does.
"There must be some way outta here, said the joker to the thief" was written by a guy who knew there was no way out.
hi Les,
thanks for words so well put together, it's like music to my ears. Our little fingers shall be pointing skyward while screaming "bullshit" at the tops of our lungs.The tele shall be off as it has been for the last weeks, who could possibly stand all the sickness leaking from that screen.
I hope the party is a total success, have un bicchiere di vino bianco for us.
Can we expect to see a bit of this today?
Hi Les, another great piece, I really look forward to reading you. Here is my spin on religion in American politics, and where it has gotten us. I think it will resonate with you and your readers.. Michelle Bachmann's Religion
On that note and answering a lot of questions in regard to timing and actions. I stayed up all night just so I could catch every time zone at noon and in case anyone doubts me, well, mouser is here visiting and Susanne is my harshest critic in terms of not doing what I will say I will do which might be a strong case for why I do it. This isn't terribly smart since I have to do a radio show too but if it helps, I'm standing by your side, always have been. It is literally the only life I have which is why it resonates, It wouldn't otherwise, so, salute you (fill in what the D.I. would call you in basic). End comment.
"any personal claims or attempts at manipulation will take away the gift and I am speaking of all gifts that come from the same place. We have the makings and means of a new world here and I'm just part of the kitchen help."
Thank you for this, Les. That's why I'm here.
How do you want the onions chopped?
10 welcome
20 farewell
30 start
40 end
50 intentions
60 realizations
if 10 go to 15
15 hope your well
if 20 got to 25
25 avoiding hell
if 30 begin the game
35 and ring the bell
if 40 well we're fucked
45 the real hard sell
if 50 a tale of the future
55 i can't yet tell
if 60 i reached up
65 and i still fell
The middle finger salut occurs in 30 minutes.
visible, you know I am a big fan and you know how I earn my livelihood. I've been witness to some spectacular work on your part. I have seen you shave with Occam's Razor and I have seen you do it day in and day out. I have seen you go well past anything Hunter ever accomplished because even though he could wield the saturate and possessed pen, he was one dimensional. He didn't even believe in god. He wrote no songs that I know of. He couldn't dance very well and that I have seen. He couldn't fight so he needed a gun and I could name every name I am familiar with and you leave them in the dust and you do it over and over and no one pays you and you don't ask or complain.
I know who you are and I think you do too. People like you only show up on rare occasions and only when the world is in deep shit. I've met some heavy hitters and I have met you and I have not seen your like. It may be only words and it's small repayment for making me feel every day is worth living when I had given up a few years ago but you do a precious and necessary work. You once said that when god needs something done, the only hands he has to use are ours. I think that says all I have to say.
Brother, you absolutely wiped the floor with anything written in my recent memory. You cleaned literature's clock with this one so it will never tell time again. Thank you and double fucking thank you.
Dude, rock on! This little piggy says fuck you and so do the rest of the little piggies. I want my son who won't know why to at least be motivated.
Amen and amen hasn't been working.
Hi Les,
What a privilege, to be able to switch on and resonate with your words, while even various friends of mine still appear to be light years away from understanding the truth of what's going on daily right under their very noses.
Thanks again and say Hi to Glenn.
That was the first time that has
ever happened. My post disappeared!
What it said essentially was that we should pray for our Egyptian Brethren in this problem with the embassy and we should fight for what is fair for the Palestinians. Bloop! It disappeared!
Last night on NOVA/PBS they had some more 911 propgat and I justn't couldnt believe the gross extravagance of this thing. $13 billion? $11 billion?
Varied. But my god. Someone named
Arad thought up the memorial (sheesh could he be... yiddish?) Ten years and they have to whip themselves into shape like Devo to do it now instead of the planned 2013. Have you ever seen a similar building go up in Shanghai? Maybe.... six months?
Ten months? ( I know the Chinese have to be laughing). This is a zionist nation that can't even fucking get a ride to the spacecraft, whatdotheycallit? oh the space "station". They can't even do that, they can't even depend on the Russians... and they are tyrannizing the world?? Gimme a break. Amerika went down the toilet some years ago, thanks to so many.
I wont names names. Just thank you all so many, yids, for destroying Amerikkka. Oops, did I say yids?
Sorry! Oh sorry!!!(violins for the apologetica)
I hope you had a wonderful party
Les, I sure as hell did! lol
Late last night, the Moon was brilliant in the clear sky, and when I got up during the night, I gazed at it half asleep. I never thought the chem-trail crew would be doing their dirty work at night, but they had been busy. The Moon illuminated the wide trails crisscrossing the sky all over my metropolitan area. What are they spraying on us now? More magic dust to keep us asleep?
inhumane suffering
volatile discord
communal desecration
desolations walls
warmongers disconnection
with futile attempts
a consumed inability
clothed in false pretense
reducing to discomfort
clouded and retained
strained by the bounds
of the aimless aim
the plane of self destruction
where all lies are undone
at the mountain of all truth
where heart and mind are one
more of the fine finerys lord visibles,,,
sort of quiet over here though,maybe satanetanyahoo rothschild and fellow deathcultist rat squids are scratching their heads in disllusionment at their own disolusion or something....
but I suppose when you really think about it if your lieing to the people,well you are just lieing to your self,and as lies contain absolutely no energy at all,and truth contains the very fabric that every living thing is structured on...
it would be stupid to follow lies,as they would lead to misinterpretations of all those books they stole.....
anyway people the beautiful place awaits us,,,,
respects ....neil
had a good listen to michael tsarion last night on the radio,I have also seen a couple of his documentarys,brilliant stuff,,lifts the heart and intrigues...
mr tsarion thankyou sir for all you do
Airplanes Have Been Flown By Remote Control Since 1917.
This is mainly a lienanc, uh, er, a FInancial news site exposing various and sundry shenanigans in the murky world of big money. So it is one your readers might not be aware of. So it is with delight I found the article and pass it on. Read the comments too.
Four,.... three....... two....
extend finger......
F----------- You!
Ground Zero, your faux deathcult
religion allathat! F U!!!!!!!!
WV: shuds!
This story smells bad.
Are we supposed to believe a corpse just happened to turn up in freezer - holding over three thousand?
Let me guess the freezer was found in zionist rebel owned territory
No Libyan believes Qaddafi is pro-zionist.
This story is a Mossad propaganda piece against Qaddafi.
Hello all,
I live in NYC. The belly of the beast. There's been so much crap flying through the air that I don't know if I can adequately express myself as wel as you Viz. I shall try though.
First off I don't want to piss on someone else's pain. After all, I'm a human being, not a demon wearing a human mask like the people who perpetuated 9/11. It never made any damn sense to me that WTC7 fell. Even if you accept the Alice In Wonderland phsics for WTC1 and 2, #7 I can't explain. Maybe Lucky Larry, the gila monster can explain it. He also should've been at the memorial today to thank the families for providing fresh corpses for him to walk upon on his way to his billions.
Former Mayor Ghouliani quoted Ecclesiastes this morning. Hopefully, some cosmic justice will Turn!Turn!Turn! in his and all the other wicked scums directions. Meanwhile, his reptile wife, Judy Nathan,a member of the Tribe, stood behind him with her claws sunk deep in his body. She couldn't afford to let go of her investment. Well, that's what he wanted.
James Taylor sang "Close Your Eyes".
Sorry James, but I'll listen to Todd Rundgren when he said, "I can't see a thing till I open my eyes." Yeah, close your eyes and stay asleep forever. No thanks. Too many people have already taken the blue pill. All the money, women ,cars ,houses and temporary power ain't worth it.
In the meantime the psycho criminals are still walking around unbowed and unpunished. The country is in the toilet financially as well as spiritually. We've got Homeland Security, humiliating searces and x-rays at the airports,more useless laws being made and who knows where this story goes. For example 2 or 3 weeks ago in San Francisco when protesters wanted to either shut down or board the Bart system al ceel phone communications were cut in the name of public safety. Oh please. It's hard these days to know who to talk to because so many people are sleeping while we're slipping further into hell.
Anyway I know a lot of people will claim they're Jedi Knights when they really serve the darkness. But the light knows its own. I'm here invisible and quiet until the time comes to reveal myself .No I'm not a raging egomaniac. I'm just a regular guy living in the crap pile like everyone else. That'a all.
Also if anyone wants to know about the rampant abuse on board the 9/11 gravy train go to the Village Voice in the news section, "9/11 The Winners." Sorry I'm not tech savvy enough to post a link.
Cheers all,
Aaah, seems my second screed from yesterday got lost in the ether somewhere, so sposing we can thank some of our special ratfaced friends for that little episode. Not that your rhapsodic symphony was incapable of fully standing on its own. But sometimes supplementary addenda can contribute as well.
Last night brought the westering sun in my eyes on the drive to the converging of the brooks where a town celebration and street dance was in the offing. All there is is energy and even though the moon was bright and the band was trotting old rock n roll from the Sixties and even Fifties, that energy was very little present in the crowd standing around as so many spectators mainly.
With the dragonhead dancingwand in hand, my mission was to draw in and extend the energy of the evening. So it was onto the pavement into and around the scattered crowd of primarily passive onlookers, channeling the energy by way of the music and the moon into my bodily movements and various gyrations of the wand. Many watched but few were moved to action. Very small, heavily agricultural town. Tractor-pull demonstration immediately preceding the dance. Much ingestion of agrichemicals. Much ingestion of televised programming. Must create own space as Lord of the Dance.
Yet there were signs of life. Youngish woman who introduced herself as Pam, wearing a long, print shift dress danced with me awhile, telling me she would stay with me. Don't they all. Couple of 15ish boys sauntered by. One of them smiling broadly said "neat stick".
Celebration of life, together with the middle finger salute by way of the wand to the engineers of 911, did occur in that little town last night. The energy was drawn from the evening and into the subconscious of virtually every soul there.
Mission accomplished.
not only won't I publish it but I didn't even read it. That was your fault by using my quoted text as a lead in given I remember having said it and when. Next.
no worries stickman. If I weren't seeing double at this point I would have more to say but I did read and enjoy every minute of it.
Well I missed the "salutes" at noon but only because I was watching The Toronto Hearings online. Had I been tempted, which I wasn't, to watch the propaganda catapulted from the manipulated MSM this week, the hearings would have been the perfect antidote for it. As it turned out there was still more to learn about 9/11 truth and even some hopeful signs and plans to appreciate and support. It was a positive experience all round. Then to top it all off this great post by Les and many great comments to read. Thanks to all!
Official 9/11 Fairy Tale
Posted on September 11, 2011 by Barbara Peterson
Barb’s note: This was originally sent to me via e-mail by Eric. It was tracked down to a comment on Telegraph Article “Charlie Sheen urges Barack Obama to reopen 9/11 investigation in video message,” with the ending paragraph added by LiveLeak.
The Official Version of 9/11 goes something like this…
Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan, nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah…
Using nothing more than craft knifes, they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes…
And hangover or not, they manage to give the world’s most sophisticated air defense system the slip…
Unphased by leaving their “How to Fly a Passenger Jet” guide in the car at the airport, they master the controls in no-time and score direct hits on two towers, causing THREE to collapse completely…
Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two… and the world watches in awe as steel-framed buildings fall symmetrically – through their own mass – at free-fall speed, for the first time in history.
Despite all their dastardly cunning, they stupidly give their identity away by using explosion-proof passports, which survive the fireball undamaged and fall to the ground… only to be discovered by the incredible crime-fighting sleuths at the FBI…
…Meanwhile down in Washington…
Hani Hanjour, having previously flunked 2-man Cessna flying school, gets carried away with all the success of the day and suddenly finds incredible abilities behind the controls of a Boeing…
Instead of flying straight down into the large roof area of the Pentagon, he decides to show off a little…
Executing an incredible 270 degree downward spiral, he levels off to hit the low facade of the world’s most heavily defended building…
…all without a single shot being fired…. or ruining the nicely mowed lawn… and all at a speed just too fast to capture on video…
…Later, in the skies above Pennsylvania…
So desperate to talk to loved ones before their death, some passengers use sheer willpower to connect mobile calls that otherwise would not be possible until several years later…
And following a heroic attempt by some to retake control of Flight 93, it crashes into a Shankesville field leaving no trace of engines, fuselage or occupants… except for the standard issue Muslim terrorists bandana…
…Further south in Florida…
President Bush, our brave Commander-in-Chief continues to read “My Pet Goat” to a class full of primary school children… shrugging off the obvious possibility that his life could be in imminent danger…
…In New York…
World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein blesses his own foresight in insuring the buildings against terrorist attack only six weeks previously…
While back in Washington, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz shake their heads in disbelief at their own luck in getting the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ catalyzing event they so desired to pursue their agenda of world domination…
And finally, not to be disturbed too much by reports of their own deaths, at least seven of our nineteen suicide hijackers turn up alive and kicking in mainstream media reports…
not sure who wrote this
but most of you, are in it
On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won’t see us on the TV.
You won’t read about us in the newspaper
You won’t hear about us on the radio
We don’t seek any glory
We don’t wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness…
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You don’t have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have
All are welcome
The door is open………
Love to you my brothers and sisters
after sleeping on it for the night,and nobodys post,which was completely aimed at myself,have decided,to pack up bags and move on people,,,,,
sorry for getting on everybody nerves,,,
have never fitted in anywhere anyway.....
so see you folks,have good lives and everything....neil
"I’ve considered walking outside my front door and pissing into the foliage as some kind of personal statement."
Yup, but I almost pissed on my nice mint patch in the dark.
Today was truly disgusting here in america. My condolences for all who died and their families. The rest was shit propaganda on steroids, people celebrating getting fucked in the ass. Pardon the cynicism ha.
the magic word to post my comment is..natedab as in nat e dab of truth be spoken this day.
It is getting exponential and high on the slope..this horror.
do you swear to tell the truth
the whole truth and nothing
but the truth so help you god
i do
not guilty - free to go
all the rest of you
well, it's hot down there,
i'd bring the boxers
A new Petri Dish is up-
The Ides of Something are Upon Us..
just had to share this from a blog.
The Official Version of 9/11 goes something like this…
Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan, nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah…
Using nothing more than craft knifes, they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes…
And hangover or not, they manage to give the world’s most sophisticated air defense system the slip…
Unphased by leaving their “How to Fly a Passenger Jet” guide in the car at the airport, they master the controls in no-time and score direct hits on two towers, causing THREE to collapse completely…
Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two… and the world watches in awe as steel-framed buildings fall symmetrically – through their own mass – at free-fall speed, for the first time in history.
Despite all their dastardly cunning, they stupidly give their identity away by using explosion-proof passports, which survive the fireball undamaged and fall to the ground… only to be discovered by the incredible crime-fighting sleuths at the FBI…
…Meanwhile down in Washington…
Hani Hanjour, having previously flunked 2-man Cessna flying school, gets carried away with all the success of the day and suddenly finds incredible abilities behind the controls of a Boeing…
Instead of flying straight down into the large roof area of the Pentagon, he decides to show off a little…
Executing an incredible 270 degree downward spiral, he levels off to hit the low facade of the world’s most heavily defended building…
…all without a single shot being fired…. or ruining the nicely mowed lawn… and all at a speed just too fast to capture on video…
…Later, in the skies above Pennsylvania…
So desperate to talk to loved ones before their death, some passengers use sheer willpower to connect mobile calls that otherwise would not be possible until several years later…
And following a heroic attempt by some to retake control of Flight 93, it crashes into a Shankesville field leaving no trace of engines, fuselage or occupants… except for the standard issue Muslim terrorists bandana…
…Further south in Florida…
President Bush, our brave Commander-in-Chief continues to read “My Pet Goat” [with] a class full of primary school children… shrugging off the obvious possibility that his life could be in imminent danger…
…In New York…
World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein blesses his own foresight in insuring the buildings against terrorist attack only six weeks previously…
While back in Washington, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz shake their heads in disbelief at their own luck in getting the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ catalyzing event they so desired to pursue their agenda of world domination…
And finally, not to be disturbed too much by reports of their own deaths, at least seven of our nineteen suicide hijackers turn up alive and kicking in mainstream media reports…
I'm in the dark about this. What's up?
oh me being stupid delusional and overly sensitive mr visibles,I felt nobody was speaking on behalf of everybody,it felt a bit like a dagger through the heart,,,by the people who I love the most..which has happened a few times before .....
as you well know I love writing poems over here,its a bit like going for a walk in the great forest and discovering stuff.....
am going to stop being stupid mr visibles,am sorry.......
plus lord visibles,that peace you wrote on petri should definately be on
streams of consciousness,,,,,brilliant
well back to the slave wagon,be back tonight.....
and once again sorry.....neil
Neil: What's going on? How could you even think you don't fit in? I read what you write and think I wish I could express myself poetically like you but I can't, so I gratefully sip from better offerings to fill a need that years ago I didn't even think I had. Les, of course, is the master but EVERYONE contributes a beat or tone to the music here. From your last comment it looks like you will keep on keeping on and I, like others here, are grateful for that.
... peace ...
via Homer..
Chant the mantra Neil.
You know it will relieve you and likely lift you higher and higher the more you chant.
You tube has many videos of transcendental chanting.
I play these often for my myself, my restless and confused 89 year old mother and the cat.
We all smile at each other and time passes wonderfully.
I borrow your comments to say hello to neil. I miss your poems at my insignificant house. I think we are comrades in arms. It is very painful to experience this reality. I cannot inure myself against it.
You have no idea how you help one in such pain.
To know what we know, you, I, Les and many others, yet even then walk upright, says a thousand words not spoken of your humanity.
With Love
Thank you for being brave enough to speak out against the Israelis Visible.
France ("Grand Orient") is of course a substantial NATO player. However, in general, the British Empire (London-based FREEMASONRY operating worldwide via various guises & entities) tends to be the strategically covert/invisible "hidden hand" executing agendas through numerous proxies, puppets & front organizations (and through manipulation of current + former British "commonwealth" COLONIES) -- including the recent invasions & exploitation of Afghanistan & Iraq (after prior failed British attempts to conquer & control these lands/resources during the 1800's & 1900's) -- the CIA is the incestuous stepchild of "British Intelligence", also Mossad is in bed with MI6 playing footsie (FTSE). Although the 'Romance' languages are more phonetic & melodic, I wonder why we're all speaking ENGLISH as the widespread designated 'lingua franca' and hopping like dazed marionettes to the rigged jig directed by City of London financial elites (in ongoing collusion with war/fascist NWO fake- 'security' profiteers, Masonic Mafia oligarchy (perrenially & obsessively crusading to set up King Solomon's sacrificial slaughter-altar on the Temple Mount/Jerusalem ), and the racist/sociopathic Talmudic Kabalah cabal.
I read all Visibles post's and all comments for along time here but can't seem to type very fast so I cant relay the feelings like most of you all here and I consider most of you all x-tended family.
You have very powerfull poems.
You and most everyone here have contributed in very much soul and spirit growth for me this lifetime and I will thank you now. Thank You
I would personally miss your Being.
walking hawk
pierre said...
oh dear, it's the 13th already. did I miss something? are they in "savings mode"?.
all the assumptions and disclaimers, but Neal, I've been a bit like that these last few days. At the very least waiting for Godot is more fun with more commenters. overly sensitive is erring on the coy side of humility. we can sell ourselves short (talking about myself of course, and ignoring my own advice most of the time). It's the ME thing.
wv: andessa. the odessa files (ex-Nazi hunter) meets the andromeda strain (alien organism contamination).
comet Truth finally delivers spectacularly.
Dear Les:
Shine on you crazy diamond. . .
The same goes for Neil.
Still crazy after all these years,
What a strange, confused country. A tragic, murderous event propagated by their own government has to be commemorated as if someone else was responsible.
Despite the misgivings of millions, who know that something is very wrong with the "official" version, the rank and file join in trashing anyone who dares to deviate from it.
Right now, I'm listening to sports radio and Major League Baseball is being publicly crushed for not allowing baseball teams to wear either NYPD or FDNY caps. There is no overwhelming public impetus to actually find out who was behind the attacks, nor any introspection on the millions of innocents around the globe by the so-called "war on terror", launched on the back of 9/11.
It’s now official – there’s been no actual shortage of Holocaust Survivors :
Quote from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York, published by Verso in the year 2000:
'The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million.' (page 83)
Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica
Wiesel has been one of the most prominent spokesmen for the very sizable group of people known as Holocaust survivors. Wiesel has chaired the US Holocaust Memorial Council and has been the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and Nobel Peace Prize..
Time Magazine, March 18 1985:
‘How had he survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? "I will never know" Wiesel says. "I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?"
Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under ‘Buchenwald’:
"In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions."
I've checked out the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War - not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.
Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchill's Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.
" I recommend scorn and ridicule. I recommend revolutionary action of comic performance and ingenious satire. I recommend contempt and indifference from the bullhorn of conscience, in every public and private venue. "
I've been considering using ridicule to point out the ridiculous all around us.
Like; A puppet made in the image of Obama with a Star of David controlling the strings.
Another idea, though not really ridiculing anything, is to have 9/11 in black with blue (972) superimposed over it. [look up 'International Callong Codes' to see why]
Finally, I was watching TV and a Flag making company owner was mentioning that they make flags in customs designs. I'd LOVE to see Stars of David flags, made to look like the Stars and Stripes. [50 blue hexagrams, blue stripes]
AND, you can tell a flag maker it means you're supporting the only democracy in the mideast, when it would REALLY be a comment on who runs this country.
I'm from barbados (rihanna country) and from all my readings and the 100s of videos i've seen of 9/11, i know it was an inside job. the writer is really silly, gives no evidence that it was israel who did 9/11. he is afraid to admit in the face of evidence that it was his US government, who did not give a rat's bottom about human life, that did 9/11. time to wake up friend, been sleeping way too long
Sonia, who are you talking about? Reason I ask is, if it's me then you didn't read the article. Israel is named several times.
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