Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Greenback Jesus in the Reptile Cage.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Earthquakes in Oklahoma, in the heartland of America where they don't get them. It was the same thing with the Oklahoma City bombing; create an act of terrorism in the place no one expects it and where it will strike fear into the hearts of those sleeping the most deeply or, am I reaching and presuming? I'm not usually a believer in earthquake machines, which doesn't mean I don't think that is possible or happens. I just don't think that happens as much as some people think though I have little doubt that in some way Israel was responsible for much of the tragedy that is Fukushima. Does the Android program dream of eclectic sheep (grin)? You have my apologies if you don't get that reference to Philip K. Dick.

Doo wah diddy my pretty, what to say, what to say. Some of us are off to the land of the Mayans soon. God only knows how that happened or what it means but will there be a world then? Somehow I think there will. I can't shake the feeling that nothing is going to happen the way most people expect it to. My expectation is that it is all going to be collectively individual. Already nothing has happened at the speed or intensity that many people expected, or on the dates that people expected, or in the places that people expected, or to the people that people expected. At the same time there has been some degree of all of that. Israel is increasingly more exposed and its banker syndicate is under fire all over the world. Those who have plotted against 'we the people' are caught between what they have done and the people they have done it to, in an environment of awakening. It doesn't look good for the fat cats and it wouldn't be good if it did. It doesn't look good for Israel and it wouldn't be good if it did. What we need is a whirlwind so that they can reap it and I believe it is coming in its own time. In the meantime they are behaving as badly as possible, sweeping all possibility of redemption by the wayside. You'd have to say it all looks prophetic and destiny ridden.

Oklahoma is bedrock for fundamentalist Christianity. I'm not saying there aren't good Christians there. I'm saying it is also Fundie-Ville and they are the bedrock supporters of pernicious Israel and all of the lies that maintain it. They are the canon fodder and the money tree. They are the ones who support the wars, all of them; the wars of genocide and the wars for profit, the drug wars, the economic wars, the wars of attrition and the wars of religion that are the result of false interpretation of scripture which has bedeviled humanity in all the places where people believe something other than the essential truth of that which religion perverts for the glory of the marketplace. They've got a greenback Jesus in the reptile cage. They are the devotees of the one they purport to resist and the tormentors of the one they purport to serve. They are the final result of the wrong way running backs, scoring touchdowns against their own team. They are the mystery masturbators, inflamed by desire for what they are forbidden to touch. They are the ones who condemn sex, which is the primary drive of existence. They are the ones who legalize alcohol because it imprisons the soul, fuels guilt and drives the engines of perverted industries. They are the ones who support laws against getting high because it makes you aware of what is happening to you, at the hands of the people these people support. Yes, many Christians of all stripes do not drink. Then again, they already have all the guilt they need.

If you want to understand the real source of so much that is unfortunate in our world, don't look to greed or the usual suspects, look at religion. You may have heard that religion is for those who are afraid of Hell and spirituality is for those who have been there. Isn't it interesting that those who are afraid of it create it and those who have been there, devote themselves to freeing you from the mindset that causes you to go there and to be there and those are the people that are most abused by the ones suffering from their own ignorance and blindness? So it is in the Kali Yuga, when all that is most deceptive, injurious and superficial, is celebrated and all that is serving, nourishing and protective is held in contempt? Is it any wonder that the worst of us are the most successful in their endeavors?

My friends I know how so many of you labor and struggle in the poisoned vineyards of the world. I know how difficult it is to make the wine and how the wine tastes, given the condition of the ground it came out of but we are in this situation for a very good reason. It's like that quote, "these are the times that try men's souls". We are definitely the people that might have been and I am getting in touch with you then; since then happens to be now. There is a point to my saying that. It is like that other quote, "where there's life there's hope". Do not despair in this dark hour. Do not give in to the downward pull. This is the worst you can do; endure. When there is nothing else you can do; endure. You will find that the very act of doing this accomplishes so much and you will find that this is the thing that seems the hardest to accomplish but is actually the easiest thing in the world, once you employ it. All of the other things are much harder and without endurance, impossible. I'm telling you these things because I came here for that purpose and that is all about endurance too. Had I not endured what I came up against I would not be speaking to you now.

There is a Tarot card called strength. There is an interesting feature that connects to that. Other than The Fool, this is the only card about which placement is in question. Certain decks put Justice where Strength goes and Strength were Justice goes. Ponder this my friends and endure, because the one archetype that works to the greatest advantage in this process is Strength. Observe The Rider Deck or the BOTA version. You will note that the angel with the infinity sign above her head, or as Sovereignty mentions, the halo, has her hands placed on the lions mouth. Some might suggest that she is closing the mouth of injury. I suggest she is opening the mouth for speech. She has another infinity sign made by the roses around her waist that girdles the lions neck and that helix of roses signifies Love. Every single color and position of anything and everything in every card is meaningful and it all has to do with accomplishing The Great Work. This is probably why I was a tad dismissive about making the Philosopher's Stone out of your own urine. It is true in certain ways but since I have accomplished The Great Work, yes, my friends, I have. Since this is so, I would recommend Love in all things and endurance; suffer these things for a little while until I come; paraphrasing a familiar source. There are volumes to be gained here. Like I've said before, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here between God and the Devil to make sure it is all on the level and what is Justice? It is balance ...and what is Strength? It is what makes balance possible. How do you get to that point? You endure.

Times like these come around so rarely that not even the memory of them is anything more than the grains of sand on the beach that were once mountains. Vanity, all of it is vanity, as Ecclesiastes notes from the unknown author. Not only is everything possible for you at this moment but things you can't even imagine are a fait accompli for those of you who endure and you wouldn't be reading these words if it were not possible for you. Conversely, The Stone is not what you think it is. I recommend reading Bulwer Lytton's, Zanoni. Also very interesting is that they have a yearly awards ceremony for the worst writers on the planet and it is called The Bulwer Lytton Award. I am making things more plain here than has been done in I don't know when. Profit from your cognitive capacity and your intuitive connection and endure.

Well, the hits just keep on coming and I'm not Dick Clark but then again I don't think that applied to him, which also creates a mystery by analogy. There's a reason that things cannot be made as plain as the nose on your face and for all I know it has something to do with the nose on your face and that reason is deeply connected to the need for you to discover some part of the equation on your own and also because some things cannot be put into words and that is why music is so important and why there are so many languages and also why symbols have an effect. Is it getting warm in here or is it just me? Is it getting colder while feeling warmer or is it just me? Some part of me didn't want to come here and some part of me believes it is worse than I expected but there is a portion of life and its conditions that cannot be predicted in advance. Don't make that part of me feel worse than it already does; apply yourself and endure. We hold these truths to be 'self' evident. We hold these truths to be SELF evident.

We hold these truths to be... self... evident and you can take that back to the part where there was speculation about the temperature and the room search games you played as a child.

My dear, dear friends, my brothers and sisters from another mother, do not miss after almost winning when you should have known the end from the beginning. Is it real or is it Memorex? That is the critical part of it all and the initiative to endure, should you manage to convince yourself that it is real.

This is not a catch and release program and no matter how compassionate those fisher persons (fisher person?) might think they are, it still injures the fish. Is the fish glad to be alive, given that it is still a fish? Has the fish learned anything? Will hunger and fascination still be predominant in the conditions that caused that to happen in the first place? For myself, I still eat fish because I will catch them. I would not kill a cow and I don't mind if the fish eat me but they won't in this particular movie. I have already been swimming with pretty humungous sharks right there and also between me and the shore in clear Caribbean waters. Now are you more confused and should I have stopped when we were both ahead? Who knows? I don't. My love to you, endure.

Visible sings: God in Country by Les Visible♫ Prevail ♫
'Prevail' is track no. 6 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

God in Country by Les Visible

There will be a radio show tonight.


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Anonymous said...

Denny said...
"Two weeks ago I witnessed chemtrails over the skies of Sweden. Today's news declares that the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm is now monitoring an "unusual amount of lung infections with many cases leading to pneumonia".

Three years ago when my daughter was living in California her and my grandson were outside and there was heavy chemtrail spraying. A bunch of white stuff fell all over them. They ran inside. A couple of days later they came down with a severe "cold" which lasted for a month.

When I first moved to Idaho we got up one morning and there was a white powdery substance on all the cars. It was probably in liquid form when dispersed and dried on the cars. About 1/8" circles all over everything. The granulation was probably less than a micron.

By chance we went to the mall that day and many of the cars had the same rings some that were close to an inch in diameter. The cars in that parking lot came from all over the area. Goes to show how extensive the HEAVY spraying was. Don't know of any illness associated with this incident.


Visible said...

Mandocello, such a perception would wrong and therefore irrelevant. It only applies if true and it is not.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To katz: I agree with you that Acharya S. is a "Zionist tool." For sure she is an irrational, knee-jerk Moslem hater. She's also conceited and not nearly as smart or well-read as she thinks she is. The only reason I referenced her is that she and Zeitgeist do deliver the truth that Jesus is a solar myth. There are a lot of writers who have exposed that truth, but I mentioned Acharya S. because her writing is easily accessed on the Internet. Instead of Acharya S., I should have referenced this:

I figured out that Jesus was a solar myth many years before I ever heard of Acharya S.. I seldom read her stuff because I am way, way ahead of her in the study of Comparative Mythology. The biographies of many of the various World Saviors display a set of common characteristics that are typical of solar deities. A comparison of the biographies of Jesus Christ, Yeshe Krishna, and Horus provides a good beginning. The birth-story of the Buddha is an obvious solar myth.

"Born in a cave or on a mountain," "raised by shepherds," "hunted by a wicked king," and "infants switched to protect the Holy One," are common themes of the solar myth. Each morning the Sumerian sun god Shamash cut down the tree of the night sky with his saw -- and Jesus is a carpenter for the same reason.

"Reliefs from a pillar dedicated to Jupiter by the 'Parisian mariners' between AD 14 and 37 and rediscovered in 1711 under the choir of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. One shows the god Esus cutting branches from a tree.
(Another) relief from Treves which corresponds to the Paris reliefs of Esus and Tarvos Trigaramus. It shows a woodcutter attacking a tree on which repose three birds and the head of a bull." To see photos of these reliefs visit:

Jesus making water into wine is a metaphor for the sun warming the earth's atmosphere. Ancient mythology often describes the night sky as a treasurehouse of bright jewels. Jesus driving the money-changers from the Temple is a metaphor of the morning sun driving the stars from the sky.

To Homer: Thanks for the reference to Ravana's father Vishrava, which adds evidence to my theory that Ravana, Vaishravana, Kubera, and Vishrava are all Regents of the celestial North Pole. I also think that Shiva is a Regent of the celestial North Pole (which is why Shiva is Dakishinamurti, or South-facing and has Ganga, the Milky Way, cascading over his head), and the fact that Ravana is described as a staunch devotee of Shiva supports my theory.

Often when mythological characters come in a set of four they have a connection with the four directions. That may be true of the four Sanat Kumaras and the four children of Vishrava. Jaya and Vijaya took birth as Madhu-Kaitabh, whose bodies became divided as two-times-six. I equate Jaya-Vijaya and Madhu-Kaitabh with Mitra-Varuna; I see all of those pairs as the two halves of the year.

Anonymous said...

burning falsehood
collapsing error
streak of thunder
broken terror
charging vibrance
darting through
rainbows tip
cast of truth
full and wholesome
far and wide
crashing system
closed divide
thunder whistles
dynamic sparks
truths fly swift
one earth one heart


Anonymous said...

just me, Laurel A. said...

Laurel you gave back as much as you got and more. BTW I did say sorry which is more that you did. Anyway you can still come over and tell me how full of crap I am.(grin)


Anonymous said...

harmony maker
vibrance of life
song birds in essence
cast through the strife
centers of seashells
where the truth draw
aligned of a tempest
peace withers war
in genocide hatred
aiming right through
streak of a tiger
where the bird blew
where the truth gathers
the sun and the wind
the earth and the sky
deep deep within


Robin Redbreast said...

Anonymous - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (and anyone else who I easily irritate) PLEASE: just skip over any of my comments when you see them - anger is such an awful thing to experience and to witness - not to mention that type of energy that creates which I find helpful.

Laurel A: Thank you and gratitude for your kind words of acceptance.
It seems that some people get a kick out of kicking out at others. I do appreciate so thank you (but am aware I do need to be mindful of others -and feel I am getting better at this...) but....
Sticking to the subject... FFS its all the same topic! It's all connected!
Anyhow just to show that I can stick to the subject [sic!]...
Again I was just outside having a ciggy, and there was such a fine mist falling - it was beautiful when it caught the light - falling like snow flakes (and strangely it wasn't wet mist/rain - nothing on me!) beautiful.
(and yes I know - ciggys are cancer causing (isn't everything?) and yes more BS self disclousure....)
I am not intending to be blasphemous (I know some people might feel that from what I'm about to comment on - so sorry if this winds you up):

I was having some thoughts outside there about Jesus. In sunday school we were told that he would return in our lifetime (hmmmmm).
What if Jesus is actually among us? - what if he is here, but like us all - he is trapped in his "reptile cage" - he has forgotten who he actually is - why he came here - his mission?
What if we've actually met Jesus - in the bar on holiday, at our local cafe, the supermarket cashier serving us? What if the homeless guy in your town is Jesus and is trying to work it all out - just like we are?
Then I thought - what if one of us who attend here is Jesus?
Would that be a load of pressure to be the 'returned Jesus'?
How and would that person find the path destioned for them?
Then.... what if it's you?? Or me?? Bugger that's a thought isn't it.
Maybe it maybe just could be. God/Godess/Creator (whatever you call them) could be waiting for you or me to do it properly.

So maybe we should try and be like Jesus - just in case we actually are! Emulate Jesus in everything we do?
And I have thoughts about the miracles Jesus was said to have done. Jesus making 'the blind see' - could that mean those who are discouraged - caged in their reptile state? - blind to the real reason we are here - could Jesus have just made those 'blind' people - to see the truth of life?

Could curing the sick (sick in the head??) well - I dunno, but its a thought isn't it?
Perhaps we could just act like we are Jesus? - just in case we are?and not in a SAVIOUR arrogant self promoting .. sort of a way - but just to the people around us - I dunno, I've probably commented far too many words and will get a shower of abuse and shut the fuck ups Robin. Better go quick (at least I've stopped enforcing my poems on you now!)
LLP xxx

A23 said...

I really needed to hear this post, right now for some reason. Thank you.

A23 said...

And loving the music links. Bob Marley never fails to put a smile on my face. And Lennon's take on Stand By Me is one of my favourites...

neal said...

All of you, you only get from this place, not money, it's gone, but attention. The local part is everywhere, and these keystrokes create more humiliations.

Laurel, I told you a while back, I would stand there, for what that tuat is worth. Richie Rich might show, we might be black, or white, only on the local wave,

I have been and always have been nothing to pay any attention towards.

That gets crazy, and really quiet, and memory, and the thing that is no thing.

At the most, and the least, there is some temporary company. If WE made any of these rules, that would still be little comfort, when hunger helps the focus.

Ben said...

Vis, All,

Apropos of nothing... well, not really, just knowing that Vis is visiting Mexico.

I lived in Mexico for three years. In my 54 years I have lived in Colombia, Peru, Panama, Venezuela and Honduras... with numerous trips to Costa Rica, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Was even in and out of Belize a few times. In total, I lived in Latin America for more than twenty-five years.

Mexico was my favorite country. A Mexican author, and now I can't remember his name (to my shame), said this about Mexico. "It's too far from God and too close to the United States."

I agree with him about it being too close to the U.S. but disagree regarding it being far from God. I found the Mexican people being much closer to "God" than any other people.

By that I mean they were "simpatico"; they were willing to be friends with those seeking friendship; they are hard-working, industrious, natural entrepreneurs, many have natural artistic abilities and I never once encountered a native, genuine Mexican that I did not instantly appreciate. Among the common people exists a humility tempered with the pride of knowing their exceptional history and background (and, yes, I know that Mexico has many many different indigenous groups and only a couple that are actually linked to the Aztec and Mayan tribes).

It pains me to say this, as I am of German ancestry and lived four years in Germany, but I found the Mexican people to be much closer to "God" than I ever found the Germans to be. (No, I wasn't working as a missionary, I was with the U.S. government... again, to my shame). It goes without saying that the Mexicans are closer to "God" than the average U.S. citizen.

I did not frequent the tourist locations much and rode a bus to and from the office each day in Mexico City. This gave me, I think, a little better insight into the unique strength and character of the "average" Mexican citizen. I never once encountered rudeness or discourtesy... but then, I tried to behave towards the Mexicans as I wished them to behave towards me. And they always did.

I got to see much though not all of Mexico; I traveled through Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, etc. quite frequently as well as the central and northeastern parts of Mexico. I encountered good people everywhere. Rotten government though not as bad as our own.

Apart from its proximity, Mexico shares another problem with the U.S.; the khazars pretty much dominate the Mexican news/entertainment media and completely dominate banking and finance. They also discretely control the Mexican government. No surprise I guess; this is what khazars do. So the Mexican citizen is as much a slave as the citizen of the U.S. (and most other countries).

All this to say to Vis - I envy you your upcoming visit. It was while I was in Mexico that Father God whacked me with a two X four... and for that reason as well as many others, I will always love that country and its people.

Anonymous said...

A teacher teaches which is rather self-explanatory. A follower follows. The thing about a follower is, it perfectly explains good and evil. My follower obeys me; that's all. If I am good, my follower 'does my good' but not his own. Neither does he do his own evil. He does my evil. A follower has a hero crush and does what master says. The follower is neither good nor evil. Jesus would not want followers. No teacher wants followers for reasons already explained. A follower is a failed soulless human. If you are not going to be a follower, but a student, a student learns the lesson then becomes a teacher himself, since by default we are a progression of generations that replace each other. Jesus had a message, a teaching. A puzzle can be assembled because the pieces fit. You have to rebuild a functional puzzle from what many people claim Jesus said. Jesus did not want your love. Your love is poison. Your love infects your target with vanity and greed for more. Jesus does not want a follower. Do not follow your teachers and never love them. Learn what they teach; forget about them, and then become teacher yourself. The more you loved me, the harder I would beat you with my shoe. Become me and abandon me - that is the only real love you could give. The greatest honor would be to surpass me, then you murdered me to prevent me from holding you back in being more than me.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is not a solar myth. Zeitgeist bungles it way about stealing the work of Professor Campbell. Does the applied philosophy of Jesus have attachments to much older - much older - 'language of myth'? Yeah, of course. Everyone should know that. Humans always do that. Is the applied philosophy of Jesus itself - related to the older solar myths? No, not in any way. But, it is a common problem: what people do is, they get a new age hippy philosophy, then they believe humans have 'always known'. No. They have not. First human(oids) lived a pack/tribal life. The strong owned the weak. Called reality. Time wise, the 'idea' that human life has value, that the prince should not just execute for fun any peasant he meets, is a NEW idea. It is new. Violence, slavery, the strong force their will on the weak.. was all normal from cave man to now. The applied philosophy commonly called 'Jesus'. is a philosophy, and I don't know for sure who made it up. Someone did. It has nothing to do with the 'language of myth' that surrounds the Jesus fable. Unrelated topics. You let one topic make you blind of the other. Campbell explained the NATURAL NORMALITY of 'myth poetry' long ago. Nothing shameful or even surprising about it. It was never a secret.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To Anonymous 12:09 AM: The story of the life of Jesus was recycled from previous solar myths.

The compassionate philosophy of Jesus was nothing new; Buddhism predated Christianity by hundreds of years. The philosophy of Jesus the New Testament was just a restatement of some already-established ideas in Greco-Roman philosophy.

Joseph Campbell stated that he preferred Eastern philosophy to Western philosophy and JudeoChristianity. Carl Jung's theory of Archetypes, which Joseph Campbell endorsed, provides a metaphysical explanation for mythology -- with which I do not agree. Joseph Campbell did not fully understand the meaning of mythology, which is primarily about astro-theology.

Robin Redbreast said...

I like the 3rd one! Definition anonymous:

without any name acknowledged, as that of author, contributor, or the like: an anonymous letter to the editor; an anonymous donation.

of unknown name; whose name is withheld: an anonymous author.

lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction: an endless row of drab, anonymous houses.
LLP Robin

Anonymous said...

I couldn't resist one more remark since my word verification is "dis oui"
Yes...endure. Thirty years ago people asked me why I didn't take my children to America to grow up instead of Lebanon and it's dirty (un)civil war. I told them then that I would stay here and bore "them" the evil colonial powers until they go away. Well I am still here and they are to be leaving soon...

Love and peace

Anonymous said...

Link,me old mate,why bother,get on with life,it maybe ya last.
God is my SOUL, nature is my religion,stay close to both.

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

speaking of mills and self proclaimed Christians doing the devil's work.

OT movie I saw the other night.
The Mill and the Cross
quite beautiful and terrible. 16thCentury Flanders people under the Spanish Inquisition (that we all now expect to be attempted).

though my "they own everything" mind might interpret such a movie as "get ready for another round of austerity measures", it was well worth the watch.

Bruegel's painting
upon which the movie is based.


wv: mustra. no, it's no more compulsory than a new Jesus 'knowing' about the first one.

just me, Laurel A. said...

i swear, gurny -- i would almost think you relish the abuse :D ...... ok, you are full of twinkies. believe me, THOSE are crap.

just me, Laurel A. said...

neal...i hear you. although there is a bit of that shimmer in the air, alters it a bit over here.

just me, Laurel A. said...

gurny---you know why i did not say i am sorry? because i did not start nor do anything at your self. that is why. not a single reason evidenced itself that might validate an apology on behalf of my refusal to assume the position. and you know that.

Anonymous said...

Yes Greg, exactly. You defeated yourself perfectly.

The story of the life of Jesus was..

of no importance.

The applied philosophy attributed to Jesus, which is applicable behavioral choices about human life and living socially... is the philosophy.

Two totally unrelated topics.

Same tools used today. The common person does not have the ability to be a philosopher. The masses are sold ideas using the myth language so they become an obedient follower of people who can think. Like Obama's Peace Prize. Did he earn it? No. It was to make him larger than life for the chuckle heads to worship him.
Hardly surprising a Judeo-atheist doesn't know his philosophy. They specialize in quoting the Hebrew Torah Old Testament at Christians as proof of Christianity.

est said...

in jimi's words
that night he died


"The story of jesus
So easy to explain
After they crucified him,
A woman, she claimed his name

The story of jesus
The whole Bible knows
Went all across the desert
And in the middle, he found a rose

There should be no questions
There should be no lies
He was married ever happily after
All the tears we cry

No use in arguing
All the use to the man that moans
When each man falls in battle
His soul it has to roam

Angles of heaven
Flying saucers to some,
Made easter sunday
The name of the rising sun

The story is written
By so many people who dared,
To lay down the truth
To so very many who cared

To carry the cross
Of jesus and beyond

We will guild the light
This time with a woman in our arms

We as men
Can’t explain the reason why
The woman’s always mentioned
At the moment that we die

All we know
Is God is by our side,
And he says the word
So easy yet so hard

I wish not to be alone,
So I must respect my other heart

Oh, the story
Of jesus is the story
Of you and me

No use in feeling lonely,
I am you searching to be free

The story
Of life is quicker
Than the wink of an eye

The story of love
Is hello and goodbye

Until we meet again"

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up-

The Trivialization of the Wasted Mind.

Anonymous said...


Your jnana is impressive and I only wish to add to this, if I may offer a little grist to the mill.

I'm not sure if you've read any of this man's lifeworks or ever heard his name but I am sure you would glean a few nuggets of worth and possible transcendental insight into the elusive and unique history of the various evolutions and devolutions of the human race, particularly the East-West dichotomy of religious progression/recession.

I honestly don't have the intelligence to comprehend the whole of these histories which is why I stick to Srila Prabhupada's basic Vedic culture for dummies.

You obviously do have the right stuff to dive in and swim and I would be extremely interested as to your take on even a part of this body of work.

With all respect..
Collected works of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami


Anonymous said...

Robin H, you post your ego. No matter what subject is at hand, you have to ramble about your personal day. That is arrogant. That is objectionable. This blog is not about Robin H, his bfs, his lovely ciggies, his shallow awarenesses, his moments of clarity. It's as if you enjoy side tracking the conversation w your mundane BS.
I seriously wonder if you are not trying to disrupt this blog. There are many ways to do it.
As for Laurel? She gets a lot of attention, and pretends a lot. But, I am pretty sure that she is trying to follow a discussion, as best as she can.
That is something that Robin H cannot do. No matter what subject, he injects his incessant ego-driven self glorifying BS. He likes to use sugar to spice up his dribble, like "Love" etc. Words to cover up his insane need to dominate a blog that is not about him.

Several people have commented on this. Most are too polite to call Robin H out. If Robin H is so needy, he needs to get a friend in the real world that is not about sex. Maybe he could have his own blog and invite Laurel. The two of them can then ramble off on tangents, together.

I feel that Robin H has to justify himself, by this personal reparte, because he is self loathing.

However, I don't care. At least he laid off the bad poetry. That took up a lot of space, and was extremely embarrassing for him, bc it sucked so massively.

Visible said...

anonymous 2:49

Ordinarily I don't like to post comments like this when they are anonymous for all kinds of reasons. I'm one time posting this because in the future I won't publish anymore negative commentaries that aren't attended by a name I can track. I won't argue the truth or untruth of what you have said, that isn't my point.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your position, Les Visible and respect that very much. This is your blog, and I look forward to reading it. I also look forward to thinking about the topics that you bring up, discuss and your readers discuss. All of you have a lot of wisdom and information to offer.

I won't continue this w Robin H. I have said my piece, and he has shown that he doesn't care, and is totally not going to change.

I have tried to just skip his posts, but at this point, it is frustrating to see the same behavior, even with awareness that he is off track.

I'm sorry if I engage w him, and will refrain in the future. I've made my point. If he continues this, it's not up to me whether he is enabled to do so.

Thanks for your blogs. Your input is valuable.

Visible said...

Well, I am sorry to have been ignorant of a more complete understanding of you behind the words. I didn't mean any of it harshly. I love harmony more than just about anything and sometimes I think to a fault.

There are several people that come and go here who exhibit eccentricities that not everyone appreciates, as a matter of fact I am one of them. I am able to blip right past things that don't entertain or intrigue me but that comes from long term exposure.

bholanath said...

Gregory (and homer and others) -

I agree exactly with your take on Acharya...lot of bs re: hinduism, and islam-hate...too bad, narcissistic, once had some good info, but got lost.

Just wanted to add something about Ram and Ramayana and Ravana, not at all discounting what you say and write, but simply another dimension to the story:
Alternate Ramayanas
This speaks to the existence of many Ramayanas, and especially to the historical aspect of Aryan/Sanskritic culture's conquering the indigenous of India.
I find it interesting.

Also more on the Jesus Myth


Gregory F. Fegel said...

Anonymous Nov 9 2:24 PM: Thank you very, very much for the link you provided to the writings of Sri Bhakti Ananda Goswami, who is an awesome scholar of comparative religious history. I had not heard of him before, and after visiting the link you provided, I am very impressed by his scholarship. I have added the link to my "favorites" and I will enjoy reading his essays.

To bholanath: Thanks for the link to the article "Lord Ram’s Story: Many Tellings." I have a copy of Paula Richman's "Many Ramayanas," which I have yet to read. Most of my books are in deep storage and are hard to retrieve. The Ramayana is a major research interest for me; I'm certain that the Ramayana is a seasonal mystery play, and I understand the astronomical purport of the major characters and events, but I have yet to figure out many of the details. The other article you linked about the Jesus Myth looks like a good overview of the subject, and it likewise has been added to my "favorites." I'll read it this morning.

Anonymous Nov 9 9:52 AM wrote: "Yes Greg, exactly. You defeated yourself perfectly.
The story of the life of Jesus was.. of no importance. The applied philosophy attributed to Jesus, which is applicable behavioral choices about human life and living socially... is the philosophy."

Perhaps you missed where I wrote "The compassionate philosophy of Jesus was nothing new; Buddhism predated Christianity by hundreds of years." Buddhism, Jainism, compassionate Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Pythagoreanism, and Orphism all predated Christianity by at least 500 years, and it is likely that Christianity was influenced by some of those preceding traditions. Mythraism and other mystery cults were contemporaneous with, and similar to, early Christianity. The New Testament is a Greek Novel that presents some recycled philosophy in the context of the pseudo-biography of an alleged Avatar who was assembled, like Frankenstein's Monster, from an assortment of older myths.

Believing in a God or a Guru does not by itself make anyone a better person. To become a better person, one must do the work of introspecting and improving one's attitude and behavior. It is the Teaching and its performance -- not the Teacher -- that is important. The lazy and false doctrine that the mere belief in Jesus or any other God or Guru equals "salvation" is a conceit that places a false sense of achievement and superiority on its wearer.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...


"The lazy and false doctrine that the mere belief in Jesus or any other God or Guru equals "salvation" is a conceit that places a false sense of achievement and superiority on its wearer."

Well said, lazy being the key word.


Visible said...

That's what I always thought too and it is what was in my mind when i wrote this a few years ago. Here's hoping the wrong people don't see it. The title alone is enough to generate a massive shit fit but it's the 'kind of fat' and it's association with that same slothful consumerism based on the automatic salvation lie. God doesn't operate like that in that specific way, not that I know apart from exceptional cases.

Anonymous said...


"Nothing new".. I am talking about reality, as in world history. History as we have it, the Common Era starting around the time associated with Jesus, the Roman world.. Buddha? Buddha didn't go to Rome. Right? Confucius didn't go to Rome. Did someone knowing of them go? Probably. Did their message stick? No. Who gets credit? Jesus does. Was this philosophy, the one that did stick, associated with Jesus, was it the NEW THING there and then? Yes, it was. Sure was. It was new. Who invented it? I could not care less. Human civilization is certainly far older than we have records. Countless unrecorded teachers made mankind.

Belief in guru something does or does not make you something? Not a topic of mine, topic of yours. But, I will take it on.

You're wrong. Is belief power? Absolutely - scientific fact. In observation, pretty much all the supreme acts of human will come from belief. INSANITY is well known for generating extreme power of action. If you believe something strong enough.. today? you could even be called a dangerous terrorist. Belief makes you very dangerous, if you believe a dangerous thing. Where as do people who believe in nothing, have that will power? Generally no. If you want to Sepuku like a Samurai, you have a real intense personality and belief system.

As far as gurus go, I am the outsider. I don't come to kiss his ass. I would not accept you as a follower if you offered. I am totally Christian, but a hard atheist. I don't believe in gods. I am not in the Judeo-atheist Noahide cult that practices the lie that religions needs gods. They don't.

If I asked you to write the philosophy of Batman; he has one. His origin story? Means nothing. Him believing in Gods? Non factor. The philosophy attributed to the behavior codes of Batman, don't hinge on any of those things.

Yes, Jesus was the NEW IDEA in the time and place of Jesus. The NEW idea. All new. Wasn't there before him. Was there after him. Jesus gets credit. Buddha went to China not to Rome.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Visible: I just read your article from 2008 that you linked. I see what you mean by hoping the wrong people don't see it. Like pouring some more ghee on the sacrificial fire. As a Roman Catholic kid, I became disgusted with the fact that many RCs thought that going to Mass once a week, confession once or twice a year, and performing a few odd rituals ensured their Salvation. I was told that only RCs went to Heaven.

Anonymous said...

I have found that embracing my humanity serves me quite well. I don't try and escape being human. Let's take greed for example. I am human and experience greed. I sublimated my greed into a useful tool.

Like: in my greed 'I would' control, manipulate, enslave, whatever - you, for the purpose of greed. But, in this enters the problem: with your help? I would accomplish what? I would end war? I would feed all mankind? I would change who becomes the next President?

Go into detail, the great things I would accomplish - if we just pretend for a moment - I had 100% total devotion mind control over any one of you...

One can be accomplished with you enslaved? Honestly? Little and or nothing. No offense, people: you don't swing that kind of firepower. Manipulate you? Why in God's name would I waste my time doing that? How would that meet my greed needs? I have greed, rest assured - just you can believe I neither lie to you or manipulate you, and I did explain why in very easy clear terms.

You are not a world changing tool.
Do any of you THINK YOU ARE? a world changing tool? That if some lucky person gains control of YOU.. they will unhinge the planet with their schemes?

I don't think so. You can all stop being so paranoid. Control you why? You are not that powerful a servant. If you think you are, you have issues to work on.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

Speaking of sacrifice, the Primordial Man -- the Purusha in India, Pan-ku in China, and Ymir among the Norse, created the earth through the sacrifice of his own body. The Cosmic sacrifice of the Primorial Man presaged the annual and Precessional sacrifices of the sun god. If we want to become One with the Cosmos, we must likewise sacrifice our egos and our attachments.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

To Anonymous Nov 9, 9:58 PM:

Buddha never went to Rome in person, but during the 5 or 600 years that followed the advent of Buddha in India, Buddhist ideas just might have found their way to Rome, just like Greek and Roman coins found their way to India. Greek satraps ruled northwestern India from circa 320 BCE to 10 CE.
Thomas McEvilley covered this subject in elaborate detail in his book "The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies."

McEvilley and others have presented considerable evidence of Indian influence on Western philosophy, but even without any Indian influence, there's still the Pythagoreans, Orphics, Gnostics, Egyptians, and other Mediterranean philosophies that predated and inspired Christianity, which didn't appear "out of the blue."

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Hey Judge.... did the time travel thing back to may 5th 2008.... great shit... you were a bad ass even back then... :)


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Gregory, yes I offered the Bhakti Ananda Goswami works.

Sometimes I forget to put my name up there, but that's ok.

I'm pleased you like this and as I said, I'm very interested as to your insight, especially as you delve deeper.
I found him to be one of the most brilliant and revealing students ever. Very unique. I can barely keep up.
Actually, I can't keep up..

Bholanath, yes Hanuman's Ramayana I've read about and almost wish I hadn't due to it being lost from, once again, Hanuman's love and devotion.

Gregory F. Fegel said...

In my preceding comment I did not mean to imply that I think Jesus is a myth and Buddha was a real person. I do believe that real people wrote the New Testament, the Bhagavad Gita, and the sayings of the Buddha -- but I think that the stories of Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna are all solar myths.

According to the myth of the Buddha, Maya (the name of the Hindu goddess of Nature) was visited in a dream by a white elephant (symbol of the Cosmic god Indra) and she became pregnant. Later Maya gave birth to the Buddha while leaning against a tree (symbolic of the World Tree). The newborn Buddha took seven steps (there are seven planets and seven planetary spheres in the ancient Cosmos) in each of the four cardinal directions. Then the ambulatory, newborn Buddha proclaimed, “I alone am the World-Honored One.”

est said...

as far as buddha
i was the tree

that he sat under
that set him free

i was the stone
that he became

i was the wind
i was the rain

i was a cloud
drifting by

what the hell
i was the sky

i was the night
i was the day

not one word
did i ever say

onething said...

I'm pretty sure Robin is telling us something profound, we're just not sure what it is...I think it's about him having the whole samsara/nirvana thing worked out.

Gurneygob tells us to drop by his blog, but no clue where it is...

I am genuinely confused by anyone who has read even a smattering of the Old Testament and considers the words therein to relate in any way to the true God, although there are a few gems scattered therein.

onething said...

Hi Robin,

Now I actually wrote that about your trivia posts before I read your Jesus post and I must add that the complement to your idea is that of treating everyone like they were Jesus in disguise. And it's not my idea, it comes from the parable of the goats and the sheep. You see, neither the goats nor the sheep realize that what's been going on is that the only thing that actually mattered was whether they were compassionate to their fellow man, and Jesus explains this by saying, "As you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done unto me."

What I like about this so much is that first, we treat everyone as if they were a divine hiding in human form (because we are), and second, it cuts the crap because it doesn't matter if you think someone is inferior or weird or bad or whatever - he didn't say the best or the acceptable, he said the LEAST. So you don't even have to get over it - you just treat them as if they were Jesus in disguise anyway.

onething said...


"Believing in a God or a Guru does not by itself make anyone a better person. To become a better person, one must do the work of introspecting and improving one's attitude and behavior. It is the Teaching and its performance -- not the Teacher -- that is important. The lazy and false doctrine that the mere belief in Jesus or any other God or Guru equals "salvation" is a conceit that places a false sense of achievement and superiority on its wearer."

This is well said, and yet in the end some ineffable grace seems to be needed and perhaps the introspection is just the way to find that right moment to say Yes to God.

And sometimes I think, that is all we can do, (being brides in the bridal chamber of the lord). Oh, dear, you won't like that Biblical reference, but I am in a Jesus mood tonight.

onething said...

And here's another thing that is spiritually lazy, and worse than lazy. The belief that you will go to heaven and others will go to hell. The rejection of reincarnation because you lazily want to believe that all you have to do is sign on the dotted line to reserve a spot in the gated golf community in the sky. It's a form of "I've got mine and your problem is your problem." I want mine now even if you have to go to hell forever.

This Christian dogma of hell and cheap "salvation" PREVENTS people from actually following the way of Jesus. Jesus taught unconditional love, endless forgiveness, and a magnanimous God. He taught compassion. What decent person with any compassion at all could be happy knowing that even one person is in hell without hope?

The two - an acceptance of the hell doctrine and acquiring Christian virtue - are incompatible.

I blame demonic entities for perverting Christianity into this travesty.

How many of us suffer serious distress just knowing about all the hungry and suffering people that exist in the world?

What is all that compassion for if we are to be so monstrously hard hearted later?

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, Les. It's impossible to appease haters(@Truth), cynics (@"Rosie") or those attempting to ride your nuts to 'fame' in Jesus' name(@"godsend), et al..

Just let the haters skate on, let the pitnicky finicky cynics demanding a free gourmet all expenses paid holiday picnic move on and let the holy rollers roll on(cuz everybody stinks but Jeeeeezuz, baby!).

They are like infants who bite mama's poor titties after they've milked her sore nipples dry, then they cry when folks point out that their little diapers reek like something crawled in them and died.

They demand that YOU provide them with something that God almighty already granted them at birth, but have put the onus on YOU to prove they are worthy of; love to the haters, intuition to the skeptics and validation to revival tent carny barkers.

Whatever it is that they're smoking in their pipes, it's making them blame YOU for killing their dying dreams and they don't really wanna see their own reflections because projection is much easier than rejection of their own lack of perfection, or so it seems. Talk about one toke over the line, Sweet Jaysus!

Just a little automatic writing from my third eye laser beam,

peace out from my inner bein' to all who be really seein',

-Jesus' former trophy wife

Anonymous said...

My peoples, let us not get bogged down with these holy trollers who come by and post inane commentary to distract us from the facts:

1. Oakland city council demanded that the Oakland OWS protesters disband the encampment and when the city council was met with resistance, they shut off the lights in downtown Oakland. As a result, a man was shot and killed in front of a cafe within very close proximity to the encampment, and guess what? Now the City council is attempting to use this tragedy as the leverage they've been fucking CREAMING their jeans for to shut the shit down.

2. Riots are going down on college campuses within the last couple of days for two reasons that could not be more diametrically opposed, both for the reason for said riots, as well as the police response. One riot happened at Penn State University to protect a reptilian pedophile football coach who preyed on and RAPED underprivileged young boys (with the help of a foundation that he started to facilitate his predation) while the police fiddled their thumbs and stroked their bully clubs on the sidelines as the pedophile's jocksniffer student fanboys and fangirls tipped over a police van
in outrage of these accusations of their coach beyond reproach. Meanwhile, the other riot happened at UC Berkeley because middle class white kids at UC Berkeley (the home of Mario Savio plaza, the orator who gave the infamous paen to free speech back in the day) are resisting being raped financially by predators of the same ilk and low frequency as the pedophiles who think that raping young booty ranks as higher privilege than middle class accesibility to higher education. The police beat the fuck out of these kids who did nothing but protest peacefully. I am trying to endure, les and all, but damn, damn, damn them all to hades for fucks sake!

Meanwhile, you've got 3rd rate former weatherboys-cum-waterboys for the 1% calling itself BRIAN SUSSMAN of KKKSFO radio, 560 am calling the OWS protesters filthy pigs and losers. Brian Sussman (more like fluffman, since he seems to enjoy fluffing his neocon meida masters as they hang on to their fleeting power by their manicured fucking fingernails as they use their final time on earth to ream us) and his sniveling little bitchboy co-host officer vic do nothing but blame the 99 percent for getting shit all over their masters viagra enhanced dicks, imploring us to lick them clean if we are really that hungry for food. Brian, the weather that is coming for you and your ilk will not be sunny, you don't need a fucking barometer, just pull your finger outta your 1 percenter bosses assholes, stick it in your mouth, and then in the wind. But you can surely take shelter underneath your media masters' flaccid ball sacks when the storm hits too hard, I'm sure they'll remember what a good little fluffer you were and you'll be rewarded in kind for your loyalty, buddy boy.....

My god, les, my god......all of this is going down and they even wanna promise us a war with Iran and more than likely Russia just in time for Christmas, for fucks sake.

wv: lefammon....lefammon??? REALLY??? les or somebody out there,, please tell me that my wv is a prophecy for the coming famine of these vampires at their banquet of blood...please, dear god.

Visible said...

Hang in there. I know how it looks and I know how it feels; brilliant writing by the way. Just put up a new mirrors. I don't know if it will make you angrier or grant you some measure of peace. The end part rings, a little less intensely than your own but in the same direction. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment, Les.... I just wanted to contribute my energy to the comments since that is what I have in abundance as of late. It's the very least that I could do, you are so inspiring on so many levels.

In my passion, there were a few misspellings and typos that I didn't catch (through my tears of anger and joy), but overall, I think that this 11/11/11 opened up a portal for a lot of emotion that I have been attempting to suppress for fear of the rage that I've been feeling as I watch the rats gnawing away at the lifeboats on the Titanic BEFORE they jump ship.

Thank you for the inspiring new mirrors post, you have no idea how many of us you keep on point. Your latest Mirrors post didn't enrage me further, it just made me gain so much clarity and I chanted until I actually slid onto the floor and cried with laughter. The anger dissipated as I realized the Dracs do this because they are so scared of the corner they've boxed themselves into.

May all of our fellow travelers crystallize our mental energy, spiritual clarity and passion for resistance into a collective energy source on this 11/11/11, rather than feeling powerless against these 4th dimension draculas. For real!

JLOC said...

jeez.. I just realized I've been reading these comments for over two hours. Well it was an enjoyable two hours.. I love you all and thanks.


Dee said...

You are an inspiration and provide much needed hope in these troubled times. Be safe on your trip to Mexico and if you're ever back in the States, it would be my pleasure to make you a wonderful meal and put you up for the nite/nites. We are in beautiful Bucks County Pennsylvania. It is a way I could try to contribute as $ is not available. I'm disabled and have now been refused disability twice...that's how Soc. Sec. rolls apparently. No worries, I will endure! Thank you so much for your insights. xoxo Dee

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