Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Global War and Hunger Porn on the way to Fat City

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be filled with joyful smells.

You vicious, heartless, selfish, feckless fools. You, who have voluntarily surrendered your humanity to an organized gang of satanic psychopaths. Was it for gain? Was it the bad end of a compromise gone wrong? Was it out of fear, after having come into a position, of losing the position and then you assume the position? Were you up for it anyway, you who bring the unwilling world to the doorstep of global war? You who are arranging the tableau, like a dinner table for the damned, ferrying ships bound for salvage, to be evidence in yet another false flag, waving blood red above the burning bodies of the duped and deluded who went into combat for bankers. The pens move and the weapons fire. Iran has done nothing to you. Their restraint has been admirable. In the mountains, ordinary human beings are skiing. They are walking through the pistachio orchards. They are dreaming their individual dreams, within the parameters of the collective dream. They are people like you and I. They have children, families and friends. They are not making war. We are.

The most powerful agency for calculated death and destruction is the fundamentalist, Christian right. Their sanctimonious, demagogic preachers, whip them into a lather of self righteous hate, manipulated and inspired by the very ones who committed the crimes that others are blamed for. These millions of deceived lemmings, march off the metaphorical cliffs of their own ignorance; titanic edifices of tamasic stone. They kneel before their crucified God and then proceed to crucify entire nations for the crime of being different. They are the ones who make it all possible, who cannot comprehend the meaning of the words they read from the book they claim to be infallible. Like rats in a maze, searching for the cheese, which bears no resemblance to the genuine article. There is no maze. These are the same people who would crucify the man again if he showed up today. These are the people from Big Hair Country. They came here to be led astray, while being informed that they should not be led astray. They came here to be selfish and indifferent, while reading about charity and good works. The only time they are inspired to do the right thing is when they can be observed, or champing at the bit to tell everyone about it.

Their missionaries go off to Africa, where they paint sugar water under the eyes of starving children, so that the flies will land there during the photo op. They are the merchants of Hunger Porn. They get hard looking at the centerfold. They dream of and wish for disasters so that they might weep crocodile tears. They're soap actors under the camera eyes of their cartoon associates. They're good decent people, just ask them. They are dumber than a retarded rock and proud, boy are they proud of themselves. Tell them the truth and watch their eyes catch on fire. Scratch the thin veneer of facsimile smiles and watch them bear their teeth, uh huh, Jesus is just alright with me.

Jesus is like a bad relative that you have to lock in the basement when company comes over. You can't let the real Jesus into the living room. It's a given that he will piss in the punchbowl, or you might be bobbing for road apples. It's a given that he would kick everybody's ass for twisting the timeless beauty of the awakened heart, into an ugly nightmare for anyone who isn't dressed up to celebrate the fruits of a poisoned mind. No, you'd have to lock him up, the same way you've locked him out. It wouldn't take long for what you say he says and what he actually says to develop into a free for all, where everyone runs around punching themselves in the face and taking a grim satisfaction at having gotten some good licks in; never, ever catching on to whose ass is being kicked and by whom.

There's nothing quite like the righteous fundie. There's no limit to the possibilities of disassociated and dissonant cogitation. There he stands on the doorstep, pointing toward the highway for the young girl with the child in her arms. There he stands, expounding on the welfare families and needy people who ought to go out and get a job like the one he has. It's obvious they are in that situation because they don't love Jesus. They love Jesus though and Jesus loves them, even if he does have to sleep in the basement or out in the garage.

In about six weeks we come to Dead Man's Curve, on the thruway of time and circumstance. Seemingly intelligent people have rationalized it as necessity. They have no choice, do they? Iran is all that remains of The Middle East in any independent way. They destroyed Libya and one of the modern wonders of the age, along with the most solidly constructed 'people first' system in the area. They bombed Afghanistan back into the stone age, which was no great distance to traverse. They beat the living shit out of Iraq and then, ah what the hell, they poisoned all of the unborn generations as well.

Look at it from their point of view, after having destroyed the domestic economies and looting everything in reach, there really is no alternative besides a world war. It's the one thing that will take people's attention off of their other crimes. They did it all. They're no slouch when it comes to 24 hour criminal focus. They're so bent they can roll from place to place. They sat around with their glasses of scotch and they tossed around the big ideas. Then they drafted the blueprints. Then they signed off on the construction and there it sits, stinking to high heaven. They went from PNAC to 9/11. Then they went to war but not before they went into official mourning, so as to jack up the outrage, like a monster truck. How did these special people get into the position where they could do all of these things? They are part and parcel of a particularly heinous symbiosis. One faction prints the money. The other faction receives it. If you don't go along with the program, you don't get any money. It's as simple as that and it's as serious as a heart attack.

They got sky box seats at the dream coliseum. What they see is what they see, from the position they are in. The perspective is what it is and it's colored by invisible gases that tailor the perceptions to end game result. The hired help moves around them, giving them the certain assurance that all is right with the world and that they are central to whatever is taking place. There's a special kind of thrill in sending other men off to die and to kill all sorts of people just cause they told them to. You and I are denied this form of rare delight. Oh, it could have been ours had we not gotten sidetracked by something.

At the end of any particular age, where technology has outpaced morality, you always get the religious wars. You get that caveman mentality taking place in a Star Trek environment. You get the disconnected video game effect, of bodies smoking and burning on a screen somewhere. You get nuclear technicians who don't anticipate pipes freezing in the winter, during a meltdown. You get millions of people with headphones on, isolating their contact from their fellows. You get riots in department stores, during seasonal periods celebrating the joy of giving. You get the tiniest religion in the world, dictating to one of the largest religions in the world about what you can call your religious holidays and what you can and cannot celebrate, while they promote theirs without a second thought and then laugh at you in the bargain. They have been the motive force behind every conflict in recent memory and somehow that's okay because of all the retarded rocks and Jesus in the basement.

It's predictable. It's pro forma. It's a definite guarantee that very soon, very bad shit is going to be very, very apparent. In the meanwhile, approaching weeks, days and minutes, our gifted craftsmen are setting the stage, placing all of the pieces and strategizing all of the strategies, into a fail proof, fool proof, fait accompli with no damage to themselves. They've crunched the numbers and locked 'what if' in the basement with Jesus. However, history and certainly recent history, has shown us that all the planning in the world, doesn't mean anything when the people doing the planning aren't right in the head. This is one of the classic realities that accommodates evil in its unwitting suicide.

Thomas Cole, is a painter from the Hudson River School. He did a four part set of paintings called, “The Voyage of Life”. Great art is one of the chief defenders of faith in times of darkness. It reminds us of the dignity, beauty and possibilities of the inspired soul. It reminds us that things pass through us. They don't originate with us. Great art is proof of an invisible presence. Great art moves us and changes us by our exposure to it. It especially reminds us of what we have been and what we can be. It is a testimony to the struggles and triumphs of the human spirit, while surrounded by the wreckage of temporary defeats.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis narrates:

Visible and The Critical List:

Sunday's radio show is now available for download and so are a couple of others you might have missed for not having been made accessible at the radio blog. Just scroll down to the bottom and check the dates. I'll get that together in the course of my inconsistency.


Anonymous said...

Follow the water bearer into the temple

There's so much energy here right now,
every atom buzzes ...
an electrically charged atmosphere,
quickly reaching saturation.
The collision point of Pieces and Aquarius,
the doorway to this new age trembles,
as quake after quake,
shakes it's framework, and loosens the lock.
Physical re-patterning, mental expansion,
eyes closed, center is all,
movement is stillness
light and darkness balanced,
devoid of opposition, equally coexisting.
Peace, is applied, empowered spirit,
waves of thought and bright beings,
a force field, where eagles gather...
where the seers of every generation,
speak in unified diversity,
to each individual collectively.
Places vanish, maps are irrelevant,
clocks stop, time is a continuum,
a flash, "In the blink of an eye",
an evolutionary jump.


Anonymous said...

My God, Visible.
You make me so angry and so sad.
And so hopeful.
I weep.


Anonymous said...

Aside from showing us the way by 'walking the talk', Jesus' personal karmic purpose for incarnating was to learn that he could save no one who would not save themselves.

Visible said...

It's only necessary to comment once. They don't go in automatically.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the jews and the Rothschild bankers and all those who grovel at their feet will have their way and yet another good nation will fall by the wayside; the Greater Israel will become a reality. It was always the plan.

The torah and talmud are weapons of mass destruction and their adherents are enemies of humanity.


Alan Cabal said...

Extra points for the Jan & Dean reference. Rock on, Les!

My God Can Beat Your God Up said...

Who would Jesus bomb? I bet he would bomb those towel head Haji's in Eyeran, those gaddum muzzies. (with love The Smartass Punk)

mike m said...

Fundies, fundies wearing dirty undies, brown in the back and yellow in front.

I have something to share and maybe somebody else has noticed this also if they have ever visited one of their clubhouses.

My GF asked me to accompany her to a Calvary Christian Clubhouse one Sunday and I was curious so I decided to go.

The head M.C. was going on about sheeple and how he was their shepard. I started to look around and up there on the Stage, right next to the American flag, was that demonic symbol Israeli flag. I vowed never again to step foot in that place but my GF goes for the "message". I am still trying to break her of this disgusting habit but she comes from South America and if you have ever been there you know how much influence the "church" has on those poor people.

Anyhoo somebody asked me about my experience and I told them why I would never go back once I saw that Israeli flag up there on the stage. That person said they would look into it and get back to me.

That was over 3 years ago and I still haven't recieved a bonifide answer to my inquiry.

So yet again Mr. Vis you have hit one out of the park and for that I am grateful, just because it reaffirms my instincts about my observations.

Visible said...

You're sharp Alan. You catch them all.

lightandlongshadows said...

How dare you denigrate "those who make the ultimate sacrifice"...

inside out

Excellent post Mr. Visible.

Anonymous said...

I have to work with a damaged child who came back from the war. This kid's first line of defense is to smack people in the head with his personal war horror story. This hit me so hard that it resonated shit from deep in my own past. I must reach the point where I can thank this child for what he did, but right now I wanna beat the fuck out of him for hurting and scaring me. I am scared, furious and hurt, but I have to do what is right for this fucked-up child. I've already taken up the issue with my "commanding officer" and he's gotten his reprimand. If he has any further issue with me, I only have this answer: God, Please show me how to love this fucked-up child. Peace, Chris

Anonymous said...

Yup. Some of us "got sidetracked by something". You tell it well, Vis. "There but for the grace of God..." Back in the early 60's when there was still plenty of social mobility in this country from the working class, through the educational system and into however you worked it out; there was always this possibility for the sons and sometimes daughters of displaced peasants to land within smelling distance of the children of privilege in positions of close support for the system of hierarchy, the pattern, copped from the ancient Egyptians, perhaps, for the pyramidal organization of society.

Flash to the back of the "green frogskin" as Black Elk described it, the $1 Federal Reserve note and that all-seeing eye atop the pyramid. That's it in a nutshell, dontcha know. Brought to you by the Levites/Cohanim, descendants of Aaron, it is said and his/their worship of the Golden Calf. Could any message outta the Age of Aries be more clear than the transmigration onto the terminal ( months?) of the Piscean Age of this symbological archetype of that long-past age, the tiny in numbers 'religion' which upholds its banners and those who worship at the cloven feet of the tribal War-God, Yahweh and his unquenchable and interminable taste for blood sacrifice?

"God said to Abraham 'Kill me a Son'
Abe said 'Man, you must be putting me on.'
God said 'NO'
Abe said 'what?'
God said 'Abe, you can do what you want, but
next time you see me you better run.
Abe said 'where you want this killing done?'
God said 'out on Highway Sixty-One'"

In his Highway 61 Revisited album Bob Dylan reveals plenty. Since Abe's day, those who ascribe to the mores of the Tribe, no longer insist on the Full Monty of blood sacrifice. No, it's just that little Pound of Flesh as Shakespeare describes it in Merchant of Venice. Robert Zimmerman was born in Duluth, Minnesota not Georgia and on the eighth day his bris was performed right there on Highway 61 looking out on the Lake whitemen call Superior and which the Ojibwe call Gitchee Gummi.

Blood Sacrifice. Do the Great Overwashed, to update H.L Mencken, who are big on being Saved and getting Right with Jesus and whom i have long described as the Religious Wrong; have any idea what is meant when they kneel down and get the bread only (if Catholic); the bread and wine if they are Mainliners; or bread and grapejuice if they are truly among the Judie-Christy Magic Mindfucked?

So the rumors of war and the planning for war grind on. Meanwhile the Bear says "Nyet!" and the Chinese second the emotion. With all the nukes and such that those two megastates possess and their clear messages to leave Syria and Iran alone, the beat still goes on amongst the war-drummers. Why?

There is no sense to thermonuclear war ~~ except unless you have come to the realization that all your schemes are coming to naught and that the world is catching on to who it is that's pulling all the strings and that such an outcome is not acceptable to the tribal WarGod and his thirst for blood.

But there is more to life and love than is dreamed of in your philosophy, Whore-Ratio.

-stickman 12 Aquarius, 33 Anno Eros

Anonymous said...

Kathleen. Well done. Brava! A powerful and telling piece of poetry ~ which nails it. You have got it.

Visible said...

If you've written me an email in the last month and not received a reply, know that I am planning on answering all of them in the next couple of days (grin). Some of you are probably already surprised that you heard from me. I apologize for the tardiness, I had a lot on my plate.

missingarib said...

vis, i laughed and i sighed,great art whether writing, music, painting, sculpting appears like the rain drop turning into a snow flake -always amazing and full of presence different and yet of one moment dissolving into our gaze or touch or hearing or feeling.
thank you for another snow flake

There is neither this world nor the world beyond nor happiness for the one who doubts.”

Bhagavad Gita

Anaughty Mouser said...

Bravo Visible!

"a free for all, where everyone runs around punching themselves in the face and taking a grim satisfaction at having gotten some good licks in"

Rolling on floor laughing my ass off.

Who would Jesus bomb?

If you don't know the answer to that question then you haven't understood the message in the book of truth.

Evil will destroy itself, just give it enough rope.

'Fundies wearing dirty undies - yellow in front, brown in back'

Makes me laugh and sad at the same time.

Where are all the fundamental churches that proclaim the message of Jesus and thereby decry everything zionist and israeli?

The good book clearly abhors the synagogue of satan. Why are so few churches embracing the word of God and simultaneously condemming the zionist jews? One exception is Ted Pike's church - but look what "coincidently" happened to his wife. She 'died'.

The time for the avatar to arrive on a horse has certainly come.

This whole of "modern civilization" makes me truly sick right down to my core.

Peace upon you,


Greg Bacon reporting said...

" Zvi Ankori, who commanded the Haganah unit that occupied Deir Yasin after the massacre, gave this statement in 1982 about the massacre, published by Davar on April 9, 1982: “I went into 6 to 7 houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomaches. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.”

There are many eyewitness accounts to this unspeakable horror, too many to post in a blog, but well worth reading, if you have a strong enough stomach.

The descendants of these Zionist barbarians are in charge of Israel and have been since it was spawned in 1948.

Any doubts that these same sadists were behind the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11 should be erased from your mind, as these brutal Zionist murderers will stop at NOTHING to realize their goal of an Imperial Zionist Israel Empire."

DaveR said...

Here's a piece abut the 'why' of a nuclear war. Because they think they can hide in their holes in the ground and they think they have a way to get rid of the radiation.


Many things are possible.

Anonymous said...

There is a solution to the world economic depression orchestrated by Rothschild to force acceptance of SDRs ya know.

'A year ago, the yield on 5 year Greek bonds was about 12 percent.

Now the yield on those bonds is more than 50 percent.

The world is facing a debt crisis unlike anything ever seen before, and Europe is right at the center of it.

Right now, the major industrialized nations of the world are 55 trillion dollars in debt.

Everyone knew that at some point that debt bomb was going to explode.

So what is going to happen next?

Well, Europe appears to be heading for a full-blown economic depression.

Will the rest of the globe be able to escape a similar fate?'

The answer is to END all private central banks around the world - make the Rothschild mafia ILLEGAL worldwide. After all, they do absolutely nothing for mankind except suck the financial blood out of every country they operate in. The coming world wide economic depression is a mirage by the usury vampires.

Kudos to Ron Paul for his drive to end the Fed in USA.

Visible said...

Wake the flock up! said...

Here is the simple problem with allowing private individuals/banks to create money and lend it to whoever they want - to themselves and their zionist friends.

They can create the money to buy whatever they want. Say CNN or Facebook for 100 billion. The money is created from nothing and once owned CNN or Facebook can be censored to portray the owners as benevolent benefactor even if they are murdering, lying, cheating scum.

So you see, once you have the power to create money you can technically own the world and the media who tells all the sheeple the zionist dream is healthy for everyone - right up until FEMA camp exterminations like the zionist Bolsheviks did to ca 150 million Russians a few decades ago. When the benefactors also control the publishing houses and universities the true history of Russia, WW2 or 9/11 NEVER needs to be taught. Only the PC version ever is spoken in the main stream be it media or academia.

Totally fucked - you bet!

And we the sheeple are next in the thermonuclear slaughterhouse of humanity for the benefit of the zionist few aka the benefactors (sic).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that last radio show 290112. It brought back some memories I've needed to work on and tools (though rusty are still available).

Again - Thanks

Anonymous said...

Had a comment to make but Amerikagulag put it best. Nothing else needs to be said.

abe in ela

wv: punculti - members of a religious group for clever wordsmiths.

gurnygob said...

As one who proclaims himself a Christian I am sadden by this post.

I am sadden because it’s true, every word of it. I no longer have a church to attend or belong to save the one in my heart and even in that one Jesus is sometimes locked in the basement, much to my shame.

Like Christ once said,,, ‘when I come back will I find any faith left on earth’, or words to that affect.

It’s hard to see where the real faith is these days. There are little pockets here and there for sure, but in the main it’s a joke. Sad but true.

I often wondered how “love one another as I have loved you” got turned into hate and kill everyone who isn’t like you.

And who gets the blame for all this,,,,,,,, why Jesus of course.


Anonymous said...

Thank you!
Thank you for clearly stating the difference between the REAL Jesus, & that awful,Satanically-inspired,totally bogus pretend Jesus,(white-boy Jesus).
This is a subject that caused me considerable confusion & pain in my youth, every time I thought I understood things ,some obnoxious fundie would "correct" me, leaving me in confusion,& doubt.
(no wonder I wound-up dabbling in black magic & all kinds of crazy dark shit!)
When God seems hostile, all manner of evil, seems like a rational response & the notion of a reasonable,compassionate God that merely asks for a show of obedience & self-responsibility seems like a quaint & naive fantasy.
I Knew these people were fucking stupid,but I was afraid that maybe my 'wicked' perceptions were misunderstanding them & keeping me from comprehending how they were so "strong with the Lord" (hows THAT for tortured logic!!!)
A lot of this bullshit seems predicated on ones " fear of Hell", which they use as a club to keep one stupid & afraid.(coupled with the vague & spooky language in Revelation)
Well gee,now it's beginning to make sense,just not the way they would like(not that they even notice)& TPTB are clearly gearing up for the big suicide-show(I wonder what the seven-headed dragon,with ten crowns,etc.REALLY symbolizes)anyway it doesn't take 'rocket science' to figure that by now the Lord is getting SERIOUS pissed off …
Islam is a Bona Fide religion,contrary to what they say,one thing I have learned is how to recognize Satan's hand (well maybe not always)when he attacks something.& He has been attacking Islam so very HARD for a very long time…..
(Saddam might be some kinda saint &/or martyr for all I know)

P.S.Later, after I abandoned my quest for God,& became a demented, avant-garde,weirdo,"artist"(self-interest),I came to seriously question & doubt the existence of 'Hell'-though in light of the behavior of TPTB, I'm at a loss to figure how one could possibly balance that kind of karma in any other fashion…
anyway, I guess Im not saying anything most folks here don't already know,I just wanted to thank you again,& as others keep stating,you seem to impeccably describe I am thinking with far more clarity than I ever could…

Clarity said...

Perfect, Les! You found the perfect words to describe exactly what is happening now and who is behind it.

Thank you for sharing your gift of words with the world.

Have you any idea how much it has meant to me?
I think not.
It is time to do something about that.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Les! I was raised a fundie! But, by the grace of the Ineffable, now I see. It always puzzled me that people who claimed to know Jesus didn't act like him. It was almost like a holy competition. I did not wake from my slumber on my own account. This dog loves his master and never wants to leave his feet. - Sam

Anonymous said...

excellent article Les; my only concern which is not your fault in any way is that you are already preaching to the converted. The people who should be reading this are the blind sheeple of the US British and Israeli govts.

Allison said...

"Atlantis II, Electric Bugaloo." The Movie, coming to a continent near you. "They Live" is art imitating life nowadays. A Viking funeral for prodigal humanity is what the Kalki Avatar is bringing, and he is near, we all feel it. Object lessons, karmic do-overs, etc., all in effect. Like you have said in the past, it is highly likely that we were the malefactors in a previous cycle, those of us who so clearly discern the matrix here, and where it is leading. How else would we know what we know and see what we see, if it was not engrained in our souls. Yep, now we get to see the destruction wrought with a heightened sensitivity to the evil of it all. I cannot bear to even be around most people these days. The denouement of a collective insanity is right around the corner. We happen to live in an open air insane asylum where the inmates get to have jobs, houses, to drive cars, marry. have children, vote , but an insane asylum nonetheless. The art you posted was great although in college art I was forcibly immersed in the Maplethorpe genre, so I rarely ever saw anything of real artistic value. Oh well, rock on Dog Poet !

Smyrna said...

Wow. The Mexican air and sunshine has started to kick in. That's hot form, Vis. Gimme the winner and points margin in the Super Bowl. I need to make a quick buck.

Anonymous said...

Well said Visible!! Articulate and bang on. Here's another well written article you might enjoy...


Anonymous said...

Q: What is the difference between a preacher and an amway salesman?

A: Nothing

Anonymous said...

"The casino company owned by American billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been under federal investigation for the last year for alleged bribery of foreign officials, ABC News reported over the weekend.

According to ABC, Sands casinos was allegedly cooperating with Chinese organized crime groups, known as triads, who allegedly organized high stakes gambling and sex junkets.

Interesting, no? Surprising, no?? Just shows to go’ya what zionism is ….. ORGANISED CRIME!"

I will repeat this for emphasis:


wv: oveigeo
'Shit, the whole world knows we're crooks now!'

Thomas said...

Jesus Christ, Les Visible!


with Love,
and All the Best, To All

p.s. Thanks for that link to Thomas Coles paintings... how exquisite and wonderful they are...

Anonymous said...

Kiddie porn, predatory assistant coaches and teachers who dine on them are just the appetizer to the"Global War and Hunger Porn on the way to Fat City", the main course:


Photos of young children duct taped with madagascar cockroaches on their faces?? Seriously???

Geez, I can hardly wait for America's kleptocracy to get served some righteous just desserts. Yummy!
Gosh, can ya'll hardly stand it?

onething said...


Dear Gurneygob,

Despair not, for you have arrived. There are/were several other gospels, some of which do not impress me, but the gospel of Thomas is pure gold. It contains about a hundred pithy sayings, of which this one is for you:

"There are many standing at the door, but those who are alone will enter the bridal suite."

What does it mean? It does not mean you are alone as in being the only one there, because there are many at the door...so it must mean that the one who is alone is the one who understands with his own understanding. It is the one who has the spiritual confidence to stand alone, to know God and take divine guidance from the divine and not from other men and their books and their twisted interpretations. Those who, perhaps with fear and trembling at their own breaking away from the herd and its teachings, stand with God within their own heart, despite that fear and trembling. Those who say, even if I belong to a church of one, so be it.

Now that, Anonymous, is what it means to be strong in the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vis & all the rest,

Has anyone seen the 'Bill Wood' YouTube's w/ Kerry Cassidy and the other DW. The story goes that bill was a navy seal involved in some nefarious activities in the years when daddy bush was the president after the 1st 'gulf war for oil'. The main point is that this ties in with time wave zero, Vis's and clif high's work..timelines are converging.

Timelines are converging to the 'Zero Point'. Have some faith that the new earth is soon to be. It will be the greatest 'show' on earth, ever. After its over a new show will start.

Love to all,
dw in tahoe

Anonymous said...

Vis --

When I woke up this morning I had this mantra running through my head "Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Have mercy on my heart... Jesus Christ my God and Savior have mercy on my soul... Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior, Have mercy on my heart... Jesus Christ my God and Savior, Have mercy on my soul..." This lasted for an hour and a half and then I came and read your inspiring words about the true Jesus... Combined they brought me from the edge of despond...


wv colors -- nice

Nayon said...

Absolutly Lovingly fucking brilliant.

I wish I had the words...

Anonymous said...

"strong in the Lord"?
When the US/Israel destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, Bosnia, et al. What good did being strong in the lord do? If this almighty and benevolent deity were so reliable we might expect it to intervene and right some of these enormously great wrongs. But we never see that. We're simply told the shut up and wait; to place our hopes on an afterlife. Well to me that's a feeble answer and one that enables these monsters all the more. Because as we know it was the very people who are pulling all this crap who invented this 'god'.

What did all those people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya get out of being strong in the lord??? DU munitions?? A devastated gene pool?? No running water? No electricity?? Annihilation??

I find religion to be a most repulsive excuse for standing by and watching genocide, ethnocide and world destruction without speaking out. And especially when it's done in the name of a religion!

I find no consolation in religion whatsoever. And we can see quite clearly from history, even if only recently, that Jesus isn't going to lift a finger to stop it. Neither is the Jew-made God Yahweh. Or, if he is, he's running mighty late!

Just me I guess. I guess I'm impatient! I guess I'm unreasonable. I guess I expect too much from all the power in the universe and his son.


Isle Of View (Say Aloud) said...

"Our military’s officer corps has become a culture of Petraeus worshiping yes-colonels who pine to become yes-generals. The only warriors who count anymore are the bull feather merchant marines who conjure the pro-war propaganda that their echo chamberlains in the media pawn off on us as “news.” Our country has become the abject servant of the American Pentarchy, that cabal of sandbox generals, bathtub admirals, beltway bandits, AIPAC rats, Warlord Fauntleroys, New American Centurions, post-modern Praetorians, Long War legislators, Dr. Strangeloves, G.I. Joe Six-Packs, Pavlov’s dogs of war, patriotic psychopaths and other oligarchs whose narrow self interests and well-funded efforts have made the long dreamed-of permanent American security state a reality. The military-industrial complex that launched our reign as a superpower is about to grind it to a bitter end." - Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired), "Wars of Diminishing Returns," January 3, 2012.

LorieK said...

Ah yes, why does it not surprise me that you would mention Thomas Cole? A print of his painting "The Architects Dream" hangs over my mantel. It hangs in the Museum of Art in Toledo, Ohio. In my youth I could not visit the building without spending some time in front of it. We, in the largest sense of the word, could have been amazing. But at least we, in the smaller sense of the word, have each other.
Dream on.

Anonymous said...

a very simple solution to the world's problems

tell USA military that they will all be made millionaires if they

1) stop all illegal wars right now

2) arrest all the Rothschildren and their associates, confiscate all of their global property (estimated to be 500 trillion, likely more), stolen from the world for the past 2 centuries, take their millions each, and return the rest to the people (and nothing for all governments) of the world (this will de-fang the rest of the vipers)

Terrance said...

Hello Visible....for those who have not seen the Bill Woods interview, here is the synapsis.......

The first half of this 2.5 hr video is devoted to Bill telling his military background as a Navy SEAL. ........

However, the most interesting information is the last 45 minutes of the video. He mentions Stargates (very brief mention) and the Looking Glass and Yellow Book devices.

The interesting secret government conclusion: On December 21, 2012, there will be a 'convergence of all timelines' with 2 events possible.

   1. Metamorphosis of (simultaneous path) Earthers...moving from caterpillar to butterfly as quickly as you can snap your fingers. All deceptions will be known. All lies exposed.

   2. The elite's underground bunkers are used and sealed while the rest of the world gets to fend for themselves (doomsday scenarios in play).

Bill mentions more than once that the number 2 probability is not number 1 and the odds were in heavy favor of number 1.

Anonymous said...

Had to look up feckless and tamasic. Thank you for the new words!

On the art thing, after not picking up a paintbrush for many years, I had an irresistible, overwhelming urge to paint again. I copied one of my favorite paintings, Tahitian Landscape, by Gauguin, on a 24 x 30 canvas and it came out pretty good. The process gave me tremendous positive energy and optimism. Just looking at the painting lifts my spirit and makes me happy. Art is truly one of the last comforts in this debauched age.

Duke said...

Hello Les,

It is not becoming of you to hide me in your basement. Correct me if I am wrong.


Visible said...

Duke, or should I say, Jesus Christ? Nice of you stop stop by. I do suggest that you read the postings more carefully and then you won't be confused about 'who' is 'doing' what. I'm afraid I won't be able to visit your not hotlinked site; ah, you used Twitter! Anyway having had the rare pleasure of your dropping in a few times over the long years, there are some surprises I allow to remain surprises on their way to turning into mysteries that never became a memory.

the BCth said...

dw in tahoe,

I rarely watch Project Camelot these days, but I was intuitively prompted to listen to the Bill Wood interview. Like you say, between PC's whistle-blower testimony, David Wilcock's research into the "Illuminati" occult economy, Clif High's work on the Web Bot, and the view from here in Visibilandia, a very interesting (and even compelling) picture emerges. Thanks to Terrance for a good synopsis of the interview.

I am optimistic that everything will turn out better than we could have thought, given where we seem to be now vis-à-vis general fucked-upness. So I have pledged my own humble efforts to that end, to a positive future for as many as possible. Whatever happens, I will keep in mind that it's all for the purpose of demonstration and that everything is under control. I believe in a divine essence that is infinitely wise, loving, and powerful -- infinitely creative, with an awesome sense of humour to boot -- so why should I fear anything in this world?

Commander Visible, thank you for another out-of-the-park, bull's-eye piece of commentary. I salute you and thank God for what you do.

Blessings to all,

Visible said...

There's a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up now-

The Hades Syndrome and the River Styx.

Anonymous said...

Those Judeo-pseudeo-satano christians really don't believe one word of it. Their bibles are used for dashboard and coffee table dressing, when they're not being used for mayonnaise jar coasters. There's not a dog eared page or a note anywhere. Maybe they think smudging up a page is a sin too. God and the false preachers sure know they wring their little hands and bite their fingernails all day, wondering if they missed heaven for jerking off that day. You will be unclean until evening... Lev 15:15-16, open it.

The churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia don't have buildings because they won't go in debt to a jew (Hi Armand Hammer and Robert Schuller) among the other obvious politically incorrect reasons. Those are the only 2, of 7, approved of because they actually fight HIS enemies. He did not say WE are of our father, the devil.

Those sottish fakes don't go there to be subject to the truth, whatever it is. If they did, it would exceed their childish and narcissistic imagination. No, they want what the false preachers deliver, which is an open ended, self palliating and malleable thing they can tailor to their daily licentious needs and specifications. And they'll be jerking off again tomorrow.

Beware the happy-crappy-sappy. They go to church for a school spirit hormone buzz. The heart string players get their hormone on, which means they have their trust, and then they add the ambiguous propaganda for association when the childish dupe is in such a suggestive state. They volunteered for it when they went there expecting service. They're getting service. Jesus (Heil Zeus), get in the basement, the jews are here and I have the karaoke machine ready to entertain them.

Twice the children of hell.

Pastor Present

Duke said...

Hi Les

I commend you for inviting me into your living room, even although I had to twist your arm. My new name is "Duke". It would be great if you have the courage to read Revelation 19:12, however, I doubt that you will oblige.

Yes, I met you many years ago on the other blog(PD).You wrote an essay on how people go to great lengths to avoid coming face to face with the truth.

Peace be with you,

onething said...

Anonymous @ Thursday, February 02, 2012 12:17:00 AM

You either didn't actually read my post or didn't understand it. I don't disagree with what you wrote, but what did that have to do with me?

Visible said...

Who are you talking to and about what?

Anonymous said...

The Fireworks Show

Have you ever watched a fireworks show? It's big, noisy and impressive if done right. It goes like this.

First the anticipation, then the first ones go up, nice, pretty, it starts out slow, one, two, then another. They get bigger, maybe some interesting shapes, everybody oohs and aahs, it's picking up, it gets a little faster. Now you have maybe two or three at a time you are rocking and rolling now. It's an even pace the audience is enthralled. Then all of a sudden it's like they throw the kitchen sink at you, like they realize they are running out of time and gotta get rid of all the ordinance and want to impress you with it at the same time. Bang! Bang! Pop! Pop! Enough to cause seizures, the children are wild eyed , people have neck strain, and then.... then...the shows over, silence, great spectacle wasn't it? Everybody gets up and goes home.
Almost time folks, almost time to go home. It was just a show. Just noises and light. Now it's family time.

Visible said...

People are having a hard time commenting because Zio-Blogger is shutting them out. If you have that problem then email the comment to me and also where it goes.

onething said...

Visible said...

" Who are you talking to and about what?"

Well, I looked around to see who you might be talking to and perhaps it is me?

But I made it clear who I was talking to by posting the exact time of their post.

Gurneygob expressed sadness that although he is a Christian he realizes that much of what you have written about the fundies and their tendency to support killing is true.

I wrote him to have courage in that he is taking the right path of independence from dogma and listening to the voice of his own conscience, with a supporting quote from the gospel of Thomas, and then some anonymous protested as if I said a bunch of things I never said, in fact as if I had written in an entirely different spirit than what I did, showing that he did not understand what I had written, which is actually quite typical of people who are so angry at religion that they tune the entire thing out, baby and bathwater.

I see now that it was Amerikagulag. So at least it is possible to follow his posts and see what his worldview is. I was puzzled.

Visible said...

Well, I'm no longer puzzled because it isn't anything I said (grin).

Armin said...

Dear Mr. Visible,

I greatly appreciated your article. Thank you.

Specially the following retained my attention:
“Their restraint has been admirable. In the mountains, ordinary human beings are skiing. They are walking through the pistachio orchards. They are dreaming their individual dreams, within the parameters of the collective dream. They are people like you and I. They have children, families and friends. They are not making war. We are.”

“Great art is proof of an invisible presence”

PS: Your site name is intriguing

Anonymous said...

excellent article Les; my only concern which is not your fault in any way is that you are already preaching to the converted. The people who should be reading this are the blind sheeple of the US British and Israeli govts.

Sheik Yerbouti said...

Jesus has been locked up in the basement for a very long time. I love it! Perfect metaphor "phor" the hypocrisy of the religulous right, the politically inept and the military industrial superiority complex Madison Avenue two bit pitchmen.

Vis a Vis, your skills as a wordsmith are second to none....this stood out for me. The visuals alone were worth the price of admission!

"It wouldn't take long for what you say he says and what he actually says to develop into a free for all, where everyone runs around punching themselves in the face and taking a grim satisfaction at having gotten some good licks in; never, ever catching on to whose ass is being kicked and by whom".

Totally inspired! Funny as hell despite the fact that it's a sad commentary on theses dumb ass sub humans...descendants of Homer Simpson.


Illuminati Agenda said...

Deceived lemmings they are...

I agree with technology outpacing morality leading to the caveman mindset in a star wars environment - brilliant way of putting it. It's exactly how I see it whenever I'm exposed to these morons antics.

Just give them a stick or a rock, not a button with genocide waiting on the other end...

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up-

Windows of Promise and Food for the Moon.

Anonymous said...

Keep warm, we had a horrific winter last year 3 blizzards and daily temperatures below zero. I live on the East Coast of the US, the poles are shifting...each time the glorious unconquered sun throws a cme at the earth, it tilts, I have been keeping close tract of each cme because the earth answers with volcanic reaction, aurora borealis and massive earthquakes. I have kept a journal because of the Mayan prophecy of the sun returning to it's place of origin, and the events of the sun during this time.

The Mayans recorded these events long ago but they are happening now. The Mayans were not prophecying, they were recording physical events as they happened.

So every 87 days give or take a few degrees and minutes the Sun throws a massive cme at the earth. This makes the electromagnetic shield of the earth shift, with it comes the shifting of the crust, the molten cube in the center of the earth also moves, so that the poles are shifting. they shifted back in 2003, and the well in our home in Maryland which once stood 3 feet deep, now has over 12 feet of water. So the winter is spiraling, you can see a spiraling affect in both the Northern and Southern Hemipsheres, a large portion of the european hemisphere is having north pole like winter, and the southern hemisphere was so warm part of Antartica is exposed with ice melting in record heat.

You can not dismiss the sun, as the earth willfully attached itself to it and we are spiraling through space to our destiny, or origin.

The last massive cme was 1/31/2012 and it takes approx 2.5 days for it to reach the earth,

Much of the consciousness of the earth is in full battle mode as the light penetrates the darkest areas, this causes the molten earth to react further breaking down the darker crystals in this world of formation.

All of this has to do with precession, and once the sun reaches it's place of origin above the Black hole, the poles will have shifted more noticeably as the wobble of the axis becomes more apparent.

The last procession through the zodiac ended us up underneath the black hole of the milkyway so that the black hole held sway over us. Therefore we had to fight for our free will.

The black hole steals and impinges upon free will by sucking in all available light, it is the container of the light...aka (satan) mimicked on this earth as Babylon....

So we are headed back through a precession, where we will end up on top of the black hole, and for anyone who has always taken the'higher ground' we will then have sway over it, for now it becomes the pit. Death will loose it's hold and consciousness will be reborn...it's gonna happen...the physical history of the universe operates by it's own laws and men can not stop it....

it's 53 degrees here in NY on a beautiful sunny winter's day

Anonymous said...

Just an aside here, John Madden who was an awesome football coach and an announcer said that football is fixed then he had all of his madden football games made each year with his 'pick' as the ultimate winner, he was right for 10 years straight, well he is no longer in football because he was thrown out. He said that if you want to know how the game is fixed, watch the refs, they throw flags and fix the game, the team with the most penalties is the looser every time.

Unfortunately he is now banned from all channels and no longer announces football, but I think you can still find his article on how the game is totally fixed by the refs and the fake penalties thrown on crucial times in the game.

of course this got Madden released from his announcer duties.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

I have complete confidence and faith in the Sun fulfilling his dharma perfectly.

That's why he's the Sun.

Anonymous said...

Fanatics of any type are easily led and are driven to hysteria by fear, like abused dogs that seeth at the mouth, bite any who draw near. Emotional outrage wound tight will strain to lash out. Fear mongers capitalize, from the Corporate Synagogues to Fast Food labour camps. Enraging acts set a stage that aims to paint all Christians as these TV dinner “Fundie Rights”. Whip through outrage the flocks of cancerous consumption, as swaggering charlatans engage the parade to witch-hunts yet again.



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