Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Well, the bleat goes on, as million of sheep pursue The Silence of the Lambs. The proof for the poetry and policy of what happened in Iceland (read the comments below the video) is now beyond dispute. This is the template for what must be done around the world. We have spoken often about removing all of your assets from the hands and control of the vampire bankers. We have recommended recurrent national work and 'spend no money' strikes, in all affected lands, as a means toward bringing the governments, corporations and bankers to their knees. There are two options which will eliminate the toxic plague of the financial lampreys from the body collective. One method is, 'the island of bankers', something along the lines of Devil's Island, which would be a most appropriate name. In this option, all central banksters and their various enablers would be permanently quarantined on a remote island, somewhere in some ocean. This would be a forced labor camp, where they would receive food and a certain amount of amenities, in exchange for specific industry. That industry would be to build a high wall, all around their living compound with a single gate for ingress and egress. This encircling wall would stand as lasting testimony to the dangers presented by those so contained The other possibility is The Ceauşescu option. The expected result would most likely be a combination of the two.
There are no rational or reasonable arguments for any other actions, except to place them in the prison systems of each of the affected countries. Since Corfu is one of the residences of the banker scum in chief, that location might be a consideration. One wonders about all those private and secret locations, that aren't private and aren't secret. One wonders about all those getaways twinkling in their 'for a few dollars more', for a few days more, universe. Is that all going to still be around? Is it even still around now, as the Fukushima wind and rain, falls not mainly on the plain, or in Spain? It's right about now when I start thinking about things like quick brown foxes jumping over lazy dogs. That will pass; momentary hiatus, in the pressing forward, of the moment and moments, all those intrigues and plots are going to collectively bring forth, in a twisted kind of 'be fruitful and prosper' way. Way? No way.
There are places for the rest of us, if we take the tour and you can have few days here and a few days there and... all of these places, to some degree, some major, some less so, are touched by the Fukushima wind and rain. The situation is not stable ...even yet, or did I miss the announcement. Some times I am away from my desk, a couple of days here and there and maybe it all got fixed, while I was away. My preference is, 'mais oui' but I have not seen what I wanted to see; the Royals and Rothschild's owned utility BP, poisoned The Gulf of Mexico and water tends to find itself, cause it will travel through every crevasse and crease. Sooner or later the BP, Hell Bitch will meet up with the Fukushima Slut. Somewhere in that hog wallowing entropy, we will see what is what (I use a certain link for the way it feeds back on itself and you will follow up with your own inquiries, or not); delayed here, advanced there, detoured through a roundabout, it goes where it goes, for whatever the reason may be, in those times when humanity has lost it's reason and “Hello, I'll be your waiter, Uranus ...and Pluto here is the sommelier. Others may well also attend you. I will tell you what we have and you can tell me what you want and the giant millstone that is rotating around the dining area will grind out for what there is”.
My own focus, given my love of Lady Nature, is upon these things. No mention is being made about them. I guess they were some kind of non event. Did these things just get fixed while I was sleeping? Otherwise it seems very strange. Wouldn't you think that experts and technicians all over the world would have raced to these places? Does it mean these things can't be fixed?
I have no burning motivation to survive here. I do not consider myself a welcome guest. As the cycles always show and always continue, some portion of us has stolen everything that can be stolen from all of the rest. Even now, with more than they could ever spend, they are looking to get more. Well, you never know? Maybe all the wood and coal will disappear and then those packed bundles of currency might just keep you warm.
Surely some will read these words and say, “visible, that is a little extreme”. These bankers are just people who made a few mistakes”. That is true and I have made mistakes too. I have been excessive in my pursuit of meaning and didn't count the cost, as a fine lady once said, 'Tis this desire of bending all things to our own purposes, which turns them into confusion and is the chief source of every error in our lives” so, I have my own Occupy movement and that is Occupy Me. I'm going to occupy me. That's the only way to find out who the landlord is and the value of it.
Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on those bankers. We all make mistakes. They may have been reckless and I have been reckless. They have been irresponsible. I have been too. I'm trying to get around to justifying my right to say anything, for surely, I am dissolute. Never mind that I manage and maintain, trying to soften the blows upon my heart, as it so happens, being a witness to the wreckage on the plain.
The price of doing business in Kali Yuga is whatever you have to compromise yourself with to get through it. Some have the discipline to hammer themselves down through the course of it. I lack that restraint. I don't care what it costs me, in terms of manageable luminescence, if the sacrifice bought the fait accompli. We're not so far apart, you and I, bankers. We both want it all. It just comes down to how much our conscience can tolerate the doing of it, at someone else's expense.
When they killed tens of millions in Russia were those bankers they shot? When they did it in the Ukraine and in Ireland was it bankers that starved? During the French Revolution, was it bankers that met La Madame? Now, the usual suspects are in Libya, carving up what there is. They're proactive in Syria and let's not forget Iran. Somebody is making a whole lot of money and somebody is visiting all those beaches and resorts. It seems they like them some respite from the relentless, with all inclusive jollies and their own kind of jolie. When Germany got fed up with the bankers, like before when Wilson turned over the printing press, a whole lot of people died. There's all kinds of evidence, all kinds of evidence. You may not want to see it. You think it's safer to just agree, that things which didn't happen, happened ...and things that happened didn't happen. Bad magic is in the cauldron between the devil and the deep blue sea.
These poor bankers, they've made some errors and what the fuck, “are we not all honorable men”? The arms merchants and the people who sell the history books, to the schools for your children and those who use them for party favors, I guess you would have to say some of that was wrong, but we all make mistakes. We all get fucked up now and again. Sometimes we even get fucked and we like it. Those are all factors in the theme, from Samarkand to Sayonara, to Somerset Maugham. We all take care of our duties, in the embassy outposts and occasional consulates, in our postings at home and abroad. Most of us work with the bankers, who build the maze and hide the cheese. It will work out tomorrow, or next week. It does work out somehow, it's just not what you want. The carrot is closer now and so is the stick.
There is no degree of complexity here, go back to 2008... go back to the theft of your saving and industry, to salvage the banker estate. They committed real crimes. There were discussions and debates. There was talk of prosecutions but so far... heh heh, Bend over and Wait.
No, I see no prosecutions, no criminal charges. The same blood ticks are siphoning. Their governmental fluffers are keeping them at the ready. Their enforcement arms are wearing earpieces and sunglasses, or uniforms here and there. They are all fucked up on patriotism, for some non existent county. They're all fucked up about their mothers and apple pie. They are generally fucked up but they got the law on their side.
There should be a poem somewhere about the banker and the president, walking on the beach. It doesn't have to involve oysters. There are other shellfish in the sea and even many fishes for the moment but that's bound to decrease. BP and Fukushima have both said their piece. With Rio Tinto (Hi Ho Silver!) and Rothschild, Monsanto, Smith, Kline and French; sounds like the law firm from Hell and they probably is. The banks and the corporations, they are what they are, in the world where you live and you will go on and endure this for as long as you can.
Somewhere a golden age lies secreted in our dreams. It really wants to happen but other things must happen first. You can pray, or work all day, or you can gum up the works. It looks like it will find its own solution, due to 'when push comes to shove' and where the stability below, can no longer sustain the fragile above... that ephemeral illusion of hedge and derivatives cause, they just can't get enough. They truly are vampires and worse than that. They don't even drink most of the blood. They spill it out on the ground for the dark ones they serve and who nestles in their head, snuggy and comfy. Hey, what can you say? That's how they do it: ♫I did it my way♫ Stay positive and steady as she goes.
Something interesting, is coming to a theater of operations near you, soon.
End Transmission.......
'Smoke and Mirrors' is track no. 9 of 10 on Visible's 2006 album 'Songwriter'
Lyrics (pops up)

This weekends radio show is available for download.
As always you are correct.
Godspeed to you and everyone reading here.
On having "no burning desire to survive here"....agreed
Tom in Tempe Arizona
The president and the banker
strolled merrily along the sand
the president and the banker
together - hand in hand
i would like to buy you dinner
said the banker to the shark
i am really not so hungry now
but maybe after dark
the president was invited
and was eager to attend
to be of some assistance
to the banker and his friend
as they all sat down for dinner
the banker did declare
it is the way you do your business
i hope you'll care to share
the shark looked with amazement
at what the banker said
i learned my trade from watching you
and then bit off his head
best i could do at short notice :)
How come we aren't hearing about what Iceland did to the bankers in the MSM? Oh yeah - the same people who own the bans, own the MSM. For thousands of years, these bankers have done the same thing. Over and over. Charge usurious interest, take money out of circulation, ship the jobs elsewhere, collapse the economy, and create genocide thereby. I mean, this same exact blueprint has been used for at least two thousand years. Could it take more than two thousand years for a sufficient number of people to wake up to the scam? I guess so. Like it or not, you have to give the bankers and their Satanic brethren credit (since they won't give us credit, not when the economy is unstable, heh) - they sure as hell have pulled off a major scam here, and have remained untouchable, over a hell of a long period of time. That shows some serious intent on their part. And some serious snoozage on the part of the sheeple whom they have so ardently been fleecing.
QUIT MOANING. Zionism is rearing it's ugly head, like it has been doing for many decades.
Read what Alison Weir has to say about it.
heh heh, well done Siam.
Gee Henry, I'm always at a disadvantage when I come up against you self possessed all knowing types. I feel like I should give you some kind of cringing genuflection but since the point and intent of the effort entirely escaped you it would wasted. So it goes.
Thank you for your post Visible, it is right on the pulse of the moment.
"Rothschild, Monsanto, Smith, Kline and French; sounds like the law firm from Hell"
You made me laugh out loud reading this line.
So much to say but I can't find the words.
Peace and love
Yeah, we all fuck up. Mistakes happen. They're supposed to happen. That's how we learn. There are different kinds of mistakes, though, and to discern between them, we need to look at the before and after.
Before: How did it happen? What were the circumstances? What was the intent? Was it poor judgment? "I was under the influence." "I really didn't think that..."
Is it INTENTional? Was it planned? Were the results the goal they hoped to achieve? Are the consequences and side-effects known in advance? Is there any regard for others? Is this a pattern of behavior?
After: Is there remorse? Is the mistake repeated? Is it repeated over and over? Has a lesson been learned? Does the behavior change? Have there been apologies, remuneration, retribution? Is there sympathy or empathy for the pain caused to others?
Does the person (Do the people) do it again and again and again, with no regard for anyone but themselves, because the effects achieved are just what was desired?
There comes a point where a mistake is not a mistake. There's a line between poor judgment, inexperience, stupidity, etc. and deliberate planning. Visible, no matter how many mistakes you may have made, we can see what you did with yours, and we can see what they do (and continue to do) with theirs.
A lot has been said about suffering, and how it is an important part of our growth. For those who have a hard time with there, there are some interesting things here that discuss it in terms of NDEs, that might help some to understand it better. I still have questions, though, about what role we should be playing, if any. There has to be something in the plans for some of us to be trying to put a stop to evil, or to help out those who are suffering. Or, as we near the end of a long cycle, is it something we all should be doing as our final work here? Then again, there are questions as to whether or not the perpetrators are even part of the same team.
Yesterday I came across an interview with Chris Duane (scroll down to June 2), whose videos I found and enjoyed early on. He recently teamed up with Patrick Willis - another great combination. One thing I got from listening to him was that there seemed to be no focus on anger. It was more acceptance, and then, since we know what is going to happen, what are we going to do about it? TPTW might do themselves in, but if you see it (financial collapse, rioting, martial law) coming, you can do your best to be prepared so that when they go down, you're not going down with them.
Visible, both of today's selections are très à-propos.
Not bad at all, siamsiam!
Love to all,
Nice shark and bankster poem siamsiam,
Dialectics by Anthony - this made tears run down my face
Yep, create problems that can't be fixed then kick back and let them fester. The dark ones are going to loose and they know it, so a scorched earth scenario is their modus operandi. Something is holding their hand or it would be even worse. Think about it, all those nukes with psychopathic demons at the trigger and still no mushroom clouds. How about large scale bio terror. You would think al Qaeda would have got hold of a couple of viles of the nasty stuff by now. They desperately need another 911 to distract the zombies, and the best they can come up with is some patsy getting set up by the FBI. It is getting down right embarrassing some of these amateurish terror plots that don't last a week. What kind of a simpleton mind thinks up this shit? Hell they are as intellectually challenged as the zombies they are trying to terrorize. If you want to dwell on some real terror, how would you like to be locked up in one of their minds. I would rather take my chances with Bubba.
I firmly believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is an absolute certainty that the present situation can't continue. Look at the economic mess we are in. 1.5 trillion annual deficits and that is only what is admitted to. And these nuts that are in charge of rectifying the situation with their puppet masters pulling the strings. What a sick fucken joke.
Laugh at the fools and DON'T PLAY THEIR GAME.
Found at disquiet reservations:
Don't be afraid to stand alone in the face of death.
"For, as the philosophers say, one extreme can be well known by another." - Saint John of the Cross, "Dark Night of the Soul." Book One, Chapter Twelve.
"It now remains to be said that, although this happy night brings darkness to the spirit, it does so only to give it light in everything; and that, although it humbles it and makes it miserable, it does so only to exalt it and to raise it up; and, although it impoverishes it and empties it of all natural affection and attachment, it does so only that it may enable it to stretch forward, divinely, and thus to have fruition and experience of all things, both above and below, yet to preserve its unrestricted liberty of spirit in them all." - Saint John of the Cross,"Dark Night of the Soul." Book Two, Chapter Nine.
"But does not the expression of these desires and expectations of a purging of the spirit, a catharsis which would be like a conversion, a rebirth, a regeneration, involve us in a contradiction with something we established in the beginning of this book? There we said that earlier periods, in their longing for a better society, had fixed their hopes on a reversal, an insight, a regaining of sense and virtue, as a conscious and early change for the better. Our time, however, knows that great spiritual and social changes are realised only through a process of gradual development, at the best temporarily accelerated by some extraordinary sudden impetus. And yet we are now demanding and hoping for a revulsion, in a way even for a return.
We are here faced again with the antinomic determination, the inconclusiveness of all our judgment. We are forced to recognise a certain amount of truth in the older vision. There must be a possibility of conversion and reversal in the development of civilization. We are thinking here of the recognition or retrieval of eternal truths, truths that are above the stream of evolution and change. It is these values that are at stake.
A time of heavy mental pressure such as that in which we are living is easier to bear for the old than the young. The old know that they only have to help carrying the burden of the times a little further. Resignedly they review how the world was, or seemed to be, when they began to shoulder their share of the burden, and what it appears to be turning into now. Their yesterday and to-morrow almost fade into one. Their fears and cares grow lighter in the proximity of death; their hope and trust, their will and courage to act, they place in the hands of those who have the task of living still before them. It is for the latter to accept the grave duty of judging, choosing, working, acting. Theirs the heavy responsibility, theirs the knowledge of what is to come." - Johan Huizinga. "In the Shadow of Tomorrow." 1936. Chapter 21.
I suppose it was for adoration
A reputation of an icon
A mismatch of false intention
Carved it's essence into bygone
Accumulated on its awareness
In the deception that it feeds
The food of self destruction twists
Mammons dead body bleeds
The outcome was inevitable
The lies had nowhere else to go
But down into the precipice
Down down down down low
To the pits of its own failure
Along the crooked path
To the place where falsehood leads
To be consumed into the dark
Erdogan you weak fool
Leave those people alone
Syria is your brother
Not the house of skull and bone
The zionist days are nearly over
Look at the mess it's left
Humanity needs to gather together
Anyone true has this sence
But your not listening or reasoning with
It seems you have been bought aswell
I hope that gold was just enough
To pay at the gates of hell
You know I thought you was ok
When you stood up too the zionist
But the way your acting now
Your not Humane your part of the virus
I plan to be writing about that compromised fool tomorrow.
He needs to sort himself out big time,,,hopefully he will come to his Senses soon,,,,
Henry 5:35 00 PM
"...ITS ugly head". (At least don't let those darned zionists get you on your grammar.)
I also have "no burning desire to survive here" simply because NO ONE survives here (at least not in the sense of an illusory personal self). And being "here" as opposed to "there" is neither here nor there anyway. However, I do have a burning AND a yearning desire for LIFE (if that doesn't make me a traitor in any way).
Actually I don't think I'd be in any rush even to leave HERE if I just had a magic wand so that I could conjure up whatever I wished for whenever I felt like it (something like that Tibetan Wish Granting Gem), but then again, I suppose that's being greedy.
Whatever, I'm sure that no soul of mine would want me to experience what it's like being put through a meat grinder just so it could then "move on to the next stage". In this case I think I'd most definitely opt to stay right "here" and take my chances.
Nah, my soul would surely rather experience an altogether different kind of meat grinding. Then again, I suppose THAT'S being lascivious, heheh!
The marks of tranquil extinction borne by all phenomena
cannot be explained in words,
and therefore I used the power of expedient means
to preach to the five ascetics.
This I termed turning the wheel of the Law,
and also with regard to "the sound of nirvana,"
and "arhat," "Dharma" and Samgha,"
I used these terms to indicate distinctions.
"From infinite kalpas in the past
I have extolled and taught the Law of nirvana,
ending the long sufferings of birth and death."
Should one wish to understand relationships ,causes and conditions ,the demonstrations of phenomena we should as the sage instructs consider locations and intent
"Great pity and compassion are the room.
Gentleness and patience are the robe.
The emptiness of all phenomena is the seat,"
Lotus Sutra
Vis, a shared "Somewhere a golden age lies secreted in our dreams. It really wants to happen but other things must happen first. You can pray, or work all day, or you can gum up the works. It looks like it will find its own solution, due to 'when push comes to shove' and where the stability below, can no longer sustain the fragile above."
Therein is our collective ground !!
much gratitude you for your observations --
live long
What is truth, do you know? Who is running the show. The play is on, the actors are acting tricking you low. Confusion the aim of the play. The words are personified psychopathy. Decency is abhorred by the actors stridin' boards turning men into pussies and woman whores.
Look around at the fare you are offered as snares to beguile you and steal your souls. these ghouls want it all. Maybe you don't see the pall that they cast it covers the earth my mother in curse.
It would be easy to break this play of lies, a few men to stand to the sky. To say what is what, who is who. This is the path you take to truth or play in their world at your peril.
The flowers will bloom and we'll fall in love. No matter their act.
Force of life will endure in it's magnificent splendor. I just wanted to warn you to soften the blow and not fall to pieces during the show. We will prevail as they will perish on their journey beyond the pale whence they came eaten by their own deception.
I see the dark but also the light, everything set right under the golden sun mates. Hate, evil, anger contract dry up, blow away. Love expands sets fire to the day. Don't judge me with your mind 'til you see me with your eyes, my act, stridin the boards in this new play. In dance and song your beguilement is long filled with joy
The terrible knowledge of the truth has set me free-h/t to MLK. To be exactly who I am, a kind and loving man with acknowledged darkness in hand. Brought to the light of day its power I slay.
I wrote these words on my FB page and they seem appropos to what you write. And Clarity's quote Of Huizinga is right on as are most of the others.
I went away and quit commenting, being sick of the shiite and depressed beyond reason. My family comes first but they don't see the picture and I cannot harp on it with them. I try to warn them but they have a life and just what the fuck do you do with the strife No one ever hears anything they don't want to hear, So I put it to poetry bad as it is with pretty pictures to gaze at as bait in hopes that they'll make a connection.
I had a vision on a trip I took recently. Seeing utter chaos and destruction, as it finally blew in brilliant pure light there rose man and woman coupled in flight. They were lovers, they'd met this way many times, their love eternal As they rose in sensual union they birthed a new universe and we were born again in harmony and peace. I hold that vision in my heart. It was as real as me typing these words. The mushroom is truly sacred.
We increase in number day by day, and being :) I really have nothing to lose in speaking my mind in hope that someone else gets it.
That's all the end.
In this life, all those who have
half a piece of bread
and a resting place
in which to nest;
who are neither servants
nor masters of others–
let them rejoice,
for their world is a happy one.
Translated by Juan Cole
from Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat
Thank you visible and all, you've said it better than I can.
I've noticed my garden is flowering early, even the grass heads out between mowings like it's trying to save itself. I'm taking it as a message, plants don't lie.
Best to all,
I have been following a very positive group of humans lately so I give this little piece to you kind people for dissertation.
Great post Vis...personally, I'm not so certain any longer about the validity of this oil-in-the-Gulf-of-Mexico-causing-cancer-in-humans thing. Let me explain why. Oil is abiotic - it is created naturally within the earth. The Peak Oil scam is just that - a scam. Oil seeps up through cracks in the ocean floor, quite frequently. can the huge oil gusher of a few years ago, caused by BP, suddenly create mutations in fish and place carcinogens in all or most of the Gulf seafood (true, Corexit could be a culprit here, but I think not)? I think this quite possibly could be part of a massive, well-thought-out psyop. I think this quite possibly was designed to scare the hell out of the sheeple and make them swear off seafood altogether (especially with the advent of the Fukushima "disaster", which I'm also beginning to question as well). Between the radioactive Fukishima scare, the BP oil spill, and genetically modified foods, it appears as if the elite are trying to slowly and very deliberately make it look like ALL food and water sources are suspect, and/or contaminated. (And, if you will recall, very recently there was a much-publicized incident in Texas, wherein a herd of cows died after eating genetically modified grass, which allegedly gave off cyanide gas - hmm, I guess beef is definitely NOT what's for dinner these days.) Which certainly points to one possible end-game scenario, does it not. If this is all hype, and most of it is bullshit, well, as long as most of the people buy into it, that's what matters. And if a time comes, which I think it will, where the MSM and the Alternative Media (or at least the co-opted Alternative Media, which includes most of the highly trafficked "Truther" Web sites on the Internet) proclaim that ALL food and ALL water have been contaminated beyond salvation, and none of it can be trusted - except for the non-genetically modified foods, and other government-sanctioned (and -stored) food and water supplies, well, shit - now THAT would certainly make it easier for them to round the sheeple up into slaughter pens, would it not. "Golly gee whiz we just happen to have 'old school' farm foods here inside these FEMA pens...made from 'old school' non-genetic seeds...and pure beef and chicken and fish...and pure water, too...we were looking out for you sheeple...true story...come on in!" I think this is all about perception, and not about reality. It's the perception that matters most - getting people to believe the lies. Just some idle thoughts here. Feel free to add your two cents' worth...
I'll make this brief. Since money rules the choices of Tepco and Japanese business and not much is being done to create real solutions regarding Fuckushima, all we can do is instigate a massive BOYCOTT of Japan. Period. Money has the only voice they hear. What else will move the inertia and make them listen? What else can those who see the handwriting on the wall do? Except pray and complain and a few maybe find a hideaway, for a while.
A toxic wasteland
zionist shills
Sold out people
Corporate drills
Deals with the devil
Archonic minds
Controlled abuse
Soulless confines
Confusion debasement
Deviant behaviour
A pathway to nowhere
Disfunction disfavour
Alienated people
Institutional crimes
zionist outposts
Lies are left blind
Hey ghost dancer good to see you back. : )
Great post as usual, LV. Emotive, to say the least... Herr Himmler had the insular prison idea back in 1930-something, and Malta was to be the storage depot for the Vampirites. Didn't work out, of course. Second choice was Palestine.
Regarding the men with sunglasses and ear phones, the enforcers, I wonder where their souls are. The sheenies who make immigration policy let in enough Muslims to the U.S. to keep a little simmer in the population, thereby exciting these John Wayne types. In the meantime other sheenies are recruiting John's womenfolk. Mom is probably making grany porn, and apple pie is loaded with Monsanto high fructose.
How's India?
Dave, on the East Toast
"i'm going to occupy me. that's the only way to find out who the landlord is and the value of it."
(yeah, just as soon as i manage to evict the lobster rolls and steamers clammoring at my door.)
as always the takeaway, musing betwixt the devil and the deep blue sea.
so remember, dear people ... that remembering is the way.
Neil great poems.
Bdog, you are chaneling the Divine:
"We will prevail as they will perish on their journey beyond the pale whence they came eaten by their own deception."
A more honest sentence was never written about those who have to the dark side.
Rejoice, salvation is upon us. Truth is our salvation even in mortal death. Those working in the dark are lost now and for all eternity.
ain't been there or done that yet pretty much covers the moment and memory serves best.
I meant to say Madagascar. Himmler's Madagascar Plan. He wanted to round up all the Chosenites and put them on Madagascar. Is it too late?
Dave, on the East Toast
Too late is up to them. If they want top die with their gold, the doors of the inferno are opening to accommodate them, or they can get sequestered.
grok only what you, yourself, can conscience to 'retire' ... someone once said.
just add butter.(grin)
"or they can get sequestered."
yep, leave 'em to squabble amongst themselves.
justice served ... in the twilight zone.
As for an insular prison, I'd like to build "Them" a magnificent mega-city, provided with all the necessities of life they'll ever need and stocked with all the material luxuries our early 21st century can offer and that "They" might want.
And site it on the dark side of the Moon, where they'll never be able to see the face of their true Mother Earth ever again.
And then forget about them, apart from a once a year Earth-wide celebration day.
Dear Viz and All,
Truth, Beauty and Goodness to you all.
Switching to stream of consciousness:
"Be of good cheer."
God the Father loves man.
So, we're not all being fatally irradiated, as John Kaminski said??? I can ride around outside on my bike more??? OR NOT???
It is said we were given the Spirit Of Truth. Gotta use it.
Get more cherries (the ripe ones).
Evil ones be gone.
God the Son serves man.
We are all ascending sons of God.
I'm not so sure they wouldn't poison themselves. They're unbalanced due to their evil and laziness. Einstein said radiation was a hellofa way to boil water. They knew this and they did it anyway.
Wakey, wakey.
Shock about Jeff R.
Viz, you are now my morning paper. Thank you for your research, insight, goodness (!), and brilliant writing/music. You da man. Ahem.
Computers don't work well, The Internet doesn't work well and it's corrupted.
Can you walk away from your car yet?
Though I love the colors and batik and sitar/sarod/tablas of India, I believe it is also a shitheap. The farmers commit suicide because their GMO crops failed them. Unbelievable filth and craziness.
Lord, what do I know.
Article in the Grass Valley Union in California (years ago) stated that three quarters of the forest fires in California are set by firefighters to get work. I asked Dave Nelson, the head of fire control on the Tahoe National Forest (where I worked at the time), if it was true, and he said that unfortunately it was. A firefighter said they just let the fires go. Makes me sick, all the billions of animals and organisms that get burnt up.
Evil ones be gone.
"These poor bankers, they've made some errors and what the fuck, “are we not all honorable men”? The arms merchants and the people who sell the history books, to the schools for your children and those who use them for party favors, I guess you would have to say some of that was wrong, but we all make mistakes. We all get fucked up now and again. Sometimes we even get fucked and we like it. Those are all factors in the theme, from Samarkand to Sayonara, to Somerset Maugham. We all take care of our duties, in the embassy outposts and occasional consulates, in our postings at home and abroad. Most of us work with the bankers, who build the maze and hide the cheese. It will work out tomorrow, or next week. It does work out somehow, it's just not what you want. The carrot is closer now and so is the stick."
Visible, you might care about them but the Jews don't care about you. At some point what you and others post might not be what other people read. If the Jews take you out they could hijack your blog and use it for their own purposes, or they could simply muck up blogspot so that everyone reads something different. I am reading things like "We're not so far apart, you and I, bankers. We both want it all." Is this you or is this that window of forgiveness before the butt kicking you've been talking about all this time Visible?
Hey Les,
I think one of the most amusing, and scary things about all of this is that a majority of people truly believe that come November, things will change! That simple button press at the arcade of political miracles will usher in a new era of fairness, justice and healing. And the next already obscenely rich/soon to be obscenely rich teleprompting fraud will wave his goats head claw and the waters will be purified (putrefied) and every title will come to the entitled.
I know it's 2 - 4 years between these pimp-offs, so the collective memory might be a little fuzzy, but I'm having a hard time remembering any political administration doing anything but effing everything up in anything but an accidental manner. So one would think that after a lifetime of continual decay in all aspects of life there would be the dimmest of bulbs glowing in the gray matter. Instead, we have people lining up and clamoring to not only cast their opinion of which political image should choose the means of poison, but also where to swipe the visa.
Which leads to the incredible amount of energy that must be spent to keep the focus of billions of people worldwide on the necessity of what amounts to nothing more than an extortion system. Once the idea of divine right lost its allure, something had to replace it, and it is political right, with a little divine right backing its play. The populace is literally paying to be deceived into permanent indenture. The frauds behind all of this must chortle quite often at the absurdity of it all.
I do think that this 'world' is going to end, in an apocalyptic (revelation) manner. The problem we have is a huge number of disillusioned people that can't see anything but nation states and strangers promising to take care of liability. These are the ones that will white knuckle grasp it all until the last remnants of the ship are sinking into the abyss. We will all have to swim far and wide of that Titanic.
It's all just the pro's and con's of constitution and prostitution.
Please go to an online dictionary and look up the meaning of 'satire'.
A new Visible Origami is up-
From the Ridge, one more Valley and one more Mountain.
I saw your comment immediately following mine, and of course became DeNiro with a mohawk in front of a mirror. "You talking to me, you talking to me?!" I thought, holy crap, how satirical does he want it?
Then I bitch slapped my ego, and scrolled up. That is possibly the most out of context interpretation of your writing I have seen in some time. Even if this was the first time reading your material, it takes a special type of anonymous to haze it over like that.
BTW, I told my ego I was sorry and won't do it again. It forgave me and the vicious cycle continues...
No anonymous whining slams allowed, especially when it contains outright lies and ignores what is evident and presumes what it has no information concerning. If service wasn't being performed then whence come the myriads saying it is? Vamoose.
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