Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Though this posting more correctly would belong at Reflections in a Petri Dish, we're going to break with tradition- which is something that happens a lot around here anyway- and insert it in Smoking Mirrors. As has been stated here, the cosmos is starting to operate, to some degree on a comedic impulse. Outside of that, it is pure tragedy and looking to escalate, according to the agenda of bankers, presently running the asylum, or so they think. Many of us might like to have our own personal banker and today, Mr. Visible directs you to the acquisition of that item. Once you have your own personal banker you are going to need a power seat, to direct your enterprises from. Many of us are searching for a spiritual epiphany but do not possess the necessary tools. Some of us have had that epiphany and are anxious to share it with others. We're going to go for the record of links inserted in a Visible blog today. We want to expand on the comedic side of life, as it describes itself these days. Comedy is the logical outcome of absurdity and absurdity is the state of the culture. The archetypes are starting to resemble Bozo the Clown, running around with a seltzer bottle. They even elected him president back in the 80s.
Today we're going to have links inside of links but you're not going to be happy with all of them because some of them are disgusting and profane but some of them promise to be (or not to be) the answer to your dreams. Of course, if you follow that dream ♫wherever that dream may lead♫, you are probably going to need this too. It's just a short step from finding true love, to celebrating the progeny of the union and though you don't usually get walking, talking children from this kind of intercourse, you always get offspring of some kind. So, what do you think about the state of health of the culture?
When I want to do a routine checkup of the state of the times, I put on my doctor suit (no pants), which consists of a white lab coat, worn open, a Ramones t-shirt, my stethoscope, a headlamp and some black framed glasses; just the frames. Then I first go to the supermarket and investigate the various sections. When I am in the meat department, I measure the quantity of different meats in relation to each other; how much beef, how much pork, how much lamb, how much chicken? I also check to see if anyone has noticed that I'm not wearing pants. I've got a magic marker, red heart painted on one buttock, so as to be seen as not discriminating and which also allow me to fit right in with the other customers because they have no discrimination whatsoever. Before leaving for the processed foods department, I leave a few business cards on the deli case counter with my name, address and phone number and the statement, “Once you go black you never go back”.
At the processed food section I pull out a Sara Lee cake, a bag of battered Freedom Fries, hog nostril pizzas, TV dinners and whathaveyou. I look on the back to see how many ingredients are defined by words bigger than most of some of the words you can find in the German language. Then I juggle some of the items, until a store employees arrives and makes me stop. Next, I count how many aisles of soft drinks and potato chips they have and I explore the wonderful world of contemporary candy. By this time I know more than I want to, so I head next door to the Chinese restaurant and have 4 or 5 double, Johnny Walker Blacks. This allows me to plug into the ordinary, every day consciousness of the public. My next stop is the closest mammoth arcade, where I count the chicken-hawks (yes, there is more than one kind of chicken hawk but they are very often the same person) and I divide that by the percentage of kids on some kind of illegal drug, or state approved pharmaceutical. In the land of the low rent boy, the one-eyed man is homeless.
My next visit is to some version of Kaiser Permanente, where I pose as a pharmaceutical salesman, with a new product called Vladafine, which is an anti-nausea compound that inhibits the need to hurl. Here, I find out what sort of terms and arrangements are going down in present time. I multiply this by the amount of people being given only prescriptions, as a result of their visit, having already subtracted the amount of people actually given some kind of treatment. Of course, I check to see what the nature of the complaints are and whether heartburn, diabetes, high blood pressure and terminal cholesterol have increased by any significant margin. Then I find the square root of the varieties of Cancer.
My last two stops are a Grade 1 to Grade 12 education complex and any government office building that also contains a courtroom. Here I, once again, check to see if anyone notices that I'm not wearing pants and I also spend some time in various classrooms, checking out the curriculum. I have lunch in the cafeteria. I spend some time in the courtroom, Then I stop back by the school and pick up a six pack of high school girls because it's time to head home now, kick back and think about what I've seen this day. I can tell you that I get a very accurate read on just how things are. I might put the local news on the TV and see a series of reports on things like this. I haven't forgotten the high school girls. They're chillin in the refrigerator. Ah, I should mention that once I am drained and teetering on my feet, with empties on the coffee table, I generally head over to some Tribe authorized art gallery for some wine and toe cheese. Generally, I tend to carry a pocket recorder for the conversations, which also give me a good thermometer read on the temperature of the culture.
I don't want to forget that in these changing times, religions are going through a makeover; kind of a do over and remember that the smart worshiper makes sure to be properly suited up. It's also good to check out the cottage industry realm because, in tough financial times, you can get an accurate count of the pulse of the people, as they respond to the challenges of banker fraud and austerity legislations. This naturally leads to a grief inquiry into social rituals and how folks are handling that. It's always good to check for the polarities between the mutual manipulations of liberals and conservatives and, in the process, drop in on Ted Nugent's girlfriend, for a little R&R. Given that it's been a long day, you want to take the time to engage in bedtime prayers and give them that little extra effort, where you can feel the power of reciprocal engagement. Make no mistake, this kind of thing is as common as breathing and not nearly as rare as objective thinking.
I like to think of myself as a 'hands on' kind of a guy, whether it's long distance faith healing and I take the trouble to include a set of hands in the mail, as a follow up to the rituals of my online ministry, or if I'm simply sitting on a park bench, reaching for something I can't see anywhere around me, unless you count the trees and the squirrels, given that the majority of the squirrels are walking by you on two feet.
Another way that I get a feel for how things are, is to walk along the railroad tracks of various East Coast cities and check out the neighborhoods on either side of the tracks. Abandoned lots can be very informative for the garden variety, cultural anthropologist, but I must admit that I am confused by the term 'abandoned lot'; abandoned by who? Does this mean I can just take possession of it? Is it the same thing as an abandoned car, or an abandoned house? Meanwhile, most of the time they aren't abandoned. There are people there a lot of the time. There even used to be neighborhood gardens, until Monsanto had them outlawed and you can trace the continuity of that operation from the factory farms, to the supermarket I was in earlier. You can trace state authorized (and keep in mind who controls the state) pedophilia, through any number of venues from Calvin Klein advertisements to things like this.Then you do a flashback to JonBenet Ramsey and a multitude of unreported events of like kind. Informed minds will ponder the use of the name Jon and whether that might suggest a client list. And what's with the missing 'h'? Here's the kicker, there's no 'h' in Moon. See, most of you probably didn't pick up on this and that's why you need me. The Beatles song, “I Need You” was written personally for me and years ago I discovered the meaning of the word, 'Beatles”. Look closely and see if you can tell what I am talking about. I'll pause for a few moments to give you an opportunity to cogitate. So, did you see it? Check it out; Beat Les. That's right. The Beatles were a vehicle to frustrate and ruin my mission here. Now there are only two Beatles left and there's still half a dozen of me., given the MPS syndrome.
I'm thinking right about now that you are probably thinking, “Wow, Visible! I never ever before put all of these things together”. Uh huh, that's right, but once you understand about The Moon, you know ...and it all fits into place, like one of those complex jigsaws you see in an old folks home. I'm going to tell you right now that a good place to look for future messages is at estate auctions, flea markets and lawn sales. The key item you will be looking for is old, cross stitched, needle-work samplers. Long ago, members of an ancient race, reincarnated into time-spaces between The Civil War and The Greatest Generation and constructed samplers, whose message activates and resurrects hidden truths in the subconscious. Don't ask me how or why this is but it is. Sadly, many of the latter incarnates were struck down by Tom Brokaw Disease for which there is no known cure.
Now, as we approach the moment of being directly lined up with the center of the galaxy, many things long buried are coming to light. The awakening cannot be stopped but serious efforts are being made to retard it. Madonna Kabala wants the freedom for Pussy to Riot, as Mr. Berg buys up all that Los Angeles real estate, with the extorted donations from blind acolytes, bathing in Kabala water and wearing red strings bought at Target. Soon Scientology and Kinky Kabala, are going to merge and the final assault on human dignity and liberty will be underway. Lady Gag Me will be doing the soundtrack and seeking to turn all of us into Little Monsters. Surely you know this and I'm just more or less soliloquizing; talking to myself in the funhouse mirror. Well, it's not a funhouse yet but it is going to be, count on it.
End Transmission........
'Rap Sucks' is track no. 7 of 12 on Visible and The Critical List's 1992 album
'Not Politically Correct'
About this song (pops up)

Mr Visible's machine gun rap radio broadcast is now available for streaming or download.
the "military" channel produced a Waco "Update" story to glorify the Mass Murder MIND CONTROL EVENT produced by the same script writers and producers that managed to stage the mass murder of over 300 million braindeadgoy in the last century, alone...
...but really it was mass suicide...RIGHT ?
...just before the update on the Davidian Mass Suicide, was an update on the SUCK BOMB designed by Timmy McVeigh, if Timmy & Al {Quida} ever put that pancake recipe and suck bomb {pyhsics} together, ....well let's just say that would be one hell of a black hole...if you get my drift.
Tragic-Comedy is in a tightening spiral as the galactic naval gazing forces of good spread the doctrine of democracy on this blue marble...
...sure makes one wonder which spineless moron is better for the "Jewish" state....
some orphans are never allowed to see their file...
What are the odds ?
Was Scott gang stalked by the same people that murdered David Carradine, Michael Jackson, and all the other "Star" stalkers from the gang stalking unit of bolshevik HOMELAND SECURITY ?
garlic up people...
Aaaalllll righty then...
It seems perhaps someone set the cruise control for auctioneer speed and forgot to turn it off?
Having grown up with the 'Faces of Death' videos and moving on to, I must say your collection of links takes the cake.
Your outfit made me think of concerts I've been to. My first was a KISS concert, which may or may not fit in with the collection of exhibits presented in today's
state of the times montage. I fell asleep during a Black & Blue concert, and I'm not sure what to derive from that. The one band I saw the most, though, was the Ramones (five concerts), and I will say that after today's Smoking Mirrors, I don't just Wanna Be Sedated, I NEED to be sedated!
This was a wonderful expose of how things are, but I'm feeling like maybe it was a little TMI. There are occasional benefits to living in one's own world. Maybe I should move my children into the nearest deep hole, or perhaps a cave, to ride out the shitstorm.
Please, Visible, the next time you are scheduled to perform a checkup, do make sure you put on those video glasses. And before you head out, don't forget to turn the glasses around for a moment so we can see you decked out in your finest doctor garb, you know - for posterity's sake. Or is that posterior ♥ ? Or maybe a little bit of both.
wv = assmings
Mas y Mas Visible
Eloquence squared. Glad to see the beating of Les has left some real live ones around, proof positive that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Mission impossible is getting accomplished.
heh heh, Clarity, I'm not good at alphabet soup so I don't know what TMI stands for but the rest of it... ahem.
The glasses work real well, for the moment and we will be engaging them soon enough. I'm actually working on the novel today! Will wonders never cease?
I have owned a "Haunted Gay Homosexual Vampire ring" for a number of years and I'm not even gay, however the though of me trying to attract gay vampires is a real turn on for the ladies :-)
I hear enrollment is at an all time high at The Velvet Jones School of Technology!
I'ma thinkin it means Too Much Information so I'm not gonna ask if you were wearing A Beatles shirt under your lab coat.
Anti-robetic: aidForu
TMI = Too Much Information
(FYI = For Your Information, but I think you already knew that!)
You go with that novel!! And don't forget my offer(s).
Oops - was I bad for doing that parentheses thing?
(That would be one offer, made multiple times.)
Your doctor routine is a lot like mine, except I put my nut stool on wheels and pull it on a leash. Those lobby chairs really don't have accommodation for that.
My tour also includes a trip to the airport, where I can catch all the latest foreign diseases. Nothing says "Merry Christmas from the Tribe", quite like a stocking stuffed with flesh eating bacteria, and that's right around the corner, once again.
Dr. Fuxtagne
You all are too much but it appears we are short a straight man. Okay, I get the too much information and I agree but it all does say something about this toxic soup we're swimming in.
Back to work.
Anus painting looks quite difficult,,,good portrait of Netanyahu though,,,,Neil. : )
Thank you Visible. When I see stuff like all the links and hear some of the “thoughts” people express, I find myself wondering, where the hell am I???? Oh yeah, I’m in the asylum and finding the way out won’t come too soon for this hound. Here’s one for you. An advertisement that lays out plans for the future; more of the same ol’ same ol’. “Roots to U.S. economic dysfunction – self-made millionaire reveals the coming 2012 global banking collapse and 5 ways to create massive wealth from it.” They really can’t help themselves can they? O-Tay, good luck with that. On a lighter note, check out this Houdini hound making his escape (background music Mission Impossible theme) and his brothers watching with anxious anticipation. Love Serena
New to these musings of yours, mostly delightful I'll say but sometimes my brain says "why are you doing this to me?" I'll continue to tune in, turn on or whatever it is I'm getting from your insights. By the way, did you ever put your pants back on? :>)
haven't commented for a while, but this piece was a welcome distraction to my test-studying. Thanks for doing what you're doing, and so well I might add. This was a needed boost for the week ahead.
Sounds like a wild time at the ol' Pick-n-Save! They have a special on dumbasses three for a dollar on the closeout table, they were gonna throw em in the dumpster but thought there must a stupid fuckin' cocksucker that will buy it. This is the Shangri-La L.V.! Freedom means the choice between a big mac and a whopper and one half of the country is gonna pay our welfare checks while the other half sits around all day drinking bubbly poison syrup soda and hogging down some synthetic food that if you put out for animals they wouldn't touch it if there was a drought, famine and horde of locusts near by. I retired the nog hostrils back in the spring and it probably saved my life. Pounds are down energy is up. You just have to laugh at the doomed stupid human earth monkeys. Oh well Maury is coming on and my diet poison slop soda is cold. I'm going to find out who the baby daddy is!
Been thinking lord visible,,,
What if the world could never get it together untill everyone had testicle thrones,,,,girls too,,,I'm not talking about anything too elaborate like the fellow up there who has attached wheels to his testicle throne,,,,,,just your normal type everyday testicle thrones,,,,,,,
I don't know,,, Neil : )
People are having the usual trouble commenting. I've given the solution too many times to even want to bother again.
Brill, Viz.
Effin' brill ! :-)
Now you got me motivated to spend Sunday at Chick-Fil-A for a session lipstick lesbian sighting. I hear they're nice to their chickens.
Nothing says "Merry Christmas from the Tribe", quite like a stocking stuffed with flesh eating bacteria
still larfing...
even popped my peanut- now lost in the lap-top!
Jew Velvet
(A musical parody, based on the song, "Blue Velvet", by Bobby Vinton.)
She wore Jew velvet
Down on the Gaza Strip that night
Softer than satin was the light
From the bombs
She wore Jew velvet
Down on the Gaza Strip she cried
Warmer than May, her jaundiced eyes
Death was ours
White phosphorus gleaming
Feel its deathly glow
The flames were burning brightly
But when she left, gone was the glow of...
Jew velvet
But in my heart there'll always be
Precious and warm, a memory
Through the years
And I can still see Jew velvet
Through my tears
you guys are killing me. I hope not literally but I would love to have Bobby Vinton's hair.
Are you finished with the HS girls in the fridge yet? If so, please send them along, COD. I'm just soo... The fried up okra just wasn't enough to satisfy, but tell them there's plenty left. The more the merrier.
Be well all, Rob
A juxtaposition of two, a symphony in ten. Forty-nine to ten, all aboard, outbound Mobius to the inner most space, forward to the beginning, reversing to the end. Imagination compressed into little wiggly linear lines in black and white, expanded back into the imagination, reflecting reverberations of the Aether; a chorus of coherent strings plucking strings in the formation of standing waves from standing waves all in the blink of an eye. (Grin)
pierre said...
like a Tel Aviv brothel tour. It used to be so simple with just the piss in the punchbowl to fret about. I suppose if I just gargle and not swallow just this once it will be ok.
2 beatles left watch THE WINGED BEATLE on youtube now there is one boom boom
A new Petri Dish-
Goat Boy Country and the Worlds Beyond.
Loved 'Rap Sucks', though I don't hate all of it. One of the few I've heard where you don't sound like a cowboy, not that that's good or bad. Great post, too; as usual.
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