No Dog Poet.........
No noses.
I been sitting, or, occasionally laying down, while this enormous funeral procession has been going on; all night last night, They are banging drums. For all I know they are killing elephants too. A friend comes by and tells me this guy was a very bad man- hated and feared in the community- charged outrageous interest and was a loan shark. As I write these words, the drums resound. It is up and down the street and... so loud it sounds like a war. Now I know why I am here; so I can tell you about it.
I am not Hunter Thompson and I don't want to be. He was an atheist. I am not. We both liked football, although, probably, unlike him, I played the game. If no one else on the planet will witness for me, my four brothers, born from the same mother, will attest to my skills in all sports, table games and card games. I know that no one with an ego wants to hear this shit. What do I care? You can't do these things; your problems.
The fireworks continue. It sounds like dynamite going off outside me window. It shocked the shit out of me when it first started happening. It is incredibly loud and I got into trouble for crying out, “Oh my god”? You cannot make sense out of this country.
My friend, my own Gunga Din, is here every night now, so is his guru. You cannot, absolutely cannot make sense of this place. I have never seen anything like this and I have been in just one place. There it goes again. It feels like air bombardments and... all of this for a moneychanger and usurer. Like I have always maintained; the bigger the asshole, the bigger the funeral. I now know the meaning of paid mourners.
I would tell you more about what has been happening to me, I am truthful after all but... there are people who hate me here now and... cool people who love me. I can't tell you certain things because the former would use them against me. I never realized how insular and bat-shit crazy this place was. If you are full of shit... fine, otherwise, watch your ass.
Things happen for a reason. While I was down a few days ago, some people showed up to come at me; people from my fairly recent past... people who know nothing about the conditions on the ground. They came around to taunt, gloat or get self righteous. They even came around after the last Origami. Nothing can separate a fool from their folly. Somehow that is how they are made. It doesn't mean dick to me. I'll be here as long as I am supposed to be and so will they. The only difference is in the final destination.
Sounds pounding in my ears; whole house shaking for the funeral of a bad guy and I got in trouble for crying out in the night? Nothing makes sense. It appears that hypocrisy is a global phenom. I have seen so much that is false and a little that was true. For the second night in a row, Gopal broke down. His conscience is really troubling him,, he's a young man though and he will get over it. It seems that India is and can be a very violent place. I've been in some of the hardest places in the US but this is a bit more primal; like Hawaii.. Objectively it is much larger but I expect it applies across the board.
One of the things that Gopal always says to me is that he is dying; everyone is dying. You can imagine how that translates into the culture here, since that is what everyone thinks. People also very quickly believe what they are told and... like in prosaic, provincial Germany, people are always peering out of their windows.
There is this young Indian woman here who is in love with me. She wants me to come over to her house. Gopal told me, “Don't do that, everyone is watching”. What the hell is wrong with people? Don't tell me Kali Yuga is over'.
There go the explosions and the drums again. The bigger the asshole, the bigger the funeral.
There was this guy here. I thought he was my friend. He wasn't. I could tell he was upset with me. He believed some lies. Okay, I can live with that... but then I heard he was really pissed off cause I took his rickshaw driver and... even more pissed off that 'his' rickshaw driver was staying at my house every night. Then I found out that he was seriously pissed off because I was touching women on the shoulder. I didn't realize that wasn't okay. Why not just tell me? Oh no, that would be logical and intelligent.
Then I hear that my rickshaw driver is getting drunk at my apartment every night; not true. We watch movies and we talk. But you can't tell people anything when their minds are made up; especially when you have helped them and they are holding on to expensive property of yours and like to make a big deal out of things they weren't around for because it is advantageous for them. I'm not stupid. I see what's going on... finally.
Huge explosions just shook the house again. I think I'll go take a nap (grin)
End Transmissions.......
'The World is a Rumor' is track no. 8 of 13 on Visible's 2007 album
'The Sacred and The Profane'
Lyrics (pops up)

of the
not so fast grasshopper...
get that saucer pod thingy going
kennys' got you on the prayer list
sideshows' on
Right on Erin
"Now I know why I am here; so I can tell you about it."
Good job, too. Sometimes I can sense between your words and this one is truly atmospheric. In the fullest meaning thereof. Cheers!
Sounds like the Land of Enchantment whacked you upside. I remember reading one comment from a reader warning you it would a couple of days after you got to India.
Makes me more determined than ever to stick to, and appreciate my schizoid ways were I don't come out of my cave unless I absolutely have to. I gotta admit, I'm not too impressed with the human race in general, though I do make exceptions for the individual. On the other hand, my main company is cats, so. . .go figure. They make more sense.
But hey! Who am I here for? Everyone else's evolution, or mine?
Hi Vis-Have been hanging out here for the last few days-observing your,Spadgets, and other commentators take on your recent trauma.
Whatever the truth is-which all depends on your personal point of view,I reckon you would all be best advised to get your heads out of your asses and address the massive elephant in the room that is currently the greatest threat to all the species living on this planet-Geoengineering,chemtrails,-whatever term you prefer.
Gopal is right-we are all dying-slowly-all for the purpose of demonstration,of course!
Your description of the place and certain events reminds me of a book I've read a few times..
'Song Of Kali'.
Fucked Up!
Hell Is Other People (sometimes)
Stay Strong.
From Nick
Wow Vis. That's awful, as bad as here, maybe worse. At least here it gets slightly saner in the winter.
A friend of mine calls this lot -'the sunstrokers' as in suffering from a case of an overdose of overexposure to heat.
Stay safe mate, do what you must while you still know what to do.
As ever, your pal in Cyprus
stay safe, les...sending love your way as you so often have sent it my way. <3
Yep, the bigger the scumbag the bigger the funeral. I think of it as celebrating their death. If it's a big enough scumbag people get the day off work, like when Gerald Ford 'passed'. A half day off work to party hardy.
0 comments? What?
My dear Visible--you are getting kicked, and yet, you stand strong. The warrior must be prepared--even though he/she doesn't want to fight.
Boom, boom, glad you're back up V. Cue Please Don't Judas Me, Nazareth version of course. Was listening to some tunes in my Vis folder during your down time and ran across the MixPoem. Just gotta say that is a very powerful one Vis it just took a while to hit me I guess. Thank you for all you do for us.
Best to all.
Hi Vis
Tho I've never been to India, nor Spain, I kinda like the music. I empathize with your bouts of frustration and the upsidedowness of life where you are. Here at five a.m. bands have been marching waking up the province in anticipation of a food fiesta day by which people will go house to house to load up up nutrition that they sorely lack maintaining in their poverty of daily existence.
I live in the Philippines, via CA USSA. Major adjustments made to be sure, transplanting to a 3rd world has been a major eye opener. It can be maddening, the attitudes of the ingrained childish mentality and lack of logic and basic common sense endemic here... it's all up to me how I navigate in one whole piece and find a way to harmoniously flow in the pulse of life in my present homeland. Hard work, yes, but the bottom line is acceptance. I can point out things to others, criticize, flaunt my "civilized" cavalier mentality. All a waste of time. Things are so much better now that I can flow from place to place, pick my spots to explore and enjoy the beauty the people , and maintaining an inner and outer peaceful demeanor with the passport of a smiling face.
I enjoy your thoughts and adventures..So many here find you a kindred spirit in your travels
and self evolution. We know love is and always will be triumphant. Living by love is all that ever matters.
Hi Vis
Tho I've never been to India, nor Spain, I kinda like the music. I empathize with your bouts of frustration and the upsidedowness of life where you are. I live in the Philippines, via CA USSA. Major adjustments made to be sure, transplanting to a 3rd world has been a major eye opener. It can be maddening, the attitudes of the ingrained childish mentality and lack of logic and basic common sense endemic here... it's all up to me how I navigate in one whole piece and find a way to harmoniously flow in the pulse of life in my present homeland. Hard work, yes, but the bottom line is acceptance. I can point out things to others, criticize, flaunt my "civilized" cavalier mentality. All a waste of time. Things are so much better now that I can flow from place to place, pick my spots to explore and enjoy the beauty the people , and maintaining an inner and outer peaceful demeanor with the passport of a smiling face.
I enjoy your thoughts and adventures..So many here find you a kindred spirit in your travels
and self evolution. We know love is and always will be triumphant. Living by love is all that ever matters.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Whoa people, I finally got a clue. I didn't realize that Spadget was attacking me on his blog. Then Amarynth shows up in my Inbox. Then Michael Astera shows up; all of them in a concerted pincher movement, like it was choreographed. Anyone who wants to know how it actually is here can talk to my rickshaw driver, simply email me for his phone number.
Some things I might not have shared before; Amarynth wanted to be a guru alongside me but I don't want to be a guru and it pissed me off. When I act out it is always for a reason. And Patrick Willis will tell you about this woman if you like. Both her and her husband said they knew him. He had never heard of them
Michael Astera came into my town. I have never had the police at my house but because of him they were there in two days. I had some attractive women at my house and he made a fool of himself; took my guitar and played really badly, trying to do Redemption Song. I offered to show him the licks but he was bombastic and full of himself. Then I took him to the local club where I've played a few times and we sat outside with my friend Juka. He made a ass out of himself, talking about taking people off a the knees.
I could tell by the way he walked that he didn't know what he was talking about but he was making me very angry and... I thought, take this guy into the parking and tune him up... or walk away. I chose to walk away. Then he goes and crashes under a tree cause he can't find his way back. He gets more and more out of touch and he knows he has to go so he does.
Then he goes, leaves his laptop. Susanne, out of the goodness of her heart, offers to drive him to the train station. She takes the dogs to walk them on the way. Michael gets out of the car and starts pawing her and trying to fuck her. She got away from him, still she drove him to the train station.
She waited till the next day to tell me because she knew what I would have done. Never in all the time that I have known her has
Susanne lied to me once. Michael Astera lied all the time and that was only over the space of days.
I can confirm everything I say here, none of these people can refute it. As for Amarynth, she's a cheapshot artist who had certain aspirations and they didn't work out for her. Talk about lying in wait and hitting a guy when he is down.
Anyway, Spadget has a blog. Have fun people.
by the way, this gangsters funeral is still going on. If I hadn't known what is was like to be in war zone, I definitely do now. The bigger the asshole, the bigger the funeral.
pierre said...
sounds like a Fellini film.
hell is other people, but heaven is not the absence thereof. pinzers and hands on shoulders. up/down in/out. and all around.
'aint life grand.
What ever happened to the land of Siddartha?
Les, you need to get out of there.
I'm a tellin' you...I'm 60 and didn't get that old being completely stupid.
Come stay with me and family in Houston. Beats there.
RSVP and we'll find a way to get in touch.
- steve
Les,I see you have comment moderation on...just post 'Houston ok' and assure me privacy and I'll send email address.
2013-Year of the Serpent
Chinese animal 'years' on the same 12 year cycle as Jupiter cycle.
Jupiter just recently gone direct after what seemed like a forever ago retrograde. In Gemini. Twins. Two faced, backstabbing, double crossing, double talking twins.
Should be just about at the same degree it was when Venus occulted the Sun way back in June 2012. What the 'change' or 'end' times were really all about. That signifier. 150 year cycle with an eight year cycle with that weirdo Venus in Gemini doing Sun things. Big event in the energies of the galaxy.
So 2001 ring a bell with anyone? Last Snake year. Boy, did I get double crossed by a few sets of serpents. Bit by a few vipers that year. Still in recovery from those bites and betrayals but I'm a slow recoverer.
2000-Year of the Dragon. 2012-Year of the Dragon-different elements with each cycle of animal.
Water Dragon in 2012. Water Snake in 2013. Saturn in Scorpio. Neptune in Pisces. Soon enough, Jupiter in Cancer... lots of water this year 2013. Hopefully will flood out that Pluto in Capricorn earth job thingy we got going on.
Uranus in Aries keeps it sizzling and everyone's heads a hoppin' and poppin'. Take care Be ware.
I used to have a lot of big black water snakes here my first few years. Then a few years of Garter snakes making their selves known to me. I don't particularly like the way snakes jump into water though I admire their athleticism.
Most dangerous times are at the ends and the beginnings of cycles.
Take care, be ware
the gardener
I just got off the phone with Esteban after 2 hours of conversation. It seems I am getting torched in certain locations; good luck with that.
When I do something there is a reason. So9metimes it is because I am dealing with assholes and sometimes I am just trying to wake people up. Whatever my motive it isn't me in the first place.
I haven't been to these places because I am not vain, nor have any reason to be but... I know for sure that these people are acting out of jealously and envy; among other things.
One thing everyone should remember is that things pass and things change.
It is easy to fuck with someone when they are down. That is when the worms come out of the woodwork. You should remember- the worm turns.
I am what I am and I know who I am and you will find, all you fairweather friends... things are not what you think they are but I do have to sort your asses out.
Pierre; I don't know why but nearly all of your comments always wind up in the Spam Folder
I know I am really in trouble when I watch "Pure Country" over and over. so I'm going home now. My detractors who sent me all that evil shit in emails; have fun with your temporary bat wings, that's not my shit, that's yours.
I was really hanging out so long hoping my true friend Scott would show up... but he called Susanne this morning and both he and Michaela have the flu. I can't wait around any longer, so I am gone.
And all you enemies of the state of the true new age; Amarynth, Michael Astera and Steven Padget... enjoy yourselves, it's what it is... truly, I wish you fun and fortune along with John Dudley. For anything any of you can say... too many witnesses to the contrary. That has got to hurt
They got you pegged as a MK-ULTRA hand puppet on another blog.
Welcome to the Year of the Snake.
any fool who thinks I am a hand puppet is a fool. believe what you like.
any fool who thinks I am a hand puppet is a fool. believe what you like.
I just think it's amusing how they went off the deep end so precipitously, jumping to all sorts of conclusions
Vis, I'm so relieved to hear you're going home. You certainly have changed some lives there.
Can you bring the puppy?
Best wishes always,
Laura in CA
pierre said (news mode)
Pope Ratzinger resigns, first resignation in 398 years. mean anything? I don't know.
my snakes disappeared since I poisoned the rats. mean anything? yes, its the ecology stupid! or the python is nesting for 3 months and many little buggers will appear soon.
Sure am glad that I'm a hermit. A brown pit bull that is very very wary of people has come to me. I figure someone kicked the shit out of him and threw him off out here in God's country. We have so much in common. Never alone in the wilderness I guess.
Best to all.
So niijii,
Did the poor dog come to your door or how did he approach you? Or has he approached you?
Lots of hermits in these lands. Holding the lantern-cloaked up...
Years ago-about ten years ago I was on a monster site which we all rocked and rolled so hard on-having found so many hermits coming out of their shell for maybe the first times in their lives surrounded by those who knew what they knew and MORE MORE MORE.
There'd be crazy threads that were so funny, outrageously witty and just outright funny. Then it got so infiltrated and being a very suspicious source already-I mean, it was just too damn full of cool, that it was just a matter of time until the hard ball games began with psyche evals underway (always by the utter baby souls with professional status---somewhere) having held in their 'observations' and 'concerns' and 'questions about your/their income status enabling such hard core postings.
The raw ones spilling real events, real insights, real workings and works were targeted constantly with all the personal info used to slay them, betray them.
Quite the beat down. NONE of the beaters anyone was interested in-never much to input their selves-just the psyche evals, personality questionings, beyond attacks-like general conversion portrayed by psychopathic personalities clueless about human behaviors and realities that they'd never had, suffered through or worked.
Cavalier Consumers v Conscious Creators is some labels I through out trying to decipher the differences going on between tribes.
And in the end? Always ALWAYS the Conscious Creators were attacked by the Cavalier Consumers, some totally crucified and the beige ones left to have it all-though there was nothing to be had by then. Empty forum full of beige energy emitters. Beige and grey. Have at it beige and grey.
Getting wood. Outside. Zero degrees. Hear Owl. "who?who?" I know for whom this particular owl "whos". An Idaho huge Great Horned male. Mateless the past two winters. Wingspan of about 4 foot, has brushed my arm/body in passing by its many nests many times. I wonder what is up with the Owl... I ASK IT 'WHAT'S UP WITH YOU OWL? HEAR TO STEAL ONE OF MY KITTY BOYS AGAIN?" (2 KITTY BOYS GONE SO FAR)
I've found owl pellets of all sorts and sizes and gave the collection to an elementary science teacher passing through. I found the body of a juvenile owl in my water ditch under ancient Willows last spring. Many times an Owl is just an Owl. Big birds of prey. Not silent-I hear their 'whoosh'.
I had bad men on my property last Spring-this same Kitty Boy thief owl shot out of the tall Poplar forest way high in the sky and let loose a wild scream-like a hawk scream... got me giddy, never heard it do that before. lol The bad man instinctively headed for the trees-headed for cover. He knew the Owl knew him, was in surveillance, had his GPS, his DNA... regret only that I didn't throw back my head and cut loose with an answering scream of my own. Got to quit being so repressed around others who don't belong anyway.
the gardener (DARK OF THE MOON)
Vis, I too have been dealing with weirdness, people who say they're my friend have been just shining me or giving out strange vibes. Perhaps it's just me.who nose. just trying to endure. Trying to get to Almaty but it just seems stuck in the mud. Try not to let the alligators eat your ass off, and I'll try to do the same.
Love mo visible
So your leaving india?
I was meant to be there by now to say hi but i still haven't got a job.
Perhaps i'll see you in europe.
There are the ups and downs of having an online presence, you don't deserve any crap and i hope it never happens again.
On the upside, for me alone your blogs have inspired me in ways that perhaps no one else could. I'm sure that makes it worth it for you.
not to mention all the other souls you have uplifted.
Love and Peace
and best wishes
Please don't read Captain Spadgetts's blog about you.
Its hurting me and i'm not even you.
Please dont' read it.
Its not worth it
TONIGHT - coming to you live from the heart of the dying land, featuring the ponzi schemers' puppet no.1, in living color: the treason orgy!
Settle into your sofa with a fluoride drink and some GM snacks and prepare yourself for this evenings' bending, breaking and obliterating of the truth, the constitution and the lives of you and your family.
Who is Curtis Crook?
Where id he go after the rising in the Atlantic?
I almost sent a gushy,wordy stupid message about your recent difficulties,offering sympathy etc.
Then I figure the less said,the sooner you can move on.
You are probably the only voice that I even trust all that much.(not that you even know any better than I do about some things)
Keep Well,
Re: the gardener,
First noticed him about a month ago. My pit/labs chased him off with his tail between his legs. Since then he has visited once in a while. A week or so back I noticed him and my dogs rolling in the snow and playing like pups. I cannot get within about 50 feet of him or he runs off and looks at me with one ear up and the other down and has a cute pink nose. When I call him he replies back with a whimpery bark. He's no more fond of the wife's voice than mine. He's into rabbit hunting and eats snow on the go. He's wearing a collar that looks kinda tight and he appears to be fixed. He doesn't belong to any of the neighbors but some saw him. He will not go into the pen with the others at night but sleeps in the straw bale house. Since he's been hangin out with us steady, we give him some food but still can't get any closer to him. Its gonna take some time to earn his trust and maybe the wild spirit has taken over and he can never be truly tamed. So you see, he's alot like me.
Best to all.
Guess you are not going to Darmsala for Losar then?
Would be activate with people who are getting kicked around too.
Forces, through sharing, and caring, brings strength to understand actions.
Om your Way home Visable!
Love and Peace,
pierre said... loosely quoting Thoreau, much of the suffering of humanity comes about because people cannot stand their own company for any length of time.
though this was before TV.
(don't think my first comment was published)
Visible, you'll be alright. I'm sorry to hear about the friends of disillusion. This happens often on the net. Hardly anyone is what they seem.
fwiw you're still cool with me.
What an adventure you're experiencing. And I'm sure we don't even know the half of it.
Sending love and luck in your travels my friend. Please leave India asap. All the masters are gone from there, except one ;)
Love, Peaches
Les Visible,
I started watching a DVD called Mythos, which is based on lectures by Dr. Joseph Campbell. While the whole thing is interjected upon/hosted by Susan Surandon, take her at face value, his lectures are awesome. A very intelligent man.
His first lecture coincides with what you are going through, and touches more than a few times on the societal structure of India and how it is different. I say different because I am not him, I have never visited and I cannot claim for a moment to know the extremes. He is an extremely well spoken professor and gives his talks on the fly, which I also consider highly impressive.
If you, or anyone watching this gets a chance to rent his DVD, I highly recommend it. From his initial talk he goes on to speak about the Navaho traditions and myths, then into ancient peoples and so on. He really ties in the mythos of peoples to their current societal health and the continuance of the culture of each. He holds no quarter for the west.
I project to you, Les Visible, God's speed and the peace of environment that you so deserve, as do we all deserve. If you remain in India, I hope that you find something greater than what you have encountered so far.
The only person in recent times I have read that has success in that arena was Ram Dass, the Harvard psychologist removed. His tales are inventive and reassuring, but I think he was looking for something different than you, or maybe not, IDK. Whatever the case, the eastern cultures, from my estimation, are the polar opposite of experience of the western cultures. It is far easier for the eastern to adapt to the west, as we are an environment of societal flexibility. That western element may soon change, as may the eastern, with little doubt, according to obvious trends we are witnessing across the board. Whatever the condition, take what you have learned of people and culture, negative or positive, and move on. You are the traveling prophet of our time.
From what we know of prophets, they rarely were able to hang out in one place or another without taking a lot of heat from the status quo. Even the Christ was chased to the cliff by the people of his home town. Don't put yourself in that danger, but danger is the occupation against the Lord of Corporations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let's cut to the chase. I'm a complete fack. I was manufactured by Rothschild via the CIA multi-shub program and my ass was picked. I never was in court. I never wrote a single law review paper at Harvard. My past is sealed so you don't find out I have done absolutely nothing my whole life. I am an actor, a puppet for Rothschild and the .01%.
I learn my lines and do not make a single decision about anything myself. If you don't like how the US is becoming an Orwellian police state - please take it up with my boss Rothschild, I just work here and deliver my lines.
You are catching on to the dissasembling of the US. But I can't do anything about it. All I can do is warn you first the US dollar is going to implode by April 2013, then there will be food shortages, then there will be mayhem and martial law by the summer of 2013, then the FEMA camps will be opened for disidents.
Mind control by satellites is ongoing 24/7, my bosses are genetically modifying food, Agenda 21 will displace 80% of land owners from their property, fluoride in the water to placate you will continue. We are making guns illegal so you can't defend yourselves much like the Bolsheviks did to the Russians before genociding them.
I am just a cut-out. If you want to change anything, you have to speak to my boss Rothschild.
Good night and good luck!
Barry Soetoro "President" of the USA
No, Peaches, you don't know the half of it. The pain I am experiencing is immense. It is Promethean but thank goodness God came last night and told me what was happening. boy... have I been clueless. It is the ancient enemy and his acolytes trying to take me down; suddenly I heard them chanting- out of nowhere, I felt all of it and saw it. This is some serious and focused stuff.
Luckily, my good friend, Rabinath came by and explained some things to me.
Smiths: There is a light that never goes out
Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one
Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh, please don't drop me home
Because it's not my home, it's their
Home, and I'm welcome no more
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
And in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
(But then a strange fear gripped me and I
Just couldn't ask)
Take me out tonight
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, da ...
Oh, I haven't got one
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Oh, There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out...
'Really love your peaches - really want to shake your tree.'
Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had
Can make a good man
Turn bad
So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time
Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Carl Douglas, "Kung-fu Fighting"
Everybody was Kung-fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing
There was funky China men from funky Chinatown
They were dropping them up, they were dropping them down
It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part
For my friend ain't you a snip and a kicking from the hip
Everybody was Kung-fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing
There was funky Billie Jean and little Sammy John
He said: Here comes the big boss let's get it on
We took the bow and made a stand, started swaying with the hand
A sudden motion made me skip, now we're into a brand-new trip
Everybody was Kung-fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they did it with expert timing
Everybody was Kung-fu fighting, those kids were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening, make sure you had expert timing
Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning
Vis- What a let down from your so called "friends". The ones that have been so "true" for so long. Right..
Carry on!
Praise belongs to Allah, before whose oneness there is no before, unless the before is He, and after whose singleness there is no after, unless the after is He. He is, and there is not with Him any before or after, above or below, closeness or distance, how or where or when, time or moment or duration, manifested existence or place. And He is now as He has always been. He is the one without oneness and the single without singleness. He is not composed of name and named, for His name is Him and His named is Him and there is no name or named other than Him. He is the first without firstness and the last without lastness. He is the apparent without appearance and the hidden without hiddenness. I mean that He is the very existence of the letters of the names the first and the last, the hidden and the apparent. There is no first or last, apparent or hidden except Him, without the letters which form these divine names becoming Him or His becoming these letters.
Understand this so as not to make the mistake of those who believe in incarnation. He is not in anything and no thing is in Him, whether entering into Him or coming out of Him. It is in this way that you should know Him and not through theoretical knowledge, reason, understanding or conjecture, nor with the senses, the external eye or interior sight or perception. No one sees Him except Himself, no one reaches Him except Himself and no one knows Him except Himself. He knows Himself through Himself and He sees Himself by means of Himself. No one but He sees Him. His veil is His oneness since nothing veils Him other than Him. His own being veils Him. His being is concealed by His oneness without any condition.
No one other than He sees Him. No sent prophet, perfect saint or angel brought close knows Him. His prophet is He, His messenger is He, His message is He and His word is He. He sent Himself from Himself, through Himself to Himself. There is no intermediary or means other than Him. There is no difference between the sender, that which is sent and the one to whom it is sent. The very existence of the prophetic message is His existence. There is no existence to any other who could pass away, or have a name or be named.
He manifests Himself in His oneness and hides Himself in His singularity. He is the first in His essence and His self-subsistence and the last in His everlastingness. He is the very being of the name the first and the name the last, of the name the apparent and the name the hidden. He is His own name and what is named. Just as His existence is necessary, the nonexistence of what is other than Him is necessary. What you think is other than Him is not other than Him. He is free from there being any other than Him. Indeed, other than Him is Him without any otherness, whether this is with Him or in Him, inwardly or outwardly.
Know that He is never in anything, nor is anything in Him. He
is neither inside nor outside of anything. None can see Him,
whether with the eyes of the head or with the inner eye; nor
can any conceive Him with senses, knowledge, mind,
intelligence or imagination. Only He can see Himself; only He
can conceive Himself. None can know Him; only He can know
Himself. He sees Himself by Himself; He conceives Himself by
Himself; He knows Himself by Himself. None other than He
can see Him. None other than He can know Him. That which
hides Him is His oneness. None but Himself can hide Him. The
veil that hides Him is His own being.
He is not within you; nor are you in Him. He does not exclude
you, nor are you excluded from Him. When you are addressed
as you, do not think that you exist, with an essence and
qualities and attributes; for you never existed, nor do exist, nor
ever will exist. You have not entered into Him, nor He into
you. Without being, your essence is with Him and in Him.
Without having any identity, you are Him and He is you. If you
know yourself as nothing, then you truly know your Lord.
Otherwise, you truly know Him not.
You cannot know your Lord by making yourself nothing.
Many a wise man claims that in order to know one's Lord one
must denude oneself of the signs of one's existence, efface
one's identity, finally rid oneself of one's self. This is a mistake.
How could a thing that does not exist try to get rid of its
If you think that to know Allah depends on you ridding
yourself of yourself, then you are guilty of attributing partners
to Him, the only unforgivable sin; because you are claiming
that there is another existence besides Him, the all-existent;
that there is a you and a He.
You presume others to be other than Allah. There is nothing
other than He, but you do not know this. While you are
looking at Him you do not recognize Him. When the secret
opens to you, you will know that you are none other than He.
Then you will also know that you are the one whom He
wished, and that you are forever and will not disappear with
time, for there is no passing of time. Your attributes are His.
Without doubt, your appearance is His appearance.
Therefore, do not think anymore that you need to become
nothing, that you need to annihilate yourself in Him. If you
thought so, then you would be His veil, while a veil over Allah
is other than He. How could you be a veil that hides Him?
What hides Him is His being the One Alone.
The condition for self-knowledge is to know that if you had a
being of your own, independent of other being, then you would
neither have need to annihilate yourself in Allah nor to know
yourself. You would have been, as yourself, a God, self-
existent; while it is Allah Most High that is free from the
existence of any other God but Himself.
And when you come to know yourself, you will be sure that
you neither exist, nor do not exist, whether now, or before, or
in the future. This is the meaning of "la ilaha il alLah", There
is no God but Allah, there is no being but His, nor any other
except Him, and He is the only One.
Know that this existence is neither you, nor other than you.
You do not exist; yet you are also not a nonexistence. Your
existence is not someone else; nor does your nonexistence
make you someone else. Without being and without not-being,
your existence and your nonexistence is Allah's being.
~ Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi
even if all those things were true, what is lesvisible guilty of? ... drinking alcohol and being confident? ... and? ... you are gonna crucify someone for drinking alcohol and being confident? ... lol?
i dont see how lesvisible harmed anyone ... i dont see how anything lesvisible has taught to be proven false ... in fact, quite the opposite ... lesvisible is legitimized now
this is character assassination ... if they cant beat you in debate, jews will try to change the subject, then they will try character slander ... zion is admitting they cant defeat lesvisible in debate ... zion is admitting lesvisible's words are true
probably not the coronation lesvisible expected ... but perhaps he should have ... in this world you get a crown of thorns
zion's next move is to play good cop/ bad cop ... id be wary of good cop coming around and offering gifts for you to change your writings ... from zion/jews/tribe to "blue bloods", "vatican", "reptilian", "khazarian", or the "little green men from mars"
speaking of little green men from mars, some things to consider regarding a potential alien attack
(1) anyone capable of traversing time and space could wipe us out with us knowing they are even there
(2) if aliens did attack, it would be to attack just a part of us ... most likely to separate the zionist cancer from this world
(3) so if aliens were attacking everyone, this wouldnt be an alien attack, but a fake alien attack ... much like world war I and world war II, an attempt to rid the world of those opposed to jewish rule ... and blame it on someone or something else
ziotroll hasbara sayanim will sell you any war youll buy ... white/black, christian/muslim, america/russia, china/japan, man/woman, parent/child, you/yourself ... dont buy their wars, stay unified
Thank you 'flying Cossack'. I actually did no wrong. This guy came into my apartment, there were no problems. He just up and split; couldn't figure it out. If he were a friend he would have helped me get thru it. Next thing I knew, all my old enemies showed up.
I haven't been to that blog. I'm just not that vain. It seems there is some crazy stuff going on there but I could care less.
Last night God came to me and said, "you have been targeted". This was at 4 AM. I was up all night again... but I know now what I didn't know before.
This guy got 500 dollars from one of my supporters and then another 200 from another. I don't know what to say. I feel terrible about this but... I will come right and be okay again. My house is nightly filled by Indians who think I am God now. I am told to lock my door when they leave because bad men hate me. I don't know what to believe but I am buying my ticket soon and will get home, I hope.
With me there is never a dull moment. It taxes my body but I am strong and resilient. Now at the Truthseeker, Rixon mentions my despising David Icke. I don't like him, yes ...but people take liberties with my language. Still, I love Rixon... so he can do what he likes.
via Homer..
People act as though they've never seen anyone suffering an affliction.
If we rid ourselves of all those who are afflicted, there won't be anyone left.
Even the King of heaven, Indra, at times wrings his hands, tosses and turns worrying about the demons.
Why would any Indians be seeking for God in your personage or anyone's, even as they enjoy Krishna, Rama, Shiva and hundreds of thousands of various demigods?
Like a gold miner who despite having a pile of gold wants more and more while never enjoying the gold he already has.
"The lord loves the one that loves
The lord
And the law says if you dont give,
Then you dont get loving"
long john, February 14, 2013 7:56:00 AM :
Since Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi's 'Allah' is all-God, I figured the following subtle modification would fit just as well, especially as this page raises some eyebrows about the gender of the word All-ah... (grin)
Praise belongs to Allah, before whose oneness there is no before, unless the before is Her, and after whose singleness there is no after, unless the after is Her. She is, and there is not with Her any before or after, above or below, closeness or distance, how or where or when, time or moment or duration, manifested existence or place. And She is now as She has always been. She is the one without oneness and the single without singleness. She is not composed of name and named, for Her name is Her and Her named is Her and there is no name or named other than Her. She is the first without firstness and the last without lastness. She is the apparent without appearance and the hidden without hiddenness. I mean that She is the very existence of the letters of the names the first and the last, the hidden and the apparent. There is no first or last, apparent or hidden except Him, without the letters which form these divine names becoming Her or Her becoming these letters.
Understand this so as not to make the mistake of those who believe in incarnation. She is not in anything and no thing is in Her, whether entering into Her or coming out of Her. It is in this way that you should know Her and not through theoretical knowledge, reason, understanding or conjecture, nor with the senses, the external eye or interior sight or perception. No one sees Her except Herself, no one reaches Her except Herself and no one knows Her except Herself. She knows Herself through Herself and She sees Herself by means of Herself. No one but She sees Her. Her veil is Her oneness since nothing veils Her other than Her. Her own being veils Her. Her being is concealed by Her oneness without any condition.
No one other than She sees Her. No sent prophess, perfect saint or angel brought close knows Her. Her prophet is Her, Her messenger is Her, Her message is She and Her word is Her. She sent Herself from Herself, through Herself to Herself. There is no intermediary or means other than Her. There is no difference between the sender, that which is sent and the one to whom it is sent. The very existence of the prophess’ message is Her existence. There is no existence to any other who could pass away, or have a name or be named.
She manifests Herself in Her oneness and hides Herself in Her singularity. She is the first in Her essence and Her self-subsistence and the last in Her everlastingness. She is the very being of the name the first and the name the last, of the name the apparent and the name the hidden. She is Her own name and what is named. Just as Her existence is necessary, the nonexistence of what is other than Her is necessary. What you think is other than Her is not other than Her. She is free from there being any other than Her. Indeed, other than Her is Her without any otherness, whether this is with Her or in Her, inwardly or outwardly.
Know that She is never in anything, nor is anything in Her. He is neither inside nor outside of anything. None can see Her, whether with the eyes of the head or with the inner eye; nor can any conceive Her with senses, knowledge, mind, intelligence or imagination. Only She can see Herself; only He can conceive Herself. None can know Her; only She can know Herself. She sees Herself by Herself; She conceives Herself by
Herself; She knows Herself by Herself. None other than She can see Her. None other than She can know Her. That which hides Her is Her oneness. None but Herself can hide Her. The veil that hides Her is Her own being.
She is not within you; nor are you in Her. She does not exclude
you, nor are you excluded from Her. When you are addressed
as you, do not think that you exist, with an essence and
qualities and attributes; for you never existed, nor do exist, nor
ever will exist. You have not entered into Her, nor She into
you. Without being, your essence is with Her and in Her.
Without having any identity, you are Her and She is you. If you
know yourself as nothing, then you truly know your Lady.
Otherwise, you truly know Her not.
You cannot know your Lady by making yourself nothing.
Many a wise woman claims that in order to know one's Lady one
must denude oneself of the signs of one's existence, efface
one's identity, finally rid oneself of one's self. This is a mistake.
How could a thing that does not exist try to get rid of its
If you think that to know Allah depends on you ridding
yourself of yourself, then you are guilty of attributing partners
to Her, the only unforgivable sin; because you are claiming
that there is another existence besides Her, the all-existent;
that there is a you and a She.
You presume others to be other than Allah. There is nothing
other than She, but you do not know this. While you are
looking at Her you do not recognize Her. When the secret
opens to you, you will know that you are none other than She.
Then you will also know that you are the one whom She
wished, and that you are forever and will not disappear with
time, for there is no passing of time. Your attributes are Hers.
Without doubt, your appearance is Her appearance.
Therefore, do not think anymore that you need to become
nothing, that you need to annihilate yourself in Her. If you
thought so, then you would be Her veil, while a veil over Allah
is other than She. How could you be a veil that hides Her?
What hides Her is Her being the One Alone.
The condition for self-knowledge is to know that if you had a
being of your own, independent of other being, then you would
neither have need to annihilate yourself in Allah nor to know
yourself. You would have been, as yourself, a God, self-
existent; while it is Allah Most High that is free from the
existence of any other God but Herself.
And when you come to know yourself, you will be sure that
you neither exist, nor do not exist, whether now, or before, or
in the future. This is the meaning of "la ilaha il all-ah", There
is no God but Allah, there is no being but Hers, nor any other
except Her, and She is the only One.
Know that this existence is neither you, nor other than you.
You do not exist; yet you are also not a nonexistence. Your
existence is not someone else; nor does your nonexistence
make you someone else. Without being and without not-being,
your existence and your nonexistence is Allah's being.
your existence and your nonexistence is Allah's being.
~ (adapted from) Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi
I mention the before somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but also to 'drive in' that - if 'Allah' has no gender - would not the feminine gender be just as applicable? (There is a bit of male 'absolutism' in there also, but oh well...)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Beer cans to the ceiling
Ashtray on the floor
Laundry on the sofa
Need I say more
I walked out with my hair wet
I caught one awful cold
Should have been more careful
Should have done like I was told
I can't believe it
How could it be
Just like you said could happen
So it did to me
Just when I might have seen the light of day
I crossed my eyes 'til they stayed that way
I keep my distance
As best I can
Living out my time here in Never Never land
I can't grow up
'cause I'm too old now
I guess I really did it this time mom
The boogie man came calling
I said I wasn't home
He didn't believe me
He wasn't alone
He had my number
He got my goat
He bought my ticket
He paid off my note
And he left in a hurry
Said he couldn't stay
I guess he had his reasons
I'm not the one to say
Lets go chase tornadoes
Just me and you
You don't often catch 'em
But man when you do
Just take my catch rope
And crawl out on the wing
We won't come down 'till we own that thing
Then we'll sit out on the front porch
Quiet as a mouse
One last time before they close on the house
Peter Pan by James McMurtry
Have a good V-day hearted ones.
Dear Viz - I told you many longtimes ago when you first talked about going to India - I told you that India is a shitheap (nice fabric though) NO WAIT, it may be that all the fabric now is GMO - death to those that have wrought this - GMO fabric has a charge on it like polyester - it goes snap when you take it out of the dryer - AND the cows that eat the leftovers from the cotton plant DIE!
I was messed with by a relative of the sitar player who played sitar himself and made records - when he left, he left a beautiful sitar with brand new strings - he said i was his first and showed me his thread (meaning he was a Brahmin or some such crap) - we traded it for a red electric guitar
you da best, Viz - luckily you have a home to go to where there are nice Adamic people and perhaps less GMO food - God loves you and so do we
i dont think words make one vain ... i think those that subjugate, overtax, and deceive others into conflicts are vain ... these are the same people that are overtly "humble", always self deprecating to deceive you ... i know very well whats in the soup at the dale carnegie school of manipulation
our understanding of vanity and humility is brainwashed backward ... open confidence is humility, it is the natural male instinct ... arrogance is being offended by another man's confidence ... as if who is someone to be confident, only i should be
those that share the truth are humble ... they think you are worth to know the truth ... those that deceive, are vain ... they dont think you deserve to know the truth - they are putting themselves above you
what if someone walked around telling everyone he was the son of god ... does that mean all his actions are evil? ... does that mean all his words are false? ... should we nail such a person to the cross for being vain?
truly, some souls just dont want to learn
vis ,is it just another day or so much more? -stay centered -hope to hear from ya -catch these lyrics
Songwriters: Robbie Robertson
Yeah, I can see it now
The distant red neon shivered in the heat
I was feeling like a stranger in a strange land
You know where people play games with the night
God, it was too hot to sleep
I followed the sound of a jukebox coming from a levee
All of a sudden I could hear somebody whistling from right behind me
I turned around and she said
"Why do you always end up down at Nick's Cafe?"
I said, "I don't know, the wind just kind of pushed me this way"
She said, "Hang the rich"
Catch the blue train
To places never been before
Look for me
Somewhere down the crazy river
(Somewhere down the crazy river)
Catch the blue train
All the way to Kokomo
You can find me
Somewhere down the crazy river
(Somewhere down the crazy river)
Take a picture of this
The fields are empty, abandoned '59 Chevy
Laying in the back seat listening to Little Willie John
Yeah, that's when time stood still
You know, I think I'm gonna go down to Madam X
And let her read my mind
She said, "That voodoo stuff don't do nothing for me"
I'm a man with a clear destination
I'm a man with a broad imagination
You fog the mind, you stir the soul
I can't find, no control
Catch the blue train
To places never been before
Look for me
Somewhere down the crazy river
(Somewhere down the crazy river)
Catch the blue train
All the way to Kokomo
You can find me
Somewhere down the crazy river
(Somewhere down the crazy river)
Wait, did you hear that
Oh, this is sure stirring up some ghosts for me
She said, "There's one thing you've got to learn
Is not to be afraid of it"
I said, "No, I like it, I like it, it's good"
She said, "You like it now
But you'll learn to love is later"
I been spellbound falling in trances
I been spellbound falling in trances
You give me shivers, chills and fever
You give me shivers
You give me shivers
I been spellbound, I been spellbound
I been spellbound somewhere down the crazy river
Somewhere down the crazy river
stay strong
live long
Les Visible,
Sorry to triple post, but this is the truth of the text...
Praise belongs to Allah, before whose Oneness there is no before, unless the before is I Am, and after whose singleness there is no after, unless the after is I Am. I Am, and there is not with I Am any before or after, above or below, closeness or distance, how or where or when, time or moment or duration, manifested existence or place. And I Am is now as I Am has always been. I Am is the One without One-ness and the single without singleness. I Am is not composed of name and named, for I Am name is I Am and I Am named I Am and there is no name or named other than I Am. I Am is the first without firstness and the last without lastness. I Am is the apparent without appearance and the hidden without hiddenness. I mean that I Am is the very existence of the letters of the names the first and the last, the hidden and the apparent. There is no first or last, apparent or hidden except I Am, without the letters which form these divine names becoming I Am or I Am becoming these letters.
Understand this so as not to make the mistake of those who believe in incarnation. I Am is not in anything and no thing is in I Am, whether entering into I Am or coming out of I Am. It is in this way that You should know I Am and not through theoretical knowledge, reason, understanding or conjecture, nor with the senses, the external eye or interior sight or perception. No one sees I Am except I Am Self, no one reaches I Am except I Am Self and no one knows I Am except I Am Self. I know I Am Self through Me and I see I Am by means of My Self. No one but My Self sees I Am. My veil is I Am One-ness since nothing veils I Am other than I Am. I Am own Being veils I Am. I Am Being is concealed by I Am One-ness without any condition.
No one other than I sees I Am. No sent prophets, perfect saint or angel brought close knows I Am. I Am the prophet that is I Am the messenger of the I Am, which is I Am, I Am the message which is the I Am and the word is I Am. I sent I Myself from I Am, through I Am, to I Am. There is no intermediary or means other than I Am. There is no difference between the sender, that which is sent and the one to whom it is sent. The very existence of the message of the Prophets is I Am existence. There is no existence to any other who could pass away, or have a name or be named.
I Am manifests Myself in I Am Oneness and hides Myself in I Am singularity. I Am is the first in My essence and I Am Self-subsistence and the last in I Am everlastingness. I Am is the very being of the name the first and the name the last, of the name the apparent and the name the hidden. I Am is I Am My own name and what is named. Just as I Am existence is necessary, the nonexistence of what is other than I Am is necessary. What You think is other than I Am is not other than Me. I Am free from there being any other than Me. Indeed, other than Me is I Am without any otherness, whether this is with I Am or in Me, inwardly or outwardly.
Know that I Am is never in anything, nor is anything in Me. I Am neither inside nor outside of anything. None can see Me, whether with the eyes of the head or with the inner eye; nor can any conceive I Am with senses, knowledge, mind, intelligence or imagination. Only I Am can see My Self; only I can conceive My Self. None can know I Am; only I can know I Am. I see I Am by My Self; I conceive I Am by My Self; I know I Am by My Self. None other than My Self can see I Am. None other than Me can know My Self. That which hides My Self is I Am oneness. None but My Self can hide Me. The veil that hides I Am is My own being.
Second half...
I Am is not within You; nor are You in I Am. I Am does not exclude You, nor are You excluded from I Am. When You are addressed as You, do not think that You exist, with an essence and qualities and attributes; for You never existed, nor do exist, nor ever will exist. You have not entered into I Am, nor I Am into You. Without being, Your essence is with I Am and in Me. Without having any identity, You are I Am and I Am You. If You know Your-Self as nothing, then You truly know Your I Am, otherwise, You truly know I Am not.
You cannot know Your Self by making Your Self nothing. Many a wise man claims that in order to know One's Self, One must denude One’s Self of the signs of One's existence, efface One's identity, finally rid One’s Self of One's Self. This is a mistake. How could a thing that does not exist try to get rid of its existence?
If You think that to know Allah depends on You ridding I Am of Your Self, then You are guilty of attributing partners to Your Self, the only unforgivable sin; because You are claiming that there is another existence besides Your Self, the all-existent; that there is a You and the I Am.
You presume others to be other than Allah. There is nothing other than I Am, but You do not know this. While You are looking at Allah You do not recognize Your Self. When the secret opens to You, You will know that You are none other than Allah. Then You will also know that You are the One whom was wished, and that You are forever and will not disappear with time, for there is no passing of time. Your attributes are Your own. Without doubt, Your appearance is the appearance of Allah.
Therefore, do not think anymore that You need to become nothing; that You need to annihilate Your Self in Allah. If You thought so, then You would be a veil of Allah, while a veil over Allah is other than Allah. How could You be a veil that hides Allah? What hides I Am is I Am being One alone.
The condition for Self-knowledge is to know that if You had a being of Your own, independent of other being, then You would neither have need to annihilate Yourself in Allah nor to know Yourself. You would have been, as Yourself, a God, self-existent; while it is Allah Most High that is free from the existence of any other God but Allah.
And when You come to know Yourself, You will be sure that You neither exist, nor do not exist, whether now, or before, or in the future. This is the meaning of "la ilaha il all-ah", There is no God but Allah, there is no being but I Am, nor any other except I Am, and I Am is the only One.
Know that this existence is neither You, nor other than You. You do not exist; yet You are also not a nonexistence. Your existence is not someone else; nor does Your nonexistence make You someone else. Without being and without not-being, Your existence and Your nonexistence is Allah's being. Your existence and Your nonexistence is Allah's being.
I know I'm in trouble when I start watching "Pure Country" over and over (probably have seen it 20 times in the last 2 days). The good news is I got my airline ticket. The better news is I will be in a place where, top to bottom, I am liked but... when I watch this movie over and over, I know I'm in trouble. God has told me so many times that this movie is about my life. If you haven't seen it and get to, listen to the dialogue; not my life as it was but my life, had I not gone looking for my creator.
My rickshaw driver gave me this string to wear around my wrist last night. It was loose when he put it on, now it is cutting of my circulation.
Yesterday, my credit card, jumped out of it's plastic folder and appeared on the floor outside my door. My landlord's brother gave it to me; same man making my plane arrangements. I don't touch my credit card lately, don't go near it and wasn't wearing my passport belt anyway.
I have a prosthetic tooth device and couldn't find it. Gopal and I looked everywhere. Then it suddenly appeared... and don't blame Gopal... I was watching him.
This has happened a dozen times... now Indians are showing up at my door saying I am God and I am being warned to lock my door at night. It is loco. I'll be gone soon.
Crowd: Show us the Messiah! The Messiah! The Messiah! Show us the Messiah!
Gopal: Now, you listen here! He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy! Now, go away!
Crowd: Who are you?!
Gopal: I'm his brother. That's who.
Crowd: Behold His brother! Behold His brther! Hail to thee, brother of Visible! Blessed art thou, Hosanna! All praise to thee, now and always!
Gopal: Well-- Now, don't think you can get around me like that. He's not coming out, and that's my final word. Now, shove off!
Crowd: No!
Gopal: Did you hear what I said?
Crowd: Yes!
Gopal: Oh, I see. It-- it's like that, is it?
Crowd: Yes!
Gopal: Ohh. Oh, all right, then. You can see him for one minute, but not one second more. Do you understand?
Crowd: Yes.
Gopal: Promise?
Crowd: Well, all right.
Gopal: All right. Here he is, then. Come on, Visible. Come and talk to them.
Visible: But, Gopal... I don't really want to...
Crowd: Visible! Visible! Visible!...
Visible: Good morning.
Crowd: A blessing! A blessing! A blessing!...
Visible: No. No, please! Please! Please listen. I've got one or two things to say.
Crowd: Tell us. Tell us both of them!
Visible: Look. You've got it all wrong. You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves.You're all individuals!
Crowd: Yes, we're all individuals!
Visible: You're all different!
Crowd: Yes, we are all different!
Captain Turncoat: I'm not.
Amarynth:: Shhhh.
Crowd: Shh. Shhhh. Shhh.
Visible: You've all got to work it out for yourselves!
Crowd: Yes! We've got to work it out for ourselves!
Visible: Exactly!
Crowd: Tell us more!
Visible: No! That's the point! Don't let anyone tell you what to do! Otherwise-- Ow! No!
Gopal: Come on, Visible. That's enough. That's enough.
Crowd: Oooooh. That wasn't a minute!
Gopal: Oh, yes, it was.
Crowd: Oh, no, it wasn't!
Gopal: Now, stop that, and go away!
(Contd. for the next 2000 years)
ChewyBees, February 15, 2013 7:31:00 AM :
Very Good! That is of course the truth of it. (It was only implied in my response.) I was responding to the in-your-face maleness with it's 'counterforce' - as much to insert a pea under the mattress as to declare a truth. (I liked your use of 'One's Self' [and I noted the capital S] in places where the original was 'Lord' and I tongue-in-cheek substituted 'Lady'.) More teaching and learning... (grin)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
WV: zedhei !
Self emergent is not self creation, only maybe just trying to be some mote in God Eye trying to make a deal that is no deal. Asteroid and comet repulsion would be pleasing to The Lord, better than saving yourself for some repeat, there are way too many to die in this damn War, it it trying to be always like this, personally, I think the airwaves that are special go the way of any broadcast substance, I think.
pierre said..
i watched the Bill Hicks Story last night, plenty there that seems to parallel the Vis life story.
'cept for the die at 35 and become even more famous bit.
and watching Star Wars reruns again, watching out for the propaganda and barely seeing the Jungian insertions they mention (lots of circles and penis like toys) but i am sure that Darth Vader represents an uncircumcised penis, by the look of the head gear. Oh the pain, oh the pain!
I almost wet myself over the "Life of Visible" sketch ...
Thanks Bro ;)
*orders the same as @Narwal*
"yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy and I feel like lovin' you, Love is such a sweet thing good enought to eat thing and I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.."
could't resist
Okay Les, you are god...whatever...and it's all about you...with trepidation, Karen
"Seems kind of weird that I'm in my thirtees now and still need parental control switched on on the TV.
Porn addiction? No.
Disturbing RSPCA commercials? Usually but not this time.
Footage of eightiees pop band Talk Talk? YES.
Something surreal very recently happened to me. Bear in mind I've been on a rocketing 1250mg of lithium daily. All my senses have been heightened - I've been hearing stuff in the house I'd never heard before like air cons, distant trains, next door but one's favourite method of pleasuring himself - and my vision has been so blurry I haven't been able to work, words on screens manifest then disappear, think doing ketamin on a trampoline.
I became hooked on certain visual stimuli like my life depended on it and there happened to be some footage of Mark Hollis from Talk Talk on Sky Arts and I got sucked into him, like a drowning sensation through into his veins, and I actually, sort of, though very convinced, thought I was him, Mark Hollis, and this went on for nearly two days. I was obsessed, talked of/played/thought about no-one else.
My partner Nail made the mistake of teling me that his band, Bent, had contacted Hollis re doing some vocals and had a response (a letter) somewhere when just fed my obsession than satisfied it "I need that letter!!" I screamed.
So Nail marched me to my GP who told me I was having a reaction to the lithium (or the dose of) so I've reduced down to 750mg via 1000mg where I'm still in range (lithium blood count) so am at a theraputic dose to prevent episodes.
So a little red (manic), a little blue, (blue) but I have no plans for a come back tour."
God looks through our eyes; Katherine Dawson, Altanta writes:
"One morning I was up on the roof-terrace, looking over the landscape. I must have become absorbed in looking at it, because I fell into a meditative state. I suddenly became aware that a presence other than what I usually think of as myself was looking through my eyes. This presence was an infinite, dispassionate awareness that was simply seeing without judging or analyzing what it saw. It was so compelling that my attention was almost forcibly drawn to it, and as I focused on it I became aware that this presence was also hearing through my ears and, in fact, was functioning through all my senses. My entire body was pervaded with this presence, this consciousness; it was the very essence of my life. I allowed myself to be drawn more and more into the experience, and I lost myself in it. I experienced this consciousness as being absolutely changeless, eternal and infinite. It was perfection and complete in itself.
The state accompanying this experience was entirely free of anxiety, need and expectation. The feeling of satisfaction and completeness which filled me is indescribable. I don’t know how long I stayed in this state, but gradually I began to regain awareness of the world around me. I was looking out at a small hill in the distance, and I could see that on the hill were trees and small bushes. I realized that, if no one had ever told me that the tree was different from the hill and that the bush was different from both of them, it would never have occurred to me to separate them. I would have considered them all to be parts of the same thing, a unified whole. It occurred to me that names and forms are the creators of differences and that by giving names to certain forms, we ourselves create the many out of the one. I perceived that this dispassionate, eternal consciousness was functioning through the bodies of every living creature and that, in fact, the entire world was its body. It was seeing itself through every eye, and hearing its own sounds through every ear, and knowing itself in its absolute nature through the experience I was having. I understood that all perception of difference is simply the mind’s creation”.
Ahahahahaha, Sim, Erik, that was great!
Why did the bear have sex in the arctic, and in the antarctic? Because he was bipolar...
where are you Vis?
Missing you.
Dealing with stuff myself. "A man's gotta know his limitations", Dirty Harry. At times like this I start thinking about all those films, like Cliffhanger for example. Sometimes when it comes down to it it can be just pure raw survival. It's ass, and leaves a bad taste in the mouth. But that's why we make all these films and write all these books about people who have got through such things. On the most part people are genuinely awed and inspired by that kind of survival because they know how difficult it can be. Surviving is not easy !
Hi Les and the rest of you; I've been reading this blog on and off for years. I'm an agnostic re spirits and karma, so most of you would probably consider me an outsider here, but I'd still like to publicise my new theory of paranoid schizophrenia here if Les allows me to. It might be of interest to some of you. Its implications are quite wide. (My handle links to my blog where you can read the theory. You are welcome to criticise it there if you wish.)
I've not really been able to follow what's been going on- I hope you bounce back Vis and am sure you will -safe journey.
God bless
I don't know what's going on here, have been out of the loop for awhile, but @ Sim: that was inspired!
Vis: have emailed you personally.
"This too shall pass. It always does."
I've had no word from Vis for maybe a week; hoping though, that someone else, anyone else here has?
I'm still worried about and for him. A Prayer for Vis will always be a prayer well spent.
In any event, I've gone ahead, without Vis asking me to, and published the outstanding comments from the last 4 days or so.
Erik, Nina, Gypsy, thanks :-)
Healing the heart takes a good long time. It cannot be done on anyone's schedule but only on one's own. Les has all the tools he needs to come through this and he knows he is so deeply loved, not just by his readers but by God. His pain is holy, as are his tears. He will rise in the struggle, cleaner and stronger. Love is never idle, even when it appears dead. I so believe in Les, and I so believe in us.
Hey Les Visible, always would be fond of a Greatest Of Les Visible Blog. I know you are in your thing, as you have always been. Just thinking, and projecting, and hopefully accepting....
I noticed vis logged in on facebook a while ago-might have been a week but I don't remember. Hoping it was a sign he had posted a new one but not the case.
Very scrambling energies right now-to me-might be the solar flare of 2/17, of which I am very sensitized to or it might be the 'make it or break it' energies of the now that are really all encompassing-to me-so might be to him too.
I have never had so many people come to me and tell them what has happened to them via the 'man', so many who have 'lost everything they have'. I've heard that phrase so much lately. And every single one of them a pure heart...though that doesn't make 'losing everything you had' any easier on your life.
Seems like the 'pure hearts' have been specifically targeted. To 'lose everything they've had' though in all cases 'everything they had' was STOLEN not lost.
totally lawless right now so that can be a finer conduit with the All mighty spirit in charge of the flows of currents and energies.
I thought for some reason Vis was on his way back home. That's what I'm picking up with him so I hope him a restful peaceful time and to check in with us asap.
the gardener
PS-Saturn just went retrograde at 11 Scorpio... gives all of us water signs a big dose of heavy. Sextiling Pluto at 10 Capricorn for all you Earth endowed people.
For all you Fire people Uranus at 6 Aries is lighting your fires within.
Mercury going retrograde sometime soon :Q lol
some wild wild times are manifesting right now-lots of energies above and below to tap into and give strength to those worn out in all the ways.
Is Vis alive? What comments did you publish sim? There has been little to no activity here since the 15th?
Hi Tony - I'm working mad hours and one day runs into another but my best guess is that Vis himself last published comments on 15th February. Maybe it was the 14th or the 16th.
Regardless of that, there's been little in the way of comments submitted over the last 4 or 5 days. Not sure, but I'm thinking that the lack of comments is partly a reflection of the concern that many people are feeling for Vis.
Best information I have is that Visible left India in the last day or so; I think I know where he's going (and I hope he's going where I think he is). Anyway, I'll leave it to Vis to announce in his own time and on his own terms where he is; and hoping that when he does do that, that he can tell me where I am too, 'cos I'm a nowhereman whose all over the place lately...
okay people, I'm back home. You'll hear all about it tomorrow. What a trip!!!!
Glad you're home safe.
Peace and love
and there you have it...
les visible is once again mo' visible... alleluia!
sure hope you take your time coming up for air, vis... we're all just floatin' along here at the top of the deluge flood waters wonderin' wtf is going on...
eager eyes & ears here, ya know..
TGIstill a great place to care & share even when you're gone (if'n ya know whadImean?)
It is quite a tale. Let me chill and integrate a bit and I'll tell it; warts and all.
Much, much love to you, dear readers and friends
I am so glad to hear you're okay, Vis. Can't wait to hear about your experiences.
pierre said.. whatever the homecoming version of bon voyage is.
(and parenthetically, finishing off Nesta Webster's French revolution and Secret societies.... so many parallels and pattern recognition of what these people do. their secret meetings, their cowardice and deceits, the bullshit of history as written by them and their minions, and their corrupting of the decency of the common man - the conspirators main problem was the stalling of the bloodshed as even the inducted dregs of society running amok gave up in peace. hence the need (I add) later for Cheka style hit squads and tainted liquor - it's all there - just not so much mentioning so much the 'J' word, though this is an old book on an old meme.)
You're back! Joy!
Mas And Mas Visible
Glad to know you are back !!!!
All this work as Shiva's Dogs gets tiring after a while, time to charge up and get the nose wet.
Be well
Hallelujah and pass the hat! : ) Welcome back Visible - was a bit worried for your safety and think now I'll sleep well tonight.
So glad that you are home. I have no idea what all this was about but, I've been worried about you. I have no idea what you are all about but I like your blogs and I feel warmth towards you...
I hope that you are well and snug at home.
Glad to 'see' you Vis.
Visible when we got the message that you were home I felt a weight lifted that I didn't even know I had. Talk about the power of consciousness.
Blessings and love to you Visible and posters. Can't wait to hear the story.
Love ya Peaches
Love you Vis.
So happy you are safe and home!
I was worried about you...
liz in nc.
Sorry about no posts for a few days. There has been a lot of personal business for me to take care of. See you in a couple of days at Petri Dish
Good to hear that you are back home Visible!
Now that your home...let me end you some wonderful honey! Your waking up many in the Houston area. My truck is a rolling Vis billboard- 911- wake-up machine. Ha Ha. So glad your safe- the bees are protecting you wherever you go- your one of the "good guys" and they know it! - Jen
Glad you are back home, Vis, and I know you will use your India experience for good. I deplore those who cause you pain but if I've learned anything after all these years of reading your blogs it is that you always land on your feet. I try not to worry. Having read your comments about Amarynth I realize the $50 cash I sent (the Mexico trip) no doubt went POOF!
If you google the above you will see that a group of brilliant young lawyers have filed for foreclosure on these entities using UCC.This has been done to protect the body of people who are the creator.
Luv Kazz
Nothing goes poof quite like that and all generosity extended is returned ten fold or more. This is an unchanging law of the universe.
Kazz, I hope 'you're' right (grin)
Hi Vis, just testing if my 'avatar' thingo turns up when I post. Could you be so kind?
I hope Kazz is right, but she wont be.
A documentary about a man who impersonates a wise Indian Guru and builds a following in Arizona. At the height of his popularity, the Guru Kumaré must reveal his true identity to his disciples and unveil his greatest teaching of all.
a new Petri Dish is up-
The Pink Panther meets the Pink Elephants
A new Visible Origami-
From India to Frankfart and Home.
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