Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
In memoriam; Neil Rogers, a wonderful poet and a beautiful human being, who got called to “that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns”- unchanged. We'll see Neil again, we just don't know when. Godspeed my brother. Someday we will 'dance on the mountain tops in the morning of the world' ...for joy.
By now, anyone who wants to know, knows that Obama is a Banker's Tool. A lot of people don't want to know. That's human nature but... inexplicable to me. The human attention span has been under manipulation for some time. During the same period, objective reasoning and clinical awareness of circumstance have been derailed, or spun through the roundhouse and put on a side-rail. Apropos of that, the American public cannot make the connection as to why 'Argos' won the Academy Awards,the same way that Hurt Locker beat out the much more deserving “Avatar”. Ben Affleck admits to an admiration for the CIA. That makes him a bipedal swine. That's like saying you admire Satan, you like his work and what he does. Ben Affleck needs to be waterboarded. His time will come. It comes for all of us but... in so many different and diverse ways. I would not want to be Ben Affleck, or anyone like him.
To paraphrase a friend recently, “Visible, I can't understand why your songs didn't go large”. Look at the world we live in and who 'appears' to run it, for the moment. There's time for everything and the shows not over yet. There's a good amount of movie yet to run. At the moment, things like this are going on. The guilt of these psychopaths was clear and evident. Then a collective of Satanists and dupes stepped in. For the moment, evil is running rampant and impervious to limits and controls. However, everything is under control, for the purpose of demonstration and we shall see the truth of that as we go, apace. For the moment, the worst among us flourish like kudzu. The extreme degree of separation between the haves and wish they hads is seriously impressive. There are also many strange and beautiful wonders around us that too few of us see or comprehend the origin of. The absurdity goes on and on.
Nero is playing the fiddle. I can hear it loud and clear. For some reason, most of the public has a particular form of wax in their ears. My take is that this is intentional and also set up for the purpose of demonstration. Many people are wondering why nothing we have expected to happen, in different ways, has happened yet; why 2012 didn't set off any kind of cosmic fireworks. I can explain that and it makes perfect sense. The clock is wrong. Over the long course of time the synchronicity went out of sync. Time is not constant. It is not consistent. It fluctuates in the speed of its passage. One might well say at this point, “but I thought time was speeding up”. It certainly seems so but... there is more to the equation than that and I will leave it to the inquisitive mind to consider other possibilities. Regardless of your approach, methodology and conclusions... the cosmic clock is not synchronous with the dates and assumed timelines.
Keeping what just got said in mind, we can presume that the same thing applies to basic presumptions in the human mind, about what is real and what is not. It begs the statements, “things are not what they seem” and “appearances are deceiving”. We have all heard these statements many times before. Some of us are very bright, especially the sort of people who come around here but... there is a critical difference between the intellectual apprehension of something and the visceral apprehension of something. It makes all the difference between getting something and glossing over it, as if you got it, but didn't get it because... if you got it, it would radically alter your life, in all kinds of ways and if it is not doing so, then you haven't gotten it. Upon hearing this, the mind says, “sure, I got it”. That's the mind for you. This is why the mantra, “I don't know” is such an important device.
In times of materialism, a certain thing happens to the collective human sexual force. It is sucked out of people, via various forms of external stimulation. This force is the essential power in all magic; good and bad. This force can move in only two directions, up and in and down and out and you WILL eventually be 'down and out' if you opt for the latter.. This force does not move sideways. Always in times of increasingly materialism, the sexual force goes through more and more intense forms of perversion and the perversions get legitimized ...because those who interpret the meaning of human sexuality are on a payroll, or are themselves already perverted ...and looking to sell their particular brand of strange, in order to increase the numbers and no longer be strange.
Certain groups of demented materialists, are daily engaged in proliferating certain forms of behavior, because they lead to the breakdown of civilization and an orderly and fair society. Fair does not mean that which political correctness intends ...because all of us are not equal in ability, intelligence or a natural disposition for the sort of industry that guarantees success. When I say fair, I mean that the opportunity is there for everyone to achieve that which they are capable of. Political correctness is being pushed by the Zio-Satanic consortium, for the purpose of re-instituting communism ...because it not only negates the spirituality that keeps such excesses in check ...but it reduces the population to the status of worker drones, with an all seeing overlord government ...that is not restrained by any dynamic of checks and balances. As can be seen by what the Zionists did in the Soviet Union, it is possible to murder, imprison and enslave tens of millions of people with impunity. That is the intent of the moment.
One could say that the general population pretty much deserves this. If “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”, then ingrained stupidity and indifference is the highway to tyranny. You become a slave when you cease to be your own master. When your appetites grow larger than your reasoning ability and, as a result, swallow all of the greater virtues of the heart, you're in deep shit. People don't usually know they are in deep shit, or headed for deep shit, until it gets up around their necks. This is why people often don't recognize things, until it is too late, or close enough for rock and roll.
Similar things have been said around here for a long time The same people have been coming around here for a long time. Effective limits, for the moment, have been placed upon these blogs. Many people cannot access them from work. In some places you can't access them at all. Often a message will appear, saying these are dangerous sites and may harm your computer. Very often comments don't go through, or it is made very difficult to get past the word verification process. Readers have been told about a zillion times to email me their comments when they have a problem ...but for some reason this does not make it thru to the cognitive area of the mind and there's not much I can do about that, except listen to the same complaints over and over.
I recently found out that the explanation for occasional bizarre behavior on my part was coming about, due to telepathic invasion, that was geared for specific times and events. As often as I have pointed this out to others, I failed to consider that it might be happening to me. I have had to take a long, hard look at my own situation. A great many things are clear to me now that were unknown to me before. I was also told that steps had been taken to keep me from becoming aware of what was happening but... through serendipitous event, I was permitted to discover this. I can't tell you what a difference it has made in my life since I found this out and I have the information and means to protect myself from future occurrences. I feel like standing up and yelling “hallelujah” but I will restrain myself for the moment (grin). As is always the case, my life very often mirrors that of the reader and is also an example of a particular, resonant similarity, which is why things are routinely said that reflect the present mind status of those who come here. We should probably all check ourselves more regularly than we do. I know that will certainly be the case with me from now on.
End Transmission.......
'You Remind Them of Me' is track no. 6 of 13 on Visible's 2007 album
'The Sacred and The Profane'

Good to hear your words flowing again V. Ive been noicing for a while the creeping vine constriction of blogs such as yours and the excellent Truthseeker site for some time - my O2 3G dongle connection flat out bars such access - unless you submit your ID details - I very much think we that the totalitarian shit is up around the neck area already - and if we cant smell at such proximity - we aint got much of a hope for the cullings to come next!
Morning Les,
I am glad to see you are back and off and running !! Happy tuesday. I have missed your observations or the down time in between I should say. Take care and Godspeed.
from rainy
asheville nc
Upon hearing this, the mind says, “sure, I got it”. That's the mind for you.
come to care come to mind
come to share come to find
too often we hear..
I don't care
je deteste - fake, faux, pretend, false, ....LIES [LIARS & MURDERERS]
I support the Iranian After School ice cream program...
and not the zionist GLOBAL crime syndicate....."NARRATIVE"
no need to haggle over bread crumbs
"One could say that the general population pretty much deserves this. If “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”, then ingrained stupidity and indifference is the highway to tyranny. You become a slave when you cease to be your own master. When your appetites grow larger than your reasoning ability and, as a result, swallow all of the greater virtues of the heart, you're in deep shit. People don't usually know they are in deep shit, or headed for deep shit, until it gets up around their necks. This is why people often don't recognize things, until it is too late, or close enough for rock and roll."
Yup. Thanks for continuing to pound this into everyone's head. Needs to be put on speakers and blared from every Clearchannel station.
Hey Les, glad you made it back from India. Pertaining to the clock being out of synch, I ran across this a week or two ago, and if you scroll 3/4th of the way down, to where he is talking about New Zealand, you will see some statements about moving New Years by 94 days. That would mean the Apocalypse (prophetic disclosure or revelation) would be on the 13th of March, 2013. I have no way to verify this info but I think this might be the reason I was moved to read this long and tedious article (I try not to pay that much attention to the psychopaths, besides knowing what they are and what they do).
About the same time as you went on your journey, my wife and I were 'motivated' to move from WA back home to CO, by a strong feeling that we had to be there to take care of my mother-in-law. But my wife and I both have the feeling that we were 'encouraged' to do this to get us away from the coast. People on the coasts may be in danger, but then aren't we all.
Hi Visible,
Thanks for stringing together a few posts... It is fun having you back.
"Do not think it matters whether a Yid is now clowning as a Communist, Capitalist, Conservative, Anti-Communist, Nationalist, Evangelist, or in whatever other guise suits his immediate purposes. His fixed purpose never varies."
--Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, "Europe's Future"
You know, it's possible that there isn't going to be an apocalypse. Likewise, it's also possible that there could be a faux apocalypse. The apocalypse drum has been beaten, extolled and promulgated by the mainstream media for a long time. And the MSM does but one thing, consistently - it lies. So...what if the whole thing was a red herring? What if it provided COVER for something entirely different. Like mass slaughter; holographic images of your favorite religious deity, beamed into the sky; earthquakes, floods and natural disasters (courtesy of your local HAARP-sichoridist). Wow. Wouldn't that be a fuckin' kick in the ass?
Can you please expound on the date of March 13th 2013.
Also, can you speak a little more about time being off and how it is speeding up. Have you heard reports that HAARP is being used to speed time? Why would they do that?
Sorry for all the questions, just things that have been circling the brain cavity for years now.
Thanks for your good works.
The apocalypse comes out of the Bible and there are comparative time periods in each of the other religions so... the media hyping it, though possibly true (although I have seen little sign of that at all- maybe I'm just missing it) does not negate the ancient references to it.
Heh heh... HAARP speeding up time. Where did you get that from? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that is lunacy. I can't say more than to say that time is not a constant at all times and everywhere. It fluctuates. For certain special souls it doesn't even exist. For some it is a great weight. Time has a lot of similarities to gravity.
There's a lot of crazy shit being espoused by the alternative media; Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcox and others say all kinds of outrageous things. The truth has a ring to it. You know it when you hear it, provided you are open to it. It resonates with the truth within you. It's unmistakeable.
My position is to not spend much time at all thinking about 99% of the things that go on in this world. I keep my head empty except for conversing with my invisible friends. Actually that is why I keep it empty because conversation becomes impossible if your head is filled with everything else. Only when I am about to write a post do I roam around and key in to what catches my eye except for 15 minutes in the morning and night when I check in on things. Once I'm done, I cut it all loose and my head goes back to empty again.
I've been doing this for so long that it just happens automatically, it's second nature now. For me, it provides a freedom that nothing else brings.
Time is a funny thing - - what the Kalachakra is all about.
Note how close it is to the heart, making it sooo important
to gain mastery of yourself and let the heart shine through.
The heart is the most electro-magnetically and spiritually potent part of humanity. Manipulations of heart energy by
the controllers or by those awakening may be why time
seems to be playing out unevenly right now.
Keep your antennae and your shields up, Les.
Your in memoriam for Neil is lovely, Vis. I remembered that he was part of your birthday surprise last year so I had another listen and a few more tears. I know Neil would have protested if anyone would venture to say he was special but he was.
Today I opened all of your links and there were only two I hadn't been to already (the PUFF HO pieces -- that site often freezes my computer). I have been intrigued by Coral Castle for years and regret that I will never visit it. However, I have been to Bishop Castle in Colorado and although it isn't a mystery, it is still a wonder. It is being built with brute force and ingenuity -- lots of blood, sweat and tears. (BTW, his wife used to make great pies -- don't know if she still does that now.)
Thanks for figuring out the clock problem. That's something I had been wondering about.
Sorry to hear about the loss of a great poet, Les. I was just thinking those same lines about "The Undiscovered Country". yesterday.
You're mentioning of materialism is quite true. I was remembering all the times my brother scammed me out of guitars, amps, money,and women. I don't have those things anymore. But what would I do with them or store them at? What I don't understand is that he, gets a full pass and pardon from others in my family, as other siblings do too.
I feel like the biblical Joseph that got thrown in a well and forgotten.
(i posted this in response to an article on zengardner's site, it seems project blue beam conditioning has begun at the half truther sites)
it wasnt "reptilians", "khazarians", "vaticans", nor "little green men from mars" that held a gun to my families' heads while their grain was taken away and many starved to death (famine of ukraine) ... it was the jews, stupid
it wasnt "reptilians", "khazarians", "vaticans", nor "little green men from mars" that slaughtered people in katyn, the russian gulags, dresden, and many other real holocausts of europe ... it was the jews, stupid
it isnt "reptilians", "khazarians", "vaticans", nor "little green men from mars" that spend trillions of dollars a year on lies and propaganda to hide the truth ... its the jews, stupid
it isnt "reptilians", "khazarians", "vaticans", nor "little green men from mars" that jail people for researching the holocaust ... its the jews, stupid
it isnt "reptilians", "khazarians", "vaticans", nor "little green men from mars" that did 911 to troll americans to go slaughter the remaining parts of the world that opposed world jewry ... its the jews, stupid
i used to think this site omitted the words zionist jews because it wanted to bypass the brainwashing so many people have - people's minds have been programmed to shut down when they hear the word jew ... i now see this site's true colors ... i now see david icke's real purpose ... how much is project blue beam paying y'all
pierre said...
"Some of us are very bright, especially the sort of people who come around here but... there is a critical difference between the intellectual apprehension of something and the visceral apprehension of something. It makes all the difference between getting something and glossing over it, as if you got it, but didn't get it because.."
that's so true Les (grin). ("right you are Mr Kotter"?)
(I am sorry to hear about Neil's passing. Condolences to friends and family...)
Vis, happy to have you back and in good form!
Vis: "I recently found out that the explanation for occasional bizarre behavior on my part was coming about, due to telepathic invasion... I was also told that steps had been taken to keep me from becoming aware of what was happening..."
This is an area that I had to become 'proficient' in, as I started to become awake. It seems that every effort is made to 'shut down' early awakeners before they can become experienced in this 'realm'. Some interferences are in-your-face, and some are very subtle.
Once one has accepted that interference can take place, the world is both less secure and more safe. Forewarned is forearmed. (It may be all illusion, but some illusions can really mess with you. [grin])
For me, several things have helped on the 'early warning' front. I have become very aware of my body's natural energies and general 'felt state'. Similarly, my emotional mood and view towards life. If something 'shifts' with no obvious outside cause, I pay attention. Sometimes, it isn't 'me'...
Practical steps that work for me: Once I am aware of a possible 'attack', I pull myself into a meditative-type state and start a mantra that affirms my connection to all-God and connections to the different states of awareness (think of the different chakra levels, as an example). I can actually 'feel' as this connection comes 'online'. From this state, intrusions usually are very evident as 'not me'. The body itself is also helpful in pointing out aches, tensions, or pains that just 'appeared'.
From here, I take one of two 'paths'. If all I want to do is 'push back', simple intent to High Self (and/or allies) is usually enough to stop the input. Some sort of a 'tussle' is felt, and the pain, disorientation, etc., goes away. If I want to stop the individual(s) from doing it again or to others, deeper 'work' is involved. Basically, it involves removing the entity's pain load and letting it know what has been done 'to it' in the past. This takes much, much longer...
I cannot overemphasize how helpful it is to have a variety of 'friends' of different outlooks and consciousness states. What one may miss, another may find obvious. It is also 'fun' when you are under attack by, say, a group of nine entities to have a group of varied friends of two or three times that number 'show up' to do what is necessary.
Humility also develops. I have been 'infiltrated' more times than I care to think of. I can only sigh when I discover it, and take what steps I can to remember to observe in a particular new 'way'.
The good news in all of this is that the real baddies - the ones that could truly overwhelm you - are mostly out of action or 'turned' to help humanity. Most of the nasties that I mentioned earlier can influence or obstruct, but not overwhelm.
As always, proceed cautiously and build up experience slowly. There are good folks 'out there' that are a hoot to get to know, as a positive incentive...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Isn't Benjamin Fulford a satirist?
The 'apocalypse' is happening now, but don't confuse it with 'Armageddon'.
Certain things must come to pass, which haven't.
As Vis sayeth, unclutter you mind and unplug from the matrix as much as possible, and you will discern with ease.
That Coral rock thing in Florida is interesting. Has 60 Minutes done an episode on it? LOL
Why are we in this pot of water? Why is the water getting so hot?
To Ray B..this is the first time I have found your words "connect" with me .....previously I have been intriqued but no "recognition"..I admire your work on your self..and obvious dedication to your interest/subservience/humbleness, to all that has,is ,will,... keep on going on on...heve enjoyed your posts here..for the last 3 years.
A new Petri Dish-
Contemplating the Dark Underbelly of the Empire.
Jews owned the U.S. slave trade:
Concerning the 'attacks', I love Stuart Wilde and his site due to all his experiences seeing and dealing with the 'ghoulies and goblins' or as I call them 'the etheric cooties'.
It is interesting that he advocates the use of lavender in all forms to clean and clear them off of you and out of your realm.
Yes, first most one must be conscious of whether that: pain, illness, dark thought is yours or not yours. Being totally familiar with your own energies and body and health is utmost important and with common and constant screenings and checks it can become an instant diagnostic to determine if that 'knife in the gut' pain is you and your body's working or something else's.
Try telling that to one on another level of consciousness.
I have SEEN demons/spirits jump into the unconscious ones due to alcohol imbibing. I have SEEN eyes looking out of a loved drunk ones eyes. I have ordered them out of the unwitting host. And they saw that I saw and they left.
It is these demons who call out the addicts name and don't leave them alone. Ever. A spiritual possession which is what makes it so hard for those addicted to quit doing what is harmful to self or others.
I heard long ago that the most 'cooty' infested locations are bars. I've always enjoyed visiting old bars... but after hearing that and being alerted and more sensitive to outside influences due to that-I started feeling great swirls of grey and black and pain and anguish all over the old places.
Salt Scrubs from top of head down to souls of feet are a great quickie cleansing of any etheric attachments that are clinging around you without your knowledge or permission.
I'm sure why all the spas have been around sulfur springs, hot springs or involve salt somehow.
As far as the 'apocalypse' goes-it is already here-been here... and rapidly revealing itself through those who've fallen or climbed into the satanic webs and traps that they might have even spun their selves.
I was thinking of Richie today-happy Birthday Richie! long time no see here!
Energies are moving quickly today and erratically too. Lots of discordant energies being worked by the players-most unconscious yet still eager to get any material gain for them or theirs off the suffering backs of everyone else.
I am very interested in the Pope resigning tomorrow. With the Cardinal over Scotland's 'early retirement' being pushed upon him in one of the Pope's last callings before he departs his position-there might be one free for all frenzy of energies working out this week. Keep your protections way UP this week.
the gardener
I know what you are talking about Gardener. I have seen those entities in bars AND looking out of people's eyes. Funnily, as soon as I found out what was happening to me and took the necessary steps, all taste for and attraction for alcohol simply vanished and remains so. It must have been true.
right, I forgot. In my case it wasn't a matter of possession' but a compromising of the will through telepathic invasion.
Gopal just called from India to tell me how much he loves me. What a great guy!
via Homer..
Oh yes, the others..
Once (or twice) upon a time Lord Ganesha rescued me from the yamaduta..
"Lord Siva is called the Bhuta-natha, being assisted by various types of powerful ghosts and denizens of the inferno--Bhutas, Pretas, Pramathas, Guhyakas, Dakinis, Pisacas, Kusmandas, Vetalas, Vinayakas and Brahma-raksasas. (Of all kinds of ghosts, the Brahma-raksasas are very powerful. Brahmanas transferred to the role of ghosts become Brahma-raksasas.)"
Krsna Book, Chapter 63
"Ghosts and mischievous hobgoblins are also the creation of Brahma; they are not false. All of them are meant for putting the conditioned soul into various miseries. They are understood to be the creation of Brahma under the direction of the Supreme Lord."
Srimad-Bhagavatam 3:20:40
O best of the conchshells, O Panchajanya in the hands of the Lord, you are always filled with the breath of Lord Krishna. Therefore you create a fearful sound vibration that causes trembling in the hearts of enemies like the Rakshasas, Pramatha ghosts, Pretas, Matas, Pishachas and brahmana ghosts with fearful eyes."
via Homer..
There isn't any human being nor demigod or demon, etc., however mightly situated, could ever hope to best the Lord's pure devotee Mayadevi.
Lord Shiva bows to her.
Who are we? Again.
A new Visible Origami is up-
Talking about Spiritual Master's Blues in B-Flat.
Hi Les,
Welcome back! Keep it flowing - as we are all mere reflections of one another...and those that do connect and meet here - are flowing similar energies..thus an orchestratic movement of flow in the process of some unknown factors still yet to come through...
Good enough to destroy evil a piece at a time...when thought is provoked and a sense of knowing evolves from within - then we are in synchronicity with the path of light and Creator being guarded and yet guided through our actions while maintaining free will.
Thank you Les for being who YOU are here, now and especially at these times...thank you friend.
WOW! Ahhh. refrshing strong voice. TY wet nose friend!
A change of pace...miracles...WOW!
I feel the strength, and feels so good and right!
I'd say more and check all the links right now, but very busy saving the world at the moment.
Be back soon. Kim
This is from a site call
And was changing line change...LOL
"I Ching Hexagram Interpretations
40: Deliverance
After a thunderstorm, or any time of extreme tension and obstacles, a period of new clarity and fresh opportunity follows. The storm has the effect of clearing the air and suddenly reducing atmospheric tension. Deliverance is at hand. In the wake of a storm on land, deliverance appears in the form of new color and life, which bursts forth in all the fields and flowers. In the wake of a storm at sea, deliverance takes the form of land itself.
In the field of human relations, the rain of forgiveness washes the human landscape clean after a period of enmity and error. Great clarity of purpose and renewed vigor can follow the healing of old wounds. But care must be taken not to reopen these old wounds by moving too quickly. In the same way, it is important to return to normalcy first before moving ahead with new plans after periods of stress.
Following the resolution of a difficult situation, your first priority should be to return to normal conditions as quickly as possible. Breathe a sigh of relief, but don’t relax completely. It would be a mistake to reawaken the sleeping dogs of the immediate past before the new situation has crystallized. Look ahead. Attend to any residual matters that need resolution, and do so as quickly as possible. Make a clean sweep of the past, and move deliberately. Forgive, forget, move on, and the future will bring good fortune.I Ching Hexagram Interpretations
40: Deliverance
After a thunderstorm, or any time of extreme tension and obstacles, a period of new clarity and fresh opportunity follows. The storm has the effect of clearing the air and suddenly reducing atmospheric tension. Deliverance is at hand. In the wake of a storm on land, deliverance appears in the form of new color and life, which bursts forth in all the fields and flowers. In the wake of a storm at sea, deliverance takes the form of land itself.
In the field of human relations, the rain of forgiveness washes the human landscape clean after a period of enmity and error. Great clarity of purpose and renewed vigor can follow the healing of old wounds. But care must be taken not to reopen these old wounds by moving too quickly. In the same way, it is important to return to normalcy first before moving ahead with new plans after periods of stress.
Following the resolution of a difficult situation, your first priority should be to return to normal conditions as quickly as possible. Breathe a sigh of relief, but don’t relax completely. It would be a mistake to reawaken the sleeping dogs of the immediate past before the new situation has crystallized. Look ahead. Attend to any residual matters that need resolution, and do so as quickly as possible. Make a clean sweep of the past, and move deliberately. Forgive, forget, move on, and the future will bring good fortune."
I live the fact that it takes me an hour to read through Smoking Mirrors and other Les Visible blogs because of the embedded links.
When I first started reading here a couple of years ago, I skipped over the links because I wanted the meat of it all and didn't have time. Once I started clicking (always right click open in a new tab) on the links I found a new wealth of info, much of which I repost. It is a branching out of substance. Most of this information I would have never seen, despite the fact that I am an avid surfer of articles and professions of note.
sidebar: I have a tarantula that has to be approaching 30. I know this because I have had her for over 20 years, and she was full grown when I bought her. She is healthy and has a big butt, good for a female spider. I have several crystals in her container, nothing fancy, but I think it has an effect. I try to feed her sporadically, sometimes in bunches, sometimes stretched out. She still lets me hold her, and I've never been bitten. Her name is Bombo, which is what my daughter called spider when she was learning to talk. Before that, her name was grumpy. I bought her because I was afraid of spiders, to some extent, and I still don't like most of the spiders that spin webs, though I appreciate them.
I saw my son smashing a bug under his shoe the other day and gave him the what for. That may seem extreme, it's just a bug, right, but if it is given life force it has a purpose. A common theme I preach is "don't stomp life."
So why keep a spider for 25+ years? I bought this spider in college, and despite all rumor college aint about nollege. Still, I don't regret it, it alleviated some fearfulness and is a creature I care about. You can't snuggle it, but to see it have the ability to outlive most dogs times two, and pull a flying moth out of the air with one of its eight legs although it is nearly blind, is impressive.
I'm rambling. I'm going to read another Visible blog and start rambling there, too...
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