Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
There are two ways to look at what's happening in the world economic theater. One perspective is that the bloated Banker Fiends are so suffused with arrogance that they are behaving like ravenous pigs, who just had a big meal tend to act, when the prospect of another big meal, looms in some distant, or nearby, trough. Or, preferably, they are running scared and hoping that snarling up everyone else's economic access, along with Homeland Security going bullet crazy, they will have the necessary time frame to escape to some rattlesnake bolthole, where they can feast on their stolen swag and possibly on each other, further down the road.
One thing is obvious, nothing we are being told is true or more than half of the story. The Crass Media says one thing, the alternative speculators say something else but... where was I? What is apparent to me intuitively is that different factions of evil swine are making war on each other. For instance, the declaration of taking a certain percentage of funds from those with over a hundred thousand in the bank is telling. There's all kinds of nasty shit going on in the background cause the vile , vile vampires of Rothschild and otherwise ilk, are being powerfully motivated and manipulated by the one meant to bring them down, who coincidentally is the one they serve. This was all choreographed some while ago but they are only getting hipped to it now...
...Just like our being hipped to dimensional shifts, since that is where our interests lie, they are being hipped to their manifest destiny, where they get to dance with Mr. Ugly at the Overlook Hotel. There are some deserving vermin about, who have been stinking up the joint for centuries. This includes the Central Bankers, the Satanists; both of these first two are mutually inclusive and the fluffer lackeys in official positions whose job is to get them hard before they do you. This latter group includes people like Bwak! Obama, Biden, gay blackmail victim, Lindsey Graham, John Kerry, the Clintons ...and across the pond, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and all the high rent boys, who like to dress up in black and crimson robes, with ceremonial daggers and cut the hearts out of prepubescent children, in the hopes that those invisible demons, who drink the atmosphere of the gushing blood, will favor them with one material tidbit or another.
There are many tales told about soldiers seeing ghouls and other half visible things, feeding upon the dead, in the aftermath of great battles. There is a great power in blood, whether it is what happens when the blood of a martyr hits the Earth, or when beasts without conscience perform their evil deeds in homage to the dark side. Make no mistake, so many of the twisted things you hear about those creatures like Lord Mandelson and others being engaged in, is only a portion of the story. The kind of things going on in rural country retreats, by the dark of the moon, that involve politicians, religious figures and high ranking law enforcement are the sort of thing you might see in X-rated versions of Tales from the Crypt.
The thing that has to be understood about Kali Yuga is that it is a time when every excess is permitted for the purpose of demonstration. As Hassan I-Sabbah was wont to say, “nothing is real, everything is permitted”. We don't have to so engage, nor do we have to close our eyes and shuffle by in fear and cowardice, concerning what manner of harm these twisted freaks can visit upon us. I'm going to insert two quotes from 'the good book' here, “Greater is that which is in you than that which is in the world” and also, to paraphrase, “If the divine is for me, who can be against me”? What makes us vulnerable; forget the concept of an overseeing grand authority for the moment, is when we become divided from ourselves. This puts you at cross purposes with your best interest and causes you to be easily manipulated by those who mean you harm. They either carrot and stick you, or they toss a cover-slip of fear over your shoulders. You are supposed to be in the driver's seat, not being dragged behind the car. You are supposed to be sitting on the throne of your own being, not cast out of the castle and wandering like an itinerant amnesiac in search of an answer and an explanation. We are high born beings with limitless potential, not drudges in a chain gang, sharing in the collective delusion that evil psychopaths have some kind of license to rule and abuse us.
Generally, except in extraordinary times, the general population cannot be brought to a state of awareness, concerning what is under discussion here. Ergo, those blessed, as the result of good karma, with some degree of awakened awareness, must seek each other out and find collective shelter, at some remove, from the radical transformations that are fast approaching in the death of the age. The writing on the wall is enhanced by events, occurring 'off the wall'. The force of exposure is sweeping across the landscape.
There are disturbing trends on the horizon that will shortly become epidemic. Food and fuel are two levers that are to be employed by the fading powers. They well know that their biggest threat comes from an aroused and angry populace. They've got two courses under consideration; eliminate a good part of the population or so effectively confuse and distract them that they run around in circles and go after each other. That's always worked in the past. Too bad this isn't the past as it was but the present as it is. I'm suffused with an unflagging optimism. I can't state in bold, bullet points why that is. It's operative but not visible, much like a watch face that conceals the gears that keeps the time. Of course they do make watches that don't have a face, just the hands moving over the gears turning. I don't have that kind of watch but, 'I'm not into time' anyway. Being into time means doing time, with or without bars on the window.
The information war is heating up. Exposes are winging their way across the screen. Exhortations are on the move. Permanent residents in the Kingdom of Dumbass, with plastic Jesus welded into their foreheads, as if they were some kind of contemporary unicorn from a fractured fairytale, are not likely to get much clarity at this point but... you never know. However, their waking up to their state would almost certainly ignite a chain letter of spontaneous heart attacks. Seeing things as they are can often prove fatal to those so heavily invested in seeing things as they are not. What do I know? Could well be it all turns out entirely different. You got financial and political tsunamis and you got real tsunamis. You got financial and political earthquakes and you got real earthquakes. You got economic and political flaming comets and you got real flaming comets. Maybe we get one or the other or maybe we get both.
The consideration is not what's coming, or what may be coming but, more so, where you are standing when it arrives. That is predicated on what is resident in your heart and mind because those are the attractors that are responsible for environment. We've all heard the sayings that everything is inside you. What doesn't get said often enough is; if everything is inside you then you can control everything outside you from within. The world outside is an expression of the world inside. Like the premise behind, 'as a man thinketh'. The sands of time are resonant with quotes that continue to ring across the span of history and they continue to ring because they are true ...but they mean no more to most of us than do the words etched into the arches of our hallowed institutions. We see the words but they are just words. Occasionally they flare up in the hearts of flag waving, weekend patriots, who distort their meaning, having been spoon fed the usual lies from their Zionist masters, whom they celebrate as the chosen offspring of the divine, which all results in a comic, ironic mockery of the truth because those they celebrate are the offspring of Satan and what this implies is that that is who they worship too. This accounts for all the prosperity evangelists and the enormous amount of money bilked out of those too stupid to see through the charade. Welcome to Scamalot.
You can't get sucked into anything unless you want some part of what is sucking you in. That's why they say, “You can't cheat an honest man”. Everything that happens to us has something to do with the way we see things and the value we put on them. Everything that populates our world has the identity we conferred upon it. We really do live in a world of our own creation. Once again the power of “I don't know” rears its useful head. The process of unknowing things that you formerly knew, sets you free of the mislabeling confinements you locked yourself up in. We are all prisoners of what we think we know. The fact is that we don't know anything and if we can get ourselves to the point where understanding that makes sense to us, we can be put into the position where what things actually are reveal themselves to us through a simple act of focused concentration. We let things speak to us rather than talking at them. Ancient and indigenous cultures understood and understand this and it accounts for the way they go about things. That way of doing things is distinctly different from the usual windshield awareness experienced at Metrosexual Central.
The key to grasping the composition of illusion, lies in understanding the sex force and the way our perceptions of it are managed by those who seek to control us. It's an interesting exercise to take some time and look at everything that happens and exists as some permutation of the sex force and that the majority of these are aberrations and perversions of it, given the time frame we occupy. People tell me Kali Yuga is over. I have only to walk down the street to confirm to myself that it is not over. It might be ending and we may only be in the thundering echo of its passage but it's still here and you've got your head buried in a sand-hill of wishful thinking, if you imagine otherwise. It will end though and nothing says some of us can't start living in the coming age right now, if our heads and hearts are in the right place.
End Transmission........
'Shallow Graves' is track no. 3 of 7 on Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'The Pope of Rock and Roll'
About this song (pops up)

I would like to prevail on those readers so inclined to assist me in compiling Neil's poetry. I am trying to give time to this effort but am somewhat stymied by all the other things I have to do and my lack of technique which would, no doubt bring all of the poems up if I could generate the proper script.
Anyway, just asking.
Today is the day I make a new start, just as yeterday was. I do not do "time" anymore in the now, love deeply- life will find a way. Your words teach me- every post is a jewel...thanks my friend- jen
Brilliant Les, thanks
"...thundering echo of its passage..."
To wit: The Thunder, Perfect Mind
I was sent forth from the power,
and I have come to those who reflect upon me,
and I have been found among those who seek after me.
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,
and you hearers, hear me.
You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.
And do not banish me from your sight.
And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.
Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time. Be on your guard!
Do not be ignorant of me.
For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am and the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
Hit the link for the rest from the Nag Hammadi Scrolls.
that does it...
"..when we become divided from ourselves... This puts us at cross purposes with our best interest and causes us to be easily manipulated by those who mean to harm us. They either carrot and stick us, or they toss a cover-slip of fear over our shoulders."
100 PIPERS !!!
You are supposed to be in the driver's seat, not being dragged behind the car. You are supposed to be sitting on the throne of your own being, not cast out of the castle and wandering like an itinerant amnesiac in search of an answer and an explanation.
"We" are high born beings with limitless potential, not drudges in a chain gang, sharing in the collective delusion that evil psychopaths have some kind of license to rule and abuse {ALL} of us."
you are a TERROR ACTIVIST and you just beat the everloving dookie out of the Monster Beast...
looks like a perfectly lovley spring day...
hope your fertile soil yields much fruit...
sow, sow, plant
notes on the allegorical imperative
Meanwhile...Madonna has achieved billionaire status. All, then, must be well in the land.
"You can't get sucked into anything unless you want some part of what is sucking you in. That's why they say, “You can't cheat an honest man”. Everything that happens to us has something to do with the way we see things and the value we put on them. Everything that populates our world has the identity we conferred upon it. We really do live in a world of our own creation. Once again the power of “I don't know” rears its useful head. The process of unknowing things that you formerly knew, sets you free of the mislabeling confinements you locked yourself up in. We are all prisoners of what we think we know. The fact is that we don't know anything and if we can get ourselves to the point where understanding that makes sense to us, we can be put into the position where what things actually are reveal themselves to us through a simple act of focused concentration. We let things speak to us rather than talking at them. Ancient and indigenous cultures understood and understand this and it accounts for the way they go about things."
I have to put this here in the comments, again...:-) Sublime and true. There is a lot of "shit" goin down, but what Vis expresses here is the absolute key...where is one's focused concentration...a matter of being in the world, but not of it.....
A great deal of effort can be expended railing at the "world" and setting up our own resistance to allowing the flow that I feel Vis speaks of. In my viewpoint, we have to make that conscious shift "away and to".....
With love, in grace ~
A book I read when I was very young and have often thought about..
Then there's this and this.
Here's the whole book I think
Secret of the Andes.
Just a little something for those, in whom an interest for such things exist, to read at their leisure. I don't affirm or deny any of it but it's been referred to by many writers over the course of time.
Jamie Dimon just resigned from JP Morgan Chase and the things he said, WOW. He is tired of working in the "bankrupt moral culture; unethical and illegal behavior at the highest levels of Wall Street;
Washington can't find a single banker guilty of fraud, I can think of 15 people off the top of my head who should be behind bars" and on and on. He also said he would testify against these crooked individuals.
This is the JP Morgan that is primarily responsible for suppression in the gold and silver markets, libor fraud, you name it. I'll bet Rockefeller isn't too thrilled with all this. Jamie better stay out of small aircraft. I wonder if he is suicidal. Bet there are people in the FBI/CIA who think he will be.
Things must be coming to a head. We'll see.
“Too bad this isn't the past as it was but the present as it is.”
Those were the days. Those were the days.
In some ways, I feel fortunate to have been wildly ignorant of worldly truths for over 3 decades. When I meet 20-somethings now who are “on it”, my heart bleeds for them in one sense in that they do not know what it was like to have lived before this endgame phase. And yet, I’m consistently inspired by so many of them who have the will to know/to do the right thing at whatever cost (e.g. Aaron, Rachel +++). They’ve done so much more than I’ve exhibited heretofore. That thing that drives all those brave souls fighting for worldly justice to risk their lives, why does it dwell so deeply within so many of us yet, not seem to manifest into that greater purpose for our existence? Passion, surrender, certitude be ours.
Fun and connection with my fellow beings/all beings has always been my main motive. When I played in the money game, I had a line item in my budget for it, separate from entertainment. The accountant was amused by this. As a result of making fun a priority, it rippled incessantly through my past experiences but, in retrospect, I’ve realized that it truly has nothing to do with money.
From all that I continue to witness, it seems that the fun and bliss that I used to know is irretrievable. More than likely, this is a good thing as it’s forcing the building of a better vessel to protect and cherish that truly intangible gift. Readers of Vis are constantly reminded that bliss is an inside job so, let’s continue to work for its solid reconstruction for the benefit of all despite the less than ideal conditions in the tumultuous storms of the present surrounding us. The facades of the illusion have been broken (!) and are in the process of being removed in their entirety. My sense is that for many that come here, the foundations really are solid so, it is merely a task of proper restructuring and re-skinning (maybe something more impenetrable than before?). It will be done thanks to the One in all of us.
~~~from the deep~~~
p.s. whoever recommended the old flick “Face in the Crowd” --- kudos!
Unfortunately, Visible, so many of the films you’ve suggested, I can’t get without having those dreaded ties to corporate entities (also every time I use torrents anymore, they f up my system. It took me forever to remove a “seed” of Babylon from one last summer). Anyway, if I’m meant to see them, I’m sure I will. Keep the recommendations coming… thx
BP's CEO pulled out his own wealth from his stocks in BP one week before the Gulf disaster occured.
Jamie Dimon leaving JP Morgon begs the question - is the bank insolvent or is the whole American banking system about to have a bank holiday and haircut?
They can't pull your chain if you have no chain to pull.
(Wings, not worry, propel the bee.)
Yes, boils and ghouls, there are some very sick assholes in this world. More crooked than a pig's dick. When they die a hole will not need to be dug, just screw them into the ground.
Smart fellers,
Fart smellers,
So similar.
I agree with what the Shrink said about the farmer and his wife... "they are both batshit crazy, he farms and she shops at the grocery store!"
A trip to the store for sea salt and canning lids is enough for me. Watch out for the scooter people with the soda and chips piled head high in their handlebar basket. You damn sure don't want to get under their wheels!
I'm not a slow seeker.
I'm not a fast seeker.
I'm a half-fast seeker.
Thank you visible and all.
My appoligies the Jamie Dimon resignation like most everything now days appears to be so much bullshit. Sorry for taking up bandwidth.
We want more Lost Soliloquies of Shakespeare!
Whoever/whatever that was established at Tiahuanaco is somewhat advanced beyond our ken, Vis. I think I read about it in a Von Daniken book.
The construction of it is quite a mystery considering it's locale and the size of the pieces of stone.
They might be able to bullshit people about the construction of the Pyramids, but not Tiahuanaco.
Hence it has remained neglected by the mainstream history, science etc.
'I'm not into time". Quoting Cheech and Chong now? Cheers
Well Done Smyma! I quote them often but it doesn't get noticed much, "Hey, only real diamonds cut glass". "Oh man, look, it's Fiffi".
Yeah, that's right about that location .they can't figure out how they did it. I firmed up my next port of call today (developing), so far as I know and all in all it appears way past what I could have reasonably expected. I'm not going to make it public knowledge but I'm sure you can figure it out.
My pubescent cynical rebellion was fomented by Cheech and Chong and MAD magazine.
If I'm guessing correctly you will be needing one of those zig-zaggy patterened shawls, a bowler hat and a flute. Sounds great!
Did anyone else experience the slowdown/near shutdown, of the inet today? Hope that's a redundant question, and that I'm not in a solipsist trap. My ATM took 4 tries to recognize me, which has never happened before. Internet was unusable for a couple hours.
Far as I can tell, this began in EU, and proceeded with the sun, with outages lasting a few hours.
Is it a test? Portents of something imminent? My own delusions?
Be well, all, whatever, Rob
Hi niijii,
A piggyback on your comment, from times I worked as a wage slave.
Do you want me to work slow, and do the job properly?
Do you want me to work fast, and do the job sloppily?
Since you can't decide, guess I'll just do the job half fast.
Be well, neighbor, Rob
S. Got it in one. You should email me, I think.
pierre siad..
in terms of hard on oneself and coming up in the end like roses, its the flip side of the shit burger, as contrasted to those who cannot give a toss.
aaanndd... always look on the bright side of life.
a more digestable link to Secret of the Andes
♫ Porrrnnn in east L.A., I did Poornnn in East L.A. ♫ (well at leaaassst is was not gay...) OLAY!
How far is the port from the hills?
Vis, thank you for another 'crossover' piece from Visible Origami. In my mind, this is just the right 'blend' of the woo-woo and the practical. The combo should greatly affect folks...
Vis: "What is apparent to me intuitively is that different factions of evil swine are making war on each other."
I take this as a hint that 'coalition' work is taking effect 'down here'. Before, the 'bad guys' were taking their cues from a unified, beyond-spacetime source that I call 'the farmer'. The collective 'effort' across millennia was much too long and focused for anything human. Now, the higher-bad-guy 'other side' (Vis' unseen) has been 'turned', and the "different factions of evil swine" have no unifying guidance. Should be interesting...
Vis: "Ancient and indigenous cultures understood and understand this and it accounts for the way they go about things."
That is why they receive 'top priority' in their destruction. Fortunately, as above, the baddies may be 'distracted' from this point on...
"We are high born beings with limitless potential, not drudges in a chain gang..."
Through the years, so many tales document those who have applied themselves to this endeavor. We thank you for leading the way...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
"SCAMALOT" - good one !!!
Now back to my yummy LEBERKÄSE.
Happy Easter
- from a teutonic carnivore.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Too Big to Jail and too Prone to Fail.
To those who posted about Jamie Dimon resigning from JPMorgan....
I sourced that article to the Daily Current...a satire sight kinda like the Onion. It had me fooled at first too until Dimon stated in the article that he was getting into yoga and planned to move to southern Alaska to open a fishery/ashram or somesuch. I don't think he could quit and rat out his fellow thieves anyway...they would grease him faster than lightening.
You know, it's really weird. I saw that comment and I just blipped it for some reason, didn't follow up or anything, just moved right along. Ordinarily that's something I would definitely comment on but it didn't touch me.
Two days ago I gt that strong sensation about where I was supposed to go, just like when I knew I was coming to Europe. The next day, yesterday, I get a letter from a most remarkable fellow living in that country who states in the subject line, "Here is that mail from *****************
that you were expecting and proceeds to invite me to come and stay with him until I get sorted.
Not only was he gracious and generous but he's into all of the things I'm into and has traveled the length and breath of that county and knows it extremely well. As I like to say and not often enough, "There is a God"!
How much difference does it make to find someone who has been following your work for 6 years and likes what he sees, compared to 'cold calling' on a country you've never been to? The difference is everything. I was even able to check him out and he passed with flying colors.
I suppose you could say I'm in a good mood at the moment. Also because the inner voice told me I wouldn't have to have any concern about finances because I was going to have more than I need courtesy of a particular reader, which I don't know the identity of
Holy screaming platypus shit!
A new Visible Origami-
Appetite Junkies in an Unlivable Rat's Nest.
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