Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet in The Season of the Witch (boo!)
Yeehah! Grab your partner!
As the awakening continues and much of the mover shaker world, goes around with tennis elbow from having their arms twisted up behind them all day long, welcome news from the resistance begins to surface and also to indicate that there is more to come from The Awakenings, Planetary Wide, Slumber Party, given the flashbang grenades that the cosmos is launching into the bedrooms of our not satisfactorily-conscious associates here on Planet Dirt.
I'm going to present a picture, an image for meditation, if you will. I would like you to consider it as an accurate portrayal of the way things really are. This kind of thing is helpful when it becomes resident in enough minds. I would like you to consider that the eroding PTW are, quite simply ♫just running scared♫, cue Roy Orbison. Don't be seduced by their power plays and bold fronts. Who, not scared out of their wits, orders billions of bullets? Of course, the prime motivator and motive for all of their twisted, fascistic carryings on, is due to their knowing, bone deep, that they are doing wrong and have been for a considerable period of time. Eventually this sort of thing gets to you, right around the time you start to notice that hot breath on the nape of your neck.
There's more than one voice that can be heard in the relative silence of the deep night. One of them, of course is the voice of comfort. The other would, logically be, 'the voice of discomfort'; a red-hued, bipedal, Hound of Heaven, tracking our several someones down “the arches of the years” and “down the labyrinthine ways”. Imagine these fiends, being tracked by larger, more powerful and more dangerous and vindictive fiends... red-eyed and frothing at the mouth, in anticipation of a tasty snack, if your tastes run in that direction, mine don't. First is coming the temporal judgment for wall to wall Tribe members, then, Pinhead is waiting for them on the other side. It will be a memorable Cenobite, cocktail party with 'eyes on toast' and no, those are not Vienna Sausages.
Imagine these two dimensional, 'all front' creatures, afraid to go out of their doors; racked by a determined, incremental ratcheting up of the terror and paranoia. Imagine that the shadows are alive in the darkness of their pending doom. To enhance the impact of your fine and detailed visualization of their 'in extremis' state, imagine yourself feeling compassion for the horrors of their fate. This may be your most difficult feat but it adds veracity to the whole pastiche; this melange of comeuppance; a righteous diversity of punishments, sequenced for the greatest effect, upon the hardest of hearts and most firmly closed minds; a huge horned hand is extended toward the handle of the heavy, heavy door. A creaking sound is heard, where none has been heard for a very long time and the door is relentlessly pulled open and sunlight floods the spider's nest of the vampire consciousness... sizzle, sizzle crackle, no, they don't like sunlight at all. But, of course, they are anti-life and life proceeds from the Sun, which is why we have all those sun gods in the first place; a big up to Lord Vivasvan! The present resident on the solar throne.
We need to see these desperate men and women as cringing wretches, startling at every sound; eyes whipping back and forth in search of whatever the hell that is that keeps disappearing the moment they turn to look at it. We need to see their knees knocking together like castanets, their palms being constantly brought to their cheeks, though they are unaware of this. We need to see them shitting themselves, every time a car backfires or a taxi cab horn sounds.
We can see the specter that walks behind them, so very, very close. It's disfigured face leans down to the backs of their necks and whispers frightening things that only they can hear. They race down to their temples of Set, Satan and Bubastis but what do they find? They find a fresh snakeskin, an angel of light and an abandoned kitty litter box. What's happening! What's happening! They are screaming inside their minds. Their faces are fixed in a rigid pose of control. They mean to telegraph to the world at large and to their intimates that everything is as it should be... but it's not, oh no, precious, it's not.
Not all the deodorants in the world can cover up that stink of raw fear. Where is it coming from? Is it coming from them? Windows have begun to open in their minds and they are being enabled to see the full measure of their crimes. Their mind scurries in all directions looking for any defense; “Who can I blame this on”? “What if I sacrifice my wife and children...? Whoops, I already did that”.
“I'm coming for you. Prepare yourself. I'm coming for you”. This is what they hear. This is what some of us hear too but in a different tone of voice.They are very tired but they do not want to go to sleep. Oh no, not after what happened the last time! Not after what they saw the last time!!! ”Tonight's dream is brought to you in luminous 3-D with 7 to 1 THX sound by H.P. Lovecraft Productions and there will be commercial interruptions”.
They're surrounded by bodyguards but they have no internal protections. Their bodyguards have seen the mean suites appointed for their lodging and have noted that there are only so many of them. They can count; no room for their families. All the money in the world won't do you much good when there is no longer a marketplace. They hear the unmistakeable bells of an arriving elevator. Baron Samedi, dressed as a doorman, or a third world general, leans out of the door and announces, “Going down”?
The awful smell of dead bodies begins to enter the noses of these black souled reprobates. They don't see any bodies. Could the smell be coming from their own body? They feel heat rippling under the surface of their skin. When they close their eyes they see a big wheel of fire, through the aperture they see a large banquet hall being set up by a group of upright lizards. Someone is already sitting at the head of the table. Oh no~ They most certainly do not want to look! ♫Do you see what I see?♫ Far off, behind whoever that is they can see shadowy gibbets and a large platform with a raised structure that looks like a pub bar. Some very unpleasant looking life forms are sitting behind that dressed up in outfits that make them look like Halloween Popes. There's something sinister about the whole thing and that rotating wheel of fire is not helping.
Meanwhile, back in our dimension, which still shuffles back and forth like a Thorazine Queen, dancing with her imaginary partner (Hey, there's a cigarette butt! Quick! Snatch.), we are all much gratified to know that Drones R R Friends and whether they are being operated by two brush cut (Semper fi fo fum!) troglodytes in blue, or a blowsy, porcine 2:00 AM blond sweat-hog, in brown khaki with a gun and a taser, we're being looked out for, if not looked for and they are working on X-ray eyes for the thing, just in case you have to cover a Victoria's Secret's Fashion Show in Vegas.
It's hard to keep a true vision of what's real, given all the morphing (and morphine), shape-shifting and prescription drugs but if you can, if you can, you know that everything is going on for the purpose of demonstration and it's going to turn out well for them as acts well and rather badly for them as don't. This is not a new presentation, coming down from Aldebaran or Betelgeuse. It's the same grand finale we run into at the end of every cycle. Sure, the boys and girls from central casting have whipped up different extras and the appropriate props for the time zone, period piece we're in and maybe the major player is fire this time and not water but that's just show business.
The good news is that you don't have to worry about whether you are in the cheap seats or the VIP section, that just sort of forms around you wherever you are standing. Wardrobe and the set designers will be moving invisibly among you and making those last minute adjustments; getting you all gaudied up or stripping you naked, as the need may be. Don't overly concern yourself, if you should happen to be standing by a mirror, at the sight of your face looking like a backdrop for a GPS highway screen, or something out of The Matrix with iridescent green numbers scrolling by. That's known as the 'miles on your face'. It helps with the identification process.
Yes, it would please me if you would see those, who have devoted their lives to doing us harm, as being frantic with panic and fear. Visualize them as making a wrong move every time they move. See them literally shooting themselves in the foot, or any part of their anatomy that matches up with your expectations. See them afflicted with a peculiar Tourette's Syndrome, which forces them to turn their head to one side or the other and spontaneously shout out their crimes to anyone who might be standing near by.
They should appear as the most pitiful and doomed souls you have ever witnessed in ineffective actions taken against their fellows as a passionate avocation. Observe them stuffing hundred dollar bills into their mouths and hooting like Chimpanzees. See them naked and walking blind in broad daylight, seeing nothing, tripping over everything. Hey look! There's George W. Bush.
You get the idea. See them for what they really are, or use satire to blow them out of proportion and make them ludicrous. Laugh at them (laugh at the devil and he will flee from you), these phony pretentious losers, who fancy themselves as powerful monsters. They haven't seen any real monsters yet but they will. They will.
End Transmission.......
'Bush Family History Lesson' is track no. 5 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
'911 was an Inside Job'

Radio show tomorrow night.
Steinberg will dance away from the "perp walk", with the same SMIRK we've seen over and over, for decades. These figures take great delight in hosing people, and rubbing our cold, wet noses in the private jet stench. "I was completely exonerated" he will say, as so many have said before, when an issue brings them to a public court. "If you got the money honey, you won't do time", and, any wrongdoing that might have occurred was certainly not your fault, as you are a paragon of virtue, just like the rest of us parasites. Nuff ranting, will get back to watching the snow melt.
Be well, all, Rob
I read this article right prior to the now threats of 'firing missiles at US city targets'.
I've always felt that I'm a newbie in this country and that I've come from 'somewhere else'-I really resonated with these pictures and the people in them.
Sounds like my 'focused intents' are doing serious bleed throughs again Vis-lol with this post of yours. Shining the light everyday and in every way-don't expect it to impact my life but every layer helps build the fortresses and towers around the hearts and souls. Laid down one brick at a time.
Close all open ports and man the hatches-get ready to dive way beneath the surface. Between diversions and manufactured BS attentions can be lost to what is really going on with the Sun and the Light.
the gardener
Vis, quite a scary 'movie'!
"Of course, the prime motivator and motive for all of their twisted, fascistic carryings on, is due to their knowing, bone deep, that they are doing wrong and have been for a considerable period of time."
Based on my 'travels', I pose a slightly different scenario. In it, some higher being would 'lean down' at the appropriate moment and simply give a form of 'grace'. This 'grace' would be an opening, or step-aside, moment in which the recipient gets a full 'knowing' of what they have done.
Unless this 'grace' includes the full (additional) knowing that they were doing this under God's orders, there will be an immediate self-condemnation and self-judgment. The latter will 'set up' all the rich permutations that Vis elucidates (wow) in his column. The slight difference is that the perpetrator draws it to himself as reflexive 'punishment'. It is much more effective from the 'inside'...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
"Hey, look over there!" That's what these clowns are doing on a faster and faster basis. It's too late. More and more people are fixing their gaze on the true perps. What, did they actually think they were going to implement their Satanic vision for the future? Payback is a bitch and it is coming to a theater (of war) near them. And whistling past the graveyard isn't going to change a damn thing. It's a math problem, straight up. What's the limit of X (the number of dastardly crimes perpetrated by Satanists) as Y (the frequency of their crimes) approaches infinity? With every new dastardly stunt they pull, the limit of X shrinks. And all the "master plans" in the world won't make that calculus equation turn out differently. The sound of seven billion people whispering, "Checkmate", at the same time, is not far off. A little child could see it, but not a psychopathic, murdering "elitist". I always knew the super rich were dumber than fuck. They build homes on the tops of bluffs and hillsides - then they are shocked when the topography changes and their houses crumble. Well the same fucking thing happens to their dreams, because they build those on faulty foundations, too. Yep, bright as shit they most definitely are not. Their solution to that situation is to try and kill everybody who is smarter than they are. Unfortunately, that would necessitate having to kill all the slugs, tapeworms and cockroaches on the planet. Good luck with that.
Mas and Mas Visible,
Why you ' crafty devil you', presenting what is obviously Visible in the crystal ball of near future, that is found in Visible's hands, and those of Invisible friends as well, as if it was an exercise!!!
To be Vis-ualized or even i-mag-ined!!!
My oh my what the full-moon has done, a rip in the dark night, sufficient reflected light to go dancing in the rainy street with Fred and Ginger ?
From your mouth ( or in this case, fingertips ) to Sun Lord's ears.
Be well, Be Alert
This blog reminds me of that cool 1960's show, "Twilight Zone."
This is the voice over that Ron Sterling should of used:)
The visual I've had for some time goes something like this.
Somehow the latest generation of pretentious twits has gotten a hold of the keys to the family Lincoln and has somehow gotten the shift lever into neutral. The vehicle has begun to slowly move down the driveway towards a busy street. The kiddies inside are filled with glee and the driver is unable to see over the dashboard as he rapidly oscillates the wheel left and right.
A sound like 'Weeeeeeeeee' is leaving the vehicle and two of the twits are in the backseat slapping at each other with open palms while their eyes flinch rapidly as they giggle.
I have had for some time the distinct impression that they don't know wtf they are doing but are convinced it can't fail just because they are so special.
This is evidenced by the recent brilliant plan to simply steal money out of peoples bank accounts in Cyprus. Of course this is much simpler than those pesky tax forms. Lets call it streamlining the process.
A friend recently pointed out to me that one amazing thing about the necktie is that it can support a mans entire weight. As well the folks who generally wear them seem to be the types where this would indeed be useful. Perhaps for tug of war or as a fall restraint?
pierre said.
their ultimate defense (it was in Welcome back cotter (tribe productionss)
"The devil made me do it".
could be the one truth they tell, but we'd have to ask the devil FWIW. or get them into a room full of mirrors (Hendrix) and point out they guy that is to blame (Zimmerman.Dylan).
Neil Youngs
wv: xtscope. ecstasy, cope.
mother nature on the run in the 1970's
to see motherless denatured losers run in the 2020s.
I had a dream, I had a cream (Lenon). and what a Jolly good Wet one it was, washing away the sins of the world. Fire way Meastro!
I'll continue to laugh and pray for their poor lost souls. If that doesn't work, sure hope I'm here to watch their heads roll.
Ever wonder how those old well groomed corpses ended up staked down in a bog? Previous cycle?
Rob, Watching the snow melt here too. If it keeps up it oughta be gone by May. Hope life's treating you well.
Best to all.
Heh heh, look what Susanne just found on German Ebay and I'm the first cut and got top billing. ... on the EBay ad anyway and my name on the front of the album. That would have never happened back in the time I was around there. Most of these people were far more prominent and successful than I. It's not important. I just thought some of you might find it amusing.
At least I can tell who the shills are that visit here now. Thanks Visible for making it easier for me, I appreciate this. :)
I never asked Visible to make a post to cause this reaction in me, yet it is done.
Imagining is a tool, yet a powerful entity type of tool and to use it -one has to possess wisdom, hands down -and all of it rooted in the Divine Love alone.
There is ONLY God in this World.
patrick from western kentucky
ps. these muthrfuuckers make it so damn hard to prove im not a fooking robot damn it
I had a type of "aha" moment this evening when invited to friends for dinner. The food was good and there was plenty of wine. There was alot of talk about mainstream media stuff-in-the-news BS and the way it was believed. One idiot even tried to sell me a gay cafè as a cool place to take the kids. I was pissed off pretty quick and couldn't help myself from commenting in a sarcastic way, after being ignored and put aside as being "difficult today".
It ended with me being chastized from the conversation and my Mrs kicking my shin under the table.
I sometimes think this world is anothers planets hell.
I know that there is an awakening taking place...I wish it would happen to a place near me.
I know I'm in the right place...just not sure about the time.
William Freeman aka freemanontheland
Having a bad day.
I was 42 in dog years back in '69 when you were boogying on that woodstock album mr. Visible :)
Mercy on a Monster - Mind Medicine
Leave the office, you will save your head mate,
Fire the bodyguard and Nobody will touch you mate;
Hire a Mind-Guard and work on the head mate,
Show progress and you will transcend in private mate;
While ascending, you might even live with the loot mate,
If only you shall keep the humanity alone mate;
Keep ascending and you can keep out of jail mate,
Once ascended, you can contribute to creation mate;
With some lady luck, the gullible may even feel guilty mate,
With some monkey magic, they might even start lovin' you mate;
The Fine Print is too monstrous to mention in a poem mate,
Cheer up goy George, you must get out of the Bush mate;
I know, you've been hippo hunting in America mate,
You're welcome to Koala Killing down under - You'll be right mate!
PS: To goy George and to all Miscellaneous Monster Mates......LOL
I get out and about a lot and speak with a lot of people. Yet i don't see much of an awakening going on. In fact it would be almost impossible to find anyone that gets shit at all. So even with everything thing that is being exposed people just carry on as normal. Easily distracted by whatever is meant to distract them.
Seems the people that get shit are the same people that will and always would get shit. Those that cant (vast majority) still don't, can't, and never really will.
This is my personal experience.
going to miss you humans when you go away
naw, just kidding, won't miss you all anymore....
am a robot, bigots
My visualization is like the movie "Ghost," when the really bad guys die... They don't know they're dead yet, then they hear the howling wind and cries of those living black shadows that come off to carry them to their own special hell. Those scenes actually made me feel sorry for the characters, but also I thought, "fair's fair."
Pretty cool, that listing on Ebay.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Manly won't Mind but You... Had Better get a Clue.
A long time friend said an odd but strange thing the other day. He goes to a mainstream church but is falling away from that in stages, as his eyes are opened. In the context of a conversation about bankers, Jews, the military and he recent triple homicide at the Marine base nearby he said, "Thank God for Heaven, but thank God for Hell, too."
I take this as a sign of spiritual progress, since no mainstream church would tolerate that statement, in that context. His insight was internal and divinely ordained. This ties in with your post today.
Outstanding. You da one. Very helpful post. Hope.
Viz and Woodstock and the bubbles. Yes.
Pinhead: No more deals child, it is your flesh we want to experience, not your skill at bargaining.
Kirsty Cotton: No deals, just information, just information!
Pinhead: Go on... but trick us again child, and your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!
A new Origami is up now-
Feeding off of the Hydrologized Fat of the Golden Calf.
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