Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Some while ago, whatever that adds up to in real time ...AND before matters were as clear as they are today, I mentioned that Alex Jones was a Disinfo Agent and in the employ of The Rothschilds, who have their taloned fingers in every shit pie being baked, or sun dried, on the planet. When I mentioned that Jones was a completely sold out, hysterical toilet paper roll; horny for the nasty and redolent asses of his employers, I was informed by some number of people that, “Oh come on, he wakes up some amount of the general population that the rest of us don't have the reach to accomplish. Various defenders, often unnamed, came out of the woodwork, the same way cockroaches used to come out of the bamboo wallpaper in my apartment in Philadelphia. I've never seen a cockroach in Europe and I've never seen a rat; a few mice here and there but... no rats. That's probably a hangover from the days of The Pied Piper of Hamlin. Did he take all the cockroaches too? It's to be presumed that cockroaches simply like the political climate in North America better than here. There does seem to be a lot more cockroaches and rats in that location than this one.
There's quite a few Disinfo Agents scampering about the stys and wallows of Hog Lagoon Heaven, also known as The Late Great American States. I am glad to see that I am not on that list but I am probably just not important enough. Gordon Duff is an interesting writer AND a Disinfo Agent, as well as a Tribe member.
Now, it is patently clear that Alex Jones is a Disinfo Agent, as well as an overblown caricature of himself, a helium headed windbag and an embarrassment to the human race. In that last department he has a lot of company.; a whole lot of company and most of that is in the same demographic as the rats and cockroaches. Is there anyone out there left to argue on the behalf of Tweedledum Jones? No doubt there is. There is no vaccine for stupid.
When I mentioned that Julian Assange (who has admitted that he is a stooge for Israel) was a disinfo agent, I got more curious commentaries from unknown sectors. One lady from Australia was incensed because I was demeaning an Australian. That was her only concern and no amount of getting her verifiable intel was of any help. Well, you get those Justin Bieber moments now and again; “But I like his hair! Look at his hair! What difference could anything else possibly make next to that hair”? Here is something, now lost in space, that this low-cal Andy Warhol had to say more than six months ago “There are 3,700 files related to Israel and the source of 2,700 files is Israel. In the next six months we intend to publish more files depending on our sources.” Uh huh.
Because the mass of the American public is so fantastically and immeasurably stupid, there is no telling, there is no telling how deep down below the oxygen line of the outhouse portal they might be. It is a safe bet that the outhouse is enormous, or possibly some ancient wormhole that runs all the way to the shit-hole center of the universe. There are a few reasons for this level of moronic parity. One is the incremental, near freefall dumbing down (interesting phrase) of the populace. Another is the pervasive and suffocating, near planetary wide blanketing of materialism and ubiquitous, anal suppository cellphones. Want to guess how many are set to 'vibrate' as opposed to a ringtone? Strangely, or not so strangely, some number of them are set to 'stun'. The most impressive and densely populated area of enforced stupid, is the Zionist created and maintained Christian, 'fundie' ...Zionist maggot farm that is feeding on the corpse of a totally bent republic. There are tens of millions of these sightless larvae, with swivel necks that turn at the sound of the voices of command. “Remain clam”. “Move along, nothing to see here”. “Bend over and Wait”.
There's a lot that people don't know because they mostly only know what they have been told and do not know what they have not been told. They have no burbling curiosity to look past what they are told. They just want to know the way to the 'all you can eat buffet', followed by a six pack of Bud, some internet porn and a pumping right hand that is now prone to carpal tunnel syndrome and cramping. Well, there's always a down side when you get too entranced with the old up and down.
Let us consider Hollywood. Of course, there are poisonous, human centipedes like James Wood, Joan Rivers (“bomb the shit out of Iran”) and Adam Sandler but few people know that Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman were both big Bush supporters. Opportunism and self interest lead to all sorts of unfortunate choices. No doubt they have the usual disingenuous excuses for this and quite possibly they have moved away from their former views by now but... once upon a time. There is no higher concentration of atheists than in the Zio-Ogre Cotillion. I call it a cotillion because it is a measured dance around kiddie eating monsters like Baal ...and sundry; atavistic creatures from the regions of nightmare. Blood and Fear are the main lubricants for the appearance of these fiends. In the temporal realm, such calculated sacrifices lead to material results in abundance. One might say that those who worship Baal, Asmodeus, Abbadon, Lucifer and Satan are not strictly atheists. I'll concede that, just as I will concede that dialectical materialism is a Jewish creation and tens of millions were sacrificed on the altar thereof.
The control of the media, music, publishing and entertainment industries has given fecally obsessed, reversed Kundalini sex addicts and kiddie blood junkies, control over what we take for reality, what we dance to and what we escape into. That they nearly totally control The Empire of Pornography is a toxic, salmonella laced gravy, upon the rotting, cannibal meats arrayed on their feasting tables. One will note that all of their holidays are celebrations of massacres and murder and they routinely engage in new versions of the same. Could it be any more fucking clear? In tandem with all of these consistent and continuing outrages, THEY DID 9/11 and most of the rest of the terror attacks. (I haven't seen this video but some of you might now see it. Does it clear anything up?). Only a craven coward, a total fool, or one who is an accessory to these things can entertain any doubt at this point. I have to beat this drum!” My life is pointless and has no meaning otherwise. That would make it very much like so many of the rest of you, with your unexamined lives. So many of you are simply tubes. You put things in one opening and then turn them into waste products that vacate the premises at a further location. This is similar to putting garbage into your minds and then transforming that into speech and conversation.
Unless some greater, massive awakening takes place in quick order, The Invisible and Lady Nature are going to unleash what is necessary to enforce awakening, while also processing a large percentage of you into another location. It's what happens when what is supposed to happen doesn't happen.
Ah well, how many times can I say the same thing in another way? Recently some former colleagues of mine have shown themselves to be something-someone I never took them for and lack even the wit to come up with a decent excuse. One of them objects to my 'world view' but... there is no clarification given. Usually that is because that is not the reason. My purview is that some great and invisible change has taken place behind the scenes (recently) and we haven't seen it yet but it has totally turned around the minds of some who had no real grasp on it to begin with. Some are affected and being put to sleep because of an inability to face dramatic change and some of us continue to move forward because change is what we are all about, save for those things that should not and need not be changed.
My longstanding relationship with my consort will end (amicably) in a few months, all because I write about and talk about the things I do and that vibrates into the fear zone of someone (like so many of you out there) who does not want to know. Should I cease to be who I am in order to preserve a semblance of domestic tranquility? Should I 'go along to get along'? These are hard choices in hard times. I'll now have to relocate to a more primitive zone. New companions will come. Some think they know where this location is. They don't. I'm not making it public information.
I expect, one day, that all mysteries will be cleared up; maybe not all (grin) but most of them. I suspect that until that appointed time, I should just concentrate on what it is that I do and not concern myself with strange behavior on the parts of those who have become a mystery to me...
End Transmission.......
'Camouflage' is track no. 8 of 8 on Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'La Vierge Sperme Danceur'
About this song (pops up)

Back to my book.
Ding Ding Ding Ding ...
You win the Most Visible Award Today.
Thanks Vis, I'm still here and resonate with you and many of your commenters.
Doin' the work of the Light.
I've had many changes since jan. this year and your writings have helped me through some hard times.
Thanks for this place and thanks to You. I love you man!
walking hawk
A finely measured dose of reality. Good taste and aroma!
Hope your book is progressing well.
Your words are sweetly singing in my is for living. I am learning and growing every day. Yesterdays job was a relocation for a law enforcement person in my area...who gave me good news of the awake status of some of her peers....a nice thing to hear. I am glad you have an escape plan.... I am working on that too, but do not have much time I fear... take care of yourself. Your honey is flying over the ocean today I bet.. love-jen
Virtue is its own reward
Possible interpretation:
When we do something virtuous or good, we don't need any reward or compensation.
Omnium rerum quarum usus est, potest esse abusus, virtute solo excepta.
The knowledge that we have done good is reward enough.
Note: one on earth HAS to remain in the stool sculpture deity cult compound...
they could come out
virtue (noun) = a quality that most people consider to be morally good or desirable in a person |
reward (noun) = a gift or payment in return for something done
the best treasures are the ones you carry with you
“Could it be any more fucking clear?” NO, WTF?
“Ah well, how many times can I say the same thing in another way?” this is one of your specialties - surely why so many of us return to your sites (multiple times daily).
“Should I cease to be who I am in order to preserve a semblance of domestic tranquility? Should I 'go along to get along'? These are hard choices in hard times.” Such a shame that those we love, so often don’t understand us which then pushes us to consider concession. Compromise certainly has its virtues but, not at the expense of the Divine’s desired individual expression being suppressed. Control… this has been the subject focus of my life challenges as of the last few years. So many who want to control me to be what they think I should be (but even less than that – I’m often surprised at the minutia by which there is an attempt to control). I find it enraging (kind of like all the audio/video ads that automatically launch when you go to a website not looking to be pitched by some completely unrelated issue). It feels karmic somehow so, I acquiesce and offer forgiveness to them and myself.
Hollywood’s dominion in the human psyche is an epic tragedy. Their agendas are being entrained into the minds of innocents and even those who are aware in ways that are insidious. Everything is sure hidden in plain sight (and not hidden at all anymore). Most recently, I saw the Girl w/t Dragon Tattoo opening credit sequence and felt sick by what my intuition gathered it was implying/germinating.
I was sorry to see Michael Tsarion & Jordan Maxwell on the disinfo list since they both significantly helped me to break the bonds of a subservient worldview that I had been saddled with most of my life. I have found JM’s etymology research to be absolutely fascinating and profoundly thought provoking as the manipulation of words is so believable and cunningly powerful in this age. For me, MT’s work and references, especially his latest film, “Architects of Control”, all helped to remove multiple layers/lenses of previously accepted cultural paradigm that I now see as preposterous. I never got a sense that either of these guys was pushing an agenda other than offering tools for humanity to wake up but, I don’t know .
Visible, you are a lighthouse, a beacon for those travelling in the dark, deep waters of our collective conscience. Just knowing you are there (or even were there) has helped me in ways that I hope you will understand someday.
It’s been nice to see some of the old familiar names chime in that I haven’t seen in some time. It befuddles me that so many of the so called “conscious ones” have so many hang ups – contradictomatic, jeez!
The pace at which the susceptible are being driven out of their minds is accelerating.
The countdown is running. Of course it has been for some time as you are aware.
Some small number of the asleep are actually awakening at this late date, and it is with joy that we welcome these few with open arms.
I try not to dwell on the sadness for those that will not. Perhaps another time.
Zombies and sheep, the sorting is occurring and the reaping will being in moments.
One must just enjoy the spectacle and rejoice that balance is soon to be restored.
I know I’m babbling, but this is just the purring from the den in the cul-de-sac.
Citizen Elle;
I know of Michael Tsarion but have never read him, or Jordan Maxwell either. I should be more careful when linking or just insert endless disclaimers. I never intend for people to think that I buy the totality of what is linked because it is my intuition that the reader knows they have to make up their own mind. When I directly state that I support a view; that's something different.
I don't know who Jordan Maxwell is. I don't know who a lot of people are.I didn't see Webster Tarpley there but he is on other lists. I can't make head or tails of it. I don't know.
Even people that I have deeply trusted and thought I knew have revealed other dimensions (or would that be dementia?) to me.
India really seems to have fucked up my usual stream in certain ways and interestingly, in India I was Les Culpable than in any other time. I walked into some things that were arranged ahead of time; no other explanation seems to work.
I try not to let these things concern me and I am 99.99% successful with that. Mostly what I feel is wishing I was already where I am going to wind up. At the moment, the human race is not being won by humans, which kind of defeats the purpose and point.
So many things go on that I don't really understand. For instance, I seldom drink. Yet, in Mexico and India I definitely did. 'purpose of demonstration' resounds in my ears. I wish the author would try a little 'for the purpose of explanation', heh heh.
Ah well, lovely spring day, think I'll perambulate into town and sit in a cafe for a spell. Maybe something interesting will happen. Not much ever does here, except in this room. This is a truly boring town, lacking most all of the elements you see in the more active reaches. I know I got put here for that reason, so I wouldn't be distracted.
I guess some emails are in order. Carry on.
One individual that has had a massive impact on the thinking of the higher-ups for some time and is never mentioned much in the open.
Malthus, and his writings and philosophy, about to many people producing more people in a world of limited resources, has been imbedded in the elite's thinking.
I'm not sure how much they believe or just use for their own ends.
Malthus, talks a lot about useless eaters who will always (not do much in terms of productivity) and live at the subsistence level all their lives.
I certainly don't believe that crap.
As I've traveled around the country and world, I see huge UN-tapped land and resources that could easily sustain a population many times the current level. And this is NOT even considering the hidden technologies and what they may be able to accomplish in terms of increasing the efficiency of the use of those resources.
Just thought I'd mention him.
Funny, I happened upon an old blog posting out there recently that intended to show that YOU, Les Visible, could be some sort of MK Ultra type........
Then we have to examine the definition of what a "Patriot" is, don't we? As I scan the sidebar, I see a link to Lasha Darkmoon's work, where it seems quite clear that the preservation of the "white race" is a key motivator in the pool he/she swims in. To some, this is key - preservation of a "pure" race (sounds familiar). To others, it is a strict adherence to Constitutional matters.
And then, there is Paul Drocton, one of the smartest people on the PLANET - how do we know this? Well, because he SAYS so! Oh, and be sure to buy some of his paper gold, too.
I was recently accused of being a "Liberal" by a co-worker. WTF does that mean? I guess we all need a label of some sort, so as to be placed in a category for judgement.
This notion that we have a responsibility to "awaken" others is simply a cover for those who think they "know" something to reinforce those notions and shut anyone out who does not adhere to the waker's belief system. Cognitive dissonance is a mothereffer, innit? Leading silently by example through actions and deeds has far more value than any sharing of "truths" one might find on the internet as far as I'm concerned. So often I see writers lamenting their inability to connect with friends and loved one's or strangers....."why can't those idiots SEE the truth I am bringing them?!?" blah, lame.
And where do these "truths" come from? Links on the internet, usually. Other people's beliefs and "discoveries" ;aid out as truth.
Why do I point out the above? Because one slight deviation from any reader's own internal dialog can bring out the charge of "disinfo agent". I personally have no time for Darkmoon or Drockton, but am solid enough in my own understanding of this place (Earth) to not let it cause me to abandon my interest in what you have to say (even though I am FAR more drawn to the Origami vibe). You are certainly wrong about some things, as am I about many, so there is still room for further exploration and growth. "I don't know" is a TRUTH that few will ever really grasp the value of however. Few of us know anywhere near as much as we think. At least you admit it and avoid pontification. That is honesty and I truly appreciate that.
I know you understand the true meaning here and hope that you NEVER adopt a rigid stance and become yet another closed book insisting that those who read you agree fully or become the "other" - which is exactly what those who would drive us apart want. It appears to be working wonderfully.
Be well, All.
Zoner; Paul Drocton is on my site because he lobbied for it. I'm not comfy with various things about the aggregate persona here but if I tell Paul I don't want him in my links anymore he might turn on me and then I have yet one more situation. Is that weak and compromising of me? Possibly but I've had my fill of hammerings over recent times and am just not into the housecleaning end of things at the moment.
You don't do what I do so you can't be an accurate judge of what it takes to juggle all this shit, keep your sense of humor and allot pretty much the most of your life to other people in this way.
Few things are as infuriating as when someone says something like this "You are certainly wrong about some things" and then doesn't itemize.
Did it never occur to you that I would be most interested in knowing what those things are that I am certainly wrong about, so I can correct them? Is this actually just a matter of opinion or some of those things where everyone is wrong, or what not? I'd appreciate hearing what I'm wrong about because you could be right and I am one of those people that does give a shit.
I've got some kind of astro-config going on at the moment that is turning old acquaintances/friends sour on me and conversely turning some formerly opposed to me over into a more favorable perspective. It is seriously weird. I'll just go over and under, like I always do because I know that life is an obstacle course. I even know the one who puts the obstacles there and takes them away but... he's got his own time frame.
If something is bugging you, I would appreciate some clarification.
strange how you mention Drockton in your last comment. it was my mention of him some time ago that resulted in a slightly unpleasent exchange between you and I. anyhow that's history and i'm still here.
so, oh yes. I was thinking how i had spent so many hours wasting my time on jones and the likes disinfo sites. but then thought - no, i didn't waste my time because if i hadnt spent so much time watching and observing their patterns myself then any opinion i would have would not be my own.
i could advise people to cut it short and give them a miss. but i actually think it is better to go through that shit and see for oneself. ok, many people will get stuck there and be lead pied piper style to where ever the piper is being paid to lead them to.
simply put - i find that AJ plays his role well in that he teaches us how tricky these feckers actually are. to me he is so transparent - but that wasnt always the case. i had to go to primary school before i moved on.
dont know if ive said much at all really :) but for those that want to cut it short - maybe just go there knowing what he is. and take it from me - for what thats worth - he is batting for the other side. so what does that make all of his special guests one has to wonder. the same - of fecking dumb - or cashing in???
My comment re: being wrong was a generalization - not meant to point out ANY specific act or opinion, simply suggesting that you are human and prone to errors as we all are. I am certainly in no position to judge anyone, and do not wish to appear to be doing so. It has been many months since I last waded into this realm (online bloggers and sites) and my communication skills are obviously lacking. I was close to emailing you and asking to not publish my comment as it adds nothing and could easily appear as an attack. I should have trusted that small voice and done so.
The lack of internal resonance with some "truth" sites/voices is louder in certain places, but trying to stay open and weigh what I read against personal experience is the only way I can even read most of this stuff anymore.
There is no longer any illusion about finding any truths "out there", and my time is better spent in other ways that do not involve reading on the internet, save for a few individuals who speak from the heart and have no agenda other than to share with others who they feel connected with.
I have no issue with you, and appreciate the explanation of the relationship with Drocton, even though one was certainly not owed or required. I cannot even begin to comprehend what it takes to do what you do, and often times wonder at why, exactly, you do so. Origami I get. Sharing your own experiences I also get. SM at times I do not but you have explained the reason for this many times in the past and it need not be done again, at least for my benefit.
My apologies for the clumsy commentary. I do hope no harm has been done. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Vis, good 'bashing about the head, neck, and shoulders' article.
"Unless some greater, massive awakening takes place in quick order..."
My hunch is that 'They' are waiting for some 'sweet spot', in order to lay out a certain set of railroad tracks. Like you, I hope it comes soon...
"My purview is that some great and invisible change has taken place behind the scenes (recently)..."
I also think that is true. It is kind of like the heavy machinery being rolled into place the night before a big operation. No actual 'change' has occurred, but a sense of 'destiny' is in the air. Ramtha used to talk about that being an observer's sense of the 'probability wave' of one future beginning to crystallize out into actuality.
"Some are affected and being put to sleep because of an inability to face dramatic change and some of us continue to move forward because change is what we are all about..."
Deep sigh. There is a 'sorting' going on. It is a matter of 'passion', so to speak. What can you be 'separated from' before it becomes too much?
(Side note: I believe that I went through this once before, long ago. I waited too long, in an effort to get people out, and got 'sucked down' in the 'event'. I will help, but 'Never Again'...)
"'Purpose of demonstration' resounds in my ears. I wish the author would try a little 'for the purpose of explanation', heh heh."
That made me laugh out loud, in an irony sort of way. You pegged it (grin).
"At the moment, the human race is not being won by humans, which kind of defeats the purpose and point."
More good play on words. Liz thinks I'm crazy or weird when I come up with such concoctions, but it is a way of remaining 'sane' (if such is the case -grin-) under such pain of 'knowing'. Hat off in respect...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Vis, i find a lot of comfort knowing you're there ,even if it's somewhere in the ether -
I'm saddened your relationship will end -the reason I say that is because as I lost those connections that shaped my self and world view I spent a good deal of time reviewing my views and ability to trust-so many ideas became suspended stored away only to be considered over and over again - .
life became a new morning and a new morning and one day the alarm rangs and the date well who can say - each time a relationship is lost the alarm is set.we know no direction in time ,there is no north south east or west , our birthdays are our address. The most pressing question in life is still under review.
I beg I don't sound mad -the vicissitudes of life , the wind in our face or at our back .
The mad wind of lies ,the wind that carries the cries of all the connections we will never be able to share because turning our back to those foul winds of murder and death only slows any progress we could make facing it.
live long
it's been several months of a longer, stranger trip than ever but here i am. everything has flipped -- this is it. THIS IS IT
so happy to still have you chiming in sir visible...
everything is happening right on schedule
keep the faith
liz in .a.
I don't 'believe' in anything.
I'm learning new things every day.
My mind is always changing.
Best to just say "I don't know".
“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.”
"Don't Believe The Hype"
Public Enemy
Down the path between the the mud path becomes narrow and grassy...and then into the mist..."watching sick city disappear in my rear view mirror"...
you are right: the last two postings you have made,were some of the best of the web.
KUDOs for both of them, most esp the one about Monsanto, and who it really names.
Since today's SM discusses inet publicists, I'm curious about opinions regarding Jon Rappoport, (nomorefakenews). He focuses on how the media works to manipulate minds. Personally, I think his work is very straight up, and useful. Some friends, who are beginning to question the official delusion, agree. Anyhow, I give him a thumbs up.
Be well, All, Rob
Yet another brilliant piece of writing, Les. I know you will stick to the resonant frequency because you know you must (in order to survive). Thank you and good luck
“Could it be any more fucking clear?”
For those with eyes to see it is crystal-clear, and those are the only eyes I care about now. Let the Devil reap what he has sown. Let the bloated egotist serve their Master well. Be grateful that you are not party to the flibbertigibbet’s ego orgy in a mutual circle jerk of blowing smoke up each other’s ass.
Save the anthropomorphizations for cute furry things with wet noses, for they are far more likely to meet your expectations. There is a reason why Nikola Tesla found solace feeding pigeons, and since that time, the journey’s pace form head of gold to feet of clay has quickened.
Stupid is increasing as exponentially as the cabal’s money tokens. It is a bumptious buffoon’s bubble blowout of biblical proportions. Bubble headed bumpkin bumble butts are butting heads against reality. Mother Nature’s Irish kiss is coming; she is puckering her lips for the big smooch.
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” –Plato
Hi Les,
I haven't posted many comments in awhile as they never seem to appear.I sent one today regarding Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell whom I have never considered to be agents as they don't appear to have an agenda other than to help, nor Alan watts, I said you could be on that list too, not as an insult as i don't consider you to be an agent either just that they may be throwing in decent people on lists to confuse everyone and cause us to lose belief in everyone whose work is waking people up or at least rattling their cage.
I wonder have you not been receiving them or not posting them? I am a long time reader of your blogs and enjoy what you put out there. just wondering.I think the last time you told me you hadn't gotten any so i just you to clarify for me.
I'm beating off hard to your page while chanting U.S.A.
P.S. Budwiper is shit beer.
Hola Vis -
No, it couldn't be more fucking clear - - but only to people who want to see. I've pretty much given up on close friends and family who just tumble along with the prevailing winds, never wondering if they are blowing in a good direction.
This might be easier to deal with if they were solely focused on the Divine instead of what's going on in the world, but they are completely mesmerized by the boob tube (what a great descriptive phrase) and the MSM version of events - - with no thought of 'what if it didn't happen that way". It's really important to them that "The Voice" is so much better than "American Idol".
My compelling thoughts are that the the Universe is ultimately a place of balance - - that explains the whiplash-producing backswing currently in progress. And that everything is part of the Divine plan - - sometimes this part's a challenge given the degree of ugliness going on.
Thank you for being a beacon of sanity in a world getting squirrelier (apologies to squirrels) by the moment. It'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.
peace and love,
>>>>>>>>Unless some greater, massive awakening takes place in quick order, The Invisible and Lady Nature are going to unleash what is necessary to enforce awakening, while also processing a large percentage of you into another location.<<<<<<<<
Sadly, the massive awakening will not arrive, not on this side of eternity anyway. I have it on good authority that 2/3 to 3/4 of those presently in via will soon leave this phase of existence and it will not go well for 99.9% of them in the next phase. Still, it is my duty and privilege to love each and all I meet, regardless of their choices and destinies. I look forward to reading the completed manuscript and helping you make it as perfect as humanly possible. Godspeed :)
Hola MercedMarie,
Asked the squirrels in my yard, and there are plenty of the bushy tailed rodents, about accepting your apology. They said no.
Methinks it will be a bit more than "interesting", to see how things turn out.
Please don't take offense, I'm just funning. An extremely late spring kind of turns one squirrely.
Be well, Rob
Thanks so much, Vis, for this post. I do not have the same situation with my wife, but the rest of my family is another story. I recently have had it with what is left of my "family," someone who has no interest in the truth. The minute the comfort zone is breached, he starts hysterically bringing up "conspiracy theories." Can't these people come up with new terms of denial? I think a lot of us are having a hard time, but there's just no other way but toward the light and truth. You have been a big support to me and I'm grateful for that.
Slow motion video:
(watch at 720p full screen)
11 sec – explosion – no damage at all – even air balloons did not pop! and seen
flying away.
21 sec – camera pans – there is some smoke, but not much, you can see trough – no victims yet.
25 sec – group of people (7-15) are coming out of the building with broken windows -one is wearing red hat.
No runnig, very calmly walking out.
33 sec – you can hear a pop ! smoke grenade goes off.
A lot of smoke to cover clowns getting into position, applying fake blood, waiting for smoke to clear.
Rob, I’m with you about JR – as soon as he showed up on my radar, I’ve been like a moth to the flame. Glad you brought him up here. His perspective and point of origin soundly resonate , but also inspires in viewing his greater work. To me he promotes self-sovereignty via authentic creative imagination to align with being the true expression of the Divine for the highest good of all. I was pushed to action by this man just as I’ve been since discovering dawg Visible. Today’s post about image addiction is a typical hammer - telling it like it is; always identifying the charaders; always from the heart & soul.
Anon 4/24/13 8:37:00 PM ~~~loved that verbose verbiage ~~~
Merced Marie, peace & love – cheers!
My heroine of the moment for walking the talk & taking a stand despite known consequences:
reminds me of something I often forget & seems important with what humanity is up against - small gestures by small groups can be very powerful
much love,
~~~e e~~~
"Unless some greater, massive awakening takes place in quick order, The Invisible and Lady Nature are going to unleash what is necessary to enforce awakening, while also processing a large percentage of you into another location. It's what happens when what is supposed to happen doesn't happen."
Let it come. May mother Nature bomb the shit out of us, and send us packing to the after life. Amen.
To all the unenlightened beings who visit this site be forwarned les visible is an Archon. I can prove it with physical information to support my observations. Maybe Mr.Visible is so caught up in his 'personality' that he can not see "the forest because of the trees". If you want the "Truth" then return to the Source of that Truth. Do you know where that IS?
Les... You want to see rats come to the UK! We have tons of the 4 legged variety, & quite a few of the two legged ones. I actually had a visitation of the 4 legged ones in my apartment, the last, unusually wet, summer. The buggers came up through the drains. Did you know, that rats love soap! So, if any readers find their soap has disapeared, its not poltergeists, it is 4 legged roland, who can spirit away a whole bar of the stuff
You see Les, Most people used to admire you, follow you and take your words to heart, but then, along came Mexico. You strenuously denied drinking nothing more than a couple of beers, repeatedly, during your stay there.
People forgave you, or chose to ignore it, and the people there chose not to cause you too much grief by proving their point, which they clearly could have. Slowly you curried favor with your fans again.
Then came India. Repeat Mexico, with even more strenuous denials of drinking. Now the "fans" took even more note. You slagged everyone off who even vaguely enquiring, telling them, yet again, to blindly trust your word. You gave email addresses out, referees and contact numbers, all to prove that nothing untoward happened.hat you did not abuse the booze.
Now you admit that, actually, you DID drink too much and caused trouble, claiming you are only human, after all.
What you did Les, was lie. Several times and without the need to. Had you just admitted you got out of hand, nobody would have bat an eye, they know you're a man of excess and it would not have bothered a single soul. But you lied, repeatedly, with malicious intent and with the intention of hurting the people who knew this.
When someone, who has your complete trust does this,it destroys more than just trust, it makes the person who had the trust despise you because you were capable of deceiving them, that they were capable of being deceived.
To this day, you brook no modicum of "dissent". Even vague innuendo. You lash out and "protect" yourself at the drop of even a hint that someone may be "dissing" you.
That is not the way of the enlightened being, of someone who spends time with God!
But it sure is the way of the snake-oil salesman.
Does it not seem odd that everyone who WE KNOW you have met, not those in your imagination who only you can verify, but those that we have the ability to contact, like Jim Corr, Amarynth, the SOTT lot, those at Mexico at the time, and even those Indian referees you gave, all think there's something wrong with you, that you are not what you say you are, that you are not the real deal you claim to be?
Those "close friends" that have extricated themselves from your life have done so because you caused them harm by setting yourself up as a Guru, an Avatar, or whatever else you have claimed, and then repeatedly spitting in their faces.
I know you will not see this note as anything other than an attack, but one day, one fine day, this message may get through to your human decency you have long since abandoned and you'll cease trying to use beautiful words to garner "invisible friends" all over the planet.
Good luck.
'you want the truth ?
you can't handle the truth.'
it is certainly not in casting aspersions at/on our kind host
i suggest a hobby or volunteer
you're no good at this, really
you'll get bored and move on
as so many have, before you
an Arcon you say -Aghori! so pray tell us is this a good thing or a bad thing. and who is Vis Arconing for?
also what is physical information - literally?
i wont hod my breath
Great video apropos the 'Tribes' activities, will dive into it to keep reminded of their malfeasance.
Les is an Archon? That's funny, because I bought a new pair of Dr. Scholls the other day. I really needed to get my arch on.
Protocols move forward:
Bomb number 1 (near the finish line) was a smoker out of the inside of Lens Crafters shop. Actors, red paint, amputees. Fake.
Bomb number 2 (one block from the finish line) was real in a backpack placed on the ground by Mossad/FBI.
The brothers are patsies. Paid by the FBI to show up at the BFF. They placed no knapsacks or bombs anywhere, ever.
The Craft operators were contracted by the FBI and tipped off there was a bomb threat. They were there to increase security.
The two bombs were a trap for truth seekers since the fakery of bomb nr 1 would cause a generalization that bomb nr 2 was also fake. Bomb nr 2 did explode in a crowd and kill 3 and injure over a hundred.
The brothers and Craft were ALL patsies which were photographed to yield maximum confusion of the truth.
Mossad and FBI did it. Multilayered. Mossad police coming from israel to put it all to bed.
Boston False Flag
Visible, you said: "Mostly what I feel is wishing I was already where I am going to wind up." Hear ya It'll be worth it, I sense.
Full moon on the Taurus/Scorpio axis today. Fixed earth and water energies. Saturn in Scorpio close enough to make payback a real righteous strict bitch.
Teeter totter is getting way heavy on the exploited ones end. Almost ready to fling all the psychopathic abusers straight up in the air with no controls.
Eamon's pronouncement about the "2/3 3/4" resonates with my experiences in forced own observations were 80% -since the "1%" is so bandied about that might be the amount of humans left with their souls intact here on Earth at this time. A lot of soulless actions going on for sure. Why they seem so blind. They aren't blind-they agree with what's going down as long as it doesn't come down on them.
Hoping all this strong moonlight gives them no respite even whilst they recharge during the night time. Light is shining all the time now-that's what I'm noticing.
Eager for Jupiter to move out of Gemini and into Cancer... seems like forever we've been into this big duplicity heightened by this planetary aspect.
the gardener
Anon #33 @9:21
You're an exceptional specimen of dumbness and stupidity.
You do not belong here.
Tell you why:
The stupid and dumb do not understand or grasp IDEAS. They are literally incapable to do so; they have no intellect or a really functioning brain.
On the other hand, like the gossiping dumb class, they are hung up on personalities and what they are or have been doing.
You see nothing, understand nothing. You focus on the only thing you can grasp: the persona, personality (and gossip). (You must be an avid reader of tabloids)
If you'd have any true intellect and intelligence, you could distinguish between his behavior and possible vices and the products of his mind. But you can't.
You are not interested in ideas, you want a guru (a personality to worship and follow). And when the guru you attached yourself to, disappoints you, you get angry - at him because he does not behave the way you EXPECT him to.
Like I said it in an other posting: Your kind thinks that if you attach yourself to him and you make him your Guru, he OWES you for such devoted affection with a behavior you EXPECT and APPROVE.
I do not care if he is a falling-down-in-the-gutter drunk. I don't care if he denies it - or even lies about it. It is IRRELEVANT.
He is not my friend, buddy, guru or whatever. His personality or vices do not interest me, nor should they interest you.
All I'm interested are his ideas, insights, philosophy, and the information he gives us - free(!).
You're a dumb twit, go find yourself another Guru, who will feed you bullshit (the only thing you can grasp), you so desperately crave.
It was said:
The truly intelligent talks about ideas and philosophy.
The class below, talks about things and events.
The dumb class talks about (other) people and gossip.
Guess, where you're at...
Do the 6's get the fives or ts ar they nave, pardon me, are we naive?
So i'm reading through anonymous#33's comment and right at the very end i see the real aim,
"you'll cease trying to use beautiful words to garner "invisible friends" all over the planet."
The rest sounded pretty interesting, too--at least ffrom where i sit.
Anon@ 9:25
Get over it already. The guy is human. If you haven't figured that out yet then there's really nothing anyone can tell you to make you feel better about it.
Most grudges result from an entitlement to one's own inflated, unmet/unmeetable expectations.
AGHORI first response is to Anonymous: I did not get the time of this response because it just got deleted as I was copying it.
Glad to see you woke up. He is really a Psychopath. Lying and manipulation is a way of life for him. Thanks.
As I am writing this response I see Mr. Visible has just deleted this very important reflections by Anonymous (one of his long time fans). Did anyone else see Anonymous comment about LV lying about Mexico, India and alcohol? I know exactly what he did in India.
And to 'insiam'. Man can you not spell Anchon correctly. Are you telling me you and some others here are too lazy to google the concept.
'insane'... physical information means pictures and personal email written by LV.
LV ask for feedback and as soon as someone points out his short comings he deletes their remarks. This missive may not get through either.
Oh by the way Visible invisible friends are Reptilian.
Ho-lay! Whatever that means. Thank you. I love you and you're welcome.
Please be advised that when you want to assault me that it goes contrary to your purposes when you claim that I deny things that I very freely admitted to, more than once.
Please! This is an intelligent audience. I really don't like to see you embarrass yourself like this, even if you are anonymous.
India didn't work out for me. Mexico didn't work out for me but I always paid my way and in some cases, paid other people's way; to the extent that I presently have about five hundred bucks and some change.
The problem, as I see it is that people have certain expectations of me. Heh? I have expectations too, so sometimes I have to do with purpose of demonstration to find out where people are really at. I don't want the usual suspects coming along when I arrive at the place that I actually intend to remain in.
Some trips work out and some don't. You go and take an activated kundalini into the motherheart of the planet and see what happens to you.
I don't want any already fucked up people on my bus when I get to the main zone. That is pretty much the whole reason behind my actions.
Generally, I am a clear headed fellow. I work for God, give any name you like. I am a friend of God as my friend Abul might say.
You know, you weren't even there. All anyone has to do is contact the people who were actually there and it turns out to be very different on that account.
I'm not an angel. I don't claim to be one. Others make those statements about me. I have been told that I am a Bodhisattva. I don't know what's going on. I just do what I do. Sometimes it works out badly and sometimes good. Read the Aghora books. I'm tame, compared to that guy.
If you are my friend, you will not desert me, or play any games. When someone is my friend it is forever. We do not part. Struggles come and some people can't handle it. Those people are lightweights and not my friends. When the time comes. We will see.
I'm in for the whole game, start to finish and I am still here. I'm still climbing the mountain. I'm almost there.
I need to make a correction. The Anonymous comment which I stated was deleted is back. Must have been a glitch in the program. I closed the page and re-opened it and the comment was there posted on Thursday, April 25, 2013 9:21:00AM
So thanks again Anonymous for your evaluation of Mr. Visible. I hope he takes these comments to 'heart'.
Anon 4/25 9:21 am:
Your comment reminded me of an expression a recently passed friend said a few times to me, years ago, “they seem like a dog who doesn’t want to give up their bone”. He was referring to a woman who had felt her ex wronged her (just couldn’t give it up). Your choice to hold on to the issues you address or not. For me, what you’re exposing is the larger issue of trust and betrayal among us all as causal agents for continued disharmony. The parasitic mind memes of resentment and grudges hold toxic vibes for others who did not come through as we expected, elected, projected, dissected. That said, I wish you peace and do believe what you say is true. I am you and I am he, too.
Zoner said: “This notion that we have a responsibility to "awaken" others is simply a cover for those who think they "know" something to reinforce those notions and shut anyone out who does not adhere to the waker's belief system. Cognitive dissonance is a mothereffer, innit? Leading silently by example through actions and deeds has far more value than any sharing of "truths" one might find on the internet as far as I'm concerned. So often I see writers lamenting their inability to connect with friends and loved one's or strangers....."why can't those idiots SEE the truth I am bringing them?!?" blah, lame. And where do these "truths" come from? Links on the internet usually. Other people's beliefs and "discoveries" laid out as truth.“
Your whole paragraph here creates cognitive dissonance itself for me. What lens should I wear? Macro? Micro? Local? Collective? The first sentence as stated seems to intend the reader accept your premise in a factual way, across the board, where no clarity exists. Sure what you say must certainly be true for some (e.g. Anon 4/25 9:21 am’s msg) but, not all. I hear where you are coming from but, your tone sounds righteous. I may too . As we each are exposed to different aspects of the human condition (each seeing only the tip of our own iceberg), many seek to share insights and lessons for the benefit of all for a myriad of reasons, e.g. to spare our comrades of any unnecessary suffering, does it not help us learn about the collective? My methods for discretion have been radically altered in the last decade by necessity.
Josey said: “As I've traveled around the country and world, I see huge UN-tapped land and resources that could easily sustain a population many times the current level. And this is NOT even considering the hidden technologies and what they may be able to accomplish in terms of increasing the efficiency of the use of those resources.”
I can’t agree with your observation more. The corrupted current method of resource distribution and the proffered lifestyle options served to the masses as viable is wholly inadequate (I know, duh). Fair share for all is contaminated by devices the UN espouses. Notions of borders, immigration, patriotism, property traps and special drawing rights (huh?) are constructs of man that would ideally be laid to rest ASAP. How the truly heinous and bogus nature of, so called, “western” material culture for some reason escapes most folks grasp for the farce that it is, is perplexing now more than ever… honest exposes on mind control and psyops abound, resound, confound and astound.
If only more people would care about things other than just being recipients of the end products of their own desires. Visiting and studying the work of Jacques Fresco/Roxanne Meadows revealed such beings exist. At the core of the Venus project is a clue – most systems to serve US (as in YOU, me, WE - not UN) are already in place (albeit co-opted). There are SO MANY more that I discovered & is surely why I’m still here. What to do when we are each given our opportunity to “shine our light”. Our greatest work is always in the now.
gardener, as always, THANK YOU for the astro +
**so sorry for confusing you with zengardner multiple times. I feel the fool, yet again (grin).
Iron lion zion
I can say for certain Mr. Visible was given the opportunity to 'reach the top of the mountain' as he expressed it but he rejected the opportunity because of his fear and closet mind.
Kundalini activation at age 4 for me and I am and have been at the core of hell(India) for 39 years with a Ph.D. in Vedanta, Buddhism and Sanskrit. I consider the character in the book AGHORA as a beginner. So I know what Mr.Visible is saying in his above response is nothing but bulls..t. Remember the dark forces are also masters of 'truth'; the difference between white and black is about "intent and motivation". He is sucking you people of both energy and money. Thanks
Aghori -
You are a certifiable tool... What money was Visible "sucking" from us?! None! If people gave him money, it was of their own volition, not due to solicitation.
These people that attack, why? What do you possibly hope to gain? Do you really think that we're going to stop reading his work based on your postings?
I'm no sycophant, and I rarely comment - shoot, this is my first comment in a few years (seeing Zoner and Neko helped inspire me to do so again) - but your attacks are pointless and really only prove that Visible is on the right track. I also know that this is a somewhat pointless venture on my part, engaging a troll, but really, you're such a tool! Your study and PHD exemplify your willful ignorance (I work w/ several holders of advanced degrees, and good for you and your ability to regurgitate each others theses; you've all contributed so much to society). Bet those fancy letters behind your name really make you feel like a big guy. So big that you put your name to what you say... If you're going to attack, at least have the balls to attach your name.
Aghori #52
You really sound like sour grapes, infused with envy.
You are giving yourself away with...
No, I won't tell you, but I believe this place has enough intelligent enough readers, who see what's giving your hand away.
Vis has risen out of the tens of millions of people, to the extent, that thousands read his writings - including in countries (where he is quoted) - you'd never guess. What and how many people have you risen out of?
On your part, the first rising should be out of stupidity...
Well, what can i say.This, that? I am engaged in an experience of living.
Some people think I don't like Jews. Well, it was often Jews that saved my ass in times of trouble, while other Jews were seriously fucking me over. I'll name some of the good ones them; John Fuchs. Peter Blum, Fred Bloomfield (sometimes called Ram Tirth), Issac Shapiro and there are others.
They will tell you all kinds of things about me. They were there when my world fell apart as it did many times.
There is the tribe hive and the good guys. Whatever. I am gathering my effects and those who know will know. And we will be seeing each other at some point.
I don't know about the rest of the world but we got a golden age coming. In or out? Up to you.
One of them is a guy called Kenneth, passes himself off as enlightened. He orchestrated an astral attack on me that led to my getting thrown out of the apartment in India.
Previously he had called up Abul to tell him bad things about me.
There are many details of what happened in India that I have not disclosed. It's only because I saw no point in acting in my own defense. It had finally dawned on me that I am important, so unimportant people with too much self recognition in the wrong window don't like me.
I am that dumb or Pollyannish. I really do not know but... then I do, sometimes. You'd have to be there.
Sometimes I think I was sent to test the weakness or strength of everyone I meet. Sometimes there is no test, just instant recognition, like with the Pope and the man I am going to see in the country I am leaving for.
Got to go or I really would go on.
The Hogs were the offensive line of the Redskins and threw great blocks for all-time great John Riggins. Who cares about all this who is true who is not true enough crap. All el vee is trying to do is wake people up before it is too late and what is wrong with that.
As I like to say; they should change the name to -
The Department of
Hymieland Security -
for clarification.
So, Aghori where is the proof you say you have that Vis is an Aircon. Anyhow aren't Aircons the coolest thing ever!
Heh. I served with the Archon. I knew the Archon. The Archon was a friend of mine.
You, Senator, are no Archon.
anon 11:37; how about simply - hymland security woudnt that be more fitting - 40
% of pouation being evangelicals and funndies :)
isiam ;)
(wouldnt post due to slight glitch - hence anon)
Usually, when I am called upon to make a critical judgement of anyone, I have to see the bigger picture before deciding what my judgement is. We all judge each other, knowingly or not, it's natural human trait, but I have been perplexed by Vis' need to reply to anyone in defense of his actions in Mexico and India, but that's his business, not mine.
Applying the bigger picture principle in Vis' case makes the whole affair a non event.
On the right, we have a massive body of work that defies description, even among the most eloquent among us; Poetry, insight and pure heartbeat prose that resonates with all who go back and read it.The thousands of hours slaving away over a hot computer and studio, with no monetary recompense, to impart this fantastic body of work. Countless hours spent counseling his readers, and, for the most part, giving, freely of his time, money and good will for the betterment of humankind.
On the left we have some isolated incidents of imbibing excess. Yes, on occasion, we have all had these moments, whatever your chosen drug of choice may have been. I still do it to this day at 59 years old, but I don't care what others think of those moments of erroneous diversions. Balance is important. Balance is everything.
When I look at the left and the right together; No contest. Case closed.
Thanks Vis, for that magnificent ongoing body of work, unparallelled on the world wide web, it has given so much to so many people and spoken a secret language that unlocks people's hearts that would have never had that privilege were it not for your efforts.
Patrick Willis
Usually, when I am called upon to make a critical judgement of anyone, I have to see the bigger picture before deciding what my judgement is. We all judge each other, knowingly or not, it's natural human trait, but I have been perplexed by Vis' need to reply to anyone in defense of his actions in Mexico and India, but that's his business, not mine.
Applying the bigger picture principle in Vis' case makes the whole affair a non event.
On the right, we have a massive body of work that defies description, even among the most eloquent among us; Poetry, insight and pure heartbeat prose that resonates with all who go back and read it.The thousands of hours slaving away over a hot computer and studio, with no monetary recompense, to impart this fantastic body of work. Countless hours spent counseling his readers, and, for the most part, giving, freely of his time, money and good will for the betterment of humankind.
On the left we have some isolated incidents of imbibing excess. Yes, on occasion, we have all had these moments, whatever your chosen drug of choice may have been. I still do it to this day at 59 years old, but I don't care what others think of those moments of erroneous diversions. Balance is important. Balance is everything.
When I look at the left and the right together; No contest. Case closed.
Thanks Vis, for that magnificent ongoing body of work, unparallelled on the world wide web, it has given so much to so many people and spoken a secret language that unlocks people's hearts that would have never had that privilege were it not for your efforts.
Patrick Willis
See Bush get his new library today? So where was Al-CIAduh?
They're all in one place, the whole mob of evil bosses whose buddies are about to do Iran and not one shifting eye to be seen.
I watched for a while just to see if anyone there would look at all nervous on the chance some vengeful military officer might try something. Not a wavering worry line among them. (Laura Bush has the most crazy occultic evil eye's.)
I mentioned my simple observation to my niece and she said the reason they all looked so relaxed was they probably had their Depends diapers on.
well said patrick, and the truth +
you're readings are superlative
why anyone would give this guy
a hard time is way beyond me
@6:01 pm
then again, i got no ph.d ha
some people got a lotta nerve
you ignora, have reminded me
why i steered clear of academia
"It had finally dawned on me that I am important, so unimportant people with too much self recognition in the wrong window don't like me."
That quote of yours says it all Visible.
And that could be taken in 2 equally diverse ways (grin).
To anyone who cares,,,
I used to be a model alcoholic from age 17 to age 32, never missed work due to alcohol except for 2 major motorcycle accidents.
The first apx. 11-12yrs. my wife (married in 1981) and I added up just the cost of lawyers,fines, fees,DWI,cars and motorcycles,etc.. cost about 25,000dollars.(not including the alcohol I drank every night.)
My last motorcycle accident I peeled my head open and bent my brain and fractured my back.
I finally realized it was time to quit or die.
I still had my life,my wife and my 2 children.(still married,32 yrs. now). More to the story but,
I'm glad my wife waited for me to quit drinking. I must have some redeeming qualities.(grin)
I can say that during my drinking years I had lied to my wife more than anybody else and she's the last one I should have lied to.
I guess the moral of my story is Love and Patience will overcome anything.
Thanks Visible, for You and this place. I love you man.
walking hawk
"I heard from someone that you......."
Too bad that is the model employed so often these days, and makes the point I was trying (clumsily) to arrive at earlier. Get you "info" from the source, or prepare to be bamboozled more often than not.
I produced/engineered and album this winter - the title was "I'll See It When I Believe It". That about sums it all up really.
On a side note ;
If you insist on violence, I can also help supply that.
Love and Peace to All.
walking hawk
You know, they tried to weaponize elephants, dolphins, cats, dogs, even fleas and mice. They should know better, human wetware contains that, and more, they should really keep to their own stations, doing what is commanded.
It is hard to know, how being a little god is not enough, maybe a test? I guess impatience is a real issue when Time is all that is occupied. Geez, preservation was not to be this twisted, just restoration, and reminders.
The problem with Astral warfare is blowback from those that just want to serve the One, and mind their own business, and keep to what is commanded. That is trying to be some real War, they should be more careful, they could get hurt, and that would hurt more than the original invitation. Not all mutation is viable, in this place.
Hate to comment without reading the whole section but I don't want to forget to chime in on what you said Vis about so many people's lack of curiosity and how it truly blows me away, and has for many years now, esp. after 9/11/01. Even now as a regular person with a regular job, nobody talks about this stuff. I do bring it up briefly to close friends though now and then and they get it but I think we are just all burned out or something. Sometimes they brings this stuff up to me too :)
Best wishes to you always my dear beloved Visible. Can't wait for your next book.
What is occurring on a social level was explained very well by Willow, which I quoted below here. It has to do with the movements of the planets and the stars. I find a social shift taking place in my sphere of influence, and I am sure its happening to most everybody else out there. I have found myself becoming more tolerant and forgiving of others, and less focused upon the endless barrage of political shit going on in the world of duality. I have become more focused upon spirituality and seeking the divine and the good that exists in all things. It has been a sea change for me, and not an easy task letting go of my entrenched way of seeing everything that I used to know. Its not been easy putting an end to trying to control every situation, and no longer feeling a need to prove the rightness of the way I see things, even when I am right. Its not been all easy to stop reacting to what comes my way. Maybe it has to do with Karma, certain patterns simply were no longer allowed to continue for me... it was simply impossible, its like the Kundalini forced change to occur.
You said something about the veils being removed from the aspirant to a point where "you are no longer what you were" in a previous episode of Visible Radio. Boy was it ever true. I first listened to this show at the onset of a 25 day hunger strike / water fast in solidarity with Palestine last fall, this in conjunction with a Kundalini awakening completely and forever changed my outlook on reality. I know where I am now is a transitory state of being, and as I continue forward only God knows what the future has in store.
There are a lot of great shows on the Kundalini that I have on my youtube page, your better half will most certainly understand your Kundalini situation far more clearly if she were to take the time and give them a listen. The episode on Kundalini and interactions with those not having it> and Kundalini and Relationships, also the episode on Non Corporal Consciousness particularly stands out to me. They sure opened my eyes... I had no clue that the symptoms I was experiencing over the last few years had to do with Kundalini until I listened to his shows recently. I had to share them because they are too precious... endless hours on divinity.
What is occurring on a social level was explained very well by Willow, which I quoted in a post below this one, should it get through. It has to do with the movements of the planets and the stars. I find a social shift taking place in my sphere of influence, and I am sure its happening to most everybody else out there. I have found myself becoming more tolerant and forgiving of others, and less focused upon the endless barrage of political shit going on in the world of duality. I have become more focused upon spirituality and seeking the divine and the good that exists in all things. It has been a sea change for me, and not an easy task letting go of my entrenched way of seeing everything that I used to know. Its not been easy putting an end to trying to control every situation, and no longer feeling a need to prove the rightness of the way I see things, even when I am right. Its not been all easy to stop reacting to what comes my way. Maybe it has to do with Karma, certain patterns simply were no longer allowed to continue for me... it was simply impossible, its like the Kundalini forced change to occur.
You said something about the veils being removed from the aspirant to a point where "you are no longer what you were" in a previous episode of Visible Radio. Boy was it ever true. I first listened to this show at the onset of a 25 day hunger strike / water fast in solidarity with Palestine last fall, this in conjunction with a Kundalini awakening completely and forever changed my outlook on reality. I know where I am now is a transitory state of being, and as I continue forward only God knows what the future has in store.
There are a lot of great shows on the Kundalini that I have on my youtube page, your better half will most certainly understand your Kundalini situation far more clearly if she were to take the time and give them a listen. The episode on Kundalini and interactions with those not having it> and Kundalini and Relationships, also the episode on Non Corporal Consciousness particularly stands out to me. They sure opened my eyes... I had no clue that the symptoms I was experiencing over the last few years had to do with Kundalini until I listened to his shows recently. I had to share them because they are too precious... endless hours on divinity.
I am not sure if this is getting through Visible... this might show up more than once. What is occurring on a social level was explained very well by Willow, which I quoted in a post below this one, should it get through. It has to do with the movements of the planets and the stars. I find a social shift taking place in my sphere of influence, and I am sure its happening to most everybody else out there. I have found myself becoming more tolerant and forgiving of others, and less focused upon the endless barrage of political shit going on in the world of duality. I have become more focused upon spirituality and seeking the divine and the good that exists in all things. It has been a sea change for me, and not an easy task letting go of my entrenched way of seeing everything that I used to know. Its not been easy putting an end to trying to control every situation, and no longer feeling a need to prove the rightness of the way I see things, even when I am right. Its not been all easy to stop instinctively reacting to what comes my way. Maybe it has to do with Karma, and my new understanding of Karma, certain patterns simply were no longer allowed to continue for me... I tried to resist but it was futile, its like the Kundalini forced change to occur.
You said something about the veils being removed from the aspirant to a point where "you are no longer what you were" in a previous episode of Visible Radio. Boy was it ever true. I first listened to this show last fall at the onset of a 25 day hunger strike in solidarity with Palestine, this in conjunction with the affects of a Kundalini awakening completely and forever changed my entire outlook on reality.
There are a lot of great shows on the Kundalini on my youtube page, your better half will most certainly understand your Kundalini situation far more clearly if she were to take the time and give them a listen. The episode on Kundalini and interactions with those not having it and Kundalini and Relationships, also the episode on Non Corporal Consciousness particularly stands out to me. Even if she wont see them Visible, maybe you will enjoy them. They sure opened my eyes... I had no clue that the symptoms I was experiencing over the last few years had to do with Kundalini until I listened to Chrism's shows recently. I have to share them because they are too precious... endless hours on divinity.
Take Care
to be cont:
Cont: Anyway, about the planets:
quoted from here
"Underlying loyalties start to shake out under this Moon, and we start to get a clearer picture of where people stand as we head deeper into Saturn in Scorpio. Incompatibilities glossed over during Saturn in Libra are pushed to the surface, like it or not. Crossed motivations send up sparks. Lips will curl, unconsciously, showing our fangs if we come too near those with whom we lack inherent common ground. The ties that bound friendly allies during Saturn in Libra snap like dry, autumn twigs under Saturn in Scorpio. Soul compatibility is something altogether different.
Soul-deep incompatibilities go from cracks, to divisions, to chasms. There can be no doubt where we stand on the other side of this New Moon portal."
Now, as the Moon grows full in the sign of sex, death, regenerative healing, hardcore soul drive, and X-Ray vision, we get a look at these underlying allegiances and alliances under the full moonlight, and we get a chance to address them head-on.
We knew where we stood at the Scorpio New Moon last November. Now, at the Scorpio Full Moon, we put that fully into practise - or suffer the consequences (Saturn).
The North Node in Scorpio, coming ever-closer to the conjunction to Saturn (and Venus) this September, is asking you to eliminate every single person, dynamic, and situation that isn't right. Do it authoritatively, and do it now, when the concrete opportunity to do so (Saturn) arises. The Scorpio North Node is asking you to carve out a path that goes to the bone, to the core, stripping down to only the right energy dynamics, to only what's vital, to only what has some fucking life left kicking in it.
With the Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, opposing all that Taurus, you intuitively know the people, dynamics, and situations that need to go. You know which ones are draining you, forcing you into unnatural positions, keeping you stagnant, afraid, or in a subordinate position."
You nailed it with your comment. For most, (I think), Visible's sites are far more about open minded ideas, than any kind of "personality cult". I don't care about what LV does, but his well crafted (usually) words are an invitation to exercise serious intro/reflective examination.
Just for the record, I don't care for his music, or the personal dialogs; it's all about ideas.
Be well,All, Rob
Very well said, Les, per usual
these... degraded souls.. that run this joint, just wont stop, dont stop the mobbing of our species
I still look to the stars for guidance... we have Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, and a major Uranus/Pluto square touching off the midst of that interaction
Saturn in Scorpio, and Jupiter is heading into Cancer - flight to safety?
all this points to serious system collapse/transformation over the next 5-10 years
beyond that, US is looking at a tough chart for sure, no quick end to the violence as karma will take its toll
after all... theres no free lunch!
Well gee Rob in WI thanks for making my day and letting me see that as the first thing I have to come across in my gray morning waiting on Spring; though it was bright and sunny past two days (time to get my Japanese squash and cantaloupe into the ground no doubt).
I know my songs aren't properly engineered, I have to do it all by myself, no band to play along with me in years. I'm not much of a musician and certainly no recording artist on the technical engineering side of things. I have to spend long hours to get what I get done and you have to come by here and publicly dis me like that?
For crying out loud, it's not that bad. Hopefully someone will say something nice, that's even sincere that can balance the scales a little bit; Don't like the personal dialogs? You've always had that just below the surface, snarky attitude about me. It would be nice if you showed a little more class in the clumsy way you conceal it.
I read between the words probably better than anyone I've ever met, which, along with a few bucks will probably get me a cup of coffee somewhere.
Sometimes I think about just how thankless my efforts are and then someone graciously comes around to inform me that it's not entirely untrue.
Well, I guess that explains why I haven't gotten anywhere with it. Weirdly enough I was going to write about the film (in a brief early portion of the, "Searching for Sugarman" -great film!!!!!!!!!! a must see!!! in the coming Petri dish) as it relates a little to my own life- that's going to mention my music and have some personal shit in it so you might want to skip this one. I can put a 'not for Rob' mention at the beginning to save you the time you might waste reading it today.)
Yeah this works real good for the radio show I'm supposed to do this weekend (getting me all enthused and such).
Okay, enough crying in my beer (don't have any beer and haven't in a couple of months, maybe I should get some... beer to roll down the corridor of my throat to match the tears streaming down my face... heh heh...Mr Deliquescent here I come).
Alright, on a personal note (grin). Ty, would you mind doing my chart with progressed transits for the next the next six months, I'll pay?. You seem pretty knowledgeable. Funny how what you said ties in with what I am saying here.
Okay folks, don't take me too seriously. I've got a pretty thick skin (you have to have around here) even if my awkward musical efforts mean a lot to me, like the poetry which is where I get to expose my heart which must also make it kinda awkward for the people who don't have one). I'm going to let it roll off my duck's back and get on with some more of my petty ante karma yoga... heh heh. Boy I'm on a roll with the 'poor me' today, ain't I. "Shut up visible and go back to another one of all those free blowjobs you give me". "Yes, Massa".
Right, then, back to the oars. Hope all is well on the upper decks. Once the sails catch the wind. I'll be up to freshen everyone's 'boat drinks' (Thing's to do in Denver when You're dead reference).
Good morning everyone! See you over at Petri Dish. Sim, don't put any music up for this post. We don't want to upset Rob. Heh heh, "Shut up Visible"! Heh heh....
Whew! time for some tea and and American Spirit.. Much love to most all of you (grin).
I've been listening to Rodriguez - 'Coming From Reality' and 'Cold Fact'
a lot since watching 'Searching For Sugarman'...
You're right, it's a great film, one of the best I've seen in a long time.
I for one love your music ("God's not dead, he's merely hiding" takes me to bliss) and am riveted by your personal anecdotes.
I know most everybody here would agree with me on this.
Rob in WI is good value. (What is WI, Wisconson?)
Pay no heed to astrologers, Vis. A wise man rules his stars, and what not. Astrologers are like economists; good at telling you what just happened.
Fools will always be fooled by Fools.
New Petri Dish is up now-
Not Your Usual Penisinshula's Like Telepathic Dolphin's.
I only wish that I had the knowledge expressed by Willow, I quoted that from her blog, over at Don't let that detract you from trying. There is nobody on the net that I am aware of who is as accurate as her. She does do readings for pay, you can read what you need to share with her here and email her at
If I had the finances I certainly would purchase a reading.
Best of luck and thank you for everything that you do Visible.
Hey Les,
Ignore the zombie trolls quavering behind the curtain! (GRIN)
What is becoming increasingly comical is the clumsiness and blatant obviousness of the trolls in these critical down-the-drain/up-the-spout decision times.
Anonymous 33, AGHORI and the other troll facades defecate insincere swill which depends on their intended audience being mentally handicapped by the constant distraction of mind-capture programming which the mass cult pumps industrially through the media. Add in the conceptual acid etching destroying critical thinking in succeeding generations and you have an audience ripe for emotional exploitation.
Even if there were facts being presented in their proper context, the zombie LES –disser squad exposes their asses by THEIR LITERARY EXPRESSION! Where the facades appear to come from is the dead giveaway or gives the dead away!
The tactic of pretending passion, to take the moral high ground by fakery, using faux moral outrage or condescending warnings from “mother knows best” to gull the credible, easily identifies those coming from fear-constrained ego and agendas.
It is going to get even more bizarre and comical as we go over the waterfall and all the lackeys wearing the Emperor’s clothes find themselves embarrassed literally when the primary illusion fails as a critical percentage of the audience starts shouting out rude comments!
Oh, and no, the above is not a case of ad hominem fallacious logic; close in analogy to information theory, evaluating the validity of information content by rigorous process, the observation of the literary and emotional tone, the context wrapped around packets conveying supposed facts, is perfectly valid and clearly distinguishable from illogically filtering information on the basis of the source (the person).
Once released as communication, all literary expression may be evaluated, in the first pass, by the veracity factor, or its inverse, the bullshit factor, to weed out noise excreted to deceive, NOT in good faith.
Only the deepest passion which transcends the superficial mask of personality should command our attention.
Superficial bad attitude, fits of temper and feigned moral righteousness, even though media puppets may use them 24X7 to win arguments, dominate and succeed in fantasyland, lose their power to coerce an emotional rigor mortis in the audience when seen without their ‘camo’ on, without all the multimedia sensory dressing, only poor text which can be easily analyzed and defused, once the emotional triggers are removed and the mind-body can breath and think freely!
Those truly intimate with the infinity of passion or Love-power, quickly learn to still the surface of the mind to truly observe full ecstasy in motion. Those with the greatest hearts keep their cool, out of respect for the emotional space of others.
If anything serious with emotional weight must be communicated, we must jettison the bad example of soap opera, drama-queen-land scripting (day or evening or cable) showing examples pretending to be lovers acting hateful to each other and fighting dirty in the battle of the sexes. Instead of airing the grievances of our little minds, we must come from a deeper more present place, the simple expression of a child telling her truth without fear of rejection.
Calm, open-hearted, un-armored talk is more real and true than unthinking, emotionally indulgent arguments, distracting donnybrooks aimed at accumulating ego miles, which has become the dominant meme of our over-mediated cult, taking consciousness down the wrong direction in a deliberate agenda to box in the mass mind by the ears (and eyes)
It is time to think about covering your ass, unless that is your thrill. The fate of collaborators when the change finally comes is depressingly predictable, so those wishing to give into their self-destructive voice of Thanatos, stay your course. All others, turn around and look yourself in the eye!
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Sailing through the Cloud of Unknowing to Serendipity
its getting fucking hard in here reading some of these comments that ...go...on...oh forget it, it or this will just be attacked and then whatever...I ..dont...give...a....shit.....
and either should you visable one of all
patrick from west ky
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