Monday, June 17, 2013

Singing and Dancing in a Golden Shower.

Hear Visible read 'Singing and Dancing in a Golden Shower'

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet, however, the jury is still out on the subject of your nipples. We'll get back to you on that later. I don't know, I was thinking about Senator Feinstein and, you don't want to know.

Okay, people, take a comfortable chair and let's go to the video, shall we? I don't have a video, so use your imagination. I know you have one. You wouldn't come around these here parts unless you did and besides... we check all entrants for their concealed carry permit before they're allowed in. The imagination can be a dangerous thing. It can also be an important thing. Take a look at the world of modern art these days and you will see what I mean.

So, you're seated now. Comfy? Can I freshen your drink? What's that? No, I marinate the olives in 3 in One Oil for a week before I add them to the shaken and stirred martinis. I like schizo martinis. Anyway, you will notice in the video, which you are imagining, that it is about John McCain and Dame Lindsey Graham= the Bobbsie Twins, by way of the Grimm Brothers. Pete 'moss' King is there to. He drives the Zio-Felcher truck. The first thing you'll notice about these, not so gentlemen, is that they all look like their heads are about to explode. It could be due to them having thick Mossad files (with video), waiting for anything other than a false move. These are determined men, whose biggest regret is that they don't get to do the determining. At the nape of their necks is a bar code with a 729 on it. These men are all dancing chickens. If you saw “Pure Country”, you'll know what a dancing chicken is. When Israel wants them to do Gene Kelly, singing and dancing in a golden shower, they just turn up the heat on the griddle.

There's a visibilism, which states that the degree to which any particular elected official is compromised by the Israeli Cartel, is commensurate with how quickly they leap to their feet and start blaming Muslims for whatever atrocity Israel just committed. John's the guy, who thought it was funny to sing, ♫Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb, Bomb Iran♫ Like he was one of the Beach Boys or something. I guess he figured he had the right cause his head looks like a beach ball, so he could be ♫surfing U.S.A♫ We know what Lindsey is being Mossad-mailed about but we don't know John's vile little secret, nor Peter Kings. Someone does though. Someone does. It's not just men though, cause we got... Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Jane Harman, a couple of real Twisted Sisters. In these days of boot with the loot, the men have got nothing on the women, especially when you're talking about West Coast, Brides of Dracula, like the Boxer/Feinstein tandem and Nancy Pelosi. They steal in broad daylight, to facilitate the heist jobs of their husbands. Are they all guilty of that? I don't know but they're all guilty of something.

The withering contempt of Putin is a pleasure to see, as he more or less flat out states that the Americans are lying. Of course, he does it the way a Russian would. I can just imagine how his meeting with Obama is going to go. He strikes me as the kind of guy who'll say what he has to and... make no mistake, these days they all have an ear to the ground, on which each of them are standing, so they'll know ahead of time. It's not hard to assess ahead of time anyway. Most of us here, know what the intention is.

I can't get over how they can kill such large numbers of people and remain immune to the horrific implications of their acts. They seem indifferent to it all.; I could never do these things. I have a conscience, which these men and women lack. They have to check theirs at the door, before they enter the less than illustrious chambers in that building, which most resembles a chamber pot and which mirrors the chafing dish that Paracelsus once set out for the learned academicians of his day. When the top was lifted, there was a turd. He was advertised to reveal the Alchemical First Matter. He did just that. If you lift the top off of the other structure, you'll see somewhere around five hundred turds; talk about the ambiance of a given room (which we weren't). Erred-again, over there in Turkey, is doing what all wannabe dictators do and that is ignoring the evidence of what is taking place right in front of him and doing the very things that are absolutely guaranteed to increase the number of his opposition. Instead of bowing out and going into exile, like, say... someone with intelligence might do, he's going to keep at his antics, until he's stacked up enough crimes to get himself executed for. Some people never learn, until they do. Kevin Boyle strikes to the heart of the matter, nailing the hypocrisy for what it is.

Sensible voices are being raised in outrage; whether it is only for the purpose of garnering political capital, we do not know but... with the amount of outrage coming into the public view, we can only imagine what it's like in the backroom. You have to feel for Cameron and his butt-boy peer group because they are under the whip of the Satanists and Zionists, who are indistinguishable and relentless in their pressure. They need carnage and dead bodies really, really badly, to fill their master's blood stein. You don't want to leave that demon with an empty cup. It really pisses him off. You can hear them muttering in the House of Lords; “Well, whose shout is it anyway”? Hague and Mandelson are screaming at their comrades. The heat is rising on the backs of their necks. It's very tense.

Yes, it must be something to see, no matter which of these back rooms we are talking about. The lawmakers and others, highly placed, are really acting out now. Given the lengths all of them are going to, to look so completely batshit, kind of gives you an idea of how badly compromised they have to be. Nobody, even half sane, would engage in things the way most of them are. They are highly motivated (grin). Oh yeah, it makes me think about that Liberty Bell and the crack in it, which is where the truth leaked out.

A lot of people out there, who are not influential, rich and powerful, want to be influential, rich and powerful. Yet, any intelligent person, who observes the behavior patterns of this select demographic can see, should be able to see, just how high the cost can be, to get and maintain that kind of status. They also don't see the payoff on the back-end. Somewhere over the next several decades, every one of these sick clowns, will be getting golden showers down in Hades, from some serious asparagus eating demons and you can only imagine, with the flames and all, how that's going to smell. Don't blame me, I'm only passing through, just happened to notice and thought I'd point it out. It's not like anyone is going to pay any attention. Nah... they're locked in, locked in and loaded, on something. I don't want any of it, even if it is free.

Okay, my friend, I've run out of pithy things to say. I hope you like the new additions to the blogs, being as they are going to be a regular feature; like it or not. We're also going to have these blog postings in audio now, starting today. That's in case you want to engage in some kind of personal actions, independent of having to read any of this. Don't worry, I don't ask and I don't tell. You will miss the little soundbite accompaniments but you can always catch those later after your shower. Thank you very much!

If you are an early bird here and have read this before Sim gets time to put in the sound bites, please return for our latest feature.

End Transmission.......

Last nights radio broadcast is now up for streaming or download.


Visible said...

Would be interested to hear whether you find the new extemporaneous soundbites thing entertaining and how you feel about the blogs now being available on audio.

Anonymous said...

secret message in TEXT :

aside from the obvious of course,


curiously ND thought at one time to call himself


EX WIVES CLUB, get it ?

it is unfathomable that Jane doesn't dig your stuff . . .

curiouser & curiouser....

Are we stupid or what?

Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

For charm a powerful trouble.

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Macbeth, Act IV, Scene I

Disorder in the house

The doors are coming off the hinges

The earth will open and

Swallow up the real estate

Reptile wisdom

Zombies on the lawn . . .
Staggering around

It’s the home of the brave

And the land of the free

Where the less you know

The better off you'll be

ironic isn't it...

a byword, a ?

Anonymous said...

I like everything. The soundbites, the audio and also the slower-paced radio show. Todays radio show was especially good and is earmarked for repeat listening.


dirtykid© said...

Loved the golden showers soundbite, and, the audio of the entire post frees me up to, um, well, scroll through while reading along (but maybe someday I'll attempt to do the dishes)... It does allow us to hear where the sarcasm was intended because that does come out much more in audio than flat text on an unprinted page.

My only real criticism is that your voice is not Patrick's voice... There is so much more drama in his Barry White-esque baritone that enhances the whole experience: Maybe try a pitch shifter and see what happens. Also, try to to read just a bit slower, not that I need such to keep up durring the read, because I can read the 7.5 minutes worth in about 3 by not forming the words in my head while I go, but because it can add some drama to the audio... Just don't William Shatner it to overblown and it should sound aboot right (sorry, my canadian accent slipped out)


Anonymous said...

False flag sarin spectacle due any day now. Coming to a TV network near you.

It'll be déjà vu all over again.

What a fucked-up mess.


Anonymous said...

Dirty Kid

You know, you're a bit of a douche aren't you? Visible put you in his blog roll and you come here and criticize him from what I see. Patrick reading his work is a pro and in a class by himself. Plus he has fantastic software and does it for a living. He's one of the top people on the planet so comparing Visible, who does a really good job from my POV is off the wall.

Don't tell him how to do his job. You're a piker compared to him. I'm surprised he tolerates you. To get me to comment takes a lot. I don't usually but you get my ire up. You're a dick.

I've know Visible for 30 some years.


dave1010 said...

I agree with Bill.


Anonymous said...

Michael at 6:32

There ain't nothin' like a live, one-on-one Visible radio show. I've had the priviledge.

Are you reading this dirtykid?


Rob in WI said...

Just hope this isn't a highway to eliminating the text, ala Ryan Dawson. I agree with Bill, also, ftr.
Be well sir, Rob

Visible said...

My God, why would I eliminate the text. That's not going to happen. It's what I do and... I appreciate the support but none of that is any biggie to me. I don't really see those things the same way generally. If that's what it takes to bring Bill out, so much the better. Last time I saw him say anything was about 4 years ago. Haven't slept much in the last couple of days so, if you will forgive me for it, I'm headed to bed. Tomorrow is another day, or so I've been told.

Anonymous said...

Lots of thin skins and micro-penises around here. But I love the comedic value. Rave on!

Rob in WI said...

Thanks for the reassurance. Its just the change in the inet from text to video/audio that annoys a crotchety old fool like myself.
Pleasant dreams (you deserve them), Rob

Anonymous said...

Agree with Bill too!

Love the way Vis does his radio show - and what spunk with latitude.

Patrick is a compliment too.

Keep up the good work Vis and Patrick!


Anonymous said...

I like the Martinis shaken and not stirred and thanks for the olive. The text is the best. It is like an orgasm for the mind. Haven't checked out the audios yet. It is my clink on external links paranoia. I'll check them out now. Carry on.


Anaughty Mouser said...

Solid post Visible. Thank you.

Visible said...

Thank you all but let's not make the fellow feel bad. He's probably unaware of it. Seems to come out of unbridled enthusiasm. I'm fine with it all. Being on the hotseat too ain't nothing new to me. So, I just try to ride with it.

Rob... (grin) what part of "you don't have to listen to the audio" do you not get.

As for the other stuff, the singing soundbites, it is making it possible for me to get back into recording and I had better because I've written just under 10- albums worth of stuff in the interim and feeling like a backed up toilet (oh that's a bad image)

After doing all that yesterday I went and started production on a song. I hope to have it up in the next couple of days. Also, I sing all the time and I don't get to do humor as much as I like either so... it's all helpful to me (annoying to some others). Still, no one has to listen. It is obvious when something is audio and no one has to click on the audio reading either; win win from where I stand. If I don't evolve on a regular basis I begin to stagnate. If I don't include the other things I do, I feel incomplete.

Hope this clarifies a bit. I'm doing the best I can.

Anonymous said...

L.V. Just had the most wild dream. I was at a Megadeth concert with a bud and we got too drunk and rowdy. Our rides left us. To get home we had to cut through a warehouse and industrial park. Going through presses, avoiding fork lifts and a fleet of trucks pulling up. Some workers helped us others wanted us to fail. The whole time we were laughing and smiling and not scared or concerned at all. Finally we came out on the interstate with no shoes and made it home by running our asses off. My dad used to keep a dream journal and a book that would tell you the meanings of things in your dream. It would be nice to have that book right now. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

What I did was read your text then I went back through and listened to the soundbites. 500 turds and Liberty Bell made me laugh out loud.

You do have a good voice for singing. Pitch, timing and diction are there plus I sense some empathy or emotional symbiosis. Very folksy. A little goofy music (a circus caliope, perhaps) in the background for atmosphere might help.

I wonder if maybe you couldn't have a blog just for satire because smoking mirrors and "the dish" are serious political and cultural commentary even though they contain comical comments from time to time. Smoking Mirrors and Petri Dish need the range for anger and disgust and serious criticism. IMHO the comedy would work better if the rhythm and tone of the text was focused toward setting up the satiracal punchlines.

I heard somewhere that in the talmud it says, "salvation will come at the hands of the jesters."
Art, music and comedy (and don't they work hard to control art, music and comedy?) is what is going to sink these fuckers in the end...or, so, my intuition tells me.

If you feel like the soundbites are helping you to drive home your point or helping to increase your readership or if you are simply having fun with it by all means keep it up.


Unknown said...

Wow. This rambling post was really something. It's evocative.
Ed of

Anonymous said...


Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor left 'round these parts, or have the ability to comprehend when someone, other than the Vis, is demonstrating they gots one?

I'm getting accustomed to seeing this sort of thing 'round these parts. Never mind kid.

I rarely comment either Bill, except when I'm compelled.

Good blog.

Alan said...

Thanks Visible,

The audio is a great idea.

I am starting to see why you keep repeating the same thing over and over, can't be said enough!!

Great work mate,

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-
A Viral Plague of Megalomaniacs and the Fall of Empire



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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