Saturday, September 28, 2013

Twisting in the Wind, a Momentary Hiatus.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

To say that it has been a rough couple of weeks would be a serious understatement. Later on for details. It seems that everything of any importance is going on behind the scenes. Out front is the ever changing spectacle of Pointless, followed by Meaningless and accompanied by Brutal and Indifferent, with Obsessed accounting for crowd control.

I looked at the news, what they have presented us with, as the news and the presence of what you see, counterpointed by what you don't see, makes for compelling reflection, for anyone who still has that capacity to so engage. It's behind the scenes where you see the blows being dealt and the tolls taken.

It is in times like these when you learn that it is better to have gone mad and beyond already, rather than to to be driven mad now. All the engines of enforced madness making are in high gear. They go in slow steps from A to D or E but when they bring you back to A, it is no longer A, as A was. It is now something else and only those already mad can see this. I haven't held off commenting because I couldn't. I can, or have been able to for a few days but... what can I possibly say?

What has happened, at least at my end, is too outrageous to comment on. I hear little. Commenting is messed with. Many things are messed with. Hopefully at least one sector, responsible for most of my recent difficulties, now knows I am not a reverse engineered, undesirable. This was the way I was told to go to out the people snooping on me. I hope they have now, looked back over what they can find about me and have realized that they were wrong about me.

What is now going on, is unlike anything we, or they, have previously encountered before. Various forces are working with a will and the whole effect of Mr. Apocalypse on the public mind and on events, both known and... behind the scenes, has been profound; point being, very few from any camp, knows what is going on and in certain camps, no one knows.

We have discovered that certain financial systems run the world. We know this is not the first time it has been brought up, addressed, stopped, started, redesigned. It comes and goes and it appears to become increasingly rapacious and avaricious as the population increases. The music is an indicator of more human life needing to be thrown to the archetypal alligators. The pressure on the family is so great that one will sacrifice their family to save the promise of their family. Following this, across the board, our normal and natural human attractions and areas of sexual interaction are being twisted into unrecognizable expressions that are diametrically opposite what we began with. Nearly all of this is being forcefully engineered and very little of it is by accident or choice.

These are the varieties of the states of the apocalypse. A signature feature of it all is that those supposed to be allied together are being turned upon each other. Watch how you go and watch what you believe based on transparent subterfuges. To be deceived is to be made an enemy of your own future.

They do what they can do because their time is short. For them there is no possible means or manner of escape and now they have come up against things they were not expecting to come up against and they are finding that forces they had depended upon for so long are no longer behaving with the consistency and dependability they were formerly known for.

At this point, far too much is known by those who oppose what these planet killers have been up to. Some of us have little power except in our strength by numbers and some of us are very powerful indeed. Our greatest asset is the disunity between the disparate groups of ravenous evil who cannot agree among themselves concerning their common agenda. Our greatest defense and hope lies within the words, "evil destroys itself".

Our cowardly, pompous and pontificating adversaries have been led down the garden path, by the many leashes of arrogance and ego, vanity, self importance and attendant harnesses. Could you see these entities as they are, you would see them hanging from hundreds of fish-hooks. These they have picked up on their long hike into the wildernesses of perdition. By the time evil gets to the point where there is a gun at every window and large armies of fountain pen killers and actual killers, anywhere you want to look, they are so messed up on the inside that they are incapable of reasonable, rational, or effective action in respect of anything they do. This is what it is like for a lead guitar player ripped on coke who thinks he is playing the best he ever has and everyone else is wondering what is wrong with the cat.

Only those caught up in the frenzy of fear, over losing what they think they own, or what they might well have stolen and then convinced themselves they owned, after the fact, should feel troubled at this point. You know all of this. I'm just reminding you because when confusion and the driving force of collective greed is so much greater than that of those pockets of individual integrity that nothing seems capable of killing... well, it can be confusing. I hope I'm back. We shall see.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: Almost A Capella by Les Visible♫ I Am Alive ♫
'I Am Alive' is track no. 8 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'
Lyrics (pops up)

Almost A Capella by Les Visible


Randi Baird said...

Fed up yet? Mass strike anyone? Check out

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back Mr. Visible.

It was a weird one for sure. Everything is ok. Nothing is real.

All that.

Best to you, Les.

Old boy.

dave1010 said...

To be deceived is what I fear most. Welcome back Vis. Carry on and endure.

Mr.Mike said...

Feeling positive to see you're back (for now) Visible.
Everyone knows the entropy increases, but not so many can ride the waves, and everyone thinks they're on the "big one".
Keep finding the BIGGER one, and keep ridin'.
It's the ride, not the beach we wash up on!

Alan Jong said...

The price you pay for being God, having no center, means this, it is the magnification of all the worlds problems, digested and rebuked from a super ego, and you can die that way, or live that way, but it is a rejection of center. And your litmus test is an overreach for validation of self-destructive behavior. Take it or leave it, this exchange of words of where I draw the line, and define how I view your situation.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, you're back
[as if you've ever left]

i know i'm not alone, when i say >
'we've got your back'

[we've got your front
and sides, also]

count on it
the truth w/don't change

and it never will
'just ask the axis'

Anonymous said...

I think I might know about what you've been going through. Your positive position encourages me. I ran for Congress twice and have since learned a lot about my government. I am praying for you and for all influenced by you. We won, right?

Linda Goldthorpe

Jenny said...

vis- you will be back.... i'll be bad knee being dragged along with me. I will never let the physical pains of this dimension limit me. it is but for the purpose. Demonstration sucks sometimes, but it must be-jen

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 2.12

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. I was concerned that you either wigged out or got some really good stuff.Either way, its good you are speaking again. Missed your thought provoking posts.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear your voice again, Mr. Visible.

SJ Palmer

DaMatrix said...

Hey it is awesome to see you back!!!
Peace, Love, and Light fellow traveller!!!!

Ants UK said...

Mr Visible.
I don't know you from Adam but it is bloody good to have you back.
Thanks Antony

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Dimitri, freedom is a state of mind. When you are detached enough to walk away from anything and everything, and you remember what you really are, you are free.

Like so many others, glad to have you back, Vis.

Robert said...

Why is it nightmare material to discover we are all clones?
Does it violate the covenant with the Universe
Which values unique perspectives and novel sensors?
Or is it a foreshadow of the rediscovery that we ARE all one in center?
We gather together spontaneously in a crisis like antibodies
Inflaming the situation by swelling our numbers
If clones, adding a quantity of identical ideas:
Infinite zeros stacked up still equal nothing
If unique beings, gathering multiple minds:
Additive joins form a newborn network which creates something
Our nightmare in the Real continues as we devalue sacred individuality daily
While group minds of co-dependent clones run our world down in fear.
Fear-factory-farmed vampires reflexively gang up on uniqueness
Culling stellar beings before they may electrify the entranced mass mind awake
Millennia of running this world as their experimental prison
Has built up a crust of rat-wrangling tricks and traps.
Soul-less ones, dependent upon yet envious of the deep magic among the un-cloned
Powerless to do more than consume and kill the magical ones to live
Suffer envy and self-contempt endlessly warring inside their airless dried out corpses…

The Siren
I keep returning to the nagging ache
Worrying it like licking a wound:
The repressed perception that I am a bomb undetonated
That I have the trigger code hidden somewhere out of mind
I see clearly that there is much more life available to live
I know far more than I need to know for a slave’s life
I also signed up to serve the One but forgot just how along my way…
Feels pretentious for a slave to rise above his role…
Foolishness defined by the cult: abandoning the known safe ways
In hope of finding more profound meaning beneath the social order
Yet to lead is to leave the secure center of the group
Expand beyond the accepted boundaries to the edge
Push the envelope out to make more room for Life!
As I isolated my lifeline just to find some peace of mind
I reduced my opportunities to do more than fail miserably
Now my everything depends upon ever fewer moves of divine precision
Heading straight forward to terminal frustration or to the final end of limitation

Anonymous said...



Got your 6 and your 3 and 9 and 12.

We are eternal. Though some may choose to not go on the Paradise journey, their story will still be told. And we will remember all and be grateful for the cosmic (Akashic) record, even as we are now grateful for the Internet, which enables us to know what our parents could not imagine, lets us walk away from the many lies our parents believed. AND, we have access to the Truth Tellers, who are sometimes also singers and poets, who are diligent in the search, and kindly share TRUTH, BEAUTY AND GOODNESS. Allelujah. Thanks be to God.


robert said...

Hi Vis,

You are loved and you know it (so) clap your hands! (grin)

Many many true hearts are with you in this dark birth canal!

You may continue to studiously ignore all the sycophantic trolls pretending to join in sharing insight, while polluting your blogs with infantile attempts at ingratiating themselves back into the human race. LOL!

(Reposting final edits of two poetical synopses)

Why is it nightmare material to discover we are all clones?
Does it violate our covenant with the Universe
Which treasures unique perspectives and novel sensors?
Or is it but foreshadow of the rediscovery that we ARE all one in center?
We gather together spontaneously in a crisis like antibodies
Inflaming the situation by swelling our numbers
If clones, adding a quantity of identical ideas:
Infinite zeros stacked up still equal nothing
If unique beings, gathering multiple minds:
Additive ones form a newborn network which creates something
Our nightmare in the Real continues as we devalue sacred individuality daily
While group minds of co-dependent clones run our world down in fear.
Fear-factory-farmed vampires reflexively gang up on any uniqueness
Culling stellar beings before they may electrify the entranced mass mind awake
Millennia of running this world as their experimental prison farm
Has built up a crust of rat-wrangling tricks and traps.
Soul-less ones, dependent upon yet envious of the deep magic among the un-cloned
Powerless to do anything more than consume and kill the magical ones just to live
Suffer envy and self-contempt endlessly warring inside their airless dried out corpses…

The Siren
I keep returning to the nagging ache
Worrying it like licking a wound:
The repressed perception that I am a bomb undetonated
That I have the trigger code hidden somewhere out of mind
I see clearly that there is much more life available to live
I know far more than I need to know for the fruitless life of a slave
I remember signing up to serve the ONE but forgot just how along my way…
Feels pretentious and proud for a slave to rise above his role…
Foolishness being defined by the cult: abandoning the known safe way
In hope of finding more profound meaning beneath the social order
Yet to lead is to leave the secure center of the group
Expand beyond the accepted boundaries to the edge
Push the envelope out to make more room for Life!
As I isolated my lifeline just to find some peace of mind
I also reduced my opportunities to do more than fail miserably
Now my everything depends upon ever fewer moves of divine precision
Heading straight forward to terminal frustration or to the final end of limitation

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Outcasts from the Junta of the Status Quo

Anonymous said...

Hee hee vizza,
El visa the geeza
Ok il put the guitar down for a while
Crack the ring pull amidst the trial
Of finding the tv remote,
12 bar blues antidote
Feet up, holsten pils chilled
No female to be filled,
Or to exert scowling frowns
As I anticipate patriot touchdowns

Cheers vis,
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hee hee vizza,
El visa the geeza
Ok il put the guitar down for a while
Crack the ring pull amidst the trial
Of finding the tv remote,
12 bar blues antidote
Feet up, holsten pils chilled
No female to be filled,
Or to exert scowling frowns
As I await patriot touchdowns

Cheers vis,
Love ya

Visible said...

A new visible Origami is up now-

Prometheus as Liver Pate.

wiggins said...


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

This is the beginning of the end.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Or Who encompasses the center.

ChewyBees said...

A belief in a heaven necessitates a belief in hell. It tells the tale of the worthy, based on some cosmic, religious, or spiritual standards to achieve, or fail, and then be cast into one of two camps for all eternity.

This life is a life of separation. The very nature of the control factors we are forced into, or voluntarily acquiesce to, are based on separation. Everything in the organic three dimensional existence we call life has variables of choice. It has been this way from the beginning. We as life choose to separate. Good from evil are at the top of the heap, two totally undefinable characteristics, as each is different for every man, and no man to date has a lock on what is good, and what is evil, other than what he believes is good, and evil.

Everything in our lives has a polar opposite, a stereo isomer, a reflection in the mirror. Men are constantly seeking differences between one another, as a means to rate their existence against all other men. This is ego driven, and since the ego uses fear as its primary tool, men are fearful that for come nebulous reason, always created by other men, they will not be viewed as worthy, or at least not as worthy as another.

The egos of men demand that their lives culminate into a paradise, or an inferno. This is folly. This is a transfer of our earthly weakness, perhaps sickness, into the realm beyond breath, flesh, and limited consciousness. A being separate from the omnipotent and infinite universe, whether in heaven or hell, is not one with the subtle essence of the universe. To wish for such is a furtherance of the division between imperfection and perfection.

Is it so necessary for any of us to enjoy the club med on a cloud once our flesh becomes dust? Is it so necessary for our enemies, direct and perceived, to suffer a torment of terror? Is our life so incredibly important that the consciousness we enjoy, or abhor, in this limited sensual theater, that we have to project ourselves for all eternity?

The good deeds and evil deeds we commit create the heavens and hells in the here and now. Our lives have a purpose in this dimension to attempt to influence the separation game. We are trapped in purgatory, and only through our actions toward one another do we rise above that existence, or fall below. It is quite obvious from man's history that money, power and avarice are not the pathway to heaven, but rather a miserable existence that requires ever increasing doses to chase the ghost. These men are the masters of separation, for as one man is increasingly wealthy, millions must go without.

It is those that make the conscious choice to limit the separations in every way possible that stay in the heaven in this life. We cannot overcome it while we breath, not yet at least, and until we are given the tools to do so, we are the creators of our existence throughout our journey from awareness to the stone.

In my estimation, there is no final grade, there is no pass fail, there just is. To become one with creation is to not know a separation from that creation. I can live with that, and I can die with it too.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

Visit the Blog Music Page
to stream all of Visible's music for free
(purchase is always appreciated but entirely optional)


A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

Visit the Blog Videos Page for many more.