Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Today we shall have another installment upon themes various. I want to talk about the divine feminine. Firstly an example. In The Lord of the Rings, a tome birthed by a very high end muse, there is a part in the book, I think it's Gandalf speaking and he's talking about 'the shadow' and its works. It copied the elves when it made the orcs but it did it in a distorted fashion. That's all it was capable of. We see the same process in our own world. As 'diabolus' means slanderer, one could say that the shadow, this world's shadow is performing slander when it seeks to pervert originals and bend them to profane ways. It is presently engaged in this on many levels. One of them where direct slander is engaged is the ever increasing hysteria against truthtellers, especially when it comes to 9/11 which, by now, many of us know was carried out by Israel and rogue elements in the administration and intelligence services. They really are getting hysterical, as well as suggesting all sorts of Draconian reactions to those of us who see the emperor's tiny penis and flaccid buttocks, which explains his behavior.
If you want to be a covert revolutionary, buy some sticker blanks, white paper with glue on the back, in case you don't know what I'm talking about, Kinkos or any large department store or stationary chain should have something. I haven't been to the U.S. in ten years, so I don't know what you have. Anyway, then you get one of any number of free softwares that does image sizing and you print the image you see here. If you want a smaller or larger size, simply go to the 9/11 link on the main page (right hand side) and you will see selection links there. Now, you have your stickers and boy do you have places you can put them. Can you imagine if some thousands of us got industrious and started putting them up all over the place? Of course, this sort of action would generate companion actions in others who get that V mindset. Freedom is contagious, that's why the powers that suck, work so hard to restrain it and stamp it out. Every day, porcine lawmakers are sitting around, in between frenetic periods of watching porn and calling escort services and hammering out new, offensive laws against humanity. They do this because the crime syndicate known as Israel owns their ass and they can't get into office (they think) without Talmudic backing and financing. This results in the very worst characters occupying the most sensitive positions. Also, active agents of this crime syndicate are also routinely shoehorned into office, like Schumer, Cantor, Boxer, Feinstein and assorted; vastly over represented, according to comparative demographics. They are bolstered by all sorts of vile bureaucrats and weasel minded barristers on the Central Banker tit. They are assisted too by the worldwide Satanic fellowship and a supporting cast of millions who are manipulated by either greed or fear, through the medium of stupidity. Awakening is coming and day by day, day by day, the numbers increase until we got critical mass for the global ass; rackem and stackem! Can I get a shitlist! ♫I've got a little list, there's none of them be missed♫
It's not my job to go after these monsters. There's another department that handles that. I'm in the Department of Exposures and Descriptions. We're just down the hall. Drop in sometime if you happen to be around for official business, not that most people do, or even know our location. They've no trouble finding the temporal counterparts however.
I'm thinking of those stickers, on public toilet seats and just under the plea “for a good time call this number” on the toilet stall wall. I'm thinking of them on the street windows of shops, cabs, buses and official cars, national monuments, even rear ends if they’ll take ...but it's problematic how to attach them in a surreptitious fashion. You probably shouldn't attach them to livestock and neighborhood pets but all manufacturing zones and corporate addresses are fair game. Think of those exclusive business high rises and the toilets in those locations, the walls and what have you. Be inventive, be creative, be ingenious. Be brave, be bold, be sneaky. Be there or be square. Remember, “to know, to will to dare and to be silent”.
Other effective guerrilla actions have to do with using the power of the mind. We've been talking about emptying the mind. One of the reasons to do this is to reclaim your personal power, for you to be the master of your adytum, instead of some force that does not mean you well and if you are not in charge, you can be sure someone is. When you get that empty mind state, you can consciously focus on the entities seeking to harm us all and seriously affect their ability to keep at it, especially if there are some number of us so engaged. As I have oft mentioned, the centers of evil are like conning towers, broadcasting towers that radiate their noxious messages into the telepathic zone of the population masses who are ill equipped to defend themselves against it. They spread confusion, fear and darkness. We are also conning towers, broadcasting unit who can spread confidence, certitude and transforming energies from the central light that automatically go about their business. One light workers efforts can be more than the sum of many agents of the darkness. The higher resonance always mutes or alters the lower resonance, in the same way that those operating from the higher mind automatically command the consciousness of those operating from the lower end. It is simply more powerful and more clear. Agents of both forces move among us every day. It would be a definite global good if more of us became conscious workers as we go about our days.
I was going to talk about the divine feminine. With the arrival of the long, long, long awaited Aquarian Age, the divine feminine is being restored to its rightful place. This is also the age of universal brotherhood and the inner meaning of this seeming contradiction is that brotherhood comes about through correct placement of the divine feminine. Humanity is a family, albeit much larger and more complex than any single family unit. Those who can go about in an awareness of this provide all kinds of help in unifying previous disunity. The age of divide and conquer is on its way out. World leaders, international corporate scam artists and all manner of elite rabble that prey upon the larger mass are coming up against irresistible cosmic change. Dark doings can flourish in the time granted to them but when that period of privilege is done, it's done, you can stick a fork in it.
Unfortunately there are a lot of wack jobs at work, utilizing the influx of new energies for the advancement of self interest or pet agendas, dealing with sexual issues and politically correct nonsense. An awareness of the divine feminine is necessarily internal, though you can see the effect of shakti everywhere, the sweet consciousness of the indwelling is just that, indwelling. Kundalini is a female force and anyone having experienced it's deeper presence, as opposed to the spurious shaking routines commonly seen in certain for profit ashrams, knows this is so. Kundalini can be wild and troublesome and definitely scary both to the one it is happening to and for those in the neighborhood of it but eventually it reaches the more elevated zones and all is well. Part of the problem with having an activated Kundalini at this time is the terrific force of materialism going on virtually everywhere that anyone is.
All your energy of action is shakti energy. Some of us have a guidance factor and some of us don't, meaning that otherwise our drives and our actions are orchestrated by our appetites and acquisitive nature. Once again, Irony rears its freakish head. You already have everything you need and you already are everything you seek to be. It's the awareness of it that is missing. The activation of the interior feminine brings that awareness into manifestation. It's not all roses and rainbows however. At the lower levels this force can be raw and violent if active in the undisciplined. There is a dark side to the whole affair and some number of people (in all times and climes) who seek out this persona for personal gain, leading to bad shit for the halfwit, sooner or later.
Some of us think we are so clever, always seeing 5 steps ahead, filled with the impressions of our superior intellect and material savvy. What all these movers and shakers don't get is that they are being led, step by step toward a fitting conclusion, all the while thinking they are in charge of what is going down, when the whole production is nothing more than a dramatic skit of them going down. Their arrogance and indifference are like large horse blinders. Their ambitions and drives are all manipulated and amplified but not by them as they, no doubt, think them to be. They are mere cyphers in a performance demonstration of what not to do and who not to be. Of course the whole thing looks different to most people who have but a dim understanding of how the cosmos works and those perspectives are being fed to them by the compromised charlatans in the pulpits and before the altars of their houses of worship. They all work for the bank.
This is a regrettable time for the female side of things, with sex trafficking, kidnappings to that end and as has been graphically described in The Dutroux affair at the recent Origami. Around the world in cultures where anachronistic traditions prevail, the female is getting the worst of it. Those perpetrating these vile acts need to keep in mind one of the inflexible tenets of reincarnation. Your doorway of return is 'through a woman', giving a telling meaning to the phrase, 'payback's a bitch'. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
Watch and comment on this video on YouTube
End Transmission.......
'Brotherhood' is track no. 9 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'
Lyrics (pops up)

The public bathroom stall, an appropriate place for the israel did 911 graphic. Not only that, but it kind of forces the occupier of that stall to see and contemplate that graphic.
I like it! :)
I could see it becoming lots of fun to find even more creative places to stick that picture. And maybe even becoming more daring and bold in regards to its placement.
And now for the synchronicity... I started the conversation of 911 truth with the family over this past holiday. Never did that before. Then this shows up... thanks Vis!
As for the balance to be restored for the Feminine: Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned...
On top of joining you and spreading your links to inform people, people should also be BOYCOTTERS OF THE DARK SIDE!
As for chicks. If only they realise they're screwed regardless, and go into non-compliance mode. . .everyone in solidarity, but this is another pipe-dream. I say if I have nothing left to lose, I'm gonna destroy everything that means anything to you first chance I get. But I know the truth about what existence is all about, how little this realm really means in the Cosmic Scheme of things, so I can do that and deal with the consequences. But I won't have to unless some fema garbage or whatever comes to the door. Then it's certain death for me, and perhaps death or disability for one of them if I'm ready.
Some of us don't just lay down without a fight.
Flame throwers are legal to own in the u.s. the last time I checked. And so are lots of nice little multi-tasking weapons available at your neighbourhood hardware store.
This is now available-
Les Visible at the Seek-Speak-Spread Truth Conference.
<3 exactly!
My website is That is probably something my webmaster has up for reasons of his own and until I hear from him I'll remove your comment.
good stuff
All the best, to everyone
Fantastic to see your presentation Visible! Honest, heartfelt, and candid. Glad I have the snorting thing down now as I was making it much too complicated! Ha HA and interesting to see the full body flexing which I have felt the need to do in the past. (mostly instinctively while on mushrooms or San Pedro)
I just recieved a copy of "Goliath - Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" by Max Blumenthal. Should be some lucid gruesome.
"The people don't like to be conquered, sir, and so they will not be. Free men cannot start a war, but once it has started, they can fight on in defeat. Herd men, followers of a leader, cannot do that, and so it is always the herd men who win battles and the free men who win wars. You will find that is so."
-Mayor Orden, from The Moon Is Down by John Steinbeck
Good start.
LTPTB-the most "non-compliance mode" a woman can go to is to stop having children. NONE. And it has got to be karma for anyone to consider having one in this timeline for sure.
Got to be just as soul receptacles for the experiences feeding the procreation fires. Thought this was figured out in the "zero population" era of the 70s when it was realized that "War is not healthy for children or other living things"... but with the cognitive dysfunctions rabid all over this planet everyday is a new day.
I've even known one woman hot to procreate who did acknowledge that 'there wasn't one friend of hers who'd birthed a healthy child'... and yet she was either eager to join the autistic mother's club or test her own genetic strengths out for herself... or is that just insanity speaking?
the gardener
Thanks for speaking out against the abuse Les, and posting what you did My first daughter was warned not to tell her Daddy or her abusers would have to kill him. It was attempted a time or two before I caught on.
Hi Les:
I am a regular reader of your posts, very well done!
I have noticed as of late that the graphics on your websites do not appear in my web browser. I tried clicking on the "Israel did 911" link and got this:
" Web Page Blocked!
You have tried to access a web page which is in violation of your internet usage policy.
Category: Malicious Websites
To have the rating of this web page re-evaluated please click here."
The blocking webpage was from some outfit called or something like that.
You must be doing a good job if the dark side is trying to block you.
Keep up the Good Work!
Scott Creighton
Auckland, New Zealand
Jim @ 3:13
Highway toll ticket machine booths are usually pasted with rock band logos and such. Why not also a Vis-inspired sticker? Continuous drive through exposure, reaching a diverse audience.
Also, ATM machines.
And gas pumps.
And, at election time, voting booths.
Gardner, I have no ankle biters. I got sterilised young. After what I went through being forced to take care of my toddler half siblings when I was just a wee crotch dropping of 6, I decided I couldn't stand the things. When I look at my own past and how I acted when I was still in the 'food product' stage of development (for me, that ended around 32. I was a little slow.), I hated having those disgusting little germ factories things around more than ever (unless they were properly cooked). I was a total bastard (still am), and should have been throttled at birth, but hey. Some of us are here to be a pain in the butt to others. . .for the purpose of demonstration, as Vis says.
And having been free, I've been able to accomplish one HELL of a lot, though I do remain obscure. My work isn't though, despite the fact it's not commercial. And that's the way I like it. Those who need it will find it.
"I'm the king of the moment, with my queen alcohol."
Very interesting presentation Vis...thanks
Peace be upon you Vis,
Absolutely marvelous. Your whole persona blew me away over there.Things you were talking about were so clear. The tips and advice made so much sense its unbelievable, like you're there in front of me in person. Hope that you enjoyed that talk and I hope you give many more for the benefit of many.
Pray for your good health and success.
I enjoyed your presentation at the conference, Vis! The coming of Christ is through the hearts of those open to it.
It is the restoration of balance of the divine feminine and divine masculine, template etching on the collective consciousness.
Thank you for continued expressions of wisdom and truth.
Snorting to the clear and empty mind.
With love, in grace ~
Bravo, Visible! Always a tonic. Always to the heart of the issues.
Send your mental energies to the Japanese people trying to hold back the rise of fascism tonight.
Story is here:
Demonstrators around Diet protest secrecy bill
Thousands of people have gathered around the Diet building to protest the state secrets protection bill.
People responding to calls by citizens' groups and labor unions assembled and held hands, surrounding the roughly one-kilometer perimeter of the Diet building on Wednesday.
They shouted "The will of the people must not be ignored" and "Scrap the bill."
Writer Keiko Ochiai, who took part in the rally, expressed concern that information on nuclear power plants and other important matters could be withheld from the public.
Organizers say about 6,000 people took part in the event.
Great presence in your video Vis. Nice to meet your in person - well as near as near can be :)
Check this out copied straight from the video and pasted below. My viewing was number 911 ....
Les Visible speaks @ the 'Seek Speak Spread Truth' conference
Talifilms·34 videos
Subscribe 102
Aw, poop, I put a link up to this story under the wrong blog piece. Well, I'll just put up another one right here. It's Jack Kerouac's "The Dharma Bums". It'll make you feel really, really good. Highly recommended reading. Especially if you are high. Thus, highly recommended.
Yea..... (laughing to myself), I could imagine surreptitiously sticking them on cop cars. Doubt that they'd notice until some member of the public pointed it out to them.................
MujedihiDEEN at 1:45 and isiam at 11:23
The Vis you saw is the Vis-that- is, in person. I can testfy to that.
Just finished watching the video presentation. Great stuff, Vis!!! I could've watched 8 hrs of that.
The only thing I can change is me. How can I thank you enough for making that light bulb shine in my head. How can I thank God enough for that, too? :)
Been blowing those thoughts out of my head consistently for a couple of weeks now. It's a little quieter in there, but now suddenly, the B-52's have showed up and won't stop singing Rock Lobster and Roam. Not to mention Gordon Lightfoot and the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Geez, just when I thought I was getting somewhere! :D
I'll keep trying.
Thanks again, Brother.
PS- And thank you, Mandocello for some great placement ideas for one of our favorite graphics! :)
Celine's version of Night:
Jim; Those songs showing up are just the sort of thing that happens when you get close, happened to me. Interestingly that Lightfoot song used to show up too and I hate that song.
I just got done meditating... where do I begin?!
I can't believe you just wrote that about being close! (And can I just tell you how encouraging that is for me! Thank you!) I started the meditation right after that last comment I wrote a little while ago, and then that thought popped right in there.... "maybe it's a good sign".... I promptly blew out my nose as instructed. :)
About a minute after that I felt something happen around my heart chakra and then I got very hot and then began to absolutely laugh my ass off for like 10 minutes!!!
Oh man, I haven't laughed like that in years! What a wonderful thing!
Hate to say this after all that but, I actually like that Lightfoot song. A guy we hadn't seen in a couple of years started playing that in bar in St. Augustine last week just as I walked past him. :)
What a world!
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Political Correctness and the Rise of the Ridiculous.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Mind Control OR... Control of the Mind?
What a pleasure to see you animated, moving, magical.
Thank you.
As these Hanukkah Candles seem to be sprouting up everywhere - one in a prominent site in my town - then I can't think of a finer place to post your "Israel Did 9/11" stickers......
"Most of our energy goes into upholding our importance. This is most obvious in our endless worry about the presentation of the self, about whether or not we are admired or liked or acknowledged. If we are capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things happen to us. One, we free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and, two, we provide ourselves with enough energy to enter into the second attention to catch a glimpse of the actual grandeur of the universe...Be impeccable. I have told you this dozens of times. To be impeccable means to put your life on the line in order to back up your decisions, and then to do quite a lot more than your best to realize those decisions. When you are not deciding anything, you are merely playing roulette with your life in a helter-skelter way...Impeccability begins with a single act that has to be deliberate, precise and sustained. If that act is repeated long
enough, one acquires a sense of unbending intent which can be applied to anything else. If that is accomplished the road is clear. One thing will lead to another until the warrior realizes his full potential." - Excerpts from "The Art of Dreaming", by Carlos Castaneda
Les, listened to Bret Ellis and Manson podding. Mirrors? Emit is Hebrew for truth. The first, middle and last letters. Looking at Alph, some might say mirror but they have it wrong, wrong. A tree and its root. The hanging man. Man is an upside down tree.
Mem, water. Water the roots and the whole tree is refreshed. If the body is clean... Leaving us with the hebrew omega, tau. Born of what again... beginning and end, tree...
Two eyes, root and branch.
Up and down, left and right, forwards and backwards. From a small seed comes a mighty tree.
I had plenty of Avery labels and now print out sheets of 30 labels at a time for applying the 911 stickers in select places like, all postal mail, UPS and Fedex boxes that go out, in grocery stores, big box stores.
I will be at the largest mall in Maryland on Friday and will take many stickers with me to spread the word at every chance.
Excellent conference video Les.
For some time now I have tried the snorting technique and I find it is starting to work well for me.
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