Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
As Mark Twain noted some while ago, “there are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics.” Here's some living and viable (irony alert) truth on that account. When they're not making war on defenseless people, or playing at genocide the way some of us might play Gin or Backgammon; you know, to relax and engage in a little back and forth. Of course, their idea of back and forth is not like the rest of us. They got a motto over there, besides the one that talks about waging war by deception. It goes this way, 'Use force and... if that doesn't work, use more force.” That's pretty succinct; to be summed up in your own words. Some of us will go to almost any lengths not to be summed up in our own words; people like John Kerry, Tony Blair and Hillarious Clinton come to mind. Some of us would love to be summed up in our words should it prove that we lived by them. I'm hoping that proves to be the case with me... and you.
Yeah... there are a few things these psycho-yobs like to hammer on. Here's their other main interest of the moment. You got to love the thought that went into the photo; the choice of ethnicity and of course, the long drawn out article by their in house shill for this sort of thing, Devoid of Leitsinger. Their basic intent in this effort is to destroy the fundamental building block of society, which is the family unit. If you want to know what happens when these fine folk come into your country you can find no better authority than Douglas Reed.
Most of us know these things and the rest us are learning them, in some cases most painfully so. You cannot expect a scorpion to behave like a honeybee. I've personally found this out to my great distress in recent times. Honeybees are among our most productive and wonderful life forms. Scorpions are not. I don't know exactly what scorpions do in terms of a beneficial contribution to existence. I don't know what flies or mosquitoes do in that regard either. I'm guessing all of these flew out of Pandora's Box after a vigorous application of oral stimuli by the same and aforementioned.
Do the most dedicated servants of evil change from age to age? That hasn't happened in recent ages. We have to keep in mind that the world and its nature tends toward corruption. It tends on a gradual incline and at times it tends on a steep incline. This is due to the house religion of the world being materialism and we know, or should, that that is the province of Mammon and we know, or should know, who Mammon works for.
As I like to say, 'believe what you like'. The truth is the truth regardless of the collective belief of all the worlds inhabitants. A simple and correct definition of the truth might be, 'without artifice'. This means that embellishments of any sort in, respect of anything, are a departure from the truth, no matter to what it applies, be that relative or absolute. You might ask how something with no truth in it that gets embellished could be a departure from the truth. Everything possesses essential nature and that is what is most true of it and moving away from that... is the less true. The important thing is that the truth is absolutely unaffected by any actions directed at it except within the minds of those seduced into believing what is not true; via Edward Bernays and any of the other clowns of mind fuck.
Your life is the sum total of what you came to believe and how you acted on those beliefs and in the end, your life is brought into comparison with the truth and however great the distance between is, is how great the karmic repercussions are. It's all simple math for a simple mind that sees things in their inherent simplicity. Intelligence is often a problem when it comes to seeing things as they are. This is one of the reasons that the cosmos often picks simple souls to broadcast its message.
When things get out of wack and... they are seriously out of wack now, forces of readjustment appear. It's hard to tell who and what that might be because of the mass of confusion in operation. The forces of evil know that they have a powerful adversary afoot. Generally, it is their intent to do as much harm as possible before they are brought to heel. That is what we are seeing now. The Ebola alarm is a manufactured crisis. It keeps the minds of the people occupied and this is necessary, lest they focus too much on the horror in Palestine or the other varieties of threat that march on them every day.
There is a massive orchestration at work to keep the general consciousness in a state of perpetual disturbance and there are powerful spokes-villains in high places, put there to deflect and diminish what, for them, are discomfiting truths. Noah Chomsky is such a one. He continues to be followed and paid attention to, even after he said, “It doesn't matter who did 9/11.” The simple truth here is that since members of The Tribe were behind 9/11, at the behest of their in house, international banking cartel AND since he is a Tribe member, just like Greg Palast, who has been sowing the same disinfo, it stands to reason that both of them are active gatekeepers who use their influence to attack the irrefutable conclusions of the truth-seekers and truth-tellers. These shills and charlatans should be exposed and subjected to all the ignominy is is possible to lay upon them. It hasn't happened yet... but it will.
The force of evil is at its zenith. It cannot remain there. Having reached the height of the expression of its powers, it is passing into decline. In times of great chaos and uncertainty, people lose their awareness of the individual in the mix. It all becomes defined as crowd karma but there is no cosmic precedence for this sort of thing. If something happens to a crowd it is important to keep in mind that a crowd is made up of individuals who opted for a common theme. If that particular common theme comes to a bad end, it was a matter of individual choices preempting all other routes of expression. You might say, at least at the time, that they wanted that more than anything else. Of course, sometimes, you get into things that look one way from the outside and become something else on the inside, like when you join the military, motivated by patriotism or the possibility of an education or following career. Most people don't know they are entering into the service of bankers.
You don't have to join the military to enter into the service of bankers. All you have to do is buy a car or a house and lack the capital to purchase it at once. You come into the employ of bankers when you accept a position in certain industries. The bankers are the problem. Sure, there are those unseen inhabitants of the lower astral; some of them in residence for centuries, whose force of influence is large and for whom these bankers are employed but that's just apples and apple juice. Things are as bad as they are because the forces of good have pressed down upon these astral residents and have forced them outward into manifestation for the purpose of judgment in the flesh. They have but one motivation and that is to do as much harm and harvest as much personal gain as possible. This would seem insane to someone not under the influences they are under but that's how it is for them. Imagine that you are under the influence of a powerful drug (not difficult for me- grin). It's possible that you are aware of yourself in the state of consciousness you are in but the drug exerts a powerful effect on how you think and feel. You might say they are under the influence of a very, very powerful drug and their reason has left them AND for them it is all very reasonable. They are reasonable men and women faced with hard choices. That's how they see it.
In their heads, at the rear of their minds, there is a snake coiled up and always awake. If you could put yourself in their minds for a moment you would see it there, coiled in the darkness with its fiery eyes and the lids at half mast. It has taken over all of their thought processes and everything that they feel is also processed through this snake and so, no matter what they do, or who they harm, it all seems necessary and justifiable. Why... you would do the same thing if you were in their place and certainly this is what they think.
Consider yourself lucky that you do not have this same snake coiled up inside your head; this ancient and evil expression of the reversed, or anti-Kundalini. It's wiser, more charming and ever so much more convincing than any human being, in its effect upon its host and in its effect upon those coming into contact with its host. It's an alien life form and there is no way to understand it from the human side of things.
I, like you, must consider myself lucky when misfortune calls. Our distresses may come and go but there is an end in sight and we are more and more purified by our suffering as we go. If we do not cease in the pursuit of our noble objective, the impetus to continue will not desert us and though we may, at times, be swirling in confusion and though pain may be in constant residence, we make it through; stronger and lighter. It ain't easy but in the end, upon reflection, it turns out that every alternative, no matter its appearance at first... was equally as hard or worse.
End Transmission.......
'The Bankers are the Problem' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
everything is falling down around me
but i expected as much, eventually
i've no place to go and no one waiting
having not made any plans in any way
i'll ride the breeze i guess and see what comes
i've found, at least in the past
all kinds of things can happen
'casting fate to the wind'
" The force of evil is at its zenith. It cannot remain there. Having reached the height of the expression of its powers, it is passing into decline. "
If history has taught us anything it is that the forces of evil do not submit readily.
They will seek do do as much (or more) damage on the way down as they did on the way up.
You don't know how to let go, the cosmos is moving you towards letting go, Chomsky is much wiser than you, that's why he has credibility, and if you listened to your own advice you would see first hand that “It doesn't matter who did 9/11.” It really doesn't matter. Even from your spiritual perspective, you contemplate justice as absolute, and if you're weren't involved what is there to matter if it's all under control as you so often say. When you claim to disclose truth as dark as what you're claiming is truth you've become a vessel for it, you are the kettle serving the tea, and it will always say more about you and your state of mind than it could about the event. That being said I do enjoy what your write, and dare to write, even if I don't share the same view. The Cosmos has put your feet under the fire as of late, and you should really ask yourself why. You're not a simple soul, and you're not broadcasting for cosmos, so who exactly is it you're working for?
"When things get out of wack and... they are seriously out of wack now,"
Another point I am trying to make is that say things are out of wack in your personal life, mental and physical one of the two or both, the world will reflect that, your state of mind will gravitate towards that world view, and see wackiness everywhere. It is only until that wheel stops that world will reflect differently for you, and you're in the driver seat of your own view. I am hear sharing some of the fruits of teachings you yourself have shared.
Right on!
You are really hitting those notes -- clarity resounds!
sung to the tune of peace train....
Get on board the truth train!
It appears the Ga'ould were more than just a movie metaphor.
This is really about you being gay... yet again Alan. My adverse take on elements of that groove have nothing to do with individual 'choice'. It's about the political aspect.
I won't say more, I think you did enough damage on your own with that Chomsky commentary. It doesn't matter huh?
As for my personal karma, I'm cool with all that and as for whom I am working for. I think, as is always the case, one is working for whom they think they are working for and that sets their intention and guides their industry.
Fuck Noam Chomskey! fucking hack! fucking commie bastard!
In order to make a better world in the fastest way possible the first step should be to bulldoze the universities! Start with the goddam Ivy League. People filling there heads with shit and calling it wisdom.
God is the truth and the truth is God. Everything else is a con.
"We tortured some folks" said as nonchalantly as " I overcooked that steak".
Lebron James is a punk.
"everything else is a con" Amen.
You know... I've had people come in here and analyse my situation a time or two of recent provenance; whether it be the WTF aspect of it all or why the specific things apply to me insofar as however they do that thing.
I've lost everything I had near half a dozen times. The tales that accompany the events are by turns humorous and otherwise. What I was referring to in having to pick and choose among those objects taking temporary residence in my existence was merely the annoyance of having to engage in a selectivity that I would rather avoid but everything about me is not singular. Some things about me affect other people and that affects the trouble I might go through where other wise, I could give a shit.
I've got zero regret or apprehension about this recent episode; shit happens and I did ask with great passion, "get me out of here!" So it goes.
I would have to say that my relationship with the divine is rather complex, meaning I can't really discuss it. When I try all sorts of things intrude but... suffice to say, God haunts nearly my every moment; assists and hinders without explanation and this has been going on in a blinding whirl of sequences for near 50 years now.
I illustrate certain things because I know they apply in a wider sense and engaging a particular vulnerability keeps me human and on equal footing with everyone else. it's anecdotal. It's not actual. On the actual front I just keep on keeping on and I will do so until I become Les Visible and then.... well, then it won't make any difference.
The posting by Alan Jong did bring up some philosophical questions for me:
First, to be reading this, or indeed to perceive anything at all, I have to be divided from the Godhead* (that wording just popped up in this moment). So, it is impossible not to notice opposites, differences, etc.
Second, while using what Vis calls 'Clear Vision' (or me using the Chakra system), it is impossible not to note whether various areas are loaded up with pain, programming, etc.
Now, the 'question' I have has to do with what happens after that:
Some spiritual or religious camps say Nothing happens after that. 'Noticing' is enough. No judgments, no decisions, no actions. 'God' has it. The Watcher...
Other camps say both Noticing and referring matters back to God for any 'action' is necessary. This requires that one has made a judgment that 'Something' is not optimal. This is the layer where Clear Vision or noticing the Chakra systems' condition kicks in. The Judger**...
Finally, some camps say that direct action is necessary. Indeed, to let something 'pass' would constitute some version of a 'sin' or an insult to God. The Doer...
So, are any of these Camps more 'right' than any other? I could easily take the position of any one Camp and point out the 'errors' of the other Camps. Very peculiar, and somewhat maddening...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
* Does not mean I do not carry a part of God/Goddess/All-That-Is with me...
**Notice that this is not 'Judging' in the reflexive, calling down the wrath of heaven sense.
Judaism worships a WAR god, just as Nazism did. What is so hard for people to grasp that? They do not make a secret of it, it is very well documented. You have to grasp what you are dealing with. Until Judaism REPUDIATES their whole belief system (like accepts a LOVING/FORGIVING god) they should be shunned by Humanity.
To A. Jong I'd first say: "Get thee behind me, Satan." You slithering, ignorant snake. I can tell by your picture that some dark being inhabits your body. You might consider getting an exorcism. And the next thing I'd say to A. Jong is: What you spew is "... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." I bet you're wallowing in the hellish aftermath of 9/11. And to not identify/stop the perps is to welcome a deeper hell. You are the enemy. God somehow save your soul.
Vis, I love you.
Seriously, the bankers are the problem. Forgive me if I am repeating myself. I may have told this story before. I once briefly tended bar at MIT. Shit job. They wouldn't let us accept cash tips. (really!) So one night I worked a room where ole Noam Chumpsky was the special guest. He was surrounded by fawning grad students of course, but I didn't mind. I was just enjoying the excitement of having a more interesting night than usual. I had read a couple of his books in my younger days, but also knew of his atrocious 911 speak. Any ways, by twist of fate I managed to end up in the elevator with him alone. It was quite a task not to call him out in that moment but my hospitality training pulled through and I was all smiles and niceties on the outside. But I penetrated this feller (don't be sick!) psychically and found a most pitiable and desperate creature housed in the old man's destitute body. First of all he was visibly scared of me and shrunk at the (genial) encounter as if all tall goy bartenders are inherently dangerous physically. And on top of that, he had none of the glow that you would expect to accompany a life long esteemed academic defender of innocent humanity against imperial-corporate exploitation. Just another shriveled pretender who really doesn't know what to fear or love. Is it any wonder that MIT is home to Noam as well as Bernanke and Stanley Fischer, the Central Bankers from hell? Linguistic engineers par excellance. "In God We Trust" yeah right! "911 doesn't matter" goodbye disgraced academic, your word is now irrelevant!
vis,the fusion of entertainment with consciousness becomes very obvious when a conversations assembled communication is references to entertainment ,or celebrity commentators, for example, to illustrate what we mean -we use what amounts to hieroglyphs to communicate -inserting plug and play phrases ,or pictures from a cell phone -the great illusion manifest-a mirror of samsara -minds in the digital ether -physically present but living in a sanitized self -their friends lives pages in a face book-
your observation-" In times of great chaos and uncertainty, people lose their awareness of the individual in the mix. It all becomes defined as crowd karma but there is no cosmic precedence for this sort of thing. If something happens to a crowd it is important to keep in mind that a crowd is made up of individuals who opted for a common theme. If that particular common theme comes to a bad end, it was a matter of individual choices preempting all other routes of expression." but watching it all is so very very painful -
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
If those days are not cut short no one would live, but because of the chosen ones, those days will be cut short.
your work is always an inspiration--- much love
To the wicked advisory of Alan:
There are as many road to the light as there are souls seeking it.
Books and logic can bring the mind to the point that a way actually exist. But there are no waypoints. It simply can't be expressed, by it's individual uniqueness alone.
We need intellect to function in this complicated society. As we need the language of the heart to feel our way through the darkness.
Lack of balance will inevitably lead to failure. Too much logic brings one to the swamplands of confusion, too much feelings into fighting our own demons, a lost fight from the start. A shadow can't be beaten, a candle is all you need.
I experienced both in the early years of naive choices. This brought me to this balance myself.
Understanding and seeing the world as it is, accepting my weaknesses by bringing out their counterparts, my natural gifts, those that I was not aware of.
That is why many love Les. He understands this world and expresses it with a heart!
And that's why truth DOES matter, it sets us free!
It's when people get together in large groups, sometimes ignorance blankets the whole setting, hear there and everywhere, take this video for instance Inside Israel's Pro-War Nationalist Camp
What has prevailed there is collective insanity, and it's encouraged and reinforced socially, but that is not exclusive to Israeli society by any means, it's human nature. Right now Christians are on the verge of being ethnically cleansed from Iraq. As for Gay's throughout history they have been persecuted, mostly with no indifference. As for the statistics most Americans relate
to Israeli culture and society more so than fundamental Islam. If there was a war between fundamental Islam, and say Israel which one of the two would most people cheer for? In the West and East Israel.
Hypothetically, if you had only two choices of where you could live Saudi Arabia or Israel which would you choose? You might have to think about it, I don't I would live in Israel.
"To A. Jong I'd first say: "Get thee behind me, Satan." You slithering, ignorant snake. "
That is the one thing you refrain from telling a homo, unless You're serious, and it's your thing. There are plenty of men who will pipe you with their snakes, maybe not this one.
My only advice is, learn to feel with your snake, so much there to feel so much there to enjoy, I am a snake charmer, and I'd do it full time if I could.
via Homer..
Noam Chomsky would have us all believe the Romans crucified Jesus for oil..
The posting by Alan Jong did bring up some philosophical questions for me:
First, to be reading this, or indeed to perceive anything at all, I have to be divided from the Godhead* (that wording just popped up in this moment). So, it is impossible not to notice opposites, differences, etc.
Second, while using what Vis calls 'Clear Vision' (or me using the Chakra system), it is impossible not to note whether various areas are loaded up with pain, programming, etc.
Now, the 'question' I have has to do with what happens after that:
Some spiritual or religious camps say Nothing happens after that. 'Noticing' is enough. No judgments, no decisions, no actions. 'God' has it. The Watcher...
Other camps say both Noticing and referring matters back to God for any 'action' is necessary. This requires that one has made a judgment that 'Something' is not optimal. This is the layer where Clear Vision or noticing the Chakra systems' condition kicks in. The Judger**...
Finally, some camps say that direct action is necessary. Indeed, to let something 'pass' would constitute some version of a 'sin' or an insult to God. The Doer...
So, are any of these Camps more 'right' than any other? I could easily take the position of any one Camp and point out the 'errors' of the other Camps. Very peculiar, and somewhat maddening...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
I can't answer that I know that when it comes to the degree and perspective of spiritual understanding Les puts forward there is little I can dismiss about it, I've seen and experienced things that have changed my fundamental understanding of the cosmos as a result.
When it comes to the critiques of politics, and groups of people this is where the hang up begins, this is where some of the good things get tossed to the waste side. My view is Les takes one step forward and one step backwards, and so he's always in the same spot and all we can really do is learn from his situation. "The force of evil is at its zenith. It cannot remain there. Having reached the height of the expression of its powers, it is passing into decline. "
My view is for as long as evil has existed the zenith of evil has existed along side it, the same is true of good and righteousness, both poles have their zenith, and what you seek you shall find, the Zenith of evil will not go away until you get past good and evil (I am not saying evil goes away in the world, it is revealed as ignorance). I am saying from inside you it no longer has shelter, fear is one of evil's shelters. That comes through the individual doing the work necessary with love at the helm to lead the way, your own love is your salvation in that sense, and no one says it's easy. Action or inaction from love as opposed to fear provides the greatest outcome in all endeavors.
Love, to all,
And Visible I wish you the best, always.
Freud´s a fruit, fraught with fraud.
Dear Vis, good luck with your endeavors into the teutonic vernacular.
Schönes Wochenende
So far as I know I have never used the term, 'clear vision'. I believe the term I use is, "Broad Daylight Awareness.
Akram is here. I was having a beer in the garden area of the pension where I am staying; a remote location, of the main thoroughfare and suddenly I hear, "Mr Visible, I have found you. It was almost like one of those Stanley/Livingston moments.
I'm wondering how I am going to get my things down out of that loft and here appears a strong young man to take care of it. Allah Akbar!
So... it seems like my situation is streamlined now. We shall see.
Alan Chomsky Jong,
The ineffable doesn' t give a rat's ass about camps. Camp Chomsky has got you all mixed up in the head. Get your mind right, junior.
Vis: "So far as I know I have never used the term, 'clear vision'. I believe the term I use is, 'Broad Daylight Awareness."
Sorry, Vis, my bad. I was composing the post at work (grin) and didn't take the time to 'check my sources'. Oops...
(I was more concerned with getting the phraseology right in the body of the post. It is an ongoing 'puzzle' for me.)
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
A. Jong, no need for you to tell me you are a snake-charmer. It broadcasts from your aura like an emergency signal warning of a tsunami. "Snake-charmer, right here, at your service." Leave it up to you to reduce an argument about Chomsky to sex and sodomy. You mix the two to take away from the gravity of what Chomsky did when he dismissed an honest question on 9/11 and delivered up to his millions of lib followers that adore him a firm resolve to give up on exposing the truth of it. And you credit him with being smart?!! Well, maybe you fall into the belief that grand deception/gatekeeping is high intelligence. And at one level it might be. But at the level of the soul it is profoundly stupid because it leads away from Love. You know, the Love you wrote about a few paragraphs back. And you want to live in Israel!! I guess you don't know that the primitive and barbaric practices that we see in parts of the middle-east are fired by Iz and Nato, allowed, encouraged, so we can hate the other and therefore rob and kill them. Creating extremism is big business. Case in point: ISIS. So live in Israel. Jerk off you masters and buy their Dead Sea soap. It'll do wonders for the skin, but will greatly endanger the soul. But here, Mr. Jong, I'm tossing you an olive (pun intended) branch. Take a few moments in nature. Reflect. Come back and admit you were wrong. Admit that who did 9/11 is one of the most critical issues of our time. Like Siddhartha, "I can wait."
Akram, I saw your name written on the book of heaven. Next to it read the words:
"Immediate and unconditional admittance, with all attending privileges and powers to come and go at will. Team A-Plus. A most welcome and esteemed soul."
John Lash gives a good interview over on Red Ice about "Why they are the way they are." It makes sense if you can accept this line of thought and accounts for many things.
I saw today the interview of MP George Galloway, acknowledge the mainstream view that Al-qaeda was the main conspirator in the 9-11 attacks, but does not invalidate his view of ISIS as an enigma woven in mystery so extreme even Al-qaeda has expelled it. It does not invalidate his criticism of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, just because people don't hang themselves on the notion that 9-11 was an inside job or an Israeli job does not make them shills or less valid in their search for justice, or renunciation of partiality.
I have as much respect for Visible, as I do for Galloway, and Chomsky, I don't agree with every view they put forth in their arguments, and opinions, I like to make up my own. When it comes to the 9-11 issue I accepted the fact that God and the beings who are ever in the presence of God know the answer, and I've accepted that.
I am happy and content of where I live now, appropriately Death Valley, and I wrote in hypothetical terms if I only had two choices which would it be of the two.
"here, Mr. Jong, I'm tossing you an olive (pun intended) branch. Take a few moments in nature. Reflect. Come back and admit you were wrong. Admit that who did 9/11 is one of the most critical issues of our time. Like Siddhartha, "I can wait."
As far as being right or wrong about 9-11, I don't choose to debate that topic with speculation, I find absolution in the knowing that God knows, and so long as God knows a day will come when everyone who seeks the answer will know. My opinion is I Thank God, God knows, and I don't have to carry that burden, for who's justice could be sweeter than God Almighty's.
I bought Dead Sea soap made in Jordan, not that it would make a difference if the label had said made in Israel, and it embedded tiny shards of glass in my skin,it had crushed glass or shards of some kind in it, what and exfoliating experience, I threw that bar of soap out and had to deal with my skin having tiny shards of something, which felt like I was covered from head to toe with splinters. it wasn't cheap soap either.
A. Jong, I have no choice but to let go and release you to your mind-set. But just a few last thoughts. . . You say that you like to make up your own mind. Then you say you leave the 9/11 issue to God. It was God who gave you that mind that you like to make up yourself. And I was not faulting you for not yet reaching a conclusion on who did 9/11; I was faulting you for not helping to expose Chomsky's dismissal of that most important question and reducing it to irrelevance. You "find absolution in the knowing that God knows." Very scary transcendence, in my opinion; it's like perpetual looking away. You don't want to "carry that burden" of having to know. Well how about the burden of the state of the world we have post 9/11. Do you transcend that, too?! The suffering, the hunger, the homelessness, the wars, the abuse of the cruelest and most horrific proportions. Me thinks God needs you. You can still be wacky and wonderful and yet involved in working on solutions, the kind that have you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. None can get too comfortable. We are at critical vulnerability. Take the olive branch and get busy. Oops. I said I was gonna let go and release you to your mind-set and now I've gone and done just the opposite, gone and involved myself in your experience. Could it be that maybe I love you?
Boraxo's cheap.
"A. Jong, I have no choice but to let go and release you to your mind-set." Thank You
"But just a few last thoughts. . . You say that you like to make up your own mind. Then you say you leave the 9/11 issue to God. " You could pick apart what I wrote, I meant no ambiguity, when it comes to my world view that is largely shaped by object facts about the world I experience, and it's individual for everyone. "It was God who gave you that mind that you like to make up yourself. And I was not faulting you for not yet reaching a conclusion on who did 9/11; I was faulting you for not helping to expose Chomsky's dismissal of that most important question and reducing it to irrelevance."
I seen and read as much as I could about 9-11, back in 2006 is when the knowledge changed world view dramatically, and google video had their top 100 videos, conspiracy videos made up about 10%-20% of those.
"find absolution in the knowing that God knows." Very scary transcendence, in my opinion; it's like perpetual looking away. You don't want to "carry that burden" of having to know. Well how about the burden of the state of the world we have post 9/11."
The burden is in believe something is true that may not be, and so when it comes to 9-11 truth, there are as many flavors to that truth as you would find at Baskin and Robbins, which flavor is it exactly? Is it 4th dimensional lizard gods are puppeteering world leaders into doing all these nasty things, is the Bush Dynasty mafia? The Mossad? and of course all the flavors who stick just to facts, which can differ from one expert to another, and leave any real speculation to the spectator. Where is the evidence for any of those things? That ain't all of them, there are dozens more strange favors, of I Scream to toxify your world view with, which one should Chomsky stand behind, which flavor of I scream should he sell, the 9-11 fairy? They can't all be right is my point in saying God Knows. "Do you transcend that, too?! The suffering, the hunger, the homelessness, the wars, the abuse of the cruelest and most horrific proportions." I don't participate in any of that stuff, and when I can help out a homeless person I do, I've almost been there and it's no fun.
My heart sinks when I see the footage of Children blown to bits in Gaza, but Hamas as an organization that does things I would never do, I believe in peaceful non-violent resistance, unless your life is in immediate danger, initiating violence is not a solution, and to me the IDF response to the Rockets is unjustifiable too. I choose not to take sides in any of it. The innocent people in Gaza can't be helped right now by every who wants to help them, until the fighting stops.
"We are at critical vulnerability. Take the olive branch and get busy. Oops. I said I was gonna let go and release you to your mind-set and now I've gone and done just the opposite, gone and involved myself in your experience. Could it be that maybe I love you?" No "We" in this Prince Charming, everyone has their own personal struggles, but life is about loving, and loving enough to let go.
Maybe you should take the initiative and mail a bunch of those bumper stickers the world might be ready for that flavor of I scream. Get a kick starer going. You never know. What kind of respose you'll get.
I don't know, if it was Israel, the Bush's, or Al-Qaeda, and I don't care as long as God Knows.
My flavor is God can take care of 9-11 justice at his/her own leisure.
Alan; You are welcome to pose and prance around here like Rudolph the Red nose gay deer. Your arguments are nothing more than zero conclusions and that abhorrent state of false egalitarianism.
Anyone with an intellect above Moron who has done any research and inquiry finds such overwhelming evidence of Israel doing 9/11 that there is no excuse for anyone coming up with any other theory other than that they are culpable for it or have something to gain via obfuscation.
I know you're playing provocative Freshman dorm rap advocate. What your reasons are, I don't know and I don't care. Suffice to say you will convince no one here of anything.
As The Bard would say, "Rave on Macduff" I will say that you either have a very low opinion of the level of intelligence here or you are remarkably unaware. The latter is almost impossible to believe.,
Interesting Comment...
"Today in the UK, all the media is pushing results of a 25-year study. It seems that aspirin, as well as protecting from heart disease, miraculously (when regularly ingested) protects against bowel and colorectal cancer too! Though there are risks of internal bleeding (in a minority of cases, of course), the news demands that ALL people over 50 should be immediately prescribed (much like statins).
Now, a while back, I came across a study regarding the mysterious 1918 global flu epidemic which killed 20 million. There appears to be some correlation between it and aspirin. Discovered in 1898, aspirin immediately became the global cure-all for everything that ails you. Hundreds of millions of tablets were consumed in every country where medical supplies were available for the next two decades. Then, completely unexpectedly, the epidemic struck.
You see, what no-one had then (?) suspected, is that when aspirin is taken regularly, in sizeable amounts, it makes an excellent immunosuppressant (which is now known). Any connection between this and a coming 'Ebola epidemic'?"
Interesting Graph from Here...
"As The Bard would say, "Rave on Macduff" I will say that you either have a very low opinion of the level of intelligence here or you are remarkably unaware. The latter is almost impossible to believe.,'
I am not here to insult anyone's intelligence, and the case build of circumstantial evidence for some operatives from Israel being involved in the 9-11 event has been published many times online by many different people who have made a convincing and plausible case for it. If you share that view, You have plenty of reinforcers across the web to believe or be convinced that it is so, therefore a gospel exist in your midst to validate something. Is that something absolute truth? My only advice is to be mindful of what exactly that information is validating, what emotions is it conjuring up within your being and when faced with it are you in control? Does it make your experiences of living better or worse? That is the work of the individual.
Anyway cue Visible's wisdom from the wine press of fate.
"We've all heard so many variations concerning what it is our province to perform and what we must, or should, leave in wiser hands. We've heard about being utterly reliant. I suspect under certain circumstances that will just leave you frozen in space. Sometimes you must proceed in faith and certitude that even if there is no positive result there will certainly be a lasting lesson (grin- ouch)."
Just a little interesting snippet for Sunday :)
I had an interesting conversation with a Japanese Journalist in a bar yesterday. He said that in his estimation up to 30% of the Japanese people thought that Fukushima was a deliberate act carried out by the Americans.
In his mind there was no doubt!
"With the blazing dawn comes reason, and the terrors of the night disappear and we remember them not. But in retrospect we will remember that we were strangers in a strange land and strangers gave us food." Paladin; Have Gun Will Travel
This is one of the most important videos I ever saw on Israel, and why life in the u.s. has gone down the shitter,
The Real Reason Homeland Security Exists
In fact, you might want to include it in your next post somewhere since you are pretty widely read and this is uber important. It explains a lot,
Okay, I'm back. I was gonna let go, but more stuff surfaced.
A.Jong, how about signing up for LOGIC 101? Seriously. I mean so many of your statements just do not hold water. But let me address some of your questions, answering only for myself.
In regards to the emotions that surface when I see validation of what I believe to be the truth on 9/11, well, all I can say is PURE HOPE, almost JOY, that others are getting and seeing the truth. Also anticipation that perhaps that will lead to a healing of our world, an undoing of tyranny, where everybody gets to walk free. It brings my vibration out of a negative worry to one of spiritual peace and potential. And those who feel/felt alone in the trenches can sense support, fortification, new determinism.
I see you as an archetype of the new-age programming that would have you just where the powers-that-be want you. You are my brother in creation but no help to me in facin' down the demons. I can only hope that in weeks/months to come, I will hear back from you that your activism has taken a turn from the Mary Poppins directive to "Just think happy thoughts" to a fearless facing down of the evil we're up against. You won't get contaminated by it. In fact, to look into the belly of the beast is actually one of the most POSITIVE things in the world because it can bring one out of avoidance and denial moving him or her to work for real solutions. Here's a quote from an essay by Julian Rose. Perhaps it will be better at reaching you than I have been:
"Leaving the forces of corruption unchallenged is simply not possible if one is truly following the spiritual path. On the contrary, the entrance onto the spiritual path is achieved through committing to do one's utmost to free our planet from bondage and to protect that which is our Creator's work in all ways possible to us. If this means unmasking and exposing that which is blatantly dishonest, then this is what must be done."
Last night, I saw a brand new show on H2, the premium History channel. "Ghost Planes." It was two hours long. It was themed around MH370, with supposed parallels to other 'lost' aircraft thrown in for comparison.
If you were asleep at the switch, it was a relatively good show. It went smoothly, and what it showed was relatively accurate.
Where I disagreed with it was the amount of time spent on "Conspiracy." Nearly all the time was taken up with making up scenarios around bad weather, wind shear, lightning strikes, fire on board, depressurization, hit by meteor, and anything else that could be dreamed up - and then batting each 'straw man' down. Only about (literally) five minutes was taken up with "Conspiracy." That included the prelude of 'Bermuda Triangle' and UFO-style blarney to 'condition' the audience. Oh, and the mini-segment closed with a different narrator loudly proclaiming that this was all stupidity, in essence.
The two minutes devoted to Diego Garcia included the Presidential Press Secretary blowing it off. About the only truthful items mentioned, almost in passing, were that the plane would have landed at DG in darkness, and that DG had hangars large enough to taxi into. The narrator of this mini-segment did comment that State or sub-State involvement would make it a whole different story... (No mention of NSA satellites, Diego Garcia military radar, or Australian over-the-horizon radar having info on MH370's flight path and not releasing it.)
(Philip Wood's 'partner' was involved in several cameo appearances. Not a word about the alleged cellphone message/picture out of DG. She was remarkably 'restrained', considering her earlier comments on this having had to have been a conspiracy. I wonder if she had been 'restrained'...)
One of the important narrators was billed as a former Mossad operative. I wonder if they were laughing at us...
via Homer..
I certainly believe in the Yehuda Triangle!
(new york - london - tel aviv)
Never have watched H2, but I have seen a little of the standard "History (hitlerhitlernazihitlernazinazinazihitlerhitlernaziholocaustholocausthitlerhitlernazinazinazinazihitlernaziholocaustnazinazinazi) Channel"
"Seriously. I mean so many of your statements just do not hold water."
That statement is true, congratulations for seeing clearly, and not forsaking me.
Hebrews 10
22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
Cue visible's Wisdom.
"BUT... dangling over all of this, like that spectre from “The Frighteners” is the tempestuous threat of a world in great transformation. Will it be more or less this same world in a month? "
Tony must do the rounds - like get rostered on one site this week and another site another week. Seems given his absence of about a year (I think) that I've seen him post anyway, you would think he'd be back with something new...........boring Tony, terribly boring.
Just when you think things can't get much worse it does. Half of one side of the freakin street in town this morning was destroyed by a FIRE. This fire is being treated as suspicious and rumors are rife. Several Ausie iconic buildings have been burned to the ground. In case people are unfamiliar with this town it is historically more important than Sydney and of course a much better place to be........SIGH
At least nobody is dropping bombs on us and we can still go to the farmers market and get fresh organic produce.
In light of Robin Williams' depression and death, I send this from my respected friend. I find it profoundly helpful and hope you do, too:
"Passion cures depression."
-- Doug Fox
Exorcism apparently successful.
Well, for the time being.
A new Origami is up now-
Being Origami as Opposed to Constructing Origami.
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