Monday, September 15, 2014

Dancing in the Court of Everlasting Justice.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

“ Here comes old flathead he comes sleazing up slowly. He's got Haldeman's eyebrows. He gets head from Foley. He's got slime down to his knees, got to be a Zio cause he do what he please... whatever... whatever” (cue The Pan Fried Ono Band). Cruising about this morning I found this disgusting sop from a program called The Morning Jew, which was being promoted on that Zio-Zine, Raw Story. I don't believe this requires commentary on my part but I suspect some of you will either chuckle or retch, perhaps both, while you read it.

“Materialism is a fire-

Materialism is a grave,

Materialism is a television

on the walls of Plato's cave.

It gets hotter and darker the deeper that you go-

Ah... tell me something I don't know.”

(from the song Materialism by L.V.)

The slathering crocodile Bankers are salivating over the planned carnage in Syria and Iraq. Their front suits are fronting for these moneychangers. Like Pez dispensers or toothpaste tubes they squeeze out endless coils of radioactive weasel shit, which gets spread like pate over the mindscreens of the blind who squirm and moan in their bondage suits. All the straps and cinches are in the right places for maximum sensory stimulus.

We're in one of those, 'when', not 'if' situations but... are we? Where are we exactly? No one knows the answer to that besides the silent watcher and the muleskinner jinns who drive the tumbrils in which the doomed are ferried to their appointment in Sammara. Surely the meaning of the name is ironic. They don't think they're doomed. Evil never sees the truth of its circumstances, obviously.

WAR is on the doorstep but... is it? The harsh truth is that they have no other options. Everything they have constructed is falling apart. They know something is up. Whassup? They're going down, that's what's up.

Once the war machine cranks up; should that occur, the populace will find itself in a state of undeclared martial law. All the basic necessities will be managed and distributed by the government as a means of control. The cities will be nowhere to be once that happens. Whatever happens will happen in the cities. It is only later that anything will spread into the hinterlands. Interwoven and interlocked destinies will be fulfilled as they are meant to be. Those engineering the darkness will be met with a more potent and powerful darkness and those who are magnetized to the process will follow in their wake. It will seem to be the rational and logical course for those so engaged. However... it will be madness, of course. One must be mad to follow the course these unfortunates take and one is also mad, after a different fashion, when one has become capable of seeing through it all.

There are some of us that see what is going on; what happens to us and by whose particular (in each case) intention anything comes about. These are valuable instructions into the nature of others. One is not necessarily compelled to share their insights with the object of their attention. One profits from the knowledge of the dark intentions of others and, outside of what losses one experiences in the process of learning these things, one is afterward protected from recurrent malice at the hands of those possessed of self interest, or simply, under the command of evil or ignorance. These two have a 'Biblical' relationship and let us understand, all those who practice evil are ignorant because otherwise they wouldn't do it. They are ignorant of the consequences, or indifferent, thinking themselves too clever by half to gain a seat in the tumbril. Then there are the exceptional ones; Kissinger, Soros, Rockefeller, The Rothchilds. These are conscious devotees of evil. They do evil for the sheer enjoyment it gives them and they have an understanding (or so they think) with the Prince of Darkness. It could be that some parts of this are true, however, here is one of those situations where being transformed into an angel of light at the 'given' moment has direct and relevant meaning. Once the devil is transformed, so then also is the relationship these monsters enjoy. The Devil is transformed into the district attorney in The Court of Everlasting.

I am now going to discuss one of the most important things ever taken up here. This has to do with how we, or should I say humanis ordinaire (grin) looks right at things and doesn't see them; doesn't see the reality of what they are looking at, doesn't see behind the appearance into the essence of whatever has their attention. This could be an object. It could be a concept. It could be a person. For instance, the teaching construct of Plato, concerning the shadows on the wall of his cave, has a deep and powerful meaning. Many people can glibly converse about it but the power of it is only activated in the visceral brain. I associate the intuition (inner teaching) with the same. What Materialism does, or rather what the ruler of Materialism does is to obscure the visceral brain and also to fixate the self conscious attention upon the trivial, superficial and... mundane. This is how Stupid is manufactured and the evidence of this is ubiquitous.

You MUST have access to the visceral brain. Surely most people might be capable of seeing the value of this force but few indeed see it in its entirety. I compare this to my discovery of the deeper aspects of Lord Ganapati. I always thought he was just a household deity and the deity of business people. I was awestruck when I tumbled to the totality of it. Now... many of us, you included (grin) have some number of things we take for granted and have also convinced ourselves we know the comprehensive meaning of. For years we run around with assumptions and presumptions that are certainly incomplete and often flat out wrong simply for the reason that what we are processing is incomplete in the definition but... we don't take a closer look because... we have already convinced ourselves that we know when we don't.

Having a clear and uncompromised connection to the visceral brain is of infinite value. It will save your ass and more important things too if you have an attentive ear. It will protect you from unfortunate incidents with dishonest people who are more numerous than at any other time simply because of the pre-eminence of Materialism. I include the conscience in the mix too and people bypass that for the sake of expediency and self interest. Hey! Everybody does it. Really? That's not even true. It cannot protect you at those times when it is necessary to gain the fruits of a lesson concerning an incident or person. On the plus side you don't have to keep being Charlie Brown with Lucy holding the football once you have assessed it all.

One of our greatest potential protections is to not want anything. This doesn't mean you don't get anything or that you can't want something. It means going about, as a general rule of not wanting anything. This provides an amazing perspective on what is happening around you. Things like this increase your Broad Daylight Awareness and can subsequently free you of the epidemic continuous looping behavior of the masses. The more detachment you gain from this, the freer you are. Some people are going around with that secret smile because they are experiencing this. This is also the source of song, when one may be singing along with ones footsteps through the world. Not having this capacity is a definite indication of one being in bondage. One is in possession of a chained heart. This is what makes Love so valuable. Love frees the heart. That is the first action taken by real love.

What you have read here today is not considered important by many people and can even be seen as a liability for the pursuit of self interest, should one employ and exercise what is contained in the messages expressed here.

Whatever has been hammering on me for months is still hammering on me. It is truly freaky. I don't know what to make of it. It is hitting me with inexplicable economic loss and all sorts of undesirable things. What's interesting is that I am just looking at it. I know it will pass. I just don't know when.

There are things we have taken to mean one thing that means something entirely different and we don't question it cause we already 'know' it. For instance, what do you suppose that red dot on the forehead of those practicing the Hindu religion means? What it means is 'coffee is ready'. I'm betting most of you didn't know that. Godspeed.

End Transmission.......

Visible's latest radio show is now up.

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The Darkening Splendor
of an Unknown World

A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii - where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime...

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Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of 'Spiritual Survival'; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit.

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Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is a not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times...

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Erik said...

Heh Vis,

"Coffee's ready" ... and on the screen now ;)

Amazing ride it has been in the past years, thanks for being on it Bro!

Same goes for all the regulars here,



Doug Pearson said...

I'll betcha you put the coffee deal on there to see how many people would go running off to check it out which I did. hahahahaha
Seriously, I don't question your stuff much cause it usually makes sense.
Didn't find coffee's ready anywhere but I didn't delve too deep. hahahaha Still wearing that toupee?

Odin's Raven said...

Here's a poem that may support the mood.

'When the Angels Landed on the White House Lawn'

galen said...

Looking, looking, always looking at the demise of life on earth. Can't really not postulate on how different things would be if this was a vegetarian world, or at least mostly vegetarian. The slaughter and suffering visited on these innocents day after day, year after year, could this not be one of the root causes of all this chaos, competition, control? Because most of this is hidden away from seeing-eyes, few are prone to investigate and so the murderers and torturers keep getting away with their crimes.

Well, it's still prime rib and baby-back ribs for dinner and one wonders when the last time was that those who so indulge have looked into the eyes of a cow or a lamb, or when did they last visit a slaughter house? I guess it was the Buddha who said, "All life is sacred," and the Christ who said, "Thou shalt not kill." Neither gave exceptions to the rule. Maybe, just maybe, following the directives of these two teachers could begin to turn things around.

It's tough, when one feels so strongly about this issue. Hard to fight off accusations of pompousness and of imposing one's will on others. But look what we impose on animals. I guess part of the flow is knowing when to interfere and when to bite one's tongue. I wish I was better at tongue-biting, but I'm not.


est said...

the parable of the cave
perhaps my favorite

fettered to their places
only looking ahead

a walkway behind
elevated with a fire burning

much as puppets
a parade of sights and sounds

the projections on the wall
along with the sounds associated

taken for reality by the restrained
as they could not turn around

to see their actual condition
then someone breaks free

they exit the cave out into the light
rub their eyes and see the sun and reality

going back into the cave to alert the others
he is met with derision and disbelief

'this is our reality, there is no other'
'you are out of your mind'

exit the cave, take a look around
and think a bit about what is really 'real'

sorry for synopsis, not everyone read 'the republic'
just my take, anyways, feel free to ignore

Visible said...

The original idea, at least in my head, was to make a mockumentary about a Baron Munchhausen guru type figure. That's what the wig was for. Unfortunately, a lot of people took it seriously. There are people who believe everything I say, as if I would never crack a pun or spoof. Well... that cost me so I walked on it but... it is still hovering around there. Oh right! The radio show is up now. You'll have to find it on your own. I have to sleep early cause tomorrow school starts.

Heh heh... we'd have more fun if people were more aware of the playful side of me.

Visible said...

And no one got my Foley reference either.

Doug Pearson said...

If you didn't throw in a few spoofs in the stuff that you right about it'd drive you nuts. It's so fucking crazy anymore you just gotta laugh sometimes.

Visible said...

Oh... it's not that bad. Where would I be if I let what people thought and sometimes said about me affect my balance and faith in myself?

Over the last ten years I have been involved in at least 4 episodes of controversy. In the first two I instigated a reaction because there was too much prosperity and I wanted to see if that love was stronger than the presumed live that brought us together.

Then, two more events followed in which I played no part whatsoever in generating what was directed at me. Across time I have been stolen from and demeaned beyond all recognition to crimes I didn't commit in the first place.

So... I have to wonder, is it possible that some of these things were arranged? You know what? It certainly looks like it and if I were to take the time to delineate the sequences of events, I could prove this hypothesis but... that and a couple of bucks will get me a cup of coffee.

Soldier on and let the devil take the hindmost. We shall not be deterred from our appointed rounds.

God bless you all.

Visible said...

that would be (grin) 'love' not 'live'. Freudian... dystopian or simply a confusion of competitive realities? FIIK.... Hang in their folks. Good things are coming and I wouldn't be surprised if a community didn't appear in coming time out of nowhere. The ineffable is real. that's job one... believe it.

Anonymous said...

knowing trumps believing...

Open the Gate !





Anonymous said...


I think I understood the Foley reference, with the refrain being not so much whatever, but more under or over, and not quite so together, depending on the individual perspectives of the involved parties.

Was I close, or way off the mark?

Anyway, now the original song is stuck in my mind, and I have to wait until dark when the neighbors go inside before I can crank it up on the stereo, sing along for at least one verse to the new lyrics, and purge it from my head while laughing maniacally,
Thanks a lot for that...!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Visible,

Just wanted to relate to you that i too have been twirling in a sustained shit tornado for some time now. Don't feel like the lone ranger; as i'm sure you're aware. I've read the replies of some others who feel the winds whipping around them and definitely can relate and i too have been wearing similar or same outfits and wondered if i should also buy a wig and go about, but you know: that tornado thing has a way with hairpieces.

I've been through enough in my life to believe i can handle (most) adversity that may come my way now, but wow, how this season (2014) has been a stormy one, figuratively and economically speaking as one thing follows another without respite and the augury i feel as i watch prices continue to rise; beginning with the (literally) brutal cold winter and everything else that followed and for those i care for caught up in the saidsame whirlwind. Whew! It's almost surreal at times. Something's working itself out one way or another. Same as you, i withhold any hasty reaction and wait to see.

Took me a long time to understand, but despairing of circumstances never, ever helped so i'm glad i got over that hump, as far as it goes. So hey, i don't have to be hap-hap-happy about it, but so what? And i complain that it's not fun, but i'm an adult and so i try to act like one, and give myself the freedom to deny despair, which is a great relief. Maybe the helpers will see this and be inclined to cover me (Us). And we'll take any help we can get.

We keep on truckin'. Along with everyone who wishes you respite and shelter, I'm with ya too.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Thou shalt not kill, huh? Sorry, but if we get another flea, or bedbug infestation, or if a cat gets tapeworms, or anything else that reminds me we art NOT at the top of the food chain, they are TOAST!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Visible,

Just wanted to relate to you that i too have been twirling in a sustained shit tornado for some time now. Don't feel like the lone ranger; as i'm sure you're aware. I've read the replies of some others who feel the winds whipping around them and definitely can relate and i too have been wearing similar or same outfits and wondered if i should also buy a wig and go about, but you know: that tornado thing has a way with hairpieces.

I've been through enough in my life to believe i can handle (most) adversity that may come my way now, but wow, how this season (2014) has been a stormy one, figuratively and economically speaking as one thing follows another without respite and the augury i feel as i watch prices continue to rise; beginning with the (literally) brutal cold winter and everything else that followed and for those i care for caught up in the same whirlwind. Whew! It's almost surreal at times. Something's working itself out one way or another. Same as you, i withhold any hasty reaction and wait to see.

Took me a long time to understand, but despairing of circumstances never, ever helped so i'm glad i got over that hump, as far as it goes. So hey, i don't have to be hap-hap-happy about it, but so what? And i complain that it's not fun, but i'm an adult and so i try to act like one, and give myself the freedom to deny despair, which is a great relief. Maybe the helpers will see this and be inclined to cover me (Us). And we'll take any help we can get.

We keep on truckin'. Along with everyone who wishes you respite and shelter, I'm with ya too.


Anonymous said...

coffee is ready indeed. I can sometimes smell it. The coffee is always ready round' here. That organic Peruvian. mmmmmmmmmm

Weasel shit and straps in the right place.

Thank you Visible.

practicing that secret smile


galen said...

Buttons, it's okay. Don't let the literal strangle you; look rather to the spirit of things. I'd kill bed-bugs, too.

I think I struck a nerve with you. Anything to do with what you like in your sandwich? Just guessing.

The message here related to inhumane treatment. There has to be some consequence for this, don't you think?

The heat, the heat, it always comes my way whenever I dare to point out that there is horrible suffering connected to meat-eating. Now I have to brace myself for your responses. You are not one to pussy foot around. So we dance, and maybe one day we'll hear the same music.


Anonymous said...

Another Mercury Retrograde is upon us. September 14th through to November 10th.

The last one was weird enough.


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

"Slaughterhouse Civilization"

These so-called civilized people—what is the difference between these rascals and vultures? The vultures also enjoy killing and then eating the dead body. “Make it dead and then enjoy” — people have become vultures. And their civilization is a vulture civilization. Animal-eaters — they’re like jackals, vultures, dogs. Flesh is not proper food for human beings. Here in the Vedic culture is civilized food, human food: milk, fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains. Let them learn it. Uncivilized rogues, vultures, rākṣasas [demons]—and they’re leaders.

"We want to stop these killing houses. It is very, very sinful. That is why all over the world they have so many wars. Every ten or fifteen years there is a big war—a wholesale slaughterhouse for humankind. But these rascals—they do not see it, that by the law of karma, every action must have its reaction. You are killing innocent cows and other animals—nature will take revenge. Just wait. As soon as the time is right, nature will gather all these rascals and slaughter them. Finished. They’ll fight amongst themselves—Protestants and Catholics, Russia and America, this one and that one. It is going on. Why? That is nature’s law. Tit for tat. “You have killed. Now you kill yourselves.” They are sending animals to the slaughterhouse, and now they’ll create their own slaughterhouse. [Imitating gunfire:] Tung! Tung! Kill! Kill! You see?"

Ray B. said...

I sent a post out yesterday and it never appeared, even though it got the confirmation phrase. I didn't save a copy, so here is an approximation of it. It is riffing off of Vis' "red dot on the forehead of those practicing the Hindu religion":

After my first trip to India, long ago, I had an interesting occurrence. One to several small 'blue spheres' would appear and circle around me for a while. They had an actual diameter, not like the dimensionless points that chi particles show up as. After a time, I figured out that these were folks who were showing up to 'observe'. This went on for some weeks, and then slowly tapered off.

That was when I was much younger and less-seasoned. Sometimes, I wonder what I would do with this today? (grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Just bein' somewhat snarky. I do it at every opportunity. By the way, I'm not into bedbug sandwiches. No, you didn't hit a nerve. You set me up for a come-back.

Anonymous said...

Viz, shoot another video will ya? I'd love to see that hip surgery scar...wink-wink, nudge-nudge, etc.

Visible said...

The next video only has to wait until I move to my new lodgings for the next couple of months and can set up my studio. as those listening to the radio show know, the sound is crackling and variously messed up otherwise.

I'll also be able to host readers in the area now and again. this should all be complete by the weekend following this one.

Many thank to those who have gone over to Siamese Mirrors and assisted the elf in his time of extremity and trial. He's been an unflagging presence behind the scenes here.

Anonymous said...

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

[2 Corinthians 4:18]

Anonymous said...

Everybody does it, and you can do it too

Anaughty Mouser said...

Anon @1:10,

How very true.

Peace and love

JerseyCynic said...

FANTASTIC song - Perfect timing to hit the airwaves -- you need to get this one out there. love love love it - LOTS AND LOTS AN LOTS

coffee! make my day, L.V.

Visible said...

video not available in my country.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Trials and Tribulations on the Cusp of the Age.

Visible said...

a new Visible Origami is up now-

Sidestepping the Pop Tart Gurus and New Age Nimrods.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'Materialism' from the Les Visible Album
Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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