Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
I walked out into the early morning today and I saw, metaphorically that... the hawk is on the wing. I could hear, just on the periphery of hearing, the howl of the wolf and I knew that a few months hence the tearing of the wind at your door would be the allegorical claws of that same wolf. Like they say in that 'extremely popular' swords and sorcery, fantasy series, where the author takes some kind of pathological satisfaction in killing off just about all of the main players; “winter is coming” metaphorically AND literally. Winter is coming and so is sticker shock. Food prices are going to rise along with heating costs. Nature is in no mood to cooperate. The governments are owned by the people who own the banks and the people who own the banks are blood sucking vampires. Do not expect them to behave like kitty cats and fluffy puppies. It is in their nature to drink the blood of others. It is what they do. It's like the story of the scorpion and the frog. The frog wanted to know why the scorpion stung him halfway across the river, dooming both of them; “It's my nature.”
A fearful epidemic of ubiquitous bad health is sweeping the world. This is because the health and medical industries are owned by the same people who own the large agribusinesses and who manufacture the processed foods. They are the same monsters who own all that stock in Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and Dupont. They pay the men and women who make the laws, so that the very word, 'law' has become a travesty upon itself.
The state of Idiocracy is upon us. It's barrelling down the highway. It's mooning itself in the Event Horizon. Here is a clip from a (snicker) prestigious university. Not only is it a prestigious and totally CIA/NSA infiltrated swamp of neutered Nutrias, it is in the very location, due to proximity and curriculum where one would expect those residents to know the answers to the questions presented. It's Foggy Bottomland and that dark and rich looking loam is not earth. With one tiny exception they had no answers whatsoever. Was it a selectively arranged presentation that omitted everyone who did know the answers? I don't know. You hear all kinds of things riding out here but 'they ain't necessarily so'.
Stupid is the new smart. It's now hip to not know anything about anything except appetite satisfaction. When you marvel at the transparency of the lies coming at you from the Crass Media, you must recognize that the people these lies are directed at are really, yes, really that stupid. Use your Broad Daylight Awareness and Miner's Lamp Logic. The lies are demonstrably lies and they are all a reworking of previous lies, many of which are today, proven lies and yet... people are so incredibly stupid that they will continue to believe each newly reworked old lie that has been already proven to be a lie. The same arguments used about Saddam Hussein are now used against whoever else the Israeli Bankers and International Satanists wish to eliminate.
Is it possible that something like this could be true? Did someone put a hit on one of the nastiest bags of rat shit to ever walk the face of the Earth? Here is a woman who has devoted her life to being more disgusting than Harris Glenn Milstead and Robert Maplethorpe put together. Oh right, I forgot, they were artistes.
I don't know what is or is not true about Zsa Zsa Gabors dark side sister. What I do know is that anything on the dark side of Zsa Zsa is dark indeed. Given how tight the skin on her face is, she really ought to be doing commercials for Tama Silverstar. Regardless of any of that; once again we notice Mr. Apocalypse and that ingenious sense of humor, concerning Zio-Joan and her vocal chords. Expect more of the same. As I was told some years ago... Mr Apocalypse is going to be be devilishly inventive about how he handles the various destinies of life's greatest oppressors.
As the walls tighten and compress... as survival becomes something more than a word or a vague concept... as the manufactured shortages manifest and Rockefellerian Eugenics marches hand in hand along side the ghost of Malthus, the thin veneer of civilization is going to peel away from the face of the beast beneath. Those who are meant to survive the coming world wide calamity of ignorance and appetite, in competition for the attention of the world, are those who have been at work upon their own humanity. They are the ones who have sought for more than the satisfaction of base self interest at the expense of their fellows. The system is crashing and those who have manipulated it to such a state know full well what that presages. This is why the airwaves are filled with rumors of war and revolution and why militancy and martial law, as well a violent and robotic police presence, are to be seen or suspected on all sides.
Human consciousness is being moulded like clay on a potters wheel. The masses have given up on self inquiry and the performance of those virtues that are most important for their survival as a human being and only a beast is satisfied with surviving as a beast.
There are various perspectives and mindsets available; various lens through which one can see things according to any particular preference or taste. There is a guiding consciousness. There is no guiding consciousness. It's all random math. It's Darwinian. It's irreversible destruction; eat drink and be merry or seek shelter below ground. There are all sorts of new philosophies and trends one can follow and there are ancient courses of thought one can adopt or adapt to. It's all a personal affair or it's non la me storia.
It seems an inescapable truth that push will come to shove in coming months. The situation in the Ukraine is being driven by demonic fiends like Victoria Neuland who works for the Satanists who rule the last empire. The Last Empire is in tatters. Ignorance and appetite are playing tennis and the eyes of the world go left, then right, left then right. The stomach rumbles in concert with genital manipulation. At some point the ball lands in the stands and turns into a grenade.
In lockstep, Revealing and Uncovering march alongside the ranks of the blind and indifferent. Awareness is burbling in the subconscious. Like compressed magma, it will eventually burst through the weakest wall. Those who live in fear will react in fear, regardless of whether what they are being shown is true of the world around them or true of themselves. Those who are not in fear and subsequently not generators of fear will not act in fear. They will adapt or they will depart.
One thing has always been true; ones greatest strength and security are an internal reality. Such a stability of being is not achieved through a dependence upon external forces. Kingdoms rise and fall, armies come and go. The Earth is a graveyard of mortal ambitions. There are many things that will kill you and ambition is one of them. “Let me have men about me that are fat, sleek headed men and such as sleep a nights. Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much” In the ranks of the deceivers, the power brokers, the predators and all of the agents and servants of evil, there is a great contention. It is this competition for similar but different conditions of manifest evil that is the cause of the destruction of evil at its own hands. It is the most natural thing in the world for ambition to trample on common sense.
When one is swathed in power, it never seems likely or even possible that anything could threaten ones state. It seems highly unlikely that the disorganized rabble could ever mount a serious challenge against the forces of the elite. In the Ukraine it was an accepted fait accompli that neither Russia, nor the canaille of the East could mount any kind of a serious challenge against the western backed Kiev government. Yet... yet... now government soldiers are defecting by the hundreds every day. Government planes and helicopters are being shot from the skies. Government ruses with Hungarian tanks are being exposed. The lying media tells obvious lies and the ignorant swallow them whole but still... still their plans collapse in every area of their employment. At one time it seemed impossible that a rag tag collection of little men in black pyjamas could defeat the most powerful military in the world but... it happened.
Very little is what it seems and we are not what we think or imagine ourselves to be, as trauma and calamity have shown us more than a time or two. The hawk is on the wing and the wolf is at the door. Nothing is worse for a nation on the verge of epidemic hunger than not to know what it is best to eat in the first place. Nothing is more ineffective and futile in heath and healing than an army of doctors who are no more than paid agents of pharmaceutical corporations. Nothing is more certainly an assured disaster than a nation ruled by whores and criminals. Able dealing and fair play are the hallmarks of a successful society. Without them, destruction is inevitable.
End Transmission.......
Anyone with any insights on locations for living on The Big Island (or any of those islands)... I would appreciate hearing from you.
'Mr Apocalypse is Coming' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine
- 'A Novel of the Unnatural and Supernatural...'
Paperback: $27.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
Yes food prices controlled by the khazarian proselytes will first begin to rise. Then in the cities, which are surrounded by the whoredogs of war, will have no food at any price.
The perimeter will be closed with force and Holdomor will raise its ugly head - where even you and I may almost like a fresh serving of babyback ribs as we begin to eat each other in abject starvation.
On the wing and at your door, sooner than we think.
excellent warning for the wise and prudent to take heed...
as a watchman on the wall you have only one need...
in our hearts and minds we know you performed an honorable deed
Thank you {Jeremiah 2}
I stocked up a long time ago. There are times I imagine hunkering down at home while Rome burns around me. Then I think about what it must feel like to starve (my best venture into that feeling is 3 days with nothing but water)... What will my neighbors be going through?
I could sneak out in the middle of night maybe and drop an MRE or something at everyone's door on the block. If I get caught, those same people will overrun my home pillaging everything in sight. Well, that's what survival would look like, I suppose.
Writing this stuff reminds me that I'm not able to make such large decisions and, as our Visible always says, I'll have to rely on the Ineffable. Particularly when it all comes down.
Guess the script is already written. Time to get some popcorn ( if its still available) and watch the show.
I do not like it. I do not like that I am so much braver on-line than I am in person. I do not like when out of the blue fear comes in and brings with it low self-esteem. Feelings of strength turn to feelings of being fragile. I do not like this. It's all fear's fault. Or is it? Don Juan taught that fear is always on our left shoulder and it can be thought of as an ally, a springboard, so to speak. He said not to push it away but let it propel you. If only Don Genero lived next door, but I think he died of laughter. A counselor once told me not to say "I'm afraid." Say instead, he offered, "Fear is present." I guess that is supposed to help one who is seized by fear to be able to somehow distance from it, observe it, and therefore lessen its grip. Some assert that fear is the opposite of love. Maybe fear is just love with the curtains drawn. Maybe nothing isn't love. Is this blog-love? I mean to have a platform to share some mud-stuff. Cause I'ze in the mud, but a few hours ago it was up to my eyeballs; now it's only at my waist. I don't mind the mud like I used to. Fear is present. Some people make houses from mud.
if you think jews just handed over russian nuclear weapons to gentiles, you have figured out neither jews nor this world
atleast you are right about "the west" ... unfortunately, gentiles will have to make do with less in scion than in zion ... go live in russia for a couple years, youll figure it out
jews are playing this from both sides ... jews have run ukraine since 1944, when the jewish red army defeated "fascism" that was germany and its allies ... the current ukrainian government is no different than any other in the last 70 years ... this was a masquerade designed to paint "the east" as evil in the west, and "the west" as evil in the east ... and trick gentiles to kill each other
putin is full of shit ... he has not exposed international jewry, he does not even mention it ... jews dont call putin an anti-semite because putin is not a truthteller ... putin fails the 911 litmus test, the holocaust litmus test, and still trumpets the jewish red army victory over the good guys
how can you be so naive visible, this is disheartening ... i guess in hell we choose the devil that is less worse
Galen at 8:09
Fear is love in anticipation of pain.
The end in near. Can't stop playing Everly Brother tunes on youtube.
So Sad to Watch Good Love Go Bad
for starters. God, I really love those guys. Instant flashbacks to those bright and showery N. Ireland days of youth.
Much love to you, Visible
A new Petri Dish is up now-
A Darkness Blacker than Night. The Horror!!! The Horror!!!
Thank you, Mandocello. That makes complete sense to me and gives me a new way to look at that experience.
Speaking only for myself, there is a wide differential between being unwilling to accept the truth and simply not knowing what the truth is.
When it comes to the ineffable I have the benefit of faith to the limits of my capacity because the ineffable is unlimited except where it chooses to appear to be. When it comes to the world and its appearances and the things that gets said about any aspect of it, I require hand in the wound in the side.
I don't know if that's a mixed metawhatthefor or I'm simply inelegant and clumsy.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
The Perpetuating Agony of Relentless Quest
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