Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
How craven, venal and ridiculous is the Breast Cancer Awareness Money machine? This says it all. It is truly amazing, the extent to which people can reveal themselves to be shameless opportunists. All they see is the money; honor, integrity and sundry other qualities lie bleeding and gasping for breath in their wake. Here is yet one more chance for me to be grateful. I am not like this. I could not be like this and remain myself. Such naked greed suggests those demonstrating it might be capable of anything; recent history has shown this to be true... unfortunately.
Still that is how is comes and goes. This is the time of the death of empires. This is when the sun of progressed fortune sinks into the sea of oblivion. I can see the orange slice shimmering upon the distant waters. It is the time of the fall of collective and personal fortunes and it is to be expected that they increase in their appearances of power and gain to an absurd degree because... at the end, everything turns into a cartoon. The leaders are ridiculous. The religious leaders are posturing pederasts. The charismatic entertainers are nothing but teeth and sunglasses; just add Evian Water, or booze and barbiturates.
In times of global decline one can tell where they are by how steep the descent is at whatever point a measurement is taken. Another sure indicator is how many barbarians are already through the gate. There are all kinds of digression markers, such as the mental and physical health of the populations; take a look around. The intelligence level of the entertainments and the entertainers is a good indicator. The level of police presence, in tandem with the level of government corruption; is... (drum roll) off the charts. I could go on but you can fill in the blanks. Now that I think about it, there are a great many blanks to be filled AND they are being filled by, what else? They are being filled by the objects of desire. There is a vast and interconnected 3D printer that is set to Turbo Shake n' Bake and it is 24/7 cracking out 57 colors of day glo shit. Real shit in, de-natured and pasteurized shit out.
Anything you want goes into the hopper as raw ingredients and comes out the other end all shiny and opalescent; done up in hard plastic, shrink wrapped to where you can cut yourself and bleed to death if you're not careful. They got everything in every size and shape. They got things you can hump and things that will hump you and there are legions, legions and legions of professional voyeurs that you can hire to come in and watch you for those special youtube and Instagram moments, hashtag #humptownCharlieBrown. They got something for every need and needs that get filled before you become aware of them and then? Then you gots to have one.
You can tell it's getting close to the edge, of whatever it is getting close to the edge of, when both crime and varieties of insurrection are everywhere to be found because singular moneyed interests have hung Joe Public out to dry. Well... what do you expect? Joe Public got wet and stepped on a live wire, short circuiting his brain. It looked so much like scrambled eggs that the pathologist ordered sides of hash browns and bacon before it occurred to him that he was talking into the autopsy mike. Then the shocker! “Wait a minute, this guys not even dead.” “How can he not be dead when his brains are in the weighing pan over there?” “Well... I'm guessing he hasn't had any need for them and so it made no difference when we took it out.” Okay... that makes sense.
You can tell it's getting near the edge of whatever it is getting near the edge of when millions of people are being displaced around the world and most people don't give a shit one way or the other. You can tell it's getting there when those displaced people start getting whipped into armies by bankers looking to make a few bucks. Then they get faced off against whatever military is looking to test their new weaponry. You can tell it's about to roll over, into who knows what, when human life doesn't mean very much unless we're talking about your own.
You can tell all kinds of things, should it so happen that you care to, though most people don't. Most people are so sidetracked, so self involved, or so riveted on some trivial pursuit or another that you kind of have to hit them on the head with a piece of lumber several times to get their attention which is only going to result in, “Whut? Whut?” Whut indeed.
Armies are rising up in desolate places and marching on population zones where occupying armies protect stolen resources and applied hegemony. These armies have been cobbled together by those interests who employ the armies they fight against. Somehow this makes sense. You kind of have to be a businessman or a banker to get it. I don't. I think it's the same dynamic where Evil picks up an automatic and then shoots itself in the foot. It makes perfect sense to Evil at the time. Later on it looks like Bozo in the house! But... at the time... uh huh. This is what you get when, instead of using math as a neutral science that accurately computes whatever you're computing; should that be the effect you're after... instead of that you take the science and warp it so that it funhouse mirrors the equations the way you want them.
All of this is a product of, “where there is a will, there is a way”. This is exemplified by the Israelis, whose motto is, “If if doesn't work, use force and if that doesn't work, use more force.” However, as Lao Tzu says, “Let life ripen and fall. Will is not the way at all. Deny the Way of Life and you are dead.” Of course... you can throw immortal quotes around like Skittles at a Seahawks game and it won't be anything more than Skittles to those whose imperatives would be compromised by paying attention to them. It's like Joe Redneck at a vegetarian buffet. “Whut is this shit?”
This is why I say values are of near supernatural importance because they color and tinge every aspect of your life. If, like honky tonk sweathog, Blake Shelton at his Pizza Slut commercial, you think bacon and cheese stuffed into a crust is even better than finding Jesus in a piece of toast, it's not likely you're going to be able to see beyond your own vacuous celebrity at any point in your brief meaningless life. Good grief Visible, that's cold. Where did that come from? Don't ask me, I just got here.
Where is whatever it is that we need when we need it? That's a good question and I suspect if we can answer the first part it will be a lot easier to answer the second part because, like they say, “the hip bone's connected to the leg bone” This is why all those permaculture types and holistic heads (some portion of them anyway) are more likely to wind up among the survivors than the mindless consumers of everything that shows up in front of them; values, yet again.
I would go so far as to say one gets cosmically sorted according to what they value. Furthermore... their life adjusts itself according to the manner in which their Karma is bound to play itself out in terms of showing precisely just how much value is to be found in their values and just because it says, 'value added' on the box, that don't mean anything.
You have to know that critical mass is just about as close as close can be to taking off its clothes and dancing on the table, for however long it takes for the EMTs to show up and take it to Bellevue. They got undercover cops hanging out in the public toilets of NYC restrooms looking for guys who shake their dicks before putting it back in their pants. This is insanely ironic because in NYC, gay is the new straight. I thought it was hands off any kind of reactionary behavior all across the board, including in elementary schools and day care centers. We're talking about protected species here. The very whisper of any law enforcement censure, concerning Heather and her two daddies, prior to Heather actually showing up through immaculate adoption, is anathema and against every unwritten law in the book. The mere hint of such a thing should be enough to bring Mayor Bloomberg out in a grass skirt with holographic hypno-twirlees, eyes pinwheeling from a double dose of X. I'm guessing the Bloomster and his whole retinue of retainers were fixtures at the Limelight back in the day; usually on those alternate Saturdays when the sign outside the door said, “Closed for Kosher Black Mass. I'm guessing this means all the demons have been circumcised.
Well... I wasn't supposed to write anything again until Friday when my commute ends but for reasons unknown to me I wrote this disjointed, borderline funny load of crap. Lucky for me, I'm now done with it. One can't say the same thing about you.
End Transmission.......
'Riding with an Angel of Light' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

Visible's Books at Amazon | |||
The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii - where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime... Click here for more information or click the Kindle icon to buy from Amazon. | |||
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of 'Spiritual Survival'; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit. Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. | |||
The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is a not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times... Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. |
an image came to mind while reading this....
you in a 'borrowed' old 70's boat of a car roaring down a darkening highway....i am slam to a stop beside me and gravel lean across the front seat and the car door swings open, you shout "get in!"
waiting for this moment for millenium i get in without hesitation -- slam the door shut -- and we speed off together. thanks for the ride.
It's all about the money flow and always has been. Money is the chain which 'they' use to enslave us and 'they' micro examine everything that causes us to reach for our wallets. They follow us online and 'they' even follow us inside the store now and tweet us sale opportunities after they see what we look at. It pervades every facet of our lives to the point of saturation and most aren't even aware of it.
Almost everything that happens on this planet is connected to the quest for profit. This is an etched in stone truth that, once accepted, allows the ability to see the process. Pink. See, all I have to do is say it and you think breast cancer awareness. Saving women's breasts is something almost everyone can support and 'they' have boiled that, reaching for the wallet response trigger, down to a single thing. Pink.
Just like religion, which uses our innate belief in a greater power to get us to knee jerk respond to their desires, 'they' use triggers through their, bought and paid for media, to use our innate desire to do good to get us to respond.
A prime example that jumps to mind is ISIL. If this was a genuine effort by an Islamic jihadi group to impose Islamic sharia law on other muslims, getting the west involved is the last thing they would want. But the beheadings of western hostages being put out in very sophisticated videos, being perpetrated by a man who speaks flawless English is specifically designed to enrage people in the west. This generates support for more war and the military industrial complex cashes in. The guy with the knife works for them and the people that continued war helps. Pink...beheading...see how that works.
Unfortunately given the average level of intelligence, especially in America, I don't see much hope for universal enlightenment. I guess we just keep doing what we can. Peace to all.
Wow! You is on fire! Bravo!
Love your writing but get to the point.
There is no point.
It's pointless!
Vis, here we are at the juncture of fear and faith.
The laughter of children has been replaced by weeping and cries of physical and emotional pain.
Schools guarded by shaven headed goons ,their cuffs and keys rattling in the corridors .Bells punctuate the hours and days for twelve years of our lives . yellow busses morph into tanks and planes and drones controlled by mouse brains .
The factory whistles are all but gone replaced by the clacking of thousands of fingers on keyboards.
So today we find ourselves unable to explain the death of saints and poets and singers who have hit the wrong key and caught the attention of the hive mother and her chemical gifts.
Yes some have acknowledged" You have to know that critical mass is just about as close as close can be to taking off its clothes and dancing on the table, for however long it takes for the EMTs to show up and take it to Bellevue. " but these behaviours can be turned into entertainment so what's the harm -what's the harm?
Depopulation, deurbanisation, invasion, and movement of peoples, which had begun in Late Antiquity, continued in the Early Middle Ages. and starts all over again in the may I say last age.
As You Like It, Act IV, Sc. I
Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love.
be well
Almost forgot, going to miss you Kenny. Another voice in the darkening forest.
rest easy tonight and dream
for tomorrow, it shall arise
every single thing will come true
just as you imagined it, in your mind
the world will be at peace, war's over
we talk out our differences, no killing
we turn this around and take the keys
straight away, from our jailers, you know who
Dude, your insults are EPIC. You leave me parsecs in the dust. Man, I gotta work on that!
Used to love that weird minty taste following a nice Nembutal plunge.
Thanks Vis
You rock!
Speaking of rock and the Lord of inconsistencies ...
Little bird
Magnificent pearls to stay sane in these strange days. Bravo and greetings from Colombia.
A 10 year old boy kills a 90 year old woman because she yelled at him.
i keep thinking that 'money' and who get to issue it, is the problem (to simplify things). they steal the productive resources of the rest of us by printing $billions,trillions, for themselves and buying everything behind the scenes, and lying about it as they buy it with counterfeit money.
But just as important is the concept of "ownership". This I think is the crux of the problem.
We've been convinced that we own certain assets, however if you don't pay "asset taxes" of some sort, you'll find out soon enough what you thought you owned, is NOT yours at all. They'll take it away.T
So, ownership is an illusion, if we all own something and restrict it's use to others, we create an excess of goods , supplies, assets, that are NOT utilized in the best ways, because we say this is mine and you can't use it, get your own. This is part of the scam, to get us all to buy duplicate products, goods, services, many, many, of the same things over and over and over, never utilizing them fully and in some cases NOT at all, and each of us say this is "MINE" and you can't use it, because I worked for it, bought it, and restrict it's use. See, I have a status symbol!
Meanwhile they tax us ALL on each owned "Possession" even if we don't use it much. What a brilliant concept and windfall for them. We all claim, "I own It" and then pay up the ASS in taxes for it, CLEVER.
The NEW sharing economy is bringing this to light, but it needs MORE thought and consideration, because it's SO important to get to the root of the problem.
I'm not a socialist or communist, but ANYONE can see a huge amount of assets NOT being put to productive efforts and uses, because people want to say "It's theirs" and would (if thought out properly) benefit us all in a multitude of ways.
Les, just think about your efforts to get like minded individuals together in a community for the benefit of all of us. A very noble, generous, concept and goal. But what holds it up in terms of realization? I don't know. ownership is one aspect.
It even goes to the idea of patents, where some-one claims they own the "Concept' of a creation (a certain idea or process) and it's taken off-line for 17 years, or whatever, to prevent others from using it, because they supposedly own it, WHAT?. How about the patents on fuel efficiency engine adaptations, we've all-read about.
Take another case, the use of the HEMP Plant for instance. Why was it banned and the endless multitude of productive uses taken away from us. (this doesn't necessarily tie in or make sense with my other point, but I just read about it, got upset and wanted to include it). anyway...
The concept of "OWNERSHIP" is the problem and it ties in with the concept of money, greed, envy, jealously, etc., If we think something is ours, we defend, protect, fight over it's use and availability, When we were kids, we were taught to share our toys, but later NOT so much.
These assets that we claim as ours are NOT ours to begin with, when we're dead and gone no-one will know of our short-term control, or ownership of what-ever we're temporarily holding in custodianship.
we'll I've gone on enough. good night.
Doug & Mikem:
There is, and there are points. And they are very salient too.
If you can't see them, too bad.
There are parables here, it's up to you to recognize them.
Albeit, I do have an advantage, I'm from a language/culture/country where the veiling of the message was developed to fine art during the past 200 years due to censorship by various occupiers.
It is the American mindset "follow the money". It is a FALSE lead, designed to MISLEAD.
It is NOT about money, it is about POWER.
Life-and-death, unlimited Godlike power.
The money is just a tool for attainment that power.
Once you recognize the ultimate goal: power, rather than just money, things will clear up significantly.
The "money" and its maniacal pursuit is a red herring, as it is more palatable for people to accept/digest this, than the concept of total enslavement by psychopath monsters whose ultimate desire is to ruin and snuff lives out on a whim.
Nobody likes to think about, that for some he/she is nothing more than a bug.
Note how children are shown in schools raw naked brutal power; policemen, black clad 300lbs "guards", etc. The excuses are a myriad - but they are ALL LIES.
It is CONDITIONING, acclimatization of the youth for their adulthood, to accept to live in fear, mysery and slavery. It is by deliberate DESIGN - together with the dumbing-down piss-poor American "education".
Vis, Galen, ... et al :)
A completely spontaneous meditation by by wife. Not copied or learned. Simply intuitive connection to the universal 'oneness'.
For those that think - or have asked in the past about Vis's hand positions on some of his pics then this short video should give you your answers. My wife is certainly not a mason - in fact she is most likely unaware of the concept :)
The meditation actually goe on for one hour although we only filmed the first 10 minutes as the next 50 mins or so is complete stillness.
Watch for just after 5 mins an you may actually see her recieveing a sphere of pure light ..
Again. this is not rehearsed or in any way choregraphed. And the music was added later - it was not done to any music. simply complete silence.
Simply - universal love and light to all :)
That was brill Visible. Nice picture of you in California ca 1970 in the convertable car. Ca the time you met Elvis.
Josey, the problem is the money 'owned' and printed by those who which to enslave us all.
Rothschild and co.
So there's this outlaw back in the Old West, and he rides into town on his horse one night and starts getting drunk and shooting up the local saloon. Sheriff Wosey is summoned from his office by a breathless cowpuncher. He reluctantly goes into the saloon, pulls his six-shooter, and arrests the reckless outlaw, much to the delight of the townfolk. The next day, the headline on the front page of the local newspaper, complete with a photo of the arrested bad guy, reads, "The Outlaw Wosey Jails"...
I got it, Insiam, the blessing and the healing. I saw the ball of light she formed, like a Tai Chi summoning and moving of energy. Such beauty and grace. Seemed she cleaned her energy field and then projected that clean energy out in generous offering. I felt it and it put calm in my morning. Thank you. Such beauty and grace.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Soros, the Khmer Rouge and the Harmonica Virgins.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Bypassing the Land of Curmudgeon and Chronic Compulsion.
There's comedy bucks to be reaped from pretty much every type of tragedy?
Even by a bunch of white suburban siblings with an autottune proficiency... damn bro!!
Say it ain't so, I mean: ain't nobody got time for that!!
Oh, I see.
Wrong again.
Kidnapping and sexual abuse
'dead giveaway"
"ain't nobody got time fo that"
Title Speaks for itself?
The rest of their stuff looks wonder-bread tame... so... let me get this straight:
they rip tragedies off the MSM, and just by auto-tuning and doing some simple editing, get mega-millions of Youtube hits and 2 million 300KKK subscribers??
Vis, you must be doing something right!
"Oh what a world, what a world..."
(Gotta admit though: this one always makes me laugh out a piece of lung.)
Typically I'm out of the loop since I was completely unaware of any of that. I think years ago it would have made me laugh. I had no reaction at all today, nor did I watch any of them to the end.
Auros 23...
Is that a pic of of a young Mr Putin? - (joking). Very nice picture.
Vis, has something happened to your once fine-tuned and often silly sense of humor?
After reading this column, I believed it was safe to post.
In my defence: I was awake over 24 hrs, researching BI HI props when I stumbled across the first 3 Youtube vids.
I was stalking my in-serious-crisis offspring's FB page for possible clues when I discovered the last "Funny Food" vid which is probably the main reason why watching it made me laugh out loud.
My emotions were and are raw and right on the surface lately.
Also looked and researched all hot-links in this column and Ebola?
Def "a hoax", most def. Fear Porn.
How the heck am I getting out of here soon, as planned, if the ptb in NA require proof of immunization or/and restrict air travel to those citizens who don't resist mandatory vaccinations?
IS that eventuality part of their insidious plan regarding the CDC's and MSM's latest "pandemic" scare?
PS: for fellow canucks...
Filling in "Proof I'm not a bot" for posting this comment: "649".
I love SIGNS. Gotta go buy a ticket now!
(jk: have never bought a lotto ticket in my life but thought I'd throw in that curious bit of coinkidinky. I've located a possible property/land purchase opportunity but lack the necessary financing. Money on the brain and "Lotto 649" appears!)
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
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