Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Invocation of the Beast Nature and the Unnatural Course of Empire.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

I am hugely entertained by Mr. Apocalypse. I have conferred personhood on him and for all I know he’s sitting in a control room somewhere, mixing and mastering. You see examples of his work every day and here is one of those, seriously ingenious examples of; as you read it, your mind (my mind anyway but... there’s only one mind) starts to consider; “Does this writer realize in his scoffing and adjective, laden disinfo offering that he is detailing what the truth of the matter is?” His scorn for Putin and Co. is over the top, yet he painstakingly adds in all information of value to be had; by a reporter anyway. The writer is presently IN Moscow so apparently Putin is good to go with freedom of the press.

The great clock of cosmic time ticks relentlessly on and the hands move according to the rubbing together of the planets in their courses. You might say that this is the real soundtrack to the movie of our lives. In accord with this rubbing together, there comes the expected stupid, blundering and dangerous incompetence of stuffed and curmudgeonly walruses, barking and honking in the corridors of power and leaving hissing radioactive, orange snail tracks as they go. Of course, Stupid is the new Smart in the American Congress; there is nothing more fatal than uninformed dickheads, whose reach exceed their grasp. As was stated long ago, “Pride goes before a fall.” Empires are arrogant; that is one of the dependable attributes that you never fail to see in the personality and behavior of Empire and all the more so when that Empire is in decline. Empires operate according to predictable patterns. They are nearly always large and ungainly beasts, by comparison with other governments going on elsewhere. This particular Empire (and maybe that is the case with all of them) has been hijacked by Banker Vermin who are not only looting the country right down to the ground under its feet but also directing it to engage in wars for the sole purpose of Banker Profits.

The Empire has no moral compass because the creatures that hijacked the Empire have no moral compass. One should never underestimate the level of venality and depravity that can be exercised by these hijackers. They would shame even the Pirates of the Barbary Coast, with their vicious disregard for lives other than their own. The permissions for this are written right into their holy books, which read like pornography of a particularly debased sort. The word has been out on these Shit Golems for some time I call them that because of their fascination with fecal matter. Still... it stands to reason, given that they traffic in and wallow in that substance every day. There are all kinds of waste products, some of them appear on paper or appear electronically and one can be forgiven for not immediately noticing that they are similar in every way to the original item and only differ in appearance.

Looking at the world situation with a true and impartial objective perspective, it is 21 different kinds of ridiculous and shameful. The leaders are mostly pigs and the people are mostly sheep. The pigs feed the sheep to the wolves and the wolves, most of the time, leave the pigs alone.

The embarrassment side of the equation is off the charts. The level of cluelessness in the Pop Tart Celebrity circles is excruciating to behold. There are some seriously strange things going on with the celebrities of the moment; it makes you wonder, just as does all the Tribe members who change their names in order to appear other than. When I look into their eyes, in a matter of speaking, on the pages of that website, I cringe and thank my lucky stars that I am not compelled to move among them in their preening and self absorbed courses of existence. People pose and pose until they become the pose. That is an unfortunate situation to be in but... they don’t know that.

The phenomenon of people becoming the pose is widespread these days as the worship of the superficial and banal reaches ever new lows. In an age of Materialism, becoming the pose is considered the hip thing and it is about as successful as hanging on metal skewers in search of an epiphany. This is as comical as it gets though I shouldn’t say that. I shouldn’t say that, given what I have seen come to pass, progressively over time. It’s a tough call to know how to see the things going on every day. Are they horrific? Are they humorous examples of the human state? The thing is that people are becoming less and less human all the time. This is one of the products of Materialism. Ultimately... and off to the side, so as not to be directly noticed, Materialism is all about The Invocation of the Beast Nature. Beast Nature, or Beast Mode, is fine for beasts or for Marshawn Lynch ...but not a positive destiny for a human being. It qualifies as a dog returning to its vomit. It qualifies as devolution. There’s an old quote I remember that deals with this;

"I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.
Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man, and blinks."

Yeah... okay then. This is what a focus on Materialism results in, eventually... humanity drops down on all fours like a beast. It can happen a deal more quickly than one might reasonably expect. There’s another feature of Materialism and that is; the deeper you go into it, the hotter and more compressed it becomes, just as when you move out of it, the freer and more clear you are and the wider the space. That area of existence is the least crowded at this time. That is the royal highway, the highway of the truly royal being, who can walk independent of the riptides and undertows of the manifest world. All too few of us are capable of such independence of thought and feeling. One who is not conforming to the status quo is automatically seen as a pariah and an outcast. This is programmed into the system by the overlords, whose final intent is the enslavement of all humanity; those whom they do not simply extinguish.

It takes a lot of sacrifice and disciplined intensity to walk the high road. You’re not likely to be permitted any kind of privileged status. Oh... they have their tame rebels and philosophical malcontents, their pretend adversaries to the system but to be someone like that for real? They do not approve. Thankfully this is not in their hands. It may look like it is but it is not. It is the mistaken belief that it is, which dissuades many who might take that road. The world as we know it, is not actually known in its essential state. In times of Materialism, the degree and proliferation of artifice is everywhere around. Out of this crazy quilt pattern of temporary rubbish, come tens of millions of different views upon the theme. Most of them stay within the official parameters of seeing and that is what makes the telling of the truth a revolutionary act. Heh heh... now we are talking about hearing. “Knock, knock! Hello! Hello! Anyone in there?” So it goes.

We have all read the tales of those who lived and moved outside the system, or in spite of the system or in opposition to the system and we have learned that they were often the best our kind had to offer, from John Muir to Henry David Thoreau, to Gautama Buddha. They became our heroes; for those of us who are inclined to admire those who are actually admirable instead of contemptible. Everything is upside down, backwards and sideways these days. We elevate and emulate the dregs of our kind, when we consider the lack of their integrity, positive industry and possession of a sense of service; it is a travesty upon the very concept of heroism. These days so many people have no fear of being seen as selfish and despicable. Their frenzy for position, power and gain is frightening. It is like watching starving hyenas eat. How is it possible for the majority of humanity not to see what whores their leaders are; not to see what monsters the Israelis are? That is coming, courtesy of Mr. Apocalypse and his walking stick. Mr Apocalypse is hard at work, working hard.

We must endeavor to be better than the herd, while evading any attitude of personal exceptionalism. It seems futile that any one of us could make any difference at all but that is a perception that is generated by the swine who think they run the place. One person can make a huge difference AND when aligned with even a few of their fellows, all manner of things presumed impossible or improbable become possible. Live it and see.

End Transmission.......

There will be a radio broadcast this evening.

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Anonymous said...

I got to the 4th pict of those "stars" and couldn't take more.

Visible said...

kind of odd no comments all day long.

galen said...

Santa might be on their minds. . .

. . .or World War 111


Visible said...

I've been hearing that I"m blocked out in various places and also listed as a racist hate site too, which means I am doing my job correctly.

galen said...

Putting this into Sunday, from one who was so ahead-of-his-time and so gone-too-soon:


robert said...

Like the silence in the aftermath of a pure expression transmitted by the Ineffable, there is nothing to add and no one wishes to break the positive spell, to allow truth to resonate a little while longer before the droning keen from the heart of the Beast returns from banishment to divert attention once again.


I would like to add to your last paragraph, because we can all use more of this insight:

We must endeavor to be better than the herd, while evading any attitude of personal exceptionalism. It seems futile that any one of us could make any difference at all but that is a perception that is generated by the swine who think they run the place. One person can make a huge difference AND when aligned with even a few of their fellows, all manner of things presumed impossible or improbable become possible. Live it and see.

What is always exceptional to the brain-dead cult, is the undefeated fire hose from the heart of creation, the unquenchable uniqueness within every living soul always seeking to expand Life and the love which propels it.

When we choose to allow THAT to express through us, uncorrupted by our limited, over-identified self-image, so far from the true image of what we are, then the sleepwalkers may try to label that in laziness, as “pride”, “ego” or “too much self-esteem”, in obvious envy and shame for the meagerness of their own inner experience with the One.

When we choose, even for a few moments during the onslaught of this constant shelling against our psyches, to ignore the parasitic mind, the implanted inner-yenta-voice policing our feelings lest we outgrow the gang’s mind-locks, and just allow Life to come back into our walking corpses (by comparison to our potential), the Inexhaustible may flow through us and we begin to awaken from this far too self-prolonged nightmare, now overdue to dissipate in the dawn.

Thanks for the daily reminders, brother!

Keep on shining your torch on the things that go bump in the night, until the dawn breaks.

::way eryarti

missingarib said...

Vis, when we keep hearing those stock phrases like "they threw him under the bus" or "he got owned " or "own it"we may be forgiven the though that the Machiavellian railroad is seriously overbooked..
A Pullman car for the masses -the conductors people you refer to rightly as " dickheads, whose reach exceed their grasp. As was stated long ago, “Pride goes before a fall.” Empires are arrogant; that is one of the dependable attributes that you never fail to see in the personality and behavior of Empire and all the more so when that Empire is in decline."

What is there to fear from the strange world of tribe elders boobing before stone walls? Still, if one listens carefully one can hear whispers within the sanctity of our own homes. As you and we attest-these leaders that are seen boobing before that stone wall "The Empire has no moral compass because the creatures that hijacked the Empire have no moral compass. and are willing to attempt as Iago:(exclaims)
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
Is the immediate jewel of their souls.
Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;
'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.

Othello Act 3, scene 3, 155–161

much love
live long

Smyrna said...

I see that Uma Thurman's royal ancestor ran the Jews out of town.

Seriously though, most people doing family trees can't get further back than 1700 or so because records weren't kept, yet all these Hollywood types can manage to go back to 1300 and find a royal ancestor. Bollocks I say.

Eudoxia said...

Now let me see, more and more stuff is coming to light every single day. I've not been one much for this reptilian shape shifting business but I must say check this out. Scroll right down to the bottom shot of Psaki and take a good look at her skin??? WTF

Seems to me the revealing is most certainly doing just that.

Anonymous said...

dismantling the so-called
"Jewish" state {of mind}
is a priori item # 1 . .

and so easy,
first of all Abraham & Moses & David did not have a Talmud...
and quite obviously neither did Elijah..

question is,
how quickly will
6 million Jews self immolate,
just walk away from the stool sculpture deity cult compound
after checking out the truth

let the righteous be righteous still



Terry Richard said...

Les, once again, I can only let my breath out slowly with a "whew", in appreciation of the pictures of poetry, both tragic and comedic, painted in my mind by your always interesting posts. I thank your Teacher for the deserved grace you wield with such precision and power. Such precision of language is a thorn and possible threat to the mattoids in temporal power in this school of relativity found and unbound by the Infinite. I pray, and many others also, to the Archangels everyday to protect the Climbers on the High Road. I believe this is possibly the glue that holds chaos from arriving until every savable member of our family is awakened. Les, I have been viewing a new website to me, Nicholson, if you have time your input would be appreciated. I know you only have one Friend, but I feel like I AM One. My gratitude to you, Terry

Ray B. said...

Vis: " about as successful as hanging on metal skewers in search of an epiphany."

Your comment brought up an image which I know was not your intent. So, sorry. I do it to honor the man.

There was a Native American chief and shaman named Sitting Bull, who decided the situation of Lt Col. George Armstrong Custer wiping out villages of women and children was unbearable. He needed a plan, and he decided to seek help from his Spirits. So, he hung himself on bones pierced through his skin and did other bodily mutilations and privations for several days. (It was read a long time ago; I hope the details are correct.)

(I see him as either inducing an out-of-body experience through pain, or bringing himself close enough to death to activate the Crown Chakra. My best guesses...)

It worked. From what I remember, he got a definite plan 'from Above' for taking out Custer. What followed became known as the Battle of the Little Big Horn (or the Greasy Grass, to the Lakota).

I also give Sitting Bull (and others) credit for restraint and mercy. After Custer and some 260 troops were dead, there were other two pockets of troopers (led by Reno and Benteen) that were pinned down and in desperate shape. There were several thousand Lakota warriors versus a few hundred low-on-ammo troopers. It would have been easy to make a 'clean sweep' of the battlefield. Instead, the Lakota allowed them to live.

I kind of see Sitting Bull as aligned with Vis' last Paragraph:

"It seems futile that any one of us could make any difference at all... One person can make a huge difference AND when aligned with even a few of their fellows, all manner of things presumed impossible or improbable become possible."

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

I'm quite familiar with the Sun Dance. These people aren't Native Americans. They don't have a tradition and assuredly it is not about spiritual awakening. I was being sarcastic when I referenced the epiphany thing. Truthfully I kind of thought that went without saying. It reminds me in a way of the New Age firewalkers and comparison with the indigenous peoples who do this.

I appreciate you bringing it up though. I toyed with the idea of mentioning it but that is the kind of extended minutiae that can clog the post. People already think I go on too long (grin).

Smyrna said...


Go to youtube and enter 'Obamas alien reptilian bodyguard'. Plenty of them on the Fox channel too. Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus are the same entity also it seems.

The woman you linked just looks to have very pale freckly skin to me.
A 'bluey'.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

People already think I go on too long (grin).

EXCUUUUUUUUUUUE ME? I personally can't get enough. I'm sure a ton of other Dog Poet addicts think the same. I never miss your posts or radios shows, though I wish I'd gotten to the radio shows earlier. Of course in this household you are preaching to the choir for the most part, but hey!

wiggins said...

I always look forward to your enlightened posts Les....Good Luck whatever you do.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we get to thinking that materialism is only wanting more 'things', and a 'hungry ghost' kind of unsatisfied appetite...
But materialism is more than that, it's also a conception of the world that denies the spirit/spiritual, the source of beauty and love and wonder and all that is good.
Materialism has a religion too, called atheism.
Such synchronicity lately, Mr. Visible, makes me think of Jung's 'collective unconsciousness'.
Truly interesting times.
Your friend,
The beggar

Anonymous said...

Please keep going on too long.


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Taylor Twit and those Heroin, Model Rock, Eyes of Darkness.

Anonymous said...

Vizorama et al,

ROFLMAO. Blatant and befuddling to the bemused dirtbags. Bravo. Never enough.

But dudes…: Be better, make a huge difference. Get up on the high jagged to push down the gameboy trogs: I think the Fandors and Claude will appear but they will need heroes on the four horses.


Snarfblatt and The Choir

Anonymous said...

I read about the Koch brothers funding a data company to compile a detailed analysis of 250 million Americans. I know I should have your "it means I am doing my job correctly" attitude. But truly, this scares me.

Ever since 911, I have not watched or listened to any "talking head" without immediately researching who they are. That's why I know who did 911, and the Iraq War, and on and on. As a result of my 'research', I received a warning shot from Google in 2003 (in the form of a popup), stating: 'We at Google are concerned about the frequent use of the search terms Jew or Jewish.' This happened for a couple of weeks, and then disappeared.

So, I can tell you for a fact that Google has been spying on us since at least 2003, and probably long before.

My God, is Mr. Apocalypse coming before we get rounded up and herded away? I guess I'm not alone (knowing the truth), but I sure feel very alone and frightened right now.


Visible said...

Big Bad Things and Big Good Things.



Zionism, 9/11 and The War on Terror Hoax

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Mr. Apocalypse is Coming

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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